February 2006
Multi-Channel DMA Controller
User’s Guide
Lattice Semiconductor Multi-Channel DMA Controller User’s Guide
The Multi-Channel Direct Memory Access (MCDMA) Controller is designed to improve microprocessor system per-
formance by allowing external devices to transfer information directly from the system memory and vice versa.
Memory-to-memory transfer capability is also supported.
The MCDMA Controller core supports two modes of operation: 8237 and non-8237 modes. When the 8237 mode
is selected, the core is functionally compatible with the Intel 8237A DMA Controller device with a few variations.
These variations are listed in the Compatibility Differences with the 8237 Intel Device section of this document. The
8237 and non-8237 modes are detailed later in this document to provide a clearer description of each mode.
Differences Between 8237 Mode and Non-8237 Mode MCDMA
While the 8237 and non-8237 modes share some commonality, they also have differences. Table 1 shows the dif-
ferences between the two modes.
Table 1. Feature Differences Between the 8237 and Non-8237 Modes
Compatibility Differences with the 8237 Intel Device
When the MCDMA core is configured for the 8237 mode, it differs from the Intel 8237A core in the following ways:
The bi-directional ports are split into separate input and output ports.
MCDMA does not support the cascade mode of operation.
The latch that holds the upper byte of the address is internal and the address strobe signal ADSTB is not gener-
The slave’s write cycle in the MCDMA core is synchronous.
Selectable 8237 mode
Configurable up to 16 independent DMA channels for non-8237 mode
Configurable data width of 8-, 16-, 32- or 64-bits for non-8237 mode
Configurable address width of 16-, 24- or 32-bits for non-8237 mode
Configurable Word Count register width for non-8237 mode
Independent auto-initialization of all channels
Memory-to-memory transfers on single, block, and demand transfer mode
Memory block initialization
Feature 8237 Mode Non-8237 Mode
Multiple independent channels 4 1-16
Parameterized address bus Fixed 16 bits 16, 24 or 32 bits
Parameterized data bus Fixed 8 bits 8, 16, 32 or 64 bits
Parameterized word count register Fixed 16 bits 8, 16, 24 or 32 bits
Auto-initialization Supported Supported
Compressed timing Supported Not supported
Cascade mode Not supported Not supported
DMA transfer configuration for each channel Not supported Supported
Priority request mode Rotating/fixed priority mode Fixed priority mode
DMA request active state High/low High
Software reset Supported Not supported
Lattice Semiconductor Multi-Channel DMA Controller User’s Guide
Software DMA requests
Lattice Semiconductor Multi-Channel DMA Controller User’s Guide
Block Diagram
Figure 1 shows the block diagram of this core.
Figure 1. Block Diagram of MCDMA Core
Functional Description
The MCDMA contains three basic blocks of control logic: CPU Interface (Data and Control Blocks), the DMA State
Machine, and the Priority Request Encoder
CPU Interface Control
This explanation applies mainly to the non-8237 mode because most of the programmability lies in this mode. How-
ever, the concepts are also applicable to the 8237 mode.
The CPU Interface Control block first decodes the
bus. It then generates the enable signals to the selected
registers or to a subset of the selected registers when byte enables are present during the write cycle. When the
registers are read, it provides a select signal to the multiplexer that routes the appropriate register contents onto
the data bus.
CPU Interface Data
The CPU Interface Data block contains all the configuration registers. It includes all the routing logic required to
transfer either the selected register’s contents (during the register read cycle) or the temporary register contents
(during the memory write cycle of a memory-to-memory transfer).
DMA Finite State Machine
The DMA FSM (Finite State Machine) module initiates data transfers and generates control signals for various
transfer modes. It also generates the address and address-enable signals (
). The FSM exchanges signals with
the CPU interface block and priority encoder block. The state machine in the 8237 mode is similar to the non-8237
mode except a few additional FSM branches in 8237 mode that incorporate:
CPU Interface
DMA State
cs_n hreq
N = Number of channels
Lattice Semiconductor Multi-Channel DMA Controller User’s Guide
Illegal I/O to memory transfer mode bits
Compressed timing mode
FSM Operation
When a software or hardware request is received and is found to be valid (having passed the polarity, mask and
mode checks), the DMA FSM in SI (Idle) state transmits a request signal,
to the CPU and transitions to S0
and waits for the
signal. If the request drops (
is de-asserted) or the mode register of the request in
hand is in cascade mode (unsupported), the FSM returns to SI (idle). Otherwise, the FSM remains in S0. Once the
request is acknowledged by the assertion of
signal, the FSM transitions to S1/S11 (S1 and S11 are synony-
The FSM also determines the transfer type based on the Command and Mode register that is received from the
CPU interface. If memory-to-memory transfer is enabled, the FSM transitions through states S12, S13, S14, S21,
S22, S23 and S24.
If the next transfer should continue for the same request, the path from S11 to S24 is repeated. If memory-to-I/O or
I/O-to-memory is enabled, the FSM goes through states S2, S3 (eliminated in 8237’s compressed timing mode),
and S4. If the transfer continues, the state machine repeats the loop from S2 through S4. This goes on until the
Word Count register gets an overflow or a termination from an external input occurs. External inputs that can termi-
nate a transfer includes an
drop or a request drop during demand transfer. (Note: In case of a
non-demand transfer, the request can be dropped after
is received.). The
signal is generated on
the falling clock edge of S4 or S24 by the end of the transfer. All transfer read/write signals are generated on the
falling edge of clock.
In the state machine described in Figure 2, “input signals” refer to the signals that the state machine samples.
These signals affect the state machine’s transition logic. “Output signals” refer to signals that will be asserted or de-
asserted (transition) while in that state.
Lattice Semiconductor Multi-Channel DMA Controller User’s Guide
Figure 2. MCDMA Finite State Machine for 8237 and Non-8237 Modes
Mode Illegal
I/O Mode
(8237 only)
Another Transfer
(8237 only)
Not Ready (NR)
Lattice Semiconductor Multi-Channel DMA Controller User’s Guide
Table 2. State Descriptions
State Description
Idle State - SI Upon reset, the state machine enters the idle state, SI. The CPU can program the
core’s internal registers while it is in this state. The device stays in this state until an
unmasked DMA request is detected; at which point the state machine asserts the
hreq signal then transitions to state S0. While in state SI, all the outputs of the state
machine are in their inactive states.
Input Signals:
hardware reset, software reset (only for 8237 mode), unmasked
Asserted Output Signals:
Possible State Transitions:
SI, S0
Acquire Bus State - S0 The device stays in this state until the
signal from the CPU is sampled
asserted. The internal registers can still be programmed while in this state. Once
the state machine samples and asserts the
signal, it transitions to the state
S1 for regular I/O-to-memory or memory-to-I/O DMA transfers. For memory-to-
memory transfers, the state machine transitions to state S11. The criteria for detect-
ing a memory-to-memory transfer are different in the 8237 and non-8237 modes.
8237 Mode:
In this mode, a memory-to-memory transfer is detected if the memory-
transfer enable bit in the Command register is set and the
signal is
asserted. The
signal generated by the priority encoder is used to check if
Channel 0 has the highest priority at that time. The DMA priority scheme will be
described more in the priority request encoder section.
Non-8237 Mode:
In this mode, memory-to-memory transfer is detected if bit zero of
the current channel’s mode register is set.
If the current channel’s
signal is de-asserted in this state and no other
requests are pending, the state machine transitions to state SI. If other requests are
pending or the
signal remains asserted, the state transitions to either S1 or
Input Signals:
Asserted Output Signals:
Possible State Transitions:
SI, S1, S11
Memory-to-Memory Read
Transfer State One - S11 This is the first state of the memory-to-memory transfer. The absence of the
signal characterizes this transfer. The aen signal is asserted. In the 8237 mode, the
address from Channel 0 of the current address register is placed on the address
bus. In the non-8237 mode, the contents of the source address register are placed
on the address bus. The
signals are de-asserted. During each
of the eight states of the memory-to-memory transfer, the state machine responds
to external
signal and stops the DMA transfer service as soon as the cur-
rent cycle is completed. The state machine transitions to state S12.
Input Signals:
Asserted Output Signals:
Possible State Transitions:
Memory-to-Memory Read
Transfer State Two - S12 This is the second state of memory-to-memory transfer. The
signal is
asserted. The state transitions to state S13.
Input Signals:
Asserted Output Signals:
memr_n, address
Possible State Transitions:
Lattice Semiconductor Multi-Channel DMA Controller User’s Guide
Memory-to-Memory Read
Transfer State Three - S13 This is the third state of the memory-to-memory transfer. The state machine sam-
ples the ready signal and stays in this state as long as it is asserted. The machine
transitions to state S14 when the ready signal is de-asserted.
Input Signals:
Asserted Output Signals:
Possible State Transitions:
S13, S14
Memory-to-Memory Read
Transfer State Four - S14 This is the fourth stage of the memory-to-memory transfer. The state machine de-
signal and asserts an enable signal to flop the incoming data into
the temporary register. The state machine transitions to state S21, which is the first
state of the memory-to-memory write transfer stage.
Input Signals:
Asserted Output Signals:
Possible State Transitions:
Memory-to-Memory Write
Transfer State One - S21 This is the fifth stage of the memory-to-memory transfer mode. In the 8237 mode,
the content of the current address register on Channel 1 is put on the address bus.
In the non-8237 mode, the content of the destination address register on the chan-
nel being serviced is put on the address bus. The
memr_n and memw_n signals are
de-asserted. The state machine transitions to state S22.
Input Signals: eopin_n
Asserted Output Signals: address
Possible State Transitions: S22
Memory-to-Memory Write
Transfer State Two - S22 This is the fifth state of memory-to-memory transfer. The state transitions to state
Input Signals: eopin_n
Asserted Output Signals: address
Possible State Transitions: S23
Memory-to-Memory Write
Transfer State Three - S23 This is the seventh state of the memory-to-memory transfer. The memw_n signal is
asserted, and the content of the temporary register is placed on the data bus. The
state machine samples the ready signal and stays in this state as long as it is
asserted. Then the machine transitions to state S24.
Input Signals: eopin_n, ready
Output Signals: memw_n
Possible State Transitions: S23, S24
Table 2. State Descriptions (Continued)
State Description
Lattice Semiconductor Multi-Channel DMA Controller User’s Guide
Memory-to-Memory Write
transfer state four - S24 This is the eighth and final stage of the memory-to-memory transfer. The state
machine de-asserts the memw_n signal. In the 8237 mode, Channel 1’s current
word register is decremented. In the non-8237 mode, the word count register of the
channel being serviced is decremented. If the counter rolls over from 0xFFFF to
0x0000, the eopout_n signal is asserted and the state machine transitions to state
SI. Otherwise, the state machine transitions to state S11 and starts a new memory-
to-memory transfer.
Input Signals: eopin_n
Asserted Output Signals: eopout_n (in case the counter rolls over)
Possible State Transitions: SI, S11
Active DMA State One - S1 This is the first state of DMA transfer. The aen signal is asserted in this state while a
valid address is placed on the address bus. If dreq continues to be asserted, the
state machine transitions to state S2. If dreq is de-asserted, the state machine
transitions to state SI. DMA requests must be held active until the dack signal is
Input Signals: dreq
Asserted Output Signals: aen, address
Possible State Transitions: S2, SI
Active DMA state two - S2 This is the second state of the DMA transfer. The dack signal is asserted. The
dreq signal does not need to be held asserted after this state if block or single
transfer mode is selected. memr_n or iorout_n is asserted depending on the
direction of the transfer.
8237 Mode: memw_n or iowout_n is asserted if the extended write option is
selected in the command register. The state machine will skip state S3 and transi-
tion to state S4 if the compressed timing option is selected. This will result both read
and write pulses being asserted for just a single cycle.
Non-8237 Mode: memw_n or iowout_n is asserted, and the state machine transi-
tions to state S3. While in state S2, S3, or S4, the state machine will terminate a
block or demand transfer if the eopin_n signal is sampled asserted.
Input Signals: eopin_n, dreq
Asserted Output Signals: dack, memw_n, memr_n, iorout_n, iowout_n
Possible State Transitions: S3, S4
Active DMA state three - S3 This is the third state of the DMA transfer. In the 8237 mode, the memw_n or
iowout_n signal is asserted if extended write is not selected. The state machine is
sensitive to the eopin_n and dreq signals for demand transfers. The state
machine transitions to state S4, when ready signal is sampled de-asserted. The
machine stays in state S3 as long as ready is sampled asserted.
Input Signals: eopin_n, dreq, ready
Asserted Output Signals: memw_n, iowout_n
Possible State Transitions: S3, S4
Table 2. State Descriptions (Continued)
State Description
Lattice Semiconductor Multi-Channel DMA Controller User’s Guide
Priority Request Encoder
This block prioritizes the DMA request and asserts the dack signal for the winning request. In the 8237 mode, the
arbitrating scheme is user programmable and available in either a fixed priority or rotating priority mode. In non-
8237 operation, the arbitrating scheme is restricted to the fixed priority mode.
In the fixed priority mode, dreq[0] has the highest priority and dreq[n] has the lowest priority. In the 8237 mode,
n (channel number) is fixed to 3 while in the non-8237 mode, n is user selectable (up to 16).
The rotating priority mode assigns the lowest priority to the channel that has been serviced most recently. This
mode ensures that all devices will be serviced fairly and prevents any one channel from monopolizing the system.
The maximum wait time for a channel to be serviced is the time taken to service all the other channels.
The main function of this block is to generate the dack[x] signal. Each channel has an associated priority register
that indicates the channel’s priority. In the fixed priority mode, the values in these registers will never change, while
in the rotating priority mode, their values change every time a channel is serviced.
DMA Operation
In the non-8237 mode, each channel can be programmed to perform DMA operation between memory locations or
from I/O-to-memory. Each channel has a dedicated source address register that holds the address of the targeted
read memory location and a destination address register, which points to the targeted write memory location.
Memory locations are addressable, but I/O locations are not addressable. The source address register in the non-
8237 mode holds the memory location address during DMA transfers between an I/O device and memory.
Active DMA state four - S4 This is the last stage of the DMA transfer. The memw_n or iowout_n signal is de-
asserted, depends on the operation (I/O-to-memory or memory-to-I/O). The same
thing happens to the memr_n or iorout_n signal for only one of them being de-
asserted. The eopout_n signal is asserted if the current word register rolls over
from 0xFFFF to 0x0000. This causes the state machine to transition to state SI. If
block or demand transfer mode is selected, the counter has not rolled over, and
DMA hasn’t satisfied the transfer complete-conditions, the state machine transitions
to a state where DMA transfers will continue. This next state depends upon the
mode of operation.
8237 Mode: The state machine transitions to state S2 as long as the higher order
address remains the same. If the higher order address for the new transfer
changes, the state machine transitions to state S1 to enable the external latch to
update its latched value.
Non-8237 Mode: The state machine transitions to state S2.
Input Signals: eopin_n
Asserted Output signals: eopout_n
Possible State Transitions: SI, S1, S2
Compressed Timing Mode This feature is only available in the 8237 mode MCDMA. The purpose of this mode
is to allow MCDMA to achieve greater throughput by compressing the memory-to-
I/O (or I/O-to-memory) transfer time to two clock cycles. In this mode, state S3 is
removed from the state machine. This causes the read pulse-width to equal the
write pulse-width. Thus, the transfer only has state S2 to change the address and
state S4 to perform a read/write operation.
Table 2. State Descriptions (Continued)
State Description
Lattice Semiconductor Multi-Channel DMA Controller User’s Guide
The functionality of the core in the non-8237 mode is very similar to that of the 8237 mode. However, the two
modes have totally different sets of programmable control registers. This increases the programmability features in
the non-8237 mode. Some of the features available only in the non-8237 mode are:
Multiple channels
Configurable channels for DMA transfers between memory-and-memory or I/O-and-memory
Parameterized address output and data bus width
Parameterized word-count register
The microprocessor programs a number of registers to ensure the DMA controller functions properly. The internal
registers are accessed when the cs_n signal is asserted and the address of the register is placed on the ain bus.
When the iowin_n signal is low, the registers are over written with the data on dbin bus. When the iorin_n sig-
nal is asserted, the registers are read and their contents are placed on the dbout bus. The least significant eight
bits of the data bus can access the internal registers irrespective of the data bus width.
To prevent erroneous behavior, the DMA registers should be programmed only when the controller is in the Idle
State (SI) or before it receives the hlda signal from the microprocessor. Not adhering to these rules will cause the
DMA controller to function in a non-deterministic way. The registers visible to the microprocessor are different for
the 8237 and non-8237 modes.
The MCDMA controller core is a fully synchronous machine that runs off the positive edge of the clock. However,
the DMA request signals, dreq[N-1:0], are asynchronous with respect to the clock. These signals have to be
synchronized within the core.
DMA Initialization
Once the Command and Mode registers are programmed and the controller is enabled, DMA transfers can be initi-
ated either by asserting the unmasked channel’s dreq signal or by requesting to DMA by programming the request
register. The internal registers of the core are accessible during the idle state (SI) when no channel is requesting
service and no DMA transfers are in progress.
The core operates in two cycles: Idle and Active. The core remains in the idle cycle as long as it is not performing
any DMA transfers and none of the unmasked channels have a pending request. In this state, the microprocessor
can program the device. Once an unmasked channel requests DMA service, the device asserts the hreq signal to
take control of the bus and enters the first active cycle state S0. The device can still be programmed in the S0 state
until it receives the hlda signal from the bus arbiter. For DMA transfers between memory and I/O, the active cycles
go from states S1 through S4. When memory-to-memory DMA transfers are performed, the active cycles go
through states S11, S12, S13, S14 for the memory read operation and states S21, S22, S23, S24 for the memory
write operation. Wait states are introduced whenever the slave device is not ready for the transfer.
MCDMA Transfer Modes
When the MCDMA is in the active cycle, the DMA service takes place in one of the following three modes:
Single Transfer Mode: In single transfer mode, the device is programmed to make one transfer only. Following
each transfer, the Word Count decrements and the address decrements or increment, depending on what is
selected in the Mode register. To be recognized, the dreq signal must be held active until dack becomes active.
If dreq is held active throughout the single transfer, hreq goes inactive and releases the bus to the system. After
the transfer, hreq will go active again. When the controller receives a new hlda, another single transfer will be
Block Transfer Mode: In block transfer mode, dreq signals the device to continue making transfers during the ser-
vice until a terminal count is encountered (generation of eopout_n).This occurs when the word count goes to
0xFFFF, or an external End of Process (eopin_n) is encountered. The dreq signal must be held active until dack
becomes active. Auto-initialization occurs at the end of the service if the channel has been programmed for it.
Lattice Semiconductor Multi-Channel DMA Controller User’s Guide
Demand Transfer Mode: In demand transfer mode, the device is programmed to continue making transfers until
a Terminal Count or external eopin_n is encountered or until dreq goes inactive. Thus, transfers continue until
the I/O device has exhausted its data capacity. After the I/O device has had a chance to catch up, the DMA ser-
vice is reestablished by dreq.
Parameter Descriptions
Table 3 lists the parameters used to configure the MCDMA core. The values of these parameters must be set prior
to functional verification. The parameters in parenthesis can be configured using the IPexpress™ software tool,
included with the ispLEVER® design tools.
Table 3. MCDMA Parameters
Parameter Description Supported Values
DMA Mode (MODE_8237) Defines the DMA mode. If it is TRUE, the DMA will be in
8237 mode, otherwise it will be in non-8237 mode.
Number of Channel
Sets the number of channels. In 8237 mode it is fixed to 4
channels. In non 8237 it can be set for 1 to 16 channels
4 (8237)
1-16 (non 8237)
Data Width
Sets the size of data buses and the temporary register. 8 (8237)
8/16/32/64 (non 8237)
Address Width
Sets the size of DMA output address. In the 8237 mode, it
sets the size of the current and base address register. In the
non-8237 mode, it sets the size of the source address regis-
16 (8237)
16/24/32 (non 8237)
Word Count Width
Sets the size of the Word Count Register. 16 (8237)
8/16/24/32 (non 8237)
Internal Address Width
Value is set automatically based in the number of channels
parameter (NUM_CHANNELS or N).
4 (8237)
3 when N = 1 (non 8237)
4 when N = 2 (non 8237)
5 when 3 N 4 (non 8237)
6 when 5 N 8 (non 8237)
7 when 9 N 16 (non 8237)
Lattice Semiconductor Multi-Channel DMA Controller User’s Guide
Signal Descriptions
Table shows the input and output ports of the MCDMA core that apply for both 8237 and non-8237 modes.
Table 4. Signal Definitions of the MCDMA Controller
Port Name Type Active State Description
clk Input Rising Edge Clock. This signal controls and synchronizes the operations
of the MCDMA.
cs_n Input Low Chip Select. This is an active low signal used to select the
reset Input High Reset. This is an active high signal that clears the internal
registers. After reset, the device is placed in the Idle state
and the DMA requests are masked.
ready Input High Ready. This is an active high signal used to extend the mem-
ory read and write pulses from the MCDMA. This is most of
often used to accommodate slow memories.
hlda Input High Hold Acknowledge. This active high signal generated by the
CPU indicates the CPU has relinquished control of the sys-
tem buses.
eopin_n Input Low End Of Process Input. This active low input permits the
external termination of the current DMA service.
iorin_n Input Low I/O Read Input. This is an active low signal when asserted
along with cs_n. Thus, it permits the CPU to read the internal
registers of MCDMA.
iowin_n Input Low I/O Write Input. This is an active low signal. When asserted
along with cs_n, it permits the CPU to write into the internal
registers of the MCDMA.
ain [AIN_BUS_WIDTH-1:0] Input N/A Address. This signal selects one of the internal registers. In
the 8237 mode, ain is 4 bits wide. In the non-8237 mode, the
bus width depends on the number of channels selected.
dbin [DATA_BUS_WIDTH-1:0] Input N/A Data Bus Input. The CPU writes to the internal registers
through this data bus.
dreq[N-1:0] Input High/Low
DMA Request. These programmable parity signals are asyn-
chronous signals generated by peripherals requesting DMA
service. A device reset initializes dreq to active high.
In 8237 mode, these parity signals are programmable to be
active high or low. In non-8237, these signals are always
active high.
hreq Output High Hold Request. This is an active high signal sent to the CPU
to request control over the system bus.
eopout_n Output Low End of Process Out. This active low signal indicates normal
termination of a DMA service.
iorout_n Output Low I/O Read Output. This active low signal is used to access
data from a peripheral during a DMA Write transfer.
dbout [DATA_BUS_WIDTH-1:0] Output N/A Data Bus Output. This bus contains the value of the internal
register when read by the CPU. In the write-to-memory
phase of the memory-to-memory DMA operation, the dbout
data bus transmits the data from the temporary register.
iowout_n Output Low I/O Write Output. This active low signal is used to load data
to a peripheral during a DMA Read transfer.
memw_n Output Low Memory Write. This active low signal is used to indicate that
data is being written to the selected memory location during a
DMA Write or a memory-to-memory transfer.
memr_n Output Low Memory Read. This active low signal is used to indicate that
data is being read from the selected memory location during
a DMA Read or a memory-to-memory transfer.
Lattice Semiconductor Multi-Channel DMA Controller User’s Guide
Timing Specifications
Figure 3 illustrates the waveform for a write operation into one of the internal registers in the MCDMA core. Clock
edges 1, 2 and 3 indicate the point where the data is written into the registers. Clock edges 2 and 3 indicate a back-
to-back write operation into the same register. The iorin_n signal is held high during the entire write operation.
Figure 3. Processor Write Timing Waveform
Figure 4 shows the processor read timing waveform. Data is available on the following clock edge after cs_n and
iorin_n are asserted. Clock edges 1, 2, and 3 indicate the edges on which the data is valid.
aen Output High Address Enable. This active high signal enables the 8-bit
latch that contains the upper 8 address bits onto the system
address bus.
aout [ADDR_BUS_WIDTH-1:0] Output N/A Address Output. These lines are enabled only during active
DMA transfer and contain the memory address.
dack[N-1:0] Output High/Low DMA Acknowledge. This signal is used to notify the request-
ing peripheral that it has been granted a DMA cycle. The
polarity of this signal is programmable. A device reset initial-
izes all dack signals to active low.
Note: N = number of channels
Table 4. Signal Definitions of the MCDMA Controller (Continued)
Port Name Type Active State Description
Lattice Semiconductor Multi-Channel DMA Controller User’s Guide
Figure 4. Processor Read Timing Waveform
Lattice Semiconductor Multi-Channel DMA Controller User’s Guide
Figure 5 shows the timing waveform for two words DMA transfer.
Figure 5. Two Word DMA Transfer Timing Waveform
Si S0 S0 S1 S2 S3 S4
S2 S3 S4
Valid Address
Note 1.
Valid Address
Note 1. This timing diagram demonstrates the extended write operation. In the 8237 mode, when normal write operation is
selected, iowout_n or the memw_n is asserted one clock cycle later.
If compressed timing is selected, the state S3 is bypassed, making the read and write pulses of equal width. This is only
applicable in 8237 mode.
The iowout_n and memw_n signals are generated off the falling clock edge. This ensures the address is held at least for
half a cycle after the rising edge of the write signal.
Lattice Semiconductor Multi-Channel DMA Controller User’s Guide
Register Descriptions
The 8237 and non-8237 modes of the MCDMA Controller have different types and number of internal registers.
The 8237 mode has ten types of internal registers that are visible to the microprocessor while the non-8237 mode
has seven types of internal registers that are visible to the microprocessor.
8237 Mode Internal Registers
Table 5. Internal Registers in 8237 Mode
Current Address Register
This register is only available in the 8237 mode. Each of the four channels has a 16 -bit wide Current Address Reg-
ister that holds the value of the address used during DMA transfers. The address is automatically incremented or
decremented after each transfer. The microprocessor loads the Current Address Register simultaneously with the
Base Address Register. If Auto-Initialization is enabled, the MCDMA reloads the base address value at the end of
the DMA cycle. This register has to be written in two consecutive cycles after clearing the byte pointer.
Current Word Count Register
This register is only available in the 8237 mode. Each channel has a 16-bit Current Word Count register that deter-
mines the number of transfers to be performed. The actual number of transfers is one more than the value pro-
grammed into this register. The Current Word Count is decremented after each transfer. If Auto-Initialization is
enabled, the value in the Base Word Count register is reloaded at the end of the DMA service. When the value in
the register goes from zero to 0xFFFF, a terminal count (eopout_n) signal is generated. If Auto-Initialization is not
enabled, this register has a count of 0xFFFF at the end of DMA service.
Base Address Register
This register is only available in the 8237 mode. Each channel has a 16-bit Base Address Register. This register
stores the starting address for the transfer. In the idle state or program condition, the microprocessor simulta-
neously writes to the Base Address register and to the Current Address register. The microprocessor cannot read
this register.
Base Word Count Register
This register is available only in the 8237 mode. Each channel has a 16-bit Base Word Count register that stores
the starting word count for DMA transfers. During Auto-Initialization, this value is used to restore the current word
count register. The microprocessor cannot read this register.
Command Register
This register controls the operation of the core. In the 8237 mode, this register is 8 bits wide. In non-8237 mode, it
is 4 bits wide. When DMA is in state idle, the microprocessor programs this register. A reset or master clear clears
the register. Table 6 lists the function of this register.
Name Size in Bits Number of Registers
Base Address Registers 16 4
Base Word Count Registers 16 4
Current Address Registers 16 4
Current Word Count Registers 16 4
Command Register 8 1
Status Register 8 1
Temporary Register 8 1
Mode Register 8 4
Mask register 8 1
Request Register 4 1
Lattice Semiconductor Multi-Channel DMA Controller User’s Guide
Mode Register
Each channel has a 6-bit wide register. During a write operation by the microprocessor when MCDMA is in idle
state, the least two significant bits (bit 0 and 1) of the data bus determine which channel mode register is being
accessed. A reset or a master clear clears the mode registers. Table 7 lists the format of a mode register in the
8237 mode.
Mask Register
This register is only visible in the 8237 mode. Each channel has a bit associated with it that is used to mask a hard-
ware DMA request (disable the incoming dreq). All four bits of this register can be accessed at once, or the CPU
can program each of the bits separately. Each mask bit is set when its associated channel produces an eopout_n
signal. A reset or master clear sets all four bits and masks all the channels. Table 8 and Table 9 list the mask regis-
ter format for the 8237 mode.
Request Register
This register is only visible in 8237 mode. The request register allows software DMA requests. The values in the
mask register mask the hardware request (dreq). Software requests generated from the request register are non-
maskable. Individual bits of this register can be accessed with the channel number supplied on the two least signif-
icant bits of the data bus. A reset or master clear clears this register. The channel must be in block mode in order to
make a software request. Table 10 lists the request register format in 8237 Mode.
Status Register
This register is only available in the 8237 mode. The microprocessor can read the status register, which contains
information about the status of the device. This information includes which of the channels have completed their
DMA service and which channels have a DMA request pending. The Status Register is reset upon a hardware
reset or a master clear. Bits 0 through 3, which indicate which channel has reached Terminal Count, are cleared
every time the Status register is read. Bits 4 through 7 are set when their corresponding channel is requesting ser-
vice. Table 11 shows the status register format.
Temporary Register
This register holds data during memory-to-memory transfers. A reset or master clear command clears this register.
The microprocessor can read this register in the 8237 mode while the MCDMA is in the idle state. This register
yields the last data transferred during the most recent memory-to-memory transfer.
Table 6. Command Register - 8237 Mode
Bit Description
0Memory-to-memory disable
Memory-to-memory enable
1Channel 0 address hold disable
Channel 0 address hold enable
X if bit0 = 0
2Controller enable
Controller disable
3Normal timing
Compressed timing
X if bit0 = 1
4Fixed Priority
Rotating Priority
5Late Write
Extended Write
X if bit3 = 1
6dreq active high
dreg active low
7dack active low
dack active high
Lattice Semiconductor Multi-Channel DMA Controller User’s Guide
Table 7. Mode Register - 8237 Mode
Table 8. Mask Register: Access All Bits - 8237 Mode
Table 9. Mask Register: Access One Bit - 8237 Mode
Table 10. Request Register: Access One Bit - 8237 Mode
Bit Description
1:0 00 Channel 0 select
01 Channel 1 select
10 Channel 2 select
11 Channel 3 select
3:2 00 Verify transfer
01 Write transfer
10 Read transfer
11 Illegal
xx If bits 6 & 7 are 11
4 0 Auto-initialization disable
1 Auto-initialization enable
5 0 Address increment
1 Address decrement
7:6 10 Demand mode select
01 Single mode select
10 Block mode select
11 Cascade mode (unsupported)
Bit Description
0 0 Channel 0 unmasked
1 Channel 0 masked
1 0 Channel 1 unmasked
1 Channel 1 masked
2 0 Channel 2 unmasked
1 Channel 2 masked
3 0 Channel 3 unmasked
1 Channel 3 masked
Bit Description
1:0 00 Select channel 0 mask bit
01 Select channel 1 mask bit
10 Select channel 2 mask bit
11 Select channel 3 mask bit
2 0 Clear mask bit
1 Set mask bit
7:3 Don’t care
Bit Description
1:0 00 Select channel 0 request bit
01 Select channel 1 request bit
10 Select channel 2 request bit
11 Select channel 3 request bit
2 0 Clear request bit
1 Set request bit
7:3 Don’t care
Lattice Semiconductor Multi-Channel DMA Controller User’s Guide
Table 11. Status Register: Access One Bit – 8237 Mode
Table 12. Non-8237 Internal Registers
Source Address Register
This register is only available in the non-8237 mode. Each channel has a Source Address Register whose width
matches with the address bus width. This register stores the value of the source or memory address used during
DMA transfers. The address is automatically incremented or decremented by 1, 2, or 4 after each transfer, depend-
ing on the respective data bus width of 8, 16 or 32 bits. This register has to be written in consecutive cycles after
clearing the byte pointer. The number of cycles taken to access this register depends on the size of the address
bus. During a DMA transfer between an I/O location and memory, this register holds the address of the memory
location. During a memory-to-memory transfer, this register stores the address of the location that is read from.
The user must always program the register with the address that is aligned with the width of the data bus.
Destination Address Register
This register is only available in the non-8237 mode. Each channel has a Destination Address Register whose
width matches with the address bus width. The address is automatically incremented or decremented by 1, 2, or 4
after each transfer depending on the respective data bus width of 8, 16 or 32 bits. This register has to be written in
consecutive cycles after clearing the byte pointer. The number of cycles taken to access this register depends on
the size of the address bus. During memory-to-memory transfers, this register stores the address of the memory
location that is written into. This register is not used during DMA transfers between memory and I/O. The user must
always program the register with the address that is aligned with the width of the data bus.
Word Count Register
This register is only available in non-8237 mode, and its width is configurable. This register determines the number
of transfers to be performed. The actual number of transfers is one more than the value programmed into this reg-
ister. The current word count is decremented after each transfer. When the value in the register goes from zero to
0xFFFF, a Terminal Count (eopout_n) signal is generated. At the end of a DMA transfer, this register has a value
of 0xFFFF if auto-initialization is not enabled for the channel.
Bit Description
0 Channel 0 terminal count
1 Channel 1 terminal count
2 Channel 2 terminal count
3 Channel 3 terminal count
4 Channel 0 request
5 Channel 1 request
6 Channel 2 request
7 Channel 3 request
Name Size in Bits Number of Registers
Source Address Register 16, 24 or 321N4
Word Count Register 8, 16, 24 or 322N
Destination Address Register 16, 24 or 321N
Command Register 4 1
Temporary Register 8,16,32 or 6431
Mode Register 8 N
Channel Control Register 3 N
1. Based on the width of the address bus selected
2. Based on the width of the word count register selected
3. Based on the width of the data bus selected
4. N = Number of channels selected
Lattice Semiconductor Multi-Channel DMA Controller User’s Guide
Command Register
This register controls the operation of the core. This register is 4 bits wide in the non-8237 mode. A reset or master
clear clears the register. Table 13 lists the functions of this register for the non-8237 mode.
Mode Register (Non- 8237 Mode)
Each channel has an 8-bit mode register. Table 14 lists the format of the mode register in the non-8237 mode. Pro-
gramming the corresponding increment and decrement bits to the same value can hold the source or destination
address constant.
Channel Control Register
This register is visible in the non-8237 mode. Each channel has one channel control register. Table 15 lists the reg-
ister’s format. A reset or a master clear resets the request and sets the mask. This masks the channel’s hardware
requests. Auto-initialization is disabled upon a reset.
Table 13. Command Register – Non-8237 Mode
Table 14. Mode Register – Non-8237 Mode
Bit Description
0 0 Controller enable
1 Controller disable
1 Reserved. This bit is always 0
2 Reserved. This bit is always 0
3 0 dack active low
1dack active high
Bit Description
0 0 Memory-to-memory disable
1 Memory-to-memory enable
1 0 Write transfer
1 Read transfer
X If bit0=1
2 0 Increment Source Address disable
1 Increment Source Address enable
3 0 Decrement Source Address disable
1 Decrement Source Address enable
4 0 Increment Destination Address disable
1 Increment Destination Address enable
5 0 Decrement Destination Address disable
1 Decrement Destination Address enable
7:6 00 Demand mode select
01 Single mode select
10 Block mode select
11 Illegal
Note: Bits 2 and 3 are mutually exclusive. They cannot be enabled
at the same time since the address will either increment or decre-
ment. This also applies to Bits 4 and 5.
Lattice Semiconductor Multi-Channel DMA Controller User’s Guide
Table 15. Channel Control Register – Non-8237 Mode
Register Address Map
The 8237 and non-8237 modes of the MCDMA Controller decode and use different numbers of ain bit input sig-
nals. The ain signal is used for mapping the register address and decoding software command.
Table 16. Register Address Map and Software Command of 8237 Mode
In the 8237 mode, the additional software commands are: Clear Byte Pointer, Master Clear and Clear Mask Regis-
Table 17. Register Address Map and Software Command of Non-8237 Mode
Bit Description
0 0 Clear Request bit
1 Set Request bit
1 0 Channel unmasked
1 Channel masked
2 0 Auto Initialization disable
1 Auto Initialization enable
ain3 ain2 ain1 ain0 Channel
iorin_n = 1, iowin_n = 0
iorin_n = 0, iowin_n = 1
0000 0Base and current Address reg Current DMA address reg
0 0 0 1 Base and current Word Count reg Current Word Count reg
0010 1Base and current Address reg Current DMA address reg
0 0 1 1 Base and current Word Count reg Current Word Count reg
0100 2Base and current Address reg Current DMA address reg
0 1 0 1 Base and current Word Count reg Current Word Count reg
0110 3Base and current Address reg Current DMA address reg
0 1 1 1 Base and current Word Count reg Current Word Count reg
1 0 0 0 X Command Register Read Status Register
1 0 0 1 X Single Request bit command Illegal
1 0 1 0 X Single Mask bit command Illegal
1 0 1 1 X Mode Register Illegal
1 1 0 0 X Clear Byte Pointer command Illegal
1 1 0 1 X Master clear command Read temporary reg
1 1 1 0 X Clear Mask Register command Illegal
1 1 1 1 X Mask register Illegal
ain2 ain1 ain0
Write: iorin_n = 1, iowin_n = 0
Read: iorin_n = 0, iowin_n = 1
0 0 0 Command register
0 0 1 Source Address register
0 1 0 Word Count register
0 1 1 Destination Address register
1 0 0 Mode register
1 0 1 Channel Control register
1 1 0 Master Clear command
1 1 1 Clear Byte Pointer command
Lattice Semiconductor Multi-Channel DMA Controller User’s Guide
Programming the MCDMA Controller
Programming the core to achieve the desired functionality is very similar in both the 8237 and non-8237 modes.
The differences lie in the address map and the name of the registers
For the 8237 mode, the steps to program the core are:
Disable the controller through the command register
Program the Mode Register
Select the channel to be programmed
Set the features on the channel to programmed, such as transfer mode, read/write/verify transfer, address
increment/decrement, etc.
Write into the Address Registers and Word Count Register
Set the base source address register
Set the number of transfer to be performed in the Word Count Registers.
Enable the controller
For the non-8237 mode, the steps to program the core are:
Disable the controller
Set Input ain
The first 3 bits of ain, ain[2:0], selects which registered to be programmed. The rest of the bits select
which channel to be programmed.
Program the Mode and Channel control registers of all the channels
Write into the Address registers and Word Count register
Enable the controller
The core remains in the idle state (SI) as long as DMA transfers are not requested. While in state SI, the dreq sig-
nals are sampled. When an unmasked DMA request is presented, the core enters the active state. The request can
be either a software or hardware request.
Although the internal registers can be programmed in state S0, or before the hlda signal is asserted, it is a good
practice to program the internal registers only while the core is in the Idle state (SI). The functionality of the control-
ler is not guaranteed to be deterministic if the internal registers are accessed during an active DMA cycle.
Reference Information
ispLEVER Software User Manual, Lattice Semiconductor Corporation
8237A High Performance Programmable DMA Controller, Intel Corporation, September 1993.
Technical Support Assistance
Hotline: 1-800-LATTICE (North America)
+1-503-268-8001 (Outside North America)
e-mail: techsupport@latticesemi.com
Internet: www.latticesemi.com
Lattice Semiconductor Multi-Channel DMA Controller User’s Guide
Appendix for ORCA® Series 4 FPGAs
Table 18. Performance and Resource Utilization1
Supplied Netlist Configurations
The Ordering Part Number (OPN) for all configurations of this core in ORCA Series 4 devices is DMA-MC-O4-N2.
Table 19 lists the Lattice-specific netlists that are available in the Evaluation Package, which can be downloaded
from the Lattice web site at www.latticesemi.com.
Table 19. Core Configuration
Mode Name of Parameter File LUTs
8237 dma_mc_o4_2_001.lpc 1258 200 524 N/A 59 58
Non-8237 dma_mc_o4_2_002.lpc 2661 499 1187 N/A 125 66
1. Performance and utilization characteristics are generated using OR4E02-2PBGAM680-DE in Lattice’s ispLEVER 3.0 SP1 software. Syn-
thesized using Synplicity® Synplify®7.03. When using this IP core in a different density, package, speed, or grade within the ORCA family,
performance may vary.
2. PFU is a standard logic block of some Lattice devices. For more information, check the data sheet of the device.
Name of
Parameter File Number of Channels Data Bus Width Address Bus Width Word Count Width
8237 Mode
dma_mc_o4_2_001.lpc 4 8 16 16
Non-8237 Mode
dma_mc_o4_2_002.lpc 4 32 32 16
Lattice Semiconductor Multi-Channel DMA Controller User’s Guide
Appendix for ispXPGA® FPGAs
Table 20. Performance and Resource Utilization1
Supplied Netlist Configurations
The Ordering Part Number (OPN) for all configurations of this core in ispXPGA devices is DMA-MC-XP-N2.
Table 21 lists the Lattice-specific netlists that are available in the Evaluation Package, which can be downloaded
from the Lattice web site at www.latticesemi.com.
Table 21. Core Configuration
You can use the IPexpress software tool to help generate new configurations of this IP core. IPexpress is the Lattice
IP configuration utility, and is included as a standard feature of the ispLEVER design tools. Details regarding the
usage of IPexpress can be found in the IPexpress and ispLEVER help system. For more information on the
ispLEVER design tools, visit the Lattice web site at: www.latticesemi.com/software.
Name of
Parameter File LUT42
8237 dma_mc_xp_2_001.lpc 1450 432 562 N/A 58 58
Non-8237 dma_mc_xp_2_002.lpc 3487 1072 1181 N/A 124 66
1. Performance and utilization characteristics are generated using LFX1200B-05F900C in Lattice ispLEVER 3.x software. The evaluation ver-
sion of this IP core only works on this specific device density, package, and speed grade.
2. PFU is a standard logic block of some Lattice devices. For more information, check the data sheet of the device.
Name of
Parameter File Number of Channels Data Bus Width Address Bus Width Word Count Width
8237 Mode
dma_mc_xp_2_001.lpc 4 8 16 16
Non-8237 Mode
dma_mc_xp_2_002.lpc 4 32 32 16
Lattice Semiconductor Multi-Channel DMA Controller User’s Guide
Appendix for LatticeECP™ and LatticeEC™ FPGAs
Table 22. Performance and Resource Utilization1
Supplied Netlist Configurations
The Ordering Part Number (OPN) for all configurations of this core in LatticeEC devices is DMA-MC-E2-N3.
Table 23 lists the Lattice-specific netlists that are available in the Evaluation Package, which can be downloaded
from the Lattice web site at www.latticesemi.com.
Table 23. Core Configuration
You can use the IPexpress software tool to help generate new configurations of this IP core. IPexpress is the Lattice
IP configuration utility, and is included as a standard feature of the ispLEVER design tools. Details regarding the
usage of IPexpress can be found in the IPexpress and ispLEVER help system. For more information on the
ispLEVER design tools, visit the Lattice web site at: www.latticesemi.com/software.
Name of
Parameter File SLICEs LUTs
EBRs Registers I/O fMAX (MHz)
8237 dma_mc_e2_3_001.lpc 710 1087 0 551 59 72
Non-8237 dma_mc_e2_3_002.lpc 1633 2249 0 1181 125 86
1. Performance and utilization characteristics are generated using LFEC20E-4F672C in Lattice ispLEVER 4.1 software. When using this IP
core in a different density, package, or speed grade, performance may vary.
Name of
Parameter File Number of Channels Data Bus Width Address Bus Width Word Count Width
8237 Mode
dma_mc_e2_3_001.lpc 4 8 16 16
Non-8237 Mode
dma_mc_e2_3_002.lpc 4 32 32 16
Lattice Semiconductor Multi-Channel DMA Controller User’s Guide
Appendix for LatticeXP™ FPGAs
Table 24. Performance and Resource Utilization1
Supplied Netlist Configurations
The Ordering Part Number (OPN) for all configurations of this core in LatticeXP devices is DMA-MC-XM-N3.
Table 25 lists the Lattice-specific netlists that are available in the Evaluation Package, which can be downloaded
from the Lattice web site at www.latticesemi.com.
Table 25. Core Configuration
You can use the IPexpress software tool to help generate new configurations of this IP core. IPexpress is the Lattice
IP configuration utility, and is included as a standard feature of the ispLEVER design tools. Details regarding the
usage of IPexpress can be found in the IPexpress and ispLEVER help system. For more information on the
ispLEVER design tools, visit the Lattice web site at: www.latticesemi.com/software.
Name of
Parameter File SLICEs LUTs
EBRs Registers I/O fMAX (MHz)
8237 dma_mc_xm_3_001.lpc 746 1287 0 555 59 71
Non-8237 dma_mc_xm_3_002.lpc 1794 3084 0 1179 125 80
1. Performance and utilization characteristics are generated using LFXP10E-4F388C in Lattice ispLEVER 5.0 software. When using this IP
core in a different density, package, or speed grade, performance may vary.
Name of
Parameter File Number of Channels Data Bus Width Address Bus Width Word Count Width
8237 Mode
dma_mc_xm_3_001.lpc 4 8 16 16
Non-8237 Mode
dma_mc_xm_3_002.lpc 4 32 32 16
Lattice Semiconductor Multi-Channel DMA Controller User’s Guide
Appendix for LatticeSC™ FPGAs
Table 26. Performance and Resource Utilization1
Supplied Netlist Configurations
The Ordering Part Number (OPN) for all configurations of this core in LatticeSC devices is DMA-MC-SC-N3.
Table 27 lists the Lattice-specific netlists that are available in the Evaluation Package, which can be downloaded
from the Lattice web site at www.latticesemi.com.
Table 27. Core Configuration
You can use the IPexpress software tool to help generate new configurations of this IP core. IPexpress is the Lattice
IP configuration utility, and is included as a standard feature of the ispLEVER design tools. Details regarding the
usage of IPexpress can be found in the IPexpress and ispLEVER help system. For more information on the
ispLEVER design tools, visit the Lattice web site at: www.latticesemi.com/software.
Mode Name of Parameter File SLICEs LUTs
EBRs Registers I/Os fMAX (MHz)
8237 dma_mc_sc_3_001.lpc 717 1249 0 534 59 >100
Non-8237 dma_mc_sc_3_002.lpc 1744 2864 0 1179 125 >100
1. Performance and utilization characteristics are generated using LFSC3GA25E-5F900C in Lattice ispLEVER 5.1 SP2 software. When using
this IP core in a different density, package, or speed grade, performance may vary.
Name of Parameter File Number of Channels Data Bus Width Address Bus Width Word Count Width
dma_mc_sc_3_001.lpc 4 8 16 16
dma_mc_sc_3_002.lpc 4 32 32 16
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