MOTOROU o Orderthls document by 2N3019SJANID SEMICONDUCTOR TECHNICAL DATA ttl ,$$>. *t~i"*J,:~$< >,,. j/ ,>, ,.!$: .> ~>` 1111~ ~~~ ``}1lb ",,., 2N3019SJAN, dTX, dTXV, dANS 2N3700dAN, JTX, JTXV, JANS I\o Processed per MlL4-19500/391 NPN Silicon Small+ignal ,$&,li ~ ;f`~~ r~ *,. k Transistors -- $f$,omhlal 1...,,,. ..,. 1 !.. I I I I -." " >>, PlmTachnologies Operstlon 2N3019S CASE7%04,S~LE 1 T0205AD ~039) OFFCMRACTERl*i+S Collectcr+mitt~Mdow (1C= 30 mA@~>, `" Vokge(l) v(BR)CEO 80 -- Vdo v(BR)EBO 7.0 -- Vdc V(BR)CBO 140 -- Vdc -- -- 10 10 nAdc @do -- 10 nAdc @$ll@orCutoffCurrent ~CE = go Vdo) WCE-90 V*, TA = 1500C) iCES EmitterCutoffCurrent NBE = 5.0 Vdc) lEBO (1) Pulsed.PulseWidth250to 350@, D@ Qcle 1.0to 2.0%. 2N3700 CASE22-03,SWLE 1 T0206AA ~G18) (ccntinu* o RN O 9/s3 @ Mdomla, Inc. 1994 M-ROLA @ 2N3019S and 2N3700 SERIES ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS -- mntinued UC. 25'C unlessothewise noted.) Characterlatlc S~bol I Min I Mex Unit I ] ON CHARACTERISTICS DCCurrent Gain ~CE = 10Vdo, IC = 150 mAdc)(l) ~CE = 10 Vdc, IC = 0.1 mAdc) ~CE"loV*,lC=lOW&)(l) NCE = 10V*, ic = 500 MA*)(1) ~CE=lo Vti,lC=l.oti&) ~CE = 10VdO,IC = 150tido, TA = -65"C)(1) h~E 100 50 90 50 15 40 Colleotor%mitterSaturationVobge(l) (IC= 150tid0, IB= 15~&) (IC= 500 @de, lB = 50 titi) VCE(~t) BasHm.tir Saturation Vohge(l) (tC= 150~d0, iB= 15tidO) VBE(~at) -- -- -- SMALL41GNAL CHARACTERISTICS Smal%ignat CurrentGain ~CE = 5.0 V*, ic = 1.0 fide, f = 1.0 kHz) NCE = 10Vdo, !C = 50 tide, f = 20 MHz) ,%,q$;;g,. ,..,.. " InputCapaoitanm NEB = 0.5 Vdo,IC = O,f = 0.1 to 1.0MHz) q~ -- 400 20 ` ,,3>}~tv,> - sf:~,, ,>,.,, `v'!>. c&JL, ` `-- OutputCepac.@n@ ~CB=lov*tlE=ojf=o.l ... .,' *><,. ,t:: !,ij~:~ he ,,$!,'.+, .. $.,,,,,, ,.? ,./,, tO1.oMHz) "i:,.,. ~;~~:\.., i' /\\>\,XI,;, ColleotorBaseWmeConstant ~CB = 10 V*, ic = 10 MA*, f = 79.8 MHz) -- ~'c~ 4.0 dB 400 P SWtTCHING CHARACTERISTICS (Sge S@on 4,,.&$&~~ ..,, -. .,*.. ASSURANCE TESTING (PrdPo@iMn) Bum4n Conditions TA = 25,.-..,..s.. y~$ ..!,J* ?CB = 60 Vdc (10 Vdc,JANS)j PD = 600 mW 2N301*, ..1 ..\*\ }.!>~ts ,F.',+.. `*>:,;,$s~ CharactarIaU~f*ed 500 mW 2N3700 Initial and End Point Llmlte Mln Max Unit Coll@r CutoffCurre#J<. " ~CE = go V*) $;,~&,~&- Spbol iCES -- 10 nAdo DC Current G&~ hFE 100 300 -- Mln Max -- *100 or 6.0 whicheveris greater ~CE = 1$.~AY~ = 150mAda) ,~%?,t `1$,1, .. ..>. ,.,. ,~~ m~f wJ~ll*or ~.$:? :., JI!3 Pr*um4n Measured Values CutoffCurrent DeltaDC CurrentGain(l) AtCES AhFE *15 (1) Putsed.PulseWidth250to 350 W, DW Qcte 1.0to 2.0%. COMMERCIAL PLUS AND MIUAERO SMALL SIGNAL TRANSISTOR DATA Yo YO of InitialValue nAdo of InitialValue . ,. .,- 2N3019S and 2N3700 SERIES PACWGE DIMENSIONS @ 4 1.DIMENSONlffi AND WWNG PER ANSI Y14.W, 1* Z -WNG DIMENSW: IW. & DIMJ MWURED FROMDIM AWMUM 4. DIM FWPUES ~EEN DIM P AND L DIM D APWES B~EENDIM LAND KMINIMUM LEAD W~R IS UN~~ IN DM P AND WOND MM KMNIMUM ,*!. `$,\ =?' ----~ mTEs K MLU=RS fill TI INMES ?*.! CASE Z43 TW6AA 3 1 agdnafdl Clalms.ooate,damages, W expenses, ti rmtie attOMSyfeesarisingout of, dirtily or Indirwly, any ddm of psreow inju~ or death -at@ wh uch unintended or unauthotied use, even If euti Mm aNqea that Motorola wae neg~gentregarding the design or manufa~re of the pan. Motorola and @ are registered tre&m@ AotionEmpbyer. of Motorola Irro.Motoml~ Ino. Is en EqW OppotinNy/Affirmative Llteratum DIMbutlorr Centen USA Motorola LNeratureDiatributio~ P.O. Box 2W12; Phrrk, Arizona m. EUROPE Motorok Ltd.; European Mereture OentrS SSTanners Drive, Bl*e W, Milton Keyn=, MK14 5BP, England. JAPAN Mppon Motorola Ltd.; ~2-1, NishWo_ ShinagawX, T*o 141, Japan. ASIA PACIFIC Motorola Semtitiuotore H.K. Ltd.; Siltin H-r Oenter, No. 2 Dd King Street, T~ Po Industtid Estate, Tai Po, N.T., Hong Kong. @ M~ROLA 1PHX24101 1-2 PRINWD IN USA U% MPWPOO CPTO YDACAA 2N3019SJANID llllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll