Data Sheet, Rev. 2.1, Sept. 2011 BGA614 Silicon Germanium Broadband MMIC Amplifier RF & Protection Devices Edition 2011-09-02 Published by Infineon Technologies AG, 81726 Munchen, Germany (c) Infineon Technologies AG 2011. All Rights Reserved. Attention please! The information herein is given to describe certain components and shall not be considered as a guarantee of characteristics. Terms of delivery and rights to technical change reserved. We hereby disclaim any and all warranties, including but not limited to warranties of non-infringement, regarding circuits, descriptions and charts stated herein. Information For further information on technology, delivery terms and conditions and prices please contact your nearest Infineon Technologies Office ( Warnings Due to technical requirements components may contain dangerous substances. For information on the types in question please contact your nearest Infineon Technologies Office. Infineon Technologies Components may only be used in life-support devices or systems with the express written approval of Infineon Technologies, if a failure of such components can reasonably be expected to cause the failure of that life-support device or system, or to affect the safety or effectiveness of that device or system. Life support devices or systems are intended to be implanted in the human body, or to support and/or maintain and sustain and/or protect human life. If they fail, it is reasonable to assume that the health of the user or other persons may be endangered. BGA614 BGA614, Silicon Germanium Broadband MMIC Amplifier Revision History: 2011-09-02, Rev. 2.1 Previous Version: 2003-11-04 Page Subjects (major changes since last revision) All New Chip Version with integrated ESD protection 5 Electrical Characteristics slightly changed 7-8 Figures updated All Document layout change Trademarks SIEGET(R) is a registered trademark of Infineon Technologies AG. Data Sheet 3 Rev. 2.1, 2011-09-02 BGA614 Silicon Germanium Broadband MMIC Amplifier 1 Silicon Germanium Broadband MMIC Amplifier Feature * Cascadable 50 -gain block * 3 dB-bandwidth: DC to 2.4 GHz with 19 dB typical gain at 1.0 GHz * Compression point P-1dB = 12 dBm at 2.0 GHz * Noise figure F50 = 2.1 dB at 2.0 GHz * Absolute stable * 70 GHz fT - Silicon Germanium technology * 1 kV HBM ESD protection (Pin-to-Pin) * Pb-free (RoHS compliant) package 3 4 2 1 SOT343 Applications * Driver amplifier for GSM/PCS/CDMA/UMTS * Broadband amplifier for SAT-TV & LNBs * Broadband amplifier for CATV Out, 3 IN, 1 GND, 2,4 Figure 1 Pin connection Description BGA614 is a broadband matched, general purpose MMIC amplifier in a Darlington configuration. It is optimized for a typical supply current of 40 mA. The BGA614 is based on Infineon Technologies' B7HF Silicon Germanium technology. Type Package Marking BGA614 SOT343 BOs Note: ESD: Electrostatic discharge sensitive device, observe handling precaution Data Sheet 4 Rev. 2.1, 2011-09-02 BGA614 Electrical Characteristics Maximum Ratings Table 1 Maximum ratings Parameter Symbol Limit Value Unit Device voltage VD ID Iin Pin Ptot TJ TA TSTG 3 V 80 mA 0.7 mA 10 dBm 240 mW 150 C -65... 150 C -65... 150 C 1000 V Value Unit Junction - soldering point RthJS 200 1) For calculation of RthJA please refer to Application Note Thermal Resistance K/W Device current Current into pin In 1) Input power Total power dissipation, TS < 102 C 2) Junction temperature Ambient temperature range Storage temperature range ESD capability all pins (HBM: JESD22-A114) VESD 1)Valid for ZS = ZL = 50 , VCC = 5 V, RBias = 62 2) TS is measured on the ground lead at the soldering point Note: All Voltages refer to GND-Node Thermal resistance Table 2 Thermal resistance Parameter Symbol 1) 2 Electrical Characteristics Electrical characteristics at TA = 25 C (measured in test circuit specified in Figure 2) VCC = 5 V, RBias = 62 , Frequency = 2 GHz, unless otherwise specified Table 3 Electrical Characteristics Parameter Symbol Values Min. Insertion power gain Noise figure (ZS = 50 ) 2 |S21| F50 Unit Note / Test Condition 19.8 dB 19.0 dB 17.5 dB 1.8 dB 2.0 dB 2.1 dB f = 0.1 GHz f = 1.0 GHz f = 2.0 GHz f = 0.1 GHz f = 1.0 GHz f = 2.0 GHz Typ. Max. Output power at 1 dB gain compression P-1dB 12 dBm Output third order intercept point OIP3 RLin RLout ID 25 dBm 18 dB 20 dB 40 mA Input return loss Output return loss Total device current Data Sheet 5 Rev. 2.1, 2011-09-02 BGA614 Refer ence Plane Electrical Characteristics V CC = 5V In Bias-T In RBias = 62 GND ID GND VD Out Bias-T Out Reference Plane Top View Caution: Device Voltage VD at Pin Out! V D = V CC - R Bias I D BGA614_Test_Circuit.vsd Figure 2 Data Sheet Test Circuit for Electrical Characteristics and S-Parameter 6 Rev. 2.1, 2011-09-02 BGA614 Measured Parameters 3 Measured Parameters Power Gain |S21|2, Gma = f(f) V = 5V, R = 62, I = 40mA CC Bias Matching |S |, |S | = f(f) 11 22 VCC = 5V, R Bias = 62, I C = 40mA C 22 0 G ma 20 -5 18 |S21|2 |S11|, |S22| [dB] |S21|2, Gma [dB] 16 14 12 10 8 -10 S 22 -15 S11 -20 6 4 -25 2 0 -1 10 0 -30 -1 10 1 10 10 0 Frequency [GHz] Output Compression Point P = f(ID), f = 2GHz -1dB 22 20 20 18 1 16 14 2 16 3 14 P-1dB [dBm] 18 |S21|2 [dB] 10 Frequency [GHz] Power Gain |S | = f(I ) 21 D f = parameter in GHz 4 12 6 10 8 8 12 10 8 6 6 4 4 2 2 0 1 10 0 20 40 60 0 80 I [mA] 20 40 60 80 I [mA] D Data Sheet 0 D 7 Rev. 2.1, 2011-09-02 BGA614 Measured Parameters Device Current I D = f(VCC) RBias = parameter in Device Current I D = f(TA) VCC = 5V,RBias = parameter in 80 50 0 16 27 47 48 70 56 46 60 44 68 40 I D [mA] I D [mA] 50 100 62 42 40 68 38 30 150 36 20 34 10 0 32 0 1 2 3 4 5 30 -40 6 VCC [V] -20 0 20 40 60 80 TA [C] Noise figure F = f(f) V = 5V, R = 62, ZS = 50 CC Bias TA = parameter in C 3 +80C 2.5 +25C F [dB] 2 -20C 1.5 1 0.5 0 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 Frequency [GHz] Data Sheet 8 Rev. 2.1, 2011-09-02 BGA614 Package Information 4 Package Information 0.9 0.1 2 0.2 0.1 MAX. 1.3 0.1 A 1 2 0.1 MIN. 0.15 1.25 0.1 3 2.1 0.1 4 0.3 +0.1 -0.05 +0.1 0.15 -0.05 0.6 +0.1 -0.05 4x 0.1 0.2 M M A GPS05605 Figure 3 Package Outline SOT343 0.2 2.3 8 4 Pin 1 Figure 4 Data Sheet 2.15 1.1 Tape for SOT343 9 Rev. 2.1, 2011-09-02