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High Speed Fuses
Arc Voltage
This curve gives the peak
arc voltage, UL, which
may appear across the
fuse during its operation
as a function of the
applied working voltage,
Eg, (rms) at a power factor
of 15%.
Power Losses
Watts loss at rated current
is given in the electrical
characteristics. The curve
allows the calculation of
the power losses at load
currents lower than the
rated current. The
correction factor, Kp, is
given as a function of the
RMS load current, Ib, in %
of the rated current.
Features and Benefits
• Excellent DC performance
• Low arc voltage and low energy let-through (I2t)
• Low watts loss
• Superior cycling capability
Typical Applications
• DC common bus
• DC drives
• Power converters/rectifiers
• Reduced voltage starters
Square Body DIN 43 620 — 690V/700V (IEC/UL):
690V/700V (IEC/UL) 40-1000A
DDeessccrriippttiioonn::Square body DIN
43 620 blade style high speed
DDiimmeennssiioonnss::See dimensions
Volts:— 690Vac (IEC)
— 700Vac (UL)
Amps:— 40-1000A
IR:— 200kA RMS Sym.
AAggeennccyy IInnffoorrmmaattiioonn::CE, Designed and tested to IEC
60269: Part 4, UL Recognized.
Electrical Characteristics
Total Clearing I2t
The total clearing I2t at
rated voltage and at power
factor of 15% are given in
the electrical
characteristics. For other
voltages, the clearing I2t is
found by multiplying by
correction factor, K, given
as a function of applied
working voltage, Eg, (rms).
Dimensions (mm)
Type DIN 1*, DIN 2, DIN 3
Size A B D E F H
1* 69 135 58 45 40 20
2 69 150 71 55 48 26
3 68 150 88 76 60 33
1mm = 0.0394” / 1” = 25.4mm
For Full Range Fuses in This Body Style
• See page 140
Square Body DIN 43 620 — 690V/700V (IEC/UL):
CCaattaalloogg NNuummbbeerrssEElleeccttrriiccaall CChhaarraacctteerriissttiiccss
DDIINN TTyyppee TTRRaatteeddII22tt ((AA22SSeecc))
ffoorr MMiiccrrooSSiizzeeRRMMSS--AAmmppssPPrree--aarrccaatt 666600VVLLoossss
170M3808D 40 40 285 4
170M3809D 50 78 550 4.5
170M3810D 63 120 850 6.5
170M3811D 80 185 1350 8.5
170M3812D 100 360 2600 10
170M3813D 125 550 3900 11
170M3814D 160 1150 8250 12
170M3815D 200 2300 16500 12.5
170M3816D 1* 250 4350 31000 16
170M3817D 315 7300 52000 20
170M3818D 350 10000 73000 21.5
170M3819D 400 16000 115000 60
170M4863D 450 21500 155000 26.3
170M4864D 500 27000 190000 28.5
170M4865D 550 33500 240000 33
170M4866D 630 48500 345000 37.5
170M4867D 700 69500 495000 39
170M5808D 400 11000 79000 29
170M5809D 450 16000 115000 32
170M5810D 500 21500 155000 34
170M5811D 550 29000 215000 36
170M5812D 2 630 41000 295000 42
170M5813D 700 60500 430000 43
170M5814D 800 86000 610000 48
170M5820D 900 125000 895000 52
170M5816D 1000 180000 1300000 53
170M5817D 1100 245000 1750000 56
170M6808D 500 14000 99500 43
170M6809D 550 19500 140000 44
170M6810D 630 31000 220000 45
170M6811D 700 45000 320000 46
170M6812D 800 69500 490000 48
170M6813D 3 900 100000 720000 50
170M6814D 1000 140000 985000 56
170M6892D 1100 190000 1400000 57
170M8554D 1250 300000 2150000 61
170M8555D 1400 380000 2700000 70
170M8556D 1500 470000 3350000 72
170M8557D 1600 585000 4150000 74
• Watts loss provided at rated current.
• Microswitch indicator ordered separately. See accessories on pages 185-186.
• For fuse curves see page 134.
Rated Current
The rated current of this fuse range has been given with
copper conductors that have a current density of 1.3 A/mm2
(IEC 60269-4). For conductor cross section according to IEC
60269-1, the fuses must be derated. Please contact Cooper
Bussmann for application assistance.
Size 1* — 40-630A: 690V
Time-Current Cur ve
Peak Let-Through Curve
Data Sheet: 17056314
For product data sheets, visit
High Speed
High Speed Fuses
Catalog Numbers
For product data sheets, visit
High Speed Fuses
Square Body DIN 43 620 — 690V/700V (IEC/UL):
Size 3 — 500-2000A: 690V
Time-Current Cur ve
Peak Let-Through Curve
Size 2 — 400-1250A: 690V
Time-Current Cur ve
Peak Let-Through Curve
Data Sheet: 17056318 Data Sheet: 17056320