©2009 Fairchild Semiconductor Corporation www.fairchildsemi.com
6N137M, HCPL26XXM Rev. 1. 6 5
Dual-Channel: HCPL2630M, HCPL2631M — 8-Pin DIP High-Speed 10 MBit/s Logic Gate Optocouplers
Single-Channel: 6N137M, HCPL2601M, HCPL2611M
Electrical Characteristics (Continued)
Switching Characteristics (VCC = 5 V, IF = 7.5 mA, TA = -40°C to +85°C unless otherwise specified )
5. tPHL – Propagation delay is measured from the 3.75 mA level on the LOW to HI GH transition of the input current
pulse to the 1.5 V level on the HIGH to LOW transition of the output voltage pulse.
6. tPLH – Propagation delay is measured from the 3.75 mA level on the HIGH to LOW transition of the input current
pulse to the 1.5 V level on the LOW to HIGH transition of the output voltage pulse.
7. tR – Rise time is measured from the 90% to the 10% levels on the LOW to HIGH transition of the output pulse.
8. tF – Fall time is measured from the 10% to the 90% levels on the HIGH to LOW transition of the output pulse.
9. tEHL – Enable input propagati on delay is measured from the 1.5 V level on the LOW to HIGH transition of the input
voltage pulse to the 1.5 V level on the HIGH to LOW transition of the ou tput voltage pulse.
10. tELH – Enable input propagati on delay is measured from the 1.5 V level on the HIGH to LOW transition of the input
voltage pulse to the 1.5 V level on the LOW to HIGH transition of the output voltage pulse.
11. Common mode transient immunity in logic high level is the maximum tolerable (positive) dVcm/dt on the leading edge
of the common mode pu l se sign a l , VCM, to assure that the output will remain in a logic high state (i.e., VO > 2.0 V).
Common mode transient immunity in logic low level is the maximum tolerable (negative) dVcm/dt on the trailing edge
of the common mode pu l s e si gn a l , VCM, to assure that the output will remain in a logic low state (i.e., VO < 0.8 V).
Symbol Parameter Device Test Conditions Min. Typ. Max. Unit
tPHL Propagation Delay
Time to Logic LOW All
RL = 350 Ω, CL = 15 pF,
TA = 25°C(5) (Fig. 14) 25 40 75 ns
RL = 350 Ω, CL = 15 pF(5)
(Fig. 14) 100
tPLH Propagation Delay
Time to Logic HIGH All
RL = 350 Ω, CL = 15 pF,
TA = 25°C(6) (Fig. 14) 20 40 75 ns
RL = 350 Ω, CL = 15 pF(6)
(Fig. 14) 100
|tPHL–tPLH| Pulse Width Distortion All RL = 350 Ω, CL = 15 pF
(Fig. 14) 135ns
tROutput Rise Time
(10% to 90%) All RL = 350 Ω, CL = 15 pF(7)
(Fig. 14) 30 ns
tFOutput Fall Time
(90% to 10%) All RL = 350 Ω, CL = 15 pF(8)
(Fig. 14) 10 ns
Enable Propagation
Delay Time to Output
LOW Level Single Channel VEH = 3.5 V, RL = 350 Ω,
CL = 15 pF(9) (Fig. 15) 15 ns
Enable Propagation
Delay Time to Output
HIGH Level Single Channel VEH = 3.5 V, RL = 350 Ω,
CL = 15 pF(10) (Fig. 15) 15 ns
|CMH|Common Mode
Transient Immunity
at Logic High
HCPL2630M IF = 0 mA, VCM = 50 VPEAK,
RL = 350 Ω, TA = 25°C (11)
(Fig. 16)
HCPL2631M 5000 10,000
HCPL2611M IF = 0 mA, VCM = 400 VPEAK,
RL = 350 Ω, TA = 25°C (11)
(Fig. 16) 10,000 15,000
|CML|Common Mode
Transient Immunity
at Logic Low
RL = 350 Ω, TA = 25°C (11)
(Fig. 16)
HCPL2631M 5000 10,000
HCPL2611M VCM = 400 VPEAK,
RL = 350 Ω, TA = 25°C (11)
(Fig. 16) 10,000 15,000