SPEC.No.- MES-DG60B083 SPECIFICATION FOR MAGNETIC CARD READER (Manual Insertion ttype) ZU-M2121S8453 FEB . 2001 MATSUSHITA ELECTRIC INDUSTRIAL CO., LTD. MATSUSHITA INDUSTRIAL EQUIPMENT CO., LTD. OSAKA** JAPAN8. 9. 10. MAINTENANCE 11. CAUTIONS ON THE USE 12. APPEARANCE CONTENTS INTRODUCTION PRODUCT NAME FUNCTION EQUIPMENT SPECIFICATION CARD STANDARD CIRCUIT CONSTRUCTION ENVIRONMENTAL CHARACTERISTICS UNIT LIFE GUARANTEE. INTRODUCTION This specification describes about manual Insertion type magnetic card reader, featuring small size, light weight and high performance which enable to read card data encoded by following ISO 2 standards. 2. PRODUCT NAME 2.1 Praduct Name * Manual Insertion type magnetic card reader 2.2 Model No. * ZU-M21218453 3. FUNCTION 3.1 Card operation * One way,insertions > 3.2 Read/Write * Read only 4. EQUIPMENT SPECIFICATION 4.1 Card operating speed 40 cm/s + +120 cm/s 4.2 Out dimensian * (W}75mm * D) 92mm + (H) 28mm 4.3 Mass * Approximately 55 4.4 Supplied voltage (1)Supplied voltage(DC) * OC 5 V (tolerance + 0.5 V) / Ripple (Less than 50 mV p-_p) (2)Current consumption * TYP. 20 mA, MAX. 25 mA (3)Absolute maximum applied voltage DC 7 V 4.5 Connector * dAE iL-7P-S3FP2 (Refer to 6.5) 4.6 Environment requirement > At indoor5. CARD STANDARD 5.1 Card standard Materials and dimensions of the card should be submitted to ISO standards. But defined items in this specification are prior to these standards. Table 5.1 Card standard Card Standard 1807810, 1807811 Track 2" Recording density Recording capacity Recording method 75 BPI 23 Characters ( 5 bit code) F2F Note: Start sentinel,End sentinel and LRC are Included in the recording capacity. 5.2 Location of tracks 5.66 max. {Unit:mm) 8.46" 8.97 85.47" 85.72 8.97" 846 11.76 *12.27 7.44 0.51 (Track, 2) 12,52* 12.01 7.44" "1.0 {Track 3) < 15.32* "15.82 Mag stripe 7 Se ft Track? Track3 53.92 54.03 center line of first data bit J 0.68 + -0.84 , 5.3 Physical characteristics (1) Thickness (2) Card Warpage 5.4 Magnetic characteristics (1) Coercive force (Hc) {2} Residual flux (* #) (3) Squareness ratio (* rf m) Figure 6.2 Location of Tracks : 0.76 mm (tolerance + 0.08 mm) : 2.5 mm max. (include relief height of embossed characters) 12.4.6 910 Alm 2.4 + 10 Alm : 1.25 x 10% Weber/em (tolerance + 0.15 x 10 Weber/cm) : More than 0.706. CIRCUIT CONSTRUCTION 6.1 Block diagram Sensort ** Card detection: > Sensor2 __ Circuits ZU- M21215453 A | F2F iCLD1 iCLD2 Magnetic M [Decoding CLD Head ARCL P | Circuit RBT DC 5V GND Fig 6.1+ Block diagram o Il 6.2 interface requirement . (1) Signai Level + + CMOS level (2) Signal Logic + + Low actives (3} Connection conditions + CMOS(MN6541S) | Recommend CMOS Gate IC be O O > (Card Reader side) cable {System side) Fig 6.2 Connection of output circuit {4) Output voltage Table 7.2 Output voltage Min(V) Max(V} Conditions 'H = level** Q"'e 4.0 Vec |... -t.OmA L level -+{">+ - 0.4 .--= 4.0mA6.3 Explanation of input/output signal (1) /CLD2{(CARD LOAD): The /CLD2 tine will be Low when a Magnetic Card is inserted inthe * + + + eos ee ee ee ee + + end of MagnetioCard Reader. The /CLD2 line will be High at all other times. (2) /CLDI1(CARD LOAD): The /CLD1 line will be Low when a Magnetic Card inserts in the Magnetic Card Reader. The /CLD1 fine will be High at all other times. (3} /CLD (CARD LOAD): When the /CLD line will be Low when a encoded Magnetic Card inserts in the Magnetic Card Reader, and when a encoded Magnetic Card inserts in the end of Magnetic Card Reader the /CLD line will be high. (4) /RCL(READ CLOCK): This is used to sample the data line by it's falling edges. The time relationship of the clock with respect to the order signals is shown in Figure 6.4, (5) /RDT{(READ DATA): At the moment /RCL change from High to Low; /RDTis 1 when the /RDT line is Low, and /RDT is 0 when the /RDT line is High. 6.4 Output signal timing chart ++ Card insertion Card ejection HAA The magnetic head output CLD1 ICLD2 CLD RCL (RDT All 0 ladefinite signals MAX. 30 ms Bit IRCL & /RDT Detail timing chart ; 0 1 }$ O } The magnetic LA : A A head output 2 t ty 1 yO Ts IyTy Ts ts Ta { IRCL | | ? Tp ' 21, T2 {RDT ty R ite Bit data 0 4 oO o" 1 Fig 6.4 Timing sequence(Detail) When the jitter of the magnetic head output is 0 % , the following equation is satisfied. T=T | =T2=T3 ' ty=ts 2.54 cm/inch 1 T = * . (s) Recording density (BPI) Card speed (cm/s) -4-6.5 Terminal No. of connector {1) Maker : JAE (Japan Aviation Electronics Industry , Limited.) {2) Model No : IL-7P-S3FP2 {3) Pin No. & Signal Name ee & ww ewe (Card reader side) Connector Signal Pin No. Name 1 DC 5V are IRDT+* 3 ARCL 4 CLD Bee /CLD1 6 ICLD2++ 7 GND (Note) : Cable length shall be less than 300 mm. 7. ENVIRONMENTAL CHARACTERISTICS 7.1 Operating temperature Range :-20 * *~ 60 + ++ 7.2 Operating humidity Range : 10 % ~ $0 % RH (No condensation allowed) 7.3 Storage temperature Range <:-30 + *~70* * 7.4 Storage humidity Range : 10% ~ 95 % RH (No condensation allowed) + *24 haurs* +> Remarks: Place the card reader in the standard environment (temperature: 20 * ++ *5 + + humidity: 35 * *~ 60% RH). Leave it for 12 hours, and measure the functions. Make sure no abnormality is found. 7.5 Vibration : Vibration sweep 10 Hz ~ 50 Hz, sweep 0.5 oct/min, X,Y,Z directions : 10 m/s 7.6 Shock durability : 294 mis (30 G) 7.7 Others :Make sure any source of noise that may deteriorate the characteristics of the card reader is not present around the card reader,8. UNIT LIFE Life Magnetic head : 300,000 operation (conditions) In a clean office room. In damp or dirty atmosphere, the life may be 1/3 to 1/5 of the above figure. 9. GUARANTEE If defects should occur within one year after the delivery of the card reader due to improper material or bad workmanship, the defective parts shall be replaced or repaired, free of charge. 10. MAINTENANCE: + Because of difficulty in changing components on the P.C Board, replacement of whole unit is recommended for service and maintenance. 11.CAUTIONS ON THE USE Please be noted that we do not guarantee proper performance of the card reader if it is used other than the indicated specification range. 11.1 At the installation {1) Do not drop or bump anything against a card reader, Otherwise, failure may be the result. (2) Do not touth the P.C.B. with bear hands. (3) Be sure to install on a flat surface so as to prevent any force to be applied to the Card reader at the installation. (4) Be sure not to touch the protection cover on the P.C.B at installation so the magnetic head will move correctry. (5) The card reader should avoid installation of the following environment. * Watery, humid or dusty place. * Near machines which generate magnetic field or inducted noise. (Printer LED display, CRT etc.) * + Place which gets direct sunlight11.2 At the use (1) Be sure to use a card which conforms ISO standard. (2) Gard operation speed should be within the specification range. Forced stop or change of speed during the card operation may cause a read error. Appropriate speed to maintain stable operation is 30 cm/s * +60 cm/s. (3) Store the card with caution to prevent dirt, scratch and distortion. Especially, no foreign matter shall be stuck on the magnetic stripe surface. Use of such card may result in a read error. (4) Insert a cleaning card and clean the head periodically to prevent wearing of the magnetic head. Head cleaning using the cleaning card should be performed about once a week if the room is not dusty. (5) Depends on installation environment (incorporation condition) or operation condition, external noise or electrostatics and so on may affect the machine, and which may cause an error or a wrong operation. Check the level of noise resistance and electrostatic resistance of your factory before using the card reader.12. APPEARANCE n IL-7P-S3FP2 Protection Cover 15.7.8 6 45 4 ;~ Z a , / ; 1 + | ~) ie C 5 on ON +0.1 ~ 2-03.35 in | sh Bi cr de ee be ee eel I Ci | uy sl < o 54.25 Magnetic Card 28 MN - General tolerance;+0.5 tonite 75