Metal Glazed Resistor MGR Series - MERITEK Coating-insulated megohm fixed resistors ( Metal Glazed ) High Voltage Surge Resistors. Features: *Stable performance against high temperature and voltage. *Good performance in enduring moisture and overload capability. *Operating ambient temperature: -55 to +175 *Lead (Pb)-free solder contacts *Epoxy and silicone coating available for various applications. *Resistance tolerance: 1% & 5% *Power rating: 1/8 watt to 3 watts, 50 ppm/C to 200 ppm/C *Resistance range - up to 10G ohms *Dielectric withstanding voltage - Vmax: 1,200V Part Number System : MGR S 1/4W - VALUE J TR B = Bulk; TR = Tape & Reel Resistance Tolerance (e.g J = +/-5%, F = +/-1%) Resistance Value (e.g. 0R1, 1R, 10R, 100R, 1K, 10K, 100K, 1M, 10M) Power Rating Coating (S = Silicone, E = Epoxy) Metal Glazed Resistor Dimension : Style (Din Size) L Dimension(mm) D H d MGR1/8W(0204) 3.30.5 1.80.3 282.0 0.450.03 MGR1/4W (0207) 6.30.5 2.30.3 282.0 0.550.03 MGR1/2WS (0207) 6.30.5 2.30.3 282.0 0.550.03 MGR1/2WS(0309) 8.50.5 2.70.5 272.0 0.600.03 Appearance : MGR 1/2W (0410) 9.00.5 3.20.5 262.0 0.650.03 MGR 1WS (0412) 9.00.5 4.00.5 262.0 0.650.03 Silicone Resin ------ Brown --- (Flame-Proof) Epoxy Resin ------ Light Blue MGR 1W (0414) 11.51.0 4.00.5 352.0 0.780.03 MGR 2WS (0416) 11.51.0 4.50.5 352.0 0.780.03 MGR 2W (0516) 15.51.0 5.00.5 322.0 0.780.03 MGR 3WS (0518) 15.51.0 5.00.5 322.0 0.780.03 Metal Glazed Resistor MGR Series - MERITEK Rating : Power rating MGR1/8W(0204) MGR1/4W(0207) MGR1/2WS(0207) MGR1/2WS(0309) Max. working Voltage Max. Overload Voltage DC500V DC1600V AC1150V DC1700V DC1800V Dielectric Withstanding Voltage Resistance Range* Silicone Resin Epoxy Resin 1000V 300V 400V 100K~100M DC2000V AC1500V 400V 500V 100K-1G 2500V 400V 500V 100K-1G MGR1/2W(0410) DC2000V 2500V 500V 700V 100K-1G MGR1WS(0412) DC2500V 3500V 500V 700V 100K-1G MGR1W(0414) DC3000V 4000V 500V 1000V 100K-1G MGR2WS(0416) DC3500V 4000V 500V 1000V 100K-1G MGR2W(0516) DC3500V 4000V 700V 1200V 100K-1G MGR3WS(0518) DC3500V 4000V 700V 1200V 100K-1G Resistance Tolerance T.C.R. Rating Ambient Temperature Operating Temperature 70 -55+175 K10E12 J5E24 200PPM/ F1E24 100PPM/ 1G10 50PPM/ E12 * Resistance range reflects standard resistance values. Other resistance values are available on request. Maximum resistance: 10G ohms Performance : Test Items Short time overload Moisture resistance Load life Insulation resistance Dielectric withstanding voltage Resistance to soldering heat Temperature cycling Terminal strength Intermittent `overload Test Methods Rated Voltage X 2.5 or Max. overload Voltage, whichever is lower, for 5sec. 402, 90%~95%RH,1000h 90 minON30 minOFF 1000hours at rated voltage, 70 90 minON30 minOFF Specifications 1.0%0.05 5.0%0.05 3.0%0.05 50050V DC During 1 min V-Block method 10,000M Over In V-Block for 60 seconds By Type 2605,10s1s or 35010, 3.5s0.5s 5 cycles for -253(30min)room temp.(30min) ~ +853(30min) room temp. (30min) 1.0%0.05 Direct load for 10 sec. In the direction of the terminal leads. Tensile:2.5kg 4 times RCWV for10000cycles( 1.0%0.05 (1%+0.05)