R&E International RE46C102 CMOS Dual H-Bridge Driver Product Specification General Description Features The RE46C102 is a dual H-bridge driver with 35mA drive current and 16V VBB maximum driver supply voltage. A separate low-side driver ground connection, Vss, is provided for current monitoring of each H-bridge driver. Each driver has two control inputs: * * * * Typical Quiescent Current < 1uA Output Current of 35mA Output Voltage to 16V Internal Clamp Diodes Pin Configurations 16 Lead Plastic DIP ENABLE which enables the highside drivers and therefore connects the driver supply to the motor output. This input can be used for pulsewidth modulation. VBB PHASE which is used to reverse the motor polarity. All control inputs are CMOS and TTL compatible and the logic section operates at Vdd=5V. 1 16 VDD ENABLE A ENABLE B PHASE A PHASE B GND GND GND GND OUT1A OUT1B OUT2A OUT2B VSSA VSSB Absolute maximum ratings Supply Voltage Vdd ......................................................-.5V to +17V Output Supply Voltage Vbb........................................... VDD to +17V Input voltage Range Vin ............................................... -.3V to VDD+.3V Input Current Iin .......................................................... 10mA Operating Temperature ................................................ -40C to 85C Storage Temperature.................................................... -55C to 150C Continuous Output Current ............... ........................... 80mA Stresses beyond those listed under Absolute Maximum Ratings may cause permanent damage to the device. These are stress ratings only and operation at these conditions for extended periods may affect device reliability. This product utilizes CMOS technology with static protection; however proper ESD prevention procedures should be used when handling this product. Damage can occur when exposed to extremely high static electrical charges R&E International King of Prussia PA 610-992-0727 1 DS-RE46C102-091201 R&E International RE46C102 CMOS Dual H-Bridge Driver Product Specification Electrical Characteristics at TA = -40 C to +85 C, VBB = 8V, VDD = 5V, Vss = 0V (unless otherwise noted). Characteristic Logic Supply Logic Quiescent Current Driver Supply Driver Quiescent Current Output Leakage Current Symbol VDD IDDS VBB IBBS IOUTS Output High Voltage VOH Output Low Voltage VOL Source Driver Rise Time Source Driver Fall Time Clamp Diode Forward V Input Logic Levels tr tf VF Vin Logic Input Current Delay Time IENABLE/PHASE tDHi tDLO Deadtime tD Conditions min 4.75 Vin=Vdd or Vss typ 5 0.01 VDD No Load ENABLE =Lo PHASE = Lo VOUT1 = VBB or VSS ENABLE =Lo PHASE = Hi VOUT2 = VBB or VSS ENABLE = Hi IOUT = -35mA ENABLE = Hi IOUT = +35mA IOUT = -35mA IOUT = -35mA IF = 35mA Hi Low ENABLE to Source Drivers ENABLE to Source Drivers Delay from Source Turn-On to Sink Turn-On 0.1 7.1 75 unit V A V A A 10 A 7.45 0.55 2.4 max 15 10 16 20 10 15 30 0.8 1.5 1.5 V 0.9 80 ns ns V V V nA ns 120 ns 300 ns 1.8 0.8 100 Truth Table The following truth table applies for either H-Bridge driver. ENABLE Lo Lo Hi Hi PHASE Lo Hi Lo Hi R&E International King of Prussia PA 610-992-0727 OUT1 High-Z Vss Vbb Vss OUT2 Vss High-Z Vss Vbb 2 V DS-RE46C102-091201 R&E International RE46C102 CMOS Dual H-Bridge Driver Product Specification Functional Diagram of one H-Bridge Driver VBB LOGIC HS2 IN OUT HS1 HS2 BUFFER VBB ENABLE IN OUT HS1 IN LS OUT OUT1 BUFFER OUT2 LS1 VBB PHASE OUT IN LS1 IN LS2 OUT BUFFER LS VSS LS2 IN OUT BUFFER R&E International King of Prussia PA 610-992-0727 3 DS-RE46C102-091201