Registers are written to and read from the MT9V034
through the two-wire serial interface bus. The MT9V034 is
a serial interface slave with four possible IDs (0x90, 0x98,
0xB0 and 0xB8) determined by the S_CTRL_ADR0 and
S_CTRL_ADR1 input pins. Data is transferred into the
MT9V034 and out through the serial data (SDATA) line. The
SDATA line is pulled up to VDD off-chip by a 1.5KΩ resistor.
Either the slave or master device can pull the SDATA line
down-the serial interface protocol determines which device
is allowed to pull the SDATA line down at any given time. The
registers are 16-bit wide, and can be accessed through 16- or
8-bit two-wire serial interface sequences.
The two-wire serial interface defines several different
transmission codes, as shown in the following sequence:
1. a start bit
2. the slave device 8-bit address
3. a(n) (no) acknowledge bit
4. an 8-bit message
5. a stop bit
Start Bit
The start bit is defined as a HIGH-to-LOW transition of
the data line while the clock line is HIGH.
Slave Address
The 8-bit address of a two-wire serial interface device
consists of 7 bits of address and 1 bit of direction. A “0” in
the LSB of the address indicates write mode, and a “1”
indicates read mode. As indicated above, the MT9V034
allows four possible slave addresses determined by the two
input pins, S_CTRL_ADR0 and S_CTRL_ADR1.
Acknowledge Bit
The master generates the acknowledge clock pulse. The
transmitter (which is the master when writing, or the slave
when reading) releases the data line, and the receiver
indicates an acknowledge bit by pulling the data line LOW
during the acknowledge clock pulse.
No-Acknowledge Bit
The no-acknowledge bit is generated when the data line is
not pulled down by the receiver during the acknowledge
clock pulse. A no-acknowledge bit is used to terminate a
read sequence.
Stop Bit
The stop bit is defined as a LOW-to-HIGH transition of
the data line while the clock line is HIGH.
A typical READ or WRITE sequence begins by the
master sending a start bit. After the start bit, the master sends
the slave device’s 8-bit address. The last bit of the address
determines if the request is a read or a write, where a “0”
indicates a WRITE and a “1” indicates a READ. The slave
device acknowledges its address by sending an
acknowledge bit back to the master.
If the request was a WRITE, the master then transfers the
8-bit register address to which a WRITE should take place.
The slave sends an acknowledge bit to indicate that the
register address has been received. The master then transfers
the data 8 bits at a time, with the slave sending an
acknowledge bit after each 8 bits. The MT9V034 uses 16-bit
data for its internal registers, thus requiring two 8-bit
transfers to write to one register. After 16 bits are transferred,
the register address is automatically incremented, so that the
next 16 bits are written to the next register address. The
master stops writing by sending a start or stop bit.
A typical READ sequence is executed as follows. First the
master sends the write mode slave address and 8-bit register
address, just as in the write request. The master then sends
a start bit and the read mode slave address. The master then
clocks out the register data 8 bits at a time. The master sends
an acknowledge bit after each 8-bit transfer. The register
address is automatically incremented after every 16 bits is
transferred. The data transfer is stopped when the master
sends a no-acknowledge bit. The MT9V034 allows for 8-bit
data transfers through the two-wire serial interface by
writing (or reading) the most significant 8 bits to the register
and then writing (or reading) the least significant 8 bits to
Byte-Wise Address register (0x0F0).
Bus Idle State
The bus is idle when both the data and clock lines are
HIGH. Control of the bus is initiated with a start bit, and the
bus is released with a stop bit. Only the master can generate
the start and stop bits.
{S_CTRL_ADR1, S_CTRL_ADR0} Slave Address Write/Read Mode
00 0x90 Write
0x91 Read
01 0x98 Write
0x99 Read
10 0xB0 Write
0xB1 Read
11 0xB8 Write
0xB9 Read