General Description The LM117HV/LM317HV are adjustable 3-terminal positive voltage regulators capable of supplying in excess of 1.5A over a 1.2V to 57V output range. They are exceptionally easy to use and require only two external resistors to set the output voltage. Further, both line and load regulation are better than standard fixed regulators. Also, the LM117HV is packaged in standard transistor packages which are easily mounted and handled. In addition to higher performance than fixed regulators, the LM117HV series offers full overload protection available only in ICs. Included on the chip are current limit, thermal overload protection and safe area protection. All overload protection circuitry remains fully functional even if the ad- justment terminal is disconnected. Normally, no capacitors are needed unless the device is situated more than 6 inches from the input filter capacitors in which case an input bypass is needed. An optional output capacitor can be added to improve transient response. The adjustment terminal can be bypassed to achieve very high ripple rejections ratios which are difficult to achieve with standard 3-terminal regulators. Besides replacing fixed regulators, the LM117HV is useful in a wide variety of other applications. Since the regulator is floating and sees only the input-to-output differential volt- age, supplies of several hundred volts can be regulated as long as the maximum input to output differential is not ex- ceeded, i.e. do not short the output to ground. (AV vational Semiconductor LM117HV/LM317HV 3-Terminal Adjustable Regulator January 1995 Also, it makes an especially simple adjustable switching reg- ulator, a programmable output regulator, or by connecting a fixed resistor between the adjustment and output, the LM117HV can be used as a precision current regulator. Supplies with electronic shutdown can be achieved by clamping the adjustment terminal to ground which programs the output to 1.2V where most loads draw little current. The LM117HVK STEEL and LM317HVK STEEL are pack- aged in standard TO-3 transistor packages, while the LM117HVH and LM317HVH are packaged in a solid Kovar base TO-39 transistor package. The LM317HVT uses a TO- 220 plastic package. The LM117HV is rated for operation from 55C to +150C, and the LM317HV from 0C to +125C. Features B Adjustable output down to 1.2V @ Guaranteed 1.5A output current B Line regulation typically 0.01% /V B Load regulation typically 0.1% B Current limit constant with temperature B 100% electrical burn-in @ Eliminates the need to stock many voltages @ Standard 3-lead transistor package B 80 GB ripple rejection @ Output is short-circuit protected m P+ Product Enhancement tested Typical Applications 1.2V-45V Adjustable Regulator LMI I7HY Vin 48 Vourtt Vin SR > 240 Digitally Selected Outputs LMA17HV Von Vv An) OUT 5V Logic Regulator with Electronic Shutdown* iM117H You sR > S 200 c2! tuF 2 < Vin 7-35v Yin Your Vour ADs BV A > > 240 a c2 OF L + S RZ $ 7290 2N2219 PE AAA TTL ik AA VW TL/H/9062-1 Full output current not available at high input-output voltages tOptionalimproves transient response. Output capacitors in the range of 1 pF to 1000 pF of aluminum or tantalum electrolytic are commonly used to provide improved output impedance and rejection of transients. *Needed if device is more than 6 inches from filter capacitors. ttVout = 1.25V (; + =) + lapy Re s 5 fs ; I | | | ee INPUTS *Sets maximum Vout 1 TL/H/9062-3 *Min. output ~ 1.2V TL/H/9062-2 1995 National Semiconductor Corporation TL/H/9062 RRD-B30M115/Printed in U.S. A. JoyeinBay ajqeysnipy jeulwal- AHZLEWT/AHZEELWAbsolute Maximum Ratings If Military/Aerospace specified devices are required, please contact the National Semiconductor Sales Office/Distributors for availability and specifications. (Note 3) Operating Junction Temperature Range LM117HV LM317HV Storage Temperature 55C to + 150C OC to + 125C 65C to + 150C Power Dissipation Internally limited Lead Temperature (Soldering, 10 sec.) 300C InputOutput Voltage Differential +60V, 0.3V ESD Tolerance (Note 4) 2000V Electrical Characteristics (note 1) Parameter Conditions LMTI7HV LMS17HV Units Min | Typ |Max} Min| Typ | Max Line Regulation Ty = 25C, 3V < Vin Vout < 60V (Note 2) I, = 10 mA 0.01 | 0.02 0.01 [0.04] %/V Load Regulation Ty = 25C, 10 mA < lout < Imax 0.1 | 0.3 01105) % Thermal Regulation Ty = 25C, 20 ms Pulse 0.03 | 0.07 0.04 | 0.07] %/W Adjustment Pin Current 50 | 100 50 | 100] pA Adjustment Pin Current Change | 10 mA < I, < Imax 3.0V < (Vin Vout) < 60V 0.2) 5 02) 5 | HA Reference Voltage 3.0 V < (Vin Vout) < 60V, (Note 3) 10 MA < lout < Imax P< Paax 1.20] 1.25 11.30] 1.20] 1.25 ]1.30] V Line Regulation 3.0V < (Vin Vout) < 60V, IL = 10 mA, (Note 2) 0.02 | 0.05 0.02 |0.07| %/V Load Regulation 10 mA < lout < Imax (Note 2) 0.3 1 03 | 15] % Temperature Stability Twin = Ty <= Tmax 1 1 % Minimum Load Current (Vin Vout) = 60V 3.5 7 3.5 | 12) mA Current Limit (Vin Vout) < 15V K, T Packages 15) 22 1/35/15] 22 | 3.7 A H Package 05] 08 118/05) 08 | 1.9 A (Vin Vout) < 60V K, T Packages 0.3 0.3 A H Package 0.03 0.03 A RMS Output Noise, % of Vout Ty = 25C, 10 Hz < f < 10 kHz 0.003 0.003 % Ripple Rejection Ratio Vout = 10V, f = 120 Hz 65 65 dB Capy = 10 pF 66 | 80 66 | 80 dB Long-Term Stability Ty = 125C 0.3 1 0.3 1 % Thermal Resistance, H Package 12 15 12 15 |C/W Junction to Case T Package 4 5 |C/w K Package 2.3 3 2.3 3 |C/Ww Thermal Resistance, H Package 140 140 C/W Junction to Ambient (no heat sink) | T Package 50 C/W K Package 35 35 C/W Note 1: Unless otherwise specified, these specifications apply: 55C < Ty < + 150C for the LM117HV, and0C < Ty < +125C for the LM317HV; Vin Vout = 5V and lout = 0.1A for the TO-39 package and lout = 9.5A for the TO-3 and TO-220 packages. Although power dissipation is internally limited, these specifications are applicable for power dissipations of 2W for the TO-39 and 20W for the TO-3 and TO-220. Inyax is 1.5A for the TO-3 and TO-220 and 0.5A for the TO-39 package. Note 2: Regulation is measured at constant junction temperature. Changes in output voltage due to heating effects must be taken into account separately. Pulse testing with low duty cycle is used. Note 3; Refer to RETS117HVH for LM117HVH or RETS117HVK for LM117HVK military specificatioins. Note 4: Human body model, 1.5 k. in series with 100 pF.Typical Performance Characteristics Output capacitor = 0 pF unless otherwise noted. Load Regulation 02 0 IL 205A 121.88 Vin = 18V 08 voyr = tov OUTPUT VOLTAGE DEVIATION (%) 10 -76 -50 -25 0 26 50 75 100 125 150 TEMPERATURE ( C) Dropout Voltage 30 1 s our = 100 my z e 5 l_Y a o~ i= 158.4] = ~ o o KI Ip = 1A Se 20 q bE ~~ Hl i 5 Im I = 500 mA E La] 5 15 _ 5 I, = 200 ma 7 Ss | = | | Ip - 20 mA 10 -75 -50 -25 0 25 50 75 100 125 150 TEMPERATURE ( C) Ripple Rejection 400 T Caps = 10.6 80 + = N I = PLtapy=0 oa 2 60 5 g 2 yl = 40 1-1 = Vin-Vout = V 1, = 500 mA 20 F~ = 120He T)=25C 0 L L 0 5 10 8 2 2 30 35 OUTPUT VOLTAGE (V) Output Impedance ip! Vin = 15V Vout = W0V = ty ~ 500 mA = jo Lh SW ET 26C 3 <2 = Say! yw 10 = 5 2 5 10-2 o 1073 100k 81M a 100 Ik 10k FREQUENCY (H2) INPUT Current Limit 3 a T AND K bE 2 PACKAGE DEVICES S a & & s 3a = 150C Ry 1, =-55C L 5 a 1 5 oO PACKAGE DLVICLS 0 0 2 30 40 50 60 INPUT-OUTPUT D FFERENTIAL (V) Temperature Stability 1.260 = wy 1.250 = zt 5 4 N g r ~ 1240 3 4 = = 6 1230 F-- 4 = 1.220 -75 -50 -25 0 25 $0 75 100 125 150 TEMPERATURE ( C) Ripple Rejection 100 1 = 500 ma Capy= ier Vin= 15 = #0 Vour = tov = T= 25 C z Cans= 8 Oo 2 60 5 a wi = 40 w 4 = = = 20 0 10 100 1k 10k 100k 1M FREQUENCY (Hz} Line Transient Response 15 yw 1a ~ 1yF; = 10uF z= os ze =0;Caps=9 >E 0 5s = 2 > -05 - Your 10v 5a 1, = 50 mA So 10 Pa 26 1S we 1.0 ga He 035 oad >= 6 & 0 10 20 30 40 TIME tus) Adjustment Current 60 S55 ~ & z c 50 s 3 G45 = & 3 a 4 = 36 -75 -50 -25 0 25 50 75 100 125 150 TEMPERATURE (C) Minimum Operating Current = 7 = T= -58 = S Z io qj - 160 5 5 = a 8 2 x 5 a a 10 20 3 40 INPUT-OUTPUT DIFFERENTIAL (VI Ripple Rejection a = z o - S a a z 2 Vin=t a v =10V OUT * 2120 He Tj =25C 0.01 01 1 10 OUTPUT CURRENT (A) Load Transient Response 2s Ha CL = D:Eany* oo ze 53 C= LF; Cagy = (uF eG Vin - 18 Sa a Vout = tov = Int = 50 mA z = T/=25 6 5 a c a = 3 a R2 FIGURE 2. Regulator with Line Resistance in Output Lead With the TO-3 package, it is easy to minimize the resistance from the case to the set resistor, by using two separate leads to the case. However, with the TO-5 package, care should be taken to minimize the wire length of the output lead. The ground of R2 can be returned near the ground of the load to provide remote ground sensing and improve load regulation. 240 TL/H/9062-6 Protection Diodes When external capacitors are used with any IC regulator it is sometimes necessary to add protection diodes to prevent the capacitors from discharging through low current points into the regulator. Most 10 wF capacitors have low enough internal series resistance to deliver 20A spikes when short- ed. Although the surge is short, there is enough energy to damage parts of the IC. When an output capacitor is connected to a regulator and the input is shorted, the output capacitor will discharge into the output of the regulator. The discharge current depends on the value of the capacitor, the output voltage of the regu- lator, and the rate of decrease of Vjy. In the LM117HYV, this discharge path is through a large junction that is able to sustain 15A surge with no problem. This is not true of other types of positive regulators. For output capacitors of 25 pF or less, there is no need to use diodes.The bypass capacitor on the adjustment terminal can dis- charge through a low current junction. Discharge occurs when ether the input or output is shorted. Internal to the LM117HV is a 502 resistor which limits the peak discharge current. No protection is needed for output voltages of 25V or less and 10 pF capacitance. Figure 3 shows an LM117HV with protection diodes included for use with out- puts greater than 25V and high values of output capaci- tance. Current Limit Internal current limit will be activated whenever the output current exceeds the limit indicated in the Typical Perform- ance Characteristics. However, if during a short circuit con- dition the regulator's differential voltage exceeds the Abso- lute Maximum Rating of 60V (e.g. Vin = 60V, Vout = OV), internal junctions in the regulator may break down and the device may be damaged or fail. Failure modes range from an apparent open or short from input to output of the regula- tor, to a destroyed package (most common with the TO-220 package). To protect the regulator, the user is advised to be aware of voltages that may be applied to the regulator dur- ing fault conditions, and to avoid violating the Absolute Max- imum Ratings. Schematic Diagram TL/H/9062-7 FIGURE 3. Regulator with Protection Diodes Vout = 1.25V (; + fe) + lapyR2 D1 protects against C1 02 protects against C2 Ri R2 R3 Ra srs 300 ND 190 82 $5 aid *IN 160 > AA MA L R25 Res 3 uy Vout ve AN 800 TL/H/9062-8Typical Applications (continues) Slow Turn-On 15V Regulator LM117HV VIN Vin Yout ADJ c2 O1uF 4 Vout sv 1N4002 TL/H/9062-9 High Stability 10V Regulator LM117HV VIN v vi Vout 15 Not 10V C1 Tr" RZ 4 1.5k = 1% LM329A > R3 < > 2 2i7 1 1% TL/H/9062-11 0 to 30V Regulator LM 7HV Vout x 5k 10V TL/H/9062-13 Full output current not available at high input-output voltages Adjustable Regulator with Improved Ripple Rejection LMII7HV C3 1uFt TL/H/9062-10 +Solid tantalum *Discharges C1 if output is shorted to ground High Current Adjustable Regulator 3LM195'S IN PARALLEL 2N2905 500 R2 5k LMV7H vinq + Your ra Sin 1Ngo0z +L cy ey to, T 10, | 3 7uF 4 t TL/H/9062-12 tSolid tantalum *Minimum load current = 30 mA fOptionalimproves ripple rejection Power Follower tovaov INPUT we LM195 RA Qureur 10.68 Vin LM117HV Vout ADJ R2 24 TL/H/9062-141A Current Regulator LM317HV Yin Vout ADJ R1 12 < 2W LOAD Typical Applications (continued) 5A Constant Voltage/Constant Current Regulator MJ4502 c2 L CURRENT $%) ti 100 pF ADJUST 2 250k 2 aw RI LM317HV 33 Pp V Vin VouT} e_ NUTPUT ADJ 1.2V-30V + + La C1 C3 lF Wort R4 = 680 = 4 of 03 1N457 LEo* > tSolid tantalum *Lights in constant current mode TL/H/9062-16 6V 15pF 330k A o c VOLTAGE 10.F ADJUST TL/H/9062-15 1.2V-20V Regulator with Minimum Program Current LM117HV Vin Yin = Your Vout* ADJ RI 12k TL/H/9062-17 *Minimum load current = 4 mATypical Applications (continues) High Gain Amplifier vt VIN LM117HV Vout! ADJ 4q 4 P= OUTPUT R2 24 Ri 10k rn LMVg5 TL/H/9062-18 4A Switching Regulator with Overload Protection 3-LM195 IN PARALLEL Low Cost 3A Switching Regulator a1 2N3792 Lt 600uH* 8v-35v 4 > 1.8V TO 32V a OUTPUT pg 1 50,ft AT ADJUST 45% 7T tout > Df 13880 +Solid tantalum *CoreAmold A-254168-2 60 tums LM31 R3 , 2n2905 500 R2 500 LM117HV Ro y 25 IN a-35v 4 mada + ct > RS I S 100.FF 1S 02 100 pF no tL. us To e AAA Vout U1 600uH* 1.8V TO 32V p R6 240 AAA Vv + a 4 AM i320 77> tnourt +Solid tantalum TL/H/9062-20 *CoreArmold A-254168-2 60 turns Adjustable Multiple On-Card Regulators with Single Control* LMII7HV LM117HV LM117HV Vin Vin Vout vy Vin Vin Youth Vgurt Yy Vin Vout ADJ our ADJ our N AOI > RI < > 3 120 | \;_aw _~~J *All outputs within +100 mV tMinimum load10 mA 7HV TL/H/9062-19 Precision Current Limiter TL/H/9062-21 *0.89 < R1 < 1202 Your! Tracking Preregulator R2 720 TL/H/9062-22 TL/H/9062-23Typical Applications (continued) AC Voltage Regulator LM317HV ed V ify VouT ADJ 120 12Vp-p 24Vp-p 1A 20 ADJ Yin = Your M31 7H 12V Battery Charger LM317HV Ag* 0.2 VIN VIN Vout ADJ 1000 jf ** Tr *Rgsets output impedance of charger Zour = Rs (; + fe) TL/H/9062-24 TL/H/9062-25 Ri Use of Rg allows low charging rates with fully charged battery. **The 1000 pF is recommended to filter out input transients 50 mA Constant Current Battery Charger LM317HV VIN Vin Your ADJ 24 Lt Hid TL/H/9062-26 Adjustable 4A Regulator LM317HV 0. VIN Vin ap four A/ LM317HV AK Vv y A tN ADJ OUT Vv q LM317HV 0. Vin Your We 4.5V TO 25V ADJ +4 < > si 25k 2N2905 < > si 200 pF Current Limited 6V Charger Vin av TO6OV LM3t7HV Yin Your ADJ 1000,F ** q 2N2222 *Sets peak current (0.6A for 19) **The 1000 pF is recommended to filter out input transients TL/H/9062-27 TL/H/9062-28Connection Diagrams (See Physical Dimension section for further information) (TO-3 Steel) (TO-39) (TO-220) Metal Can Package Metal Can Package Plastic Package v ADUSTAENT IN oO-= ineuT C) | 4 9,960-0.070 [3.84-4.09] 4 || [1.52-1.78] - _4 0.495-0.510 [12.57-12.95] -~ 0.660-0.670 [16.76-17.02] g .0-880-0.915 [22.35-23.24] g ,0.760-0.775 _ [19.30-19.69] 1.177-1,197 [29.90-30.40] 0.038-0.043 |_+ L_ 2X 19 97-1.08] H UNCONTROLLED || 0.210-0.220 ax p 9168-0 02a, 0.116 Caan 4,27-4,52 : | 0. [5.33-5.53] | [ ] [0.64] MAXI PT F595 MAX -| ,0,425-0.435 SEATING PLANE ~~" Koza (REV 6) [10.80-11.05] Metal Can Package (K) Order Number LM317HVK STEEL NS Package Number K02A 0.420-0.500 0.285-0.305 [19.67-12.70] (7.24-7.75] 0.980-1.020 5 +] 0.060-0.070 0.151-0.161 [24.89-25.91] | T - xe [3.84-4.09] | (1.52-1.78] - R .495-0.510 [12.57-12.95] 0.660-0.670 [16.76-17.02] o 0.880-0.915 [22.35-23.24] g ,0-760-0.775 - [19.30-19.69] 1.177-1.197 0.120 29.90-30.40 : [ ] 2x oP Ot 0.038-0.043 L_ [0.97-1.09] UNCONTROLLED | 0.210-0.220 ' NW 0.168-0.178 ae 0.085 [5.33-5.59] XR 14 97-4.52] [0.76] 4AX [2.16] MAX -| ,0.425-0.435 SEATING PLANE ~~~" Koc (REV 8) [10.80-11.05] Metal Can Package (K) Mil-Aero Product Order Number LM117HVKSTL/883 or SMD #773402 NS Package Number K02C 11LM117HV/LM317HV 3-Terminal Adjustable Regulator Physical Dimensions inches, (millimeters) (Continued) 0.240-0,260 0.330-0.350 _| [6.10-6.60] (8.38-8.89] 0.100-0.120 g 0:149-0.153 [2.54-3.05] \v [3.78-3.89] Th K*;z_AlD ET, | OOOO = 0 ae 0.400 -9 005 _ r _ _ ~ : 0.190-0.210 +0.38 , 83-5. [10.16 545 ] t | \ nee 33] 0.048-0.055 0.130-0.160 5, [1.22-1.40] PIN #1 1p ~ [3.30-4.06] TYP 1,.005-1.035 9.027-0.037 [25.53-26.29] [0.69-0.94] TYP 0.525-0.555 +0,007 +0.18 -0.03 ] ar AR , 13.34-14.10] it 0.015 _9'o01 [0.38 0.175-0.185 [4.45- = 1 , TAPERED SIDES 1 0-6 ~~ 0.048-0.052 [1.22-1.32] SEATING PLANE L 0,105 70919 (2.67 2928) 1038 (REV L) Order Number LM317HVT NS Package N LIFE SUPPORT POLICY NATIONALS PRODUCTS ARE NOT AUTHORIZED FOR umber T03B USE AS CRITICAL COMPONENTS IN LIFE SUPPORT DEVICES OR SYSTEMS WITHOUT THE EXPRESS WRITTEN APPROVAL OF THE PRESIDENT OF NATIONAL SEMICONDUCTOR CORPORATION. As used herein: 1. Life support devices or systems are devices or systems which, (a) are intended for surgical implant into the body, or (b) support or sustain life, and whose failure to perform, when properly used in accordance with instructions for use provided in the labeling, can be reasonably expected to result in a significant injury to the user. 2. A critical component is any component of a life support device or system whose failure to perform can be reasonably expected to cause the failure of the life support device or system, or to affect its safety or effectiveness. National Semiconductor Corporation 1111 West Bardin Road Arlington, TX 76017 Tel: 1(800) 272-9959 Fax: 1(800) 737-7018 National Semiconductor Europe Fax: (+49) 0-180-530 85 86 Email: Deutsch Tek (+49) 0-180-530 85 85 English Tel: (+49) 0-180-532 78 32 Frangais Tel: (+49) 0-180-532 93 58 Italiano Tek (+49) 0-180-534 16 80 National Semiconductor Hong Kong Ltd. 13th Floor, Straight Block, Ocean Centre, 5 Canton Rd, Tsimshatsui, Kowloon Hong Kong Tel: (852) 2737-1600 Fax: (852) 2736-9960 National Semiconductor Japan Ltd. Tel: 81-043-299-2309 Fax: 81-043-299-2408 National does not assume any responsibility for use of any circuitry described, no circuit patent licenses are implied and National reserves the right at any time without notice to change said circuitry and specifications.