VB025BSP HIGH VOLTAGE IGNITION COIL DRIVER POWER IC TYPE V cl I cl Id VB025BSP 380 V 9 A 100 mA PRIMARY COIL VOLTAGE INTERNALLY SET COIL CURRENT LIMIT INTERNALLY SET LOGIC LEVEL COMPATIBLE INPUT DRIVING CURRENT QUASI PROPORTIONAL TO COLLECTOR CURRENT SINGLE FLAG-ON COIL CURRENT DESCRIPTION The VB025BSP is a high voltage power integrated circuit made using STMicroelectronics VIPower Technology, with vertical current flow power darlington and logic level compatible driving circuit. Built-in protection circuits for coil current limiting and collector voltage clamping allows the VB025BSP to be used as a smart, high voltage, high current interface in advanced electronic ignition systems. 10 1 PowerSO-10 BLOCK DIAGRAM March 1999 1/7 VB025BSP ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATING Symb ol Parameter HV C Collector Voltage (Internally Limited) IC Collector Current (Internally Limited) Value Unit -0.3 to Vcl amp V 10 A I C(gn d) DC Current on Emitter Power 10.5 () A VCC Driving Stage Supply Voltage -0.3 to 7 V 200 mA 1 A -0.3 to VCC + 0.3 V 100 mA DC to 150 Hz Is I s(gnd ) Driving Circuitry Supply Current DC Current on Ground Pin Vi n Input Voltage I in Maximum Input Current f in Logic Input Frequency in O perative Mode V out(fl ag) Output Voltage Primary Threshold Current Level I out(f lag) Flag Output Current o -0.3 to VCC + 0.3 V 100 mA P max Power Dissipation (TC = 105 C) T BD W E s/ b Clamped Energy During Output Power Clamping 300 mJ V ESD ESD Voltage (HVC Pin) 4 KV V ESD ESD Voltage (O ther Pins) 2 KV I BD Input Darlington Base Current 150 mA V BD Input Darlington Base Voltage Internally Limited Tj T s tg V Operating Junction Temperature -40 to 150 o Storage Temperature Range -55 to 150 o C C () With 10 mils Al wire THERMAL DATA Thermal Resistance Junct ion Case (MAX) 1.2 o C/W R thj-h Thermal Resistance Junct ion Heatsink with FR4 (MAX) T BD () o C/W T sold Lead T emperature During Soldering (MAX) T BD () R t hj-ca se st () see application note AN515/1094 on VIPower data-book 1 edition. 2/7 o C VB025BSP CONNECTION DIAGRAM PIN FUNCTION No NAME F UNCTIO N 1-5 GND Emitter Power Ground 6 GND Control G round (*) 7 V CC Logic Supply Voltage 8 BD Base Darlington 9 INPUT Logic Input Channel (Internal Pull Down) 10 FLAG Diagnostic Output Signal (Open Emitter) TAB HVC Primary Coil Output Driver (Open Collector) (*) Pin 6 must be connected to pins 1-5 externally ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (5.3V < Vb < 24V; VCC = 5 V 10%; -40oC < Tj < 125oC; Rcoil = 580 m; Lcoil = 3.75 mH; unless otherwise specified; see note 1) Symbol V cl Parameter Test Cond itions Min. Typ. Max. Un it 320 380 420 V TBD V High Voltage Clamp I coil = 6.5 A V ce (sat) Saturation Voltage of The Power Stage I c = 7.5A; I CC( st dby) St and-by Supply Current IN = OF F 10 mA DC Logic Current V b = 16 V I c = 6.5 A f = 100 Hz Load = Coil V CC = 5.5V 40 mA Peak DC Logic Current During On Phase I c = 7.5 A TBD mA 4.5 5.5 V 9 11 A I CC I CC(pea k) V CC DC Logic Voltage Ic l Coil Current Limit V in = 4V (see figure 1) -40 oC < Tj < 125 o C (see note 2 and figure 1) I C(l eak) Output leakage Current IN = OF F V HVC = 24V 0.8 mA I C(inf l) Collector Current with Floating Input V CC = 5 V R LOAD = 1K; VBat = 13.5 V Input Floating 0.8 mA T Ic_ctr Thermal Temperature Output Current Control OUT = ON 150 (*) o V inH High Level Input Voltage V CC = 4.5V 4 V CC V V in L Low Level Input Voltage V CC = 5.5V -0.3 0.8 V (see figure 2) C 3/7 VB025BSP ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (continued) Symbol Vi n(h ys ) Parameter Test Cond itions Input Threshold Hysteresis Min. Typ. Max. 0.4 Un it V Iin H High Level Input Current V in = 4 V 100 A I inL Low Level Input Current V in = 0.8 V -100 A 10 100 A V CC -1 V CC V 0.5 V 4.75 A Iin pd Input Active Pull-Down V in = 4 V V di agH High Level Flag O utput Voltage R EXT = 22 K (see note 3) C EXT = 1 nF V di agL Low Level Flag O utput Voltage R EXT = 22 K (see note 3) C EXT = 1 nF Id iagTH Coil Current Level Threshold T j = 25o C (see figure 1) Id iagTD Coil Current Level Threshold Drift (see figure 3) High Level Flag O utput Current I C > I diagTH V diag = 3 V Leakage Current O n Flag Output V in = LO W V CC = 5.5V Antiparallel Diode Forward Voltage I c = -1 A E s/ b Single Pulse Avalanche Energy L = 6 mH IC = 8 A (see figure 4) t pHL Turn-on Delay Time of Coil Current R c = 0.5 L c = 3.75 mH (see figure 5) T BD s t pLH Turn-off Delay Time of Coil Current R c = 0.5 L c = 3.75 mH Ic =6.5A (see figure 5) T BD s Id iag I dia g(l eak) VF 4.25 4.5 0.5 T BD 180 mA 10 A 2 V mJ Note 1: Parametric degradation are allowed with 5.3 < Vb < 10V and Vb > 24V. Note 2: The primary coil current value Icl must be measured 1ms after desaturation of the power stage. Note 3: No Internal Pull-Down (*) Internally limited PRINCIPLE OF OPERATION The VB025BSP is mainly intended as a high voltage power switch device driven by a logic level input and interfaces directly to a high energy electronic ignition coil. The input Vin of the VB025BSP is fed from a low power signal generated by an external controller that determines both dwell time and ignition point. During Vin high ( 4V) the VB025BSP increases current in the coil to the desired, internally set current level. After reaching this level, the coil current remains constant until the ignition point, that corresponds to the transition of Vin from high to low (typ. 1.9V threshold). During the coil current switch-off, the primary 4/7 voltage HVc is clamped at an internally set value Vcl, typically 380V. The transition from saturation to desaturation, coil current limiting phase, must have the ability to accomodate an overvoltage. A maximum overshoot of 20V is allowed. FEEDBACK When the collector current exceeds 4.5A, the feedback signal is turned high and it remains so, until the input voltage is turned-off. OVERVOLTAGE The VB025BSP can withstand the following transients of the battery line: -100V/2msec (Ri = 10 ) +100V/0.2msec (Ri = 10 ) +50V/400msec (Ri = 4.2 , with VIN = 3 V) VB025BSP Fig. 1 Main Waveforms During On Phase Fig. 2 Output Current Waveform After Thermal Protection Activation Fig. 3 Flag Current Versus Temperature FIG. 4 Single Pulse Typical Es/b Curve FIG. 5 Propagation Times Definitions. 200 V 50 % HVC 10 % INPUT 10 % tpHL t pLH SC10930 5/7 VB025BSP PowerSO-10 MECHANICAL DATA mm DIM. MIN. inch TYP. MAX. MIN. TYP. MAX. A 3.35 3.65 0.132 0.144 A1 0.00 0.10 0.000 0.004 B 0.40 0.60 0.016 0.024 c 0.35 0.55 0.013 0.022 D 9.40 9.60 0.370 0.378 D1 7.40 7.60 0.291 0.300 E 9.30 9.50 0.366 0.374 E1 7.20 7.40 0.283 0.291 E2 7.20 7.60 0.283 0.300 E3 6.10 6.35 0.240 0.250 E4 5.90 6.10 0.232 e 1.27 0.240 0.050 F 1.25 1.35 0.049 0.053 H 13.80 14.40 0.543 0.567 1.80 0.047 h 0.50 L 0.002 1.20 q 1.70 0.067 o 0.071 8o 0 B 0.10 A B 10 5 e 0.25 B = = = E4 = = = 1 E1 = E3 = E2 = E = = = H 6 SEATING PLANE DETAIL "A" A C M Q h D = D1 = = = SEATING PLANE A F A1 A1 L DETAIL "A" 0068039-C 6/7 VB025BSP Information furnished is believed to be accurate and reliable. However, STMicroelectronics assumes no responsibility for the consequences of use of such information nor for any infringement of patents or other rights of third parties which may result from its use. No license is granted by implication or otherwise under any patent or patent rights of STMicroelectronics. Specification mentioned in this publication are subject to change without notice. This publication supersedes and replaces all information previously supplied. STMicroelectronics products are not authorized for use as critical components in life support devices or systems without express written approval of STMicroelectronics. The ST logo is a trademark of STMicroelectronics 1999 STMicroelectronics - Printed in Italy - All Rights Reserved STMicroelectronics GROUP OF COMPANIES Australia - Brazil - Canada - China - France - Germany - Italy - Japan - Korea - Malaysia - Malta - Mexico - Morocco - The Netherlands Singapore - Spain - Sweden - Switzerland - Taiwan - Thailand - United Kingdom - U.S.A. http://www.st.com . 7/7