3L GLOBAL ELECTRONICS HIGH CURRENT FILTER CHOKES BYE me 9003484 OO00013 140 mm HIGH CURRENT FILTER CHOKES FEATURES Printed circuit mounting (axial leads) Pre-tinned leads Low cost construction e Designed for use with switching power supplies Protected by heat-shrinkable-tube ELECTRICAL SPECIFICATIONS Inductance: Measured at 1 KHz with no D.C. current. Rated current will reduce inductance by 10% or less. Current Rating: Maximum continuous operating current (DC or RMS) at room temperature Dielectric Rating: 2,500 V RMS, 60 Hz, applied for one minute between winding and outer SCHEMATIC circumference to within .25 of the insulation 3|| sleeve edge. Temperature Rating: Continuous operation at 3175 temperature between 55C and 105C. Min. typH* 8 3,18 MECHANICAL | [ | Max-TYP 4 Winding: Layered solenoid type with magnetic a] = A core | Wire: Solid soft copper Dj : . Terminals: Tinned copper leads mensions are In mm Coating: Polyelefin tubing ELECTRICAL SPECIFICATIONS MECHANICAL SPECIFICATIONS PART NO INDUCTANCE DC SELF~RESOUANT Dimension: mm @1KHz CURRENT RESISTANCE FREQUENCY A B C +10% (Max. ) (Max. ) (Min. ) _ (Max.) (Max. ) (0.05) VC1220SH-500K 50 h lamp. 12 Q 4. OMHz 12.06 20.32 0.81 VC1220SH-101K 100% h lamp. .18 Q 2.OMHz 12.06 20.32 0.81 VC1226SH-251K 250 h lamp. .30 2 1.OMHz 12.06 26.67 0.81 VC1326SH-501K 500 h lamp. 50 Q . 8MHz 13.97 26.67 0.81 VC1329SH-102K 1000 h lamp. .60 2 . OMHz 13.97 29.84 0.81 VC1220SH-270K 27uh zZamp. 0850 5. 5MHz 12.70 20.32 0.81 VC1220SH-500K 50uh 2amp. 10 Q 4.0MHz 12.70 20.32 0.81 VC1223SH-101K 1004 h 2amp. 15.9 2.OMHz 12.70 23.37 0.81 VC1523SH-251K 250 h 2amp. .25 2 1.QMHz 15.24 23.37 0.81 VC1926SH-501K 500 4 h Zamp. 45 2 . MHz 19.05 26.67 0.81 C1220SH-5ROK 5h Samp. 0250 25.0MHz 12.06 20.32 0.81 C1223SH-100K 10uh Samp. 0350 20.0MHz 12.06 23.37 0.81 VC1320SH-270K 27uh 3amp. .05 Q 6 .OMHz 13.97 20 .32 0:81 VC1323SH-500K 50uh 3amp. 0659 4. OMHz 13.97 23.37 0.81 VC1329SH-101K 1004 h 3amp. .07502 2.OMHz 13.97 29.84 0.81 VC1226SH-5ROK Suh 5amp. .0150 50.0MHz 12.06 26.67 1.02 VC1226SH~100K: 10h Samp. .0250 40.0MHz 12.06 26.67 1.02 VC1726SH-270K 27uh damp. 0350 7. OMHz 17.78 26.67 1.02 VC1726SH-500K 50h Samp. .05 Q ' 2.0MHz 17.78 26.67 1.02 ~ VC1733SH-101K 100uh 5amp. 0650 1.0MHz 17.78 | 33.02 1.02