SPECIFICATION Device Name : Type Name : Spec. No. : Feb. 02 '05 S.Miyashita Feb. 02 '05 M.W atanabe Y.Seki K.Yamada Power Integrated Module 7MBR75U4B120 MS6M 0855 MS6M0855 1 15 H04-004-07b R e v i s e d Date Classification Feb.-02 -'05 Enactment Ind. Content R e c o r d s Applied date Issued date Drawn Checked Checked Approved M.W atanabe K.Yamada MS6M0855 Y.Seki 2 15 H04-004-06b 7MBR75U4B120 1. Outline Drawing ( Unit : mm ) LABEL ( shows theoretical dimension. ) shows reference dimension. 2. Equivalent circuit [ Converter ] [ Brake ] 21(P) [ Inverter ] [ Thermistor ] 22(P1) 8 20 (Gu) 1(R) 2(S) 3(T) 19(Eu) 7(B) 14(Gb) 23(N) 13(Gx) 18 (Gv) 16 (Gw) 17(Ev) 4(U) 15(Ew) 5(V) 12(Gy) 11(Gz) 24(N1) 9 6(W) 10(En) MS6M0855 3 15 H04-004-03a 3.Absolute Maximum Ratings ( at Tc= 25C unless otherwise specified ) Items Inverter Collector-Emitter voltage Gate-Emitter voltage Collector current Brake Collector Power Dissipation Collector-Emitter voltage Gate-Emitter voltage Conditions VCES VGES Ic Continuous Icp 1ms -Ic -Ic pulse Pc VCES VGES Ic Continuous Icp 1ms Pc 1 device Repetitive peak reverse Voltage (Diode) VRRM Repetitive peak reverse Voltage VRRM Average Output Current Surge Current (Non-Repetitive) 2 It (Non-Repetitive) Junction temperature Storage temperature Isolation between terminal and copper base (*1) voltage between thermistor and others (*2) Screw Torque Mounting (*3) Io IFSM 2 Tc=25C Tc=80C Tc=25C Tc=80C 1ms 1 device Collector current Collector Power Dissipation Converter Symbols Maximum Ratings Units 1200 20 V V 75 50 150 A 100 75 150 275 1200 20 W V V Tc=25C 35 Tc=80C Tc=25C Tc=80C 25 70 50 160 W 1200 V 1600 V 75 A 50Hz/60Hz sine wave Tj=150C, 10ms It Tj Tstg half sine wave Viso AC : 1min. - A 520 A 1352 150 -40 ~ +125 A2s 2500 VAC 3.5 Nm C (*1) All terminals should be connected together when isolation test will be done. (*2) Two thermistor terminals should be connected together, each other terminals should be connected together and shorted to base plate when isolation test will be done. (*3) Recommendable Value : 2.5~3.5 Nm (M5) MS6M0855 4 15 H04-004-03a 4. Electrical characteristics ( at Tj= 25C unless otherwise specified) Items Zero gate voltage Collector current ICES Gate-Emitter leakage current IGES Gate-Emitter threshold voltage Inverter Collector-Emitter saturation voltage Input capacitance Turn-on time Turn-off time Forward on voltage Brake Reverse recovery time VCE(sat) (terminal) VCE(sat) (chip) Cies ton tr tr (i) toff tf Tj= 25C Tj=125C Tj= 25C Ic = 75A Tj=125C VCE=10V,VGE=0V,f=1MHz Vcc = 600V Ic = 75A VGE=15V Rg = 22 VGE=15V Tj= 25C Tj=125C VF (chip) IF = 75A Tj= 25C Tj=125C trr IGES Reverse current VGE = 0V VCE = 1200V VCE = 0V VGE=20V VCE = 20V Ic = 75mA VGE=0V Gate-Emitter leakage current Collector-Emitter saturation voltage Characteristics min. typ. max. Conditions VF (terminal) ICES Turn-off time Converter VGE(th) Zero gate voltage Collector current Turn-on time Thermistor Symbols IF = 75A VGE = 0V VCE = 1200V VCE = 0V VGE=20V VCE(sat) (terminal) VGE=15V VCE(sat) (chip) Ic = 35A ton tr toff tf IRRM Forward on voltage VFM Reverse current IRRM Resistance R B value B Vcc = 600V Ic = 35A VGE=15V Rg = 43 VR=1200V VGE=0V IF = 75A VR=1600V T = 25C T =100C T = 25/50C Tj= 25C Tj=125C Tj= 25C Tj=125C terminal chip Units - - 1.0 mA - - 200 nA 4.5 6.5 8.5 V - 2.55 2.95 2.20 2.60 6 0.40 0.15 0.03 0.42 0.07 2.25 2.45 2.80 2.45 1.20 0.60 1.00 0.30 2.45 - - 1.90 2.10 - 2.10 0.35 s - - 1.0 mA - - 200 nA 465 3305 2.15 2.50 1.95 2.30 0.53 0.43 0.37 0.07 1.40 1.30 5000 495 3375 2.60 2.40 1.20 0.60 1.00 0.30 1.0 1.75 1.0 520 3450 MS6M0855 V nF s V V s mA V mA K 5 15 H04-004-03a 5. Thermal resistance characteristics Items Symbols Thermal resistance(1device) Characteristics min. typ. max. Conditions Inverter IGBT Inverter FWD Rth(j-c) - Brake IGBT Converter Diode - 0.45 0.73 0.76 0.50 Units C/W Contact Thermal resistance Rth(c-f) with Thermal Compound 0.05 (1device) (*4) (*4) This is the value which is defined mounting on the additional cooling fin with thermal compound. 6. Indication on module Logo of production 7MBR75U4B120 75A 1200V Lot.No. Place of manufacturing (code) 7.Applicable category This specification is applied to Power Integrated Module named 7MBR75U4B120 . 8.Storage and transportation notes The module should be stored at a standard temperature of 5 to 35C and humidity of 45 to 75% . Store modules in a place with few temperature changes in order to avoid condensation on the module surface. Avoid exposure to corrosive gases and dust. Avoid excessive external force on the module. Store modules with unprocessed terminals. Do not drop or otherwise shock the modules when transporting. 9. Definitions of switching time 90% 0V 0V V GE L tr r Ir r 0V 0A V CE Ic 90% Ic 90% 10% 10% RG VCE V cc 10% VCE tr ( i ) V GE Ic tr tf to f f to n 10. Packing and Labeling Display on the packing box - Logo of production - Type name - Lot No - Products quantity in a packing box MS6M0855 6 15 H04-004-03a 11. Reliability test results Reliability Test Items Mechanical Tests Test categories Test items (Aug.-2001 edition) 1 Terminal Strength (Pull test) 2 Mounting Strength Pull force Test time Screw torque Test time 3 Vibration Range of frequency : 10 ~ 500Hz Sweeping time : 15 min. Acceleration : 100m/s2 Sweeping direction : Each X,Y,Z axis Test time : 6 hr. (2hr./direction) Maximum acceleration : 5000m/s2 Pulse width : 1.0msec. Direction : Each X,Y,Z axis Test time : 3 times/direction Solder temp. : 2355 Immersion time : 50.5sec. Test time : 1 time Each terminal should be Immersed in solder within 1~1.5mm from the body. Solder temp. : 2605 Immersion time : 101sec. Test time : 1 time Each terminal should be Immersed in solder within 1~1.5mm from the body. Storage temp. : 1255 Test duration : 1000hr. Storage temp. : -405 Test duration : 1000hr. Storage temp. : 852 Relative humidity : 855% Test duration : 1000hr. Test temp. : 1202 Test humidity : 855% Test duration : 96hr. 4 Shock 5 Solderabitlity 6 Resistance to Soldering Heat 1 High Temperature Storage 2 Low Temperature Storage 3 Temperature Humidity Storage 4 Unsaturated Pressurized Vapor Environment Tests Reference Number Acceptnorms of ance EIAJ ED-4701 sample number Test methods and conditions 5 Temperature Cycle Test temp. : : : : : 20N 101 sec. 2.5 ~ 3.5 Nm (M5) 101 sec. Test Method 401 Method Test Method 402 method 5 (0:1) 5 (0:1) Test Method 403 Reference 1 Condition code B 5 (0:1) Test Method 404 Condition code B 5 (0:1) Test Method 303 Condition code A 5 (0:1) Test Method 302 Condition code A 5 (0:1) Test Method 201 5 (0:1) Test Method 202 5 (0:1) Test Method 103 Test code C 5 (0:1) Test Method 103 Test code E 5 (0:1) Test Method 105 5 (0:1) Test Method 307 method Condition code A 5 (0:1) Low temp. -405 High temp. 125 5 Number of cycles RT 5 ~ 35 : High ~ RT ~ Low ~ RT 1hr. 0.5hr. 1hr. 0.5hr. : 100 cycles Test temp. : Dwell time 6 Thermal Shock High temp. 100 +0 -5 +5 -0 Low temp. 0 Used liquid : Water with ice and boiling water Dipping time : 5 min. par each temp. Transfer time : 10 sec. Number of cycles : 10 cycles MS6M0855 7 15 H04-004-03a Reliability Test Items Test categories Test items (Aug.-2001 edition) 1 High temperature Reverse Bias Test temp. Bias Voltage Bias Method Endurance Endurance Tests Tests Reference Number Acceptnorms of ance EIAJ ED-4701 sample number Test methods and conditions Test duration 2 High temperature Bias (for gate) Test temp. Test duration : Ta = 1255 (Tj 150 ) : VC = VGE = +20V or -20V : Applied DC voltage to G-E VCE = 0V : 1000hr. Test temp. Relative humidity Bias Voltage Bias Method : : : : Test duration ON time OFF time Test temp. : : : : Number of cycles : Bias Voltage Bias Method 3 Temperature Humidity Bias 4 Intermitted Operating Life (Power cycle) ( for IGBT ) Test Method 101 5 (0:1) Test Method 101 5 (0:1) Test Method 102 Condition code C 5 (0:1) Test Method 106 5 (0:1) : Ta = 1255 (Tj 150 ) : VC = 0.8xVCES : Applied DC voltage to C-E VGE = 0V : 1000hr. 852 oC 855% VC = 0.8xVCES Applied DC voltage to C-E VGE = 0V 1000hr. 2 sec. 18 sec. Tj=1005 deg Tj 150 , Ta=255 15000 cycles Failure Criteria Item Characteristic Symbol Electrical Leakage current ICES characteristic IGES Gate threshold voltage VGE(th) Saturation voltage VCE(sat) Forward voltage VF Thermal IGBT VGE resistance or VCE FWD VF Isolation voltage Viso Visual Visual inspection inspection Peeling Plating and the others Failure criteria Unit Lower limit Upper limit LSLx0.8 - USLx2 USLx2 USLx1.2 USLx1.2 USLx1.2 USLx1.2 mA A mA V V mV USLx1.2 Broken insulation mV - The visual sample Note - LSL : Lower specified limit. USL : Upper specified limit. Note : Each parameter measurement read-outs shall be made after stabilizing the components at room ambient for 2 hours minimum, 24 hours maximum after removal from the tests. And in case of the wetting tests, for example, moisture resistance tests, each component shall be made wipe or dry completely before the measurement. MS6M0855 8 15 H04-004-03a Reliability Test Results Test categorie s Test items Mechanical Tests 1 Terminal Strength (Pull test) 2 Mounting Strength Number Reference Number of norms of test failure EIAJ ED-4701 sample (Aug.-2001 edition) sample Test Method 401 5 0 5 0 Method Test Method 402 method 3 Vibration Test Method 403 5 0 4 Shock Condition code B Test Method 404 5 0 5 0 Condition code B 5 Solderabitlity Test Method 303 Environment Tests Condition code A 6 Resistance to Soldering Heat Test Method 302 5 0 1 High Temperature Storage Condition code A Test Method 201 5 0 2 Low Temperature Storage Test Method 202 5 0 3 Temperature Humidity Storage 4 Unsaturated Pressurized Vapor Test Method 103 5 * 5 0 5 Temperature Cycle Test Method 105 5 0 6 Thermal Shock Test Method 307 5 0 1 High temperature Reverse Bias Test Method 101 5 * Test Method 101 5 0 Test Method 102 5 * 5 0 Test code C Test Method 103 Test code E method Endurance Tests Condition code A 2 High temperature Bias ( for gate ) 3 Temperature Humidity Bias Condition code C 4 Intermitted Operating Life (Power cycling) ( for IGBT ) Test Method 106 * under confirmation MS6M0855 9 15 H04-004-03a [ Inverter ] Collector current vs. Collector-Emitter voltage (typ.) Tj= 25C / chip [ Inverter ] Collector current vs. Collector-Emitter voltage (typ.) Tj= 125C / chip 120 120 VGE=20V 15V 12V VGE=20V 15V 100 Collector current : Ic [A] Collector current : Ic [A] 100 80 60 10V 40 12V 80 60 10V 40 20 20 8V 8V 0 0 0 1 2 3 4 0 5 1 [ Inverter ] 4 5 Collector-Emitter voltage vs. Gate-Emitter voltage (typ.) Tj=25C / chip 10 Collector - Emitter voltage : VCE [ V ] 120 Tj=25C 100 Collector current : Ic [A] 3 [ Inverter ] Collector current vs. Collector-Emitter voltage (typ.) VGE=15V / chip Tj=125C 80 60 40 20 8 6 4 Ic=100A Ic=50A Ic= 25A 2 0 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 5 10 Collector-Emitter voltage : VCE [V] Cies 1.0 Cres Coes 0.1 10 20 Collector-Emitter voltage : VCE [V] 20 25 [ Inverter ] Dynamic Gate charge (typ.) Vcc=600V Ic=75ATj= 25C Collector-Emitter voltage : VCE [ 200V/div ] Gate - Emitter voltage : VGE [ 5V/div ] 10.0 0 15 Gate-Emitter voltage : VGE [V] [ Inverter ] Capacitance vs. Collector-Emitter voltage (typ.) VGE=0V, f= 1MHz, Tj= 25C Capacitance : Cies, Coes, Cres [ nF ] 2 Collector-Emitter voltage : VCE [V] Collector-Emitter voltage : VCE [V] 30 VGE VCE 0 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 Gate charge : Qg [nC] MS6M0855 10 15 H04-004-03a [ Inverter ] Switching time vs. Collector current (typ.) Vcc=600V, VGE=15V, Rg=22, Tj= 25C [ Inverter ] Switching time vs. Collector current (typ.) Vcc=600V, VGE=15V, Rg=22, Tj=125C 10000 Switching time : ton, tr, toff, tf [ nsec ] Switching time : ton, tr, toff, tf [ nsec ] 10000 1000 toff ton tr 100 tf 1000 ton toff tr 100 10 10 0 25 50 75 100 0 75 [ Inverter ] [ Inverter ] Switching loss : Eon, Eoff, Err [mJ/pulse ] ton toff 1000 tr 100 tf 100 Switching loss vs. Collector current (typ.) Vcc=600V, VGE=15V, Rg=22 10 Eon(125C) 8 Eoff(125C) Eon(25C) 6 Err(125C) 4 Eoff(25C) Err(25C) 2 0 100.0 1000.0 0 Gate resistance : Rg [] 20 40 60 80 100 Collector current : Ic [A] [ Inverter ] Switching loss vs. Gate resistance (typ.) Vcc=600V, Ic=75A, VGE=15V, Tj= 125C [ Inverter ] Reverse bias safe operating area (max.) +VGE=15V,-VGE <= 15V, RG >= 22 ,Tj <= 125C 40 200 Eon 30 Collector current : Ic [A] Switching loss : Eon, Eoff, Err [mJ/pulse ] 50 Collector current : Ic [A] 10000 10 10.0 25 Collector current : Ic [A] Switching time vs. Gate resistance (typ.) Vcc=600V, Ic=75A, VGE=15V, Tj= 25C Switching time : ton, tr, toff, tf [ nsec ] tf 20 Eoff 10 150 100 50 Err 0 10.0 0 100.0 Gate resistance : Rg [] 1000.0 0 400 800 1200 Collector-Emitter voltage : VCE [V] MS6M0855 11 15 H04-004-03a [ Inverter ] Forward current vs. Forward on voltage (typ.) chip [ Inverter ] Reverse recovery characteristics (typ.) Vcc=600V, VGE=15V, Rg=22 1000 Tj=25C 100 Forward current : IF [A] Reverse recovery current : Irr [ A ] Reverse recovery time : trr [ nsec ] 120 Tj=125C 80 60 40 20 trr (125C) trr (25C) 100 Irr (125C) Irr (25C) 10 0 0 1 2 3 0 4 25 50 75 100 Forward current : IF [A] Forward on voltage : VF [V] [ Converter ] Forward current vs. Forward on voltage (typ.) chip 120 Tj=25C Forward current : IF [A] 100 80 Tj=125C 60 40 20 0 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 Forward on voltage : VFM [V] [ Thermistor ] Transient thermal resistance (max.) Temperature characteristic (typ.) 100 IGBT[Brake] FWD[Inverter] 1.000 Conv. Diode IGBT[Inverter] 0.100 0.010 0.001 Resistance : R [k] Thermal resistanse : Rth(j-c) [ C/W ] 10.000 10 1 0.1 0.010 0.100 Pulse width : Pw [sec] 1.000 -60 -40 -20 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 Temperature [C ] MS6M0855 12 15 H04-004-03a [ Brake ] Collector current vs. Collector-Emitter voltage (typ.) Tj= 25C / chip [ Brake ] Collector current vs. Collector-Emitter voltage (typ.) Tj= 125C / chip 60 60 Collector current : Ic [A] 12V VGE=20V 50 Collector current : Ic [A] VGE=20V 15V 50 40 30 10V 20 15V 12V 40 30 10V 20 10 10 8V 8V 0 0 0 1 2 3 4 0 5 1 [ Brake ] 4 5 [ Brake ] Collector current vs. Collector-Emitter voltage (typ.) VGE=15V / chip Collector-Emitter voltage vs. Gate-Emitter voltage (typ.) Tj=25C / chip 10 Collector - Emitter voltage : VCE [ V ] 60 Tj=25C 50 Collector current : Ic [A] 3 Collector-Emitter voltage : VCE [V] Collector-Emitter voltage : VCE [V] 40 Tj=125C 30 20 10 8 6 4 Ic=50A Ic=25A Ic=12.5A 2 0 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 5 10 [ Brake ] Capacitance vs. Collector-Emitter voltage (typ.) VGE=0V, f= 1MHz, Tj= 25C Cies 1.0 Cres Coes 0.1 10 20 Collector-Emitter voltage : VCE [V] 20 25 [ Brake ] Dynamic Gate charge (typ.) Vcc=600V Ic=35ATj= 25C Collector-Emitter voltage : VCE [ 200V/div ] Gate - Emitter voltage : VGE [ 5V/div ] 10.0 0 15 Gate-Emitter voltage : VGE [V] Collector-Emitter voltage : VCE [V] Capacitance : Cies,Coes,Cres [nF] 2 30 VGE VCE 0 0 25 50 75 100 125 150 Gate charge : Qg [nC] MS6M0855 13 15 H04-004-03a Warnings - This product shall be used within its absolute maximum rating (voltage, current, and temperature).This product may be broken in case of using beyond the ratings. If Printed Circuit Board is not suitable, the main pin terminals may have higher temperature than Tstg. Also the pin terminals shall be used within Tstg. Tstg Tstg - Connect adequate fuse or protector of circuit between three-phase line and this product to prevent the equipment from causing secondary destruction, such as fire, its spreading, or explosion. - Use this product after realizing enough working on environment and considering of product's reliability life. This product may be broken before target life of the system in case of using beyond the product's reliability life. - When electric power is connected to equipments, rush current will be flown through rectifying diode to charge 2 DC capacitor. Guaranteed value of the rush current is specified as I t (non-repetitive), however frequent rush current through the diode might make it's power cycle destruction occur because of the repetitive power. In application which has such frequent rush current, well consideration to product life time (i.e. suppressing the rush current) is necessary. 2 2 I t()I t - If the product had been used in the environment with acid, organic matter, and corrosive gas ( hydrogen sulfide, sulfurous acid gas), the product's performance and appearance can not be ensured easily. - Use this product within the power cycle curve (Technical Rep.No. : MT5F12959). Power cycle capability is classified to delta-Tj mode which is stated as above and delta-Tc mode. Delta-Tc mode is due to rise and down of case temperature (Tc), and depends on cooling design of equipment which use this product. In application which has such frequent rise and down of Tc, well consideration of product life time is necessary. (No.: MT5F12959)Tj Tc(Tc) - Never add mechanical stress to deform the main or control terminal. The deformed terminal may cause poor contact problem. - Use this product with keeping the cooling fin's flatness between screw holes within 100um at 100mm and the roughness within 10um. Also keep the tightening torque within the limits of this specification. Too large convex of cooling fin may cause isolation breakdown and this may lead to a critical accident. On the other hand, too large concave of cooling fin makes gap between this product and the fin bigger, then, thermal conductivity will be worse and over heat destruction may occur. 100mm100um10um - In case of mounting this product on cooling fin, use thermal compound to secure thermal conductivity. If the thermal compound amount was not enough or its applying method was not suitable, its spreading will not be enough, then, thermal conductivity will be worse and thermal run away destruction may occur. Confirm spreading state of the thermal compound when its applying to this product. (Spreading state of the thermal compound can be confirmed by removing this product after mounting.) () - It shall be confirmed that IGBT's operating locus of the turn-off voltage and current are within the RBSOA specification. This product may be broken if the locus is out of the RBSOA. RBSOARBSOA MS6M0855 14 15 H04-004-03a Warnings - If excessive static electricity is applied to the control terminals, the devices may be broken. Implement some countermeasures against static electricity. - Never add the excessive mechanical stress to the main or control terminals when the product is applied to equipments. The module structure may be broken. - In case of insufficient -VGE, erroneous turn-on of IGBT may occur. -VGE shall be set enough value to prevent this malfunction. (Recommended value : -VGE = -15V) -VGE-VGE : -VGE = -15V) - In case of higher turn-on dv/dt of IGBT, erroneous turn-on of opposite arm IGBT may occur. Use this product in the most suitable drive conditions, such as +VGE, -VGE, RG to prevent the malfunction. dv/dt +VGE, -VGE, RG - This product may be broken by avalanche in case of VCE beyond maximum rating VCES is applied between C-E terminals. Use this product within its absolute maximum voltage. VCESVCE Cautions - Fuji Electric Device Technology is constantly making every endeavor to improve the product quality and reliability. However, semiconductor products may rarely happen to fail or malfunction. To prevent accidents causing injury or death, damage to property like by fire, and other social damage resulted from a failure or malfunction of the Fuji Electric Device Technology semiconductor products, take some measures to keep safety such as redundant design, spread-fire-preventive design, and malfunction-protective design. - The application examples described in this specification only explain typical ones that used the Fuji Electric Device Technology products. This specification never ensure to enforce the industrial property and other rights, nor license the enforcement rights. - The product described in this specification is not designed nor made for being applied to the equipment or systems used under life-threatening situations. When you consider applying the product of this specification to particular used, such as vehicle-mounted units, shipboard equipment, aerospace equipment, medical devices, atomic control systems and submarine relaying equipment or systems,please apply after confirmation of this product to be satisfied about system construction and required reliability. If there is any unclear matter in this specification, please contact Fuji Electric Device Technology Co.,Ltd. MS6M0855 15 15 H04-004-03a