High ApplicationFlexibility
The availability of 4 independentchannels makes
it possible to accomplish several kinds of applica-
tions ranging from 4 speakers stereo (F/R) to 2
speakersbridge solutions.
In case of working in single ended conditions the
polarity of the speakers driven by the inverting
amplifier must be reversedrespect to those driven
by non inverting channels.
This is to avoid phase inconveniences causing
sound alterations especially during the reproduc-
tionof low frequencies.
Easy SingleEnded to Bridge Transition
The change from single ended to bridge configu-
rations is made simply by means of a short circuit
across the inputs, that is no need of furtherexter-
nal components.
Gain Internally Fixed to 20dB in Single Ended,
26dB inBridge
Advantagesof thisdesign choice are in terms of:
componentsand space saving
output noise, supply voltage rejection and dis-
Silent Turn On/Off and Muting/Stand-by Func-
The stand-by can be easily activated by means of
a CMOS level applied to pin 7 through a RC filter.
Under stand-by condition the device is turned off
completely (supply current = 1µA typ.; output at-
tenuation= 80dB min.).
Every ON/OFFoperationis virtually pop free.
Furthemore, at turn-on the device stays in muting
condition for a time determined by the value as-
signed to theSVR capacitor.
While in muting the device outputs becomes in-
sensitive to any kinds of signal that may be pre-
sent at the input terminals. In other words every
transient coming from previous stages produces
no unplesantacoustic effectto the speakers.
Some precautions have to be taken in the defini-
tion of stand-by driving networks: pin 7 cannot be
directly driven by a voltagesource whose current
capability is higher than 5mA. In practical cases
a series resistance has always to be inserted,
having it the double purpose of limiting the cur-
rent at pin 7 and to smooth down the stand-by
ON/OFF transitions - in combination with a ca-
pacitor - for output pop prevention.
In any case, a capacitor of at least 100nF from
pin 7 to S-GND, with no resistance in between, is
necessary to ensure correct turn-on.
The fully complementary output stage was made
possible by the development of a new compo-
nent: the ST exclusivepower ICV PNP.
A novel design based upon the connectionshown
in fig. 20 has then allowed the full exploitation of
its possibilities.
The clear advantagesthis new approachhas over
classicaloutput stagesare as follows:
Rail-to-Rail Output Voltage Swing With No
Need of Bootstrap Capacitors.
The outputswing is limited only by the VCEsat
of the output transistors, which is in the range
of 0.3Ω(Rsat) each.
Classical solutions adopting composite PNP-
NPN for the upper output stage have higher
saturationloss on the top side of the waveform.
This unbalanced saturation causes a signifi-
cant power reduction. The only way to recover
power consists of the addition of expensive
Absolute Stability Without Any External
Referring to the circuit of fig. 20 the gain
VOut/VIn is greater than unity, approximately1+
R2/R1. The DC output (VCC/2) is fixed by an
auxiliary amplifier common to allthe channels.
Bycontrollingtheamountof thislocal feedbackit
is possible to force the loop gain (A*β)toless
thanunity at frequencyfor which the phase shift
is 180°. This means that the output buffer is in-
trinsicallystableand notproneto oscillation.
Most remarkably, the above feature has been
achieved in spite of the very low closed loop
gain of the amplifier.
In contrast, with the classical PNP-NPN stage,
the solution adopted for reducing the gain at
high frequencies makes use of external RC
networks,namely the Boucherotcells.
Figure20: TheNew OutputStage