S1569 Series
3.3V PECL Ultra Low Jitter with True SMT pads
Voltage Controlled Crystal Oscillator (VCXO)
DS 236 Rev B | 01/04/05
Pericom Semiconductor Corporation • 1-800-435-2336 http://www.pericom.com/saronix
All specifications are subject to change without notice.
Product Features
Frequencies available between 65 and 168 MHz
High frequency fundamental-mode crystal
No internal PLL or frequency multiplication
Less than 0.5 ps RMS jitter
LVPECL compatible output
Commercial and industrial operation
±20 ppM stability (or as specified)
±50 ppM absolute (net) pull range
9x14mm true SMT design
Product Description
The S1569 is a voltage controlled crystal oscillator that
achieves superb jitter and temperature stability over a
broad range of operating conditions and frequencies.
The device is constructed with a hermetically sealed,
fundamental-mode quartz crystal resonator exhibiting a
high-Q for exceptional phase noise performance. The
device, available on tape and reel, is contained in a
9x14mm FR4 package.
The S1569 Series VCXO is an ideal component
in phase locked loop circuits that perform clock
smoothing, clock/data recovery, or frequency
translation and card synchronization functions,
supporting jitter-sensitive applications such as:
SMPTE-compliant Video networking
SONET/SDH/DWDM/E4 timing control & line cards
1 & 10 Gigabit Ethernet and FibreChannel
Satellite, microwave and cellular base stations
Server & Storage platforms
Common Frequencies
65.0000 65.5360 70.6560
74.1758 74.2500 75.0000
77.7600 106.2500 108.0000
125.0000 139.2640 155.5200
156.2500 161.1328 167.3316
S 1569 E A B - 155.5200 (T)
Stability Tolerance
AA = ±20ppm, 0 to +70°C
A = ±25ppm, 0 to +70°C
B = ±50 ppm, 0 to +70°C
E = ±50 ppm, -40 to +85°C
G = ±50 ppm, 0 to +85°C
Frequency (MHz)
Pullability (minimum APR)
A = ±50 ppm
B = 10%
blank = bulk packaged
(T) = Tape & Reel*
*full reel increments only (500pcs)
Ordering Information
Full Mechanical Drawings page 7.
Dimensions are in mm/inches.
Package Outline
Actual Size = 9 x 14mm
Pin Functions
Pad Function
1Control voltage
2Output Enable/Disable
4Q Output
5Q Output
6Supply voltage
Contact SaRonix for additional frequencies
Pad 1 2 3
Pad 6 5 4
2DS 236 Rev B | 01/04/05
S1569 Series
3.3V PECL Ultra Low Jitter with True SMT pads
Voltage Controlled Crystal Oscillator (VCXO)
Pericom Semiconductor Corporation • 1-800-435-2336 http://www.pericom.com/saronix
All specifications are subject to change without notice.
Frequency Modulation Function
Parameter Min. Typ. Max. Units Notes
Absolute pull range (APR) ±50 ppM See #1 below
Control voltage range 0.3 3.0 VDC As rated
Center control voltage 1.32 1.65 1.98 V For RMT center frequency
Monotonic linearity 10 % Positive transfer slope
Input impedance 50 kΩ Control voltage pin
Modulation bandwidth 10 kHz -3dB
1. APR is relative to the nominal output frequency FN (as specied); APR is inclusive (net) of frequency deviation due to stability.
Electrical Performance
Parameter Min. Typ. Max. Units Notes
Output frequency (FN) 65 168 MHz As specied
Supply voltage 2.97 3.3 3.63 V
Supply current 70 mA
Frequency stability ±20 ±50 ppM See Note 1 below
Operating temperature -40 +85 °C As specied
Output logic 0, VOL VCC - 1.645 V 0 to +70˚C
Output logic 0, VOL VCC - 1.590 V -40 to +85˚C
Output logic 1, VOH VCC - 0.995 V 0 to +70˚C
Output logic 1, VOH VCC - 1.045 V -40 to +85˚C
Output load 50Ω to VCC - 2V output requires termination
Duty cycle 45 55 % measured 50% of waveform
Rise and fall time 0.18 0.55 ns measured 20/80% of waveform
Jitter, phase 1 ps RMS (1-σ) 12kHz to 40MHz frequency band
Jitter, accumulated 3 ps RMS (1-σ) 20,000 adjacent periods
Jitter, total 20 ps
pk-pk 100,000 random periods
1. As specied. Stability includes all combinations of operating temperature, load changes, rated input (supply) voltage changes, aging (5 years
at 40°C average effective ambient temperature), shock and vibration.
3DS 236 Rev B | 01/04/05
S1569 Series
3.3V PECL Ultra Low Jitter with True SMT pads
Voltage Controlled Crystal Oscillator (VCXO)
Pericom Semiconductor Corporation • 1-800-435-2336 http://www.pericom.com/saronix
All specifications are subject to change without notice.
Output Enable / Disable Function
Parameter Min. Typ. Max. Units Notes
Input voltage, Output Enable (pin 2) VOL V or Open
Input voltage, Output Disable (pin2) VCC -
1.165V V Q Output xed to VOL
Typical Phase Noise
155.52 MHz
155.52 MHz
Typical Stability Characteristics
Relative Frequency Deviation over Temperature
(Control Voltage held constant)
Temperature (deg C)
Frequency Deviation (ppM)
4DS 236 Rev B | 01/04/05
S1569 Series
3.3V PECL Ultra Low Jitter with True SMT pads
Voltage Controlled Crystal Oscillator (VCXO)
Pericom Semiconductor Corporation • 1-800-435-2336 http://www.pericom.com/saronix
All specifications are subject to change without notice.
Typical Supply Current
Typical Pull Characteristics
Pullability over Temperature
-40 -15 10 35 60 85
Temperature (deg C)
Frequency Deviation
Supply (Input) Current Consumption
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70
Temperature (deg C)
Current (mA)
155.52 MHz
125 MHz 77.76 MHz
5DS 236 Rev B | 01/04/05
S1569 Series
3.3V PECL Ultra Low Jitter with True SMT pads
Voltage Controlled Crystal Oscillator (VCXO)
Pericom Semiconductor Corporation • 1-800-435-2336 http://www.pericom.com/saronix
All specifications are subject to change without notice.
Absolute Maximum Ratings
Parameter Min. Typ. Max. Units Notes
Storage temperature -55 +125 °C
Control voltage range 0 VCC V
Typical Output Waveform
Test Circuit
Voltage Control Function
Output Enable/Disable Function
6 5 4
1 2 3
Test Point
internal to scope)
Z = 50
S1569EABJ-155.5200 MHz
6DS 236 Rev B | 01/04/05
S1569 Series
3.3V PECL Ultra Low Jitter with True SMT pads
Voltage Controlled Crystal Oscillator (VCXO)
Pericom Semiconductor Corporation • 1-800-435-2336 http://www.pericom.com/saronix
All specifications are subject to change without notice.
Output Waveform
tf tr
Duty cycle = 100%
(tA + tB)
Reliability Test Ratings
This product is rated under the following test conditions:
Type Parameter Test Condition
Mechanical Shock MIL-STD-883, Method 2002, Condition B
Mechanical Solderability MIL-STD-883, Method 2003
Mechanical Terminal strength MIL-STD-883, Method 2004, Condition D
Mechanical Solvent resistance MIL-STD-202, Method 215
Environmental Thermal shock MIL-STD-883, Method 1011, Condition A
Environmental Moisture resistance MIL-STD-883, Method 1004
Environmental Vibration MIL-STD-883, Method 2007, Condition A
Environmental Resistance to soldering heat MIL-STD-202, Method 210, Condition I or J
Reflow 235 ±5˚C
Preheat 183 ±10˚C
4˚C/sec max
Temperature – ˚C
4˚C/sec max
5 sec min
10 sec max
1 – 2 minutesTime
Solder Reow Guide
7DS 236 Rev B | 01/04/05
S1569 Series
3.3V PECL Ultra Low Jitter with True SMT pads
Voltage Controlled Crystal Oscillator (VCXO)
Pericom Semiconductor Corporation • 1-800-435-2336 http://www.pericom.com/saronix
All specifications are subject to change without notice.
Ordering Information
Mechanical Drawings
Marking LINE 1: SARONIX YY WW X (Year, Week, Origin)
Marking LINE 2: Frequency (Frequency)
Marking LINE 3: • S1569xxx (Pin 1, Part Number)
S 1569 E A B - 155.5200 (T)
Stability Tolerance
AA = ±20ppm, 0 to +70°C
A = ±25ppm, 0 to +70°C
B = ±50 ppm, 0 to +70°C
E = ±50 ppm, -40 to +85°C
G = ±50 ppm, 0 to +85°C
Frequency (MHz)
Pullability (minimum APR)
A = ±50 ppm
B = 10%
blank = bulk packaged
(T) = Tape & Reel*
*full reel increments only (500pcs)
Scale: None. Dimensions are in mm/inches.
Recommended Land Pattern*
*External high frequency power decoupling
is recommended
** Exact location of markings may vary