Data Sheet ADE7854A/ADE7858A/ADE7868A/ADE7878A
Rev. C | Page 75 of 96
The high speed data capture (HSDC) interface is disabled by
default. It can be used only if the ADE7854A/ADE7858A/
ADE7868A/ADE7878A are configured for the I2C interface.
The SPI interface of the ADE7854A/ADE7858A/ADE7868A/
ADE7878A cannot be used simultaneously with the HSDC
When Bit 6 (HSDCEN) is set to 1 in the CONFIG register, the
HSDC interface is enabled. If the HSDCEN bit is cleared to 0
(the default value), the HSDC interface is disabled. Setting this
bit to 1 when the SPI interface is in use has no effect on the part.
The HSDC interface is used to send data to an external device
(usually a microprocessor or a DSP); this data can consist of up
to sixteen 32-bit words. The words represent the instantaneous
values of the phase currents and voltages, neutral current, and
active, reactive, and apparent powers. The registers transmitted
CVAR. These 24-bit registers are sign extended to 32 bits
(see Figure 38). In the case of the ADE7854A and ADE7858A,
the INWV register is not available; instead, the HSDC interface
transmits one 32-bit word that is always equal to 0. In addition,
the AVAR, BVAR, and CVAR registers are not available in the
ADE7854A; instead, the HSDC transmits three 32-bit words
that are always equal to 0.
HSDC can be interfaced with SPI or similar interfaces. HSDC is
always a master of the communication and consists of three pins:
HSA represents the select signal. It stays active low or high
when a word is transmitted, and it is usually connected to
the select pin of the slave.
HSD sends data to the slave and is usually connected to the
data input pin of the slave.
HSCLK is the serial clock line that is generated by the
ADE7854A/ADE7858A/ADE7868A/ADE7878A; HSCLK
is usually connected to the serial clock input of the slave.
Figure 100 shows the connections between the ADE7854A/
ADE7858A/ADE7868A/ADE7878A HSDC interface and a slave
device containing an SPI interface.
Figure 100. Connecting the ADE7854A/ADE7858A/ADE7868A/ADE7878A
HSDC Interface to an SPI Slave
HSDC communication is managed by the HSDC_CFG register
(see Table 51). It is recommended that the HSDC_CFG register
be set to the desired value before the HSDC port is enabled using
Bit 6 (HSDCEN) in the CONFIG register. In this way, the state
of various pins belonging to the HSDC port do not accept levels
inconsistent with the desired HSDC behavior. After a hardware
reset or after power-up, the HSD and HSA pins are set high.
Bit 0 (HCLK) in the HSDC_CFG register determines the serial
clock frequency of the HSDC communication. When the HCLK
bit is set to 0 (the default value), the clock frequency is 8 MHz.
When the HCLK bit is set to 1, the clock frequency is 4 MHz. A
bit of data is transmitted at every HSCLK high to low transition.
The slave device that receives data from the HSDC interface
samples the HSD line on the low to high transition of HSCLK.
The words can be transmitted as 32-bit packages or as 8-bit
packages. When Bit 1 (HSIZE) in the HSDC_CFG register is
set to 0 (the default value), the words are transmitted as 32-bit
packages. When the HSIZE bit is set to 1, the registers are
transmitted as 8-bit packages. The HSDC interface transmits
the words MSB first.
When set to 1, Bit 2 (HGAP) introduces a gap of seven HSCLK
cycles between packages. When the HGAP bit is cleared to 0 (the
default value), no gap is introduced between packages, yielding
the shortest communication time. When HGAP is set to 0, the
HSIZE bit has no effect on the communication, and a data bit is
placed on the HSD line at every HSCLK high to low transition.
Bits[4:3] (HXFER[1:0]) specify how many words are transmitted.
When HXFER[1:0] is set to 00 (the default value), all 16 words
are transmitted. When HXFER[1:0] is set to 01, only the words
representing the instantaneous values of phase and neutral
currents and phase voltages are transmitted in the following
order: IAWV, VAWV, IBWV, VBWV, ICWV, VCWV, and one
32-bit word that is always equal to INWV. When HXFER[1:0] is
set to 10, only the instantaneous values of phase powers are
transmitted in the following order: AVA, BVA, CVA, AWATT,
BWATT, CWATT, AVAR, BVAR, and CVAR. The value 11 for
HXFER[1:0] is reserved, and writing it is equivalent to writing
00, the default value. See Table 51 for more information about
the bit settings for each device.
Bit 5 (HSAPOL) specifies the polarity of the HSA function on
the HSA pin during communication. When the HSAPOL bit is
set to 0 (the default value), the HSA pin is active low during the
communication; that is, HSA stays high when no communication
is in progress. When a communication is executed, HSA is low
when the 32-bit or 8-bit packages are transferred and high during
the gaps. When the HSAPOL bit is set to 1, the HSA pin is active
high during the communication; that is, HSA stays low when no
communication is in progress. When a communication is executed,
HSA is high when the 32-bit or 8-bit packages are transferred and
is low during the gaps.
Bits[7:6] of the HSDC_CFG register are reserved. Any value
written into these bits has no effect on HSDC behavior.
Figure 101 shows the HSDC transfer protocol for HGAP = 0,
HXFER[1:0] = 00, and HSAPOL = 0. Note that the HSDC inter-
face sets a data bit on the HSD line every HSCLK high to low
transition; the value of the HSIZE bit is irrelevant.