Enpirion® Power Evaluation Board User Guide
EP53F8QI PowerSoC
Test Recommendations
To guarantee m eas ur em ent ac c urac y, the follow ing prec autions s hould be
1. Make all input and output voltage m eas urem ents at the boar d us ing the
tes t points pr ovided. This w ill elim inate voltage drop ac r os s the line and
load c ables that c an produc e fals e readings .
2. Meas ure input and output c ur rent w ith s eries am m eter s or ac c urate
shunt resistors. This is especially im portant w hen m eas uring effic ienc y.
3. Us e a balanc ed im pedanc e pr obe tip acr oss COUT to m eas ure VOUT
Ripple to avoid noise coupling into the probe ground lead. The
recommended probe configuration is shown in Figure 3.
Figure 3. Rec om m ended probe c onfiguration.
Input and Output Capacitors
The input c apac itanc e requirem ent is a 10 uF and a 680pF MLCC c apac itor in
parallel. The s m aller valued c apac itor , the 680pF, must be placed closest to the
EP53F8Q I. Both c apac itors have been placed as close to the device as possible
to minimize the phys ic al ar ea of the input AC c urrent loop.
There is a pre-tinned pad that allow s for an additional 0805 case size MLCC
capacitor to experim ent w ith input filter perform anc e.
The output capacitance requirement is a minimum of 22uF. The evaluation
board comes populated with a single 22uF 0805 case size M LCC capacitor.
The board has a pre-tinned pad for up to 1 additional 0805 case size output
NOTE: C apac itors m us t be X5R or X7R dielec tr ic form ulations .
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