Serial Configuration (EPCS) Devices Datasheet C51014-4.0 Datasheet This datasheet describes serial configuration (EPCS) devices. Supported Devices Table 1 lists the supported Altera EPCS devices. Table 1. Altera EPCS Devices Memory Size (bits) On-Chip Decompression Support ISP Support Cascading Support Reprogrammable Recommended Operating Voltage (V) EPCS1 1,048,576 No Yes No Yes 3.3 EPCS4 4,194,304 No Yes No Yes 3.3 EPCS16 16,777,216 No Yes No Yes 3.3 EPCS64 67,108,864 No Yes No Yes 3.3 EPCS128 134,217,728 No Yes No Yes 3.3 Device f For more information about programming EPCS devices using the Altera Programming Unit (APU) or Master Programming Unit (MPU), refer to the Altera Programming Hardware Datasheet. f The EPCS device can be re-programmed in system with ByteBlaster II download cable or an external microprocessor using SRunner. For more information, refer to AN418: SRunner: An Embedded Solution for Serial Configuration Device Programming. Features EPCS devices offer the following features: 101 Innovation Drive San Jose, CA 95134 January 2012 Supports active serial (AS) x1 configuration scheme Easy-to-use four-pin interface Low cost, low pin count, and non-volatile memory Low current during configuration and near-zero standby mode current 2.7-V to 3.6-V operation EPCS1, EPCS4, and EPCS16 devices available in 8-pin small-outline integrated circuit (SOIC) package EPCS64 and EPCS128 devices available in 16-pin SOIC package (c) 2012 Altera Corporation. All rights reserved. ALTERA, ARRIA, CYCLONE, HARDCOPY, MAX, MEGACORE, NIOS, QUARTUS and STRATIX words and logos are trademarks of Altera Corporation and registered in the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office and in other countries. All other words and logos identified as trademarks or service marks are the property of their respective holders as described at Altera warrants performance of its semiconductor products to current specifications in accordance with Altera's standard warranty, but reserves the right to make changes to any products and services at any time without notice. Altera assumes no responsibility or liability arising out of the application or use of any information, product, or service described herein except as expressly agreed to in writing by Altera. Altera customers are advised to obtain the latest version of device specifications before relying on any published information and before placing orders for products or services. ISO 9001:2008 Registered Altera Corporation Subscribe Page 2 Functional Description Enables the Nios processor to access unused flash memory through AS memory interface Reprogrammable memory with more than 100,000 erase or program cycles Write protection support for memory sectors using status register bits In-system programming (ISP) support with SRunner software driver ISP support with USB-Blaster , EthernetBlaster, or ByteBlaster II download cables Additional programming support with the APU and programming hardware from BP Microsystems, System General, and other vendors By default, the memory array is erased and the bits are set to 1 Functional Description To configure a system using an SRAM-based device, each time you power on the device, you must load the configuration data. The EPCS device is a flash memory device that can store configuration data that you use for FPGA configuration purpose after power on. You can use the EPCS device on all FPGA that support AS x1 configuration scheme. For an 8-pin SOIC package, you can migrate vertically from the EPCS1 device to the EPCS4 or EPCS16 device. For a 16-pin SOIC package, you can migrate vertically from the EPCS64 device to the EPCS128 device. With the new data decompression feature supported, you can determine using which EPCS device to store the configuration data for configuring your FPGA. Example 1 shows how you can calculate the compression ratio to determine which EPCS device is suitable for the FPGA. Example 1. Compression Ratio Calculation EP4SGX530 = 189,000,000 bits EPCS128 = 134,217,728 bits Preliminary data indicates that compression typically reduces the configuration bitstream size by 35% to 55%. Assume worst case that is 35% decompression. 189,000,000 bits x 0.65 = 122,850,000 bits The EPCS128 device is suitable. f For more information about the FPGA decompression feature, refer to the configuration chapter in the appropriate device handbook. Serial Configuration (EPCS) Devices Datasheet January 2012 Altera Corporation Active Serial FPGA Configuration Page 3 Figure 1 shows the EPCS device block diagram. Figure 1. EPCS Device Block Diagram EPCS Device nCS Control Logic DCLK DATA I/O Shift Register Address Counter Data Buffer Decode Logic Memory Array ASDI Status Register Accessing Memory in EPCS Devices You can access the unused memory locations of the EPCS device to store or retrieve data through the Nios processor and SOPC Builder. SOPC Builder is an Altera tool for creating bus-based (especially microprocessor-based) systems in Altera devices. SOPC Builder assembles library components such as processors and memories into custom microprocessor systems. SOPC Builder includes the EPCS device controller core, which is an interface core designed specifically to work with the EPCS device. With this core, you can create a system with a Nios embedded processor that allows software access to any memory location within the EPCS device. Active Serial FPGA Configuration The following Altera FPGAs support the AS configuration scheme with EPCS devices: Arria series Cyclone series All device families in the Stratix series except the Stratix device family There are four signals on the EPCS device that interface directly with the FPGA's control signals. The EPCS device signals are DATA, DCLK, ASDI, and nCS interface with the DATA0, DCLK, ASDO, and nCSO control signals on the FPGA, respectively. 1 January 2012 For more information about the EPCS device pin description, refer to Table 22 on page 36. Altera Corporation Serial Configuration (EPCS) Devices Datasheet Page 4 Active Serial FPGA Configuration Figure 2 shows the configuration of an FPGA device in the AS configuration scheme with an EPCS device using a download cable. Figure 2. Altera FPGA Configuration in AS Mode Using a Download Cable VCC (1) 10 k (1), (4) VCC (1) VCC (1) 10 k 10 k Altera FPGA CONF_DONE nSTATUS nCEO N.C. nCONFIG EPCS Device (2) nCE MSEL[] (3) 10 k DATA DATA0 DCLK DCLK nCS nCSO ASDI ASDO Pin 1 VCC (1) Notes to Figure 2: (1) For more information about the VCC value, refer to the configuration chapter in the appropriate device handbook. (2) EPCS devices cannot be cascaded. (3) Connect the MSEL[] input pins to select the AS configuration mode. For more information, refer to the configuration chapter in the appropriate device handbook. (4) For more information about configuration pin I/O requirements in an AS configuration scheme for an Altera FPGA, refer to the configuration chapter in the appropriate device handbook. Serial Configuration (EPCS) Devices Datasheet January 2012 Altera Corporation Active Serial FPGA Configuration Page 5 Figure 3 shows the configuration of an FPGA device in the AS configuration scheme with an EPCS device using the APU or a third-party programmer. Figure 3. Altera FPGA Configuration in AS Mode Using APU or a Third-party Programmer (1), VCC (1) 10 k (4) VCC (1) VCC (1) 10 k 10 k Altera FPGA CONF_DONE nSTATUS nCEO N.C. nCONFIG EPCS Device (2) nCE DATA DATA0 DCLK DCLK nCS nCSO ASDI ASDO MSEL[] (3) Notes to Figure 3: (1) For more information about the VCC value, refer to the configuration chapter in the appropriate device handbook. (2) EPCS devices cannot be cascaded. (3) Connect the MSEL[] input pins to select the AS configuration mode. For more information, refer to the configuration chapter in the appropriate device handbook. (4) For more information about configuration pin I/O requirements in an AS configuration scheme for an Altera FPGA, refer to the configuration chapter in the appropriate device handbook. In an AS configuration, the FPGA acts as the configuration master in the configuration flow and provides the clock to the EPCS device. The FPGA enables the EPCS device by pulling the nCS signal low using the nCSO signal as shown in Figure 2 and Figure 3. Then, the FPGA sends the instructions and addresses to the EPCS device using the ASDO signal. The EPCS device responds to the instructions by sending the configuration data to the FPGA's DATA0 pin on the falling edge of DCLK. The data is latched into the FPGA on the next DCLK signal's falling edge. 1 Before the FPGA enters configuration mode, ensure that V CC of the EPCS device is ready. If VCC is not ready, you must hold nCONFIG low until all power rails of EPCS device are ready. The FPGA controls the nSTATUS and CONF_DONE pins during configuration in the AS mode. If the CONF_DONE signal does not go high at the end of configuration, or if the signal goes high too early, the FPGA pulses its nSTATUS pin low to start a reconfiguration. If the configuration is successful, the FPGA releases the CONF_DONE pin, allowing the external 10-k resistor to pull the CONF_DONE signal high. The FPGA initialization begins after the CONF_DONE pin goes high. After the initialization, the FPGA enters user mode. f For more information about configuring the FPGAs in AS configuration mode or other configuration modes, refer to the configuration chapter in the appropriate device handbook. January 2012 Altera Corporation Serial Configuration (EPCS) Devices Datasheet Page 6 Active Serial FPGA Configuration You can configure multiple devices with a single EPCS device. However, you cannot cascade EPCS devices. To ensure that the programming file size of the cascaded FPGAs does not exceed the capacity of an EPCS device, refer to Table 1 on page 1. Figure 4 shows the AS configuration scheme with multiple FPGAs in the chain. The first FPGA is the configuration master and its MSEL[] pins are set to AS mode. The following FPGAs are configuration slave devices and their MSEL[] pins are set to PS mode. Figure 4. Multiple Devices in AS Mode (1), (5) VCC (1) 10 k VCC (1) 10 k VCC (1) 10 k Altera FPGA (Master) Altera FPGA (Slave) CONF_DONE CONF_DONE nSTATUS nSTATUS nCONFIG nCONFIG EPCS Device (2) nCE nCEO MSEL[ ] nCE nCEO MSEL[ ] (3) DATA DATA0 DATA0 DCLK DCLK DCLK nCS nCSO ASDI ASDO N.C. (4) Notes to Figure 4: (1) For more information about the VCC value, refer to the configuration chapter in the appropriate device handbook. (2) EPCS devices cannot be cascaded. (3) Connect the MSEL[] input pins to select the AS configuration mode. For more information, refer to the configuration chapter in the appropriate device handbook. (4) Connect the MSEL[] input pins to select the PS configuration mode. For more information, refer to the configuration chapter in the appropriate device handbook. (5) For more information about configuration pin I/O requirements in an AS configuration scheme for an Altera FPGA, refer to the configuration chapter in the appropriate device handbook. Serial Configuration (EPCS) Devices Datasheet January 2012 Altera Corporation EPCS Device Memory Access Page 7 EPCS Device Memory Access This section describes the memory array organization and operation codes of the EPCS device. For the timing specifications, refer to "Timing Information" on page 29. Memory Array Organization Table 2 lists the memory array organization details in EPCS128, EPCS64, EPCS16, EPCS4, and EPCS1 devices. Table 2. Memory Array Organization in EPCS Devices Details EPCS128 EPCS64 EPCS16 EPCS4 EPCS1 16,777,216 bytes (128 Mb) 8,388,608 bytes (64 Mb) 2,097,152 bytes (16 Mb) 524,288 bytes (4 Mb) 131,072 bytes (1 Mb) 64 128 32 8 4 Bytes per sector 262,144 bytes (2 Mb) 65,536 bytes (512 Kb) 65,536 bytes (512 Kb) 65,536 bytes (512 Kb) 32,768 bytes (256 Kb) Pages per sector 1,024 256 256 256 128 Total number of pages 65,536 32,768 8,192 2,048 512 Bytes per page 256 bytes 256 bytes 256 bytes 256 bytes 256 bytes Bytes Number of sectors Table 3 through Table 7 on page 15 list the address range for each sector in EPCS128, EPCS64, EPCS16, EPCS4, and EPCS1 devices. Table 3. Address Range for Sectors in EPCS128 Devices (Part 1 of 3) Address Range (Byte Addresses in HEX) Sector January 2012 Altera Corporation Start End 63 H'FC0000 H'FFFFFF 62 H'F80000 H'FBFFFF 61 H'F40000 H'F7FFFF 60 H'F00000 H'F3FFFF 59 H'EC0000 H'EFFFFF 58 H'E80000 H'EBFFFF 57 H'E40000 H'E7FFFF 56 H'E00000 H'E3FFFF 55 H'DC0000 H'DFFFFF 54 H'D80000 H'DBFFFF 53 H'D40000 H'D7FFFF 52 H'D00000 H'D3FFFF 51 H'CC0000 H'CFFFFF 50 H'C80000 H'CBFFFF 49 H'C40000 H'C7FFFF 48 H'C00000 H'C3FFFF 47 H'BC0000 H'BFFFFF Serial Configuration (EPCS) Devices Datasheet Page 8 EPCS Device Memory Access Table 3. Address Range for Sectors in EPCS128 Devices (Part 2 of 3) Address Range (Byte Addresses in HEX) Sector Serial Configuration (EPCS) Devices Datasheet Start End 46 H'B80000 H'BBFFFF 45 H'B40000 H'B7FFFF 44 H'B00000 H'B3FFFF 43 H'AC0000 H'AFFFFF 42 H'A80000 H'ABFFFF 41 H'A40000 H'A7FFFF 40 H'A00000 H'A3FFFF 39 H'9C0000 H'9FFFFF 38 H'980000 H'9BFFFF 37 H'940000 H'97FFFF 36 H'900000 H'93FFFF 35 H'8C0000 H'8FFFFF 34 H'880000 H'8BFFFF 33 H'840000 H'87FFFF 32 H'800000 H'83FFFF 31 H'7C0000 H'7FFFFF 30 H'780000 H'7BFFFF 29 H'740000 H'77FFFF 28 H'700000 H'73FFFF 27 H'6C0000 H'6FFFFF 26 H'680000 H'6BFFFF 25 H'640000 H'67FFFF 24 H'600000 H'63FFFF 23 H'5C0000 H'5FFFFF 22 H'580000 H'5BFFFF 21 H'540000 H'57FFFF 20 H'500000 H'53FFFF 19 H'4C0000 H'4FFFFF 18 H'480000 H'4BFFFF 17 H'440000 H'47FFFF 16 H'400000 H'43FFFF 15 H'3C0000 H'3FFFFF 14 H'380000 H'3BFFFF 13 H'340000 H'37FFFF 12 H'300000 H'33FFFF 11 H'2C0000 H'2FFFFF 10 H'280000 H'2BFFFF 9 H'240000 H'27FFFF January 2012 Altera Corporation EPCS Device Memory Access Page 9 Table 3. Address Range for Sectors in EPCS128 Devices (Part 3 of 3) Address Range (Byte Addresses in HEX) Sector January 2012 Altera Corporation Start End 8 H'200000 H'23FFFF 7 H'1C0000 H'1FFFFF 6 H'180000 H'1BFFFF 5 H'140000 H'17FFFF 4 H'100000 H'13FFFF 3 H'0C0000 H'0FFFFF 2 H'080000 H'0BFFFF 1 H'040000 H'07FFFF 0 H'000000 H'03FFFF Serial Configuration (EPCS) Devices Datasheet Page 10 EPCS Device Memory Access Table 4. Address Range for Sectors in EPCS64 Devices (Part 1 of 4) Address Range (Byte Addresses in HEX) Sector Start End 127 H'7F0000 H'7FFFFF 126 H'7E0000 H'7EFFFF 125 H'7D0000 H'7DFFFF 124 H'7C0000 H'7CFFFF 123 H'7B0000 H'7BFFFF 122 H'7A0000 H'7AFFFF 121 H'790000 H'79FFFF 120 H'780000 H'78FFFF 119 H'770000 H'77FFFF 118 H'760000 H'76FFFF 117 H'750000 H'75FFFF 116 H'740000 H'74FFFF 115 H'730000 H'73FFFF 114 H'720000 H'72FFFF 113 H'710000 H'71FFFF 112 H'700000 H'70FFFF 111 H'6F0000 H'6FFFFF 110 H'6E0000 H'6EFFFF 109 H'6D0000 H'6DFFFF 108 H'6C0000 H'6CFFFF 107 H'6B0000 H'6BFFFF 106 H'6A0000 H'6AFFFF 105 H'690000 H'69FFFF 104 H'680000 H'68FFFF 103 H'670000 H'67FFFF 102 H'660000 H'66FFFF 101 H'650000 H'65FFFF 100 H'640000 H'64FFFF 99 H'630000 H'63FFFF 98 H'620000 H'62FFFF 97 H'610000 H'61FFFF 96 H'600000 H'60FFFF 95 H'5F0000 H'5FFFFF 94 H'5E0000 H'5EFFFF 93 H'5D0000 H'5DFFFF 92 H'5C0000 H'5CFFFF 91 H'5B0000 H'5BFFFF 90 H'5A0000 H'5AFFFF Serial Configuration (EPCS) Devices Datasheet January 2012 Altera Corporation EPCS Device Memory Access Page 11 Table 4. Address Range for Sectors in EPCS64 Devices (Part 2 of 4) Address Range (Byte Addresses in HEX) Sector January 2012 Altera Corporation Start End 89 H'590000 H'59FFFF 88 H'580000 H'58FFFF 87 H'570000 H'57FFFF 86 H'560000 H'56FFFF 85 H'550000 H'55FFFF 84 H'540000 H'54FFFF 83 H'530000 H'53FFFF 82 H'520000 H'52FFFF 81 H'510000 H'51FFFF 80 H'500000 H'50FFFF 79 H'4F0000 H'4FFFFF 78 H'4E0000 H'4EFFFF 77 H'4D0000 H'4DFFFF 76 H'4C0000 H'4CFFFF 75 H'4B0000 H'4BFFFF 74 H'4A0000 H'4AFFFF 73 H'490000 H'49FFFF 72 H'480000 H'48FFFF 71 H'470000 H'47FFFF 70 H'460000 H'46FFFF 69 H'450000 H'45FFFF 68 H'440000 H'44FFFF 67 H'430000 H'43FFFF 66 H'420000 H'42FFFF 65 H'410000 H'41FFFF 64 H'400000 H'40FFFF 63 H'3F0000 H'3FFFFF 62 H'3E0000 H'3EFFFF 61 H'3D0000 H'3DFFFF 60 H'3C0000 H'3CFFFF 59 H'3B0000 H'3BFFFF 58 H'3A0000 H'3AFFFF 57 H'390000 H'39FFFF 56 H'380000 H'38FFFF 55 H'370000 H'37FFFF 54 H'360000 H'36FFFF 53 H'350000 H'35FFFF 52 H'340000 H'34FFFF Serial Configuration (EPCS) Devices Datasheet Page 12 EPCS Device Memory Access Table 4. Address Range for Sectors in EPCS64 Devices (Part 3 of 4) Address Range (Byte Addresses in HEX) Sector Serial Configuration (EPCS) Devices Datasheet Start End 51 H'330000 H'33FFFF 50 H'320000 H'32FFFF 49 H'310000 H'31FFFF 48 H'300000 H'30FFFF 47 H'2F0000 H'2FFFFF 46 H'2E0000 H'2EFFFF 45 H'2D0000 H'2DFFFF 44 H'2C0000 H'2CFFFF 43 H'2B0000 H'2BFFFF 42 H'2A0000 H'2AFFFF 41 H'290000 H'29FFFF 40 H'280000 H'28FFFF 39 H'270000 H'27FFFF 38 H'260000 H'26FFFF 37 H'250000 H'25FFFF 36 H'240000 H'24FFFF 35 H'230000 H'23FFFF 34 H'220000 H'22FFFF 33 H'210000 H'21FFFF 32 H'200000 H'20FFFF 31 H'1F0000 H'1FFFFF 30 H'1E0000 H'1EFFFF 29 H'1D0000 H'1DFFFF 28 H'1C0000 H'1CFFFF 27 H'1B0000 H'1BFFFF 26 H'1A0000 H'1AFFFF 25 H'190000 H'19FFFF 24 H'180000 H'18FFFF 23 H'170000 H'17FFFF 22 H'160000 H'16FFFF 21 H'150000 H'15FFFF 20 H'140000 H'14FFFF 19 H'130000 H'13FFFF 18 H'120000 H'12FFFF 17 H'110000 H'11FFFF 16 H'100000 H'10FFFF 15 H'0F0000 H'0FFFFF 14 H'0E0000 H'0EFFFF January 2012 Altera Corporation EPCS Device Memory Access Page 13 Table 4. Address Range for Sectors in EPCS64 Devices (Part 4 of 4) Address Range (Byte Addresses in HEX) Sector January 2012 Altera Corporation Start End 13 H'0D0000 H'0DFFFF 12 H'0C0000 H'0CFFFF 11 H'0B0000 H'0BFFFF 10 H'0A0000 H'0AFFFF 9 H'090000 H'09FFFF 8 H'080000 H'08FFFF 7 H'070000 H'07FFFF 6 H'060000 H'06FFFF 5 H'050000 H'05FFFF 4 H'040000 H'04FFFF 3 H'030000 H'03FFFF 2 H'020000 H'02FFFF 1 H'010000 H'01FFFF 0 H'000000 H'00FFFF Serial Configuration (EPCS) Devices Datasheet Page 14 EPCS Device Memory Access Table 5. Address Range for Sectors in EPCS16 Devices Address Range (Byte Addresses in HEX) Sector Serial Configuration (EPCS) Devices Datasheet Start End 31 H'1F0000 H'1FFFFF 30 H'1E0000 H'1EFFFF 29 H'1D0000 H'1DFFFF 28 H'1C0000 H'1CFFFF 27 H'1B0000 H'1BFFFF 26 H'1A0000 H'1AFFFF 25 H'190000 H'19FFFF 24 H'180000 H'18FFFF 23 H'170000 H'17FFFF 22 H'160000 H'16FFFF 21 H'150000 H'15FFFF 20 H'140000 H'14FFFF 19 H'130000 H'13FFFF 18 H'120000 H'12FFFF 17 H'110000 H'11FFFF 16 H'100000 H'10FFFF 15 H'0F0000 H'0FFFFF 14 H'0E0000 H'0EFFFF 13 H'0D0000 H'0DFFFF 12 H'0C0000 H'0CFFFF 11 H'0B0000 H'0BFFFF 10 H'0A0000 H'0AFFFF 9 H'090000 H'09FFFF 8 H'080000 H'08FFFF 7 H'070000 H'07FFFF 6 H'060000 H'06FFFF 5 H'050000 H'05FFFF 4 H'040000 H'04FFFF 3 H'030000 H'03FFFF 2 H'020000 H'02FFFF 1 H'010000 H'01FFFF 0 H'000000 H'00FFFF January 2012 Altera Corporation EPCS Device Memory Access Page 15 Table 6. Address Range for Sectors in EPCS4 Devices Address Range (Byte Addresses in HEX) Sector Start End 7 H'70000 H'7FFFF 6 H'60000 H'6FFFF 5 H'50000 H'5FFFF 4 H'40000 H'4FFFF 3 H'30000 H'3FFFF 2 H'20000 H'2FFFF 1 H'10000 H'1FFFF 0 H'00000 H'0FFFF Table 7. Address Range for Sectors in EPCS1 Devices Address Range (Byte Addresses in HEX) Sector Start End 3 H'18000 H'1FFFF 2 H'10000 H'17FFF 1 H'08000 H'0FFFF 0 H'00000 H'07FFF Operation Codes This section describes the operations that you can use to access the memory in EPCS devices. Use the DATA, DCLK, ASDI, and nCS signals to access the memory in EPCS devices. When performing the operation, addresses and data are shifted in and out of the device serially, with MSB first. The device samples the AS data input on the first rising edge of the DCLK after the active low chip select (nCS) input signal is driven low. Shift the operation code, with MSB first, into the EPCS device serially through the AS data input (ASDI) pin. Each operation code bit is latched into the EPCS device on the rising edge of the DCLK. Different operations require a different sequence of inputs. While executing an operation, you must shift in the desired operation code, followed by the address bytes or data bytes, both address and data bytes, or none of them. The device must drive nCS pin high after the last bit of the operation sequence is shifted in. Table 8 lists the operation sequence for every operation supported by the EPCS devices. For read operations, the data read is shifted out on the DATA pin. You can drive the nCS pin high after any bit of the data-out sequence is shifted out. For write and erase operations, drive the nCS pin high at a byte boundary that is in a multiple of eight clock pulses. Otherwise, the operation is rejected and not executed. January 2012 Altera Corporation Serial Configuration (EPCS) Devices Datasheet Page 16 EPCS Device Memory Access All attempts to access the memory contents while a write or erase cycle is in progress are rejected, and the write or erase cycle will continue unaffected. Table 8. EPCS Devices Operation Codes Operation Operation Code (1) Address Bytes Dummy Bytes Data Bytes DCLK f MAX (MHz) 25 Write enable 0000 0110 0 0 0 Write disable 0000 0100 0 0 0 25 Read status 0000 0101 0 0 1 to infinite (2) Read bytes 0000 0011 3 0 1 to infinite (2) 20 1010 1011 0 3 1 to infinite (2) 25 1 to infinite (2) 40 Read silicon ID (4) Fast read 0000 1011 3 1 Write status 0000 0001 0 0 1 25 (3) Write bytes 0000 0010 3 0 Erase bulk 1100 0111 0 0 0 25 Erase sector 1101 1000 3 0 0 25 1001 1111 0 2 Read device identification (5) 1 to 256 25 1 to infinite (2) 25 25 Notes to Table 8: (1) List MSB first and LSB last. (2) The status register, data, or silicon ID is read out at least once on the DATA pin and is continuously read out until the nCS pin is driven high. (3) A write bytes operation requires at least one data byte on the DATA pin. If more than 256 bytes are sent to the device, only the last 256 bytes are written to the memory. (4) The read silicon ID operation is available only for EPCS1, EPCS4, EPCS16, and EPCS64 devices. (5) The read device identification operation is available only for EPCS128 devices. Write Enable Operation The write enable operation code is b'0000 0110, and it lists the MSB first. The write enable operation sets the write enable latch bit, which is bit 1 in the status register. Always set the write enable latch bit before write bytes, write status, erase bulk, and erase sector operations. Figure 5 shows the instruction sequence of the write enable operation. Figure 5. Write Enable Operation Timing Diagram nCS 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 DCLK Operation Code ASDI DATA Serial Configuration (EPCS) Devices Datasheet High Impedance January 2012 Altera Corporation EPCS Device Memory Access Page 17 Write Disable Operation The write disable operation code is b'0000 0100 and it lists the MSB first. The write disable operation resets the write enable latch bit, which is bit 1 in the status register. To prevent the memory from being written unintentionally, the write enable latch bit is automatically reset when implementing the write disable operation, and under the following conditions: Power up Write bytes operation completion Write status operation completion Erase bulk operation completion Erase sector operation completion Figure 6 shows the instruction sequence of the write disable operation. Figure 6. Write Disable Operation Timing Diagram nCS 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 DCLK Operation Code ASDI DATA January 2012 Altera Corporation High Impedance Serial Configuration (EPCS) Devices Datasheet Page 18 EPCS Device Memory Access Read Status Operation The read status operation code is b'0000 0101 and it lists the MSB first. You can use the read status operation to read the status register. Figure 7 and Figure 8 show the status bits in the status register of the EPCS devices. Figure 7. EPCS128, EPCS64, EPCS16, and EPCS4 Status Register Status Bits Bit 7 Bit 0 BP2 BP1 BP0 WEL WIP Write In Progress Bit Block Protect Bits [2..0] Write Enable Latch Bit Figure 8. EPCS1 Status Register Status Bits Bit 7 Bit 0 BP1 BP0 Block Protect Bits [1..0] WEL WIP Write In Progress Bit Write Enable Latch Bit Setting the write in progress bit to 1 indicates that the EPCS device is busy with a write or erase cycle. Resetting the write in progress bit to 0 indicates no write or erase cycle is in progress. Resetting the write enable latch bit to 0 indicates that no write or erase cycle is accepted. Set the write enable latch bit to 1 before every write bytes, write status, erase bulk, and erase sector operations. The non-volatile block protect bits determine the area of the memory protected from being written or erased unintentionally. Table 9 through Table 12 on page 20 list the protected area in the EPCS devices with reference to the block protect bits. The erase bulk operation is only available when all the block protect bits are set to 0. When any of the block protect bits are set to 1, the relevant area is protected from being written by a write bytes operation or erased by an erase sector operation. Serial Configuration (EPCS) Devices Datasheet January 2012 Altera Corporation EPCS Device Memory Access Page 19 Table 9. Block Protection Bits in the EPCS1 Device Status Register Content Memory Content BP1 Bit BP0 Bit Protected Area Unprotected Area 0 0 None All four sectors--0 to 3 0 1 Sector 3 Three sectors--0 to 2 1 0 Two sectors--2 and 3 Two sectors--0 and 1 1 1 All sectors None Table 10. Block Protection Bits in the EPCS4 Device Status Register Content Memory Content BP2 Bit BP1 Bit BP0 Bit Protected Area Unprotected Area 0 0 0 None All eight sectors--0 to 7 0 0 1 Sector 7 Seven sectors--0 to 6 0 1 0 Sectors 6 and 7 Six sectors--0 to 5 0 1 1 Four sectors--4 to 7 Four sectors--0 to 3 1 0 0 All sectors None 1 0 1 All sectors None 1 1 0 All sectors None 1 1 1 All sectors None Table 11. Block Protection Bits in the EPCS16 Device Status Register Content Memory Content BP2 Bit BP1 Bit BP0 Bit 0 0 0 None All sectors (32 sectors 0 to 31) 0 0 1 Upper 32nd (Sector 31) Lower 31/32nds (31 sectors--0 to 30) 0 1 0 Upper sixteenth (two sectors--30 and 31) Lower 15/16ths (30 sectors--0 to 29) 0 1 1 Upper eighth (four sectors--28 to 31) Lower seven-eighths (28 sectors--0 to 27) 1 0 0 Upper quarter (eight sectors--24 to 31) Lower three-quarters (24 sectors--0 to 23) 1 0 1 Upper half (sixteen sectors--16 to 31) Lower half (16 sectors--0 to 15) 1 1 0 All sectors (32 sectors--0 to 31) None 1 1 1 All sectors (32 sectors--0 to 31) None January 2012 Protected Area Altera Corporation Unprotected Area Serial Configuration (EPCS) Devices Datasheet Page 20 EPCS Device Memory Access Table 12. Block Protection Bits in the EPCS128 Device Status Register Content Memory Content BP2 Bit BP1 Bit BP0 Bit 0 0 0 None All sectors (64 sectors--0 to 63) 0 0 1 Upper 64th (1 sector--63) Lower 63/64ths (63 sectors--0 to 62) 0 1 0 Upper 32nd (2 sectors--62 to 63) Lower 31/32nds (62 sectors--0 to 61) 0 1 1 Upper 16th (4 sectors--60 to 63) Lower 15/16ths (60 sectors--0 to 59) 1 0 0 Upper 8th (8 sectors--56 to 63) Lower seven-eighths (56 sectors--0 to 55) 1 0 1 Upper quarter (16 sectors--48 to 63) Lower three-quarters (48 sectors--0 to 47) 1 1 0 Upper half (32 sectors--32 to 63) Lower half (32 sectors--0 to 31) 1 1 1 All sectors (64 sectors--0 to 63) None Protected Area Unprotected Area You can read the status register at any time, even during a write or erase cycle is in progress. When one of these cycles is in progress, you can check the write in progress bit (bit 0 of the status register) before sending a new operation to the device. The device can also read the status register continuously, as shown in Figure 9. Figure 9. Read Status Operation Timing Diagram nCS 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 DCLK Operation Code ASDI Status Register Out Status Register Out High Impedance 7 DATA MSB 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 7 MSB Write Status Operation The write status operation code is b'0000 0001 and it lists the MSB first. Use the write status operation to set the status register block protection bits. The write status operation does not affect the other bits. Therefore, you can implement this operation to protect certain memory sectors, as listed in Table 9 through Table 12. After setting the block protect bits, the protected memory sectors are treated as read-only memory. You must execute the write enable operation before the write status operation so the device sets the status register 's write enable latch bit to 1. The write status operation is implemented by driving the nCS signal low, followed by shifting in the write status operation code and one data byte for the status register on the ASDI pin. Figure 10 shows the instruction sequence of the write status operation. The nCS must be driven high after the eighth bit of the data byte has been latched in, otherwise the write status operation is not executed. Serial Configuration (EPCS) Devices Datasheet January 2012 Altera Corporation EPCS Device Memory Access Page 21 Immediately after the nCS signal drives high, the device initiates the self-timed write status cycle. The self-timed write status cycle usually takes 5 ms for all EPCS devices and is guaranteed to be less than 15 ms. For more information, refer to the tWS value in Table 15 on page 29. You must account for this delay to ensure that the status register is written with desired block protect bits. Alternatively, you can check the write in progress bit in the status register by executing the read status operation while the self-timed write status cycle is in progress. The write in progress bit is 1 during the self-timed write status cycle and 0 when it is complete. Figure 10. Write Status Operation Timing Diagram nCS 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 DCLK Operation Code Status Register 7 ASDI 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 MSB High Impedance DATA Read Bytes Operation The read bytes operation code is b'0000 0011 and it lists the MSB first. To read the memory contents of the EPCS device, the device is first selected by driving the nCS signal low. Then, the read bytes operation code is shifted in followed by a 3-byte address (A[23..0]). Each address bit must be latched in on the rising edge of the DCLK signal. After the address is latched in, the memory contents of the specified address are shifted out serially on the DATA pin, beginning with the MSB. For reading Raw Programming Data files (.rpd), the content is shifted out serially beginning with the LSB. Each data bit is shifted out on the falling edge of the DCLK signal. The maximum DCLK frequency during the read bytes operation is 20 MHz. The first byte address can be at any location. The device automatically increases the address to the next higher address after shifting out each byte of data. Therefore, the device can read the whole memory with a single read bytes operation. When the device reaches the highest address, the address counter restarts at 0x000000, allowing the memory contents to be read out indefinitely until the read bytes operation is terminated by driving the nCS signal high. The device can drive the nCS signal high at any time after data is shifted out. If the read bytes operation is shifted in while a write or erase cycle is in progress, the operation is not executed and does not affect the write or erase cycle in progress. January 2012 Altera Corporation Serial Configuration (EPCS) Devices Datasheet Page 22 EPCS Device Memory Access Figure 11 shows the instruction sequence of the read bytes operation. Figure 11. Read Bytes Operation Timing Diagram nCS 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 DCLK Operation Code 24-Bit Address (1) 23 ASDI 22 21 3 2 1 0 MSB DATA Out 1 DATA Out 2 High Impedance 7 DATA 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 7 MSB (2) Notes to Figure 11: (1) Address bit A[23] is a don't-care bit in the EPCS64 device. Address bits A[23..21] are don't-care bits in the EPCS16 device. Address bits A[23..19] are don't-care bits in the EPCS4 device. Address bits A[23..17] are don't-care bits in the EPCS1 device. (2) For .rpd files, the read sequence shifts out the LSB of the data byte first. Fast Read Operation The fast read operation code is b'0000 1011 and it lists the MSB first. You can select the device by driving the nCS signal low. The fast read instruction code is followed by a 3-byte address (A23-A0) and a dummy byte with each bit being latched-in during the rising edge of the DCLK signal. Then, the memory contents at that address is shifted out on DATA with each bit being shifted out at a maximum frequency of 40 MHz during the falling edge of the DCLK signal. The first addressed byte can be at any location. The address is automatically increased to the next higher address after each byte of data is shifted out. Therefore, the whole memory can be read with a single fast read instruction. When the highest address is reached, the address counter rolls over to 000000h, allowing the read sequence to continue indefinitely. The fast read instruction is terminated by driving the nCS signal high at any time during data output. Any fast read instruction is rejected during the erase, program, or write operations without affecting the operation that is in progress. Serial Configuration (EPCS) Devices Datasheet January 2012 Altera Corporation EPCS Device Memory Access Page 23 Figure 12 shows the instruction sequence of the fast read operation. Figure 12. Fast Read Operation Timing Diagram nCS 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 28 29 30 31 DCLK Operation Code 24-Bit Address (1) 23 ASDI 22 21 43 44 3 2 1 0 MSB High Impedance DATA nCS 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 45 46 47 DCLK Dummy Byte ASDI 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 DATA Out 1 7 DATA 6 5 4 MSB 3 DATA Out 2 2 1 0 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 MSB 0 7 MSB Note to Figure 12: (1) Address bit A[23] is a don't-care bit in the EPCS64 device. Address bits A[23..21] are don't-care bits in the EPCS16 device. Address bits A[23..19] are don't-care bits in the EPCS4 device. Address bits A[23..17] are don't-care bits in the EPCS1 device. Read Silicon ID Operation The read silicon ID operation code is b'1010 1011 and it lists the MSB first. Only EPCS1, EPCS4, EPCS16, and EPCS64 devices support this operation. This operation reads the 8-bit silicon ID of the EPCS device from the DATA output pin. If this operation is shifted in during an erase or write cycle, it is ignored and does not affect the cycle that is in progress. Table 13 lists the EPCS device silicon IDs. Table 13. EPCS Device Silicon ID EPCS Device Silicon ID (Binary Value) EPCS1 b'0001 0000 EPCS4 b'0001 0010 EPCS16 b'0001 0100 EPCS64 b'0001 0110 The device implements the read silicon ID operation by driving the nCS signal low and then shifting in the read silicon ID operation code, followed by three dummy bytes on the ASDI pin. The 8-bit silicon ID of the EPCS device is then shifted out on the DATA pin on the falling edge of the DCLK signal. The device can terminate the read silicon ID operation by driving the nCS signal high after reading the silicon ID at least one time. Sending additional clock cycles on DCLK while nCS is driven low can cause the silicon ID to be shifted out repeatedly. January 2012 Altera Corporation Serial Configuration (EPCS) Devices Datasheet Page 24 EPCS Device Memory Access Figure 13 shows the instruction sequence of the read silicon ID operation. Figure 13. Read Silicon ID Operation Timing Diagram (1) nCS 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 DCLK Operation Code Three Dummy Bytes 23 ASDI 22 21 3 2 1 0 MSB Silicon ID High Impedance 7 DATA 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 MSB Note to Figure 13: (1) Only EPCS1, EPCS4, EPCS16, and EPCS64 devices support the read silicon ID operation. Read Device Identification Operation The read device identification operation code is b'1001 1111 and it lists the MSB first. Only EPCS128 device supports this operation. This operation reads the 8-bit device identification of the EPCS device from the DATA output pin. If this operation is shifted in during an erase or write cycle, it is ignored and does not affect the cycle that is in progress. Table 14 lists the EPCS device identification. Table 14. EPCS Device Identification EPCS Device Silicon ID (Binary Value) EPCS128 b'0001 1000 The device implements the read device identification operation by driving the nCS signal low and then shifting in the read device identification operation code, followed by two dummy bytes on the ASDI pin. The 16-bit device identification of the EPCS device is then shifted out on the DATA pin on the falling edge of the DCLK signal. The device can terminate the read device identification operation by driving the nCS signal high after reading the device identification at least one time. Figure 14 shows the instruction sequence of the read device identification operation. Figure 14. Read Device Identification Operation Timing Diagram (1) nCS 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 20 21 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 DCLK Operation Code Two Dummy Bytes 15 ASDI 14 13 3 2 1 0 MSB Silicon ID High Impedance DATA 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 MSB Note to Figure 14: (1) Only EPCS128 device supports the read device identification operation. Serial Configuration (EPCS) Devices Datasheet January 2012 Altera Corporation EPCS Device Memory Access Page 25 Write Bytes Operation The write bytes operation code is b'0000 0010 and it lists the MSB first. This operation allows bytes to be written to the memory. You must execute the write enable operation before the write bytes operation to set the write enable latch bit in the status register to 1. The write bytes operation is implemented by driving the nCS signal low, followed by the write bytes operation code, three address bytes, and at least one data byte on the ASDI pin. If the eight LSBs (A[7..0]) are not all 0, all sent data that goes beyond the end of the current page is not written into the next page. Instead, this data is written at the start address of the same page (from the address whose eight LSBs are all 0). You must ensure the nCS signal is set low during the entire write bytes operation. If more than 256 data bytes are shifted into the EPCS device with a write bytes operation, the previously latched data is discarded and the last 256 bytes are written to the page. However, if less than 256 data bytes are shifted into the EPCS device, they are guaranteed to be written at the specified addresses and the other bytes of the same page are not affected. If your design requires writing more than 256 data bytes to the memory, more than one page of memory is required. Send the write enable and write bytes operation codes, followed by three new targeted address bytes and 256 data bytes, before a new page is written. The nCS signal must be driven high after the eighth bit of the last data byte has been latched in. Otherwise, the device does not execute the write bytes operation. The write enable latch bit in the status register is reset to 0 before the completion of each write bytes operation. Therefore, the write enable operation must be carried out before the next write bytes operation. The device initiates a self-timed write cycle immediately after the nCS signal is driven high. For more information about the self-timed write cycle time, refer to the tWB value in Table 15 on page 29. You must account for this amount of delay before another page of memory is written. Alternatively, you can check the write in progress bit in the status register by executing the read status operation while the self-timed write cycle is in progress. The write in progress bit is set to 1 during the self-timed write cycle and 0 when it is complete. 1 January 2012 You must erase all the memory bytes of the EPCS devices to all 1 or 0xFF before you implement the write bytes operation. You can erase all the memory bytes by executing the erase sector operation in a sector or the erase bulk operation throughout the entire memory. Altera Corporation Serial Configuration (EPCS) Devices Datasheet Page 26 Serial Configuration (EPCS) Devices Datasheet Figure 15 shows the instruction sequence of the write bytes operation. (1) Figure 15. Write Bytes Operation Timing Diagram nCS 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 6 5 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 0 7 6 5 43 44 45 46 47 2 1 0 2072 2073 2074 2075 2076 2077 2078 2079 DCLK Operation Code ASDI 24-Bit Address (2) 23 22 21 MSB 3 Data Byte 1 2 1 0 7 MSB (3) 4 3 Data Byte 2 2 1 MSB (3) 4 3 Data Byte 256 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 MSB (3) Notes to Figure 15: (1) Use the erase sector operation or the erase bulk operation to initialize the memory bytes of the EPCS devices to all 1 or 0xFF before implementing the write bytes operation. (2) Address bit A[23] is a don't-care bit in the EPCS64 device. Address bits A[23..21] are don't-care bits in the EPCS16 device. Address bits A[23..19] are don't-care bits in the EPCS4 device. Address bits A[23..17] are don't-care bits in the EPCS1 device. (3) For .rpd files, write the LSB of the data byte first. Erase Bulk Operation The erase bulk operation code is b'1100 0111 and it lists the MSB first. This operation sets all the memory bits to 1 or 0xFF. Similar to the write bytes operation, you must execute the write enable operation before the erase bulk operation so that the write enable latch bit in the status register is set to 1. You can implement the erase bulk operation by driving the nCS signal low and then shifting in the erase bulk operation code on the ASDI pin. The nCS signal must be driven high after the eighth bit of the erase bulk operation code has been latched in. The device initiates a self-timed erase bulk cycle immediately after the nCS signal is driven high. For more information about the self-timed erase bulk cycle time, refer to the tEB value in Table 15 on page 29. Altera Corporation EPCS Device Memory Access January 2012 You must account for this delay before accessing the memory contents. Alternatively, you can check the write in progress bit in the status register by executing the read status operation while the self-timed erase cycle is in progress. The write in progress bit is set to 1 during the self-timed erase cycle and 0 when it is complete. The write enable latch bit in the status register is reset to 0 before the erase cycle is complete. EPCS Device Memory Access Page 27 Figure 16 shows the instruction sequence of the erase bulk operation. Figure 16. Erase Bulk Operation Timing Diagram nCS 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 DCLK Operation Code ASDI Erase Sector Operation The erase sector operation code is b'1101 1000 and it lists the MSB first. This operation allows you to erase a certain sector in the EPCS device by setting all the bits inside the sector to 1 or 0xFF. This operation is useful if you want to access the unused sectors as general purpose memory in your applications. You must execute the write enable operation before the erase sector operation so that the write enable latch bit in the status register is set to 1. You can implement the erase sector operation by first driving the nCS signal low, then you shift in the erase sector operation code, followed by the three address bytes of the chosen sector on the ASDI pin. The three address bytes for the erase sector operation can be any address inside the specified sector. For more information about the sector address range, refer to Table 3 on page 7 through Table 7 on page 15. Drive the nCS signal high after the eighth bit of the erase sector operation code has been latched in. The device initiates the self-timed erase sector cycle immediately after the nCS signal is driven high. For more information about the self-timed erase sector cycle time, refer to the tES value in Table 15 on page 29. You must account for this delay before accessing the memory contents. Alternatively, you can check the write in progress bit in the status register by executing the read status operation while the self-timed erase sector cycle is in progress. The write in progress bit is set to 1 during the self-timed erase sector cycle and 0 when it is complete. The write enable latch bit in the status register resets to 0 before the erase cycle is complete. Figure 17 shows the instruction sequence of the erase sector operation. Figure 17. Erase Sector Operation Timing Diagram nCS 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 28 29 30 31 DCLK Operation Code ASDI 24-Bit Address (1) 23 22 3 2 1 0 MSB Note to Figure 17: (1) Address bit A[23] is a don't-care bit in the EPCS64 device. Address bits A[23..21] are don't-care bits in the EPCS16 device. Address bits A[23..19] are don't-care bits in the EPCS4 device. Address bits A[23..17] are don't-care bits in the EPCS1 device. January 2012 Altera Corporation Serial Configuration (EPCS) Devices Datasheet Page 28 Power and Operation Power and Operation This section describes the power modes, power-on reset (POR) delay, error detection, and initial programming state of the EPCS devices. Power Mode EPCS devices support active and standby power modes. When the nCS signal is low, the device is enabled and is in active power mode. The FPGA is configured while the EPCS device is in active power mode. When the nCS signal is high, the device is disabled but remains in active power mode until all internal cycles are completed, such as write or erase operations. The EPCS device then goes into standby power mode. The ICC1 and ICC0 parameters list the VCC supply current when the device is in active and standby power modes. For more information, refer to Table 20 on page 34. Power-On Reset During the initial power-up, a POR delay occurs to ensure the system voltage levels have stabilized. During the AS configuration, the FPGA controls the configuration and has a longer POR delay than the EPCS device. f For more information about the POR delay time, refer to the configuration chapter in the appropriate device handbook. Error Detection During the AS configuration with the EPCS device, the FPGA monitors the configuration status through the nSTATUS and CONF_DONE pins. If an error condition occurs, if the nSTATUS pin drives low or if the CONF_DONE pin does not go high, the FPGA begins reconfiguration by pulsing the nSTATUS and nCSO signals, which controls the chip select (nCS) pin on the EPCS device. After an error, the configuration automatically restarts if the Auto-Restart Upon Frame Error option is turned on in the Quartus II software. If the option is turned off, the system must monitor the nSTATUS signal for errors and then pulse the nCONFIG signal low to restart configuration. Serial Configuration (EPCS) Devices Datasheet January 2012 Altera Corporation Timing Information Page 29 Timing Information Figure 18 shows the timing waveform for the write operation of the EPCS device. Figure 18. Write Operation Timing Diagram tCSH nCS tNCSH tNCSSU tCH tCL DCLK tDSU ASDI DATA tDH Bit n 1 Bit n Bit 0 High Impedance Table 15 lists the EPCS device timing parameters for the write operation. Table 15. Write Operation Parameters Symbol Parameter Min Typ Max Unit fWCLK Write clock frequency (from the FPGA, download cable, or embedded processor) for write enable, write disable, read status, read silicon ID, write bytes, erase bulk, and erase sector operations -- -- 25 MHz tCH DCLK high time 20 -- -- ns tCL DCLK low time 20 -- -- ns tNCSSU Chip select (nCS) setup time 10 -- -- ns tNCSH Chip select (nCS) hold time 10 -- -- ns tDSU Data (ASDI) in setup time before the rising edge on DCLK 5 -- -- ns tDH Data (ASDI) hold time after rising edge on DCLK 5 -- -- ns tCSH Chip select (nCS) high time 100 -- -- ns Write bytes cycle time for EPCS1, EPCS4, EPCS16, and EPCS64 devices -- 1.5 5 ms Write bytes cycle time for the EPCS128 device -- 2.5 7 ms Write status cycle time -- 5 15 ms Erase bulk cycle time for the EPCS1 device -- 3 6 s Erase bulk cycle time for the EPCS4 device -- 5 10 s tWB (1) tWS (1) tEB tES (1) (1) Erase bulk cycle time for the EPCS16 device -- 17 40 s Erase bulk cycle time for the EPCS64 device -- 68 160 s Erase bulk cycle time for the EPCS128 device -- 105 250 s Erase sector cycle time for EPCS1, EPCS4, EPCS16, and EPCS64 devices -- 2 3 s Erase sector cycle time for the EPCS128 device -- 2 6 s Note to Table 15: (1) Figure 18 does not show these parameters. January 2012 Altera Corporation Serial Configuration (EPCS) Devices Datasheet Page 30 Timing Information Figure 19 shows the timing waveform for the read operation of the EPCS device. Figure 19. Read Operation Timing Diagram nCS tCH DCLK tCL tnCLK2D Bit N DATA ASDI Bit N 1 tODIS Bit 0 Add_Bit 0 Table 16 lists the EPCS device timing parameters for the read operation. Table 16. Read Operation Parameters Symbol Min Max Unit Read clock frequency (from the FPGA or embedded processor) for the read bytes operation -- 20 MHz Fast read clock frequency (from the FPGA or embedded processor) for the fast read bytes operation -- 40 MHz tCH DCLK high time 25 -- ns tCL DCLK low time 25 -- ns tODIS Output disable time after read -- 15 ns tnCLK2D Clock falling edge to DATA -- 8 ns fRCLK 1 Parameter Existing batches of EPCS1 and EPCS4 devices manufactured on 0.15 m process geometry support the AS configuration up to 40 MHz. However, batches of EPCS1 and EPCS4 devices manufactured on 0.18 m process geometry support the AS configuration only up to 20 MHz. EPCS16, EPCS64, and EPCS128 devices are not affected. f For more information about product traceability and transition date to differentiate between 0.15 m process geometry and 0.18 m process geometry of the EPCS1 and EPCS4 devices, refer to the PCN 0514: Manufacturing Changes on EPCS Family. Serial Configuration (EPCS) Devices Datasheet January 2012 Altera Corporation Timing Information Page 31 Figure 20 shows the timing waveform for the AS configuration scheme of the FPGA using an EPCS device. Figure 20. AS Configuration Timing Diagram tCF2ST1 nCONFIG nSTATUS CONF_DONE nCSO DCLK Read Address ASDO DATA0 bit N bit N-1 bit 1 bit 0 tCD2UM (1) INIT_DONE User Mode User I/O Tri-stated with internal pull-up resistor Note to Figure 20: (1) tCD2UM is an FPGA-dependent parameter. For more information, refer to the configuration chapter in the appropriate device handbook. f For more information about the timing parameters in Figure 20, refer to the configuration chapter in the appropriate device handbook. January 2012 Altera Corporation Serial Configuration (EPCS) Devices Datasheet Page 32 Programming and Configuration File Support Programming and Configuration File Support The Quartus II software provides programming support for EPCS devices. When you select an EPCS device, the Quartus II software automatically generates the Programmer Object File (.pof) to program the device. The software allows you to select the appropriate EPCS device density that most efficiently stores the configuration data for the selected FPGA. You can program the EPCS device in-system by an external microprocessor using the SRunner software driver. The SRunner software driver is developed for embedded EPCS device programming that you can customize to fit in different embedded systems. The SRunner software driver reads .rpd files and writes to the EPCS devices. The programming time is comparable to the Quartus II software programming time. Because the FPGA reads the LSB of the .rpd data first during the configuration process, the LSB of .rpd bytes must be shifted out first during the read bytes operation and shifted in first during the write bytes operation. 1 Writing and reading the .rpd file to and from the EPCS device is different from the other data and address bytes. f For more information about the SRunner software driver, refer to AN 418: SRunner: An Embedded Solution for Serial Configuration Device Programming. You can program EPCS devices using the APU with the appropriate programming adapter, such as PLMSEPC-8, using the Quartus II software or the USB-Blaster, EthernetBlaster, or ByteBlaster II download cable. In addition, many third-party programmers, such as the BP Microsystems and System General programmers, offer programming hardware that supports EPCS devices. During the ISP of an EPCS device using the USB-Blaster, EthernetBlaster, or ByteBlaster II download cable, the cable pulls the nCONFIG signal low to reset the FPGA and overrides the 10-k pull-down resistor on the nCE pin of the FPGA, as shown in Figure 2 on page 4. The download cable then uses the four interface pins--DATA, nCS, ASDI, and DCLK--to program the EPCS device. When programming is complete, the download cable releases the four interface pins of the EPCS device and the nCE pin of the FPGA and pulses the nCONFIG signal to start the configuration process. The FPGA can program the EPCS device in-system using the JTAG interface with the serial flash loader (SFL). This solution allows you to indirectly program the EPCS device using the same JTAG interface that is used to configure the FPGA. f For more information about SFL, refer to AN 370: Using the Serial FlashLoader with the Quartus II Software. Serial Configuration (EPCS) Devices Datasheet January 2012 Altera Corporation Operating Conditions Page 33 f For more information about programming and configuration support, refer to the following documents: Altera Programming Hardware Data Sheet Programming Hardware Manufacturers USB-Blaster Download Cable User Guide ByteBlaster II Download Cable User Guide EthernetBlaster Communications Cable User Guide Operating Conditions Table 17 through Table 21 list information about the absolute maximum ratings, recommended operating conditions, DC operating conditions, and capacitance for EPCS devices. Table 17. Absolute Maximum Ratings Symbol VCC VI (1) Parameter Condition Min Max Unit Supply voltage for EPCS1, EPCS4, and EPCS16 devices With respect to GND -0.6 4.0 V Supply voltage for EPCS64 and EPCS128 devices With respect to GND -0.2 4.0 V DC input voltage for EPCS1, EPCS4, and EPCS16 devices With respect to GND -0.6 4.0 V DC input voltage for EPCS64 and EPCS128 devices With respect to GND -0.5 4.0 V IMAX DC VCC or GND current -- -- 15 mA IOUT DC output current per pin -- -25 25 mA PD Power dissipation -- -- 54 mW TSTG Storage temperature No bias -65 150 C TAMB Ambient temperature Under bias -65 135 C TJ Junction temperature Under bias -- 135 C Conditions Min Max Unit (2) 2.7 3.6 V Table 18. Recommended Operating Conditions Symbol Parameter VCC Supply voltage VI Input voltage With respect to GND -0.3 0.3 + VCC V VO Output voltage -- 0 VCC V TA Operating temperature For commercial use 0 70 C For industrial use -40 85 C tR Input rise time -- -- 5 ns tF Input fall time -- -- 5 ns January 2012 Altera Corporation Serial Configuration (EPCS) Devices Datasheet Page 34 Operating Conditions Table 19. DC Operating Conditions Symbol VIH VIL VOH Parameter Conditions Min Max Unit High-level input voltage for EPCS1, EPCS4, and EPCS16 devices -- 0.6 x VCC VCC + 0.4 V High-level input voltage for EPCS64 and EPCS128 devices -- 0.6 x VCC VCC + 0.2 V Low-level input voltage -- High-level output voltage IOH = -100 A (3) (3) IOL = 1.6 mA -0.5 0.3 x VCC V VCC - 0.2 -- V -- 0.4 V VOL Low-level output voltage II Input leakage current VI = VCC or GND -10 10 A IOZ Tri-state output off-state current VO = VCC or GND -10 10 A Conditions Min Max Unit VCC supply current (standby mode) for EPCS1, EPCS4, and EPCS16 devices -- -- 50 A VCC supply current (standby mode) for EPCS64 and EPCS128 devices -- -- 100 A VCC supply current (during active power mode) for EPCS1, EPCS4, and EPCS16 devices -- 5 15 mA VCC supply current (during active power mode) for EPCS64 and EPCS128 devices -- 5 20 mA Conditions Min Max Unit VIN = 0 V -- 6 pF VOUT = 0 V -- 8 pF Table 20. ICC Supply Current Symbol ICC0 ICC1 Parameter Table 21. Capacitance Symbol (4) Parameter CIN Input pin capacitance COUT Output pin capacitance Notes to Table 17 through Table 21: (1) For more information, refer to the Operating Requirements for Altera Devices Data Sheet. (2) Maximum VCC rise time is 100 ms. (3) The I OH parameter refers to the high-level TTL or CMOS output current and the I OL parameter refers to the low-level TTL or CMOS output current. (4) Capacitance is sample-tested only at TA = 25 x C and at a 20-MHz frequency. Serial Configuration (EPCS) Devices Datasheet January 2012 Altera Corporation Pin Information Page 35 Pin Information Figure 21 and Figure 22 show the EPCS device in an 8-pin or 16-pin device. The following lists the control pins on the EPCS device: Serial data output (DATA) AS data input (ASDI) Serial clock (DCLK) Chip select (nCS) Figure 21 shows the 8-pin SOIC package of the EPCS device. Figure 21. Altera EPCS Device 8-Pin SOIC Package Pin-Out Diagram EPCS1, EPCS4, or EPCS16 nCS 1 8 VCC DATA VCC 2 7 VCC 3 6 DCLK GND 4 5 ASDI Figure 22 shows the 16-pin SOIC package of the EPCS device. Figure 22. Altera EPCS Device 16-Pin SOIC Package Pin-Out Diagram EPCS64 or EPCS128 VCC 1 16 DCLK VCC 2 15 ASDI N.C. 3(1) 14(1) N.C. N.C. 4(1) 13(1) N.C. N.C. 5(1) 12(1) N.C. N.C. 6(1) 11(1) N.C. nCS 7 10 GND DATA 8 9 VCC Note to Figure 22: (1) You can leave these pins floating or you can connect them to VCC or GND. January 2012 Altera Corporation Serial Configuration (EPCS) Devices Datasheet Page 36 Pin Information Table 22 lists the pin description of the EPCS device. Table 22. EPCS Device Pin Description Pin Name Pin Number in 8-Pin SOIC Package Pin Number in 16-Pin SOIC Package Pin Type Description DATA 2 8 Output The DATA output signal transfers data serially out of the EPCS device to the FPGA during the read operation or configuration. During the read operation or configuration, the EPCS device is enabled by pulling the nCS signal low. The DATA signal transitions on the falling edge of the DCLK signal. ASDI 5 15 Input The ASDI signal is used to transfer data serially into the EPCS device. This pin are also receiving data that are programmed into the EPCS device. Data is latched on the rising edge of the DCLK signal. Input The nCS signal toggles at the beginning and the end of a valid instruction. When this signal goes high, the device is deselected and the DATA pin is tri-stated. When this signal goes low, the device is enabled and in an active mode. After power up, the EPCS device requires a falling edge on the nCS signal before the EPCS device begins any operation. nCS 1 7 6 16 Input The FPGA provides the DCLK signal. This signal provides the timing for the serial interface. The data presented on the ASDI pin is latched to the EPCS device on the rising edge of the DCLK signal. The data on the DATA pin changes after the falling edge of the DCLK signal and is latched into the FPGA on the next falling edge of the DCLK signal. VCC 3, 7, 8 1, 2, 9 Power Connect the power pins to a 3.3-V power supply. GND 4 10 GND DCLK Ground pin. Figure 23 shows the layout recommendation for vertical migration from the EPCS1 device to the EPCS128 device. Pin 1 ID Figure 23. Layout Recommendation for Vertical Migration from the EPCS1 Device to the EPCS128 Device Pin 1 ID Serial Configuration (EPCS) Devices Datasheet January 2012 Altera Corporation Device Package and Ordering Code Page 37 Device Package and Ordering Code This section describes the package offered in EPCS devices and the ordering codes for each EPCS device. Package The EPCS1, EPCS4, and EPCS16 devices are available in 8-pin SOIC package. The EPCS64 and EPCS128 devices are available in 16-pin SOIC package. f For more information, refer to the Package and Thermal Resistance page. Ordering Code Table 23 lists the ordering codes for EPCS devices. Table 23. EPCS Device Ordering Codes (1) Device Ordering Code EPCS1 EPCS1SI8 EPCS1SI8N EPCS4 EPCS4SI8 EPCS4SI8N EPCS16 EPCS16SI8N EPCS64 EPCS64SI16N EPCS128 EPCS128SI16N Note to Table 23: (1) N indicates that the device is lead free. Document Revision History Table 24 lists the revision history for this document. Table 24. Document Revision History (Part 1 of 3) Date Version January 2012 June 2011 3.4 December 2009 January 2012 4.0 Altera Corporation 3.3 Changes Updated "Package" and "Ordering Code" sections. Updated Figure 5, Figure 6, and Figure 22. Updated Table 16 and Table 18. Minor text edits. Updated Table 3-19. Updated Figure 3-20. Updated "Features" and "Functional Description" sections. Added "Fast Read Operation" section. Removed Table 4-2 to Table 4-9, Table 4-26, and Table 4-33. Updated Table 3-1. Updated Figure 3-2. Removed "Referenced Documents" section. Serial Configuration (EPCS) Devices Datasheet Page 38 Document Revision History Table 24. Document Revision History (Part 2 of 3) Date October 2008 May 2008 August 2007 Version 3.2 3.1 3.0 Serial Configuration (EPCS) Devices Datasheet Changes Updated "Introduction", "Active Serial FPGA Configuration", "Operation Codes", "Read Status Operation", "Read Device Identification Operation", and "Package" sections. Updated Table 4-10, Table 4-25, Table 4-26, and Table 4-32. Updated Figure 4-5, Figure 4-13, and Figure 4-19. Added Figure 4-22. Added Table 4-33. Updated new document format. Updated Table 4-3, Table 4-6, Table 4-7, Table 4-28, and Table 4-29. Deleted Note 5 to Table 4-31. Added "Referenced Documents" section. Updated "Introduction" section. Updated "Functional Description" section. Updated Table 4-1 through Table 4-4 and Table 4-7 through Table 4-9 to with EPCS128 information. Added Table 4-6 on Arria GX. Added notes to Figure 4-3. Added notes to Figure 4-4. Updated Table 4-10 with EPCS128 information. Added new Table 4-11 on address range for sectors in EPCS128 device. Updated Table 4-16 with information about "Read Device Identification" and added (Note 5). Added new Table 4-21 on block protection bits in EPCS128. Added notes to Figure 4-12. Added new section "Read Device Identification Operation" with Table 4-23 and Figure 4-13. Updated "Write Bytes Operation", "Erase Bulk Operation" and "Erase Sector Operation" sections. Updated Table 4-24 to include EPCS128 information. Updated (Note 1) to Table 4-26. Updated VCC and VI information to include EPCS128 in Table 4-27. Updated VIH information to include EPCS128 in Table 4-29. Updated ICC0 and ICC1 information to include EPCS128 in Table 4-30. Updated Figure 4-21 and Table 4-34 with EPCS128 information. January 2012 Altera Corporation Document Revision History Page 39 Table 24. Document Revision History (Part 3 of 3) Date Version April 2007 2.0 January 2007 October 2006 1.6 1.5 August 2005 1.4 October 2003 1.3 1.2 July 2003 1.1 May 2003 1.0 January 2012 Altera Corporation Updated "Introduction" section. Updated "Functional Description" section and added handpara note. Added Table 4-4, Table 4-6, and Table 4-7. Updated "Active Serial FPGA Configuration" section and its handpara note. Added notes to Figure 4-2. Updated Table 4-26 and added (Note 1). Updated Figure 4-20. Updated Table 4-34. Removed reference to PLMSEPC-16 in "Programming and Configuration File Support". Updated DCLK pin information in Table 4-32. Updated Figure 4-19. Updated Table 4-30 and Table 4-32. Updated table 4-4 to include EPCS64 support for Cyclone devices. Updated tables. Minor text updates. 1.7 August 2005 February 2005 Changes Updated hot socketing AC specifications. Added Serial Configuration Device Memory Access section. Updated timing information in Tables 4-10 and 4-11 section. Updated timing information in Tables 4-16 and 4-17. Minor updates. Added document to the Cyclone Device Handbook. Initial release. Serial Configuration (EPCS) Devices Datasheet Page 40 Serial Configuration (EPCS) Devices Datasheet Document Revision History January 2012 Altera Corporation