DS007902-0708 P R E L I M I N A R Y Pin Description
Product Specification
PITACK Pulsed Interrupt Acknowledge (input, active Low)—This signal is a strobe
signal that indicates that an interrupt acknowledge cycle is in progress. The device is capa-
ble of returning an interrupt vector that may be encoded with the type of interrupt pending
during this acknowledge cycle. PITACK may be programmed to accept a single pulse or
double pulse acknowledge type. This programming is done in the BCR. With the double
pulse type selected, the first PITACK is recognized but no action takes place. The interrupt
vector is returned on the second pulse if the no vector option is not selected. The double
pulse type is compatible with 8X86 family microprocessors.
WAIT/RDY Wait/Data Ready (output, active Low)—This signal serves to indicate when
the data is available during a read cycle, when the device is ready to receive data during a
write cycle, and when a valid vector is available during an interrupt acknowledge cycle. It
may be programmed to function either as a Wait signal or a Ready signal using the state of
the A/B pin during the BCR write. When A/B is High during the BCR write, this signal
functions as a wait output and thus supports the READY function of 8X86 family micro-
processors. When A/B is Low during the BCR write, this signal functions as a ready out-
put and thus supports the DTACK function of 680X0 family microprocessors.
AD15–AD0 Address/Data Bus (bidirectional, active High, tri-state)—The AD signals
carry addresses to, and data to and from, the device. When the 16-bit nonmultiplexed bus
is selected, AD15–AD0 carry data to and from the device. Addresses are provided using a
pointer within the device that is loaded with the desired register address. When selecting
the 8-bit nonmultiplexed bus (without separate address) only AD7–AD0 are used to trans-
fer data. The pointer is used for addressing, with AD15–AD8 unused. When selecting the
8-bit nonmultiplexed bus (with separate address), AD7–AD0 are used to transfer data with
AD15–AD8 used as address bus. When the 16-bit multiplexed bus is selected, addresses
are latched from AD7–AD0 and data transfers are sixteen bits wide. When selecting the 8-
bit multiplexed bus (without separate address) only AD7–AD0 are used to transfer
addresses and data, with AD15–AD8 unused. When the 8-bit multiplexed bus with sepa-
rate address is selected, only AD7–AD0 are used to transfer data, while AD15–AD8 are
used as an address bus.
INTA, INTB Interrupt Request (outputs, active Low)—These signals indicate that the
channel has an interrupt condition pending and is requesting service. These outputs are
NOT open-drain.
IEIA, IEIB Interrupt Enable In (inputs, active High)—The IEI signal for each channel is
used with the accompanying IEO signal to form an interrupt daisy chain. An active IEI
indicates that no device having higher priority is requesting or servicing an interrupt.
IEOA, IEOB Interrupt Enable Out (outputs, active High)—The IEO signal for each
channel is used with the accompanying IEI signal to form an interrupt daisy chain. IEO is
Low if IEI is Low, an interrupt is under service in the channel, or an interrupt is pending
during an interrupt acknowledge cycle.
TxACKA, TxACKB Transmit Acknowledge (inputs or outputs, active Low)—The pri-
mary function of these signals is to perform fly-by DMA transfers to the transmit FIFOs.
They may also be used as bit inputs or outputs.