led mounts/spacers T-13/4 (5mm) Nylon Strip Mounts * Station Mounts Assure Even Spacing and Elevation * Provides Entire Array Positioning * May be Cut for Use from 2 to 15 Stations * Molded from Natural Nylon per ASTM D-4066 * Made from 94V-2 Rated Nylon 12 Station Mount T-13/4 (5mm) LEDs Recommended Mounting Holes T-175 Series T-176 Series Color: Natural, Price Code: D Color: Natural, Price Code: D Part No. H T F Part No. H T F T-175-060 .060 (1.5) .040 (1.0) .010 (.25) T-176-200 .200 (5.1) .150 (3.8) .025 (.64) T-175-070 .070 (1.8) .040 (1.0) .015 (.38) T-176-210 .210 (5.3) .150 (3.8) .030 (.76) T-175-080 .080 (2.0) .040 (1.0) .020 (.51) T-176-220 .220 (5.6) .150 (3.8) .035 (.89) T-175-090 .090 (2.3) .040 (1.0) .025 (.64) T-176-230 .230 (5.8) .150 (3.8) .040 (1.0) T-175-100 .100 (2.5) .040 (1.0) .030 (.76) T-176-240 .240 (6.1) .150 (3.8) .045 (1.1) T-175-110 .110 (2.8) .040 (1.0) .035 (.89) T-176-250 .250 (6.4) .150 (3.8) .050 (1.3) T-175-120 .120 (3.0) .040 (1.0) .040 (1.0) T-176-260 .260 (6.6) .150 (3.8) .055 (1.4) T-175-130 .130 (3.3) .040 (1.0) .045 (1.1) T-176-270 .270 (6.9) .150 (3.8) .060 (1.5) T-175-140 .140 (3.6) .040 (1.0) .050 (1.3) T-176-280 .280 (7.1) .150 (3.8) .065 (1.7) T-175-150 .150 (3.8) .040 (1.0) .055 (1.4) T-176-290 .290 (7.4) .150 (3.8) .070 (1.8) T-175-160 .160 (4.1) .040 (1.0) .060 (1.5) T-176-300 .300 (7.6) .150 (3.8) .075 (1.9) T-175-170 .170 (4.3) .040 (1.0) .065 (1.7) T-176-310 .310 (7.9) .150 (3.8) .080 (2.0) T-175-180 .180 (4.6) .040 (1.0) .070 (1.8) T-176-320 .320 (8.1) .150 (3.8) .085 (2.2) T-175-190 .190 (4.8) .040 (1.0) .075 (1.9) T-176-330 .330 (8.4) .150 (3.8) .090 (2.3) T-175-200 .200 (5.1) .040 (1.0) .080 (2.0) T-176-340 .340 (8.6) .150 (3.8) .095 (2.4) T-175-210 .210 (5.3) .040 (1.0) .085 (2.2) T-176-350 .350 (8.9) .150 (3.8) .100 (2.5) cage code (FSCM) 32559 (c) copyright 2004 Bivar Inc. www.bivar.com 132