HFD3141-203 Product Specification – Apr 2013 F i n i s a r
Confidential an d Proprietary © 2012 Finisar Corporation. All rights reserved Rev. A1 Page 3
II. Electro-Optical Characteristics
1. PR is the average optical power at the fiber face.
2. PR,OMA is the peak to peak optical power at the fiber face (Optical Modulation Amplitude)
OMAR where ER is the extinction ratio (linear) of the optical source.
3. Bandwidth and Low Frequency Cutoff are measured with a small signal sinusoidal light source with –
12dBm average power
4. RMS input referred optical noise equivalent power is obtained by measuring the RMS output noise
into a 3200 MHz, 4-pole Bessel-Thompson filter then dividing by the responsivity. A scaling factor of
14 is used to predict a BER of 10-12.
Parameters Test Condition Symbol Min. Typ. Max. Units Notes
Data Rate DR 0.15 4.25 Gbps
Supply Voltage 3.0 3.3 3.6 V
Supply Current PR =0μW, RL=50
coupled ICC 30 45 mA 1
Optical Return Loss PR =-12dBm ORL 12 dB 1
Input Optical Wavelength
P 1200 1310 1600 nm
Maximum Input Power before
Overload P
-3.0 0 dBm
Differential Output Voltage Swing PR,OMA= -12Bm,
AC Coupled to RL=50Ω Vo(pk-pk) 150 225 350 mV 1,2
Differential Responsivity PR,OMA = -12dBm,
AC Coupled to RL=50Ω R 2250 3750 5250 V/W 1,2
-3dB Optical/Electrical Bandwidth PR,OMA =-12dBm BW 2 4 GHz 1,2,3
Low Frequency –3dB Cutoff PR,OMA =-12dBm BWLF 10 KHz 1,2,3
Output Impedance ZOUT 42 50 58 Ω
Output Return Loss F<3GHz S22 8 12 dB
RMS Input Referred Noise
Equivalent Power 3.2GHz, 4-pole BT Filter,
PR=0uW (Dark), BER
NEP 20
μW, OMA 4
Sensitivity, OMA DR = 1.0625, 1.25Gbps S -23 -20 dBm 5
DR = 2.125, 2.5Gbps -23 -20
DR = 3.125Gbps -21 -18
DR = 4.25Gbps -18 -16
Rise/Fall Time PR,OMA =-12dBm, (20%-
80%) TR/TF 80 120 ps 2,7
Pulse Width Distortion PWD 5 %
Power Supply Rejection Ratio PR =0μW (Dark),
5MHz<F<2GHz PSRR 20 dB 1,8
Monitor Current Slope PR =-12dBm IMON 0.7 0.8 0.95 A/W 9
Monitor Current Offset PR =0mW IOFFSET 10 nA
PD Bias Voltage PDBIAS 2.5 Vcc Vcc+0
.5 V 13
Group Delay PR,OMA = -12dBm,
AC Coupled to RL=50Ω
Delay -50 50 ps 10
Deterministic Jitter PR,OMA = -12dBm,
AC Coupled to RL=50Ω DJTIA 30 40 ps 11
Random Jitter PR,OMA = -12dBm,
AC Coupled to RL=50Ω RJTIA 3 5 ps 12