Input voltage must first be applied. Upon application of the trigger voltage, the relay contacts transfer and
the preset time begins. At the end of the preset time, the relay contacts return to their normal condition
unless the trigger voltage is removed and reapplied before preset time elapses. Continuous cycling of the
trigger voltage at a rate faster than the preset time will cause the relay contacts to remain closed.
Time Delay Relays
For Fast, Dependable Service, Make Just One Call Ñ 1-800-433-5700 ALLIED
Time RangerªProgrammable
Stock Mfr.Õs Input Socket
No. Type Voltage
1-9 10-24 25-49 50-99
819-6017 TR-68129 120 VAC and 24 VAC/VDC 11 Pin Octal, Diagram 44 76.50 63.35 59.63 57.92
819-6018 TR-68169 120 VAC and 24 VAC/VDC 8 Pin Octal, Diagram 43 73.32 60.72 57.15 55.52
On Delay
Upon application of input voltage, a preset time begins. At the end of the preset time, the relay contacts transfer. Input voltage must be removed and reapplied to reset the time delay relay.
819-0003 TR-60222 120 VAC/VDC 8 Pin Octal 48.04 39.78 36.90 36.37
819-0007 TR-60228 24 VAC/VDC Diagram 1 50.07 41.46 39.01 37.91
819-6022 TR-60226 12 VAC/VDC 70169-D 49.88 41.31 38.88 37.95
Interval On
Upon application of input voltage, the relay contacts transfer and a preset time begins. At the end of the
preset time, the contacts return to their normal condition. Input voltage must be removed and reapplied
to reset the time delay relay.
819-0522 TR-60522 120 VAC/VDC 8 Pin Octal 53.00 43.89 41.31 40.32
819-0008 TR-60528 24 VAC/VDC Diagram 1 60.93 50.45 47.49 46.13
819-6052 TR-60526 12 VAC/VDC 70169-D 53.00 43.89 41.31 40.37
Single Shot (Momentary Interval)
819-0019 TR-61822 120 VAC/DC 11 Pin Octal 66.40 54.98 51.75 50.27
819-0006 TR-61828 24 VAC/DC Diagram 4 66.40 54.98 51.75 50.27
819-0020 TR-61826 12 VAC/DC 70170-D 66.40 54.98 51.75 50.27
Repeat Cycle (Off Time Followed By On Time)
Input voltage must first be applied. Upon closure of the control switch, the relay contacts transfer and
the preset time begins. During time-out, the trigger input is ignored. The time delay relay is reset by
applying the trigger when the relay is not energized.
819-0013 TR-61522 120 VAC/VDC 11 Pin Octal 62.35 51.64 48.60 47.21
819-0014 TR-61528 24 VAC/VDC Diagram 2 62.35 51.64 48.60 47.21
819-6152 TR-61526 12 VAC/VDC 70170-D 62.09 50.97 48.10 46.78
Off Delay
Input voltage must first be applied. Upon closure of the control switch, the relay contacts transfer and
hold. Upon opening of the control switch, a preset time begins. At the end of the preset time, the relay
contacts return to their normal condition. Any application of the control switch will reset the time. The
time delay relay is reset by closing the control switch.
819-1622 TR-61622 120 VAC/VDC 11 Pin Octal 62.09 50.97 48.10 46.78
819-0009 TR-61628 24 VAC/VDC Diagram 2 62.35 51.64 48.60 47.21
819-0010 TR-61626 12 VAC/VDC 70170-D 64.50 53.42 50.28 48.84
819-6192 TR-61922 120 VAC/VDC 11 Pin Octal 66.40 54.98 51.74 50.28
819-0011 TR-61928 24 VAC/VDC Diagram 4 70.98 58.77 55.32 53.74
819-0012 TR-61926 12 VAC/VDC 70170-D 68.38 56.14 52.99 51.53
Watchdog (Power Trigger)
Upon application of input voltage, ÒOffÓ time begins. When the ÒOffÓ time is completed, the ÒOnÓ time
begins. The sequence repeats until the input voltage is removed. The ÒOffÓ time and ÒOnÓ time are
independently selectable.
819-0005 TR-63122 120 VAC/VDC 8 Pin Octal 76.52 63.35 59.63 57.92
819-3128 TR-63128 24 VAC/VDC Diagram 1 76.50 63.35 59.63 57.92
819-6312 TR-63126 12 VAC/VDC 70169-D 76.52 63.35 59.63 57.92
Repeat Cycle (On Time Followed By Off Time)
Upon application of input voltage, ÒOnÓ time begins. When the ÒOnÓ time is completed, the ÒOffÓ time
begins. The sequence repeats until the input voltage is removed. The ÒOnÓ time and ÒOffÓ time are
independently selectable.
819-6512 TR-65122 120 VAC/VDC 8 Pin Octal 76.52 63.35 59.63 57.92
819-0015 TR-65128 24 VAC/VDC Diagram 1 76.50 63.35 59.63 57.92
819-0016 TR-65126 12 VAC/VDC 70169-D 69.11 57.21 53.85 52.31
Delayed Interval (Off Time Followed By On Time Followed By Off State Until Reset)
Upon application of input voltage, ÒOffÓ time begins. When the ÒOffÓ time is completed, the ÒOnÓ time
begins. When ÒOnÓ time is completed, sequence stops. Input voltage must be removed and reapplied to
initiate action again. The ÒOnÓ time and ÒOffÓ time are independently selectable.
819-6612 TR-66122 120 VAC/VDC 8 Pin Octal 79.23 65.62 61.76 59.99
819-0017 TR-66128 24 VAC/VDC Diagram 1 76.50 63.35 59.63 57.92
819-0018 TR-66126 12 VAC/VDC 70169-D 74.04 61.30 57.70 56.05
Note: See page 124 for socket selection.
Timing range on non-cycle timers is 0.1 seconds to 2 hours and 0.6 seconds to 24 hours on repeat
cycle and delayed interval timers. Output: DPDT (TR-68169 is SPDT) 10 A resistive @ 240 VAC/28 VDC,
hp @ 240 VAC. Repeat Accuracy: ±0.1%. Temperature: Ð28¡ to 65¡C (Ð20¡ to 150¡F). Power
Required: 3 VA. Dimensions: 1.7" ´2.4" ´3.2".
16 Timing Ranges in a Single Timer
User Selects Desired Time Range by Setting a Rotary Switch Ñ No Math Required or DIP
Switches to Set
Pin for Pin Interchangeable with Most Timers in the Field
All Timers Operate on Either AC or DC
0.1% Repeat Accuracy
Repeat Cycle and Delayed Interval Timers Have Independently Selectable and Adjustable ON
and OFF Times
File No.
File No.
Seven field-selectable operating modes (On Delay, Interval On, Off Delay, Single Shot, Triggered On
Delay, On Delay/Off Delay and Instantaneous On) with sixteen timing ranges from 0.1 seconds to
2 hours in one unit. Both function and time range are selectable with rotary switches.