2SC5103F5 Transistor, NPN Features * available in CPT F5 (SC-63) package * package marking: C5103%*Q, where * is Nee code and Q is lot number high-speed switching, typically t =0.1 us for Ic=3A low collector saturation voltage, Dimensions (Units : mm) 2SC5103F5 (CPT F5) 65+02 CO. n 5 40.2 $1 4 21 / a a 4 40.2 235 05*01 4 95205 2 , Ty A 0.85 2 0.1 ll: 4 typically Veg;saty = 0.5 V for er fh pal fl Ic/Ip = 3 A/0.15 055-906 . . 2.3202/2.3 + 0.2 10402 wide safe operating area (SOA) Trt Poimax) = | W for Tg = 25C and ant (1) Base 0 oa a (2) Collector Poimax) = 10 W for Tg = 25C (3) Emitter Applications high speed switching applications Absolute maximum ratings (T, = 25C) Parameter Symbol Limits Unit Conditions Collector-to-base voltage | Vcgo 100 Vv Collector-to-emitter voltage Vceo 60 V Emitter-to-base voltage VeBo 5 Vv 5 DC Collector current Ic A 10 Pulse 1.0 Collector dissipation Po W 10 To = 25C Junction temperature T; 150 C Storage temperature Tstg 55 ~ +150 C Surface Mount Transistors ROHM 223 3.0 a EO 2.32.3 2SC5103F5 Transistor, NPN, 2SC series Electrical characteristics (unless otherwise noted, T, = 25C) Parameter Symbo!| Min |Typical; Max Unit Conditions Collector-to-base _ breakdown voltage BVcpo | 100 Vi |lc =50 HA vise Veeoisus)) 60 V |ig/lg =3 40.3 A,L=1mH Collector-to-emitter _ breakdown voltage BVceo | 60 Vi flc=1 mA Emitter-to-base = breakdown voltage BVeso 5 Vi fle =50 HA Collector cutoff current IcBo 10 vA |Veg = 100 V Emitter cutoff current leBo 10 HA |Veg=5V 82 150 270 Vop=2V, IG=1A DC current gain hee 40 Vce=2V, Ic =3A Collector-to-emitter v 0.3 V Io/lg = 3 A/O.IS5 A saturation voltage CE(sat) 05 Io/lg =4 A0.2 A Base-to-emitter saturation 1.2 Ic/lg = 3 A/0.15 A VBE(sat) V voltage 1.5 Ic/lg = 4 A/0.2 A Transition frequency fr 120 MHz [Vce = 10 V, Ie =-0.5 A, f = 30 MHz Collector output _ _ _ capacitance Cob 80 pF Veg = 10V, IE=0A,f= 1 MHz Turn on time ton 0.3 ys 3A R <wo ; c= AL= Storage time tstg 1.5 ps Ip: =~ Igo = 0.15 A, Vog = 30V Fall time t 0.3 ys hee rankings item P Q hee 82 ~ 180 120 ~ 270 Test circuits Figure 1 Switching time test circuit Figure 2 Switching time waveforms Ru=100 | Base current waveform {a1 { Vin Jk Voc 30V 90% a _4 Pw b Collector current waveform Ic 10% Pw 50us duty cycles: 1% ake ; -Ves ton tstq tf 224 RONM Surface Mount Transistors Transistor, NPN, 2SC series 2SC5103F5 Electrical characteristic curve 1 Ic Max (Putse*) = 10 a a 2 2 +e 6 5 < ie a 6 = 1 g 3 a o c a e * 5 wy 4 wed 3 2 a To25C a1 * Single 0 . nonrepetitive 0. 2 i 1 0.05 pulse AMBIENT TEMPERATURE : Ta (C) 100 CASE TEMPERATURE : Te (C) COLLECTOR TO EMITTER VOLTAGE : Vce (V) Figure 3 Figure 4 = 10000 ; 4 = = (1) Using Infinite act O : : : heat sink Ta--25C ca Fo 1 (2) Unmounted = 1000 = = a we * a Ww Ae = (2) 23 z 100; & ft = = z % 1 7) x < w 10 22 a a g a a e c wn = : 1 = g 5 of ui 2 001 , 0 Zz 0 & 0001001 oat 1 10 100 1000 20 o o s TIME : t (s) COLLECTOR TO EMITTER VOLTAGE : Vce(v) Figure 5 Figure 6 5 1 ga 3S 1 COLLECTOR CURRENT : Ic(A) COLLECTOR CURRENT: Ss Ta=25 0.001 % 1 2 3 4 5 0 02 04 066 08 10 12 1416 COLLECTOR TO EMITTER VOLTAGE : Vor (V) BASE TO EMITTER VOLTAGE : Vee (V) Figure 7 Figure 8 Surface Mount Transistors REM 225 2SC5103F5 Transistor, NPN, 2SC series 4000 Voe=2V = + (CAip=20 t $e 73 Z 100 ogy z $8 Vee (sat) 7 Wael e3 3 35 1 XZ o. g 0 2 S 0.1 a = a =z : 5 < 25C || Voe (sat) aw ~ 25! ! 40.01 0.01 0.1 1 10 aso. 01 1 10 COLLECTOR CURRENT : Ic(A) COLLECTOR CURRENT: Ic(A) Figure 9 Figure 10 000 a! Ta~25C < le =0A 3 & I IMHz 2 | 4 w = 7 2 3 100 E 2 < w a 3 < a oO x KF a 2 Zz & z 10 2 a Z s c Oo Aw at Ly: 3 1 oO ~-0.00! -0.01 -Q1 ] 0.1 1 19 100 EMITTER CURRENT : te(A) COLLECTOR TO BASE VOLTAGE VcrlV) Figure 11 Figure 12 | +4 Ie 20 lat= 20 lez 14) PULSE nea _ Ordering information S335 4 Soe Package Tape uu 2%. Code TL rs zi - ; CBF oy Basic order quantity 2500 362 2$C5103F5 * e 5 a * = Standard, * = Semi-standard, * = Special order 0.01 0.05 0.1 1 10 COLLECTOR CURRENT | Ie(a) Figure 13 226 ROM Surface Mount Transistors