LM7171 Very High Speed, High Output Current, Voltage Feedback Amplifier
1 Features 3 Description
The LM7171 is a high speed voltage feedback
1• (Typical Unless Otherwise Noted) amplifier that has the slewing characteristic of a
• Easy-to-Use Voltage Feedback Topology current feedback amplifier, yet it can be used in all
• Very High Slew Rate: 4100 V/μstraditional voltage feedback amplifier configurations.
The LM7171 is stable for gains as low as +2 or −1. It
• Wide Unity-Gain Bandwidth: 200 MHz provides a very high slew rate at 4100V/μs and a
•−3 dB Frequency @ AV= +2: 220 MHz wide unity-gain bandwidth of 200 MHz while
• Low Supply Current: 6.5 mA consuming only 6.5 mA of supply current. It is ideal
for video and high speed signal processing
• High Open Loop Gain: 85 dB applications such as HDSL and pulse amplifiers. With
• High Output Current: 100 mA 100 mA output current, the LM7171 can be used for
• Differential Gain and Phase: 0.01%, 0.02° video distribution, as a transformer driver or as a
• Specified for ±15V and ±5V Operation laser diode driver.
Operation on ±15 V power supplies allows for large
2 Applications signal swings and provides greater dynamic range
• HDSL and ADSL Drivers and signal-to-noise ratio. The LM7171 offers low
SFDR and THD, ideal for ADC/DAC systems. In
• Multimedia Broadcast Systems addition, the LM7171 is specified for ±5 V operation
• Professional Video Cameras for portable applications.
• Video Amplifiers The LM7171 is built on TI's advanced VIP™ III
• Copiers/Scanners/Fax (Vertically integrated PNP) complementary bipolar
• HDTV Amplifiers process.
• Pulse Amplifiers and Peak Detectors Device Information(1)
• CATV/Fiber Optics Signal Processing PART NUMBER PACKAGE BODY SIZE (NOM)
LM7171 SOIC (8) 4.90 mm × 3.91 mm
LM7171 PDIP (8) 9.81 mm × 6.35 mm
(1) For all available packages, see the orderable addendum at
the end of the datasheet.
Large Signal Pulse Response
Simplified Schematic Diagram AV= +2, VS= ±15V
Note: M1 and M2 are current mirrors.
An IMPORTANT NOTICE at the end of this data sheet addresses availability, warranty, changes, use in safety-critical applications,
intellectual property matters and other important disclaimers. PRODUCTION DATA.