S M D 2 0 0 0 - 1 2
Utilizes Net to Net’s IPacket
A rc h i t e c t u re
AutoIPfor plug-and-play
c o n f i g u ration and opera t i o n
12 fixed SDSL ports supporting up to
2.3Mbps per port (symmetrical)
Up to 24,000 feet over a single
copper pair
Redundant 10/100, T 1 / E 1 , or DS3/E3
Uplink Interface Modules
Redundant 48V DC or AC Po w e r
E x t remely compact chassis (1.75 h i g h )
is environmentally hardened for use in
Remote Te r m i n a l s
Embedded web-based management
system for easy, p l a t f o r m - i n d e p e n d e n t
remote management
Full 802.1Q VLAN support for easy to
p rovision V P N s
Delivering DSL from
the Remote Te r m i n a l
O v e r v i e w
Net to Net Technologies’ SDSL MiniDSLAM is the industry’s first
remote access multiplexer that is fully compliant with I P a c k e t
and A u t o I Pt e c h n o l o g y.The SMD2000 is ideal for deploying
high speed, business class DSL in a Remote Te r m i n a l ,or as a
small-scale Central Office or in-building DSL solution.
Supporting 10/100 Ethernet,T 1 / E 1 ,and DS3/E3 backhaul tech-
n o l o g i e s, the SMD2000 can be deployed in a variety of network
d e s i g n s, and can deliver high-speed SDSL from locations that
were previously considered too remote.N o w,C L E C s,I L E C s,a n d
IP Network Service Providers are able to extend their high-speed
broadband Internet service areas.
Designed specifically for Remote Terminal collocation, the
SMD2000 is environmentally hardened,remotely manageable,
and only requires a single rack unit (1.75” or 1 “U”).
Additionally, the SDSL MiniDSLAM utilizes existing T1/EI tech-
nology within Digital Loop Carrier (DLC) systems for data back-
haul to the main Central Office.Telcos are now able to deploy
extremely high-speed SDSL Services to those service areas
served through DLCs.Supporting 12 individual single copper
pair SDSL lines,the SMD2000-12 allows for data rates ranging
from 144Kbps up to 2.3Mbps symmetrical bandwidth at
distances up to 24,000 feet.
S p e c i f i c a t i o n s
1.75" (1 Rack Unit) High x 17" Wide x 14" Deep
(AC version 18")
Weight (chassis only):
11.2 lbs (5.1 kg)
AC–100-125 Vac; 2.0 A
200-240 Vac; 1.0 A
DC–-48V DC;2.9 A
Interfaces: 12 SDSL Ports (1 RJ21 50-pin Telco,
CAP encoding);2 Uplink Interface Module (UIM) slots,
s u p p o r t i n g : 10/100 Ethernet (UIM-10/100);T1 (UIM-T1);
Ethernet Management Interface
Selectable to 144Kbps, 272Kbps, 400Kbps,528Kbps,
784Kbps, 1040Kbps,1552Kbps, 2064Kbps, 2320Kbps
Distances up to 24,000ft @ 144Kbps
Regulatory Compliance:
NEBS: Level 3
EMC:FCC Part 15 Class A;CSA/C108.8;CE
CSA C22.2 No. 950;CE
Operating Requirements:
Te m p e r a t u r e : -40ºF to 149ºF (-40ºC to 65ºC)
Non operating temperature:-40ºF to 158ºF (40ºC to 70ºC)
H u m i d i t y :5% to 95%,n o n - c o n d e n s i n g
Altitude:-60m to 5,000m (-200ft to 16,500ft)
IPacketTechnology—Extending the ease of use
and reliability of Ethernet onto the service network
results in an easy-to-deploy network that is optimized
for IP services. By eliminating the complexity of ATM
and Frame Relay from this portion of the network,
administration and configuration costs are greatly
reduced.In addition,more bandwidth is useable for
data transport,regaining up to 20% of bandwidth that
is previously lost to transport overhead.
AutoIPA rc h i t e c t u re—The AutoIP Architecture
provides the easiest-to-deploy DSL solution on the
market,delivering IDSL,SDSL,ADSL,and T1/E1 rapidly
and with lower provisioning costs. Includes AutoSync
line provisioning,AutoConfig configuration manage-
ment,AutoRestore backup/recovery services, and
AutoFilter traffic management.Together, these services
deliver IP broadband services simply and easily.
112 Corporate Drive, Suite 1
Pease International Tradeport
Portsmouth,NH 03801
T 603.427.0600 877.638.2638 (toll free)
F 603.422.0610
EMEA Headquarters
Victoria House
19 Park Way
Newbury Berkshire RG14 1EE
United Kingdom
Tel:+44 (0)1635 570950
Fax:+44 (0)1635 230560
up to 24,000'
(single copper pair)
IPacket™ T1/E1
or DS3/E3 Backhaul
Remote Terminal
Office SDSL [144Kbps–2.3Mbps]
DSL the Easy Way