BPS 0.5 Series Data Sheet, Page 1 of 5
BIAS Power Revised 01/26/2011 www.biaspower.com
Specifications subject to change
BIAS 1/2 Watt Power Supply
BPS 0.5 Series Data Sheet
Single (Vo) or Dual (Vo & Vr) Output
BPS 0.5-08-00, -08-33, -08-50
BPS 0.5-14-00, -14-33, -14-50
• Universal Input (85-265 VAC, 50/60Hz)
• Small Size—0.55in
• Low no-load input power <30mW
• Constant power mode, not current limit
• 3,000 VAC Isolation
• Up to 75% efficiency
• EN 55022, Class B; FCC Part 15, Class B
• Meets UL/CSA and EN Product Safety (ITE)
The BPS Power Supply Module is an ideal solution for numerous
control applications in lighting, sensing, smart building/home and
power distribution. This low-cost supply provides up to one-half
watt of output power at 8 or 14 VDC (Vo) and an optional 3.3 or 5
VDC (Vr) output for microprocessors, logic, timing circuits, transceiv-
ers, sensors or other control functions. A patented design incorpo-
rating a custom integrated circuit into a small package (0.55 in
]) the BIAS Module provides an immediate “drop-in” solution,
requiring no additional external components.
Operating Specifications
(@120VAC / 60 Hz / 25°C unless otherwise specified)
Input Voltage Range
85 - 265 VAC (50/60Hz)
Input Surge Withstand
308V, < 30 sec
Output Power (Pmax)
0.5 W min. (60Hz)
0.43 W min. (50Hz)
70% nom.
Output Vo (Peak)
8 or 14 VDC nom. +/- 5%
Line / Load Regulation Vo (Peak)
+/- 1% Po < Pmax
Temperature Regulation Vo (Peak)
+/- 2% Po < Pmax
Ripple Vo (@120 Hz)
(@ 100 kHz)
1.00 V p:p
0.25 V p:p
Output Vr, 3.3 volt (+/- 5%)
For Vo = 8V, Ir out 53mA max, Io+Ir ≤ 63mA*
For Vo = 14V, Ir out 23mA max, Io+Ir ≤ 36mA*
No-load Consumption
30 mW typical @ Vin=120 VAC
3000 VAC (meets UL / CSA &
EN Product Safety)
Earth Leakage @ 120 VAC
< 10 uA
Short Circuit Protection
Continuous, Pin ≤ 0.6 w @ Vin = 120 VAC
Reliability @ 25° C, MIL HDBK-217F
> 500 Khr MTBF
Operating Temperature
-30 to +70° C
Operating Relative Humidity
0 – 95%, non-condensing
Storage Temperature
-40 to +105° C
Package Size
(L x W x H)
1.10 x 0.92 x 0.55 inches
[27.94 x 23.24 x 13.97 mm]
Safety Compliance
UL / EN 60950-1 2
Ed. (CB Report Available)
EMI Emissions
EN 55022, Class B, FCC Part 15, Class B
Output Vr, 5.0 volt (+/- 5%)
For Vo = 8V, Ir out 63mA max, Io+Ir ≤ 63mA*
For Vo = 14V, Ir out 28mA max, Io+Ir ≤ 36mA*
Actual Size
Bias Power AC/DC power supplies are designed to be
applied in two major categories of applications…
Auxiliary, where the Bias supply is one of two or more sup-
plies and provides power for standby, housekeeping, bias-
ing or other requirements. Generally, these supply 3.3V or
5.0V requirements from the Vr output. In some cases a
small amount of Vo power is used.
Second is as a main or utility supply where Bias is the only
supply and provides all power necessary for the product or
system. Both Vr and Vo supplies are often utilized for opti-
mum system performance.
The characteristics of the Vo and Vr outputs are different
and each has application-specific benefits which can pro-
vide high value to the system designer.
Vo is a voltage-regulated output which has a constant
power mode instead of a conventional current limit. This
output is best suited to drive mechanical relays, solenoids,
SSRs, capacitive loads, indicating lights, LEDs and as a
source for isolated DC utility power which may be used
directly or post-regulated with either a linear regulator or a
DC/DC converter. Vo is self protecting, cannot be over-
loaded and can be shorted indefinitely. The graceful transi-
tion from voltage regulation to constant power along with
the wide range of product ratings, allows the designer to
select a supply tightly matched to the design load. There is
no need to oversize a Bias Power supply. Unlike design-
your-own, or partially complete modules where significant
design margin is required, to stay far away from current
limit, Bias’s constant power alternative requires no such
Vr is also a voltage-regulated output and is thermally pro-
tected from overload. It has very low output ripple capable
of driving microprocessors , logic, transceivers, sensors and
other elements which require a low-noise, tightly-regulated
supply. In addition, Vr is supplied internally by Vo. This
means that any capacitance added to Vo can increase the
hold-up time of Vr as well.
*Note: maximum currents specified for constant voltage
range only. See V-I curve on page 2 for Vo in constant
power range.