19 | Keysight | 6000 Series Oscilloscopes - Data Sheet
Trigger system (continued)
Selections Edge, pulse width, pattern, TV, duration, sequence, CAN, LIN, FlexRay, USB, I2C, SPI, Nth edge burst
Edge Trigger on a rising, falling, alternating or either edge of any source
Pattern Trigger at the beginning of a pattern of high, low, and don’t care levels and/or a rising or falling edge
established across any of the analog and digital channels, but only after a pattern has stabilized for a
minimum of 2 nsec.
The scope channel’s high or low level is dened by that channel’s trigger level. The logic channel’s
trigger level is dened by the threshold for the pod, 0 ‑ 7 or 8 ‑ 15.
Pulse width Trigger when a positive‑ or negative‑going pulse is less than, greater than, or within a specied range on
any of the source channels.
Minimum pulse width setting: 5 ns (MSO/DSO601xA/603xA scope channels)
2 ns (MSO/DSO605xA/610xA scope channels)
2 ns (logic channels on MSO6000A or
MSO-upgraded DSO6000A)
Maximum pulse width setting: 10 s
TV Trigger using any scope channel on most analog progressive and interlaced video standards including
HDTV/EDTV, NTSC, PAL, PAL-M or SECAM broadcast standards. Select either positive or negative sync
pulse polarity. Modes supported include Field 1, Field 2, all elds, all lines, or any line within a eld. TV
trigger sensitivity: 0.5 division of sync signal. Trigger holdoff time can be adjusted in half eld
Sequence Arm on event A, trigger on event B, with option to reset on event C or time delay.
CAN Trigger on CAN (Controller Area Network) version 2.0A and 2.0B signals. Trigger on the start of frame
(SOF) bit (standard). N5424A option supports triggering on remote frame ID (RTR), data frame ID (~RTR),
remote or data frame ID, data frame ID and data, error frame, all errors, acknowledge error and overload
LIN Trigger on LIN (Local Interconnect Network) sync break at beginning of message frame (standard).
N5424A option supports triggering on frame ID.
FlexRay N5432A option supports trigger on FlexRay frame ID or time slot or specic error condition, along with
cycle‑base and repetition‑cycle ltering.
USB Trigger on USB (Universal Serial Bus) start of packet, end of packet, reset complete, enter suspend, or
exit suspend on the differential USB data lines. USB low speed and full speed are supported.
I2C Trigger on I2C (Inter‑IC bus) serial protocol at a start/stop condition or user dened frame with address
and/or data values. Also trigger on missing acknowledge, address with no acq, restart, EEPROM read,
and 10-bit write.
SPI Trigger on SPI (Serial Protocol Interface) data pattern during a specic framing period. Supports positive
and negative Chip Select framing as well as clock Idle framing and user‑specied number of bits per
Duration Trigger on a multi-channel pattern whose time duration is less than a value, greater than a value, greater
than a time value with a timeout, or inside or outside of a set of time values.
Minimum duration setting: 2 ns
Maximum duration setting: 10 s
Nth edge burst Trigger on the Nth edge of a burst that occurs after an idle time that you specify. Max edge count:
Performance characteristics (continued)