Fea tures
Component pre-mounted and ready to
Pre-tested with fiber to assure
Popular style receptacle
Optimized for fiber optic applications
using 50 to 200 micron fiber
De scrip tion
The OPF522 contains a monolithic
photo-IC comprised of a photodetector
and DC amplifier driving an open
collector output Schottky transistor. The
output makes the OPF522 compatible
with TTL and CMOS logic.
The receiver is designed to operate from
a single +5V supply. It is essential that a
bypass capacitor be connected from VCC
to Common of the receiver.
Ab so lute Maxi mum Rat ings (TA = 25o C un less oth er wise noted)
Stor age Tem pera ture.................................... -55o C to +115o C
Op er at ing Tem pera ture ................................... -40o C to +85o C
Lead Sol der ing Tem pera ture (for 10 sec.)............................. 260o C
Sup ply Volt age ............................................. -0.5 to 7.0 V
Out put Cur rent .................................................. 25 mA
Out put Volt age ............................................ -0.5 to 18.0 V
Open Col lec tor Power Dis si pa tion................................... 40 mW
Fan Out (TTL) ..................................................... 5(1)
Prod uct Bul le tin OPF522
Feb ru ary 1996
5 MBd Fi ber Op tic Re ceiver
Type OPF522
Op tek Tech nol ogy, Inc. 1215 W. Crosby Road Car roll ton, Texas 75006 (972) 323- 2200 Fax (972) 323- 2396
This component is susceptible to damage from electrostatic discharge (ESD). Normal
static precautions should be taken in handling and assembly of this component to
prevent ESD damage or degradation.
Types OPF522
Op tek re serves the right to make changes at any time in or der to im prove de sign and to sup ply the best prod uct pos si ble.
Op tek Tech nol ogy, Inc. 1215 W. Crosby Road Car roll ton, Texas 75006 (972)323- 2200 Fax (972)323- 2396
Elec tri cal Char ac ter is tics (TA = 25o C un less oth er wise noted)
4.75 VCC 5.25, Fi ber Sizes 100 Mi crons, N.A. 0.35, BER 10-9
Sym bol Pa rame ter Min Typ Max Units Test Con di tions
IOH High Level Output Current 5 250 µAVO = 18 V, PR < -40 dBm
VOL Low Level Output Voltage 0.4 0.5 VIO = 8 mA, PR > -24 dBm
ICCH High Level Supply Current 3.5 6.3 mA VCC = 5.25 V, PR < -40 dBm
ICCL Low Level supply Current 6.2 10 mA VCC = 5.25 V, PR > -24 dBm
PRH Peak Input Power Level Logic HIGH -40 dBm λp = 840 nm(2)
0.1 µW
Peak Input Power Level Logic LOW -25.4 -9.2 dBm λp = 840 nm, IOL = 8 mA(2)
2.9 120 µW
-24 -10 dBm -40o C TA +85o C
4.0 100 µW
tPLHR Propagation Delay LOW to HIGH 65 ns PR = -21 dBm, Data Rate = 5 MBd
tPHLR Propagation Delay HIGH to LOW 49 ns
(1) 8 mA load (5 x 1.6 mA), RL = 560 .
(2) Meas ured at the end of 100/140 µm fi ber ca ble with a large area de tec tor.
Types OPF522