Corrosion (salt spray): Method 101 of MIL-STD-202, test condition B.
Voltage standing wave ratio (VSWR): From .5 to 4 GHz, or approximately 80 percent of upper cutoff
frequency of the cable, whichever is lower; 1.35, maximum.
Swept frequency VSWR test setup:
Item 6: VSWR shall be less than 1.015+.005 F (F in GHz).
Item 16: VSWR shall be less than 1.015+.005 F (F in GHz).
Second step of VSWR checkout procedure: VSWR shall be less than 1.045+.019 F (F in GHz).
Group B inspection: VSWR shall be less than 1.1+.01 F (F in GHz).
Qualification and group C inspection: VSWR shall not exceed 1.15.
Connector durability: 500 cycles, minimum at 12 cycles per minute, maximum. The connector shall meet
the mating characteristics and force to engage and disengage requirements.
Initial: 5 pounds (22.24 N), maximum.
Final: 5 pounds, (22.24 N) maximum; 1 pound (4.45 N), minimum.
Contact resistance: In milliohms, maximum:
Initial After environment
Center contact 2.0 2.5
Outer contact (Silver) .2 Not applicable
Outer contact (Nickel) .4 Not applicable
Braid to body .1 Not applicable
Dielectric withstanding voltage: Method 301 of MIL-STD-202, 1,500 volts rms, minimum at sea level.
Vibration, high frequency: Method 204 of MIL-STD-202, test condition B. No discontinuity permitted.
Shock: Method 213 of MIL-STD-202, test condition G. No discontinuity permitted.
Thermal shock: Method 107 of MIL-STD-202, test condition B, except test high temperature shall be
+85C. High temperature shall be +200C for connectors using +200C cables (see tables I and III).
Moisture resistance: Method 106 of MIL-STD-202. No measurements at high humidity. Insulation
resistance shall be at least 200 megohms within 5 minutes after removal from humidity.
Corona leve l:
Voltage: 375 volts rms, minimum.
Altitude: 70,000 feet (4.437 kPa).
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