Electrical Characteristics
Data Sheet 5 Rev. 2.1, 2011-09-02
Maximum Ratings
Note: All Voltages refer to GND-Node
Thermal resistance
2 Electrical Characteristics
Electrical characteristics at TA = 25 °C (measured in test circuit specified in Figure 2)
VCC = 5 V, RBias = 62 Ω, Frequency = 2 GHz, unless otherwise specified
Table 1 Maximum ratings
Parameter Symbol Limit Value Unit
Device voltage VD3V
Device current ID80 mA
Current into pin In Iin 0.7 mA
Input power1)
1)Valid for ZS = ZL = 50 Ω, VCC = 5 V, RBias = 62 Ω
Pin 10 dBm
Total power dissipation, TS < 102 °C2)
2) TS is measured on the ground lead at the soldering point
Ptot 240 mW
Junction temperature TJ150 °C
Ambient temperature range TA-65... 150 °C
Storage temperature range TSTG -65... 150 °C
ESD capability all pins (HBM: JESD22-A114) VESD 1000 V
Table 2 Thermal resistance
Parameter Symbol Value Unit
Junction - soldering point1)
1) For calculation of RthJA please refer to Application Note Thermal Resistance
RthJS 200 K/W
Table 3 Electrical Characteristics
Parameter Symbol Values Unit Note /
Test Condition
Min. Typ. Max.
Insertion power gain |S21|219.8 dB f = 0.1 GHz
19.0 dB f = 1.0 GHz
17.5 dB f = 2.0 GHz
Noise figure (ZS = 50 Ω) F50Ω1.8 dB f = 0.1 GHz
2.0 dB f = 1.0 GHz
2.1 dB f = 2.0 GHz
Output power at 1 dB gain
P-1dB 12 dBm
Output third order intercept point OIP325 dBm
Input return loss RLin 18 dB
Output return loss RLout 20 dB
Total device current ID40 mA