Quality Investors Search by part # or keyword Products & Services Applications Ordering Company Careers Sales Contacts Parametric Search Support PRODUCTS ASIC FPGA & SoC FPGAs SoC FPGAs Rad-Tolerant FPGAs Home / FPGA & SoC / Libero Design Software / Licensing Antifuse FPGAs Embedded Processing Licensing Libero Design Software Libero SoC Overview Documents Downloads Support Ordering Libero SoC PolarFire Libero IDE Licensing Libero license options are changing as indicated in Customer Notification CN17012. These changes came into effect with Design Entry and Implementation Libero SoC v11.8 released on 13t h March, 2017. Verification and Optimization Power Calculators Libero Free Licenses - Request your Free License and Start your Design Today! IBIS Models Microsemi offers Libero Evaluation and Silver licenses in several options. There are no part numbers for these since they are free! BSDL Models Synplify Pro ME Precision RTL Modelsim Synphony Model Compiler Libero Evaluation Node Locked for Windows Libero Evaluation Floating License for Windows or Linux Server Libero Silver Node Locked for Windows Libero Silver Floating License for Windows or Linux Server SoftConsole Firmware Catalog Libero Paid Licenses - Can be Purchased through your Microsemi Sales Representatives Intellectual Property Paid licenses are available as Node Locked, Floating or USB based. Renewal Licenses are discounted per seat. Incremental licenses can be Development Kits & Boards added to floating licenses during the year for pro-rated pricing. Programming & Debug Partners Gold License Part Numbers FPGA Applications These Gold license part numbers will be available for purchase from the beginning of March 2017. This has been communicated through a Technology Solutions customer notification CN17012. Low Power Security Part Number License Type Description Platform Reliability LIB-G-PC-N-1YR-DISKID New License Libero Gold DiskID Node Locked License Windows LIB-G-PC-N-1YR-USB New License Libero Gold USB Node Locked License which allows the user more flexibility Windows LIB-G-F-1YR New License Libero Gold MACID Floating License Windows or Linux LIB-G-PC-N-R-1YR-DISKID Renewal Libero Gold DiskID Node Locked Renewal License Windows LIB-G-PC-N-R-1YR-USB Renewal Libero Gold USB Node Locked Renewal License Windows LIB-G-F-R-1YR Renewal Libero Gold MACID Floating Renewal License Windows or Linux LIB-G-INCR-F-1YR Incremental Libero Gold Floating License Windows or Linux Technical Support to move or transfer the license between machines easily Platinum License Part Numbers Part Number License Type Description Platform LIB-PL-PC-N-1YR-DISKID New License Libero Platinum DiskID Node Locked License Windows LIB-PL-PC-N-1YR-USB New License Libero Platinum USB Node Locked License which allows the user more Windows flexibility to move or transfer the license between machines easily LIB-WIN-F-1YR New License Libero Platinum MACID Floating License for a single seat and Triple Windows or Linux Redundant Server LIB-PL-A-PC-N-USB New License Libero Platinum Archival USB Node Locked License Windows LIB-PL-PC-N-R-1YR-DISKID Renewal Libero Platinum DiskID Node Locked Renewal License Windows LIB-PL-PC-N-R-1YR-USB Renewal Libero Platinum USB Node Locked Renewal License Windows LIB-WIN-F-R-1YR Renewal Libero Platinum MACID Floating Renewal License Windows or Linux LIB-INCR-F-WIN Incremental Libero Platinum Floating License Windows or Linux Libero Standalone Licenses - Can be Purchased through your Microsemi Sales Representatives These licenses do not include third-party synthesis and simulation tools and can be used if you have in-house tools for simulation and synthesis that support Microsemi FPGAs. Standalone licenses are available as Node Locked, Floating or USB based. Renewal Licenses are discounted per seat. Incremental licenses can be added to floating licenses during the year for pro-rated pricing. Part Number License Type Description Platform LIB-WIN-SA-DISKID New License DiskID Node Locked License Windows LIB-WIN-SA-USB New License USB Node Locked License Windows Web Profile Login LIB-WIN-SA-F New License MACID Floating License Windows or Linux HOSTID Floating License for a Solaris Server. Libero software is not available to run on Solaris, LIB-SOL-SA-F New License only the license server can be Solaris. Solaris Solaris license server DAEMONS must be downloaded from licenses web page LIB-WIN-A-SA-F-30 New License Archival MACID Floating License LIB-WIN-SA-DISKID-R Renewal DiskID Node Locked License Windows LIB-WIN-SA-USB-R Renewal USB Node Locked License Windows only LIB-WIN-SA-F-R Renewal MACID Floating License LIB-SOL-SA-F-R Renewal HOSTID Floating License LIB-WIN-SA-F-INCR Incremental Floating License LIB-SOL-SA-F-INCR Incremental HOSTID Floating License Windows or Linux Solaris Windows or Linux Solaris Licensing Notes 1. Floating licenses support TCL Scripting and Batch Mode operation for synthesis. 2. Floating licenses are available for Solaris servers. The part numbers for a 1-year Floating license for a Solaris server are LIB-SOL-F-1YR (full Platinum edition) and LIB-SOL-SA-F (Libero Standalone edition). See Incremental Seat and Renewal license part numbers below. Client PCs can be Windows or Linux OS. No software is available for Solaris OS. 3. The Libero Platinum Parallel Port license option is no longer available. Alternatively, please purchase a Libero Platinum USB Port license. 4. Libero Node-Locked licenses do not support Remote Desktop. Alternatively, please use a Libero Floating license. Add Comment Products | Applications | Company | Careers | Investors | Survey | Privacy Policy | Terms & Conditions | Product Disclaimer | Terms of Use | Copyright (c) 2017 Microsemi Corporation. All rights reserved. The Microsemi logo is a registered trademark of Microsemi Corporation.