PD-97530C (5962F1023503K) IRUH330118AK Radiation Hardended Ultra Low Dropout IRUH330118AP Fixed Positive Linear Regulator +3.3VIN to +1.8VOUT @3.0A Product Summary Part Number IRUH330118AK IRUH330118AP IO VIN VOUT 3.0A 3.3V 1.8V 8-LEAD FLAT PACK Features Description The IRUH330118 is a space qualified, ultra low dropout linear regulator designed specifically for applications requiring high reliability, low noise and radiation hardness. n Silicon On Insulator (SOI) CMOS Regulator n n n n n n n n n n Absolute Maximum Ratings Parameter Power Dissipation @ TC = 125C Maximum Output Current @ Maximum IC, CMOS Latch-Up Immune, Inherently Rad Hard Total Dose Capability up to 300Krads(Si) (Condition A); Tested to 500Krad (Si) ELDRS up to 100Krad(Si) (Condition D) SEU Immune up to LET = 80 MeV*cm2/mg Space Level Screened Fast Transient Response Timed Latch-Off Over-Current Protection Internal Thermal Protection On/Off Control via Shutdown Pin, Power Sequencing Easily Implemented Isolated Hermetic 8-Lead Flat Pack Ensures Higher Reliability This part is also available in MO-078 Package as IRUH330118BK / IRUH330118BP Symbol Min. Max. Units PD - 25 W A Power Dissipation with no Derating Non-Operating Input Voltage IO - See Fig 4 VIN -0.3 +8.0 Operating Input Voltage VIN 2.9 6.4 GND VSHDN -0.3 -0.3 0.3 VIN + 0.3 Ground Shutdown Pin Voltage VOUT -0.3 VIN + 0.3 Operating Case Temperature Range TO -55 +140 Storage Temperature Range TS -65 +150 Maximmum Junction Temperature TJ - +150 TL RTHJC - +300 1.0 Output Pin Voltage Lead Temperature (Soldering 10sec) Pass Transistor Thermal Resistance, Junction to Case www.irf.com V C C/W 1 05/18/12 IRUH330118AK IRUH330118AP Electrical Characteristics c Pre-Radiation @TC = 25C, VIN = 3.3V (Unless Otherwise Specified) Parameter Test Conditions Symbol 2.8V VIN 3.8V, 50mA IOUT 3.0A Output Voltage 2.8V VIN 3.8V, 50mA IOUT 3.0A, c -55C to +125C 2.8V VIN 3.8V, 50mA IOUT 3.0A, VOUT Post -Rad Current Limit Over-Current Time-to-Latch d Over-Current Latching, -55C to +125C, Post -Rad IO > ILATCH Maximum Shutdown Temp. d Ripple Rejection VSENSE Pin Current F= 120Hz, IO = 50mA, Post -Rad d -55C to +125C ISOURCE = 200A, -55C to +125C Minimum SHDN Pin "On" Threshold Voltage Post -Rad ISOURCE = 200A, -55C to +125C Maximum SHDN Pin "Off" Threshold Voltage Post -Rad RLOAD = 36 Ohms, VSHDN = 3.3V Output Voltage at Shutdown SHDN Pin Leakage Current SHDN Pin Pull-Up Current d d d Power On Reset Threshold Quiescent Current F= 120Hz, IO = 50mA, -55C to +125C d -55C to +125C, Post-Rad VSHDN = 3.3V, -55C to +125C,Post-Rad ILATCH VSHDN = 0.4V, Post-Rad Sweep VIN and Measure Output No Load Full Load Typ. Max. Units 1.8 1.827 1.746 1.8 1.854 1.737 1.8 1.836 3.5 - - A V tLATCH - 10 - ms TLATCH 125 140 - C PSRR 65 40 - - dB ISENSE - 1.6 - mA VSHDN - - 0.8 V VSHDN 1.2 - - V VOUT -0.1 - 0.1 V ISHDN -10 -98 - 10 -56 A ISHDN -140 - -30 A 1.7 -56 VT-POR -98 - - 15 - - 90 VSHDN = 0.4V VSHDN = 0.4V, -55C to +125C Min. 1.773 IQ - V mA Notes: Connected as shown in Fig.1 and measured at the junction of VOUT and VSENSE Pins. Under normal closed-loop operation. Guaranteed by design. Not tested in production. 2 www.irf.com IRUH330118AK IRUH330118AP Radiation Performance Characteristics Test Conditions Min Typ MIL-STD-883, Method 1019 (Condition A) Total Ionizing Dose (Gamma) Operating Bias applied during exposure Unit 300 500 c Krads (Si) 100 See d Krads (Si) Minimum Rated Load, Vin = 6.4V MIL-STD-883, Method 1019 (Condition D) Total Ionizing Dose (Gamma) (ELDRS) Operating Bias applied during exposure Minimum Rated Load, Vin = 6.4V Single Event effects Heavy Ions (LET) SEU, SEL, SEGR, SEB Operating Bias applied during exposure 2 84 MeV*cm /mg under varying operating conditions Neutron Fluence MIL-STD-883, Method 1017 1.0e 11 2 Neutrons/cm Notes: Tested to 500Krad (Si). See Fig. 5. Space Level Screening Requirements TEST/INSPECTION SCREENING LEVEL MIL-STD-883 SPACE METHOD Nondestructive Bond Pull 100% 2023 Internal Visual 100% 2017 Seal 100% 1014 Temperature Cycle 100% 1010 Constant Acceleration 100% 2001 Mechanical Shock 100% 2002 PIND 100% 2020 Pre Burn-In-Electrical 100% Burn-In 100% Final Electrical 100% Radiographic External Visual 100% 100% www.irf.com 1015 2012 2009 3 IRUH330118AK IRUH330118AP Application Information Input Voltage 0.1uF and 1uF Ceramic; Two 100uF Low ESR Tantalum VIN Output Voltage VOUT IRUH3301xxxx 0.1uF and 1uF Ceramic; Two 100uF Low ESR Tantalum V SENSE SHDN GND Fig. 1. Typical Regulator Circuit; Note the SHDN Pin is hardwired in the "ON" position. The VSENSE Pin is connected as noted in the "General Layout Rules" section. Over-Current & Over-Temperature Protection The IRUH3301 series provides over-current protection by means of a timed latch function. Drive current to the internal PNP pass transistor is limited by an internal resistor (Rb in Fig. 3) between the base of the transistor and the control IC drive FET. If an over-current condition forces the voltage across this resistor to exceed 0.5V (nom), the latch feature will be triggered. The time-tolatch (tLATCH) is nominally 10ms. If the over-current condition exists for less than tLATCH , the latch will not be set. If the latch is set the drive current to the PNP pass transistor will be disabled. The latch will remain set until one of the following actions occur: 1. The SHDN Pin voltage is brought above 1.2V and then lowered below 0.8V. 2. The VIN Pin voltage is lowered below 1.7V. If the junction temperature of the regulator IC exceeds 140C nominal, the thermal shutdown circuit will set the internal latch and disable the drive current to the PNP pass transistor as described above. After the junction temperature falls below a nominal 125C, the latch can be reset using either of the actions described above. Under-Voltage Lock-Out The under-voltage lock-out (UVLO) function prevents operation when VIN is less than 1.7V (nominal). There is a nominal 100mV hysteresis about this point. Input Voltage Range The device functions fully when VIN is greater than 2.8V. It enters into under-voltage lock-out at VIN < 1.7V (nominal). When 1.7V (nominal) < VIN < 2.8V, VOUT will track VIN and overshoot may occur. A larger output capacitor should be used to slow down the VOUT rise rate for slow VIN ramp applications. Shutdown (SHDN) The regulator can be shutdown by applying a voltage of >1.2V to the SHDN Pin. The regulator will restart when the SHDN Pin is pulled below the shutdown threshold of 0.8V. If the remote shutdown feature is not required, the SHDN Pin should be connected to GND. 4 www.irf.com IRUH330118AK IRUH330118AP Input Capacitance Input bypass capacitors: Two (0.1F and 1F) ceramics and two 100F low ESR tantalums (AVX TPS or equivalent), placed very close to the VIN Pin are required for proper operation. When the input voltage supply capacitance is more than 4 inches from the device, additional input capacitance is recommended. Larger input capacitor values will improve ripple rejection further improving the integrity of the output voltage. Output Capacitance Output bypass capacitors: Two (0.1F and 1F) ceramics and two 100F low ESR tantalums (AVX TPS or equivalent) are required for loop stability. Faster transient performance can be achieved with multiple additional 1F ceramic capacitors. Ceramic capacitors greater than 1F in value are not recommended as they can cause stability issues. Tantalum capacitor values larger than the suggested value are recommended to improve the transient response under large load current changes. The upper capacitance value limit is governed by the delayed over-current latch function of the regulator and can be as much as 10,000F without causing the device to latch-off during start-up. General Layout Rules Low impedance connections between the regulator output and load are essential. Solid power and ground planes are highly recommended. In those cases where the board impedances are not kept very small, oscillations can occur due to the effect of parasitic series resistance and inductance on loop bandwidth and phase margin. The VSENSE Pin must be connected directly to the VOUT Pin using as short a trace as possible with the connection inside the first bypass capacitor (see Fig. 2a). Connect ceramic output capacitors directly across the VOUT and GND Pins with as wide a trace as design rules allow (see Fig. 2a). Avoid the use of vias for these capacitors and avoid loops. Fig.2 shows the ceramic capacitors tied directly to the regulator output. The input capacitors should be connected as close a possible to the VIN Pin. Fig. 2a. Layer 1 conductor. Fig. 2b. Layer 1 silkscreen Ground plane below layer 1 www.irf.com 5 IRUH330118AK IRUH330118AP VSENSE VIN VOUT Input Undervoltage detect SHDN Thermal Shutdown Rb Shutdown & Over Current Latch Disable Error Amp + Latch Timing capacitor VREF GND Fig. 3. Simplified Schematic Circuit Maximum Output Current (A) with no derating at Maximum Dissipation 4.0 Output Current (A) 3.5 3.0 2.5 2.0 1.5 1.0 0.5 0.0 100 110 120 130 140 150 160 170 Mounting Surface Temperature ('C) Fig. 4. Maximum Output Current versus Mounting Surface Temperature with no Derating at Maximum Dissipation 6 www.irf.com IRUH330118AK IRUH330118AP VOut Delta-VOut (%) 0.500% 0.250% ELDRS 0.000% TID -0.250% -0.500% 1 10 100 1000 10000 100000 Total Dose (Rad (Si)) Fig. 5. Change in Output Voltage vs. Total Ionizing Dose Radiation Exposure at Both High and Low Dose Rates PSRR (dB) PSRR (Typical) 105 95 85 75 65 55 45 35 25 15 5 -5 0.1 1 10 100 1000 10000 Freq (KHz) Recomended Setup without Part Iout=100mA & 1.6A, 1.8Vout, 3.3Vin Fig. 6. Typical Power Supply Ripple Rejection at 100mA and 1.6A using recommended layout and capacitors. Results above 10KHz are influenced by testing setup and layout. www.irf.com 7 IRUH330118AK IRUH330118AP Fig 7. Case Outline and Dimensions - 8-Lead Flat Pack (Lead Form Down) Pin Assignment Pin # Pin Description 1 GND 2 GND 3 4 SHUTDOWN VSENSE 5 VOUT 6 VOUT 7 VIN 8 VIN Note: 1) All dimensions are in inches Warning: This Product contains BeO Fig 8. Case Outline and Dimensions - 8-Lead Flat Pack (Lead Trimmed) Pin Assignment Pin # Pin Description 1 GND 2 GND 3 4 SHUTDOWN VSENSE 5 VOUT 6 VOUT 7 VIN 8 VIN Note: 1) All dimensions are in inches Warning: This Product contains BeO 8 www.irf.com IRUH330118AK IRUH330118AP Part Numbering Nomenclature IR U H3 301 18 A K Linear Regulator U = Ultra Low Dropout Regulator Radiation Hardening Lead Form Options Blank = Lead Form Down (Fig. 7) B = Lead Form Up C = Lead Trimmed (Fig. 8) H3 = 300 Krads Device indicator 301 = 3 Amp Positive Regulator Output Voltage 18 = 1.8V 25 = 2.5V 33 = 3.3V A1 = Adjustable Optimized for 3.3 V Input A2 = Adjustable Optimized for 5.0V Input Screening Level P = Unscreened. 25C Electrical Test Not for Qualification K = Class K per MIL-PRF-38534 Package Type A = 8 Lead Flat Pack IR WORLD HEADQUARTERS: 233 Kansas St., El Segundo, California 90245, USA Tel: (310) 252-7105 IR LEOMINSTER : 205 Crawford St., Leominster, Massachusetts 01453, USA Tel: (978) 534-5776 TAC Fax: (310) 252-7903 Visit us at www.irf.com for sales contact information. Data and specifications subject to change without notice. 05/2012 www.irf.com 9