GPS & GLONASS antenna module GNS 802 confidential information Datasheet prelimanry specification 1 INTRODUCTION The GNS802 module is a complete GPS and Glonass receiver module. It includes everything starting with a high sensitive chip antenna ending in an easy to use NMEA output and command interface. It is based on the new generation CSR SirF V GNSS chip that supports GPS and GLONASS simultaneously. Due to its capability to use GLONASS and GPS at the same time, GNS802 benefits from the higher availability of satellites in critical environments. The navigation performance and accuracy is further improved by using the correction data from SBAS (WAAS, EGNOS, GAGAN, MSAS), QZSS. First Fixes after just a few seconds are achieved with the help of three different A-GPS technologies. The module supports self prediction CGEE. Server based AGPS (SGEE) and realtime AGPS is available on request. These services are provided by CSR and are not free of charge. They are available only for high quantities. GNS802 is based on Sirf chipset of the 5th generation. It includes a ROM based software code and a patch RAM for later software improvements. Using the patch option is recommended by the chip manufacturer CSR. Several Low Power Mode options make it easy to implement this module in power sensitive, battery supplied applications. Low power requirements (~100mW@ 3.3V) and internal voltage regulators make it easy to run the module with various power supplies and allows direct connection to LiIon batteries. GNS802 offers superior dynamic performance at high velocity and provides effective protection against interference signals. Up to 8 independent channel interferences can be eliminated or reduced. For easy test and evalution, a Starter Kit is available. (c) GNS-GmbH V 1.5, Apr 14th 2015 1 GPS & GLONASS antenna module GNS 802 confidential information Datasheet prelimanry specification Features GLONASS and GPS simultaneously, GALILEO ready 52 channels Ultra high tracking sensitivity Integrated high performance chip antenna and LNA Extremely fast TTFF at low signal level QZSS, SBAS (WAAS,EGNOS,MSAS,GAGAN) correction support A-GPS predicted / self predicted support (host support or external SPI memory required) Active Interference Canceller for GPS-in-band jammer rejection Embedded logger function (external SPI flash needed) High accuracy 1PPS output NMEA-0183 or binary protocol High update rate (up to 5/s) Wide range of supply voltage : 2.3V to 4.3V, direct LiIon supply Typical GPS+GLONASS Consumption current @3.3V: o Acquisition: 33mA o Tracking: 30mA Low Power operating modes 2 User selectable host interface : UART / SPI / I C hibernate current consumption 50uA, typical SMD type LGA; a stamp holes adaptor is available for manual solder process Small form factor: 15.7x10.0x2.0 mm Applications Navigation Quadcopters, drones Dynamic Navigation Portable ("nomadic") devices Netbooks, tablet PCs and mobile phones Location based applications GPS Logger GPS Tracker Security devices Camera equipment Geofencing Health and fitness devices (c) GNS-GmbH V 1.5, Apr 14th 2015 2 GPS & GLONASS antenna module GNS 802 confidential information Datasheet prelimanry specification 2 INDEX 1 INTRODUCTION ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 2 INDEX --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3 3 FUNCTIONAL DESCRIPTION ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.5 3.6 3.7 3.8 3.9 3.10 3.11 3.12 3.13 3.14 3.15 3.16 3.17 Block diagram --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------4 System description ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------4 GPS and GLONASS simultaneous operation ------------------------------------------------------------------------------5 Power Management Unit ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------5 Selectable Power management features ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------6 Logger function -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------7 Active interference cancellation -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------8 Assisted GNSS (A-GNSS) --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------9 Pulse Per Second (PPS) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 10 SBAS (Satellite Based Augmentation) support ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 10 Last position retention --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 11 GPS almanac and ephemeris data--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 11 Real time clock (RTC) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 11 Host interface ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 11 HW operation control----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 13 Module default settings -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 14 GNS802 feature selection ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 14 4.1 Typical System overview------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 15 5.1 5.2 5.3 5.4 GNSS characteristics ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 16 Absolute Maximum Ratings ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 17 Recommended Operating Conditions ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 17 Electrical characteristics ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 17 6.1 PCB LAYOUT GUIDELINES ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 18 7.1 7.2 Pin configuration --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 20 Pin assignment ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 20 8.1 8.2 NMEA output sentences for GPS and GLONASS ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 22 NMEA command interface------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 23 13.1 13.2 TAPE ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 32 REEL ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 33 4 TYPICAL APPLICATION BLOCK DIAGRAM ------------------------------------------------------------ 15 5 GNSS characteristics ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 16 6 DESIGN GUIDELINES --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 18 7 DEVICE PINOUT DIAGRAM --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 20 8 NMEA DATA interface --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 22 9 PHYSICAL DIMENSIONS -----------------------------------------------------------------------------10 RECOMMENDED PAD LAYOUT ----------------------------------------------------------------------11 MATERIAL INFORMATION --------------------------------------------------------------------------12 RECOMMENDED SOLDERING REFLOW PROFILE --------------------------------------------------13 PACKAGE INFORMATION ---------------------------------------------------------------------------14 15 16 17 18 19 ORDERING INFORMATION-TBD --------------------------------------------------------------------FCC AND CE COMPLIANCE -------------------------------------------------------------------------ENVIRONMENTAL INFORMATION ------------------------------------------------------------------MOISTURE SENSITIVITY ---------------------------------------------------------------------------DOCUMENT REVISION HISTORY -------------------------------------------------------------------RELATED DOCUMENTS ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ (c) GNS-GmbH V 1.5, Apr 14th 2015 29 30 31 31 32 34 34 34 35 35 35 3 Datasheet GPS & GLONASS antenna module GNS 802 confidential information prelimanry specification 3 FUNCTIONAL DESCRIPTION 3.1 Block diagram 1PPS Embedded chip antenna TXDA LNA VDD SAW filter RXDA GPS/ GLONASS chip SPI memory interface 4 32.768kHz crystal VIO ON_OFF 26.000 MHz TCXO RESET GND 3.2 System description The GNS802 core is a high performance, low power GPS and GLONASS receiver with Galileo option that includes an integrated RF frontend and a high performance chip antenna. Also GNS802 provides position, velocity and time measurements without any host loading. This, coupled with the optional built-in power management options, reduces the overall system power budget. GNS802 is a complete GNSS engine, including: Full GPS and GLONASS processing without any host processing requirements Standard NMEA message output A powerful command and control interface All clock sources integrated on module RF frontend and a chip antenna Rich additional features like logger (needs external SPI memory), Self predicted AGPS (needs external SPI memory or host assistance) (c) GNS-GmbH V 1.5, Apr 14th 2015 4 Datasheet GPS & GLONASS antenna module GNS 802 confidential information 3.3 prelimanry specification GPS and GLONASS simultaneous operation GNS802 supports tracking of the GPS and the GLONASS satellite system at one time. This feature enhances the overall performance significantly. Increased availability of number of satellites Increased spatial distribution allows better geometrical conditions Reduced Horizontal (HDOP) and Vertical Dilution of Precision (VDOP) factors Using a combined receiver, users have an access to potentially 48 or more satellites. This high number of satellites can overcome the typical problems of restricted visibility of the sky, such as in urban canyons or indoor scenarios. 3.4 Power Management Unit GNS8082 offers exceptional power management options. Main power supply voltage can be chosen freely and can be altered (even during operation) between 2.3V and 4.3V. GNS802 can be operated directly with a LiIon cell without any need of an LDO. The integrated SMPS controls the voltage and keeps the power consumption almost at a constant level of ~83..115mW. Note : On request, GNS802 is also available for a fixed 1.8V supply. The 1.8V option disables the switching regulator by hardware, restricting the allowed supply voltage to 1.75 to 1.85 V. I/O pins will be supplied independently through a dedicated V IO pin with a fixed voltage between 1.8 and 3.5V. This saves any need for external I/O level shifters. Note: In hibernation mode, the current that flows into VIO pin will rise if VIO is higher than 3.1V. At 3.3V, IIO will be 120A , at 3.6V it will be ~300A. Fig. 2. Current consumption and power requirement at full power operation vs. Voltage at VDD. VIO is 3.3V 0,12 0,1 0,08 current tracking[A] 0,06 power tracking[W] current acquisition[A] 0,04 power acquisition[W] 0,02 0 2,3 2,8 3,3 3,8 4,3 (c) GNS-GmbH V 1.5, Apr 14th 2015 5 GPS & GLONASS antenna module GNS 802 confidential information 3.5 Datasheet prelimanry specification Selectable Power management features GNS802 can be switched to several power saving functions through the command interface. An additional ON_OFF pin switches the module between standby and full operation, keeping the Real Time Clock (RTC) and the RAM alive to provide quick hot starts when being waked up again. Please refer to the GNS802NMEAcommandInterface_manual for detailed information. In Full Power Mode all components are fully active and a position fix is calculated every second. Push To Fix Mode II allows a long duty-cycle operation with periodic maintenance of the position fix. An instant fix can be demanded by the host by sending an appropriate command to the GNS802. Specific periods allow synchronization with the GNSS satellites. This minimizes power used searching for framing patterns. Using The Micro Power Mode with Awareness, the system is commanded to enter a very low power mode with dynamically scheduled wakeups for updates and when the actual user position changes. Trickle Power Mode saves power by switching the receiver to a slower navigation update. The update rate is selectable. However, when signal conditions do require shorter cycles, the 802 will increase activity to maintain adequate position accuracy. Trickle Power II Mode implements an additional power reduction by modulating the RF stage power requirements depending on signal conditions. In Standby mode, the RF frontend and internal MPU are switched to deep sleep state. Power consumption is reduced to 50A. This state can be entered by sending the appropriate command or by applying a positive going pulse to the ON_OFF pin. (c) GNS-GmbH V 1.5, Apr 14th 2015 6 Datasheet GPS & GLONASS antenna module GNS 802 confidential information 3.6 prelimanry specification Logger function Together with an externally connected SPI flash memory, GNS802 provides an autonomous logger function that automatically stores position information. A complete tracking unit can be realized without any external CPU. The parameters for logging are programmable via the NMEA command interface. The following parameter can be set to optimize logging time: - logger rate (1..65535 seconds) - distance threshold for logging (prevents static logs) - speed threshold for logging (prevents static logs) - memory management (circular or stop on full) - record format (position, altitude, speed, accuracy) The commands for logger include: - logger status request - start logging - stop logging - erase memory - readout memory please refer to chapter 8.2 NMEA command interface for details. Logger data rate Logger data memory Logger trigger Min 1 Logger Function Max 65535 User defined programm able Unit s Comment kBytes External SPI Flash memory Logger can be triggered on time, speed, movement[m] The available memory for logging purpose is depending on the total size of the flash: 4 Mbit SPI Flash: Allocation is 25 sectors of 4096 bytes each. Total: 102,400 bytes 8 Mbit SPI Flash: Allocation is 32 sectors of 4096 bytes each. Total: 131,072 bytes Other sectors are reserved for EE/Alamanac/Patch/Calibration data. (c) GNS-GmbH V 1.5, Apr 14th 2015 7 GPS & GLONASS antenna module GNS 802 confidential information 3.7 Datasheet prelimanry specification Active interference cancellation Multiple interference mitigation strategies address CW, narrowband and wideband interference, and crosscorrelation and multipath effects. The primary types of interference caused by jamming signals are: CW interference and other sources of interference that are substantially narrower than the nominal receiver IF bandwidth (6 MHz). Pulsed interference from sources such as a GSM transmitter. Cross-correlation interference from a satellite signal that has a strong C/No, which the GNSS receiver Even with these features in place, pay close attention to system co-existence and board-level EMC issues, and design to avoid jamming in the GNSS receiver. The above features are only useful if the GNSS receiver remains linear and outside compression. Exercising these features will have an impact on sensitivity and power consumption and should never be used as a substitute for good design practice. GNS802 uses the following strategies to handle interference signals. All cancellation features are active by default except the LTE Immunity mode 3.7.1 Bandwidth Restriction If interference is in the GPS band and falls outside the 2 MHz main-lobe of the GPS signal, then a 2 MHz-wide bandstop filter attenuates the interference. When the filter is used, GPS C/No degrades by approximately 0.3 dB because of the removal of the outer sidebands. 3.7.2 Active Notching Interference falling within the 2 MHz GPS band and 8 MHz GLONASS band is mitigated with GNS802 internal filters and tone cancellers. GNS802 actively detects, tracks and removes the 8 strongest internal or external jamming signals in both GPS and GLONASS bands, without requiring prior knowledge of the jamming signal. 3.7.3 Software Detection GNS802 automatically detects and tracks in-band interference without prior knowledge of the jammer signal or its characteristics. Algorithms monitor the behaviour of signals. If a suspect signal is detected, the algorithms clear, reset and restart the channel assigned to track the satellite PRN. 3.7.4 Pulsed-interference Mitigation GNS802 contains technology to mitigate pulsed interference from GSM transceivers. When a pulse is detected, the signal path is blocked. When the pulse is no longer detected, the signal path is unblocked. 3.7.5 Cross-correlation Interference GNS802 uses cross-correlation mitigation technology. This technology avoids the interference that a strong satellite can cause to a weak satellite. 3.7.6 GPS Active Jamming Removal GPS active jamming removal detects the 8 strongest jamming frequencies in the 1 MHz centre band. 3.7.7 GLONASS Active Jamming Removal This function detects the 8 strongest jammers in the 4 MHz GLONASS band, by monitoring amplitude and frequency 3.7.8 LTE Immunity Mode LTE immunity mode is recommended if a LTE transceiver is part of the application. This mode will significantly improve LTE immunity but also reduce the average sensitivity by 1dB. It will be started or stopped through an OSP command. (c) GNS-GmbH V 1.5, Apr 14th 2015 8 GPS & GLONASS antenna module GNS 802 confidential information 3.8 Datasheet prelimanry specification Assisted GNSS (A-GNSS) A-GNSS allows speeding up TTFF (TimeToFirstFix) by injecting ephemeris data from an external source into the module's memory. With the help of these data, the module does not need to acquire satellite positions by receiving the data from the satellites. Depending on time and position information that is still available in the module memory, the TTFF can be reduced to just a few seconds. All A-GNSS technologies require an external SPI memory or host based memory support. GNS 802 supports 2 different A-GNSS strategies: CGEE self predicted Ephemeris - works on module The GNSS engine can predict ephemeris data based on actually collected satellite data. The prediction period is up to three days. The main advantage of self prediction is that no server connection is needed. TTFF is 9..15 seconds. Note: Predicted ephemeris data is stored in external SPI memory or on the host respectively. SGEE predicted ephemeris - long prediction periods Is based on predicted ephemeris data that can be downloaded from a Server. A device that uses SGEE has to connect to the internet from time to time and download a predicted data file. The maximum prediction time frame is up to 31 days. One day will need 11kBytes download for GPS and 9kByte for Glonass prediction data. The TTFF is as short as 5..10 seconds. SGEE data must be held in a connected SPI memory or can be stored on the attached host. The required commands can be implemented in NMEA or in OSP as described in the respective documents. Note: Due to CSR's new licence rules, valid from beginning of 2015, Server based AGPS will cause significant costs . GNS does not recommend to choose this option. SUPL A-GNSS - ultra low TTFF Is a real time ephemeris, time and almanac download. It needs 1.5kByte for GPS and 3kBytes for Glonass. The valid period is up to 4 hours. SUPL A-GNSS provides the best performance, but needs a network connection whenever the aiding is needed. TTFF is almost the same as for hot fix, ~ 1 second. This option is not free of charge and may require invidual programming. (c) GNS-GmbH V 1.5, Apr 14th 2015 9 Datasheet GPS & GLONASS antenna module GNS 802 confidential information 3.9 prelimanry specification Pulse Per Second (PPS) GNS802 provides a Pulse Per Second (PPS) hardware output pin (GPIO 5, pin 13) for timing purposes. After calculation of a 3D position fix (default setting), the PPS signal is accurately aligned to the GPS second boundaries. The pulse generated is 250 milliseconds in duration and the repetition rate is 1 second. No pulse will be generated when there's no fix available. After having had a stable 3D fix and the PPS synchronized, a 2D- fix will be sufficient to keep the PPS working. T2 T1 T1 = 250ms T2 = 1sec GNS802 module provides a low RMS jitter of typical 30 nanoseconds. 1PPS pulse duration 1PPS time jitter 1PPS time deviation from GPS second 1PPS rise and fall time PPS characteristics based upon a 3D-fix min typ max Unit 249 250 251 msec - 30 - nsec RMS -100 - +100 nsec - 5 - nsec comment Pulse rising edge jitter from average pulse, measured with full 3D fix, -130dBm , 4SVs Pulse rising edge deviation from expected (GNS) pulse time, measured with full 3D fix, 130dBm , 4SVs 10%..90%, load is 10k||5pF table 1 3.10 SBAS (Satellite Based Augmentation) support GNS802 supports Satellite Based Augmentation for improvement of the navigation precision. Correction data is sent from geostationary satellites to the GPS receiver. GNS802 supports European, US, and Asian augmentation systems (WAAS, MSAS,GAGAN and EGNOS) to enable precision improvements in nearly every region of the world. SBAS is inactive by default and must be activated after the module is power-cycled. See 8.2.6 for command details. (c) GNS-GmbH V 1.5, Apr 14th 2015 10 GPS & GLONASS antenna module GNS 802 confidential information Datasheet prelimanry specification 3.11 Last position retention Depending on the application, it might be useful to retain the last position or to clear the position when having no fix solution. Storage of last position data needs a permanent connection of power on VDD_AUX pin. 3.12 GPS almanac and ephemeris data For quick re-acquisition of the GPS after off-times, the GPS engine should have access to almanac and ephemeris data. This data is permanently stored inside GNS802 module, as long as a battery is connected to VDD_AUX. When the GPS is powered-up again, the data will be used to allow a quick re-acquisition, as soon as coarse time information is available. Time will be available immediately, when RTC is kept running. 3.13 Real time clock (RTC) GNS802 has a real time clock with 32,768Hz crystal onboard. As long as VDD is connected to a power source, the real time clock and the module memory can be kept alive at very low power consumption of just 50uA. The RTC will track the current time and enable the module to start from sleep states with very fast time to first Fix (TTFF). 3.14 Host interface The host interface is used for GNSS data reports and receiver control GNS802 provides three different options for interfacing a host system. 1. The UART interface with selectable baud rates 2. SPI interface : 4 wire with additional Interrupt line 3. I2C interface : 2 wire , slave device The kind of Interface is selected through external resistors on pins 9 and 10. Pull up and pull down must be performed over a 10k resistor Interface selection through bootstrap resistors 9 10 UART Pull up SPI 2 Pull down I C table 2 GNS802 core works at 1.2V/1.8V internally. A flexible I/O supply structure allows selecting the I/O interface voltage by connecting the desired voltage to the VIO input. The maximum voltage at VIO is limited to 3.5V. (c) GNS-GmbH V 1.5, Apr 14th 2015 11 GPS & GLONASS antenna module GNS 802 confidential information Datasheet prelimanry specification 3.14.1 UART interface The UART interface can be used with or without hardware handshake. The baud rate of the UART can be selected over a software command or via hardware. The maximum baud rate is 1.2288 Mbps. Hardware handshake is available through CTS and RTS pins. Baud rate Data byte Stop bit Parity UART default settings See below table 8 Bit 1 None table 3 The hardware baud rate selection supports 4 standard values that can be selected through GPIO 0 and 1 on pins 3 & 4. The following options can be selected UART baud&protocol selection through bootstrap resistors 3 4 protocol 4800 Pull up Pull up NMEA 9600 Pull down Pull up NMEA 38400 Pull up Pull down NMEA 115200 Pull down Pull down OSP table 4 3.14.2 SPI interface The SPI interface is configured as a slave and uses 4-wires. An additional interrupt is used to for signalling data availability 2 3.14.3 I2C interface The I C interface can be operated at max. 100kbps or 400kbps. It operates in multi master mode. Multi-master Mode Multi-master mode requires that hardware detect and arbitrate between collisions for master status and data direction. Master or slave mode is determined from clock contention, whichever device is generating the clock is the master and all other devices are slave. In the event of contention time-out, the master device must take control of the error detection and retries. I2C Addresses Address format is 7-bit by default and can be set to 10-bit. I2C supports multiple masters and multiple slaves. GNS802 address as master/sending is 0x62 and as slave/receiving is 0x60. Access Contention When GNS802 operates in multi-master mode on the I2C bus, contention is managed by all connected master devices. Hardware resolves contention and collision retries. You must ensure that the bus capacity is adequate for the bus data transfer load peaks and that resulting latencies are not detrimental to system performance. (c) GNS-GmbH V 1.5, Apr 14th 2015 12 GPS & GLONASS antenna module GNS 802 confidential information Datasheet prelimanry specification I2C Interface requirements I2C requirements Data frame size Data bit order Maximum bytes per transfer Clock rate 8 bit octets MSB first No limit Max 400kbps, When GNS802 is master, the rate can be set using OSP message Bus contention timeout 30ms, fixed table 5 notes: 1. GNS802 may either lose or garble serial messages if the host does not poll often enough to fetch all messages. The system design assumes unrestricted outflow of serial messages. 2. When switching GNS802 to HIBERNATE mode, using an orderly shutdown with an ON_OFF pulse or by OSP/NMEA command message, GNS802 continues to run until I2C transmit/output buffers are empty. At slow I2C serial port speeds, with a high volume of data, time-to-turn-off may be up to one second even with no throttling or pacing from bus contention. If multi-master mode contention or clock stretching on the I2C bus stops output of data from GNS802, GNS802 takes longer to turn off. If the I2C bus is inadvertently seized, or another device holds the clocks or data line low and never releases, GNS802 does not turn off until all pending messages have been sent. 3.15 HW operation control GNS802 should be switched from active to hibernate through the ON_OFF pin. The pin toggles the power state whenever a positive going edge is supplied. After powering up the module, it remains in hibernate until the rising edge is seen on ON_OFF pin. A time gap of 500ms should be between power on and issuing the ON_OFF pulse. Alternatively, the module can be started automatically by connecting the WAKEUP pin to the ON_OFF pin over a 10k resistor. Notes: 1. 2. This auto start configuration is not yet qualified by the chip manufacturer CSR This option can not be used in conjunction with power saving trickle modes (see 3.5 ) GNS802 can be put to hibernate state (RTC on, last position and ephemeris is retained) at any time with a positive edge on ON_OFF. (c) GNS-GmbH V 1.5, Apr 14th 2015 13 Datasheet GPS & GLONASS antenna module GNS 802 confidential information prelimanry specification 3.16 Module default settings The GNS802 module comes with default settings, which are persistently programmed in ROM. Whenever all power is removed from the module (VIO and VDD), the settings will be reset to the values shown in the following table. Some settings (as host interface type and baud rate setting) can be selected through pull-ups and pull-downs on some GPIO pins. Please refer to table 2,table 3,table 4. The following table shows the defaults with all configuration pins left open. Setting UART setting Host interface Fix frequency (update rate) NMEA sentences NMEA rate Self prediction mode Active interference cancellation SBAS option Datum PPS pulse output length Logging parameters Default value 9600,8,N,1 1/sec RMC,GSA,GSV,GSV,VTG,GGA Once a second: RMC,GSA,VTG,GGA every 5 sec :GSV sentences off enabled disabled WGS 84 250ms Modification options Bootstrap, see 3.14 , command via OSP or NMEA, see8.2.3 Bootstrap option, see 3.14 Selectable through OSP or NMEA, see 8.2 Selectable through OSP or NMEA, see 8.2.6 Selectable through OSP or NMEA, see 8.2.6 fixed Selectable through OSP Selectable through OSP or NMEA, see 8.2 fixed Adjustable through OSP or NMEA, see 3.6 table 6 3.17 GNS802 feature selection GNS802 provides a lot of interfacing and functional options. However, to keep the pin count low, not all options can be used in any combination. For the host connection, you can only choose one of the three options: UART (2-wire or 4-wire) or I2C or SPI. The option is selected via bootstrap resistors as described in 3.14. For the second SPI (I2C), you can connect an external memory for logging option. (c) GNS-GmbH V 1.5, Apr 14th 2015 14 Datasheet GPS & GLONASS antenna module GNS 802 confidential information prelimanry specification 4 TYPICAL APPLICATION BLOCK DIAGRAM Typical System overview Mobile device Power Management VIO 2.3~3.6V VDD 4.1 GNS 802 ON_OFF Host interface host CPU MMI (keys, display) Opt. SPI memory (c) GNS-GmbH V 1.5, Apr 14th 2015 15 Datasheet GPS & GLONASS antenna module GNS 802 confidential information prelimanry specification 5 GNSS characteristics 5.1 GNSS characteristics Parameter Min Typ Max Unit Note general Frequency 1575.42 1598.0625~ 1609.3125 MHz GPS L1 MHz GLONASS L1 SV Numbers GPS #1~32 GLONASS #65~96 DGPS SBAS[QZSS,WAAS,EGNOS, MSAS,GAGAN] See 3.8 AGPS Number of channels Output data frequency 52 1 5 1/sec Configurable sensitivity Navigation sensitivity** -160 dBm GPS Navigation sensitivity** -158 dBm GLONASS tracking sensitivity** -165 dBm GPS tracking sensitivity** -163 dBm GLONASS dBm autonomous sec sec sec All SVs @-130dBm *** All SVs @-130dBm *** All SVs @-130dBm *** m m/s -130dBm At 30m/s mm3 Tolerance is 0.2 mm Acquisition sensitivity** TTFF hotstart TTFF autonomous cold start TTFF Warm Start Horizontal static Velocity Heading Dimension Weight -146 Start times (TTFF) <1 35 30 accuracy 2.5 0.01 0.01 9.3 *15.7*2.0 0.56 Power consumption g GPS/GLONASS ACTIVE NMEA frequency = 1/sec*,SBAS 33 mA (acquisition) enabled, VDD=3.3V, VIO=3.3V GPS/GLONASS ACTIVE NMEA frequency = 1/sec*, SBAS 30 mA (tracking) enabled, VDD=3.3V, VIO=3.3V Backup current @ 3V 50 A *note: further power savings are possible using power saving modes as described under Selectable Power management features ** measured at RF input of GNSS chip. *** -130dBm injected on input pin of GNSS chip (c) GNS-GmbH V 1.5, Apr 14th 2015 16 Datasheet GPS & GLONASS antenna module GNS 802 confidential information Operation altitude Operation velocity ITAR limits static 60,000 1200 ITAR limits dynamic 58.86 5 - acceleration limit Jerk limit 5.2 Parameter (~18,000 m) (~1900km/h) m/s2 m/s3 (6G) , at strong SV signals Value Unit -0.5 to 4.5 -0.5 to 3.6 -0.5 to 3.3 -40 to +85 -40 to +100 V V V C C Recommended Operating Conditions Parameter Min VDD 2.3 VIO 1.75 Typ High-level input voltage VIH Low-level input voltage VIL Operating temperature Max Unit 4.3 V 3.5 V VIO V 0.2*VIO V 0.75* VIO VIO V 0 0.30* VIO V -40 85 C 1.8V / 3.3V High level output voltage 0.8 * VIO VOH Low level output voltage 0 VOL 5.4 Ft mph Absolute Maximum Ratings Supply voltage range: VDD Interface voltage: VIO Input voltage to analog pins Operating ambient temperature range Storage temperature range 5.3 prelimanry specification Note supply voltage at pin VDD* I/O voltage that defines the interface to the host processor Full specified sensitivity Electrical characteristics Parameter Min Typ Current consumption VDD Current consumption VDD Max 39 29 Current consumption VDD 35 Power consumption Current consumption VIO Current consumption VIO 99 50 Unit mA mA A 109 1 200 mW A A Note @2.3V, full operation, see Fig 2 @4.3V, full operation, see Fig 2 @2.3V, hibernate mode, RTC and RAM powered VIO = 2.3V VIO = 3.4V (c) GNS-GmbH V 1.5, Apr 14th 2015 17 Datasheet GPS & GLONASS antenna module GNS 802 confidential information prelimanry specification 6 DESIGN GUIDELINES Although GNS802 GPS/GLONASS receiver provides best performance at low power consumption, special care should be taken to provide clean signal and clean power supplies. Power lines should be blocked near to the receiver with low ESR capacitors. Radiated noise from neighbour components may also reduce the performance of the receiver. Please refer to GNS802 Starter Kit User Manual for more information. 6.1 PCB LAYOUT GUIDELINES GNS802 uses a high performance chip antenna design. For optimum performance, a ground plane area is needed on the main board. This area should be at least 20 x 30mm, a larger ground like 30 x 60mm is recommended. The groundplane can be part of the main ground layer of the mainboard, some (small) components in the neighbourhood of the antenna are acceptable. Do not place any bulky or metallic components near to the antenna (in a distance below 30mm) to avoid unwanted electromagnetic shielding effects. It's recommended to place GNS802 at the rim of the main PCB, so that the antenna has a wide unobstructed working angle. Groundplane on top & bottom. Be sure to solder these pads reliably ! Clearence area. Keep clear on all layers ! Position of chip antenna on 802 module (c) GNS-GmbH V 1.5, Apr 14th 2015 18 GPS & GLONASS antenna module GNS 802 confidential information Datasheet prelimanry specification The marked clearance area below the antenna must be kept clear in any case ! Do not design any copper tracks or planes in the clearance area ! The two ground solder pads near the chip antenna must be reliably soldered to mainboard groundplanes to make the antenna work at high performance. Please do not place any shielding or lids in the area 5mm below your PCB under the Clearance area. Plastic enclosures can also have impact on the antenna. Avoid that the antenna is in touch with any enclosure parts. Product testing should be performed with the PCB already mounted in the final enclosure. Generally the rules for good and low noise design should be followed: Use a solid ground plane, best on layer 2 of the mainboard Keep noisy components (C, switch mode supplies) as far as possible away from sensitive antenna inputs Place decoupling capacitors near to the source of noise and provide a short and low induction connection to ground (use multi-vias if needed) EMC filters or noise filtering coils or beads can help to reduce the noise level further. Select system clocks in a way, that no harmonics will match the GPS/Glonass frequency 0f 1575.42 to 1610 MHz (c) GNS-GmbH V 1.5, Apr 14th 2015 19 GPS & GLONASS antenna module GNS 802 confidential information Datasheet prelimanry specification 7 DEVICE PINOUT DIAGRAM 7.1 Pin configuration Top view 7.2 Pin 2 Pin assignment Name WAKEUP I/O O GPIO 1 I/O Description & Note Wakeup output This pin indicates activity of the GPS and can be used to activate external system components 3 Multipurpose pin #1 1. I/O SPI for Logger memory :CLK_out 4 GPIO 0 7 RXD I Serial Data Input 8 TXD O Serial Data Output 9 GPIO 6 I/O Multipurpose pin #0 1. SPI for Logger memory :MISO 1. 2. 1. 2. This pin receives UART commands from the host system In SPI mode, this is the MOSI pin This is the UART-A transmitter of the module. It outputs GPS information for application. In SPI mode, this is the MISO pin Multipurpose pin #6 1. 2. SPI host interface : CLK_in CTS for UART (c) GNS-GmbH V 1.5, Apr 14th 2015 20 GPS & GLONASS antenna module GNS 802 confidential information 10 GPIO 7 I/O 11 1PPS O 1PPS Time Mark Output 2.8V CMOS Level 12 ON_OFF I Input for activity control Datasheet prelimanry specification Multipurpose pin #7 1. 2. SPI host interface : CS RTS for UART This pin provides one pulse-per-second output from the module and synchronizes to GPS time. Keep floating if not used. Pulse length is 250ms a low-to-high input rising edge initiates system transitions from the keep-alive/start-up or HIBERNATE state to the RUN state. A subsequent low-to-high rising edge initiates an orderly shutdown 13 VIO P I/O System supply 14 VDD P Main power supply 17 GPIO 4 I/O Multipurpose pin #4 18 GPIO 3 I/O Multipurpose pin #3 19 RESET P System reset pin GND P Ground 1,5,6, 15,16, 20 Supply pin for the input / output system. Apply a voltage for the I/O lines , here (1.8 to 3.5V) Apply the main operating voltage, here. Since the module has an internal switch mode regulator, the supply voltage can be 2.3 to 4.3V 1. 1. 2. SPI for Logger memory :MOSI Optional : Message waiting , Host Wakeup , signals availability of data* SPI for Logger memory :CS An external reset applied to this pin overrides all other internal controls. RESET# is an active low signal. Pulling this pin low for at least 20 s causes a system reset. I = INPUT; O = OUTPUT; I/O = BIDIRECTIONAL; P = POWER PIN; A = ANALOG PIN. *message wait signalling needs osp commands to be activated, not available after POR ! (c) GNS-GmbH V 1.5, Apr 14th 2015 21 Datasheet GPS & GLONASS antenna module GNS 802 confidential information prelimanry specification 8 NMEA DATA interface GNS802 provides NMEA 4.0 (National Marine Electronics Association) 0183 compatible data. Additionally, a set of proprietary NMEA commands is available to send control messages to the module. For standard operation, no commands are needed; the module will start outputting NMEA sentences after power supply has been attached. GNS802 will always start communication output with 9600 bit per second. Other rates can be hardware selected, see chapter 3.14 for details. If non standard options are needed (f.e. other baud rate , other NMEA sequence) they can be programmed from host controller during runtime. Important note : options set by using NMEA command interface are not persistent! They will be lost when power VDD_AUX is removed. A backup supply at VDD_AUX will be sufficient to keep them. 8.1 NMEA output sentences for GPS and GLONASS NMEA output sentences Type content Common sentences RMC GGA GLL GSA VTG GSV GNS Recommended Minimum Navigation Information Fix Data, Time, Position and fix related data for a GPS receiver Geographic Position - Latitude/Longitude GLONASS DOP and active satellites Course and Speed Information relative to the Ground Satellites in view GNSS Navigation data NMEA output sentences indentifier, related to GNSS system: NMEA output identifier System GPS GPS+GLONASS GGA GPGGA GPGGA GSA GPGSA GNGSA GSV GPGSV GPGSV GLGSV RMC GPRMC GPRMC1 or GNRMC VTG GPVTG GPVTG Note1: Before 3D fix RMC output is GPRMC, after 3D fix it changes to GNRMC. (c) GNS-GmbH V 1.5, Apr 14th 2015 22 GPS & GLONASS antenna module GNS 802 confidential information 8.2 Datasheet prelimanry specification NMEA command interface GNS802 NMEA command interface allows to control settings and some of the extended functions. Each command must be terminated with a `*', a checksum and . The checksum (CS) must be calculated as a XOR of all Bytes excluding the $ and *. 8.2.1 ReceiverOff $PSRF117 Receiver off command Structure $PSRF117,16 *0B Fields SID 16 (fixed) Example Checksum (0B) $PSRF117,16*0B Calculated from all datafields (XOR'ed) Puts the receiver to deep sleep Note Puts the receiver to deep sleep Memory and RTC will be kept alive, allowing the receiver to start again with a short TTFF This command requires patch 5.5.21 or higher. Without a RAM patch, a similar OSP command can be used. 8.2.2 PollSW_Version $PSRF125 Structure Retrieve the receiver firmware version $PSRF125*21 Fields Checksum (21) $PSRF125*21 Example Returns the version in a $PSRF195 sentence Calculated from all datafields (XOR'ed) A version string is sent. 8.2.3 Set Serial Port $PSRF100 Set Serial Port Structure $PSRF100, protocol, Baud, DataBits, StopBits, Parity, Checksum*CS, protocol Baud DataBits StopBits Parity Checksum $PSRF100,0,9600,8,1,0*CS NMEA,9600bd,8,N,1 Fields Example Default setting after power cycle Defines SiRF or NMEA protocol, baud rate, DataBits, StopBits, Parity 0 = SiRF binary 1 = NMEA 1200,...,115200 (all standard rates) 8 1 0 Calculated from all datafields (XOR'ed) Sets serial port to SiRFbinary,9600bd,8,N,1 (bootstrap pull-up, pull-down can modify default baud rate to other value) (c) GNS-GmbH V 1.5, Apr 14th 2015 23 GPS & GLONASS antenna module GNS 802 confidential information Datasheet prelimanry specification 8.2.4 Navigation Initialization $PSRF101 Navigation Initialization Structure $PSRF101, Xcoord, Ycoord, Zcoord, ClkDrift, TimeOfWeek, WeekNo, ChannelCt, ResetCfg, Checksum*CS, Xcoord Ycoord Zcoord ClkDrift Fields TimeOfWeek WeekNo ChannelCt ResetCfg Checksum Example 1 $PSRF101,-2686700,4304200,3851624,96000,497260,921,12,3*CS Example 2 $PSRF101,0,0,0,0,0,0,12,4*CS Example 3 $PSRF101,0,0,0,0,0,0,12,8*CS Defines receiver restart options with or without Initialization data. Correct Initialization data can speed up data acquisition and TTFF. Coordinates must be given in ECEF format ECEF X in meters ECEF Y in meters ECEF Z in meters Use 0 for last saved value if available, use 96250 else GPS Time Of Week GPS Week Number 1..12 1 : HotStart 2 : WarmStart (no Init) 3 : WarmStart (use init params) 4 : ColdStart (no Init) 8 : Factory reset (no Init) Calculated from all datafields (XOR'ed) Start the receiver in WarmStart mode using the parameters Perform a ColdStart without using parameters. Please use the zeroes for the GPS params and set the ChnCt to 12 ! Perform a Factory reset. This will select SiRf binary protocol at 115200baud. All stored parameters will be deleted. (c) GNS-GmbH V 1.5, Apr 14th 2015 24 GPS & GLONASS antenna module GNS 802 confidential information Datasheet prelimanry specification 8.2.5 LLA Navigation Initialization $PSRF104 Navigation Initialization Structure $PSRF104, Lat, Lon, Alt, ClkDrift, TimeOfWeek, WeekNo, ChannelCt, ResetCfg, Checksum*CS, Lat Lon Alt ClkDrift Fields TimeOfWeek WeekNo ChannelCt ResetCfg Checksum Example 1 $PSRF104,56.6757,6.009834,120,96250,497260,921,12,3*CS Example 2 $PSRF104,0,0,0,0,0,0,12,4*CS Example 3 $PSRF104,0,0,0,0,0,0,12,8*CS Defines receiver restart options with or without Initialization data. Correct Initialization data can speed up data acquisition and TTFF. This message is quite similar to $PSRF101, but Coordinates must be given in degrees format and altitude in meters Latitude in decimal degrees North +90..-90 Longitude in decimal degrees East +90..-90 Altitude in meters Use 0 for last saved value if available, use 96250 else GPS Time Of Week GPS Week Number 1..12 1 : HotStart 2 : WarmStart (no Init) 3 : WarmStart (use init params) 4 : ColdStart (no Init) 8 : Factory reset (no Init) Calculated from all datafields (XOR'ed) Start the receiver in WarmStart mode using the parameters Perform a ColdStart without using parameters. Please use the zeroes for the GPS params and set the ChnCt to 12 ! Perform a Factory reset. This will select SiRf binary protocol at 115200baud. All stored parameters will be deleted. (c) GNS-GmbH V 1.5, Apr 14th 2015 25 GPS & GLONASS antenna module GNS 802 confidential information Datasheet prelimanry specification 8.2.6 Query / Rate Control $PSRF103 Query / Rate Control Structure $PSRF103, MsgToControl, Mode, Rate, ChkSumEnable, *CS, MsgToControl Fields Mode Rate ChkSumEnable Example 1 $PSRF103,00,06,00,01*CS Defines output rate of the NMEA messages, Navigation rate. Allows to query a message at any time. Defines whether a checksum should be attached to NMEA messages. 0 : GGA 1 : GLL 2 : GSA 3 : GSV 4 : RMC 5 : VTG 0 : Set Rate 1 : Query one time 2 : ABP on 3 : ABP off (default) 4 : Reverse EE on 5 : Reverse EE off (default) 6 : 5Hz navigation on 7 : 5 Hz navigation off (default) 8 : SBAS ranging on 9 : SBAS ranging off (default) 10:FTS (FastTimeSync) on 11:FTS (FastTimeSync) off 1 .. 255 seconds between messages. Only if Mode field is 0, otherwise ignored 0 : ChkSum enable (default) 1 : ChkSum disable Set navigation update rate to 5 per second. Note: select an appropriate serial baud rate (see 8.2.3) when using high update rate! Example 2 Example 3 $PSRF103,00,09,00,01* CS $PSRF103,03,00,01,01* CS Set SBAS support active Set GSV rate to once every second (default is once/5 seconds) (c) GNS-GmbH V 1.5, Apr 14th 2015 26 GPS & GLONASS antenna module GNS 802 confidential information Datasheet prelimanry specification 8.2.7 DataLoggingCommand $PSRF121 Data Logging Command Structure $PSRF121, Command, Logging Interval* CS, Command Fields Logging Interval Example Checksum $PSRF121,0,5*CS 1. Starts or stops the data logger function and defines the logging data rate. 2. Clears memory 3. Allows readout of the data 4. provides Logger Status report 0 : Start logging 1 : Stop logging 2 : Clear memory 3 : retrieve logged data (response will be $PSRF190,,....) 4 : retrieve logger status (response will be $PSRF192 1 .. 65535 [sec] Calculated from all datafields (XOR'ed) Starts the logger and records a sample every 5 seconds. 8.2.8 DataLoggingIntervalCommand $PSRF122 Data Logging Interval Command sets the data logger interval. This message overrides the interval defined in command 121. The command can be sent any time, even during a logging is active. Structure $PSRF122, Interval*CS, Fields Interval 0..65535 [sec] Example Checksum $PSRF122,12*CS Calculated from all datafields (XOR'ed) Sets the logger interval to 12 seconds 8.2.9 DataLoggingThresholds $PSRF123 Data Logging Threshold Definition Structure $PSRF123, DistanceThreshold, SpeedThreshold* CS, DistanceThreshold SpeedThreshold Fields Example Checksum $PSRF123,15,2*CS The logging can be controlled by thresholds. As long as at least one of the two thresholds is not met, there will be no data logged. The command can be applied any time, even during a logging is active. By default, both thresholds are 0. 0..65535 [meters] 0 ..515 [m/sec] Calculated from all datafields (XOR'ed) Sets the minimal distance condition to 20m and the minimum speed to 2 m/s. (c) GNS-GmbH V 1.5, Apr 14th 2015 27 GPS & GLONASS antenna module GNS 802 confidential information Datasheet prelimanry specification 8.2.10 DataLogging Memory Management $PSRF124 Data Logging memory management Definition Structure $PSRF124, StopOnFull, RecordType* CS, StopOnFull Fields RecordType Example Checksum $PSRF124,0,1*CS This command defines the memory handling and the kind of information, that is logged into the memory. The command must be issued before starting the logger. 0 : No, use circular buffering (default). When memory is full, new data will overwrite the oldest existing data 1 : Stop, when memory is full 0 : compatibility format 1 : position 2 : position&altitude 3 :position&altitude&speed 4 : position&altitude&speed&accuracy Calculated from all datafields (XOR'ed) Sets the logger memory mode to wrap around to adr 0 when full. Sets the record type to `position' only. There are some more NMEA commands available for A-GPS Extended Ephemeris data download from host to GNS802. (c) GNS-GmbH V 1.5, Apr 14th 2015 28 Datasheet GPS & GLONASS antenna module GNS 802 confidential information prelimanry specification 9 PHYSICAL DIMENSIONS TOP VIEW all units in mm, tolerance is 0.2mm 0.90 0.55 (c) GNS-GmbH V 1.5, Apr 14th 2015 29 GPS & GLONASS antenna module GNS 802 confidential information Datasheet prelimanry specification 10 RECOMMENDED PAD LAYOUT TOP VIEW all units in mm (c) GNS-GmbH V 1.5, Apr 14th 2015 30 Datasheet GPS & GLONASS antenna module GNS 802 confidential information prelimanry specification 11 MATERIAL INFORMATION Complies to ROHS standard ROHS documentations are available on request Contact surface: gold over nickel 12 RECOMMENDED SOLDERING REFLOW PROFILE T[C] 300 250C max 250C for 10 sec max 230C for 40 sec max 200 160C 190C 120 sec reflow solder 100 100 200 t[sec] Notes: 1. GNS802 should be soldered in upright soldering position. In case of head-over soldering, please prevent shielding / GNS802 Module from falling down. 2. Do never exceed maximum peak temperature 3. Reflow cycles allowed : 1 time 4. Do not solder with Pb-Sn or other solder containing lead (Pb) 5. This device is not applicable for flow solder processing 6. This device is applicable for solder iron process (c) GNS-GmbH V 1.5, Apr 14th 2015 31 GPS & GLONASS antenna module GNS 802 confidential information Datasheet prelimanry specification 13 PACKAGE INFORMATION 13.1 TAPE (c) GNS-GmbH V 1.5, Apr 14th 2015 32 GPS & GLONASS antenna module GNS 802 confidential information Datasheet prelimanry specification 13.2 REEL : Number of devices: 1500 pcs/reel (c) GNS-GmbH V 1.5, Apr 14th 2015 33 GPS & GLONASS antenna module GNS 802 confidential information Datasheet prelimanry specification 14 ORDERING INFORMATION-TBD Ordering information Type GNS802 Part# label marking 4037735105058 Description Type Datecode/ROMver GNS802 serial# GPS&GLONASS GNSS antenna module 15 FCC AND CE COMPLIANCE This product has passed FCC and CE tests successfully. The module emission and immunity has been proven to be compliant. However, applications using this module as a component must pass CE and/or FCC again in whole. 16 ENVIRONMENTAL INFORMATION This product is free of environmental hazardous substances and complies with 2002/95/EC. (RoHS directive). (c) GNS-GmbH V 1.5, Apr 14th 2015 34 Datasheet GPS & GLONASS antenna module GNS 802 confidential information prelimanry specification 17 MOISTURE SENSITIVITY This device must be prebaked before being put to reflow solder process. Disregarding may cause destructive effects like chip cracking, which leaves the device defective ! Shelf life 6 months , sealed Possible prebake recommendations 12 hrs @ 60C Floor life (time from prebake to solder process) <72 hrs 18 DOCUMENT REVISION HISTORY V0.1 Nov 2013 P.Skaliks initial , internal , not published V0.2 Dec 14 2013 P.Skaliks Preliminary, first release V0.3 Feb 20 2014 P.Skaliks Added new pictures, laser marking, part number (EAN),corrected logger commands for NMEA, corrected GPIO 3 functions, added size of copper plane, note in Vio range . V1.0 July 8 2014 P.Skaliks Dsign guidelines, document formatting V1.1 Aug 20 2014 P.Skaliks Design guidelines V1.2 Sep 8 2014 P.Skaliks Added rom version to laser marking / AGPS details V1.3 Oct 6 2014 P.Skaliks Packaging information / part outline V1.4 Feb 2 2015 P.Skaliks Document structure, pwr consumption , MEMS option removed, not available in this ROM, added ROMversion to laser marking. AGPS server based option edited V1.5 Apr 14 2015 P.skaliks Correction SPI interface: pin 9,10 have been mixed up 19 RELATED DOCUMENTS Title Description / File User manual for the GNS802 receiver GNS802 StarterKit user manual based evaluation kit CSR NMEA protocol Detailed description of NMEA protocol CSR OSP manuals Description of binary protocol CSR SGEE/CGEE manuals and Description and sample code for resources SGEE/CGEE Description/sample code of the patch CSR patch process documentation load procedure for firmware and sample code improvements Available from GNS, NDA required GNS, NDA required GNS, NDA required GNS, NDA required GNS GMBH 2014 THE INFORMATION IN THIS DOCUMENTATION DOES NOT FORM ANY QUOTATION OR CONTRACT. TECHNICAL DATA ARE DUE TO BE CHANGED WITHOUT NOTICE. NO LIABILITY WILL BE ACCEPTED BY THE PUBLISHER FOR ANY CONSEQUENCE OF THIS DOCUMENT'S USE. REPRODUCTION IN WHOLE OR IN PART IS PROHIBITED WITHOUT THE PRIOR WRITTEN CONSENT OF THE COPYRIGHT OWNER (c) GNS-GmbH V 1.5, Apr 14th 2015 35