CX06833-4x SMXXD Modem V.92/V.34/V.32bis Modem in 144-Pin TQFP with Optional CX20452 Voice Codec Data Sheet DSH-202320A July 2009 Revision History Revision Date A July 31, 2009 Description Initial release (c) 2009, Conexant Systems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Information in this document is provided in connection with Conexant Systems, Inc. ("Conexant") products. These materials are provided by Conexant as a service to its customers and may be used for informational purposes only. Conexant assumes no responsibility for errors or omissions in these materials. Conexant may make changes to this document at any time, without notice. Conexant advises all customers to ensure that they have the latest version of this document and to verify, before placing orders, that information being relied on is current and complete. Conexant makes no commitment to update the information and shall have no responsibility whatsoever for conflicts or incompatibilities arising from future changes to its specifications and product descriptions. No license, express or implied, by estoppel or otherwise, to any intellectual property rights is granted by this document. Except as provided in Conexant's Terms and Conditions of Sale for such products, Conexant assumes no liability whatsoever. THESE MATERIALS ARE PROVIDED "AS IS" WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, RELATING TO SALE AND/OR USE OF CONEXANT PRODUCTS INCLUDING LIABILITY OR WARRANTIES RELATING TO FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, CONSEQUENTIAL OR INCIDENTAL DAMAGES, MERCHANTABILITY, OR INFRINGEMENT OF ANY PATENT, COPYRIGHT OR OTHER INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY RIGHT. CONEXANT FURTHER DOES NOT WARRANT THE ACCURACY OR COMPLETENESS OF THE INFORMATION, TEXT, GRAPHICS OR OTHER ITEMS CONTAINED WITHIN THESE MATERIALS. CONEXANT SHALL NOT BE LIABLE FOR ANY SPECIAL, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES, INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION, LOST REVENUES OR LOST PROFITS, WHICH MAY RESULT FROM THE USE OF THESE MATERIALS. Conexant products are not intended for use in medical, lifesaving or life sustaining applications. Conexant customers using or selling Conexant products for use in such applications do so at their own risk and agree to fully indemnify Conexant for any damages resulting from such improper use or sale. The following are trademarks of Conexant Systems, Inc.: Conexant(R) and the Conexant C symbol. Product names or services listed in this publication are for identification purposes only, and may be trademarks of third parties. Third-party brands and names are the property of their respective owners. For additional disclaimer information, please consult Conexant's Legal Information posted at which is incorporated by reference. Conexant Lead-free products are China RoHS Compliant: Reader Response: Conexant strives to produce quality documentation and welcomes your feedback. Please send comments and suggestions to For technical questions, contact your local Conexant sales office or field applications engineer. 2 Conexant Preliminary Information/Conexant Proprietary and Confidential DSH-202320A 7/31/09 Contents Figures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 Tables. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 2 Technical Specifications. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23 2.1 2.2 2.3 DSH-202320A 7/31/09 Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 Applications. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 Features . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 1.3.1 General Modem Features . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 Technical Overview. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 1.4.1 General Description . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 1.4.2 MCU Firmware. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 1.4.3 Operating Modes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 Data/Fax Modes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 V.44 Data Compression . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 Country Support . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 TAM Mode . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 Speakerphone Mode (S Models) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 1.4.4 Reference Designs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 Hardware Description . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 1.5.1 CX06833 Modem Device . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 1.5.2 CX20452 Voice Codec. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21 AT Commands . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21 Serial DTE Interface Operation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23 2.1.1 Automatic Speed/Format Sensing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23 Command Mode and Data Mode . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23 Fax Mode . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23 Parallel Host Bus Interface Operation. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24 Establishing Data Modem Connections . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24 2.3.1 Dialing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24 2.3.2 Telephone Number Directory . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24 2.3.3 Modem Handshaking Protocol. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24 2.3.4 Call Progress Tone Detection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24 2.3.5 Answer Tone Detection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24 2.3.6 Ring Detection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25 Conexant Preliminary Information/Conexant Proprietary and Confidential 3 CX06833-4x Data Sheet 2.4 2.5 2.6 2.7 2.8 2.9 2.10 2.11 2.12 2.13 2.14 2.15 2.16 3 Hardware Interface . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37 3.1 4 2.3.7 Billing Protection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25 2.3.8 Connection Speeds . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25 2.3.9 Automode. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25 Data Mode. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26 2.4.1 Speed Buffering (Normal Mode) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26 2.4.2 Flow Control. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26 2.4.3 Escape Sequence Detection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26 2.4.4 BREAK Detection. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26 2.4.5 Telephone Line Monitoring. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26 2.4.6 Fall Forward/Fallback (V.92/V.90/V.34/V.32 bis/V.32) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26 2.4.7 Retrain . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27 2.4.8 Programmable Inactivity Timer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27 2.4.9 DTE Signal Monitoring (Serial DTE Interface Only) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27 V.92 Features . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28 2.5.1 Modem-on-Hold . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28 2.5.2 Quick Connect . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28 2.5.3 PCM Upstream . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28 Error Correction and Data Compression. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29 2.6.1 V.42 Error Correction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29 2.6.2 MNP 2-4 Error Correction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29 2.6.3 V.44 Data Compression . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29 2.6.4 V.42 bis Data Compression . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29 2.6.5 MNP 5 Data Compression . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29 Telephony Extensions. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30 2.7.1 Line In Use Detection. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30 2.7.2 Extension Pickup Detection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30 2.7.3 Remote Hang-up Detection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30 Fax Class 1 and Fax Class 1.0 Operation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31 Point-of-Sales Support . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31 Voice/Audio Mode . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31 2.10.1 Online Voice Command Mode . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31 2.10.2 Voice Receive Mode . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31 2.10.3 Voice Transmit Mode . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32 2.10.4 Full-Duplex Receive and Transmit Mode . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32 2.10.5 Audio Mode . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32 2.10.6 Tone Detectors. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32 2.10.7 Speakerphone Mode . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32 V.80 Synchronous Access Mode (SAM) - Video Conferencing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33 Full-Duplex Speakerphone (FDSP) Mode (S Models) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33 Caller ID . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33 Worldwide Country Support . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34 Diagnostics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35 2.15.1 Commanded Tests . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35 2.15.2 Power On Reset Tests . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35 Low Power Sleep Mode . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36 CX06833 Hardware Pins and Signals. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37 Conexant Preliminary Information/Conexant Proprietary and Confidential DSH-202320A 7/31/09 CX06833-4x Data Sheet 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.5 3.1.1 CX06833 Interface Signals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37 CX20452 VC Hardware Pins and Signals (S Models) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 58 3.2.1 CX20452 VC Signal Summary. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 58 Speakerphone Interface . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 58 Telephone Handset/Headset Interface . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 58 CX06833 Modem Interface. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 58 Host Interface . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 58 3.2.2 CX20452 VC Pin Assignments and Signal Definitions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59 Electrical and Environmental Specifications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 65 3.3.1 Operating Conditions, Absolute Maximum Ratings, and Power Requirements . . . . . 65 Handling CMOS Devices . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 66 Interface and Timing Waveforms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 67 3.4.1 External Memory Bus Timing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 67 3.4.2 Parallel Host Bus Timing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 69 3.4.3 Serial DTE Interface. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 71 Crystal Specifications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 72 4 Package Dimensions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 73 5 Parallel Host Interface . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75 5.1 5.2 5.3 5.4 DSH-202320A 7/31/09 Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75 Register Signal Definitions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 77 5.2.1 IER - Interrupt Enable Register (Addr = 1, DLAB = 0) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 77 5.2.2 FCR - FIFO Control Register (Addr = 2, Write Only) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 78 5.2.3 IIR - Interrupt Identifier Register (Addr = 2) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 79 5.2.4 LCR - Line Control Register (Addr = 3) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 81 5.2.5 MCR - Modem Control Register (Addr = 4) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 82 5.2.6 LSR - Line Status Register (Addr = 5) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 83 5.2.7 MSR - Modem Status Register (Addr = 6) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 84 5.2.8 RBR - RX Buffer (Receiver Buffer Register) (Addr = 0, DLAB = 0) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 85 5.2.9 THR - TX Buffer (Transmitter Holding Register) (Addr = 0, DLAB = 0) . . . . . . . . . . . 85 5.2.10 Divisor Registers (Addr = 0 and 1, DLAB = 1) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 85 5.2.11 SCR - Scratch Register (Addr = 7). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 86 Receiver FIFO Interrupt Operation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 86 5.3.1 Receiver Data Available Interrupt . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 86 5.3.2 Receiver Character Time-out Interrupts. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 86 Transmitter FIFO Interrupt Operation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 86 5.4.1 Transmitter Empty Interrupt . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 86 Conexant Preliminary Information/Conexant Proprietary and Confidential 5 CX06833-4x Data Sheet 6 Conexant Preliminary Information/Conexant Proprietary and Confidential DSH-202320A 7/31/09 Figures Figure 1. Figure 2. Figure 3. Figure 4. Figure 5. Figure 6. Figure 7. Figure 8. Figure 9. Figure 10. Figure 11. Figure 12. Figure 13. Figure 14. DSH-202320A 7/31/09 SMXXD Modem Simplified Interface Diagram . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 SMXXD Modem Major Interfaces . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 TMIND# Test Results Pulse Cycles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35 CX06833 Hardware Signals for Parallel Interface (PARIF = High) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38 CX06833 144-Pin TQFP Pin Signals for Parallel Interface (PARIF = High) . . . . . . . . . . 39 CX06833 Hardware Signals for Serial Interface (PARIF = Low) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43 CX06833 144-Pin TQFP Pin Signals for Serial Interface (PARIF = Low) . . . . . . . . . . . . 44 CX20452 VC Hardware Interface Signals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59 CX20452 VC 24-Pin QFN Pin Signals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60 Waveforms - External Memory Bus . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 68 Waveforms - Parallel Host Bus . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 70 Waveforms - Serial DTE Interface . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 71 Package Dimensions - 144-Pin TQFP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 73 Package Dimensions - 24-Pin QFN . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 74 Conexant Preliminary Information/Conexant Proprietary and Confidential 7 CX06833-4x Data Sheet 8 Conexant Preliminary Information/Conexant Proprietary and Confidential DSH-202320A 7/31/09 Tables Table 1. Table 2. Table 3. Table 4. Table 5. Table 6. Table 7. Table 8. Table 9. Table 10. Table 11. Table 12. Table 13. Table 14. Table 15. Table 16. Table 17. Table 18. Table 19. Table 20. Table 21. DSH-202320A 7/31/09 SMXXD Modem Models and Functions. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 Default Countries Supported . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19 +MS Command Automode Connectivity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25 CX06833 144-Pin TQFP Pin Signals for Parallel Interface (PARIF = High . . . . . . . . . . 40 CX06833 144-Pin TQFP Pin Signals for Serial Interface (PARIF = Low) . . . . . . . . . . . . 45 CX06833 Pin Signal Definitions. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48 CX06833 I/O Type Definitions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56 CX06833 DC Electrical Characteristics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57 CX20452 VC 24-Pin QFN Pin Signals. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61 CX20452 VC Pin Signal Definitions. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62 CX20452 VC DC Electrical Characteristics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63 CX20452 VC Analog Electrical Characteristics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 64 Operating Conditions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 65 Absolute Maximum Ratings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 65 Current and Power Requirements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 66 Timing - External Memory Bus . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 67 Timing - Parallel Host Bus . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 69 Crystal Specifications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 72 Parallel Interface Registers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75 Interrupt Sources and Reset Control . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 80 Programmable Baud Rates . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 85 Conexant Preliminary Information/Conexant Proprietary and Confidential 9 Tables 10 CX06833-4x Data Sheet Conexant Preliminary Information/Conexant Proprietary and Confidential DSH-202320A 7/31/09 1 1.1 Introduction Overview The Conexant SMXXD Modem is a full-featured, controller-based modem that integrates modem controller (MCU), modem data pump (MDP), 256 KB ROM, 32 KB RAM, and analog line interface codec functions into a single package. The modem operates by executing firmware from internal ROM and RAM. Optional customized firmware is supported with optional external flash ROM memory. Additionally, added/modified country profiles are supported by internal SRAM patch (maximum of one profile) or serial EEPROM. Downloadable architecture supports downloading of customized MCU firmware from the host/DTE to the SMXXD modem. The SMXXD Modem device set, consisting of a CX06833 modem device in a 144-pin TQFP and an optional CX20452 Voice Codec (VC) in a 24-pin QFN. Low profile TQFP and QFN packages with reduced voltage operation and low power consumption make this modem an ideal solution for embedded applications using parallel host or serial DTE interface. The SMXXD Modem supports data rates up to V.92, data compression, error correction, fax rates up to 14.4 kbps and speakerphone mode. In V.92 and V.90 (V.92 models) data modes, the modem can receive data at speeds up to 56 kbps. In V.34 data mode (V.92 and V.34 models), the modem can receive data at speeds up to 33.6 kbps. In V.32 bis data mode, the modem can receive data at speeds up to 14.4 kbps. Data compression (V.44/V.42bis/MNP5) and error correction (V.42/MNP 2 4) modes are supported to maximize data throughput and data transfer integrity. Non-errorcorrection mode is also supported. Fax Group 3 send and receive rates are supported up to 14.4 kbps with T.30 protocol. The SMXXD modem operates with PSTN telephone lines worldwide. S models, using the optional CX20452 Voice Codec (VC) in a 24-pin QFN, support position independent, full-duplex speakerphone (FDSP) operation using microphone and speaker, as well as other voice/TAM applications using handset or headset. Table 1 lists the available models. A simplified device interface drawing is shown in Figure 1. A functional interface drawing showing optional memory is shown in Figure 2. DSH-202320A 7/31/09 Conexant Preliminary Information/Conexant Proprietary and Confidential 11 Introduction CX06833-4x Data Sheet 1.2 Table 1. Applications Internet appliances Remote monitoring and data collection systems Serial box modems Standalone TAM/fax machines Set top boxes Security devices SMXXD Modem Models and Functions Marketing Name/Order Number/Part Number Marketing Name Device Set Order Number Single Chip Modem [144-Pin TQFP] Part Number Supported Functions Voice Codec (VC) [24-Pin QFN] Part Number V.32 bis Data, V.44 Data V.90 Data, Compression, QC, MOH, V.34 Data V.17 Fax, PCM TAM, Worldwide Voice/ FDSP Embedded Applications SM56D/LF DS56-L147-043 CX06833-44 -- Y Y Y -- SM336D/LF DS28-L147-043 CX06833-42 -- -- Y Y -- SM144D/LF DS96-L147-043 CX06833-43 -- -- -- Y -- SM56D/LF-S DS56-L147-045 CX06833-44 CX20452-A Y Y Y Y SM336D/LF-S DS28-L147-045 CX06833-42 CX20452-A -- Y Y Y SM144D/LF-S DS96-L147-045 CX06833-43 CX20452-A -- -- Y Y Y Y Y Y Aftermarket Applications SM56D/SP-LF DS56-L144-372 CX06833-44 CX20452-A GENERAL NOTES: 1. Model options: S or SPVoice/full-duplex speakerphone (FDSP) 5656 kbps max. rate per V.90 33633.6 kbps max. rate per V.34 14414.4 kbps max. rate per V.32 bis 2. Supported functions (Y = Supported; -- = Not supported): QC = Quick connect MOH = Modem-on-Hold PCM = PCM upstream TAM = Telephone answering machine (Voice playback and record through telephone line) FDSP = Full-duplex speakerphone and voice playback and record through telephone line, handset, and mic/speaker 3. All devices are lead (Pb)-free and RoHS-compliant. These devices are compatible with leaded reflow processes. 12 Conexant Preliminary Information/Conexant Proprietary and Confidential DSH-202320A 7/31/09 CX06833-4x Data Sheet Figure 1. Introduction SMXXD Modem Simplified Interface Diagram P arallel H ost Bus or S erial D T E Interface T e le p h o n e L in e In te rfa ce D iscre te C o m p o n e n ts T IP R IN G T IP R IN G H A N D S E T (O ptional) CX06833 S in g le C h ip M o d e m 1 4 4 -P in T Q F P C X 2 0 4 52 V o ic e C o d e c (V C ) 24-P in QFN (O p tio n a l) Figure 2. T E LE P H O N E LIN E M IC (O ptional) SPEAKER SMXXD Modem Major Interfaces DAA Hardware CX06833 Single Chip Modem 144-Pin TQFP Telephone Line Interface Discrete Components Line Interface Codec Voice Relay, HS Pickup (Optional) P arallel H ost Bus or S erial D T E Interface Microcontroller Unit (MCU) Modem Data Pump (MDP) CX20452 Voice Codec (VC) 24-Pin QFN (Optional) ROM (256K x 8) Serial EEPROM 2K (256 x 8) to 256K (32K x 8) (Optional) RAM (32K x 8) RAM 1M (128K x 8) (Optional) TELEPHONE LINE TIP RING TELEPHONE HANDSET TIP RING HS Hybrid Components (Optional) (Mic/Speaker) Interface (Optional) MIC SPEAKER Digital Speaker Circuit (Optional) SOUNDUCER Flash ROM 2M (256K x 8) (Optional) DSH-202320A 7/31/09 Conexant Preliminary Information/Conexant Proprietary and Confidential 13 Introduction CX06833-4x Data Sheet 1.3 Features 1.3.1 General Modem Features Data modem - Quick connect, Modem-on-Hold, and PCM upstream functions (V.92 models) - ITU-T V.92/V.90 (V.92 models), V.34 (V.92 and V.34 models), V.32bis, V.32, V.29, FastPOS (V.29), V.22 bis, V.22, V.22 Fast Connect, V.23, V.21, Bell 212A, and Bell 103 - V.250 and V.251 commands Data compression and error correction - V.44 data compression - V.42 bis and MNP 5 data compression - V.42 LAPM and MNP 2-4 error correction - Fax modem send and receive rates up to 14.4 kbps - V.17, V.29, V.27 ter, and V.21 channel 2 - EIA/TIA 578 Class 1 and T.31 Class 1.0 V.80 synchronous access mode supports host-controlled communication protocols with H.324 interface support Interfaces to optional external ROM/flash ROM, RAM, and/or optional serial EEPROM Data/Fax/Voice call discrimination Hardware-based modem controller Hardware-based digital signal processor (DSP) Support for many country-specific DAA configurations - On-hook and/or off-hook Caller ID detection for selected countries - Call progress, blacklisting - Internal ROM includes default values for 29 countries - Additional and modified country profile can be stored in internal SRAM Caller waiting detection Caller ID detect - On-hook Caller ID detection - Off-hook Call Waiting Caller ID detection during data mode in V.92, V.90, V.34, V.32bis, and V.32 Distinctive ring detect Modem customization available through patch code that can be stored in optional serial EEPROM or internal SRAM Telephony/TAM V.253 commands 14 Conexant Preliminary Information/Conexant Proprietary and Confidential DSH-202320A 7/31/09 CX06833-4x Data Sheet Introduction DSH-202320A 7/31/09 - 2-bit and 4-bit Conexant ADPCM, 8-bit linear PCM, and 4-bit IMA coding - 8 kHz sample rate - Concurrent DTMF, ring, and Caller ID detection Full-duplex speakerphone (FDSP) mode using optional CX20452 Voice Codec (S models) - Microphone and speaker interface - Telephone handset or headset interface - Acoustic and line echo cancellation - Microphone gain and muting - Speaker volume control and muting Built-in host/DTE interface - Parallel 16550A UART-compatible interface up to 230.4 kbps - Serial ITU-T V.24 (EIA/TIA-232-E) logical interface up to 115.2 kbps Downloadable architecture Direct mode (serial DTE interface) Flow control and speed buffering Automatic format/speed sensing Serial async/sync data; parallel async data Thin packages support low profile designs (1.6 mm max. height) - CX06833 Modem device in 144-pin TQFP - CX20452 VC in 24-pin QFN +3.3V operation with +5V tolerant digital inputs Typical power use - CX06833: 191 mW (Normal Mode); 53 mW (Sleep Mode) - CX20452: 5 mW (Normal Mode) Conexant Preliminary Information/Conexant Proprietary and Confidential 15 Introduction CX06833-4x Data Sheet 1.4 Technical Overview 1.4.1 General Description Modem operation, including dialing, call progress, telephone line interface, telephone handset interface, optional voice/speakerphone interface, and host interface functions are supported and controlled through the V.250, V.251, and V.253-compatible command set. The modem hardware connects to the host via a parallel or serial interface as selected by the PARIF input. The OEM adds a crystal circuit, telephone line interface, telephone handset/telephony extension interface, voice/speakerphone interface, optional external serial EEPROM, optional external ROM/flash ROM, optional external RAM, and other supporting discrete components as supported by the modem model (Table 1) and required by the application to complete the system. Customized modem firmware can be supported by the use of external memory in various combinations, e.g., either external ROM/flash ROM (up to 256 KB), or external serial EEPROM (256 to 32 KB) and external RAM (up to 128 KB). To support country profile addition or modification, external serial EEPROM (256 to 32 KB) can be installed. Customized code can include OEM-defined commands, i.e., identification codes (I3), identifier string (I4), manufacturer identification (+GMI), model identification (+GMM), and revision identification (+GMR), as well as code modification. Parallel interface operation is selected by PARIF input high. Serial interface operation is selected by PARIF input low. 1.4.2 MCU Firmware MCU firmware performs processing of general modem control, command sets, data modem, error correction and data compression (ECC), fax class 1, fax class 1.0, voice/audio/TAM/speakerphone, worldwide, V.80, and serial DTE/parallel host interface functions according to modem models (Table 1). MCU firmware can be customized to include OEM-defined commands, i.e., identification codes (I3), identifier string (I4), manufacturer identification (+GMI), model identification (+GMM), and revision identification (+GMR), as well as code modification. The modem firmware is provided in object code form for the OEM to program into external ROM/flash ROM. The modem firmware may also be provided in source code form under a source code addendum license agreement. External ROM/Flash ROM and RAM must be installed in order to operate the modem with customized firmware. 16 Conexant Preliminary Information/Conexant Proprietary and Confidential DSH-202320A 7/31/09 CX06833-4x Data Sheet Introduction 1.4.3 Operating Modes Data/Fax Modes Data modem modes perform complete handshake and data rate negotiations. Using modem modulations to optimize modem configuration for line conditions, the modem can connect at the highest data rate that the channel can support from 56 kbps down to 2400 bps with automatic fallback. In V.92/V.90 data modem modes (V.92 models), the modem can receive data from a digital source using a V.92-compatible central site modem at line speeds up to 56 kbps. With PCM upstream enabled (V.92 only), data transmission supports sending data at line speeds up to 48 kbps. When PCM upstream is disabled, data transmission supports sending data at line speeds up to V.34 rates. This mode can fallback to V.34 mode and to lower rates as dictated by line conditions. The following modes are supported in V.92 models when connected to a V.92compatible server supporting the feature listed. Quick connect: Allows quicker subsequent connections to a server by using stored line parameters obtained during the initial connection. Modem-on-Hold: Allows detection and reporting of incoming phone calls on the PSTN with enabled Call Waiting. If the incoming call is accepted by the user, the user has a pre-defined amount of time of holding the data connection for a brief conversation. The data connection resumes upon incoming call termination. PCM upstream: Boosts the upstream data rates. A maximum of 48 kbps is supported when connected to a V.92 server that supports PCM upstream. In V.34 data modem mode (V.92 and V.34 models), the modem can operate in fullduplex, asynchronous modes at line rates up to 33.6 kbps. Automode operation in V.34 is provided in accordance with PN3320 and in V.32 bis in accordance with PN2330. All tone and pattern detection functions required by the applicable ITU or Bell standards are supported. In V.32 bis data modem mode, the modem can operate at line speeds up to 14.4 kbps. In fax modem mode, the modem can operate in half-duplex, synchronous modes and can support Group 3 facsimile send and receive speeds of 14400, 12000, 9600, 7200, 4800, and 2400 bps. Fax data transmission and reception performed by the modem are controlled and monitored through the EIA/TIA-578 Fax Class 1, or T.31 Fax Class 1.0 command interface. Full HDLC formatting, zero insertion/deletion, and CRC generation/checking are provided. V.44 Data Compression V.44 provides efficient data compression that minimizes the download time for the types of files associated with Internet use. This improvement is most noticeable when browsing and searching the web since HTML text files are highly compressible. (The improved performance amount varies both with the actual format and with the content of individual pages and files.) DSH-202320A 7/31/09 Conexant Preliminary Information/Conexant Proprietary and Confidential 17 Introduction CX06833-4x Data Sheet Country Support Country-specific modem parameters for functions such as dialing, carrier transmit level, calling tone, call progress tone detection, answer tone detection, blacklisting, caller ID, and relay control are programmable. Country code IDs are defined by ITU-T T.35. Embedded ROM code includes default profiles for 29 countries. Additional country profiles can be stored in internal SRAM or external serial EEPROM (request additional country profiles from a Conexant Sales Office). Duplicate country profiles stored in internal SRAM or external serial EEPROM will override the profiles in embedded ROM code. The default countries supported are listed Table 2. Country profiles for CTR 21 countries are TBR-21 compliant. TAM Mode TAM Mode features include 8-bit linear coding at 8 kHz sample rate. Tone detection/ generation, call discrimination, and concurrent DTMF detection are also supported. TAM Mode is supported by four submodes: 18 Online Voice Command Mode supports connection to the telephone line or, for S models, a microphone/speaker/handset/headset. Voice Receive Mode supports recording voice or audio data input from the telephone line or, for S models, a microphone/handset/headset. Voice Transmit Mode supports playback of voice or audio data to the telephone line or, for S models, a speaker/handset/headset. Full-duplex Receive and Transmit Mode. Conexant Preliminary Information/Conexant Proprietary and Confidential DSH-202320A 7/31/09 CX06833-4x Data Sheet Table 2. Introduction Default Countries Supported Country Country Code Call Waiting Tone Detection (CW) Supported On-Hook Type 1 Caller ID (CID) Supported Off-Hook Type 2 Called ID (CID2) Supported Australia 09 X X Austria 0A X X Belgium 0F X Brazil 16 X China 26 X X Denmark 31 X X Finland 3C X X France 3D X X Germany 42 X X Hong Kong 50 X X India 53 X Ireland 57 X Italy 59 X X Japan 00 X X Korea 61 X Malaysia 6C X Mexico 73 Netherlands 7B Norway 82 X Poland 8A X Portugal 8B X Singapore 9C X South Africa 9F X Spain A0 X X Sweden A5 X X Switzerland A6 X Taiwan FE X X United Kingdom B4 X X X United States B5 X X X Reserved FD X X X DSH-202320A 7/31/09 X X X X X X Conexant Preliminary Information/Conexant Proprietary and Confidential X 19 Introduction CX06833-4x Data Sheet Speakerphone Mode (S Models) S models include additional telephone handset, external microphone, and external speaker interfaces which support voice and full-duplex speakerphone (FDSP) operation. Hands-free full-duplex telephone operation is supported in Speakerphone Mode under host control. Speakerphone Mode features an advanced proprietary speakerphone algorithm which supports full-duplex voice conversation with acoustic, line, and handset echo cancellation. Parameters are constantly adjusted to maintain stability with automatic fallback from full-duplex to pseudo-duplex operation. The speakerphone algorithm allows position independent placement of microphone and speaker. The host can separately control volume, muting, and AGC in microphone and speaker channels. 1.4.4 Reference Designs Data/fax/TAM/speakerphone reference designs for external modems are available to minimize application design time, reduce development cost, and accelerate market entry. For CX06833, these designs are RD01-D460-1xx. A design package is available in electronic form. This package includes schematics, bill of materials (BOM), vendor part list (VPL), board layout files in Gerber format, and complete documentation. 1.5 Hardware Description 1.5.1 CX06833 Modem Device The CX06833 Modem, packaged in a 144-pin TQFP, includes a Microcontroller (MCU), a Modem Data Pump (MDP), 256 KB internal ROM, and 32 KB internal RAM interface functions. The CX06833 Modem connects to host via a parallel host (PARIF = high) or a logical V.24 (EIA/TIA-232-E) serial DTE interface (PARIF = low). The CX06833 Modem performs the command processing and host interface functions. The crystal frequency is 28.224 MHz 50 ppm. The CX06833 Modem optionally connects to an external OEM-supplied serial EEPROM over a dedicated 2-line serial interface. The capacity of the EEPROM can be 256 bytes up to 32 KB. The EEPROM can hold information such as firmware configuration customization, and country code parameters. The CX06833 Modem performs telephone line signal modulation/demodulation in a hardware digital signal processor (DSP) which reduces computational load on the host processor. The CX06833 optionally connects to external OEM-supplied ROM/flash ROM and RAM over a non-multiplexed 19-bit address bus and 8-bit data bus. 20 Conexant Preliminary Information/Conexant Proprietary and Confidential DSH-202320A 7/31/09 CX06833-4x Data Sheet 1.5.2 Introduction CX20452 Voice Codec The optional CX20452 Voice Codec (VC), packaged in a 24-pin QFN, supports voice/ full-duplex speakerphone (FDSP) operation with interfaces to a microphone and speaker and to a telephone handset/headset. 1.6 AT Commands The SMXXD Modem supports AT commands for data mode, fax class 1 or 1.0, voice/ audio, full-duplex speakerphone (FDSP), V.80 commands, and S Register. See Doc. No. 102184 for a description of the commands. Data Mode Operation. Data functions operate in response to the AT commands when +FCLASS=0. Default parameters support U.S./Canada operation. Fax Mode Operation. Facsimile functions operate in response to fax class 1 commands when +FCLASS=1 or to fax class 1.0 commands when +FCLASS=1.0. Voice/Audio Operation. Voice/audio functions operate in response to voice/audio commands when +FCLASS=8. Speakerphone Operation. FDSP functions operate in response to speakerphone commands when +FCLASS=8 and +VSP=1 is selected. DSH-202320A 7/31/09 Conexant Preliminary Information/Conexant Proprietary and Confidential 21 Introduction 22 CX06833-4x Data Sheet Conexant Preliminary Information/Conexant Proprietary and Confidential DSH-202320A 7/31/09 2 Technical Specifications 2.1 Serial DTE Interface Operation 2.1.1 Automatic Speed/Format Sensing Command Mode and Data Mode The modem can automatically determine the speed and format of the data sent from the DTE. The modem can sense speeds of 300, 600, 1200, 2400, 4800, 7200, 9600, 12000, 14400, 16800, 19200, 21600, 24000, 26400, 28800, 38400, 57600, and 115200 bps and the following data formats: Parity Data Length (Number of Bits) Number of Stop Bits Character Length (Number of Bits) None 7 2 10 Odd 7 1 10 Even 7 1 10 None 8 1 10 Odd 8 1 11(1) Even 8 1 11(1) FOOTNOTES: (1) 11-bit characters are sensed, but the parity bit is stripped off during data transmission in Normal and Error Correction modes. The modem can speed sense data with mark or space parity and configures itself as follows: DTE Configuration Modem Configuration 7 mark 7 none 7 space 8 none 8 mark 8 none 8 space 8 even Fax Mode In V.17 fax mode, the modem can sense speeds up to 115.2 kbps. DSH-202320A 7/31/09 Conexant Preliminary Information/Conexant Proprietary and Confidential 23 Technical Specifications 2.2 CX06833-4x Data Sheet Parallel Host Bus Interface Operation Command Mode and Data Mode. The modem can operate at rates up to 230.4 kbps by programming the Divisor Latch in the parallel interface registers if supported by communications software and/or driver. Fax Mode. In V.17 mode, the modem can operate at rates up to 230.4 kbps by programming the Divisor Latch in the parallel interface registers if supported by communications software and/or driver. 2.3 Establishing Data Modem Connections 2.3.1 Dialing DTMF Dialing. DTMF dialing using DTMF tone pairs is supported in accordance with ITU-T Q.23. The transmit tone level complies with Bell Publication 47001. 2.3.2 Pulse Dialing Pulse dialing is supported in accordance with EIA/TIA-496-A. Blind Dialing The modem can blind dial in the absence of a dial tone if enabled by the X0, X1, or X3 command. Telephone Number Directory The modem supports four telephone number entries in a directory that can be saved in a serial EEPROM. Each telephone number can be up to 32 characters (including the command line terminating carriage return) in length. A telephone number can be saved using the &Zn=x command, and a saved telephone number can be dialed using the DS=n command. 2.3.3 Modem Handshaking Protocol If a tone is not detected within the time specified in the S7 register after the last digit is dialed, the modem aborts the call attempt. 2.3.4 Call Progress Tone Detection Ringback, equipment busy, congested tone, warble tone, and progress tones can be detected in accordance with the applicable standard. 2.3.5 Answer Tone Detection Answer tone can be detected over the frequency range of 2100 40 Hz in ITU-T modes and 2225 40 Hz in Bell modes. 24 Conexant Preliminary Information/Conexant Proprietary and Confidential DSH-202320A 7/31/09 CX06833-4x Data Sheet 2.3.6 Technical Specifications Ring Detection A ring signal can be detected from a TTL-compatible 15.3 Hz to 68 Hz square wave input. 2.3.7 Billing Protection When the modem goes off-hook to answer an incoming call, both transmission and reception of data are prevented for 2 seconds (data modem) or 4 seconds (fax adaptive answer) to allow transmission of the billing tone signal. 2.3.8 Connection Speeds The modem functions as a data modem when the +FCLASS=0 command is active. Line connection can be selected using the +MS command. The +MS command selects modulation, enables/disables automode, and selects minimum and maximum line speeds (Table 3). 2.3.9 Automode Automode detection can be enabled by the +MS command to allow the modem to connect to a remote modem in accordance with draft PN-3320 for V.34 (Table 3). Table 3. +MS Command Automode Connectivity Modulation <carrier> Possible (<min_rx_rate>, <min_rx_rate>, (<min_tx_rate>), and <max_tx_rate>) Rates (bps) Bell 103 B103 300 Bell 212 B212 1200 Rx/75 Tx or 75 Rx/1200 Tx V.21 V21 300 V.22 V22 1200 V.22 bis V22B 2400 or 1200 V.23 V23C 1200 V.32 V32 9600 or 4800 V.32 bis V32B 14400, 12000, 9600, 7200, or 4800 V.34 V34 33600, 31200, 28800, 26400, 24000, 21600, 19200, 16800, 14400, 12000, 9600, 7200, 4800, or 2400 V.90 V90 56000, 54667, 53333, 52000, 50667, 49333, 48000, 46667, 45333, 44000, 42667, 41333, 40000, 38667, 37333, 36000, 34667, 33333, 32000, 30667, 29333, 28000 V.92 downstream V92 56000, 54667, 53333, 52000, 50667, 49333, 48000, 46667, 45333, 44000, 42667, 41333, 40000, 38667, 37333, 36000, 34667, 33333, 32000, 30667, 29333, 28000 V.92 upstream V92 48000, 46667, 45333, 44000, 42667, 41333, 40000, 38667, 37333, 36000, 34667, 33333, 32000, 30667, 29333, 28000, 26667, 25333, 24000 DSH-202320A 7/31/09 Conexant Preliminary Information/Conexant Proprietary and Confidential 25 Technical Specifications 2.4 CX06833-4x Data Sheet Data Mode The modem enters data mode when a telephone line connection has been established between modems and all handshaking has been completed. 2.4.1 Speed Buffering (Normal Mode) Speed buffering allows a DTE to send data to, and receive data from, a modem at a speed different than the line speed. The modem supports speed buffering at all line speeds. 2.4.2 Flow Control DTE-to-Modem Flow Control. If the modem-to-line speed is less than the DTE-tomodem speed, the modem supports XOFF/XON or RTS/CTS flow control with the DTE to ensure data integrity. 2.4.3 Escape Sequence Detection The +++ escape sequence can be used to return control to the command mode from the data mode. Escape sequence detection is disabled by an S2 Register value greater than 127. 2.4.4 BREAK Detection The modem can detect a BREAK signal from either the DTE or the remote modem. The \Kn command determines the modem response to a received BREAK signal. 2.4.5 Telephone Line Monitoring GSTN Cleardown (V.90, V.34, V.32 bis, V.32). Upon receiving GSTN Cleardown from the remote modem in a non-error correcting mode, the modem cleanly terminates the call. Loss of Carrier (V.22 bis and Below). If carrier is lost for a time greater than specified by the S10 register, the modem disconnects. 2.4.6 Fall Forward/Fallback (V.92/V.90/V.34/V.32 bis/V.32) During initial handshake, the modem will fallback to the optimal line connection within V.92/V.90/V.34/V.32 bis/V.32 mode depending upon signal quality if automode is enabled by the +MS or N1 command. When connected in V.92/V.90/V.34/V.32 bis/V.32 mode, the modem will fall forward or fallback to the optimal line speed within the current modulation depending upon signal quality if fall forward/fallback is enabled by the%E2 command. 26 Conexant Preliminary Information/Conexant Proprietary and Confidential DSH-202320A 7/31/09 CX06833-4x Data Sheet 2.4.7 Technical Specifications Retrain The modem may lose synchronization with the received line signal under poor or changing line conditions. If this occurs, retraining may be initiated to attempt recovery depending on the type of connection. The modem initiates a retrain if line quality becomes unacceptable if enabled by the%E command. The modem continues to retrain until an acceptable connection is achieved, or until 30 seconds elapse resulting in line disconnect. 2.4.8 Programmable Inactivity Timer The modem disconnects from the line if data is not sent or received for a specified length of time. In normal or error-correction mode, this inactivity timer is reset when data is received from either the DTE or from the line. This timer can be set to a value between 0 and 255 seconds by using register S30. A value of 0 disables the inactivity timer. 2.4.9 DTE Signal Monitoring (Serial DTE Interface Only) DTR#. When DTR# is asserted, the modem responds in accordance with the &Dn and &Qn commands. RTS#. RTS# is used for flow control if enabled by the &K command in normal or errorcorrection mode. DSH-202320A 7/31/09 Conexant Preliminary Information/Conexant Proprietary and Confidential 27 Technical Specifications 2.5 CX06833-4x Data Sheet V.92 Features Modem-on-Hold, quick connect, and PCM upstream are only available in V.92 models when connecting in V.92 data mode. V.92 features are only available when the server called is a V.92 server that supports that particular feature. 2.5.1 Modem-on-Hold 2.5.2 The Modem-on-Hold (MOH) function enables the modem to place a data call to the Internet on hold while using the same line to accept an incoming or place an outgoing voice call. This feature is available only with a connection to a server supporting MOH. MOH can be executed through either of two methods: One method is to enable MOH through the +PMH command. With Call Waiting Detection (+PCW command) enabled, an incoming call can be detected while online. Using a string of commands, the modem negotiates with the server to place the data connection on hold while the line is released so that it can be used to conduct a voice call. Once the voice call is completed, the modem can quickly renegotiate with the server back to the original data call. An alternative method is to use communications software that utilizes the Conexant Modem-on-Hold drivers under Windows PC operating systems. Using this method, the software can detect an incoming call, place the data connection on hold, and switch back to a data connection. Quick Connect The quick connect function enables the modem to shorten the connect time of subsequent calls to a server supporting quick connect. The quick connect feature is supported by the +PQC command. 2.5.3 PCM Upstream PCM upstream boosts the upstream data rates between the user and ISP to reduce upload times for large files and email attachments. A maximum of 48 kbps upstream rate is supported with PCM upstream enabled, in contrast to a maximum of 32.2 kbps upstream rate with PCM upstream not enabled. PCM upstream is supported by the +PCM command. PCM upstream is disabled by default. 28 Conexant Preliminary Information/Conexant Proprietary and Confidential DSH-202320A 7/31/09 CX06833-4x Data Sheet Technical Specifications 2.6 Error Correction and Data Compression 2.6.1 V.42 Error Correction V.42 supports two methods of error correction: LAPM and, as a fallback, MNP 4. The modem provides a detection and negotiation technique for determining and establishing the best method of error correction between two modems. 2.6.2 MNP 2-4 Error Correction MNP 2-4 is a data link protocol that uses error correction algorithms to ensure data integrity. Supporting stream mode, the modem sends data frames in varying lengths depending on the amount of time between characters coming from the DTE. 2.6.3 V.44 Data Compression V.44 data compression mode, enabled by the +DS44 command, encodes pages and files associated with Web pages. These files include WEB pages, graphics and image files, and document files. V.44 can provide an effective data throughput rate up to DTE rate for a 56-kbps connection. The improved performance amount varies both with the actual format and with the content of individual pages and files. 2.6.4 V.42 bis Data Compression V.42 bis data compression mode, enabled by the%Cn command or S46 register, operates when a LAPM connection is established. The V.42 bis data compression employs a string learning algorithm in which a string of characters from the DTE is encoded as a fixed length codeword. Two 2-KB dictionaries are used to store the strings. These dictionaries are dynamically updated during normal operation. 2.6.5 MNP 5 Data Compression MNP 5 data compression mode, enabled by the%Cn command, operates during an MNP connection. In MNP 5, the modem increases its throughput by compressing data into tokens before transmitting it to the remote modem, and by decompressing encoded received data before sending it to the DTE. DSH-202320A 7/31/09 Conexant Preliminary Information/Conexant Proprietary and Confidential 29 Technical Specifications 2.7 CX06833-4x Data Sheet Telephony Extensions The following telephony extension features are supported and are typically implemented in designs for set-top box applications and TAM software applications to enhance end-user experience: Line In Use detection Extension Pickup detection Remote Hang-up detection The telephony extension features are enabled through the -STE command. The -TTE command can be used to adjust the voltage thresholds for the telephony extension features. 2.7.1 Line In Use Detection The Line In Use Detection feature can stop the modem from disturbing the phone line when the line is already being used. When an automated system tries to dial using ATDT and the phone line is in use, the modem will not go off hook and will respond with the message LINE IN USE. In the case where no phone line is connected to the modem, the modem will respond with the message NO LINE. 2.7.2 Extension Pickup Detection The Extension Pickup Detection feature (also commonly referred as PPD or Parallel phone detection) allows the modem to detect when another telephony device (i.e., fax machine, phone, satellite/cable box) is attempting to use the phone line. When an extension pickup has been detected, the modem will go on-hook and respond with the message OFF-HOOK INTRUSION. The Remote Hang-up Detection feature will cause the modem to go back on-hook and respond with the message LINE REVERSAL DETECTED during a data connection when the remote modem is disconnected for abnormal termination reasons (remote phone line unplugged, remote server/modem shutdown). For Voice applications, this method can be used in addition to silence detection to determine when a remote caller has hung up to terminate a voice recording. This feature can be used to quickly drop a modem connection in the event when a user picks up a extension phone line. For example, this feature allows set top boxes with an integrated SMXXD modem to give normal voice users the highest priority over the telephone line. This feature can also be used in Telephone Answering Machine applications (TAM). Its main use would be to stop the TAM operation when a phone is picked up. 2.7.3 Remote Hang-up Detection The Remote Hang-up Detection feature will cause the modem to go back on-hook and respond with the message LINE REVERSAL DETECTED during a data connection when the remote modem is disconnected for abnormal termination reasons (remote phone line unplugged, remote server/modem shutdown). For Voice applications, this method can be used in addition to silence detection to determine when a remote caller has hung up to terminate a voice recording. 30 Conexant Preliminary Information/Conexant Proprietary and Confidential DSH-202320A 7/31/09 CX06833-4x Data Sheet 2.8 Technical Specifications Fax Class 1 and Fax Class 1.0 Operation Facsimile functions operate in response to fax class 1 commands when +FCLASS=1 or to fax class 1.0 commands when +FCLASS=1.0. In the fax mode, the on-line behavior of the modem is different from the data (non-fax) mode. After dialing, modem operation is controlled by fax commands. Some AT commands are still valid but may operate differently than in data modem mode. Calling tone is generated in accordance with T.30. 2.9 Point-of-Sales Support Point-of-Sales (POS) terminals usually need to exchange a small amount of data in the shortest amount of time. Low speed modulations such as Bell212A or V.22 are still mainly used in POS applications. Additionally, new non-standard sequences have been developed to better support POS applications. Industry standard and shortened answer tone B103 and V.21 are supported, as well as FastPOS (V.29) and V.22 Fast Connect. POS terminal modulations are supported by the $F command. 2.10 Voice/Audio Mode Voice and audio functions are supported by the Voice Mode. Voice Mode includes four submodes: Online Voice Command Mode, Voice Receive Mode, Voice Transmit Mode and Full-Duplex Receive and Transmit Mode. 2.10.1 Online Voice Command Mode This mode results from the connection to the telephone line or a voice/audio I/O device (e.g., microphone, speaker, or handset) through the use of the +FCLASS=8 and +VLS commands. After mode entry, AT commands can be entered without aborting the connection. 2.10.2 Voice Receive Mode This mode is entered when the +VRX command is active in order to record voice or audio data input at the RIN pin, typically from a microphone/handset or the telephone line. Received analog voice samples are converted to digital form and compressed for reading by the host. AT commands control the codec bits-per-sample rate. Received analog mono audio samples are converted to digital form and formatted into 8-bit unsigned linear PCM format for reading by the host. AT commands control the bit length and sampling rate. Concurrent DTMF/tone detection is available at the 8 kHz sample rate. DSH-202320A 7/31/09 Conexant Preliminary Information/Conexant Proprietary and Confidential 31 Technical Specifications 2.10.3 CX06833-4x Data Sheet Voice Transmit Mode This mode is entered when the +VTX command is active in order to playback voice or audio data to the TXA output, typically to a speaker/handset or to the telephone line. Digitized voice data is decompressed and converted to analog form at the original compression quantization sample-per-bits rate then output to the TXA output. Digitized audio data is converted to analog form then output to the TXA output. 2.10.4 Full-Duplex Receive and Transmit Mode This mode is entered when the +VTR command is active in order to concurrently receive and transmit voice. 2.10.5 Audio Mode The audio mode enables the host to transmit and receive 8-bit audio signals. In this mode, the modem directly accesses the internal analog-to-digital (A/D) converter (ADC) and the digital-to-analog (D/A) converter (DAC). Incoming analog audio signals can then be converted to digital format and digital signals can be converted to analog audio output. 2.10.6 Tone Detectors The tone detector signal path is separate from the main received signal path thus enabling tone detection to be independent of the configuration status. In Tone Mode, all three tone detectors are operational. 2.10.7 Speakerphone Mode Speakerphone mode is controlled in voice mode with the following commands: Use Speakerphone After Dialing or Answering (+VSP=1). +VSP=1 selects speakerphone mode while in +FCLASS=8 mode. Speakerphone operation is entered during Voice Online Command mode after completing dialing or answering. Speakerphone Settings. The +VGM and +VGS commands can be used to control the microphone gain and speaker volume, respectively. VGM and +VGS commands are valid only after the modem has entered the Voice Online mode while in the +VSP=1 setting. 32 Conexant Preliminary Information/Conexant Proprietary and Confidential DSH-202320A 7/31/09 CX06833-4x Data Sheet 2.11 Technical Specifications V.80 Synchronous Access Mode (SAM) - Video Conferencing V.80 Synchronous Access Mode between the modem and the host/DTE is provided for host-controlled communication protocols, e.g., H.324 video conferencing applications. Voice-call-first (VCF) before switching to a videophone call is also supported. 2.12 Full-Duplex Speakerphone (FDSP) Mode (S Models) The modem operates in FDSP mode when +FCLASS=8 and +VSP=1 (Section 2.10.7). In FDSP Mode, speech from a microphone or handset is converted to digital form, shaped, and output to the telephone line through the line interface circuit. Speech received from the telephone line is shaped, converted to analog form, and output to the speaker or handset. Shaping includes both acoustic and line echo cancellation. 2.13 Caller ID Both Type I Caller ID (On-Hook Caller ID) and Type II Caller ID (Call Waiting Caller ID) are supported for U.S. and many other countries (see Section 2.14). Both types of Caller ID are enabled/disabled using the +VCID command. Call Waiting Tone detection must be enabled using the +PCW command to detect and decode Call Waiting Caller ID. When enabled, caller ID information (date, time, caller code, and name) can be passed to the DTE in formatted or unformatted form. Inquiry support allows the current caller ID mode and mode capabilities of the modem to be retrieved from the modem. Type II Caller ID (Call Waiting Caller ID) detection operates only during data mode in V.92, V.90, V.34, V.32bis, or V.32. DSH-202320A 7/31/09 Conexant Preliminary Information/Conexant Proprietary and Confidential 33 Technical Specifications 2.14 CX06833-4x Data Sheet Worldwide Country Support Internal modem firmware supports 29 country profiles (see Section These country profiles include the following country-dependent parameters: Dial tone detection levels and frequency ranges. DTMF dialing parameters: Transmit output level, DTMF signal duration, and DTMF interdigit interval. Pulse dialing parameters: Make/break times, set/clear times, and dial codes are programmable Ring detection frequency range. Type I and Type II Caller ID detection are supported for many countries. Contact your local Conexant sales office for additional country support. Blind dialing enabled/disable. Carrier transmit level (through S91 for data and S92 for fax). The maximum, minimum, and default values can be defined to match specific country and DAA requirements. Calling tone is generated in accordance with V.25. Calling tone may be toggled (enabled/disabled) by inclusion of a ^ character in a dial string. It may also be disabled. Frequency and cadence of tones for busy, ringback, congested, warble, dial tone 1, and dial tone 2. Answer tone detection period. Blacklist parameters. The modem can operate in accordance with requirements of individual countries to prevent misuse of the network by limiting repeated calls to the same number when previous call attempts have failed. Call failure can be detected for reasons such as no dial tone, number busy, no answer, no ringback detected, voice (rather than modem) detected, and key abort (dial attempt aborted by user). Actions resulting from such failures can include specification of minimum inter-call delay, extended delay between calls, and maximum numbers of retries before the number is permanently forbidden (blacklisted). These country profiles may be altered or customized by modifying the countrydependent parameters. Additional profiles may also be included. There are two ways to add or modify profiles: Incorporating additional or modified profiles into external flash ROM containing the entire modem firmware code. Linking additional or modified profiles from an external serial EEPROM (needed only if the external flash ROM capacity is exceeded. Please contact an FAE at the local Conexant sales office if a country code customization is required. 34 Conexant Preliminary Information/Conexant Proprietary and Confidential DSH-202320A 7/31/09 CX06833-4x Data Sheet Technical Specifications 2.15 Diagnostics 2.15.1 Commanded Tests Diagnostics are performed in response to test commands. Analog Loopback (&T1 Command). Data from the local DTE is sent to the modem, which loops the data back to the local DTE. DMTF Generation (%TT0 Command). Continuous DTMF tones are generated by the DSP and output through the DAA. Tone Generation (%TT3 Command). Continuous tones are generated by the DSP and output through the DAA. 2.15.2 Power On Reset Tests Upon power on, the modem performs tests of the modem and internal RAM. If the modem or internal RAM test fails, the TMIND# output is pulsed as follows (Figure 2 1): Figure 3. Internal RAM test fails: One pulse cycle (pulse cycle = 0.5 sec. on, 0.5 sec. off) every 1.5 seconds. Modem device test fails: Three pulse cycles every 1.5 seconds. TMIND# Test Results Pulse Cycles Internal R A M F ails P ulse C ycle 0 .5 1.5 S ec 1 1 .5 2 2 .5 3 3 .5 4 4 .5 5 5 .5 4 .5 5 5 .5 M odem D evice F ails P ulse C ycle 0 DSH-202320A 7/31/09 .5 1 1 .5 1.5 S ec 2 2 .5 3 3 .5 4 6 6 .5 Conexant Preliminary Information/Conexant Proprietary and Confidential 7 35 Technical Specifications 2.16 36 CX06833-4x Data Sheet Low Power Sleep Mode Sleep Mode Entry The modem enters the low power sleep mode when no line connection exists and no host activity occurs for the period of time specified in the S24 register. All modem circuits are turned off except the internal clock circuitry in order to consume reduced power while being able to immediately wake up and resume normal operation. Wake-up Wake-up occurs when a ring is detected on the telephone line, the host writes to the modem (parallel interface), or the DTE sends a character to the modem (serial interface). Conexant Preliminary Information/Conexant Proprietary and Confidential DSH-202320A 7/31/09 3 Hardware Interface 3.1 CX06833 Hardware Pins and Signals 3.1.1 CX06833 Interface Signals CX06833 hardware interface signals for parallel interface are shown by major interface in Figure 4, are shown by pin number in Figure 5, and are listed by pin number in Table 4. CX06833 hardware interface signals for serial interface are shown by major interface in Figure 6, are shown by pin number in Figure 7, and are listed by pin number in Table 5. The CX06833 hardware interface signals are defined in Table 6. CX06833 I/O types are defined in Table 7. CX06833 DC electrical characteristics are listed in Table 8. DSH-202320A 7/31/09 Conexant Preliminary Information/Conexant Proprietary and Confidential 37 Hardware Interface Figure 4. CX06833-4x Data Sheet CX06833 Hardware Signals for Parallel Interface (PARIF = High) 116 117 CRYSTAL C IR C U IT 115 67 NC NC 114 NC 119 + 3.3V 16 54 NC 21 23 22 112 17 18 19 123 124 126 127 128 130 132 133 P A R A LLE L H O S T IN T E R F A C E 41 142 240K + 3.3V 47K + 3.3V 47K + 3.3V 63 20 30 55 65 122 113 NC 61 34 36 37 38 104 110 53 31 NC 58 60 57 35 39 NC (P A R A LLE L H O S T IN T E R F A C E O N LY ) 66 + 3.3V O R + 5V 29 59 91 0 .1 0 .1 + 3.3V + 3.3V A (F ILT E R E D ) 0 .1 XT LI XT LO N V M C LK (P A 7) N V M D A T A (P E 3) C LK IN C LK O U T D V 1T P N M IP P A R IF (M K 0) N O XY C K H C S # (P D 4) H R D # (P D 6) H W T # (P D 5) H IN T (P B 7) H A 0 (P D 0) H A 1 (P D 1) H A 2 (P D 2) H D 0 (P C 0) H D 1 (P C 1) H D 2 (P C 2) H D 3 (P C 3) H D 4 (P C 4) H D 5 (P C 5) H D 6 (P C 6) H D 7 (P C 7) O H # (P E 0) V O IC E # (P E 1) M U T E # (P E 2) LC S (P E 4) E XT O H # (P E 7) R IN G (P A 0) LIN E _O U T _P LIN E _O U T _M M IC _IN 24 25 26 28 32 33 137 138 141 ASPKR 136 LIN E _IN M IC _B IA S M _R E LA Y _A M _A C T _90 D LP B K _B A R 143 144 8 12 13 VREF 139 P _G P 01 P _P A 03 P _P A 07 PA2 PA6 135 46 71 106 129 11 9 15 134 10 10 AGND S LE E P _IN M C LK IN C N T LS IN R XO U T T XS IN 14 3 2 6 4 STROBE 7 S C LK 5 IA 1C LK (P _P X03) S A 1C LK (P _P X02) S R 4O U T (P _P X00) S R 4IN S R 1IO (P _P X07) 51 50 49 52 62 IA S LE E P (P _P F 05) 56 M C LK O U T (P _P B 00) S R 2C LK (P _P G P 05) S A 2C LK (P _P X05) S R 3O U T S R 3IN (P _P X01) S R 2IO (P _P X06) 44 97 45 42 43 47 P LLV D D 88 CX06833 S ingle Chip Modem 1 4 4 -P IN T Q F P P arallel Interface (P AR IF = H IG H ) VGG 33 33 S LE E P 33 M _C LK IN M _S C K M _S T R O B E M _T XS IN M _R XO U T M _C N T R LS IN C X20452 V O IC E C O D E C (V C ) (O P T IO N A L) + 3.3V 0 .1 F VDDCORE VDDCORE VDDCORE P LLG N D 89 A 00 A 01 A 02 A 03 A 04 A 05 A 06 A 07 A 08 A 09 A 10 A 11 A 12 A 13 A 14 A 15 (P B 0) (P B 4) (P B 5) D0 D1 D2 D3 D4 D5 D6 D7 RD# W T# (P B 3) (P B 2) 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 85 86 87 90 92 93 94 95 96 102 108 109 68 69 70 72 73 74 75 76 121 120 107 105 RESERVED RESERVED RESERVED RESERVED 98 99 100 101 VDD VDD VDD VDD VDD VDD VDD VDD DVDD DVDD AVDD A 16 A 17 A 18 VSS VSS VSS VSS DVSS AGND AGND AGND R A M S E L# R O M S E L# 38 DAA 140 0 .1 XXC LK B D 2C LK PHS2 TESTP P _P A 00 PA1 PA3 PA4 PA5 PB1 PB6 PD7 PE6 OH# V O IC E # MUTE# LC S E XT O H # R IN G T XA P T XA M R XA NC LP O PE5 E E P R O M (O P T IO N A L) AGND VC R E S 1# R E S 2# PD3 SCL SDA S P E A K E R C IR C U IT 0 .1 10 48 64 84 103 111 125 131 118 1 10 40 27 E XT E R N A L RAM AND ROM NC Conexant Preliminary Information/Conexant Proprietary and Confidential DSH-202320A 7/31/09 CX06833-4x Data Sheet DV DD C NT LS IN MC LK IN T XS IN S C LK R X OUT S T R OB E M_R E LAY _A AG ND DV DD PB6 A18 (P B 5) 109 HINT (P B 7) V DD DV 1T P TE S TP 114 111 110 XT LI C LK IN 116 115 113 112 NMIP V DD XT LO 118 117 119 P HS 2 R D# WT # 121 120 123 122 124 125 HD4 (P C 4) HD3 (P C 3) HD2 (P C 2) V DD HD1 (P C 1) HD0 (P C 0) 127 126 129 128 130 HD6 (P C 6) V DD HD5 (P C 5) VS S 132 131 135 LINE _OUT _P AS P K R AV DD AG ND HD7 (P C 7) 137 136 134 133 VC VR E F LINE _OUT _M 140 139 138 LINE _IN R E S 2# MIC _IN 142 141 MIC _B IAS 144 CX06833 144-Pin TQFP Pin Signals for Parallel Interface (PARIF = High) 143 Figure 5. Hardware Interface 1 108 2 107 106 105 3 4 5 104 6 7 103 102 101 8 9 10 100 99 DV S S M_AC T _90 11 98 12 DLP B K _B AR S LE E P _IN 13 97 96 17 18 26 27 LC S (P E 4) V DDC OR E 28 29 PE 5 PE 6 E X T OH# (P E 7) R ING (P A0) 30 31 86 85 23 24 25 P AR AL L E L IN T E R F AC E (P AR IF P IN = H IG H ) DSH-202320A 7/31/09 84 83 82 81 80 79 78 77 76 32 33 34 75 74 73 68 69 70 71 72 D0 D1 D2 VS S D3 S R 1IO (P X07) LP O V DD B D2C LK VG G C LK OUT 60 P _P A03 P _P A00 66 67 58 59 P _G P 01 65 57 P _P A07 63 64 55 56 XX C LK IAS LE E P (P _P F 05) 61 62 54 NOXY C K V DDC OR E 52 53 S R 4IN P D7 50 51 49 V DD S R 4OUT (P _P X00) S A1C LK (P _P X02) IA1C LK (P _P X 03) 47 48 VS S S R 2IO (P _P X 06) 44 45 46 41 42 43 R E S 1# S R 3OUT S R 3IN (P _P X 01) MC LK OUT (P _P B 00) S A2C LK (P _P X05) 35 36 37 P A3 89 88 87 C X 06833 21 22 39 40 P A1 P A2 90 19 20 P D3 HC S # (P D4) HWT # (P D5) HR D# (P D6) OH# (P E 0) V OIC E # (P E 1) MUT E # (P E 2) NV MDAT A (P E 3) P A6 NV MC LK (P A7) HA2 (P D2) 93 92 91 38 P AR IF (MK 0) HA0 (P D0) HA1 (P D1) 95 94 14 15 16 P A4 P A5 AG ND Conexant Preliminary Information/Conexant Proprietary and Confidential A17 (P B 4) R AMS E L# (P B 3) VS S R OMS E L# (P B 2) PB1 V DD A16 (P B 0) R E S E R VE D R E S E R VE D R E S E R VE D R E S E R VE D S R 2C LK (P _P G P 05) A15 A14 A13 A12 A11 V DDC OR E A10 P LLG ND P LLV DD A09 A08 A07 V DD A06 A05 A04 A03 A02 A01 A00 D7 D6 D5 D4 39 Hardware Interface Table 4. Pin CX06833-4x Data Sheet CX06833 144-Pin TQFP Pin Signals for Parallel Interface (PARIF = High (1 of 3) Signal Label I/O Interface Pin Signal Label I/O Interface 1 DVDD P +3.3V 73 D4 I/O EB: D4 2 CNTLSIN I CX06833: SR1IO 74 D5 I/O EB: D5 3 MCLKIN I CX06833: MCLKOUT through 33 75 D6 I/O EB: D6 4 TXSIN I CX06833: SR4OUT 76 D7 I/O EB: D7 5 SCLK O CX06833: IA1CLK through 33 77 A00 O EB: A00 6 RXOUT O CX06833: SR4IN 78 A01 O EB: A01 7 STROBE O CX06833:SA1CLK through 33 79 A02 O EB: A02 8 M_RELAY_A O NC 80 A03 O EB: A03 9 AGND G AGND 81 A04 O EB: A04 10 DVDD P +3.3V 82 A05 O EB: A05 11 DVSS G GND 83 A06 O EB: A06 12 M_ACT_90 I NC 84 VDD P +3.3V 13 DLPBK_BAR I NC 85 A07 O EB: A07 14 SLEEP_IN I CX06833: IASLEEP 86 A08 O EB: A08 15 AGND G AGND 87 A09 O EB: A09 16 PARIF (MK0) I NC (Parallel Host) 88 PLLVDD P +3.3V and to GND through 1 F 17 HA0 (PD0) I HB: HA0 89 PLLGND G GND 18 HA1 (PD1) I HB: HA1 90 A10 O EB: A10 19 HA2 (PD2) I HB: HA2 91 VDDCORE P Filter capacitors to GND 20 PD3 I +3.3V through 47 K 92 A11 O EB: A11 21 HCS# (PD4) I HB: CS# 93 A12 O EB: A12 22 HWT# (PD5) I HB: WT# 94 A13 O EB: A13 23 HRD# (PD6) I HB: RD# 95 A14 O EB: A14 24 OH# (PE0) O DAA: Off-Hook Relay Circuit 96 A15 O EB: A15 25 VOICE# (PE1) O DAA: Voice Relay Circuit (Optional) 97 SR2CLK (P_PGP05) I VC: M_SCK 26 MUTE# (PE2) O DAA: Mute Circuit (Optional) 98 RESERVED I/O NC 40 Conexant Preliminary Information/Conexant Proprietary and Confidential DSH-202320A 7/31/09 CX06833-4x Data Sheet Table 4. Pin Hardware Interface CX06833 144-Pin TQFP Pin Signals for Parallel Interface (PARIF = High (2 of 3) Signal Label I/O 27 NVMDATA (PE3) I/O EEPROM: SDA 99 RESERVED O NC 28 LCS (PE4) I DAA: Line Current Sense Circuit 100 RESERVED O NC 29 VDDCORE P Filter capacitors to GND 101 RESERVED O NC 30 PE5 I +3.3V through 47 K 102 A16 (PB0) O EB: A16 31 PE6 I/O NC 103 VDD P +3.3V 32 EXTOH# (PE7) I DAA: Extension Pickup Circuit (Optional) 104 PB1 I/O NC 33 RING (PA0) I DAA: Ring Detect Circuit 105 ROMSEL# (PB2) O EB: ROM CE# 34 PA1 I/O NC 106 GND G GND 35 PA2 I/O NC 107 RAMSEL# (PB3) O EB: RAM CS# 36 PA3 I/O NC 108 A17 (PB4) O EB: A17 37 PA4 I/O NC 109 A18 (PB5) O EB: A18 38 PA5 I/O NC 110 PB6 I/O NC 39 PA6 I/O NC 111 VDD P +3.3V 40 NVMCLK (PA7) O EEPROM: SCL 112 HINT (PB7) O HB: HINT 41 RES1# I HB: RESET# 113 TESTP I NC 42 SR3OUT O VC: M_TXSIN 114 DV1TP I Clock Select 43 SR3IN (P_PX01) I VC: M_RXOUT 115 CLKIN I NC 44 MCLKOUT (P_PB00) O Through 33 to CX06833:MCLKIN and VC: M_CLKIN 116 XTLI I Crystal Circuit 45 SA2CLK (P_PX05) I VC: M_STROBE 117 XTLO O Crystal Circuit 46 GND G GND 118 VDD P +3.3V 47 SR2IO (P_PX06) O VC: M_CNTRLSIN 119 NMIP I +3.3V 48 VDD P +3.3V 120 WT# O EB: WRITE# 49 SR4OUT (P_PX00) O CX06833: TXSIN 121 RD# O EB: READ# 50 SA1CLK (P_PX02) I CX06833: STROBE through 33 122 PHS2 O NC 51 IA1CLK (P_PX03) I CX06833: SCLK through 33 123 HD0 (PC0) I/O HB: HD0 DSH-202320A 7/31/09 Interface Pin Signal Label I/O Conexant Preliminary Information/Conexant Proprietary and Confidential Interface 41 Hardware Interface Table 4. Pin CX06833-4x Data Sheet CX06833 144-Pin TQFP Pin Signals for Parallel Interface (PARIF = High (3 of 3) Signal Label I/O Interface Pin Signal Label I/O Interface 52 SR4IN I CX06833: RXOUT 124 HD1 (PC1) I/O HB: HD1 53 PD7 I/O NC 125 VDD P +3.3V 54 NOXYCK I GND 126 HD2 (PC2) I/O HB: HD2 55 XXCLK O NC 127 HD3 (PC3) I/O HB: HD3 56 IASLEEP (P_PF05) O VC: SLEEP 128 HD4 (PC4) I/O HB: HD4 57 P_PA07 O NC 129 GND G GND 58 P_GP01 I NC 130 HD5 (PC5) I/O HB: HD5 59 VDDCORE P Filter capacitors to GND 131 VDD P +3.3V 60 P_PA03 O NC 132 HD6 (PC6) I/O HB: HD6 61 P_PA00 I/O NC 133 HD7 (PC7) I/O HB: HD7 62 SR1IO (P_PX07) O CX06833: CNTLSIN 134 AGND G AGND 63 LPO I +3.3V through 240K 135 AVDD P +3.3VA (Filtered) 64 VDD P +3.3V 136 ASPKR O AI: Speaker Circuit 65 BD2CLK O NC 137 LINE_OUT_P O DAA: TXAP 66 VGG R +5V or +3.3V 138 LINE_OUT_M O DAA: TXAM 67 CLKOUT O NC 139 VREF R AGND through C circuit 68 D0 I/O EB: D0 140 VC R AGND through C circuit 69 D1 I/O EB: D1 141 MIC_IN I DAA: RXA 70 D2 I/O EB: D2 142 RES2# I HB: RESET# 71 GND G GND 143 LINE_IN I NC 72 D3 I/O EB: D3 144 MIC_BIAS O NC 42 Conexant Preliminary Information/Conexant Proprietary and Confidential DSH-202320A 7/31/09 CX06833-4x Data Sheet Figure 6. Hardware Interface CX06833 Hardware Signals for Serial Interface (PARIF = Low) 116 117 CRYSTAL C IR C U IT 115 67 NC NC 114 NC 119 + 3.3V 16 54 58 57 60 35 39 124 123 126 130 21 23 S E R IA L D T E IN T E R F A C E 17 128 LE D IN T E R F A C E 41 142 R E S E T C IR C U IT 240K + 3.3V 47K + 3.3V 47K + 3.3V 47K + 3.3V 47K + 3.3V 63 127 133 20 30 55 65 122 113 NC 61 34 36 37 38 104 110 53 31 NC 112 132 18 19 22 NC (S E R IA L D T E IN T E R F A C E O N LY ) 66 + 3.3V O R + 5V 29 59 91 0 .1 0 .1 + 3.3V + 3.3V A (F ILT E R E D ) 0 .1 N V M C LK (P A 7) N V M D A T A (P E 3) XT LI XT LO O H # (P E 0) V O IC E # (P E 1) M U T E # (P E 2) LC S (P E 4) E XT O H # (P E 7) R IN G (P A 0) LIN E _O U T _P LIN E _O U T _M M IC _IN C LK IN C LK O U T D V 1T P N M IP P A R IF (M K 0) N O XY C K ASPKR XT C LK # (P _G P 01) R D C LK # (P _P A 07) T D C LK # (P _P A 03) T XD # (P A 2) R XD # (P A 6) C T S # (P C 1) D S R # (P C 0) R LS D # (P C 2) R I# (P C 5) D T R # (P D 4) R T S # (P D 6) LIN E _IN M IC _B IA S M _R E LA Y _A M _A C T _90 D LP B K _B A R VREF 135 46 71 106 129 11 9 15 134 D T R IN D # (P D 0) A A IN D # (P C 4) 7/31/09 24 25 26 28 32 33 137 138 141 E E P R O M (O P T IO N A L) OH# V O IC E # MUTE# LC S E XT O H # R IN G T XA P T XA M R XA 136 DAA S P E A K E R C IR C U IT 143 144 8 12 13 NC 139 10 AGND VC 140 R E S 1# R E S 2# 0 .1 10 LP O AGND PC3 PC7 PD3 PE5 CX06833 S ingle Chip M odem S LE E P _IN M C LK IN C N T LS IN R XO U T T XS IN STROBE XXC LK B D 2C LK PHS2 TESTP P _P A 00 PA1 PA3 PA4 PA5 PB1 PB6 PD7 PE6 PB7 PC6 PD1 PD2 PD5 1 4 4 -P in T Q F P S erial Interface (P AR IF = L O W ) S C LK IA 1C LK (P _P X03) S A 1C LK (P _P X02) S R 4O U T (P _P X00) S R 4IN S R 1IO (P _P X07) IA S LE E P (P _P F 05) M C LK O U T (P _P B 00) S R 2C LK (P _P G P 05) S A 2C LK (P _P X05) S R 3O U T S R 3IN (P _P X01) S R 2IO (P _P X06) P LLV D D P LLG N D VGG VDDCORE VDDCORE VDDCORE VDD VDD VDD VDD VDD VDD VDD VDD DVDD DVDD A 16 A 17 A 18 AVDD VSS VSS VSS VSS DVSS AGND AGND AGND 14 3 2 6 4 7 5 33 33 51 50 49 52 62 56 44 97 45 42 43 47 S LE E P 33 M _C LK IN M _S C K M _S T R O B E M _T XS IN M _R XO U T M _C N T R LS IN 88 C X20452 V O IC E C O D E C (V C ) (O P T IO N A L) + 3.3V 0 .1 u F R A M S E L# R O M S E L# A 00 A 01 A 02 A 03 A 04 A 05 A 06 A 07 A 08 A 09 A 10 A 11 A 12 A 13 A 14 A 15 (P B 0) (P B 4) (P B 5) D0 D1 D2 D3 D4 D5 D6 D7 RD# W T# (P B 3) (P B 2) RESERVED RESERVED RESERVED RESERVED DSH-202320A SCL SDA 0 .1 10 48 64 84 103 111 125 131 118 1 10 40 27 89 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 85 86 87 90 92 93 94 95 96 102 108 109 68 69 70 72 73 74 75 76 121 120 107 105 98 99 100 101 E XT E R N A L RAM AND ROM NC Conexant Preliminary Information/Conexant Proprietary and Confidential 43 Hardware Interface DV DD C NT LS IN A18 (P B 5) 109 V DD PB6 DV 1T P TE S TP PB7 114 113 110 C LK IN 116 115 112 111 V DD XT LO XT LI 123 122 125 124 126 118 117 R I# (P C 5) VS S AAIND# (P C 4) 130 129 128 127 R D# WT # NMIP V DD 132 131 121 PC6 135 134 133 120 119 LINE _OUT _P AS P K R AV DD AG ND PC7 137 PC3 R LS D# (P C 2) V DD C T S # (P C 1) DS R # (P C 0) P HS 2 MIC _IN VC VR E F LINE _OUT _M 141 140 136 R E S 2# 142 1 2 108 107 MC LK IN 3 106 T XS IN 4 105 S C LK R X OUT 5 104 S T R OB E M_R E LAY _A AG ND DV DD DV S S M_AC T _90 6 103 7 8 9 10 102 101 100 11 99 98 A17 (P B 4) R AMS E L# (P B 3) VS S R OMS E L# (P B 2) PB1 V DD A16 (P B 0) R E S E R VE D R E S E R VE D R E S E R VE D R E S E R VE D 12 97 DLP B K _B AR 13 96 S R 2C LK (P _P G P 05) A15 S LE E P _IN AG ND 14 15 95 A14 P AR IF (MK 0) DT R IND# (P D0) A13 A12 P D1 16 17 18 94 93 92 P D2 P D3 19 91 90 20 89 P LLG ND 88 P LLV DD 87 A09 A08 24 25 26 86 85 84 S E R IAL IN T E R F AC E (P AR IF P IN = L O W ) 27 83 82 28 81 A11 V DDC OR E A10 A07 V DD A06 A05 A04 29 80 A03 30 31 32 79 A02 A01 78 77 76 33 34 71 72 D0 D1 VS S D3 Conexant Preliminary Information/Conexant Proprietary and Confidential D2 67 68 69 70 C LK OUT 62 63 64 S R 1IO (P _P X 07) LP O V DD B D2C LK VG G 65 61 66 60 P _P A00 58 59 V DDC OR E T DC LK # (P _P A03) 56 57 55 XX C LK IAS LE E P (P _P F 05) R DC LK # (P _P A07) XT C LK # (P _G P 01) S R 4IN P D7 NOXY C K 51 52 53 54 50 V DD S R 4OUT (P X00) S A1C LK (P _P X02) IA1C LK (P _P X 03) 46 47 48 49 VS S S R 2IO (P _P X 06) 44 S R 3OUT S R 3IN (P _P X 01) MC LK OUT (P _P B 00) S A2C LK (P _P X05) R E S 1# P A5 P A4 45 73 41 42 43 36 40 35 75 74 37 38 PE 6 E X T OH# (P E 7 R ING (P A0) P A1 T XD# (P A2) P A3 22 23 39 R T S # (P D6) OH# (P E 0) V OIC E # (P E 1) MUT E # (P E 2) NV MDAT A (P E 3) LC S (P E 4) V DDC OR E PE 5 C X 06833 21 R X D# (P A6) NV MC LK (P A7) DT R # (P D4) P D5 44 139 138 MIC _B IAS LINE _IN CX06833 144-Pin TQFP Pin Signals for Serial Interface (PARIF = Low) 144 143 Figure 7. CX06833-4x Data Sheet A00 D7 D6 D5 D4 DSH-202320A 7/31/09 CX06833-4x Data Sheet Table 5. Pin Hardware Interface CX06833 144-Pin TQFP Pin Signals for Serial Interface (PARIF = Low) Signal Label I/O Interface Pin Signal Label I/O Interface 1 DVDD P +3.3V 73 D4 I/O EB: D4 2 CNTLSIN I CX06833: SR1IO 74 D5 I/O EB: D5 3 MCLKIN I CX06833: MCLKOUT through 33 75 D6 I/O EB: D6 4 TXSIN I CX06833: SR4OUT 76 D7 I/O EB: D7 5 SCLK O CX06833: IA1CLK through 33 77 A00 O EB: A00 6 RXOUT O CX06833: SR4IN 78 A01 O EB: A01 7 STROBE O CX06833:SA1CLK through 33 79 A02 O EB: A02 8 M_RELAY_A O NC 80 A03 O EB: A03 9 AGND G AGND 81 A04 O EB: A04 10 DVDD P +3.3V 82 A05 O EB: A05 11 DVSS G GND 83 A06 O EB: A06 12 M_ACT_90 I NC 84 VDD P +3.3V 13 DLPBK_BAR I NC 85 A07 O EB: A07 14 SLEEP_IN I CX06833: IASLEEP 86 A08 O EB: A08 15 AGND G AGND 87 A09 O EB: A09 16 PARIF (MK0) I GND (Serial DTE) 88 PLLVDD P +3.3V and to GND through 1 F 17 DTRIND# (PD0) O LED: DTRIND# 89 PLLGND G GND 18 PD1 I/O NC 90 A10 O EB: A10 19 PD2 I/O NC 91 VDDCORE P Filter capacitors to GND 20 PD3 I +3.3V through 47 K 92 A11 O EB: A11 21 DTR# (PD4) I DTE: DTR# 93 A12 O EB: A12 22 PD5 I/O NC 94 A13 O EB: A13 23 RTS# (PD6) I DTE: RTS# 95 A14 O EB: A14 24 OH# (PE0) O DAA: Off-Hook Relay Circuit 96 A15 O EB: A15 25 VOICE# (PE1) O DAA: Voice Relay Circuit (Optional) 97 SR2CLK (P_PGP05) I VC: M_SCK 26 MUTE# (PE2) O DAA: Mute Circuit (Optional) 98 RESERVED I/O NC 27 NVMDATA (PE3) I/O EEPROM: SDA 99 RESERVED O NC DSH-202320A 7/31/09 Conexant Preliminary Information/Conexant Proprietary and Confidential 45 Hardware Interface Table 5. Pin CX06833-4x Data Sheet CX06833 144-Pin TQFP Pin Signals for Serial Interface (PARIF = Low) Signal Label I/O Interface Pin Signal Label I/O Interface 28 LCS (PE4) I DAA: Line Current Sense Circuit 100 RESERVED O NC 29 VDDCORE P Filter capacitors to GND 101 RESERVED O NC 30 PE5 I +3.3V through 47 K 102 A16 (PB0) O EB: A16 31 PE6 I/O NC 103 VDD P +3.3V 32 EXTOH# (PE7) I DAA: Extension Pickup Circuit (Optional) 104 PB1 I/O NC 33 RING (PA0) I DAA: Ring Detect Circuit 105 ROMSEL# (PB2) O EB: ROM CE# 34 PA1 I/O NC 106 GND G GND 35 TXD# (PA2) I DTE: TXD# 107 RAMSEL# (PB3) O EB: RAM CS# 36 PA3 I/O NC 108 A17 (PB4) O EB: A17 37 PA4 I/O NC 109 A18 (PB5) O EB: A18 38 PA5 I/O NC 110 PB6 I/O NC 39 RXD# (PA6) O DTE: RXD# 111 VDD P +3.3V 40 NVMCLK (PA7) O EEPROM: SCL 112 PB7 O NC 41 RES1# I Reset Circuit 113 TESTP I NC 42 SR3OUT O VC: M_TXSIN 114 DV1TP I Clock Select 43 SR3IN (P_PX01) I VC: M_RXOUT 115 CLKIN I NC 44 MCLKOUT (P_PB00) O Through 33 to CX06833:MCLKIN and VC: M_CLKIN 116 XTLI I Crystal Circuit 45 SA2CLK (P_PX05) I VC: M_STROBE 117 XTLO O Crystal Circuit 46 GND G GND 118 VDD P +3.3V 47 SR2IO (P_PX06) O VC: M_CNTRLSIN 119 NMIP I +3.3V 48 VDD P +3.3V 120 WT# O EB: WRITE# 49 SR4OUT (P_PX00) O CX06833: TXSIN 121 RD# O EB: READ# 50 SA1CLK (P_PX02) I CX06833: STROBE through 33 122 PHS2 O NC 51 IA1CLK (P_PX03) I CX06833: SCLK through 33 123 DSR# (PC0) O DTE: DSR# 46 Conexant Preliminary Information/Conexant Proprietary and Confidential DSH-202320A 7/31/09 CX06833-4x Data Sheet Table 5. Pin Hardware Interface CX06833 144-Pin TQFP Pin Signals for Serial Interface (PARIF = Low) Signal Label I/O Interface Pin Signal Label I/O Interface 52 SR4IN I CX06833: RXOUT 124 CTS# (PC1) O DTE: CTS# 53 PD7 I/O NC 125 VDD P +3.3V 54 NOXYCK I GND 126 RLSD# (PC2) O DTE: RLSD# 55 XXCLK O NC 127 PC3 I/O +3.3V through 47 K 56 IASLEEP (P_PF05) O VC: SLEEP 128 AAIND# (PC4) O LED: AAIND# 57 RDCLK# (P_PA07) O DTE: RDCLK# 129 GND G GND 58 XTCLK# (P_GP01) I DTE: XTCLK# 130 RI# (PC5) O DTE: RI# 59 VDDCORE P Filter capacitors to GND 131 VDD P +3.3V 60 TDCLK# (P_PA03) O DTE: TDCLK# 132 PC6 I/O NC 61 P_PA00 I/O NC 133 PC7 I/O +3.3V through 47 K 62 SR1IO (P_PX07) O CX06833: CNTLSIN 134 AGND G AGND 63 LPO I +3.3V through 240K 135 AVDD P +3.3VA (Filtered) 64 VDD P +3.3V 136 ASPKR O AI: Speaker Circuit 65 BD2CLK O NC 137 LINE_OUT_P O DAA: TXAP 66 VGG R +5V or +3.3V 138 LINE_OUT_M O DAA: TXAM 67 CLKOUT O NC 139 VREF R AGND through C circuit 68 D0 I/O EB: D0 140 VC R AGND through C circuit 69 D1 I/O EB: D1 141 MIC_IN I DAA: RXA 70 D2 I/O EB: D2 142 RES2# I 71 GND G GND 143 LINE_IN I NC 72 D3 I/O EB: D3 144 MIC_BIAS O NC DSH-202320A 7/31/09 Conexant Preliminary Information/Conexant Proprietary and Confidential 47 Hardware Interface Table 6. CX06833-4x Data Sheet CX06833 Pin Signal Definitions (1 of 8) Label Pin I/O I/O Type Signal Name/Description Common to Parallel Host and Serial DTE Interface Configurations System XTLI, XTLO 116, 117 I, O Ix, Ox Crystal In and Crystal Out. If an external 28.224 MHz crystal circuit is used instead of an external clock circuit, connect XTLI and XTLO to the external crystal circuit and leave CLKIN open. CLKIN 115 I It Clock In. If an external 28.224 MHz clock circuit is used instead of an external crystal circuit, connect CLKIN to the clock output and leave XTLI and XTLO open. CLKOUT 67 O It/Ot2 Clock Out. 28.224 MHz output clock. Leave open. DV1TP 114 I Itpu Clock Input Select. This input is used to choose the clock input. Connect to +3.3V or leave open to select XTLI as the clock input. Connect to GND to select CLKIN as the clock input. NOXYCK 54 PARIF 16 I Itpu Parallel/Serial Interface Select. PARIF input high (open) selects parallel host interface operation. PARIF low (GND) selects serial DTE interface operation. NMI# 119 I Ithpu Non-Maskable Interrupt. Not used. Connect to +3.3V. RES1# RES2# 41 142 I It Reset. The active low RES1# and RES2# input resets the CX06833 logic, and restores the saved configuration from serial EEPROM or returns the modem to the factory default values if EEPROM is not present. RESET# low holds the modem in the reset state; RESET# going high releases the modem from the reset state. After application of VDD, RESET# must be held low for at least 15 ms after the VDD power reaches operating range. The modem device set is ready to use 25 ms after the low-to-high transition of RESET#. For parallel Interface, connect RESET# input to the host bus RESET line through an inverter. For serial Interface, connect RESET# input to a reset switch circuit. Power and Ground VGG 66 P PWRG I/O Signaling Voltage Source. Connect to +5V or +3.3V. VDD 48, 64, 84, 103, 111, 118, 125, 131 P PWR Digital Supply Voltage for Digital Circuits. Connect to +3.3V. DVDD 1, 10 P PWR Digital Supply Voltage for Analog Circuits. Connect to +3.3V AVDD 135 P PWR Analog Supply Voltage for Analog Circuits. Connect to analog power. VSS 46, 71, 106, 129 G GND Digital Ground for Digital Circuits. Connect to digital ground. DVSS 11 G GND Digital Ground for Analog Circuits. Connect to digital ground. 48 Conexant Preliminary Information/Conexant Proprietary and Confidential DSH-202320A 7/31/09 CX06833-4x Data Sheet Table 6. Hardware Interface CX06833 Pin Signal Definitions (2 of 8) Label Pin I/O I/O Type Signal Name/Description Common to Parallel Host and Serial DTE Interface Configurations Power and Ground (continued) AGND 9, 15, 134 G AGND Analog Ground for Analog Circuits. Connect to analog ground. VDDCORE 29, 59, 91 P PWR Core Voltage. +1.8V internally generated by a voltage regulator connected to the VDD input pins. VDDCORE is routed externally for decoupling to GND though capacitors. PLLVDD 88 P PWR Supply Voltage for PLL Circuit. Connect to +3.3V and to analog ground through 0.1 F. PLLGND 89 G GND Digital Ground for PLL Circuit. Connect to digital ground. Serial EEPROM (EEPROM) Interface NVMCLK (PA7) 40 O It/Ot2 EEPROM Clock. NVMCLK output high enables the EEPROM. Connect to the EEPROM SCL pin. NVMDATA (PE3) 27 I/O It/Ot2 EEPROM Data. NVMDATA supplies serial data to and from the EEPROM. Connect to the EEPROM SDA pin and to +3.3V through 10 K. External Bus Interface A00-A06, A07-A09, A10 A11-A15, A16 (PB0), A17 (PB4), A18 (PB5) 77-83, 85-87, 90, 92-96, 102, 108, 109 O, O, O, O, O, O, O It/Ot8, It/Ot8, It/Ot2, It/Ot2, It/Ot2, It/Ot2, It/Ot2 Address Lines 0-18. A0-A18 are the address output lines used to access external memory; up to 4 Mbits (512k bytes) flash ROM using A0-A18 and up to 1 Mbit (128k bytes) RAM using A0-A16. D0-D2, D3-D7 68-70, 72-76 I/O Ith/Ot2 Data Line 0-7. D0-D7 are bidirectional external memory bus data lines. READ# 121 O It/Ot2 Read Enable. READ# output low enables data transfer from the selected device to the D0-D7 lines. WRITE# 120 O It/Ot2 Write Enable. WRITE# output low enables data transfer from the D0-D7 lines to the selected device. RAMSEL# PB3) 107 O It/Ot2 RAM Select. RAMSEL# output low selects the external RAM. ROMSEL# (PB2) 105 O Ot2 ROM Select. ROMSEL# output low selects the external flash ROM. DSH-202320A 7/31/09 Conexant Preliminary Information/Conexant Proprietary and Confidential 49 Hardware Interface Table 6. CX06833-4x Data Sheet CX06833 Pin Signal Definitions (3 of 8) Label Pin I/O I/O Type Signal Name/Description Common to Parallel Host and Serial DTE Interface Configurations Telephone Line/Telephone/Audio Interface Signals and Reference Voltage OH# (PE0) 24 O It/Ot2 Off-Hook Relay Control. The active low output can be used to control the normally open off-hook relay. VOICE# (PE1) 25 O It/Ot2 Voice Relay Control. The active low VOICE# output can optionally be used to switch the handset from the telephone line to the voice codec interface to be used as a microphone and speaker. Leave open if not used. MUTE# (PE2) 26 O It/Ot2 Mute Relay Control. The active low MUTE# output can optionally be used to used to control the normally open mute relay. Leave open if not used. LCS (PE4) 28 I It/Ot2 Loop Current Sense. LCS is an active high input that indicates a handset off-hook status. EXTOH# (PE7) 32 I It/Ot2 Extension Off-Hook. Active low input optionally used to indicate when the telephone handset connected to the modem goes off-hook state. Connect to +3.3V through 47K if not used. RING (PA0) 33 I It/Ot2 Ring Frequency. A rising edge on the RING input initiates an internal ring frequency measurement. The RING input from an external ring detect circuit is monitored to determine when to wake up from sleep or stop mode. The RING input is typically connected to the output of an opto isolator or equivalent. The idle state (no ringing) output of the ring detect circuit should be low. LINE_OUT_P, LINE_OUT_M 137, 138 O, O O(DF) Transmit Analog 1 and 2. The LINE_OUT_P and LINE_OUT_M outputs are differential outputs 180 degrees out of phase with each other. Each output can drive a 300 load. Connect LINE_OUT_P and LINE_OUT_M to the DAA telephone line interface transmit circuit. MIC_IN 141 I I(DA) Receive Analog. MIC_IN is a single-ended input from the telephone line interface or an optional external hybrid circuit with 70K input impedance. Connect MIC_IN to the DAA telephone line interface receive circuit. VREF 139 R REF High Voltage Reference. Connect to AGND through 10 F (polarized, + terminal to VREF) and 0.1 F (ceramic) in parallel. Ensure a very close proximity between these capacitors and VREF pin. Use a short path and a wide trace to AGND pin. VC 140 R REF Low Voltage Reference. Connect to AGND through 10 F (polarized, + terminal to VC) and 0.1 F (ceramic) in parallel. Ensure a very close proximity between these capacitors and VC pin. Use a short path and a wide trace to AGND pin. ASPKR 136 O O(DF) Speaker Analog Output. The ASPKR analog output can originate from one of five different sources: RIN, TELIN, MICM or MICV or from the MDP's internal voice playback mode. The ASPKR on/off and three levels of attenuation are controlled by bits in DSP RAM. When the speaker is turned off, the ASPKR output is clamped to the voltage at the VC pin. The ASPKR output can drive an impedance as low as 300 . In a typical application, the ASPKR output is an input to an external LM386 audio power amplifier. LINE_IN 143 I I(DA) Not Used. Leave open. MIC_BIAS 144 O Oa Not Used. Leave open. 50 Conexant Preliminary Information/Conexant Proprietary and Confidential DSH-202320A 7/31/09 CX06833-4x Data Sheet Table 6. Hardware Interface CX06833 Pin Signal Definitions (4 of 8) Label Pin I/O I/O Type Signal Name/Description Common to Parallel Host and Serial DTE Interface Configurations Telephone Line/Telephone/Audio Interface Signals and Reference Voltage (Continued) M_RELAYA 8 O Ot Not Used. Leave open. M_ACT90 12 I Itpu Not Used. Leave open. DLPBK_BAR 13 I It Not Used. Leave open. CX06833 Interconnect and Optional CX20452 VC Interface SLEEP_IN 14 I Itpd Modem Codec Sleep In. Connect to CX06833: IASLEEP pin. MCLKIN 3 I Ipd Modem Codec Serial Clock In. Connect to CX06833: MCLKOUT pin through 33 . CNTLSIN 2 I Itpd Modem Codec Serial Control In. Connect to CX06833: SR1IO pin. RXOUT 6 O Ot2 Modem Codec Serial Receive Data Out. Connect to CX06833: SR4IN pin. TXSIN 4 I Itpd Modem Codec Serial Transmit Data In. Connect to CX06833: SR4OUT pin. STROBE 7 O Ot2 Modem Codec Serial Frame Sync Out. Connect to CX06833: SA1CLK pin through 33 . SCLK 5 O Ot2 Modem Codec Serial Clock Out. Connect to CX06833: IA1CLK pin through 33 . IA1CLK (P_PX03) 51 I Itpu/Ot2 DSP Modem Serial Clock In. Connect to CX06833: SCLK pin through 33 . SA1CLK (P_PX02) 50 I Itpu/Ot2 DSP Modem Serial Frame Sync In. Connect to CX06833: STROBE pin through 33 . SR4OUT (P_PX00) 49 O Itk/Ot2 DSP Modem Serial Transmit Data Out. Connect to CX06833: TXSIN pin. SR4IN 52 I Itk/Ot2 DSP Modem Serial Receive Data In. Connect to CX06833: RXOUT pin. SR1IO (P_PX07) 62 O Itk/Ot2 DSP Modem Serial Control Out. Connect to CX06833: CNTLSIN pin. IASLEEP (P_PF05) 56 O Ot2 DSP Sleep Out. Connect to CX06833: SLEEP_IN pin and to VC SLEEP pin. M_CLKOUT (P_PB00) 44 O It/Ot2 DSP Master Serial Clock Out. Connect through 33 to CX06833: MCLKIN pin and to VC M_CLKIN pin. SR2CLK (P_PGP05) 97 I Itpu/Ot2 DSP Voice Serial Clock In. Connect to VC M_SCK pin. Leave open if VC is not installed. SA2CLK (P_PX05) 45 I Itpu/Ot2 DSP Voice Serial Frame Sync In. Connect to VC M_STROBE pin. Leave open if VC is not installed. SR3OUT 42 O Ot2 DSP Voice Serial Transmit Data Out. Connect to VC M_TXSIN pin. Leave open if VC is not installed. SR3IN (P_PX01) 43 I Itk/Ot2 DSP Voice Serial Receive Data In. Connect to VC M_RXOUT pin. Leave open if VC is not installed. SR2IO (P_PX06) 47 O It/Ot2 DSP Voice Serial Control Out. Connect to VC M_CNTRLSIN pin. Leave open if VC is not installed. DSH-202320A 7/31/09 Conexant Preliminary Information/Conexant Proprietary and Confidential 51 Hardware Interface Table 6. CX06833-4x Data Sheet CX06833 Pin Signal Definitions (5 of 8) Label Pin I/O I/O Type Signal Name/Description Common to Parallel Host and Serial DTE Interface Configurations Not Used - Connect to +3.3V through Resistor LPO 63 I I/O Low Power Oscillator. Not used. Connect to +3.3V through 240 K. PC3 127 I Ith/Ot2 Port PC3. Not used. Connect to +3.3V through 47K . PC7 133 I Ith/Ot2 Port PC7. Not used. Connect to +3.3V through 47K . PD3 20 I Ith/Ot2 Port PD7. Not used. Connect to +3.3V through 47K . PE5 30 I Ith/Ot2 Port PE5. Not used. Connect to +3.3V through 47K . PARALLEL HOST BUS CONFIGURATION ONLY (PARIF = HIGH) Parallel Host Interface HCS# (PD4) 21 I It Host Bus Chip Select. HCS# input low enables the MCU host bus interface. HRD# (PD6) 23 I Ithpu Host Bus Read. HRD# is an active low, read control input. When HCS# is low, HRD# low allows the host to read status information or data from a selected MCU register. HWT# (PD5) 22 I Ithpu Host Bus Write. HWT# is an active low, write control input. When HCS# is low, HWT# low allows the host to write data or control words into a selected MCU register. HINT (PB7) 112 O It/Ot8 Host Bus Interrupt. HINT output is set high when the receiver error flag, received data available, transmitter holding register empty, or modem status interrupt is asserted. HINT is reset low upon the appropriate interrupt service or master reset operation. HA0-HA2 (PD0-PD2) 17-19 I Ithpd/Ot2 Host Bus Address Lines 0-2. During a host read or write operation with HCS# low, HA0-HA2 select an internal MCU 16550A-compatible register. HD0-HD7 (PC0-PC7) 123-124, 126-128, 130-133 I/O Ith/Ot8 Host Bus Data Lines 0-7. HD0-HD7 are three-state input/output lines providing bidirectional communication between the host and the MCU. Data, control words, and status information are transferred over HD0-HD7. Not Used (In Parallel Host Interface Configuration) BD2CLK 65 O Itpu/Ot2 Not Used. Leave open. DV1TP 114 I Itpu Not Used. Leave open. PHS2 122 O Ot2 Not Used. Leave open. TESTP 113 I Itpu Not Used. Leave open. XXCLK 55 O It/Ot2 Not Used. Leave open. P_GP01 58 I It Port P_GP01. Leave open. P_PA00 61 I/O Itpu/Ot2 Port P_PA00. Leave open. 52 Conexant Preliminary Information/Conexant Proprietary and Confidential DSH-202320A 7/31/09 CX06833-4x Data Sheet Table 6. Hardware Interface CX06833 Pin Signal Definitions (6 of 8) Label Pin I/O I/O Type Signal Name/Description Common to Parallel Host and Serial DTE Interface Configurations Not Used (In Parallel Host Interface Configuration) (continued) P_PA03 60 O Ot2 Port P_PA03. Leave open. P_PA07 57 O Ot2 Port P_PA07. Leave open. PA1 34 I/O It/Ot2 Port PA1. Leave open. PA2 35 I/O It/Ot2 Port PA2. Leave open. PA3 36 I/O Itpu/Ot2 Port PA3. Leave open. PA4 37 I/O Itpu/Ot2 Port PA4. Leave open. PA5 38 I/O It/Ot2 Port PA5. Leave open. PA6 39 I/O It/Ot2 Port PA6. Leave open. PB1 104 I/O It/Ot2 Port PB1. Leave open. PB6 110 I/O It/Ot2 Port PB6. Leave open. PD7 53 I/O It/Ot2 Port PD7. Leave open. PE6 31 I/O It/Ot2 Port PE6. Leave open. RESERVED 98-101 Reserved. Connected to internal circuitry. Leave open. SERIAL DTE INTERFACE CONFIGURATION ONLY (PARIF = LOW) V.24 (EIA/TIA-232-E) DTE Serial Interface XTCLK# (P_GP01) 58 I It/Ot2 External Data Clock. Synchronous External Transmit Data Clock input in synchronous modes. Leave open if not used. RDCLK# (P_PA07) 57 O Itpu/Ot2 Receive Data Clock. Synchronous Receive Data Clock output in synchronous modes. The RDCLK frequency is the data rate (0.01%) with a duty cycle of 501%. Leave open if not used. TDCLK# (P_PA03) 60 O Itpu/Ot2 Transmit Data Clock. Synchronous Transmit Data Clock output in synchronous modes. The TDCLK# frequency is the data rate (0.01%) with a duty cycle of 501%. Leave open if not used. TXD# (PA2) 35 I It/Ot2 Transmitted Data (EIA BA/ITU-T CT103). The DTE uses the TXD# line to send data to the modem for transmission over the telephone line or to transmit commands to the modem. RXD# (PA6) 39 O It/Ot2 Received Data (EIA BB/ITU-T CT104). The modem uses the RXD# line to send data received from the telephone line to the DTE and to send modem responses to the DTE. During command mode, RXD# data represents the modem responses to the DTE. DSH-202320A 7/31/09 Conexant Preliminary Information/Conexant Proprietary and Confidential 53 Hardware Interface Table 6. CX06833-4x Data Sheet CX06833 Pin Signal Definitions (7 of 8) Label Pin I/O I/O Type Signal Name/Description Common to Parallel Host and Serial DTE Interface Configurations CTS# (PC1) 124 O Ith/Ot8 Clear To Send (EIA CB/ITU-T CT106). CTS# output ON (low) indicates that the modem is ready to accept data from the DTE. In asynchronous operation, in error correction or normal mode, CTS# is always ON (low) unless RTS/CTS flow control is selected by the &Kn command. In synchronous operation, the modem also holds CTS# ON during asynchronous command state. The modem turns CTS# OFF immediately upon going off-hook and holds CTS# OFF until both DSR# and RLSD# are ON and the modem is ready to transmit and receive synchronous data. The modem can also be commanded by the &Rn command to turn CTS# ON in response to an RTS# OFF-to-ON transition. DSR# (PC0) 123 O Ith/Ot8 Data Set Ready (EIA CC/ITU-T CT107). DSR# indicates modem status to the DTE. DSR# OFF (high) indicates that the DTE is to disregard all signals appearing on the interchange circuits except Ring Indicator (RI#). DSR# output is controlled by the AT&Sn command. RLSD# (PC2) 126 O Ith/Ot8 Received Line Signal Detector (EIA CF/ITU-T CT109). When AT&C0 command is not in effect, RLSD# output is ON when a carrier is detected on the telephone line or OFF when carrier is not detected. RI# (PC5) 130 O Ith/Ot8 Ring Indicator (EIA CE/ITU-T CT125). RI# output ON (low) indicates the presence of an ON segment of a ring signal on the telephone line. DTR# (PD4) 21 I It Data Terminal Ready (EIA CD/ITU-T CT108). The DTR# input is turned ON (low) by the DTE when the DTE is ready to transmit or receive data. DTR# ON prepares the modem to be connected to the telephone line, and maintains the connection established by the DTE (manual answering) or internally (automatic answering). DTR# OFF places the modem in the disconnect state under control of the &Dn and &Qn commands. RTS# (PD6) 23 I Ithpu Request To Send (EIA CA/ITU-T CT105). RTS# input ON (low) indicates that the DTE is ready to send data to the modem. In the command state, the modem ignores RTS#. In asynchronous operation, the modem ignores RTS# unless RTS/CTS flow control is selected by the &Kn command. In synchronous on-line operation, the modem can be commanded by the &Rn command to ignore RTS# or to respond to RTS# by turning on CTS# after the delay specified by Register S26. LED Indicator Interface AAIND# (PC4) 128 O Ith/Ot8 Auto Answer Indicator. AAIND# output ON (low) corresponds to the indicator on. AAIND# output is active when the modem is configured to answer the ring automatically (ATS0 command 0). DTRIND# (PD0) 17 O Ithpd/Ot2 DTR Indicator. DTRIND# output ON (low) corresponds to the indicator on. The DTRIND# state reflects the DTR# output state except when the &D0 command is active, in which case DTRIND# is low. 54 Conexant Preliminary Information/Conexant Proprietary and Confidential DSH-202320A 7/31/09 CX06833-4x Data Sheet Table 6. Hardware Interface CX06833 Pin Signal Definitions (8 of 8) Label Pin I/O I/O Type Signal Name/Description Common to Parallel Host and Serial DTE Interface Configurations Not Used (In Serial DTE Interface Configuration) BD2CLK 65 O Itpu/Ot2 Not Used. Leave open. PHS2 122 O Ot2 Not Used. Leave open. TESTP 113 I Itpu Not Used. Leave open. XXCLK 55 O It/Ot2 Not Used. Leave open. P_PA00 61 I/O Itpu/Ot2 Port P_PA00. Leave open. PA1 34 I/O It/Ot2 Port PA1. Leave open. PA3 36 I/O Itpu/Ot2 Port PA3. Leave open. PA4 37 I/O Itpu/Ot2 Port PA4. Leave open. PA5 38 I/O It/Ot2 Port PA5. Leave open. PB1 104 I/O It/Ot2 Port PB1. Leave open. PB6 110 I/O It/Ot2 Port PB6. Leave open. PC6 132 I/O Ith/Ot8 Port PC6. Leave open. PD1 18 I/O Ithpd/Ot2 Port PD1. Leave open. PD2 19 I/O Ithpd/Ot2 Port PD2. Leave open. PD5 22 I/O Ithpu Port PD5. Leave open. PD7 53 I/O It/Ot2 Port PD7. Leave open. PE2 26 I/O It/Ot2 Port PE2. Leave open. PE6 31 I/O It/Ot2 Port PE6. Leave open. RESERVED 98-101 Reserved. Connected to internal circuitry. Leave open. GENERAL NOTES: 1. I/O Types: See Table 7. 2. Interface Legend: EBExpansion Bus HBHost Bus NCNo internal pin connection VCVoice Codec RESERVED = No external connection allowed (may have internal connection). DSH-202320A 7/31/09 Conexant Preliminary Information/Conexant Proprietary and Confidential 55 Hardware Interface Table 7. CX06833-4x Data Sheet CX06833 I/O Type Definitions I/O Type Description Ix/Ox I/O, wire It/Ot2 Digital input, +5V tolerant/ Digital output, 2 mA, ZINT = 120 Itk/Ot2 Digital input, +5V tolerant, keeper/ Digital output, 2 mA, ZINT = 120 Itpu/Ot2 Digital input, +5V tolerant, 75k pull up/ Digital output, 2 mA, ZINT = 120 It/Ot8 Digital input, +5V tolerant,/ Digital output, 8 mA, ZINT = 50 Ithpd/Ot2 Digital input, +5V tolerant, hysteresis, 75k pull down/ Digital output, 2 mA, ZINT = 120 Ith/Ot2 Digital input, +5V tolerant, hysteresis/Digital output, 2 mA, ZINT = 120 Ith/Ot8 Digital input, +5V tolerant, hysteresis/Digital output, 8 mA, ZINT = 50 It Digital input, +5V tolerant Itk Digital input, +5V tolerant, keeper Itkpu Digital input, +5V tolerant, keeper, 75k pull up Itpu Digital input, +5V tolerant, 75k pull up Ithpu Digital input, +5V tolerant, hysteresis, 75k pull up Ot2 Digital output, three-state, 2 mA, ZINT = 120 PWR VCC Power PWRG VGG Power GND Ground GENERAL NOTES: 1. See DC characteristics in Table 8. 2. I/O Type corresponds to the device Pad Type. The I/O column in signal interface tables refers to signal I/O direction used in the application. 56 Conexant Preliminary Information/Conexant Proprietary and Confidential DSH-202320A 7/31/09 CX06833-4x Data Sheet Table 8. Hardware Interface CX06833 DC Electrical Characteristics Parameter Input Voltage Low Symbol Minimum Typical Maximum Units VIL +5V tolerant 0 - 0.8 V +5V tolerant hysteresis 0 - 0.3 *VGG V Input Voltage High VIH - V +5V tolerant 2 - 5.25 V +5V tolerant hysteresis 0.7 * VDD - 5.25 V Input Hysteresis Test Conditions VH - V +3V hysteresis 0.5 - V +5V tolerant, hysteresis 0.3 - V ZINT = 120 0 - 0.4 V IOL = 2 mA ZINT = 50 0 - 0.4 V IOL = 8 mA Output Voltage Low Output Voltage High VOL VOH - V ZINT = 120 2.4 - VDD V IOL = -2 mA ZINT = 50 2.4 - VDD V IOL = -8 mA Pull-Up Resistance Rpu 50 - 200 k Pull-Down Resistance Rpd 50 - 200 k GENERAL NOTES: Test Conditions unless otherwise stated: VDD = +3.3 0.3 VDC; TA = 0C to 70C; external load = 50 pF. DSH-202320A 7/31/09 Conexant Preliminary Information/Conexant Proprietary and Confidential 57 Hardware Interface CX06833-4x Data Sheet 3.2 CX20452 VC Hardware Pins and Signals (S Models) 3.2.1 CX20452 VC Signal Summary Microphone and analog speaker interface signals, as well as telephone handset/ headset interface signals are provided to support functions such as speakerphone mode, telephone emulation, microphone voice record, speaker voice playback, and call progress monitor. Speakerphone Interface The following signals are supported: Speaker Out (M_SPKR_OUT); analog output - Should be used in speakerphone designs where sound quality is important Microphone (M_MIC_IN); analog input Telephone Handset/Headset Interface The following interface signals are supported: Telephone Input (M_LINE_IN), input (TELIN) - Optional connection to a telephone handset interface circuit Telephone output (M_LINE_OUTP); output (TELOUT) - Optional connection to a telephone handset interface circuit Center Voltage (VC); output reference voltage CX06833 Modem Interface The following interface signals are supported: Sleep (SLEEP); input Master Clock (M_CLKIN); input Serial Clock (M_SCK); output Control (M_CNTRLSIN); input Serial Frame Sync (M_STROBE); output Serial Transmit Data (M_TXSIN); input Serial Receive Data (M_RXOUT); output Host Interface The following interface signals are supported: 58 Reset (POR); input Conexant Preliminary Information/Conexant Proprietary and Confidential DSH-202320A 7/31/09 CX06833-4x Data Sheet 3.2.2 Hardware Interface CX20452 VC Pin Assignments and Signal Definitions VC 24-pin QFN hardware interface signals are shown by major interface in Figure 8, are shown by pin number in Figure 9, and are listed by pin number in Table 9. VC hardware interface signals are defined in Table 10. VC pin signal DC electrical characteristics are defined in Table 11. VC pin signal analog electrical characteristics are defined in Table 12. Figure 8. CX20452 VC Hardware Interface Signals 1 IA S LE E P 3 RESET# S LE E P M _M IC _IN M _S P K R _O U T POR C X06833 M _C LK V _S C LK V _S T R O B E V _T XS IN V _R XO U T V _C T R L + 3.3V 14 16 18 15 17 13 M _C LK IN M _S C K M _S T R O B E M _T XS IN M _R XO U T M _C N T R LS IN 20 12 VDD 4 V A A (+ 3.3V ) 22 VDD MAVDD VSS M _LIN E _IN M _LIN E _O U T P M _LIN E _O U T M VREF 10 2 11 6 M IC SPKOUT A U D IO C IR C U IT T E LIN T E LO U T HANDSET IN T E R F A C E 7 8 0.1 F 10 F C X 20452 V o ice C o d ec (V C ) 24-P in QFN AGND VC 9 0.1 F 10 F GND 5 21 AGND DSH-202320A 7/31/09 MAVSS VSUB AGND M _R E LA Y A D _LP B K _B A R NC 19 23 24 Conexant Preliminary Information/Conexant Proprietary and Confidential NC 59 Hardware Interface 60 NC D_LPBK_BAR VSS VSUB VDD M_RELAYA 24 23 22 21 20 19 CX20452 VC 24-Pin QFN Pin Signals SLEEP 1 18 M_STROBE MSPKR_OUT 2 17 M_RXOUT POR 3 16 M_SCK MAVDD 4 15 M_TXSIN 14 M_CLKIN 13 M_CNTRLSIN 10 11 12 M_MIC_IN M_LINE_IN VDD 9 VC 6 8 MLINE_OUTP VREF 5 7 MAVSS CX20452 M_LINE_OUTM Figure 9. CX06833-4x Data Sheet Conexant Preliminary Information/Conexant Proprietary and Confidential DSH-202320A 7/31/09 CX06833-4x Data Sheet Table 9. Hardware Interface CX20452 VC 24-Pin QFN Pin Signals Pin Signal Label I/O Interface 1 SLEEP I CX06833: IASLEEP 2 M_SPKR_OUT O Speaker interface circuit 3 POR I Host: RESET# or reset circuit 4 MAVDD P VAA (+3.3V) 5 MAVSS G AGND 6 M_LINE_OUTP O Handset interface circuit: TELOUT 7 M_LINE_OUTM O NC 8 VREF AGND through capacitors 9 VC AGND through capacitors 10 M_MIC_IN I Microphone interface circuit 11 M_LINE_IN I Handset interface circuit: TELIN 12 VDD P +3.3V 13 M_CNTRLSIN I CX06833: V_CTRL 14 M_CLKIN I CX06833: M_CLK 15 M_TXSIN I CX06833: V_TXSIN 16 M_SCK O CX06833: V_SCLK 17 M_RXOUT O CX06833: V_RXOUT 18 M_STROBE O CX06833: V_STROBE 19 M_RELAYA O NC 20 VDD P +3.3V 21 VSUB G AGND 22 VSS G GND 23 D_LPBK_BAR I NC 24 NC DSH-202320A 7/31/09 NC Conexant Preliminary Information/Conexant Proprietary and Confidential 61 Hardware Interface Table 10. CX06833-4x Data Sheet CX20452 VC Pin Signal Definitions (1 of 2) Label Pin I/O I/O Type Signal Name/Description System Signals VDD 12, 20 P PWR Digital Power Supply. Connect to +3.3V and digital circuits power supply filter. MAVDD 4 P PWR Analog Power Supply. Connect to +3.3V and analog circuits power supply filter. VSS 22 G GND Digital Ground. Connect to GND. MAVSS 5 G AGND Analog Ground. Connect to AGND. VSUB 21 G GND Analog Ground. Connect to AGND. POR 3 I Itpu Power-On Reset. Active low reset input. Connect to Host RESET# or reset circuit. CX06833 Interconnect SLEEP 1 I Itpd IA Sleep. Active high sleep input. Connect to CX06833 IASLEEP pin. M_CLKIN 14 I Itpd Master Clock Input. Connect to CX06833 M_CLK pin. M_SCK 16 O Ot2 Serial Clock Output. Connect to CX06833 V_SCLK pin. M_CNTRL_SIN 13 I Itpd Control Input. Connect to CX06833 V_CTRL pin. M_STROBE 18 O Ot2 Serial Frame Sync. Connect to CX06833 V_STROBE pin. M_TXSIN 15 I Itpd Serial Transmit Data. Connect to CX06833 V_TXSIN pin. M_RXOUT 17 O Ot2 Serial Receive Data. Connect to CX06833 V_RXOUT pin. Microphone/Speaker Interface M_MIC_IN 10 I I(DA) Microphone Input. Single-ended analog input from the microphone circuit. M_SPKR_OUT 2 O O(DF) Modem Speaker Analog Output. The M_SPKR_OUT analog output reflects the received analog input signal. The M_SPKR_OUT on/off and three levels of attenuation are controlled by bits in DSP RAM. When the speaker is turned off, the M_SPKR_OUT output is clamped to the voltage at the VC pin. The M_SPKR_OUT output can drive an impedance as low as 300 . In a typical application, the M_SPKR_OUT output is an input to an external LM386 audio power amplifier. Handset/Headset Interface M_LINE_OUTP 6 O O(DF) Telephone Handset Out (TELOUT). Single-ended analog data output to the telephone handset circuit. The output can drive a 300 load. M_LINE_IN 11 I I(DA) Telephone Handset Out (TELIN). Single-ended analog data input from the telephone handset circuit. 62 Conexant Preliminary Information/Conexant Proprietary and Confidential DSH-202320A 7/31/09 CX06833-4x Data Sheet Table 10. Hardware Interface CX20452 VC Pin Signal Definitions (2 of 2) Label Pin I/O I/O Type Signal Name/Description Reference Voltage VREF 8 R REF High Voltage Reference. Connect to analog ground through 10 F (polarized, + terminal to VREF) and 0.1 F (ceramic) in parallel. Ensure a very close proximity between these capacitors and VREF pin. VC 9 R REF Low Voltage Reference. Connect to analog ground through 10 F (polarized, + terminal to VC) and 0.1 F (ceramic) in parallel. Ensure a very close proximity between these capacitors and VC pin. For handset interface, also connect to handset interface circuit (VC_HAND). Not Used M_RELAYA 19 O Ot Not Used. Leave open. D_LPBK_BAR 23 I It Not Used. Leave open. NC 24 Internal No Connect. Leave open. GENERAL NOTES: I/O types: IaAnalog input ItDigital input, TTL-compatible ItpdDigital input, TTL-compatible, internal 75k 25k pull-down ItpuDigital input, TTL-compatible, internal 75k 25k pull-up OaAnalog output Ot2 Digital output, TTL-compatible, 2 mA, ZINTERNAL = 120 Ot2od Digital output, TTL-compatible, 2 mA, open drain, ZINTERNAL = 120 AGND Analog Ground GNDDigital Ground Table 11. CX20452 VC DC Electrical Characteristics Parameter Symbol Minimum Typical Maximum Units Input Voltage VIN -0.30 - VDD+0.3 V Input Voltage Low VIL -0.30 - 0.2 *VDD V Input Voltage High VIH 0.4*VDD - VDD+0.3 V Output Voltage Low VOL 0 - 0.4 V Output Voltage High VOH 0.8*VDD - VDD V Input Leakage Current - -10 - 10 A Output Leakage Current (High Impedance) - -10 - 10 A Test Conditions GENERAL NOTES: Test Conditions unless otherwise stated: VDD = +3.3 0.3 VDC; TA = 0C to 70C; external load = 50 pF DSH-202320A 7/31/09 Conexant Preliminary Information/Conexant Proprietary and Confidential 63 Hardware Interface Table 12. CX06833-4x Data Sheet CX20452 VC Analog Electrical Characteristics Signal Name M_LINE_IN, M_MIC_IN M_LINE_OUTP M_SPKR_OUT Type I (DA) O (DD) O (DF) Characteristic Value Input Impedance > 70 k AC Input Voltage Range 1.1 VP-P Reference Voltage +1.35 VDC Minimum Load 300 Maximum Capacitive Load 0 F Output Impedance 10 AC Output Voltage Range 1.4 VP-P (with reference to ground and a 600 load) Reference Voltage +1.35 VDC DC Offset Voltage 200 mV Minimum Load 300 Maximum Capacitive Load 0.01 F Output Impedance 10 AC Output Voltage Range 1.4 VP-P Reference Voltage +1.35 VDC DC Offset Voltage 20 mV GENERAL NOTES: Test Conditions unless otherwise stated: VDD = +3.3 0.3 VDC; MAVDD = +3.3 0.3 VDC, TA = 0C to 70C Parameter Minimum DAC to Line Driver output (600 load, 3 dB in SCF and CTF) SNR/SDR at: 4 Vp-p differential 2 Vp-p differential -10 dBm differential Typical Maximum Units dB 88/85 82/95 72/100 DAC to Speaker Driver output (150 load, 3dB in SCF and CTF, -6dB in speaker driver) SNR/SDR at: 2 Vp-p 1 Vp-p -10 dBm 88/75 82/80 72/83 Line Input to ADC (6 dB in AAF) SNR/SDR at -10 dBm 80/95 dB dB Input Leakage Current (analog inputs) -10 10 A Output Leakage Current (analog outputs) -10 10 A 64 Conexant Preliminary Information/Conexant Proprietary and Confidential DSH-202320A 7/31/09 CX06833-4x Data Sheet Hardware Interface 3.3 Electrical and Environmental Specifications 3.3.1 Operating Conditions, Absolute Maximum Ratings, and Power Requirements The operating conditions are specified in Table 13. The absolute maximum ratings are listed in Table 14. The current and power requirements are listed in Table 15. Table 13. Operating Conditions Parameter Symbol Limits Units VDD +3.0 to +3.6 VDC TA 0 to +70 C Symbol Limits Units Supply Voltage Operating Ambient Temperature Table 14. Absolute Maximum Ratings Parameter Supply Voltage VDD -0.5 to +4.0 VDC Input Voltage VIN -0.5 to (VGG +0.5)(1) VDC Storage Temperature Range TSTG -55 to +125 C Analog Inputs VIN -0.3 to (VAA + 0.5) VDC Voltage Applied to Outputs in High Impedance (Off) State VHZ -0.5 to (VGG +0.5)(1) VDC DC Input Clamp Current IIK 20 mA DC Output Clamp Current IOK 20 mA Static Discharge Voltage (25C) VESD 2500 VDC Latch-up Current (25C) ITRIG 400 mA FOOTNOTES: (1) VGG = +3.3 V 0.3 V or +5 V 5%. DSH-202320A 7/31/09 Conexant Preliminary Information/Conexant Proprietary and Confidential 65 Hardware Interface Table 15. CX06833-4x Data Sheet Current and Power Requirements Typical Current (Ityp) (mA) Mode Maximum Current (Imax) (mA) Typical Power (Ptyp) (mW) Maximum Power (Pmax) (mW) Notes CX06833 Normal Mode: Off-hook, normal data connection 58 64 191 230 f = 28.224 MHz Normal Mode: On-hook, idle, waiting for ring 58 64 191 230 f = 28.224 MHz Sleep Mode 16 17.6 52.8 63.4 f = 0 MHz 1.5 2 5 7 CX20452 VC (Optional) Normal Mode GENERAL NOTES: 1. Operating voltage: VDD = +3.3 V 0.3 V. 2. Test conditions: VDD = +3.3 V for typical values; VDD = +3.6 V for maximum values. 3. Input Ripple 0.1 Vpeak-peak. 4. f = Internal frequency. 5. Maximum current computed from Ityp: Imax = Ityp * 1.1. 6. Typical power (Ptyp) computed from Ityp: Ptyp = Ityp * 3.3V; Maximum power (Pmax) computed from Imax: Pmax = Imax * 3.6 V. Handling CMOS Devices The device contains circuitry to protect the inputs against damage due to high static voltages. However, it is advised that normal precautions be taken to avoid application of any voltage higher than maximum rated voltage. An unterminated input can acquire unpredictable voltages through coupling with stray capacitance and internal cross talk. Both power dissipation and device noise immunity degrades. Therefore, all inputs should be connected to an appropriate supply voltage. Input signals should never exceed the voltage range from -0.5V to VGG + 0.5V. This prevents forward biasing the input protection diodes and possibly entering a latch up mode due to high current transients. 66 Conexant Preliminary Information/Conexant Proprietary and Confidential DSH-202320A 7/31/09 CX06833-4x Data Sheet Hardware Interface 3.4 Interface and Timing Waveforms 3.4.1 External Memory Bus Timing The external memory bus timing is listed in Table 16 and illustrated in Figure 10. Table 16. Timing - External Memory Bus Symbol Parameter Minimum Typical Maximum Units tFI Internal Operating Frequency 28.224 MHz tCYC Internal Operating Clock Cycle 35.43 ns Read tAS READ# High to Address Valid - 11.2 12.5 ns tES READ# High to ES Valid - 12.2 13.5 ns tRW READ# Pulse Width 17.72 124.01 ns tRDS Read Data Valid to READ# High 6.1 - ns tRDH READ# High to Read Data Hold 0 - ns Write tAS WRITE# High to Address Valid - 11.2 12.5 ns tES WRITE# High to ES Valid - 12.2 13.5 ns tWW WRITE# to WRITE# Pulse Width 17.72 124.01 ns tWTD WRITE# Low to Write Data Valid - 8.0 ns tWTH WRITE# High to Write Data Hold 5.0 - ns 7.1 GENERAL NOTES: 1. ES = RAMSEL# or ROMSEL#. 2. Read pulse width and write pulse width: RAM: tRW, tWW = 0.5 tCYC = 17.72 for Non-Extended Cycle Timing ROM: tRW, tWW = 3.5 tCYC = 124.01 for Extended Cycle Timing 3. Memory speed determination: RAM: tACCESS = tCYC - tES - tRDS = 35.43 - 13.5 - 6.3 = 15.63 ns (i.e., use 15 ns memory) ROM: tACCESS = 4(tCYC) - tES - tRDS = 4(35.43) - 13.5 - 6.3 = 121.92 ns (i.e., use 90 ns memory). 4. Output Enable to Output Delay Timing: RAM: tOE = tRW - tRDS = 0.5(tCYC) - tRDS = 17.72 - 6.3 = 11.42 ns ROM: tOE = tRW - tRDS = 3.5(tCYC) - tRDS = 124.01 - 6.3 = 117.71 ns. DSH-202320A 7/31/09 Conexant Preliminary Information/Conexant Proprietary and Confidential 67 Hardware Interface CX06833-4x Data Sheet Figure 10. Waveforms - External Memory Bus tCYC C2(1) tAS A[18:0] tES ES#(2) tRW READ# tRDS tRDH D[7:0] FOOTNOTES: (1) C2 = Internal Phase 2 Clock. (2) ES# = RAMSEL# or ROMSEL#. Read Timing tCYC C2(1) tAS A[18:0] tES ES#(2) tWW WRITE tWTD tWTH D[7:0] FOOTNOTES: C2 = Internal Phase 2 Clock. (2) ES# = RAMSEL# or ROMSEL#. (1) Write Timing 68 Conexant Preliminary Information/Conexant Proprietary and Confidential DSH-202320A 7/31/09 CX06833-4x Data Sheet 3.4.2 Hardware Interface Parallel Host Bus Timing The parallel host bus timing is listed in Table 17 and illustrated in Figure 11. Table 17. Timing - Parallel Host Bus Symbol Parameter Minimum Maximum Units Read (See GENERAL NOTES 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6) tAS Address Setup 5 - ns tAH Address Hold 10 - ns tCS Chip Select Setup 0 - ns tCH Chip Select Hold 10 - ns tRD HRD# Strobe Width 51 - ns tDD Read Data Delay - 45 ns tDRH Read Data Hold 10 - ns Write (See GENERAL NOTES 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6) tAS Address Setup 5 - ns tAH Address Hold 10 - ns tCS Chip Select Setup 0 - ns tCH Chip Select Hold 10 - ns tWT HWT# Strobe Width 50 - ns tDS Write Data Setup (see Note 4) - 35 ns tDWH Write Data Hold (see Note 5) 5 - ns GENERAL NOTES: 1. When the host executes consecutive Rx FIFO reads, a minimum delay of 2 times the internal CPU clock cycle plus 15 ns (85.86 ns at 28.224 MHz) is required from the falling edge of HRD# to the falling edge of the next Host Rx FIFO HRD# clock. 2. When the Host executes consecutive Tx FIFO writes, a minimum delay of 2 times the internal CPU clock cycle plus 15 ns (85.86 ns at 28.224 MHz) is required from the falling edge of HWT# to the falling edge of the next Host Tx FIFO HWT# clock. 3. tRD, tWT = tCYC + 15 ns. 4. tDS is measured from the point at which both HCS# and HWT# are active. 5. tDWH is measured from the point at which either HCS# and HWT# become inactive. 6. Clock frequency = 28.224 MHz clock. DSH-202320A 7/31/09 Conexant Preliminary Information/Conexant Proprietary and Confidential 69 Hardware Interface CX06833-4x Data Sheet Figure 11. Waveforms - Parallel Host Bus HA[2:0] tAS tAH HCS# tCS tCH HRD# tRD HWT# HD[7:0] tDRH tDD Host Read HA[2:0] tAS tAH HCS# tCS tCH HRD# tWT HWT# tDS tDWH HD[7:0] Host Write 70 Conexant Preliminary Information/Conexant Proprietary and Confidential DSH-202320A 7/31/09 CX06833-4x Data Sheet 3.4.3 Hardware Interface Serial DTE Interface The serial DTE interface waveforms for 4800 and 9600 bps are illustrated in Figure 12. Figure 12. Waveforms - Serial DTE Interface TXCLK 4800 BPS TXD 4800 BPS TXCLK 9600 BPS TXD 9600 BPS GENERAL NOTE: This figure is valid for synchronous mode only. There is no relationship between TXD and TXCLK in asynchronous mode. Transmit RXCLK 4800 BPS RXD 4800 BPS RXCLK 9600 BPS RXD 9600 BPS GENERAL NOTE: This figure is valid for synchronous mode only. There is no relationship between RXD and RXCLK in asynchronous mode. Receive DSH-202320A 7/31/09 Conexant Preliminary Information/Conexant Proprietary and Confidential 71 Hardware Interface 3.5 CX06833-4x Data Sheet Crystal Specifications Crystal specifications are listed in Table 18. Table 18. Crystal Specifications Characteristic 72 Value Frequency 28.224 MHz nominal Calibration tolerance including effects due to temperature and aging 100 ppm at 25C (CL = 16.5 and 19.5 pF) Oscillation mode Fundamental Calibration mode Parallel resonant Load capacitance, CL 18 pF nom. Shunt Capacitance, CO 7 pF max. Series resistance, R1 35-60 max. @20 nW drive level Drive level 100 W correlation; 500 W max. Operating temperature 0C to 70C Storage temperature -40C to 85C Conexant Preliminary Information/Conexant Proprietary and Confidential DSH-202320A 7/31/09 4 Package Dimensions The 144-pin TQFP package dimensions are shown in Figure 13. The 24-pin QFN package dimensions are shown in Figure 14. Figure 13. Package Dimensions - 144-Pin TQFP DSH-202320A 7/31/09 Conexant Preliminary Information/Conexant Proprietary and Confidential 73 Package Dimensions CX06833-4x Data Sheet Figure 14. Package Dimensions - 24-Pin QFN 74 Conexant Preliminary Information/Conexant Proprietary and Confidential DSH-202320A 7/31/09 5 Parallel Host Interface The modem supports a 16550A interface in parallel interface versions. The 16550A interface can operate in FIFO mode or non-FIFO mode. Non-FIFO mode is the same as 16450 interface operation. FIFO mode unique operations are identified. 5.1 Overview The parallel interface registers and the corresponding bit assignments are shown in Table 19. Table 19. Parallel Interface Registers (1 of 2) Register Number Bit Number Register Name 7 6 5 7 Scratch Register (SCR) 6 Modem Status Register (MSR) Data Carrier Detect (DCD) Ring Indicator (RI) 5 Line Status Register (LSR) RX FIFO Error 4 Modem Control Register (MCR) 3 Line Control Register (LCR) 2 2 3 2 1 0 Scratch Register Delta Data Carrier Detect (DDCD) Trailing Edge of Ring Indicator (TERI) Delta Data Set Ready (DDSR) Delta Clear to Send (DCTS) Transmitter Transmitter Break Interrupt Buffer Empty (BI) Register (TEMT) Empty (THRE) Framing Error (FE) Parity Error (PE) Overrun Error (OE) Receiver Data Ready (DR) 0 0 0 Out 2 Out 1 Request to Data Terminal Send Ready (RTS) (DTR) Divisor Latch Access Bit (DLAB) Set Break Stick Parity Even Parity Parity Enable Select (PEN) (EPS) Number of Stop Bits (STB) Word Length Select Bit 1 (WLS1) Interrupt Identify Register (IIR) FIFOs (Read Only) Enabled FIFOs Enabled 0 0 "0" if Pending Pending Pending Interrupt ID Interrupt ID Interrupt ID Interrupt Pending Bit 0 Bit 1 Bit 2 FIFO Control Register (FCR) (Write Only) Receiver Trigger LSB Reserved Reserved DMA Mode Select DSH-202320A 7/31/09 4 Receiver Trigger MSB Data Set Ready (DSR) Clear to Send (CTS) Local Loopback Conexant Preliminary Information/Conexant Proprietary and Confidential TX FIFO Reset RX FIFO Reset Word Length Select Bit 0 (WLS0) FIFO Enable 75 Parallel Host Interface Table 19. Register Number CX06833-4x Data Sheet Parallel Interface Registers (2 of 2) Bit Number Register Name 7 6 5 4 1 (DLAB = 0) Interrupt Enable Register (IER) 0 0 (DLAB = 0) Transmitter Buffer Register (THR) Transmitter FIFO Buffer Register (Write Only) 0 (DLAB = 0) Receiver Buffer Register (RBR) Receiver FIFO Buffer Register (Read Only) 1 (DLAB = 1) Divisor Latch MSB Register (DLM) Divisor Latch MSB 0 (DLAB = 1) Divisor Latch LSB Register (DLL) Divisor Latch LSB 0 0 0 3 Enable Modem Status Interrupt (EDSSI) 2 1 0 Enable Receiver Line Status Interrupt (ELSI) Enable Transmitt er Holding Register Empty Interrupt (ETBEI) Enable Received Data Available Interrupt (ERBFI) The modem emulates the 16450/16550A interface and includes both a 16-byte receiver data first-in first-out buffer (RX FIFO) and a 16-byte transmit data first-in firstout buffer (TX FIFO). When FIFO mode is selected in the FIFO Control Register (FCR0 = 1), both FIFOs are operative. Furthermore, when FIFO mode is selected, DMA operation of the FIFO can also be selected (FCR3 = 1). When FIFO mode is not selected, operation is restricted to 16450 interface operation. The received data is read by the host from the Receiver Buffer (RX Buffer). The RX Buffer corresponds to the Receiver Buffer Register in a 16550A device. In FIFO mode, the RX FIFO operates transparently behind the RX Buffer. Interface operation is described with reference to the RX Buffer in both FIFO and non-FIFO modes. The transmit data is loaded by the host into the Transmit Buffer (TX Buffer). The TX Buffer corresponds to the Transmit Holding Register in a 16550A device. In FIFO mode, the TX FIFO operates transparently behind the TX Buffer. Interface operation is described with reference to the TX Buffer in both FIFO and non-FIFO modes. 76 Conexant Preliminary Information/Conexant Proprietary and Confidential DSH-202320A 7/31/09 CX06833-4x Data Sheet Parallel Host Interface 5.2 Register Signal Definitions 5.2.1 IER - Interrupt Enable Register (Addr = 1, DLAB = 0) The IER enables five types of interrupts that can separately assert the HINT output signal (Table 20). A selected interrupt can be enabled by setting the corresponding enable bit to a 1, or disabled by setting the corresponding enable bit to a 0. Disabling an interrupt in the IER prohibits setting the corresponding indication in the IIR and assertion of HINT. Disabling all interrupts (resetting IER0 - IER3 to a 0) inhibits setting of any Interrupt Identifier Register (IIR) bits and inhibits assertion of the HINT output. All other system functions operate normally, including the setting of the Line Status Register (LSR) and the Modem Status Register (MSR). Bits 7-4 Not used. Always 0. Bit 3 Enable Modem Status Interrupt (EDSSI). This bit, when a 1, enables assertion of the HINT output whenever the Delta CTS (MSR0), Delta DSR (MSR1), Delta TER (MSR2), or Delta DCD (MSR3) bit in the Modem Status Register (MSR) is a 1. This bit, when a 0, disables assertion of HINT due to setting of any of these four MSR bits. Bit 2 Enable Receiver Line Status Interrupt (ELSI). This bit, when a 1, enables assertion of the HINT output whenever the Overrun Error (LSR1), Parity Error (LSR2), Framing Error (LSR3), or Break Interrupt (LSR4) receiver status bit in the Line Status Register (LSR) changes state. This bit, when a 0, disables assertion of HINT due to change of the receiver LSR bits 1-4. Bit 1 Enable Transmitter Holding Register Empty Interrupt (ETBEI). This bit, when a 1, enables assertion of the HINT output when the Transmitter Empty bit in the Line Status Register (LSR5) is a 1. This bit, when a 0, disables assertion of HINT due to LSR5. Bit 0 Enable Receiver Data Available Interrupt (ERBFI) and Character Time-out in FIFO Mode. This bit, when a 1, enables assertion of the HINT output when the Receiver Data Ready bit in the Line Status Register (LSR0) is a1 or character timeout occurs in the FIFO mode. This bit, when a 0, disables assertion of HINT due to the LSR0 or character time-out. DSH-202320A 7/31/09 Conexant Preliminary Information/Conexant Proprietary and Confidential 77 Parallel Host Interface 5.2.2 CX06833-4x Data Sheet FCR - FIFO Control Register (Addr = 2, Write Only) The FCR is a write-only register used to enable FIFO mode, clear the RX FIFO and TX FIFO, enable DMA mode, and set the RX FIFO trigger level. Bits 7-6 RX FIFO Trigger Level. FCR7 and FCR6 set the trigger level for the RX FIFO (Receiver Data Available) interrupt. FCR7 FCR6 RX FIFO Trigger Level (Bytes) 0 0 01 0 1 04 1 0 08 1 1 14 Bits 5-4 Not used. Bit 3 DMA Mode Select. When FIFO mode is selected (FCR0 = 1), FCR3 selects non-DMA operation (FCR3 = 0) or DMA operation (FCR3 = 1). When FIFO mode is not selected (FCR0 = 0), this bit is not used (the modem operates in nonDMA mode in 16450 operation). DMA operation in FIFO mode RXRDY will be asserted when the number of characters in the RX FIFO is equal to or greater than the value in the RX FIFO Trigger Level (IIR0IIR3 = 4h) or the received character time-out (IIR0-IIR3 = Ch) has occurred. RXRDY will go inactive when there are no more characters in the RX FIFO. TXRDY will be asserted when there are one or more empty (unfilled) locations in the TX FIFO. TXRDY will go inactive when the TX FIFO is completely full. Non-DMA operation in FIFO mode RXRDY will be asserted when there are one or more characters in the RX FIFO. RXRDY will go inactive when there are no more characters in the RX FIFO. TXRDY will be asserted when there are no characters in the TX FIFO. TXRDY will go inactive when the first character is loaded into the TX FIFO Buffer. Bit 2 TX FIFO Reset. When FCR2 is a 1, all bytes in the TX FIFO are cleared. This bit is cleared automatically by the modem. Bit 1 RX FIFO Reset. When FCR1 is a 1, all bytes in the RX FIFO are cleared. This bit is cleared automatically by the modem. Bit 0 FIFO Enable. When FCR0 is a 0, 16450 mode is selected and all bits are cleared in both FIFOs. When FCR0 is a 1, FIFO mode (16550A mode) is selected and both FIFOs are enabled. FCR0 must be a 1 when other bits in the FCR are written or they will not be acted upon. 78 Conexant Preliminary Information/Conexant Proprietary and Confidential DSH-202320A 7/31/09 CX06833-4x Data Sheet 5.2.3 Parallel Host Interface IIR - Interrupt Identifier Register (Addr = 2) The Interrupt Identifier Register (IIR) identifies the existence and type of up to five prioritized pending interrupts. Four priority levels are set to assist interrupt processing in the host. The four levels, in order of decreasing priority, are: Highest: Receiver Line Status, 2: Receiver Data Available or Receiver Character Time-out, 3: TX Buffer Empty, and 4: Modem Status. When the IIR is accessed, the modem freezes all interrupts and indicates the highest priority interrupt pending to the host. Any change occurring in interrupt conditions are not indicated until this access is complete. Bits 7-6 FIFO Mode. These two bits copy FCR0. Bits 5-4 Not Used. Always 0. Bits 3-1 Highest Priority Pending Interrupt. These three bits identify the highest priority pending interrupt (Table 20). Bit 3 is applicable only when FIFO mode is selected, otherwise bit 3 is a 0. Bit 0 Interrupt Pending. When this bit is a 0, an interrupt is pending; IIR bits 1-3 can be used to determine the source of the interrupt. When this bit is a 1, an interrupt is not pending. DSH-202320A 7/31/09 Conexant Preliminary Information/Conexant Proprietary and Confidential 79 Parallel Host Interface Table 20. CX06833-4x Data Sheet Interrupt Sources and Reset Control Interrupt Identification Register Interrupt Set and Reset Functions Bit 31 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0 Priority Level 0 0 0 1 -- None None -- 0 1 1 0 Highest Receiver Line Status Overrun Error OE (LSR1), Parity Error (PE) (LSR2), Framing Error (FE) (LSR3), or Break Interrupt (BI) (LSR4) Reading the LSR 0 1 0 0 2 Received Data Available Received Data Available (LSR0) or RX FIFO Trigger Level (FCR6FCR7) Reached(1) Reading the RX Buffer or the RX FIFO drops below the Trigger Level 1 1 0 0 2 Character Timeout Indication 1 The RX FIFO contains at least 1 character and no characters have been removed from or input to the RX FIFO during the last 4 character times. Reading the RX Buffer 0 0 1 0 3 TX Buffer Empty TX Buffer Empty Reading the IIR or writing to the TX Buffer 0 0 0 0 4 Modem Status Delta CTS (DCTS) (MSR0), Delta DSR (DDSR) (MSR1), Trailing Edge Ring Indicator (TERI) (MSR3), or Delta DCD (DCD) (MSR4) Reading the MSR Interrupt Type Interrupt Source Interrupt Reset Control FOOTNOTES: (1) FIFO Mode only. 80 Conexant Preliminary Information/Conexant Proprietary and Confidential DSH-202320A 7/31/09 CX06833-4x Data Sheet 5.2.4 Parallel Host Interface LCR - Line Control Register (Addr = 3) The Line Control Register (LCR) specifies the format of the asynchronous data communications exchange. Bit 7 Divisor Latch Access Bit (DLAB). This bit must be set to a 1 to access the Divisor latch registers during a read or write operation. It must be reset to a 0 to access the Receiver Buffer, the Transmitter Buffer, or the Interrupt Enable Register. Bit 6 Set Break. When bit 6 is a 1, the transmit data is forced to the break condition, i.e., space (0) is sent. When bit 6 is a 0, break is not sent. The Set Break bit acts only on the transmit data and has no effect on the serial in logic. Bit 5 Stick Parity. When parity is enabled (LCR3 = 1) and stick parity is selected (LCR5 = 1), the parity bit is transmitted and checked by the receiver as a 0 if even parity is selected (LCR4 = 1) or as a 1 if odd parity is selected (LCR4 = 0). When stick parity is not selected (LCR3 = 0), parity is transmit and checked as determined by the LCR3 and LCR4 bits. Bit 4 Even Parity Select (EPS). When parity is enabled (LCR3 = 1) and stick parity is not selected (LCR5 = 0), the number of 1s transmitted or checked by the receiver in the data word bits and parity bit is either even (LCR4 = 1) or odd (LCR4 = 0). Bit 3 Enable Parity (PEN). When bit 3 is a 1, a parity bit is generated in the serial out (transmit) data stream and checked in the serial in (receive) data stream as determined by the LCR 4 and LCR5 bits. The parity bit is located between the last data bit and the first stop bit. Bit 2 Number of Stop Bits (STB). This bit specifies the number of stop bits in each serial out character. If bit 2 is a 0, one stop bit is generated regardless of word length. If bit 2 is a 1 and 5-bit word length is selected, one and one-half stop bits are generated. If bit 2 is a 1 and a 6-, 7-, or 8-bit word length is selected, two stop bits are generated. The serial in logic checks the first stop bit only, regardless of the number of stop bits selected. Bits 1-0 Word Length Select (WLS0 and WLS1). These two bits specify the number of bits in each serial in or serial out character. The encoding of bits 0 and 1 is: DSH-202320A 7/31/09 Bit 1 Bit 0 Word Length 0 0 5 Bits (Not supported) 0 1 6 Bits (Not supported) 1 0 7 Bits 1 1 8 Bits Conexant Preliminary Information/Conexant Proprietary and Confidential 81 Parallel Host Interface 5.2.5 CX06833-4x Data Sheet MCR - Modem Control Register (Addr = 4) The Modem Control Register (MCR) controls the interface with the modem or data set. Bit 7-5 Not used. Always 0. Bit 4 Local Loopback. When this bit is set to a 1, the diagnostic mode is selected and the following occurs: 1. Data written to the Transmit Buffer is looped back to the Receiver Buffer. 2. The DTS (MCR0), RTS (MCR1), Out1 (MCR2), and Out2 (MCR3) modem control register bits are internally connected to the DSR (MSR5), CTS (MSR4), RI (MSR6), and DCD (MSR7) modem status register bits, respectively. Bit 3 Output 2. When this bit is a 1, HINT is enabled. When this bit is a 0, HINT is in the high impedance state. Bit 2 Output 1. This bit is used in local loopback (see MCR4). Bit 1 Request to Send (RTS). This bit controls the Request to Send (RTS) function. When this bit is a 1, RTS is on. When this bit is a 0, RTS is off. Bit 0 Data Terminal Ready (DTR). This bit controls the Data Terminal Ready (DTR) function. When this bit is a 1, DTR is on. When this bit is a 0, DTR is off. 82 Conexant Preliminary Information/Conexant Proprietary and Confidential DSH-202320A 7/31/09 CX06833-4x Data Sheet 5.2.6 Parallel Host Interface LSR - Line Status Register (Addr = 5) This 8-bit register provides status information to the host concerning data transfer. Bit 7 RX FIFO Error. In the 16450 mode, this bit is not used and is always 0. In the FIFO mode, this bit is set if there are one or more characters in the RX FIFO with a parity error, framing error, or break indication detected. This bit is reset to a 0 when the host reads the LSR and none of the above conditions exist in the RX FIFO. Bit 6 Transmitter Empty (TEMT). This bit is set to a 1 whenever the TX Buffer (THR) and equivalent of the Transmitter Shift Register (TSR) are both empty. It is reset to a 0 whenever either the THR or the equivalent of the TSR contains a character. In the FIFO mode, this bit is set to a 1 when ever the TX FIFO and the equivalent of the TSR are both empty. Bit 5 Transmitter Holding Register Empty (THRE) [TX Buffer Empty]. This bit, when set, indicates that the TX Buffer is empty and the modem can accept a new character for transmission. In addition, this bit causes the modem to issue an interrupt to the host when the Transmit Holding Register Empty Interrupt Enable bit (IIR1) is set to 1. The THRE bit is set to a 1 when a character is transferred from the TX Buffer. The bit is reset to 0 when a byte is written into the TX Buffer by the host. In the FIFO mode, this bit is set when the TX FIFO is empty; it is cleared when at least one byte is in the TX FIFO. Bit 4 Break Interrupt (BI). This bit is set to a 1 whenever the received data input is a space (logic 0) for longer than two full word lengths plus 3 bits. The BI bit is reset when the host reads the LSR. Bit 3 Framing Error (FE). This bit indicates that the received character did not have a valid stop bit. The FE bit is set to a 1 whenever the stop bit following the last data bit or parity bit is detected as a logic o (space). The FE bit is reset to a 0 when the host reads the LSR. In the FIFO mode, the error indication is associated with the particular character in the FIFO it applies to; the FE bit is set to a 1 when this character is loaded into the RX Buffer. Bit 2 Parity Error (PE). This bit indicates that the received data character in the RX Buffer does not have the correct even or odd parity, as selected by the Even Parity Select bit (LCR4) and the Stick Parity bit (LCR5). The PE bit is reset to a 0 when the host reads the LSR. In the FIFO mode, the error indication is associated with the particular character in the it applies to; the PE bit is set to a 1 when this character is loaded into the RX Buffer. DSH-202320A 7/31/09 Conexant Preliminary Information/Conexant Proprietary and Confidential 83 Parallel Host Interface CX06833-4x Data Sheet Bit 1 Overrun Error (OE). This bit is set to a 1 whenever received data is loaded into the RX Buffer before the host has read the previous data from the RX Buffer. The OE bit is reset to a 0 when the host reads the LSR. In the FIFO mode, if data continues to fill beyond the trigger level, an overrun condition will occur only if the RX FIFO is full and the next character has been completely received. Bit 0 Receiver Data Ready (DR). This bit is set to a 1 whenever a complete incoming character has been received and has been transferred into the RX Buffer. The DR bit is reset to a 0 when the host reads the RX Buffer. In the FIFO mode, the DR bit is set when the number of received data bytes in the RX FIFO equals or exceeds the trigger level specified in FCR0-FCR1. 5.2.7 MSR - Modem Status Register (Addr = 6) The Modem Status Register (MSR) reports current state and change information of the modem. Bits 4-7 supply current state and bits 0-3 supply change information. The change bits are set to a 1 whenever a control input from the modem changes state from the last MSR read by the host. Bits 0-3 are reset to 0 when the host reads the MSR or upon reset. Whenever bits 0, 1, 2, or 3 are set to a 1, a Modem Status Interrupt (IIR0-IIR3 = 0) is generated. Bit 7 Data Carrier Detect (DCD). This bit indicates the logic state of the DCD# (RLSD#) output. If Loopback is selected (MCR4 = 1), this bit reflects the state of the Out2 bit in the MCR (MCR3). Bit 6 Ring Indicator (RI). This bit indicates the logic state of the RI# output. If Loopback is selected (MCR4 = 1), this bit reflects the state of the Out1 bit in the MCR (MCR2). Bit 5 Data Set Ready (DSR). This bit indicates the logic state of the DSR# output. If Loopback is selected (MCR4 = 1), this bit reflects the state of the DTR bit in the MCR (MCR0). Bit 4 Clear to Send (CTS). This bit indicates the logic state of the CTS# output. If Loopback is selected (MCR4 = 1), this bit reflects the state of the RTS bit in the MCR (MCR1). Bit 3 Delta Data Carrier Detect (DDCD). This bit is set to a 1 when the DCD bit changes state since the MSR was last read by the host. Bit 2 Trailing Edge of Ring Indicator (TERI). This bit is set to a 1 when the RI bit changes from a 1 to a 0 state since the MSR was last read by the host. Bit 1 Delta Data Set Ready (DDSR). This bit is set to a 1 when the DSR bit has changed since the MSR was last read by the host. Bit 0 Delta Clear to Send (DCTS). This bit is set to a 1 when the CTS bit has changed since the MSR was last read by the host. 84 Conexant Preliminary Information/Conexant Proprietary and Confidential DSH-202320A 7/31/09 CX06833-4x Data Sheet 5.2.8 Parallel Host Interface RBR - RX Buffer (Receiver Buffer Register) (Addr = 0, DLAB = 0) The RX Buffer (RBR) is a read-only register at location 0 (with DLAB = 0). Bit 0 is the least significant bit of the data, and is the first bit received. 5.2.9 THR - TX Buffer (Transmitter Holding Register) (Addr = 0, DLAB = 0) The TX Buffer (THR) is a write-only register at address 0 when DLAB = 0. Bit 0 is the least significant bit and the first bit sent. 5.2.10 Divisor Registers (Addr = 0 and 1, DLAB = 1) The Divisor Latch LS (least significant byte) and Divisor Latch MS (most significant byte) are two read-write registers at locations 0 and 1 when DLAB = 1, respectively. The baud rate is selected by loading each divisor latch with the appropriate hex value. Programmable values corresponding to the desired baud rate are listed in Table 21. Table 21. Programmable Baud Rates Divisor Latch (Hex) DSH-202320A 7/31/09 MS LS Divisor (Decimal) Baud Rate 06 00 1536 75 04 17 1047 110 03 00 768 150 01 80 384 300 00 C0 192 600 00 60 96 1200 00 30 48 2400 00 18 24 4800 00 0C 12 9600 00 06 6 19200 00 04 4 28800 00 03 3 38400 00 02 2 57600 00 01 1 115200 00 00 NA 230400 Conexant Preliminary Information/Conexant Proprietary and Confidential 85 Parallel Host Interface 5.2.11 CX06833-4x Data Sheet SCR - Scratch Register (Addr = 7) The Scratchpad Register is a read-write register at location 7. This register is not used by the modem and can be used by the host for temporary storage. 5.3 Receiver FIFO Interrupt Operation 5.3.1 Receiver Data Available Interrupt When the FIFO mode is enabled (FCR0 = 1) and receiver interrupt (RX Data Available) is enabled (IER0 = 1), receiver interrupt operation is as follows: 5.3.2 1. The Receiver Data Available Flag (LSR0) is set as soon as a received data character is available in the RX FIFO. LSR0 is cleared when the RX FIFO is empty. 2. The Receiver Data Available interrupt code (IIR0-IIR4 = 4h) is set whenever the number of received data bytes in the RX FIFO reaches the trigger level specified by FCR6-FCR7 bits; it is cleared whenever the number of received data bytes in the RX FIFO drops below the trigger level specified by FCR6-FCR7 bits. 3. The HINT interrupt is asserted whenever the number of received data bytes in the RX FIFO reaches the trigger level specified by FCR6-FCR7 bits. HINT interrupt is de-asserted when the number of received data bytes in the RX FIFO drops below the trigger level specified by FCR6-FCR7 bits. Receiver Character Time-out Interrupts When the FIFO mode is enabled (FCR0 = 1) and receiver interrupt (Receiver Data Available) is enabled (IER0 = 1), receiver character time-out interrupt operation is as follows: 1. A Receiver character time-out interrupt code (IIR0-IIR3 = Ch) is set if at least one received character is in the RX FIFO, the most recent received serial character was longer than four continuous character times ago (if 2 stop bits are specified, the second stop bit is included in this time period), and the most recent host read of the RX FIFO was longer than four continuous character times ago. 5.4 Transmitter FIFO Interrupt Operation 5.4.1 Transmitter Empty Interrupt When the FIFO mode is enabled (FCR0 = 1) and transmitter interrupt (TX Buffer Empty) is enabled (IER0 = 1), transmitter interrupt operation is as follows: 86 1. The TX Buffer Empty interrupt code (IIR0-IIR3 = 2h) will occur when the TX Buffer is empty; it is cleared when the TX Buffer is written to (1 to 16 characters) or the IIR is read. 2. The TX Buffer Empty indications will be delayed 1 character time minus the last stop bit time whenever the following occur: THRE = 1 and there have not been at least two bytes at the same time in the TX FIFO Buffer since the last setting of THRE was set. The first transmitter interrupt after setting FCR0 will be immediate. Conexant Preliminary Information/Conexant Proprietary and Confidential DSH-202320A 7/31/09 General Information: U.S. and Canada: (888) 855-4562 International: (949) 483-4600 Headquarters - Newport Beach 4000 MacArthur Blvd. Newport Beach, CA 92660