DS2705: SHA-1 Authentication Master
5 of 18
(2.5V ≤ VDD ≤ 5.5V, TA = -20°C to +85°C.)
Programming Pulse Width tPPW 17 ms
Programming Pulse Rise Time tPPR (Note 8) 0.5 5 μs
Programming Pulse Fall Time tPPF (Note 8) 0.5 5 μs
Strong Pullup Delay Time tSPUD 2 10
Strong Pullup Period tSPUP 30.25 34.00 48.00 ms
Challenge Delay Time tCHD 45 65 85 ms
Authentication Attempt Time tAAT (Note 9) 61 490 ms
FAIL Pin Pulse Frequency tFPF FOM = 1, 50% duty cycle 1.5 2 2.5 Hz
Note 1: All voltages are referenced to VSS.
Note 2: IDD3 Sleep mode conditions:
CHAL pin inactive OR (CHAL active AND (PAA = 0 AND PPT = 00 AND FOM = 0 AND Initial Authentication sequence
[Above conditions disable the internal oscillator]
Note 3: Programming temperature range is TA = 0°C to 50°C.
Note 4: 5 years data retention at 70°C
Note 5: If CHAL pin left unconnected, CHP bit = 0 required for an authentication attempt to be initiated on power up. See Table 1.
Note 6: Typical Communication mode MDQ pullup behavior equivalent to 3kΩ resistor.
Note 7: Typical Computation mode MDQ pullup behavior approximates a 50Ω resistor.
Note 8: Exceeding maximum rise and fall time specifications may affect device reliability.
Note 9: tAAT = Retries per Attempt x (264bits x 90μs + 3 x (tMRSTL + tRSTH) + tSPUD) = [1 to 8] x (23.7ms + 3.54ms + 34ms)
MAX[7 retries]: 490ms, MIN[no retries]: 61ms with standard timings
Note 10: 1. 1-Wire Master timings based on ±25% clock tolerance from nominal.
2. tRPDT [defined in design documentation] = tMRSTL + tMRSTH
3. tMPDL-MAX = tMRSTH-MIN – tMPDH-MAX, represents the maximum presence pulse low time allowed from the slave.
4. Bus rise time of ~1μs required to settle to logic high by tMRDV after MDQ released at tMLOW1
1 1 CHAL Challenge Strobe Input Pin. Initiates authentication. Active level/edge set by CHP bit.
2 2
PASS Authentication “PASS” Result Open-Drain Output Pin
3 3
FAIL Authentication “FAIL” Result Open-Drain Output Pin (Programmable As Low Or Pulse)
4 4
VSS Supply Return Pin, GND Reference for Logic Signals
5 5
VPP EEPROM Programming Voltage Input
6 6 SDQ
Slave Serial interface Data I/O Pin. Bidirectional data transmit and receive at 16kbps or
143kbps. Bus master must provide a weak pullup.
7 7 MDQ
Master Serial interface Data I/O Pin. Bidirectional data transmit and receive at 16kbps or
143kbps. Provides a weak pullup in communication mode and strong pullup in
computation mode.
8 8
VDD Supply Input Pin. Bypass to VSS with 0.1μF capacitor.