12 TS8388BF 2144A–BDC–04/02
Pin Description
Notes: 1. Following pin numbers 37 (CLK), 40 (CLKB), 54 (VIN) and 57 (VINB) have to be con ne cted to GND thro ugh a 50Ω resistor as
close as possible to the package (50Ω termination preferred option).
2. The common mode level of the output buffers is 1.2V below the positive digital supply.
For ECL compatibility the positive digital supply must be set at 0V (ground).
For LVDS compatibility (output common mode at +1.2V) the positive digital supply must be set at 2.4V.
If the subsequent LVDS circuitry can withstand a lower level for input common mode, it is recommended to lower the posi-
tive digital supply level in the same proportion in order to spare power dissipation.
Table 7. TS838 8B F Pi n Descr ipt ion
Symbol Pin number Function
GND 5, 13, 27, 28 , 34, 35, 3 6, 41, 42, 43, 50, 51 ,
52, 53, 58, 59 Ground pins.
To be connected t o external ground plane.
VPLUSD 1, 2, 16, 17, 18, 68 Digital positive supply (0V for ECL compatibility, 2.4V for
LVDS compatibility).(2)
VCC 26, 29, 32, 33, 46, 47, 61 +5V positive supply.
VEE 30, 31, 44, 45, 48 -5V analog negative supply.
DVEE 8, 9, 10 -5V digital negative supply.
VIN 54(1), 55 In phase (+) analog input signal of the Sample and Hold
differential preamplifier.
VINB 56, 57(1) Inverted phase (-) of anal og input signal (VIN).
CLK 37(1), 38 In phase (+) ECL clock input signal. The analog input is
sampled and held on the rising edge of the CLK signal.
CLK B 39, 40(1) Inverted phase (-) of ECL clock input signal (CLK).
D0, D1, D2, D3, D4,
D5, D6, D7 23, 21, 19, 14, 6, 3, 66, 64 In phase (+) digital outputs.
B0 is the LSB. B7 is the MSB.
D0B, D1B, D2B, D3B,
D4B, D5B, D6B, D7B 24, 22, 20, 15, 7, 4, 67, 65 Inverted phase (-) digital outputs.
B0B is the inverted LSB. B7B is the inverted MSB.
OR 62 In phase (+) Out of Range Bit. Out of Range is high on the
leading edge of code 0 and code 256.
ORB 63 Inverted phase (+) Out of Range Bit (OR).
DR 11 In phase (+) output of Data Ready Signal.
DRB 12 Inverted phase (-) output of Data Ready Signal (DR).
GORB 25 Gray or Binary select output format control pin.
- Binary output format if GORB is floating or VCC.
- Gray output format if GORB is connected at ground (0V).
GAIN 60 ADC gain adjust pin.
DIOD/DRRB 49 This pin has a double function (can be left open or grounded
if not used):
- DIOD: die junction temperature monitoring pin.
- DRRB: asynchronous data ready reset function.