LM25066I, LM25066IA
Pin Descriptions
Pin Name Description Applications Information
Pad Exposed Exposed pad of WQFN No internal electrical connection. Solder to the ground plane to reduce thermal resistance.
Pad package
1 ADR2 SMBUS address line 2 3 - state address line. Should be connected to GND, VDD, or left floating.
2 ADR1 SMBUS address line 1 3 - state address line. Should be connected to GND, VDD, or left floating.
3 ADR0 SMBUS address line 0 3 - state address line. Should be connected to GND, VDD, or left floating.
4 VDD Internal sub-regulator Internally sub-regulated 4.5V bias supply. Connect a 1 µF capacitor on this pin to ground
output for bypassing.
5 CL Current limit range Connect this pin to GND to set the nominal over-current threshold at 25mV. Connecting
CL to VDD will set the over-current threshold to be 46mV.
6 CB Circuit breaker range This pin sets the circuit breaker protection point in relation to the over-current trip point.
When connected to GND, this pin will set the circuit breaker point to be 1.8 times the
over-current threshold. Connecting this pin to VDD sets the circuit breaker trip point to be
3.6 times the over-current threshold.
7 FB Power Good feedback An external resistor divider from OUT sets the output voltage at which the PGD pin
switches. The threshold at the pin is 1.167V. An internal 24 µA current source provides
8 RETRY Fault retry input This pin configures the power up fault retry behavior. When this pin is grounded, the
device will continually try to engage power during a fault. If the pin is connected to VDD,
the device will latch off during a fault.
9 TIMER Timing capacitor An external capacitor connected to this pin sets the insertion time delay, fault timeout
period and restart timing.
10 PWR Power limit set An external resistor connected to this pin, in conjunction with the current sense resistor
(RS), sets the maximum power dissipation allowed in the external series pass MOSFET.
11 PGD Power Good indicator An open drain output. This output is high when the voltage at the FB pin is above 1.167V
and the input supply is within its under-voltage and over-voltage thresholds. Connect via a
pullup resistor to the output rail (external MOSFET source) or any other voltage to be
12 OUT Output feedback Connect to the output rail (external MOSFET source). Internally used to determine the
MOSFET VDS voltage for power limiting, and to monitor the output voltage.
13 GATE Gate drive output Connect to the external MOSFET's gate.
14 SENSE Current sense input The voltage across the current sense resistor (RS) is measured from VIN to this pin. If the
voltage across RSreaches over-current threshold, the load current is limited and the fault
timer activates.
15 VIN Positive supply input A small ceramic bypass capacitor close to this pin is recommended to suppress transients
which occur when the load current is switched off.
16 UVLO/EN Under-voltage lockout An external resistor divider from the system input voltage sets the under-voltage turn-on
threshold. An internal 23 µA current source provides hysteresis. The enable threshold at
the pin is 1.16V. This pin can also be used for remote shutdown control.
17 OVLO Over-voltage lockout An external resistor divider from the system input voltage sets the over-voltage turn-off
threshold. An internal 23 µA current source provides hysteresis. The disable threshold at
the pin is 1.16V.
18 GND Circuit ground
19 SDA SMBus data pin Data pin for SMBus.
20 SCL SMBus clock Clock pin for SMBus.
21 SMBA SMBus alert line Alert pin for SMBus, active low.
22 VREF Internal Reference Internally generated precision 2.73V reference used for analog to digital conversion.
Connect a 1 µF capacitor on this pin to ground for bypassing.
23 DIODE External diode Connect this to a diode-configured NPN transistor for temperature monitoring.
24 VAUX Auxiliary voltage input Auxiliary pin allows voltage telemetry from an external source. Full scale input of 1.16V.
These devices have limited built-in ESD protection. The leads should be shorted together or the device placed in conductive foam
during storage or handling to prevent electrostatic damage to the MOS gates.
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