THS10064 SLAS255B - DECEMBER 1999 - REVISED DECEMBER 2002 10-BIT, 4 ANALOG INPUT, 6 MSPS, SIMULTANEOUS SAMPLING ANALOG-TO-DIGITAL CONVERTER FEATURES D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D High-Speed 6 MSPS ADC 4 Analog Inputs Simultaneous Sampling of 4 Single-Ended Signals or 2 Differential Signals or Combination of Both Differential Nonlinearity Error: 1 LSB Integral Nonlinearity Error: 1.5 LSB Signal-to-Noise and Distortion Ratio: 59 dB at fI = 2 MHz Auto-Scan Mode for 2, 3, or 4 Inputs 3-V or 5-V Digital Interface Compatible Low Power: 216 mW Max 5-V Analog Single Supply Operation Internal Voltage References . . . 50 PPM/C and 5% Accuracy Glueless DSP Interface Parallel C/DSP Interface Integrated FIFO Available in TSSOP Package Pin Compatible With 12-Bit THS1206 APPLICATIONS D D D D D Radar Applications Communications Control Applications High-Speed DSP Front-End Automotive Applications DESCRIPTION The THS10064 is a CMOS, low-power, 10-bit, 6 MSPS analog-to-digital converter (ADC). The speed, resolution, bandwidth, and single-supply operation are suited for applications in radar, imaging, high-speed acquisition, and communications. A multistage pipelined architecture with output error correction logic provides for no missing codes over the full operating temperature range. Internal control registers are used to program the ADC into the desired mode. The THS10064 consists of four analog inputs, which are sampled simultaneously. These inputs can be selected individually and configured to single-ended or differential inputs. An integrated 16 word deep FIFO allows the storage of data in order to improve data transfers to the processor. Internal reference voltages for the ADC (1.5 V and 3.5 V) are provided. An external reference can also be chosen to suit the dc accuracy and temperature drift requirements of the application. Two different conversion modes can be selected. In single conversion mode, a single and simultaneous conversion of up to four inputs can be initiated by using the single conversion start signal (CONVST). The conversion clock in single conversion mode is generated internally using a clock oscillator circuit. In continuous conversion mode, an external clock signal is applied to the CONV_CLK input of the THS10064. The internal clock oscillator is switched off in continuous conversion mode. The THS10064C is characterized for operation from 0C to 70C, and the THS10064I is characterized for operation from -40C to 85C. Please be aware that an important notice concerning availability, standard warranty, and use in critical applications of Texas Instruments semiconductor products and disclaimers thereto appears at the end of this data sheet. PRODUCTION DATA information is current as of publication date. Products conform to specifications per the terms of Texas Instruments standard warranty. Production processing does not necessarily include testing of all parameters. Copyright 2002, Texas Instruments Incorporated THS10064 SLAS255B - DECEMBER 1999 - REVISED DECEMBER 2002 These devices have limited built-in ESD protection. The leads should be shorted together or the device placed in conductive foam during storage or handling to prevent electrostatic damage to the MOS gates. ORDERING INFORMATION PACKAGED DEVICE TA TSSOP (DA) 0C to 70C THS10064CDA -40C to 85C THS10064IDA ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS over operating free-air temperature range unless otherwise noted(1) THS10064 Supply voltage range DGND to DVDD -0.3 V to 6.5 V BGND to BVDD -0.3 V to 6.5 V AGND to AVDD -0.3 V to 6.5 V Analog input voltage range AGND -0.3 V to AVDD + 1.5 V Reference input voltage -0.3 V + AGND to AVDD + 0.3 V Digital input voltage range -0.3 to BVDD/DVDD + 0.3 V Operating virtual junction temperature range, TJ Operating free-air free air temperature range, range TA -40C to 150C THS10064C 0C to 70C THS10064I -40C to 85C Storage temperature range, Tstg -65C to 150C Lead temperature 1,6 mm (1/16 inch) from case for 10 seconds 260C (1) Stresses beyond those listed under "absolute maximum ratings" may cause permanent damage to the device. These are stress ratings only, and functional operation of the device at these or any other conditions beyond those indicated under "recommended operating conditions" is not implied. Exposure to absolute-maximum-rated conditions for extended periods may affect device reliability. RECOMMENDED OPERATING CONDITIONS POWER SUPPLY Supply voltage MIN NOM MAX AVDD DVDD 4.75 5 5.25 3 3.3 5.25 BVDD 3 3.3 5.25 ANALOG AND REFERENCE INPUTS MIN Analog input voltage in single-ended configuration MAX V 2.5 VREFP 4 3.5 AVDD-1.2 V External reference voltage,VREFP (optional) External reference voltage, VREFM (optional) 1.4 Input voltage difference, REFP - REFM DIGITAL INPUTS V NOM VREFM 1 Common-mode input voltage VCM in differential configuration UNIT MIN UNIT V 1.5 V 2 V NOM MAX High level input voltage, High-level voltage VIH Low level input voltage, Low-level voltage VIL BVDD = 3.3 V BVDD = 5.25 V Input CONV_CLK frequency DVDD = 3 V to 5.25 V 0.1 CONV_CLK pulse duration, clock high, tw(CONV_CLKH) DVDD = 3 V to 5.25 V 80 83 5000 ns CONV_CLK pulse duration, clock low, tw(CONV_CLKL) DVDD = 3 V to 5.25 V 80 83 5000 ns Operating free-air free air temperature, temperature TA 2 THS10064CDA THS10064IDA 2 UNIT BVDD = 3.3 V BVDD = 5.25 V V 2.6 V 0.6 V 0.6 V 6 0 70 -40 85 MHz C THS10064 SLAS255B - DECEMBER 1999 - REVISED DECEMBER 2002 ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS over recommended operating conditions, DVDD = 3.3 V, AVDD = 5 V, VREF = internal (unless otherwise noted) DIGITAL SPECIFICATIONS PARAMETER TEST CONDITIONS MIN TYP MAX UNIT Digital inputs IIH IIL High-level input current DVDD = digital Inputs -50 50 A Low-level input current Digital input = 0 V -50 50 A Ci Input capacitance 5 pF Digital outputs VOH VOL High-level output voltage Low-level output voltage IOH = -50 A, IOL = 50 A, BVDD = 3.3 V, 5 V BVDD = 3.3 V, 5 V IOZ CO High-impedance-state output current CS1 = DGND, CS0 = DVDD CL Load capacitance at databus D0 - D9 BVDD-0.5 V -10 Output capacitance 0.4 V 10 A 5 pF 30 pF ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS over recommended operating conditions, AVDD = 5 V, DVDD = BVDD = 3.3 V, fs = 6 MSPS, VREF = internal (unless otherwise noted) DC SPECIFICATIONS PARAMETER TEST CONDITIONS Resolution MIN TYP MAX 10 UNIT Bits Accuracy Integral nonlinearity, INL 1 LSB Differential nonlinearity, DNL 1 LSB Offset error 5 After calibration in single-ended mode After calibration in differential mode Gain error LSB -10 10 LSB -10 10 LSB Analog input Input capacitance Input leakage current 15 VAIN = VREFM to VREFP pF 10 A V Internal voltage reference Accuracy, VREFP 3.3 3.5 3.7 Accuracy, VREFM 1.4 1.5 1.6 Temperature coefficient 50 Reference noise V 100 Accuracy, REFOUT 2.475 V PPM/C 2.5 2.525 V Power supply IDDA IDDD Analog supply current IDDB IDD_P Buffer supply current Digital supply current Supply current in power-down mode Power dissipation Power dissipation in power down AVDD = 5 V, BVDD = DVDD = 3.3 V AVDD = 5 V, BVDD = DVDD = 3.3 V AVDD = 5 V, BVDD = DVDD = 3.3 V AVDD = 5 V, BVDD = DVDD = 3.3 V AVDD = 5 V, DVDD = BVDD = 3.3 V AVDD = 5 V, DVDD = BVDD = 3.3 V 36 40 mA 0.5 1 mA 1.5 4 mA 186 30 7 mA 216 mW mW 3 THS10064 SLAS255B - DECEMBER 1999 - REVISED DECEMBER 2002 ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS over recommended operating conditions, VREF = internal, fs = 6 MHz, fI = 2 MHz at -1 dBFS (unless otherwise noted) AC SPECIFICATIONS, AVDD =5 V, BVDD = DVDD = 3.3 V, CL < 30 pF PARAMETER SINAD Signal to noise ratio + distortion Signal-to-noise SNR Signal to noise ratio Signal-to-noise THD ENOB (SNR) SFDR Total harmonic distortion Effective number of bits Spurious free dynamic range MIN TYP Differential mode TEST CONDITIONS 56 59 MAX dB Single-ended mode(1) 55 59 dB Differential mode 59 61 dB Single-ended mode(1) 58 60 dB Differential mode -64 -61 Single-ended mode -63 -60 Differential mode Single-ended mode(1) UNIT dB dB 9 9.5 Bits 8.85 9.35 Bits Differential mode 61 65 dB Single-ended mode 60 64 dB Analog Input Full-power bandwidth with a source impedance of 150 in differential configuration. Full scale sinewave, -3 dB 96 MHz Full-power bandwidth with a source impedance of 150 in single-ended configuration. Full scale sinewave, -3 dB 54 MHz Small-signal bandwidth with a source impedance of 150 in differential configuration. 100 mVpp sinewave, -3 dB 96 MHz Small-signal bandwidth with a source impedance of 150 in single-ended configuration. 100 mVpp sinewave, -3 dB 54 MHz (1) The SNR (ENOB) and SINAD is degraded typically by 2 dB in single-ended mode when the reading of data is asynchronous to the sampling clock. TIMING SPECIFICATIONS(1) AVDD = 5 V, DVDD = BVDD = 3.3 V, VREF = internal, CL < 30 pF PARAMETER TEST CONDITIONS MIN TYP MAX UNIT td(DATA_AV) td(o) Delay time 5 ns Delay time 5 ns tpipe Latency 5 CONV CLK (1) See Figure 27. 4 THS10064 SLAS255B - DECEMBER 1999 - REVISED DECEMBER 2002 TIMING SPECIFICATION OF THE SINGLE CONVERSION MODE(1) (2) PARAMETER tc TEST CONDITIONS Clock cycle of the internal clock oscillator 1 analog input t1 Pulse duration, duration CONVST td(A) Aperture time 2 analog inputs 3 analog inputs UNIT 175 ns ns 1 Delayy time between consecutive start of single g conversion 2 analog inputs 3 analog inputs 1 analog input, Delayy time,, DATA_AV becomes active for the _ trigger level condition: TRIG0 = 0, TRIG1 = 0 TL = 1 3 analog inputs, TL = 3 4 analog inputs, TL = 4 Delayy time,, DATA_AV _ becomes active for the trigger level condition: TRIG0 = 1, TRIG1 = 0 TL = 4 2 analog inputs, TL = 4 3 analog inputs, TL = 6 4 analog inputs, TL = 8 1 analog input, Delayy time,, DATA_AV _ becomes active for the trigger level condition: TRIG0 = 0, TRIG1 = 1 TL = 8 2 analog inputs, TL = 8 3 analog inputs, TL = 9 4 analog inputs, TL = 12 1 analog input, Delay D l titime, DATA DATA_AV AV b becomes active ti ffor th the trigger level condition: TRIG0 = 1, 1 TRIG1 = 1 ns 4xtc 5xtc 2 analog inputs, TL = 2 1 analog input, ns 2xtc 3xtc 4 analog inputs td(DATA_AV) ( _ ) MAX 167 3.5xtc 4.5xtc 1 analog input td(DATA_AV) d(DATA AV) TYP 151 1.5xtc 2.5xtc 4 analog inputs td2 MIN TL = 14 6.5xtc + 15 7.5xtc +15 8.5xtc +15 9.5xtc +15 3xt2 +6.5xtc+15 t2 +7.5xtc+15 t2 +8.5xtc+15 t2 +9.5xtc+15 7xt2 +6.5xtc+15 3xt2 +7.5xtc+15 2xt2 +8.5xtc+15 2xt2 +9.5xtc+15 2 analog inputs, TL = 12 13xt2 +6.5xtc+15 5xt2 +7.5xtc+15 3 analog inputs, TL = 12 3xt2 +8.5xtc+15 ns ns ns ns (1) Timing parameters are ensured by design but are not tested. (2) See Figure 26. PIN ASSIGNMENTS DA (TSSOP) PACKAGE (TOP VIEW) D0 D1 D2 D3 D4 D5 1 32 2 31 3 30 4 29 5 28 6 27 BVDD BGND D6 D7 D8 D9 RA0 RA1 CONV_CLK (CONVST) DATA_AV 7 26 8 25 9 24 10 23 11 22 12 21 13 20 14 19 15 18 16 17 AINP AINM BINP BINM REFIN REFOUT REFP REFM AGND AVDD CS0 CS1 WR (R/W) RD DVDD DGND 5 THS10064 SLAS255B - DECEMBER 1999 - REVISED DECEMBER 2002 Terminal Functions TERMINAL I/O DESCRIPTION NAME NO. AINP 32 I Analog input, single-ended or positive input of differential channel A AINM 31 I Analog input, single-ended or negative input of differential channel A BINP 30 I Analog input, single-ended or positive input of differential channel B BINM 29 I Analog input, single-ended or negative input of differential channel B AVDD 23 I Analog supply voltage AGND 24 I Analog ground BVDD 7 I Digital supply voltage for buffer BGND 8 I Digital ground for buffer CONV_CLK (CONVST) 15 I Digital input. This input is used to apply an external conversion clock in continuous conversion mode. In single conversion mode, this input functions as the conversion start (CONVST) input. A high to low transition on this input holds simultaneously the selected analog input channels and initiates a single conversion of all selected analog inputs. CS0 22 I Chip select input (active low) CS1 21 I Chip select input (active high) DATA_AV 16 O Data available signal, which can be used to generate an interrupt for processors and as a level information of the internal FIFO. This signal can be configured to be active low or high and can be configured as a static level or pulse output. See Table 14. DGND 17 I Digital ground. Ground reference for digital circuitry. Digital supply voltage DVDD 18 I 1-6, 9-12 I/ O/Z RA0 13 I Digital input. RA0 is used as an address line for the control register. This is required for writing to the control register 0 and control register 1. See Table 8. RA1 14 I Digital input. RA1 is used as an address line for the control register. This is required for writing to control register 0 and control register 1. See Table 8. REFIN 28 I Common-mode reference input for the analog input channels. It is recommended that this pin be connected to the reference output REFOUT. REFP 26 I Reference input, requires a bypass capacitor of 10 F to AGND in order to bypass the internal reference voltage. An external reference voltage at this input can be applied. This option can be programmed through control register 0. See Table 9. REFM 25 I Reference input, requires a bypass capacitor of 10 F to AGND in order to bypass the internal reference voltage. An external reference voltage at this input can be applied. This option can be programmed through control register 0. See Table 9. REFOUT 27 O Analog fixed reference output voltage of 2.5 V. Sink and source capability of 250 A. The reference output requires a capacitor of 10 F to AGND for filtering and stability. RD 19 I The RD input is used only if the WR input is configured as a write only input. In this case, it is a digital input, active low as a data read select from the processor. See timing section. WR (R/W) 20 I This input is programmable. It functions as a read-write input R/W and can also be configured as a write-only input WR, which is active low and used as data write select from the processor. In this case, the RD input is used as a read input from the processor. See timing section. D0 - D9 Digital input, output; D0 = LSB (1) The start-conditions of RD and WR (R/W) are unknown. The first access to the ADC has to be a write access to initialize the ADC. 6 THS10064 SLAS255B - DECEMBER 1999 - REVISED DECEMBER 2002 FUNCTIONAL BLOCK DIAGRAM AVDD DVDD 2.5 V 3.5 V REFP 1.225 V REF 1.5 V REFOUT REFM REFIN AINP VREFM S/H DATA_AV VREFP AINM BINP S/H S/H Single Ended and/or Differential MUX + - BVDD 10 Bit Pipeline ADC 10 FIFO 16 x 10 10 Buffers BINM CONV_CLK (CONVST) CS0 CS1 RD S/H Logic and Control Control Register D0 D1 D2 D3 D4 D5 D6 D7 D8 D9 RA0 RA1 BGND WR (R/W) AGND DGND 7 THS10064 SLAS255B - DECEMBER 1999 - REVISED DECEMBER 2002 TYPICAL CHARACTERISTICS TOTAL HARMONIC DISTORTION vs SAMPLING FREQUENCY (SINGLE-ENDED) SIGNAL-TO-NOISE AND DISTORTION vs SAMPLING FREQUENCY (SINGLE-ENDED) 80 SINAD - Signal-to-Noise and Distortion - dB THD - Total Harmonic Distortion - dB 90 80 70 60 50 40 AVDD = 5 V, DVDD = BVDD = 3 V, fin = 500 kHz, AIN = -0.5 dB FS 30 20 AVDD = 5 V, DVDD = BVDD = 3 V, fin = 500 kHz, AIN = -0.5 dB FS 70 60 50 40 30 20 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 0 1 fs - Sampling Frequency - MHz 2 Figure 1 5 6 7 SIGNAL-TO-NOISE vs SAMPLING FREQUENCY (SINGLE-ENDED) 80 90 AVDD = 5 V, DVDD = BVDD = 3 V, fin = 500 kHz, AIN = -0.5 dB FS 80 70 SNR - Signal-to-Noise - dB SFDR - Spurious Free Dynamic Range - dB 4 Figure 2 SPURIOUS FREE DYNAMIC RANGE vs SAMPLING FREQUENCY (SINGLE-ENDED) 70 60 50 40 60 50 40 30 30 AVDD = 5 V, DVDD = BVDD = 3 V, fin = 500 kHz, AIN = -0.5 dB FS 20 20 0 1 2 3 4 5 fs - Sampling Frequency - MHz Figure 3 8 3 fs - Sampling Frequency - MHz 6 7 0 1 2 3 4 5 fs - Sampling Frequency - MHz Figure 4 6 7 THS10064 SLAS255B - DECEMBER 1999 - REVISED DECEMBER 2002 TYPICAL CHARACTERISTICS TOTAL HARMONIC DISTORTION vs SAMPLING FREQUENCY (DIFFERENTIAL) SIGNAL-TO-NOISE AND DISTORTION vs SAMPLING FREQUENCY (DIFFERENTIAL) 80 SINAD - Signal-to-Noise and Distortion - dB THD - Total Harmonic Distortion - dB 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 AVDD = 5 V, DVDD = BVDD = 3 V, fin = 500 kHz, AIN = -0.5 dB FS 20 AVDD = 5 V, DVDD = BVDD = 3 V, fin = 500 kHz, AIN = -0.5 dB FS 70 60 50 40 30 20 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 0 1 fs - Sampling Frequency - MHz 2 Figure 5 4 5 6 7 Figure 6 SIGNAL-TO-NOISE vs SAMPLING FREQUENCY (DIFFERENTIAL) SPURIOUS FREE DYNAMIC RANGE vs SAMPLING FREQUENCY (DIFFERENTIAL) 80 100 AVDD = 5 V, DVDD = BVDD = 3 V, fin = 500 kHz, AIN = -0.5 dB FS 90 AVDD = 5 V, DVDD = BVDD = 3 V, fin = 500 kHz, AIN = -0.5 dB FS 70 SNR - Signal-to-Noise - dB SFDR - Spurious Free Dynamic Range - dB 3 fs - Sampling Frequency - MHz 80 70 60 60 50 40 30 50 20 40 0 1 2 3 4 5 fs - Sampling Frequency - MHz Figure 7 6 7 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 fs - Sampling Frequency - MHz Figure 8 9 THS10064 SLAS255B - DECEMBER 1999 - REVISED DECEMBER 2002 TYPICAL CHARACTERISTICS TOTAL HARMONIC DISTORTION vs INPUT FREQUENCY (SINGLE-ENDED) SIGNAL-TO-NOISE AND DISTORTION vs INPUT FREQUENCY (SINGLE-ENDED) 80 AVDD = 5 V, DVDD = BVDD = 3 V, fs = 6 MSPS, AIN = -1 dB FS 80 SINAD - Signal-to-Noise and Distortion - dB THD - Total Harmonic Distortion - dB 90 70 60 50 40 30 20 0 1 2 3 AVDD = 5 V, DVDD = BVDD = 3 V, fs = 6 MSPS, AIN = -1 dB FS 70 60 50 40 30 20 4 0 1 fi - Input Frequency - MHz 4 Figure 10 SIGNAL-TO-NOISE vs INPUT FREQUENCY (SINGLE-ENDED) SPURIOUS FREE DYNAMIC RANGE vs INPUT FREQUENCY (SINGLE-ENDED) 80 90 AVDD = 5 V, DVDD = BVDD = 3 V, fs = 6 MSPS, AIN = -1 dB FS 75 70 80 SNR - Signal-to-Noise - dB SFDR - Spurious Free Dynamic Range - dB 3 fi - Input Frequency - MHz Figure 9 70 AVDD = 5 V, DVDD = BVDD = 3 V, fs = 6 MSPS, AIN = -1 dB FS 60 50 40 65 60 55 50 45 40 35 30 30 25 20 20 0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 fi - Input Frequency - MHz Figure 11 10 2 3.0 3.5 0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 fi - Input Frequency - MHz Figure 12 3.0 3.5 THS10064 SLAS255B - DECEMBER 1999 - REVISED DECEMBER 2002 TYPICAL CHARACTERISTICS SIGNAL-TO-NOISE AND DISTORTION vs INPUT FREQUENCY (DIFFERENTIAL) TOTAL HARMONIC DISTORTION vs INPUT FREQUENCY (DIFFERENTIAL) 80 AVDD = 5 V, DVDD = BVDD = 3 V, fs = 6 MSPS, AIN = -0.5 dB FS 80 SINAD - Signal-to-Noise and Distortion - dB THD - Total Harmonic Distortion - dB 90 70 60 50 40 30 20 AVDD = 5 V, DVDD = BVDD = 3 V, fs = 6 MSPS, AIN = -0.5 dB FS 70 60 50 40 30 20 0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 0 0.5 fi - Input Frequency - MHz 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 Figure 14 Figure 13 SIGNAL-TO-NOISE vs INPUT FREQUENCY (DIFFERENTIAL) SPURIOUS FREE DYNAMIC RANGE vs INPUT FREQUENCY (DIFFERENTIAL) 80 90 AVDD = 5 V, DVDD = BVDD = 3 V, fs = 6 MSPS, AIN = -0.5 dB FS 70 80 SNR - Signal-to-Noise - dB SFDR - Spurious Free Dynamic Range - dB 1.0 fi - Input Frequency - MHz 70 60 50 40 60 50 40 30 30 AVDD = 5 V, DVDD = BVDD = 3 V, fs = 6 MSPS, AIN = -0.5 dB FS 20 20 0 0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 fi - Input Frequency - MHz 3.0 3.5 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 fi - Input Frequency - MHz Figure 16 Figure 15 11 THS10064 SLAS255B - DECEMBER 1999 - REVISED DECEMBER 2002 TYPICAL CHARACTERISTICS EFFECTIVE NUMBER OF BITS vs SAMPLING FREQUENCY (DIFFERENTIAL) EFFECTIVE NUMBER OF BITS vs SAMPLING FREQUENCY (SINGLE-ENDED) 12 AVDD = 5 V, DVDD = BVDD = 3 V, fin = 500 kHz, AIN = -0.5 dB FS ENOB - Effective Number of Bits - Bits ENOB - Effective Number of Bits - Bits 12 11 10 9 8 7 AVDD = 5 V, DVDD = BVDD = 3 V, fin = 500 kHz, AIN = -0.5 dB FS 11 10 9 8 7 6 6 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 0 7 1 2 fs - Sampling Frequency - MHz 5 6 7 EFFECTIVE NUMBER OF BITS vs INPUT FREQUENCY (DIFFERENTIAL) EFFECTIVE NUMBER OF BITS vs INPUT FREQUENCY (SINGLE-ENDED) 12 12 AVDD = 5 V, DVDD = BVDD = 3 V, fs = 6 MSPS, AIN = -1 dB FS ENOB - Effective Number of Bits - Bits ENOB - Effective Number of Bits - Bits 4 Figure 18 Figure 17 11 10 9 8 7 AVDD = 5 V, DVDD = BVDD = 3 V, fs = 6 MSPS, AIN = -0.5 dB FS 11 10 9 8 7 6 6 0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 fi - Input Frequency - MHz Figure 19 12 3 fs - Sampling Frequency - MHz 3.0 3.5 0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 fi - Input Frequency - MHz Figure 20 3.0 3.5 THS10064 SLAS255B - DECEMBER 1999 - REVISED DECEMBER 2002 TYPICAL CHARACTERISTICS DIFFERENTIAL NONLINEARITY vs TEMPERATURE INTEGRAL NONLINEARITY vs TEMPERATURE 0.70 0.64 0.68 DNL - Differential Nonlinearity - LSB 0.66 AVDD = 5 V, BVDD = DVDD = 3.3 V, Differential Mode, Internal Reference, Internal Oscillator 0.62 0.60 0.58 0.56 0.54 0.52 0.5 -40 0.66 0.64 0.62 0.60 0.58 0.56 0.54 AVDD = 5 V, BVDD = DVDD = 3.3 V, Differential Mode, Internal Reference, Internal Oscillator 0.52 -15 10 35 60 85 0.5 -40 -15 10 35 60 85 TA - Temperature - C TA - Temperature - C Figure 21 Figure 22 GAIN vs INPUT FREQUENCY (SINGLE-ENDED) 5 AVDD = 5 V, DVDD = BVDD = 3 V, fs = 6 MSPS, AIN = -0.5 dB FS 0 -5 G - Gain - dB INL - Integral Nonlinearity - LSB 0.68 0.70 -10 -15 -20 -25 -30 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 fi - Input Frequency - MHz Figure 23 13 THS10064 SLAS255B - DECEMBER 1999 - REVISED DECEMBER 2002 TYPICAL CHARACTERISTICS FAST FOURIER TRANSFORM (4096 POINTS) (SINGLE-ENDED) vs FREQUENCY 0 AVDD = 5 V, DVDD = BVDD = 3 V, fs = 6 MSPS, AIN = -0.5 dB FS, fin = 1 MHz Magnitude - dB -20 -40 -60 -80 -100 -120 -140 0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 f - Frequency - MHz Figure 24 FAST FOURIER TRANSFORM (4096 POINTS) (DIFFERENTIAL) vs FREQUENCY 0 AVDD = 5 V, DVDD = BVDD = 3 V, fs = 6 MSPS, AIN = -0.5 dB FS, fin = 1 MHz Magnitude - dB -20 -40 -60 -80 -100 -120 -140 0 0.5 1.0 1.5 f - Frequency - MHz Figure 25 14 2.0 2.5 3.0 THS10064 SLAS255B - DECEMBER 1999 - REVISED DECEMBER 2002 DETAILED DESCRIPTION Reference Voltage The THS10064 has a built-in reference, which provides the reference voltages for the ADC. VREFP is set to 3.5 V and VREFM is set to 1.5 V. An external reference can also be used through two reference input pins, REFP and REFM, if the reference source is programmed as external. The voltage levels applied to these pins establish the upper and lower limits of the analog inputs to produce a full-scale and zero-scale reading respectively. Analog Inputs The THS10064 consists of 4 analog inputs, which are sampled simultaneously. These inputs can be selected individually and configured as single-ended or differential inputs. The desired analog input channel can be programmed. Analog-to-Digital Converter The THS10064 uses a 10-bit pipelined multistage architecture with 4 1-bit stages followed by 4 2-bit stages, which achieves a high sample rate with low power consumption. The THS10064 distributes the conversion over several smaller ADC sub-blocks, refining the conversion with progressively higher accuracy as the device passes the results from stage to stage. This distributed conversion requires a small fraction of the number of comparators used in a traditional flash ADC. A sample-and-hold amplifier (SHA) within each of the stages permits the first stage to operate on a new input sample while the second through the eighth stages operate on the seven preceding samples. Conversion Modes The conversion can be performed in two different conversion modes. In the single conversion mode, the conversion is initiated by an external signal (CONVST). An internal oscillator controls the conversion time. In the continuous conversion mode, an external clock signal is applied to the clock input (CONV_CLK). A new conversion is started with every falling edge of the applied clock signal. Sampling Rate The maximum possible conversion rate per channel is dependent on the selected analog input channels. Table 1 shows the maximum conversion rate in the continuous conversion mode for different combinations. Table 1. Maximum Conversion Rate in Continuous Conversion Mode NUMBER OF CHANNELS MAXIMUM CONVERSION RATE PER CHANNEL 1 single-ended channel 1 6 MSPS 2 single-ended channels 2 3 MSPS 3 single-ended channels 3 2 MSPS 4 single-ended channels 4 1.5 MSPS 1 differential channel 1 6 MSPS 2 differential channels 2 3 MSPS 1 single-ended and 1 differential channel 2 3 MSPS 2 single-ended and 1 differential channels 3 2 MSPS CHANNEL CONFIGURATION The maximum conversion rate in the continuous conversion mode per channel, fc, is given by: fc MSPS + #6channels DATA_AV In continuous conversion mode, the first DATA_AV signal is delayed by (7+TL) cycles of the CONV_CLK after a FIFO reset. This is due to the latency of the pipeline architecture of the THS10064. 15 THS10064 SLAS255B - DECEMBER 1999 - REVISED DECEMBER 2002 Table 2 shows the maximum conversion rate in the single conversion mode. Table 2. Maximum Conversion Rate in Single Conversion Mode(1) NUMBER OF CHANNELS MAXIMUM CONVERSION RATE PER CHANNEL 1 single-ended channel 1 3 MSPS 2 single-ended channels 2 2 MSPS 3 single-ended channels 3 1.5 MSPS 4 single-ended channels 4 1.2 MSPS 1 differential channel 1 3 MSPS 2 differential channels 2 2 MSPS 1 single-ended and 1 differential channel 2 2 MSPS 2 single-ended and 1 differential channels 3 1.5 MSPS CHANNEL CONFIGURATION (1) Maximum conversion rate with respect to the typical internal clock speed (i.e. 6 MPS * (tc/t2). SINGLE CONVERSION MODE In single conversion mode, a single conversion of the selected analog input channels is performed. The single conversion mode is selected by setting bit 1 of control register 0 to 1. A single conversion is initiated by pulsing the CONVST input. On the falling edge of CONVST, the sample and hold stages of the selected analog inputs are placed into hold simultaneously, and the conversion sequence for the selected channels is started. The conversion clock in single conversion mode is generated internally using a clock oscillator circuit. The signal DATA_AV (data available) becomes active when the trigger level is reached and indicates that the converted sample(s) is (are) written into the FIFO and can be read out. The trigger level in the single conversion mode can be selected according to Table 13. Figure 26 shows the timing of the single conversion mode. In this mode, up to four analog input channels can be selected to be sampled simultaneously (see Table 2). td2 CONVST t1 t1 td(A) AIN Sample N td(DATA_AV) DATA_AV, Trigger Level = 1 Figure 26. Timing of Single Conversion Mode The time (td2) between consecutive starts of single conversions is dependent on the number of selected analog input channels. The time td(DATA_AV), until DATA_AV becomes active is given by: td(DATA_AV) = tpipe + n x tc. This equation is valid for a trigger level which is equivalent to the number of selected analog input channels. For all other trigger level conditions refer to the timing specifications of single conversion mode. CONTINUOUS CONVERSION MODE The internal clock oscillator used in the single-conversion mode is switched off in continuous conversion mode. In continuous conversion mode, (bit 1 of control register 0 set to 0) the ADC operates with a free running external clock signal CONV_CLK. With every rising edge of the CONV_CLK signal a new converted value is written into the FIFO. 16 THS10064 SLAS255B - DECEMBER 1999 - REVISED DECEMBER 2002 Figure 27 shows the timing of continuous conversion mode when one analog input channel is selected. The maximum throughput rate is 6 MSPS in this mode. The timing of the DATA_AV signal is shown here in the case of a trigger level set to 1 or 4. Sample N Channel 1 Sample N+1 Channel 1 Sample N+2 Channel 1 Sample N+3 Channel 1 Sample N+4 Channel 1 Sample N+5 Channel 1 Sample N+6 Channel 1 Sample N+7 Channel 1 Sample N+8 Channel 1 AIN td(A) td(pipe) tw(CONV_CLKH) tw(CONV_CLKL) 50% CONV_CLK 50% td(O) tc Data Into FIFO Data N-5 Channel 1 Data N-4 Channel 1 Data N-3 Channel 1 Data N-2 Channel 1 Data N-1 Channel 1 Data N Channel 1 Data N+1 Channel 1 Data N+2 Channel 1 Data N+3 Channel 1 td(DATA_AV) DATA_AV, Trigger Level = 1 td(DATA_AV) DATA_AV, Trigger Level = 4 Figure 27. Timing of Continuous Conversion Mode (1-channel operation) Figure 28 shows the timing of continuous conversion mode when two analog input channels are selected. The maximum throughput rate per channel is 3 MSPS in this mode. The data flow in the bottom of the figure shows the order the converted data is written into the FIFO. The timing of the DATA_AV signal shown here is for a trigger level set to 2 or 4. Sample N Channel 1,2 Sample N+1 Channel 1,2 Sample N+2 Channel 1,2 Sample N+3 Channel 1,2 Sample N+4 Channel 1,2 AIN td(A) tw(CONV_CLKH) CONV_CLK 50% td(Pipe) tw(CONV_CLKL) 50% tc Data Into FIFO Data N-3 Channel 2 td(O) Data N-2 Channel 1 Data N-2 Channel 2 Data N-1 Channel 1 Data N-1 Channel 2 Data N Channel 1 Data N Channel 2 Data N+1 Channel 1 Data N+1 Channel 2 td(DATA_AV) DATA_AV, Trigger Level = 2 td(DATA_AV) DATA_AV, Trigger Level = 4 Figure 28. Timing of Continuous Conversion Mode (2-channel operation) 17 THS10064 SLAS255B - DECEMBER 1999 - REVISED DECEMBER 2002 Figure 29 shows the timing of continuous conversion mode when three analog input channels are selected. The maximum throughput rate per channel is 2 MSPS in this mode. The data flow in the bottom of the figure shows in which order the converted data is written into the FIFO. The timing of the DATA_AV signal shown here is for a trigger level set to 3. Sample N Channel 1,2,3 Sample N+1 Channel 1,2,3 Sample N+2 Channel 1,2,3 AIN td(A) td(Pipe) tw(CONV_CLKL) tw(CONV_CLKH) CONV_CLK 50% 50% tc Data Into FIFO td(O) Data N-2 Channel 2 Data N-2 Channel 3 Data N-1 Channel 1 Data N-1 Channel 2 Data N-1 Channel 3 Data N Channel 1 Data N Channel 2 Data N Channel 3 td(DATA_AV) DATA_AV, Trigger Level = 3 Figure 29. Timing of Continuous Conversion Mode (3-channel operation) Figure 30 shows the timing of continuous conversion mode when four analog input channels are selected. The maximum throughput rate per channel is 1.5 MSPS in this mode. The data flow in the bottom of the figure shows in which order the converted data is written into the FIFO. The timing of the DATA_AV signal shown here is for a trigger level of 4. Sample N Channel 1,2,3,4 Sample N+1 Channel 1,2,3,4 Sample N+2 Channel 1,2,3,4 AIN td(A) td(Pipe) tw(CONV_CLKL) 50% tw(CONV_CLKH) 50% CONV_CLK tc Data Into FIFO Data N-2 Channel 4 td(O) Data N-1 Channel 1 Data N-1 Channel 2 Data N-1 Channel 3 Data N-1 Channel 4 Data N Channel 1 Data N Channel 2 Data N Channel 3 Data N Channel 4 td(DATA_AV) DATA_AV, Trigger Level = 4 Figure 30. Timing of Continuous Conversion Mode (4-channel operation) 18 THS10064 SLAS255B - DECEMBER 1999 - REVISED DECEMBER 2002 DIGITAL OUTPUT DATA FORMAT The digital output data format of the THS10064 can either be in binary format or in twos complement format. The following tables list the digital outputs for the analog input voltages. Table 3. Binary Output Format for Single-Ended Configuration SINGLE-ENDED, BINARY OUTPUT ANALOG INPUT VOLTAGE DIGITAL OUTPUT CODE AIN = VREFP 3FFh AIN = (VREFP + VREFM)/2 200h AIN = VREFM 000h Table 4. Twos Complement Output Format for Single-Ended Configuration SINGLE-ENDED, TWOS COMPLEMENT ANALOG INPUT VOLTAGE DIGITAL OUTPUT CODE AIN = VREFP 1FFh AIN = (VREFP + VREFM)/2 000h AIN = VREFM 200h Table 5. Binary Output Format for Differential Configuration DIFFERENTIAL, BINARY OUTPUT ANALOG INPUT VOLTAGE DIGITAL OUTPUT CODE Vin = AINP - AINM VREF = VREFP - VREFM Vin = VREF Vin = 0 3FFh Vin = -VREF 000h 200h Table 6. Twos Complement Output Format for Differential Configuration DIFFERENTIAL, BINARY OUTPUT ANALOG INPUT VOLTAGE DIGITAL OUTPUT CODE Vin = AINP - AINM VREF = VREFP - VREFM Vin = VREF Vin = 0 1FFh Vin = -VREF 200h 000h 19 THS10064 SLAS255B - DECEMBER 1999 - REVISED DECEMBER 2002 FIFO DESCRIPTION In order to facilitate an efficient connection to today's processors, the THS10064 is supplied with a FIFO. This integrated FIFO enables a problem-free processing of data with today's processors. The FIFO is provided as a flexible circular buffer. The circular buffer integrated in the THS10064 can store up to 16 conversion values. Therefore, the amount of interrupts to be served by a processor can be reduced significantly. 16 1 15 2 Read Pointer 14 3 13 4 12 5 Trigger Pointer 6 11 7 10 9 8 Data in FIFO Free Write Pointer Figure 31. Circular Buffer The converted data of the THS10064 is automatically written into the FIFO. To control the writing and reading process, a write pointer, a read pointer and a trigger pointer are used. The read pointer always shows the location which is read next. The write pointer indicates the location which contains the last written sample. With a selection of multiple analog input channels, the converted values are written in a predefined sequence to the circular buffer (autoscan mode). In this way, the channel information for the reading processor is continually maintained. The FIFO can be programmed through the control register of the ADC. The user has the ability to select a specific trigger level according to Table 13 in order to choose the configuration which best fits the application. The FIFO provides the signal DATA_AV, which signals the processor to read the amount of data equal to the trigger level selected in Table 13. The signal DATA_AV becomes active when the trigger condition is satisfied. The trigger condition is satisfied when as many values as selected for the trigger level where written into the FIFO. The signal DATA_AV could be connected to an interrupt input of a processor. In every interrupt service routine call, the processor must read the amount of data equal to the trigger level from the ADC. The first data represents the first channel according to the autoscan mode, which is shown in Table 10. The channel information is therefore always maintained. 20 THS10064 SLAS255B - DECEMBER 1999 - REVISED DECEMBER 2002 READING DATA FROM THE FIFO The THS10064 informs the connected processor via the digital output DATA_AV (data available) that a block of conversion values are ready to be read. The block size to be read is always equal to the setting of the trigger level. The selectable trigger levels depend on the number of selected analog input channels. For example, when choosing one analog input, a trigger level of 1, 4, 8, and 14 can be selected. The following figures demonstrate the principle of reading the data (the READ signal is asynchronous to CONV_CLK). In Figure 32, a trigger level of 1 is selected. The control signal DATA_AV is set to an active low pulse. This means that the connected processor has the task to read 1 value from the ADC after every DATA_AV low pulse. CONV_CLK DATA_AV READ Figure 32. Trigger Level 1 Selected In Figure 33, a trigger level of 4 is selected. The control signal DATA_AV is set to an active low pulse. This means that the connected processor has the task to read 4 values from the ADC after every DATA_AV low pulse. CONV_CLK DATA_AV READ Figure 33. Trigger Level 4 Selected In Figure 34, a trigger level of 8 is selected. The control signal DATA_AV is set to an active low pulse. This means that the connected processor has the task to read 8 values from the ADC after every DATA_AV low pulse. CONV_CLK DATA_AV READ Figure 34. Trigger Level 8 Selected In Figure 35, a trigger level of 14 is selected. The control signal DATA_AV is set to an active low pulse. This means that the connected processor has the task to read 14 values from the ADC after every DATA_AV low pulse. CONV_CLK DATA_AV READ Figure 35. Trigger Level 14 Selected READ is always the logical combination of CS0, CS1 and RD. 21 THS10064 SLAS255B - DECEMBER 1999 - REVISED DECEMBER 2002 ADC CONTROL REGISTER The THS10064 contains two 10-bit wide control registers (CR0, CR1) in order to program the device into the desired mode. The bit definitions of both control registers are shown in Table 7. Table 7. Bit Definitions of Control Register CR0 and CR1 REG BIT 9 BIT 8 BIT 7 BIT 6 BIT 5 BIT 4 BIT 3 BIT 2 BIT 1 BIT 0 CR0 TEST1 TEST0 SCAN DIFF1 DIFF0 CHSEL1 CHSEL0 PD MODE VREF CR1 RESERVED OFFSET BIN/2s R/W DATA_P DATA_T TRIG1 TRIG0 FRST RESET Writing to Control Register 0 and Control Register 1 The 10-bit wide control register 0 and control register 1 can be programmed by addressing the desired control register and writing the register value to the ADC. The addressing is performed with the upper bits RA0 and RA1. During this write process, the data bits D0 to D9 contain the desired control register value. Table 8 shows the addressing of each control register. Table 8. Control Register Addressing 22 D0 - D9 RA0 RA1 Addressed Control Register Desired register value 0 0 Control register 0 Desired register value 1 0 Control register 1 Desired register value 0 1 Reserved for future Desired register value 1 1 Reserved for future THS10064 SLAS255B - DECEMBER 1999 - REVISED DECEMBER 2002 INITIALIZATION OF THE THS10064 The initialization of the THS10064 should be done according to the configuration flow shown in Figure 36. Start Use Default Values? No Yes Write 0x401 to THS10064 (Set Reset Bit in CR1) Clear RESET By Writing 0x400 to CR1 Write 0x401 to THS10064 (Set Reset Bit in CR1) Clear RESET By Writing 0x400 to CR1 Write The User Configuration to CR0 Write The User Configuration to CR1 (Can Include FIFO Reset, Must Exclude RESET) Continue Figure 36. THS10064 Configuration Flow 23 THS10064 SLAS255B - DECEMBER 1999 - REVISED DECEMBER 2002 ADC CONTROL REGISTERS Control Register 0, Write Only (see Table 8) RA1 RA0 BIT 9 BIT 8 BIT 7 BIT 6 BIT 5 BIT 4 BIT 3 BIT 2 BIT 1 BIT 0 0 0 TEST1 TEST0 SCAN DIFF1 DIFF0 CHSEL1 CHSEL0 PD MODE VREF Table 9. Control Register 0 Bit Functions BITS RESET VALUE NAME 0 0 VREF Vref select: Bit 0 = 0 The internal reference is selected Bit 0 = 1 The external reference voltage is selected 1 0 MODE Continuous conversion mode/single conversion mode Bit 1 = 0 Continuous conversion mode is selected FUNCTION An external clock signal is applied to the CONV_CLK input in this mode. With every falling edge of the CONV_CLK signal a new converted value is written into the FIFO. Bit 1 = 1 Single conversion mode is selected In this mode, the CONV_CLK input functions as a CONVST input. A single conversion is initiated on the THS10064 by pulsing the CONVST input. On the falling edge of CONVST, the sample and hold stages of the selected analog inputs are placed into hold simultaneously, and the conversion sequence for the selected channels is started. The signal DATA_AV (data available) becomes active when the trigger condition is satisfied. 2 0 PD Power down. Bit 2 = 0 The ADC is active Bit 2 = 1 Power down The reading and writing to and from the digital outputs is possible during power down. It is also possible to read out the FIFO. 3, 4 0,0 CHSEL0, CHSEL1 Channel select Bit 3 and bit 4 select the analog input channel of the ADC. Refer to Table 10. 5,6 1,0 DIFF0, DIFF1 7 0 SCAN Autoscan enable Bit 7 enables or disables the autoscan function of the ADC. Refer to Table 10. 8,9 0,0 TEST0, TEST1 Test input enable Bit 8 and bit 9 control the test function of the ADC. Three different test voltages can be measured. This feedback allows the check of all hardware connections and the ADC operation. Number of differential channels Bit 5 and bit 6 contain information about the number of selected differential channels. Refer to Table 10. Refer to Table 11 for selection of the three different test voltages. The control signal DATA_AV is disabled in the test mode. Test voltage readings have to be done independent from DATA_AV. To get the THS10064 back to the normal operating mode, apply the initialization routine. 24 THS10064 SLAS255B - DECEMBER 1999 - REVISED DECEMBER 2002 ANALOG INPUT CHANNEL SELECTION The analog input channels of the THS10064 can be selected via bits 3 to 7 of control register 0. One single channel (single-ended or differential) is selected via bit 3 and bit 4 of control register 0. Bit 5 controls the selection between single-ended and differential configuration. Bit 6 and bit 7 select the autoscan mode, if more than one input channel is selected. Table 10 shows the possible selections. Table 10. Analog Input Channel Configurations BIT 7 SCAN BIT 6 DIFF1 BIT 5 DIFF0 BIT 4 CHSEL1 BIT 3 CHSEL0 0 0 0 0 0 Analog input AINP (single ended) 0 0 0 0 1 Analog input AINM (single ended) 0 0 0 1 0 Analog input BINP (single ended) 0 0 0 1 1 Analog input BINM (single ended) 0 0 1 0 0 Differential channel (AINP-AINM) 0 0 1 0 1 Differential channel (BINP-BINM) 1 0 0 0 1 Autoscan two single ended channels: AINP, AINM, AINP, ... 1 0 0 1 0 Autoscan three single ended channels: AINP, AINM, BINP, AINP, ... 1 0 0 1 1 Autoscan four single ended channels: AINP, AINM, BINP, BINM, AINP, ... 1 0 1 0 1 Autoscan one differential channel and one single ended channel AINP, (BINP-BINM), AINP, (BINP-BINM), ... 1 0 1 1 0 Autoscan one differential channel and two single ended channel AINP, AINM, (BINP-BINM), AINP, ... 1 1 0 0 1 Autoscan two differential channels (AINP-AINM), (BINP-BINM), (AINP-AINM), ... 0 0 1 1 0 Reserved 0 0 1 1 1 Reserved 1 0 0 0 0 Reserved 1 0 1 0 0 Reserved 1 0 1 1 1 Reserved 1 1 0 0 0 Reserved 1 1 0 1 0 Reserved 1 1 0 1 1 Reserved 1 1 1 0 0 Reserved 1 1 1 0 1 Reserved 1 1 1 1 0 Reserved 1 1 1 1 1 Reserved DESCRIPTION OF THE SELECTED INPUTS Test Mode The test mode of the ADC is selected via bit 8 and bit 9 of control register 0. The different selections are shown in Table 11. Table 11. Test Mode BIT 9 TEST1 BIT 8 TEST0 OUTPUT RESULT 0 0 Normal mode 0 1 1 0 1 1 VREFP ((VREFM)+(VREFP))/2 VREFM Three different options can be selected. This feature allows support testing of hardware connections between the ADC and the processor. 25 THS10064 SLAS255B - DECEMBER 1999 - REVISED DECEMBER 2002 Control Register 1, Write Only (see Table 8) RA1 RA0 BIT 9 BIT 8 BIT 7 BIT 6 BIT 5 BIT 4 BIT 3 BIT 2 BIT 1 BIT 0 0 1 RESERVED OFFSET BIN/2s R/W DATA_P DATA_T TRIG1 TRIG0 OVFL/FRST RESET Table 12. Control Register 1 Bit Functions BITS RESET VALUE NAME 0 0 RESET FUNCTION Reset Writing a 1 into this bit resets the device and sets the control register 0 and control register 1 to the reset values. In addition the FIFO pointer and offset register is reset. After reset, it takes 5 clock cycles until the first value is converted and written into the FIFO. 1 0 FRST 2, 3 0,0 TRIG0, TRIG1 FIFO trigger level DATA_T DATA_AV type 4 1 FRST: FIFO reset By writing a 1 into this bit, the FIFO is reset. Bit 2 and bit 3 of control register 1 are used to set the trigger level for the FIFO. If the trigger level is reached, the signal DATA_AV (data available) becomes active according to the settings of DATA_T and DATA_P. This indicates to the processor that the ADC values can be read. Refer to Table 13. Bit 4 of control register 1 controls whether the DATA_AV signal is a pulse or static (e.g for edge or level sensitive interrupt inputs). If it is set to 0, the DATA_AV signal is static. If it is set to 1, the DATA_AV signal is a pulse. Refer to Table 14. 5 1 DATA_P DATA_AV polarity Bit 5 of control register 1 controls the polarity of DATA_AV. If it is set to 1, DATA_AV is active high. If it is set to 0, DATA_AV is active low. Refer to Table 14. 6 0 R/W R/W, RD/WR selection Bit 6 of control register 1 controls the function of the inputs RD and WR. When bit 6 in control register 1 is set to 1, WR becomes a R/W input and RD is disabled. From now on a read is signalled with R/W high and a write with R/W as a low signal. If bit 6 in control register 1 is set to 0, the input RD becomes a read input and the input WR becomes a write input. 7 0 BIN/2s Complement select If bit 7 of control register 1 is set to 0, the output value of the ADC is in twos complement. If bit 7 of control register 1 is set to 1, the output value of the ADC is in binary format. Refer to Table 3 through Table 6. 8 0 OFFSET Offset cancellation mode Bit 8 = 0 normal conversion mode Bit 8 = 1 offset calibration mode If a 1 is written into bit 8 of control register 1, the device internally sets the inputs to zero and does a conversion. The conversion result is stored in an offset register and subtracted from all conversions in order to reduce the offset error. 9 0 RESERVED Always write 0. FIFO TRIGGER LEVEL Bit 2 and bit 3 (TRIG1, TRIG0) of control register 1 are used to set the trigger level of the FIFO (see Table 13). If the trigger level is reached, the DATA_AV (data available) signal becomes active according to the setting of the signal DATA_AV to indicate to the processor that the ADC values can be read. 26 THS10064 SLAS255B - DECEMBER 1999 - REVISED DECEMBER 2002 Table 13 shows four different programmable trigger levels for each configuration. The FIFO trigger level, which can be selected, is dependent on the number of input channels. Both, a differential or a single-ended input is considered as one channel. The processor therefore always reads the data from the FIFO in the same order and is able to distinguish between the channels. Table 13. FIFO Trigger Level BIT 3 TRIG1 BIT 2 TRIG0 TRIGGER LEVEL FOR 1 CHANNEL (ADC values) TRIGGER LEVEL FOR 2 CHANNELS (ADC values) TRIGGER LEVEL FOR 3 CHANNEL (ADC values) TRIGGER LEVEL FOR 4 CHANNELS (ADC values) 0 0 01 02 03 04 0 1 04 04 06 08 1 0 08 08 09 12 1 1 14 12 12 Reserved TIMING AND SIGNAL DESCRIPTION OF THE THS10064 The reading from the THS10064 and writing to the THS10064 is performed by using the chip select inputs (CS0, CS1), the write input WR and the read input RD. The write input is configurable to a combined read/write input (R/W). This is desired in cases where the connected processor consists of a combined read/write output signal (R/W). The two chip select inputs can be used to interface easily to a processor. Reading from the THS10064 takes place by an internal RDint signal, which is generated from the logical combination of the external signals CS0, CS1 and RD (see Figure 37). This signal is then used to strobe the words out of the FIFO and to enable the output buffers. The last external signal (either CS0, CS1 or RD) to become valid makes RDint active while the write input (WR) is inactive. The first of those external signals going to its inactive state then deactivates RDint again. Writing to the THS10064 takes place by an internal WRint signal, which is generated from the logical combination of the external signals CS0, CS1 and WR. This signal is then used to strobe the control words into the control registers 0 and 1. The last external signal (either CS0, CS1 or WR) to become valid makes WRint active while the read input (RD) is inactive. The first of those external signals going to its inactive state then deactivates WRint again. CS0 Read Enable CS1 RD Write Enable WR Control/Data Registers Data Bits Figure 37. Logical Combination of CS0, CS1, RD, and WR 27 THS10064 SLAS255B - DECEMBER 1999 - REVISED DECEMBER 2002 DATA_AV TYPE Bit 4 and bit 5 (DATA_T, DATA_P) of control register 1 are used to program the signal DATA_AV. Bit 4 of control register 1 determines whether the DATA_AV signal is static or a pulse. Bit 5 of the control register determines the polarity of DATA_AV. This is shown in Table 14. Table 14. DATA_AV Type BIT 5 DATA_P BIT 4 DATA_T 0 0 Active low level 0 1 Active low pulse 1 0 Active high level 1 1 Active high pulse DATA_AV TYPE The signal DATA_AV is set to active when the trigger condition is satisfied. It is set back inactive dependent of the DATA_T selection (pulse or level). If level mode is chosen, DATA_AV is set inactive after the first of the TL (TL = trigger level) reads (with the falling edge of READ). The trigger condition is checked again after TL reads. For single conversion mode, DATA_AV type should be programmed to active level mode. If pulse mode is chosen, the signal DATA_AV is a pulse with a width of one half of a CONV_CLK cycle in continuous conversion mode. The next DATA_AV pulse (when the trigger condition is satisfied) is sent out the earliest, when the TL values, written into the FIFO before, were read out by the processor. Read Timing (using R/W, CS0-controlled) Figure 38 shows the read-timing behavior when the WR(R/W) input is programmed as a combined read-write input R/W. The RD input has to be tied to high-level in this configuration. This timing is called CS0-controlled because CS0 is the last external signal of CS0, CS1, and R/W which becomes valid. tw(CS) 90% CS0 10% 10% CS1 OOO OOO OOO R/W RD tsu(R/W) th(R/W) 90% OOO OOO OOO 90% ta th 90% 90% D(0-9) td(CSDAV) DATA_AV 90% Figure 38. Read Timing Diagram Using R/W (CS0-controlled) 28 THS10064 SLAS255B - DECEMBER 1999 - REVISED DECEMBER 2002 Read Timing Parameter (CS0-controlled) PARAMETER MIN tsu(R/W) ta Setup time, R/W high to last CS valid 0 Access time, last CS valid to data valid 0 td(CSDAV) th Delay time, last CS valid to DATA_AV inactive th(R/W) tw(CS) CS = CS0 TYP MAX UNIT ns 10 12 ns ns Hold time, first CS invalid to data invalid 0 Hold time, first external CS invalid to R/W change 5 ns 10 ns Pulse duration, CS active 5 ns Write Timing (using R/W, CS0-controlled) Figure 39 shows the write-timing behavior when the WR(R/W) input is programmed as a combined read-write input R/W. The RD input has to be tied to high-level in this configuration. This timing is called CS0-controlled because CS0 is the last external signal of CS0, CS1, and R/W which becomes valid. tw(CS) 90% CS0 10% 10% CS1 OOOO OOOO OOOO tsu(R/W) OOO OOO OOO th(R/W) WR RD tsu th 90% 90% D(0-9) OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO DATA_AV Figure 39. Write Timing Diagram Using R/W (CS0-controlled) Read Timing Parameter (CS0-controlled) PARAMETER MIN TYP MAX UNIT tsu(R/W) tsu Setup time, R/W stable to last CS valid 0 ns Setup time, data valid to first CS invalid 5 ns th th(R/W) Hold time, first CS invalid to data invalid 2 ns Hold time, first CS invalid to R/W change 5 ns 10 ns tw(CS) CS = CS0 Pulse duration, CS active 29 THS10064 SLAS255B - DECEMBER 1999 - REVISED DECEMBER 2002 INTERFACING THE THS10064 TO THE TMS320C30/31/33 DSP The following application circuit shows an interface of the THS10064 to the TMS320C30/31/33 DSPs. The read and write timings (using R/W, CS0-controlled) shown before are valid for this specific interface. THS10064 TMS320C30/31/33 DVDD CS0 CS1 RD R/W DATA_AV CONV_CLK DATA STRB A23 R/W INTX TOUT DATA INTERFACING THE THS10064 TO THE TMS320C54X USING I/O STROBE The following application circuit shows an interface of the THS10064 to the TMS320C54x. The read and write timings (using R/W, CS0-controlled) shown before are valid for this specific interface. THS10064 TMS320C54x DVDD CS0 CS1 RD R/W DATA_AV CONV_CLK DATA 30 I/O STRB A15 R/W INTX BCLK DATA THS10064 SLAS255B - DECEMBER 1999 - REVISED DECEMBER 2002 Read Timing (using RD, RD-controlled) Figure 40 shows the read-timing behavior when the WR(R/W) input is programmed as a write-input only. The input RD acts as the read-input in this configuration. This timing is called RD-controlled because RD is the last external signal of CS0, CS1, and RD which becomes valid. CS0 CS1 WR tsu(CS) OOOO OOOO th(CS) tw(RD) 10% RD OOO OOO 10% ta th 90% 90% D(0-9) td(CSDAV) 90% DATA_AV Figure 40. Read Timing Diagram Using RD (RD-controlled) Read Timing Parameter (RD-controlled) PARAMETER MIN TYP MAX UNIT tsu(CS) ta Setup time, RD low to last CS valid 0 Access time, last CS valid to data valid 0 td(CSDAV) th Delay time, last CS valid to DATA_AV inactive Hold time, first CS invalid to data invalid 0 th(CS) tw(RD) Hold time, RD change to first CS invalid 5 ns 10 ns Pulse duration, RD active ns 10 12 ns ns 5 ns 31 THS10064 SLAS255B - DECEMBER 1999 - REVISED DECEMBER 2002 Write Timing (using WR, WR-controlled) Figure 41 shows the write-timing behavior when the WR(R/W) input is programmed as a write input WR only. The input RD acts as the read input in this configuration. This timing is called WR-controlled because WR is the last external signal of CS0, CS1, and WR which becomes valid. CS0 CS1 tsu(CS) th(CS) tw(WR) WR 10% 10% OOOOO OOOOO RD tsu OOOO OOOO th 90% 90% D(0-9) DATA_AV OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO Figure 41. Write Timing Diagram Using WR (WR-controlled) Write Timing Parameter Using WR (WR-controlled) PARAMETER MIN TYP MAX UNIT tsu(CS) tsu Setup time, CS stable to last WR valid 0 ns Setup time, data valid to first WR invalid 5 ns th th(CS) Hold time, WR invalid to data invalid 2 ns 5 ns tw(WR) Pulse duration, WR active 10 ns 32 Hold time, WR invalid to CS change THS10064 SLAS255B - DECEMBER 1999 - REVISED DECEMBER 2002 INTERFACING THE THS10064 TO THE TMS320C6201 DSP The following application circuit shows an interface of the THS10064 to the TMS320C6201. The read (using RD, RD-controlled) and write timings (using WR, WR-controlled) shown before are valid for this specific interface. THS10064-1 TMS320C6201 CS0 CS1 RD WR DATA_AV DATA CONV_CLK CE1 EA20 ARE AWE EXT_INT6 DATA TOUT1 TOUT2 EA21 EXT_INT7 THS10064-2 CS0 CS1 RD WR DATA_AV DATA CONV_CLK ANALOG INPUT CONFIGURATION AND REFERENCE VOLTAGE The THS10064 features four analog input channels. These can be configured for either single-ended or differential operation. Best performance is achieved in differential mode. Figure 42 shows a simplified model, where a single-ended configuration for channel AINP is selected. The reference voltages for the ADC itself are VREFP and VREFM (either internal or external reference voltage). The analog input voltage range goes from VREFM to VREFP. This means that VREFM defines the minimum voltage, which can be applied to the ADC. VREFP defines the maximum voltage, which can be applied to the ADC. The internal reference source provides the voltage VREFM of 1.5 V and the voltage VREFP of 3.5 V. The resulting analog input voltage swing of 2 V can be expressed by: V REFM v AINP v VREFP (1) VREFP AINP 10-Bit ADC VREFM Figure 42. Single-Ended Input Stage 33 THS10064 SLAS255B - DECEMBER 1999 - REVISED DECEMBER 2002 A differential operation is desired for many applications. Figure 43 shows a simplified model for the analog inputs AINM and AINP, which are configured for differential operation. This configuration has a few advantages, which are discussed in the following paragraphs. VREFP AINP + VADC 10-Bit ADC - AINM VREFM Figure 43. Differential Input Stage In comparison to the single-ended configuration it can be seen that the voltage, VADC, which is applied at the input of the ADC is the difference between the input AINP and AINM. This means that VREFM defines the minimum voltage (VADC) which can be applied to the ADC. VREFP defines the maximum voltage (VADC) which can be applied to the ADC. The voltage VADC can be calculated as follows: V ADC + ABS(AINP-AINM) (2) An advantage to single-ended operation is that the common-mode voltage V CM + AINM )2 AINP (3) can be rejected in the differential configuration, if the following condition for the analog input voltages is true: v AINM, AINP v AVDD v4 V 1 VvV CM AGND (4) (5) In addition to the common-mode voltage rejection, the differential operation allows a dc-offset rejection which is common to both analog inputs. See Figure 45. SINGLE-ENDED MODE OF OPERATION The THS10064 can be configured for single-ended operation using dc- or ac-coupling. In either case, the input of the THS10064 must be driven from an operational amplifier that does not degrade the ADC performance. Because the THS10064 operates from a 5-V single supply, it is necessary to level-shift ground-based bipolar signals to comply with its input requirements. This can be achieved with dc- and ac-coupling. An application example is shown for dc-coupled level shifting in the following section, dc-coupling. 34 THS10064 SLAS255B - DECEMBER 1999 - REVISED DECEMBER 2002 DC COUPLING An operational amplifier can be configured to shift the signal level according to the analog input voltage range of the THS10064. The analog input voltage range of the THS10064 goes from 1.5 V to 3.5 V. An op-amp specified for 5-V single supply can be used as shown in Figure 44. Figure 44 shows an application example where the analog input signal in the range from -1 V up to 1 V is shifted by an op-amp to the analog input range of the THS10064 (1.5 V to 3.5 V). The op-amp is configured as an inverting amplifier with a gain of -1. The required dc voltage of 1.25 V at the noninverting input is derived from the 2.5-V output reference REFOUT of the THS10064 by using a resistor divider. Therefore, the op-amp output voltage is centered at 2.5 V. The use of ratio matched, thin-film resistor networks minimizes gain and offset errors. R 3.5 V 2.5 V 1.5 V 5V 1V 0V R _ THS10064 RS AINP -1 V 1.25 V + REFIN REFOUT R R Figure 44. Level-Shift for DC-Coupled Input DIFFERENTIAL MODE OF OPERATION For the differential mode of operation, a conversion from single-ended to differential is required. A conversion to differential signals can be achieved by using an RF-transformer, which provides a center tap. Best performance is achieved in differential mode. Mini Circuits T4-1 49.9 THS10064 R AINP 200 C R AINM C REFOUT Figure 45. Transformer Coupled Input 35 THS10064 SLAS255B - DECEMBER 1999 - REVISED DECEMBER 2002 DEFINITIONS OF SPECIFICATIONS AND TERMINOLOGY Integral Nonlinearity Integral nonlinearity refers to the deviation of each individual code from a line drawn from zero through full scale. The point used as zero occurs 1/2 LSB before the first code transition. The full-scale point is defined as a level 1/2 LSB beyond the last code transition. The deviation is measured from the center of each particular code to the true straight line between these two points. Differential Nonlinearity An ideal ADC exhibits code transitions that are exactly 1 LSB apart. DNL is the deviation from this ideal value. A differential nonlinearity error of less than 1 LSB ensures no missing codes. Zero Offset The major carry transition should occur when the analog input is at zero volts. Zero error is defined as the deviation of the actual transition from that point. Gain Error The first code transition should occur at an analog value 1/2 LSB above negative full scale. The last transition should occur at an analog value 1 1/2 LSB below the nominal full scale. Gain error is the deviation of the actual difference between first and last code transitions and the ideal difference between first and last code transitions. Signal-to-Noise Ratio + Distortion (SINAD) SINAD is the ratio of the rms value of the measured input signal to the rms sum of all other spectral components below the Nyquist frequency, including harmonics but excluding dc. The value for SINAD is expressed in decibels. Effective Number of Bits (ENOB) For a sine wave, SINAD can be expressed in terms of the number of bits. Using the following formula, N + (SINAD6.02* 1.76) it is possible to get a measure of performance expressed as N, the effective number of bits. Thus, the effective number of bits for a device for sine wave inputs at a given input frequency can be calculated directly from its measured SINAD. Total Harmonic Distortion (THD) THD is the ratio of the rms sum of the first six harmonic components to the rms value of the measured input signal and is expressed as a percentage or in decibels. Spurious Free Dynamic Range (SFDR) SFDR is the difference in dB between the rms amplitude of the input signal and the peak spurious signal. 36 THS10064 SLAS255B - DECEMBER 1999 - REVISED DECEMBER 2002 MECHANICAL DATA DA (R-PDSO-G**) PLASTIC SMALL-OUTLINE PACKAGE 38 PINS SHOWN 0,30 0,19 0,65 38 0,13 M 20 6,20 NOM 8,40 7,80 0,15 NOM Gage Plane 1 19 0,25 A 0- 8 0,75 0,50 Seating Plane 0,15 0,05 1,20 MAX PINS ** 0,10 28 30 32 38 A MAX 9,80 11,10 11,10 12,60 A MIN 9,60 10,90 10,90 12,40 DIM 4040066 / D 11/98 NOTES:A. B. C. D. All linear dimensions are in millimeters. This drawing is subject to change without notice. Body dimensions do not include mold flash or protrusion. Falls within JEDEC MO-153 37 PACKAGE OPTION ADDENDUM 23-Jul-2007 PACKAGING INFORMATION Orderable Device Status (1) Package Type Package Drawing Pins Package Eco Plan (2) Qty THS10064CDA ACTIVE TSSOP DA 32 46 Green (RoHS & no Sb/Br) CU NIPDAU Level-2-260C-1 YEAR THS10064CDAG4 ACTIVE TSSOP DA 32 46 Green (RoHS & no Sb/Br) CU NIPDAU Level-2-260C-1 YEAR THS10064CDAR ACTIVE TSSOP DA 32 2000 Green (RoHS & no Sb/Br) CU NIPDAU Level-2-260C-1 YEAR THS10064CDARG4 ACTIVE TSSOP DA 32 2000 Green (RoHS & no Sb/Br) CU NIPDAU Level-2-260C-1 YEAR THS10064IDA ACTIVE TSSOP DA 32 46 Green (RoHS & no Sb/Br) CU NIPDAU Level-2-260C-1 YEAR THS10064IDAG4 ACTIVE TSSOP DA 32 46 Green (RoHS & no Sb/Br) CU NIPDAU Level-2-260C-1 YEAR Lead/Ball Finish MSL Peak Temp (3) (1) The marketing status values are defined as follows: ACTIVE: Product device recommended for new designs. LIFEBUY: TI has announced that the device will be discontinued, and a lifetime-buy period is in effect. NRND: Not recommended for new designs. Device is in production to support existing customers, but TI does not recommend using this part in a new design. PREVIEW: Device has been announced but is not in production. Samples may or may not be available. OBSOLETE: TI has discontinued the production of the device. (2) Eco Plan - The planned eco-friendly classification: Pb-Free (RoHS), Pb-Free (RoHS Exempt), or Green (RoHS & no Sb/Br) - please check for the latest availability information and additional product content details. TBD: The Pb-Free/Green conversion plan has not been defined. Pb-Free (RoHS): TI's terms "Lead-Free" or "Pb-Free" mean semiconductor products that are compatible with the current RoHS requirements for all 6 substances, including the requirement that lead not exceed 0.1% by weight in homogeneous materials. Where designed to be soldered at high temperatures, TI Pb-Free products are suitable for use in specified lead-free processes. Pb-Free (RoHS Exempt): This component has a RoHS exemption for either 1) lead-based flip-chip solder bumps used between the die and package, or 2) lead-based die adhesive used between the die and leadframe. The component is otherwise considered Pb-Free (RoHS compatible) as defined above. Green (RoHS & no Sb/Br): TI defines "Green" to mean Pb-Free (RoHS compatible), and free of Bromine (Br) and Antimony (Sb) based flame retardants (Br or Sb do not exceed 0.1% by weight in homogeneous material) (3) MSL, Peak Temp. -- The Moisture Sensitivity Level rating according to the JEDEC industry standard classifications, and peak solder temperature. Important Information and Disclaimer:The information provided on this page represents TI's knowledge and belief as of the date that it is provided. TI bases its knowledge and belief on information provided by third parties, and makes no representation or warranty as to the accuracy of such information. Efforts are underway to better integrate information from third parties. TI has taken and continues to take reasonable steps to provide representative and accurate information but may not have conducted destructive testing or chemical analysis on incoming materials and chemicals. TI and TI suppliers consider certain information to be proprietary, and thus CAS numbers and other limited information may not be available for release. In no event shall TI's liability arising out of such information exceed the total purchase price of the TI part(s) at issue in this document sold by TI to Customer on an annual basis. Addendum-Page 1 PACKAGE MATERIALS INFORMATION 19-Mar-2008 TAPE AND REEL INFORMATION *All dimensions are nominal Device THS10064CDAR Package Package Pins Type Drawing TSSOP DA 32 SPQ Reel Reel Diameter Width (mm) W1 (mm) 2000 330.0 24.4 Pack Materials-Page 1 A0 (mm) B0 (mm) K0 (mm) P1 (mm) W Pin1 (mm) Quadrant 8.6 11.5 1.6 12.0 24.0 Q1 PACKAGE MATERIALS INFORMATION 19-Mar-2008 *All dimensions are nominal Device Package Type Package Drawing Pins SPQ Length (mm) Width (mm) Height (mm) THS10064CDAR TSSOP DA 32 2000 346.0 346.0 41.0 Pack Materials-Page 2 IMPORTANT NOTICE Texas Instruments Incorporated and its subsidiaries (TI) reserve the right to make corrections, modifications, enhancements, improvements, and other changes to its products and services at any time and to discontinue any product or service without notice. Customers should obtain the latest relevant information before placing orders and should verify that such information is current and complete. All products are sold subject to TI's terms and conditions of sale supplied at the time of order acknowledgment. TI warrants performance of its hardware products to the specifications applicable at the time of sale in accordance with TI's standard warranty. Testing and other quality control techniques are used to the extent TI deems necessary to support this warranty. Except where mandated by government requirements, testing of all parameters of each product is not necessarily performed. TI assumes no liability for applications assistance or customer product design. Customers are responsible for their products and applications using TI components. To minimize the risks associated with customer products and applications, customers should provide adequate design and operating safeguards. TI does not warrant or represent that any license, either express or implied, is granted under any TI patent right, copyright, mask work right, or other TI intellectual property right relating to any combination, machine, or process in which TI products or services are used. Information published by TI regarding third-party products or services does not constitute a license from TI to use such products or services or a warranty or endorsement thereof. Use of such information may require a license from a third party under the patents or other intellectual property of the third party, or a license from TI under the patents or other intellectual property of TI. Reproduction of TI information in TI data books or data sheets is permissible only if reproduction is without alteration and is accompanied by all associated warranties, conditions, limitations, and notices. Reproduction of this information with alteration is an unfair and deceptive business practice. TI is not responsible or liable for such altered documentation. Information of third parties may be subject to additional restrictions. Resale of TI products or services with statements different from or beyond the parameters stated by TI for that product or service voids all express and any implied warranties for the associated TI product or service and is an unfair and deceptive business practice. TI is not responsible or liable for any such statements. TI products are not authorized for use in safety-critical applications (such as life support) where a failure of the TI product would reasonably be expected to cause severe personal injury or death, unless officers of the parties have executed an agreement specifically governing such use. Buyers represent that they have all necessary expertise in the safety and regulatory ramifications of their applications, and acknowledge and agree that they are solely responsible for all legal, regulatory and safety-related requirements concerning their products and any use of TI products in such safety-critical applications, notwithstanding any applications-related information or support that may be provided by TI. Further, Buyers must fully indemnify TI and its representatives against any damages arising out of the use of TI products in such safety-critical applications. TI products are neither designed nor intended for use in military/aerospace applications or environments unless the TI products are specifically designated by TI as military-grade or "enhanced plastic." Only products designated by TI as military-grade meet military specifications. Buyers acknowledge and agree that any such use of TI products which TI has not designated as military-grade is solely at the Buyer's risk, and that they are solely responsible for compliance with all legal and regulatory requirements in connection with such use. TI products are neither designed nor intended for use in automotive applications or environments unless the specific TI products are designated by TI as compliant with ISO/TS 16949 requirements. Buyers acknowledge and agree that, if they use any non-designated products in automotive applications, TI will not be responsible for any failure to meet such requirements. Following are URLs where you can obtain information on other Texas Instruments products and application solutions: Products Amplifiers Data Converters DLP(R) Products DSP Clocks and Timers Interface Logic Power Mgmt Microcontrollers RFID RF/IF and ZigBee(R) Solutions Applications Audio Automotive Broadband Digital Control Medical Military Optical Networking Security Telephony Video & Imaging Wireless Mailing Address: Texas Instruments, Post Office Box 655303, Dallas, Texas 75265 Copyright (c) 2009, Texas Instruments Incorporated