System Manual 11/2008 with Supplements 09/2010 AS-Interface / ASIsafe as-interface AS-Interface AS-Interface system System Manual The following supplements (Edition 0/2010) belong to this documentation: System Expansions 1.1 AS-i Power24V and data decoupling units 1.2 AS-i data decoupling units ASIsafe: Safe AS-i outputs 2.1 Safe SlimLine module S45F Introduction 1 Product portfolio 2 Getting Started 3 Operating principle 4 System extensions 5 Master 6 Power supply units 7 Slaves 8 Integrated safety systems: ASIsafe 9 System accessories 10 System integration 11 System diagnosis 12 Planning and configuration 13 Appendix A5E01216655-02 11/2008 3RK2703-3BB02-1AA1 A Safety Guidelines This manual contains notices you have to observe in order to ensure your personal safety, as well as to prevent damage to property. The notices referring to your personal safety are highlighted in the manual by a safety alert symbol, notices referring only to property damage have no safety alert symbol. These notices shown below are graded according to the degree of danger. DANGER indicates that death or severe personal injury will result if proper precautions are not taken. WARNING indicates that death or severe personal injury may result if proper precautions are not taken. CAUTION with a safety alert symbol, indicates that minor personal injury can result if proper precautions are not taken. CAUTION without a safety alert symbol, indicates that property damage can result if proper precautions are not taken. NOTICE indicates that an unintended result or situation can occur if the corresponding information is not taken into account. If more than one degree of danger is present, the warning notice representing the highest degree of danger will be used. A notice warning of injury to persons with a safety alert symbol may also include a warning relating to property damage. Qualified Personnel The device/system may only be set up and used in conjunction with this documentation. Commissioning and operation of a device/system may only be performed by qualified personnel. Within the context of the safety notes in this documentation qualified persons are defined as persons who are authorized to commission, ground and label devices, systems and circuits in accordance with established safety practices and standards. Prescribed Usage Note the following: WARNING This device may only be used for the applications described in the catalog or the technical description and only in connection with devices or components from other manufacturers which have been approved or recommended by Siemens. Correct, reliable operation of the product requires proper transport, storage, positioning and assembly as well as careful operation and maintenance. Trademarks All names identified by (R) are registered trademarks of the Siemens AG. The remaining trademarks in this publication may be trademarks whose use by third parties for their own purposes could violate the rights of the owner. Disclaimer of Liability We have reviewed the contents of this publication to ensure consistency with the hardware and software described. Since variance cannot be precluded entirely, we cannot guarantee full consistency. However, the information in this publication is reviewed regularly and any necessary corrections are included in subsequent editions. Siemens AG Automation and Drives Postfach 48 48 90327 NURNBERG GERMANY Ordernumber: A5E01216655-01 11/2008 Copyright (c) Siemens AG 2007. Technical data subject to change Table of contents 1 2 3 Introduction.............................................................................................................................................. 17 1.1 Preface.........................................................................................................................................17 1.2 Guide to the system manual ........................................................................................................18 1.3 What is AS-Interface? ..................................................................................................................19 1.4 The automation pyramid and deployment of AS-i........................................................................21 1.5 Benefits of AS-Interface ...............................................................................................................22 Product portfolio ...................................................................................................................................... 23 2.1 Master ..........................................................................................................................................23 2.2 AS-Interface power supply units ..................................................................................................24 2.3 Slaves ..........................................................................................................................................25 2.4 Motor starters ...............................................................................................................................26 2.5 LOGO!..........................................................................................................................................27 2.6 Integrated AS-i slaves..................................................................................................................28 2.7 ASIsafe.........................................................................................................................................29 2.8 System components and accessories .........................................................................................30 Getting Started ........................................................................................................................................ 33 3.1 Components required for creating AS-Interface system..............................................................35 3.2 Overview of the hardware structure .............................................................................................39 3.3 Commissioning the AS-Interface system.....................................................................................39 3.4 Addressing the I/O modules.........................................................................................................40 3.5 Mounting the SIMATIC and AS-i components on the DIN rail.....................................................41 3.6 Connecting the CPU312 to the PS 307 power supply unit ..........................................................43 3.7 Connecting the CP343-2P master to the AS-i bus ......................................................................44 3.8 Connecting the AS-i power supply unit to the AS-i bus/power supply.........................................45 3.9 Connecting the K45 modules to the AS-i bus ..............................................................................46 3.10 Connecting the proximity switch and contactor to K45 modules .................................................47 3.11 Configuring and programming the AS-i system ...........................................................................48 3.12 Testing the circuit.........................................................................................................................51 3.13 Result ...........................................................................................................................................51 AS-Interface system System Manual, 11/2008, 3RK2703-3BB02-1AA1 5 Table of contents 4 5 6 6 Operating principle................................................................................................................................... 53 4.1 ISO/OSI reference model............................................................................................................ 53 4.2 4.2.1 4.2.2 4.2.3 4.2.4 4.2.5 4.2.6 4.2.7 Physical layer .............................................................................................................................. 54 Elements in the physical layer .................................................................................................... 54 The AS-Interface cable ............................................................................................................... 54 The AS-Interface power supply................................................................................................... 56 The AS-Interface modulation procedure ..................................................................................... 58 Structure of the AS-Interface system .......................................................................................... 62 Alternative structures .................................................................................................................. 63 Cable lengths and extending an AS-i network ............................................................................ 64 4.3 4.3.1 4.3.2 4.3.3 Data link layer ............................................................................................................................. 66 The elements of the data link layer ............................................................................................. 66 The AS-Interface bus access procedure..................................................................................... 66 The AS-Interface message ......................................................................................................... 67 4.4 4.4.1 4.4.2 4.4.3 Application layer.......................................................................................................................... 69 AS-Interface module parameters ................................................................................................ 69 Setting parameters via the ASI_3422 command interface.......................................................... 71 Setting parameters via the display/WBM .................................................................................... 72 System extensions................................................................................................................................... 79 5.1 Technical development of the AS-Interface ................................................................................ 79 5.2 System limits of the AS-Interface specification ........................................................................... 80 5.3 Extensions of the AS-Interface specification 2.1 ........................................................................ 80 5.4 Extensions of the AS-Interface specification 3.0 ........................................................................ 80 5.5 AS-Interface master: depending on the AS-Interface specification version ............................... 81 5.6 Communication cycle: depending on the AS-Interface specification version ............................. 81 Master...................................................................................................................................................... 83 6.1 6.1.1 6.1.2 6.1.3 SIMATIC integrated masters....................................................................................................... 83 Overview ..................................................................................................................................... 83 CP 243-2 ..................................................................................................................................... 84 Overview ..................................................................................................................................... 84 Order numbers ............................................................................................................................ 85 Connecting the CP 343-2............................................................................................................ 86 Diagnostics.................................................................................................................................. 87 Technical specifications .............................................................................................................. 91 CP 343-2, CP 343-2 P ................................................................................................................ 92 Overview ..................................................................................................................................... 92 Order numbers ............................................................................................................................ 94 Connection .................................................................................................................................. 94 Diagnostics.................................................................................................................................. 96 Technical specifications .............................................................................................................. 99 6.2 6.2.1 Routers...................................................................................................................................... 100 DP/AS-Interface Link 20E ......................................................................................................... 100 Overview ................................................................................................................................... 100 AS-Interface system System Manual, 11/2008, 3RK2703-3BB02-1AA1 Table of contents 6.2.2 6.2.3 6.2.4 7 8 Order numbers ...........................................................................................................................102 Connection .................................................................................................................................103 Diagnostics.................................................................................................................................105 Technical specifications .............................................................................................................110 DP/AS-i LINK Advanced ............................................................................................................111 Overview ....................................................................................................................................111 Order numbers .........................................................................................................................114 Connection .................................................................................................................................115 Diagnostics.................................................................................................................................118 Technical specifications .............................................................................................................121 DP/AS-i F-Link ...........................................................................................................................123 Overview ....................................................................................................................................123 Order numbers ...........................................................................................................................128 Connection .................................................................................................................................129 Diagnostics.................................................................................................................................131 Technical specifications .............................................................................................................138 IE/AS-i LINK PN IO ....................................................................................................................140 Overview ....................................................................................................................................140 Order numbers ...........................................................................................................................144 Connection .................................................................................................................................145 Diagnostics.................................................................................................................................148 Technical specifications .............................................................................................................151 Power supply units................................................................................................................................. 153 7.1 Overview ....................................................................................................................................153 7.2 Order numbers ...........................................................................................................................156 7.3 Connection .................................................................................................................................156 7.4 Diagnostics.................................................................................................................................159 7.5 Technical specifications .............................................................................................................159 7.6 Dimension drawings...................................................................................................................160 Slaves.................................................................................................................................................... 163 8.1 Setting the AS-i address ............................................................................................................164 8.2 8.2.1 8.2.2 8.2.3 8.2.4 8.2.5 8.2.6 8.2.7 8.2.8 8.2.9 8.2.10 8.2.11 Connection .................................................................................................................................166 Connecting the shaped cable for AS-i and AUX POWER .........................................................166 AS-i connection via M12 connector ...........................................................................................167 Connection via terminals............................................................................................................167 M12 - standard assignment - digital inputs ................................................................................169 M12 - Y assignment - digital inputs............................................................................................170 M12 - Y/II assignment - digital inputs.........................................................................................170 M8 - assignment - digital inputs .................................................................................................170 M12 - standard assignment - digital outputs..............................................................................171 M12 - Y assignment - digital outputs .........................................................................................171 M12 - Y/II assignment - digital outputs ......................................................................................171 M8 - assignment - digital outputs ...............................................................................................172 AS-Interface system System Manual, 11/2008, 3RK2703-3BB02-1AA1 7 Table of contents 8 8.3 8.3.1 8.3.2 8.3.3 8.3.4 Diagnostics................................................................................................................................ 173 LED status displays for modules with two LEDs for AS-i and FAULT ...................................... 173 LED status displays for modules with a dual LED for AS-i/FAULT........................................... 174 LED status display AUX POWER for modules with auxiliary voltage ....................................... 175 LED status display for the switching state (yellow) ................................................................... 175 8.4 8.4.1 8.4.2 8.4.3 8.4.4 8.4.5 8.4.6 Input/output modules................................................................................................................. 176 Digital K60 input/output modules - panel IP67.......................................................................... 176 Overview ................................................................................................................................... 176 Connection ................................................................................................................................ 176 Order numbers .......................................................................................................................... 177 Diagnostics................................................................................................................................ 178 Technical specifications ............................................................................................................ 178 Dimension drawings.................................................................................................................. 185 Digital input/output modules K60R - panel IP68 / IP69K .......................................................... 186 Overview ................................................................................................................................... 186 Order numbers .......................................................................................................................... 187 Connection ................................................................................................................................ 187 Diagnostics................................................................................................................................ 189 Technical specifications ............................................................................................................ 189 Dimension drawings.................................................................................................................. 191 K60 compact module data coupler - panel IP67 ....................................................................... 191 Overview ................................................................................................................................... 191 Order numbers .......................................................................................................................... 192 Connection ................................................................................................................................ 192 Diagnostics................................................................................................................................ 193 Technical specifications ............................................................................................................ 193 Dimension drawings.................................................................................................................. 194 Digital K45 input/output modules - field IP67 ............................................................................ 195 Overview ................................................................................................................................... 195 Order numbers .......................................................................................................................... 196 Connection ................................................................................................................................ 196 Diagnostics................................................................................................................................ 196 Technical specifications ............................................................................................................ 197 Dimension drawings.................................................................................................................. 201 Digital K20 input/output modules - field IP67 ............................................................................ 202 Overview ................................................................................................................................... 202 Order numbers .......................................................................................................................... 203 Setting the AS-i address ........................................................................................................... 204 Connection ................................................................................................................................ 205 Diagnostics................................................................................................................................ 208 Technical specifications ............................................................................................................ 208 Dimension drawings.................................................................................................................. 211 Analog K60 input/output modules - panel IP67......................................................................... 213 Properties .................................................................................................................................. 213 Overview ................................................................................................................................... 213 Order numbers .......................................................................................................................... 217 Parameterization ....................................................................................................................... 218 Connection ................................................................................................................................ 226 Diagnostics................................................................................................................................ 232 Technical specifications ............................................................................................................ 232 Dimension drawings.................................................................................................................. 234 AS-Interface system System Manual, 11/2008, 3RK2703-3BB02-1AA1 Table of contents 8.4.7 8.4.8 8.4.9 SlimLine digital input/output module - cabinet IP20...................................................................235 Order numbers ...........................................................................................................................236 Connection .................................................................................................................................237 Diagnostics.................................................................................................................................238 Technical specifications .............................................................................................................239 Dimension drawings...................................................................................................................248 F90 digital input/output module - cabinet IP20 ..........................................................................250 Overview ....................................................................................................................................250 Order numbers ...........................................................................................................................253 Connection .................................................................................................................................254 Diagnostics.................................................................................................................................255 Technical specifications .............................................................................................................255 Dimension drawings...................................................................................................................259 Flat digital input/output module - cabinet IP20...........................................................................260 Overview ....................................................................................................................................260 Order numbers ...........................................................................................................................261 Connection .................................................................................................................................261 Diagnostics.................................................................................................................................261 Technical specifications .............................................................................................................262 Dimension drawings...................................................................................................................263 8.5 8.5.1 Modules with special functions ..................................................................................................264 Counter module..........................................................................................................................264 Overview ....................................................................................................................................264 Order numbers ...........................................................................................................................265 Connection .................................................................................................................................265 Diagnostics.................................................................................................................................266 Technical specifications .............................................................................................................266 Dimension drawings...................................................................................................................267 8.6 8.6.1 8.6.2 8.6.3 Switching devices with integrated AS-i connection....................................................................268 AS-Interface motor starter (400 V / 600 V, IP65).......................................................................269 Overview ....................................................................................................................................269 Order numbers ...........................................................................................................................272 Connection .................................................................................................................................274 Diagnostics.................................................................................................................................275 Technical specifications .............................................................................................................279 Dimension drawings...................................................................................................................280 AS-Interface motor starters (24 V DC, IP65 / IP67)...................................................................281 Overview ....................................................................................................................................281 Order numbers ...........................................................................................................................282 Connection .................................................................................................................................282 Diagnostics.................................................................................................................................283 Technical specifications .............................................................................................................284 Dimension drawings...................................................................................................................286 ECOFAST motor starters...........................................................................................................287 Overview ....................................................................................................................................287 Order numbers ...........................................................................................................................290 Connection .................................................................................................................................291 Diagnostics.................................................................................................................................292 Technical specifications .............................................................................................................294 Dimension drawings...................................................................................................................297 AS-Interface system System Manual, 11/2008, 3RK2703-3BB02-1AA1 9 Table of contents 9 8.6.4 AS-Interface load feeder modules ............................................................................................ 299 Overview ................................................................................................................................... 299 Order numbers .......................................................................................................................... 301 Connection ................................................................................................................................ 304 Diagnostics................................................................................................................................ 309 Technical specifications ............................................................................................................ 309 Dimension drawings.................................................................................................................. 311 8.7 8.7.1 8.7.2 AS-Interface for control and signaling devices.......................................................................... 314 AS-i F adapter for EMERGENCY STOP control devices 3SB3................................................ 314 Overview ................................................................................................................................... 314 Order numbers .......................................................................................................................... 315 Diagnostics................................................................................................................................ 316 Technical specifications ............................................................................................................ 316 Housing and modules for buttons and indicator lights 3SB3 .................................................... 317 Overview ................................................................................................................................... 317 Order numbers .......................................................................................................................... 321 Connection ................................................................................................................................ 323 Technical specifications ............................................................................................................ 327 Dimension drawings of the housing .......................................................................................... 329 8.8 8.8.1 8.8.2 8.8.3 8.8.4 8.8.5 Signaling columns with AS-Interface connection ...................................................................... 331 Overview ................................................................................................................................... 331 Order numbers .......................................................................................................................... 333 Connection ................................................................................................................................ 334 Diagnostics................................................................................................................................ 335 Technical specifications ............................................................................................................ 335 8.9 8.9.1 8.9.2 8.9.3 8.9.4 8.9.5 8.9.6 AS-Interface connection for LOGO! .......................................................................................... 337 Overview ................................................................................................................................... 337 Order numbers .......................................................................................................................... 339 Connection ................................................................................................................................ 339 Diagnostics................................................................................................................................ 340 Technical specifications ............................................................................................................ 341 Dimension drawings.................................................................................................................. 342 8.10 8.10.1 8.10.2 8.10.3 8.10.4 8.10.5 Contactors showing remaining service life and connection to AS-Interface............................. 343 Overview ................................................................................................................................... 343 Order numbers .......................................................................................................................... 344 Connecting the electronic module............................................................................................. 344 Diagnostics................................................................................................................................ 346 Technical specifications of the electronic module..................................................................... 348 Integrated safety systems: ASIsafe........................................................................................................ 349 9.1 9.1.1 9.1.2 9.1.3 9.1.4 9.1.5 10 Safety monitor ........................................................................................................................... 353 Overview .................................................................................................................................. 354 Function..................................................................................................................................... 355 Order numbers .......................................................................................................................... 357 Connection ................................................................................................................................ 358 Diagnostics................................................................................................................................ 359 AS-Interface system System Manual, 11/2008, 3RK2703-3BB02-1AA1 Table of contents 10 9.1.6 9.1.7 Technical specifications .............................................................................................................362 Dimension drawings...................................................................................................................362 9.2 9.2.1 9.2.2 9.2.3 9.2.4 9.2.5 9.2.6 ASIsafe modules........................................................................................................................363 Overview ....................................................................................................................................363 Order numbers ...........................................................................................................................364 Connection .................................................................................................................................366 Diagnostics.................................................................................................................................369 Technical specifications .............................................................................................................370 Dimension drawings...................................................................................................................374 9.3 9.3.1 9.3.2 9.3.3 9.3.4 9.3.5 3SF1 position switches with ASIsafe interface ..........................................................................375 Overview ....................................................................................................................................375 Order numbers ...........................................................................................................................377 Connection .................................................................................................................................378 Diagnostics.................................................................................................................................378 Dimension drawings...................................................................................................................379 9.4 9.4.1 9.4.2 9.4.3 9.4.4 9.4.5 9.4.6 SIMATIC FS400 light curtains and arrays .................................................................................381 Overview ....................................................................................................................................381 Order numbers ...........................................................................................................................385 Connection .................................................................................................................................390 Diagnostics.................................................................................................................................392 Technical specifications .............................................................................................................399 Dimension drawings...................................................................................................................400 9.5 9.5.1 9.5.2 9.5.3 9.5.4 9.5.5 9.5.6 SIMATIC FS600 laser scanners ................................................................................................404 Overview ....................................................................................................................................404 Order numbers ...........................................................................................................................408 Connection .................................................................................................................................408 Diagnostics.................................................................................................................................410 Technical specifications .............................................................................................................412 Dimension drawings...................................................................................................................413 System accessories............................................................................................................................... 415 10.1 10.1.1 10.1.2 10.1.3 10.1.4 10.1.5 10.1.6 Extension plug ...........................................................................................................................415 Overview ....................................................................................................................................415 Order numbers ...........................................................................................................................416 Connection .................................................................................................................................416 Diagnostics.................................................................................................................................417 Technical specifications .............................................................................................................418 Dimension drawings...................................................................................................................419 10.2 10.2.1 10.2.2 10.2.3 10.2.4 Repeaters...................................................................................................................................420 Overview ....................................................................................................................................420 Order numbers ...........................................................................................................................421 Connection .................................................................................................................................422 Diagnostics.................................................................................................................................424 AS-Interface system System Manual, 11/2008, 3RK2703-3BB02-1AA1 11 Table of contents 11 10.2.5 10.2.6 Technical specifications ............................................................................................................ 424 Dimension drawings.................................................................................................................. 424 10.3 10.3.1 10.3.2 10.3.3 10.3.4 10.3.5 10.3.6 Extenders .................................................................................................................................. 425 Overview ................................................................................................................................... 425 Order numbers .......................................................................................................................... 425 Connection ................................................................................................................................ 426 Diagnostics................................................................................................................................ 427 Technical specifications ............................................................................................................ 427 Dimension drawings.................................................................................................................. 428 10.4 10.4.1 10.4.2 10.4.3 Addressing unit ......................................................................................................................... 429 Overview ................................................................................................................................... 429 Order numbers .......................................................................................................................... 430 Technical specifications ............................................................................................................ 430 10.5 10.5.1 10.5.2 10.5.3 Analyzer .................................................................................................................................... 431 Overview ................................................................................................................................... 431 Order numbers .......................................................................................................................... 432 Connection ................................................................................................................................ 433 10.6 10.6.1 10.6.2 10.6.3 10.6.4 10.6.5 10.6.6 10.6.7 Ground fault detection module.................................................................................................. 434 Overview ................................................................................................................................... 434 Checking for ground faults with a voltage measuring instrument ............................................. 435 Order numbers .......................................................................................................................... 436 Connection ................................................................................................................................ 437 Diagnostics................................................................................................................................ 438 Technical specifications ............................................................................................................ 439 Dimension drawings.................................................................................................................. 440 10.7 10.7.1 10.7.2 10.7.3 10.7.4 10.7.5 10.7.6 Overvoltage protection module ................................................................................................. 441 Overview ................................................................................................................................... 441 Order numbers .......................................................................................................................... 442 Connection ................................................................................................................................ 443 Diagnostics................................................................................................................................ 443 Technical specifications ............................................................................................................ 444 Dimension drawings.................................................................................................................. 445 10.8 10.8.1 10.8.2 Other accessories ..................................................................................................................... 446 AS-Interface shaped cable........................................................................................................ 446 Overview ................................................................................................................................... 446 Order numbers .......................................................................................................................... 447 Technical specifications ............................................................................................................ 447 Dimension drawings.................................................................................................................. 448 Installation material ................................................................................................................... 449 System integration ................................................................................................................................. 451 11.1 11.1.1 11.1.2 12 Integration in open-loop control systems .................................................................................. 451 Totally Integrated Automation ................................................................................................... 451 Integration of AS-i networks in SIMATIC .................................................................................. 453 AS-Interface system System Manual, 11/2008, 3RK2703-3BB02-1AA1 Table of contents 11.1.3 Integration in third-party controllers ...........................................................................................453 11.2 11.2.1 11.2.2 11.2.3 Data storage in the controller.....................................................................................................454 Binary data .................................................................................................................................454 Safe binary data .........................................................................................................................458 Analog data ................................................................................................................................461 11.3 11.3.1 11.3.2 11.3.3 11.3.4 11.3.5 11.3.6 11.3.7 11.3.8 11.3.9 CP 343-2 integration with STEP 7 .............................................................................................465 Prerequisites ..............................................................................................................................465 Integration procedure.................................................................................................................465 Configuring the AS-i master in the rack of the CPU module .....................................................466 Parameterizing AS-Interface......................................................................................................467 Completing configuration ...........................................................................................................468 Switching on the AS-i power supply ..........................................................................................468 Addressing AS-i slaves ..............................................................................................................469 Saving the configuration ............................................................................................................469 Copying starting data blocks......................................................................................................470 11.4 11.4.1 11.4.2 11.4.3 11.4.4 11.4.5 11.4.6 11.4.7 11.4.8 11.4.9 11.4.10 CP 343-2P integration with STEP 7...........................................................................................471 Prerequisites ..............................................................................................................................471 Integration procedure.................................................................................................................471 Configuring the AS-i master in the rack of the CPU module .....................................................471 Parameterizing AS-Interface......................................................................................................473 Configuring AS-i slaves..............................................................................................................475 Specifying AS-i slaves ...............................................................................................................476 Completing configuration ...........................................................................................................479 Switching on the AS-i power supply ..........................................................................................479 Addressing AS-i slaves ..............................................................................................................479 Copying starting data blocks......................................................................................................479 11.5 11.5.1 11.5.2 11.5.3 11.5.4 11.5.5 11.5.6 11.5.7 11.5.8 11.5.9 11.5.10 11.5.11 11.5.12 DP/AS-Interface Link 20E - integration with STEP 7 .................................................................480 Prerequisites ..............................................................................................................................480 Integration procedure.................................................................................................................480 Configuring the PROFIBUS DP master system.........................................................................481 Parameterizing DP/AS-Interface Link 20E as a PROFIBUS DP slave......................................482 Parameterizing AS-Interface......................................................................................................483 Configuring AS-i slaves..............................................................................................................485 Specifying AS-i slaves ...............................................................................................................487 Completing configuration ...........................................................................................................490 Switching on the AS-i power supply ..........................................................................................490 Setting the PROFIBUS address on DP/AS-Interface Link 20E .................................................491 Addressing AS-i slaves ..............................................................................................................492 Copying starting data blocks......................................................................................................492 11.6 11.6.1 11.6.2 11.6.3 DP/AS-Interface Link 20E - integration with GSD......................................................................493 Prerequisites ..............................................................................................................................493 Integration procedure.................................................................................................................493 Configuring the PROFIBUS DP master system.........................................................................494 AS-Interface system System Manual, 11/2008, 3RK2703-3BB02-1AA1 13 Table of contents 14 11.6.4 11.6.5 11.6.6 11.6.7 11.6.8 11.6.9 11.6.10 11.6.11 11.6.12 Parameterizing DP/AS-Interface Link 20E as a PROFIBUS DP slave..................................... 496 Parameterizing AS-Interface ..................................................................................................... 497 Parameterizing binary AS-i slaves ............................................................................................ 498 Completing configuration .......................................................................................................... 499 Switching on the AS-i power supply.......................................................................................... 499 Setting the PROFIBUS address on DP/AS-Interface Link 20E ................................................ 500 Addressing AS-i slaves ............................................................................................................. 501 Saving the configuration............................................................................................................ 501 Copying starting data blocks ..................................................................................................... 502 11.7 11.7.1 11.7.2 11.7.3 11.7.4 11.7.5 11.7.6 11.7.7 11.7.8 11.7.9 11.7.10 11.7.11 11.7.12 11.7.13 DP/AS-i LINK Advanced - integration with STEP 7 .................................................................. 503 Prerequisites ............................................................................................................................. 503 Integration procedure ................................................................................................................ 503 Configuring the PROFIBUS DP master system........................................................................ 504 Parameterizing DP/AS-i LINK Advanced as a PROFIBUS DP slave ....................................... 505 Parameterizing AS-Interface ..................................................................................................... 506 Configuring AS-i slaves............................................................................................................. 509 Specifying AS-i slaves............................................................................................................... 511 Completing configuration .......................................................................................................... 514 Switching on the AS-i power supply.......................................................................................... 514 Switching on the optional power supply for DP/AS-i LINK Advanced ...................................... 514 Setting the PROFIBUS address on DP/AS-i LINK Advanced................................................... 515 Addressing AS-i slaves ............................................................................................................. 515 Copying starting data blocks ..................................................................................................... 516 11.8 11.8.1 11.8.2 11.8.3 11.8.4 11.8.5 11.8.6 11.8.7 11.8.8 11.8.9 11.8.10 11.8.11 11.8.12 11.8.13 11.8.14 DP/AS-i LINK Advanced - integration with GSD ....................................................................... 517 Prerequisites ............................................................................................................................. 517 Integration procedure ................................................................................................................ 517 Configuring the PROFIBUS DP master system........................................................................ 518 Parameterizing DP/AS-i LINK Advanced as a PROFIBUS DP slave ....................................... 519 Parameterizing AS-Interface ..................................................................................................... 520 Parameterizing the binary address space................................................................................. 521 Parameterizing the analog address space................................................................................ 523 Completing configuration .......................................................................................................... 525 Switching on the AS-i power supply.......................................................................................... 525 Switching on the optional power supply for DP/AS-i LINK Advanced ...................................... 526 Setting the PROFIBUS address on DP/AS-i LINK Advanced................................................... 526 Addressing AS-i slaves ............................................................................................................. 526 Saving the configuration............................................................................................................ 527 Copying starting data blocks ..................................................................................................... 528 11.9 11.9.1 11.9.2 11.9.3 11.9.4 DP/AS-i F-Link - integration with STEP 7 ................................................................................. 529 Prerequisites ............................................................................................................................. 529 Integration procedure ................................................................................................................ 529 Configuring the PROFIBUS DP master system........................................................................ 530 Parameterizing DP/AS-i F-Link as a PROFIBUS DP slave ...................................................... 532 AS-Interface system System Manual, 11/2008, 3RK2703-3BB02-1AA1 Table of contents 11.9.5 11.9.6 11.9.7 11.9.8 11.9.9 11.9.10 11.9.11 11.9.12 11.9.13 11.9.14 11.9.15 11.9.16 11.9.17 11.9.18 Parameterizing PROFIsafe communication...............................................................................533 Parameterizing AS-Interface......................................................................................................535 Configuring AS-i slaves..............................................................................................................538 Specifying AS-i slaves ...............................................................................................................540 Parameterizing ASIsafe slaves ..................................................................................................543 Completing configuration ...........................................................................................................544 Switching on the AS-i power supply ..........................................................................................544 Switching on the DP/AS-i F-Link power supply .........................................................................545 Setting the PROFIsafe address on the DP/AS-i F-Link .............................................................545 Setting the PROFIBUS address on DP/AS-i F-Link...................................................................546 Addressing AS-i slaves ..............................................................................................................546 Copying starting data blocks......................................................................................................547 Teaching in code tables for ASIsafe slaves...............................................................................547 Information about the user program ..........................................................................................548 11.10 11.10.1 11.10.2 11.10.3 11.10.4 11.10.5 11.10.6 11.10.7 11.10.8 11.10.9 11.10.10 11.10.11 11.10.12 11.10.13 11.10.14 11.10.15 11.10.16 11.10.17 11.10.18 DP/AS-i F-Link - integration with GSD.......................................................................................549 Prerequisites ..............................................................................................................................549 Integration procedure.................................................................................................................549 Configuring the PROFIBUS DP master system.........................................................................550 Parameterizing DP/AS-i F-Link as a PROFIBUS DP slave .......................................................552 Parameterizing AS-Interface......................................................................................................553 Parameterizing ASIsafe slaves ..................................................................................................554 Parameterizing PROFIsafe communication...............................................................................556 Parameterizing binary AS-i slaves .............................................................................................558 Completing configuration ...........................................................................................................559 Switching on the AS-i power supply ..........................................................................................559 Switching on the DP/AS-i F-Link power supply .........................................................................560 Setting the PROFIsafe address on the DP/AS-i F-Link .............................................................560 Setting the PROFIBUS address on DP/AS-i F-Link...................................................................561 Addressing AS-i slaves ..............................................................................................................561 Saving the configuration ............................................................................................................562 Copying starting data blocks......................................................................................................562 Teaching in code tables for ASIsafe slaves...............................................................................563 Information about the user program ..........................................................................................563 11.11 11.11.1 11.11.2 11.11.3 11.11.4 11.11.5 11.11.6 11.11.7 11.11.8 11.11.9 IE/AS-i LINK PN IO - integration with STEP 7 ...........................................................................564 Prerequisites ..............................................................................................................................564 Integration procedure.................................................................................................................564 Configuring the PROFINET IO system ......................................................................................565 Parameterizing the IE/AS-i LINK PN IO as an IO device ..........................................................567 Parameterizing AS-Interface......................................................................................................569 Configuring AS-i slaves..............................................................................................................570 Specifying AS-i slaves ...............................................................................................................573 Completing configuration ...........................................................................................................576 Switching on the AS-i power supply ..........................................................................................576 AS-Interface system System Manual, 11/2008, 3RK2703-3BB02-1AA1 15 Table of contents 11.11.10 Switching on the optional power supply for IE/AS-i LINK PN IO .............................................. 576 11.11.11 Transferring the device name to IE/AS-i LINK PN IO ............................................................... 576 11.11.12 Addressing AS-i slaves ............................................................................................................. 577 11.12 11.12.1 11.12.2 11.12.3 11.12.4 11.12.5 11.12.6 11.12.7 11.12.8 11.12.9 11.12.10 11.12.11 11.12.12 12 13 A System diagnosis................................................................................................................................... 591 12.1 Overview of diagnostic options ................................................................................................. 591 12.2 Diagnostics with SIMATIC......................................................................................................... 593 12.3 12.3.1 12.3.2 12.3.3 12.3.4 12.3.5 Reading the diagnosis with SIMATIC ....................................................................................... 595 Diagnostic messages in the STEP 7 interface.......................................................................... 595 DP slave diagnosis.................................................................................................................... 597 System status lists .................................................................................................................... 598 Diagnostic data blocks .............................................................................................................. 599 Diagnostics blocks for the user program................................................................................... 599 12.4 Special features of diagnosis via CP 343-2 and CP 343-2P .................................................... 601 12.5 Special features of diagnosis via DP/AS-Interface Link 20E .................................................... 603 12.6 Features of diagnosis via DP/AS-i LINK Advanced .................................................................. 606 12.7 Special features of diagnosis via DP/AS-i F-Link...................................................................... 609 12.8 Special features of diagnosis via IE/AS-i LINK PN IO .............................................................. 614 Planning and configuration .................................................................................................................... 617 13.1 Checklist for beginners.............................................................................................................. 617 13.2 Configuration............................................................................................................................. 618 13.3 Addressing the I/O modules...................................................................................................... 619 13.4 Parameterization ....................................................................................................................... 619 13.5 Operation................................................................................................................................... 620 13.6 AS-Interface acceptance certificate .......................................................................................... 621 Appendix................................................................................................................................................ 627 A.1 16 IE/AS-i LINK PN IO - integration with GSD............................................................................... 578 Prerequisites ............................................................................................................................. 578 Integration procedure ................................................................................................................ 578 Configuring the PROFINET IO system ..................................................................................... 579 Parameterizing the IE/AS-i LINK PN IO as an IO device.......................................................... 581 Parameterizing AS-Interface ..................................................................................................... 583 Configuring AS-i slaves............................................................................................................. 584 Completing configuration .......................................................................................................... 588 Switching on the AS-i power supply.......................................................................................... 588 Switching on the optional power supply for IE/AS-i LINK PN IO .............................................. 588 Transferring the device name to IE/AS-i LINK PN IO ............................................................... 588 Addressing AS-i slaves ............................................................................................................. 589 Saving the configuration............................................................................................................ 589 References ................................................................................................................................ 627 AS-Interface system System Manual, 11/2008, 3RK2703-3BB02-1AA1 Introduction 1.1 1 Preface Purpose of this document This system manual describes the hardware and software components of the AS-Interface system. It provides an overview of the individual system components and describes solutions in which the system continuity of the products (Totally Integrated Automation: TIA) is of prime importance. The manual is aimed at planners, configuration engineers, fitters, technologists, and decision-makers to provide support during planning and implementation. It is also aimed at service and maintenance technicians who install additional components or carry out fault analyses. Validity of this documentation This documentation describes the version shipped as of August 2007. AS-Interface system System Manual, 11/2008, 3RK2703-3BB02-1AA1 17 Introduction 1.2 Guide to the system manual 1.2 Guide to the system manual Contents format Content Table of contents Detailed breakdown of the document with relevant pages/sections Introduction Overview of the AS-Interface Notes on safety All the generally applicable safety aspects from legal specifications Product portfolio Overview of all the AS-Interface system components Getting Started Basic/introductory information for first-time users Operating principle Information about the AS-Interface communication system Master Power supply units Slaves Overview of the system components Integrated safety equipment: Concept for integrating safety-oriented components ASIsafe System accessories Support accessories for assembly, installation, operation, and diagnosis System integration Information about integration in SIMATIC and third-party systems System diagnosis Diagnosis telegrams and data sets Planning and configuration Overview Appendix References 18 AS-Interface system System Manual, 11/2008, 3RK2703-3BB02-1AA1 Introduction 1.3 What is AS-Interface? 1.3 What is AS-Interface? AS-Interface AS-Interface ("AS-i" for short) stands for actuator sensor interface. It is an industrial field bus system that retrieves the signals at the lowest field level. Cost-effective alternative to standard wiring methods: the yellow AS-i cable The sensors and actuators no longer need to be connected individually to the controller via parallel cables, which is an extremely time-consuming process, but simply via one joint AS-i cable. The input signals are gathered from AS-i modules and automatically sent to an AS-i master, which forwards the data to the controller (e.g. SIMATIC S7). At the same time, the output signals travel in the opposite direction. The AS-i cable also supplies the power for the modules and sensors. The modules can be easily connected to the yellow AS-i flat ribbon cable by means of the insulation displacement method so that they are protected against polarity reversal. The following terminal devices can be connected to AS-i modules: - Binary sensors (e.g. proximity switches, positions switches, pushbuttons) - Binary actuators (e.g. valves, indicator lights) - Analog sensors (e.g. temperature sensors (KTY, PTC, NTC), level indicators) - Analog actuators (e.g. analog displays) The following sensors and actuators with integrated AS-i slave can also be connected to AS-i modules: - Control devices - Signal columns - Motor feeders - Position switches Direct assembly Since the AS-i field modules are available with housings with a high degree of protection (e.g. IP67), they can be assembled in the immediate vicinity of sensors and actuators. AS-i modules and sensors/actuators can be quickly and easily connected using short prefabricated cables (e.g. M12 or M8 plug-in cables). Modules with degree of protection IP20 are available for use in control cabinets. AS-Interface system System Manual, 11/2008, 3RK2703-3BB02-1AA1 19 Introduction 1.3 What is AS-Interface? AS-i logo AS-Interface devices have the following logo: Figure 1-1 The AS-Interface logo Optimum quantity structure AS-Interface is optimized in line with the data volume that fulfills the requirements of the lowest field level. Up to 31 modules (standard slaves) each with four digital inputs and outputs can be connected for each AS-i network. The cycle time here is max. 5 ms. The number of modules can be doubled to 62 when modules with an extended addressing mode (A/B slaves) are used. Analog input and output modules are also available in addition to digital modules. Safety-oriented signals (EMERGENCY STOP, door tumbler, two-hand operations etc.) can also be transferred. International standard The AS-Interface concept was elaborated in 1992 by a consortium originally comprising 11 companies, including Siemens AG, in the area of industrial automation. Since then, approx. 300 companies worldwide have helped create an established system with this technology. AS-Interface complies with the international standards EN 50295 and IEC 62026-2 for field bus communication. The system properties are defined in an open, manufacturer-independent manner in the AS-i specifications (AS-i Spec. for short) by the umbrella organization AS-Interface Association. For more information and contact addresses, please visit the following website: 20 AS-Interface system System Manual, 11/2008, 3RK2703-3BB02-1AA1 Introduction 1.4 The automation pyramid and deployment of AS-i 1.4 The automation pyramid and deployment of AS-i The automation pyramid levels The automation pyramid is divided into three levels. The control level Here, individual automation islands are connected to each other to create larger units, e.g.: Several machines in a hall Several halls in a plant Several plants in a company at different locations Data exchange takes place in large data blocks and is not critical from a time perspective. The field control level At this level: Central and distributed automation devices are used Complex field devices are connected Data is usually exchanged on a byte-dependent basis. The actuator/sensor level At this level, the most commonly-used components are connected: Binary actuators Simple analog devices Data is usually exchanged on a bit-dependent basis. Totally Integrated Automation The Siemens Totally Integrated Automation (TIA) concept covers all the automation levels and is optimized in line with the interfaces. Siemens offers: AS-Interface communication processors (CP) that can be installed directly in the SIMATIC rack Gateways (links) for transferring data from AS-Interface to PROFIBUS and PROFINET AS-Interface system System Manual, 11/2008, 3RK2703-3BB02-1AA1 21 Introduction 1.5 Benefits of AS-Interface 3ODQWFRQWUROOHYHO 7,$,QWHJUDWHG6LHPHQVVROXWLRQSODWIRUP 1HWZRUNLQJWKHKRVWFRPSXWHUE\ PHDQVRI ,QGXVWULDO(WKHUQHW 'DWDYROXPHVLQPHJDE\WHUDQJH ZLWKRXWUHDOWLPHUHTXLUHPHQW )LHOGDQGFRQWUROOHYHO 1HWZRUNLQJWKHFRQWUROOHUV HJ6LPDWLF6 DQGWKHFRPSOH[ QRGHVZLWK3URILEXV $FWXDWRUVHQVRUOHYHO $UHDRIDSSOLFDWLRQ RI$6,QWHUIDFH /RZGDWDYROXPH HYHQLIPDQ\GHYLFHVDUHFRQQHFWHG DQGUHDOWLPHUHTXLUHPHQW Figure 1-2 Integration of AS-i in the TIA automation pyramid 1.5 Benefits of AS-Interface The actuator sensor interface offers the following benefits: No need for complex cable harnesses to the sensors and actuators Smaller control cabinets due to the lack of I/O modules Rapid installation thanks to the IP67 housing and AS-i insulation displacement method Plug-in methods allows sensors and actuators to be connected without errors Signals are mapped in the PLC in the same way as for standard I/O modules Comprehensive range of diagnosis options covering even individual modules Modules can be replaced while the system is live These benefits not only help cut the cost of configuration, installation, documentation, and maintenance, but also reduce downtime. For more information, see: 22 AS-Interface system System Manual, 11/2008, 3RK2703-3BB02-1AA1 Product portfolio 2.1 2 Master As a communications processor (CP) or link, the AS-Interface master acts as an interface with higher-level controllers. It organizes data exchange on the AS-Interface cable independently, queries signals, sets parameters, and performs monitoring/diagnostic functions. Up to 62 AS-Interface slaves can be connected. Integrated analog value transfer Standard operation in the input/output address range The individual AS-Interface slaves either can be configured in STEP 7 HW Config, or the AS-i ACTUAL configuration can simply be adopted as the TARGET configuration Monitoring of the power supply on the AS-Interface shaped cable User-friendly diagnosis and commissioning Degree of protection IP20 Communications processors (CP) Simple connection to SIMATIC S7-300 with CP343-2 / CP343-2 P or to SIMATIC S7-200 with CP343-2. Links to PROFIBUS DP or PROFINET IO A compact router integrated in STEP 7 from AS-Interface to PROFIBUS with DP/AS-i Link Advanced and DP/AS-i Link 20E or with IE/AS-i Link PN IO to PROFINET Single and double master to spec. 3.0 Vertical, Web-based integration (i.e. commissioning and diagnosis can be performed via a standard Web browser) PROFINET link with integrated Ethernet 2-port switch AS-Interface system System Manual, 11/2008, 3RK2703-3BB02-1AA1 23 Product portfolio 2.2 AS-Interface power supply units Safety-related F-link to PROFIBUS DP Compact router allowing efficient integration of ASIsafe in PROFIsafe Degree of protection IP20 In one device: Fully-fledged AS-i master (Spec. 3.0) for standard and safety signals Transfer of safe input signals to PROFIsafe architectures Exchange of digital and analog I/O data Safety functions parameterized via STEP 7 Distributed Safety 2.2 AS-Interface power supply units AS-Interface power supply units are primary switched-mode power supply units that generate a regulated DC voltage of 30 V DC with high control stability and low residual ripple. They are a key component of the AS-Interface network and allow data and power to be transferred simultaneously in one cable. Power supplies Optimum power for all applications: AS-Interface power supply units Degree of protection IP20 Broad power spectrum (from 3 A DC to 8 A DC) Removable terminal blocks Integrated overload and ground-fault detection Diagnostic memory, signaling contacts and remote reset function, LEDs Ultra-wide input range with 8 A version CLASS 2 variant available Variant with 24 V DC input available 24 AS-Interface system System Manual, 11/2008, 3RK2703-3BB02-1AA1 Product portfolio 2.3 Slaves 2.3 Slaves Slaves are used to connect the sensors and actuators in the field or in the cabinet unit. A maximum of 62 slaves can be connected to an AS-i network. The connected slaves exchange data with the AS-i master cyclically. K60, K45, and K20 compact modules The K60, K45, and K20 compact modules reduce installation and commissioning times by up to 40%. Degrees of protection IP65/IP67 or IP68/IP69K available Particularly compact dimensions as of a construction width of 20 mm ATEX-certified modules for hazardous zone 22 available Connection sockets in M8/M12 Up to 8 inputs and 4 outputs A/B technology available (to AS-i spec. 2.1 and AS-i spec. 3.0) Polarized contacting DIN rail and wall-mounting possible Module can be mounted on a baseplate with just one screw Diagnostic LEDs AS-i/AS-i data coupler with construction type K60 Rapid connection by means of insulation displacement method (flat cable adapters for K20) K60 analog modules The K60 analog modules allow analog values to be easily integrated. Degree of protection IP65/IP67 Records/supplies analog signals on site 1, 2, or 4 channels Input modules for up to 4 current sensors, voltage sensors, or temperature sensors (Pt 100, Ni 100) or resistance measurement Output modules for current or voltage Analog modules with rapid data transfer in extended address mode (A/B technology) to spec. 3.0 available AS-Interface system System Manual, 11/2008, 3RK2703-3BB02-1AA1 25 Product portfolio 2.4 Motor starters SlimLine and flat modules SlimLine and flat modules can be used in control cabinets and small local switchboxes. Degree of protection IP20 Up to 16 inputs A/B technology available (also to AS-i spec. 3.0) SlimLine modules with construction widths as of 22.5 mm Removable SlimLine terminal blocks safe against finger touch and coded Flat modules for small control cabinets and areas with restricted space Connection via screw-type or cage-clamp terminals DIN rail and wall mounting possible Diagnostic LEDs Counter modules Counter modules are used for transferring count values for pulses of up to 769 Hz. Degree of protection IP20 For evaluating digital pulses Connection via removable screw-type or cage-clamp terminals 2.4 Motor starters 24 V DC starter Simple motor starter with tried-and-tested K60 module construction type for 24 V DC motors Degree of protection IP65/IP67 Direct-on-line starter, double direct-on-line starter, or reversing starter For motors up to 70 W Quick-stop function 26 AS-Interface system System Manual, 11/2008, 3RK2703-3BB02-1AA1 Product portfolio 2.5 LOGO! Compact starter for AS-Interface Motor starters for AC motors No local control cabinets required Degree of protection IP65/IP67 Up to 5.5 kW for 400/500 V AC Electromechanical or electronic design With optional brake contact Hand-held device for local operation available Motor starters for ECOFAST Saving space in the control cabinet: the ECOFAST motor starter can be installed near to or directly on the motor. Degree of protection IP65/IP67 Standardized connector to ECOFAST(R) specifications (conforms with DESINA) Mechanical switching function or as reverse starter with soft start Load feeders Prefabricated load feeders facilitate wiring activities in the control cabinet. Degree of protection IP20 Available fully pre-wired or as individual components Power range up to max. 7.5 kW Can be snapped directly onto busbar systems 2.5 LOGO! Local intelligence with the LOGO! communications module AS-i interface for LOGO! AS-i slave for connecting LOGO! LOGO! I/Os can be extended by four inputs/outputs Small local control units with an interface to a central controller via AS-i AS-Interface system System Manual, 11/2008, 3RK2703-3BB02-1AA1 27 Product portfolio 2.6 Integrated AS-i slaves 2.6 Integrated AS-i slaves Pushbuttons/indicator lights Complete 3SB3 control system with simple AS-Interface connection for your plant. Customized, modular structure Metal or plastic design A/B or standard technology Indicator light with integrated LED Signaling columns Signaling columns for monitoring production procedures and for providing a visual or acoustic alarm in emergencies with a simple AS-Interface connection. A range of visual and acoustic elements can be combined as required Up to four signal elements can be connected via an adapter element With LEDs or incandescent lamps A/B or standard technology Communication-capable contactors (55 to 250 kW) Contactors (55 to 250 kW) Integrated switchover function from automatic to manual/local control Control and message signals via AS-Interface Remaining life time indicated via AS-Interface 28 AS-Interface system System Manual, 11/2008, 3RK2703-3BB02-1AA1 Product portfolio 2.7 ASIsafe 2.7 ASIsafe ASIsafe allows safety-oriented signals to be transferred in an AS-Interface network, thereby enabling EMERGENCY STOP buttons, protective door switches, safety light arrays etc. to be easily connected to the AS-i network without compromising the simplicity of AS-Interface wiring. Safety monitor / expanded safety monitor The safety monitors allow safety functions to be easily configured. Safety category to EN 954-1 4 Safety Integrity Level (SIL) to IEC 61508 3 Core elements of ASIsafe Monitors safe nodes and connects safe inputs Ensures safe shutdown Removable terminal blocks Available with 1 or 2 enabling circuits Expanded safety monitor with extended RAM and functional scope Quick-and-easy configuration of the safety monitor via the PC software asimon Safe modules Safe modules K45F, K20F, and SlimLine allow safe signals to be easily integrated, whether in the control cabinet or field. Degrees of protection IP65/IP67 or IP20 Available as K60, K45, or K20 compact module or SlimLine module Two inputs in safety category 2 to EN 954-1 / Safety Integrity Level (SIL) 3 to IEC 61508 or one input in safety category 4 to EN 954-1 / Safety Integrity Level (SIL) 3 to IEC 61508 Four inputs in safety category 2 to EN 954-1 / Safety Integrity Level (SIL) 3 to IEC 61508 or two inputs in safety category 4 to EN 954-1 / Safety Integrity Level (SIL) 3 to IEC 61508 Modules available with additional standard outputs AS-Interface system System Manual, 11/2008, 3RK2703-3BB02-1AA1 29 Product portfolio 2.8 System components and accessories EMERGENCY STOP Simple, direct connection of tried-and-tested controls to ASIsafe Degrees of protection IP65/IP67 or IP20 EMERGENCY STOP can be connected directly to AS-Interface via integrated modules Metal or plastic housing Also available as F adapter for snapping on to actuator for front plate mounting Position switches / cable-operated switches Direct wiring of safety functions via AS-i Degrees of protection IP65 or IP66/67 Direct connection of position switches or cable-operated switches for detecting safe signals ASIsafe electronics integrated in the housing Available with separate actuator or tumbler Metal or plastic housing Non-contact protective equipment Active personnel protection can be connected directly to ASIsafe. Degree of protection IP65 Can be connected directly and safely to AS-Interface Up to safety category 3 to EN 954-1 / Safety Integrity Level (SIL) 3 to IEC 61508 or in safety category 4 to EN 954-1 / Safety Integrity Level (SIL) 3 to IEC 61508 - (Laser scanner) - (Light arrays/curtains) Also with integrated muting function 2.8 System components and accessories Accessories for facilitating assembly, installation, operation, and diagnosis Range extension Reduced infrastructure costs, greater range of applications, and greater freedom in plant design. An extension plug is available to extend an AS-i segments to max. 200 m (without additional power supply unit) AS-i network can be extended to include more than one bus segment with AS-i repeater Maximum expansion (with star topology) to more than 1000 m possible 30 AS-Interface system System Manual, 11/2008, 3RK2703-3BB02-1AA1 Product portfolio 2.8 System components and accessories Addressing unit Simplest method of addressing and parameterizing the slave All the nodes in the AS-Interface network can be addressed (standard and A/B slaves) Profile codes of the slaves can be read (IO, ID, ID2, and ID1) ID1 code can be set Parameter bits can be temporarily set or the parameter strings permanently set AS-Interface voltage can be measured Outputs can be set directly and slave inputs read Complete plant configurations can be saved Analyzer Quality assessment of an AS-Interface network with function for printing reports as well as performing on-site analyses and remote diagnose Quality and reliability of an AS-Interface installation can be checked Data can be transferred to a PC via an RS232 interface Software-based evaluation Simple, user-friendly operation Test reports generated automatically Advanced trigger functions enable precise analyses Multiple error display enables preventive diagnosis Process data (digital, analog, and Safety) can be viewed online AS-i shaped cable Rapid exchange and connection to AS-Interface by means of piercing technique. Trapezoidal profile protects against incorrect polarity Cables made of materials optimized for different applications Special version available to UL class 2 Distributors / M12 feeders Quick and easy redistribution and branching to the AS-i shaped cable Simple distribution of the AS-i shaped cable with a high degree of protection Branching from AS-i and Uaux to round cable Connection of slaves with M12 bus connection Extremely user friendly AS-Interface system System Manual, 11/2008, 3RK2703-3BB02-1AA1 31 Product portfolio 2.8 System components and accessories Special modules Diagnosing ground faults and protecting against overvoltages on AS-i Advanced diagnosis function that detects, displays (LED), and signals (1 changeover contact) ground faults. Greater operational reliability thanks to overvoltage protection 32 AS-Interface system System Manual, 11/2008, 3RK2703-3BB02-1AA1 Getting Started 3 What information does Getting Started contain? The Getting Started chapter is aimed at people who are new to AS-Interface systems. This chapter provides a step-by-step example showing you how to create a fully-functional AS-i system. Example: Creating an AS-Interface system 1. Components required for creating AS-Interface system 2. Commissioning the AS-Interface system 3. Addressing the I/O modules 4. Mounting the AS-i components on the DIN rail 5. Programming the AS-i system in STEP 7 6. Functional test Functional examples for Safety Integrated Functional examples with safety technology for AS-Interface can be downloaded from: AS-Interface system System Manual, 11/2008, 3RK2703-3BB02-1AA1 33 Getting Started 2.8 System components and accessories To download, click "Functional examples" in the documentation area. 34 AS-Interface system System Manual, 11/2008, 3RK2703-3BB02-1AA1 Getting Started 3.1 Components required for creating AS-Interface system 3.1 Components required for creating AS-Interface system Key components of an AS-Interface system An AS-Interface essentially comprises four components: 1. AS-Interface master The AS-Interface master (in this example: communications processor CP343-2 P) controls data exchange with the connected nodes (slaves). 2. AS-Interface slaves/modules All the nodes that are addressed by the master are called "slaves". In this example, K45 digital I/O modules are used to which the sensor (inductive proximity switch) and an actuator are connected. 3. AS-Interface cable The AS-Interface cable, an unshielded two-wire cable, transfers the signals and power supply for the sensors and actuators connected via AS-Interface. If necessary, the power supply for actuators can be taken from the black shaped cable. 4. AS-Interface power supply unit The AS-Interface power supply unit supplies the network electronics (AS-Interface modules) and connected sensors. The integrated data decoupling ensures that the data and power are kept separate, which means that data and power can be transferred in one cable. Note AS-Interface power supply units are among the essential and functionally-critical components of an AS-Interface network and cannot be replaced by conventional power supply units! The components required for creating the system described in this example are listed below. If other components are used, the steps involved may differ from the description provided here. Components required for creating a standard AS-Interface system Components Type Order no. Qty Rail Length 480 mm 6ES7 390-1AE80-0AA0 1 SIMATIC S7-300, Load power supply, 120/230 V AC, 24 V DC, 2A 6ES7307-1BA00-0AA0 1 PS 307 AS-Interface system System Manual, 11/2008, 3RK2703-3BB02-1AA1 35 Getting Started 3.1 Components required for creating AS-Interface system Components required for creating a standard AS-Interface system Components 36 Type Order no. Qty SIMATIC S7-300 CPU 312 6ES7312-1AE13-0AB0 1 MICRO MEMORY CARD F 64 KBYTE 6ES7953-8LF11-0AA0 1 STEP 7 V5.4, or higher, trial license for 14 days 6ES7810-4CC08-0YA7 1 CP343-2 P AS-Interface communications processor 6GK7 343-2AH10-0XA0 1 Front connector 20-pole, with screw-type contacts 6ES7392-1AJ00-0AA0 1 AS-Interface system System Manual, 11/2008, 3RK2703-3BB02-1AA1 Getting Started 3.1 Components required for creating AS-Interface system Components required for creating a standard AS-Interface system Components $6L Type Order no. Qty AS-Interface power supply unit IP20 3A power supply unit with integrated ground-fault and overload detection 3RX9501-0BA00 1 AS-Interface input module K 45 Digital I/O module, IP 67, 4 inputs 3RK1 200-0CQ20-0AA3 1 AS-Interface output module K45 Digital I/O module, IP 67, 4 outputs 3RK1 100-1CQ20-0AA3 1 Mounting plate for standard rail 3RK1901-2DA00 2 $8; 3RZHU AS-Interface system System Manual, 11/2008, 3RK2703-3BB02-1AA1 37 Getting Started 3.1 Components required for creating AS-Interface system Components required for creating a standard AS-Interface system Components 38 Type Order no. Qty M12 inductive proximity 15 ... 34 V DC, SN = 4 mm, switches PNP, 3 conductors, nickel-plated brass with M12 connector 3RG4012-3AG01 1 M12-M12 connection cable 3-pole, with 1m PUR conductor, black, 3 x 0.34 mm2, straight cable plug, straight connector 3RX8000-0GF32-1AB0 1 Contactor relay Contactor, AC-3, 3KW/400V, 3RT1015-2VB42 1OE DC 24V, 3-pole, module S00, cage-clamp connection, integrated diode 1 Connection cable M12 4-pole, with 5m PUR cable connector - open conductor, black, cable end 4 x 0.34 mm2 3RX8000-0CD42-1AF0 1 AS-Interface shaped cable Yellow, rubber, 2 x 1.5 mm2, length 100 m 3RX9010-0AA00 1 24 V cable (AUX) Black, rubber, 2 x 1.5 mm2, length 100 m 3RX9020-0AA00 1 AS-Interface addressing and diagnostics unit Connection via M12 socket, IP40 3RK1 904-2AB01 1 AS-Interface system System Manual, 11/2008, 3RK2703-3BB02-1AA1 Getting Started 3.2 Overview of the hardware structure 3.2 Overview of the hardware structure 36 &38 &33 $6LSRZHUVXSSO\XQLW 92/7$*( 6(/(&725 21 2)) 6,0$7,& 6 6,723 32:(5 <HOORZ $6LFDEOH %ODFN 9FDEOH $8; .PRGXOH RXWSXWV .PRGXOH LQSXWV 3UR[LPLW\VZLWFK Figure 3-1 3.3 &RQWDFWRU Hardware structure: basic system Commissioning the AS-Interface system Step-by-step guide to creating a fully-functional AS-Interface system To commission a fully-functional AS-Interface system, we recommend that you carry out the following steps: 1. Address the I/O modules with the addressing unit 2. Mount all the components on the DIN rail 3. Connect all the components to the AS-i bus. 4. Program the AS-i system in STEP 7. 5. Carry out a functional test. AS-Interface system System Manual, 11/2008, 3RK2703-3BB02-1AA1 39 Getting Started 3.4 Addressing the I/O modules 3.4 Addressing the I/O modules Unique addressing In the as-delivered condition, the address of each I/O module (slave) is set to 0. It is detected by the master as a new slave that has not yet been addressed and, in this condition, has not yet been integrated in standard communication/data exchange. To enable data to be exchanged between the master and slaves, you have to assign a unique address for all the slaves before creating the interface network. The following addresses are used in this example: Input module K 45 = address 1 Output module K 45 = address 2 Note When addressing the slaves via the addressing socket, you must switch off the AS-i voltage for safety reasons. Steps 1. Unscrew the cap for the addressing socket on the module. 2. Connect the module to the addressing unit (3RK1904 2AB0). 3. Assign an address to the module. - Switch the selector switch to ADDR. - 30 5 Ncm - Press . The address of the connected module is read and displayed. . Select the address with - Transfer the address to the module with . 4. Remove the addressing cable with the cap. 5. Seal the addressing socket with the cap. 6. To address the K45 output module, repeat steps 1 to 4. This time, however, choose the address 2. 40 AS-Interface system System Manual, 11/2008, 3RK2703-3BB02-1AA1 Getting Started 3.5 Mounting the SIMATIC and AS-i components on the DIN rail 3.5 Mounting the SIMATIC and AS-i components on the DIN rail Mounting and grounding the DIN rail Steps 1. Screw on the mounting rail (screw size: M6). Make sure that you maintain a clearance of at least 40 mm above and below the DIN rail. 1. 2. Connect the DIN rail to the protective conductor using the M6 protective conductor screw. The prescribed minimum cable cross-sectional area for the protective conductor is 10 mm2. 2. Mounting the modules on the DIN rail. Mount the PS 307 power supply unit, CPU 312, and CP 343-2 P AS-i master on a DIN rail one after the other. Steps 1. Hook the PS 307 power supply unit onto the DIN rail. Push it to the left until it reaches the grounding screw of the DIN rail and tighten it. 2. Connect a bus connector (see excerpt of graphic) to the CPU 312 to establish a connection with the other modules. AS-Interface system System Manual, 11/2008, 3RK2703-3BB02-1AA1 41 Getting Started 3.5 Mounting the SIMATIC and AS-i components on the DIN rail Steps 3. Hook the CPU onto the DIN rail (1). 1 2 4. Push it along the rail until it reaches the module on the left (2). 5. Now pull it down (3). 3 6. Screw the module onto the DIN rail (tighten by hand). 7. Insert the micro memory card into the module slot of the CPU 312. 2 1 = PS 307 = CPU 312 8. Mount the AS-i master CP 343-2P on the right next to the CPU. To do so, repeat steps 3 to 6. 1 3 2 = PS 307 power supply unit = CPU 312 = AS-i master CP 343-2 P 42 AS-Interface system System Manual, 11/2008, 3RK2703-3BB02-1AA1 Getting Started 3.6 Connecting the CPU312 to the PS 307 power supply unit 3.6 Connecting the CPU312 to the PS 307 power supply unit Steps Result / 1 / 0 / 0 / 0 '& 9 9 = PS 307 power supply unit = CPU 312 = MPI interface for connection to PC/PG 1. Connect the flexible power cable to the PS 307 power supply unit: - Phase L1 to terminal L1 - Neutral conductor to terminal N - Protective conductor to terminal PE PS 307 is connected to the power supply. 2. Check whether the switch for selecting The line voltage is now the line voltage is set in accordance set. with the line voltage in your plant. The power supply is defaulted to a line voltage of 230 V AC. To change this setting, open the protective cap, set the switch to the existing line voltage, and then close the protective cap. 3. Use the connection comb provided to The CPU is connected connect the CPU 312 to the power to the power supply unit. supply. Alternatively, use the flexible cable with a 1 mm2 cross-section. Strip the ends to approx. 6 mm and press wire end ferrules onto the ends. Now connect terminals L1 and N on the power supply unit to those on the CPU. 4. Connect the black AS-i auxiliary cable to the PS 307 power supply unit: - Brown to terminal L+ - Blue to terminal M The AS-i auxiliary cable is connected to the power supply unit. = 24 V power supply connection = Connection cable between PS 307 and CPU 312 Black flat ribbon cable, 24 V (AUX power) Cable strain relief, 230 V / 120 V AS-Interface system System Manual, 11/2008, 3RK2703-3BB02-1AA1 43 Getting Started 3.7 Connecting the CP343-2P master to the AS-i bus 3.7 Connecting the CP343-2P master to the AS-i bus Steps Result 1. Open the cover on the front of the CP 343-2 P and push the front connector onto the module so that the cables can be connected. -- 2. Connect the yellow AS-i shaped cable to the CP: - Brown to terminal 17 (AS-i +) - Blue to terminal 18 (AS-i -) The CP 343-2 P is connected to the AS-i network. = AS-i+ (brown) = AS-i- (blue) 44 AS-Interface system System Manual, 11/2008, 3RK2703-3BB02-1AA1 Getting Started 3.8 Connecting the AS-i power supply unit to the AS-i bus/power supply 3.8 Connecting the AS-i power supply unit to the AS-i bus/power supply Steps Result 1. Supply the input side of the power supply unit with 230 V / 120 V: The power supply unit is supplied with 230 V. - Phase L1 to terminal L1 - Neutral conductor to terminal N - Protective conductor to terminal PE 2. Check whether the switch for selecting The line voltage is now set. the line voltage (see cut-out section on the top of the housing) is set in accordance with the line voltage in your plant. 3. On the output side of the power supply unit , connect the yellow As-i shaped cable: - Brown to terminal 11 (AS-i +) - Blue to terminal 12 (AS-i -) In industrial operation, terminal 13 (GND) must be connected to the system ground. The power supply unit is connected to the AS-i bus. Input side 230 V / 120 V Output side AS-i bus AS-Interface system System Manual, 11/2008, 3RK2703-3BB02-1AA1 45 Getting Started 3.9 Connecting the K45 modules to the AS-i bus 3.9 Connecting the K45 modules to the AS-i bus This example shows you how to mount the K45 modules on a DIN rail. Rapid contacting thanks to piercing technology Steps Result $6L 1. The mounting plate for the module carries the shaped flat cable. Hook the mounting plate onto the DIN rail. Insert the yellow and black shaped cables. The mounting plate locks onto the DIN rail. The cables are secured. $8; 3RZHU 2. Hook the module onto the holding studs on the mounting plate. 3. Push the module onto the mounting plate. 4. Secure the upper part onto the mounting plate The K45 module is using the screw . The contact rods of the connected to the bus. module penetrate the insulation of the shaped cable and establish contact with the copper conductors. 5. Carry out steps 1 to 4 for both K45 modules. 46 AS-Interface system System Manual, 11/2008, 3RK2703-3BB02-1AA1 Getting Started 3.10 Connecting the proximity switch and contactor to K45 modules 3.10 Connecting the proximity switch and contactor to K45 modules 1. Connecting the proximity switch to the K45 input module Steps 1. Connect the proximity switch to the M12-M12 connection cable. 2. Plug the M12 connector of the connection cable into the IN 1 socket on the K45 input module. 2. Connecting the contactor to the K45 output module Steps 1. Strip the open end of the connection cable (with M12 cable connector). 2. Connect the wires to terminals A1 and A2 on the contactor: - A1 = PIN 4 = black wire (switched output) - A2 = PIN 3 = blue wire (ground) 3. Plug the M12 connector into the OUT 1 socket on the K45 output module. AS-Interface system System Manual, 11/2008, 3RK2703-3BB02-1AA1 47 Getting Started 3.11 Configuring and programming the AS-i system 3.11 Configuring and programming the AS-i system Prerequisites for this example The following prerequisites must be fulfilled: To properly understand the following information, you need a general knowledge of automation technology and the basic STEP 7 software. All the hardware has been set up and connected. STEP 7 is installed and fully functioning on your PC/PG. The PC/PG is connected to the CPU 312 via the MPI interface. 1. Creating a new project in STEP 7 Steps Result 1. Choose File > New... and name the project "Getting Started", for example. The "Getting Started" project is created. 2. Choose Insert > Station > SIMATIC 300 Station... The SIMATIC 300 station appears in SIMATIC Manager. 2. Carrying out basic configuration with HW Config Steps Result 1. Open HW Config by right-clicking the SIMATIC 300 station and then open the object by right-clicking the mouse. HW Config opens. 2. Drag and drop the following components from the Hardware Catalog area (normally on the right of the screen) to the HW Config window. These components are stored in the following directory structures (you can double-check your selection using the order numbers displayed): * DIN rail: \SIMATIC 300\RACK-300 (6ES7 390-1AE80-0AA0) * Power supply: \SIMATIC 300\PS-300\PS 307 2A (6ES7307-1BA00-0AA0) * CPU 312: \SIMATIC 300\CPU-300\CPU 312 (6ES7312-1AE13-0AB0) * CP 343-2 P: \SIMATIC 300\CP-300\AS-Interface\CP 343-2 P AS-i (6GK7 343-2AH10-0XA0) 48 The hardware is configured. AS-Interface system System Manual, 11/2008, 3RK2703-3BB02-1AA1 Getting Started 3.11 Configuring and programming the AS-i system 3. Saving, compiling, and loading the hardware configuration Steps Result 1. Choose Station > Save and Compile. The "Getting Started" project is compiled. 2. With the CPU in STOP mode, transfer the configuration by choosing Target System > Download to Module The "Select Target Module" dialog box is displayed. 3. Choose the CPU 312. The data is transferred from the PC/PG to the CPU 312. This completes the basic configuration for "Getting Started". The Simatic system has been informed of the access path to the CP 343-2 P, which means that the "Download to PG" action described below can now be carried out. 4. Defining the I/O addresses for the slaves (I/O modules) and loading the AS-i configuration The CP 343-2 P occupies 16 input bytes and 16 output bytes in the I/O address space of the S7-300 system. The CP assigns 4-bit inputs and 4-bit outputs to each slave on the AS-i cable. The S7-300 has write (slave output data) and read (slave input data) access to these four bits. The first four input bits are reserved. The following is defined as the start address n: n = 0. This is used to define the I/O bits: The sensor is wired to slave 1, IN1, and occupies E 0.0 The contactor is wired to slave 2, OUT1, and occupies A 1.4 I/O byte number Bit 7-4 Bit 3-0 n+0 reserved Slave 1 Bit 3 n+1 Slave 2 Bit 7 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0 Bit 1 Bit 0 Slave 3 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 . . . n+15 Slave 30 Bit 7 AS-Interface system System Manual, 11/2008, 3RK2703-3BB02-1AA1 Bit 6 Slave 31 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 49 Getting Started 3.11 Configuring and programming the AS-i system Steps Result 1. In HW Config, double-click the CP 343-2 P to open it. The Properties window is displayed. 2. Choose the Addresses tab. Set the start address for the inputs and outputs to "0". The CP 343-2 P occupies the set input and output bytes on the S7-300 system. 3. Choose the AS-i Slave Options tab. Choose "Upload to PG". The current AS-i configuration is downloaded to the project file. 4. The Slave Configuration tab shows the AS-i modules (incl. the input and output addresses) that have been read. 5. Choose Station > Save and Compile. The revised "Getting Started" project is compiled. 6. With the CPU in STOP mode, transfer the configuration by choosing Target System > Download to Module The data is downloaded to the CPU 312. 50 This completes the AS-i configuration for "Getting Started". AS-Interface system System Manual, 11/2008, 3RK2703-3BB02-1AA1 Getting Started 3.12 Testing the circuit 5. Programming and testing the circuit Steps Result 1. Double-click the following icons: - CPU 312 > S7 program > Modules > OB1 The "Properties" dialog box for OB1 is displayed. 2. In this dialog box, choose the programming language "FUP" and confirm with OK. The program editor is displayed. 3. Use F2 to insert an "and" box and F7 to insert an "assignment" box. Assign address E 0.0 to the first input. Delete the second connector. Assign address A 1.4 to the "assignment" box. The signal status of the proximity switch is forwarded to the contactor. 4. To close the editor, choose File > Exit and then "Yes" to confirm that you want to close the editor. Module OB1 is saved and the editor is closed. 5. Select station "SIMATIC 300(1)". 6. In the PLC menu, choose Download to transfer the program and The program and configuration are hardware configuration to the CPU. Choose the CPU 312. Confirm all the downloaded from the PC/PG to the subsequent prompts with Yes CPU 312. 3.12 Testing the circuit Testing the circuit Steps Result 1. Set the operating switch on the CPU 312 to RUN. The STOP LED extinguishes. The RUN LED switches from flashing to a continuous light. 2. Activate the proximity switch by moving a metal object (e.g. screwdriver) toward the head of the proximity switch. The status LED IN1 on the input module illuminates. The output can be activated via the S7 program. The status LED OUT1 on the output module illuminates. The contactor switches. 3.13 Result The inputs and outputs on the AS-Interface slaves are interconnected via the STEP 7 program in the same way as for Simatic I/O modules. AS-Interface system System Manual, 11/2008, 3RK2703-3BB02-1AA1 51 Getting Started 3.13 Result 52 AS-Interface system System Manual, 11/2008, 3RK2703-3BB02-1AA1 4 Operating principle 4.1 ISO/OSI reference model AS-Interface in the ISO/OSI reference model Like all communications systems, AS-Interface can be integrated in the ISO/OSI reference model. The functionality is implemented at layers 1, 2, and 7. ISO/OSI layer Function Implementation in AS-Interface Level 7: Makes network services available to users. Messages, cycle, profiles, automatic address assignment Application layer Level 6: Presentation layer Converting network data formats to applications data formats Level 5: Logging connections on/off Session layer Level 4: Transport layer Transparent data formatting for routers Level 3: Address formatting, addressing Network layer Level 2: Data link layer Level 1: Physical layer AS-Interface system System Manual, 11/2008, 3RK2703-3BB02-1AA1 Data structure, framework, validation, troubleshooting Data telegram, start/stop bit, validation, troubleshooting Mechanical and electrical connection Cable, power supply unit, data for transferring data decoupling, APM, power supply 53 Operating principle 4.2 Physical layer 4.2 Physical layer 4.2.1 Elements in the physical layer This chapter provides information on the following: The AS-Interface cable and network The AS-Interface power supply and data decoupling Modulation procedure 4.2.2 The AS-Interface cable Properties of the AS-Interface cable The AS-Interface cable connects all the network nodes. The cable has two wires (ASI + and ASI -) and is unshielded. The trapezoidal profile with the profiled lug ensures a high degree of protection against polarity reversal (mechanical code). The shaped cable transfers data and power. The AS-Interface shaped cable offers a high degree of flexibility when you structure network topologies, which means they can be optimized in line with physical conditions. /LQH 6WDU 0DVWHU 7UHH 0DVWHU 0DVWHU Line, star, tree as well as any other combination of topology configurations are possible. The nodes can be connected at any point in the network. Up to 62 slaves, one master, and up to four additional passive nodes (without their own AS-i address) can be connected to a network. No shielding is required. The cable must not be twisted. A line terminator is not required. The total length of the cable is restricted to 100 m. A range of components (e.g. repeater, extension plug) are available for extending the maximum length of the cable. The nodes receive their power supply via the same cable with a rated voltage of 24 V DC and a total current of up to 8 A. 54 AS-Interface system System Manual, 11/2008, 3RK2703-3BB02-1AA1 Operating principle 4.2 Physical layer Electrical specifications for the AS-Interface cable In principle, any two-wire cable that complies with the following electrical specifications can be used as an AS-Interface cable. $6L /v 5v &v $6L 5v $6L /v 5v $6L *v /v 5v /v Specification: R' < 90 m/m L' 400 to 1300 nH/m C' < 80 pF/m G' < 5 S/m Surge impedance |Z| in the range of 70 to 140 Group delay time t' < 8.3 ns/m Note An unshielded standard round cable (H05VV-F 2 x 1.5 mm2) in accordance with the AS-i specifications can also be used for special applications. Note Using cables that do not comply with AS-i specifications If a cable that does not comply with the specifications above (shielded cable in particular) is used as an AS-i cable, a correction factor of 1.3. must be taken into account when the length of this cable is calculated. From an electrical point of view, therefore, approx. 75 m of a non-compliant cable corresponds 100 m of an AS-i-compliant cable. AS-Interface system System Manual, 11/2008, 3RK2703-3BB02-1AA1 55 Operating principle 4.2 Physical layer 4.2.3 The AS-Interface power supply Functions of the AS-Interface power supply unit Because both data and energy are transferred via the same cable for AS-Interface, the power supply is part of the physical layer. For this reason, AS-Interface power supply units have a special design. 6\PPHWUL]DWLRQ 'DWDGHFRXSOLQJ 3(/9 $6L / 3ULPDU\ YROWDJH 1 9'& SRZHU SDFN *URXQG $6L 3( Figure 4-1 AS-Interface power supply unit Each AS-Interface power supply unit performs four functions. Supplies the network with a rated voltage of 30 V DC To ensure that 24 V DC can also be ensured at the end of the AS-Interface network, the power supply unit has been specified with a rated voltage of 30 V. This design permits a voltage drop of approx. 3 V via the AS-Interface cable and another 3 V in all the slaves where the data and power path must be separated again. In principle, the current supplied to the AS-Interface network can be set as required. In practice, approx. 8 A is a sensible setting due to the standard conductor cross-sections of the AS-Interface cables. 56 AS-Interface system System Manual, 11/2008, 3RK2703-3BB02-1AA1 Operating principle 4.2 Physical layer Protective separation AS-Interface is designed as a system for low voltages with protection separation (PELV: "Protective Extra Low Voltage" to IEC 60364-4-41). For this reason, a power supply unit that takes its primary voltage from 115 V AC or 230 V AC requires protective separation between the primary and secondary voltage in accordance with the applicable IEC standards. The PELV protective measure means that there is no need for a PE conductor. Other special shock-hazard measures are not required either. Balancing the network AS-Interface is operated as a symmetrical, ungrounded system. To ensure optimum interference immunity against symmetrical coupled-in noise, the AS-Interface cable must be designed to be as symmetrical as possible. A balancing circuit can be used for this purpose. The "ground" connection must be grounded at a suitable point in the machine or plant. With AS-Interface, only this point can be connected to ground (GND) directly. Proper balancing means that the cable does not need to be shielded or twisted. Data decoupling The data decoupling network is normally integrated in the AS-Interface power supply unit. It has two inductors of 50 H each and two 39 resistors connected in parallel. This network ensures that data transfer is not short-circuited by the power supply. At the same time, it converts the current pulses generated by the AS-Interface transmitters to voltage pulses that can be detected by the AS-Interface receivers. AS-Interface system System Manual, 11/2008, 3RK2703-3BB02-1AA1 57 Operating principle 4.2 Physical layer 4.2.4 The AS-Interface modulation procedure How alternating pulse modulation (APM) works 7UDQVPLWWHU 'DWD 3RZHU GHFRXSOLQJ VXSSO\XQLW $6,QWHUIDFHQHWZRUN 5HFHLYHU To transfer data, AS-Interface uses alternating pulse modulation (APM) with virtually sine2-shaped current/voltage pulses, which means that the following prerequisites are fulfilled: The message signal is superimposed on the power supply for the actuators and sensors and must be free of DC current. The transmitter must be able to generate the signal as efficiently as possible. Since the AS-Interface cable has a steeply-rising damping characteristic over the frequency, the message signal must have a narrow band. APM transfers the data serially in the baseband and is free of DC current. 58 AS-Interface system System Manual, 11/2008, 3RK2703-3BB02-1AA1 Operating principle 4.2 Physical layer The individual steps involved in alternating pulse modulation (APM) 1. Send bit sequence 2. With this coding type, the information regarding the level switch is in the center of the bit. With a logical zero, the signal in the center of the bit switches from "high" to "low" (and vice versa with a logical one). The send bit sequence is recoded as a bit sequence that carries out a phase change whenever the send signal changes (Manchester coding). 3. This bit sequence is converted to a send current. 4. The send current is converted by the inductor in the AS-i power supply unit to a voltage, which can be detected by the receiver: When the send current increases, this results in a negative voltage pulse (and vice versa). 5. The receiver detects these voltage signals on the cable and converts them to the send bit sequence; it interprets the first negative pulse as the start bit of a message. 6. Bit sequence received The special shaping of the send current pulses means that the radiation of high-frequency electromagnetic waves is reduced to the extent that cables that the non-shielded AS-i cable complies with the prescribed limit values. Alternating pulse modulation and the required topology criteria enable bit times of 6 s and, in turn, a gross transmission rate of 167 kbit/s to be achieved. AS-Interface system System Manual, 11/2008, 3RK2703-3BB02-1AA1 59 Operating principle 4.2 Physical layer Permissible limit values for alternating pulse modulation 9ROWDJH>0@ 9ROWDJH>0@ 7LPH>wV@ 7LPH>wV@ Response from slave near power supply unit Response from slave far from power supply unit The AS-Interface data transfer amplitude can fluctuate within relatively wide limits. The differences result from the tree-like branched network and the cable, which is terminated at just one end by the power supply unit. Thanks to this stable operating principle, AS-Interface permits a high degree of flexibility with regard to the topology. Limit values within a telegram Permissible amplitude fluctuations: 35% of Umax Permissible overshooting: max. 30% of amplitude Umax 60 AS-Interface system System Manual, 11/2008, 3RK2703-3BB02-1AA1 Operating principle 4.2 Physical layer Limit values for the pulse edges Permissible fluctuations of the pulse edges with respect to time: (n x 3 s) + 1/-0.5 s (measured from the first negative edge) Note Radiated emissions: Due to the narrow spectral bandwidth of sine2 pulse modulation used for AS-i and the symmetrical design, radiated emissions from the AS-i system are minimal. Other devices are not affected. Noise immunity: The symmetrical design and the coding method used (Manchester coding, APM (alternating pulse modulation)) ensure that AS-i is highly immune to noise. In noisy industrial environments, transmission errors are impossible to avoid. These are detected by the coding procedure, however, and rejected as invalid. This means that the data made available to users is always reliable. AS-Interface system System Manual, 11/2008, 3RK2703-3BB02-1AA1 61 Operating principle 4.2 Physical layer 4.2.5 Structure of the AS-Interface system System components An AS-i system essentially comprises three components: A master An AS-i power supply unit Nodes (slaves with integrated AS-i connection / AS-i modules) 6ODYH 6ODYH Figure 4-2 3RZHU6XSSO\ $6L0DVWHU 636 6ODYH 6ODYH Structure of the AS-i system The AS-i master The AS-i master controls data exchange with the connected nodes by means of cyclic polling. During a cycle, four data bits are exchanged with each slave in both the input and output direction. AS-i power supply unit Thanks to integrated data decoupling, the AS-i power supply unit allows data and energy to be transferred simultaneously via a two-wire cable. 62 AS-Interface system System Manual, 11/2008, 3RK2703-3BB02-1AA1 Operating principle 4.2 Physical layer 4.2.6 Alternative structures Direct or distributed structure AS-Interface can be integrated as required in the existing structure with communications processors and routers. AS-Interface connected directly to the controller As a communications processor (CP), the master is an integral part of the controller (e.g. ET 200, SIMATIC S7-200 and SIMATIC S7-300). 636 $6L0DVWHU 6ODYH 6ODYH 6ODYH 6ODYH Figure 4-3 6ODYH 3RZHU6XSSO\ Direct connection to the controller AS-Interface system System Manual, 11/2008, 3RK2703-3BB02-1AA1 63 Operating principle 4.2 Physical layer AS-Interface as a subsystem If AS-Interface is configured as a subsystem on a higher-level bus system, routers (links) (e.g. IE/AS-i LINK PN IO, DP/AS-i LINK Advanced or DP/AS-Interface Link 20E) are used as the AS-Interface master. This configuration allows functional units to be set up and commissioned before the central controller is fully programmed. 636 636 PROCESS FIELD BUS ,($6L/,1.31,2 6O DYH 3RZHU6XSS\ 6ODYH 6ODYH Figure 4-4 3RZHU6XSS\ 6O DYH 6ODYH 6ODYH '3$6L/,1. $GYDQFHG 6ODYH 6ODYH 6ODYH 6ODYH 3RZHU6XSS\ 6ODYH AS-Interface as a subsystem 4.2.7 Cable lengths and extending an AS-i network Figure 4-5 Network extension - so far max. 100 m per segment An AS-i line can be up to 100 m long without additional components. Repeaters can be used, however, to increase the length of the line. Two repeaters can be connected in series, which can extend the network to 300 m (line structure). A separate AS-i power supply must be provided in each new segment. 64 AS-Interface system System Manual, 11/2008, 3RK2703-3BB02-1AA1 Operating principle 4.2 Physical layer Figure 4-6 Network extension - now with AS-i extension plug, max. 200 m per segment An extension plug can be used to double the length of an AS-i line to 200 m. Since repeaters cannot be connected in series when they are used in conjunction with AS-i extension plugs, this results in a maximum distance of 400 m between the master and slave and a maximum cable extension of 600 m (master in the center of the network). Repeaters can be connected in parallel in a star configuration each with up to 200 m long segments. Figure 4-7 Network extension - now with AS-i extension plug, max. 200 m per segment, only one repeater connected in series The network can be extended even further if additional network components are used. An extender can increase the length of the AS-Interface cable by 100 m. When this is used, however, the first subline must not contain any slaves. AS-Interface system System Manual, 11/2008, 3RK2703-3BB02-1AA1 65 Operating principle 4.3 Data link layer 4.3 Data link layer 4.3.1 The elements of the data link layer This chapter provides information on the following: The AS-Interface bus access procedure The AS-Interface message Data backup 4.3.2 The AS-Interface bus access procedure Master/slave procedure with cyclic polling $6,QWHUIDFH 0DVWHU &DOORIDOOVODYHV 67 &% $ $ $ $ , $ , , , 0DVWHUFDOO 6ODYH$ 67 , , , , 3% (% 5HVSRQVH 6ODYH$ , 3% (% 67 &% $ $ $ $ , $ , , , , 3% (% 0DVWHUFDOO 6ODYH$ 67 , , , , 3% (% 5HVSRQVH 6ODYH$ 67 &% $ $ $ $ , $ , , , , 3% (% 0DVWHUFDOO 6ODYH$ 67 , , , , 3% (% 5HVSRQVH 6ODYH$ 5HVSRQVHRIDOOVODYHV In the master/slave procedure with cyclic polling, the master polls all the connected slaves one after the other at defined intervals and reads the responses. 66 AS-Interface system System Manual, 11/2008, 3RK2703-3BB02-1AA1 Operating principle 4.3 Data link layer Cycle time for AS-Interface The bit time for AS-i is 6 s. A transaction (master call and slave response normally take 156 s). With 31 slaves and one management call per cycle, the cycle time is 5 ms. The cycle time comprises different intervals: Times with exact duration - Master call: 14 bit times exactly - Slave response: 7 bit times exactly Waiting and synchronization times with non-fixed duration - Master interval: at least 2 bit times, max. 10 bit times - Slave interval: under normal circumstances, synchronized: 1.5 to 2 bit times during startup, non-synchronized: 4 bit times 4.3.3 The AS-Interface message Structure 6ODYHUHVSRQVH ELWWLPHV 0DVWHUFDOO ELWWLPHV 67 &% $ $ $ $ ELWDGGUHVV $ , , , , , 3% (% 3 3 67 , ELWLQIRUPDWLRQ , , , 3% (% 3 3 ELWLQIRUPDWLRQ An AS-Interface message comprises the following elements: Master call: each master call comprises exactly 14 bit times Master interval: at least 2 bit times, max. 10 bit times Slave response: each slave response comprises exactly 7 bit times Slave interval: - under normal circumstances with synchronized slave: 1.5 to 2 bit times - During startup with non-synchronized slave: 4 bit times AS-Interface system System Manual, 11/2008, 3RK2703-3BB02-1AA1 67 Operating principle 4.3 Data link layer Structure of master call to standard slave 67 &% $ $ $ $ $ , , , , , 3% (% 67 Start bit Marks the beginning of the master call. The following always applies: ST = 0 &% Control bit Indicates the type of call in the information bits 0 = data/parameter/addressing call 1 = command call Address These 5 address bits contain the address of the slave that is being called Information Depending on the call type, these 5 information bits contain the information sent to the slave. Parity bit This means that the sum of all "1s" in the master call must be even (the end bit is not counted here). End bit Marks the end of the master call. The following always applies: EB = 1 $ $ , , 3% (% Structure of the standard slave response 67 67 , , 3% (% 68 , , , , 3% (% Start bit Marks the beginning of the slave response. The following always applies: ST = 0 Information These 4 bits contain the information sent to the master. Parity bit This means that the sum of all "1s" in the slave response must be even (the end bit is not counted here). End bit Marks the end of the slave response. The following always applies: EB = 1 AS-Interface system System Manual, 11/2008, 3RK2703-3BB02-1AA1 Operating principle 4.4 Application layer 4.4 Application layer 4.4.1 AS-Interface module parameters When the system is started up, the master sends parameters to each slave in order to define its physical properties. The parameters are stored temporarily in the slave. The slave sends a parameter echo, which means that is ready to exchange data with the master. Parameter bits Parameter bits are usually called "parameters" for short. These parameters can be used to set the properties of the slaves (e.g. the signal range for A/B slaves, 0-20 mA or 4-20 mA). A parameter set comprising 4 parameter bits (default value: 1111bin) is defined for each slave in the master. The properties of most digital slaves are predefined and cannot be changed. The default value is usually sent for these slaves. With A/B slaves, only 3 bits are available because the highest bit is used for determining the address. To find out which parameter bits can be used to set which slave properties, see the operating instructions issued by the slave manufacturer. In the SIMATIC system, you can set the slave properties in plain text via HW Config for all the current masters. The parameter bits are then set accordingly by the system. This means that you do not have to refer to the parameter lists in the operating instructions. Configured parameters / permanent parameters The parameter sets defined in the master are stored in a permanent memory in the master, that is, the parameter bits are not lost when the master is switched off. Current parameters / parameter image When the master is switched on or once Profibus/Profinet communication has begun (e.g. insert/remove plug or download the HW Config data to the station), the parameter bits are copied from the permanent memory to a volatile memory in the master. These are then transferred to the individual slaves. When the master is switched on, each slave automatically receives the current parameter bits from the master. These are then stored in a volatile memory, that is, these values are lost in the event of a power failure. Parameter bits cannot be read from the slave. In the parameter image, the master stores the values that were last written to the slaves. Note If parameters are sent to the slave by means of the addressing unit, the slave "forgets" these parameters as soon as it is disconnected from the addressing unit. The parameters active in the slave are always defined by the connected AS-i master. AS-Interface system System Manual, 11/2008, 3RK2703-3BB02-1AA1 69 Operating principle 4.4 Application layer Parameter echo If the master sends parameter bits to the slave, the slave responds with a parameter echo. The parameter echo is a block of 4 bits in each slave, but it cannot be read directly. In principle, it is completely independent of the parameter bit values that are sent. The master saves the parameter echo to a volatile memory. Once the parameter echo has been sent, the slave begins exchanging data cyclically. If a slave fails, the master sets the parameter echo, which is stored internally, to the default value 1111 bin. Parameter string Only special AS-i slaves (with the slave profile 7.2 or 7.4) contain the parameter string. No AS-i slaves from Siemens currently use this parameter string. The parameter string is stored in the slave permanently (non-volatile) and can be written or read. It comprises several parameter bytes with a length of up to 220 bytes. For more information about the parameter string, see the operating instructions issued by the slave manufacturer. Data cannot be exchanged cyclically when the parameter string is being transferred from the master to the slave (or vice versa). For this reason, the system must be switched to parameter string exchange mode. The parameter bits and parameter echoes which, as a result, are not actually available to users, are required for this purpose. 70 AS-Interface system System Manual, 11/2008, 3RK2703-3BB02-1AA1 Operating principle 4.4 Application layer 4.4.2 Setting parameters via the ASI_3422 command interface ASI_3422 command interface This function block can be used to transfer changes from the PLC to the permanent memory in the master and read them back to the PLC. The FC can be adapted for non-SIMATIC systems (see the instructions in the link description provided by the manufacturer). You can download the FC function block "ASI_3422" from the following address: Commands available in the ASI_3422 command interface Call 00hex 39hex * * * * * * 19hex * 3Ahex * 01hex * 1Ahex * Writes the parameters for an individual slave to the permanent memory. This does not affect the parameter image. No data is forwarded to the slave. Reads the parameters for an individual slave from the permanent memory. Independent of the content of the parameter image and status of the slave. Reads the complete configuration of the AS-i bus, including all the current parameters from the parameter images of all the slaves. Same as call 39hex, but for older masters (without A/B slaves, spec. 2.0) Writes the complete configuration of the AS-i bus to the master, that is, parameters are overwritten in the permanent memory and copied automatically to the parameter image, which is then forwarded automatically to the slaves. This call performs a full reset on the AS-i bus, that is, all the slaves are momentarily "switched off" and then restart cyclic data exchange. Same as call 3Ahex, but for older masters (without A/B slaves, spec. 2.0) Note With more recent masters, this call is executed in both configuration mode and protected mode. With older masters, this call is only executed in configuration mode, that is, the master may have to be switched from protected mode to configuration mode (e.g. via call 0Chex - set operating mode). 3Chex * * * 1Chex * Writes the current parameters for all slaves to the parameter image. This does not affect the permanent memory. The master only transfers the parameters whose values have changed vis-a-vis the previous parameter image to the slaves (i.e. slaves whose parameters have not changed do not send a parameter echo to the master). Same as call 3Chex, but for older masters (without A/B slaves, spec. 2.0) AS-Interface system System Manual, 11/2008, 3RK2703-3BB02-1AA1 71 Operating principle 4.4 Application layer 03hex * * * 04hex * 4.4.3 Writes the current parameters for an individual slave to the parameter image. This does not affect the permanent memory. The master transfers the parameters to the slaves regardless of whether the parameter value has been changed and forwards the parameter echo received from the slave directly in the command response to the user. Copies the parameter image to the permanent memory. Setting parameters via the display/WBM DP/AS-i Link Advanced and IE/AS-i Link PN IO offer a range of functions via WBM that can be used via an Internet browser. A Java script is required for this purpose, which is stored in the links and loaded by the browser. Prerequisites An IP address with a suitable subnet screen form must be set in the link (DP/AS-i Link Advanced or IE/AS-i Link PN IO). To access the link via WBM, you need a PC with an Internet browser. We recommend Microsoft Internet Explorer (as of version 6.0). Java must be active in the browser so that the script can be executed. The PC must be connected to the LAN connection of the link by means of a standard or crossed Ethernet cable (autocrossing). Note In this configuration, the PC is not connected to the LAN (company network). To enable both the LAN and link to be used at the same time, a second network card or a USB Ethernet adapter are recommended. If you require direct integration in the LAN, contact your network administrator. Note The browser must be set in such a way that whenever it accesses a page, it always downloads the latest version from the server. In Internet Explorer, you can set this by choosing Tools > Internet Options... > General and then "Settings..." under "Temporary Internet files". 72 AS-Interface system System Manual, 11/2008, 3RK2703-3BB02-1AA1 Operating principle 4.4 Application layer Note Firewall When a firewall is used, you must ensure that the following ports can be accessed: * TFTP port 69 * http port 80/TCP * SNMP port 161/UDP * SNTP port 25 * Trap port 162/UDP Setting the IP address/subnet screen form on the link 1. Deactivate DHCP: In the link display, choose the sub-menu IND. ETHERNET > DHCP. Deselect the checkbox. 2. Set the IP address Choose the sub-menu ETHERNET > IP Address. Enter the IP address using the cursor keys, e.g.: 1. Set the subnet address Choose the sub-menu ETHERNET > Subnet Mask. Enter the subnet address using the cursor keys, e.g.: 1. Set the gateway address Choose the sub-menu ETHERNET > Gateway. Enter the gateway address using the cursor keys e.g.: These settings must be compared with the network settings on the PC. AS-Interface system System Manual, 11/2008, 3RK2703-3BB02-1AA1 73 Operating principle 4.4 Application layer Network settings on the PC 1. On your PC, choose Start > Settings > Control Panel > Network Connections. Choose a connection and display its properties on the General tab. This connection uses the following element "Internet Protocol (TCP/IP)". Display its properties. 2. Select "Use Following IP Address" and enter the IP address and subnet mask e.g.: IP Address Subnet Mask Starting the WBM To start the WBM, enter the following data in your browser: http://<IP address of the link> For example: The WBM starts with the system configuration menu. You now have read access to the menus. You have to log in if you want to make any changes. Login Note The screenshots are from Microsoft Internet Explorer Version 6.0. If you are using a different browser (e.g. Netscape, Mozilla etc.), the menus may differ. 74 AS-Interface system System Manual, 11/2008, 3RK2703-3BB02-1AA1 Operating principle 4.4 Application layer In this screen, make the following settings: Name Password The factory default settings are as follows: Name Password admin admin Confirm your entries by choosing "Login". NOTICE You must change your password for security reasons. When the factory settings are restored, the password is also reset. Note You cannot make any changes without logging in. If you do not carry out any actions for more than five minutes (this default setting can be changed), the system logs you off automatically. AS-Interface system System Manual, 11/2008, 3RK2703-3BB02-1AA1 75 Operating principle 4.4 Application layer "AS-i Slaves Total Configuration" tab The menu is divided into two areas and covers all the slaves detected on this line: Detected: All the slaves detected on this line are listed here, including their configuration (display fields). Configured: You can set the configuration data for the slaves here. = Parameter image = Permanent parameters 76 AS-Interface system System Manual, 11/2008, 3RK2703-3BB02-1AA1 Operating principle 4.4 Application layer "AS-i Slave Diagnostics" tab This menu contains all the relevant data for the selected slave. AS-Interface system System Manual, 11/2008, 3RK2703-3BB02-1AA1 77 Operating principle 4.4 Application layer "AS-i Slave current parameters" tab In this menu, you can set the parameter bits. The parameter echo is returned. Note that these changes are only valid until the DP master is started. The system is then restarted with the configured parameter values. 78 AS-Interface system System Manual, 11/2008, 3RK2703-3BB02-1AA1 5 System extensions 5.1 Technical development of the AS-Interface 6ODYHV PV $QDORJSURILOH ,PSURYHGGLDJQRVWLFV 6ODYHV PV %XV]\NOXV $6L6SHF9 $6,VDIH $6L6SHF9 16$BD 6SHHGIOH[LELOLW\ 6DIHW\0RQLWRU 6DIHLQSXWVODYHV ','2LQ$%WHFKQRORJ\ ','2LQ$%LQWHFKQRORJ\ $GGLWLRQDODQDORJSURILOHV 7UDQVIHURIVHULDO GDWD $6L6SHF9 Figure 5-1 AS-i technical development: Levels of the AS-Interface Complete Specification AS-Interface system System Manual, 11/2008, 3RK2703-3BB02-1AA1 79 System extensions 5.2 System limits of the AS-Interface specification 5.2 System limits of the AS-Interface specification AS-Interface specification 5.3 Max. no. of slaves No. of digital inputs No. of digital outputs digital analog ASIsafe Version 2.0 31 31 31 31 x 4 = 124 31 x 4 = 124 Version 2.1 62 31 31 62 x 4 = 248 62 x 3 = 186 Version 3.0 62 62 31 62 x 8 = 496 62 x 8 = 496 Extensions of the AS-Interface specification 2.1 AS-Interface specification 2.1 enables the number of network nodes to be double from 31 to 62. The "advanced addressing" function can be used to split the 31 addresses supported in an AS-Interface network. If this function is used for all 31 slaves, this means that max. 62 nodes can be implemented in an AS-Interface network. The A/B slaves can be equipped with a maximum of four inputs and three outputs. Advanced addressing can be used for digital slaves but not for analog slaves or safety-oriented slaves (ASIsafe). AS-Interface specification V2.1 also features an integrated analog value transfer function. Integrated here means that the AS-i master is responsible for compiling the analog values over several AS-i cycles. This relieves the workload on the user program. Depending on the master, the values can now be transferred to the PLC by means of a transfer call or transferred to the process image. Analog values can be accessed here just as easily as digital values. The integrated analog value transfer function can be used with analog slaves that support profiles 7.3 and 7.4. 5.4 Extensions of the AS-Interface specification 3.0 AS-Interface specification 3.0 enables a maximum of 1000 digital inputs/outputs to be connected (profile S-7.A.A: 8DI/8DO as A/B slave). New profiles allow advanced addressing to be used for analog slaves too. "Fast analog profiles" accelerate the speed at which analog values are transferred. Flexible use of analog modules: resolution (12/14 bits) and single/double channel can be set as required. Asynchronous serial protocol 100 baud or 50 baud bidirectional. 80 AS-Interface system System Manual, 11/2008, 3RK2703-3BB02-1AA1 System extensions 5.5 AS-Interface master: depending on the AS-Interface specification version 5.5 AS-Interface master: depending on the AS-Interface specification version To operate A/B slaves in an AS-Interface network, master modules that comply with specification 2.1 at least must also be used. A/B technology is supported by SIMATIC S7 masters and the DP/AS-Interface links from Siemens. Only standard and A slaves (= A/B slave with an A address) can be operated on masters that do not support specification 2.1. The default sub-address of A/B slaves is "A". The new masters to specification 3.0 support all the new slave profiles and are also downward compatible. AS-Interface specification Available masters Version 2.1 S7-200 (CP 243-2), S7-300 (CP 343-2, 343-2P), DP/AS-i Link 20E Version 3.0 DP/AS Link Advanced or IE/AS-i Link PN IO For the AS-Interface specification applicable to the relevant slave, see "Selection and ordering data". For the exact slave profile, see "Technical specifications". 5.6 Communication cycle: depending on the AS-Interface specification version AS-Interface specification Max. cycle time Slave profile Version 2.0 5 ms S-X.0, S-X.1, S-X.F Version 2.1 5 ms for 31 slaves 10 ms for 62 slaves S-X.A, S-7.3, S-7.4, S-7.F Version 3.0 As for version 2.1, and profile specific, S-7.5.5; S-7.A.5, S-B.A.5; S-7.A.7, 10 ms for inputs/outputs (e.g. 20 ms for S-7.A.8; S-7.A.9, S-7.A.A, S-6.0 4DI/4DO and 40 ms for 8DI/8DO) Standard slaves are polled in each cycle (max. cycle time: 5 ms). If just one A or B slave is installed at an address, this slave is also polled in each cycle (max. cycle time: 5 ms). If an A/B slave pair is installed at an address, the A slave is polled in the first cycle and the B slave is polled in the next cycle (max. cycle time: 10 ms). If only a standard and/or A slave is installed in a network, the cycle time is the same as that for standard masters (max. cycle time: 5 ms). AS-Interface system System Manual, 11/2008, 3RK2703-3BB02-1AA1 81 System extensions 5.6 Communication cycle: depending on the AS-Interface specification version The AS-Interface specification for the relevant slave is specified in "Technical specifications" along with the exact slave profile. Any combination of slave types can be used in the same AS-Interface network. 82 AS-Interface system System Manual, 11/2008, 3RK2703-3BB02-1AA1 6 Master 6.1 SIMATIC integrated masters 6.1.1 Overview AS-Interface master operating modes Each AS-i master has two operating modes: Configuration mode Protected mode Configuration mode Configuration mode is used for commissioning an AS-i installation: The AS-i master can exchange data with any AS-i slave connected to the AS-i cable (except for the AS-i slave with address "0"). New AS-i slaves on the bus are immediately detected, activated, and included in cyclic data exchange. The AS-i master cannot issue any error messages to the PLC via the slaves. If the AS-i master is operated in configuration mode when a plant is in production mode, all the I/O data can be freely exchanged with the PLC, although any fault messages are suppressed. Protected mode In protected mode, the AS-i master only exchanges data with the configured AS-i slaves. If any discrepancies between the target and actual configuration are identified, the AS-i master can output a fault message to the PLC automatically. Potential discrepancies: The AS-i slave is configured but is either not available or defective. The AS-i slave is configured but the wrong AS-i slave type has been connected. The AS-i slave has not been configured but is available on the bus. AS-Interface system System Manual, 11/2008, 3RK2703-3BB02-1AA1 83 Master 6.1 SIMATIC integrated masters 6.1.2 CP 243-2 Overview Master connection for CPUs 22x for the state-of-the-art SIMATIC S7-200 generation The CP 243-2 is the AS-Interface master for the state-of-the-art SIMATIC S7-200 generation. The communications processor (6GK1 243-2AX01-0AX0) supports the extended AS-Interface specification V2.1 and offers the following functions: Supports up to 62 AS-Interface slaves and features an integrated analog value transfer function (in accordance with the extended AS-Interface specification V2.1) Supports all the AS-Interface master functions in accordance with the extended AS-Interface specification V2.1. Displays indicating the operating state and LEDs on the front plate indicating the operational readiness of the connected slaves. Fault indications (including AS-Interface voltage errors, configuration errors) by means of LEDs on the front plate. Compact housing in keeping with the design of the state-of-the-art SIMATIC S7-200 generation. Benefits SIMATIC S7-200 offers greater flexibility and a wider range of applications thanks to the increased number of Available digital and analog inputs/outputs Commissioning times reduced thanks to the simple configuration process at the touch of a button. The LED displays help reduce downtime and service times in the event of a fault. CP status - All the connected slaves and their operational readiness are displayed. - The AS-Interface supply voltage is monitored. Scope of application The CP 243-2 is the AS-Interface master connection and is designed exclusively for the CPUs 22x of the state-of-the-art SIMATIC S7-200 generation. The AS-Interface dramatically increases the number of available digital inputs and outputs for S7-200 (max. 248 DI / 186 DO for each CP). Integrated analog value processing also means that analog values (max. 31 analog slaves for each CP, each with up to 4 channels) are also available on the AS-Interface for the S7-200. Up to two 243-2 CPs can be operated on the S7-200 simultaneously. 84 AS-Interface system System Manual, 11/2008, 3RK2703-3BB02-1AA1 Master 6.1 SIMATIC integrated masters Structure The CP 243-2 is connected to the S7-200 in the same way as an expansion module. It is equipped with: Two terminal connections for connecting the AS-Interface cable directly. LEDs on the front plate for indicating the operating state and operational readiness of all the connected and activated slaves. Two pushbuttons for indicating the status information of the slaves, switching the operating state, and adopting the existing actual configuration as a target configuration. Function The CP 243-2 supports all the functions defined in the extended AS-Interface specification V2.1, which means that dual address assignments (A-B) allow up to 62 digital or 31 analog slaves to be operated on the AS-Interface. Thanks to integrated analog value processing, the analog values can be accessed just as easily as digital values. In the process image for the S7-200, the CP 243-2 is assigned one digital input byte (status byte), one digital output byte (control byte), and eight analog input words and 8 analog output words. As a result, the CP 243-2 occupies two slots. The status and control byte can be used to set the operating mode of the CP 243-2 via the user program. Depending on the operating mode, the CP 243-2 defines the I/O data for the AS-Interface slave or diagnostic values, or enables master calls (e.g. re-addressing the slaves) in the analog address space of the S7-200. Configuration All the connected AS-Interface slaves can be configured at the touch of a button. No further configuration settings need to be made for the CP. Order numbers Type Order no. CP 243-2 communications processor (2nd For connecting SIMATIC S7-200 AS-Interface with a bus connector 6GK7 243-2AX01-0XA0 generation) to Manual for CP 243-2 Including AS-Interface basics and disk with sample programs * German * English * French * Spanish * Italian AS-Interface system System Manual, 11/2008, 3RK2703-3BB02-1AA1 6GK7243-2AX00-8AA0 6GK7243-2AX00-8BA0 6GK7243-2AX00-8CA0 6GK7243-2AX00-8DA0 6GK7243-2AX00-8EA0 (or can be downloaded from the Internet) 85 Master 6.1 SIMATIC integrated masters Connecting the CP 343-2 Slots on the S7-200 The CP 243-2 can be inserted in the S7-200 automation system (CPUs 22x) in any of the slots for expansion modules. Note restrictions The restrictions imposed by the CPU or power supply used apply, however. These relate to the following areas: Expandability with more than one expansion module (for more information about this, see the "SIMATIC S7-200" system manual, order no. 6ES7298-8FA24-8AH0 or available as an Internet download). Electrical configuration The maximum current consumption from the S7 backplane bus must not be exceeded. To determine this, use the calculation table in the "SIMATIC S7-200" system manual (order no. 6ES7298-8FA24-8AH0, or available as an Internet download). Connections to the AS-i cable $6LFDEOH Figure 6-1 )XQFWLRQDOJURXQG Connecting the AS-i cable The following connections are located on the front of the CP 243-2 under the lower cover of the front flap: Two connections to the AS-i cable (bridged internally) One connection for functional ground The two connections for AS-i cables are bridged internally in the CP 243-2, which means that the CP 243-2 can be "looped in" to the AS-i cable. CAUTION The load-carrying capacity of the AS-i connection contacts is max. 3 A. If this value is exceeded on the AS-i cable, the CP 243-2 must not be "looped in" to the AS-i cable but must instead be connected via a spur line (only one connection occupied on the CP 243-2). The CP 243-2 must be connected to the protective conductor via the ground terminal. 86 AS-Interface system System Manual, 11/2008, 3RK2703-3BB02-1AA1 Master 6.1 SIMATIC integrated masters Note Functional ground (terminal ) The CP 243-2 has one connection for functional ground. This connection must be connected to the protective conductor with as little resistance as possible. Diagnostics %VODYHGLVSOD\ &3 &0&(53:5 $-3$3)6)% 6WDWXVGLVSOD\ *URXSGLVSOD\ $6,QWHUIDFH0DVWHU 6(7 3XVKEXWWRQV 6(7 3XVKEXWWRQV 'LVSOD\ 'LVSOD\ 6ODYHGLVSOD\ $6LFDEOHFRQQHFWLRQ Figure 6-2 CP 243-2 front plate The following are located on the front plate of the CP 243-2: The indicator/display elements (group display, status display, slave and B slave display) Connection of the AS-i cable SET button DISPLAY pushbutton Unassigned terminal block AS-Interface system System Manual, 11/2008, 3RK2703-3BB02-1AA1 87 Master 6.1 SIMATIC integrated masters Switching display statuses - DISPLAY pushbutton You can switch between the status display (default setting) and the slave display using the DISPLAY pushbutton. When you press the pushbutton repeatedly, the system switches to the next display status and then finally back to the original status. In the slave display, you can see the slaves on the AS-Interface. Five slaves are displayed simultaneously. To switch to the next group of five slaves, press DISPLAY. The standard or A slaves are displayed first followed by the B slaves (the "B" LED lights up). The system switches back to the status display in the following cases: Once the final group has been displayed (slave 30B, 31B) and you press DISPLAY If you do not press DISPLAY for a long period (approx. 8 minutes) Meaning of the LEDs Two rows of LEDs are located on the front of the CP 243-2. The LEDs CM, AUP, CER, APF, PWR, and SF in the top row represent the status display. The "B" LED indicates the B slaves. When the slave display is active, this LED also lights up when B slaves are displayed. The first five LEDs in the bottom row indicate the connected slaves (slave display). The remaining three LEDs indicate the slave group. The meaning of the LEDs depends on the status of the group displays. If none of the LEDs in the group display is lit, this means that the status display is active (i.e. the LEDs CM, AUP, CER, APF, PWR, and SF show the status of the CP 243-2). If at least one of the LEDs in the group display is lit, the system switches to the slave display (exception: the "PWR" LED is lit). SET button The SET button is required for configuring the CP 243-2. 88 AS-Interface system System Manual, 11/2008, 3RK2703-3BB02-1AA1 Master 6.1 SIMATIC integrated masters Status display When the status display is active, none of the group LEDs is lit. The status display is the preselected standard display when the CP 243-2 is in its initial state. The LEDs have the following meaning: LED label LED color Status Meaning CM Yellow Configuration mode This indicates the operating mode of the CP 243-2. * LED ON: configuration mode * Display OFF: Protected mode Configuration mode is only required commissioning the CP 243-2. In configuration mode, the CP 243-2 activates all the connected AS-i slaves and exchanges data with them. For more information about configuration mode, see the manual "CP 243-2 AS-Interface Master". AUP Green Autoprog available When the CP 243 2 is in protected mode, this indicates that the address of an AS-i slave can be programmed automatically. Automatic address programming makes it easier to replace a defective AS-i slave on the AS-i cable. For more information about this, see the manual "CP 243-2 AS-Interface Master". CER Yellow Configuration error This LED indicates whether the slave configuration detected on the AS-i cable matches the target configuration (LPS) in the CP 243-2. If any discrepancies are detected, the CER LED lights up. The CER LED lights up in the following cases: * If a configured AS-i slave is not detected on the AS-i cable (e.g. the slave has failed). * If an AS-i slave that has not yet been configured is detected on the AS-i cable. * If a connected AS-i slave has different configuration data (I/O configuration ID code, extended ID1 code, extended ID2 code) to the AS-i slave configured in the CP 243-2. * When the CP 243-2 is in the offline phase APF Red AS-i power failure Indicates that the voltage from the AS-i power supply unit on the AS-i cable is too low or has failed. PWR Green Power The PWR LED (power) indicates that the CP 243-2 is supplied with power. SF Red System error This LED lights up in the following cases: * The CP 243-2 detects an internal error (e.g. EEPROM defective). * The CP 243-2 is currently unable to switch modes when the user requires this (e.g. an AS-i slave with the address "0" exists) AS-Interface system System Manual, 11/2008, 3RK2703-3BB02-1AA1 89 Master 6.1 SIMATIC integrated masters Slave display To switch to the slave display, press the DISPLAY pushbutton. You can also switch from group to group by pressing DISPLAY. The slave display is active when at least one group LED is lit. The slave display has the following properties: If the CP 243-2 is in configuration mode, all the detected AS-i slaves are displayed. If the CP 243-2 is in protected mode, all the active AS-i slaves are displayed. In protected mode, the relevant LED starts flashing if AS-i slaves have either failed or if they have been detected but not configured. Details of the display statuses The AS-i slaves are displayed in groups of five. The three group LEDs indicate (binary coded) which group of five is being displayed. The five LEDs in the slave display then indicate the detected or active AS-i slaves within this group. To determine which slaves are active, find the group (row) in which the boxes equate to the group LEDs that are lit. The LEDs in the slave display that are currently lit indicate which slaves within this group are currently active. If a group of B slaves is displayed, the "B" LED also lights up. Example of a slave display &3 $6,QWHUIDFH0DVWHU &0&(53:5 $-3$3)6)% 7KHLQWHUVHFWLRQV PDUNVODYH DQGVODYH 90 'LVSOD\ /('FROXPQ Figure 6-3 6(7 *URXS Example of a slave display AS-Interface system System Manual, 11/2008, 3RK2703-3BB02-1AA1 Master 6.1 SIMATIC integrated masters In the above image, you can see the following: The 2nd group LED is lit, that is, the 2nd row from the top (21 = 2dec; 2nd group of 5; slaves 5-9). If the 2nd and 4th LEDS in the slave display are also lit, this means that slave 6 and 8 are active. If the "B" LED is also lit, this means in this example that slave 6B and 8B are active. Technical specifications Technical specifications AS-Interface specification V2.1 Interfaces * Assignment of analog address space in addressing unit Accordingly, 2 I/O modules (8 DI/8 DO and 8 AI/8 AO) * AS-Interface connection Terminal connection Current consumption * Via backplane bus Typ. 220 mA at 5 V DC * Via AS-Interface from the AS-Interface shaped cables Max. 100 mA Power loss Approx. 2 W Permissible ambient conditions * Operating temperature * Horizontal installation 0C to +55C * Vertical installation 0C to +45C * Transport / storage temperature -40C to +70C * Relative humidity Max. 95% at +25C Design * Module format S7-22x expansion module * Dimensions (W x H x D) in mm 71.2 x 80 x 62 (H+16 mm with holes for wall mounting) * Weight Approx. 250 g * Space requirements 1 slot AS-Interface system System Manual, 11/2008, 3RK2703-3BB02-1AA1 91 Master 6.1 SIMATIC integrated masters 6.1.3 CP 343-2, CP 343-2 P Overview Difference between the CP 343-2 and CP 343-2 P The functions supported by the two device types CP 343-2 and CP 343-2 P are largely the same. The CP 343-2 P, however, features additional configuration options in STEP 7. For this reason, the CP 343-2 P module must not be considered as a replacement for the CP 343-2, which will continue to be available. In the following description, a distinction is only made between the types when different performance features are described. Unless otherwise indicated, this information provided for CP 343-2 applies to both device types. Master connection for SIMATIC S7-300 and ET 200M The CP 343-2 is the AS-Interface master for SIMATIC S7-300 programmable logic controller and the distributed I/O device ET 200M. The communications processor offers the following functions: Supports up to 62 AS-Interface slaves and features an integrated analog value transfer function (in accordance with the extended AS-Interface specification V2.1) Supports all the AS-Interface master functions in accordance with the extended AS-Interface specification V2.1. Displays indicating the operating state and LEDs on the front plate indicating the operational readiness of the connected slaves. Fault indications (including AS-Interface voltage errors, configuration errors) by means of LEDs on the front plate. Compact housing in keeping with the design of the SIMATIC S7-300. CP 343-2 P only: supports the configuration of the AS-Interface network with STEP 7 as of V5.2. Benefits Commissioning times reduced thanks to the simple configuration process at the touch of a button. Flexible, distributed structures can be created when the device is implemented in the DP slave ET 200M. The LED displays help reduce downtime and service times in the event of a fault: - Status of the AS-Interface network - Connected slaves and their operational readiness - The AS-Interface supply voltage is monitored. Cuts the cost of storage and spare parts storage because the CP can be used for both the SIMATIC S7-300 and ET 200M. With the option of connecting 62 slaves along with integrated analog value processing, this device is suitable even for complex applications. 92 AS-Interface system System Manual, 11/2008, 3RK2703-3BB02-1AA1 Master 6.1 SIMATIC integrated masters CP 343-2 P only: improved system documentation and support during servicing because the AS-Interface configuration is documented in the STEP 7 project. Scope of application The CP 343-2 is the AS-Interface master connection for SIMATIC S7-300 and ET 200M. The connection to the AS-Interface permits a maximum of 248 DI/186 DO to be accessed for each CP. Integrated analog value processing also allows simple analog signals (max. 31 analog slaves for each CP, each with up to 4 channels) to be evaluated. The CP 343-2 functionality is identical to that of the CP 343-2 P, which means that an old S7 application program can be used without any restrictions with the new CP. The AS-Interface configuration can also be downloaded/uploaded with the STEP 7 hardware configuration. Features The CP 343-2 is connected to the S7-300 in the same way as an expansion module. It is equipped with: Two terminal connections for connecting the AS-Interface cable directly. LEDs on the front plate for indicating the operating state and operational readiness of all the connected and activated slaves. Pushbuttons for indicating the status information of the slaves, switching the operating state, and adopting the existing actual configuration as a target configuration. Function The CP 343-2 supports all the functions specified in the extended AS-Interface specification V2.1, which means that dual address assignments (A-B) allow up to 62 digital or 31 analog slaves to be operated on the AS-Interface. Integrated analog value processing provides easy access to the analog values. In I/O mode, the CP 343-2 is assigned 16 bytes in the analog address space of the SIMATIC S7-300. The I/O data for the standard and A slaves is stored in this area. You can access the binary values of B slaves in the user program using the system function blocks SFC 58 "write_data_record" / SFC 59 "read_data_record" with data record number 150. A and B slaves comply with the extended AS-Interface specification V2.1. A function call (FC) for the AS-Interface master calls (e.g. write parameters, read diagnostic values) is available on the disk provided with the manual. Configuration All the connected AS-Interface slaves can be configured at the touch of a button. No further configuration settings need to be made for the CP. The CP 343-2 P supports configuration of the AS-Interface network with STEP 7 as of V5.2. AS-Interface system System Manual, 11/2008, 3RK2703-3BB02-1AA1 93 Master 6.1 SIMATIC integrated masters Order numbers Type Order no. CP 343-2 communications processor 6GK7 343-2AH00-0XA0 For connecting SIMATIC ET 200X to the AS-Interface; without front connector CP 343-2 P communications processor 6GK7 343-2AH10-0XA0 For connecting SIMATIC S7-300 and ET 200M to the AS-Interface; without front connector Front connector 6ES7 392-1AJ00-0AA0 20-pole, with screw-type contacts Connection Permissible slots on the CP 343-2 in SIMATIC AS-300 and ET 200M In principle, the CP can be inserted in any slot for I/O modules in the AS-300 and ET 200M automation systems. The restrictions imposed by the CPU or power supply used apply, however. These relate to the following areas: Expandability with more than one rack (multi-tier configuration of the AS only possible as of CPU 314) Electrical configuration, that is, the total current consumption from the S7 backplane bus For more details about this, see the relevant SIMATIC system manuals. 94 AS-Interface system System Manual, 11/2008, 3RK2703-3BB02-1AA1 Master 6.1 SIMATIC integrated masters Connecting the AS-i cable The front connector for connecting the AS-i cable is located under the cover on the front of the CP 343-2. $6L EURZQ $6L EOXH Figure 6-4 Front connector assignment for the CP 343-2 and CP 343-2 P The CP is equipped with internal connections for two AS-i cables. These connections are bridged internally in the CP, which means that the CP 343-2 can be "looped in" to the AS-i cable. CAUTION The load-carrying capacity of the connection contacts is max. 4 A. If this value is exceeded on the AS-i cable, the CP 343-2 must not be "looped in" to the AS-i cable but must instead be connected via a spur line (only one connection pair occupied on the CP 343-2). AS-Interface system System Manual, 11/2008, 3RK2703-3BB02-1AA1 95 Master 6.1 SIMATIC integrated masters Diagnostics 6) 581 $3) &(5 $83 &0 % 6(7 Figure 6-5 CP 343-2 front plate The following are located on the front plate of the CP 343-2: The display elements (group display, status display, and slave display) Front connector for connecting the AS-i cable SET button 96 AS-Interface system System Manual, 11/2008, 3RK2703-3BB02-1AA1 Master 6.1 SIMATIC integrated masters CP 343-2 status display When the CP 343-2 is operating normally (the group display LEDs are not lit up), you can read its status. LED label Meaning SF System error This LED lights up in the following cases: * The CP 343-2 is in protected mode and an AS-i configuration error is present (e.g. slave failure) * The CP 343-2 detects an internal error (e.g. EEPROM defective) * The CP 343-2 is currently unable to switch modes (e.g. a slave with the address "0" exists) RUN Indicates that the CP has booted properly. APF AS-i power failure. Indicates that the voltage supplied by the AS-i power supply unit via the AS-i cable is too low or has failed. CER Configuration error This LED indicates whether the slave configuration detected on the AS-i cable matches the target configuration (LPS) in the CP. If not, the CER LED lights up. The CER LED lights up in the following cases: * If a configured AS-i slave is not detected on the AS-i cable (e.g. the slave has failed). * If a slave that has not yet been configured is detected on the AS-i cable. * If a connected slave has different configuration data (I/O configuration, ID code) to the slave configured in the CP 343-2. * When the CP is in the offline phase. AUP Autoprog available When the CP 343-2 is in protected mode, this indicates that the address of a slave can be programmed automatically. Automatic address programming makes it easier to replace a defective slave on the AS-i cable. CM Configuration mode This indicates the operating mode. Display ON: Configuration mode Display OFF: Protected mode SET button The SET button is required for configuring the CP 343-2 in standard mode. This button is only active when the AS is in STOP mode. If the CP 343-2 is in configuration mode (CM LED lights up), the CP 343-2 is configured automatically when you press this button. Configuration is carried out as follows: 1. The CP 343-2 saves the existing slave configuration, which is indicated via the display of the active slaves, as the target configuration in a non-volatile memory. 2. The CP 343-2 then switches to protected mode. When the CP 343-2 is in protected mode (the CM LED does not light up), the CP switches automatically to configuration mode when you press the button. AS-Interface system System Manual, 11/2008, 3RK2703-3BB02-1AA1 97 Master 6.1 SIMATIC integrated masters Slave display The detected/active slaves are indicated by LEDs 0 to 9 and LEDs 10+, 20+, and B. The active slaves are displayed in groups of 10. The switchover is time controlled. LEDs 10+ and 20+ indicate which group of 10 is currently indicated by LEDs 0 to 9. If LED B lights up, this indicates that the slaves detected or activated are in the extended address space B. The slave display has the following properties: If the CP 343-2 is in configuration mode, all the detected AS-i slaves are displayed. When the CP 343-2 is in protected mode, all the activated AS-i slaves are displayed with a continuous light. The relevant LED starts flashing if AS-i slaves have either failed or if they have been detected but not configured. Examples of slave displays % % % % Figure 6-6 Sample displays for detected/activated AS-i slaves Example (from left to right) Meaning of the display 1 The slaves with addresses 1, 2, and 5 have been detected/activated. 2 The slaves with addresses 20, 21, and 22 have been detected/activated. 3 The slave with address 31B has been detected/activated. 4 The slaves with addresses 10B and 17B have been detected/activated. 98 AS-Interface system System Manual, 11/2008, 3RK2703-3BB02-1AA1 Master 6.1 SIMATIC integrated masters Technical specifications Technical specifications AS-Interface specification V 2.1 Bus cycle time 5 ms with 31 slaves 10 ms with 62 slaves Interfaces * Assignment of analog address space in addressing unit 16 bytes I/O and P bus S7-300 * AS-Interface connection S7-300 front connector with terminal connection Power supply +5 V DC via backplane bus Current consumption * Via backplane bus Typ. 200 mA with 5 V DC * Via AS-Interface from the AS-Interface shaped cables Max. 100 mA Power loss 2W Permissible ambient conditions * Operating temperature 0C to +60C * Transport / storage temperature -40C to +70C * Max. relative humidity 95% at +25C Design * Module format S7-300 design * Dimensions (W x H x D) in mm 40 x 125 x 120 * Weight Approx. 190 g * Space requirements 1 slot Configuration software (for CP 343-2 P) AS-Interface system System Manual, 11/2008, 3RK2703-3BB02-1AA1 Optional. STEP 7 as of V5.2 99 Master 6.2 Routers 6.2 Routers 6.2.1 DP/AS-Interface Link 20E Overview Data exchange between the PROFIBUS DP and AS-Interface DP/AS-Interface Link 20E connects the PROFIBUS DP to the AS-Interface. It performs the following functions: PROFIBUS DP slave and AS-Interface master Supports up to 62 AS-Interface slaves and features an integrated analog value transmission function (in accordance with the extended AS-Interface Specification V2.1) Supports all the AS-Interface master functions in accordance with extended AS-Interface Specification V2.1 (i.e. master class M3). Power supply via the AS-Interface cable, which means that no additional power supply is required. Enables the AS-Interface configuration to be loaded to STEP 7 (as of V5.2). Benefits Reduced installation costs because the power is supplied entirely via the AS-Interface cable, which means that no additional power supply is required. Short commissioning times thanks to easy configuration at the touch of a button. The LED indicators help reduce downtime and service times if a slave fails. Quick and easy commissioning by reading the AS-Interface configuration (as of ES03) 100 AS-Interface system System Manual, 11/2008, 3RK2703-3BB02-1AA1 Master 6.2 Routers HJ6 ZLWK&38'3 '3$6,QWHUIDFH /LQN( $6,QWHUIDFHSRZHUVXSSO\XQLW 3DVVLYHPRGXOHV ZLWKRXW$,6&VODYH $FWLYHPRGXOHV ZLWK$,6&VODYH $6,QWHUIDFHSRZHUVXSSO\XQLW $6LQWHUIDFHFDEOH $FWXDWRUVHQVRU ZLWKVODYH$6,& $FWXDWRUVHQVRU ZLWKRXWVODYH$6,& %UDQFK Figure 6-7 *B,.B'(B 5HSHDWHU ([WHQGHUFDQQRW FXUUHQWO\ EHXVHG Transition from the PROFIBUS DP to the AS-Interface via DP/AS-Interface Link 20E Scope of application DP/AS-Interface Link 20E is a PROFIBUS DP slave (to EN 50 170) and AS-Interface master (to EN 50 295) and enables the AS-Interface to be operated on the PROFIBUS DP. Simple PROFIBUS masters can exchange I/O data with the AS-Interface cyclically. Masters with acyclic services can exchange I/O data and carry out master calls. DP/AS-Interface Link 20E cannot be used in conjunction with the extender. Design Compact housing with degree of protection IP20 for mounting on DIN rails. LEDs on the front plate for indicating the operating state and operational readiness of all the connected and activated slaves. The PROFIBUS DP address can be set at the touch of a button. LED for the PROFIBUS DP slave address, DP bus error, and diagnosis. Two buttons for switching the operating state and adopting the existing actual configuration as the target configuration. The power is supplied via the AS-Interface shaped cable. AS-Interface system System Manual, 11/2008, 3RK2703-3BB02-1AA1 101 Master 6.2 Routers Function DP/AS-Interface Link 20E enables a DP master to access all the slaves in an AS-Interface segment. In accordance with extended specification (V2.1), up to 62 slaves each with four inputs and three outputs can now be connected. DP/AS-Interface Link 20E is normally assigned 32 bytes of input data and 32 bytes of output data in the DP master in which the I/O data for the connected AS-Interface slaves is stored. The input/output buffer can be compressed so that only the required memory in the DP master is used. PROFIBUS DP masters can also trigger AS-Interface master calls via the acyclic PROFIBUS services (e.g. write parameters, change addresses, read diagnostic values). Configuration DP/AS-Interface Link 20E can be configured on the PROFIBUS with STEP 7 or COM PROFIBUS. The type and GSD files are also supplied with the manual, which means that configuration can also be carried out with STEP 7 versions in which DP/AS-Interface Link 20E is not yet available as standard. The AS-Interface segment can be configured by means of STEP 7 or simply by adopting the ACTUAL configuration. Commissioning can also be performed without PROFIBUS. When DP/AS-Interface Link 20E is configured with STEP 7, the AS-Interface configuration can be uploaded to STEP 7 as of V5.2. Order numbers Type Order no. DP/AS-Interface Link 20E 6GK1 415-2AA01 Router between the PROFIBUS DP and AS-Interface with degree of protection IP20 DP/AS-Interface LINK 20E manual Including type and GSD files * German * English * French * Spanish * Italian 102 6GK1971-2DS01-0AA0 6GK1971-2DS01-0AA1 6GK1971-2DS01-0AA2 6GK1971-2DS01-0AA3 6GK1971-2DS01-0AA4 AS-Interface system System Manual, 11/2008, 3RK2703-3BB02-1AA1 Master 6.2 Routers Connection Connections DP/AS-i Link 20E has the following connections: Two connections to the AS-i cable (jumpered internally) One connection for functional ground One connection to PROFIBUS (9-pin SUB D socket) The connections are located under the top cover on the front panel of DP/AS-i Link 20E. Connections to the AS-i cable DP/AS-i Link 20E has two connections (jumpered internally in DP/AS-i Link 20E) for AS-i cables. This allows DP/AS-i Link 20E to be "looped in" to the AS-i cable. CAUTION Maximum load-carrying capacity The maximum load-carrying capacity of the AS-i connection contacts is 3 A. If this value is exceeded on the AS-i cable, DP/AS-i Link 20E must not be "looped in" to the AS-i cable but must instead be connected via a spur line (one connection pair only occupied by DP/AS-i Link 20E). DP/AS-i Link 20E is supplied with power entirely from the AS-Interface. The current consumption from the AS-Interface is 200 mA. $6L &DEOHV )XQFWLRQDOJURXQG XQDVVLJQHG &RQQHFWLRQV Figure 6-8 352),%86'3 Connecting the AS-i cables CAUTION Connections 6 and 7 on the terminal block are unassigned and must remain so. AS-Interface system System Manual, 11/2008, 3RK2703-3BB02-1AA1 103 Master 6.2 Routers Note Functional ground (terminal ) DP/AS-i-Link 20E features a connection for functional ground. This connection must be connected to the protective conductor with as little resistance as possible. Connection to the PROFIBUS DP The system is connected to the PROFIBUS DP via a 9-pin SUB D socket. WARNING When laying and installing the PROFIBUS DP cable and bus connector, refer to the instructions provided in "SIMATIC NET PROFIBUS Networks" (order no.: 6GK1970-5CA20-0AA0, or can be downloaded from the Internet). Bus connectors with the cable outlets at different angles (0, 30, and 90) are available for connecting PROFIBUS DP. See also the notes in the manual "SIMATIC NET PROFIBUS Networks". 104 AS-Interface system System Manual, 11/2008, 3RK2703-3BB02-1AA1 Master 6.2 Routers Diagnostics &RQQHFWLQJSDUW IURQWFRYHURSHQ 'LVSOD\FRPSRQHQW 352),%86'3 $'5 *URXSGLVSOD\ '3$6,QWHUIDFH/LQN( %) 6) 6ODYHGLVSOD\ 3:5 $3) &(5 $83 ; &0 &RQWURO 6(7 6(7EXWWRQ *.$$ ',63/$< )L[LQJKROH )RUZDOOPRXQWLQJ ',63/$<EXWWRQ /DEHOLQJILHOG /('DUUD\ 6WDWXVGLVSOD\ *URXSVODYHGLVSOD\ Figure 6-9 Front view of DP/AS-i Link 20E The following can be found on the front panel of DP/AS-Interface Link 20E: The display section (group, status, and slave display) Under a cover on the front: the connecting part for the connections to the AS-i cable, functional ground, and PROFIBUS Under another cover on the front: the control with the SET and DISPLAY buttons Reading the diagnosis on the device DP/AS-Interface Link 20E has the following display modes: Status display of the master Slave display for the AS-i slaves PROFIBUS address display You can use the DISPLAY button to switch from one display mode to the next or switch within the slave display. AS-Interface system System Manual, 11/2008, 3RK2703-3BB02-1AA1 105 Master 6.2 Routers Status display When DP/AS-Interface Link 20E is in the initial state (e.g. once it has been switched on), you can read its status information from the LEDs (the three LEDs in the group display do not light up green and the ADR LED does not light up at all). LED Color Status Meaning BF Red Bus failure Indicates a fault on PROFIBUS DP. This LED lights up in the following cases: * The connection between the DP master and DP/AS-i Link 20E is interrupted or the DP master is not active. * DP/AS-i Link 20E has been incorrectly configured/parameterized by the DP master. SF Red System error This LED lights up in the following cases: * In protected mode: a diagnostic alarm (incoming) was triggered in the DP master. * DP/AS-i Link 20E detects an internal fault (e.g. EEPROM is defective). * DP/AS-i Link 20E cannot currently execute the required mode switchover when the SET button is pressed (e.g. a slave exists with the address 0). PWR Green Run This LED lights up when DP/AS-Interface Link 20E is supplied with power. APF Red AS-i power failure Indicates that the voltage supplied by the AS-i power supply unit via the AS-i cable is too low. Note: DP/AS-Interface Link 20E is supplied with power entirely from the AS-Interface. This means that if the AS-i voltage fails completely, this cannot be indicated by "AS-i power failure". You can identify this status when the "PWR" LED is not lit up. CER Yellow Configuration error This LED indicates whether the slave configuration detected on the AS-i cable matches the target configuration in DP/AS-i Link 20E. If not, the CER LED lights up. The CER LED lights up in the following cases: * If a configured AS-i slave is not detected on the AS-i cable (e.g. the slave has failed). * If an AS-i slave that has not yet been configured is detected on the AS-i cable. * If a connected AS-i slave has different configuration data (I/O configuration, ID code) to the AS-i slave configured in DP/AS-i Link 20E. * When DP/AS-i Link 20E is in offline mode. AUP Green Autoprog available When DP/AS-i Link 20E is in protected mode, this LED indicates that the address of an AS-i slave can be programmed automatically. Automatic address programming makes it easier to replace a defective AS-i slave on the AS-i cable. CM Yellow Configuration mode This display indicates the DP/AS-i Link 20E operating mode. * Display ON: Configuration mode * Display OFF: Protected mode Configuration mode is only required for commissioning DP/AS-i Link 20E. In configuration mode, DP/AS-i Link 20E activates all the connected AS-i slaves and exchanges data with them. 106 AS-Interface system System Manual, 11/2008, 3RK2703-3BB02-1AA1 Master 6.2 Routers Slave display for AS-i slaves To switch from the status display for the master to the status display for the slaves, press the DISPLAY button. The AS-i slaves are displayed in groups of five. The top three group LEDs indicate which group of five is displayed by lighting up green. A further distinction is made between: Static: AS-i standard slaves and A slaves Flashing: B slaves The LEDs below light up green to indicate which AS-i slaves within the group have been detected or are active. To switch from group to group, press the DISPLAY button. The system switches back to the status display in the following cases: Once the last group has been displayed (AS-i slave 30, 31) and when you press the DISPLAY button twice (i.e. switch to the PROFIBUS address display and then to the status display). If the DISPLAY button is not pressed for approx. 8 minutes. Characteristics of the slave display If DP/AS-i Link 20E is in configuration mode, all the detected AS-i slaves are displayed. If DP/AS-i Link 20E is in protected mode, all the active AS-i slaves are displayed. In protected mode, the relevant LED starts flashing if AS-i slaves have either failed or if they have been detected but not configured. AS-Interface system System Manual, 11/2008, 3RK2703-3BB02-1AA1 107 Master 6.2 Routers 'LVSOD\FRPSRQHQW Example of a slave display $'5 *URXSGLVSOD\ /('V %) '3$6,QWHUIDFH/LQN 6) 6ODYHGLVSOD\ /('V 581 $3) &(5 $83 Figure 6-10 &0 ; *.$$ Example: slave display on DP/AS-i Link 20E In the above image, you can see the following: The group LEDs select the second group of five. Within this group, the 5 LEDs at the bottom indicate the active AS-i slaves 6 and 8. Displaying and setting the PROFIBUS address If the top LED in the group display (ADR) is red, the 7 LEDs below this indicate the PROFIBUS address of DP/AS-i Link 20E in binary form. To set the PROFIBUS address of DP/AS-i Link 20E, carry out the following steps: 1. Disconnect the DP master (e.g. unplug the PROFIBUS connector or switch the DP master to STOP). Note The PROFIBUS address can only be set in this operating state. 2. Switch the DP/AS-i Link 20E display by pressing the DISPLAY button repeatedly until the ADR LED lights up red. (Note: from the status display, you have to press the button 15 times.) DP/AS-i Link 20E indicates the current PROFIBUS address with the seven LEDs at the bottom. 3. When you press the DISPLAY button, DP/AS-i Link 20E returns to the status display and the set PROFIBUS address is retained. If you press the SET button, however, you can reset the PROFIBUS address. When the BF LED flashes, this indicates the most significant bit in the PROFIBUS address. 4. When you press SET, this bit is set (LED on); when you press DISPLAY, however, the bit is reset (LED off). The display then switches to the SF LED (next address bit in the PROFIBUS address). 5. Using the same procedure as described in the previous step, you can now set/reset the individual bits in the PROFIBUS address one after the other. 108 AS-Interface system System Manual, 11/2008, 3RK2703-3BB02-1AA1 Master 6.2 Routers 6. When all the bits have been entered, the display for the set address bits switches rapidly from red to green or yellow to green (flashing). When you press SET again, the set PROFIBUS address is adopted by DP/AS-i Link 20E. If you press DISPLAY, however, the new address is rejected. You now have to enter the new address again (see steps 4 and 5). The significance of the address bits in the PROFIBUS address indicated by the LEDs is explained in the following example: 5HG *UHHQ *UHHQ *UHHQ $'5 %) 6) 581 $3) &(5 $83 &0 6LJQLILFDQFHRIWKH DGGUHVVELWV ,QWKLVH[DPSOH WKH/('VLQGLFDWH 352),%86DGGUHVV /DEHOLQJILHOG 6WDWXVGLVSOD\ /('DUUD\ In the example above, PROFIBUS address 69 was set using SET and DISPLAY. The highest possible address is 126. Note that address 126 is reserved for special functions (address assignment) on the PROFIBUS. Addresses 1 to 125 can be used for exchanging data with the DP master. AS-Interface system System Manual, 11/2008, 3RK2703-3BB02-1AA1 109 Master 6.2 Routers Technical specifications Technical specifications AS-Interface bus cycle time 5 ms for 31 slaves; 10 ms for 62 slaves PROFIBUS transmission rate Max. 12 Mbit/s Supported AS-Interface master profiles M3 (in accordance with Complete AS-Interface Specification V2.1) Configuration of AS-Interface Using the buttons on the front plate or with STEP 7 V5.1 SP2 Interfaces * AS-Interface connection Terminal contacts * Connection to PROFIBUS 9-pin SUB D socket Power supply * From the AS-Interface cable In accordance with AS-Interface Specification EN 50 295 Current consumption * From the AS-Interface cable Max. 250 mA Load-carrying capacity 5 V DC at the PROFIBUS connection Max. 90 mA Current consumption from AS-i 200 mA Power loss 3.7 W Degree of protection IP20 Permissible ambient conditions * Operating temperature * Horizontal installation 0C to +60C * Vertical installation 0C to +45C Transport/storage temperature -40C to +70C Relative humidity Max. 95% at +25C Operating altitude 3000 m above sea level Design 110 * Module format S7-200 design * Dimensions (W x H x D) in mm 90 x 80 x 60 * Weight Approx. 200 g AS-Interface system System Manual, 11/2008, 3RK2703-3BB02-1AA1 Master 6.2 Routers 6.2.2 DP/AS-i LINK Advanced Overview Data exchange between AS-Interface and PROFIBUS DP Compact router between PROFIBUS (DP slave) and AS-Interface. Single and double AS-Interface master (to AS-Interface Specification V3.0) for connecting 62 AS-Interface slaves in each case and integrated analog value transmission. Integrated, high-performance ground-fault monitoring for the AS-Interface cable. User-friendly on-site diagnosis and commissioning functions via a graphical display and controls or via a Web interface with a standard browser. Optimum TIA integration via STEP 7, integration in engineering tools from third-party vendors via the PROFIBUS type file (GSD). Vertical integration (standard Web interface) via Industrial Ethernet. Power supplied via the AS-Interface cable or with 24 V DC (optional). Modules can be exchanged without the PG by means of C-PLUG (optional). Benefits Quick PLC-independent commissioning by means of simple configuration at the touch of a button and testing the AS-Interface line via the display or WBM. (Page 72) User-friendly diagnosis via the display or Web interface and easy replacement of modules by means of the exchange medium C-PLUG helps reduce downtime and service times if a slave fails. Reduced installation costs because the power is supplied entirely via the AS-Interface cable, which means that no additional power supply is required. Reduced engineering overhead through convenient configuration of Siemens slaves per slave catalog in HW-Config (STEP 7) Lower costs for high quantity frameworks as result of the dual AS-Interface master Scope of application DP/AS-i LINK Advanced is a PROFIBUS DPV1 slave (to EN 50 170) and AS-Interface master (in accordance with AS-Interface Specification V3.0 to EN 50 295) and enables transparent data access to the AS-Interface from PROFIBUS DP. PROFIBUS DP masters can exchange I/O data with the AS-Interface cyclically. DP masters with acyclic services can also carry out AS-Interface master calls. DP/AS-i LINK Advanced is, therefore, suitable for distributed configurations and for integrating a lower-level AS-Interface network. The AS-Interface single master version of DP/AS-i LINK Advanced is suitable for applications with typical volumes of data. AS-Interface system System Manual, 11/2008, 3RK2703-3BB02-1AA1 111 Master 6.2 Routers The AS-Interface double master version of DP/AS-i LINK Advanced is suitable for applications with large volumes of data. In this case, the double data volumes can be processed on two separate AS-Interface lines. 3&ZLWK 62)71(7'3 6 HJZLWK&3 6 ZLWK&3([WHQGHG 2SHUDWLRQ 0RQLWRULQJ '3$6L /LQN $GYDQFHG :KHQ'3$6L/,1.$GYDQFHGLVXVHG DVGRXEOHPDVWHU 3RZHUVXSSO\ XQLW 3RZHUVXSSO\ XQLW 6ODYH /DVHU VFDQQHU 6DIHW\ PRQLWRU /2*2 6DIHW\ PRQLWRU (7VDIHVODYH ZLWK(0(5*(1&<6723 6DIHVODYH ZLWK(0(5*(1&<6723 Figure 6-11 *B,.B'(B 3*HJ ZLWK&3$ (7SUR (76 Integration of AS-Interface in PROFIBUS via DP/AS-i LINK Advanced as single/double master Design Robust plastic housing with degree of protection IP20 for mounting on DIN rails. Compact design - Display on the front plate for accurately indicating the operating state and operational readiness of all the connected and activated AS-Interface slaves. - Six buttons for commissioning and testing the AS-Interface line directly on DP/AS-i LINK Advanced. - LEDs for indicating the operating state of PROFIBUS DP and AS-Interface. - Integrated Ethernet port (RJ45 socket) for user-friendly commissioning, diagnosing, and testing of DP/AS-i LINK Advanced via a Web interface with a standard browser. - Power supplied via the AS-Interface shaped cable or with 24 V DC (optional). - Low installation depth due to lowered plug fitting. 112 AS-Interface system System Manual, 11/2008, 3RK2703-3BB02-1AA1 Master 6.2 Routers Easy installation on standard DIN rail Operation without fan or battery Rapid replacement of devices by means of the exchange medium C-PLUG (not supplied). Function DP/AS-i LINK Advanced provides the PROFIBUS DP master with cyclic access to the I/O data for all slaves in a lower-level AS-Interface segment. According to the extended AS-Interface Specification (V3.0), up to 62 slaves each with four inputs and four outputs (or eight inputs and eight outputs) as well as analog slaves on each AS-Interface line can be connected. In the DP master, DP/AS-i LINK Advanced is normally assigned 62 input and 62 output bytes in which the I/O data for the connected digital AS-Interface slaves is stored. The input/output buffer can be compressed so that only the required I/O memory in the DP master system is used. The integrated function for analyzing analog signals is just as simple to use as the function for accessing digital values, which means that communication modules no longer have to be called up. PROFIBUS DP V1 masters can also trigger AS-Interface master calls via the acyclic PROFIBUS services (e.g.: write parameters, change addresses, read diagnostic values). An operator display in AS-i Link allows you to commission the lower-level AS-Interface line. DP/AS-i LINK Advanced is equipped with an additional Ethernet port that allows you to leverage the benefits of the integrated Web server, thereby making it even easier to use the operator display. The firmware can also be upgraded free of charge. The optional C-PLUG allows you to replace modules without a PG, thereby minimizing downtime if a fault occurs. Diagnostics A comprehensive range of diagnostic functions are available via LEDs, displays, controls, a Web interface, or STEP 7. These include: Operating state of the link State of the link as a PROFIBUS DP slave Diagnosis of the AS-Interface network Telegram statistics Standard diagnosis pages for rapid access to diagnostic data by means of a standard browser AS-Interface system System Manual, 11/2008, 3RK2703-3BB02-1AA1 113 Master 6.2 Routers Configuration DP/AS-i LINK Advanced can be configured with STEP 7 as of version V5.4 or simply by copying the actual configuration on the display. Alternatively, DP/AS-i LINK Advanced can be integrated by means of the PROFIBUS type file (GSD) in the engineering tool: COM PROFIBUS Older STEP 7 versions (older than V5.4) Engineering tools from third-party vendors When configuration is carried out with STEP 7, the AS-Interface configuration can be uploaded to STEP 7 as of V5.4. Siemens AS-Interface slaves can also be easily configured in HW Config (slave catalog). Order numbers Type Order no. DP/AS-i LINK Advanced 6GK1 415-2BA10 Router between PROFIBUS DP and AS-Interface; master profiles M3 and M4, extended AS-Interface Specification V3.0; degree of protection IP20; manual on CD-ROM, German, English, Spanish, Italian Single master with display DP/AS-i LINK Advanced 6GK1 415-2BA20 Router between PROFIBUS DP and AS-Interface; master profiles M3 and M4, extended AS-Interface Specification V3.0; degree of protection IP20; manual on CD-ROM, German, English, Spanish, Italian Double master with display C-PLUG 6GK1 900-0AB00 Exchange medium for replacing the devices quickly and easily if a fault occurs; for recording configuration and application data, can be used in SIMATIC NET products with C-PLUG slot IE FC RJ45 PLUG 90 6GK1 901-1BB20-2AA0 (1 package with 1 piece) RJ45 connector for Industrial Ethernet with a robust metal housing and integrated insulation displacement/terminal contacts for connecting the Industrial Ethernet C installation cables; with 90 cable outlet (e.g. for ET 200S) 6GK1 901-1BB20-2AB0 (1 package with 10 pieces) RS 485 bus connector with diagonal cable outlet (35) 6ES7 972-0BA60-0XA0 6GK1 901-1BB20-2AE0 (1 package with 50 pieces) With screw terminal max. transmission rate: 12 Mbit/s * Without PG interface 114 AS-Interface system System Manual, 11/2008, 3RK2703-3BB02-1AA1 Master 6.2 Routers Connection Connections DP/AS-INTERFACE LINK Advanced features the following connections: Two separate connections to the AS-i cable (with double master) One connection for an alternative 24 V DC power supply (optional) and functional ground One connection to PROFIBUS (9-pin SUB D socket) One LAN connection (RJ45) (can be assigned optionally) Connections to the AS-i cable(s) and power supply DP/AS-INTERFACE LINK Advanced has two connections for AS-i cables (lines 1 and 2). They are each connected via a 4-pin connector each with two + and two - terminals (jumpered internally). This allows DP/AS-INTERFACE LINK Advanced to be "looped in" to the AS-i cable. CAUTION Maximum load-carrying capacity The maximum load-carrying capacity of the AS-i connection contacts is 3 A. If this value is exceeded on the AS-i cable, DP/AS-INTERFACE LINK Advanced must not be "looped in" to the AS-i cable but must instead be connected via a spur line (one connection pair only occupied by DP/AS-INTERFACE LINK Advanced). DP/AS-INTERFACE LINK Advanced can receive its entire power supply from the AS-Interface (AS-i line 1 only). The current consumption from the AS-Interface here is 250 mA at 30 V. AS-Interface system System Manual, 11/2008, 3RK2703-3BB02-1AA1 115 Master 6.2 Routers Alternatively, DP/AS-INTERFACE LINK Advanced can be supplied via a separate power supply unit (24 V DC). s '3$6L/,1. $GYDQFHG 352),%86 &RQQHFWLRQ 6) %) 21 /$1FRQQHFWLRQ (6& $6L$6L 6) $3) &(5 $83 &0 2. 21 $6LOLQH FRQQHFWLRQ 3RZHUVXSSO\ FRQQHFWLRQ9'& Figure 6-12 $6LOLQH FRQQHFWLRQ Connecting the AS-i cable(s) and power supply Connector assignment for the AS-i line PIN no. line 1 Signal 1 AS-i 1 + 2 AS-i 1 - 3 AS-i 1 + 4 AS-i 1 - PIN no. line 2 Signal 1 AS-i 2 + 2 AS-i 2 - 3 AS-i 2 + 4 AS-i 2 - PIN 1 and 3 as well as PIN 2 and 4 are jumpered internally with each other. 116 AS-Interface system System Manual, 11/2008, 3RK2703-3BB02-1AA1 Master 6.2 Routers Connector assignment for the power supply PIN no. line 1 Signal 1 Power + 2 Power - 3 PE Note Functional ground - PE DP/AS-INTERFACE LINK Advanced features a connection for functional ground. This connection is required if the integrated ground-fault monitoring function is used. It must be connected to the protective conductor with as little resistance as possible. Connection to PROFIBUS DP The system is connected to the PROFIBUS DP via a 9-pin SUB D socket. WARNING When laying and installing the PROFIBUS DP cable and bus connector, refer to the instructions provided in "SIMATIC NET PROFIBUS Networks" (order no.: 6GK1970-5CA20-0AA0, or can be downloaded from the Internet). Bus connectors with the cable outlets at different angles (0, 30, and 90; recommended: 30) are available for connecting PROFIBUS DP. See also the notes in the manual "SIMATIC NET PROFIBUS Networks". Connector assignment for the PROFIBUS-RS485 interface PIN no. Designation Function 1 n.c. reserved 2 n.c. reserved 3 RxD/TxD-P Data line B 4 RTS Request to send 5 GND Ground 6 VCC (5 V) Power supply 7 n.c. reserved 8 RxD/TxD-N Data line A 9 n.c. reserved AS-Interface system System Manual, 11/2008, 3RK2703-3BB02-1AA1 117 Master 6.2 Routers LAN connection A PC (or network) can be connected via an RJ45 socket (an optional 90 FC connector can also be used). The LAN connection for DP/AS-INTERFACE LINK Advanced is used for carrying out configuration via Web-based management and for diagnostic purposes, for example. DP/AS-INTERFACE LINK Advanced supports autocrossing (i.e. crossed and uncrossed cables can be used). Connector assignment for the LAN connection PIN no. Signal 1 RDP 2 RDN 3 TDP 4 n.c. 5 n.c. 6 TDN 7 n.c. 8 n.c. Diagnostics F3/8* RSWLRQDO s 352),%86FRQQHFWLRQ '3$6L/,1. $GYDQFHG 6) %) 21 /('V '3$6L/,1.$GY 'LVSOD\ .H\ERDUG /('/,1. (6& /$1FRQQHFWLRQ :%0FRQILJXUDWLRQ $6L$6L 6) $3) &(5 $83 &0 2. 21 /('V $6LOLQH /('5;7; 3RZHUVXSSO\ FRQQHFWLRQ9 $6LOLQH &RQQHFWLRQ 5HOHDVH VOLGH Figure 6-13 118 $6LOLQH &RQQHFWLRQ Front view of DP/AS-i LINK Advanced (double master) AS-Interface system System Manual, 11/2008, 3RK2703-3BB02-1AA1 Master 6.2 Routers The following LEDs are located on the front of DP/AS-INTERFACE LINK Advanced: Indicators for DP/AS-INTERFACE LINK Advanced - SF: System error - BF: Bus fault - ON Indicators for the AS-i line - SF = AS-i system error - APF = AS-i power failure - CER = Configuration error - AUP = Automatic address programming - CM = Configuration mode - ON Meaning of the DP/AS-INTERFACE LINK Advanced LEDs LED Color Status Meaning SF Red System error (link) This LED lights up in the following cases: * In protected mode: a diagnostic alarm (incoming) was triggered in the DP master. * DP/AS-INTERFACE LINK Advanced detects an internal fault (e.g. EEPROM is defective). BF Red Bus fault Indicates a fault on PROFIBUS DP. This LED flashes in the following cases: * The connection between the DP master and DP/AS-INTERFACE LINK Advanced is interrupted or the DP master is not active. * DP/AS-INTERFACE LINK Advanced has been incorrectly configured/parameterized by the DP master. ON Green This LED lights up when DP/AS-INTERFACE LINK Advanced is supplied with voltage. Meaning of the AS-i line LEDs LED Color Status Meaning SF Red System error (line) This LED lights up in the following cases: * In protected mode: a diagnostic alarm (incoming) was triggered in the DP master. APF Red AS-i power failure Indicates that the voltage supplied by the AS-i power supply unit on the AS-i cable is too low or is faulty. AS-Interface system System Manual, 11/2008, 3RK2703-3BB02-1AA1 119 Master 6.2 Routers LED Color Status Meaning CER Yellow Configuration error This LED indicates whether the slave configuration detected on the AS-i cable matches the target configuration in DP/AS-INTERFACE LINK Advanced. If any discrepancies are detected, the CER LED lights up. The CER LED lights up in the following cases: * A configured AS-i slave is not detected on the AS-i cable (e.g. the slave has failed). * An AS-i slave that has not yet been configured is detected on the AS-i cable. * A connected AS-i slave has different configuration data (I/O configuration, ID code) to the AS-i slave configured in DP/AS-INTERFACE LINK Advanced. * DP/AS-INTERFACE LINK Advanced is in offline mode. AUP Green Autoprog available When DP/AS-INTERFACE LINK Advanced is in protected mode, this LED indicates that the address of an AS-i slave can be programmed automatically. Automatic address programming makes it easier to replace a defective AS-i slave on the AS-i cable. CM Yellow Configuration mode This display indicates the DP/AS-Interface operating mode. LINK Advanced signals: * Display ON: Configuration mode * Display OFF: Protected mode Configuration mode is only required for commissioning DP/AS-INTERFACE LINK Advanced. In configuration mode, DP/AS-INTERFACE LINK Advanced activates all the connected AS-i slaves and exchanges data with them. ON Green This LED lights up when the AS-i line is supplied with voltage. Keyboard You can use the operator input keys to switch operating mode. The lower-level AS-i line can also be configured using the operator input keys and display. Display The graphical display has a resolution of 128 x 64 pixels. The lower-level AS-i line is configured using the display together with the keyboard, which means that commissioning and diagnosis can be carried out locally. The following display appears when the device is switched on or if no user inputs are made over a long period: Figure 6-14 120 Logo on the display AS-Interface system System Manual, 11/2008, 3RK2703-3BB02-1AA1 Master 6.2 Routers Note Error message If a fault occurs during operation, an error message is output even if the logo was displayed beforehand. As soon as any keyboard input is made, the main menu appears from which you can navigate in the menu structure. If an entry in the list is selected (inverse display), a ticker text automatically appears after a short period with further information (not in the main menu). Technical specifications Technical specifications Transmission rates on each AS-Interface line * AS-Interface bus cycle time 5 ms for 31 slaves; 10 ms for 62 slaves * PROFIBUS transmission rate Max. 12 Mbit/s * Ethernet transmission rate 10/100Mbit/s, autosensing Interfaces * AS-Interface connection 2 x 2-pin terminal contacts (plug-in type) * Single master 2 x 2-pin terminal contacts (plug-in type) * Double master (2 AS-i lines) 2 x 4-pin terminal contacts (plug-in type) * Connection to PROFIBUS 1 x 9-pin SUB D socket * Connection to Ethernet (optional) 1 x RJ45 socket / autocrossing * Optional: 24 V DC power supply 3-pin terminal contacts (plug-in type) incl. functional ground for integrated ground-fault monitoring * Slot for exchange medium C-PLUG Display 128 x 64 pixels with backlighting Keys Membrane keyboard (6 keys) Power supply * From the AS-Interface shaped cable (line 1) In accordance with AS-Interface Specification EN 50 295 * Optional: 24 V DC 24 V DC, protective conductor Current consumption * From the AS-Interface shaped cable Max. 250 mA Load-carrying capacity 5 V DC at the PROFIBUS connection Max. 70 mA Power loss 7.5 W Degree of protection IP20 AS-Interface system System Manual, 11/2008, 3RK2703-3BB02-1AA1 121 Master 6.2 Routers Technical specifications Permissible ambient conditions * Operating temperature o Horizontal installation 0C to +60C o Vertical installation 0C to +45C Transport/storage temperature -30C to +70C Relative humidity Max. 95% at +25C Operating altitude 3000 m above sea level Design 122 * Installation On DIN rail * Dimensions (W x H x D) in mm 90 x 132 x 88.5 * Weight Approx. 380 g Supported AS-Interface master profiles M1, M2, M3, and M4 (in accordance with Complete AS-Interface Specification V3.0) AS-Interface configuration By means of buttons on the front plate, via Web interface (WBM) with STEP 7 as of version V5.4, AS-Interface system System Manual, 11/2008, 3RK2703-3BB02-1AA1 Master 6.2 Routers 6.2.3 DP/AS-i F-Link Overview Link between PROFIsafe and ASIsafe Compact, safety-oriented router between the PROFIBUS (DP slave) and AS-Interface. Monitors the inputs of safety-oriented binary AS-i slaves (ASIsafe slaves) and forwards data via PROFIsafe. No need for additional safety-oriented components for AS-Interface (e.g. additional cables, safety monitor). AS-i master in accordance with AS-Interface Specification V3.0, master profile M4, for connecting up to 62 AS-i slaves and integrated analog value transmission. Direct integration in PROFIBUS networks. Integration in PROFINET environments via the PROFINET/PROFIBUS gateway (IE/PB Link) or via SIMATIC S7-315 F PN/DP, S7-317 F PN/DP, or S7-416F-3 PN/DP. Optimum TIA integration in STEP 7 via Object Manager, integration in engineering tools from third-party vendors via the PROFIBUS type file (GSD). Local diagnosis via LEDs and display with operator input keys. Module exchange without PG because startup data is transferred via the PROFIBUS DP master. Benefits Gaps in (bus-based) safety technology closed: safety-oriented signals (EMERGENCY STOP, door tumbler, light curtains etc.) collected with AS-i and transferred to higher-level F PLC. This enables: - Quick installation, easy commissioning: benefits of AS-i can now be systematically leveraged in the field for Safety Integrated. - Cost-effective solution because ASIsafe is ideally suited for collecting "fewer but distributed failsafe bits". Price benefit: as a fully-fledged AS-i master in accordance with Specification V3.0, large volumes of project data can be processed in the AS-i network (496 inputs and outputs in each case, up to 62 analog slaves). Long-term investment security: - Integration in PROFIBUS networks as with DP/AS-i Links Advanced or 20E - Backward compatibility to spec. V2 - Open for state-of-the-art automation concepts with AS-i Quick commissioning with simple configuration at the touch of a button (code sequences of ASIsafe slaves can also be taught in at the touch of a button). User-friendly configuration of all Siemens slaves via the slave catalog in HW Config (STEP 7) helps reduce engineering work, especially for the ASIsafe slaves modeled on PROFIsafe slaves. AS-Interface system System Manual, 11/2008, 3RK2703-3BB02-1AA1 123 Master 6.2 Routers Safety logic programming with the familiar, powerful commands of the Distributed Safety package from the failsafe SIMATIC PLC in F-FUP or F-FOP (incl. TUV-certified function blocks for standard safety applications) helps cut costs. Can also be used in machine tools with SINUMERIK 840 D SL in conjunction with the Profibus type file (GSD). User-friendly diagnosis via the display and easy replacement of modules (only a few settings need to be made via the operator input keys; configuration tool not required) help reduce downtime and service times. Network integration DP/AS-i F-Link can be used in a number of different configurations: Integration in PROFIBUS networks under SIMATIC F-PLC +0, 6,0$7,& 6) 352),%86 )', $,$2 ','2 6,0$7,& (76 '3$6L )/LQN 6SHF 0RWRU 2SWLRQDO $6,VDIH 0RGXOH Figure 6-15 124 6,5,86 6,5,86 &DEOHSXOO 3RVLWLRQ VZLWFK VZLWFK 'LJLWDO 6,5,86 6,0$7,& $QDORJ ,2PRGXOH ,2PRGXOH (0(5 /LJKW . .5 *(1&< FXUWDLQ 6723 'LJLWDO ,2PRGXOH . 6DIHW\ PRQLWRU 0RWRU 6,5,86 (0(5 *(1&< 6723 16%B $6,QWHUIDFH Configuration 1: Integration in PROFIBUS networks under SIMATIC F-PLC AS-Interface system System Manual, 11/2008, 3RK2703-3BB02-1AA1 Master 6.2 Routers Integration in PROFINET networks under SIMATIC F-PLC (SIMATIC S7-315 F PN/DP, S7-317 F PN/DP, or S7-416F-3 PN/DP) 6,0$7,& 6) 31'3 +0, 6,0$7,& 6) 6,0$7,& (76 352),%86 352),1(7 )', $,$2 ','2 6,0$7,& (7SUR '3$6L )/LQN 6SHF 0RWRU 0RWRU 2SWLRQDO $6,VDIH 0RGXOH Figure 6-16 6,5,86 6,5,86 &DEOHSXOO 3RVLWLRQ VZLWFK VZLWFK 6,5,86 6,0$7,& $QDORJ 'LJLWDO (0(5 /LJKW ,2PRGXOH ,2PRGXOH *(1&< FXUWDLQ . .5 6723 'LJLWDO ,2PRGXOH . 6DIHW\ PRQLWRU 0RWRU 6,5,86 (0(5 *(1&< 6723 16%B $6,QWHUIDFH Configuration 2: Integration in PROFIBUS networks under SIMATIC F-PLC (SIMATIC S7-315 F PN/DP, SIMATIC S7-317 F PN/DP, SIMATIC S7-416 F PN/DP) AS-Interface system System Manual, 11/2008, 3RK2703-3BB02-1AA1 125 Master 6.2 Routers Alternative integration in PROFINET networks under SIMATIC F-PLC via IE/PB Link )&38 &RQWUROOHU +0, 352),1(7 6,0$7,& (76 ,(3%/LQN 352),%86 )', $,$2 ','2 6,0$7,& (76 0RWRU '3$6L )/LQN 6SHF 0RWRU 2SWLRQDO $6,VDIH 0RGXOH Figure 6-17 6,5,86 6,5,86 &DEOHSXOO 3RVLWLRQ VZLWFK VZLWFK 6,5,86 6,0$7,& $QDORJ 'LJLWDO (0(5 /LJKW ,2PRGXOH ,2PRGXOH *(1&< FXUWDLQ . .5 6723 'LJLWDO ,2PRGXOH . 6DIHW\ PRQLWRU 0RWRU 6,5,86 (0(5 *(1&< 6723 16%B $6,QWHUIDFH Configuration 3: Alternative integration in PROFINET networks under SIMATIC F-PLC via IE/PB Link Integration under SINUMERIK Power Line and Solution Line by means of PROFIBUS type file (GSD) (available soon). Integration under failsafe controllers from third-party vendors, by means of the PROFIBUS type file (GSD). Scope of application DP/AS-i F-Link is a PROFIBUS DP-V1 slave (to EN 50170) and AS-i master (in accordance with AS-Interface Specification V3.0 to EN 50295) and enables transparent data access to AS-Interface from the PROFIBUS DP. DP/AS-i F-Link is also the only AS-i master with which safety-oriented input data can be transferred from ASIsafe slaves to a failsafe CPU with the PROFIBUS DP master via the PROFIsafe protocol. Additional safety-oriented cabling or monitoring is not required (in particular, no AS-Interface safety monitor is required). Depending on the slave type, binary or analog values can be transferred. All slaves that comply with AS-Interface Specification V3.0 can be operated as AS-i slaves. PROFIBUS DP masters to DP-V0 or DP-V1 can exchange I/O data with lower-level AS-i slaves cyclically. PROFIBUS DP masters with acyclic services to DP-V1 can also carry out AS-i master calls (parameters, diagnosis). In addition to the digital I/O data, analog data is also stored in a high-performance memory in the cyclic I/O area (during configuration with 126 AS-Interface system System Manual, 11/2008, 3RK2703-3BB02-1AA1 Master 6.2 Routers Object Manager in STEP 7) of a failsafe S7-300/416 F-CPU (communication modules do not need to be called separately). In configuration mode, DP/AS-i F-Link reads the configuration data of the I/O devices on the AS-Interface. Slave addresses can be set and code sequences of secure AS-i slaves taught in via the display and operator input keys. During operation, four LEDs and the display provide detailed diagnostic information which, if necessary, can be used to localize faults immediately. A user program enables diagnosis data sets to be read and made available to a higher-level operator control and monitoring system (e.g. WinCC). Design Stable, tried-and-tested plastic housing with degree of protection IP20 for DIN rail or wall mounting. Compact design - Display on the front for indicating the operating state and operational readiness of all the connected and activated AS-Interface slaves. - Two buttons on the front for commissioning and retrieving diagnostic data. - Four LEDs for indicating the operating state of the device, PROFIBUS DP, and the AS-Interface network. - Front PROFIBUS DP connection with SUB D connector. - Removable terminal blocks for connecting the AS-i +/- and power supply (by 24 V DC PELV power supply unit); low width (45 mm). Simple installation on a DIN rail or on the wall. Operation without fan or battery. Rapid replacement of devices in the event of a fault. Communications principle The PROFIBUS DP master communicates with the AS-i slaves via DP/AS-i F-Link. The AS-i communication objects are mapped to a contiguous data area for input and output data in the PROFIBUS DP master. DP/AS-i F-Link manages two interfaces here: Interface with the PROFIBUS DP master: PROFIBUS DP Interface with the AS-i slaves: AS-Interface AS-Interface system System Manual, 11/2008, 3RK2703-3BB02-1AA1 127 Master 6.2 Routers Configuration DP/AS-i F-Link can be configured with STEP 7 as of version V5.4 SP1 or simply by copying the actual configuration on the display. Alternatively, DP/AS-i F-Link can be integrated by means of the PROFIBUS type file (GSD) in the engineering tool. When DP/AS-i F-Link is configured with STEP 7, the AS-Interface configuration can be uploaded to STEP 7 as of V5.4 SP1. Siemens AS-Interface slaves can also be easily configured in HW Config (slave catalog). Programming Unlike the AS-Interface safety monitor, DP/AS-i F-Link is simply a gateway with no separate safety logic. The safety function is programmed at the level of the higher-level failsafe DP master, e.g.: With Distributed Safety as of version V5.4 SP1 for SIMATIC S7-300F/416F With SAFETY INTEGRATED "SI-Basic" or "SI-COMFORT" NCU software for SINUMERIK 840D SL. Order numbers Type Order no. DP/AS-i F-Link router PROFIBUS DP/AS-i 3RK3141-1CD10 For safety-oriented data transmission from ASISafe to PROFIBUS DP - PROFISAFE Master profile M3/M4 in acc. with extended AS-I Spec. 3.0 Degree of protection IP20 Screw terminals DP/AS-i F-Link router PROFIBUS DP/AS-i 3RK3141-2CD10 For safety-oriented data transmission from ASISafe to PROFIBUS DP - PROFISAFE Master profile M3/M4 in acc. with extended AS-I Spec. 3.0 Degree of protection IP20 Spring-loaded terminals DP/AS-i F-Link manual Can be downloaded from the Internet German 128 AS-Interface system System Manual, 11/2008, 3RK2703-3BB02-1AA1 Master 6.2 Routers Connection CAUTION Switch off the supply voltage Before starting work, disconnect the device from the supply. NOTICE Cable cross-sections and tightening torques Note the maximum cable cross-sections and tightening torques: What do I need? Specification and value for removable terminal blocks with screw terminals Specification and value for removable terminal blocks with spring-loaded terminals Screwdriver Cross-tip screwdriver Size: PZ 2 ( 5 ... 6 mm) Torque: 0.8 ... 1.2 Nm Flat-bladed screwdriver Size: 0 or 1 (width to 3 mm) for raising the terminal springs Rigid cable Maximum number of cables x cable cross-section: 1 x 0.5 ... 4.0 mm2 or 2 x 0.5 ... 2.5 mm2 Max. no. of cables x cable cross-section: 2 x 0.25 ... 1.5 mm2 Flexible cable with end sleeve/cable lug Max. no. of cables x cable cross-section: 1 x 0.5 ... 2.5 mm2 or 2 x 0.5 ... 1.5 mm2 Max. no. of cables x cable cross-section: 2 x 0.25 ... 1.5 mm2 Flexible cable Not permitted Max. no. of cables x cable cross-section: 2 x 0.25 ... 1.5 mm2 Note Functional ground - PE Functional ground (FE) must be connected to the protective ground conductor PE with as little resistance as possible. Requirements The connection cables from the PELV power supply unit and AS-i cables are correctly stripped to a length of 10 mm. Flexible cables with end sleeves or cable lugs are provided for connections to screw terminal blocks. AS-Interface system System Manual, 11/2008, 3RK2703-3BB02-1AA1 129 Master 6.2 Routers Assignment of terminal blocks Image $6L $6L Description Description ASi- AS-i terminal for blue wire in AS-i cable ASi+ AS-i terminal for brown wire in AS-i cable L+ 24 V DC M Ground to 24 V DC FE Functional ground /0)( Connection for screw terminal blocks (MLFB: 3RK3141-1CD10) Step 130 Instructions 1 Insert the relevant cable into the square opening of the screw terminal as far as it will go. 2 Hold the cable in the screw terminal. 3 Tighten the screw of the terminal in which the cable in inserted. 4 Pull the cable to ensure it is secure. Image AS-Interface system System Manual, 11/2008, 3RK2703-3BB02-1AA1 Master 6.2 Routers Connection for spring-loaded terminal blocks (MLFB: 3RK3141-2CD10) Step 1 Instructions Image Insert the 3 mm flat-bladed screwdriver for loosening the terminal springs until it engages in the square opening of the spring-loaded terminal. Observe a 10 horizontal angular deviation of the screwdriver to the oval opening. 2 Insert the cable into the oval opening until it engages. 3 Hold the cable in the spring-loaded terminal. 4 Remove the screwdriver. 5 Pull the cable to ensure it is secure. 3 mm ~10 ~10 Diagnostics Figure 6-18 Front view of DP/AS-i F-Link AS-Interface system System Manual, 11/2008, 3RK2703-3BB02-1AA1 131 Master 6.2 Routers 1 Removable terminal block ASi-: connection for ASi - (blue wire in yellow AS-i cable) 2 Removable terminal block ASi+: connection for ASi- (brown wire in yellow AS-i cable) 3 Cover for service and system interface (factory side) 4 PROFIBUS DP interface (SUB D 9-pin) 5 Removable terminal block L+: 24 V DC M: Ground to 24 V DC FE: Functional ground 6 SET button: Confirm MODE button: Selection 7 Labeling strip 8 Display: Two lines, red dot matrix display 9 RESET button: Factory setting (via coded operation) 10 DEVICE LED AS-i LED BF LED SF LED Meaning of the LEDs DP/AS-i F-Link features the following four LEDs for indicating the current status and any error messages: LED Meaning DEVICE Device status ASi AS-i voltage / status BF Bus fault (PROFIBUS DP) SF Group fault When the device is restarted, it carries out a self-test of the LEDs: All LEDs light up for 3 s. The two-colored DEVICE and ASi LEDs light up yellow. Note Defective device If neither the LEDs nor the display light up when the power supply and AS-i voltage are switched on, the device is defective. 132 AS-Interface system System Manual, 11/2008, 3RK2703-3BB02-1AA1 Master 6.2 Routers LED display DEVICE Display Possible cause Possible remedial measures OFF No 24 V DC power supply Check the 24 V DC power supply of the DP / AS-i F-Link. Green Device OK -- Flashing green Device in power up (self-test, configuration and teaching of code sequences) -- Yellow PROFIsafe address invalid or incorrect Enter the correct PROFIsafe address of the DP / AS-i F-Link via the menu on the display. Flashing yellow Factory settings not yet complete Switch the 24 V DC power supply of the DP / AS-i F-Link off and then on again. Flickering yellow Procedure for making factory settings -- Red Device defective Replace the defective DP / AS-i F-Link. Flashing red/green Device defective Replace the defective DP / AS-i F-Link. Flickering red Procedure for making factory settings -- Display Possible cause Possible remedial measures OFF AS-i voltage is too low or has failed Check the power supply for the AS-i slaves. Green Device is in "protected" mode -- Flashing green AS-i configuration error Reconfigure the AS-i slave specified on the display. Yellow Device is in "configuration" mode -- Red No AS-i slave connected to AS-Interface. Connect an AS-i slave to AS-Interface. This display does not appear in "Config" mode (ASi LED yellow). Display Possible cause Possible remedial measures OFF PROFIBUS DP OK -- Red PROFIBUS DP connector not plugged in during power up Plug in the PROFIBUS DP connector during power up. Flashing red PROFIBUS DP parameterization/configuration error * LED display ASi LED display BF * AS-Interface system System Manual, 11/2008, 3RK2703-3BB02-1AA1 Check the PROFIBUS DP connectors and terminating resistors. Reconfigure the PROFIBUS DP node specified in the display. 133 Master 6.2 Routers LED display SF Display Possible cause Possible remedial measures OFF No group fault -- Red Group fault, including the AS-i slaves Read out data record 92. Buttons The buttons on the front of DP/AS-i F-Link have the following function: Button Meaning MODE * * * Scroll down through messages and menu options by pressing it once. Jump back one entry with double-click. Increase the switching speed by pressing and holding it (> 1 s). SET * * Confirm a menu option or call up a further range of options. Change from status mode to menu mode. MODE + SET * Return to the menu option "EXIT" by pressing both buttons at the same time in menu mode. RESET * Restore the factory settings in accordance with a predefined scheme. Operating state of the display The display has two operating states: Status mode (standard mode) with error and status messages for DP/AS-i F-Link and the connected buses. Menu mode with the display menu. In this mode, you can query and change settings as well as call up specific error messages. You can switch from menu mode to status mode in two different ways: Wait 30 s and the operating state switches automatically. Press the "MODE" and "SET" buttons at the same time and then press "SET" to confirm "EXIT". 134 AS-Interface system System Manual, 11/2008, 3RK2703-3BB02-1AA1 Master 6.2 Routers Display on screen (no menu in standard mode) 1st row 2nd row Status message - / Parameter Fault message flashing Fault message flashing, continuous underscore - Meaning No fault, status display. No fault present Parameter A fault with parameter is present. Parameters, continuous underscore A fault with more than one parameter is present (e.g. AS-i addresses 0, 1, 1A, 1B, 2, 2A, 2B, etc.). - More than one type of fault is present, arranged according to priority. Parameter More than one type of fault is present; a parameter for the current fault type exists; the last parameter of a fault type is shown. Parameters, continuous underscore More than one type of fault is present; more than one parameter for the current fault type exists. Querying the fault messages The following options are available for querying fault messages: Scroll through all the parameters and fault messages with the "MODE" button. If you do not press anything, the display will automatically jump back to the fault with the highest priority after 30 seconds. An outgoing fault disappears from the display immediately and the next pending fault message appears. Meaning of the fault and status messages Display Possible cause Possible remedial measures RUN No fault, everything is OK and DP / AS-i F-Link is in "protected" mode. - RUNc CFG No fault, everything is OK and DP / AS-i F-Link is in "configuration" mode - APF AS-i voltage is too low or has failed (AS-i Power Fail) Can occur in parallel with "BF" or "BFc" messages. Check the power supply. Permissible values between ASi+ and ASi- are 26.5 DC to 31.5 V DC OFFL DP / AS-i F-Link is in offline mode (no data traffic on the AS-i bus) Can occur in parallel with "BF" or "BFc" messages Not displayed in "APF" message. Switch DP / AS-i F-Link to online mode (e.g. with the command "set_offline_mode"). WAIT DP / AS-i F-Link in detection phase (ramp-up) Can occur in parallel with "BF" or "BFc" messages. Wait until ramp-up is complete. Connect an AS-i slave to the AS-i bus if this has not already been done. AS-Interface system System Manual, 11/2008, 3RK2703-3BB02-1AA1 135 Master 6.2 Routers Display Possible cause Possible remedial measures CER f311) AS-i configuration error, deviation from TARGET configuration (automatic address programming switched off or more than one fault is present) Can occur in parallel with "BF", "BFc", "CODE", "PFF", or "PFFc" messages. * * * Error type "f" Remove the slave from the configuration or connect the configured slave to the AS-i bus. Error type "E" Modify the configured slave profile in accordance with the available slave. Error type "D" Reconfigure the specified slave. Re 1) Example display; 2nd row structured as follows: Character for fault type, left-justified AUP f312) f Address configured but not found D Address found but not configured E Address found and configured, but configured profile (IO-ID-ID1-ID2) does not correspond to the available module. AS-i configuration error (automatic address programming activated). Can occur in parallel with "BF", "BFc", "CODE", "PFF", or "PFFc" messages. AS-i address, right justified, e.g. 0 Standard module with address 0 0AB A / B module with address 0 1 Standard module with address 1 1A A / B module with address 1A 31B A / B module with address 31B Connect the specified AS-i slave to the AS-i bus. Re 2) Example display; 2nd row structured as follows: Character for fault type, left-justified CODE c313) f Address configured but not found. D Address found but not configured. E Address found and configured, but configured profile (IO-ID-ID1-ID2) does not correspond to the available module. Code sequence error and DP / AS-i F-Link in "safety" mode. Can occur in parallel with "BF" or "PFF" messages. AS-i address, right justified, e.g. 1 Standard module with address 1 1A A / B module with address 1A 31B A / B module with address 31B * * * Check the wiring of the AS-i slave. Start teach-in for the code sequences. Replace the AS-i slave. As soon as a configuration error occurs ("CER", "AUP"), the safety component of DP / AS-i F-Link no longer monitors the AS-i bus, which means that code sequence errors are no longer detected or reported. Re 3) Example display; 2nd row structured as follows: Character for fault type, left-justified c Address sends code sequence that does not correspond to the taught sequence. AS-i address, right justified, e.g. 1 Standard module with address 1 31 Standard module with address 31 Conditions for displaying code sequence errors: * DP / AS-i F-Link is in protected mode. * The module is configured as an active safety module. * The module sends a code sequence that DP / AS-i F-Link does not expect. No display for code sequences 0000, 00xx, or xx00 because they represent the standard operating state when the contacts are open. PFF p314) 136 I/O fault and DP / AS-i F-Link is in "protected" mode Can occur in parallel with "BF", "CER", "AUP", or "CODE" messages. Rectify the cause of the I/O fault on the AS-i slave. AS-Interface system System Manual, 11/2008, 3RK2703-3BB02-1AA1 Master 6.2 Routers Display Possible cause Possible remedial measures Re 4) Example display; 2nd row structured as follows: Character for fault type, left-justified p AS-i address, right justified, e.g. Address signals I/O (periphery) fault flag (PFF). 1 Standard module with address 1 1A A / B module with address 1A 31B A / B module with address 31B PFFc p314) I/O fault and DP / AS-i F-Link in "configuration" mode. Can occur in parallel with "BFc" messages. Rectify the cause of the I/O fault on the AS-i slave. BF DP285) PROFIBUS DP fault and DP / AS-i F-Link is in "protected" mode. Can occur in parallel with CER", "AUP", "CODE", "PFF", or other messages. Reconfigure the specified PROFIBUS DP node. Re 5) Example display; 2nd row structured as follows: "DP", left-justified PROFIBUS DP address (0 ... 126), right justified BFc DP285) PROFIBUS DP fault and DP / AS-i F-Link is in "configuration" mode. Can occur in parallel with "PFF" or other messages. Reconfigure the specified PROFIBUS DP node. BF F-PAR Invalid parameters for PROFIsafe and DP / AS-i F-Link in "protected" mode. Can occur in parallel with "CER" and "AUP" messages. Check that the "F_Dest_Add" parameter on the PROFIsafe tab matches the set PROFIsafe address. BFc F-PAR Invalid parameters for PROFIsafe and DP / AS-i F-Link in "configuration" mode. Can occur in parallel with "PFFc" or other messages. Check that the "F_Dest_Add" parameter on the PROFIsafe tab matches the set PROFIsafe address. CT NOK Fault detected at ramp-up, or ramp-up not successfully completed. For example, PROFIBUS DP connector not plugged in before switching on supply voltage Connect the PROFIBUS DP connector to the PROFIBUS DP interface. DP / AS-i F-Link is in "configuration" mode. Change to protected mode. Configuration fault pending (planned <> actual) Eliminate the configuration fault. Can occur in parallel with "BF", "CER", or "CFG" messages. CTER c316) Invalid code sequence and DP / AS-i F-Link in "protected" mode Can occur in parallel with "CER", "AUP", or "PFF" messages. * * Check the wiring of the AS-i slave. Replace the AS-i slave. Re 6) Example display; 2nd row structured as follows: Character for fault type, left-justified c Address sends code sequence that does not correspond to the guidelines on permissible code sequences. AS-i address, right justified, e.g. 1 Standard module with address 1 31 Standard module with address 31 Conditions for displaying "CTER": * DP / AS-i F-Link is in protected mode. * The module is configured as an active safety module. * The module sends an invalid code sequence to DP / AS-i F-Link that violates at least one requirement regarding the validity of code sequences. AS-Interface system System Manual, 11/2008, 3RK2703-3BB02-1AA1 137 Master 6.2 Routers Display Possible cause Possible remedial measures CT c316) A valid code sequence cannot be taught in for the ASIsafe slave displayed. Close the input contacts of the ASIsafe slave displayed. MENU Display in "menu mode". Status message, switch to normal mode: * Automatic switchover after 30 s * Press "MODE" + "SET" simultaneously. Confirm the display "EXIT" by pressing "SET". Key: "" = space Technical specifications Technical specifications Transfer rates on each AS-Interface line * AS-Interface bus cycle time 5 ms for 31 slaves; 10 ms for 62 slaves or in acc. with the Complete AS-Interface Specification V3.0 * PROFIBUS transfer rate Max. 12 Mbit/s Interfaces * AS-Interface connection Via removable terminal blocks (with screw or spring-loaded terminals) * Connection to PROFIBUS-DP 1 x 9-pin SUB D socket * Connection to Ethernet 1 x RJ45 socket * 24 V DC power supply (PELV) 3-pin terminal contacts incl. functional earth, via removable terminal blocks (with screw-type or spring-loaded terminals) Display 2 lines of 4 characters (red LED dot matrix) Operation Via three keys (Set / Mode / Reset) Power supply * From AS-Interface In accordance with AS-Interface Specification EN 50 295 * 24 V DC (PELV) 24 V DC, protective conductor Current consumption * From 24 V DC Degree of protection Max. 110 mA IP20 Permissible ambient conditions Operating temperature -20C to +50C Transport/storage temperature -40C to +85C Relative humidity Max. 95% at +25C Operating altitude 2000 m above sea level * 138 AS-Interface system System Manual, 11/2008, 3RK2703-3BB02-1AA1 Master 6.2 Routers Technical specifications Design * Assembly On DIN rail * Dimensions (W x H x D) in mm 45 x 104 x 120 * Weight Approx. 300 g Supported AS-Interface master profiles M1, M2, M3, and M4 (in accordance with complete AS-Interface Specification V3.0) AS-Interface configuration Via keys on front plate, with STEP 7 as of version V5.4 SP1 for SIMATIC S7-300F/416F Safety function programming With Distributed Safety as of version V5.4 SP1 for SIMATIC S7-300F/416F with SAFETY INTEGRATED "SI-Basic" or "SI-COMFORT" NCU software for SINUMERIK 840D SL Approvals CE, TUV, UL (requested), AS-Interface certificate AS-Interface system System Manual, 11/2008, 3RK2703-3BB02-1AA1 139 Master 6.2 Routers 6.2.4 IE/AS-i LINK PN IO Overview Transparent data access to AS-Interface from Industrial Ethernet Compact router between Industrial Ethernet (PROFINET IO device) and AS-Interface Single and double AS-Interface master (to AS-Interface Specification V3.0) for connecting 62 AS-Interface slaves in each case and integrated analog value transfer High-performance, integrated analog value transmission Integrated ground-fault monitoring for the AS-Interface cable User-friendly on-site diagnosis and commissioning functions via a graphical display and controls or via a Web interface with a standard browser. Optimum TIA integration via STEP 7, integration in engineering tools from third-party vendors via the PROFINET type file (GSDML) Vertical integration (standard Web interface (Page 72)) via Industrial Ethernet Power supplied via the AS-Interface cable or with 24 V DC (optional). Modules can be exchanged without the PG by means of C-PLUG (optional). Benefits Quick commissioning by means of simple configuration at the touch of a button and testing the AS-Interface line via the display or Web interface. User-friendly diagnosis via the display or Web interface help reduce downtime and service times if a slave fails. Reduced installation costs because the power is supplied entirely via the AS-Interface cable, which means that no additional power supply is required. User-friendly configuration of Siemens slaves by dragging/dropping them to HW Config (STEP 7) helps reduce engineering work. Scope of application IE/AS-i LINK PN IO is a PROFINET IO device (to IEC 61158) and AS-Interface master (in accordance with AS-Interface Specification V3.0 to EN 50 295) and enables transparent data access to the AS-Interface from Industrial Ethernet. PROFINET IO controllers can exchange I/O data with the AS-Interface cyclically. Acyclic services also enable AS-i master calls to be carried out (parameters, diagnosis). IE/AS-i LINK PN IO is, therefore, suitable for distributed configurations and for integrating a lower-level AS-Interface network. The AS-i single master version of IE/AS-i LINK PN IO is suitable for applications with typical volumes of data. 140 AS-Interface system System Manual, 11/2008, 3RK2703-3BB02-1AA1 Master 6.2 Routers The AS-i double master version of IE/AS-i LINK PN IO is suitable for applications with large volumes of data. In this case, the double data volumes can be processed on two separate AS-i lines. 3& ZLWK62)71(731,2 6 ZLWK&3 $GYDQFHG 6&$/$1&( ; ,($6L /,1. 31,2 :KHQ,($6L/,1.31,2LVXVHG DVGRXEOHPDVWHU (7SUR 3RZHU VXSSO\ XQLW 3RZHU VXSSO\ XQLW 2SHUDWLRQ 0RQLWRULQJ 6ODYH /DVHU VFDQQHU 6DIHW\ PRQLWRU /2*2 6DIHVODYH ZLWK(0(5*(1&<6723 6DIHVODYH ZLWK(0(5*(1&<6723 Figure 6-19 6DIHW\ PRQLWRU *B,.B'(B (76 6 HJZLWK&3 Integration of AS-Interface in PROFINET via IE/AS-i LINK PN IO as single/double master An upstream IWLAN client module (e.g. SCALANCE W746-1PRO) can be used for the wireless integration of an AS-Interface line in the PROFINET environment. Examples of applications here include those that were previously implemented with fault-prone ground cables or contact conductors. This helps cut maintenance costs. AS-Interface system System Manual, 11/2008, 3RK2703-3BB02-1AA1 141 Master 6.2 Routers 5DGLRFHOO 5DGLRFHOO 6 6&$/$1&( :352 6&$/$1&( :352 )LHOG3* 1RWHERRN ZLWK&3 &OLHQW0RGXOH 6&$/$1&( :352 6,0$7,&+0, *B,.B'(B ,($6L /,1. 31,2 'ULYHUOHVVWUDQVSRUWDWLRQV\VWHP Figure 6-20 Wireless communication between Industrial Ethernet and As-Interface components Design Robust plastic housing with degree of protection IP20 for mounting on DIN rails. Compact design - Display on the front plate for accurately indicating the operating state and operational readiness of all the connected and activated AS-Interface slaves. - Buttons for commissioning and testing the AS-Interface line directly on IE/AS-i LINK PN IO - LEDs for indicating the operating state of PROFINET IO and AS-Interface. - Integrated two-port switch (RJ45 socket) for the connection to Industrial Ethernet supports the line topology without an external switch. - User-friendly commissioning, diagnosis, and testing of IE/AS-i LINK PN IO via a Web interface with a standard browser. - Power supplied via the AS-Interface shaped cable or with 24 V DC (optional). - Low installation depth due to lowered plug fitting. Easy installation on standard DIN rail. 142 AS-Interface system System Manual, 11/2008, 3RK2703-3BB02-1AA1 Master 6.2 Routers Operation without fan or battery. Rapid replacement of devices by means of the exchange medium C-PLUG (not supplied). Function IE/AS-i LINK PN IO provides the PROFINET IO master with cyclic access to the I/O data for all slaves in a lower-level AS-Interface segment. According to the extended AS-Interface Specification (V3.0), up to 62 slaves each with four inputs and four outputs as well as analog slaves on each AS-Interface line can be connected. In the IO controller, IE/AS-i LINK PN IO is normally assigned 62 input and 62 output bytes in which the I/O data for the connected AS-Interface slaves is stored. The input/output buffer can be compressed so that only the required I/O memory in the IO controller system is used. The integrated function for analyzing analog signals is just as simple to use as the function for accessing digital values. PROFINET IO controllers can also trigger AS-Interface master calls via the acyclic PROFINET services (e.g.: write parameters, change addresses, read diagnostic values). An operator display in AS-Interface Link allows you to commission the lower-level AS-i line. IE/AS-i LINK PN IO is equipped with two switched Ethernet ports that allow you to leverage the benefits of the integrated Web server, thereby making it even easier to use the operator display. The firmware can also be upgraded. The optional C-PLUG allows you to replace modules without a PG, thereby minimizing downtime if a fault occurs. Diagnostics A comprehensive range of diagnostic functions are available via displays, controls, a Web interface, or STEP 7. These include: Operating state of the link State of the link as a PROFINET IO device Diagnosis of the AS-Interface network Telegram statistics Standard diagnosis pages for rapid access to diagnostic data by means of a standard browser Configuration IE/AS-i LINK PN IO can be configured with STEP 7 as of version V5.4 SP2 or simply by copying the actual configuration on the display. Alternatively, IE/AS-i LINK IO can be integrated by means of the PROFINET type file (GSD) in the engineering tool: STEP 7 versions older than V5.5 SP2 Engineering tools from third-party vendors AS-Interface system System Manual, 11/2008, 3RK2703-3BB02-1AA1 143 Master 6.2 Routers When configuration is carried out with STEP 7, the AS-Interface configuration can be uploaded to STEP 7 as of V5.4 SP2. Siemens AS-i slaves can also be easily configured in HW Config (slave catalog). Order numbers Type Order no. IE/AS-i LINK PN IO 6GK1 411-2AB10 Router between Industrial Ethernet and AS-Interface; Master profiles M3 and M4, extended AS-Interface Specification V3.0; degree of protection IP20; Manual available on CD-ROM, German, English, French, Spanish, Italian Single master with display IE/AS-i LINK PN IO 6GK1 411-2AB20 Router between Industrial Ethernet and AS-Interface; Master profiles M3 and M4, extended AS-Interface Specification V3.0; degree of protection IP20; Manual available on CD-ROM, German, English, French, Spanish, Italian Double master with display Accessories C-Plug 6GK1 900-0AB00 Exchange medium for replacing the devices quickly and easily if a fault occurs; for recording configuration and application data, can be used in SIMATIC Net products with C-PLUG slot IE FC RJ45 Plug 90 6GK1 901-1BB20-2AA0 (1 package with 1 piece) RJ45 connector for Industrial Ethernet with a robust metal housing and integrated insulation displacement/terminal contacts for connecting the Industrial Ethernet FC installation cables; with 90 cable outlet (e.g. for ET 200S) 6GK1 901-1BB20-2AB0 (1 package with 10 pieces) 144 6GK1 901-1BB20-2AE0 (1 package with 50 pieces) AS-Interface system System Manual, 11/2008, 3RK2703-3BB02-1AA1 Master 6.2 Routers Connection Connections IE/AS-i LINK features the following connections: Two separate connections to the AS-i cable (with double master) One connection for an alternative 24 V DC power supply (optional) and functional ground Two LAN RJ45 connections as independent switch ports (one on PROFINET IO and one, for example, for the WBM configuration) Connections to the AS-i cable(s) and power supply IE/AS-i LINK has two connections for AS-i cables (lines 1 and 2). They are each connected via a 4-pin connector each with two + and two - terminals (jumpered internally). This allows IE/AS-i LINK to be "looped in" to the AS-i cable. CAUTION Maximum load-carrying capacity The maximum load-carrying capacity of the AS-i connection contacts is 3 A. If this value is exceeded on the AS-i cable, IE/AS-INTERFACE LINK PN IO must not be "looped in" to the AS-i cable but must instead be connected via a spur line (one connection pair only occupied by IE/AS-i LINK). IE/AS-i LINK can receive its entire power supply from the AS-Interface (AS-i line 1 only). The current consumption from the AS-Interface here is 320 mA at 30 V. Alternatively, IE/AS-i LINK can be supplied via a separate power supply unit (24 V DC). AS-Interface system System Manual, 11/2008, 3RK2703-3BB02-1AA1 145 Master 6.2 Routers s ,($6L/,1.31,2 6) %) 21 /$1FRQQHFWLRQ /$1FRQQHFWLRQ 3RZHUVXSSO\ FRQQHFWLRQ9 Figure 6-21 (6& $6LOLQH &RQQHFWLRQ $6L$6L 6) $3) &(5 $83 &0 2. 21 $6LOLQH &RQQHFWLRQ Connecting the AS-i cable(s) and power supply Connector assignment for the AS-i line PIN no. line 1 Signal 1 AS-i 1 + 2 AS-i 1 - 3 AS-i 1 + 4 AS-i 1 - PIN no. line 2 Signal 1 AS-i 2 + 2 AS-i 2 - 3 AS-i 2 + 4 AS-i 2 - PIN 1 and 3 as well as PIN 2 and 4 are jumpered internally with each other. 146 AS-Interface system System Manual, 11/2008, 3RK2703-3BB02-1AA1 Master 6.2 Routers Connector assignment for the power supply PIN no. line 1 Signal 1 Power + 2 Power - 3 PE Note Functional ground - PE IE/AS-INTERFACE LINK PN IO features a connection for functional ground. This connection is required if the integrated ground-fault monitoring function is used. It must be connected to the protective conductor with as little resistance as possible. LAN connections (PROFINET IO, PC with WBM) The connections to PROFINET and a PC (or network) are established via two RJ45 sockets (recommended: 90 FC connector). A LAN connection is provided for the PROFINET system. The second LAN connection for IE/AS-i LINK is used for configurations via Web-based management and for diagnostic purposes, for example. Both LAN connections are identical. IE/AS-i LINK supports autocrossing (i.e. crossed and uncrossed cables can be used). Connector assignment for the LAN connection PIN no. Signal 1 RXP 2 RXN 3 TXP 4 n.c. 5 n.c. 6 TXN 7 n.c. 8 n.c. n.c. = not used AS-Interface system System Manual, 11/2008, 3RK2703-3BB02-1AA1 147 Master 6.2 Routers Diagnostics F3/8* RSWLRQDO 'LVSOD\ s ,($6L/,1.31,2 /('/,1. 6) %) 21 /$1FRQQHFWLRQ ; /('V ,($6L/,1.$GY /('5;7; .H\ERDUG /('/,1. /$1FRQQHFWLRQ ; (6& $6L$6L 6) $3) &(5 $83 &0 2. 21 /('V $6LOLQH /('5;7; $6LOLQH &RQQHFWLRQ 3RZHUVXSSO\ FRQQHFWLRQ9 Figure 6-22 5HOHDVH VOLGHIRU ',1UDLO DVVHPEO\ $6LOLQH &RQQHFWLRQ Front view of IE/AS-i LINK PN IO (double master) The following LEDs are located on the front of IE/AS-i LINK: Indicators for the LAN connections (for X1 and X2 in each case) - LINK: connection to the Ethernet partner - RX/TX: Data traffic Indicators for IE/AS-i LINK - SF: System error - BF: Bus fault - ON: IE/AS-i LINK power supply Indicators for the AS-i line - SF: AS-i system error - APF: AS-i power failure - CER: Configuration error - AUP: Automatic address programming - CM: Configuration mode - ON: AS-i line power supply 148 AS-Interface system System Manual, 11/2008, 3RK2703-3BB02-1AA1 Master 6.2 Routers Meaning of the IE/AS-i LINK LEDs LED Color Status Meaning SF Red System error (link) This LED lights up in the following cases: * In protected mode: a diagnostic alarm (incoming) was triggered in the PROFINET IO controller. * IE/AS-i LINK has detected an internal fault (e.g. EEPROM is defective). BF Red Bus fault This LED flashes in the following cases: * The connection between the PROFINET IO controller and IE/AS-i LINK is interrupted or the PROFINET IO controller is not active. * IE/AS-i LINK has been incorrectly parameterized/configured by the PROFINET IO controller. ON Green -- This LED lights up when IE/AS-i LINK is supplied with voltage. Meaning of the AS-i line LEDs LED Color Status Meaning SF Red System error (line) In protected mode: a diagnostic alarm (incoming) was triggered in the PROFINET IO controller. APF Red AS-i power failure Indicates that the voltage supplied by the AS-i power supply unit on the AS-i cable is too low or is faulty. CER Yellow Configuration error This LED indicates whether the slave configuration detected on the AS-i cable matches the target configuration in IE/AS-i LINK. If any discrepancies are detected, the CER LED lights up. The CER LED lights up in the following cases: * A configured AS-i slave is not detected on the AS-i cable (e.g. the slave has failed). * An AS-i slave that has not yet been configured is detected on the AS-i cable. * A connected AS-i slave has different configuration data (I/O configuration, ID code) to the AS-i slave configured in IE/AS-i LINK. * IE/AS-i LINK is in offline mode. AUP Green Autoprog available When IE/AS-i LINK is in protected mode, this LED indicates that the address of an AS-i slave can be programmed automatically. Automatic address programming makes it easier to replace a defective AS-i slave on the AS-i cable. CM Yellow Configuration mode This display indicates the IE/AS-i LINK operating mode. * Display ON: Configuration mode * Display OFF: Protected mode Configuration mode is only required for commissioning IE/AS-i LINK. In configuration mode, IE/AS-i LINK activates all the connected AS-i slaves and exchanges data with them. ON Green -- AS-Interface system System Manual, 11/2008, 3RK2703-3BB02-1AA1 This LED lights up when IE/AS-i LINK is supplied with voltage. 149 Master 6.2 Routers Keyboard You can use the operator input keys to switch operating mode. The lower-level AS-i line can also be configured using the operator input keys and display. Display The graphical display has a resolution of 128 x 64 pixels. The lower-level AS-i line is configured with the display/WBM together with the keyboard, display/wbm (Page 72) which means that commissioning and diagnosis can be carried out locally. The following display appears when the device is switched on or if no user inputs are made over a long period: Figure 6-23 Logo on the display Note Error message during operation If a fault occurs during operation, an error message is output even if the logo was displayed beforehand. As soon as any keyboard input is made, the main menu appears in which you can navigate in the menu structure. If an entry in the list is selected (inverse display), a ticker text automatically appears after a short period with further information (not in the main menu). 150 AS-Interface system System Manual, 11/2008, 3RK2703-3BB02-1AA1 Master 6.2 Routers Technical specifications Technical specifications Transmission rates on each AS-Interface line * AS-Interface bus cycle time 5 ms for 31 slaves; 10 ms for 62 slaves * Ethernet transmission rate 10/100 Mbit/s, autosensing Interfaces * AS-Interface connection 1 x 4-pin terminal contacts (plug-in type) * Single master 1 x 4-pin terminal contacts (plug-in type) * Double master (2 AS-i lines) 2 x 4-pin terminal contacts (plug-in type) * Connection to Ethernet 2 x RJ45 sockets (switchports) * Optional: 24 V DC power supply 3-pin terminal contacts (connectable) incl. functional earth for internal earth-fault monitoring Display 128 x 64 pixels with backlighting Keys Membrane keyboard Power supply * From the AS-Interface shaped cable In accordance with AS-Interface Specification EN 50 295 * Optional 24 V DC Current consumption * From the AS-Interface shaped cable Load-carrying capacity * Power loss Degree of protection Max. 250 mA max. 3A 7.5 W IP20 Permissible ambient conditions * Operating temperature * Horizontal installation 0C to +60C * Vertical installation 0C to +45C Transport/storage temperature -30C to +70C Relative humidity Max. 95% at +25C Operating altitude 3000 m above sea level Design * Installation On DIN rail * Dimensions (W x H x D) in mm 90 x 132 x 88.5 * Weight Approx. 380 g Supported AS-Interface master profiles M1, M2, M3, and M4 (in accordance with AS-Interface Specification V3.0) AS-Interface configuration By means of buttons on the front plate, with STEP 7 as of version V5.4 SP2 via Web interface AS-Interface system System Manual, 11/2008, 3RK2703-3BB02-1AA1 151 Master 6.2 Routers 152 AS-Interface system System Manual, 11/2008, 3RK2703-3BB02-1AA1 Power supply units 7.1 7 Overview Space-saving power supply units and data decoupling AS-Interface power supply units are among the most important components of an AS-Interface network. They supply the electronic network components (AS-Interface modules and AS-Interface masters) as well as the connected sensors. Integrated data decoupling in the AS-Interface power supply units ensure that data and energy are kept separate but that AS-Interface can transfer data and energy along the same cable. Benefits Compact design saves space in the cabinet/field. Increased output power allows additional AS-Interface nodes to be connected. Integrated ground-fault and overload detection functions make the application more reliable, which does away with the need for additional components. Diagnostic memory, remote indication, and remote reset allow faults in the system to be quickly detected, thereby reducing downtimes. Spring-loaded connection system allow the devices to be installed quickly and securely. Terminal blocks can be quickly replaced, thereby reducing downtimes. The ultra-wide range input of the 8 A version allows single and dual-phase operation, which means that a neutral conductor is not required. UL/CSA ensures that the device can be used worldwide. AS-Interface system System Manual, 11/2008, 3RK2703-3BB02-1AA1 153 Power supply units 7.1 Overview RESET button Remote RESET Ground fault detection Figure 7-1 Signaling contacts AS-i + Switched Data links Electronic switch with overload detection Voltage conversion Input rectification LEDs EMC filtering inrush current limiting For 3RX95.. types only Structure Basic structure of the AS-Interface power supply units AS-Interface power supply units are primary-side regulated DC power supply units. The primary switched-mode regulators generate a regulated DC voltage of 30 V DC with high control stability and low residual ripple. The AS-Interface two-wire cable transfers data and energy simultaneously. For this reason, AS-Interface power supply units must ensure that the AS-Interface network is supplied with power while the data is decoupled. Standard power supply units are not suitable here, which is why standard power supply units must not be used for supplying an AS-Interface network. AS-Interface power supply units supply the network electronics (AS-Interface masters and AS-Interface modules) as well as all the connected sensors. Graded power supply units from 2 to 8 A are available depending on the power requirements of the AS-Interface network. As shown in the block diagram, the new generation of AS-Interface power supply units (3RX95...) with IP20 also features integrated ground-fault and overload detection. Function: features of the latest generation of power supply units 3RX95..: Compact design Available in widths of 50/70/120 mm, the latest devices are among the most compact AS-Interface power supply units available offering a very high degree of power density. Thanks to the small surface area of these devices, other devices can be mounted on the DIN rail next to the power supply unit. As a result, they can be installed directly next to other devices (unlike other compact power supply units). 154 AS-Interface system System Manual, 11/2008, 3RK2703-3BB02-1AA1 Power supply units 7.1 Overview Increased power The new devices have an output current of 3 / 5 / 8 A. Integrated ground-fault detection Ground-fault detection to EN 60204-1 is obligatory for AS-Interface. The new generation of AS-Interface power supply units all feature integrated ground-fault detection that reliably detects and reports ground faults. Additional contacts also allow users to determine whether the AS-Interface voltage is to be switched off directly if a ground fault occurs, thereby preventing the machines from starting unintentionally and, in turn, preventing the system from being damaged if a fault occurs. Remote reset and remote indication The detected ground fault can be signaled and evaluated on a central controller via brought-out signal contacts. The stored diagnostic data can be reset locally using the reset button. It can also be reset, however, by a controller via a reset input. Integrated overload detection An output-side overload is detected and signaled via a diagnostics LED. Diagnostic memory A ground fault and output-side overload are stored in a diagnostic memory until the system is reset and signaled via the appropriate LEDs. This makes it easier to diagnose faults in an AS-Interface network because the service personnel can immediately identify the potential source of system faults (even after a fault has occurred). Diagnostic LEDs The status of the AS-Interface power supply unit can be determined locally on the power supply unit via three differently-colored LEDs: - Overload LED, red - Ground-fault detection LED, yellow - OK status LED, green (output voltage 26.5 V) Ultra-wide range input with 8 A The ultra-wide range input from 120 to 500 V with the 8 A variant means that the device can be used in virtually any network in the world. In addition, this variant does not require a neutral conductor because the device can be connected directly between 2 phases in a network. Removable terminal blocks with spring-loaded connection The power supply unit is equipped with three terminal blocks: one block for the input side, one for the output side, and one for the information terminals. These can be removed if required, thereby enabling the power supply unit to be quickly and easily replaced if a fault occurs. The spring-loaded connection system used for the terminals also enables the cable strands to be quickly and securely connected. AS-Interface system System Manual, 11/2008, 3RK2703-3BB02-1AA1 155 Power supply units 7.2 Order numbers 7.2 Order numbers Type Order no. AS-Interface power supply unit IP20 * Single output IP20 * With integrated ground-fault detection 6GK7142-2AH00-0XA0 Output current Input voltage 3A 115 / 230 V AC (switchable) 3RX9 501-0BA00 3A 24 V DC 3RX9 501-1BA00 5A 115 / 230 V AC (switchable) 3RX9 502-0BA00 8A 115 / 230 ... 500 V AC (switchable) 3RX9 503-0BA00 7.3 Connection Selecting the installation location The power supply unit must be installed vertically to ensure sufficient heat dissipation. A clearance of at least 50 mm should be maintained above and below the device. The device is clipped on to a 35 mm DIN rail. Connecting a 3 A / 24 V DC IN power supply unit (3RX9 501-1BA00) To implement the ground-fault monitoring function, the device must be connected to GND. The device is equipped with a primary-side internal fuse. All terminals can be removed if required. 156 AS-Interface system System Manual, 11/2008, 3RK2703-3BB02-1AA1 Power supply units 7.3 Connection 9 9 ,1387 9 9 5(6(7 ()' 2YHUORDG $6L *1' 2. ()' 5HVHW &RP 1& 12 ,1 0 $6L V $6L O87387 1) 5(6(7 / 0 *1' $6L $6L $6L6:,7&+(' / 0 { '&9P$ '&9P$ 2. )DXOW FRP FRP 1& 12 / AS-Interface system System Manual, 11/2008, 3RK2703-3BB02-1AA1 1& 12 / 157 Power supply units 7.3 Connection Connecting 3 A (3RX9 501-0BA00), 5 A (3RX9 502-0BA00), and 8 A (3RX9 503-0BA00) power supply units The power supply (120 / 130 V AC) must be connected in accordance with VDE 0100 and VDE 0160. The network must be fused with max. 20 A (USA) or 16 A (IEC). The device is equipped with a primary-side internal fuse. All terminals can be removed if required. / 1 3( ,1387 / 1 3( 1 RESET 2 3 EFD Overload O.K. AS-i+ s AS-i+ AS-i- GND OUTPUT EFD Reset Com N.C. N.O. IN M24 10 11 12 13 5(6(7 / 0 *1' $6L $6L $6L6:,7&+(' / 0 / 158 ^ '&9P$ '&9P$ 2. FRP )DXOW FRP 1& 1& 12 12 / AS-Interface system System Manual, 11/2008, 3RK2703-3BB02-1AA1 Power supply units 7.4 Diagnostics 7.4 Diagnostics Status display via LEDs You can determine the status of the AS-Interface power supply units via the three LEDs at the bottom of the devices. The following table provides an overview of the status displays: "OK" LED "Overload" LED "EFD" LED Operating status ON, green OFF OFF Status OK OFF OFF OFF No voltage on the device ON, green Flashing, red OFF Overload detected ON, green OFF ON, yellow Ground fault detected (with 3RX9 501 / 2 / 3-0BA00: output voltage 26.5 V) 7.5 Technical specifications AS-Interface power supply unit Single output IP20 Output current 3A Output current 3A Output current 5A Output current 8A 3RX9 501-0BA00 3RX9 501-1BA00 3RX9 502-0BA00 3RX9 503-0BA00 Input data * Primary voltage Ue 120 / 230 V AC 24 V DC 120 / 230 V AC 120 / 230 ... 500 V AC * Working voltage range 85 ... 132 / 176 ... 253 V AC 20 ... 29 V DC 85 ... 132 / 176 ... 253 V AC 85 ... 132 / 176 ... 550 V AC * Line frequency range 47 ... 63 Hz - 47 ... 63 Hz 47 ... 63 Hz * Mains buffering at IaNenn > 20 ms > 10 ms > 20 ms > 20 ms * Primary rated current 1.6 / 0.9 A 4.5 A 2.7 / 1.5 A 4.4 / 2.4 A Output data * Rated output voltage Ua rated30 30 V DC 30 V DC 30 V DC 30 V DC * Residual ripple / spikes < 50 mVpp (10 ... 500 kHz) < 300 mVpp (0 ... 10 kHz) < 50 mVpp (10 ... 500 kHz) < 300 mVpp (0 ... 10 kHz) < 50 mVpp (10 ... 500 kHz) < 300 mVpp (0 ... 10 kHz) < 50 mVpp (10 ... 500 kHz) < 300 mVpp (0 ... 10 kHz) * Rated output current Ia rated 3A 3A 5A 8A * Current limitation activation point typ. 3.5 A typ. 3.5 A typ. 5.5 A typ. 8.5 A AS-Interface system System Manual, 11/2008, 3RK2703-3BB02-1AA1 159 Power supply units 7.6 Dimension drawings * AS-Interface power supply unit Single output IP20 Efficiency at full load typ. 84% typ. 84% typ. 87% typ. 87% Ambient conditions * Storage/transport temperature -25 ... +80 C -25 ... +80 C -25 ... +80 C -25 ... +80 C * Ambient temperature during operation -10 ... +70 C -10 ... +70 C -10 ... +70 C -10 ... +70 C * Degree of protection IP20 IP20 IP20 IP20 * Degree of pollution 2 2 2 2 * Humidity class Climate class DIN 50010, max. relative humidity 100 %, without condensation * EMC noise emissions Class B IEC 61000-6-3 * EMC noise immunity EN 61000-6-2, EN 61000-4-2/-3/-4/-5/-6/-11 IEC 61000-6-3 IEC 61000-6-3 Dimension drawings NSA0_00412a 125 7.6 IEC 61000-6-3 50 Figure 7-2 160 Front view of 3RX9 501-0BA00, 3RX9 501-1BA00 AS-Interface system System Manual, 11/2008, 3RK2703-3BB02-1AA1 70 Figure 7-3 Front view of 3RX9 502-0BA00 NSA0_00414 NSA0_00413 125 Power supply units 7.6 Dimension drawings Figure 7-4 Front view of 3RX9 503-0BA00 AS-Interface system System Manual, 11/2008, 3RK2703-3BB02-1AA1 161 NSA0_00415a Power supply units 7.6 Dimension drawings Figure 7-5 162 Side view of 3RX9 501-0BA00 AS-Interface system System Manual, 11/2008, 3RK2703-3BB02-1AA1 8 Slaves Overview of the I/O modules The following I/O modules are available for AS-Interface: Digital I/O modules for use in the field Degree of protection IP67 - I/O modules - K60 - I/O modules - K45 - I/O modules - K20 Degree of protection IP68 / IP69K - I/O modules - K60R Analog I/O modules for use in the field Degree of protection IP67 - I/O modules - K60 Digital I/O modules for use in the cabinet Degree of protection IP20 - SlimLine modules of the S22.5 and S45 series - F90 module - Flat module Digital I/O modules as specific integration solutions Degree of protection IP00 or with housing - Communication modules for PCB installation Modules with special functions Counter modules Housing and front panel module for AS-Interface AS-Interface housing with standard components Customized AS-Interface housing AS-Interface front panel module 8WD4 signaling columns AS-Interface connection for LOGO! Contactor with AS-Interface AS-Interface system System Manual, 11/2008, 3RK2703-3BB02-1AA1 163 Slaves 8.1 Setting the AS-i address 8.1 Setting the AS-i address Unique addressing In the as-delivered condition, an I/O module (slave) has the address 0. It is detected by the master as a new slave that has not yet been addressed and, in this condition, has not yet been integrated in standard communication/data exchange. To enable data to be exchanged between the master and slaves, you have to assign a unique address for each slave (i.e. each slave address must be different) when commissioning the AS-Interface network. You can choose the addresses as required: In address range 1 to 31, for slaves with standard addressing mode In address range 1A to 31A and 1B to 31B, for slaves with extended addressing mode (A/B slaves, as of AS-i Spec. 2.1) Addresses can also be assigned once the devices have been installed. Addressing the slaves You can set the slave address in different ways: Offline with the addressing unit via the addressing socket or at the AS-i connection. Recommended when assigning addresses for the entire system. The direct connection between the slave and addressing unit ensures that the slave modules are not mixed up. Online by the AS-i master and in the PLC configuration software. Recommended for assigning addresses to individual slaves if an addressing unit is not available. Before assigning addresses, you must ensure that each address exists only once in the AS-i network, that is, several new, additional modules (with address 0 in as-delivered condition) must not be connected to the AS-i cable. CAUTION As soon as you have assigned a valid address, the master can start cyclic data communication, that is, outputs can be set or inputs read that result in follow-up switching operations. Make sure that the system does not enter a hazardous state (e.g. switch off the AS-i voltage as a precaution). 164 AS-Interface system System Manual, 11/2008, 3RK2703-3BB02-1AA1 Slaves 8.1 Setting the AS-i address Offlline addressing with the addressing unit using a K45 module as an example 1 Unscrew the cover cap for the addressing socket on the module. 2 Connect the module to the addressing unit (3RK1904 2AB0). 3 Assign an address to the module. * Switch the selector switch to ADDR. * Press . The address of the connected module is read and displayed. . Select the address by choosing * To transfer the address to the module, choose * 4 Remove the addressing cable. 5 Seal the addressing socket with the cover cap. AS-Interface system System Manual, 11/2008, 3RK2703-3BB02-1AA1 3RK1904-2AB01 30 5 Ncm . 165 Slaves 8.2 Connection 8.2 Connection AS-Interface bus and auxiliary voltage (AUX POWER) Depending on the design of the I/O module, the following options are available for connecting the AS-i bus and AUX POWER. With the shaped cable for AS-i (yellow) and AUX POWER (black) by means of the insulation displacement method (piercing) With round cables and standard M12 connectors Wiring as required to screw-type or spring-loaded terminals Actuators and sensors Connection via standard M12 or M8 connectors for modules for use in the field (degree of protection IP67, compact modules K20, K45, and K60). Connection via screw or spring-loaded terminals for modules for use in the cabinet (degree of protection IP20, SlimLine modules, F90 module and flat module) 8.2.1 Connecting the shaped cable for AS-i and AUX POWER Proceed as follows: 1 Secure the module on a flat surface. 2 Insert the yellow AS-i shaped cable and, if necessary, the black shaped cable for AUX POWER into the cutouts on the mounting plate of the compact modules (K60 and K45). 3 Hook the module onto the holding studs on the mounting plate. 4 Secure the compact module to the mounting plate. This also ensures that contact is established with the shaped cables by means of the insulation displacement method. s1FP 5..$ 5 1P 166 AS-Interface system System Manual, 11/2008, 3RK2703-3BB02-1AA1 Slaves 8.2 Connection 8.2.2 AS-i connection via M12 connector When round cables are used, AS-Interface is connected to an M12 connector. 1 = UAS-i + 2 = AUX power - 3 = UAS-i - 4 = AUX power + M12 sockets that are not required must be sealed with screw caps (3RK1901-1KA00) to ensure that the required degree of protection is maintained. 8.2.3 Connection via terminals Screw terminals To screw/unscrew the screw terminals, you need a PZ2 screwdriver. The tightening torque should be between 0.8 and 1.2 Nm. For the connection cross-sections and stripping lengths, see the table. Connection type Connection cross-sections 10 1 x 0.5 ... 4.0 mm / 2 x 0.5 ... 2.5 mm 10 1 x 0.5 ... 2.5 mm / 2 x 0.5 ... 1.5 mm AS-Interface system System Manual, 11/2008, 3RK2703-3BB02-1AA1 167 Slaves 8.2 Connection Spring-loaded terminals Step Explanation 1 You need a 3 mm flat-bladed screwdriver. 2 To release the clamping springs, insert the screwdriver as far as it will go into the square opening of the spring-loaded terminal. Position the screwdriver at an angle of 10 with respect to the oval opening. 3 Insert the cable into the oval opening as far as it will go. 4 Hold the cable in the spring-loaded terminal. 5 Remove the screwdriver. 6 Pull the cable to ensure it is secure. ~10 ~10 For the connection cross-sections and stripping lengths, see the table. Connection type Connection cross-sections 10 2 x 0.25 ... 1.5 mm 10 2 x 0.25 ... 1.5 mm 10 2 x 0.25 ... 1.5 mm Removable terminals The SlimLine modules are equipped with removable terminals, which makes it easier to replace the device if required. The terminals are coded to prevent confusion. CAUTION Before replacing the terminals, you must disconnect the system and device from the power supply. 168 AS-Interface system System Manual, 11/2008, 3RK2703-3BB02-1AA1 Slaves 8.2 Connection Replacing the removable terminals Step Description a Undo the interlock. b Remove the terminal. c Insert the new terminal. d Push the terminal into the device until the interlock audibly engages. D b C c A a B A, B, C, D: Coding Figure 8-1 8.2.4 d Replacing the removable terminals M12 - standard assignment - digital inputs 4 1 5 3 2 AS-Interface system System Manual, 11/2008, 3RK2703-3BB02-1AA1 1 Supply L+ 2 Input signal (jumpered with pin 4) 3 Supply L- 4 Input signal (jumpered with pin 2) 5 Ground connection 169 Slaves 8.2 Connection 8.2.5 M12 - Y assignment - digital inputs 4 1 3 2 5 8.2.6 1 Supply L+ 2 Input signal 2 3 Supply L- 4 Input signal 1 5 Ground connection M12 - Y/II assignment - digital inputs Socket 1 Socket 2 alternative 4 1 5 4 1 5 3 2 3 2 1 Supply L+ Supply L+ 2 Input signal 2 Unassigned 3 Supply L- Supply L- 4 Input signal 1 Input signal 2 5 Ground connection Ground connection Note Input signal 2 can be wired to either socket 1 only or socket 2 only. 8.2.7 M8 - assignment - digital inputs 170 1 Supply L+ 3 Supply L- 4 Input signal AS-Interface system System Manual, 11/2008, 3RK2703-3BB02-1AA1 Slaves 8.2 Connection 8.2.8 M12 - standard assignment - digital outputs Circuit diagram 8.2.9 Pin Assignment 1 Unassigned 2 Unassigned 3 Supply L- 4 Output signal 5 Ground connection M12 - Y assignment - digital outputs 8.2.10 1 Unassigned 2 Output signal 2 3 Supply L- 4 Output signal 1 5 Ground connection M12 - Y/II assignment - digital outputs Socket 1 Socket 2 DOWHUQDWLYH 1 Unassigned Unassigned 2 Output signal 2 Unassigned 3 Supply L- Supply L- 4 Output signal 1 Output signal 2 5 Ground connection Ground connection Note Output signal 2 can be wired to either socket 1 only or socket 2 only. AS-Interface system System Manual, 11/2008, 3RK2703-3BB02-1AA1 171 Slaves 8.2 Connection 8.2.11 M8 - assignment - digital outputs 3 4 1 172 1 Unassigned 3 Supply L- 4 Output signal AS-Interface system System Manual, 11/2008, 3RK2703-3BB02-1AA1 Slaves 8.3 Diagnostics 8.3 Diagnostics Status display The status of a module is indicated by the LEDs by either a continuous or flashing light, which enables the module to be diagnosed at a glance: For AS-i communication depending on the design, via two LEDs or via a dual LED For the auxiliary voltage UAUX with a green LED For the switching state of the inputs and outputs with yellow LEDs The following section provides an overview of the LED status displays for the input/output modules. 8.3.1 LED status displays for modules with two LEDs for AS-i and FAULT AS-i FAULT Possible cause Possible remedial measures Green OFF Normal operation, AS-i communication OK - Green Red No AS-i communication: * The master is switched off or offline. * The slave is not configured in the master. * The incorrect slave type is connected. * The slave has the wrong address. Ensure AS-i communication: * Switch on the master or switch it to online mode. * Reconfigure the master. * Connect the correct module. * Check/correct the slave address. Green Flashing red Sensor supply overload (Slave is in RESET mode and switches off completely) Unplug the sensor cables from the input sockets, user sensors with a lower overall current consumption, check the sensors/cables. Flashing green Red The slave has the address 0 (as-delivered condition) Assign an address that is not 0. Flashing green Flashing red Output overload (the slave switches off all the outputs) Unplug the actuator cables from the output sockets, check the actuators and cables. No AS-i voltage, AS-i voltage connected with incorrect polarity, AS-i voltage too low Switch on the AS-i voltage, connect it properly, measure the AS-i voltage (approx. 30 V DC) (alternating flashing) OFF OFF With SlimLine modules, the FAULT LED is not labeled. It is located directly under the AS-i LED. The status "output overload" (green/red alternate flashing) is not displayed by all modules. AS-Interface system System Manual, 11/2008, 3RK2703-3BB02-1AA1 173 Slaves 8.3 Diagnostics With analog modules, the following assignment applies: AS-i FAULT Possible cause Possible remedial measures Flashing green Flashing red No analog data exchange (triple exchange) on AS-i Use AS-i master to AS-i Spec. 2.1 or more The AS-i master is waiting for analog output data from the PLC (with analog output modules only) Set CPU to RUN, send data set with analog output data to the AS-i master (CP 343-2, CP 343-2P, Link 20E). Sensor supply overload (with analog input modules only) Unplug the sensor cables from the input sockets, user sensors with a lower overall current consumption, check the sensors and cables. (alternating flashing) 8.3.2 LED status displays for modules with a dual LED for AS-i/FAULT AS-i/FAULT Possible cause Possible remedial measures Green Normal operation, AS-i communication OK -- Red No AS-i communication: * The master is switched off or offline. * The slave is not configured in the master. * The incorrect slave type is connected. * The slave has the wrong address. Ensure AS-i communication: * Switch on the master or switch it to online mode. * Reconfigure the master. * Connect the correct module. * Check/correct the slave address. Flashing red Sensor supply overload (Slave is in RESET mode and switches off completely) Unplug the sensor cables from the input sockets, user sensors with a lower overall current consumption, check the sensors/cables. Yellow/red flashing The slave has the address 0 (as-delivered condition) Assign an address that is not 0. Green/red flashing Output overload (the slave switches off all the outputs) Unplug the actuator cables from the output sockets, check the actuators and cables. OFF No AS-i voltage, Switch on the AS-i voltage, connect it properly, AS-i voltage connected with incorrect polarity, measure the AS-i voltage (approx. 30 V DC) AS-i voltage too low The status "output overload" (green/red flashing) is not displayed by all modules. 174 AS-Interface system System Manual, 11/2008, 3RK2703-3BB02-1AA1 Slaves 8.3 Diagnostics 8.3.3 LED status display AUX POWER for modules with auxiliary voltage AUX POWER Possible cause Possible remedial measures Green Normal operation, 24 V DC auxiliary voltage OK -- OFF * * No auxiliary voltage Auxiliary voltage connected with incorrect polarity Auxiliary voltage too low * * * * Auxiliary supply 24 V DC Connect it properly Measure the auxiliary voltage (approx. 24 V DC) Modules that are not equipped with an auxiliary voltage connection do not have an AUX POWER LED (e.g. pure input modules, modules with relay outputs). SlimLine modules with a width of 22.5 mm do not have an AUX POWER LED. 8.3.4 LED status display for the switching state (yellow) IN x (F-IN x) / OUT x Meaning Yellow Signal activated OFF Signal deactivated AS-Interface system System Manual, 11/2008, 3RK2703-3BB02-1AA1 175 Slaves 8.4 Input/output modules 8.4 Input/output modules 8.4.1 Digital K60 input/output modules - panel IP67 Overview Standard K60 compact modules K60 compact modules with max. four digital inputs and four digital outputs. These compact modules contain the communications electronics and the standard M12 connections for inputs and outputs. Up to four sensors and four actuators can be connected to the compact module. K60 compact modules with max. eight digital inputs and two digital outputs. These modules have eight digital inputs with an M12 connector. The module requires two AS-Interface addresses for processing all the inputs and outputs. Addresses are assigned here using a double addressing socket. K60 compact modules with four digital inputs and outputs in accordance with AS-i Specification 3.0. AS-i Specification 3.0 extends the AS-Interface bus system to include a range of new features. Extended address mode (A/B addresses) allows 62 nodes to be connected to an AS-i network. This means that, even in the case of A/B slaves, four outputs can now be used (instead of just three outputs as defined in Specification 2.1). In the maximum configuration of an AS-i network, therefore, this means that 248 inputs and 248 outputs are available. Note, however, that these modules can only be operated with a new master in accordance with AS-i Specification 3.0 (e.g. new DP/AS-i LINK Advanced or IE/AS-i LINK PN IO) and that the cycle times for the outputs in this case can be a maximum of 20 ms. K60 compact modules for use in potentially explosive areas (ATEX). Two versions of the K60 modules are available for use in potentially explosive areas (zone 22) in accordance with classification II 3D (dust in the air, non-conductive dust). The version with four inputs and four outputs has the ID (Ex) II 3D T75 C IP65X, the version with four inputs has the ID (Ex) II 3D T60 C IP65X. Certain factors must be taken into account to ensure that these devices function safely and reliably. In particular, suitable measures must be taken to protect the module against mechanical damage. For further conditions for ensuring safe and reliable operation, see Technical specifications (Page 178). Connection For information on connecting the AS-i bus and auxiliary voltage UAUX as well as the actuators and sensors, see Connection (Page 166). 176 AS-Interface system System Manual, 11/2008, 3RK2703-3BB02-1AA1 Slaves 8.4 Input/output modules Order numbers K60 compact modules Inputs/outputs Type Assignment Current-carrying capacity per output Order no. 8 inputs / 2 outputs A/B slave Special assignment 2A 3RK2400-1HQ00-0AA3 8 inputs Standard slave Y-II assignment -- 3RK1200-0DQ00-0AA3 8 inputs A/B slave Y-II assignment -- 3RK2200-0DQ00-0AA3 4 inputs / 4 outputs Standard slave Y-II assignment 2A 3RK1400-1DQ00-0AA3 4 inputs / 4 outputs Standard slave Standard assignment 2A 3RK1400-1CQ00-0AA3 4 inputs / 4 outputs Standard slave Y-II assignment 1A 3RK1400-1DQ01-0AA3 4 inputs / 4 outputs Standard slave Standard assignment 1A 3RK1400-1DQ03-0AA3 4 inputs / 4 outputs A/B slave (Spec 3.0). Y-II assignment 2A 3RK2400-1DQ00-0AA3 4 inputs / 3 outputs A/B slave Y-II assignment 2A 3RK2400-1FQ03-0AA3 4 inputs / 2 outputs Standard slave Y-II assignment 2A 3RK1400-1MQ00-0AA3 4 inputs Standard slave Y-II assignment -- 3RK1200-0CQ00-0AA3 2 x 2 inputs / 2 x 2 outputs Standard slave Y-II assignment 1A 3RK1400-1DQ02-0AA3 4 outputs Standard slave Y-II assignment 2A 3RK1100-1CQ00-0AA3 4 Ein- /4 Ausgange Ausf. ATEX (Ex) II 3D X Standard slave Y-II assignment 2A 3RK1400-1DQ05-0AA3 4 inputs version ATEX (Ex) II 3D X Standard slave Y-II assignment -- 3RK1200-0CQ05-0AA3 Accessories Description Comments Order numbers K60 mounting plate For wall mounting 3RK1901-0CA00 K60 mounting plate For DIN rail mounting 3RK1901-0CB01 AS-Interface system System Manual, 11/2008, 3RK2703-3BB02-1AA1 177 Slaves 8.4 Input/output modules Diagnostics LEDs for AS-i and FAULT The module has two LEDs for AS-i and FAULT for diagnostic purposes; see LED status displays for modules with two LEDs for AS-i and FAULT (Page 173) . LED display AUX POWER The module also has an LED for AUX POWER; for a description, see LED status display AUX POWER for modules with auxiliary voltage (Page 175). Status display for the switching state The switching state of the AS-i inputs and outputs is indicated by a yellow LED; see LED status display for the switching state (yellow) (Page 175). Technical specifications Operating voltage in acc. with AS-Interface Specification 26.5 to 31.6 V Input circuit PNP Inputs Sensor supply via AS-Interface Short circuit and overload proof Sensors 2 and 3 conductors Voltage range 20 to 30 V Switching level - high 10 V Input current low/high 1.5 / 6 mA Outputs Output type Electronics Short-circuit protection Integrated Inductive interference protection Integrated External 24 V DC power supply Via black AS-Interface flat cable Watchdog Integrated AS-Interface certificate Awarded (or planned for new devices) Approvals UL, CSA, shipbuilding (or planned for new devices) Degree of protection IP67 Ground connection PIN5 of each M12 socket is connected to the ground clamp in the mounting plate by means of a pin. Ambient temperature -25 to +85C Storage temperature -40 to +85C Connection Via the mounting plate for compact module K60 178 AS-Interface system System Manual, 11/2008, 3RK2703-3BB02-1AA1 Slaves 8.4 Input/output modules Note An external additional power supply (AUX POWER) of between 20 and 30 V DC is required for supplying the output circuits. The additional power supply must comply with VDE 0106 (PELV), protection class III. Order no. 3RK2400-1HQ00-0AA3 3RK1200-0DQ00-0AA3 3RK2200-0DQ00-0AA3 Slave type A/B slave Standard slave A/B slave Suitable for AS-i master to Spec. ... (or higher) AS-i Spec. 2.1 AS-i Spec. 2.0 AS-i Spec. 2.1 No. of inputs/outputs 8 inputs / 2 outputs 8 inputs 8 inputs Socket assignment Special assignment Y-II assignment Y-II assignment AS-i slave profile IO.ID.ID2 0.A.E (addr. 1) 7.A.E (addr. 2) 0.1.F (addr. 1) 0.1.F (addr. 2) 0.A.E (addr. 1) 0.A.E (addr. 2) ID1 code (factory setting) 7 (addr. 1 and 2) F (addr. 1 and 2) 7 (addr. 1 and 2) Total power consumption 300 mA 270 mA 270 mA 200 mA 200 mA Inputs Current-carrying capacity for 200 mA all inputs (TU 40C) Outputs Typ. current-carrying capacity per output: 12/13 DC 2A -- -- Max. total current per module 4A -- -- Data bit assignments Socket 1 PIN 4 = IN1(D0) (addr. 1) PIN 2 = IN2(D1) (addr. 1) Socket 2 PIN 4 = IN2(D1) (addr. 1) Socket 3 PIN 4 = IN3(D2) (addr. 1) PIN 2 = IN4(D3) (addr. 1) Socket 4 PIN 4 = IN4(D3) (addr. 1) Socket 5 PIN 4 = IN1(D0) (addr. 2) PIN 2 = IN2(D1) (addr. 2) Socket 6 PIN 4 = IN2(D1) (addr. 2) Socket 7 PIN 4 = OUT1(D0) (addr. 2) PIN 2 = IN3(D2) (addr. 2) Socket 8 PIN 4 = OUT2(D1) (addr. 2) PIN 2 = IN4(D3) (addr. 2) No. of I/O sockets 8 x M12 Note The modules require two addresses. AS-Interface system System Manual, 11/2008, 3RK2703-3BB02-1AA1 179 Slaves 8.4 Input/output modules Order no. 3RK1400-1DQ00-0AA3 3RK1400-1CQ00-0AA3 3RK1400-1DQ01-0AA3 Slave type Standard slave Standard slave Standard slave Suitable for AS-i master to Spec. ... (or higher) AS-i Spec. 2.0 AS-i Spec. 2.0 AS-i Spec. 2.0 No. of inputs/outputs 4 inputs / 4 outputs 4 inputs / 4 outputs 4 inputs / 4 outputs Socket assignment Y-II assignment Standard assignment Y-II assignment AS-i slave profile IO.ID.ID2 7.F.F 7.0.F 7.F.F ID1 code (factory setting) F F F Total power consumption 270 mA 270 mA 270 mA 200 mA 200 mA 200 mA Typ. current-carrying capacity per output: 12/13 DC 2A 2A 1A Max. total current per module 4A 4A 4A Socket 1 PIN4 = IN1(D0) PIN2 = IN2(D1) PIN2/4 = IN1(D0) PIN4 = IN1(D0) PIN2 = IN2(D1) Socket 2 PIN4 = IN2(D1) PIN2/4 = IN2(D1) PIN4 = IN2(D1) Socket 3 PIN4 = IN3(D2) PIN2 = IN4(D3) PIN2/4 = IN3(D2) PIN4 = IN3(D2) PIN2 = IN4(D3) Socket 4 PIN4 = IN4(D3) PIN2/4 = IN4(D3) PIN4 = IN4(D3) Socket 5 PIN4 = OUT1(D0) PIN2 = OUT2(D1) PIN4 = OUT1(D0) PIN4 = OUT1(D0) PIN2 = OUT2(D1) Socket 6 PIN4 = OUT2(D1) PIN4 = OUT2(D1) PIN4 = OUT2(D1) Socket 7 PIN4 = OUT3(D2) PIN2 = OUT4(D3) PIN4 = OUT3(D2) PIN4 = OUT3(D2) PIN2 = OUT4(D3) Socket 8 PIN4 = OUT4(D3) PIN4 = OUT4(D3) PIN4 = OUT4(D3) No. of I/O sockets 8 x M12 8 x M12 8 x M12 Inputs Current-carrying capacity for all inputs (TU 40C) Outputs Data bit assignments 180 AS-Interface system System Manual, 11/2008, 3RK2703-3BB02-1AA1 Slaves 8.4 Input/output modules Order no. 3RK1400-1DQ03- 0AA3 3RK2400-1DQ00- 0AA3 3RK2400-1FQ03- 0AA3 3RK1400-1MQ00- 0AA3 Slave type Standard slave A/B slave (Spec. 3.0) A/B slave Standard slave Suitable for AS-i master to Spec. ... (or higher) AS-i Spec. 2.0 AS-i Spec. 3.0 AS-i Spec. 2.1 AS-i Spec. 2.0 No. of inputs/outputs 4 inputs/ 4 outputs 4 inputs/ 4 outputs 4 inputs/ 3 outputs 4 inputs/ 2 outputs Socket assignment Standard Y-II assignment Y-II assignment Y-II assignment AS-i slave profile IO.ID.ID2 7.0.F 7.A.7 7.A.2 7.F.F ID1 code (factory setting) F 7 7 F Total power consumption 270 mA 270 mA 270 mA 270 mA 200 mA 200 mA 200 mA 200 mA Typ. current-carrying capacity per output: 12/13 DC 1A 2A 2A 2A Max. total current per module 4A 4A 4A 4A Socket 1 PIN2/4 = IN1(D0) PIN4 = IN1(D0) PIN2 = IN2(D1) PIN4 = IN1(D0) PIN2 = IN2(D1) PIN4 = IN1(D0) PIN2 = IN2(D1) Socket 2 PIN2/4 = IN2(D1) PIN4 = IN2(D1) PIN4 = IN2(D1) PIN4 = IN2(D1) Socket 3 PIN2/4 = IN3(D2) PIN4 = IN3(D2) PIN2 = IN4(D3) PIN4 = IN3(D2) PIN2 = IN4(D3) PIN4 = IN3(D2) PIN2 = IN4(D3) Socket 4 PIN2/4 = IN4(D3) PIN4 = IN4(D3) PIN4 = IN4(D3) PIN4 = IN4(D3) Socket 5 PIN4 = OUT1(D0) PIN4 = OUT1(D0) PIN2 = OUT2(D1) PIN4 = OUT1(D0) PIN2 = OUT2(D1) PIN4 = OUT1(D0) PIN2 = OUT2(D1) Socket 6 PIN4 = OUT2(D1) PIN4 = OUT2(D1) PIN4 = OUT2(D1) PIN4 = OUT2(D1) Socket 7 PIN4 = OUT3(D2) PIN4 = OUT3(D2) PIN2 = OUT4(D3) PIN4 = OUT3(D2) Not assigned (sealed) Socket 8 PIN4 = OUT4(D3) PIN4 = OUT3(D2) Not assigned (sealed) Not assigned (sealed) No. of I/O sockets 8 x M12 8 x M12 7 x M12 6 x M12 Inputs Current-carrying capacity for all inputs (TU 40C) Outputs Data bit assignments AS-Interface system System Manual, 11/2008, 3RK2703-3BB02-1AA1 181 Slaves 8.4 Input/output modules Order no. 3RK1200-0CQ00-0AA3 3RK1400-1DQ02-0AA3 Slave type Standard slave Standard slave Standard slave Suitable for AS-i master to Spec. ... (or higher) AS-i Spec. 2.0 AS-i Spec. 2.0 AS-i Spec. 2.0 No. of inputs/outputs 4 inputs 2 x 2 inputs / 2 x 2 outputs 4 outputs Socket assignment Y-II assignment Y-II assignment Y-II assignment AS-i slave profile IO.ID.ID2 0.1.F 7.F.F 8.1.F ID1 code (factory setting) F F F Total power consumption 270 mA 270 mA 270 mA 200 mA 200 mA 200 mA Typ. current-carrying capacity per output: 12/13 DC -- 1A 2A Max. total current per module -- 4A 4A Socket 1 PIN4 = IN1(D0) PIN2 = IN2(D1) PIN4 = IN1(D0) PIN2 = IN2(D1) -- Socket 2 PIN4 = IN2(D1) Not assigned (sealed) -- Socket 3 PIN4 = IN3(D2) PIN2 = IN4(D3) PIN4 = IN3(D2) PIN2 = IN4(D3) -- Socket 4 PIN4 = IN4(D3) Not assigned (sealed) -- Socket 5 Not assigned (sealed) PIN4 = OUT1(D0) PIN2 = OUT2(D1) PIN4 = OUT1(D0) PIN2 = OUT2(D1) Socket 6 Not assigned (sealed) Not assigned (sealed) PIN4 = OUT2(D1) Socket 7 Not assigned (sealed) PIN4 = OUT3(D2) PIN2 = OUT4(D3) PIN4 = OUT3(D2) PIN2 = OUT4(D3) Socket 8 Not assigned (sealed) Not assigned (sealed) PIN4 = OUT4(D3) No. of I/O sockets 4 x M12 4 x M12 4 x M12 3RK1100-1CQ00-0AA3 Inputs Current-carrying capacity for all inputs (TU 40C) Outputs Data bit assignments 182 AS-Interface system System Manual, 11/2008, 3RK2703-3BB02-1AA1 Slaves 8.4 Input/output modules Version ATEX (Ex) II 3D X Order no. 3RK1400-1DQ05-0AA3 3RK1200-0CQ05-0AA3 Slave type Standard slave Standard slave Suitable for AS-i master to Spec. ... (or higher) AS-i Spec. 2.0 AS-i Spec. 2.0 No. of inputs/outputs 4 inputs / 4 outputs 4 inputs Socket assignment Y-II assignment Y-II assignment AS-i slave profile IO.ID.ID2 7.F.F 0.1.F ID1 code (factory setting) F F Total power consumption 270 mA 270 mA 200 mA 200 mA Typ. current-carrying capacity per output: 12/13 DC 2A -- Max. total current per module 4A -- Inputs Current-carrying capacity for all inputs (TU 40C) Outputs Data bit assignments Socket 1 PIN4 = IN1(D0) PIN2 = IN2(D1) Socket 2 PIN4 = IN2(D1) Socket 3 PIN4 = IN3(D2) PIN2 = IN4(D3) Socket 4 PIN4 = IN4(D3) Socket 5 PIN4 = OUT1(D0) PIN2 = OUT2(D1) Not assigned (sealed) Socket 6 PIN4 = OUT2(D1) Not assigned (sealed) Socket 7 PIN4 = OUT3(D2) PIN2 = OUT4(D3) Not assigned (sealed) Socket 8 PIN4 = OUT4(D3) Not assigned (sealed) No. of I/O sockets 8 x M12 4 x M12 Proper usage In potentially explosive are zone 22 according to classification II 3D (dust atmosphere, non-conductive dust), shock resistance: 1 Joule; compliance with Guideline 94/9/EG (ATEX) is verified by compliance with standards EN 50281-1-1 and EN 60947-5-2 Identification (Ex) II 3D T75C IP65X AS-Interface system System Manual, 11/2008, 3RK2703-3BB02-1AA1 (Ex) II 3D T60C IP65X 183 Slaves 8.4 Input/output modules Restrictions for safe operation Suitable measures must be taken to protect the module against mechanical damage. All M12 connectors are protected against unauthorized removal by means of a safety clip, whereby the connectors can only be removed by destroying the safety clip. A suitable safety clip is available from Binder GmbH + Co., Elektrische Bauelemente KG, P.O. Box 1152, 74148 Neckarsulm, Tel. 07132/325-0, Fax 07132/325-150,, article no. 16-0977-000. All unassigned M12 sockets must be sealed using screw caps 3RK1 901-1KA01 (tamper-proof version) in such a way that they cannot be removed by hand. The module can only be addressed using addressing unit 3RK1 904-2AB01 outside potentially explosive zone 22. Once the module has been addressed, the addressing socket must be sealed using the screw cap provided (3RK1 901-1KA01 (tamper-proof version)) in such a way that it cannot be removed by hand. If an additional power supply (AUX POWER) is required, it must comply with VDE 0106 (PELV), protection class III. Installation and commissioning 184 The devices are permitted for use in temperatures of between -25 and +85C. The devices must only be set up, connected, and commissioned by qualified specialists. Improper conduct can result in serious personal and/or material damage. Knowledge of the classification assignments to the permitted potentially explosive areas is essential. Plug-in connections and AS-Interface cables must not be connected/disconnected when the system is live. The devices are maintenance free. No modifications or repairs must be made to the devices. All the relevant points outlined in this document must be observed when the devices are replaced. See also installation regulations EN 60079-14 / EN 50281-1-2. AS-Interface system System Manual, 11/2008, 3RK2703-3BB02-1AA1 Slaves 8.4 Input/output modules Dimension drawings K60 compact module 6LGHYLHZ :LWKPRXQWLQJSODWH 5.&$ K60 mounting plates Wall mounting: 3RK1901-0CA00 5.&% 5.&$ DIN rail mounting: 3RK1901-0CB01 AS-Interface system System Manual, 11/2008, 3RK2703-3BB02-1AA1 185 Slaves 8.4 Input/output modules 8.4.2 Digital input/output modules K60R - panel IP68 / IP69K Overview Modules with a degree of protection IP67 are not suitable for use in areas subject to continuously high levels of humidity (e.g. when drilling emulsions, cutting oils, or high-pressure cleaners are used). Instead, the K60R compact module with degree of protection IP68/IP69K is the ideal solution here. IP68/IP69K tests The K60R modules are subject to the following tests: More stringent test than IP67: 90 min at a depth of 1.8 m in water (IP67: 30 min at a depth of 1 m in water) Salt water test: immersed in salt water for five months, at a depth of 20 cm at room temperature Test with oil highly prone to creep: five months fully immersed in oil at room temperature Test with drilling emulsion: five months at room temperature (constituents of drilling emulsion: anionic and non-ionic emulsifiers, paraffined, low-aroma mineral oil, boric acid alkanolamines, corrosion inhibitors, oil content: 40 %) Test in oil bath (oil: Excelence 416) with fluctuating temperature of the oil bath: 130 cycles at 15 to 55C, two months Cleaning with high-pressure cleaner to IP69K: 80 to 100 bar, distance of 10 to 15 cm, time per side > 30 sec, water temperature: 80C To simulate requirements as realistically as possible, the modules were artificially aged by subjecting them to 15 temperature cycles at -25/+85C prior to the tests. During the tests, the modules were connected with 3RX1 connection cables. Unassigned connections were sealed with screw caps (3RK1 901-1KA00). 186 AS-Interface system System Manual, 11/2008, 3RK2703-3BB02-1AA1 Slaves 8.4 Input/output modules Order numbers K60R compact modules Inputs/outputs Type Assignment Order no. 4 inputs / 4 outputs Standard slave Standard assignment 3RK1400-1CR00-0AA3 Accessories Name Comments Order no. K60 mounting plate For wall mounting 3RK1901-0CA00 K60 mounting plate For DIN rail mounting 3RK1901-0CB01 Screw cap M12 For IP67 modules 3RK1901-1KA00 4 x M12 branch AS-i and UAUX 4 x M12 socket IP67 (delivery incl. coupling module) 3RK1901-1NR00 M12 branch AS-i and UAUX With M12 socket IP67/68/69K, max. 4 A 3RK1901-1NR20 M12 branch AS-i and UAUX 1 m cable with M12 angle plug IP67/68/69K, max. 4 A 3RK1901-1NR21 M12 branch AS-i and UAUX 2 m cable with M12 angle plug IP67/68/69K, max. 4 A 3RK1901-1NR22 Addresing cable M12 For addressing unit 3RK1904-2AB00 3RK1901-3RA00 IP68 T-distributor AS-i + 24 V DC For M12 round cable 1 X M12 connector , 2 X M12 box 3RK1901-1TR00 Connection 5;&'$) P 5;&($) P ,3 .5 .5 .5 .5 PD[P 5.75 ,3 Figure 8-2 K60R connection variants AS-Interface system System Manual, 11/2008, 3RK2703-3BB02-1AA1 187 Slaves 8.4 Input/output modules In the IP67 environment, the standard components are connected by means of flat ribbon cables. Spur lines are branched to the IP68 environment via an AS-Interface M12 branch (3RK1901-1NR..). The module is connected by means of round cables with an M12 cable plug. Instead of an addressing socket, the module is now equipped with an M12 bus connection for this purpose. The AS-Interface bus cable and 24 V DC auxiliary voltage are both routed in a 4-pole round cable, which must not contain a grounding conductor. The ground connection is established via the mounting plate. Only cables with integral M12 connectors can be used in the IP68 environment. Prefabricated versions of these cables are available as M12 cable connectors/plugs: 3RX8000-0GF42-1AA6: 0.5 m long 3RX8000-0GF42-1AB0: 1.0 m long 3RX8000-0GF42-1AB5: 1.5 m long The maximum length of the cable between the IP68 T-distributor and the module must not exceed 1.5 m. When longer cables are required to connect the distributor and K60R module, cables that can be cut as required and have an M12 cable plug and open cable end can be used, fitted with an M12 connector (straight: 3RX8000-0CD45; angle: 3RX8000-0CE45) and connected to the distributor. Two different versions of this cable are available: 3RX8000-0CB42-1AF0: 5 m long, with M12 cable plug 3RX8000-0CC42-1AF0: 5 m long, with M12 angle cable plug If more than one K60R module is to be connected to a spur line, they can be distributed further by means of a T-distributor (3RK1901-1TR00) with degree of protection IP68. The following general conditions must be taken into account: The installation guidelines for AS-Interface must always be observed. The max. permissible current for all M12 connection cables is restricted to 4 A. The cross-section of these cables is only 0.34 mm. To connect the K60R modules, the M12 connection cables mentioned above can be used for the spur lines. The voltage drop induced by the ohmic resistance (approx. 0.11 /m) must be taken into account. The following maximum lengths apply to round cable connections whereby AS-i and UAUX are routed in the same cable: - For each spur line from the branch to the module: max. 5 m - Total of round cable components in one AS-Interface network: max. 20 m Note Screw caps and M12 connections must be tightened with the correct torque. 188 AS-Interface system System Manual, 11/2008, 3RK2703-3BB02-1AA1 Slaves 8.4 Input/output modules Diagnostics LEDs for AS-i and FAULT The module has two LEDs for AS-i and FAULT for diagnostic purposes; see LED status displays for modules with two LEDs for AS-i and FAULT (Page 173) . LED display AUX POWER The module also has an LED for AUX POWER; for a description, see LED status display AUX POWER for modules with auxiliary voltage (Page 175). Status display for the switching state The switching state of the AS-i inputs and outputs is indicated by a yellow LED; see LED status display for the switching state (yellow) (Page 175). Technical specifications K60R compact module Order no. 3RK1400-1CR00-0AA3 Slave type Standard slave Suitable for AS-i master to Spec. ... (or higher) AS-i Spec. 2.0 No. of inputs/outputs 4 inputs / 4 outputs Socket assignment Standard assignment AS-i slave profile IO.ID.ID2 7.0.F ID1 code (factory setting) F Operating voltage in acc. with AS-Interface Specification 26.5 to 31.6 V Total power consumption 270 mA Inputs Input circuit PNP Sensor supply via AS-Interface Short circuit and overload proof Sensors 2 and 3 conductors Voltage range 20 to 30 V Current-carrying capacity for all inputs (TU 40C) 200 mA Switching level - high 10 V Input current low/high 1.5 / 6 mA Outputs Output type AS-Interface system System Manual, 11/2008, 3RK2703-3BB02-1AA1 Electronic 189 Slaves 8.4 Input/output modules Order no. 3RK1400-1CR00-0AA3 Current-carrying capacity on each output 12/13 DC Typ. 2 A Max. total current for each module 4A Short-circuit protection Integrated Inductive interference protection Integrated External 24 V DC power supply Joint round cable connection with AS-Interface connection via M12 socket contact Watchdog Integrated Assignment of the data bits Socket 1 Socket 2 Socket 3 Socket 4 Socket 5 Socket 6 Socket 7 Socket 8 PIN2/4 = IN1(D0) PIN2/4 = IN2(D1) PIN2/4 = IN3(D2) PIN2/4 = IN4(D3) PIN4 = OUT1(D0) PIN4 = OUT2(D1) PIN4 = OUT3(D2) PIN4 = OUT4(D3) AS-Interface certificate Available Approvals UL, CSA, shipbuilding Degree of protection IP68/IP69K with mounting plate 3RK1901-0CA00 IP68 test conditions: see "IP68/IP69K tests" (Page 186). The degree of protection is only achieved when all of the M12 connections are tightened with the correct torque. I/O sockets that are not required must be sealed with screw caps (3RK1 901-1KA00). Ground connection PIN5 of each M12 socket is connected to the earthing clamp in the mounting plate by means of a pin. Ambient temperature C -25 to +85 Storage temperature C -40 to +85 No. of I/O sockets 8 x M12 Status displays I/O display LED yellow Display UAUX LED green AS-Interface/diagnostics display LED green/red Note An external additional power supply (AUX POWER) of between 20 and 30 V DC is required for supplying the output circuits. The additional power supply must comply with VDE 0106 (PELV), protection class III. 190 AS-Interface system System Manual, 11/2008, 3RK2703-3BB02-1AA1 Slaves 8.4 Input/output modules Dimension drawings K60R compact module The dimensions of the K60R compact modules are the same as those of the standard K60 compact modules. The mounting plates for the K60 modules can also be used for the K60R modules. 8.4.3 K60 compact module data coupler - panel IP67 Overview This module is equipped with two AS-i slaves that are connected to two different AS-i networks. Each of the two integrated slaves has four virtual inputs and four virtual outputs. This is the easiest and most cost-effective way of enabling the bidirectional transfer of four data bits between two AS-i networks. The data coupler requires an address in each AS-i network. Depending on the number of nodes, each AS-i network functions with a different cycle time, which means that the two AS-i networks are never synchronous. For this reason, only standard data and not safety-oriented data (ASIsafe) can be transferred via the AS-i data coupler. The two AS-i networks are electrically isolated in the device. The output bits from AS-i network 1 are read as input bits in AS-i network 2 (and vice versa). The statuses of the outputs are indicated by LEDs. NOTICE Two AS-i networks must not be electrically connected. AS-Interface system System Manual, 11/2008, 3RK2703-3BB02-1AA1 191 Slaves 8.4 Input/output modules Order numbers K60 compact module data coupler MLFB Inputs/outputs Type Assignment 3RK408-8SQ00-0AA3 4 inputs / 4 outputs (virtual) Standard slave -- Accessories MLFB Name Comments 3RK1 901-0CA00 K60 mounting plate For wall mounting 3RK1 901-0CB01 K60 mounting plate For DIN rail mounting Connection The device is connected via the AS-i cables for the two AS-i networks. The yellow shaped cable from AS-i network 1 is fed into the upper cutout ("AS-i") on the mounting plate. The yellow shaped cable from AS-i network 2 is fed into the lower cutout (reserved for "AUX POWER" on other K60 modules) on the mounting plate. A black shaped cable (24 V DC) is not required. No actuators or sensors are connected to the data coupler. 1 30 5 Ncm 3RK1901-1KA00 3RK1901-0CA00 3RK1901-0CB01 3 1.8 -0.2 Nm 2 UAS-Interface AUX POWER 5 4 Figure 8-3 192 K60 data coupler: connecting the AS-i shaped cable AS-Interface system System Manual, 11/2008, 3RK2703-3BB02-1AA1 Slaves 8.4 Input/output modules See the table below for the data bit assignments: Slave in AS-i network 1 Slave in AS-i network 2 D0 (OUT) D0 (IN) D1 (OUT) D1 (IN) D2 (OUT) D2 (IN) D3 (OUT) D3 (IN) D0 (IN) D0 (OUT) D1 (IN) D1 (OUT) D2 (IN) D2 (OUT) D3 (IN) D3 (OUT) Diagnostics LEDs for AS-i/FAULT1 and AS-i/FAULT2 For diagnostic purposes, the module has two dual LEDs for AS-i/FAULT, which indicate the status of the two AS-i buses; see LED status displays for modules with a dual LED for AS-i/FAULT (Page 174) . Status display for the switching state The switching state of the AS-i inputs and outputs is indicated by a yellow LED; see LED status display for the switching state (yellow) (Page 175). Technical specifications K60 compact module data coupler Each of the two integrated slaves has the following technical specifications: Order no. 3RK1408-8SQ00-0AA3 Slave type Standard slave Suitable for AS-i master to Spec. ... (or higher) AS-i Spec. 2.0 No. of inputs/outputs 4 inputs/ 4 outputs (virtual) Socket assignment -- AS-i slave profile IO.ID.ID2 7.F.F ID1 code (factory setting) F Total power consumption 70 mA AS-Interface system System Manual, 11/2008, 3RK2703-3BB02-1AA1 193 Slaves 8.4 Input/output modules Dimension drawings K60 compact module data coupler 31 29 152 4.5 60 5 Side view With mounting plate 3RK1 901-0CA00 Figure 8-4 K60 compact module data coupler K60 mounting plates Wall mounting: 3RK1901-0CA00 Figure 8-5 194 5.&% 5.&$ DIN rail mounting 3RK1901-0CB01 K60 mounting plates AS-Interface system System Manual, 11/2008, 3RK2703-3BB02-1AA1 Slaves 8.4 Input/output modules 8.4.4 Digital K45 input/output modules - field IP67 Overview The range of 'large' K60 compact modules now includes the K45 compact module series to extend the lower end of the product range. The K45 modules, which are significantly smaller, offer all the existing benefits of the K60 compact modules. They have the same surface area as the user modules. The installation depth, however, is just 2/3 of that of the user module, which makes it the perfect complement to the range of compact modules. Despite its small size, however, all the modules feature easy-to-read labeling strips and an integrated addressing socket. K45 compact modules with four digital inputs. These compact modules house the communications electronics and standard M12 connections or M8 screw-type or snap-on connections for the inputs. Up to four sensors can be connected to the compact module. K45 compact modules with max. four digital outputs. These modules have up to four digital outputs with an M12 connector. K45 compact modules with two digital inputs and outputs. These modules each have two digital inputs and outputs with an M12 connector. K45 compact modules are available as standard or A/B slaves. AS-Interface system System Manual, 11/2008, 3RK2703-3BB02-1AA1 195 Slaves 8.4 Input/output modules Order numbers K45 compact modules Inputs/outputs Type Assignment Connection MLFB 4 inputs Standard slave Standard assignment M12 3RK1200-0CQ20-0AA3 4 inputs Standard slave Standard assignment M8 screw 3RK1200-0CT20-0AA3 4 inputs Standard slave Standard assignment M8 snap-on 3RK1200-0CU20-0AA3 4 inputs A/B slave Standard assignment M12 3RK2200-0CQ20-0AA3 4 inputs A/B slave Standard assignment M8 screw 3RK2200-0CT20-0AA3 4 inputs A/B slave Standard assignment M8 snap-on 3RK2200-0CU20-0AA3 2x2 inputs A/B slave Y assignment M12 3RK2200-0CQ22-0AA3 2 inputs / 2 outputs Standard slave Standard assignment M12 3RK1400-1BQ20-0AA3 2 x (1 input / 1 output) Standard slave Y assignment M12 3RK1400-0GQ20-0AA3 4 outputs Standard slave Standard assignment M12 3RK1100-1CQ20-0AA3 3 outputs A/B slave Standard assignment M12 3RK2100-1EQ20-0AA3 2 outputs / 2 inputs A/B slave Standard assignment M12 3RK2400-1BQ20-0AA3 Accessories MLFB Designation Comments 3RK1901-2EA00 K45 mounting plate Wall mounting 3RK1901-2DA00 K45 mounting plate DIN rail mounting: Connection For information on connecting the AS-i bus and auxiliary voltage UAUX as well as the actuators and sensors, see Connection (Page 166). Diagnostics LED for AS-i/FAULT The module has one dual LED for AS-i/FAULT for diagnostic purposes; see LED status displays for modules with a dual LED for AS-i/FAULT (Page 174) . LED display AUX POWER The module also has an LED for AUX POWER; for a description, see LED status display AUX POWER for modules with auxiliary voltage (Page 175). 196 AS-Interface system System Manual, 11/2008, 3RK2703-3BB02-1AA1 Slaves 8.4 Input/output modules Status display for the switching state The switching state of the AS-i inputs and outputs is indicated by a yellow LED; see LED status display for the switching state (yellow) (Page 175). Technical specifications K45 compact modules Joint technical specifications of the digital I/O modules IP67 - K45 Operating voltage in acc. with AS-Interface Specification 26.5 to 31.6 V Reverse polarity protection UAS-i Integrated Input circuit PNP Inputs Sensor supply via AS-Interface Short circuit and overload proof Sensors 2 and 3 conductors Voltage range 20 to 30 V 1) Switching level - high 1V Input current low/high 1.5 / 6 mA Outputs Output type Electronics Short-circuit protection Integrated Inductive interference protection Integrated External 24 V DC power supply Via black AS-Interface flat cable Watchdog Integrated AS-Interface certificate Available (or planned for new devices) Approvals UL, CSA, shipbuilding (or planned for new devices) Degree of protection IP67 (IP65 with M8 snap-on connection) Ground connection Via PIN5 on M12 sockets and outgoing feeder via 2.8 mm flat connector (no ground connection on M8 sockets) Ambient temperature -25 to +85 C Storage temperature -40 to +85 C Connection Via the mounting plate for compact module K45 1) For 3RK2 400-1BQ20-0AA3 Umin = 16.5 V Note An external additional power supply (AUX POWER) of between 20 and 30 V DC is required for supplying the output circuits. The additional power supply must comply with VDE 0106 (PELV), protection class III. AS-Interface system System Manual, 11/2008, 3RK2703-3BB02-1AA1 197 Slaves 8.4 Input/output modules Order no. 3RK1200-0CQ20-0AA3 3RK1200-0CT20-0AA3 3RK1200-0CU20-0AA3 Slave type Standard slave Standard slave Standard slave Suitable for AS-i master to Spec. ... (or higher) AS-i Spec. 2.0 AS-i Spec. 2.0 AS-i Spec. 2.0 No. of inputs/outputs 4 inputs 4 inputs 4 inputs Socket assignment Standard assignment Standard assignment Standard assignment AS-i slave profile IO.ID.ID2 0.0.F 0.0.F 0.0.F ID1 code (factory setting) F F F Total power consumption 270 mA 270 mA 270 mA 200 mA 200 mA 200 mA Socket 1 PIN4/2 = IN1(D0) PIN4 = IN1(D0) PIN4 = IN1(D0) Socket 2 PIN4/2 = IN2(D1) PIN4 = IN2(D1) PIN4 = IN2(D1) Socket 3 PIN4/2 = IN3(D2) PIN4 = IN3(D2) PIN4 = IN3(D2) Socket 4 PIN4/2 = IN4(D3) PIN4 = IN4(D3) PIN4 = IN4(D3) No. of I/O sockets 4 x M12 4 x M8 screw locking 4 x M8 snap locking Order no. 3RK2200-0CQ20-0AA3 3RK2200-0CT20-0AA3 3RK2200-0CU20-0AA3 Slave type A/B slave A/B slave A/B slave Suitable for AS-i master to Spec. ... (or higher) AS-i Spec. 2.1 AS-i Spec. 2.1 AS-i Spec. 2.1 No. of inputs/outputs 4 inputs 4 inputs 4 inputs Socket assignment Standard assignment Standard assignment Standard assignment AS-i slave profile IO.ID.ID2 0.A.0 0.A.F 0.A.0 ID1 code (factory setting) 7 7 7 Total power consumption 270 mA 270 mA 270 mA 200 mA 200 mA 200 mA Socket 1 PIN4/2 = IN1(D0) PIN4 = IN1(D0) PIN4 = IN1(D0) Socket 2 PIN4/2 = IN2(D1) PIN4 = IN2(D1) PIN4 = IN2(D1) Socket 3 PIN4/2 = IN3(D2) PIN4 = IN3(D2) PIN4 = IN3(D2) Socket 4 PIN4/2 = IN4(D3) PIN4 = IN4(D3) PIN4 = IN4(D3) No. of I/O sockets 4 x M12 4 x M8 screw locking 4 x M8 snap locking Inputs Current-carrying capacity for all inputs (TU 40C) Assignment of the data bits Inputs Current-carrying capacity for all inputs (TU 40C) Assignment of the data bits 198 AS-Interface system System Manual, 11/2008, 3RK2703-3BB02-1AA1 Slaves 8.4 Input/output modules Order no. 3RK2200-0CQ22-0AA3 3RK1400-1BQ20-0AA3 Slave type A/B slave Standard slave Standard slave Suitable for AS-i master to Spec. ... (or higher) AS-i Spec. 2.1 AS-i Spec. 2.0 AS-i Spec. 2.0 No. of inputs/outputs 2 x 2 inputs 2 inputs / 2 outputs 2 x (1 input / 1 output) Socket assignment Y assignment Standard assignment Y assignment AS-i slave profile IO.ID.ID2 0.A.2 3.0.F 3.F.F ID1 code (factory setting) 7 F F Total power consumption 270 mA 270 mA 270 mA 200 mA 200 mA 200 mA 2) Typ. current-carrying capacity per output: 12/13 DC -- 2 A 1) 0.2 A 2) Max. total current for each module -- 3A 0.2 A 2) Reverse polarity protection UAUX N/A By means of coding UAUX not required Socket 1 PIN4 = IN1(D0) PIN2 = IN2(D1) PIN4/2 = IN1(D0) PIN4 = IN1(D0) PIN2 = OUT3(D2) Socket 2 -- PIN4/2 = IN2(D1) -- Socket 3 -- PIN4 = OUT3(D2) -- Socket 4 PIN4 = IN3(D2) PIN2 = IN4(D3) PIN4 = OUT4(D3) PIN4 = IN2(D1) PIN2 = OUT4(D3) No. of I/O sockets 2 x M12 4 x M12 2 x M12 3RK1400-0GQ20-0AA3 Inputs Current-carrying capacity for all inputs (TU 40C) Outputs Assignment of the data bits 1) With version "E12", the typical current-carrying capacity per output increases from 1.5 to 2 A 2) Aggregate current for all inputs and outputs: max. 200 mA. AS-Interface system System Manual, 11/2008, 3RK2703-3BB02-1AA1 199 Slaves 8.4 Input/output modules Order no. 3RK1100-1CQ20-0AA3 Slave type Standard slave A/B slave A/B slave Suitable for AS-i master to Spec. ... (or higher) AS-i Spec. 2.0 AS-i Spec. 2.1 AS-i Spec. 2.1 No. of inputs/outputs 4 outputs 3 outputs 2 outputs / 2 inputs Socket assignment Standard assignment Standard assignment Standard assignment AS-i slave profile IO.ID.ID2 8.0.F 8.A.0 B.A.0 ID1 code (factory setting) F 7 7 Total power consumption 45 mA 45 mA 270 mA 200 mA 200 mA 200 mA Typ. current-carrying capacity per output: 12/13 DC 1A 1A 2A Max. total current for each module 3A 3A 3A Reverse polarity protection UAUX By means of coding By means of coding By means of coding Socket 1 PIN4 = OUT1(D0) PIN4 = OUT1(D0) PIN4/2 = IN3(D2) Socket 2 PIN4 = OUT2(D1) PIN4 = OUT2(D1) PIN4/2 = IN4(D3) Socket 3 PIN4 = OUT3(D2) PIN4 = OUT3(D2) PIN4 = OUT1(D0) Socket 4 PIN4 = OUT4(D3) Not available PIN4 = OUT2(D1) No. of I/O sockets 4 x M12 3 x M12 4 x M12 3RK2100-1EQ20-0AA3 3RK2400-1BQ20-0AA3 Inputs Current-carrying capacity for all inputs (TU 40C) Outputs Assignment of the data bits 200 AS-Interface system System Manual, 11/2008, 3RK2703-3BB02-1AA1 Slaves 8.4 Input/output modules Dimension drawings 80 K45 compact modules 45 Figure 8-6 34 30 Dimensions of the K45 compact module K45 mounting plates DIN rail mounting: Wall mounting Figure 8-7 K45 mounting plates (DIN rail mounting on left, wall mounting on right) AS-Interface system System Manual, 11/2008, 3RK2703-3BB02-1AA1 201 Slaves 8.4 Input/output modules 8.4.5 Digital K20 input/output modules - field IP67 Overview K20 compact modules The range of AS-Interface compact modules has now been extended to include the K20 compact modules which, with a width of just 20 mm, are characterized by their slimline design. Due to their small dimensions, these modules are particularly suitable for applications involving industrial robots in production engineering where space for the modules is extremely limited. The K20 modules are connected to AS-Interface using a round cable with an M12 cable plug instead of the AS-Interface flat ribbon cable. The AS-Interface bus cable and 24 V DC auxiliary supply are routed in a joint round cable, which allows for an extremely compact design. Since the round cable is so flexible, the modules can also be easily installed on moving machine parts, an application for which they are particularly suitable because their non-encapsulated design makes them extremely light. When ground cables are used, many users choose to lay the AS-Interface bus cable in a round cable. In this case, K20 modules can be connected directly to the round cable. An adapter from the flat ribbon cable to the round cable is not required. The range of K20 compact modules comprises not only standard AS-Interface modules but also an ASIsafe version for connecting safety-oriented sensors (e.g. EMERGENCY STOP buttons or protective door monitoring). As far as is technically feasible, all AS-Interface K20 modules support the extended address mode (A/B addresses) in accordance with AS-Interface Specification 2.1, which allows 62 nodes to be connected to an AS-Interface network. In extended address mode, the K20 module with four inputs and four outputs operates in accordance with AS-Interface Specification 3.0 which, for the first time, also permits four outputs for an A/B slave and, in turn, 248 inputs and 248 outputs in the maximum configuration of an AS-i network. To save even more space, the sensors and actuators can be connected via M8 connectors. Alternatively, an M12 connection with a Y assignment is also available. Installation The K20 modules are secured with two screws. A mounting plate is not required. The modules can be installed not only on the front but also on the side, which saves space and provides them with additional protection (e.g. on DIN rails). 202 AS-Interface system System Manual, 11/2008, 3RK2703-3BB02-1AA1 Slaves 8.4 Input/output modules Order numbers K20 compact modules Inputs/outputs Type Assignment Connection Order no. 4 inputs / 4 outputs Standard slave Standard assignment 8 x M8 3RK1400-1CT30-0AA3 4 inputs A/B slave Y assignment 2 x M12 3RK2200-0CQ30-0AA3 4 inputs A/B slave Standard assignment 4 x M8 3RK2200-0CT30-0AA3 2 inputs / 2 outputs A/B slave Y assignment 2 x M12 3RK2400-1BQ30-0AA3 2 inputs / 2 outputs A/B slave Standard assignment 4 x M8 3RK2400-1BT30-0AA3 4 inputs / 4 outputs A/B slave (Spec. 3.0) Standard assignment 8 x M8 3RK2400-1CT30-0AA3 Accessories Name Comments Order no. M12 screw cap for IP67 modules AS-Interface accessories 3RK1901-1KA00 M8 screw cap for IP67 modules AS-Interface accessories 3RK1901-1PN00 AS-Interface distributor (standard) for Distribution function, isolating function, sealing AS-I shaped cable function (M.SEP. seal) IP67, max. 7 A incl. mounting plate 3RK1901-1NN00 AS-Interface distributor (compact) for Distribution function, isolating function, AS-I shaped cable IP 67/68/69K, max. 6 A 3RK1901-1NN10 AS-Interface 4 x M12 branch AS-i and UAUX 4 x M12 socket IP67 (delivery incl. coupling module) 3RK1901-1NR00 AS-Interface M12 branch AS-i without UAUX With M12 socket IP67/68/69K, max. 4 A 3RK1901-1NR10 AS-Interface M12 branch AS-i without UAUX 1 m cable with M12 angle plug IP67/68/69K, max. 4 A 3RK1901-1NR11 AS-Interface M12 branch AS-i without UAUX 2 m cable with M12 angle plug IP67/68/69K, max. 4 A 3RK1901-1NR12 AS-Interface M12 branch AS-i and UAUX With M12 socket IP67/68/69K, max. 4 A 3RK1901-1NR20 AS-Interface M12 branch AS-i and UAUX 1 m cable with M12 angle plug IP67/68/69K, max. 4 A 3RK1901-1NR21 AS-Interface M12 branch AS-i and UAUX 2 m cable with M12 angle plug IP67/68/69K, max. 4 A 3RK1901-1NR22 IP68 T-distributor AS-i + 24 V DC for M12 round cable 1 x M12 connector AS-Interface accessories, 2 x M12 box 3RK1901-1TR00 Addressing cable M12 for addressing AS-Interface accessories unit 3RK1904-2AB00 3RK1901-3RA00 AS-Interface transition from AS-i cable to M12 socket -- 3RX9801-0AA00 SIMATIC DP, Y connector for distr. I/O ET 200X For double connection of I/O by means of single cable to ET 200X 5-pin M12 6ES7194-1KA01-0XA0 AS-Interface system System Manual, 11/2008, 3RK2703-3BB02-1AA1 203 Slaves 8.4 Input/output modules Setting the AS-i address The K20 modules are addressed via the same socket as for the bus connection. The module is addressed by connecting it to the addressing unit (e.g. 3RK1 904-2AB01) with a standard M12 connection cable (2 or 3-pin) (e.g. 3RX8 000-0GF32-1AB5). If the older version of the addressing unit (3RK1 904-2AB00) is used, a special addressing cable (3RK1 901-3RA00) is required to connect the module to the addressing unit. Once the address has been set, the addressing cable is unplugged and the module is connected to the bus cable. Four or five-pin connection cables must not be used for addressing purposes. As far as technically possible, all K20 modules (not ASIsafe versions) support extended address mode and can be addressed with an A or a B address. In this way, up to 62 slaves can be connected to an AS-Interface network. The version with four inputs and four outputs (3RK2 400-1CT30-0AA3) functions in accordance with the new AS-Interface Specification 3.0, which means that A/B slaves can use four outputs (instead of just three as is the case with Specification 2.1). Note, however, that this module can only be operated with a new master in accordance with AS-Interface Specification 3.0 (e.g. new DP/AS-i LINK Advanced) and the cycle times for the outputs in this case can reach a maximum of 20 ms. 3RK1904-2AB01 ASI+ ASI3 2 4 1 AS-Interface 1 ... 31 (1A ... 31B) 3 3RX8000-0GF32-1AA6 3RX8000-0GF32-1AB0 3RX8000-0GF32-1AB5 Figure 8-8 204 2 4 1 1: ASi+ 2: AUX- (3RK.400-...) 3: ASi4: AUX+ (3RK.400-...) K20 addressing AS-Interface system System Manual, 11/2008, 3RK2703-3BB02-1AA1 Slaves 8.4 Input/output modules Connection The different methods of connecting the K20 modules to the AS-Interface bus cable and the 24 V DC auxiliary voltage are shown in the following table: K20 module Digital I/O modules IP67 - K20 AS-i without Uaux AS-i with Uaux 3RK1901-1NR11 (1 m) 3RK1901-1NR12 (2 m) 3RK1 901-1NR11 (1 m) 3RK1 901-1NR12 (2 m) 3RX9 801-0AA00 3RK1 901-1NR10 3RK1 901-1NR20 3RK1 901-1NR00 3RK1 901-1NR00 Plus M12 branch with integral cable Plus M12 branch with socket Plus separate M12 cable 1) Plus 4 x M12 branch Plus separate M12 cable 1) 1) Prefabricated versions of these cables are available as M12 cable connectors/plugs: 3RX8000-0GF42-1AA6: 0.5 m long 3RX8000-0GF42-1AB0: 1.0 m long 3RX8000-0GF42-1AB5: 1.5 m long When longer cables are required to connect the distributor and module, cables that can be cut as required and have an M12 cable plug and open cable end can be used, fitted with an M12 connector (straight: 3RX8000-0CD45; angle: 3RX8000-0CE45) and connected to the distributor. Two different versions of this cable are available: 3RX8000-0CB42-1AF0: 5 m long, with M12 cable plug 3RX8000-0CC42-1AF0: 5 m long, with M12 angle cable plug AS-Interface system System Manual, 11/2008, 3RK2703-3BB02-1AA1 205 Slaves 8.4 Input/output modules Connection examples for K20 modules The following general conditions must be taken into account: The installation guidelines for AS-Interface must always be observed. The max. permissible current for all M12 connection cables is restricted to 4 A. The cross-section of these cables is only 0.34 mm. To connect the K20 modules, the M12 connection cables mentioned above can be used for the spur lines. The voltage drop induced by the ohmic resistance (approx. 0.11 /m) must be taken into account. The following maximum lengths apply to round cable connections whereby AS-i and UAUX are carried in the same cable: - For each spur line from the branch to the module: max. 5 m - Total of round cable components in one AS-Interface network: max. 20 m 5m 1.5 m 5m Connection via 4 x M12 branch (3RK1 901-1NR00) (AS-i/Uaux) for I/O modules Figure 8-9 206 Connection via M12 branch (3RK1 901-1NR2.) (AS-i/Uaux) for I/O modules Distribution via M12 T branch (3RK1 901-1TR00) Connection via M12 branch (3RK1 901-1NR1.) (AS-i without Uaux) for modules with inputs K20 connection examples AS-Interface system System Manual, 11/2008, 3RK2703-3BB02-1AA1 Slaves 8.4 Input/output modules Figure 8-10 AS-Interface M12 branches and distributor (closed) Figure 8-11 AS-Interface M12 branches and distributor (open) AS-Interface system System Manual, 11/2008, 3RK2703-3BB02-1AA1 207 Slaves 8.4 Input/output modules Diagnostics LED for AS-i/FAULT The module has one dual LED for AS-i/FAULT for diagnostic purposes; see LED status displays for modules with a dual LED for AS-i/FAULT (Page 174) LED display AUX POWER The module also has an LED for AUX POWER; for a description, see LED status display AUX POWER for modules with auxiliary voltage (Page 175). Status display for the switching state The switching state of the AS-i inputs and outputs is indicated by a yellow LED; see LED status display for the switching state (yellow) (Page 175). Technical specifications Order no. 3RK2200-0CT30-0AA3 3RK2200-0CQ30-0AA3 3RK2400-1BT30-0AA3 Slave type A/B slave A/B slave A/B slave Suitable for AS-i master to Spec. ... (or higher) AS-i Spec. 2.1 AS-i Spec. 2.1 AS-i Spec. 2.1 No. of inputs/outputs 4 inputs 4 inputs 2 inputs / 2 outputs AS-i slave profile IO.ID.ID2 0.A.0 0.A.2 B.A.0 ID1 code (factory setting) 7 7 7 Total power consumption 270 mA 270 mA 270 mA Input circuit PNP PNP PNP Current-carrying capacity for all inputs (TU 40C) 200 mA 200 mA 150 mA Current-carrying capacity for all inputs (TU 55 C) 150 mA 150 mA 70 mA Inputs Switching level - high 10 V 10 V 10 V Input current low/high 1.5 / 6 mA 1.5 / 6 mA 1.5 / 6 mA Sensor supply via AS-Interface Short circuit and overload proof Short circuit and overload proof Short circuit and overload proof Sensors 2 and 3 conductors 2 and 3 conductors 2 and 3 conductors Voltage range 16.5 to 30 V 16.5 to 30 V 16.5 to 30 V Output type -- -- Electronic Typ. current-carrying capacity per output: 12/13 DC -- -- 1A Outputs 208 AS-Interface system System Manual, 11/2008, 3RK2703-3BB02-1AA1 Slaves 8.4 Input/output modules Order no. Max. total current for each module 3RK2200-0CT30-0AA3 3RK2200-0CQ30-0AA3 3RK2400-1BT30-0AA3 -- -- 1A Short-circuit protection -- -- Integrated Inductive interference protection -- -- Integrated External 24 V DC power supply -- -- Joint round cable connection with AS-Interface connection via M12 socket contact Watchdog -- -- Integrated Socket 1 PIN4 = IN1(D0) PIN4 = IN1(D0) PIN2 = IN2(D1) PIN4 = IN3(D2) Socket 2 PIN4 = IN2(D1) PIN4 = IN3(D2) PIN2 = IN4(D3) PIN4 = IN4(D3) Socket 3 PIN4 = IN3(D2) Not available PIN4 = OUT1(D0) Socket 4 PIN4 = IN4(D3) Not available PIN4 = OUT2(D1) Socket 5 Not available Not available Not available Socket 6 Not available Not available Not available Socket 7 Not available Not available Not available Socket 8 Not available Not available Not available No. of I/O sockets 4 x M8 2 x M12 4 x M8 AS-Interface certificate Available Available Available Approvals UL/CSA available soon UL/CSA available soon UL/CSA available soon Degree of protection IP65/67 IP65/67 IP65/67 Ground connection Not available Not available Not available Ambient temperature -25 to +70 C -25 to +70 C -25 to +70 C Storage temperature -40 to +85 C -40 to +85 C -40 to +85 C Assignment of the data bits Note An external additional power supply (AUX POWER) of between 20 and 30 V DC is required for supplying the output circuits of the compact module (3RK2400-1BT30-0AA3). The additional power supply must comply with VDE 0106 (PELV), protection class III. AS-Interface system System Manual, 11/2008, 3RK2703-3BB02-1AA1 209 Slaves 8.4 Input/output modules Order no. 3RK2400-1BQ30-0AA3 3RK1400-1CT30-0AA3 Slave type A/B slave Standard slave A/B slave (Spec. 3.0) Suitable for AS-i master to Spec. ... (or higher) AS-i Spec. 2.1 AS-i Spec. 2.0 AS-i Spec. 3.0 No. of inputs/outputs 2 inputs / 2 outputs 4 inputs / 4 outputs 4 inputs / 4 outputs No. of I/O sockets 2 x M12 8 x M8 8 x M8 AS-i slave profile IO.ID.ID2 B.A.2 7.0.E 7.A.7 ID1 code (factory setting) 7 F 7 Total power consumption 270 mA 270 mA 270 mA Input circuit PNP PNP PNP Current-carrying capacity for all inputs (TU 40C) 150 mA 200 mA 200 mA Current-carrying capacity for all inputs (TU 55 C) 70 mA 150 mA 150 mA 3RK2400-1CT30-0AA3 Inputs Switching level - high 10 V 10 V 10 V Input current low/high 1.5 / 6 mA 1.5 / 6 mA 1.5 / 6 mA Sensor supply via AS-Interface Short circuit and overload proof Short circuit and overload proof Short circuit and overload proof Sensors 2 and 3 conductors 2 and 3 conductors 2 and 3 conductors Voltage range 16.5 to 30 V 16.5 to 30 V 16.5 to 30 V Output type Electronic Electronic Electronic Typ. current-carrying capacity per output: 12/13 DC 1A 1A 1A Max. total current for each module 1A 2 A at T = 40C 2 A at T = 40C Short-circuit protection Integrated Integrated Integrated Inductive interference protection Integrated Integrated Integrated External 24 V DC power supply Joint round cable connection with AS-Interface connection via M12 socket contact Joint round cable connection with AS-Interface connection via M12 socket contact Joint round cable connection with AS-Interface connection via M12 socket contact Watchdog Integrated Integrated Integrated Socket 1 PIN4 = IN3(D2) PIN2 = IN4(D3) PIN4 = IN1(D0) PIN4 = IN1(D0) Socket 2 PIN4 = OUT1(D0) PIN2 = OUT2(D1) PIN4 = IN2(D1) PIN4 = IN2(D1) Socket 3 Not available PIN4 = IN3(D2) PIN4 = IN3(D2) Socket 4 Not available PIN4 = IN4(D3) PIN4 = IN4(D3) Socket 5 Not available PIN4 = OUT1(D0) PIN4 = OUT1(D0) Socket 6 Not available PIN4 = OUT2(D1) PIN4 = OUT2(D1) Outputs Assignment of the data bits 210 AS-Interface system System Manual, 11/2008, 3RK2703-3BB02-1AA1 Slaves 8.4 Input/output modules Order no. 3RK2400-1BQ30-0AA3 3RK1400-1CT30-0AA3 3RK2400-1CT30-0AA3 Socket 7 Not available PIN4 = OUT3(D2) PIN4 = OUT3(D2) Socket 8 Not available PIN4 = OUT4(D3) PIN4 = OUT4(D3) AS-Interface certificate Available Available soon Available soon Approvals UL/CSA available soon UL/CSA available soon UL/CSA available soon Degree of protection IP65/67 IP65/67 IP65/67 Ground connection Not available Not available Not available Ambient temperature -25 to +70 C -25 to +70 C -25 to +70 C Storage temperature -40 to +85 C -40 to +85 C -40 to +85 C Note An external additional power supply (AUX POWER) of between 20 and 30 V DC is required for supplying the output circuits for compact modules 3RK2400-1BQ30-0AA3, 3RK1400-1CT30-0AA3, and 3RK2400-1CT30-0AA3. The additional power supply must comply with VDE 0106 (PELV), protection class III. Dimension drawings K20 compact module with 2 M12 sockets AS-Interface system System Manual, 11/2008, 3RK2703-3BB02-1AA1 211 Slaves 8.4 Input/output modules K20 compact module with 4 M8 sockets K20 compact module with 8 M8 sockets 212 AS-Interface system System Manual, 11/2008, 3RK2703-3BB02-1AA1 Slaves 8.4 Input/output modules 8.4.6 Analog K60 input/output modules - panel IP67 Properties The most important properties of the K60 analog modules Analog modules can be integrated in AS-Interface just as easily as digital modules. Analog values can be easily recorded and output locally. Preprocessing the analog value transmission in the master allows the analog values to be evaluated quickly and easily. Up to four values can be recorded via an analog module. Specification 3.0 with fast analog modules (to profile 7.A.9) also offers the following features: A/B technology (i.e. up to 62 analog modules can each be connected to one AS-i master). Variable operation: 12-bit or 14-bit resolution, single or double channel, can be selected via the ID1 code. Transfer times twice as fast on average (three or four cycles only depending on the selected resolution). Simplified analog value processing with masters that comply with Specification 3.0 (DP/AS-i LINK Advanced). Overview AS-Interface analog modules in the K60 compact series record or supply analog signals locally. These modules are connected to the higher-level controller via an AS-Interface master in accordance with Specification 2.1 or 3.0. Measured variable Current Voltage Temperature / resistance Signal range Inputs A/B1) Standard 2) 1 / 2 channel 2 channel Outputs Standard 4 channels 2 channel 20 mA X X X X 4 - 20 mA X X X X 0 - 20 mA X X X X 10 V X X X X 1-5V X X X X 0 - 10 V -- -- -- X PT100 -- X X -- Ni100 -- X X -- 0 - 600 -- X X -- 1) AS-i Spec. 3.0 (faster transfer, switch between 1 / 2 channels, switch between 12 / 14 Bit) 2) AS-i Spec. 2.1 2.1 AS-Interface system System Manual, 11/2008, 3RK2703-3BB02-1AA1 213 Slaves 8.4 Input/output modules The input modules to profile 7.3/7.4 are available with two or four input channels. The two-channel module can also be switched for use with just one input channel, which means that the analog value is available more quickly. To switch the module, a jumper is connected to socket 3. Analog modules to profile 7.A.9 achieve transfer times twice as fast as those to profile 7.3/7.4. Among other things, you can use the ID1 code to select whether the module is operated with one channel or two. The output modules are available as two-channel modules as standard. The input and output channels are electrically isolated vis-a-vis the AS-Interface network. If sensors with increased power requirements (total 46 mA) are to be connected when analog input modules are used, additional power must be supplied via the auxiliary voltage rather than via the internal supply (flat cable, black). When the auxiliary power is connected, the sensor supply is short-circuit proof (max. 500 mA). No auxiliary power is required for output and resistor/thermoresistor modules. The auxiliary power cable can be "looped in" for other modules, however. The "AS-Interface Analog Modules Profile 7.3, Profile 7.A.9" manual contains extensive descriptions of the modules along with their technical specifications and detailed information about operation. Function Data transfer to analog profile 7.3/7.4 &38 $6,QWHUIDFH 0DVWHU 6FUHHQV $6,QWHUIDFH F\FOHV HDFKPD[PV &RQYHUVLRQ $QDORJPRGXOH $QDORJYDOXH *B16$B;;B $XVHU SURJUDPF\FOH ZLWKV\VWHP IXQFWLRQFDOO 1RWH 7KHYDOXHVFDQEHDFFHVVHGXVLQJWKHLQWHJUDWHG VWDQGDUGIXQFWLRQEORFNV6)&DQG6)& With analog profile 7.3/7.4, at least seven AS-Interface cycles are required to transfer all the data. In this case, a master that complies with extended Specification V2.1 (or higher) must be used. When input modules are used, the complete analog value is available in the AS-Interface master. Preprocessing is then carried out in the master. The next time this system function is called up, the user program copies the analog value as a value to the user program. The same sequence in reverse applies to analog value transfer for the output modules. 214 AS-Interface system System Manual, 11/2008, 3RK2703-3BB02-1AA1 Slaves 8.4 Input/output modules The total processing time (ttotal) for the complete transfer process from 1/2 inputs is calculated as follows: Conversion time tc AS-i transfer time ttransfer (with cycle times of 5 ms / 10 ms) PLC transfer time tPLC This results in the following maximum times until the analog value with profile 7.3/7.4 is available: Total transfer time 1 channel 2 channels 4 channels Max. 95 ms Max. 235 ms Max. 435 ms Data transfer to analog profile 7.A.9 $XVHU SURJUDPF\FOH ZLWKV\VWHP IXQFWLRQFDOO &RQYHUVLRQ $QDORJYDOXH *B16$B;;B $6,QWHUIDFH 0DVWHU &38 7KUHHRUIRXU $6,QWHUIDFH $QDORJPRGXOH F\FOHV HDFKPD[PVRU PV ZLWKRUELWV GHSHQGLQJRQUHVROXWLRQ :LWK$%WHFKQRORJ\ With analog profile 7.A.9, just three or four AS-Interface cycles are required for transferring the data. In this case, a master that complies with Specification 3.0 must be used. 1 channel 2 channels Standard Total transfer time A/B Standard A/B 12 bits 14 bits 12 bits 14 bits 12 bits 14 bits 12 bits 14 bits ~ 55 ms ~ 65 ms ~ 85 ms ~ 105 ms ~ 145 ms ~ 160 ms ~ 190 ms ~ 220 ms The maximum times that elapse before the analog value is available with profile 7.A.9 depend on the selections made (resolution, no. of channels, A/B technology). AS-Interface system System Manual, 11/2008, 3RK2703-3BB02-1AA1 215 Slaves 8.4 Input/output modules Coding The resolution and channel are selected with the ID1 code. I/O code: 7hex ID code: Ahex ID2 code: 9hex ID1 code: see table: ID1 IN 1 IN 2 14 bits 12 bits 0 X -- X -- 1 X -- -- X 2 X -- X -- 3 X -- X -- 4 X X X -- 5 X X X -- 6 X X -- X 7 X X X -- Profile overview of the input modules Measurement type No. of inputs Order no. Slave profile Current measurement 1, 2 3RK1207-1BQ40-0AA3 S7.3 4 3RK1207-1BQ44-0AA3 S7.3 1, 2 3RK2207-1BQ50-0AA3 7.A.9 Voltage measurement Resistance/thermoresistance measurement 1, 2 3RK1207-2BQ40-0AA3 S7.3 4 3RK1207-2BQ44-0AA3 S7.3 1, 2 3RK2207-2BQ50-0AA3 7.A.9 1, 2 3RK1207-3BQ40-0AA3 S7.3 4 3RK1207-3BQ44-0AA3 S7.3 Module overview: input modules Profile overview of output modules Output No. of outputs Order no. Current output 2 3RK1107-1BQ40-0AA3 S7.3 Voltage output 2 3RK1107-2BQ40-0AA3 S7.3 Module overview: output modules 216 AS-Interface system System Manual, 11/2008, 3RK2703-3BB02-1AA1 Slaves 8.4 Input/output modules Order numbers Input modules (Each module has two coding elements) Inputs/outputs Type Application Code setting Order no. 4 inputs 4 inputs Analog slave Current measurement B1 3RK1207-1BQ44-0AA3 Analog slave Voltage measurement B2 3RK1207-2BQ44-0AA3 4 inputs Analog slave Thermoresistance B3 3RK1207-3BQ44-0AA3 1, 2 inputs Analog slave Current measurement B1 3RK1207-1BQ40-0AA3 1) 1, 2 inputs Analog slave Current measurement B1 3RK2207-1BQ50-0AA3 2) 1, 2 inputs Analog slave Voltage measurement B2 3RK1207-2BQ40-0AA3 1) 1, 2 inputs Analog slave Voltage measurement B2 3RK2207-2BQ50-0AA3 2) 1, 2 inputs Analog slave Thermoresistance B3 3RK1207-3BQ40-0AA3 1) 1) Operation with 1 input only with jumper (Page 226) 3RK1901-1AA00 possible 2) OPeration with 1, 2 inputs can be configured via ID1 code Output modules (Each module has two coding elements) Type Module variant Code setting Order no. Analog slave Current output B4 3RK1107-1BQ40-0AA3 Analog slave Voltage output B5 3RK1107-2BQ40-0AA3 Accessories Name Order no. K60 mounting plate for screw fixing 3RK1901-0CA00 K60 mounting plate for DIN rail installation 3RK1901-0CB00 Jumper for operation with 1 input (for the following modules only: 3RK1207-1BQ40-0AA3, 3RK1207-2BQ40-0AA3, 3RK1207-3BQ40-0AA3) 3RK1901-1AA00 AS-Interface system System Manual, 11/2008, 3RK2703-3BB02-1AA1 217 Slaves 8.4 Input/output modules Parameterization For a detailed description of how to set parameters with AS-i, see Parameterization (Page 619). The parameters are sent to the AS-i master via the CPU. Function block FC "ASI_3422" (FC 7) is required for the S7-300 controller. FC 7 is available on a disk supplied with the manual for CP-343-2 and Link 20 E. When the CPU is booted, FC 7 should execute the command "write_extended_parameter_list" (3CH), for example. (This is integrated in HW Config as of SIMATIC STEP 7, V 5.4.) Modules that comply with slave profile 7.A.9 require a "V3 Extended Master" profile M4. Parameter settings for input modules The following table shows the individual parameter settings for the analog input modules. Default value for new modules: 1 1 1 1 Parameter bit 1) P3 P2 P1 P0 Current input Voltage input Resistance 3) XX11 4 ... 20 mA, 4 wires 10 V, 4 wires Pt 100 standard, 4 wires XX10 4 ... 20 mA, 2 wires 1 ... 5 V, 4 wires 0 ... 600 , 4 wires XX01 20 mA, 4 wires Reserved XX00 Reserved 2) Reserved 2) X1XX Without smoothing X0XX With smoothing 1XXX Filter 50 Hz 1) 0XXX Filter 60 Hz 1) 2) Pt 100 climate, 4 wires Ni 100 standard, 4 wires 1) For modules with order number 3RK2207 and fast analog modules to spec. 3.0, parameter bit P3 is not used; the modules are set permanently to filter 50 Hz. 2) With this parameter combination, the default range is the same as that for X X 1 1. 3) 2 and 3-wire connection: see Connection (Page 226). 218 AS-Interface system System Manual, 11/2008, 3RK2703-3BB02-1AA1 Slaves 8.4 Input/output modules Current measurement range 20 mA (Parameter setting XX01) Measured value Units Range 20 mA in % Dec. Hex. > 23.52 mA >117.589 32767 7FFF Overflow 23.52 mA 117.589 32511 27649 7EFF 6C01 Overrange 20 mA 723.4 nA 0 mA -723.4 nA -20 mA 100 0.003617 0 -0.003617 -100 27648 1 0 -1 -27648 6C00 0001 0000 FFFF 9400 Nominal range -23.51 mA -117.593 -27649 -32512 93FF 8100 Underrange < -23.51 mA <-117.593 -32768 (+32767) 8000 (7FFF) Underflow (for certain AS-i masters) Current measurement range 4 to 20 mA (Parameter setting XX11 for 4-wire connection) (Parameter setting XX10 for 2-wire connection) Measured value 4 to 20 mA Units in % Dec. Range Hex. > 22.81 mA >117.589 32767 7FFF Overflow 22.81 mA 117.589 32511 27649 7EFF 6C01 Overrange 20 mA 4 mA + 578.7 nA 4 mA 100 0.003617 0 27648 1 0 6C00 0001 0000 Nominal range 1.185 mA -17.593 -1 -4864 FFFF ED00 Underrange < 1.185 mA <-17.593 32767 7FFF Wire breakage AS-Interface system System Manual, 11/2008, 3RK2703-3BB02-1AA1 219 Slaves 8.4 Input/output modules Voltage measurement range 10 V (Parameter setting XX11) Range Units Range 10 V in % Dec. Hex. >117.589 32767 7FFF Overflow 11,759 V 117.589 32511 27649 7EFF 6C01 10 V 361.7 V 0V -361.7 V -10 V 100 0.003617 0 -0.003617 -100 27648 1 0 -1 -27648 6C00 0001 0000 FFFF 9400 -11.759 V -117.593 -27649 -32512 93FF 8100 < -11.759 V <-117.593 -32768 (+32767) 8000 (7FFF) > 11.759 V Overrange Nominal range Underrange Underflow (for certain AS-i masters) Voltage measurement range 1 to 5 V (Parameter setting XX10) Range Units in % > 5.704 V >117.589 32767 7FFF Overflow 5,704 V 117.589 32511 27649 7EFF 6C01 Overrange 5V 1 V + 144.7 V 1V 100 0.003617 0 27648 1 0 6C00 0001 0000 Nominal range 0.296 V -17.593 -1 -4864 FFFF ED00 Underrange < 0.296 V <-17.593 32767 7FFF Wire breakage 220 Dec. Range 1 to 5 V Hex. AS-Interface system System Manual, 11/2008, 3RK2703-3BB02-1AA1 Slaves 8.4 Input/output modules Thermoresistor Pt 100 Standard range (linear) -200 to +850C (Parameter setting XX11) Range -200 to +850C Dec. Units Hex. Range > 1000C 32767 7FFF Overflow 1000C 1) 8501 2135 Overrange 850 C ... 0.1 C 0 C -0.1 C ... -200 C 8500 2134 1 0 -1 0001 0000 FFFF -2000 F830 -243C 1) -2001 F82F Underrange < -243C -32768 (+32767) 8000 (7FFF) Underflow (for certain AS-i masters) Nominal range 1) In the overrange/underrange, the gradient of the characteristic is maintained when the linear nominal range is exited. Climatic range (linear) -120 to +130C (Parameter setting XX01) Range Range Units -120 to +130C Dec. Hex. > 155C 32767 7FFF Overflow 155C 1) 13001 32C9 Overrange 130 C ... 0.01 C 0 C -0.01 C ... -120 C 13000 32C8 1 0 -1 0001 0000 FFFF -12000 D120 -145C 1) -12001 D11F Underrange < -145C -32768 (+32767) 8000 (7FFF) Underflow (for certain AS-i masters) Nominal range 1) In the overrange/underrange, the gradient of the characteristic is maintained when the linear nominal range is exited. AS-Interface system System Manual, 11/2008, 3RK2703-3BB02-1AA1 221 Slaves 8.4 Input/output modules Thermoresistor Ni 100 Standard range (linear) -60 to +250 C (Parameter setting XX00) Range -60 to +250 C Units Dec Hex. Range > 295C 32767 7FFF Overflow 295C 1) 2501 9C5 Overrange 250 C ... 0.1 C 0 C -0.1 C ... -60 C 2500 9C4 1 0 -1 0001 0000 FFFF -600 FDA8 -105C 1) -601 FDA7 Underrange < -105C -32768 (+32767) 8000 (7FFF) Underflow (for certain AS-i masters) Nominal range 1) In the overrange/underrange, the gradient of the characteristic is maintained when the linear nominal range is exited. Resistance measurement Range 0 ... 600 (Parameter setting XX10) Range Units Range 0 to 600 in % Dec. Hex. > 705.53 >117.589 32767 7FFF Overflow 705.53 117.589 32511 27649 7EFF 6C01 Overrange 600 ... 21.7 m 0 100 27648 6C00 0.003617 0 1 0 0001 0000 1) 1) -17.593 -1 -4864 FFFF ED00 Underrange 1) <-17.593 -32768 (+32767) 8000 (7FFF) Underflow (for certain AS-i masters) Nominal range 1) Reverse polarity of constant current IC+, IC- 222 AS-Interface system System Manual, 11/2008, 3RK2703-3BB02-1AA1 Slaves 8.4 Input/output modules Parameter settings for output modules The following table shows the individual parameter settings for the analog output modules. Parameter bit P3 P2 P1 P0 Current output Voltage output 1111 4 ... 20 mA 10 V 1110 20 mA 0 ... 10 V 1101 0 ... 20 mA Reserved 1) 1100 Reserved 1) 1 ... 5 V 1) With this parameter combination, the default range is the same as that for 1 1 1 1. Current output ranges Range 20 mA (parameter setting 1110) Output value Range Units 20 mA in % Dec Hex. 0 mA 118.5149 117.593 32767 32512 7FFF 7F00 Overflow 23.52 mA 117.589 32511 27649 7EFF 6C01 Overrange 20 mA 723.4 nA 0 mA -723.4 nA -20 mA 100 0.003617 0 -0.003617 -100 27648 1 0 -1 -27648 6C00 0001 0000 FFFF 9400 -23.52 mA -117.593 -27649 -32512 93FF 8100 Underrange 0 mA -117.596 -118.519 -32513 -32768 80FF 8000 Underflow Nominal range Range 0 to 20 mA (parameter setting 1101) Output value Range Units 0 to 20 mA in % Dec Hex. 0 mA 118.5149 117.593 32767 32512 7FFF 7F00 Overflow 23.52 mA 117.589 32511 27649 7EFF 6C01 Overrange 20 mA 723.4 nA 0 mA 100 0.003617 0 27648 1 0 6C00 0001 0000 Nominal range 0 mA -117.593 -1 -32512 FFFF 8100 Impermissible range, 0 mA -117.596 -118.519 -32513 -32768 80FF 8000 AS-Interface system System Manual, 11/2008, 3RK2703-3BB02-1AA1 underflow 223 Slaves 8.4 Input/output modules Range 4 to 20 mA (parameter setting 1111) Output value Range Units 4 to 20 mA in % Dec. Hex. 0 mA 118.5149 117.593 32767 32512 7FFF 7F00 Overflow 22.81 mA 117.589 32511 27649 7EFF 6C01 Overrange 20 mA 4 mA + 578.7 nA 4 mA 100 0.003617 0 27648 1 0 6C00 0001 0000 Nominal range 4 mA - 578.7 nA 0 mA -25 -1 -6912 FFFF E500 Underrange 0 mA -117.593 -6913 -32512 E4FF 8100 Impermissible range, 0 mA -117.596 -118.519 -32513 -32768 80FF 8000 underflow Note The lowest possible resolution for the D/A converter is 11.57 A. The current resulting from the units received, therefore, only changes in steps of 11,57 A. Voltage output ranges Range 10 V(parameter setting 1111) Output value Range Units 10 V in % Dec. Hex. 0V 118.5149 117.593 32767 32512 7FFF 7F00 Overflow 11.76 V 117.589 32511 27649 7EFF 6C01 Overrange 10 V 361.7 V 0V -361.7 V -10 V 100 0.003617 0 -0.003617 -100 27648 1 0 -1 -27648 6C00 0001 0000 FFFF 9400 -11.76 V -117.593 -27649 -32512 93FF 8100 Underrange 0V -117.596 -118.519 -32513 -32768 80FF 8000 Underflow 224 Nominal range AS-Interface system System Manual, 11/2008, 3RK2703-3BB02-1AA1 Slaves 8.4 Input/output modules Range 0 to 10 V (parameter setting 1110) Output value Range Units 0 to 10 V in % Dec. Hex. 0V 118.5149 117.593 32767 32512 7FFF 7F00 Overflow 11,76 V 117.589 32511 27649 7EFF 6C01 Overrange 10 V 361.7 V 0V 100 0.003617 0 27648 1 0 6C00 0001 0000 Nominal range 0V -117.593 -1 -32512 FFFF 8100 Impermissible range, underflow 0V -117.596 -118.519 -32513 -32768 80FF 8000 Range 1 to 5 V (parameter setting 1100) Output value Range Units 1 to 5 V in % Dec. Hex. 0V 118.5149 117.593 32767 32512 7FFF 7F00 Overflow 5,7 V 117.589 32511 27649 7EFF 6C01 Overrange 5V 1 V +144.7 V 1V 100 0.003617 0 27648 1 0 6C00 0001 0000 Nominal range 1 V -144.7 V 0V -25 -1 -6912 FFFF E500 Underrange 0V -117.593 -6913 -32512 E4FF 8100 Impermissible range, underflow 0V -117.596 -118.519 -32513 -32768 80FF 8000 Note The lowest possible resolution for the D/A converter is 5.787 mV. The voltage resulting from the units received, therefore, only changes within 5.787 mV. AS-Interface system System Manual, 11/2008, 3RK2703-3BB02-1AA1 225 Slaves 8.4 Input/output modules Connection Block diagrams Structure of input module for current measurement ZLUHVHQVRU )RUSDUDPHWHUVHWWLQJ IRUZLUHFRQQHFWLRQ ZLUHVHQVRU 6XSSO\IURP DQDORJPRGXOH / ([WHUQDOVXSSO\ ,1 )( ,1 *1' / ,1 )( ,1 ',))23 ,1 '& $6 ,QWHUIDFH 7U %U '& 5 8+HOSb 9P$ $VVRRQDV8 +HOSLVSUHVHQWWKHYROWDJH IRUWKH'&'&FRQYHUWHULVGLVFRQQHFWHG 9P$ %U :LULQJDSSOLHV ZKHQWU SHU 3DUDPHWHU LVVZLWFKHGWKURXJK )RUSDUDPHWHUVHWWLQJ IRUZLUHFRQQHFWLRQ *1' ,1 0 ,1 $6L 5 ',))23 ,1 0 $' &RQYHUWHU 3LQ )( RIWKH0VRFNHWLVFRQQHFWHGWRWKHSODWHRQWKHPRXQWLQJSODWH 7KHLQWHUQDOWUDQVLVWRU WU LVVZLWFKHGWKURXJKIRUSDUDPHWHUVHWWLQJ;; IRUZLUHFRQQHFWLRQ IRULQSXW,1DQGRQO\ 7UIRULQSXW,1DQGRQO\MXPSHUPXVWEHVHWIRULQSXW,1DQG Figure 8-12 226 Block diagram: current measurement AS-Interface system System Manual, 11/2008, 3RK2703-3BB02-1AA1 Slaves 8.4 Input/output modules Structure of input module for voltage measurement ZLUHVHQVRU 6XSSO\IURP DQDORJPRGXOH 8 ([WHUQDOVXSSO\ 8 9P$ / ,1 )( ,1 *1' / ,1 )( ,1 3LQ )( RQWKH0VRFNHWLV FRQQHFWHGWR 0HWDOSODWHRIWKHPRXQWLQJSODWH Figure 8-13 '& '& N ',))23 N $6 ,QWHUIDFH ,1 ,1 0 $6L ,1 N ',))23 N ,1 %U 8+HOSb 9P$ $VVRRQDV8+HOS LVSUHVHQW WKHYROWDJHIRUWKH'&'&FRQYHUWHULVGLVFRQQHFWHG 0 *1' $' &RQYHUWHU -XPSHULVUHTXLUHGWRSUHYHQWWKHGLIIHUHQFHLQSXWDPSOLILHUIURPEHLQJRYHUGULYHQ 7KLVFDQEHDFKLHYHGE\PHDQVRID+]ULSSOHYROWDJH FDXVHGE\WKHH[WHUQDOVHQVRUVXSSO\ 7KHULSSOHYROWDJHZRXOGRWKHUZLVHWULJJHUDPHDVXUHPHQWHUURU Block diagram: voltage measurement Structure of input module for resistance measurement ZLUHVHQVRU 3W1L 7RPLQLPL]HPHDVXUHPHQWHUURUVIRUDQG ZLUHVHQVRUV VKRUW 8VHFRQQHFWLRQFDEOH ZLUHVHQVRU %U ZLUHVHQVRU ,FRQVW ,1 )( ,1 ,FRQVW %U ,FRQVW ,1 )( ,1 %U P$ '& 9 0 ',))23 ,1 '& $6 ,QWHUIDFH ,1 P$ ,1 9 $6L 0 ',))23 ,1 ,FRQVW -XPSHUFDQDOVR EHSODFHGEHWZHHQ,1DQG,FRQVW OLHJHQ $' &RQYHUWHU 3LQ )( RIWKH0VRFNHWLVFRQQHFWHGWRWKHSODWHRQWKHPRXQWLQJSODWH Figure 8-14 Block diagram: resistance measurement AS-Interface system System Manual, 11/2008, 3RK2703-3BB02-1AA1 227 Slaves 8.4 Input/output modules Structure of input module for current output '& '& 287 '$ &RQYHUWHU $6L 1& 287 *1' 1& 287 )( *1' $6,QWHUIDFH 1& )( 1& 287 5/ 3LQ 3( RQWKH0VRFNHW LVFRQQHFWHGWR 0HWDOSODWHRIWKHPRXQWLQJSODWH 5/ $VVLJQPHQW 287 1& *1' 1& )( 3LQ )( RQWKH0VRFNHWLVFRQQHFWHGWR 0HWDOSODWHRIWKHPRXQWLQJSODWH Figure 8-15 Block diagram: current output Structure of input module for voltage output '& '& 287 8 '$ &RQYHUWHU $6L 1& )( *1' 1& 287 8 1& 287 )( *1' $6,QWHUIDFH 1& Figure 8-16 228 287 5/ N 3LQ 3( RQWKH0VRFNHW LVFRQQHFWHGWR 0HWDOSODWHRIWKHPRXQWLQJSODWH 5/ N $VVLJQPHQW 287 1& *1' 1& )( 3LQ )( RQWKH0VRFNHWLVFRQQHFWHGWR 0HWDOSODWHRIWKHPRXQWLQJSODWH Block diagram: voltage output AS-Interface system System Manual, 11/2008, 3RK2703-3BB02-1AA1 Slaves 8.4 Input/output modules Pin assignment for inputs/outputs Input modules 3ROH6XSSO\/ 9'& 3LQ,1 3ROH6XSSO\0 JURXQG 3LQ, 1 3ROH&DEOHVKLHOGLQJ )( IXQFWLRQDOJURXQG 16$BE Figure 8-17 Current input: 4-wire sensor 16$BF Figure 8-18 -XPSHUIURP , Q WR0 FDQDOVREHVHWLQWHUQDOO\ E\PHDQVRISDUDPHWHUV $OOSLQDVVLJQPHQWVZLWKRXWDQH[WHUQDO VHQVRUVXSSO\ 3ROH6XSSO\/ 9'& 3LQ,1 3ROH6XSSO\0 JURXQG 3LQ,1 3ROH&DEOHVKLHOGLQJ )( IXQFWLRQDOJURXQG 16$BE Figure 8-19 3ROH6XSSO\/ 9'& 3LQ,1 3ROH6XSSO\0 JURXQG 3LQ,1 3ROH&DEOHVKLHOGLQJ )( IXQFWLRQDOJURXQG Current input: 2-wire sensor $OOSLQDVVLJQPHQWVZLWKRXWDQH[WHUQDO VHQVRUVXSSO\ $OOSLQDVVLJQPHQWVZLWKRXWDQH[WHUQDO VHQVRUVXSSO\ Voltage input: 4-wire sensor AS-Interface system System Manual, 11/2008, 3RK2703-3BB02-1AA1 229 Slaves 8.4 Input/output modules 3W $OOSLQDVVLJQPHQWVZLWKRXWDQH[WHUQDO VHQVRUVXSSO\ 16$BE Figure 8-20 Thermoresistor: 4-wire sensor 3W Thermoresistor: 3-wire sensor 3W 16$BF Figure 8-22 230 3LQ, FRQVW 3LQ,1 3LQ , FRQVW 3LQ,1 3ROH&DEOHVKLHOGLQJ $OOSLQDVVLJQPHQWVZLWKRXWDQH[WHUQDO VHQVRUVXSSO\ 16$BF Figure 8-21 3LQ, FRQVW 3LQ,1 3LQ , FRQVW 3LQ,1 3ROH&DEOHVKLHOGLQJ 3LQ, FRQVW 3LQ,1 3LQ, FRQVW 3LQ,1 3ROH&DEOHVKLHOGLQJ $OOSLQDVVLJQPHQWVZLWKRXWDQH[WHUQDO VHQVRUVXSSO\ Thermoresistor: 2-wire sensor AS-Interface system System Manual, 11/2008, 3RK2703-3BB02-1AA1 Slaves 8.4 Input/output modules Output modules 3ROH&DEOHVKLHOGLQJ $OOSLQDVVLJQPHQWVZLWKRXWDQH[WHUQDO VHQVRUVXSSO\ Figure 8-23 16$BD Analog current output 3ROH&DEOHVKLHOGLQJ $OOSLQDVVLJQPHQWVZLWKRXWDQH[WHUQDO VHQVRUVXSSO\ Figure 8-24 16$BD Analog voltage output Wiring the two-channel input modules with one input The modules with order numbers 3RK1207-.BQ40-0AA3 with two inputs can also be operated with one input. This increases the speed at which the input signal is transferred. To do so, pin 1 and pin 2 must be connected to each other at socket 3. A jumper (3RK1901-1AA00) can also be used for this purpose. Socket 2 (IN2), which is not used, must be sealed with a screw cap. ,1 ,1 5.$$ 5.%4$$ Figure 8-25 Operation with one input AS-Interface system System Manual, 11/2008, 3RK2703-3BB02-1AA1 231 Slaves 8.4 Input/output modules Diagnostics LEDs for AS-i and FAULT The module has two LEDs for AS-i and FAULT for diagnostic purposes; see LED status displays for modules with two LEDs for AS-i and FAULT (Page 173) . LED display AUX POWER The module also has an LED for AUX POWER; for a description, see LED status display AUX POWER for modules with auxiliary voltage (Page 175). Status display for the switching state The switching state of the AS-i inputs and outputs is indicated by a yellow LED; see LED status display for the switching state (yellow) (Page 175). Technical specifications Order no. Current measurement 3RK1207-1BQ44-0AA3 3RK1207-1BQ40-0AA3 3RK2207-1BQ50-0AA3 Voltage measurement 3RK1207-2BQ44-0AA3 3RK1207-2BQ40-0AA3 3RK2207-2BQ50-0AA3 Temperature / resistance measurement 3RK1207-3BQ44-0AA3 3RK1207-3BQ40-0AA3 -- Slave type Standard slave Standard slave A/B slave (Spec. 3.0) Suitable for AS-i master to Spec. ... (or higher) AS-i Spec. 2.1 AS-i Spec. 2.1 AS-i Spec. 3.0 No. of inputs 4 2 2 AS-i slave profile IO.ID.ID2 7.3.E 7.3.D 7.A.9 ID1 code (factory setting) F F 7 Number format SIMATIC S7 SIMATIC S7 SIMATIC S7 Operating voltage in acc. with AS-Interface Specification 26.5 to 31.6 V Optional supply for sensors via UAUX (for current/voltage measurement only) 24 to 30 V Total power consumption of module from AS-i, including connection of sensors 150 mA Current-carrying capacity for all inputs (without UAUX supply) Max. 46 mA Current-carrying capacity for all inputs (with UAUX supply) (for current/voltage measurement only) Max. 500 mA Approvals UL/CSA/shipbuilding 232 AS-Interface system System Manual, 11/2008, 3RK2703-3BB02-1AA1 Slaves 8.4 Input/output modules Order no. Current measurement 3RK1207-1BQ44-0AA3 3RK1207-1BQ40-0AA3 3RK2207-1BQ50-0AA3 Voltage measurement 3RK1207-2BQ44-0AA3 3RK1207-2BQ40-0AA3 3RK2207-2BQ50-0AA3 Temperature / resistance measurement 3RK1207-3BQ44-0AA3 3RK1207-3BQ40-0AA3 -- Degree of protection IP67 Ambient temperature -20 to +60 C Storage temperature -40 to +85 C Connection Via the mounting plate for compact module K60 Measurement ranges (variable) for current measurement: 4 to 20 mA, +/- 20 mA Measurement ranges (variable) for voltage measurement: +/- 10 V, 1 to 5 V Measurement ranges (variable) for temperature/resistance measurement: Pt100 standard range (-200.0 to +850.0C), Pt100 climatic range (-120.00 to +130.00C), Ni100 standard range (-60.0 to +250.0C), Resistance measurement (0 to 600 ) Order no. Current output 3RK1107-1BQ40-0AA3 Voltage output 3RK1107-2BQ40-0AA3 Slave type Standard slave Suitable for AS-i master to Spec. ... (or higher) AS-i Spec. 2.1 No. of outputs 2 AS-i slave profile IO.ID.ID2 7.3.5 ID1 code (factory setting) F Number format SIMATIC S7 Operating voltage in acc. with AS-Interface Specification 26.5 to 31.6 V Total power consumption of module from AS-i 150 mA Approvals UL/CSA/shipbuilding Degree of protection IP67 Ambient temperature -20 to +60 C Storage temperature -40 to +85 C Connection Via the mounting plate for compact module K60 Output ranges (variable) for current output: +/- 20 mA, 0 to 20 mA, 4 to 20 mA Output ranges (variable) for voltage output: +/- 10 V, 0 to 10 V, 1 to 5 V AS-Interface system System Manual, 11/2008, 3RK2703-3BB02-1AA1 233 Slaves 8.4 Input/output modules Dimension drawings 234 6LGHYLHZ :LWKPRXQWLQJSODWH 5.&$ AS-Interface system System Manual, 11/2008, 3RK2703-3BB02-1AA1 Slaves 8.4 Input/output modules 8.4.7 SlimLine digital input/output module - cabinet IP20 SlimLine modules of the S22.5 and S45 series The AS-Interface module series for the SlimLine cabinet with degree of protection IP20 saves space in cabinets or in distributed on-site boxes. The main feature of these modules is that they are extremely slim (width of between 22.5 and 45 mm). Screw or spring-loaded terminals can be used to connect standard sensors/actuators and the AS-Interface cable. All modules are equipped with LEDs on the front, which indicate the status of the module. An addressing socket on the front also allows the module to be addressed once it has been installed. In addition to the digital input/output modules, S22.5 modules are available with special functions. These include: Counter module Ground fault detection module The new AS-Interface Specification 3.0 extends the AS-Interface bus system to include a range of new features. Extended address mode (A/B addresses) allows 62 nodes to be connected to an AS-Interface network. With extended address mode to Specification 3.0, A/B slaves can now, for the first time, support four outputs (instead of just three outputs as defined in Specification 2.1). In the maximum configuration of an AS-Interface network, therefore, this means that 248 inputs and 248 outputs are available in an AS-Interface network. Modules with four inputs and four outputs as A/B slaves in accordance with Specification 3.0 are also available for the cabinet as SlimLine module S45. Note Note that the modules to spec. 3.0 can only be operated with a new master to AS-Interface specification 3.0 (e.g. a new DP/AS-i LINK Advanced or IE/AS-i LINK PN IO) and that the cycle times for the outputs in this case must not exceed 20 ms. AS-Interface system System Manual, 11/2008, 3RK2703-3BB02-1AA1 235 Slaves 8.4 Input/output modules Order numbers SlimLine Module S22.5 Inputs/outputs Type Connection type 4 outputs Standard slave 4 outputs 4 inputs Sensors Output MLFB Screw terminals -- Transistor PNP (1 A) 3RK1100-1CE00-0AA2 Standard slave Spring-loaded terminal Transistor PNP (1 A) 3RK1100-1CG00-0AA2 Standard slave Screw terminals 2 conductors -- 3RK1200-0CE00-0AA2 -- 4 inputs Standard slave Screw terminals 2 and 3 conductors -- 3RK1200-0CE02-0AA2 4 inputs Standard slave Spring-loaded terminal 2 conductors -- 3RK1200-0CG00-0AA2 4 inputs Standard slave Spring-loaded terminal 2 and 3 conductors -- 3RK1200-0CG02-0AA2 2 inputs / 2 outputs Standard slave Screw terminals 2 conductors Transistor PNP 3RK1400-0BE00-0AA2 2 inputs / 2 outputs Standard slave Spring-loaded terminal Transistor PNP 3RK1400-0BG00-0AA2 2 inputs / 2 outputs Standard slave Screw terminals 2 conductors Relay 3RK1402-0BE00-0AA2 2 inputs / 2 outputs Standard slave Spring-loaded terminal Relay 3RK1402-0BG00-0AA2 4 inputs A/B slave Screw terminals 2 and 3 conductors -- 3RK2200-0CE02-0AA2 4 inputs A/B slave Spring-loaded terminal 2 and 3 conductors -- 3RK2200-0CG02-0AA2 2 conductors 2 conductors SlimLine modules S45 Inputs/outputs Type Connection type Sensors Output MLFB 4 inputs / 4 outputs Standard slave Screw terminals 2 and 3 conductors Transistor PNP (1 A) 3RK1400-1CE00-0AA2 4 inputs / 4 outputs Standard slave Screw terminals 2 and 3 conductors Transistor PNP (2 A) 3RK1400-1CE01-0AA2 4 inputs / 4 outputs Standard slave Spring-loaded terminal 2 and 3 conductors Transistor PNP (1 A) 3RK1400-1CG00-0AA2 4 inputs / 4 outputs Standard slave Spring-loaded terminal 2 and 3 conductors Transistor PNP (2 A) 3RK1400-1CG01-0AA2 4 inputs / 4 outputs Standard slave Screw terminals 2 and 3 conductors Relay 3RK1402-3CE00-0AA2 4 inputs / 4 outputs Standard slave Screw terminals 2 and 3 conductors floating Transistor PNP (1 A) floating 3RK1402-3CE01-0AA2 236 AS-Interface system System Manual, 11/2008, 3RK2703-3BB02-1AA1 Slaves 8.4 Input/output modules 4 inputs / 4 outputs Standard slave Spring-loaded terminal 2 and 3 conductors Relay 3RK1402-3CG00-0AA2 4 inputs / 4 outputs Standard slave Spring-loaded terminal 2 and 3 conductors floating Transistor PNP (1 A) floating 3RK1402-3CG01-0AA2 4 inputs / 4 outputs A/B slave Screw terminals 2 and 3 conductors Transistor PNP (2 A) 3RK2400-1CE01-0AA2 4 inputs / 4 outputs A/B slave Spring-loaded terminal 2 and 3 conductors Transistor PNP (2 A) 3RK2400-1CG01-0AA2 4 inputs / 3 outputs A/B slave Screw terminals 2 and 3 conductors Transistor PNP (2 A) 3RK2400-1FE00-0AA2 4 inputs / 3 outputs A/B slave Spring-loaded terminal 2 and 3 conductors Transistor PNP (2 A) 3RK2400-1FG00-0AA2 Accessories MLFB Description 3RP1902 Sealable cover For devices with 1 or 2 changeover contacts 3RP1902 Adapter for screw fixing For devices with 1 or 2 changeover contacts 8WA2807 Screwdriver Blade 2.5 x 0.5 mm, green Comments Connection SlimLine module S22.5 $6,QWHUIDFH B $6,QWHUIDFH $6,Q 6HQVRU/ $6,Q,1 ,1 287 $6,QWHUIDFH B $6,QWHUIDFH Figure 8-26 6 ,1 ,1 287 ,1 287 287 $8;32:(59'& 6HQVRU/ B 287 6 $''5 ,1 6HQVRU/ $6,Q ,1 ,1 ,1 ,1 ,1 ,1 $6,QWHUIDFH $6,QWHUIDFH $''5 $6,Q / 287287 B 0 S22.5 connection AS-Interface system System Manual, 11/2008, 3RK2703-3BB02-1AA1 237 Slaves 8.4 Input/output modules SlimLine modules S45 6HQVRU/ 313 6HQVRU/ 313 &RQVXPHU Figure 8-27 S45 connection Diagnostics LED for AS-i/FAULT The module has one dual LED for AS-i/FAULT for diagnostic purposes; see LED status displays for modules with a dual LED for AS-i/FAULT (Page 174) LED display AUX POWER The module also has an LED for AUX POWER; for a description, see LED status display AUX POWER for modules with auxiliary voltage (Page 175). Status display for the switching state The switching state of the AS-i inputs and outputs is indicated by a yellow LED; see LED status display for the switching state (yellow) (Page 175). 238 AS-Interface system System Manual, 11/2008, 3RK2703-3BB02-1AA1 Slaves 8.4 Input/output modules Technical specifications General technical specifications Operating voltage in acc. with AS-Interface Specification 26.5 to 31.6 V Input circuit PNP AS-Interface certificate Available (or planned for new devices) Approvals UL, CSA, shipbuilding (or planned for new devices) Degree of protection IP20 Ambient temperature -25 to +70 C Storage temperature -40 to +85 C Note An external additional power supply (AUX POWER) of between 20 and 30 V DC is required for supplying the output circuits. The additional power supply must comply with VDE 0106 (PELV), protection class III. SlimLine module S22.5 Order no. 3RK1200-0CE00-0AA2 3RK1200-0CE02-0AA2 3RK2200-0CE02-0AA2 Slave type Standard slave Standard slave A/B slave Suitable for AS-i master to Spec. ... (or higher) AS-i Spec. 2.0 AS-i Spec. 2.0 AS-i Spec. 2.0 No. of inputs/outputs 4 inputs 4 inputs 4 inputs Connection type Screw connection Screw connection Screw connection Connection for sensors 2 conductors 2 and 3 conductors 2 and 3 conductors AS-i slave profile IO.ID.ID2 0.0.F 0.0.F 0.A.0 ID1 code (factory setting) F F 7 Total power consumption 50 mA 270 mA 270 mA Sensor supply via AS-Interface Short circuit and overload proof Short circuit and overload proof Short circuit and overload proof Voltage range 20 to 30 V 20 to 30 V 20 to 30 V Current-carrying capacity for sensor supply -- 200 mA 200 mA Switching level - high 10 V 10 V 10 V Input current low/high 1.5 / 5 mA 1.5 / 5 mA 1.5 / 5 mA Data bit D0 IN1 IN1 IN1 Data bit D1 IN2 IN2 IN2 Data bit D2 IN3 IN3 IN3 Data bit D3 IN4 IN4 IN4 Inputs Assignment of the data bits AS-Interface system System Manual, 11/2008, 3RK2703-3BB02-1AA1 239 Slaves 8.4 Input/output modules SlimLine module S22.5 Order no. 3RK1200-0CG00-0AA2 3RK1200-0CG02-0AA2 3RK2200-0CG02-0AA2 Slave type Standard slave Standard slave A/B slave No. of inputs/outputs 4 inputs 4 inputs 4 inputs Connection type Spring-loaded terminals Spring-loaded terminals Spring-loaded terminals Connection for sensors 2 conductors 2 and 3 conductors 2 and 3 conductors AS-i slave profile IO.ID.ID2 0.0.F 0.0.F 0.A.0 ID1 code (factory setting) F F 7 Total power consumption 50 mA 270 mA 270 mA Sensor supply via AS-Interface Short circuit and overload proof Short circuit and overload proof Short circuit and overload proof Voltage range 20 to 30 V 20 to 30 V 20 to 30 V Current-carrying capacity for sensor supply -- 200 mA 200 mA Switching level - high 10 V 10 V 10 V Input current low/high 1.5 / 5 mA 1.5 / 5 mA 1.5 / 5 mA Data bit D0 IN1 IN1 IN1 Data bit D1 IN2 IN2 IN2 Data bit D2 IN3 IN3 IN3 Data bit D3 IN4 IN4 IN4 Order no. 3RK1400-0BE00-0AA2 3RK1402-0BE00-0AA2 3RK1400-0BG00-0AA2 Slave type Standard slave Standard slave Standard slave Suitable for AS-i master to Spec. ... (or higher) AS-i Spec. 2.0 AS-i Spec. 2.0 AS-i Spec. 2.0 No. of inputs/outputs 2 inputs / 2 outputs 2 inputs / 2 outputs 2 inputs / 2 outputs Connection type Screw connection Screw connection Spring-loaded connection AS-i slave profile IO.ID.ID2 3.0.F 3.0.F 3.0.F ID1 code (factory setting) F F F Connection for sensors 2 conductors 2 conductors 2 conductors Output type Transistor PNP (2 A) Relay Transistor PNP (2 A) Total power consumption 50 mA 50 mA 50 mA Sensor supply via AS-Interface Short circuit and overload proof Short circuit and overload proof Short circuit and overload proof Voltage range 20 to 30 V 20 to 30 V 20 to 30 V Current-carrying capacity for sensor supply -- -- -- Switching level - high 10 V 10 V 10 V Input current low/high 1.5 / 5 mA 1.5 / 5 mA 1.5 / 5 mA Inputs Assignment of the data bits SlimLine module S22.5 Inputs 240 AS-Interface system System Manual, 11/2008, 3RK2703-3BB02-1AA1 Slaves 8.4 Input/output modules Order no. 3RK1400-0BE00-0AA2 3RK1402-0BE00-0AA2 3RK1400-0BG00-0AA2 Typ. current-carrying capacity per output: 12/13 DC 2A -- 2A Max. total current for each module 4A -- 4A Short-circuit protection Integrated External back-up fuse Integrated Inductive interference protection Integrated N/A Integrated Reverse polarity protection Not integrated N/A Not integrated External 24 V DC power supply Via terminals: Terminal 7 = "+" Terminal 10 = "-" N/A Via terminals: Terminal 7 = "+" Terminal 10 = "-" Ith -- 6A -- AC-15 -- 3A -- 13, 24 V DC -- 1A -- 13, 110 V DC -- 0.2 A -- 13, 230 V DC -- 0.1 A -- Watchdog Integrated Integrated Integrated Data bit D0 IN1 IN1 IN1 Data bit D1 IN2 IN2 IN2 Data bit D2 OUT1 OUT1 OUT1 Data bit D3 OUT2 OUT2 OUT2 Connection Screw connection Screw connection Spring-loaded terminals Order no. 3RK1402-0BG00-0AA2 3RK1100-1CE00-0AA2 3RK1100-1CG00-0AA2 Slave type Standard slave Standard slave Standard slave Suitable for AS-i master to Spec. ... (or higher) AS-i Spec. 2.0 AS-i Spec. 2.0 AS-i Spec. 2.0 No. of inputs/outputs 2 inputs / 2 outputs 4 outputs 4 outputs Connection type Spring-loaded terminals Screw connection Spring-loaded terminals Connection for sensors 2 conductors -- -- Output type Relais changeover contact, floating Transistor PNP (1 A) Transistor PNP (1 A) AS-i slave profile IO.ID.ID2 3.0.F 8.0.F 8.0.F ID1 code (factory setting) F F F Total power consumption 50 mA 40 mA 40 mA Outputs Assignment of the data bits SlimLine module S22.5 AS-Interface system System Manual, 11/2008, 3RK2703-3BB02-1AA1 241 Slaves 8.4 Input/output modules Order no. Inputs 3RK1402-0BG00-0AA2 3RK1100-1CE00-0AA2 3RK1100-1CG00-0AA2 Sensor supply via AS-Interface Short circuit and overload proof -- -- Voltage range 20 to 30 V -- -- Current-carrying capacity for sensor supply -- -- -- Switching level - high 10 V -- -- Input current low/high 1.5 / 5 mA -- -- Typ. current-carrying capacity per output: 12/13 DC -- 1A 1A Max. total current for each module -- 2A 2A Short-circuit protection External back-up fuse required Integrated Integrated Inductive interference protection N/A Integrated Integrated Reverse polarity protection N/A Integrated Integrated External 24 V DC power supply N/A Screw connection: Terminal 7 = "+" Terminal 10 = M Screw connection: Terminal 7 = "+" Terminal 10 = M Ith 6A -- -- Outputs AC-15 3A -- -- 13, 24 V DC 1A -- -- 13, 110 V DC 0.2 A -- -- 13, 230 V DC 0.1 A -- -- Watchdog Integrated Integrated Integrated Data bit D0 IN1 OUT1 OUT1 Data bit D1 IN2 OUT2 OUT2 Data bit D2 OUT1 OUT3 OUT3 Data bit D3 OUT2 OUT4 OUT4 Assignment of the data bits 242 AS-Interface system System Manual, 11/2008, 3RK2703-3BB02-1AA1 Slaves 8.4 Input/output modules SlimLine modules S45 Order no. 3RK1400-1CE00-0AA2 3RK1400-1CE01-0AA2 3RK1402-3CE01-0AA2 Slave type Standard slave Standard slave Standard slave Suitable for AS-i master to Spec. ... (or higher) AS-i Spec. 2.0 AS-i Spec. 2.0 AS-i Spec. 2.0 No. of inputs/outputs 4 inputs / 4 outputs 4 inputs / 4 outputs 4 inputs / 4 outputs Connection type Screw connection Screw connection Screw connection Connection for sensors 2 and 3 conductors 2 and 3 conductors 2 and 3 conductors (floating) Output type Transistor PNP (1 A) Transistor PNP (2 A) Transistor PNP (1 A) floating AS-i slave profile IO.ID.ID2 7.0.F 7.0.F 7.0.F ID1 code (factory setting) F F F Total power consumption 270 mA 270 mA 40 mA Sensor supply via AS-Interface Short circuit and overload proof Short circuit and overload proof Short circuit and overload proof Voltage range 20 to 30 V 20 to 30 V 20 to 30 V Current-carrying capacity for sensor supply 200 mA 200 mA 200 mA Switching level - high 10 V 10 V 10 V Input current low/high 1.5 / 5 mA 1.5 / 5 mA 1.5 / 5 mA Typ. current-carrying capacity per output: 12/13 DC 1A 2A 1A Max. total current for each module 4A 4A 4A Short-circuit protection Integrated Integrated Integrated Inductive interference protection Integrated Integrated Integrated Reverse polarity protection Integrated Integrated Integrated External 24 V DC power supply Terminal 13 = L24+ Terminal 19 = M24 Terminal 13 = L24+ Terminal 19 = M24 Sensor supply: Terminal 13 = U_s+ Terminal 19 = U_s- Actuator supply: Terminal 14 = L+ Terminals 20 to 24 = M Watchdog Integrated Integrated Integrated Data bit D0 IN1/OUT1 IN1/OUT1 IN1/OUT1 Data bit D1 IN2/OUT2 IN2/OUT2 IN2/OUT2 Data bit D2 IN3/OUT3 IN3/OUT3 IN3/OUT3 Data bit D3 IN4/OUT4 IN4/OUT4 IN4/OUT4 Inputs Outputs Assignment of the data bits The module "3RK1 402-3CE01-0AA2" is equipped with four floating inputs and four floating switching outputs. An external additional supply of 20 to 30 V to VDE 0106 (PELV) protection class III is required for the input and output circuits. AS-Interface system System Manual, 11/2008, 3RK2703-3BB02-1AA1 243 Slaves 8.4 Input/output modules SlimLine modules S45 Order no. 3RK1402-3CE00-0AA2 3RK1400-1CG00-0AA2 3RK1400-1CG01-0AA2 Slave type Standard slave Standard slave Standard slave Suitable for AS-i master to Spec. ... (or higher) AS-i Spec. 2.0 AS-i Spec. 2.0 AS-i Spec. 2.0 No. of inputs/outputs 4 inputs / 4 outputs 4 inputs / 4 outputs 4 inputs / 4 outputs Connection type Screw connection Spring-loaded terminals Spring-loaded terminals Connection for sensors 2 and 3 conductors 2 and 3 conductors 2 and 3 conductors Output type Relay Transistor PNP (1 A) Transistor PNP (2 A) AS-i slave profile IO.ID.ID2 7.0.F 7.0.F 7.0.F ID1 code (factory setting) F F F Total power consumption 270 mA 270 mA 270 mA Sensor supply via AS-Interface Short circuit and overload proof Short circuit and overload proof Short circuit and overload proof Voltage range 20 to 30 V 20 to 30 V 20 to 30 V Current-carrying capacity for sensor supply 200 mA 200 mA 200 mA Switching level - high 10 V 10 V 10 V Input current low/high 1.5 / 5 mA 1.5 / 5 mA 1.5 / 5 mA Typ. current-carrying capacity per output: 12/13 DC -- 1A 2A Max. total current for each module -- 4A 4A Short-circuit protection External back-up fuse 6 A gL/gG Integrated Integrated Inductive interference protection N/A Integrated Integrated Reverse polarity protection -- Integrated Integrated External 24 V DC power supply N/A Terminal 13 = L24+ Terminal 19 = M24 Terminal 13 = L24+ Terminal 19 = M24 Ith 5A -- -- Inputs Outputs AC-15 3A -- -- 13, 24 V DC 1A -- -- 13, 110 V DC 0.2 A -- -- 13, 230 V DC 0.1 A -- -- Watchdog Integrated Integrated Integrated Data bit D0 IN1/OUT1 IN1/OUT1 IN1/OUT1 Data bit D1 IN2/OUT2 IN2/OUT2 IN2/OUT2 Data bit D2 IN3/OUT3 IN3/OUT3 IN3/OUT3 Data bit D3 IN4/OUT4 IN4/OUT4 IN4/OUT4 Assignment of the data bits 244 AS-Interface system System Manual, 11/2008, 3RK2703-3BB02-1AA1 Slaves 8.4 Input/output modules SlimLine modules S45 Order no. 3RK1402-3CG01-0AA2 3RK1402-3CG00-0AA2 Slave type Standard slave Standard slave Suitable for AS-i master to Spec. ... (or higher) AS-i Spec. 2.0 AS-i Spec. 2.0 No. of inputs/outputs 4 inputs / 4 outputs 4 inputs / 4 outputs Connection type Spring-loaded terminals Spring-loaded terminals Connection for sensors 2 and 3 conductors 2 and 3 conductors Output type Transistor PNP (1 A) Relay AS-i slave profile IO.ID.ID2 7.0.F 7.0.F ID1 code (factory setting) F F Total power consumption 40 mA 270 mA Sensor supply via AS-Interface Short circuit and overload proof Short circuit and overload proof Voltage range 20 to 30 V 20 to 30 V Current-carrying capacity for sensor supply 200 mA 200 mA Switching level - high 10 V 10 V Input current low/high 1.5 / 5 mA 1.5 / 5 mA Typ. current-carrying capacity per output: 12/13 DC 1A -- Max. total current for each module 4A -- Short-circuit protection Integrated External back-up fuse 6 A gL/gG Inductive interference protection Integrated N/A Reverse polarity protection Integrated Integrated External 24 V DC power supply Sensor supply: Terminal 13 = U_s+ Terminal 19 = U_s- Actuator supply: Terminal 14 = L+ Terminals 20 to 24 = M N/A Ith -- 5 AC-15 -- 3 13, 24 V DC -- 1 13, 110 V DC -- 0.2 13, 230 V DC -- 0.1 Watchdog Integrated Integrated Inputs Outputs AS-Interface system System Manual, 11/2008, 3RK2703-3BB02-1AA1 245 Slaves 8.4 Input/output modules Order no. Assignment of the data bits 3RK1402-3CG01-0AA2 3RK1402-3CG00-0AA2 Data bit D0 IN1/OUT1 IN1/OUT1 Data bit D1 IN2/OUT2 IN2/OUT2 Data bit D2 IN3/OUT3 IN3/OUT3 Data bit D3 IN4/OUT4 IN4/OUT4 The module "3RK1 402-3CG01-0AA2" is equipped with four floating inputs and four floating switching outputs. An external additional supply of 20 to 30 V to VDE 0106 (PELV) protection class III is required for the input and output circuits. SlimLine modules S45 Order no. 3RK2400-1FE00-0AA2 3RK2400-1FG00-0AA2 Slave type A/B slave A/B slave Suitable for AS-i master to Spec. ... (or higher) AS-i Spec. 2.1 AS-i Spec. 2.1 No. of inputs/outputs 4 inputs / 3 outputs 4 inputs / 3 outputs Connection type Screw connection Spring-loaded terminals Connection for sensors 2 and 3 conductors 2 and 3 conductors Output type Transistor PNP (2 A) Transistor PNP (2 A) AS-i slave profile IO.ID.ID2 7.A.0 7.A.0 ID1 code (factory setting) 7 7 Total power consumption 270 mA 270 mA Sensor supply via AS-Interface Short circuit and overload proof Short circuit and overload proof Voltage range 20 to 30 V 20 to 30 V Current-carrying capacity for sensor supply 200 mA 200 mA Switching level - high 10 V 10 V Input current low/high 1.5 / 5 mA 1.5 / 5 mA Typ. current-carrying capacity per output: 12/13 DC 2A 2A Max. total current for each module 4A 4A Inputs Outputs Short-circuit protection Integrated Integrated Inductive interference protection Integrated Integrated Reverse polarity protection Integrated Integrated External 24 V DC power supply Terminal 13 = L24+ Terminal 19 = M24 Terminal 13 = L24+ Terminal 19 = M24 246 AS-Interface system System Manual, 11/2008, 3RK2703-3BB02-1AA1 Slaves 8.4 Input/output modules Order no. 3RK2400-1FE00-0AA2 -- -- AC-15 -- -- Ith 3RK2400-1FG00-0AA2 13, 24 V DC -- -- 13, 110 V DC -- -- 13, 230 V DC -- -- Watchdog Integrated Integrated Data bit D0 IN1/OUT1 IN1/OUT1 Data bit D1 IN2/OUT2 IN2/OUT2 Data bit D2 IN3/OUT3 IN3/OUT3 Data bit D3 IN4 IN4 2400-1CE01-0AA2 2400-1CG01-0AA2 Assignment of the data bits SlimLine modules S45 Order no. Slave type A/B slave (Spec. 3.0) A/B slave (Spec. 3.0) No. of inputs/outputs 4 inputs / 4 outputs 4 inputs / 4 outputs Suitable for AS-i master to Spec. ... (or higher) AS-i Spec. 3.0 AS-i Spec. 3.0 Connection type Screw connection Spring-loaded terminals Connection for sensors 2 and 3 conductors 2 and 3 conductors Output type Transistor PNP (2 A) Transistor PNP (2 A) AS-i slave profile IO.ID.ID2 7.A.7 7.A.7 ID1 code (factory setting) 7 7 Total power consumption 270 mA 270 mA Inputs Sensor supply via AS-Interface Short circuit and overload proof Short circuit and overload proof Voltage range 20 to 30 V 20 to 30 V Current-carrying capacity for sensor supply 200 mA 200 mA Switching level - high 10 V 10 V Input current low/high 1.5 / 5 mA 1.5 / 5 mA Typ. current-carrying capacity per output: 12/13 DC 2A 2A Max. total current for each module 4A 4A Outputs Short-circuit protection Integrated Integrated Inductive interference protection Integrated Integrated Reverse polarity protection Integrated Integrated External 24 V DC power supply Terminal 13 = L24+ Terminal 19 = M24 Terminal 13 = L24+ Terminal 19 = M24 AS-Interface system System Manual, 11/2008, 3RK2703-3BB02-1AA1 247 Slaves 8.4 Input/output modules Order no. 2400-1CE01-0AA2 -- -- AC-15 -- -- Ith 2400-1CG01-0AA2 13, 24 V DC -- -- 13, 110 V DC -- -- 13, 230 V DC -- -- Watchdog Integrated Integrated Data bit D0 IN1/OUT1 IN1/OUT1 Data bit D1 IN2/OUT2 IN2/OUT2 Data bit D2 IN3/OUT3 IN3/OUT3 Data bit D3 IN4/OUT4 IN4/OUT4 Assignment of the data bits Dimension drawings Module S22.5 D H F G [ E 5.( 5.* Figure 8-28 248 D E F G H Dimensions of the SlimLine module S22.5 AS-Interface system System Manual, 11/2008, 3RK2703-3BB02-1AA1 Slaves 8.4 Input/output modules Module S45 D E F G [ [ D E 5.( 5.* Figure 8-29 F G Dimensions of the SlimLine module S45 AS-Interface system System Manual, 11/2008, 3RK2703-3BB02-1AA1 249 Slaves 8.4 Input/output modules 8.4.8 F90 digital input/output module - cabinet IP20 Overview F90 module The F90 module is available in the following versions: 4 inputs / 4 outputs - Current-carrying capacity 1 A - Current-carrying capacity 2 A 4 inputs / 4 outputs 2 A, floating 16 inputs With either screw terminals or Combicon connector. Operating principle of the F90 module with 16 inputs The 16 inputs are divided into four groups each comprising four inputs. Only one group at a time can be active. The PLC activates each group one after the other and reads the four items of input data to the process image for the inputs (PII). The user program assigns the input data to the relevant groups, that is, the output image (POI) of the PLC must match the set output on the module otherwise input data will be read by the wrong group. If the AS-Interface transfer procedure is not functioning properly, it can take up to three AS-Interface cycles (15 ms) before the output image (OI) of the slave matches the output image of the master and, in turn, the PLC. It can also take up to three AS-Interface cycles to transfer the input image of the slave. If more than three consecutive AS-Interface cycles are required to send telegrams to the relevant slave, a "configuration error" is output on the master. The input image in the master is set to "zero" and the error bit in the PLC is set. 250 AS-Interface system System Manual, 11/2008, 3RK2703-3BB02-1AA1 Slaves 8.4 Input/output modules Example: Behavior of the OI and II in the master and slave when AS-Interface transfer is faulty ASInterfaceCycle PLC Master PAA PAE AA 1000 xxxx 1 1000 xxxx 0111 2 1000 xxxx 3 1000 4 Module Comments AA EA xxxx xxxx xxxx MA or SA faulty 0111 xxxx xxxx xxxx MA or SA faulty xxxx 0111 EEEE 1000 EEEE 1000 xxxx 0111 xxxx 1000 EEEE E invalid due to switchover time in module MA or SA faulty 5 1000 xxxx 0111 xxxx 1000 EEEE MA or SA faulty 6 1000 xxxx 0111 EEEE 1000 EEEE MA or SA not faulty 1000 EEEE 0111 Key: AA Output image EA Input image MA Master call PAA Process image of outputs PA Process image of inputs SA Slave response PLC Programmable logic controller Figure 8-30 F90 cycle In this example, the OI and II in the master and slave do not match until after six AS-Interface cycles. The PLC cycle is asynchronous vis-a-vis the AS-Interface cycle, which is why the time required for the OI and II of the master and PLC to match increases by one AS-Interface cycle and one PLC cycle. Formula for the cycle time: 4 x ((6 x 5 ms) + 5 ms + 10 ms) =180 ms AS-Interface system System Manual, 11/2008, 3RK2703-3BB02-1AA1 251 Slaves 8.4 Input/output modules Note The following function blocks (FB) are available for the flow sequence: * FB 21 (E16-2433) for the AS-Interface master CP2433 (AG S5-95 U) * FB 22 (E16-2430) for the AS-Interface master CP2430 (AG S5-115 U) * FC 22 for S7 The time between two calls of the FB for a module must be at least 30 ms in order to ensure that the switching statuses of the inputs are read reliably. Note If you require programming examples, contact the Technical Assistance team (tel. (0911) 895-5900) or visit the following Web page: 252 AS-Interface system System Manual, 11/2008, 3RK2703-3BB02-1AA1 Slaves 8.4 Input/output modules Order numbers F90 module Type Order no. AS-Interface F90 module, digital, 4I/4O, 2/3 conductors, 4 x 1 input, max. 200 mA, PNP, 4 x 1 output, electr., 2 A, 24 V DC connection via screw terminals 3RG9002-0DA00 AS-Interface F90 module, digital, 4I/4O, 2/3 conductors, 4 x 1 input, max. 200 mA, PNP, 4 x 1 output, electr., 1 A, 24 V DC connection via screw terminals 3RG9002-0DB00 AS-Interface F90 module, digital, 4I/4O, 2/3 conductors, floating, 4 x 1 input, max. 200 mA, PNP, 4 x 1 output, electr., 2 A, 24 V DC connection via screw terminals 3RG9002-0DC00 AS-Interface F90 module, digital, 16I (multiplexing) 16 x 1 input, 2 conductors, connection via screw terminals, function block required 3RG9002-0DE00 AS-Interface F90 module, digital, 4I/4O, 2/3 conductors, 4 x 1 input, max. 200 mA, PNP, 4 x 1 output, electr., 2 A, 24 V DC connection via COMBICON 3RG9004-0DA00 AS-Interface F90 module, digital, 4I/4O, 2/3 conductors, 4 x 1 input, max. 200 mA, PNP, 4 x 1 output, electr., 1 A, 24 V DC connection via COMBICON 3RG9004-0DB00 AS-Interface F90 module, digital, 4I/4O, 2/3 conductors, floating, 4 x 1 input, max. 200 mA, PNP, 4 x 1 output, electr., 2 A, 24 V DC connection via COMBICON 3RG9004-0DC00 AS-Interface F90 module, digital, 16I (multiplexing) 16 x 1 input, 2 conductors, connection via COMBICON, function block required 3RG9004-0DE00 Type Order no. COMBICON connector set for 4I/4O modules with COMBICON connection. 4 x 5-pin connector for connecting standard sensors/actuators 2 x 4 pin connector for AS-i and external auxiliary power supply 3RX9810-0AA00 Accessories AS-Interface system System Manual, 11/2008, 3RK2703-3BB02-1AA1 253 Slaves 8.4 Input/output modules Connection / / 32: / / (5 ( ;7 , 92 $6, Q WHUIDFH 2 9 , , 92 2 9 , 5;$$ $6,QWHUIDFH $6,QWHUIDFH Figure 8-31 Connecting the F90 module, 4I/4O screw connection (left), 16I COMBICON connection (right) L+ L- L- E HI IN1 AS-i A IN3 OUT3 A E 21 254 0 A IN4 OUT4 0 E 26 Figure 8-32 Terminal assignment for F90 4I-4O Figure 8-33 Terminal assignment for F90 16I AS-Interface system System Manual, 11/2008, 3RK2703-3BB02-1AA1 Slaves 8.4 Input/output modules Diagnostics LED for AS-i/FAULT The module has one dual LED for AS-i/FAULT for diagnostic purposes; see LED status displays for modules with a dual LED for AS-i/FAULT (Page 174) Technical specifications Order no. 3RG9002-0DB00 3RG9002-0DA00 3RG9004-0DB00 3RG9004-0DA00 Slave type Standard slave Standard slave Standard slave Standard slave Suitable for AS-i master to Spec. ... (or higher) AS-i Spec. 2.0 AS-i Spec. 2.0 AS-i Spec. 2.0 AS-i Spec. 2.0 4 inputs / 4 outputs No. of inputs/outputs 4 inputs / 4 outputs 4 inputs / 4 outputs 4 inputs / 4 outputs Connection type Screw terminals Screw terminals Combicon connection Combicon connection AS-i slave profile IO.ID.ID2 7.0.F 7.0.F 7.0.F 7.0.F ID1 code (factory setting) F F F F Connection for sensors 2 and 3 conductors 2 and 3 conductors 2 and 3 conductors 2 and 3 conductors Input circuit PNP PNP PNP PNP Total power consumption 270 mA 270 mA 270 mA 270 mA Sensor supply via AS-Interface Short circuit and overload proof Short circuit and overload proof Short circuit and overload proof Short circuit and overload proof Voltage range 20 to 30 V 20 to 30 V 20 to 30 V 20 to 30 V Current-carrying capacity for sensor supply 200 mA 200 mA 200 mA 200 mA Switching level - high 10 V 10 V 10 V 10 V Input current low/high 1.5 / 5 mA 1.5 / 5 mA 1.5 / 5 mA 1.5 / 5 mA Output type Electronics Electronics Electronics Electronics Typ. current-carrying capacity per output: 12/13 DC 1A 2A 1A 2A Max. total current for each module 4A 6A 4A 6A Short-circuit protection Integrated External back-up fuse Integrated Inductive interference protection Integrated Integrated Integrated Integrated Reverse polarity protection Integrated Integrated Integrated Integrated Watchdog Integrated Integrated Integrated Integrated External 24 V DC power supply Via terminals Via terminals Via plug connector Via plug connector Inputs Outputs AS-Interface system System Manual, 11/2008, 3RK2703-3BB02-1AA1 255 Slaves 8.4 Input/output modules Order no. Assignment of the data bits 3RG9002-0DB00 3RG9002-0DA00 3RG9004-0DB00 3RG9004-0DA00 Data bit D0 IN1/OUT1 IN1/OUT1 IN1/OUT1 IN1/OUT1 Data bit D1 IN2/OUT2 IN2/OUT2 IN2/OUT2 IN2/OUT2 Data bit D2 IN3/OUT3 IN3/OUT3 IN3/OUT3 IN3/OUT3 Data bit D3 IN4/OUT4 IN4/OUT4 IN4/OUT4 IN4/OUT4 AS-Interface certificate Available Approvals UL, CSA, shipbuilding Degree of protection IP20 Ambient temperature -25 ... +70 C Storage temperature -40 ... +85 C Indicators Inputs/outputs Yellow LEDs AS-i voltage LED green Order no. 3RG9002-0DC00 3RG9004-0DC00 Slave type Standard slave Standard slave Suitable for AS-i master to Spec. ... (or higher) AS-i Spec. 2.0 AS-i Spec. 2.0 No. of inputs/outputs 4 inputs / 4 outputs 4 inputs / 4 outputs Connection type Screw terminals Combicon connection AS-i slave profile IO.ID.ID2 7.0.F 7.0.F ID1 code (factory setting) F F Connection for sensors 2 and 3 conductors 2 and 3 conductors Input circuit PNP PNP Total power consumption 30 mA 30 mA Sensor supply via AS-Interface Short circuit and overload proof Short circuit and overload proof Voltage range 20 to 30 V 20 to 30 V Current-carrying capacity for sensor supply 200 mA 200 mA Switching level - high 10 V 10 V Input current low/high 1.5 / 5 mA 1.5 / 5 mA Output type Electronics Electronics Typ. current-carrying capacity per output: 12/13 DC 2 A, floating 2 A, floating Max. total current for each module 4A 6A Short-circuit protection Integrated Integrated Inductive interference protection Integrated Integrated Watchdog Integrated Integrated Inputs Outputs 256 AS-Interface system System Manual, 11/2008, 3RK2703-3BB02-1AA1 Slaves 8.4 Input/output modules Order no. 3RG9002-0DC00 3RG9004-0DC00 External 24 V DC power supply Via terminals Via plug connector Data bit D0 IN1/OUT1 IN1/OUT1 Data bit D1 IN2/OUT2 IN2/OUT2 Data bit D2 IN3/OUT3 IN3/OUT3 Data bit D3 IN4/OUT4 IN4/OUT4 AS-Interface certificate Available Assignment of the data bits Approvals UL, CSA, shipbuilding Degree of protection IP20 Ambient temperature -25 ... +70 C Storage temperature -40 ... +85 C Displays Inputs/outputs Yellow LEDs AS-i voltage LED green Note: The module is equipped with four floating inputs and four floating switching outputs. An external additional supply of 20 to 30 V to VDE 0106 (PELV) protection class III is required for the input and output circuits. Order no. 3RG9002-0DE00 3RG9004-0DE00 Slave type Standard slave Standard slave Geeignet fur AS-i Master nach Spec. ... (oder hoher) AS-i Spec. 2.0 AS-i Spec. 2.0 No. of inputs/outputs 16 inputs 16 inputs Connection type Screw terminals Combicon connection AS-i slave profile IO.ID.ID2 7.F.F 7.F.F ID1 code (factory setting) F F Connection for sensors Mechanical contacts Mechanical contacts Input circuit PNP PNP Total power consumption 70 mA 70 mA Sensor supply via AS-Interface Short circuit and overload proof Short circuit and overload proof Voltage range 20 to 30 V 20 to 30 V Current-carrying capacity for sensor supply 200 mA 200 mA Signal 1 Uin 20 ... 30 V 3 mA 20 ... 30 V 3 mA Current-carrying capacity Iout 25 mA 25 mA Output voltage Uout 20 ... 30 V 20 ... 30 V Watchdog Integrated Integrated Inputs Group signal AS-Interface system System Manual, 11/2008, 3RK2703-3BB02-1AA1 257 Slaves 8.4 Input/output modules Order no. Assignment of the data bits 3RG9002-0DE00 Data bit D0 Data bit D0 group signal G1 (D0) inputs I 1.1 to I 1.4 (D0 to D3) Data bit D1 Data bit D1 group signal G2 (D1) inputs I 2.1 to I 2.4 (D0 to D3) Data bit D2 Data bit D2 group signal G3 (D2) inputs I 3.1 to I 3.4 (D0 to D3) Data bit D3 Data bit D3 group signal G4 (D3) inputs I 4.1 to I 4.4 (D0 to D3) AS-Interface certificate Available Approvals UL, CSA, shipbuilding Degree of protection IP20 Ambient temperature -25 ... +70 C Storage temperature -40 ... +85 C 3RG9004-0DE00 Displays Inputs/outputs Yellow LEDs AS-i voltage LED green Note: 1. The module is equipped with four input groups. Each input group has four inputs and one group signal for supplying the inputs with power. The input groups are activated separately when the controller sets the relevant group signal. The switching statuses of the assigned inputs are then read. 2. Function block required. Note An external additional power supply (AUX POWER) of between 20 and 30 V DC is required for supplying the output circuits. The additional power supply must comply with VDE 0106 (PELV), protection class III. Setting the AS-i address The address can be assigned via the integrated addressing socket. 258 AS-Interface system System Manual, 11/2008, 3RK2703-3BB02-1AA1 Slaves 8.4 Input/output modules Dimension drawings Figure 8-34 F90 module dimensions AS-Interface system System Manual, 11/2008, 3RK2703-3BB02-1AA1 259 Slaves 8.4 Input/output modules 8.4.9 Flat digital input/output module - cabinet IP20 Overview The flat module for cabinets with degree of protection IP20 is equipped with four inputs and four outputs. The module is fitted with LEDs on the front, which indicate the status of the module. Installation The modules can be secured using the integrated lugs. Figure 8-35 Installing the flat modules Setting the AS-i address An integrated addressing socket allows the module to be addressed once it has been installed. 260 AS-Interface system System Manual, 11/2008, 3RK2703-3BB02-1AA1 Slaves 8.4 Input/output modules 5.$% $6,QWHUIDFH Figure 8-36 Addressing the flat modules Order numbers Type Order no. AS-Interface flat module, 4I/4O, with screw connection, 4 X 1 input, PNP, 4 X outputs 45 mA, 24 V DC supply of outputs via AS-i cable 3RK1400-0CE00-0AA3 Connection Connecting the flat modules for installation in cabinets Screw terminals can be used to connect standard sensors/actuators and the AS-Interface cable. Diagnostics LED for AS-i/FAULT The module has one dual LED for AS-i/FAULT for diagnostic purposes; see LED status displays for modules with a dual LED for AS-i/FAULT (Page 174) AS-Interface system System Manual, 11/2008, 3RK2703-3BB02-1AA1 261 Slaves 8.4 Input/output modules Technical specifications Order no. 3RK1400-0CE00-0AA3 Slave type Standard slave Suitable for AS-i master to Spec. ... (or higher) AS-i Spec. 2.0 No. of inputs/outputs 4 inputs / 4 outputs Connection type Screw terminals AS-i slave profile IO.ID 7.F ID2, ID1 code not available (substitute values: F, F) Connection for sensors 2 and 3 conductors Input circuit PNP Total power consumption 270 mA Inputs Sensor supply via AS-Interface Short circuit and overload proof Voltage range 20 to 30 V Current-carrying capacity for sensor supply 200 mA (total current for all inputs and outputs: max. 200 mA) Switching level - high 10 V Input current low/high 1.5 / 5 mA Outputs Output type Electronics Typ. current-carrying capacity per output: 12/13 DC 200 mA (total current for all inputs and outputs: max. 200 mA) Short-circuit protection Integrated Inductive interference protection Integrated Watchdog Integrated External 24 V DC power supply Not required (all inputs and outputs are supplied via the AS-Interface cable) Assignment of the data bits Data bit D0 IN1/OUT1 Data bit D1 IN2/OUT2 Data bit D2 IN3/OUT3 Data bit D3 IN4/OUT4 AS-Interface certificate Available Degree of protection IP20 Ambient temperature -25 ... +85 C Storage temperature -40 ... +85 C Displays AS-i voltage LED green FAULT LED red 262 AS-Interface system System Manual, 11/2008, 3RK2703-3BB02-1AA1 Slaves 8.4 Input/output modules Dimension drawings /('$6L)$8/7 Figure 8-37 Dimensions of the flat module AS-Interface system System Manual, 11/2008, 3RK2703-3BB02-1AA1 263 Slaves 8.5 Modules with special functions 8.5 Modules with special functions Overview The following modules with special functions are available for AS-Interface: Counter module: counts input pulses. 8.5.1 Counter module Overview Counter module This module is used for transferring hexadecimal count values (LSB=D0, MSB=D3) to a higher-level controller, whereby the count value is incremented by one every time a valid count pulse is received at terminal 8. The module counts from 0 to 15 and then starts again at 0. The controller adopts the current value and determines the pulse count between two host calls by calculating the difference from the previous value. The difference is added together to yield the total number of count pulses. To transfer unique values, no more than 15 count values must be present between two host calls or AS-Interface master calls at terminal 8. The maximum permissible transfer frequency is calculated from these times: fTrmax = 15 / Tmax Tmax: max. possible transfer time from slave to host A further condition for the maximum frequency is the required pulse shape. To ensure that the counter adopts a pulse as being "valid", a low must be applied for at least 300 s and a high for at least 1 ms at the input. This results in a controller-independent maximum frequency of: fZmax = 1 / 1.3 ms = 769 Hz for the counter module (see the following diagram). 8,1 PV Figure 8-38 wV W Time criteria for the counter module If the time criteria specified in the diagram is violated, the count value is rejected. 264 AS-Interface system System Manual, 11/2008, 3RK2703-3BB02-1AA1 Slaves 8.5 Modules with special functions The counter is only active for the reset parameter P2 (default). When P2 is set, the counter is deleted and the incoming count pulses are not registered until P2 is reset. Setting the AS-i address The AS-i address can be set with the addressing unit on the addressing socket. Order numbers Type Order no. Counter module, screw terminal connection 3RK1200-0CE03-0AA2 Counter module, spring-loaded terminal 3RK1200-0CG03-0AA2 Connection $6L $6L $6L $''5 7HUPLQDOb%XVFRQQHFWLRQ$6L 7HUPLQDOb%XVFRQQHFWLRQ$6L 7HUPLQDObXQDVVLJQHG ,1 7HUPLQDOb6HQVRUVXSSO\ 7HUPLQDOb&RXQWLQSXW 7HUPLQDOb6HQVRUVXSSO\ ,1 Figure 8-39 Counter module terminals Connection cross-sections Cable Screw terminals Spring-loaded terminals Single-core: 1 x 0.5 ... 4.0 mm 2 x 0.5 ... 2.5 mm 2 x 0.25 ... 1.5 mm Finely stranded with wire end ferrule 1 x 0.5 ... 2.5 mm 2 x 0.5 ... 1.5 mm 2 x 0.25 ... 1.5 mm Finely stranded without wire end ferrule -- 2 x 0.25 ... 1.5 mm AWG cables, single or multi-core 2 x 20 to 14 2 x 24 to 16 AS-Interface system System Manual, 11/2008, 3RK2703-3BB02-1AA1 265 Slaves 8.5 Modules with special functions Diagnostics LED for AS-i/FAULT The module has one dual LED for AS-i/FAULT for diagnostic purposes; see LED status displays for modules with a dual LED for AS-i/FAULT (Page 174) Technical specifications Order no. Screw terminals Spring-loaded terminals Connection type 3RK1200-0CE03-0AA2 3RK1200-0CG03-0AA2 Slave type Standard slave Suitable for AS-i master to Spec. ... (or higher) AS-i Spec. 2.0 No. of inputs/outputs Operating voltage in acc. with AS-Interface Specification 1 input 26.5 ... 31.6 V Rated operating voltage -- AS-i slave profile IO.ID 0.F ID2, ID1 code not available (substitute values: F, F) Total power consumption from AS-Interface 170 mA AS-Interface certificate Available Approvals UL, CSA, shipbuilding Degree of protection IP20 Ambient temperature -25 ... +70 C Storage temperature -40 ... +85 C Sensor supply via AS-Interface Voltage range Short circuit and overload proof 20 ... 30 V Current-carrying capacity for sensor supply 90 mA Switching level - high 10 V Switching level - low 5V Input current - high 10 mA Input current - low 2 mA Assignment of the terminals 7: = + 9: = - 8: = IN1 266 AS-Interface system System Manual, 11/2008, 3RK2703-3BB02-1AA1 Slaves 8.5 Modules with special functions Dimension drawings D D 5.( 5.* Figure 8-40 E [ [ E Counter module dimensions AS-Interface system System Manual, 11/2008, 3RK2703-3BB02-1AA1 267 Slaves 8.6 Switching devices with integrated AS-i connection 8.6 Switching devices with integrated AS-i connection Switching devices with integrated AS-i connection The functionality of the AS-Interface is not restricted to I/O modules only. AS-Interface can be integrated directly for switching devices: AS-Interface motor starter Electromechanical compact starters DS and RS Electronic compact starters EDS and ERS Motor starter and load feeders IP65/67 Motor starter (24 V DC) - Single direct-on-line starter (without brake or connectable quick-stop function) - Double direct-on-line starter (with brake and connectable quick-stop function) - Reversing starter (with brake and connectable quick-stop function) ECOFAST starters ECOFAST starter RS (electromechanical) ECOFAST starter ERSS (reversing soft starter, electronic) ECOFAST starter R2SS (duo reversing starter, electronic) 268 AS-Interface system System Manual, 11/2008, 3RK2703-3BB02-1AA1 Slaves 8.6 Switching devices with integrated AS-i connection 8.6.1 AS-Interface motor starter (400 V / 600 V, IP65) Overview Compact starter The AS-Interface compact starter is a fully pre-wired (internally) load feeder with degree of protection IP65 designed for switching and protecting all types of three-phase loads up to 5.5 kW at 400/500 V AC (electromechanical compact starters DS and RS) and up to 2.2 kW (electronic compact starters EDS and ERS), usually standard induction motors with direct operation mode or reversing duty. It comprises either an electromechanical switchgear assembly or an electronic overload protection system and motor starter protector unit. The overload/short-circuit protection device is located under a sealable, transparent cover and can be diagnosed here. Two LEDs located to the left of the cover are used for diagnosing AS-Interface and the auxiliary power. &RPSDFWVWDUWHU $6LFDEOH 8$8;FDEOH (QHUJ\IHHG 0DLQFLUFXLW Figure 8-41 Sample configuration with two compact starters Three power connectors (-X1, -X2, -X3) are used for supplying (-X1) and routing (-X3) the load power supply (energy bus) as well as for connecting the load itself (-X2). Prefabricated power connection cables can be used to connect compact starters that are directly adjacent to each other. The maximum number of starters that can be supplied via one power cable depends on the maximum permissible aggregate current (max. 4 mm2 = approx. 35 A). AS-Interface system System Manual, 11/2008, 3RK2703-3BB02-1AA1 269 Slaves 8.6 Switching devices with integrated AS-i connection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igure 8-42 5RWDU\HQFRGLQJVZLWFK 7ULSSLQJ5(027(/2&$/ DS/RS and EDS/ERS compact starters AS-Interface system System Manual, 11/2008, 3RK2703-3BB02-1AA1 Slaves 8.6 Switching devices with integrated AS-i connection DS/RS compact starters (electromechanical) Electromechanical compact starters comprise a standard switchgear assembly with SIRIUS circuit breakers for short-circuit/overload protection and SIRIUS contactor(s) for switching under normal operating conditions. Electromechancal starters not only offer a number of benefits including safe, electrical isolation during switch-off or in the event of a trip and integrated, non-fused short-circuit protection, but are also reasonably priced. The electromechanical versions can also be used to switch direct currents. Configuration note: in temperature-critical applications, you are advised to operate circuit-breakers in the lower setting range. EDS/ERS compact starters (electronic) Electronic compact starters EDS (direct-on-line starters) and ERS (reversing starters) comprise an electronic overload protection system and an electronic motor starter protector unit. The benefits of these electronic compact starters include a broad setting range for overload protection (just two variants cover a power range of up to 2.2 kW at 400/500 V AC), a highly wear resistant motor starter protector unit, a current detector (for monitoring the power connectors), emergency operation in the event of overload, and a remote reset function via AS-Interface after an overload trip. The ERS compact starter is designed for direct startup in reversing duty. The electronic overload protection system and the tripping behavior in the event of an overload are set directly on the device. Version with brake contact All compact starters are available with an optional, separately-controlled brake contact for electrically-operated motor brakes. For motor brakes supplied externally, the 24 V DC is supplied together with the load voltage via the power connector at -X1. The power is routed via -X3 to supply the next compact starter at -X1. The 24 V DC for the brakes is only jumpered in the devices with a brake contact. During configuration, make sure that these starters are positioned next to each other. All compact starters can be equipped with a brake contact for 500 V DC with a 400 AC brake contact. Hand-held device The hand-held device allows the compact starter to be operated locally and completely autonomously when the auxiliary power is present. In addition to standard manual operation, it is, therefore, possible for local switching operations and test runs during pre-commissioning (e.g. for testing the motor direction) to be performed with a functioning automation level if the PLC/bus system fails (emergency operation). A connection cable can be used to connect the hand-held device directly to the socket under the transparent cover on the compact starter. AS-Interface system System Manual, 11/2008, 3RK2703-3BB02-1AA1 271 Slaves 8.6 Switching devices with integrated AS-i connection Free inputs The compact starters are also equipped with two free inputs. The input signals are forwarded directly to the higher-level controller and not evaluated in the compact starter. The M12 socket has a Y assignment. The signal inputs are located on PIN 2 and 4. This enables an optical proximity switch to be connected, which supplies a signal and the message "dirty". An M12 Y coupler plug can be used to divide the signal inputs over two M12 sockets, which means that two separate sensors can be connected. Setting the AS-i address As with the input/output modules, the AS-i address of the starter can be assigned via the addressing socket on the front (under the transparent cover). Order numbers Compact starter Type Order no. EDS compact starter Electronic direct-on-line starter with two free digital inputs 3RK1322- xx S12-0AA x ERS compact starter Electronic reversing starter with two free digital inputs 3RK1322- xx S12-1AA x Order no. extension for: AC motor 4-pin at 400 V AC Standard power P Setting range of overcurrent release kW A 0.18 ... 0.8 0.6 ... 2.18 0A 0.75 ... 2.2 2.0 ... 5.95 0B DS compact starter Electromechanical direct-on-line starter, with two free digital inputs 3RK1322- xx S02-0AA x RS compact starter Electromechanical reversing starter, with two free digital inputs 3RK1322- xx S02-1AA x Order no. extension for: AC motor 4-pin at 400 V AC Standard power P Setting range of overcurrent release kW A <0,06 0.14 ... 0.20 0B 0.06 0.18 ... 0.25 0C 0.09 0.22 ... 0.32 0D 272 AS-Interface system System Manual, 11/2008, 3RK2703-3BB02-1AA1 Slaves 8.6 Switching devices with integrated AS-i connection Type Order no. 0.10 0.28 ... 0.40 0E 0.12 0.35 ... 0.50 0F 0.18 0.45 ... 0.63 0G 0.21 0.55 ... 0.80 0H 0.25 0.70 ... 1.0 0J 0.37 0.9 ... 1.25 0K 0.55 1.1 ... 1.6 1A 0.75 1.4 ... 2.0 1B 0.90 1.8 ... 2.5 1C 1.1 2.2 ... 3.2 1D 1.5 2.8 ... 4.0 1E 1.9 3.5 ... 5.0 1F 2.2 4.5 ... 6.3 1G 3.0 5.5 ... 8.0 1H 4.0 7.0 ... 10 1J 5.5 9.0 ... 12 1K Standard version 0 Version with brake contact for 24 V DC / 3 A external supply 1 Version with brake contact for 400 V AC / 0.5 A supply for brake rectifier 3 Version with brake contact for DC-side brake switching with 500 V DC / 0.2 A 4 Accessories Type Order no. M12 coupler plug for connecting actuators or sensors (5-pin) 3RX8000-0CD55 M12 angle coupler plug for connecting actuators or sensors (5-pin) 3RX8000-0CE55 M12 Y coupler plug for double connection of sensors by means of single cable (5-pin) 6ES7194-1KA01-0XA0 M12 screw caps for sealing unassigned input/output sockets (one set contains ten screw caps) 3RX9802-0AA00 AS-Interface system System Manual, 11/2008, 3RK2703-3BB02-1AA1 273 Slaves 8.6 Switching devices with integrated AS-i connection Connection Voltages / signals Connection type AS-i cable Insulation displacement method (flat cable) UAUX cable Insulation displacement method (flat cable) Free inputs M12 socket, Y assignment Power supply, motor cable (main circuit) Han Q 8/0 connectors/sockets Assignment of the inputs DI 0 - DI 3 Input Status Meaning Possible measures DI 0 "ready" 0 Manual mode Use hand-held device to switch to automatic mode. Correct user program. Simultaneous activation of CW and CCW rotation For DS / RS only: Overload/short-circuit trip For DS / RS only: Compact starter defective For EDS / ERS only: Tripped signal Note: No automatic shutdown for TRIPPING in REMOTE setting. Shutdown must be initiated by user program. For EDS / ERS only: No current flow despite activation. Device fault DI 1 "running" Close circuit breaker. Replace compact starter. Briefly press RESET/TEST button (< 2 s) or remote reset via positive pulse on output bit DO3. Check: Motor connector/cable unplugged, auxiliary voltage < 18 V, failure of 2 phases, current asymmetry, carry out self-test, compact starter defective replace. 1 Device ready and in automatic mode -- 0 Contactor OFF (DS / RS) No current flow (EDS / ERS) -- 1 Contactor ON (DS / RS) Current flow present (EDS / ERS) -- DI 2 "special information 1" 0 No input signal IN1 -- 1 Free input signal IN1 present -- DI 3 "special information 2" 0 No input signal IN2 -- 1 Free input signal IN2 present -- 274 AS-Interface system System Manual, 11/2008, 3RK2703-3BB02-1AA1 Slaves 8.6 Switching devices with integrated AS-i connection Assignment of outputs DO 0 - DO 3 Output Status Activation DO 0 "run forward" 0 CW rotation OFF 1 CW rotation ON 0 CCW rotation OFF 1 CCW rotation ON 0 Open brake contact (brake voltage OFF) 1 Close brake contact (brake voltage ON) 0 Remote reset OFF (EDS / ERS only) 1 Remote reset ON (EDS / ERS only) DO 1 "run reverse" DO 2 "special command 1" DO 3 "special command 2" Diagnostics The compact starters are equipped with LEDs for indicating error statuses, which enables comprehensive diagnostic activities to be carried out directly on the device. Dual LED: AS-i AS-i Possible cause Possible remedial measures Green Normal operation, AS-i communication OK -- Red No AS-i communication: * The master is switched off or offline. * The slave is not configured in the master. * The incorrect slave type is connected. * The slave has the wrong address. Ensure AS-i communication: * Switch on the master or switch it to online mode. * Reconfigure the master. * Connect the correct module. * Check/correct the slave address. Flashing red Sensor supply overload (AS-i slave is in RESET mode and switches off completely) Unplug the sensor cables from the input sockets, use sensors with a lower overall current consumption, check the sensors/cables. Yellow/red flashing The AS-i slave has the address 0 (on delivery) Assign an address that is not 0. OFF Switch on the AS-i voltage, connect it properly, measure the AS-i voltage (approx. 30 V DC) No AS-i voltage, AS-i voltage connected with incorrect polarity, AS-i voltage too low AS-Interface system System Manual, 11/2008, 3RK2703-3BB02-1AA1 275 Slaves 8.6 Switching devices with integrated AS-i connection LED: AUX PWR (AUX POWER) AUX PWR Possible cause Possible remedial measures Green Normal operation, 24 V DC auxiliary voltage OK -- OFF No auxiliary voltage, Switch on 24 V DC auxiliary voltage, connect auxiliary voltage connected with incorrect polarity, properly, auxiliary voltage too low measure auxiliary voltage (approx. 24 V DC) Note If the auxiliary voltage has not been switched on, the motor starter shuts down the main circuit. LED: STATE STATE Possible cause Possible remedial measures OFF No activation, no fault -- Green Control signal present: CW or CCW, via AS-i master or hand-held device -- Red General error, e.g.: * Sensor supply overload Rectify fault: * Unplug the sensor cables from the input sockets, use sensors with a lower overall current consumption, check the sensors/cables, switch on master and set to online mode. * Check the motor, close the circuit breaker. * Check/correct activation of CCW/CW rotation. * Circuit breaker tripped * Activation of CCW rotation for direct-online starter DS Simultaneous activation of CW and CCW rotation * Flashing yellow Compact starter switched to manual mode ("local") with hand-held device and handheld device removed. Deactivate manual mode: * Connect hand-held device and switch to bus mode ("remote"). * Switch 24 V auxiliary voltage on/off Depending on the model, the "yellow flashing" status is the same as the "green flashing" status. The "red" status is not indicated for the electronic compact starters EDS/ERS. For EDS/ERS, this status is indicated by additional LEDs on the tripping unit under the transparent cover. Additional LEDs for compact starters EDS / ERS The compact starters EDS / ERS have additional LEDs under the transparent cover on the tripping unit: 276 AS-Interface system System Manual, 11/2008, 3RK2703-3BB02-1AA1 Slaves 8.6 Switching devices with integrated AS-i connection LED: READY READY Possible cause Possible remedial measures OFF No auxiliary voltage or other fault Switch on 24 V auxiliary voltage or look at the other LEDs. Green Device is ready for operation. -- The READY (green) LED can also light up when the self-test is triggered. See notes for OVERLOAD. LED: RUN RUN Possible cause Possible remedial measures OFF Main circuit OFF or current flow < 20 % of rated value. -- Yellow Main circuit ON, i.e. current flow > 20 % of rated value. -- LED: FAULT FAULT Possible cause Possible remedial measures OFF Main circuit ready -- Red Main circuit OFF, e.g. due to: * Failure of 2 phases * No current flow despite activation (e.g. motor connector unplugged) * Auxiliary voltage too low (< 18 V) * Simultaneous activation of CW and CCW rotation Rectify fault: * Check power cable. * Check motor cable, motor. * * Check auxiliary voltage. Check/correct activation of CCW/CW rotation. The FAULT (red) LED can also light up when the self-test is triggered. See notes for OVERLOAD. AS-Interface system System Manual, 11/2008, 3RK2703-3BB02-1AA1 277 Slaves 8.6 Switching devices with integrated AS-i connection LED: OVERLOAD OVERLOAD Possible cause Possible remedial measures OFF No overload in main circuit. -- Red Overload trip in main circuit: * When TRIPPING = LOCAL: automatic shutdown * When TRIPPING = REMOTE: shutdown must be performed by user program * * Remove overload (check drive/motor). Briefly press RESET/TEST button (< 2 s) or carry out remote reset via positive pulse on output bit DO3. Flashing red Overcurrent detected but no overload trip yet. * * Shut down motor. Remove overload (check drive/motor). The "OVERLOAD red flashing" display can also occur when the self-test trips. (1) Press the RESET/TEST button (> 2 s) when the main circuit has been shut down. Flashing frequency. Bus activation is blocked. (3) When the self-test has finished, "OVERLOAD red flashing" is indicated with a slow flashing frequency. (3a) If "FAULT red" is indicated at the same time, an error occurred during the test. When you have rectified the problem, repeat the procedure as of step (1). (3b) If "READY green" is indicated at the same time, the test was successful. (4) Briefly press the RESET/TEST button (< 2 s) to enable bus activation. "OVERLOAD" extinguishes. 278 AS-Interface system System Manual, 11/2008, 3RK2703-3BB02-1AA1 Slaves 8.6 Switching devices with integrated AS-i connection Technical specifications Control circuit Slave type Standard slave Suitable for AS-i master to Spec. ... (or higher) AS-i Spec. 2.0 No. of assigned inputs/outputs of which freely available 4 inputs / 4 outputs 2 inputs AS-i slave profile IO.ID 7.D (for compact starters DS/RS) 7.E (for compact starters EDS/ERS) ID2, ID1 code not available (substitute values: F, F) Overall current consumption from AS-i without wiring of free inputs 270 mA typ. 70 mA Free inputs input circuit PNP Current-carrying capacity for all inputs 200 mA Switching level - high 10 V Input current low/high 1.5 mA / 6 mA Sensor supply via AS-Interface Short circuit and overload proof Sensors 2 and 3 conductors Voltage range 20 - 30 V Assignment of the data bits See the table in section Connection (Page 274) Main circuit Rated operating voltage Ue * To DIN VDE 0106, part 1014 * To CSA and UL Current ranges 500 V AC, tolerance up to 575 V AC up to 600 V AC See table for order numbers (Page 272) for the compact starters. Brake circuit Brake voltage * Compact starters DS and RS * Compact starters EDS and ERS 24 V DC, 500 V DC (depending on the version) 24 V DC, 400 V AC, 500 V DC (depending on the version) For all the relevant technical specifications, see the "AS-Interface Compact Starter" manual (see Bibliography (Page 627), doc. ID: 6008647). Note In the specified documentation, the extension "2I" in the product designation means that the compact starter has two 2 free inputs (e.g. "compact starter DS2I"). In the catalog, however, the short product designation is used (e.g. "compact starter DS"). The two product designations are interchangeable and refer to the same product. AS-Interface system System Manual, 11/2008, 3RK2703-3BB02-1AA1 279 Slaves 8.6 Switching devices with integrated AS-i connection Dimension drawings DS/RS and EDS/ERS compact starters Figure 8-43 280 Dimensions of compact starter AS-Interface system System Manual, 11/2008, 3RK2703-3BB02-1AA1 Slaves 8.6 Switching devices with integrated AS-i connection 8.6.2 AS-Interface motor starters (24 V DC, IP65 / IP67) Overview 24 V DC motors and the associated sensors can be be connected quickly and easily on site with the AS-Interface K60 24 V DC motor starters for the lowest power range up to 70 watt. A total of three different variants are available in the following versions: Single direct-on-line starter (without brake, with connectable quick-stop function) Double direct-on-line starter (with brake and connectable quick-stop function) Reversing starter (with brake and connectable quick-stop function) M12 connectors are used to connect DC motors to the module. The yellow AS-Interface cable is all that is required for supplying the sensors and electronics in the module. An auxiliary voltage (24 V DC), which is supplied via the black AS-Interface cable, is required for supplying the outputs only. Quick-stop function All AS-Interface 24 V DC motor starters are equipped with a quick-stop function, which can be connected/disconnected as required via a switch integrated in the module. Quick stop allows a connected motor to be switched off immediately when the sensor signal (high) is present without the need for a "diversion" via the PLC control program. The switch for the quick-stop function is located next to the input sockets and is protected by an M12 screw cap. Switch position 0 to 3: quick stop OFF Switch position 4 to 9: quick stop ON When quick stop is activated ("ON"), the assigned output OUT1 (OUT2; OUT1 for reversing starters in reversing duty) is switched off without the intervention of the higher-level PLC when signal "1" is present at the associated input IN1 (IN3). Brake Double direct-on-line starters and single reversing starters are equipped with an integrated, fixed brake function, that is, as soon as the output signal has been set to "0", the motor is slowed down when the motor connection is short-circuited. This function cannot be used to control mechanical brakes. Single direct-on-line starters are not equipped with a brake function, which means that the motor coasts to standstill once it has been switched off. Commissioning via integrated buttons Buttons integrated in the module (located under the output socket) can be used to switch on the associated motor directly. The buttons are protected by an M12 screw cap. AS-Interface system System Manual, 11/2008, 3RK2703-3BB02-1AA1 281 Slaves 8.6 Switching devices with integrated AS-i connection Note A motor controlled via the PLC program cannot be switched off using this function. Order numbers IP65/IP67 motor starters Type Order no. Single direct-on-line starter 3RK1400-1NQ01-0AA4 Double direct-on-line starter 3RK1400-1MQ01-0AA4 Single reversing starter 3RK1400-1MQ03-0AA4 Type Order no. Mounting plate for wall mounting 3RK1901-0CA00 Mounting plate for DIN rail mounting 3RK1901-0CB01 Accessories Connection Single direct-on-line starter 6HQVRU ,QSXW,1,1 6HQVRU 4XLFNVWRSIRU 2XWSXWRIIRQ ,QSXW,1,1 6HQVRU 6HQVRU 2XWSXW287 0RWRU 3XVKEXWWRQV PDQXDOPRGH $GGU Figure 8-44 282 Single direct-on-line starter AS-Interface system System Manual, 11/2008, 3RK2703-3BB02-1AA1 Slaves 8.6 Switching devices with integrated AS-i connection Double direct-on-line starter 6HQVRU 6HQVRU ,QSXW,1,1 4XLFNVWRSIRU 287RIIRQ ,QSXW,1,1 4XLFNVWRSIRU 287RIIRQ 2XWSXW287 2XWSXW287 %XWWRQVPDQXDO PRGH287 %XWWRQVPDQXDO PRGH287 6HQVRU 6HQVRU 0RWRU $GGUHVV Figure 8-45 0RWRU Double direct-on-line starter Single reversing starter 6HQVRU 6HQVRU ,QSXW,1,1 4XLFNVWRSIRU 3UHIHUUHGGLUHFWLRQ ,QSXW,1,1 4XLFNVWRSIRU 5HYHUVLQJGXW\ 2XWSXW287 3XVKEXWWRQV PDQXDOPRGH SUHIHUUHGGLUHFWLRQ 3XVKEXWWRQV PDQXDOPRGH 5HYHUVLQJGXW\ 6HQVRU 6HQVRU 0RWRU 3UHIHUUHGGLUHFWLRQ 5HYHUVLQJGXW\ $GGUHVV Figure 8-46 Single reversing starter Diagnostics The LEDs (Page 173) on the DC motor starters are the same as those for the standard K60 compact modules. If an output short circuits, it is switched off without a feedback message being sent to the master (no display via LEDs). The module is ready for operation again when the affected output is first switched off and then switched to the required operating status. AS-Interface system System Manual, 11/2008, 3RK2703-3BB02-1AA1 283 Slaves 8.6 Switching devices with integrated AS-i connection Technical specifications Order no. 3RK1400-1NQ01-0AA4 Single direct-on-line starter 3RK1400-1MQ01-0AA4 Double direct-on-line starter Slave type 3RK1400-1MQ03-0AA4 Single reversing starter Standard slave Suitable for AS-i master to Spec. ... (or higher) AS-i Spec. 2.0 AS-i Spec. 2.0 AS-i Spec. 2.0 No. of inputs/outputs 4 inputs (for sensors) 1 output (for motor) 4 inputs (for sensors) 2 outputs (for motors) 4 inputs (for sensors) 1 output (for motor, CW/CCW rotation) Quick-stop function Integrated brake function -- Operating voltage in acc. with AS-Interface Specification 26.5 ... 31.6 V Reverse polarity protection U_AS-i Integrated AS-i slave profile IO.ID 7.F ID2, ID1 code No. of I/O sockets not available (substitute values: F, F) 3 x M12 4 x M12 3 x M12 Total power consumption from AS-Interface 270 mA AS-Interface certificate Available Approvals UL, CSA Degree of protection IP67 Ground connection Available Ambient temperature -25 ... +55 C Storage temperature -40 ... +85 C Inputs Input circuit Sensor supply via AS-Interface PNP Short circuit and overload proof Sensors 3 conductors Voltage range Current-carrying capacity for sensor supply 20 ... 30 V 200 mA (Tu 40C) / 150 mA (Tu 55C) Switching level - high 10 V Switching level - low 5V Socket assignment Inputs 284 Y assignment 1 = sensor supply L+ 2 = data input IN2 (IN4) 3 = sensor supply L- 4 = data input / quick stop IN1 (IN3) 5 = ground connection AS-Interface system System Manual, 11/2008, 3RK2703-3BB02-1AA1 Slaves 8.6 Switching devices with integrated AS-i connection Order no. 3RK1400-1NQ01-0AA4 Single direct-on-line starter 3RK1400-1MQ01-0AA4 Double direct-on-line starter 3RK1400-1MQ03-0AA4 Single reversing starter Outputs Output type Electronics Short-circuit protection Integrated Inductive interference protection Integrated External 24 V DC power supply Via black AS-Interface flat cable Watchdog Rated current-carrying capacity on each output (typical) Integrated 3 A (Tu 55C) Voltage drop (without supply cable) 1 x 3 A (Tu 55C) 2 x 2 A (Tu 55C) 0.6 V 1.2 V Max. ramp time DC motor 80 ms Max. motor starting current (restricted within module) 4.5 A Motor type Socket assignment Outputs 2.5 A (Tu 55C) 24 V DC motor with brushgear Special assignment 1 = voltage L+ 2 = unassigned 3 = unassigned 4 = switching output (negative switching) 5 = ground connection For reversing starters, the polarity is reversed in reversing duty. Assignment of the data bits Socket 1 PIN4 = IN1 (D0 / quick stop1) PIN2 = IN2 (D1) Socket 2 PIN4 = IN3(D2) PIN2 = IN4(D3) PIN4 = IN3 (D2 / quick stop2) PIN2 = IN4 (D3) Socket 3 PIN4 = OUT1(D0) PIN4 = OUT1(D0) PIN4 = OUT1 (D0 = CW, D1 = CCW) Socket 4 -- PIN4 = OUT2(D1) -- Note Max. switching frequency for controlling one 10 W DC motor, for example (UAUX = 28.8 V/duty cycle = 50%): Max. switching frequency for controlling two 10 W DC motors, for example (UAUX = 28.8 V/duty cycle = 50%): Max. switching frequency for controlling one 10 W DC motor, for example (UAUX = 28.8 V/duty cycle = 50%): Tu max: 55C Tu max: 55C Tu max: 55C Max. switching frequency/h: 1500 Max. switching frequency/h: 1500 Max. switching frequency/h: 1000 AS-Interface system System Manual, 11/2008, 3RK2703-3BB02-1AA1 285 Slaves 8.6 Switching devices with integrated AS-i connection Dimension drawings The dimensions of the DC motor starters are the same as those of the standard K60 compact modules. The mounting plates for the K60 modules can be used for installation purposes. 286 AS-Interface system System Manual, 11/2008, 3RK2703-3BB02-1AA1 Slaves 8.6 Switching devices with integrated AS-i connection 8.6.3 ECOFAST motor starters Overview ECOFAST starters The AS-Interface ECOFAST starter is a fully pre-wired (internally) load feeder with degree of protection IP65 designed for switching and protecting all types of three-phase load up to 4 kW at 400/500 V AC (electromechanical starters), up to 5.5 kW (electronic soft starters or electronically switching starters), and up to 1.5 kW (electronic speed controllers), usually standard three-phase motors in direct operation mode or reversing duty. All ECOFAST starters support reversing duty. The starter comprises either an electromechanical switchgear assembly or an electronic overload protection system and motor starter protector unit. Seven LEDs integrated in the cover are used for diagnosing AS-Interface and the auxiliary power. 3RZHU7SLHFH 3RZHUEXV 8$8;FDEOH $6LFDEOH 0 a Figure 8-47 0 a Sample configuration with two ECOFAST starters The Han Q4/2 power connector is used for supplying the consumer power supply (energy bus). Prefabricated power connection cables and a power T unit can be used to connect ECOFAST starters. The maximum number of starters that can be supplied via one power cable depends on the maximum permissible aggregate current (max. 6 mm2 = approx. 40 A). AS-Interface system System Manual, 11/2008, 3RK2703-3BB02-1AA1 287 Slaves 8.6 Switching devices with integrated AS-i connection ECOFAST starters connections and LEDs 6) ,1 M12 sockets for connecting two sensors each Addressing socket LEDs Local device interface for: * Parameterization * Diagnostics * Hand-held device Connection (insulation displacement method) for: * AS-i * AUX power Power connector for the supply voltage $6L $8; 3:5 ,1 Power socket for connecting: * The motor * The brake * The thermistor 6WDWH 'HYLFH Variants ECOFAST RS starters (electromechanical) Electromechanical starters comprise a standard switchgear assembly with SIRIUS circuit breakers for overload protection and SIRIUS contactor(s) for switching under normal operating conditions. Internal fuses provide short-circuit protection. Benefits of electromechanical starters include safe, electrical isolation during switch-off or in the event of a trip, the broad setting range (just two variants cover a power range up to 4 kW at 400/500 V AC), and remote reset via AS-Interface after an overload trip. They are also reasonably priced. ECOFAST ERSS starters (electronic) Electronic ERSS starters (reversing soft starters) comprise an electronic overload protection system and an electronic motor starter protector unit. The benefits of these electronic ECOFAST starters include a broad setting range for 288 AS-Interface system System Manual, 11/2008, 3RK2703-3BB02-1AA1 Slaves 8.6 Switching devices with integrated AS-i connection overload protection (just two variants cover a power range of up to 5.5 kW at 400/500 V AC), a highly wear resistant motor starter protector unit, a current detector (for monitoring the power connectors), and a remote reset function via AS-Interface after an overload trip. ERSS starters are designed to be started directly in reversing duty and for soft start mode (as well as reversing duty). Electronic overload protection and the switch-off behavior in the event of an overload are set directly on the device via the local interface. ECOFAST R2SS starters (electronic) Electronic R2SS starters (duo reversing soft starters) comprise an electronic overload protection system and an electronic motor starter protector unit. The R2SS starters can cover a power range of up to 1.5 kW at 400/500 V AC. The benefits of these electronic starters include a highly wear resistant motor starter protector unit, a current detector (for monitoring the power connectors), the capability to run at two speeds, and remote reset via AS-Interface after an overload trip. The R2SS starter is designed to be started directly in reversing duty as well as with soft start startup/braking. Electronic overload protection and the switch-off behavior in the event of an overload are set directly on the device via the local interface. Version with brake contact All ECOFAST starters are available with an optional, separately-controlled brake contact for electrically-operated motor brakes. The output voltage is 400 V AC. Version with temperature sensor If required, ECOFAST starters can be equipped with an optional function for evaluating a temperature sensor. Either a thermoclick or type A PTC can be used as a temperature sensor. Hand-held device The hand-held device allows ECOFAST starters to be operated locally and completely autonomously when the auxiliary power is present. In addition to standard manual operation, it is, therefore, possible for local switching operations and test runs during pre-commissioning (e.g. for testing the motor direction) to be performed with a functioning automation level if the PLC/bus system fails (emergency operation). A connection cable can be used to connect the hand-held device directly to the local interface on the ECOFAST starter. AS-Interface system System Manual, 11/2008, 3RK2703-3BB02-1AA1 289 Slaves 8.6 Switching devices with integrated AS-i connection Free inputs ECOFAST starters are also equipped with two free inputs. The input signals are forwarded directly to the higher-level controller, and can also be evaluated directly in the ECOFAST starter. The M12 socket has a Y assignment. The signal inputs are located on PIN 2 and 4. This enables an optical proximity switch to be connected, which supplies a signal and the message "contamination". An M12 Y coupler plug can be used to divide the signal inputs over two M12 sockets, which means that two separate sensors can be connected. Parameterizing the ECOFAST starter The "Motor Starter ES 2006" (or more recent version) or "Switch ES Motorstarter" (name of the predecessor version) software is required for parameterizing the ECOFAST starters. The motor starters are set to the maximum rated current (factory setting). Order numbers ECOFAST motor starters Setting range Motor protection / switching Brake Order no. 0.3 A - 9 A (4 kW) Temperature sensor / mechanical -- 3RK1323-2AS54-1AA0 400 V AC 3RK1323-2AS54-1AA3 ECOFAST motor starters, high feature Setting range Motor protection / switching Brake Order no. 0.3 A - 3 A (1.1 kW) Thermal motor model / mechanical -- 3RK1323-5BS44-3AA0 2.4 A - 9 A (4 kW) -- 3RK1323-5CS44-3AA0 0.3 A - 3 A (1.1 kW) 400 V AC 3RK1323-5BS44-3AA3 2.4 A - 9 A (4 kW) 400 V AC 3RK1323-5CS44-3AA3 -- 3RK1323-6BS74-3AA0 -- 3RK1323-6DS74-3AA0 0.3 A - 3 A (1.1 kW) 2.4 A - 12 A (5.5 kW) 0.3 A - 3 A (1.1 kW) 400 V AC 3RK1323-6BS74-3AA3 2.4 A - 12 A (5.5 kW) 400 V AC 3RK1323-6DS74-3AA3 400 V AC 3RK1323-6ES84-3AA3 0.6 A - 4 A (1.5 kW) 290 Full motor protection / Electronic, soft Full motor protection / Electronic, soft (duo reversing soft starter) AS-Interface system System Manual, 11/2008, 3RK2703-3BB02-1AA1 Slaves 8.6 Switching devices with integrated AS-i connection Connection Voltages / signals Connection type AS-i cable Insulation displacement method (flat cable) UAUX cable Insulation displacement method (flat cable) Free inputs M12 socket, Y assignment Power supply (main circuit) Han Q 4/2 connectors/sockets Motor cable Han 10E socket 0RWRUVWDUWHUV $6LFDEOH $6LFRYHU &RPPXQLFDWLRQDQG XQFRQQHFWHGDX[LOLDU\SRZHU $6L &RQQHFWHGDX[LOLDU\SRZHU $6L $6L 5 $8; 3: $8;3:5 $8;3:5 Figure 8-48 ECOFAST starters, ASI connection Assignment of the inputs DI 0 - DI 3 Input Process image Status Signal DI 0 Ready (automatic) 0 NO 1 YES DI 1 Motor on 0 NO 1 YES 0 OPEN 1 24 V is present 0 OPEN 1 24 V is present DI 2 DI 3 IN1 (input 1) IN2 (input 2) AS-Interface system System Manual, 11/2008, 3RK2703-3BB02-1AA1 291 Slaves 8.6 Switching devices with integrated AS-i connection Assignment of outputs DO 0 - DO 3 Output Process image Status Signal DO 0 Motor CW 0 OFF 1 ON DO 1 Motor CCW 0 OFF 1 ON DO 2 Brake 0 OFF 1 ON DO 3 Trip reset / creep feed 01 ACTIVE (trip reset) 0 OFF (creep feed) 1 ON (creep feed) 1) 1) Double assignment DO.3 with trip reset and creep feed. Trip reset: Edge controlled with rising edge from [0] [1] Creep feed: Level controlled [0] and [1] when D 0.0 or D 0.1 are triggered at the same time. Diagnostics The ECOFAST starters are equipped with LEDs to indicate error statuses, which enables comprehensive diagnostic activities to be carried out directly on the device. AS-i Possible cause Possible remedial measures Green Normal operation, AS-i communication OK -- Red No AS-i communication: * The master is switched off or offline. * The slave is not configured in the master. * The incorrect slave type is connected. * The slave has the wrong address. Ensure AS-i communication: * Switch on the master or switch it to online mode. * Reconfigure the master. * Connect the correct module. * Check/correct the slave address. Yellow/red flashing The AS-i slave has the address 0 (on delivery) Assign an address that is not 0. OFF No AS-i voltage, AS-i voltage connected with incorrect polarity, AS-i voltage too low Switch on the AS-i voltage, connect it properly, measure the AS-i voltage (approx. 30 V DC) 292 AS-Interface system System Manual, 11/2008, 3RK2703-3BB02-1AA1 Slaves 8.6 Switching devices with integrated AS-i connection LED: AUX PWR (AUX POWER) AUX PWR Possible cause Possible remedial measures Green Normal operation, 24 V DC auxiliary voltage OK -- OFF No auxiliary voltage, auxiliary voltage connected with incorrect polarity, auxiliary voltage too low Switch on 24 V DC auxiliary voltage, connect properly, measure auxiliary voltage (approx. 24 V DC) SF Possible cause Possible remedial measures OFF No error -- Red Group / I/O error, e.g. motor switched off. Cancel the motor CW/CCW control command. LED: SF Group warning e.g. motor not switched off. LED: STATE (switching status) STATE Meaning OFF Switching element OFF Green Switching element ON by means of control / operator control and monitoring Flashing green Ramp operation Flickering green Switching element and brake output ON through input action Red Switching status switching command Flashing yellow Manual mode: Connection aborted Yellow Switching element and brake output OFF through input action LED: DEVICE (device status) DEVICE Meaning OFF Supply voltage not switched on < 18 V DC Green Device OK and "normal operation" Flashing green Device not initialized (send device for repair) Yellow Internal trip Flashing yellow General warning (e.g. overload, asymmetry) Red Device defective (send device for repair) Flashing red Self-test: current flowing or FW download Flickering red Self-test: No current flow Flickering red for approx. 5 s Factory settings restored AS-Interface system System Manual, 11/2008, 3RK2703-3BB02-1AA1 293 Slaves 8.6 Switching devices with integrated AS-i connection Technical specifications AS-Interface Slave type Standard slave Suitable for AS-i master to Spec. ... (or higher) AS-i Spec. 2.0 AS-i slave profile IO.ID.ID2 7.D.0 (for ECOFAST starter RS) 7.E.0 (for ECOFAST starters ERSS, R2SS) ID1 code (factory setting) F Overall current consumption from AS-i without wiring of free inputs 270 mA typ. 60 mA Assignment of the data bits See the table in section Connection (Page 291) Auxiliary voltage Auxiliary power (AUX POWER) 20.4 V DC to 28.8 V DC Current consumption 15 mA - 110 mA (depending on status) Polarity protection Yes (but device does not function) Short-circuit/overload protection Yes, multifuse 0.5 A, self-restoring fuse, reset through power OFF Undervoltage detection < 17 V DC Digital Inputs Input circuit PNP Current-carrying capacity for all inputs 200 mA Switching level - high 10 V Input current low/high 1.5 mA / 7 mA Sensor supply via AS-Interface Short circuit and overload proof Sensors 2 and 3 conductors Voltage range 20 - 30 V Brake output 400 V AC Voltage range 200 V AC (-10%) to 460 V AC (+10%) Current-carrying capacity AC 15: 500 mA Short-circuit protection Fusible link at 1 A / 500 V AC, at 1 A / 500 V AC, ICu = 1 kA Main circuit Rated operating voltage 400 V AC CLASS Tripping time with 7.2 x Ie: 10: 8 s | 20: 16 s | 30: 24 s Rated insulation voltage 500 V AC to IEC 60947-1 Rated surge voltage 4 kV to IEC 60947-1 Safe isolation 300 V AC between auxiliary and main power Frequency 50 Hz (-10%) to 60 Hz (+10%) ON period (ED) 100% Utilization category 1 (device destroyed after short-circuit) 294 AS-Interface system System Manual, 11/2008, 3RK2703-3BB02-1AA1 Slaves 8.6 Switching devices with integrated AS-i connection AS-Interface Current measurement Measuring accuracy 7.5% of the parameterized rated operational current Measuring range 10 x the parameterized rated operational current The technical specifications are available in full in the "ECOFAST Motor Starter" (doc. ID = 21465498 (Page 627)) and "ECOFAST Motor Starter High Feature" (doc. ID = 19065401 (Page 627)) manuals in the bibliography. Setting the AS-i address The addressing socket can be used to assign the AS-i address of the starter in the same way as for I/O modules. Parameterizing the ECOFAST starter The "Motor Starter ES 2006" (or more recent version) or "Switch ES Motorstarter" (name of the predecessor version) software is required for parameterizing the ECOFAST starters. The 3RK1323-2xxxx-xxxx starters are equipped with a temperature sensor connection for monitoring the motor and do not process the input signals further internally. This means that these starters do not need to be parameterized. Factory settings Parameters Value Device Basic parameters Rated operating current Max. rated current 1), 2), 3) Rated voltage 400 V AC (50 Hz) 3) Rated power 1.5 kW 3) Rated frequency 50 Hz 3) Rated speed 1400 rpm 3) Load type 3-pole 1), 2), 3) Protection against voltage failure Activated 1), 2), 3) Thermal motor model CLASS 10 1), 2), 3) Idle time 0 1), 2), 3) Response to overload Switch off without restart 1), 2), 3) Recovery time 1.5 min. 1), 2), 3) Temperature sensor Deactivated 1), 2), 3) Motor protection AS-Interface system System Manual, 11/2008, 3RK2703-3BB02-1AA1 295 Slaves 8.6 Switching devices with integrated AS-i connection Parameters Current limit values Value Device Response to no-current detection Deactivate 1), 2), 3) Blocking current 800 % of Ie 1), 2), 3) Response to current limit value violation Warning 1), 2), 3) Lower current limit 18,75 % of Ie 1), 2), 3) Upper current limit 112,5 % of Ie 1), 2), 3) Asymmetry Deactivate 1), 2), 3) Asymmetry limit value 30 % 1), 2), 3) Input delay 10 msec 1), 2), 3) Input 1 signal Unlatch 1), 2), 3) Input 1 level NO contact 1), 2), 3) Input 1 action No action 1), 2), 3) Input 2 signal Unlatch 1), 2), 3) Input 2 level NO contact 1), 2), 3) Input 2 action No action 1), 2), 3) Asymmetry Inputs Input 3 signal Unlatch 1), 2), 3) Input 3 level NO contact 1), 2), 3) Input 3 action No action 1), 2), 3) Input 4 signal Unlatch 1), 2), 3) Input 4 level NO contact 1), 2), 3) Input 4 action No action 1), 2), 3) 0 sec 1), 2), 3) Brake release delay time on starting 0.0 sec 2), 3) Brake holding time on stopping 0.0 sec 2), 3) Brake torque (electrical braking) 40 % 1), 2), 3) Brake time (electrical braking) 0.0 sec 1), 2), 3) Reversing starter control function Reversing starter lock-out time Mechanical braking 4) Electrical braking 4) Control function: soft starter 296 Startup mode Control function: soft starter 2) Starting voltage 40 % 2) Current limiting value (control function: soft starter) 450 % 2) Starting time 5 sec 2) Coasting down time 0 sec 2) Stop voltage 40 % 2) AS-Interface system System Manual, 11/2008, 3RK2703-3BB02-1AA1 Slaves 8.6 Switching devices with integrated AS-i connection Parameters Control function: regulating rheostat Value Device Control techniques V/f characteristic + 4Q operation 3) Setpoint fmax 70 Hz 3) Setpoint f1 50 Hz 3) Starting time f1 1 sec 3) Coasting down time f1 1 sec 3) Setpoint f2 50 Hz 3) Starting time f2 1 sec 3) Coasting down time f2 1 sec 3) 1) Order no. 3RK1323-5xxxx-xxxx 2) Order no. 3RK1323-6xx7x-xxxx 3) Order no. 3RK1323-6ES84-3AA3 4) Only starters with brake output Dimension drawings ECOFAST motor starters (electromechanical) Figure 8-49 ECOFAST starters (electromechanical) AS-Interface system System Manual, 11/2008, 3RK2703-3BB02-1AA1 297 Slaves 8.6 Switching devices with integrated AS-i connection ECOFAST motor starters (electronic) Figure 8-50 ECOFAST starters (electronic) ECOFAST motor starters (electronic) (duo reversing starters) Figure 8-51 298 ECOFAST starters (electronic) (duo reversing starters) AS-Interface system System Manual, 11/2008, 3RK2703-3BB02-1AA1 Slaves 8.6 Switching devices with integrated AS-i connection 8.6.4 AS-Interface load feeder modules Overview Load feeders AS-Interface load feeders (3RA5) allow circuit-breaker/contactor combinations to be quickly and easily connected to AS-Interface. Figure 8-52 Direct-on-line starter 3RA51, reversing starter 3RA52, and fuseless load feeder 3RA5110 Direct-on-line and reversing starters with SIRIUS switching devices of size S00 up to 10 A and size S0 up to 16 A are available. Complete feeders require an auxiliary voltage of 24 V DC. A complete feeder comprises an AS-i load feeder module, a circuit breaker, one contactor (direct-on-line starter) or two contactors (reversing starters), and a holder for busbar systems (40 mm or 60 mm busbar clearance), including tested pre-wiring. The components can also be ordered separately if wiring is provided by the customer. AS-Interface system System Manual, 11/2008, 3RK2703-3BB02-1AA1 299 Slaves 8.6 Switching devices with integrated AS-i connection AS-i load feeder modules Figure 8-53 AS-Interface load feeder module The AS-i load feeder modules are available in the following variants: With a 24 V DC auxiliary voltage for outputs - 2 inputs / 1 output - 4 inputs / 2 outputs With a 120/230 V AC auxiliary voltage for outputs - 2 inputs / 1 relay output - 3 inputs / 2 relay outputs The connection to the higher-level automation system is established via the AS-Interface interface for the load feeder module. A standard, unshielded litz wire can be used as a data cable and for supplying the auxiliary voltage. Two 2-pin connectors with insulation displacement are used to connect the AS-Interface cable (yellow connector) and auxiliary voltage (black connector for 24 V or red connector for 120 / 230 V). Standard litz wires of between 0.5 mm2 and 0.75 mm2 can be used as connection cables. The feedback messages from the circuit breaker and contactor(s) can be queried with the inputs. The inputs are supplied from the AS-Interface voltage. The outputs are used for energizing the contactor coils directly. Since the outputs are equipped with integrated overvoltage protection, no additional measures need to be taken with regard to the contactors. The outputs are supplied via the separate auxiliary voltage, which allows a selective EMERGENCY STOP concept to be easily implemented. 300 AS-Interface system System Manual, 11/2008, 3RK2703-3BB02-1AA1 Slaves 8.6 Switching devices with integrated AS-i connection Order numbers Direct starters for busbar systems Size S00 S0 Standard three-phase motor 4-pole at 400 V AC Rated power Motor current Setting range for thermal overload release Order no. kW A A 40 mm (5-pin) 60 mm (4-pin) 0.06 0.2 0.14 ... 0.2 3RA5110-0BC15-0BB4 3RA5110-0BD15-0BB4 0.06 0.2 0.18 ... 0.25 3RA5110-0CC15-0BB4 3RA5110-0CD15-0BB4 0.09 0.3 0.22 ... 0.32 3RA5110-0DC15-0BB4 3RA5110-0DD15-0BB4 0.09 0.3 0.28 ... 0.4 3RA5110-0EC15-0BB4 3RA5110-0ED15-0BB4 For busbar system 0.12 0.4 0.35 ... 0.5 3RA5110-0FC15-0BB4 3RA5110-0FD15-0BB4 0.18 0.6 0.45 ... 0.63 3RA5110-0GC15-0BB4 3RA5110-0GD15-0BB4 0.25 0.8 0.55 ... 0.8 3RA5110-0HC15-0BB4 3RA5110-0HD15-0BB4 0.25 0.8 0.7 ... 1 3RA5110-0JC15-0BB4 3RA5110-0JD15-0BB4 0.37 1.1 0.9 ... 1.25 3RA5110-0KC15-0BB4 3RA5110-0KD15-0BB4 0.55 1.5 1.1 ... 1.6 3RA5110-1AC15-0BB4 3RA5110-1AD15-0BB4 0.75 1.9 1.4 ... 2 3RA5110-1BC15-0BB4 3RA5110-1BD15-0BB4 0.75 1.9 1.8 ... 2.5 3RA5110-1CC15-0BB4 3RA5110-1CD15-0BB4 1.1 2.7 2.2 ... 3.2 3RA5110-1DC15-0BB4 3RA5110-1DD15-0BB4 1.5 3.6 2.8 ... 4 3RA5110-1EC15-0BB4 3RA5110-1ED15-0BB4 1.5 3.6 3.5 ... 5 3RA5110-1FC15-0BB4 3RA5110-1FD15-0BB4 2.2 5.2 4.5 ... 6.3 3RA5110-1GC15-0BB4 3RA5110-1GD15-0BB4 3 6.8 5.5 ... 8 3RA5110-1HC15-0BB4 3RA5110-1HD15-0BB4 4 9 7 ... 10 3RA5110-1JC16-0BB4 3RA5110-1JD16-0BB4 5.5 11.5 9 ... 12 3RA5110-1KC17-0BB4 3RA5110-1KD17-0BB4 7.5 15.5 11 ... 16 -- 3RA51 20-4AD25-0BB4 With one connector each for AS-i and auxiliary voltage (yellow and black). The starting and rated data of the motor to be protected are crucial factors in the selection. AS-Interface system System Manual, 11/2008, 3RK2703-3BB02-1AA1 301 Slaves 8.6 Switching devices with integrated AS-i connection Reversing starters for busbar systems Size S00 S0 Standard three-phase motors 4-pin at 400 V AC Rated power Motor current Setting range for thermal overload release kW A A Order no. 40 mm (5-pin) 60 mm (4-pin) For busbar system 0.06 0.2 0.14 ... 0.2 3RA5210-0BC15-0BB4 3RA5210-0BD15-0BB4 0.06 0.2 0.18 ... 0.25 3RA5210-0CC15-0BB4 3RA5210-0CD15-0BB4 0.09 0.3 0.22 ... 0.32 3RA5210-0DC15-0BB4 3RA5210-0DD15-0BB4 0.09 0.3 0.28 ... 0.4 3RA5210-0EC15-0BB4 3RA5210-0ED15-0BB4 0.12 0.4 0.35 ... 0.5 3RA5210-0FC15-0BB4 3RA5210-0FD15-0BB4 0.18 0.6 0.45 ... 0.63 3RA5210-0GC15-0BB4 3RA5210-0GD15-0BB4 0.25 0.8 0.55 ... 0.8 3RA5210-0HC15-0BB4 3RA5210-0HD15-0BB4 0.25 0.8 0.7 ... 1 3RA5210-0JC15-0BB4 3RA5210-0JD15-0BB4 0.37 1.1 0.9 ... 1.25 3RA5210-0KC15-0BB4 3RA5210-0KD15-0BB4 0.55 1.5 1.1 ... 1.6 3RA5210-1AC15-0BB4 3RA5210-1AD15-0BB4 0.75 1.9 1.4 ... 2 3RA5210-1BC15-0BB4 3RA5210-1BD15-0BB4 0.75 1.9 1.8 ... 2.5 3RA5210-1CC15-0BB4 3RA5210-1CD15-0BB4 1.1 2.7 2.2 ... 3.2 3RA5210-1DC15-0BB4 3RA5210-1DD15-0BB4 1.5 3.6 2.8 ... 4 3RA5210-1EC15-0BB4 3RA5210-1ED15-0BB4 1.5 3.6 3.5 ... 5 3RA5210-1FC15-0BB4 3RA5210-1FD15-0BB4 2.2 5.2 4.5 ... 6.3 3RA5210-1GC15-0BB4 3RA5210-1GD15-0BB4 3 6.8 5.5 ... 8 3RA5210-1HC15-0BB4 3RA5210-1HD15-0BB4 4 9 7 ... 10 3RA5210-1JC16-0BB4 3RA5210-1JD16-0BB4 5.5 11.5 9 ... 12 3RA5210-1KC17-0BB4 3RA5210-1KD17-0BB4 7.5 15.5 11 ... 16 -- 3RA51 20-4AD25-0BB4 With one connector each for AS-i and auxiliary voltage (yellow and black). The starting and rated data of the motor to be protected are crucial factors in the selection. 302 AS-Interface system System Manual, 11/2008, 3RK2703-3BB02-1AA1 Slaves 8.6 Switching devices with integrated AS-i connection Accessories (e.g. for customer installation of a load feeder) Type Order no. Holder for AS-Interface load feeder modules Holder extension for installation on standard load feeders (3RA1) or busbar adapter (8US1), for installing an AS-Interface load feeder module -- For installation on busbar adapter with 40 mm center-to-center clearance, with busbar pick-up for N and PE conductors (two separate busbars), power connector set 3RK1901-0EA00 required 45 mm width 54 mm width 3RK1901-3AA00 3RK1901-3BA00 For installation on busbar adapter with 60 mm center-to-center clearance, with busbar pick-up for PEN conductor (one busbar), power connector set 3RK1 901-0EA00 required 45 mm width 54 mm width 3RK1901-3CA00 3RK1901-3DA00 Without PE and N conductor connection, for installation on busbar adapter with 40 mm or 60 mm center-to-center clearance 45 mm width 54 mm width 3RK1901-3EA00 3RK1901-3FA00 For installation on SIRIUS mounting rail adapter 3RA19 22-1A 45 mm width Power connector set 5-pin, 2.5 mm2 (1 set contains 1 connector and 1 coupling) 3RK1901-3GA00 3RK1901-0EA00 For additional busbar accessories, see catalog LV 1, "SIRIUS - SENTRON - SIVACON". Load feeder modules Type Order no. AS-Interface load feeder module -- Type Auxiliary voltage -- 2 inputs / 1 output 24 V DC 3RK1400-1KG01-0AA1 1) 4 inputs / 2 outputs 24 V DC 3RK1400-1MG01-0AA1 1) 2 inputs / 1 relay output 120/230 V AC 3RK1402-3KG02-0AA1 2) 3 inputs / 2 relay outputs 120/230 V AC 3RK1402-3LG02-0AA1 2) 1) Without connector for AS-i and auxiliary voltage (yellow and black). 2) With connector in each case for AS-i and auxiliary voltage (yellow and red). Accessories (for load feeder modules) Type Order no. Connector for AS-i and auxiliary voltage with insulation piercing connecting devices for 2 x (0.5 to 0.75 mm2) standard litz wire yellow black red 3RK1901-0NA00 3RK1901-0PA00 3RK1901-0QA00 AS-Interface system System Manual, 11/2008, 3RK2703-3BB02-1AA1 303 Slaves 8.6 Switching devices with integrated AS-i connection Connection Load feeders with busbar The devices are fully pre-wired and can be adapted on the busbar. They are available for busbar systems with a busbar center-to-center clearance of 40 mm and 60 mm. 5$ 5$ / / / / / / 1 3(1 3( Figure 8-54 Load feeders with busbar The outgoing side to the load is wired via the power connector, which means that the main conductors L1/L2/L3 and the N or PE conductor have plug-in connections. The power connector is included in the scope of supply. 304 AS-Interface system System Manual, 11/2008, 3RK2703-3BB02-1AA1 Slaves 8.6 Switching devices with integrated AS-i connection Power connector PPt . . . PPt 1 . . . 3(1 3( &RQQHFWRU 3LQQRW RFFXSLHG 7 7 7 1 3( PPt Figure 8-55 7 7 7 3(1 PPt Connecting the power connectors AS-Interface system System Manual, 11/2008, 3RK2703-3BB02-1AA1 305 Slaves 8.6 Switching devices with integrated AS-i connection Communications connector PPt Figure 8-56 306 $8;32:(5 9'& 1 / $6L The 24 V DC auxiliary power and the AS-Interface cable are routed via two communications connectors (supplied). Connecting the AS-i and AUX-POWER cable AS-Interface system System Manual, 11/2008, 3RK2703-3BB02-1AA1 Slaves 8.6 Switching devices with integrated AS-i connection Internal wiring and data bit assignments 5$ 5$ 4 / / / ,! ,! 4 ,! / / / ,! ,! ,! . 7 7 7 . . 7 7 7 ' 287 ,1 ' ' 287287 . . . . . Figure 8-57 . . 4 . 4 0 ,1 ,1 ' ,1 ' 0 ,1 ' ,1 ' ,1 ' Load feeder: internal wiring and data bit assignments AS-Interface system System Manual, 11/2008, 3RK2703-3BB02-1AA1 307 Slaves 8.6 Switching devices with integrated AS-i connection Connections on the load feeder modules 5..*$$ ,1 ' ,1 ' 287 ' ; 287 ; 0 5.0*$$ ; 287 ; 287 ; ; ; 0 ; ; ,1 ; ; ,1 ; ,1 ; ,1 ; ,1 ; ,1 ; FP Figure 8-58 ,1 ,1 ,1 ,1 287 287 FP Load feeder module for 24 V DC 5..*$$ ; 1 ; 287 ; 5./*$$ ,1 ' ,1 ' 287 ' ,1 ,1 ,1 287 287 ; 1 ; 287 ; 287 ; ; ; ; ; ,1 ; ,1 ; ,1 ; ,1 ; ,1 ; FP Figure 8-59 ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' FP Load feeder module for 120/240 V Note The sensor connection cables must be no more than 60 cm long. 308 AS-Interface system System Manual, 11/2008, 3RK2703-3BB02-1AA1 Slaves 8.6 Switching devices with integrated AS-i connection Diagnostics LED for AS-i/FAULT The module has one dual LED for AS-i/FAULT for diagnostic purposes; see LED status displays for modules with a dual LED for AS-i/FAULT (Page 174). LED display AUX POWER The module also has an LED for AUX POWER; for a description, see LED status display AUX POWER for modules with auxiliary voltage (Page 175). Technical specifications Load feeders Note The load feeders have the same technical specifications as the individual devices (e.g. high short-circuit strength of Iq = 50 kA). Load feeder modules Order no. 3RK1400-1KG010AA1 3RK1400-1MG010AA1 3RK1402-3KG020AA1 3RK1402-3LG010AA2 Installed in: 3RA5110-*****0BB4 3RA5120-*****0BB4 3RA5210-*****0BB4 3RA5220-*****0BB4 -- -- Slave type Standard slave Suitable for AS-i master to Spec. ... (or higher) AS-i Spec. 2.0 No. of inputs/outputs 2 inputs / 1 output 4 inputs / 2 outputs Operating voltage in acc. with AS-Interface Specification 3 inputs / 2 relay outputs 26.5 ... 31.6 V Reverse polarity protection UAS-i AS-i slave profile IO.ID 2 inputs / 1 relay output Integrated 3.F ID2, ID1 code Total power consumption from AS-Interface 7.F 3.F 8 ... 12 mA AS-Interface certificate Available Approvals UL, CSA AS-Interface system System Manual, 11/2008, 3RK2703-3BB02-1AA1 7.F not available (substitute values: F, F) 309 Slaves 8.6 Switching devices with integrated AS-i connection Order no. 3RK1400-1KG010AA1 3RK1400-1MG010AA1 3RK1402-3KG020AA1 Degree of protection IP20 Ambient temperature 0 ... +55 C Storage temperature -40 ... +85 C 3RK1402-3LG010AA2 Inputs Reverse polarity protection Integrated Max. input current 6 mA Max. permissible cable length between IN + and an input 0.4 m Outputs External power supply for outputs (energizing the contactor coils) via auxiliary power 24 V DC Max. 230 V AC Current-carrying capacity Ie 0.5 A (DC-13/DC-14) 3 A (AC-15); 0.1 (DC-13 at 220 V) Total current (thermal) Ith 2A 3A Reverse polarity protection Integrated Not required Short-circuit protection Integrated No Inductive interference protection Integrated Not required Watchdog 310 Integrated AS-Interface system System Manual, 11/2008, 3RK2703-3BB02-1AA1 Slaves 8.6 Switching devices with integrated AS-i connection Dimension drawings Size S00, for 40 mm and 60 mm busbar systems 'LUHFWRQOLQHVWDUWLQJ 5HYHUVLQJGXW\ %XVEDUDGDSWHUVXLWDEOH IRUEXVEDUWKLFNQHVVHVRIDQGPP ZLWKFKDPIHUHGHGJHV Figure 8-60 Load feeder: size S00 AS-Interface system System Manual, 11/2008, 3RK2703-3BB02-1AA1 311 Slaves 8.6 Switching devices with integrated AS-i connection Size S0, for 40 mm and 60 mm busbar systems 'LUHFWRQOLQHVWDUWLQJ 5HYHUVLQJGXW\ %XVEDUDGDSWHUVXLWDEOH IRUEXVEDUWKLFNQHVVHVRIDQGPP ZLWKFKDPIHUHGHGJHV Figure 8-61 312 Load feeder: size S0 AS-Interface system System Manual, 11/2008, 3RK2703-3BB02-1AA1 Slaves 8.6 Switching devices with integrated AS-i connection Load feeder module Figure 8-62 Load feeder module AS-Interface system System Manual, 11/2008, 3RK2703-3BB02-1AA1 313 Slaves 8.7 AS-Interface for control and signaling devices 8.7 AS-Interface for control and signaling devices 8.7.1 AS-i F adapter for EMERGENCY STOP control devices 3SB3 Overview AS-i F adapter for EMERGENCY STOP control devices 3SB3 The AS-Interface F adapter is used for connecting an EMERGENCY STOP / EMERGENCY OFF control device (to ISO 13850 or EN 418) from the 3SB3 series to the AS-Interface bus system. The AS-i F adapter contains an ASIsafe slave and is snapped on to EMERGENCY STOP / EMERGENCY OFF (actuating element only) from the rear. Depending on the version, it can be connected with a screw connection or spring-loaded terminals. The AS-Interface F adapter is available: Without an additional output With an output for controlling an indicator light with an LED With the adapter, the device fulfills safety category 4 (SIL 3). Figure 8-63 AS-i F adapter The version with an output can be used to control the illuminated backing plate for EMERGENCY STOP control devices, for example. 314 AS-Interface system System Manual, 11/2008, 3RK2703-3BB02-1AA1 Slaves 8.7 AS-Interface for control and signaling devices Figure 8-64 AS-i F adapter with EMERGENCY STOP control device and illuminated backing plate Setting the AS-i address The addressing socket is located under the AS-i terminals. The address is assigned as usual using the AS-i addressing unit. Order numbers Type Order no. AS-I slave for front plate mounting with screw connection 2F-DI 3SF5402-1AA03 AS-I slave for front plate mounting with spring-mounted terminal 2F-DI 3SF5402-1AA04 AS-I slave for front plate mounting with screw connection; 2F-DI/1DO; output for controlling lamp holder with integrated LED 3SF5402-1AB03 AS-I slave for front plate mounting with spring-loaded terminal; 2F-DI/1DO; output for controlling lamp holder with integrated LED 3SF5402-1AB04 Type Order no. Yellow backing plate, illuminated, labeling can be added 3SB3921-0DA Yellow backing plate, illuminated, labeled with "EMERGENCY STOP" 3SB3921-0DD Yellow backing plate, illuminated, labeled with "NOT-HALT" 3SB3921-0DK Accessories AS-Interface system System Manual, 11/2008, 3RK2703-3BB02-1AA1 315 Slaves 8.7 AS-Interface for control and signaling devices Diagnostics LED for AS-i/FAULT The module has one dual LED for AS-i/FAULT for diagnostic purposes; see LED status displays for modules with a dual LED for AS-i/FAULT (Page 174) . Technical specifications AS-i F adapter Technical specifications AS-i slave profile IO.ID.ID2 7.B.F ID1 code (factory setting) F Total current consumption I 60 mA Reverse polarity protection Integrated Inputs Low signal range Contact open High signal range Contact closed Iin (Ipeak 5 mA) The PFD value does not have any major effect on the PFD of the system as a whole comprising the AS-Interface bus and safety monitor. 316 AS-Interface system System Manual, 11/2008, 3RK2703-3BB02-1AA1 Slaves 8.7 AS-Interface for control and signaling devices 8.7.2 Housing and modules for buttons and indicator lights 3SB3 Overview AS-Interface housing can be used to connect distributed control devices of series 3SB3 quickly and easily to AS-Interface. Figure 8-65 Housing in different versions The housing is available in metal or plastic with 1, 2, 3, 4, or 6 control points. Housing with 1, 2, or 3 control points has cutouts for M20 cable glands. Housing with 4 or 6 control points has cutouts for M25 cable glands. The housing with integrated AS-Interface can be: supplied in a fully pre-wired condition assembled by the customer from individual components or otherwise extended/modified. The pre-wired housing can be: ordered with a fixed range of standard range of components (with 1 to 3 control points) (see order numbers (Page 321)) or assembled (with 1 to 6 control points) and ordered by the customer using a configurator AS-Interface system System Manual, 11/2008, 3RK2703-3BB02-1AA1 317 Slaves 8.7 AS-Interface for control and signaling devices Configurator You can call up the configurator at the following Internet address: Then choose Online Configurator on the right of the screen. Figure 8-66 Calling up the configurator on the Internet You can equip the housing with practically all of the available actuators and indicators in the 3SB3 range (22 mm, round version): indicator lights, acoustic signal devices, buttons, knob switches, key-operated switches, mushroom pushbuttons, etc. 318 AS-Interface system System Manual, 11/2008, 3RK2703-3BB02-1AA1 Slaves 8.7 AS-Interface for control and signaling devices AS-Interface slaves Built-in AS-i modules are available for the housing for integrating AS-i. These slave modules can be snapped in to the base plate of the housing without the need for tools. Thanks to the integrated busbar adapter, the modules can also be snapped on to a DIN rail outside the 3SB3 housing so that they can be used for other configuration concepts. The modules are available in the following versions: Standard module for connecting four switching elements and four LEDs, in two housing variants - For installation in plastic housing (with 2-6 control points) - For installation in metal housing (with 2-6 control points) A/B module for connecting four switching elements and three LEDs, in two housing variants - For installation in plastic housing (with 2-6 control points) - For installation in metal housing (with 2-6 control points) ASIsafe module for connecting safety-oriented signals with two contacts (e.g. EMERGENCY STOP) in three housing variants - For installation in plastic housing without protective collars (with 1-6 control points) - For installation in metal housing without protective collars (with 1-6 control points) - For installation in plastic or metal housing with protective collars (with 1 control point) Figure 8-67 Standard or A/B module (left) and ASIsafe module (right) Scope of application In a 3SB3 housing, the AS-Interface modules 4DI/4DO and 4DI/3DO can query four contacts. AS-Interface module 4DI/4DO can also control four indicator lights, while module 4DI/3DO can control three indicator lights. The required power is provided by the AS-Interface system. In conjunction with an A/B-capable AS-Interface master, up to 62 4DI/3DO modules can be operated in one AS-Interface network. AS-Interface system System Manual, 11/2008, 3RK2703-3BB02-1AA1 319 Slaves 8.7 AS-Interface for control and signaling devices Installed in a 3SB3 housing, the AS-Interface safety module is used for detecting safety-related switching statuses of one or two-channel EMERGENCY OFF buttons with floating contacts. For this purpose, a code table with 8x4 bits is transferred via the AS-Interface bus and evaluated by the safety monitor. When operated properly, the system fulfills safety category 4 to EN 954-1. If an EMERGENCY OFF actuator is queried on just one channel (terminals for F-IN2 jumpered by means of wire), the system only fulfills safety category 2. In accordance with IEC 61508, the module can be used in loops up to SIL 3. The PFD value of the module is insignificant vis-a-vis the PDF value of the evaluation unit (e.g. AS-i monitor). Always read the notes in the Safety Integrated manual and operating instructions for the safety monitor. Setting the AS-i address To assign the AS-i address, you need to open the housing. The addressing socket is located on the side of the built-in AS-i module. The address is assigned as usual using the AS-i addressing unit. If the housing contains more than one AS-i module, you have to assign multiple addresses. 320 AS-Interface system System Manual, 11/2008, 3RK2703-3BB02-1AA1 Slaves 8.7 AS-Interface for control and signaling devices Order numbers Order numbers of the housing and modules Housing with the standard range of components can be delivered with: Vertical mounting type Plastic housing with plastic actuators and signaling devices Metal housing with metal actuators and signaling devices The plastic housing versions have a connection for the AS-Interface flat cable (cable is routed externally past the housing); with metal housing versions, the AS-Interface cable is routed into the housing. Version (A, B, C = code letters for control points) No. of control points For plastic housing For metal housing A = EMERGENCY OFF mushroom pushbutton via AS-Interface adapter, top of housing: yellow 1 3SF5811-0AA08 3SF5811-2AA08 A = EMERGENCY OFF mushroom pushbutton via AS-Interface adapter, top of housing: yellow, with protective collar 1 3SF5811-0AB08 3SF5811-2AB08 B = green pushbutton, label "I" A = red pushbutton, label "O" 2 3SF5812-0DA00 3SF5812-2DA00 B = white pushbutton, label "I" A = black pushbutton, label "O" 2 3SF5812-0DB00 3SF5812-2DB00 C = clear indicator light, blank label B = green pushbutton, label "I" A = red pushbutton, label "O" 3 3SF5813-0DA00 3SF5813-2DA00 C = clear indicator light, blank label B = white pushbutton, label "I" A = black pushbutton, label "O" 3 3SF5813-0DC00 3SF5813-2DC00 C = black pushbutton, label "II" B = black pushbutton, label "I" A = red pushbutton, label "O" 3 3SF5813-0DB00 3SF5813-2DB00 Housing with user-defined configuration Order no. See configurator. Slave modules Type ASIsafe slave, 2 safe inputs, for housing without protective collar Order no. For plastic housing For metal housing 3SF5500-0BA 3SF5500-0CA ASIsafe slave, 2 safe inputs, for housing with protective collar 3SF5500-0DA A/B slave, 4 inputs / 3 outputs 3SF5500-0BB 3SF5500-0CB Standard slave, 4 inputs / 4 outputs 3SF5500-0BC 3SF5500-0CC AS-Interface system System Manual, 11/2008, 3RK2703-3BB02-1AA1 321 Slaves 8.7 AS-Interface for control and signaling devices Accessories Type No. of control points Order no. For plastic housing For metal housing Wiring unit for F slave 3SF5900-0BA Wiring unit for standard or A/B slave 3SF5900-0BB Connection elements For AS-Interface flat cable, connection via insulation displacement method 1 ... 3 3SF5900-0CA -- 4 ... 6 3SF5900-0CB -- For AS-Interface connection via M12 connector 1 ... 3 3SF5900-0CC 3SF5900-2CC 4 ... 6 3SF5900-0CD 3SF5900-2CD For bringing out unused inputs/outputs via M12 socket 1 ... 3 3SF5900-0CE 3SF5900-2CE 4 ... 6 3SF5900-0CF For AS-Interface flat cable, cable routed into housing 1 ... 3 3SF5900-0CG 4 ... 6 3SF5900-0CH For round cable, cable routed into housing 1 ... 3 3SF5900-0CJ 4 ... 6 3SF5900-0CK 322 3SF5900-2CF AS-Interface system System Manual, 11/2008, 3RK2703-3BB02-1AA1 Slaves 8.7 AS-Interface for control and signaling devices Connection Housing and modules Instead of the standard method using multi-core connection cables, the elements are wired directly to one or more AS-Interface slave modules in the housing. Switching elements are connected to inputs and LED elements are connected to outputs. The 2-core AS-i cable is all that is required for establishing a connection with the PLC. An auxiliary voltage (black 24 V cable) is not required because the outputs/LED elements are supplied with power directly via the AS-i voltage. The following secure connection options are available for connecting the AS-i cable: M12 socket Cable gland for AS-i flat cable Cable gland for round cable The following quick-assembly option is also available: Connection clip with insulation displacement method for AS-i flat cable Figure 8-68 Different connection options Inputs or outputs that are not required for switching elements or LED elements can be routed externally (e.g. to connect external sensors) via an M12 socket through the second cutout in the housing. Connecting the AS-Interface slave modules to the control and signaling devices The modules are connected to the control and signaling devices via connecting cables. Standard or A/B modules require 14-pin connectors while ASIsafe modules require 8-pin connectors. The connectors are available as complete wiring units. AS-Interface system System Manual, 11/2008, 3RK2703-3BB02-1AA1 323 Slaves 8.7 AS-Interface for control and signaling devices Wiring / pin assignment FOLF FOLF 6 ,1 ),1 $6, ,1 ,1 $6, ,1 $6, 287 Figure 8-69 ),1 ),1 ),1 287 287 287 287 $6, Connecting the standard or A/B module (left) and ASIsafe module (right) ),1 ),1 ),1 ),1 ),1 ),1 6WDQGDUGRU$%PRGXOH Figure 8-70 $6,VDIHPRGXOH Wiring the standard or A/B module (left) and ASIsafe module (right) Only mechanical contacts can be connected to inputs F-INx and INx. 324 AS-Interface system System Manual, 11/2008, 3RK2703-3BB02-1AA1 Slaves 8.7 AS-Interface for control and signaling devices Cross-connections between two modules (e.g. S+ (module 1) to INx (module 2)) are not permitted. Signal cables must not be connected to external voltages (e.g. actuator between OUTx and external ground cable) must not be connected nor +24 V wired to INx. $6, $6, Figure 8-71 Connecting the AS-Interface module to the connection element for AS-Interface Data assignment of pre-wired (in factory) housing: The positions of the control points in the housing are labeled with A, B, C, etc. "A" is located at the bottom (or on the left if the device is mounted horizontally). 1. Safety-oriented control points (e.g. EMERGENCY STOP buttons) require one complete ASIsafe module. 2. The inputs and outputs on standard and A/B modules are assigned in ascending order in accordance with the position of the switching elements or LED elements. 3. If more than one standard or A/B modules are installed in the housing: In the case of illuminated control points (illuminated pushbuttons / knobs), the LED and switching element are wired to the same AS-i module. If the control point has two switching elements (illuminated knob with 3 positions), the LED and the "lower" switching element are wired to the same AS-i module. This means that individual outputs in this consecutive series may remain unused. AS-Interface system System Manual, 11/2008, 3RK2703-3BB02-1AA1 325 Slaves 8.7 AS-Interface for control and signaling devices Example of data assignment for factory-side assembly: housing with six control points (incl. EMERGENCY STOP) $6LDGGUHVV $6LDGGUHVV ) 'DWD 2XWSXWV DVVLJQPHQW 'DWD ,QSXWV DVVLJQPHQW 287 QRWXVHG ' ' 287 QRWXVHG ' 287 QRWXVHG ' 287/('( ' ,1 QRWXVHG ( ' ,1 QRWXVHG ( ' ,13XVKEXWWRQ) ' ,1,OOXPLQDWHGNQRE( 3RVLWLRQ ( ' $6LDGGUHVV 'DWD 2XWSXWV DVVLJQPHQW ' 287 QRWXVHG ' 287/('' ' 287/('& ' 287/('% 'HIDXOW RU $%PRGXOH $6LDGGUHVV 'DWD ,QSXWV DVVLJQPHQW ,1,OOXPLQDWHGNQRE( ' 3RVLWLRQ ,1,OOXPLQDWHG ' SXVKEXWWRQ' ,1,OOXPLQDWHGNQRE& ' 3RVLWLRQ ,1,OOXPLQDWHGNQRE& ' 3RVLWLRQ & & & % $ 'HIDXOW RU $%PRGXOH $6LDGGUHVV 'DWD ,QSXWV DVVLJQPHQW 6DIHW\VLJQDO '' (0(5*(1&<6723$ 1RWUHTXLUHGZLWK$%WHFKQRORJ\ Figure 8-72 Data assignment: element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igure 8-73 326 'DWD ,QSXWV DVVLJQPHQW 6DIHW\VLJQDO '' (0(5*(1&<6723$ $6,VDIH 0RGXOH Data assignment: element B illuminated pushbuttons AS-Interface system System Manual, 11/2008, 3RK2703-3BB02-1AA1 Slaves 8.7 AS-Interface for control and signaling devices Technical specifications Technical specifications of the AS-Interface slaves General technical specifications Immunity to noise (EN 61000, EN 61496-1) IEC 61000-4-2 4 kV / 8 kV (encapsulated) IEC 61000-4-3 10 V/m IEC 61000-4-4 1 kV (A) / 2 kV (B) Mechanical data Degree of protection with metal housing IP67 Degree of protection with plastic housing IP65 Shock load (IEC 60068-2-27) 30 g / 11 ms, half-sine Vibratory load (IEC 60068-2-6) 10 to 100 Hz, 5 g Temperature range Rated temperature Tu 25C Ambient temperature Ta -25C to +70C Storage temperature Ts -40C to +80C Power requirements The following table can be used to calculate the power requirements for the AS-i housing: Components Power requirements for each function used/connected For each ASIsafe module (incl. switching elements) 60 mA For each standard module or A/B module 40 mA For each switching element used 6 mA For each activated LED 20 mA Standard and A/B module Technical specifications Standard module A/B module AS-i slave profile IO.ID.ID2 7.0.F 7.A.E ID1 code (factory setting) F 7 Total current consumption I 280 mA 280 mA Reverse polarity protection Integrated Integrated Inputs Sensor supply (short circuit and overload proof) AS-Interface system System Manual, 11/2008, 3RK2703-3BB02-1AA1 327 Slaves 8.7 AS-Interface for control and signaling devices Technical specifications Voltage range Uout Standard module A/B module 20 V to 30 V DC 20 V to 30 V DC Switching current I Approx. 5 mA Approx. 5 mA Load voltage Uout (depending on current load) 20 V to 30 V DC 20 V to 30 V DC Max. aggregate current Iout (max. 4 LEDs / 24 V lamps, 1 W) 180 mA 180 mA Switching frequency 100 Hz 100 Hz Short-circuit protection Integrated Integrated Outputs (supplied from AS-Interface) ASIsafe module Technical specifications ASIsafe module AS-i slave profile IO.ID.ID2 7.B.F ID1 code (factory setting) F Total current consumption I 60 mA Reverse polarity protection Integrated Inputs Low signal range Contact open High signal range Contact closed Iin Dynamic (Ipeak 5 mA) The PFD value does not have any major effect on the PFD of the system as a whole comprising the AS-Interface bus and safety monitor. Example of AS-i housing with an EMERGENCY STOP button and two illuminated pushbuttons: Max. overall power requirements (from AS-i cable): ASIsafe module 60 mA Standard or A/B module 40 mA 2 x switching elements, 6 mA each 12 mA 2 x LEDs, 20 mA each 40 mA Total 152 mA When realistic simultaneity factors are taken into account, the actual power requirements tend to be lower in practice. 328 AS-Interface system System Manual, 11/2008, 3RK2703-3BB02-1AA1 Slaves 8.7 AS-Interface for control and signaling devices Dimension drawings of the housing Dimension drawings of the housing F Housing without protective collar (plastic) E D 5HDUYLHZ )RUVFUHZ0 :LWKNQRFNRXWVRQWRSDQGERWWRP HDFKIRUVFUHZFRQQHFWLRQ Figure 8-74 Housing without protective collar (plastic) No. of control points Length a 1 85 54 17.5 2 114 83 17.5 3 154 123 17.5 4 194 163 17.5 6 280 249 20.5 AS-Interface system System Manual, 11/2008, 3RK2703-3BB02-1AA1 Clearance b Clearance c 329 Slaves 8.7 AS-Interface for control and signaling devices F Housing without protective collar (metal) E D 5HDUYLHZ )RUVFUHZ0 :LWKNQRFNRXWVRQWRSDQGERWWRP HDFKIRUVFUHZFRQQHFWLRQ Figure 8-75 330 Housing without protective collar (metal) No. of control points Length a Clearance b Clearance c 1 85 54 21 2 114 83 21 3 154 123 21 4 194 163 21 6 280 249 21 AS-Interface system System Manual, 11/2008, 3RK2703-3BB02-1AA1 Slaves 8.8 Signaling columns with AS-Interface connection 8.8 Signaling columns with AS-Interface connection 8.8.1 Overview On machines or in automatic processes, the 8WD4 signaling columns are used for monitoring complex procedures or provide visual/acoustic warnings in emergencies. In the case of standard signaling columns, the signaling elements (e.g. lamp elements) are placed vertically on the connection element. In the connection element, a signal cable (and joint ground cable) must be connected for each signaling element. In the case of AS-Interface signaling columns, an AS-i adapter element is placed on the connection element. The signaling elements are placed vertically on top of this. Only the 2-pin AS-i cable (and auxiliary voltage, if required) needs to be connected in the connection element. The signaling elements are controlled as AS-i outputs. The outputs are connected to the signaling elements automatically in ascending order. $UUDQJHPHQWRIWKH VLJQDOLQJHOHPHQWV $VVLJQPHQWRIWKH RXWSXWV GDWDELW 6 287 ' 6 287 ' 6 287 ' 6 287 ' QRWDYDLODEOH IRU$%PRGXOH $6,QWHUIDFHPRGXOH &RQQHFWLRQPRGXOH Figure 8-76 Assignment of the signaling elements to the AS-i outputs AS-Interface system System Manual, 11/2008, 3RK2703-3BB02-1AA1 331 Slaves 8.8 Signaling columns with AS-Interface connection Configuring the signaling columns For a detailed guide to configuring signaling columns, please visit: On the left of the screen, choose the product path: Automation and Drives Low-Voltage Controls and Distribution SIRIUS Industrial Controls Commanding and Signaling Devices 8WD4 Signaling Columns In the middle of the screen under the "Brochures" tab, download the PDF file onto your PC in the required language. Figure 8-77 Brochure: Signaling Columns (as at 08/2007) 8WD44 series (70 mm diameter) The following AS-i adapter elements are available for the 8WD44 series: Standard slave with 4 electronic outputs A/B slave with 3 electronic outputs You can use a slide switch on the bottom of the adapter element to select the cable via which the signaling elements are supplied: Switch position "internal" Power supply for the signaling elements from the AS-i cable. An auxiliary voltage does not need to be connected. Switch position "external" Power supply for the signaling elements from the auxiliary voltage. 24 V DC auxiliary voltage must be connected. Depending on the position of the switch, the power requirements for the signaling elements must be taken into account when the AS-i power supply unit or auxiliary voltage power supply unit is dimensioned. In the event of an overload, the outputs are shut down and an I/O error is reported to the AS-i master. The following table can be used to calculate the power requirements for the AS-i module: 332 Components Power requirements 8WD42 Power requirements 8WD44 AS-i module 50 mA 50 mA Steady light element incandescent lamp (7 W) 300 mA 300 mA AS-Interface system System Manual, 11/2008, 3RK2703-3BB02-1AA1 Slaves 8.8 Signaling columns with AS-Interface connection Components Power requirements 8WD42 Power requirements 8WD44 Steady light element LED 60 mA 45 mA Buzzer element 25 mA 25 mA Siren element -- 100 mA 8WD42 series (50 mm diameter) The following AS-i adapter elements are available for the 8WD42 series: Standard slave with 4 relay outputs. Auxiliary voltage 0...24 V DC or 0...230 V AC must be connected. The max. aggregate current for all the signaling elements is 1.5 A. The AS-i module for the 8WD42 series is not equipped with overload protection. Setting the AS-i address In the 8WD44 series, the addressing socket for setting the AS-i address is located and can be accessed on the bottom of the adapter element (once it has been removed). To the set AS-i address with the 8WD42 series, however, the addressing device can be connected directly using the AS-i connection cable (no addressing socket). 8.8.2 Order numbers AS-Interface adapter element for signaling columns Type Order no. AS-Interface adapter element with external 24 V DC auxiliary voltage for 4 signaling elements 8WD4228-0BB AS-Interface adapter element A/B technology, ASIsafe, with/without external 24 V DC auxiliary voltage, switchable for 3 signaling elements 8WD4428-0BD AS-Interface adapter element standard AS-i, with external 24 V DC auxiliary voltage, for 4 signaling elements 8WD4428-0BE For the configuration of the signaling elements, refer to the order numbers in the relevant catalog or brochure. AS-Interface system System Manual, 11/2008, 3RK2703-3BB02-1AA1 333 Slaves 8.8 Signaling columns with AS-Interface connection 8.8.3 Connection UAUX (+) 4 UAUX (-) 3 AS-i (-) 0 1 1 AS-i (+) AS-i (+) Figure 8-78 AS-i (-) 0 Signaling columns - AS-i connection (on left without, on right with AUX POWER) Addressing socket switch Supply of signaling elements by 1 = ext: UAUX 2 = int: UASI Figure 8-79 334 1 2 Signaling columns - ASI module AS-Interface system System Manual, 11/2008, 3RK2703-3BB02-1AA1 Slaves 8.8 Signaling columns with AS-Interface connection 8.8.4 Diagnostics Figure 8-80 LEDs on the 8WD44 signaling column In the 8WD44 series, the adapter element is equipped with three diagnostic LEDs on the side: AS-i, FAULT, and AUX (auxiliary voltage). The LEDs have the same meaning as that described in "Diagnostics". If the outputs are overloaded, the I/O error bit is set. No diagnostic LEDs are available in the 8WD42 series. 8.8.5 Technical specifications AS-Interface adapter elements for signaling columns Order no. 8WD4228-0BB 8WD4428-0BD 8WD4428-0BE Slave type Standard slave A/B slave Standard slave Suitable for AS-i master to Spec. ... (or higher) AS-i Spec. 2.0 AS-i Spec. 2.1 AS-i Spec. 2.0 AS-i slave profile IO.ID.ID2 8.F (ID2 not available, replacement value: F) 8.A.E 8.F.F ID1 code (factory setting) (ID1 not available, substitute value: F) 7 F Power supply Operating voltage from AS-i cable Current consumption from AS-i cable without external auxiliary voltage -- with external auxiliary voltage 50 mA AS-Interface system System Manual, 11/2008, 3RK2703-3BB02-1AA1 18.5 ... 31.6 V 250 mA 50 mA -- 50 mA 335 Slaves 8.8 Signaling columns with AS-Interface connection Order no. Protective measures 8WD4228-0BB Watchdog Short-circuit/overload protection 8WD4428-0BD 8WD4428-0BE Integrated Via external back-up fuse M 1.6 A Reverse polarity protection Integrated Integrated Outputs 4 relay outputs 3 electronic outputs 4 electronic outputs Load voltage External auxiliary voltage 24 V DC - 120 V DC max. 230 V AC Via AS-i cable or external 24 V DC auxiliary voltage, switchable External auxiliary voltage 24 V DC Current-carrying capacity without external auxiliary voltage -- with external auxiliary voltage 1.5 A total current Degree of protection IP54 Operating temperature -20 ... +50C 336 0.2 A total current 0.3 A per output IP65 -25 ... +50C AS-Interface system System Manual, 11/2008, 3RK2703-3BB02-1AA1 Slaves 8.9 AS-Interface connection for LOGO! 8.9 AS-Interface connection for LOGO! 8.9.1 Overview The LOGO! Modular logic module is a user-friendly, cost-effective solution for simple open-loop and closed-loop control tasks in domestic applications/installation engineering, cabinet construction, mechanical and apparatus engineering, and so on. It can also be used for preprocessing signals for other controllers. To increase the number of inputs and outputs of the basic module LOGO! Modular Basic / Pure, digital and analog expansion and communication modules can be connected. LOGO! communications module CM AS-Interface allows a LOGO! module to be connected to an AS-i system. It can be combined with any LOGO! modular basic and pure variants. Figure 8-81 LOGO! CM AS-Interface expansion module (right) connected to a LOGO! basic module (left) The LOGO! CM AS-Interface is an AS-i slave. It does not support master functionality, which means that it cannot be used to control other AS-i slaves. As a result, data cannot be exchanged directly between two LOGO! devices. Data is always exchanged via the AS-Interface master. The LOGO! CM AS-Interface exchanges four digital input and four digital output statuses with the higher-level controller (PLC) via an AS-i master. This input and output data can be interconnected in the LOGO! program in the same way as standard inputs and outputs. The LOGO! program does not make a distinction here between the virtual inputs/outputs (of the AS-Interface communication module) and the standard inputs/outputs (which are wired to physical switches/contactor coils via terminals, for example). AS-Interface system System Manual, 11/2008, 3RK2703-3BB02-1AA1 337 Slaves 8.9 AS-Interface connection for LOGO! Logical assignment The LOGO! program numbers the inputs and outputs in the same order in which the modules are connected, starting with I1 (inputs) and Q1 (outputs). The LOGO! basic module is equipped with eight digital inputs and four digital outputs, which are addressed in the LOGO! program as I1 ... I8 and Q1 ... Q4. The numbering is continued if expansion modules are connected. If a CM AS-Interface communication module is connected next to the basic module, the four inputs and four outputs on the CM AS-Interface are addressed in the LOGO! program as I9...I12 and Q5...Q8. If additional expansion modules with digital inputs/outputs are located between the basic module and the communication module, the inputs/outputs on the CM AS-Interface shift accordingly in the LOGO! program. In LOGO!, an AS-i output (from the point of view of the PLC) is read as an input. In LOGO!, an AS-i input (from the point of view of the PLC) is read as an output. The assignment is shown in the following table: LOGO! system (use in LOGO! program) AS-Interface system (from the point of view of the PLC) General representation (index n depends on slot) Example: CM AS-Interface directly next to LOGO! basic module Output data bits Inputs Inputs D0 (out) D1 (out) D2 (out) D3 (out) In In+1 In+2 In+3 I9 I10 I11 I12 Outputs Outputs Qn Qn+1 Qn+2 Qn+3 Q5 Q6 Q7 Q8 Input data bits D0 (in) D1 (in) D2 (in) D3 (in) Setting the AS-i address The addressing socket for setting the AS-i address is located on the left-hand side of the lower terminal strip. The address is assigned as usual using the AS-i addressing unit. If the module is to be addressed via the addressing socket once it has been installed, you must disconnect AS-Interface from the power supply beforehand. This is necessary in the interests of plant safety. The AS-i address cannot be set via the display of the LOGO! basic module or via the LOGO! software. 338 AS-Interface system System Manual, 11/2008, 3RK2703-3BB02-1AA1 Slaves 8.9 AS-Interface connection for LOGO! 8.9.2 Order numbers Type Order no. AS-Interface function module LOGO! standard slave IP20 4DI/4DO 3RK1400-0CE10-0AA2 Additional LOGO! modules can be found in the LOGO! manual (reference, Cont. ID = 21221909 (Page 627)) or in the ST 70 catalog. 8.9.3 Connection &0 5816723 $6L 5.&($$ $''5 $6L PPt $6,QWHUIDFH Figure 8-82 LOGO! CM AS-Interface connection CAUTION The LOGO! expansion modules must only be connected/disconnected when they are disconnected from the power supply. The AS-Interface and LOGO! system must not be connected electrically. AS-Interface system System Manual, 11/2008, 3RK2703-3BB02-1AA1 339 Slaves 8.9 AS-Interface connection for LOGO! LOGO! can support up to 24 digital inputs and 16 digital outputs. Make sure that enough space is available in the LOGO! address space for the four inputs and four outputs of AS-Interface. You are advised to position the AS-Interface CM on the far right. If the AS-Interface voltage fails, communication in the LOGO! system with the expansion modules to the right of the AS-Interface CM is interrupted. 8.9.4 Diagnostics Two LEDs are located on the front: LED status display RUN/STOP RUN/STOP Possible cause Possible remedial measures Green Standard operation, No communication with the LOGO! module on the left Module OK -- Red No communication with the LOGO! module on the left Module * * * 340 Sliding contact with the module on the left must be fully engaged. Check whether the module on the left is functioning properly. Check the power supplies: the AS-i voltage must be connected at the same timer as or prior to the power supply for the module on the left. otherwise the expansion module will not be detected when the LOGO! basic module is started. Yellow Initialization phase of expansion module active. Wait until the initialization phase is complete. OFF No AS-i voltage, AS-i voltage connected with incorrect polarity, AS-i voltage too low Switch on the AS-i voltage, connect it properly, measure the AS-i voltage (approx. 30 V DC) AS-Interface system System Manual, 11/2008, 3RK2703-3BB02-1AA1 Slaves 8.9 AS-Interface connection for LOGO! LED status display for AS-i AS-i Possible cause Possible remedial measures Green Normal operation, AS-i communication OK -- Red No AS-i communication: * The master is switched off or offline. * The slave is not configured in the master. * The incorrect slave type is connected. * The slave has the wrong address. Ensure AS-i communication: * Switch on the master or switch it to online mode. * Reconfigure the master. * Connect the correct module. * Check/correct the slave address. Yellow/red flashing The slave has the address 0 (on delivery) Assign an address that is not 0. OFF No AS-i voltage, AS-i voltage connected with incorrect polarity, AS-i voltage too low Switch on the AS-i voltage, connect it properly, measure the AS-i voltage (approx. 30 V DC) If AS-i communication is interrupted, the outputs are reset after approx. 40 ... 100 ms. 8.9.5 Technical specifications CM AS-Interface Electrical data Slave type Standard slave Suitable for AS-i master to Spec. ... (or higher) AS-i Spec. 2.0 Slave profile IO.ID 7.F ID2, ID1 code not available (substitute value: F, F) Power supply from AS-Interface cable, operating voltage in acc. with AS-i Specification 26.5...31.6 V Reverse polarity protection Yes Total current consumption Itot 70 mA Degree of protection IP20 RFI suppression Limit value class A Connections Digital inputs (I) The next four inputs behind the physical inputs of the LOGO! (In ... In+3) Digital outputs (Q) The next four outputs behind the physical outputs of the LOGO! (In ... In+3) AS-Interface system System Manual, 11/2008, 3RK2703-3BB02-1AA1 341 Slaves 8.9 AS-Interface connection for LOGO! CM AS-Interface Mechanical data 8.9.6 Dimensions (W x H x D) 36 x 90 x 58 mm Weight Approx. 90 g Assembly On DIN rail, 35 mm, 2 MW or wall-mounting Approvals IEC 61131-2, EN 50178 cULus to UL 508 CSA C22.2 no. 142 Dimension drawings LOGO! CM AS-Interface communications module Figure 8-83 342 Dimensions: LOGO! CM AS-Interface communication module AS-Interface system System Manual, 11/2008, 3RK2703-3BB02-1AA1 Slaves 8.10 Contactors showing remaining service life and connection to AS-Interface 8.10 Contactors showing remaining service life and connection to ASInterface 8.10.1 Overview The contactors 3RT10, 3-pin, sizes S6 ... S12 (for > 45 to 250 kW) with display showing remaining service life can be ordered with an integrated AS-i connection. Figure 8-84 Contactor 3RT1056 The contactors require an auxiliary voltage of 96 to 127V or 200 to 277V AC/DC. An upstream control electronics system supplies the magnet coil with just the power necessary for ensuring safe switching and stopping,as a result of which a low pick-up and holding power is required. The electronic remaining life time (RLT) module determines the actual extent to which the contact has eroded and outputs a signal message via AS-Interface when the remaining life time is < 20%. LEDs on the contactor electronics also indicate 40% and 60% remaining life time. This means that eroded contacts can be replaced in good time during servicing. Setting the AS-i address The addressing socket for setting the AS-i address is located on the front of the electronic module. The address is assigned as usual using the AS-i addressing unit. AS-Interface system System Manual, 11/2008, 3RK2703-3BB02-1AA1 343 Slaves 8.10 Contactors showing remaining service life and connection to AS-Interface 8.10.2 Order numbers Power Size Connection Order no. For auxiliary voltage 96-127 V AC/DC For auxiliary voltage 200-277 V AC/DC 55 kW / 400 V AC-3 S6 Box terminals -- 3RT1054-1QP35 75 kW / 400 V AC-3 S6 Busbar 3RT1055-6QF35 3RT1055-6QP35 90 kW / 400 V AC-3 S6 Busbar 3RT1056-6QF35 3RT1056-6QP35 110 kW / 400 V AC-3 S10 Busbar 3RT1064-6QF35 3RT1064-6QP35 132 kW / 400 V AC-3 S10 Busbar 3RT1065-6QF35 3RT1065-6QP35 160 kW / 400 V AC-3 S10 Busbar 3RT1066-6QF35 3RT1066-6QP35 200 kW / 400 V AC-3 S12 Busbar 3RT1075-6QF35 3RT1075-6QP35 250 kW / 400 V AC-3 S12 Busbar 3RT1076-6QF35 3RT1076-6QP35 Order numbers for accessories: see catalog LV1. 8.10.3 Connecting the electronic module // 1/ $ $ + + + 6) 6) $6L $6L $6L $6L Electronic module for contactor 3RT1...-.Q Plug-in connection, 6-pin Plug-in connection, 4-pin E.g. overload relay 3RB10 S1 S1 selector of automatic control, e.g. via AS-Interface to local control (S1 open: automatic operation) S2 S2 local control option 6 6 $6L 574 344 AS-Interface system System Manual, 11/2008, 3RK2703-3BB02-1AA1 Slaves 8.10 Contactors showing remaining service life and connection to AS-Interface Assignment of the inputs DI 0 - DI 3 Input Status Meaning DI 0 "ready" 0 Device not ready / manual mode 1 Device ready / automatic mode DI 1 "running" 0 Contactor OFF 1 Contactor ON DI 2 " remaining life time" 0 RLT 20 % 1 RLT 20 % 0 No input signal at free input SF1/2 1 Input signal at free input SF1/2 DI 3 "free input" Assignment of outputs DO 0 - DO 3 Output Status Activation DO 0 "running" 0 Contactor OFF 1 Contactor ON 0 -- 1 -- DO2 0 -- 1 -- DO3 0 -- 1 -- DO 1 AS-Interface system System Manual, 11/2008, 3RK2703-3BB02-1AA1 345 Slaves 8.10 Contactors showing remaining service life and connection to AS-Interface 8.10.4 Diagnostics 43 9 $ $6L +] '& $ 21 $872 $''5 5HVHW 9 $&'& &DEOHFRQQHFWLRQ SROH 6) 6) $6L &RQWDFWRU21 $XWRPDWLF FRQWURO 'LVSOD\VIRU5/7 /('JUHHQ /('JUHHQ /('RUDQJH /('UHG 5/75HVHW 5/7 + + + %XVVWDWXV $GGUHVVLQJVRFNHW &DEOHFRQQHFWLRQ SROH 5757 Figure 8-85 LEDs on the electronic module LED ON ON Meaning Green Contactor ON (energized status) OFF Contactor OFF AUTO Meaning Green Automatic mode (via AS-Interface) OFF Local control mode LED AUTO 346 AS-Interface system System Manual, 11/2008, 3RK2703-3BB02-1AA1 Slaves 8.10 Contactors showing remaining service life and connection to AS-Interface LED AS-i AS-i Possible cause Possible remedial measures Green Normal operation, AS-i communication OK -- Red No AS-i communication: * The master is switched off or offline. * The slave is not configured in the master. * The incorrect slave type is connected. * The slave has the wrong address. Ensure AS-i communication: * Switch on the master or switch it to online mode. * Reconfigure the master. * Connect the correct module. * Check/correct the slave address. Yellow/red flashing The slave has the address 0 (on delivery) Assign an address that is not 0. OFF No AS-i voltage, AS-i voltage connected with incorrect polarity, AS-i voltage too low Switch on the AS-i voltage, connect it properly, measure the AS-i voltage (approx. 30 V DC) LED status displays for RLT (remaining life time) LED Meaning RLT Green RLT OK 60% Green RLT in acc. with LED labeling 40% Orange 20% Red QHZ *UHHQ 5/7 5/7 5/7 5/7 *UHHQ 2UDQJH 5HG 5HVHW Figure 8-86 5HVHW 5HVHW 5HVHW Status display of RLT AS-Interface system System Manual, 11/2008, 3RK2703-3BB02-1AA1 347 Slaves 8.10 Contactors showing remaining service life and connection to AS-Interface 8.10.5 Technical specifications of the electronic module Electrical data Slave type Standard slave Suitable for AS-i master to Spec. ... (or higher) AS-i Spec. 2.0 AS-i slave profile IO.ID 7.F ID2, ID1 code not available (substitute values: F, F) Power supply (in acc. with AS-Interface Specification) 26.5 ... 31.6 V AS-Interface current consumption 20 mA Contact load on SF1/2 3...6 mA Watchdog function Integrated Additional specifications for the 3RT10 contactors can be found under "3RT10 contactors, 3-pole, 3...250 kW" in catalog LV1 / LV1T or at (as PDF for all sizes from S00 to S12). 348 AS-Interface system System Manual, 11/2008, 3RK2703-3BB02-1AA1 Integrated safety systems: ASIsafe 9 The safety-related design of AS-Interface was standardized for all manufacturers in the "Safety at Work" consortium (sub-group of the AS-i International Association) (see AS-i-Spec. 3.0). It is marketed by Siemens under the copyrighted name "ASIsafe". The concept allows both standard and safe data to be used in one single bus system. EMERGENCY STOP buttons, laser scanners, and a range of other I/Os can be easily and safely connected directly to AS-i. Existing applications can also be quickly and easily extended to include safety-oriented functions. "Safety at Work" is certified by the Technical Inspectorate (TUV) and approved devices bear the ASIsafe logo. Integrating safety-oriented components ASIsafe enables safety-oriented components (e.g. EMERGENCY STOP control devices, protective door monitors, optoelectronic protective devices, safety light curtains) to be integrated directly in an AS-Interface network. These are fully compatible with the standard AS-Interface components (master, slaves, power supply unit, repeater, etc.) to IEC 62061/EN 50295 and are operated together on the yellow AS-Interface cable. The signals from the safety sensors are evaluated by a safety monitor, which not only monitors the switching signals from the safety sensors but also continuously ensures that data is transferred properly. The safety monitor is equipped with one or two enabling circuits, which are configured with one or two channels and are used to switch the machine or plant to safe mode. Sensors and monitors can be connected anywhere within the AS-Interface network. More than one monitor can also be used in a network. A failsafe controller or special master is not required. The master treats safety slaves in the same way as all the other slaves and receives safety data for information purposes only. This means that all existing AS-Interface networks can also be extended. ASIsafe ensures a maximum response time of 40 ms. This is the time between the signal being applied to the input of the safe slave and the output on the safety monitor being switched off. Tested safety The system is tested and released for worldwide use by TUV (Germany), NRTL (USA), and INRS (France). The transmission method for safety-oriented signals is designed in such a way that applications up to category 4 according to EN 954-1 and SIL 3 according to IEC 61508 can be implemented. ASIsafe ensures full compatibility with all other AS-Interface components to EN 50295. AS-Interface system System Manual, 11/2008, 3RK2703-3BB02-1AA1 349 Integrated safety systems: ASIsafe 8.10 Contactors showing remaining service life and connection to AS-Interface Software The safety-oriented applications can be compiled and transferred to the monitor using the configuration software "asimon". The software also supports online diagnosis. Local ASIsafe solution: the safety monitor (Page 353) PROFIsafe ASIsafe solution: the DP/AS-i FLink (Page 123) A number of simple and cost-effective safety solutions are available. The local ASIsafe solution only needs two components: a safety monitor and safe slaves. Failsafe PLCs or special masters are not required. The safety monitor monitors the safe inputs acquired via the safe slaves, links them using a parameterizable logic, and ensures safe shutdown by means of a built-in safety relay. DP/AS-i F-Link allows you to leverage the benefits of AS-i in a wide range of safety applications since it allows the use of AS-i in failsafe SIMATIC or SINUMERIK controllers. It closes a crucial gap in bus-based safety technology in that it ensures that ASIsafe telegrams are converted to the PROFIsafe protocol. Safe signals are acquired as usual with the robust IP67 ASIsafe slaves. The existing F PLC is responsible for evaluating them. Responses are also made at the PROFIsafe level, either by F-DO/F-RO modules in the central rack or by means of the failsafe distributed I/Os. F-Link is the best choice in the following cases: * When large amounts of safe slaves are used * When numerous trip circuits have been installed * For safety-oriented further processing at the higher-level field bus levels * For extensive, nested logical operations The data is transferred via a dynamic, safe protocol. In each cycle, the safety monitor expects from each slave a specific telegram that changes continuously in accordance with a defined algorithm. Configuration software is used to parameterize the shutdown logic of the safety monitor, whereby it can respond accordingly in each case when the safe nodes trip. If no telegram is received (e.g. if a fault or alarm occurs), the safety monitor shuts down after max. 40 ms (worst case) via its two-channel enabling circuits. The safety monitor can be diagnosed via the controller. This has many benefits, in particular no additional wiring is necessary for the safety components. Ready-made images for operating and monitoring tasks also allow users to visualize the safety-oriented events on SIMATIC HMI panels. 350 And the level of TIA is greater than ever: configuration and parameterization is carried out via STEP 7 HWConfig, as is the case with PROFIsafe slaves. The safe logic is programmed with the "unlimited" resources of STEP 7 Distributed Safety in F-KOP or F-FUP. The comprehensive library of TUV-certified function blocks ensures highly efficient and structured user programs. Diagnosis is also carried out using the system functions provided by STEP 7 as well as locally on the devices by means of messages on the display. AS-Interface system System Manual, 11/2008, 3RK2703-3BB02-1AA1 Integrated safety systems: ASIsafe 8.10 Contactors showing remaining service life and connection to AS-Interface ASIsafe Possible no. of safe slaves 31 Safety integrity level Up to SIL3 (IEC 61508) Safety category Up to cat. 4 (EN 954-1) Response time Max. 40 ms (worst case) /RFDO$6,VDIHVROXWLRQ'HVLJQDQGFRPSRQHQWV 6DIHW\ 6DIHVODYH PRQLWRU 6WDQGDUG3/&DQG GHIDXOWPDVWHU SAFETY AT WORK 'HIDXOW $6L 3RZHUVXSSO\XQLW 'HIDXOW 'HIDXOW 'HIDXOW 6ODYH 6ODYH 6ODYH $6,QWHUIDFHFDEOH 6LJQDOIORZIRUVDIHW\RULHQWHGVLJQDOVDQG HYDOXDWLRQYLDVDIHW\PRQLWRU ([WHQGHG$6,VDIHGLDJQRVWLFV WKURXJKUHJXODU,2WUDQVLVWRU AS-Interface system System Manual, 11/2008, 3RK2703-3BB02-1AA1 351 Integrated safety systems: ASIsafe 8.10 Contactors showing remaining service life and connection to AS-Interface 352),VDIH$6,VDIHVROXWLRQ'HVLJQDQGFRPSRQHQWV 9LVXDOL]DWLRQ +0,SDQHO 6,0$7,&6) 352&(66),(/'%86 6,0$7,& (76 '3$6L)/LQN ','2DQG$,$2 )', 3DUDPHWHUL]LQJ$6,VDIHVODYHVLQ67(3+:&RQILJ 6$)(7<$7:25. 6DIH 6ODYH (0(5 *(1&< 6723 6WDQGDUGVODYHV $6,QWHUIDFHFDEOH 6LJQDOIORZIRUVDIHW\RULHQWHGVLJQDOV 8SWR3/& 352),VDIHOHYHO 6LJQDOIORZIRUGLJLWDODQGDQDORJVWDQGDUGVLJQDOV 'LDJQRVLQJ$6,VDIHVODYHVLQ67(3+:&RQILJ 352 AS-Interface system System Manual, 11/2008, 3RK2703-3BB02-1AA1 Integrated safety systems: ASIsafe 9.1 Safety monitor 9.1 Safety monitor Functional principle The safety monitor monitors data communication on the AS-Interface cable. For safe slaves, dynamic code sequences (8x4 bit data sequence), which are stored in every slave, are transferred. These are "learnt" by the safety monitor during commissioning. During operation, the safety monitor compares in each cycle the target and actual sequence and, if any discrepancies are identified (e.g. due to device failure, communication faults, etc.), initiates a safe shutdown within 40 ms. The restart time is 100 ms. A range of safe field and cabinet modules as well as intelligent safety sensors and control devices with an AS-Interface chip are available as slaves. Bus communication and the data protocol have been deemed safe by the BIA and the technology has been certified by TUV. The system can be used up to category 4 to EN 954-1 or up to SIL 3 to IEC 61508 [10] and can be used for stop category 0 and 1 to EN 60204-1. Standard PLC and standard master Safety monitor Safe slave ACTUAL table 0101 0110 0111 1001 1010 1011 1101 1110 0101 0110 0111 1001 1010 1011 1101 1110 Comparator SETPOINT table D0 Analog interface D1 OptoD2 coupler D3 Preprocessing Sensors "ON" 0101 0110 0111 1001 1010 1011 1101 1110 Occupied 0000 AS-i power supply unit Channel 1 Channel 2 Channel 1 Channel 2 sequence sequence generator generator Pulse D3 D2 D1 Standard AS-i slave connection D0 Master query Slave reply Figure 9-1 ASIsafe functional principle AS-Interface system System Manual, 11/2008, 3RK2703-3BB02-1AA1 353 Integrated safety systems: ASIsafe 9.1 Safety monitor 9.1.1 Overview The safety monitor is at the heart of ASIsafe. A safe application is configured with a PC via the safety monitor. A range of different application-specific operating modes can be selected here. These include the EMERGENCY OFF function, tumbler, or stop category 0 or 1. To leverage the benefits of the AS-Interface diagnostic options, the monitor can also be operated with the AS-Interface address. All the diagnostic options can be used further in the higher-level PLC by means of the diagnostic block for STEP 7 supplied with the ASIsafe CD. The monitor is available in two versions: Basic safety monitor with an entry-level range of blocks and basic functionality Expanded safety monitor with advanced features and functionality Both versions are each available with one or two two-channel enabling circuits. The safety monitor is used in an AS-Interface bus system for monitoring protective devices (e.g. EMERGENCY OFF buttons). It fulfills safety category 4 (to EN 954-1). In accordance with IEC 61508, the safety monitor can be used in loops up to SIL3. The PFD value of the entire loop must be calculated by the user. ON period (in months) Total operation time (in years) PFD PFH 3 10 4x 6 10 6 x 10-5 10 10-5 12 9x 10-5 -- -- 9 x 10-9 ON period NOTICE Depending on the safety components selected, the safety system as a whole can also be classified in a lower safety category. 354 AS-Interface system System Manual, 11/2008, 3RK2703-3BB02-1AA1 Integrated safety systems: ASIsafe 9.1 Safety monitor 9.1.2 Function Comparison between the basic safety monitor and expanded safety monitor Basic safety monitor No. of monitoring modules 32 Expanded safety monitor 48 No. of OR gates (inputs) 2 6 No. of AND gates (inputs) -- 6 Wildcards for monitoring modules deactivation of monitoring modules Fault reset Diagnostics hold A/B slaves for acknowledgement Safe time functions -- "Button" function -- Contact debouncing -- No. of monitoring modules When the expanded safety monitor is used, the number of devices that the safety monitor can handle increases from 32 to 48. This allows more complex and larger applications to be simulated in the safety monitor. OR logic operation At the logic level, two elements can be ORed in the basic version and up to six elements in the expanded version. AND logic operation With the expanded safety monitor, an AND operation can be added to an OR operation in addition to the standard AND operation in the main path of an enabling circuit. More than two elements can be linked in this AND. Functions of the basic safety monitor Wildcards and deactivation of monitoring modules: wildcards are available for configuration purposes. These wildcards are used during configuration and diagnosis and, if required, are easy to activate. This allows for simple, user-friendly configuration, even when the plant configurations vary. AS-Interface system System Manual, 11/2008, 3RK2703-3BB02-1AA1 355 Integrated safety systems: ASIsafe 9.1 Safety monitor Fault reset: If a module detects a fault, the AS-Interface safety monitor switches to the fault status. In this case, a differentiated fault reset is triggered. The fault reset can be activated by a standard AS-Interface slave (e.g. a button) and is only effective at module level. The main advantage of this is that only the module locked in a fault is reset rather than the entire safety monitor. Buffer storage and "Diagnostics hold" Momentary disconnections are saved in a buffer memory for diagnostic purposes. Disconnections can also be "frozen" until an acknowledgment is received via a standard slave ("Diagnostics hold" function). Additional functions of the expanded safety monitor The following additional features are only available with the expanded safety monitor: Safe time functions Timers with the following functions are available: - ON delay - OFF delay - Pulse "Button" function Additional acknowledgment option for restarting the system by means of an additional button. In addition to the "Service" button on the safety monitor, its function (restarting the system) can be assigned to any button on a command and signaling device by configuring this in the asimon software. Contact debouncing A bounce time after which the system restarts can be set for debouncing contacts. Compatibility Existing configurations can be transferred to the "new" safety monitor without changes. All functions are designed for category 4 to EN 954-1; the safety monitor, monitoring and evaluation unit, as well as the slaves have been certified by TUV to IEC 61508, NRTL (USA), and INRS (France). 356 AS-Interface system System Manual, 11/2008, 3RK2703-3BB02-1AA1 Integrated safety systems: ASIsafe 9.1 Safety monitor 9.1.3 Order numbers Safety monitor Type Order no. Screw connection Spring-loaded terminal One enabling circuit 3RK1105-1AE04-0CA0 3RK1105-1AG04-0CA0 Two enabling circuits 3RK1105-1BE04-0CA0 3RK1105-1BG04-0CA0 One enabling circuit 3RK1105-1AE04-2CA0 3RK1105-1AG04-2CA0 Two enabling circuits 3RK1105-1BE04-2CA0 3RK1105-1BG04-2CA0 Basic safety monitor Expanded safety monitor Accessories Type Order no. ASIsafe CD * asimon V2 plus configuration software * Diagnostics package for STEP 7 (FB102) * Complete HMI templates for WinCCflex (OP / TP 177 - 277) 3RK1 802-2FB06-0GA0 Set of cables * PC configuration cable (RS 232 interface) * Transmission cable between two safety monitors 3RK1 901-5AA00 Sealable cover 3RP1 902 AS-Interface system System Manual, 11/2008, 3RK2703-3BB02-1AA1 357 Integrated safety systems: ASIsafe 9.1 Safety monitor 9.1.4 Connection Circuit diagrams for ASi safety monitors If terminal M is not connected to ground in the immediate vicinity of the device, the protective conductor must be connected to terminal FE. / / . . . 6WDUW 6WDUW . < $6L$6L < . 6WDUW / / . < / $6L $6L < . $6L $6L . / . 0 0 . < / )( 358 0 . 0 < )( . . . . Figure 9-2 / . / 01 0 < / 0 . . / 01 0 Safety monitor with one or two enabling circuits AS-Interface system System Manual, 11/2008, 3RK2703-3BB02-1AA1 Integrated safety systems: ASIsafe 9.1 Safety monitor 9.1.5 Diagnostics LEDs The LEDs on the front of the AS-Interface safety monitor provide information about the operating mode and device status. $6L32:(5 $6L)$8/7 5($'< 21 2)))$8/7 Figure 9-3 Arrangement of the LEDs (The LED AS-i POWER may also be labeled LED AS-i. The LED AS-i FAULT may also be an unlabeled LED under the LED AS-i.) LED: AS-i POWER (AS-i) AS-i POWER (AS-i) Possible cause Possible remedial measures OFF No AS-Interface supply * * Green Normal operation, AS-i communication OK -- Check the cable connections. Check the AS-Interface power supply unit. LED: AS-i FAULT (LED under LED AS-i) AS-i FAULT Possible cause Possible remedial measures OFF Normal operation, AS-i communication OK -- Red No AS-i communication: * The master is switched off or offline. Ensure AS-i communication: * Check the master. AS-Interface system System Manual, 11/2008, 3RK2703-3BB02-1AA1 359 Integrated safety systems: ASIsafe 9.1 Safety monitor LED: 1 READY (for each output circuit) 1 READY Possible cause Possible remedial measures OFF Normal operation -- Yellow Acknowledgement of startup/restart inhibit active Press the "Start" button. Flashing yellow External test required. ON delay active Open the contacts on the faulty input circuit simultaneously and in pairs. Flickering yellow LED 1, 2, 3 simultaneously Internal device error Connect the device to the PC, see OFF/FAULT. Launch the ASIMON software, note down the error number displayed in the ASIMON message window, and contact Technical Support. LED: 2 ON (for each output circuit) 2 ON Possible cause Possible remedial measures OFF The contacts of the output switching elements are open. -- Green The contacts of the output switching elements are closed. -- Flashing green Delay time running for stop category 1 Wait until delay time has elapsed. Flickering yellow LED 1, 2, 3 simultaneously Internal device error Connect the device to the PC, see OFF/FAULT. Launch the ASIMON software, note down the error number displayed in the ASIMON message window, and contact Technical Support. LED: 3 OFF/FAULT (for each output circuit) 3 OFF/FAULT Possible cause Possible remedial measures OFF The contacts of the output switching elements are closed. -- Red The contacts of the output switching elements are open. -- Flashing red Error at level of monitored AS-Interface components * * Flickering yellow LED 1, 2, 3 simultaneously Internal device error Connect the device to the PC, see OFF/FAULT. Launch the ASIMON software, note down the error number displayed in the ASIMON message window, and contact Technical Support. Carry out diagnosis with ASIMON. If necessary, replace defective AS-Interface components. Note When the "Service" button is pressed, this is acknowledged when all the device LEDs light up once for a brief moment. As soon as the power supply is applied to the device, the internal system test starts. This operating status is indicated by the fact that all the LEDs installed in the device light up. 360 AS-Interface system System Manual, 11/2008, 3RK2703-3BB02-1AA1 Integrated safety systems: ASIsafe 9.1 Safety monitor Diagnosis via asimon configuration software When the safety monitor is connected to the serial PC interface, the online diagnosis function can be activated in the asimon software. The status of each module (device) is indicated by a color. Status display Color display Meaning Green Device is switched on. Flashing green Device is ON, shutdown timer started. Yellow Device waiting for local acknowledgement or start condition. Flashing yellow Device (two-channel dependent) was actuated on one channel; Test (OFF ON) required, for "start test" too. Red Device has switched off (standard shutdown). Flashing red Device has (forcibly) been switched off on one channel, or error with contactor monitoring. Press "Service" button. Gray Device communications error between AS-i module and safety monitor -- Safety monitor is in configuration mode. Diagnosis via AS-Interface To forward the diagnosis to the PLC via AS-Interface, the safety monitor requires an AS-i address. This is assigned using the asimon configuration software (Edit Information about Monitor and bus Diagnosis / Service AS-interface diagnosis Monitor base address). A function block in the PLC reads the diagnostics data and stores it in a data block. The function block (incl. description) is supplied with the asimon software. AS-Interface system System Manual, 11/2008, 3RK2703-3BB02-1AA1 361 Integrated safety systems: ASIsafe 9.1 Safety monitor 9.1.6 Technical specifications Order no. 3RK1105-... Rated operating current Ie/AC-12 Up to 250 V, 3 A Ie/AC-15 115 V, 3 A 230 V, 3 A Ie/DC-12 Up to 24 V, 3 A Ie/DC-13 24 V, 1 A 115 V, 0.1 A 230 V, 0.05 A Response time 40 ms Ambient temperature 0 ... +60C Storage temperature -40 ... +85C AS-Interface configuration data (for diagnosis via AS-i) applies to the basic address and simulated slaves Standard slave Suitable for AS-i master to Spec. ... (or higher) AS-i Spec. 2.0 AS-i slave profile IO.ID 7.F ID2, ID1 code not available (substitute values: F, F) Dimension drawings 9.1.7 Slave type Figure 9-4 362 Dimension drawing: safety monitor AS-Interface system System Manual, 11/2008, 3RK2703-3BB02-1AA1 Integrated safety systems: ASIsafe 9.2 ASIsafe modules 9.2 ASIsafe modules 9.2.1 Overview Figure 9-5 ASIsafe modules Safety modules for AS-Interface (ASIsafe modules) are available for field use in degree of protection IP67 (K20F and K45F compact modules) and for the control cabinet (S22.5F SlimLine modules) in degree of protection IP20. This means that a highly compact module with an optimum price/performance ratio is available for all types of application. The following modules are available: K20F safe compact modules for operation in the field The K20F module, which is just 20 mm wide, is ideal for applications in which modules need to be installed in a confined area. The K20F modules are connected to AS-Interface using a round cable with an M12 cable plug instead of the AS-Interface flat cable, which allows for an extremely space-saving design. Since the round cable is so flexible, the modules can also be easily installed on moving machine parts. The K20 modules are also suitable for installation on moving parts because their non-encapsulated design means that they are extremely light. K45F compact safety modules for operation in the field The platform for the K45F modules covers the following variations: Connection of switches /safety sensors with contacts ("mechanical"): - K45F 2F-DI: two safety-oriented inputs in operation up to category 2 to EN954-1. If category 4 is required, the module is equipped with a two-channel input. - K45F 2F-DI/2DO: two standard outputs are available in addition to the safe inputs. Supplied via the AS-i cable. - K45F 2F-DI/2DO Uaux: like K45F 2F-DI/2DO, supplied only via the black 24 V DC cable. AS-Interface system System Manual, 11/2008, 3RK2703-3BB02-1AA1 363 Integrated safety systems: ASIsafe 9.2 ASIsafe modules - K45F 4F-DI: four safety-oriented inputs in operation up to category 2, two for category 4. Highly compact double slave (uses two full AS-i addresses). Connection of electronic switches / safety sensors (non-contact protective devices, BWS): - K45F LS (light sensor): safe input module for connecting electronic safety sensors tested semiconductor outputs (OSSD). In particular, proximity-type protective equipment, such as active, optoelectronic light curtains and arrays for types 2 and 4 to IEC / EN 61496, as well as transmitters and receivers are supplied with power by the yellow AS-i cable. Suitable sensor cables and an optional, separate transmitter supply module are available as accessories. SlimLine safety modules S22.5F for use in cabinets and on-site switching boxes. The SlimLine safety module S22.5F is equipped with two safe inputs. This also ensures that signals can be safely connected to ASIsafe networks in the cabinet. In operation up to category 2, both inputs can be assigned separately. If category 4 is required, the module is equipped with a two-channel input. Two S22.5F module variants are also available, which are equipped with two standard outputs in addition to the two safe inputs. These are supplied with power either via the yellow AS-Interface cable only or via the auxiliary voltage from the 24 V DC cable. 9.2.2 Order numbers Safe compact modules Order no. Module Inputs/outputs Slave type Connection 3RK1205-0BQ30-0AA3 K20F 2 safe inputs Standard slave 2 x M12 3RK1205-0BQ00-0AA3 K45F 2 safe inputs Standard slave 2 x M12 3RK1205-0CQ00-0AA3 K45F 4 safe inputs Standard slave 4 x M12 3RK1405-0BQ20-0AA3 K45F 2 safe inputs / 2 standard outputs Standard slave 4 x M12 3RK1405-1BQ20-0AA3 K45F 2 safe inputs / 2 standard outputs with UAUX Standard slave 4 x M12 3RK1205-0BQ21-0AA3 K45F LS 2 safe inputs, electronic, type 2 1) Standard slave 3 x M12 3RK1205-0BQ24-0AA3 K45F LS 2 safe inputs, electronic, type 4 Standard slave 3 x M12 2) 1) Via socket 1/3 connection of Siemens light curtain FS 400 3RG7843 (type 2) 2) Via socket 1/3 connection of Siemens light curtain FS 400 3RG7846 (type 4), via socket 2/3 for other makes 364 AS-Interface system System Manual, 11/2008, 3RK2703-3BB02-1AA1 Integrated safety systems: ASIsafe 9.2 ASIsafe modules Safe SlimLine modules Order no. Inputs/outputs Slave type Connection type Sensors Output 3RK1205-0BE00-0AA2 2 safe inputs Standard slave Screw terminals Mechanical switching contact -- 3RK1205-0BG00-0AA2 3RK1405-0BE00-0AA2 3RK1405-0BG00-0AA2 3RK1405-1BE00-0AA2 3RK1405-1BG00-0AA2 2 safe inputs / 2 standard outputs Standard slave 2 safe inputs / 2 standard outputs with UAUX Standard slave Spring-loaded terminals Screw terminals -- Electronic Spring-loaded terminals Screw terminals Spring-loaded terminals Accessories Order no. Description Comments 3RK1901-2EA00 K45 mounting plate Wall mounting 3RK1901-2DA00 K45 mounting plate DIN rail mounting 3RK1901-1AA00 Input jumper for K45F Black version 3RK1901-1AA01 Input jumper for K45F Red version 3RK1901-1KA01 M12 sealing caps Tamper proof 3RG7848-3EA Connection cable for K45F LS (light sensor) for transmitter, 5-pole, M12 connector at both ends, plug/socket Straight, 5 m 3RG7848-3EB 3RG7848-3EC Straight/angled, 5 m Straight, 10 m 3RG7848-3ED Straight/angled, 10 m 3RG7848-3EE Straight, 15 m 3RG7848-3EF 3RG7848-3CA 3RG7848-3CB 3RG7848-3CC Straight/angled, 15 m Connection cable for K45F LS (light sensor) for receiver, 8-pole, M12 connector at both ends, plug/socket Straight, 5 m Straight/angled, 5 m Straight, 10 m 3RG7848-3CD Straight/angled, 10 m 3RG7848-3CE Straight, 15 m 3RG7848-3CF Straight/angled, 15 m AS-Interface system System Manual, 11/2008, 3RK2703-3BB02-1AA1 365 Integrated safety systems: ASIsafe 9.2 ASIsafe modules 9.2.3 Connection Circuit diagrams for ASi safety modules K20F compact module 1 2 1 3 2 4 Figure 9-6 Logical assignments - safety compact module K20F Socket Assignment 1 Pole 1 and pole 2: influences bits D0 and D1 = channel 1 Pole 3 and pole 4: influences bits D2 and D3 = channel 2 Pole 5 unassigned 2 Pole 1 and pole 2: influences bits D2 and D3 = channel 2 Pole 5 unassigned If just a one-channel switch is to be connected to the module, it must be connected to channel 1. The second channel must be jumpered. This can be carried out with the M12 connector 3RK1901-1AA00 on socket 2. Pole 3 on socket 1 must be connected to pole 1 on socket 2, and pole 4 on socket 1 must be connected to pole 2 on socket 2. If both socket pairs are assigned, the inputs are linked. K45F compact module 1 2 2 3 4 1 3 4 ADDR Figure 9-7 366 Logical assignments - safety compact module K45F AS-Interface system System Manual, 11/2008, 3RK2703-3BB02-1AA1 Integrated safety systems: ASIsafe 9.2 ASIsafe modules Socket Assignment 1 Pole 1 and pole 2: influences bits D0 and D1 = channel 1 Pole 3 and pole 4: influences bits D2 and D3 = channel 2 Pole 5 unassigned 2 Pole 1 and pole 2: influences bits D2 and D3 = channel 2 Pole 5 unassigned 3 Unassigned 4 Unassigned If just a one-channel switch is to be connected to the module, it must be connected to channel 1. The second channel must be jumpered. This can be carried out with the M12 connector 3RK1 901-1AA00 on socket 2. Pole 3 on socket 1 must be connected to pole 1 on socket 2, and pole 4 on socket 1 must be connected to pole 2 on socket 2. If both socket pairs are assigned, the inputs are linked. K45F LS compact module (light sensor) $''5 Figure 9-8 Logical assignments - safe compact module K45F LS AS-Interface system System Manual, 11/2008, 3RK2703-3BB02-1AA1 367 Integrated safety systems: ASIsafe 9.2 ASIsafe modules Socket Assignment 1 M12, 8-pole 2 M12, 5-pole Type 2 receiver Type 4 receiver Pole 2 / 3: sensor supply + Pin 5: OSSD1 Pole 6: OSSD2 Pole 1 / 4 / 7 sensor supply - Pole 8: FE Pole 2 / 3: sensor supply + Pin 5: OSSD1 Pole 6: OSSD2 Pole 1 / 4 diag Pole 7 sensor supply - Pole 8: FE Type 2/4, alternative receiver Pole 1: sensor supply + Pin 2: OSSD2 Pole 3: sensor supply - Pole 4: OSSD1 Pole 5: FE 3 M12, 5-pole Type 2/4 transmitter Pole 1 and pole 4: sensor supply + Pin 2: unassigned Pole 3: sensor supply - Pole 5: FE SlimLine modules S22.5F $6L ),1 ),1 $6L ),1 ),1 $6L ),1 ),1 $6L $6L ),1 ),1 6 $6L ),1 ),1 ),1 ),1 287 287 287 287 / B 0 287 287 0 0 6 $''5 $''5 6 B / 287 287 0 0 0 Wiring for safe SlimLine modules S22.5F, 2F-DI, category 2 / SIL1 (left) and up to category 4 / SIL3 (right) 368 AS-Interface system System Manual, 11/2008, 3RK2703-3BB02-1AA1 Integrated safety systems: ASIsafe 9.2 ASIsafe modules 9.2.4 Diagnostics LED for AS-i/FAULT The module has one dual LED for AS-i/FAULT for diagnostic purposes; see LED status displays for modules with a dual LED for AS-i/FAULT (Page 174) LED display AUX POWER The module also has an LED for AUX POWER; for a description, see LED status display AUX POWER for modules with auxiliary voltage (Page 175). Status display for the switching state The switching state of the AS-i inputs and outputs is indicated by a yellow LED; see LED status display for the switching state (yellow) (Page 175). AS-Interface system System Manual, 11/2008, 3RK2703-3BB02-1AA1 369 Integrated safety systems: ASIsafe 9.2 ASIsafe modules 9.2.5 Technical specifications Safe compact modules K20F Order no. 3RK1205-0BQ30-0AA3 K20F 2F-DI Slave type Standard slave Suitable for AS-i master to Spec. ... (or higher) AS-i Spec. 2.0 No. of inputs/outputs 2 safe inputs AS-i slave profile IO.ID.ID2 0.B.0 ID1 code (factory setting) F PFD value The PFD value does not have any major effect on the PFD of the system as a whole comprising the AS-Interface bus and safety monitor. Total power consumption 45 mA Inputs Sensors Mechanical switching contact Input current - high Ipeak 5 mA Assignment of inputs Pin 1 and pin 2 = connection / switching contact Pin 3 and pin 4 = connection / switching contact Pin 5 = unassigned AS-Interface certificate Available Approvals UL, CSA Degree of protection IP67 Ground connection -- Ambient temperature -25 ... +70 C Storage temperature -40 ... +85C No. of I/O sockets 2 Status displays I/O display LED yellow UAUX -- AS-Interface / diagnostics LED green/red Connection Direct installation Address assignment M12 AS-i connection 370 AS-Interface system System Manual, 11/2008, 3RK2703-3BB02-1AA1 Integrated safety systems: ASIsafe 9.2 ASIsafe modules Safe compact modules K45F Order no. 3RK1205-0BQ00-0AA3 K45F 2F-DI 3RK1205-0CQ00-0AA3 K45F 4F-DI 3RK1205-0BQ21-0AA3 LS type 2 3RK1205-0BQ24-0AA3 LS type 4 K45F-LS 2F-DI Slave type Standard slave 2 x standard slaves (module contains 2 slaves) Standard slave Suitable for AS-i master to Spec. ... (or higher) AS-i Spec. 2.0 AS-i Spec. 2.0 AS-i Spec. 2.0 No. of inputs/outputs 2 safe inputs 4 safe inputs 2 safe inputs AS-i slave profile IO.ID.ID2 0.B.F 0.B.F (valid for both slaves) 0.B.1 ID1 code (factory setting) F F (valid for both slaves) PFD value The PFD value does not have any major effect on the PFD of the system as a whole comprising the AS-Interface bus and safety monitor. Total power consumption 45 mA 70 mA F 270 mA Inputs Sensors Mechanical switching contact Input current - high Assignment of inputs Self-testing semiconductor outputs (OSSD) Ipeak 5 mA Ipeak 5 mA Socket 1: Pin 1 and pin 2 = connection / switching contact F-IN1 Pin 3 and pin 4 = connection / switching contact F-IN2 Pin 5 = unassigned Socket 2: Pin 1 and pin 2 = connection / switching contact F-IN2 Pin 3 and pin 4 = unassigned Pin 5 = unassigned Input signal F-IN2 can be wired to either socket 1 only or socket 2 only. Socket 3 (with 3RK1205-0CQ00-0AA3 only): Pin 1 and pin 2 = connection / switching contact F-IN3 Pin 3 and pin 4 = connection / switching contact F-IN4 Pin 5 = unassigned Socket 4 (with 3RK1205-0CQ00-0AA3 only): Pin 1 and pin 2 = connection / switching contact F-IN4 Pin 3 and pin 4 = unassigned Pin 5 = unassigned Input signal F-IN4 can be wired to either socket 3 only or socket 4 only. AS-Interface certificate Available Approvals UL, CSA Degree of protection Ground connection Ambient temperature AS-Interface system System Manual, 11/2008, 3RK2703-3BB02-1AA1 Type 2 receiver: Pin 1/4/7: - Pin 2/3: + Pin 5: CH1 Pin 6: CH2 Pin 8: FE Type 4 receiver: Pin 1/4 diag. Pin 2/3: + Pin 5: CH1 Pin 6: CH2 Pin 7: - Pin 8: FE Type 2/4, alternative receiver (5pin): Pin 1: + Pin 2: CH2 Pin 3: - Pin 4: CH1 Pin 5: FE Type 2/4 transmitter: Pin 1/4: + Pin 3: - Pin 5: FE IP67 -- Via PIN5 on M12 sockets and outgoing feeder via 2.8 mm flat connector. -25 ... +70 C 371 Integrated safety systems: ASIsafe 9.2 ASIsafe modules Order no. 3RK1205-0BQ00-0AA3 K45F 2F-DI 3RK1205-0CQ00-0AA3 K45F 4F-DI 2 4 Storage temperature No. of I/O sockets 3RK1205-0BQ21-0AA3 LS type 2 3RK1205-0BQ24-0AA3 LS type 4 K45F-LS 2F-DI -40 ... +85C 3 Status displays I/O display LED yellow UAUX -- AS-Interface / diagnostics LED green/red Connection K45 mounting plate Address assignment Addressing socket 1) Via socket 1/3: connection of Siemens light curtain FS 400 3RG7843 (type 2). 2) Via socket 1/3: connection of Siemens light curtain FS 400 3RG7846 (type 4), via socket 2/3: other manufacturers. (Only input sockets can be assigned.) Order no. 3RK1405-0BQ20-0AA3 K45F 2F-DI / 2DO 3RK1405-1BQ20-0AA3 K45F 2F-DI / 2DO UAUX Slave type Standard slave Standard slave Suitable for AS-i master to Spec. ... (or higher) AS-i Spec. 2.0 AS-i Spec. 2.0 No. of inputs/outputs 2 safe inputs / 2 standard outputs 2 safe inputs / 2 standard outputs with UAUX AS-i slave profile IO.ID.ID2 7.B.0 7.B.0 ID1 code (factory setting) F F PFD value The PFD value does not have any major effect on the PFD of the system as a whole comprising the AS-Interface bus and safety monitor. Total power consumption 250 mA 60 mA Inputs Sensors Mechanical switching contact Input current - high Assignment of inputs Ipeak 5 mA Pin 1 and pin 2 = connection / switching contact Pin 3 and pin 4 = connection / switching contact Pin 5 = unassigned Outputs Output type Electronic Current-carrying capacity per output 150 mA 0.7 A Total current of all outputs 150 mA 1.4 A Socket assignment: outputs Pin 3 = "-" Pin 4 = output Pin 5 = unassigned Short-circuit protection Integrated Inductive interference protection Integrated External 24 V DC power supply Watchdog 372 -- Via black AS-Interface flat cable Integrated AS-Interface system System Manual, 11/2008, 3RK2703-3BB02-1AA1 Integrated safety systems: ASIsafe 9.2 ASIsafe modules Order no. 3RK1405-0BQ20-0AA3 K45F 2F-DI / 2DO 3RK1405-1BQ20-0AA3 K45F 2F-DI / 2DO UAUX Assignment of outputs OUT 1 (D0) OUT 2 (D1) Socket 3 - pin 4 Socket 4 - Pin 4 AS-Interface certificate Available Approvals UL, CSA Degree of protection IP67 Ground connection -- Ambient temperature -25 ... +70 C Storage temperature -40 ... +85C No. of I/O sockets 4 4 Status displays I/O display UAUX LED yellow -- LED green AS-Interface / diagnostics LED green/red Connection K45 mounting plate Address assignment Addressing socket Safe SlimLine modules S22.5F Order no. 3RK1205-0BE00-0AA2 3RK1205-0BG00-0AA2 3RK1405-0BE00-0AA2 3RK1405-0BG00-0AA2 Slave type 3RK1405-1BE00-0AA2 3RK1405-1BG00-0AA2 Standard slave Suitable for AS-i master to Spec. ... (or higher) AS-i Spec. 2.0 AS-i Spec. 2.0 AS-i Spec. 2.0 No. of inputs/outputs 2 safe inputs 2 safe inputs / 2 standard outputs 2 safe inputs / 2 standard outputs with UAUX Connection type Screw terminal (-.BE..-) or spring-loaded terminal (-.BG..-) AS-i slave profile IO.ID.ID2 0.B.F 7.B.F 7.B.F ID1 code (factory setting) F F F PFD value The PFD value does not have any major effect on the PFD of the system as a whole comprising the AS-Interface bus and safety monitor. Total power consumption 45 mA 270 mA 60 mA Inputs Sensors Mechanical switching contact Input current - low Contact open Input current - high Contact closed Ipeak 5 mA Assignment of inputs F-IN1.1 and F-IN1.2 = connection for switching contact F-IN2.1 and F-IN2.2 = connection for switching contact AS-Interface system System Manual, 11/2008, 3RK2703-3BB02-1AA1 373 Integrated safety systems: ASIsafe 9.2 ASIsafe modules Order no. 3RK1205-0BE00-0AA2 3RK1205-0BG00-0AA2 3RK1405-0BE00-0AA2 3RK1405-0BG00-0AA2 3RK1405-1BE00-0AA2 3RK1405-1BG00-0AA2 Output type -- Electronic Electronic Typ. current-carrying capacity on each output 12/13 DC -- 0.15 A 0.7 A Max. total current for each module -- 0.15 A 1.4 A Short-circuit protection -- Integrated Inductive interference protection -- Integrated External 24 V DC power supply -- Watchdog -- Outputs -- Integrated Assignment of outputs OUT 1 OUT 2 -- -- DO D1 AS-Interface certificate Available Available soon Approvals Available soon UL, CSA Mechanical data Degree of protection IP20 Shock load (IEC 60068-2-6) 15 g / 11 ms Vibratory load (IEC 60068-2-27) 5 ... 500 Hz 5 ... 26 Hz: 0.75 mm amplitude 26 ... 500 Hz: 2 g Ground connection -- Ambient temperature -25 ... +70 C Storage temperature -40 ... +85C Status displays I/O display LED yellow UAUX -- AS-Interface / diagnostics Address assignment 9.2.6 -- LED green LED green/red Addressing socket Dimension drawings Dimension drawings of the AS-i safety modules The dimensions of the safe AS-i modules are the same as those for the standard modules of series K20 (Page 211) , K45 (Page 201), and SlimLine 22.5 (Page 248). They are specified in the relevant sections. 374 AS-Interface system System Manual, 11/2008, 3RK2703-3BB02-1AA1 Integrated safety systems: ASIsafe 9.3 3SF1 position switches with ASIsafe interface 9.3 3SF1 position switches with ASIsafe interface 9.3.1 Overview Position switches are used to convert the mechanical positions of moving machine parts to electrical signals. The 3SF1 position switches comprise a standard position switch and an ASIsafe slave in the switch housing whose safe inputs are wired to the position switch contacts. Category 3 to EN 954-1 is achieved with the 3SF1 3 position switch with two-channel interrogation in the appropriate operating mode. Category 4 can be achieved by combining the 3SF1 position switch with an 3SE5 position switch. Figure 9-9 ASIsafe position switches, modular system Type variants Position switches are available as: Standard position switch: the basic switch and matching actuator head (roller lever, twist lever, plunger, etc.) are ordered separately. Position switches with separate control element: the basic switch is supplied complete with the actuator head (for inserting the control element). The corresponding control element (for different assembly types) is ordered separately. Position switches with separate control element and tumbler: the basic switch is supplied complete with the actuator head (for inserting the control element). The corresponding control element (for different assembly types) is ordered separately. The tumbler interlocks the control element in the inserted position. Hinge switch: the basic switch and matching actuator head (for different switching angles, with hollow or solid shaft) are ordered separately. AS-Interface system System Manual, 11/2008, 3RK2703-3BB02-1AA1 375 Integrated safety systems: ASIsafe 9.3 3SF1 position switches with ASIsafe interface Enclosure variants Position switches are available with: Plastic enclosures Metal enclosures Variants without tumbler The standard position switches, position switches with separate control element (without tumbler), and hinge switches are available in the following widths: 31 mm (to EN 50047) 40 mm (to EN 50047) 50 mm 56 mm The position switches with a width of 31 mm and 40 mm are wired internally as follows: F-IN1 to NC contact 1 F-IN2 to NC contact 2 AS-i connection via M12 connector (pin 1 = ASI+, pin 3 = ASI-) The position switches with a width of 50 mm and 56 mm are wired internally as follows: F-IN1 to NC contact 1 F-IN2 to M12 socket on side (pin 1 and pin 2) AS-i connection via M12 connector (pin 1 = ASI+, pin 3 = ASI-) A second standard position switch (without integrated ASIsafe slave) can be connected via the M12 socket on the side to achieve safety category 4 (to EN 954-1). The max. power requirements (from the AS-i cable) are 60 mA. Variants with tumbler The position switches with a separate control element and tumbler have a width of: 54 mm The locking force is 1300 N with a plastic enclosure and 2600 N with a metal enclosure. Two versions of the control element interlock are available: Spring-locked (failsafe principle) with a range of unlocking options Magnetic force (open-circuit principle) The position switches with a separate control element and tumbler are wired internally as follows: Variant -1BA1: F-IN1 to NC contact of control element (contact closed when control element inserted) F-IN2 to NC contact of magnet (contact closed when control element interlocked) AS-i connection via M12 connector (pin 1 = ASI+, pin 3 = ASI-) 376 AS-Interface system System Manual, 11/2008, 3RK2703-3BB02-1AA1 Integrated safety systems: ASIsafe 9.3 3SF1 position switches with ASIsafe interface Variant -1BA1: F-IN1 to NC contact 1 of control element (contact closed when control element inserted) F-IN2 to NC contact 2 of control element (contact closed when control element inserted) AS-i connection via M12 connector (pin 1 = ASI+, pin 3 = ASI-) The max. power requirements (from the AS-i cable) are 230 mA (of which 170 mA required by magnet). Setting the AS-i address The AS-i address can be set by connecting the AS-i M12 connector to the addressing unit. No additional AS-i addressing socket is available. 9.3.2 Order numbers Due to the large number of variants and accessories, the orders numbers are not listed here. For a detailed overview of the range of position switches (ASIsafe variants and standard switches), please visit: On the left of the screen, choose the product path: Automation and Drives Low-Voltage Controls and Distribution SIRIUS Industrial Controls Detecting Devices In the middle of the screen under the "Brochures" tab, download the PDF file onto your PC in the required language. Figure 9-10 Brochure for position switches AS-Interface system System Manual, 11/2008, 3RK2703-3BB02-1AA1 377 Integrated safety systems: ASIsafe 9.3 3SF1 position switches with ASIsafe interface 9.3.3 Connection Figure 9-11 ASIsafe position switches, basic switches, 56 mm wide Position switches are connected to AS-i via an M12 connector. In the case of position switches with a width of 50 mm and 56 mm, a second standard position switch (without integrated ASIsafe slave) can be connected via the M12 socket on the side to achieve safety category 4 (to EN 954-1). 9.3.4 Diagnostics The standard position switches, position switches with separate control element (without tumbler), and hinge switches are equipped with a status display comprising three LEDs: AS-i/FAULT, F-IN1, and F-IN2. The position switches with a separate control element and tumbler are equipped with a status display comprising four LEDs: AS-i, FAULT (Page 173) , F-IN1, and F-IN2 (Page 175), see "Diagnostics". 378 AS-Interface system System Manual, 11/2008, 3RK2703-3BB02-1AA1 Integrated safety systems: ASIsafe 9.3 3SF1 position switches with ASIsafe interface Dimension drawings 6) 6) $ 0[ $ 9.3.5 Figure 9-12 Basic switch with actuator head, 31 / 50 mm wide, plastic enclosure 6) 6) 0[ $ 0[ $ 0[ Figure 9-13 0[ 0[ Basic switch with actuator head, 40 / 56 mm wide, metal enclosure AS-Interface system System Manual, 11/2008, 3RK2703-3BB02-1AA1 379 Integrated safety systems: ASIsafe 9.3 3SF1 position switches with ASIsafe interface 6)9 6)9 0[ 0[ Basic switch with actuator head, 31 / 50 mm wide, plastic enclosure, with separate control element 6)9 6)9 Figure 9-14 0[ Figure 9-15 380 0[ 0[ 0[ Basic switch with actuator head, 40 / 56 mm wide, metal enclosure, with separate control element AS-Interface system System Manual, 11/2008, 3RK2703-3BB02-1AA1 Integrated safety systems: ASIsafe 9.4 SIMATIC FS400 light curtains and arrays 9.4 SIMATIC FS400 light curtains and arrays 9.4.1 Overview The non-contact and active optoelectronic light curtains and arrays for categories 2 and 4 to EN 954-1 protect operating personal working on or near running machines and plants. A standard light curtain or array comprises a transmitter and receiver, which must be installed opposite each other. A transceiver combines the transmitter and receiver, whereby a passive reflecting mirror (additionally required) reflects the light beams. A number of transmit and receive diodes are placed one above the other depending on the resolution and length. The infrared LEDs on the transmitter emit short light pulses, which are picked up by the receive diodes. D E Figure 9-16 F D E G Optoelectronic protective devices: Light curtain, light array, and transceiver (a = transmitter, b = receiver, c = transceiver, d = reflecting mirror) Light curtains have between 8 and 240 beams of light and are designed for protecting hazardous areas. Depending on the resolution, they can detect fingers, hands, arms, feet, thighs, etc. Light arrays have 2, 3, or 4 beams and are designed for detecting people entering hazardous areas. They are not suitable for protecting hazardous areas since this requires a device that can detect fingers, hands, or arms etc. In the case of transceiver light arrays, the transceiver emits a beam of light from the upper part of the enclosure, which is then reflected by the reflecting mirror with an offset of 500 mm (beam spacing) and received again in the lower part of the transceiver enclosure. In this case, the reflecting mirror is a housing with two mirrors. The range of the transceiver is specified as the distance between the transceiver and reflecting mirror (if one reflecting mirror is used). If more than one reflecting mirror is used, the range decreases by 15% with each additional reflecting mirror. To configure interlinked protective zones, light curtains can be arranged one behind the other by cascading host and guest devices via plug-in cable connections. This also allows transmitter/receiver pairs with different resolutions to be combined. AS-Interface system System Manual, 11/2008, 3RK2703-3BB02-1AA1 381 Integrated safety systems: ASIsafe 9.4 SIMATIC FS400 light curtains and arrays D F E G Figure 9-17 Structure of a cascaded system a = host transmitter, b = guest transmitter, c = host receiver, d = guest receiver The light curtains and arrays are available for standard wiring and with an integrated ASIsafe slave. The type variants for standard wiring are not covered here. The following description only refers to the type variants with an integrated ASIsafe slave. For the complete range of light curtains and arrays (ASIsafe and standard variants), see catalog FS10 or visit the A&D Mall at: Choose "Products" and then the following product path on the left: Automation and Drives Sensor, Measuring and Testing Technology Fail-safe Sensors Then choose the products you want and download the required information. 3SF7844 light curtains and arrays All ASIsafe 3SF7844 light curtains and arrays are equipped with the following standard functions (can be deactivated via the setting switch): Contactor monitoring (incl. connection for contactor checkback signals) Start inhibit (after voltage OFF/ON) and restart inhibit (after beam interruption) (incl. connection for "Start" button) Option for connecting an additional safety device (e.g. EMERGENCY STOP button). External sensors can be connected via an 8-pin M12 socket (local interface) on the receiver. The ASIsafe 3SF7844 light curtains and arrays are each equipped with an integrated function package (can be deactivated via the setting switch): The 3SF7844 light curtains and arrays comply with the following standards: Safety category 4 to EN 954-1 Safety Integrity Level SIL 3 to IEC 61508 Type 4 to IEC 61496-1, -2 382 AS-Interface system System Manual, 11/2008, 3RK2703-3BB02-1AA1 Integrated safety systems: ASIsafe 9.4 SIMATIC FS400 light curtains and arrays ASIsafe 3SF7844 light curtains The ASIsafe 3SF7844 light curtains are available in the following versions: Standard transmitter and standard receiver Host transmitter and host receiver Guest transmitter and guest receiver (order no. 3RG7844...) Available with the following resolutions, protective zone heights (incremental), and ranges: Resolution 14 mm, protective zone height 150 ... 1800 mm, range 0 ... 6 m Resolution 30 mm, protective zone height 150 ... 1800 mm, range 0 ... 18 m Resolution 50 mm, protective zone height 450 ... 3000 mm, range 0 ... 18 m (on request) Each with an integrated function package (can be deactivated) Blanking Muting Muting with integrated LED indicator light Sequence control system ASIsafe 3SF7844 light arrays The ASIsafe 3SF7844 light arrays are available in two versions: Transmitter and receiver Transceiver With the following no. of beams, beam spacing, and ranges (for transmitters/receivers) 2 beams, beam spacing 500 mm, range 0.8 ... 18 m or 6 ... 70 m 3 beams, beam spacing 400 mm, range 0.8 ... 18 m or 6 ... 70 m 4 beams, beam spacing 300 mm, range 0.8 ... 18 m or 6 ... 70 m Or with the following no. of beams, beam spacing, and range (for transceivers) 2 beams, beam spacing 500 mm, range 0 ... 6.5 m incl. 1 double mirror 15% loss Each with an integrated function package (can be deactivated) Muting Muting with integrated LED indicator light The integrated function package can be deactivated by means of a setting switch, which means that light arrays can also be used without the function package. All ASIsafe 3SF7844 light curtains are equipped with the following standard functions (can be deactivated via the setting switch): Contactor monitoring (incl. connection for contactor checkback signals) Start inhibit (after voltage OFF/ON) and restart inhibit (after beam interruption) (incl. connection for "Start" button) AS-Interface system System Manual, 11/2008, 3RK2703-3BB02-1AA1 383 Integrated safety systems: ASIsafe 9.4 SIMATIC FS400 light curtains and arrays Option for connecting an additional safety device (e.g. EMERGENCY STOP button). In addition to the 8-pin M12 socket (local interface), the transceiver version is equipped with five additional 4-pin M12 sockets for connecting muting sensors, for example. 3SF7842 light curtains and arrays The 3SF7842 light curtains do not have an integrated function package or any other standard functions. The 3SF7842 light curtains and arrays comply with the following standards: Safety category 4 to EN 954-1 Type 4 to IEC 61496-1, -2 ASIsafe 3SF7842 light curtains The ASIsafe 3SF7842 light curtains are available in two versions: Standard transmitter and standard receiver Host transmitter and host receiver Guest transmitter and guest receiver (order no. 3RG7842...) Available with the following resolutions, protective zone heights (incremental), and ranges: Resolution 14 mm, protective zone height 150 ... 1800 mm, range x m Resolution 30 mm, protective zone height 150 ... 1800 mm, range x m Resolution 50 mm, protective zone height 450 ... 3000 mm, range x m Resolution 90 mm, protective zone height 750 ... 3000 mm, range x m ASIsafe 3SF7842 light arrays The ASIsafe 3SF7842 light arrays are available in two versions: Transmitter and receiver With the following no. of beams, beam spacing, and ranges: 2 beams, beam spacing 500 mm, range 0.8 ... 18 m or 6 ... 60 m 3 beams, beam spacing 400 mm, range 0.8 ... 18 m or 6 ... 60 m 4 beams, beam spacing 300 mm, range 0.8 ... 18 m or 6 ... 60 m 384 AS-Interface system System Manual, 11/2008, 3RK2703-3BB02-1AA1 Integrated safety systems: ASIsafe 9.4 SIMATIC FS400 light curtains and arrays Setting the AS-i address The AS-i address of the receiver (or transceiver) can be set by connecting the AS-i M12 connector (pin 1 = ASI+, pin 3 = ASI-) to the addressing unit. No additional AS-i addressing socket is available. For 3SF7844 light curtains and arrays, all the receiver electronics are supplied via the AS-i connection, that is, a max. current of 140 mA is also required when the AS-i address is set. You are advised to connect an AS-i power supply unit in parallel with the addressing unit so that the addressing unit does not output an overload signal. The transmitter does not require an AS-i address. 9.4.2 Order numbers 3SF7844 light curtains and arrays (with integrated evaluation function) Light curtains with blanking function package Protective zone height Receiver Transmitter Standard device, 14 mm resolution 300 mm 3SF7844-6BB04-0SS1 3SF7844-6SB04-0SS0 450 mm 3SF7844-6BB06-0SS1 3SF7844-6SB06-0SS0 600 mm 3SF7844-6BB08-0SS1 3SF7844-6SB08-0SS0 750 mm 3SF7844-6BB11-0SS1 3SF7844-6SB11-0SS0 900 mm 3SF7844-6BB13-0SS1 3SF7844-6SB13-0SS0 1050 mm 3SF7844-6BB15-0SS1 3SF7844-6SB15-0SS0 1200 mm 3SF7844-6BB17-0SS1 3SF7844-6SB17-0SS0 1350 mm On request On request 1500 mm On request On request 1650 mm On request On request 1800 mm On request On request Standard device, 30 mm resolution 300 mm 3SF7844-6BD04-0SS1 3SF7844-6SD04-0SS0 450 mm 3SF7844-6BD06-0SS1 3SF7844-6SD06-0SS0 600 mm 3SF7844-6BD08-0SS1 3SF7844-6SD08-0SS0 750 mm 3SF7844-6BD11-0SS1 3SF7844-6SD11-0SS0 900 mm 3SF7844-6BD13-0SS1 3SF7844-6SD13-0SS0 1050 mm 3SF7844-6BD15-0SS1 3SF7844-6SD15-0SS0 1200 mm 3SF7844-6BD17-0SS1 3SF7844-6SD17-0SS0 1350 mm 3SF7844-6BD20-0SS1 3SF7844-6SD20-0SS0 1500 mm 3SF7844-6BD22-0SS1 3SF7844-6SD22-0SS0 1650 mm 3SF7844-6BD24-0SS1 3SF7844-6SD24-0SS0 1800 mm 3SF7844-6BD26-0SS1 3SF7844-6SD26-0SS0 AS-Interface system System Manual, 11/2008, 3RK2703-3BB02-1AA1 385 Integrated safety systems: ASIsafe 9.4 SIMATIC FS400 light curtains and arrays Light curtains with muting function package Protective zone height Receiver Transmitter Standard device, 30 mm resolution 300 mm 3SF7844-6MD04-0SS1 3SF7844-6SD04-0SS0 450 mm 3SF7844-6MD06-0SS1 3SF7844-6SD06-0SS0 600 mm 3SF7844-6MD08-0SS1 3SF7844-6SD08-0SS0 750 mm 3SF7844-6MD11-0SS1 3SF7844-6SD11-0SS0 900 mm 3SF7844-6MD13-0SS1 3SF7844-6SD13-0SS0 1050 mm 3SF7844-6MD15-0SS1 3SF7844-6SD15-0SS0 1200 mm 3SF7844-6MD17-0SS1 3SF7844-6SD17-0SS0 1350 mm 3SF7844-6MD20-0SS1 3SF7844-6SD20-0SS0 1500 mm 3SF7844-6MD22-0SS1 3SF7844-6SD22-0SS0 1650 mm 3SF7844-6MD24-0SS1 3SF7844-6SD24-0SS0 1800 mm 3SF7844-6MD26-0SS1 3SF7844-6SD26-0SS0 Light curtains with muting function package, integrated LED indicator light Protective zone height Receiver Transmitter Standard device, 30 mm resolution 300 mm 3SF7844-6MD04-0KS1 3SF7844-6SD04-0SS0 450 mm 3SF7844-6MD06-0KS1 3SF7844-6SD06-0SS0 600 mm 3SF7844-6MD08-0KS1 3SF7844-6SD08-0SS0 750 mm 3SF7844-6MD11-0KS1 3SF7844-6SD11-0SS0 900 mm 3SF7844-6MD13-0KS1 3SF7844-6SD13-0SS0 1050 mm 3SF7844-6MD15-0KS1 3SF7844-6SD15-0SS0 1200 mm 3SF7844-6MD17-0KS1 3SF7844-6SD17-0SS0 Light curtains with sequence control system function package Protective zone height Receiver Transmitter Standard device, 14 mm resolution 300 mm 3SF7844-6TB04-0SS1 3SF7844-6SB04-0SS0 450 mm 3SF7844-6TB06-0SS1 3SF7844-6SB06-0SS0 600 mm 3SF7844-6TB08-0SS1 3SF7844-6SB08-0SS0 750 mm 3SF7844-6TB11-0SS1 3SF7844-6SB11-0SS0 900 mm 3SF7844-6TB13-0SS1 3SF7844-6SB13-0SS0 Standard device, 30 mm resolution 386 300 mm 3SF7844-6TD04-0SS1 3SF7844-6SD04-0SS0 450 mm 3SF7844-6TD06-0SS1 3SF7844-6SD06-0SS0 600 mm 3SF7844-6TD08-0SS1 3SF7844-6SD08-0SS0 750 mm 3SF7844-6TD11-0SS1 3SF7844-6SD11-0SS0 900 mm 3SF7844-6TD13-0SS1 3SF7844-6SD13-0SS0 AS-Interface system System Manual, 11/2008, 3RK2703-3BB02-1AA1 Integrated safety systems: ASIsafe 9.4 SIMATIC FS400 light curtains and arrays Light arrays with muting function package No. of beams Beam spacing Receiver Transmitter Standard device, range 0.8 to 18 m 4 beams 300 mm 3SF7844-6MM50-0SS1 3SF7844-6SM50-0SS0 3 beams 400 mm 3SF7844-6MP50-0SS1 3SF7844-6SP50-0SS0 2 beams 500 mm 3SF7844-6MS50-0SS1 3SF7844-6SS50-0SS0 Standard device, range 6 to 70 m 4 beams 300 mm 3SF7844-6MM51-0SS1 3SF7844-6SM51-0SS0 3 beams 400 mm 3SF7844-6MP51-0SS1 3SF7844-6SP51-0SS0 2 beams 500 mm 3SF7844-6MS51-0SS1 3SF7844-6SS51-0SS0 Light arrays with muting function package No. of beams Beam spacing Receiver Transmitter Standard device, range 0.8 to 18 m 4 beams 300 mm 3SF7844-6MM50-0KS1 3SF7844-6SM50-0SS0 3 beams 400 mm 3SF7844-6MP50-0KS1 3SF7844-6SP50-0SS0 2 beams 500 mm 3SF7844-6MS50-0KS1 3SF7844-6SS50-0SS0 Transceiver with muting function package, integrated LED indicator light No. of beams Beam spacing Type Order no. 2 beams 500 mm Transceiver 3SF7844-6MS50-0ST0 2 beams 500 mm Transceiver with integrated LED indicator light 3SF7844-6MS50-0MT0 -- -- Reflecting mirrors for transceiver 3RG7848-1TL Range 6.5 m AS-Interface system System Manual, 11/2008, 3RK2703-3BB02-1AA1 387 Integrated safety systems: ASIsafe 9.4 SIMATIC FS400 light curtains and arrays 3SF7842 light curtains and arrays Light curtains Protective zone height Receiver Transmitter Standard device, 14 mm resolution 150 mm 3SF7842-6BB01 3SF7842-6BB00 225 mm 3SF7842-6BC01 3SF7842-6BC00 300 mm 3SF7842-6BD01 3SF7842-6BD00 450 mm 3SF7842-6BE01 3SF7842-6BE00 600 mm 3SF7842-6BF01 3SF7842-6BF00 750 mm 3SF7842-6BG01 3SF7842-6BG00 900 mm 3SF7842-6BH01 3SF7842-6BH00 1050 mm 3SF7842-6BJ01 3SF7842-6BJ00 1200 mm 3SF7842-6BK01 3SF7842-6BK00 1350 mm 3SF7842-6BL01 3SF7842-6BL00 1500 mm 3SF7842-6BM01 3SF7842-6BM00 1650 mm 3SF7842-6BN01 3SF7842-6BN00 1800 mm 3SF7842-6BP01 3SF7842-6BP00 Standard device, 30 mm resolution 150 mm 3SF7842-6DB01 3SF7842-6DB00 225 mm 3SF7842-6DC01 3SF7842-6DC00 300 mm 3SF7842-6DD01 3SF7842-6DD00 450 mm 3SF7842-6DE01 3SF7842-6DE00 600 mm 3SF7842-6DF01 3SF7842-6DF00 750 mm 3SF7842-6DG01 3SF7842-6DG00 900 mm 3SF7842-6DH01 3SF7842-6DH00 1050 mm 3SF7842-6DJ01 3SF7842-6DJ00 1200 mm 3SF7842-6DK01 3SF7842-6DK00 1350 mm 3SF7842-6DL01 3SF7842-6DL00 1500 mm 3SF7842-6DM01 3SF7842-6DM00 1650 mm 3SF7842-6DN01 3SF7842-6DN00 1800 mm 3SF7842-6DP01 3SF7842-6DP00 Standard device, 50 mm resolution 388 450 mm 3SF7842-6EE01 3SF7842-6EE00 600 mm 3SF7842-6EF01 3SF7842-6EF00 750 mm 3SF7842-6EG01 3SF7842-6EG00 900 mm 3SF7842-6EH01 3SF7842-6EH00 1050 mm 3SF7842-6EJ01 3SF7842-6EJ00 1200 mm 3SF7842-6EK01 3SF7842-6EK00 1350 mm 3SF7842-6EL01 3SF7842-6EL00 1500 mm 3SF7842-6EM01 3SF7842-6EM00 1650 mm 3SF7842-6EN01 3SF7842-6EN00 1800 mm 3SF7842-6EP01 3SF7842-6EP00 AS-Interface system System Manual, 11/2008, 3RK2703-3BB02-1AA1 Integrated safety systems: ASIsafe 9.4 SIMATIC FS400 light curtains and arrays Light curtains Protective zone height Receiver Transmitter 2100 mm 3SF7842-6ER01 3SF7842-6ER00 2400 mm 3SF7842-6ES01 3SF7842-6ES00 2700 mm 3SF7842-6ET01 3SF7842-6ET00 3000 mm 3SF7842-6EU01 3SF7842-6EU00 Standard device, 90 mm resolution 750 mm 3SF7842-6JG01 3SF7842-6JG00 900 mm 3SF7842-6JH01 3SF7842-6JH00 1050 mm 3SF7842-6JJ01 3SF7842-6JJ00 1200 mm 3SF7842-6JK01 3SF7842-6JK00 1350 mm 3SF7842-6JL01 3SF7842-6JL00 1500 mm 3SF7842-6JM01 3SF7842-6JM00 1650 mm 3SF7842-6JN01 3SF7842-6JN00 1800 mm 3SF7842-6JP01 3SF7842-6JP00 2100 mm 3SF7842-6JR01 3SF7842-6JR00 2400 mm 3SF7842-6JS01 3SF7842-6JS00 2700 mm 3SF7842-6JT01 3SF7842-6JT00 3000 mm 3SF7842-6JU01 3SF7842-6JU00 Receiver Transmitter Light arrays No. of beams Beam spacing Standard device, range 0.8 to 18 m 4 beams 300 mm 3SF7842-6MH00 3SF7842-6MH01 3 beams 400 mm 3SF7842-6PG00 3SF7842-6PG01 2 beams 500 mm 3SF7842-6SE00 3SF7842-6SE01 Standard device, range 6 to 60 m 4 beams 300 mm 3SF7842-6MH50 3SF7842-6MH51 3 beams 400 mm 3SF7842-6PG50 3SF7842-6PG51 2 beams 500 mm 3SF7842-6SE50 3SF7842-6SE51 AS-Interface system System Manual, 11/2008, 3RK2703-3BB02-1AA1 389 Integrated safety systems: ASIsafe 9.4 SIMATIC FS400 light curtains and arrays 9.4.3 Connection 3SF7844 light curtains and arrays Transmitter M12 connector for supply Pin Assignment 1 ASI+ 2 Unavailable / unassigned 3 ASI- 4 Unassigned Pin Assignment Receiver / transceiver M12 connector for supply and communication 1 ASI+ 2 GND auxiliary voltage 3 ASI- 4 +24 V DC auxiliary voltage 5 Functional ground FE, can be connected if required Empfanger/Transceiver (Lokal-Interface, 3SF7844) Figure 9-18 M12 socket (8-pin) Additional sensors (e.g. buttons) and actuators (e.g. indicator lights) can be connected to the local interface in the connection cap of the device. The assignment of the 8-pin local M12 device socket in the connection cap depends on the integrated function package. You can use the SafetyLab PC software to individually assign the inputs/outputs of the local interface to the different device functions. A local connection box is available as an accessory. This divides the pins of the 8-pin M12 socket into six individual 5-pin M12 sockets, thereby making it easier to connect the sensors and actuators. For a description of this, refer to the manual for light curtains/arrays, which is available for each specific function package. 390 AS-Interface system System Manual, 11/2008, 3RK2703-3BB02-1AA1 Integrated safety systems: ASIsafe 9.4 SIMATIC FS400 light curtains and arrays Receiver / transceiver (optional local connector panel, 3SF7844) Figure 9-19 Connection example: local connector panel Depending on the version, five additional 5-pin M12 sockets may be available in the section of the front panel on the device that does contain any optical equipment. These can be used to connect muting sensors, for example. The assignment of the 5-pin M12 sockets in the connection cap depends on the integrated function package. You can use the SafetyLab PC software to individually assign the inputs/outputs of the local connector panel to the different device functions. For a description of this, refer to the manual for light curtains/arrays, which is available for each specific function package. 3SF7842 light curtains and arrays Transmitters and receivers (M12 connector for supply, including communication) Receiver / transceiver M12 connector for supply and communication AS-Interface system System Manual, 11/2008, 3RK2703-3BB02-1AA1 Pin Assignment 1 ASI+ 2 Unassigned 3 ASI- 4 Unassigned 391 Integrated safety systems: ASIsafe 9.4 SIMATIC FS400 light curtains and arrays 9.4.4 Diagnostics 3SF7844 light curtains and arrays Transmitter When the 7-segment display on the transmitter lights up, this means that the power supply has been connected. Operating status display 392 Meaning 8 Hardware reset in start-stop torque S Sel-test in progress (for approx. 1 s) 1 Normal operation, channel 1 set 2 Normal operation, channel 2 set . Point next to number: test ON, the transmitter is not emitting valid pulses (jumpers 3 - 4 not closed) F/x Device fault x = fault number, displayed alternating with "F" AS-Interface system System Manual, 11/2008, 3RK2703-3BB02-1AA1 Integrated safety systems: ASIsafe 9.4 SIMATIC FS400 light curtains and arrays Receiver / transceiver Four LEDs and two 7-segment displays indicate the operating statuses of the receiver. Operating status display Description I D a LED1, red/green b LED2, orange c LED3, yellow d LED4, blue e 7-segment displays f Parameterization interface for MagnetKey, SafetyKey, or PC adapter cable H E F G The messages on the 7-segment display refer specifically to the integrated function package (blanking / muting / sequence control system) and are listed in the relevant device manual. Meaning of the LEDs on the front panel of the receiver/transceiver LED1 Meaning Red Safety outputs in OFF status Green Safety outputs in ON status OFF Device without power supply LED2 Meaning Orange LED operating mode with internal start/restart inhibit in OFF status (LED1 red): protective zone unoccupied Orange Operating mode without/with internal start/restart inhibit in ON status (LED1 green): weak beam indicated with unoccupied, effective protective zone AS-Interface system System Manual, 11/2008, 3RK2703-3BB02-1AA1 393 Integrated safety systems: ASIsafe 9.4 SIMATIC FS400 light curtains and arrays LED3 Meaning Yellow Internal restart inhibit interlocked Yellow, flashing 2 x Two entries into protective zone expected (sequence control system function package only) Yellow, flashing 1 x One entry into protective zone expected (sequence control system function package only) OFF Restart inhibit unlocked or not active LED4 Meaning Blue Special function in accordance with the integrated function package (blanking / muting / sequence control system) activated (see device manual) OFF No special function 3SF7842 light curtains and arrays Transmitter When the 7-segment display on the transmitter lights up, this means that the power supply has been connected. Operating status display 394 Meaning 8. Hardware reset in start-stop torque S Sel-test in progress (for approx. 1 s) 1 Normal operation, channel 1 set 2 Normal operation, channel 2 set . Point next to number: transmitter in test mode F/x Device fault x = fault number, fault number, displayed alternating with "F" The fault numbers are listed in the device manual. AS-Interface system System Manual, 11/2008, 3RK2703-3BB02-1AA1 Integrated safety systems: ASIsafe 9.4 SIMATIC FS400 light curtains and arrays Receiver / transceiver Four LEDs and two 7-segment displays indicate the operating statuses of the receiver. Operating status display Meaning 8. Hardware reset in start-stop torque S Sel-test in progress (for approx. 1 s) 1 Normal operation, channel 1 set 2 Normal operation, channel 2 set . Point next to number: double scan F/x Device fault x = fault number, fault number, displayed alternating with "F" The fault numbers are listed in the device manual. a c d b e f Meaning of the LEDs on the front panel of the receiver/transceiver LED1 (c) Meaning Red Safety outputs (OSSDs) in OFF status OFF -- LED2 (d) Meaning Green Safety outputs (OSSDs) in ON status OFF -- LED3 (e) Meaning Orange Weak beam OFF -- AS-Interface system System Manual, 11/2008, 3RK2703-3BB02-1AA1 395 Integrated safety systems: ASIsafe 9.4 SIMATIC FS400 light curtains and arrays LED4 (f) Meaning Operating mode with internal RES function: Yellow Internal restart inhibit interlocked and protective zone unoccupied OFF Both OSSDs in OFF status (LED1=red), internal restart inhibit interlocked and protective zone occupied AS-i status LED in the connection cap of receiver: LED arrangement D E 3SF7844 AS-i 396 LED 3SF7844 3SF7842 a PWR (green) AS-i/FAULT (green/red) b FAULT (red) Not available Possible cause Possible remedial measures 3SF7842 FAULT AS-i/FAULT Green Off Green AS-i communication OK -- Flashing green Red Red The slave has the address 0 (on delivery) Assign valid address Green Red Red/yellow flashing No AS-i communication: * The master is switched off or offline. * The slave is not configured in the master. * The incorrect slave type is connected. * The slave has the wrong address. Ensure AS-i communication: * Switch on the master or switch it to online mode. * Reconfigure the master. * * Connect the correct module. Check/correct the slave address. Green Flashing red Flashing red Device fault Send device for repair. OFF -- Off No AS-i voltage, AS-i voltage connected with incorrect polarity, AS-i voltage too low Switch on the AS-i voltage, connect it properly, measure the AS-i voltage (approx. 30 V DC) AS-Interface system System Manual, 11/2008, 3RK2703-3BB02-1AA1 Integrated safety systems: ASIsafe 9.4 SIMATIC FS400 light curtains and arrays Diagnosis via AS-Interface The cyclic input/output data is used to transfer exactly one item of safe, binary data from the ASIsafe slave to the master (or safety monitor): Cyclic input data (4 bit) Status of light curtain/array Input data bits D0 ... D3 Significance of the safe data Protective zone unoccupied and start/restart inhibit is unlocked (if parameterized) Valid code table 1 Protective zone is occupied or start/restart inhibit is interlocked (if parameterized) Value 0 (on all four bits) 0 Cyclic output data (4 bit) The cyclic output data bits (from the point of view of the PLC) are not evaluated by the light curtain/array. Acyclic data The acyclic parameter data can be used to exchange additional non-safety-oriented data between the AS-i master and slave. The AS-i master can use a "parameter call" (write parameter) to send four parameter bits to the slave whereby the slave responds by sending four parameter echo bits back to the master. The parameter call must be triggered by the user program. With a SIMATIC S7-300/400, this can be carried out using command 02 of the AS-i master command interface (FC ASI_3422 (Page 71)). The parameter echo bits can only be received if the parameter bits were sent. The following table applies to 3SF7844 light curtains/arrays: Parameter bit (PLC / master light curtain/array) Signal assignment / meaning P0 Must be set to 1. P1 Must be set to 1. P2 Control data M1, can be assigned to any input function of the receiver using the SafetyLab PC software. Factory setting: no assignment P3 Control data M2, can be assigned to any input function of the receiver using the SafetyLab PC software. Factory setting: no assignment AS-Interface system System Manual, 11/2008, 3RK2703-3BB02-1AA1 397 Integrated safety systems: ASIsafe 9.4 SIMATIC FS400 light curtains and arrays Parameter echo bit (light curtain/array PLC/master) Signal assignment / meaning P0 Diagnostic data M3, can be assigned to any output function of the receiver using the SafetyLab PC software. Factory setting: 0 = active protective zone unoccupied/ready to unlock 1 = protective zone occupied Note: The status of the protective zone is indicated here, regardless of any parameterized start/restart inhibit, that is, the message bit is not the same as the safety-oriented data received via the cyclic input data. P1 Diagnostic data M4, can be assigned to any output function of the receiver using the SafetyLab PC software. Factory setting: 0 = no fault/signal 1 = fault/contamination group signal. P2 Not used P3 Not used The following table applies to 3SF7842 light curtains/arrays: Parameter bit (light curtain/array PLC/master) Signal assignment / meaning P0 Setting for the min. restart time: 0 = 100 ms 1 = 500 ms (default value) P1 Must be set to 1. P2 Not used (recommended default value = 1) P3 Not used (recommended default value = 1) Parameter echo bit (light curtain/array PLC/master) Signal assignment / meaning P0 Not used P1 Fault signal P2 Not used P3 Not used Diagnosis cannot be carried out via the AS-i parameter channel. 398 AS-Interface system System Manual, 11/2008, 3RK2703-3BB02-1AA1 Integrated safety systems: ASIsafe 9.4 SIMATIC FS400 light curtains and arrays 9.4.5 Technical specifications 3SF7844 light curtains and arrays AS-i data Slave type Standard slave Suitable for AS-i master to Spec. ... (or higher) Spec 2.0 AS-i slave profile IO.ID 0.B ID2, ID1 code Not available (replacement values: F, F) Operating voltage in acc. with AS-Interface Specification 26.5 ... 31.6 V Auxiliary voltage UAUX 24 V DC (+/-20%) Total power consumption from AS-i Typ. 50 mA Current consumption from auxiliary voltage UAUX Typ. 400 mA Overcurrent protection: auxiliary voltage 1.25 A fuse, medium time-lag Cycle time in acc. with AS-i Specification 5 ms Additional response time of AS-i system 40 ms AS-Interface system System Manual, 11/2008, 3RK2703-3BB02-1AA1 399 Integrated safety systems: ASIsafe 9.4 SIMATIC FS400 light curtains and arrays 9.4.6 Dimension drawings 3SF7844 light curtains and arrays $ % Figure 9-20 400 Dimensions: 3SF7844 light curtain A Protective zone height (see order numbers (Page 385)) B Total length = protective zone height A + 134 mm (1) Sealing cap Pg 9 (receiver only, for local interface) AS-Interface system System Manual, 11/2008, 3RK2703-3BB02-1AA1 Integrated safety systems: ASIsafe 9.4 SIMATIC FS400 light curtains and arrays & % Figure 9-21 Dimensions: 3SF7844 light array Additional dimensions applicable to light arrays only: Type B C Beams 3SF7844-..M 1184 mm 300 mm 4 3SF7844-..P 1034 mm 400 mm 3 3SF7844-..S 734 mm 500 mm 2 AS-Interface system System Manual, 11/2008, 3RK2703-3BB02-1AA1 401 Integrated safety systems: ASIsafe 9.4 SIMATIC FS400 light curtains and arrays s $ % 3SF7842 light curtains and arrays Figure 9-22 402 Dimensions: 3SF7842 light curtain A Protective zone height (see order numbers (Page 385)) B Total length = protective zone height A + 84 mm AS-Interface system System Manual, 11/2008, 3RK2703-3BB02-1AA1 % & s Integrated safety systems: ASIsafe 9.4 SIMATIC FS400 light curtains and arrays Figure 9-23 Dimensions: 3SF7842 light array Type B C Beams 3SF78 42-6M... 499 mm 300 mm 4 3SF78 42-6P... 599 mm 400 mm 3 3SF78 42-6S... 699 mm 500 mm 2 AS-Interface system System Manual, 11/2008, 3RK2703-3BB02-1AA1 403 Integrated safety systems: ASIsafe 9.5 SIMATIC FS600 laser scanners 9.5 SIMATIC FS600 laser scanners 9.5.1 Overview The laser scanner is a highly versatile optical distance sensor for protecting hazardous areas. It uses a laser diode with transmission optics to continuously generate bundled light pulses, which are scattered over the entire working range by an integrated rotating mirror. If any objects or people enter the zone, the scanner evaluates the reflected light pulses and uses the light propagation time to continuously calculate the exact position coordinates. If the defined protective zone is violated, it initiates an immediate machine shutdown within the system response time (via a suitable ASIsafe configuration). Depending on the operating mode, the stop function is reset either automatically or after acknowledgement (via an optional button that can be fitted on the laser scanner) when the protective zone is free. The working range of the laser scanner covers 190. The laser scanner detects people at a distance of up to 4 meters (protective zone, safety oriented). People and objects can also be detected at a distance of up to 15 meters for the purpose of outputting warnings (warning zone, non-safety-oriented). Four variable (can be set via the PC software) protective zone pairs for the protective and warning zone mean that the laser scanner can be easily adjusted in line with requirements. One protective zone pair can be active at any one time. The active protective zone pair can be selected by means of switching contacts, which are connected to an M12 socket on the laser scanner. The laser scanner can be installed in stationary applications (e.g. on machines and in plants) as well as mobile applications (e.g. vehicles, driverless transportation systems or traversing trucks). In this way, different working ranges around a robot, for example, can be monitored whereby the laser scanners operate consecutively with respect to space and time. This can significantly increase plant availability. 404 AS-Interface system System Manual, 11/2008, 3RK2703-3BB02-1AA1 Integrated safety systems: ASIsafe 9.5 SIMATIC FS600 laser scanners Protecting hazardous areas 6) :) 6) DFWLYH :) DFWLYH Figure 9-24 Example of horizontal hazardous area protection with more than one protective zone pair (SF = protective zone, WF = warning zone) In driverless transportation systems, the four programmed protective zones (SF) (e.g. fast (SF2), slow (SF1), left curve (SF3), and right curve (SF4)) can be protected. Unlike bumpers or hoop guards, the laser scanner offers a larger protective zone and, therefore, allows vehicles to be driven at higher speeds. 6) 6) 6) Figure 9-25 6) Example of route monitoring for driverless transportation systems (SF = protective zone; optional warning zones not shown). AS-Interface system System Manual, 11/2008, 3RK2703-3BB02-1AA1 405 Integrated safety systems: ASIsafe 9.5 SIMATIC FS600 laser scanners Additional information Laser scanners are available for standard wiring and with an integrated ASIsafe slave (or also with integrated PROFIBUS interface). The type variants for standard wiring and other bus systems are not covered here. The following description only refers to the device with an integrated ASIsafe slave. For the complete range of laser scanners, see catalog FS10 or visit the A&D Mall at: Choose "Products". On the left of the screen, choose the product path: Automation and Drives Sensor, Measuring and Testing Technology Fail-safe Sensors Then choose the products you want and download the required information. The ASIsafe laser scanner requires a connection to the AS-i cable for bus communication and a separate 24 V DC supply. It is connected via a 5-pin M12 connector (X1) on the top of the housing. The laser scanner is assigned an AS-i address. The scanner is equipped with a restart inhibit function (when a person/object is detected), which can be activated/deactivated via the software. The optional "Start" button can be connected via an additional 5-pin M12 connector (X4). A restart signal can also be sent via AS-Interface (acyclic parameter data). You can switch between protective zones via a 5-pin M12 socket (X3). The protective zone pairs are activated by applying 24 V (pin 5) to the corresponding inputs (pin 1 ...4). The second protective zone pair must always be activated before the first protective zone pair is deactivated. The switchover must occur within 1 s. The switchover procedure must never be configured to deactivate all the protective zone pairs. Except during the switchover procedure, only one protective zone pair must be active at any one time. The laser scanner complies with the following standards: Safety category 3 to EN 954-1 Type 3 to IEC 61496-1 or EN 61496-3 LS4soft software The LS4soft PC software can be used to parameterize and define the protective zones. The software is required for commissioning and is supplied with the laser scanner. It also offers a comprehensive range of diagnostic options. To transfer the configuration and diagnostics data, a special PC cable with an infrared adapter is required. This must be ordered separately (order no. 3RG7838-1DC). The 9-pin SUB D connector is connected to the serial interface (e.g. COM1) of the PC. The infrared adapter is placed in an appropriate position on the top of the ASIsafe laser scanner where it is secured by a built-in permanent magnet. For more information, refer to the software manual. 406 AS-Interface system System Manual, 11/2008, 3RK2703-3BB02-1AA1 Integrated safety systems: ASIsafe 9.5 SIMATIC FS600 laser scanners Figure 9-26 Defining the protective zone area using the LS4soft software Setting the AS-i address The addressing socket (X2) for setting the AS-i address is located on the top of the laser scanner. The address is assigned as usual using the AS-i addressing unit. AS-Interface system System Manual, 11/2008, 3RK2703-3BB02-1AA1 407 Integrated safety systems: ASIsafe 9.5 SIMATIC FS600 laser scanners 9.5.2 Order numbers Laser scanner Type Order no. SIMATIC FS620I laser scanners, protective zone 4 m radius 4 protective and warning zones incl. LS4soft software, AS-Interface connection 3SF7834-6DD00 SIMATIC FS660I laser scanners, vertical protection for hazardous areas and entrances, protective zone 4 m radius, 4 protective and warning zones, incl. software with ASIsafe connection 3SF7834-6DE00 Accessories Type Order no. Assembly system, swivel-mounted, for easy adjustment 3RG7838-1AA Adapter plate for LS4 laser scanner 3RG7838-1AB Cleaning set comprising: cleaning fluid (1000 ml) cloths (100 pcs) 3RG78 38-7RS PC connection cable for configuring the ASIsafe laser scanner, with 9-pin SUB D connector for serial PC interface and infrared adapter for optical interface on laser scanner 3RG78 38-1DC M12 jumper plug for fixed assignment of protective zone pair SF1 (connection: pin 1 - pin 5) 3RG78 38-1DF 9.5.3 Connection ; ; Figure 9-27 408 ; ; ; Position of the connections on the laser scanner AS-Interface system System Manual, 11/2008, 3RK2703-3BB02-1AA1 Integrated safety systems: ASIsafe 9.5 SIMATIC FS600 laser scanners X1: M12 connector for supply and communication Pin Assignment 1 ASI+ 2 GND auxiliary voltage 3 ASI- 4 Auxiliary supply + 24 V DC 5 Functional ground FE (mid contact of M12 connector), connect to plant ground X2: AS-i addressing socket For setting the AS-i address with an AS-i addressing unit X3: M12 socket for switching protective zones Pin Assignment 1 Input for selecting protective zone pair SF1 2 Input for selecting protective zone pair SF2 3 Input for selecting protective zone pair SF3 4 Input for selecting protective zone pair SF4 5 + 24 V DC for connection with an input X4: M12 connector for restart button Pin Assignment 1 Unassigned 2 Input for restart 3 Unassigned 4 + 24 V DC for connection with an input 5 Unassigned X5: Window for infrared adapter For configuring and diagnosing (locally) AS-Interface using PC software. AS-Interface system System Manual, 11/2008, 3RK2703-3BB02-1AA1 409 Integrated safety systems: ASIsafe 9.5 SIMATIC FS600 laser scanners 9.5.4 Diagnostics Figure 9-28 LED LEDs on the laser scanner Color Meaning 1 Green Sensor is active, active protective zone is free 2 Yellow Warning zone is occupied 3 Red OSSD outputs are deactivated 4 Green OSSD outputs are activated 5 Continuous yellow light slow flashing (approx. 0.25 Hz) rapid flashing (approx. 4 Hz) Restart inhibit Alarm Fault signal Diagnosis via AS-Interface The cyclic input/output data is used to transfer exactly one item of safe, binary data from the ASIsafe slave to the master (or safety monitor): 410 AS-Interface system System Manual, 11/2008, 3RK2703-3BB02-1AA1 Integrated safety systems: ASIsafe 9.5 SIMATIC FS600 laser scanners Cyclic input data (4 bit) Status of laser scanner Input data bits D0 ... D3 Significance of the safe data Protective zone unoccupied and start/restart inhibit is unlocked (if parameterized) Valid code table 1 Protective zone is occupied or start/restart inhibit is interlocked (if parameterized) Value 0 (on all four bits) 0 Cyclic output data (4 bit) The cyclic output data bits (from the point of view of the PLC) are not evaluated by the laser scanner. Acyclic data The acyclic parameter data can be used to exchange additional non-safety-oriented data between the AS-i master and slave. The AS-i master can use a "parameter call" (write parameter) to send four parameter bits to the slave whereby the slave responds by sending four parameter echo bits back to the master. The parameter call must be triggered by the user program. In SIMATIC S7-300/400, this can be carried out using command 02 of the AS-i master command interface (FC ASI_3422 (Page 71)). The parameter echo bits can only be received if the parameter bits were sent. The following table applies to the ASIsafe laser scanner: Parameter bit (PLC / master laser scanner) Signal assignment / meaning P0 Must be set to 1. P1 Must be set to 1. P2 Must be set to 1. P3 Must be set to 1. Parameter echo bit (laser scanner PLC / master) Signal assignment / meaning P0 0 = diagnostic message "Alarm" 1 = no alarm P1 See "Protective zone display" table P2 See "Protective zone display" table P3 Not used AS-Interface system System Manual, 11/2008, 3RK2703-3BB02-1AA1 411 Integrated safety systems: ASIsafe 9.5 SIMATIC FS600 laser scanners The diagnostic message "Alarm" can be configured using the LS4soft software. The following alarm signaling types are available: No alarm Device alarm (e.g. face plate dirty) Warning zone violated Device alarm, or warning zone violated Protective zone display Status of parameter echo bit Meaning P2 P1 0 0 Protective zone pair SF1 active 0 1 Protective zone pair SF2 active 1 0 Protective zone pair SF3 active 1 1 Protective zone pair SF4 active 9.5.5 Technical specifications AS-i data 412 Slave type Standard slave Suitable for AS-i master to Spec. ... (or higher) Spec 2.0 AS-i slave profile IO.ID 0.B ID2, ID1 code Not available (replacement values: F, F) Operating voltage in acc. with AS-Interface Specification 26.5 ... 31.6 V Auxiliary voltage UAUX 24 V DC (+/-20%) Total power consumption from AS-i Typ. 50 mA Current consumption from auxiliary voltage UAUX Typ. 400 mA Overcurrent protection: auxiliary voltage 1.25 A fuse, medium time-lag Cycle time in acc. with AS-i Specification 5 ms Additional response time of AS-i system 40 ms AS-Interface system System Manual, 11/2008, 3RK2703-3BB02-1AA1 Integrated safety systems: ASIsafe 9.5 SIMATIC FS600 laser scanners 9.5.6 Dimension drawings D 5 FD Figure 9-29 E E D FD 5 FD Dimensions of the 3FS7834 laser scanners AS-Interface system System Manual, 11/2008, 3RK2703-3BB02-1AA1 413 Integrated safety systems: ASIsafe 9.5 SIMATIC FS600 laser scanners 414 AS-Interface system System Manual, 11/2008, 3RK2703-3BB02-1AA1 System accessories 10.1 Extension plug 10.1.1 Overview 10 An extension plug or extension plug plus can be used to increase the maximum possible cable length in an AS-Interface segment from 100 m to 200 m. The extension plug / extension plug plus is a passive component and is installed at the point in the network that is furthest away from the AS-Interface power supply unit. This point does not need to be determined exactly; it is sufficient just to connect the extension plug / extension plug plus somewhere near the end of the cable ( 10 m). It is equipped with an M12 connector and can be connected with an AS-Interface M12 branch with degree of protection IP67. The extension plug / extension plug plus is equipped with integrated undervoltage detector for monitoring the AS-Interface voltage to ensure that the required voltage is present even at the end of the bus cable. Undervoltage is indicated on the extension plug by means of a diagnostics LED. The extension plug plus is equipped with an AS-i A/B slave and communicates this diagnostics data directly to the AS-Interface master. Setting the AS-i address The AS-i address of the extension plug plus can be set by connecting the AS-i M12 connector to the addressing unit. No additional AS-i addressing socket is available. The extension plug (not "plus") is not assigned an AS-i address. AS-Interface system System Manual, 11/2008, 3RK2703-3BB02-1AA1 415 System accessories 10.1 Extension plug 10.1.2 Order numbers Extension plug Type Order no. AS-Interface extension plug 3RK1901-1MX00 AS-Interface extension plug plus (with integrated A/B slave) 3RK1901-1MX01 Accessories Type Order no. AS-Interface transition from AS-i cable to M12 socket 3RX9801-0AA00 Further transitions: see accessories for the K20 compact module 10.1.3 Connection The extension plug / extension plug plus is connected to an AS-Interface M12 branch with degree of protection IP67 (PIN1: UASI +, PIN3: UASI -). Figure 10-1 Extension plug with M12 branch Segment with max. 200 m: 0DVWHU $6L ([WHQVLRQSOXJ 3RZHUVXSSO\XQLW 6ODYH 6ODYH 6ODYH 6ODYH 6ODYH 6ODYH 6ODYH 6ODYH P Figure 10-2 416 Extension plug in a segment AS-Interface system System Manual, 11/2008, 3RK2703-3BB02-1AA1 System accessories 10.1 Extension plug 10.1.4 Diagnostics Extension plug If the minimum voltage as defined by the AS-Interface Specification is undershot, this is indicated on the extension plug when the green LED starts flashing. If the AS-Interface voltage is sufficient, however, it is lit up continuously. To detect undervoltage, the LED is configured with a delay so that even momentary voltage dips can be detected. LED display LED Possible cause Possible remedial measures Green Normal operation, AS-i voltage OK -- Flashing green Undervoltage, AS-i voltage < 26.5 V * * * * OFF No AS-i voltage, AS-i voltage connected with incorrect polarity, AS-i voltage too low Move the AS-i power supply unit. Increase the cross-section of the AS-i cable. Reduce the load caused by slaves/sensors. Check whether or not the network quality is still sufficient despite undervoltage. Switch on the AS-i voltage, connect it properly, measure the AS-i voltage (approx. 30 V DC) The condition for undervoltage must be present for at least 5 ms in order to be signaled via the LED. The undervoltage message is displayed for at least 100 ms, even if the voltage only drops momentarily. Extension plug plus The extension plug plus is equipped with an AS-i A/B slave and does not have a diagnostics LED. If the minimum voltage is undershot, this event is sent as digital input data directly to the AS-Interface master. Two different voltage values can be set as the threshold value; these can be selected by setting the output bits. Two different input bits can be used to distinguish between brief and longer voltage dips. AS-Interface system System Manual, 11/2008, 3RK2703-3BB02-1AA1 417 System accessories 10.1 Extension plug Assignment of the inputs DI 2 - DI 3 Input Status Meaning DI 2 0 Undervoltage detected with duration > 50 ms 1 No undervoltage DI 3 0 Undervoltage detected with duration > 5 ms 1 No undervoltage Assignment of outputs DO 0 - DO 1 10.1.5 Input Status Meaning DI 0 -- Not used DI 1 0 Threshold value for undervoltage 26.5 V 1 Threshold value for undervoltage 23 V Technical specifications Order no. 3RK1901-1MX00 Extension plug 3RK1901-1MX01 Extension plug plus Slave type No integrated slave A/B slave Suitable for AS-i master to Spec. ... (or higher) AS-i Spec. 2.0 AS-i Spec. 2.1 AS-i slave profile IO.ID.ID2 -- B.A.E ID1 code (factory setting) -- Operating voltage in acc. with AS-Interface Specification Reverse polarity protection Total power consumption Available 10 mA 15 mA Degree of protection IP67 Ambient temperature -25 ... +85C Connection to AS-Interface 418 7 26.5 ... 31.6 V Via M12 plug connector PIN 1: UASI + PIN 3: UASI - AS-Interface system System Manual, 11/2008, 3RK2703-3BB02-1AA1 System accessories 10.1 Extension plug 0[ /(' 0[ Dimension drawings 10.1.6 5.0; 5.0; Figure 10-3 Dimensions of the extension plug / extension plug plus AS-Interface system System Manual, 11/2008, 3RK2703-3BB02-1AA1 419 System accessories 10.2 Repeaters 10.2 Repeaters 10.2.1 Overview In its basic configuration, an AS-i network comprises one segment with a maximum cable length of 100 m. An extension plug can be used to increase the length of the cable to 200 m. If this is insufficient, however, you can use one or more repeaters. A repeater extends an existing segment with an additional segment, which can have a maximum cable length of 100 m (without an extension plug) or 200 m (with an extension plug). Each segment requires a separate AS-i power supply unit. The additional power supply can increase the current supply for slaves/sensors and lower the voltage drop on the AS-i cable. Properties of the repeater: Slaves can be installed in both segments (upstream and downstream of the repeater). The two AS-i cable segments are electrically isolated, that is, fault signals/EMC and ground faults are blocked on the repeater. The repeater reconstructs the bit information in the AS-i telegram. A maximum of two repeaters connected in series can be used if an AS-i extension plug is not used. When an AS-i extension plug is used (in segment 1 or/and segment 2), repeaters must not be connected in series. Several repeaters can be connected in parallel (star configuration). When several repeaters are used in a combination of parallel and series connections (tree configuration), the cable length can be extended to several kilometers. For the sake of clarity, however, catalogs and brochures usually state maximum total lengths of no more than a few hundred meters. Even when repeaters are used, the maximum number of slaves that can be connected is 31 (without A/B slaves) or 62 (with A/B slaves). Repeaters can also be used in conjunction with ASIsafe slaves and safety monitors or F-Link. The AS-i addresses (and any safety monitors) can be distributed across the segments as required. The only restriction here is that no more than 35 load equivalents are installed in each segment to prevent the communications voltage from being attenuated excessively. The following equivalences apply: - Standard slave (incl. ASIsafe slave) 1 load equivalent - A/B slave 0.5 load equivalent - Safety monitor 1 load equivalent - Repeater (per segment connection) 1 load equivalent 420 AS-Interface system System Manual, 11/2008, 3RK2703-3BB02-1AA1 System accessories 10.2 Repeaters - Other components without an AS-i address (e.g. ground fault detector) 1 load equivalent, Example: Segment with 20 standard slaves (incl. ASIsafe slaves), 10 A/B slaves, 3 safety monitors, 1 repeater, 1 ground fault detector. Result: 20 + 10 x 0.5 + 3+ 1 + 1 = 30; this is a permissible configuration because the load equivalent is 35. The repeater is designed symmetrically, that is, it does not matter whether or not the AS-i master is installed in segment 1 (upstream of the repeater) or in segment 2 (downstream of the repeater). The repeater can be installed anywhere on an AS-i cable. The AS-i flat cable of each segment is fed through the repeater without interruption. If necessary, the cable can end in the repeater. Setting the AS-i address A repeater is not assigned an AS-i address. 10.2.2 Order numbers Type Order no. Repeater for AS-Interface for cable extension, incl. mounting plate 6GK1210-0SA01 AS-Interface system System Manual, 11/2008, 3RK2703-3BB02-1AA1 421 System accessories 10.2 Repeaters 10.2.3 Connection 1P $6L $6L Figure 10-4 Connecting the repeater To commission the repeater, carry out the following steps: 422 Step Procedure 1 Insert the AS-i cables into the cable routings on the mounting plate: top = AS-i cable segment 1 (AS-i 1), bottom = AS-i cable segment 2 (AS-i 2). 2 If a cable ends in the repeater, use the gasket set 3RK1902-0AR00. 3 Screw the repeater onto the mounting plate. The LEDs light up when the AS-i voltage has been applied. AS-Interface system System Manual, 11/2008, 3RK2703-3BB02-1AA1 System accessories 10.2 Repeaters Structure Slaves can be used on both sides of the repeater An AS-Interface power supply is required on both sides Electrical isolation of the two AS-Interface shaped cable lines. Separate display of the correct AS-Interface voltage for each side. Max. two repeaters can be connected in series (max. cable length 300 m) Several repeaters can be connected in parallel (star configuration) 0DVWHU 3RZHU6XSSO\ 3RZHU6XSSO\ 6O DY H 6O DY H 6O DY H 6O DY H 5HSHDWHU 6O DY H P Figure 10-5 6O DY H 6O DY H 6O DY H P Repeater: integration in the AS-i network Maximum configuration: 600 m with repeaters Repeaters can be used to increase the length of the cable. Since repeaters cannot be connected in series when they are used in conjunction with AS-i extension plugs, this results in a maximum distance of 400 m between the master and slave and a maximum cable extension of 600 m (master in the middle of the network). Repeaters can be connected in parallel in a star configuration each with up to 200 m long segments. 3RZHU6XSS\ $6L ([WHQVLRQ3OXJ 6ODYH 6ODYH 0DVWHU 5HSHDWHU P 3RZHU6XSSO\ 6ODYH P 3RZHU6XSSO\ $6L ([WHQVLRQ3OXJ 6ODYH 5HSHDWHU $6L ([WHQVLRQ3OXJ 6ODYH P P Figure 10-6 Repeaters in combination with extension plugs for a maximum configuration of 600 m AS-Interface system System Manual, 11/2008, 3RK2703-3BB02-1AA1 423 System accessories 10.2 Repeaters 10.2.4 Diagnostics The LED lights up if the AS-Interface voltage is correct. LED per segment 10.2.5 10.2.6 LED Possible cause Possible remedial measures Green Normal operation, AS-i voltage OK -- OFF No AS-i voltage, Switch on the AS-i voltage, connect it AS-i voltage connected with incorrect polarity, properly, AS-i voltage too low measure the AS-i voltage (approx. 30 V DC) Technical specifications Order no. 6GK1210-0SA01 Slave type No integrated slave Suitable for AS-i master to Spec. ... (or higher) AS-i Spec. 2.0 AS-i slave profile IO.ID -- ID2 code -- Operating voltage in acc. with AS-Interface Specification 26.5 ... 31.6 V Total power consumption from AS-Interface 40 mA per segment Dimension drawings Repeater The dimensions of the repeater are the same as those for the housing of the K45 compact modules (Page 201). 424 AS-Interface system System Manual, 11/2008, 3RK2703-3BB02-1AA1 System accessories 10.3 Extenders 10.3 Extenders 10.3.1 Overview The extender has almost the same function as the repeater, but with the following differences: The AS-i master only is connected in segment 1. The AS-i power supply unit and slaves must not be installed in segment 1. (Data decoupling required for the AS-i system is integrated in the extender for segment 1.) The AS-i power supply unit, the slaves, and any safety monitors are connected to segment 2. No electrical isolation of the two AS-i cable segments. Segment 1 is automatically supplied from segment 2, whereby the current for segment 1 is restricted to 100 mA. For this reason, the extender can only be used in conjunction with AS-i masters that are supplied via a separate voltage source. Extenders cannot be used in conjunction with DP/AS-i Link20E because Link20E requires approx. 200 mA from the AS-i cable. The same applies to other AS-i masters (e.g. DP/AS-i Link Advanced with internal supply via AS-i). Several extenders cannot be connected in series or in parallel. A maximum of one extender and one repeater connected in series can be used if an AS-i extension plug is not used. When an AS-i extension plug is used (in segment 1 or/and segment 2), extenders and repeaters must not be connected in series. If an AS-i extension plug is installed in segment 1, it must be located near the AS-i master. The extender is used, for example, where the AS-i master (in the cabinet) is installed far away from the installation location of the slaves (machine configuration). Setting the AS-i address The extender is not assigned an AS-i address. 10.3.2 Order numbers Type Order no. Extender for AS-Interface for remote master installation (up to 100 m) incl. FK-E base 6GK1210-1SA00 AS-Interface system System Manual, 11/2008, 3RK2703-3BB02-1AA1 425 System accessories 10.3 Extenders 10.3.3 Connection The FK-E coupling module is suppled with the extender. &RXSOLQJPRGXOH ).( 1P [ /('GLVSOD\ /LQH /LQH Figure 10-7 Connecting the extender To commission the extender, carry out the following steps: Step Procedure 1 Insert the AS-i cables into the cable routings on the coupling module: top = AS-i cable segment 1 (line 1), bottom = AS-i cable segment 2 (line 2). If a cable ends in the extender, use the gasket set 3RK1902-0AR00. 2 426 Screw the extender onto the coupling module. The LEDs light up when the AS-i voltage has been applied. AS-Interface system System Manual, 11/2008, 3RK2703-3BB02-1AA1 System accessories 10.3 Extenders Using the extender The AS-Interface extender is used in applications in which the master is located some distance away from the actual AS-Interface installation. The extender has the following characteristics: Masters can be located at a distance of up to 100 m from the AS-Interface segment. Slaves can only be used on the side of the extender that is not facing the master. A power supply is only required on the side that is not facing the master. No electrical isolation of the two lines. The correct voltage is displayed. 0DVWHU 3RZHUVXSSO\XQLW ([WHQGHUV 6ODYH P Figure 10-8 Integrating the extender in the AS-i network 10.3.4 Diagnostics 6ODYH 6ODYH 6ODYH P The LEDs have the same function as those for the repeaters (Page 424). 10.3.5 Technical specifications Order no. 6GK1210-1SA00 Slave type No integrated slave Suitable for AS-i master to Spec. ... (or higher) AS-i Spec. 2.0 AS-i slave profile IO.ID -- ID2 code -- Operating voltage in acc. with AS-Interface Specification 26.5 ... 31.6 V Total power consumption from AS-Interface 100 mA Note An extender cannot be operated on DP/AS-Interface Link 20E if it does not have its own power supply. AS-Interface system System Manual, 11/2008, 3RK2703-3BB02-1AA1 427 System accessories 10.3 Extenders 10.3.6 Dimension drawings The dimensions of the extender are the same as those for the housing of the overvoltage protection module (Page 445) (but without grounding cable). 428 AS-Interface system System Manual, 11/2008, 3RK2703-3BB02-1AA1 System accessories 10.4 Addressing unit 10.4 Addressing unit 10.4.1 Overview To exchange data with the master, all nodes must be addressed before they are integrated in the AS-Interface network. This can be carried out: Offline with an addressing unit Online by the AS-Interface system master The addresses are the values 1 to 31 (or 1A to 31A and 1B to 31B for the extended AS-Interface Specification 2.1). A new slave that has not yet been assigned its own address has the default address 0. It is identified by the master as a new, non-addressed slave and, as such, does not yet take part in standard communication. Addresses can be assigned as required, that is, it does not matter whether the first slave is assigned address 21 or 1, for example. Function Reads the slave address 0 to 31, A/B Reads the IO and ID codes of the slaves Standard and extended ID code1 and ID code2 Standard and extended addressing mode in acc. with AS-Interface version 2.1 Programs ID code1 Functional check of slaves: read inputs and write outputs of digital/analog slaves AS-Interface test: measure the voltage (measurement range: 0 to 35 V) and current consumption (measurement range: 0 to 100 mA) of the AS-Interface bus. Save: complete plant configurations can be saved (profile of all the slaves, also with extension in accordance with AS-Interface specification 2.1) Detects all plant components AS-Interface system System Manual, 11/2008, 3RK2703-3BB02-1AA1 429 System accessories 10.4 Addressing unit 10.4.2 Order numbers Addressing and diagnostic unit Type Order no. AS-Interface addressing and diagnostic unit for active AS-i modules, intelligent sensors, and actuators, with functionality to v2.1 with M12 socket 3RK1904-2AB01 Type Order no. AS-Interface coupling module FK/address, with integrated addressing socket, for 2 AS-Interface cables (yellow), connection with insulation displacement method EMS (electromagnetic interface) 3RK1901-1MA00 M12 - M12 connection cable, 3-pin, with 1.5 m PUR cable, black, 3 x 0.34 mm2, straight cable plug, straight connector 3RX8000-0GF32-1AB5 Accessories 10.4.3 Technical specifications Order no. 3RK1 904-2AB01 Power supply 4 batteries IEC LR6 (NEDA 15) Ambient conditions Ambient temperature 0 ... +55C Storage temperature -20 ... +55C (without batteries) Relative humidity Max. 75%, (without condensation) Height above sea level Up to 2,000 m Location Indoors only Mechanical design Degree of protection IP40 Dimensions (W x H x D) 84 x 195 x 35 mm Connection via M12 socket: Pin 1: Pin 3: Pin 2 / 4 / 5: ASI+ ASI- / GND IR addressing To save the battery, the system is shut down automatically approx. 1 min after the last operator action to ensure that at least 2,500 device addressing operations can be performed. 430 AS-Interface system System Manual, 11/2008, 3RK2703-3BB02-1AA1 System accessories 10.5 Analyzer 10.5 Analyzer 10.5.1 Overview The AS-Interface analyzer is used for checking AS-Interface networks. This ensures that faults can be identified systematically and facilitates continuous monitoring. This device can help identify installation errors (e.g. insecure contacts or EMC faults with extreme loads). The user-friendly software allows users without specialist knowledge of AS-Interface to assess the quality of entire networks. The AS-Interface analyzer also allows commissioning and servicing tasks to be documented by creating test reports for the recordings performed. Trigger functions allow expert AS-Interface users to carry out detailed diagnoses. As a passive node, the AS-Interface analyzer "listens in" on communication in the AS-Interface network. The device is also supplied from the AS-Interface cable. The analyzer interprets the physical signals in the AS-Interface network and records communication. An RS232 interface is used to transfer the data acquired on a PC (e.g. notebook) where it can be evaluated using the diagnostics software supplied. Online statistics This mode provides an overview of the existing AS-Interface system. The error rates for each slave are represented in a traffic light format (green, amber, red). The bus configuration and the slave data that is currently being transferred are clearly displayed. The extended statistics function can be used to determine the error rate as the number of transferred or invalid bus telegrams. The bundle error overview provides a graded overview of how many telegram repetitions have occurred so that users can perform a targeted, predictive assessment of the transfer quality. Data mode In this mode, the analyzer displays not only the digital input/output values but also the current analog values as well as the input status of the safety slaves. AS-Interface system System Manual, 11/2008, 3RK2703-3BB02-1AA1 431 System accessories 10.5 Analyzer Trace mode This mode provides a comprehensive range of trigger functions as well as trace and view filters in a similar format to that of the field bus analyzer. An external trigger input and output round off the functional scope allowing even the most complex errors to be located. For troubleshooting in conjunction with safety monitor applications, status changes in the code tables for safety slaves are detected and evaluated. Test report The recorded data of the online statistics can be easily output and documented via a test report. Verification of the status of the plant for approvals or servicing tasks can then be provided. The measurement Wizard records the bus signals for a variable duration, thereby triggering creation of an automatic test report. This allows the quality of AS-i plants to be checked using standardized procedures. 10.5.2 Order numbers Analyzer Type Order no. AS-Interface analyzer V2 diagnostic unit with functionality to V2.1 Extended version with ASIsafe evaluation and measurement Wizard 3RK1904-3AB01 Type Order no. Accessories M12 cable connector, 4-pin, with 5 m PUR cable, black, 4 X 0.34 AS-Interface transition from AS-i cable to M12 socket 432 mm2 3RX8000-0CD42-1AF0 3RX9801-0AA00 AS-Interface system System Manual, 11/2008, 3RK2703-3BB02-1AA1 System accessories 10.5 Analyzer 10.5.3 Connection 0DVWHU 0EUDQFK 6ODYH $6,QWHUIDFH$QDO\VHU Figure 10-9 6ODYH 6ODYH 6ODYH 3& Connecting the analyzer to the AS-i network AS-Interface system System Manual, 11/2008, 3RK2703-3BB02-1AA1 433 System accessories 10.6 Ground fault detection module 10.6 Ground fault detection module 10.6.1 Overview "... Ground faults in control circuits must not cause machines to start unintentionally, cause dangerous machine movements, or prevent machines from shutting down (EN 60204, part 1 or DIN VDE 0113)". The AS-Interface ground fault detection module can be used to ensure that these requirements are fulfilled. This SlimLine module reliably detects and reports ground faults in AS-Interface systems. The following ground faults are detected: AS-i "+" ground fault AS-i "-" ground fault Ground faults in sensors and actuators supplied by the AS-Interface voltage. One module for each AS-Interface network is sufficient. Function The ground fault is detected by the module, displayed via an LED, and signaled via two signaling outputs (1. no ground fault / O.K.; 2. ground fault / fault). The ground fault signal is stored in the module. Once the ground fault has been rectified (and not before), the module can be reset by switching off the AS-Interface voltage, pressing the "Reset" button, or by applying a high level at the floating remote reset input. External auxiliary voltages are not monitored by this module with respect to ground faults. Test / reset Carry out regular checks to ensure that the module is functioning properly: When you press the TEST/RESET button very briefly (< 2 s), this simulates a ground fault and the FAULT output is set. This status remains until the system is reset with the TEST/RESET button (> 2 s). This sets the OK output and resets the FAULT output. The system cannot be reset when a ground fault is present. The module can also be reset by means of a high level at the floating remote reset input (R-RES). Again, the system cannot be reset when a ground fault is present. The test function results in a ground fault. Switch the system to a safe state prior to the test. Setting the AS-i address The ground fault detection module is a passive module without IC and, therefore, does not require its own address in the AS-Interface network. 434 AS-Interface system System Manual, 11/2008, 3RK2703-3BB02-1AA1 System accessories 10.6 Ground fault detection module 10.6.2 Checking for ground faults with a voltage measuring instrument A ground fault anywhere in the AS-i cable can be detected using a high-resistance voltage measuring instrument (Ri >= 20 M, e.g. digital multimeter). Procedure: 1. Set the measuring instrument to voltage measurement (V DC). 2. Connect the minus measuring lead to the system ground/ground. 3a. Connect the plus measuring lead to AS-i plus. Without a ground fault, a voltage of approx. 15 V (+/- 3 V) is set. (Since the AS-i cable is ideally only set via a capacitive voltage divider symmetrically with respect to system ground, the measured voltage may drift slightly due to the internal resistance of the measuring instrument.) If a ground fault vis-a-vis AS-i plus occurs, the voltage can drop to as low as 0 V (depending on the resistance in the ground connection). If a ground fault vis-a-vis AS-i minus occurs, the voltage can increase to as much as the maximum AS-i voltage (approx. 30 V, and depending on the resistance in the ground connection). Alternative: 3b. Connect the plus measuring lead to AS-i minus. Without a ground fault, a negative voltage of approx. -15 V (+/- 3 V) is set. (Since the AS-i cable is ideally only set via a capacitive voltage divider symmetrically with respect to system ground, the measured voltage may drift slightly due to the internal resistance of the measuring instrument.) If a ground fault vis-a-vis AS-i plus occurs, the voltage can increase to as much as the maximum AS-i voltage, that is, a negative voltage as low as approx. -30 V is measured (depending on the resistance in the ground connection). If a ground fault vis-a-vis AS-i minus occurs, the voltage can drop to as low as 0 V, that is, a slight negative voltage about 0 V is measured (depending on the resistance in the ground connection). Note Since the connected sensors are supplied by the AS-i voltage, a ground fault on the sensor cable also causes a ground fault on the AS-i cable (with the exception of modules with floating inputs). If the outputs are supplied from the AS-i cable, the same applies to the actuator cables. The cause of a ground fault could be anywhere in the AS-i network. Due to the flexibility of the topology, no measurement procedure exists for automatically determining the location of the fault. AS-Interface system System Manual, 11/2008, 3RK2703-3BB02-1AA1 435 System accessories 10.6 Ground fault detection module Tips for locating ground faults: Are cables moved constantly? Have any cables been driven over or otherwise damaged by vehicles (e.g. fork-lift trucks)? If possible, disconnect the AS-i cable segment by segment (AS-i plus and minus cable) Disconnect neuralgic sensor cables one after the other or disconnect entire modules (and connected sensors) one after the other from the AS-i cable (AS-i plus and minus cable). Check whether - as described above - a ground fault exists using the voltage measuring instrument. Check the AS-i cable and sensor cables for insulation faults (chafing points, compression, cuts, frayed litz wires at the terminals, even in prefabricated connectors, wet cable connectors, etc.) and replace if necessary. Make sure that all the cables are properly connected (AS-i cable and sensor cables; see note above - must not be connected at any point to ground or external voltage). Once the errors have been rectified, the ground fault detection module must be reset (press the RESET/TEST button for 2 s or remote reset). 10.6.3 Order numbers Type Order no. Ground fault detection module, screw terminals 3RK1408-8KE00-0AA2 Ground fault detection module, spring-loaded terminal 3RK1408-8KG00-0AA2 436 AS-Interface system System Manual, 11/2008, 3RK2703-3BB02-1AA1 System accessories 10.6 Ground fault detection module 10.6.4 Connection 9 AS-i- T AS-i+ R-RES - 7HUPLQDODQGWHUPLQDO OHDGWRIXQFWLRQDOJURXQG )( HDFKYLDVHSDUDWHFDEOH &RQQHFWLRQFDEOHFDQ DOVREHWHVWHG 9 AS-i TEST/ RESET 55(6 R-RES O.K. FAULT / $6, $6,QWHUIDFH 5HVHW $6, 7 L24+ O.K. FAULT M24 M24 M24 2. )$8/7 0 0 0 )( 0 Figure 10-10 Connections on the ground fault detection module Connection cross-sections Cable Screw terminals Spring-loaded terminals Single-core 1 x 0.5 ... 4.0 mm 2 x 0.5 ... 2.5 mm 2 x 0.25 ... 1.5 mm Finely stranded with wire end ferrule 1 x 0.5 ... 2.5 mm 2 x 0.5 ... 1.5 mm 2 x 0.25 ... 1.5 mm Finely stranded without wire end ferrule -- 2 x 0.25 ... 1.5 mm AWG cables, single or multi-core 2 x 20 to 14 2 x 24 to 16 AS-Interface system System Manual, 11/2008, 3RK2703-3BB02-1AA1 437 System accessories 10.6 Ground fault detection module 10.6.5 Diagnostics LED: AS-i AS-i Possible cause Possible remedial measures Green AS-i voltage present -- OFF No AS-i voltage, AS-i voltage connected with incorrect polarity, AS-i voltage too low Switch on the AS-i voltage, connect it properly, measure the AS-i voltage (approx. 30 V DC) LEDs: OK and FAULT OK FAULT Possible cause Possible remedial measures Green OFF No ground fault -- Red OFF Ground fault detected -- OFF OFF No AS-i voltage Switch on AS-i voltage LED: R-RES R-RES Meaning Yellow Reset signal present OFF -- 438 AS-Interface system System Manual, 11/2008, 3RK2703-3BB02-1AA1 System accessories 10.6 Ground fault detection module 10.6.6 Technical specifications Order no. 3RK1408-8KE00-0AA2 3RK1408-8KG00-0AA2 Connection type Screw terminals Spring-loaded terminals Slave type The ground fault detection module is not equipped with a slave and does not require an AS-Interface address. Rated operating voltage 24 ... 48 V Total power consumption 40 mA Approvals Degree of protection IP20 Ambient temperature -25 ... +70 C Storage temperature -40 ... +85 C Low signal range IIN 1.5 mA High signal range UIN IIN 10 V 40 mA Current-carrying capacity DC 12 DC 13 DC 13 1 A (max. 2 A per module) 500 mA (24 V) 200 mA (48 V) Switches 2 x 106 Assignment of the terminals 1: AS-i - connection 2: Connection for system ground 3: Connection for system ground (for test function) 4: AS-i + connection 5: Remote reset input (R-RES) 6: Remote reset ground (-) 7: External power supply for signaling outputs L24+ 8: Signaling output OK 9: Signaling output FAULT (ground fault signal) 10: External power supply for signaling outputs M24 11: Minus connection for signaling output M24 12: Minus connection for signaling output M24 Notes When repeaters are used, note that a ground fault detection module is used for each AS-Interface segment (no. of AS-Interface power supply units = no. of ground fault detection modules). UAUX should be fused with 2 A time-lag fuses. The service life of the relay increases when inductive consumers with free-wheeling diodes are used. Route terminals 2 and 3 via separate cables to the system. AS-Interface system System Manual, 11/2008, 3RK2703-3BB02-1AA1 439 System accessories 10.6 Ground fault detection module 10.6.7 Dimension drawings D H F G [ E 5.( 5.* D E F G H Figure 10-11 Dimensions: ground fault detection module 440 AS-Interface system System Manual, 11/2008, 3RK2703-3BB02-1AA1 System accessories 10.7 Overvoltage protection module 10.7 Overvoltage protection module 10.7.1 Overview The AS-Interface overvoltage protection module protects downstream AS-Interface devices or individual system sections in AS-Interface networks against mains-borne overvoltage that can potentially be caused by switching operations or distant lightning strikes. In the lightning protection zone concept, the overvoltage protection module is located at the transition from zone 1 to 2/3. Direct lightning strikes must be handled by additional protective measures at the transitions from lightning protection zone 0A to 1. The AS-Interface overvoltage protection module can now also be used to integrate AS-Interface in the overall overvoltage protection concept of a plant or machine. The module has the same design and degree of protection (IP67) as the AS-Interface user modules and is also connected in the same way. It is a passive module without AS-i IC and, therefore, does not require its own address in the AS-Interface network. It can be connected to an AS-Interface system via the FK-E or PG-E coupling module. The EEMS interface can be used to protect the AS-Interface cable and auxiliary voltage cable against overvoltage. Overvoltage is discharged via a grounding cable with a green/yellow oil-resistant outer sheath. This cable is fixed permanently in the module and must be connected with low resistance to system ground. Rated discharge current Isn The rated discharge current is the peak value of a surge current with the wave form 8/20 microseconds for which the overvoltage protection module is rated in accordance with a specific test program. With the waveform 8/20, 100 % of the value is achieved after 8 microseconds and 50 % after 20 microseconds. Protection level Up The protection level of an overvoltage protection module is the maximum momentary value of the voltage at the terminals as determined by means of individual tests. The protection level characterizes the capability of an overvoltage protection module to limit overvoltage to a residual level. Accessories An FK-E or PG-E coupling module is required for connecting the AS-Interface cable and the auxiliary power supply cable. AS-Interface system System Manual, 11/2008, 3RK2703-3BB02-1AA1 441 System accessories 10.7 Overvoltage protection module Installation guidelines $6 ,QWHU IDFH 66 $6 ,QWHU IDFH $SSOLFDWLRQ 'HYLFHZLWKRXWJURXQGFRQQHFWLRQ JURXQGLQJRIPRXQWLQJSODWH $SSOLFDWLRQ 'HYLFHZLWK JURXQGFRQQHFWLRQ 0RXQWLQJSODWH 66 2YHUYROWDJHSURWHFWLRQ Figure 10-12 Installation guidelines for overvoltage protection modules The protection modules and devices to be protected must grounded via a joint grounding point (equipotential bonding). If devices with total insulation are protected, their mounts must also be included in the grounding points. Application example =RQH 66 $ =RQH $6 ,QWHU IDFH $6 ,QWHU IDFH =RQH $6 ,QWHU IDFH $6 ,QWHU IDFH 66 % 3URWHFWHGDUHD 3URWHFWLRQDSSUR[PWROHIW 3URWHFWLRQDSSUR[PWRULJKW (TXLSRWHQWLDOERQGLQJ V\VWHPJURXQG 66 2YHUYROWDJHSURWHFWLRQPRGXOH Figure 10-13 Application example for overvoltage protection modules Setting the AS-i address The overvoltage protection module is not equipped with a slave, which means that it does not require an AS-Interface address. 10.7.2 442 Order numbers Type Order no. Overvoltage protection module 3RK1901-1GA00 FK-E coupling module for AS-i cable (yellow) and AUX-POWER cable (black) 3RG9030-0AA00 AS-Interface system System Manual, 11/2008, 3RK2703-3BB02-1AA1 System accessories 10.7 Overvoltage protection module 10.7.3 Connection &RXSOLQJPRGXOH ). ).( 3( 3** 1P [ /('GLVSOD\ $6L $8;32:(5 *URXQGLQJFDEOHPD[P PP $:* 2LOUHVLVWDQW Figure 10-14 Connecting the overvoltage protection module To commission the overvoltage protection module, carry out the following steps: 10.7.4 Step Procedure 1 Insert the AS-i cable or 24 V DC auxiliary power cable (AUX POWER) into the cable routing(s) of the coupling module. 2 Screw the overvoltage protection module onto the coupling module. The LEDs light up when the AS-i / AUX POWER has been applied. 3 Connect the grounding cable with low resistance to the joint ground for the AS-i device to be protected. Diagnostics LED: AS-i AS-i Possible cause Possible remedial measures Green AS-i voltage present -- OFF No AS-i voltage, AS-i voltage connected with incorrect polarity, AS-i voltage too low Switch on the AS-i voltage, connect it properly, measure the AS-i voltage (approx. 30 V DC) AS-Interface system System Manual, 11/2008, 3RK2703-3BB02-1AA1 443 System accessories 10.7 Overvoltage protection module LED: AUX POWER AUX POWER Possible cause Possible remedial measures Green AUX POWER present -- OFF No AUX POWER Switch on AUX POWER, connect properly, 10.7.5 Technical specifications Order no. 3RK1901-1GA00 Slave type The overvoltage protection module is not equipped with a slave, which means that it does not require an AS-Interface address. Overvoltage protection For AS-Interface For AUX power Rated discharge current Isn with waveform 8/20 * Core-prot. cond. * Core-core 10 kA 0.5 kA 10 kA 0.5 kA Protection level Up for Isn * Core-prot. cond. * Core-core 1.8 kV 100 V 1.8 kV 70 V Protection level Up for 1 kV / s * Core-prot. cond. * Core-core 700 V 50 V 600 V 40 V Degree of protection IP67 Ambient temperature -25 ... +85 C Storage temperature -40 ... +85 C 444 AS-Interface system System Manual, 11/2008, 3RK2703-3BB02-1AA1 System accessories 10.7 Overvoltage protection module 10.7.6 Dimension drawings PD[P Figure 10-15 Dimensions: overvoltage protection module &XWRXWVHFWLRQIRUPRXQWLQJRQ PRXQWLQJUDLOWR',1(1 Figure 10-16 Coupling module for installing the overvoltage protection module AS-Interface system System Manual, 11/2008, 3RK2703-3BB02-1AA1 445 System accessories 10.8 Other accessories 10.8 Other accessories 10.8.1 AS-Interface shaped cable Overview The actuator-sensor interface, the networking system used for the lowest field range, is characterized by the ease with which it can be assembled and installed. A new connection system has been specially developed for AS-Interface, whereby the network nodes are connected by the AS-Interface cable. This two-core cable has a trapezoidal profile to protect against incorrect polarity. Connections are established with the insulation displacement method, whereby contact pins penetrate the shaped AS-Interface cable to provide secure contacting with the two cores. The cables do not need to be cut or stripped. which means that AS-Interface nodes (e.g. I/O modules, intelligent devices) can be connected in no time at all. The devices can also be quickly and easily replaced. To enable devices to be used in a wide range of different ambient conditions (e.g. in oily areas), the AS-Interface cable is available in different materials (rubber, TPE, PUR). A standard round cable is also available for special applications. With AS-Interface, data and power for the sensors (e.g. BERO proximity switches) and actuators (e.g. indicator lights) are transferred via the yellow AS-Interface cable. The black AS-i cable can be used for actuators with a 24 V DC supply (e.g. solenoid valves). 446 AS-Interface system System Manual, 11/2008, 3RK2703-3BB02-1AA1 System accessories 10.8 Other accessories Order numbers Type Material Order no. Color Quantity Rubber Yellow (AS-Interface) (EPDM: ethylene-propylenediene-rubber) Black (24 V DC) TPE (thermoplastic elastomer) Yellow (AS-Interface) Black (24 V DC) 100 m roll 3RX9 010-0AA00 1000 m drum 3RX9 012-0AA00 100 m roll 3RX9 020-0AA00 1000 m drum 3RX9 022-0AA00 100 m roll 3RX9 013-0AA00 1000 m drum 3RX9 014-0AA00 100 m roll 3RX9 023-0AA00 1000 m drum 3RX9024-0AA00 TPE special version to UL Class2 Yellow (AS-Interface) 100 m roll 3RX9 017-0AA00 Black (24 V DC) 100 m roll 3RX9 027-0AA00 PUR1) Yellow (AS-Interface) 100 m roll 3RX9 015-0AA00 1000 m drum 3RX9 016-0AA00 100 m roll 3RX9 025-0AA00 1000 m drum 3RX9 026-0AA00 (polyurethane, TPE-U) Black (24 V DC) 1) Note regarding the towability of the AS-Interface cable with the PUR outer sheath: to the determine its towability, the AS-Interface cable was tested in "IGUS tow chains" of type 10.2.048 and 20.2.55. The tow chain was fitted with 3 x AS-Interface cables and various round cables for this purpose. After it was subject to three million bendings (travel), the cores, litz wires, and outer sheath remained undamaged (tow chain equipped to 50 %). Technical specifications AS-Interface shaped cable EPDM (rubber) TPE (special PVC compound) TPE special version to UL Class 2 PUR (polyurethane) Temperature application range Stationary -40 ... +85C -40 ... +105C -30 ... +90C -50 ... +90C Moving -25 ... +85C -30 ... +105C -20 ... +90C -50 ... +90C Core colors Brown, blue Flexibility Very good Behavior in fire Flammable Halogon free (PVC free) Yes No No Yes Without silicone precipitation Yes Yes Yes Yes Ozone and weather resistant Partially resistant Resistant Resistant Resistant AS-Interface system System Manual, 11/2008, 3RK2703-3BB02-1AA1 Good Flame resistant to IEC 60332-1 VDE 0482 T. 265-2-1 UL 1581 sec. 1061 cable flame UL 1581 sec. 1060 CSA FT1 Flame resistant to IEC 60332-1 VDE 0482 T. 265-2-1 447 System accessories 10.8 Other accessories AS-Interface shaped cable Oil resistant EPDM (rubber) TPE (special PVC compound) TPE special version to UL Class 2 PUR (polyurethane) Partially resistant Resistant Resistant Resistant Min. permissible bending radii to DIN VDE 0298, part 300 Fixed 12 mm 12 mm 12 mm 12 mm Freely movable 24 mm 24 mm 24 mm 24 mm Bending behavior to DIN VDE 0472, part 603 No breakage after 30,000 movements back and forth UL approved No UL 758 AWM UL 758 AWM, UL 13 Class 2, UL 444 CMG No CSA approved No C22.2 No.210.2 AWM C22.2 No. 214-02 No Monitored inspection (VDE) No No No VDE reg. no. 9971, 300 V / 500 V stationary: -40 ... +70C Transportation: -25 ... +70C Moved: -15 ... +70C permitted for marine and offshore application up to 300 V / 500 V: Germanischer Lloyd, Lloyds Register of Shipping, ABS Europe LTD, Bureau Veritas, Det Norske Veritas Dimension drawings $6L EOXH $6L EURZQ Figure 10-17 Dimensions of the shaped cable 448 AS-Interface system System Manual, 11/2008, 3RK2703-3BB02-1AA1 System accessories 10.8 Other accessories 10.8.2 Installation material Type Order no. AS-Interface standard distributor for AS-I shaped cable 3RK1901-1NN00 AS-Interface compact distributor for AS-I shaped cable 3RK1901-1NN10 AS-Interface M12 branch For AS-i shaped cable on M12 socket, cable end possible in branch 3RX9801-0AA00 For AS-i shaped cable on M12 socket, cable end not possible in branch 3RK1901-1NR10 For AS-i shaped cable on M12 cable plug, cable length 1 m, cable end not possible in branch 3RK1901-1NR11 For AS-i shaped cable on M12 cable plug, cable length 2 m, cable end not possible in branch 3RK1901-1NR12 For AS-i UAUX shaped cable on M12 socket, cable end not possible in branch 3RK1901-1NR20 For AS-i / UAUX shaped cable on M12 cable plug, cable length 2 m, cable end not possible in branch 3RK1901-1NR21 For AS-i / UAUX shaped cable on M12 cable plug, cable length 2 m, cable end not possible in branch 3RK1901-1NR22 AS-Interface M12 branch (4 x) for AS-i / UAUX shaped cable on 4 x M12 socket, delivery incl. coupling module, cable end possible in branch 3RK1901-1NR00 M12 T distributor IP68, 1 x M12 connector, 2 x M12 plug 3RK1901-1TR00 M12 Y coupler plug for connecting two sensors to one M12 socket with Y assignment 6ES7194-1KA01-0XA0 Addressing cable jack plug on M12 for addressing slaves with M12 bus connection, only required for addressing unit 3RK1904-2AB00 3RK1901-3RA00 AS-Interface M12 sealing caps for unassigned M12 sockets 3RK1901-1KA00 AS-Interface M12 sealing caps, tamper proof for unassigned M12 sockets 3RK1901-1KA01 AS-Interface M8 sealing caps for unassigned M8 sockets 3RK1901-1PN00 AS-Interface M20 seal for AS-Interface cable, shaped and for insertion in M20 screw glands 3RK1901-1MD00 Cable adapter for flat cables Connecting the AS-Interface cable to metric screw glands with insulation displacement method Further routing via standard cable for M16 screw gland for M20 screw gland 3RK1901-3QM00 3RK1901-3QM10 Further routing via pins for M16 screw gland for M20 screw gland 3RK1901-3QM01 3RK1901-3QM11 Cable clip for cable adapter 3RK1901-3QA00 Cable end terminator for sealing open cable ends (AS-i shaped cable) with IP67 3RK1901-1MN00 AS-Interface system System Manual, 11/2008, 3RK2703-3BB02-1AA1 449 System accessories 10.8 Other accessories Type Order no. K45 mounting plate for wall mounting for DIN rail installation 3RK1901-2EA00 3RK1901-2DA00 K60 mounting plate for wall mounting for DIN rail installation 3RK1901-0CA00 3RK1901-0CB01 Gasket set for K60 mounting plate and standard distributor (cannot be used for K45 mounting plate) one set contains one straight and one shaped gasket 450 3RK1902-0AR00 AS-Interface system System Manual, 11/2008, 3RK2703-3BB02-1AA1 System integration 11.1 Integration in open-loop control systems 11.1.1 Totally Integrated Automation 11 System integration with Totally Integrated Automation Totally Integrated Automation (TIA) is a one-stop, end-to-end, integrated solution platform from Siemens. Networing covers everything from the plant control level and field/process level through to the actuator/sensor level where AS-Interface is used. Figure 11-1 System integration with Totally Integrated Automation AS-Interface system System Manual, 11/2008, 3RK2703-3BB02-1AA1 451 System integration 11.1 Integration in open-loop control systems Benefits of system integration Totally Integrated Automation provides you with the technology you need to boost productivity in automation, save time, cut costs, ensure and improve quality, and protect your investments. You can leverage the benefits of TIA throughout the entire production lifecycle of a plant or machine. The benefits of integrating AS-Interface are outlined below. Benefits during configuration: the seamless interaction of the software tools and standardized operating concept help boost productivity in the configuration phase. You can configure hardware and networks systematically in a graphical development environment and parameterize the configuration using input dialogs. The bus configuration can be changed without needing to access the user program. You no longer have to spend time programming the interfaces. The software checks the configuration data automatically to ensure that it is plausible and consistent. Systematic data storage allows you to transfer variable changes automatically during configuration and within the programs. Benefits during installation and commissioning: The distribution of plant communication across bus systems reduces the time and effort involved in cabling and installation. Safety technology and standard modules used for mixed operation can be connected to the same bus systems. The configuration can be downloaded to the PLC, HMI, drives, and so on centrally. The documentation for commissioning the plant components is archived in the configuration environment. Benefits during operation and maintenance: During operation, you can monitor the modular plant components centrally. System-wide communication can also take place across network boundaries. Diagnostic and error messages are displayed in plain text and localize the fault or error in the hardware or software. Downtimes due to maintenance are minimized. When you replace modular components, the devices receive starting data from the CPU in RUN mode too. New sensors (e.g. AS-i analog modules) adopt the parameters automatically. You can use MMCs to transfer the entire configuration to a new CPU even without the use of a PC / PG. The MMCs ensure that no data goes missing in the CPU during a power failure. Benefits for extending the production plant: To optimize processes, simulation modules or software can be used in addition to parameter settings and program changes. The modular and harmonized TIA system concept allows plants to be easily extended not only during configuration but also when the hardware is extended. 452 AS-Interface system System Manual, 11/2008, 3RK2703-3BB02-1AA1 System integration 11.1 Integration in open-loop control systems 11.1.2 Integration of AS-i networks in SIMATIC SIMATIC Technology is an integral part of Totally Integrated Automation. Connecting AS-Interface to the higher-level controller via modules or routers allows you to leverage the full range of benefits offered by TIA. SIMATIC Manager is the starting point for all software tools. Engineering is carried out with and in STEP 7, the SIMATIC configuration environment. Device-specific function modules are either already available in STEP 7 or can be specially installed. The Distributed Safety software package is available for safety applications. PROFIBUS and Industrial Ethernet can be configured in a standardized graphical development environment. Function modules can be parameterized in user-friendly dialogs. Module libraries containing pre-programmed functions in STEP 7 are available for user programs. 11.1.3 Integration in third-party controllers PROFIBUS DP slaves and PROFINET IO devices can be integrated in the relevant networks as standard DP slaves or standard IO devices using a GSD file. This allows open communication right down to the operator control level. A GSD file (device master data file) contains all the information required for communication between the CPU and AS-i master. You can use the GSD file for the network integration of AS-i masters within a third-party system. The device-specific GSD files contain data for the PROFIBUS DP master and slave or the PROFINET IO controller and device as well as general manufacturer specifications. These files are provided by the manufacturers of PROFIBUS DP slaves and PROFINET IO devices. State-of-the-art configuration tools provide interfaces for the GSD data. The GSD file can also be used for predecessor versions of STEP 7 that do comply with the device requirements. An example of integrating AS-Interface with a GSD file is described with STEP 7. The configuration procedure and the contents of the dialogs are much the same for third-party systems. AS-Interface system System Manual, 11/2008, 3RK2703-3BB02-1AA1 453 System integration 11.2 Data storage in the controller 11.2 Data storage in the controller 11.2.1 Binary data The controller accesses the binary inputs and outputs on the AS-i slaves cyclically via the AS-i master. The input and output data of the AS-i slaves is mapped in a contiguous data area in the controller. &38 $6L0DVWHU $6L6ODYHV &\FOLFVHUYLFHV :ULWHELQDU\YDOXHV $6L 6ODYH ','2 ,QLWLDO UDQJH $6L 6ODYH )', 5HDGELQDU\YDOXHV $6L 6ODYH $,$2 ,QSXW UDQJH $6,QWHUIDFH 352),%86'3 352),1(7,2 %DFNSODQHEXV Figure 11-2 Communications principle for transferring binary data The acyclic exchange of binary data via data blocks (DB 150) is also possible. In the data area for binary data in the controller, the AS-i master occupies: Max. 32 input and 32 output bytes with up to 62 A/B slaves assigned Max. 16 input and 16 output bytes with up to 31 standard A/B slaves assigned (for CP 343-2 P) The start addresses of the input/output data depend on how the CPU is configured. When configuration is carried out using STEP 7, digital output addresses must have the same start value as the input addresses (system dependent). The arrangement of the I/O bits with respect to the AS-i addresses also depends on the configuration. The following sort types are only possible for routers: CLASSIC LINEAR (with STEP 7 configuration only) Packed (with STEP 7 configuration only) 454 AS-Interface system System Manual, 11/2008, 3RK2703-3BB02-1AA1 System integration 11.2 Data storage in the controller Assignment of the I/O data bits for an AS-i Slave An example of how the AS-i connections for the AS-i slaves are assigned to the data bits of the input/output bytes is shown below for slave no. 1A. Figure 11-3 Data area of the binary I/O data In this example, the start addresses for the input and output data area are "0". With the CLASSIC sort type, bit 0 to bit 3 are assigned to this AS-i slave in byte 0. %LW ,QSXWE\WH &RQQHFWLRQRQ$6LVODYH$ &RQQHFWLRQRQ$6LVODYH$ %LW 2XWSXWE\WH &RQQHFWLRQRQ$6LVODYH$ &RQQHFWLRQRQ$6LVODYH$ Figure 11-4 Assignment of the AS-i connections to the data bits of the input/output bytes CLASSIC sorting CLASSIC sort type is the standard sort type for configuration with the GSD file. The order corresponds to the keystroke configuration on the AS-i master. The CLASSIC sort type is defaulted for configuration with STEP 7. The table shows the memory assignment for 32 bytes. For a memory assignment of 16 bytes, the table ends at m + 15. Byte1) Bit 7 m+0 Status nibble / Reserved m+1 Slave 2 / 2A Slave 3 / 3A m+2 Slave 4 / 4A Slave 5 / 5A m+3 Slave 6 / 6A Slave 7 / 7A m+4 Slave 8 / 8A Slave 9 / 9A m+5 Slave 10 / 10A Slave 11 / 11A m+6 Slave 12 / 12A Slave 13 / 13A m+7 Slave 14 / 14A Slave 15 / 15A m+8 Slave 16 / 16A Slave 17 / 17A m+9 Slave 18 / 18A Slave 19 / 19A AS-Interface system System Manual, 11/2008, 3RK2703-3BB02-1AA1 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 2) Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0 Slave 1 / 1A 455 System integration 11.2 Data storage in the controller Byte1) Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 m + 10 Slave 20 / 20A Slave 21 / 21A m + 11 Slave 22 / 22A Slave 23 / 23A m + 12 Slave 24 / 24A Slave 25 / 25A m + 13 Slave 26 / 26A Slave 27 / 27A m + 14 Slave 28 / 28A Slave 29 / 29A m + 15 Slave 30 / 30A Slave 31 / 31A m + 16 Reserved Slave 1B m + 17 Slave 2B Slave 3B m + 18 Slave 4B Slave 5B m + 19 Slave 6B Slave 7B m + 20 Slave 8B Slave 9B m + 21 Slave 10B Slave 11B m + 22 Slave 12B Slave 13B m + 23 Slave 14B Slave 15B m + 24 Slave 16B Slave 17B m + 25 Slave 18B Slave 19B m + 26 Slave 20B Slave 21B m + 27 Slave 22B Slave 23B m + 28 Slave 24B Slave 25B m + 29 Slave 26B Slave 27B m + 30 Slave 28B Slave 29B m + 31 Slave 30B Slave 31B Bit 1 Bit 0 Key: 1) m = start address of the input/output data 2) Bits 4 to 7 in the first byte of the input data are known as status nibbles. They are reserved for the command interface of the AS-i master. Bits 4 to 7 in the first byte of the output data are irrelevant and are also reserved. Figure 11-5 456 Example of the CLASSIC sorting AS-Interface system System Manual, 11/2008, 3RK2703-3BB02-1AA1 System integration 11.2 Data storage in the controller LINEAR sorting LINEAR sorting can only be selected for configuration with STEP 7 and with the links. The data for standard / A slave and B slave with the same AS-i address are combined in one byte, whereby the standard / A slave is assigned the low nibble and the B slave the high nibble. Byte1) Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 m+0 Status nibble / Reserved m+1 Slave 1B Slave 1 / 1A m+2 Slave 2B Slave 2 / 2A m+3 Slave 3B Slave 3 / 3A m+4 Slave 4B Slave 4 / 4A m+5 Slave 5B Slave 5 / 5A m+6 Slave 6B Slave 6 / 6A m+7 Slave 7B Slave 7 / 7A m+8 Slave 8B Slave 8 / 8A m+9 Slave 9B Slave 9 / 9A m + 10 Slave 10B Slave 10 / 10A m + 11 Slave 11B Slave 11 / 11A m + 12 Slave 12B Slave 12 / 12A m + 13 Slave 13B Slave 13 / 13A m + 14 Slave 14B Slave 14 / 14A m + 15 Slave 15B Slave 15 / 15A m + 16 Slave 16B Slave 16 / 16A m + 17 Slave 17B Slave 17 / 17A m + 18 Slave 18B Slave 18 / 18A m + 19 Slave 19B Slave 19 / 19A m + 20 Slave 20B Slave 20 / 20A m + 21 Slave 21B Slave 21 / 21A m + 22 Slave 22B Slave 22 / 22A m + 23 Slave 23B Slave 23 / 23A m + 24 Slave 24B Slave 24 / 24A m + 25 Slave 25B Slave 25 / 25A m + 26 Slave 26B Slave 26 / 26A m + 27 Slave 27B Slave 27 / 27A m + 28 Slave 28B Slave 28 / 28A m + 29 Slave 29B Slave 29 / 29A m + 30 Slave 30B Slave 30 / 30A m + 31 Slave 31B Slave 31 / 31A 2) Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0 Reserved Key: 1) m = start address of the input/output data 2) Bits 4 to 7 in the first byte of the input data are known as status nibbles. They are reserved for the command interface of the AS-i master. Bits 4 to 7 in the first byte of the output data are irrelevant and are also reserved. AS-Interface system System Manual, 11/2008, 3RK2703-3BB02-1AA1 457 System integration 11.2 Data storage in the controller Figure 11-6 Example of LINEAR sorting Packed sorting The "pack" command, which is available during configuration with STEP 7, allows you to save address space. The I/O addresses of the AS-i slaves are arranged consecutively in accordance with the corresponding memory requirements. Figure 11-7 11.2.2 Example of "packed" sorting Safe binary data Only DP/AS-i F-Link evaluates the input data of the ASIsafe slaves and transfers the switching status (safety oriented) cyclically to the PROFIBUS DP master via PROFIsafe telegrams. The safety program of the F-CPU assigns the safe data to the safe address range. You can access the F I/Os in the same way as the standard I/Os via the process image (PII). You cannot access the I/Os directly, however. The channels of an F I/O must only be accessed from an F run-time group. Non-safe data from the ASIsafe slaves occupy the same address space as binary AS-i slaves. 458 AS-Interface system System Manual, 11/2008, 3RK2703-3BB02-1AA1 System integration 11.2 Data storage in the controller )&38ZLWK 352),%86'3PDVWHU '3$6L)/LQN $6L6ODYHV &\FOLFVHUYLFHV $6L 6ODYH ','2 352),%86'3 ,QLWLDO UDQJH $6L 6ODYH )', 352),VDIH 352),%86'3 ,QSXW 5HDGVDIHELQDU\ UDQJH YDOXHV 6DIH HYDOXDWLRQ RI VZLWFKLQJVWDWXVHV RI $6,VDIHVODYHV $6L 6ODYH $,$2 352),VDIHWHOHJUDP 352),%86'3 Figure 11-8 $6,QWHUIDFH Communications principle for transferring safe data The PROFIsafe message frame occupies the following lengths in the PROFIBUS DP address space: PIO 4 bytes (only PROFIsafe administration information) PII 12 bytes (of which the first four 4 bytes are user data). The PII also contains safe binary input data of the ASIsafe slaves (F-DI) The start addresses of the safe input/output data depend on how the PROFIBUS DP master is configured. When configuration is carried out with STEP 7, F-O addresses must have the same start value as the F-I addresses (system dependent). Figure 11-9 Assignment of the safe binary data AS-Interface system System Manual, 11/2008, 3RK2703-3BB02-1AA1 459 System integration 11.2 Data storage in the controller Arrangement of the safe binary data in an F-CPU The following table shows how the AS-i addresses are assigned to the safe input bits. Byte1) Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0 Meaning m+0 F-DI Slave 7 F-DI Slave 6 F-DI Slave 5 F-DI Slave 4 F-DI Slave 3 F-DI Slave 2 F-DI Slave 1 Reserved m+1 F-DI Slave 15 F-DI Slave 14 F-DI Slave 13 F-DI Slave 12 F-DI Slave 11 F-DI Slave 10 F-DI Slave 9 F-DI Slave 8 m+2 F-DI Slave 23 F-DI Slave 22 F-DI Slave 21 F-DI Slave 20 F-DI Slave 19 F-DI Slave 18 F-DI Slave 17 F-DI Slave 16 m+3 F-DI Slave 31 F-DI Slave 30 F-DI Slave 29 F-DI Slave 28 F-DI Slave 27 F-DI Slave 26 F-DI Slave 25 F-DI Slave 24 m+4 Reserved m+5 Reserved m+6 Reserved m+7 Reserved m+8 PROFIsafe administrative information m+9 m+10 m+11 1) m = start address of the safe input data in the F-CPU Representation of the ASIsafe slaves in the non-safe process image Cyclic interrogation of the ASIsafe slaves writes status information to the PII. The assignment of the AS-i addresses to the address bytes corresponds to the configured sort type for the binary data. The meaning of the data bits of an ASIsafe slave are shown in the following table: PII bit D.0 460 Description F-IN 1 D.1 Status ASIsafe slave D.2 F-IN 2 D.3 I/O error bit Value Meaning 0 Contact 1 (pin 1 - pin 2) open 1 Contact 1 (pin 1 - pin 2) closed 0 ASIsafe slave not activated 1 ASIsafe slave activated 0 Contact 2 (pin 3 - pin 4) open 1 Contact 2 (pin 3 - pin 4) closed 0 No I/O error 1 I/O error pending AS-Interface system System Manual, 11/2008, 3RK2703-3BB02-1AA1 System integration 11.2 Data storage in the controller 11.2.3 Analog data AS-i analog data can be transferred by means of two access types: Cyclic data exchange: This data access type is available as an option with the STEP 7 configuration only. The controller accesses the data of analog AS-i slaves directly in the cyclic process image. The input or output data of analog AS-i slaves is mapped in a contiguous data area in the controller. The priority given to cyclic data exchange ensures that the process image is constantly refreshed. Acyclic data exchange: Acyclic access to analog data via data blocks is supported with GSD and STEP 7 configuration. For this purpose, authorize write and read access to the analog data blocks in your user program (e.g. SFC 58 / SFC 59). The transmitted analog value is always consistent with regard to an AS-i slave. The data is transferred to the channels sequentially. You can save space in the address space in the CPU if you configure analog data exchange using data blocks. $6L0DVWHU &38 $6L6ODYHV &\FOLFVHUYLFHV $6L 6ODYH ','2 :ULWHDQDORJYDOXHV 5HDGDQDORJYDOXHV $6L 6ODYH )', $F\FOLFVHUYLFHV :ULWHBGDWDBUHFRUG :ULWHDQDORJYDOXHV $6L 6ODYH $,$2 5HDGBGDWDBUHFRUG 5HDGDQDORJYDOXHV $QDORJYDOXHVYLDF\FOLFVHUYLFHVZLWK 67(3FRQILJXUDWLRQRQO\ 352),%86'3 352),1(7,2 %DFNSODQHEXV $6,QWHUIDFH Figure 11-10 Communications principle for transferring analog data If read access is also assigned, the cyclic process image has priority over the data blocks. Write access to analog data of an AS-i slave via cyclic and acyclic services is not permitted at the same time. AS-Interface system System Manual, 11/2008, 3RK2703-3BB02-1AA1 461 System integration 11.2 Data storage in the controller NOTICE Restriction for AS-i slaves to profile 7.1 and 7.2 The following descriptions only apply to AS-i slaves that handle analog value transfer in accordance with the AS-i slave profile 7.3, 7.4, 7.5.5, 7.A.5, B.A.5, 7.A.A, 7.A.8, 7.A.9, and 6.0 (Combined Transaction Types CTT 1 to 5 in accordance with AS-i Specification V3.0). AS-i masters do not support analog value transfer in accordance with the AS-i slave profile 7.1 / 7.2. In this case, analog data can be transferred via a user program. Analog addresses With STEP 7 configuration, up to 31 AS-i addresses can be assigned to analog slaves. AS-i masters to Specification 3.0 also support up to 62 analog A / B slaves in the extended address space. Up to 8 bytes of data are available for each address. You can configure a maximum of four analog channels for each AS-i address, which all originate from an analog AS-i slave. A total of 240 bytes are available for the process data. For the start area, see the analog data in the configuration. Figure 11-11 Assignment of the analog data For example, the AS-i slave with address 1A occupies bytes 256 to 259 in the analog input data area in the controller. 462 AS-Interface system System Manual, 11/2008, 3RK2703-3BB02-1AA1 System integration 11.2 Data storage in the controller Arrangement of the analog data in the cyclic process image Byte no. (start address + offset) Analog value channel m+0 Channel 1 / high byte m+1 Channel 1 / low byte m+2 Channel 2 / high byte m+3 Channel 2 / low byte m+4 Channel 3 / high byte m+5 Channel 3 / low byte m+6 Channel 4 / high byte m+7 Channel 4 / low byte Analog A / B slaves only occupy "half an address", which is why they only have a maximum of 2 channels. A slaves occupy bytes 0 to 3 and B slaves bytes 4 to 7. Note Representation of the analog values or the transparent values * The analog values are arranged as 16-bit values in the two's complement. * The transparent values must be interpreted as two independent bytes. With SIMATIC S7 as the CPU, AS-i analog values are accessed with word commands. Example: If you have configured an AS-i slave "2AI" with input address 256, you can use the STEP 7 command "L PEW 258" to access the second analog channel of the slave. Data blocks for analog value transfer Authorize the commands read_data_block and write_data_block as described in the AS-i master manuals. The data blocks can be used for the analog input and analog output area. DP/AS-i LINK Advanced and DP/AS-Interface LINK 20E: To access analog values, choose one of the data blocks from 140 to 147. The data blocks have different lengths. Each data block is assigned a contiguous address space of AS-i slaves. If you operate fewer analog AS-i slaves than the AS-i master supports, optimize the reserved data area in your application program by making the appropriate selection. For each AS-i address, the data blocks contain one block of 8 bytes of data. The arrangement of the analog data within this data block corresponds to that in the cyclic process image. DP/AS-i F-Link: The following data blocks are also available: - DB 151: Analog image of the output data for AS-i slaves 1 ... 29 - DB 152: Analog image of the input data for AS-i slaves 1 ... 29 - DB 153: Analog image of the output data for AS-i slaves 3 ... 31 - DB 154: Analog image of the input data for AS-i slaves 3 ... 31 AS-Interface system System Manual, 11/2008, 3RK2703-3BB02-1AA1 463 System integration 11.2 Data storage in the controller CP 343-2 and CP 343-2P: The same assignment applies here as for DP/AS-i LINK Advanced. Data blocks 140 to 143, however, are restricted to 16 AS-i addresses. IE/AS-i LINK PN IO Choose data block 2 (command interface) for calling up the following AS-i commands: - Read AS-i line analog input data (Read_AIDI, Index 0019H) - Write AS-i line analog output data (Write_AODI, Index 001AH) - Read AS-i slave analog input data (Read_Analog_Input_Data, Index 0053H) - Write AS-i slave analog output data (Write_Analog_Output_Data, Index 0052H) 464 AS-Interface system System Manual, 11/2008, 3RK2703-3BB02-1AA1 System integration 11.3 CP 343-2 integration with STEP 7 11.3 CP 343-2 integration with STEP 7 11.3.1 Prerequisites Before you use the CP 343-2, the following additional devices and bus systems must be assembled, wired, and set up in accordance with the respective documentation: SIMATIC S7-300 CPU or ET 200M AS-i cable with AS-i power supply and AS-i slaves PC / PG equipped with the following: - STEP 7, as of version 5.2 - PC / PG connected to CPU 11.3.2 Integration procedure The table below describes a potential procedure for integrating AS-Interface in your system via the AS-i master. Step Procedure 1 Configuring the AS-i master in the rack of the CPU module (Page 466) 2 Parameterizing AS-Interface (Page 467) 3 Completing configuration (Page 468) 4 Switching on the AS-i power supply (Page 468) 5 Addressing AS-i slaves (Page 469) 6 Saving the configuration (Page 469) 7 Copying starting data blocks (Page 470) AS-Interface system System Manual, 11/2008, 3RK2703-3BB02-1AA1 465 System integration 11.3 CP 343-2 integration with STEP 7 11.3.3 Configuring the AS-i master in the rack of the CPU module Configure the CP 343-2 as a module in the rack of the S7 300-CPU in HW Config. Step 1 Action Open your STEP 7 project with a SIMATIC S7-CPU (e.g. CPU 315). 2 Open HW Config for the SIMATIC S7-CPU. 3 Select the CP 343-2 in the "Hardware Catalog" window. Path: SIMATIC 300 > CP-300 > AS-Interface > CP 343-2 AS-i 4 Drag & drop the selected CP 343-2 to a free slot on the S7-300 station rack. Result Figure 11-12 Configuration of the CP 343-2 The CP 343-2 occupies a free slot on the S7-300 station rack. A detailed view of the CP 343-2 is displayed in the lower part of the station window. The assigned address spaces depend on the slot configuration. 466 AS-Interface system System Manual, 11/2008, 3RK2703-3BB02-1AA1 System integration 11.3 CP 343-2 integration with STEP 7 11.3.4 Parameterizing AS-Interface Parameterize the properties and behavior of the CP 343-2 as an AS-i master in the "Properties - CP 343-2 -..." dialog. Step 1 Action Double-click the slot for the CP 343-2. A window is displayed containing the "Properties - CP 343-2 -..." dialog, which contains the "General" and "Addresses" tabs. 2 If required, enter the name and a comment for the AS-i line on the "General" tab. 3 To configure the binary I/O address spaces for the AS-i slaves, choose the "Addresses" tab. In the analog address space of the S7-300 CPU, the CP 343-2 occupies 16 bytes for binary data. This memory is available to standard and A slaves. To enable bit-serial access, you first have to transfer the input data to certain words (data, flags). Data can be accessed by means of load and transfer commands. Depending on the system, even byte addresses can only be accessed with word or double-word commands. E.g.: L PEW 256 // load I/O input word T PAD 258 // transfer I/O output double word Move the output data from the words (data, flags) to the analog address space. You can access binary I/O data of B slaves via data block 150. 3.1 Set the I/O address for the binary input data or accept the value displayed. If you enter an invalid address, the system proposes a new one. Input addresses relate to a max. 16-byte memory area in which the input values of the AS-i slaves are stored (standard and A slaves). For the digital output addresses, the same starting value as for the input addresses applies depending on the system. 3.2 If the "Process image" drop-down list contains the entry "- - -", this means that no process image is available for the specified address space. If you plan to access data in the area of the process images and the CPU allows the address space to be shifted, choose a lower input address. The process image can be used to access I/O data with individual bit commands. AS-Interface system System Manual, 11/2008, 3RK2703-3BB02-1AA1 467 System integration 11.3 CP 343-2 integration with STEP 7 Step Action 3.3 11.3.5 If the "Process image" drop-down list contains selection data, this means that the PROFIBUS DP master is a CPU that manages partial process images (e.g. CPU 416). Choose a partial process image number (TPA no.) or the OB1 process image for cyclic updates. Completing configuration To complete the project and download it to the CPU, carry out the following steps. Step Action 1 Save and compile the configuration in the current project. 2 Download the hardware configuration to the module. 11.3.6 Switching on the AS-i power supply Switch on the AS-i power supply unit for supplying AS-Interface. Step 1 468 Action Switch on the voltage for the 30 V AS-i power supply unit. AS-Interface system System Manual, 11/2008, 3RK2703-3BB02-1AA1 System integration 11.3 CP 343-2 integration with STEP 7 11.3.7 Addressing AS-i slaves Address the AS-i slaves in accordance with the configuration. Step Action 1 If the addresses of the AS-i slaves do not match the configuration, the CER and SF LEDs light up. Address the AS-i slaves in one of the following ways: * With an addressing unit * With a STEP 7 user program using the "Change_AS-i_slave_address" command in the command interface 11.3.8 Saving the configuration In "configuration" mode, the CP 343-2 exchanges data with all the connected AS-i slaves. The CP 343-2 instantly recognizes new AS-i slaves, activates them, and includes them in cyclic data exchange (except AS-i slaves with the address "0" or if an AS-i address has been assigned more than once). The CP 343-2 saves the following AS-i slave data to a non-volatile memory: Addresses ID codes I/O configuration Note Button configuration on the device when the CPU is in "STOP" mode only Before saving the AS-i configuration, you must ensure that no communication is taking place with the CPU. If necessary, switch the CPU to "STOP" mode. AS-Interface system System Manual, 11/2008, 3RK2703-3BB02-1AA1 469 System integration 11.3 CP 343-2 integration with STEP 7 Step Action 1 If the CM LED does not light up, switch to configuration mode with the SET button. 2 Check whether all the connected AS-i slaves are displayed. The three LEDs at the top encode B slaves and the "tens" digits in the AS-i addresses. The group display is switched on a time-controlled basis. The lower LEDs encode the "ones" digit in the AS-i address. In the graphic above, for example, the AS-i addresses 10B and 17B are recognized within the "tens" group. 3 Save the configuration by pressing the SET button. The CP 343-2 saves the recognized actual configuration as a target configuration in the internal EEPROM. 11.3.9 Copying starting data blocks Copy the starting data blocks from the STEP 7 configuration to the CP 343-2P. Step 1 Action Switch on the CPU. The CP 343-2P receives its starting data blocks from the CPU and switches to "protected" mode. 470 AS-Interface system System Manual, 11/2008, 3RK2703-3BB02-1AA1 System integration 11.4 CP 343-2P integration with STEP 7 11.4 CP 343-2P integration with STEP 7 11.4.1 Prerequisites Before you use the CP 343-2P, the following additional devices and bus systems must be assembled, wired, and set up in accordance with their application documentation: SIMATIC S7-300 CPU or ET 200M AS-i cable with AS-i power supply and AS-i slaves PC / PG with the following equipment: - STEP 7, as of version 5.2 - PC / PG connected to CPU 11.4.2 Integration procedure The table below describes a potential procedure for integrating AS-Interface in your system via the AS-i master. Step 11.4.3 Procedure 1 Configuring the AS-i master in the rack of the CPU module (Page 471) 2 Parameterizing AS-Interface (Page 473) 3 Configuring AS-i slaves (Page 475) 4 Specifying AS-i slaves (Page 476) 5 Completing configuration (Page 479) 6 Switching on the AS-i power supply (Page 479) 7 Addressing AS-i slaves (Page 479) 8 Copying starting data blocks (Page 479) Configuring the AS-i master in the rack of the CPU module Configure CP 343-2P as a module in the rack of the S7 300-CPU in HW Config. Step Action 1 Open your STEP 7 project with a SIMATIC S7-CPU (e.g. CPU 315). 2 Open HW Config for the SIMATIC S7-CPU. 3 Select the CP 343-2P in the "Hardware Catalog" window. Path: SIMATIC 300 > CP-300 > AS-Interface > CP 343-2 P AS-i 4 Drag & drop the selected CP 343-2P to a free slot on the S7-300 station rack. AS-Interface system System Manual, 11/2008, 3RK2703-3BB02-1AA1 471 System integration 11.4 CP 343-2P integration with STEP 7 Result Figure 11-13 Configuration of the CP 343-2P The CP 343-2P occupies a free slot on the S7-300 station rack. A detailed view of the CP 343-2P is displayed in the lower part of the station window. The predefined address spaces depend on the slot configuration. 472 AS-Interface system System Manual, 11/2008, 3RK2703-3BB02-1AA1 System integration 11.4 CP 343-2P integration with STEP 7 11.4.4 Parameterizing AS-Interface Parameterize the properties and behavior of the CP 343-2P as an AS-i master in the "Properties - CP 343-2 P -..." dialog. Step 1 Action Double-click the slot for the CP 343-2P. A window is displayed containing the "Properties - CP 343-2 P -..." dialog, which contains the "General", "Addresses", "Operating Parameters", "Slave Configuration", and "AS-i Slave options" tabs. 2 If required, enter the name and a comment for the AS-i line on the "General" tab. 3 To configure the binary I/O address spaces for the AS-i slaves, choose the "Addresses" tab. In the analog address space of the S7-300, the CP 343-2P occupies 16 bytes for binary data. This memory is available to standard and A slaves. To enable bit-serial access, you first have to transfer the input data to certain words (data, flags). Data can be accessed by means of load and transfer commands. Depending on the system, even byte addresses can only be accessed with word or double-word commands. E.g.: L PEW 256 // load I/O input word T PAD 258 // transfer I/O output double word Move the output data from the words (data, flags) to the analog address space. You can access binary I/O data of B slaves via data block 150. 3.1 Set the I/O address for the binary input data or accept the displayed value. If you enter an invalid address, the system proposes a new one. Input addresses relate to a max. 16 byte memory area in which the input values of the AS-i slaves are stored (standard and A slaves). For the digital output addresses, the same starting value as for the input addresses applies depending on the system. 3.2 If the "Process image" drop-down list contains the entry "- - -", this means that no process image is available for the specified address space. If you plan to access data in the area of the process images and the CPU allows the address space to be shifted, choose a lower input address. The process image can be used to access I/O data with individual bit commands. AS-Interface system System Manual, 11/2008, 3RK2703-3BB02-1AA1 473 System integration 11.4 CP 343-2P integration with STEP 7 Step Action 3.3 4 If the "Process image" drop-down list contains selection data, this means that the PROFIBUS DP master is a CPU that manages partial process images (e.g. CPU 416). Choose a partial process image number (PPI no.) or the OB1 process image for cyclic updates. On the "Operating Parameters" tab, set the behavior of the CP 343-2P as an AS-i master. 4.1 Activate the alarm enable for diagnostic interrupts (OB82). Diagnostic interrupts are triggered if the following faults occur: * Group fault (SF) * Internal fault (= device fault) * External fault (e.g. AS-i slave failed) * At least one AS-i slave does not match the target specification. * Voltage on AS-i bus too low (AS-i Power Fail, APF) * Hardware fault (internal watchdog) * EEPROM defective 4.2 Choose the option for automatic address programming. When you choose the option "Automatic address programming" (default), an AS-i slave that has failed can be replaced by a new, identical slave with the address "0" (as-delivered state). The CP 343-2P automatically assigns the new slave the address of the old one. If this option is deactivated, you have to program the address into the new slave when the slave is replaced. 474 AS-Interface system System Manual, 11/2008, 3RK2703-3BB02-1AA1 System integration 11.4 CP 343-2P integration with STEP 7 11.4.5 Configuring AS-i slaves Configure the AS-i slaves within the address table. Note Reading the actual configuration to the AS-i address table If an online connection has been established, you can read an existing AS-i configuration to the AS-i address table. 1. Skip the commissioning procedure until you reach Completing configuration (Page 479). 2. Follow the integration procedure until Copying starting data blocks (Page 479). 3. Copy the current configuration with the command "Upload to PG". "AS-i Slave Options" tab in the "Properties - CP 343-2 P - ..." dialog. 4. Parameterize the AS-i slaves subsequently in STEP 7. Step 1 Action Choose the "Slave Configuration" tab. The AS-i address table contains an overview of all the AS-i slaves that have already been configured on the CP 343-2P. Designations, configured I/O address spaces, and the codes of the AS-i slaves are displayed sorted according to AS-i addresses. One line for standard / A slaves and one line for B slaves are provided for each AS-i address. 2 You have the following options for assigning empty address lines: * Via the properties dialog for an AS-i slave: open the dialog by double-clicking an address line or by choosing "Edit" from the context menu. * Copy and insert via the clipboard. 3 Note that standard slaves and certain analog slaves use a full AS-i address (A and B address line). AS-Interface system System Manual, 11/2008, 3RK2703-3BB02-1AA1 475 System integration 11.4 CP 343-2P integration with STEP 7 11.4.6 Specifying AS-i slaves Specify the AS-i slaves in the "Properties - CP 343-2 P - ..." dialog in the corresponding AS-i address line. Step 1 Action Double-click an address line in the AS-i address table. A window is displayed with the "Properties - CP 343-2 -..." dialog, which contains the "General" and "Configuration" tabs. 2 You can specify the AS-i slaves on the "Configuration" tab in one of the following ways: A In the "Module" drop-down list, select a Siemens module via its order number. The IO, ID, and ID2 codes are permanently defined by means of the properties of the Siemens modules. On the other hand, the ID1 code can be variable on certain modules. 476 AS-Interface system System Manual, 11/2008, 3RK2703-3BB02-1AA1 System integration 11.4 CP 343-2P integration with STEP 7 Step Action B Choose a Siemens module from the AS-Interface catalog. To do so, click "Selection...". The following selection options are available for AS-i slaves: * Navigation through the hierarchical folder structure according to module type * Search function using a keyword from the infotext Transfer the module you have selected to the configuration by double-clicking it or selecting it and clicking "Apply". The IO code, ID code and ID2 code are permanently assigned by means of the properties of the Siemens modules. On the other hand, the ID1 code can be variable on certain modules. AS-Interface system System Manual, 11/2008, 3RK2703-3BB02-1AA1 477 System integration 11.4 CP 343-2P integration with STEP 7 Step Action C If you cannot select an AS-i slave via the order number or AS-Interface catalog, use a universal slave. The following modules are available: * "AS-i Standard Slave Universal" for AS-i slaves that are assigned a full AS-i address * "AS-i A/B Slave Universal" for AS-i slaves in the extended address space Set the IO and ID codes in accordance with the manufacturer guidelines. If the ID1 code and ID2 code are not specified, choose FH. 3 Parameterize the AS-i slaves. 3.1 If the selected Siemens modules support special parameter settings, you can select them from a range of drop-down lists. The bit checkboxes cannot be changed separately. Their assignment is predefined by the modules or is based on the entries in the adjacent fields. 3.2 Set the parameter bits for universal slaves in accordance with the manufacturer guidelines. With an A/B module, the checkbox for parameter bit 3 is not displayed. 4 478 If required, enter the name and a comment for an AS-i slave on the "General" tab. When you close the dialog, your entries appear in the AS-i address table. AS-Interface system System Manual, 11/2008, 3RK2703-3BB02-1AA1 System integration 11.4 CP 343-2P integration with STEP 7 11.4.7 Completing configuration To complete the project and download it to the CPU, carry out the following steps. Step Action 1 Save and compile the configuration in the current project. 2 Download the hardware configuration to the module. 11.4.8 Switching on the AS-i power supply Switch on the AS-i power supply unit for supplying AS-Interface. Step 1 11.4.9 Action Switch on the voltage for the 30 V AS-i power supply unit. Addressing AS-i slaves Address the AS-i slaves in accordance with the configuration. Step Action 1 If the addresses of the AS-i slaves do not match the configuration, the CER and SF LEDs light up. Address the AS-i slaves in one of the following ways: * With an addressing unit * With a STEP 7 user program using the "Change_AS-i_slave_address" command in the command interface 11.4.10 Copying starting data blocks Copy the starting data blocks from the STEP 7 configuration to the CP 343-2P. Step 1 Action Switch on the CPU. The CP 343-2P receives its starting data blocks from the CPU and switches to "protected" mode. AS-Interface system System Manual, 11/2008, 3RK2703-3BB02-1AA1 479 System integration 11.5 DP/AS-Interface Link 20E - integration with STEP 7 11.5 DP/AS-Interface Link 20E - integration with STEP 7 11.5.1 Prerequisites Before you use DP/AS-Interface Link 20E, the following additional devices and bus systems must be assembled, wired, and set up in accordance with their application documentation: SIMATIC S7-CPU with PROFIBUS DP master and PROFIBUS cable AS-i cable with AS-i power supply and AS-i slaves PC / PG with the following equipment: - STEP 7, as of version 5.0 with Service Pack 3 - PC / PG connected to CPU 11.5.2 Integration procedure The table below describes a potential procedure for integrating AS-Interface in your system via the AS-i master. Step 480 Procedure 1 Configuring the PROFIBUS DP master system (Page 481) 2 Parameterizing DP/AS-Interface Link 20E as a PROFIBUS DP slave (Page 482) 3 Parameterizing AS-Interface (Page 483) 4 Configuring AS-i slaves (Page 485) 5 Specifying AS-i slaves (Page 487) 6 Completing configuration (Page 490) 7 Switching on the AS-i power supply (Page 490) 8 Setting the PROFIBUS address on DP/AS-Interface Link 20E (Page 491) 9 Addressing AS-i slaves (Page 492) 10 Copying starting data blocks (Page 492) AS-Interface system System Manual, 11/2008, 3RK2703-3BB02-1AA1 System integration 11.5 DP/AS-Interface Link 20E - integration with STEP 7 11.5.3 Configuring the PROFIBUS DP master system Configure DP/AS-Interface Link 20E as a modular PROFIBUS DP slave in HW Config of the PROFIBUS DP master. Step Action 1 Open your STEP 7 project with a SIMATIC S7-CPU with the PROFIBUS DP master (e.g. CPU 315-2 DP). 2 Open HW Config for the PROFIBUS DP master. 3 If the DP master system is not yet available on the CPU, you have to create it. To do so, insert the DP master system in slot X2 (DP) of the CPU (e.g. via the "Insert master system" context menu). 4 Select the DP/AS-Interface Link 20E in the "Hardware Catalog" window. Path: PROFIBUS-DP > DP/AS-i > DP/AS-i Link 20E > Product version 3 A DP/AS-Interface Link 20E in product version 1 or 2 is not equipped with the "Load to PG" function. 5 Drag & drop the selected DP/AS-Interface Link 20E to the DP master system. The "Properties - PROFIBUS interface..." dialog is displayed. 6 Choose the PROFIBUS address for DP/AS-Interface Link 20E and close the dialog. Result Figure 11-14 Configuration of DP/AS-Interface Link 20E on the DP master system AS-Interface system System Manual, 11/2008, 3RK2703-3BB02-1AA1 481 System integration 11.5 DP/AS-Interface Link 20E - integration with STEP 7 DP/AS-Interface Link 20E is attached to the DP master system as an icon. A detailed view of DP/AS-Interface Link 20E along with its possible slots and DP IDs is displayed in the lower part of the station window. This is followed by the lines for the AS-i address table, which has yet to be maintained. 11.5.4 Parameterizing DP/AS-Interface Link 20E as a PROFIBUS DP slave Parameterize DP/AS-Interface Link 20E as a PROFIBUS DP slave in HW Config of the PROFIBUS DP master. Step Action 1 Double-click the icon for DP/AS-Interface Link 20E on the DP master system. A window is displayed with the "Properties - DP Slave" dialog, which contains the "General" tab. 2 On the "General" tab, set the properties of DP/AS-Interface Link 20E as a node on the PROFIBUS DP. 2.1 Enter the diagnostics address or use the displayed value. If you enter an invalid address, the system proposes a new one. The PROFIBUS DP master uses the diagnostics address to find out about a failure or return of a PROFIBUS DP slave and starts the OB 86. You can also call up the full diagnosis of the slave under this address with SFC 13 DPNRM_DG and include it in your user program. 2.2 Activate the watchdog so that DP/AS-Interface Link 20E can respond to errors in the PROFIBUS DP master or if bus data traffic is interrupted. If the PROFIBUS DP master does not address DP/AS-Interface Link 20E within the configured monitoring time, the PROFIBUS DP slave switches to safe mode and sets all outputs to "0". 482 AS-Interface system System Manual, 11/2008, 3RK2703-3BB02-1AA1 System integration 11.5 DP/AS-Interface Link 20E - integration with STEP 7 11.5.5 Parameterizing AS-Interface Parameterize the properties and behavior of DP/AS-Interface 20E as an AS-i master in the "Properties - DP/AS-i - ..." dialog. Step 1 Action In the AS-i address table, double-click the fourth line with the "DP/AS-i" module. A window is displayed with the "Properties - DP/AS-i - ..." dialog, which contains the "General", "Digital Addresses", "Operating Parameters", and "AS-i Slave Options" tabs. 2 If required, enter the name and a comment for the AS-i line on the "General" tab. 3 To configure the binary I/O address spaces for the AS-i slaves, choose the "Digital Addresses" tab. 3.1 Set the I/O address for the binary input data or accept the value displayed. If you enter an invalid address, the system proposes a new one. Digital input addresses relate to a max. 32-byte memory area in which the binary input values of the AS-i slaves are stored. For the digital output addresses, the same starting value as for the input addresses applies depending on the system. 3.2 If you use the CLASSIC sort type for the I/O addresses (default setting), you can set the "Reserved Length" value. You can use this parameter to suppress unassigned I/O addresses at the lower end of the table or set a contiguous address space for future extensions to AS-Interface. The "Assigned Length" shows the amount of memory currently occupied by the AS-i slaves in bytes. AS-Interface system System Manual, 11/2008, 3RK2703-3BB02-1AA1 483 System integration 11.5 DP/AS-Interface Link 20E - integration with STEP 7 Step Action 3.3 If the "Process Image" drop-down list contains selection data, this means that the PROFIBUS DP master is a CPU that manages partial process images (e.g. CPU 416). Choose a partial process image number (PPI no.) or the OB1 process image for cyclic updates. 3.4 Choose a sort type for the I/O addresses of the AS-i slaves (default: "CLASSIC"). The "Pack" button moves the I/O addresses of the AS-i modules in the AS-i address table in such a way that they require less room in the address space. In addition, the "Reserved Length" is optimized. The "CLASSIC sorting" pushbutton sorts the I/O addresses according to AS-i addresses. The standard / A slaves are at the beginning, followed by the B slaves. The "LINEAR sorting" pushbutton sorts the I/O addresses in ascending order. Standard / A slaves and B slaves with the same AS-i address are combined in one byte (standard / A slave in the low nibble, B slave in the high nibble). 4 On the "Operating Parameters" tab, set the behavior of DP/AS-Interface 20E as an AS-i master. 4.1 Activate the alarm enable for diagnostic interrupts (OB82). Diagnostic interrupts are triggered if the following faults occur: * Group fault (SF) * Internal fault (= device fault) * External fault (e.g. AS-i slave failed) * At least one AS-i slave does not match the target specification. * Voltage on AS-i bus too low (AS-i Power Fail, APF) * Hardware fault (internal watchdog) * EEPROM defective 484 AS-Interface system System Manual, 11/2008, 3RK2703-3BB02-1AA1 System integration 11.5 DP/AS-Interface Link 20E - integration with STEP 7 Step Action 4.2 Choose the option for automatic address programming. When you choose the option "Automatic address programming" (default), an AS-i slave that has failed can be replaced by a new, identical slave with the address "0" (on delivery). DP/AS-Interface 20E automatically assigns the new slave the address of the old one. If this option is deactivated, you have to program the address in to the new slave when manually. 11.5.6 Configuring AS-i slaves Configure the AS-i slaves within the address table. Note Reading the actual configuration to the AS-i address table If an online connection has been established, you can read an existing AS-i configuration to the AS-i address table. 1. Skip the commissioning procedure until you reach Completing configuration (Page 490). 2. Follow the integration procedure until Copying starting data blocks (Page 492). 3. Then copy the current configuration with the command "Download to PG". "AS-i Slave Options" tab in the "Properties - DP/AS-i - ..." dialog. 4. Parameterize the AS-i slaves subsequently in STEP 7. Step 1 Action Click the DP/AS-Interface Link 20E icon on the DP master system. A detailed view of DP/AS-Interface Link 20E is displayed in the lower part of the station window. The fourth line in the table contains address information for the binary signals. The "DP/AS-i Link 20E" module is followed by the lines for the AS-i address table, which has yet to be maintained. One line for standard / A slaves and one line for B slaves are provided for each AS-i address. AS-Interface system System Manual, 11/2008, 3RK2703-3BB02-1AA1 485 System integration 11.5 DP/AS-Interface Link 20E - integration with STEP 7 Step 2 Action First enter dummy modules in the AS-i address table. You can then specify these later on. The following dummy modules are available: * AS-i A/B slave for AS-i slaves in the extended address space * AS-i standard slave You have the following options for assigning the AS-i address lines: * Drag and drop an AS-i slave from the hardware catalog Path: PROFIBUS-DP > DP/AS-i > DP/AS-i Link 20E > Product version 3 * Select an AS-i slave via the context menu "Insert Object..." Path: Product Version 3 * Copy and insert via the clipboard. * Move the line content by pressing down the left mouse button. A configured slave changes its AS-i address as a result. 3 486 Note the following rules for assigning addresses: * The lines containing potential target addresses are highlighted in green. * Standard slaves and certain analog slaves use a full AS-i address (A and B address line). AS-Interface system System Manual, 11/2008, 3RK2703-3BB02-1AA1 System integration 11.5 DP/AS-Interface Link 20E - integration with STEP 7 11.5.7 Specifying AS-i slaves Specify the AS-i slaves in the "Properties - AS-i standard slave - ..." or "Properties - AS-i A/B slave - ..." dialog. Step Action 1 Double-click an occupied address line in the AS-i address table. * For an "AS-i standard slave" module, the window containing the "Properties - AS-i Standard Slave - ..." dialog is displayed. * For an "AS-i A/B slave" module, the window containing the "Properties - AS-i A/B Slave - ..." dialog is displayed. 2 You can specify the AS-i slaves on the "Configuration" tab in one of the following ways: A In the "Module" drop-down list, select a Siemens module via its order number. The IO, ID, and ID2 codes are permanently defined by the properties of the Siemens modules. On the other hand, the ID1 code can be variable on certain modules. AS-Interface system System Manual, 11/2008, 3RK2703-3BB02-1AA1 487 System integration 11.5 DP/AS-Interface Link 20E - integration with STEP 7 Step Action B Choose a Siemens module from the AS-Interface catalog. To do so, click "Selection...". The following selection options are available for AS-i slaves: * Navigation through the hierarchical folder structure according to module type * Search function using a keyword from the infotext Transfer the module you have selected to the configuration by double-clicking it or selecting it and clicking "Apply". The IO code, ID code and ID2 code are fixed by the properties of the Siemens modules. On the other hand, the ID1 code can be variable on certain modules. C 488 For AS-i slaves that are not available for selection, set the IO and ID codes in accordance with the manufacturer guidelines. If the ID1 code and ID2 code are not specified, choose FH. AS-Interface system System Manual, 11/2008, 3RK2703-3BB02-1AA1 System integration 11.5 DP/AS-Interface Link 20E - integration with STEP 7 Step 3 Action Parameterize the AS-i slaves. 3.1 If the selected Siemens modules support special parameter settings, you can select them from a range of drop-down lists. The bit checkboxes cannot be changed separately. Their assignment is predefined by the modules or results from the entries in the adjacent fields. 3.2 If the AS-i slaves are not available for selection, set the parameter bits in accordance with the manufacturer guidelines. With an A/B module, the checkbox for parameter bit 3 is not displayed. 4 Accept the system proposal for the binary input and output address space. If you change addresses for binary data exchange, note the I/O configuration of your AS-i slaves. If a binary AS-i slave has not been assigned any inputs or outputs, the corresponding field is empty. 5 If required, enter the name and a comment for an AS-i slave on the "General" tab. When you close the dialog, your entries appear in the AS-i address table. AS-Interface system System Manual, 11/2008, 3RK2703-3BB02-1AA1 489 System integration 11.5 DP/AS-Interface Link 20E - integration with STEP 7 11.5.8 Completing configuration To complete the project and download it to the CPU, carry out the following steps. Step Action 1 Save and compile the configuration in the current project. 2 Download the hardware configuration to the module. 11.5.9 Switching on the AS-i power supply Note Only set addresses on the device when PROFIBUS communication has been interrupted When you make the required settings on DP/AS-Interface Link 20E, you must ensure that no communication is currently taking place with the PROFIBUS DP master. If necessary, switch off the CPU or disconnect the PROFIBUS plug. Switch on the AS-i power supply unit for supplying AS-Interface. Step 1 490 Action Switch on the voltage for the 30 V AS-i power supply unit. AS-Interface system System Manual, 11/2008, 3RK2703-3BB02-1AA1 System integration 11.5 DP/AS-Interface Link 20E - integration with STEP 7 11.5.10 Setting the PROFIBUS address on DP/AS-Interface Link 20E Set the PROFIBUS address of DP/AS-Interface Link 20E as specified in the configuration directly on the device. Step 1 Action Press the "DISPLAY" button under the front cover until the ADR LED at the top lights up red. If you start from the status display, for example, you have to press the button 15 times. On the other 7 LEDs, DP/AS-Interface Link 20E indicates the current PROFIBUS address. The bit significance of the LEDs yields the set PROFIBUS address. For example, the LEDs in the diagram above signal the PROFIBUS address: 64 + 4 + 1 = 69. 2 If you want to retain the set PROFIBUS address, press the DISPLAY button. DP/AS-Interface Link 20E returns to the status display. 3 Enter the new PROFIBUS address. Use the same PROFIBUS address as in the configuration. Address 1 to 125 only can be used for exchanging data with the PROFIBUS DP master. 3.1 Press the "SET" button. The flashing BF LED indicates the most-significant bit in the PROFIBUS address. 3.2 To set the bit, choose "SET"; to delete the bit, choose "DISPLAY". When the bit is set, the LED lights up. After you have made the relevant entry, the SF LED starts flashing to indicate the next bit. 3.3 Set or delete the remaining address bits in the same way. Once all the address bits have been set, the corresponding LEDs flash, alternating between red/green or yellow/green. 4 If you want to apply the new PROFIBUS address, press the SET button. If you want to reject the PROFIBUS address, press the DISPLAY button. To enter a new address, start at step 3.1. AS-Interface system System Manual, 11/2008, 3RK2703-3BB02-1AA1 491 System integration 11.5 DP/AS-Interface Link 20E - integration with STEP 7 11.5.11 Addressing AS-i slaves Address the AS-i slaves in accordance with the configuration. Step Action 1 If the addresses of the AS-i slaves do not match the configuration, the CER and SF LEDs light up. Address the AS-i slaves in one of the following ways: * With an addressing unit * With a STEP 7 user program using the "Change_AS-i_slave_address" command in the command interface 11.5.12 Copying starting data blocks Copy the starting data blocks from the STEP 7 configuration to DP/AS-Interface Link 20E. Step 1 Action Switch on the CPU or connect the device to PROFIBUS. DP/AS-Interface Link 20E receives its starting data blocks from the CPU and switches to "protected" mode. 492 AS-Interface system System Manual, 11/2008, 3RK2703-3BB02-1AA1 System integration 11.6 DP/AS-Interface Link 20E - integration with GSD 11.6 DP/AS-Interface Link 20E - integration with GSD 11.6.1 Prerequisites Before you use DP/AS-Interface Link 20E, the following additional devices and bus systems must be assembled, wired, and set up in accordance with their application documentation: CPU with PROFIBUS DP master and PROFIBUS cable AS-i cable with AS-i power supply and AS-i slaves PC / PG with the following equipment: - PLC-specific configuration tool (e.g. STEP 7) - GSD file for DP/AS-Interface Link 20E The GSD file for DP/AS-Interface Link 20E ( can be downloaded free of charge from the Internet. - PC / PG connected to CPU 11.6.2 Integration procedure The table below describes a potential procedure for integrating AS-Interface in your system via the AS-i master. Step Procedure 1 Configuring the PROFIBUS DP master system (Page 494) 2 Parameterizing DP/AS-Interface Link 20E as a PROFIBUS DP slave (Page 496) 3 Parameterizing AS-Interface (Page 497) 4 Parameterizing binary AS-i slaves (Page 498) 5 Completing configuration (Page 499) 6 Switching on the AS-i power supply (Page 499) 7 Setting the PROFIBUS address on DP/AS-Interface Link 20E (Page 500) 8 Addressing AS-i slaves (Page 501) 9 Saving the configuration (Page 501) 10 Copying starting data blocks (Page 502) AS-Interface system System Manual, 11/2008, 3RK2703-3BB02-1AA1 493 System integration 11.6 DP/AS-Interface Link 20E - integration with GSD 11.6.3 Configuring the PROFIBUS DP master system Configure DP/AS-Interface Link 20E as a modular PROFIBUS DP slave in HW Config of the PROFIBUS DP master. Step 494 Action 1 Open your STEP 7 project with a CPU with the PROFIBUS DP master (e.g. CPU 315-2 DP). 2 Open HW Config for the PROFIBUS DP master. 3 If the DP master system is not yet available on the CPU, you have to create it. To do so, insert the DP master system in slot X2 (DP) of the CPU (e.g. via the "Insert master system" context menu). 4 Select the DP/AS-Interface Link 20E in the "Hardware Catalog" window. Path: PROFIBUS-DP > Other FIELD DEVICES > Gateway > AS-I > DP/AS-i Link 20E DPV1 5 Drag & drop the selected DP/AS-Interface Link 20E to the DP master system. The "Properties - PROFIBUS interface..." dialog is displayed. 6 Choose the PROFIBUS address for DP/AS-Interface Link 20E and close the dialog. 7 Drag & drop the module "16/16 Byte (AKF)" or "32/32 Byte (SKF)" to the free slot 1 in the lower part of the station window. * "16/16 Byte (AKF)" allows up to 31 standard and A slaves to be used. B slaves cannot be used. * "32/32 Byte (SKF)" allows A/B slaves to be used that are set to B addresses. In this case, the entire binary data interface of DP/AS-Interface Link 20E can be used. * The universal module cannot be used. AS-Interface system System Manual, 11/2008, 3RK2703-3BB02-1AA1 System integration 11.6 DP/AS-Interface Link 20E - integration with GSD Result Figure 11-15 Configuration of DP/AS-Interface Link 20E on the DP master system DP/AS-Interface Link 20E is attached to the DP master system as an icon. A detailed view of DP/AS-Interface Link 20E along with the DP ID and the occupied slot 1 is displayed in the lower part of the station window. AS-Interface system System Manual, 11/2008, 3RK2703-3BB02-1AA1 495 System integration 11.6 DP/AS-Interface Link 20E - integration with GSD 11.6.4 Parameterizing DP/AS-Interface Link 20E as a PROFIBUS DP slave Parameterize DP/AS-Interface Link 20E as a PROFIBUS DP slave in HW Config of the PROFIBUS DP master. Step 1 Action Double-click the DP/AS-Interface Link 20E icon on the DP master system. A window is displayed containing the "Properties - DP Slave" dialog, which contains the "General" and "Parameterization" tabs. 2 On the "General" tab, set the properties of DP/AS-Interface Link 20E as a node on the PROFIBUS DP. 2.1 Enter the diagnostics address or use the displayed value. If you enter an invalid address, the system proposes a new one. The PROFIBUS DP master uses the diagnostics address to find out about a failure or return of a PROFIBUS DP slave and starts the OB 86. You can also call up the full diagnosis of the slave under this address with SFC 13 DPNRM_DG and include it in your user program. 2.2 Activate the watchdog so that DP/AS-Interface Link 20E can respond to errors in the PROFIBUS DP master or if bus data traffic is interrupted. If the PROFIBUS DP master does not address DP/AS-Interface Link 20E within the configured monitoring time, the PROFIBUS DP slave switches to safe mode and sets all outputs to "0". 496 AS-Interface system System Manual, 11/2008, 3RK2703-3BB02-1AA1 System integration 11.6 DP/AS-Interface Link 20E - integration with GSD 11.6.5 Parameterizing AS-Interface Parameterize the properties and behavior of DP/AS-Interface Link 20E as a PROFIBUS DP slave and AS-i Master on the "Parameterization" tab. Step 1 2 Action Call up the "Parameterize" tab in the "Properties - DP-Slave" dialog. In the relevant option box, activate the alarm enable for diagnostic interrupts (OB82). Diagnostic interrupts are triggered if the following faults occur: * Group fault (SF) * Internal fault (= device fault) * External fault (e.g. AS-i slave failed) * At least one AS-i slave does not match the target specification. * Voltage on AS-i bus too low (AS-i Power Fail, APF) * Hardware fault (internal watchdog) * EEPROM defective 3 When you change the operating mode of the PROFIBUS DP master from DPV1 to DPV0, you first have to deactivate the "Diagnostic interrupt (OB 82)" option. Then choose the operating mode from the "Interrupt Mode" drop-down list. 4 Use only the parameters described above to make changes to the parameterization telegram. To prevent any unforeseen events, do not change any values in the "Hex parameterization" folder. AS-Interface system System Manual, 11/2008, 3RK2703-3BB02-1AA1 497 System integration 11.6 DP/AS-Interface Link 20E - integration with GSD 11.6.6 Parameterizing binary AS-i slaves Parameterize the AS-i slaves on the "Parameter Assignment" tab and in the "Properties - DP Slave" dialog for slot 1. The parameters must match the configuration of the AS-i slaves, which you can configure on DP/AS-Interface Link 20E later on during commissioning. Step 1 Action In the "Device-specific parameters" folder, choose the parameter bits of the AS-i slaves from the drop-down lists. For explanations of the individual parameters, consult the AS-i slave manuals. 2 To close the "Properties - DP Slave" dialog, confirm your settings with "OK". 3 Double-click line 1 in the configuration table with the selected module (16/16 Bytes (AKF) or 32/32 Bytes (SKF)). A window is displayed with the "Properties - DP Slave" dialog, which contains the "Address / ID" tab. 4 On this tab, set the I/O address of the binary output data or accept the system proposal. Depending on the selected module, the system calculates the end address and signals any errors that occur. When configuration is carried out using the GSD file, the I/O data of the AS-i slaves is sorted according to the CLASSIC sort type. 5 Set the I/O address for the binary input data or accept the system proposal. Depending on the selected module, the system calculates the end address and reports any errors that occur. 498 AS-Interface system System Manual, 11/2008, 3RK2703-3BB02-1AA1 System integration 11.6 DP/AS-Interface Link 20E - integration with GSD Step 6 11.6.7 Action If the "Process Image" drop-down list contains selection data, this means that the PROFIBUS DP master is a CPU that manages partial process images (e.g. CPU 416). Choose a partial process image number (PPI no.) or the OB1 process image for cyclic updates. Completing configuration To complete the project and download it to the CPU, carry out the following steps. Step Action 1 Save and compile the configuration in the current project. 2 Download the hardware configuration to the module. 11.6.8 Switching on the AS-i power supply Note Only set addresses on the device when PROFIBUS communication has been interrupted When you make the required settings on DP/AS-Interface Link 20E, you must ensure that no communication is currently taking place with the PROFIBUS DP master. If necessary, switch off the CPU or disconnect the PROFIBUS plug. Switch on the AS-i power supply unit for supplying AS-Interface. Step 1 Action Switch on the voltage for the 30 V AS-i power supply unit. AS-Interface system System Manual, 11/2008, 3RK2703-3BB02-1AA1 499 System integration 11.6 DP/AS-Interface Link 20E - integration with GSD 11.6.9 Setting the PROFIBUS address on DP/AS-Interface Link 20E Set the PROFIBUS address of DP/AS-Interface Link 20E as specified in the configuration directly on the device. Step 1 Action Press the "DISPLAY" button under the front cover until the ADR LED at the top lights up red. If you start from the status display, for example, you have to press the button 15 times. On the other 7 LEDs, DP/AS-Interface Link 20E shows the current PROFIBUS address. The bit significance of the LEDs yields the set PROFIBUS address. For example, the LEDs in the diagram above signal the PROFIBUS address: 64 + 4 + 1 = 69. 2 If you want to retain the set PROFIBUS address, press the DISPLAY button. DP/AS-Interface Link 20E returns to the status display. 3 Enter the new PROFIBUS address. Use the same PROFIBUS address as in the configuration. Address 1 to 125 only can be used for exchanging data with the PROFIBUS DP master. 3.1 Press the "SET" button. The flashing BF LED shows the most-significant bit in the PROFIBUS address. 3.2 To set the bit, choose "SET"; to delete the bit, choose "DISPLAY". When the bit is set, the LED lights up. After you have made the relevant entry, the SF LED starts flashing to display the next bit. 3.3 Set or delete the remaining address bits in the same way. Once all the address bits have been set, the corresponding LEDs flash, alternating between red/green or yellow/green. 4 If you want to apply the new PROFIBUS address, press the SET button. If you want to reject the PROFIBUS address, press the DISPLAY button. To enter a new address, start at step 3.1. 500 AS-Interface system System Manual, 11/2008, 3RK2703-3BB02-1AA1 System integration 11.6 DP/AS-Interface Link 20E - integration with GSD 11.6.10 Addressing AS-i slaves Address the AS-i slaves in accordance with the configuration. Step Action 1 If the addresses of the AS-i slaves do not match the configuration, the CER and SF LEDs light up. Address the AS-i slaves in one of the following ways: * With an addressing unit * With a STEP 7 user program using the "Change_AS-i_slave_address" command in the command interface 11.6.11 Saving the configuration In "configuration" mode, DP/AS-Interface Link 20E exchanges data with all the connected AS-i slaves. DP/AS-Interface Link 20E instantly recognizes new AS-i slaves, activates them, and includes them in cyclic data exchange (except AS-i slaves with the address "0" or if an AS-i address has been assigned more than once). DP/AS-Interface Link 20E saves the the following AS-i slave data to a non-volatile memory: Addresses ID codes I/O configuration Step 1 Action Press the "DISPLAY" button. The LED display switches to "status display" mode. 2 Press the "DISPLAY" button. The LED display switches to "slave display" mode. 3 Check whether all the connected AS-i slaves appear in the display. The three upper LEDs encode a group of five AS-i slaves. The five lower LEDs indicate the recognized slaves. Standard and A slaves light up green permanently, while B slaves flash. In the graphic above, for example, AS-i addresses 6 and 8 are recognized within the second group of five. 3.1 To display the next group, press the DISPLAY button. AS-Interface system System Manual, 11/2008, 3RK2703-3BB02-1AA1 501 System integration 11.6 DP/AS-Interface Link 20E - integration with GSD Step Action 3.2 Once the last group has been displayed, press DISPLAY twice. The LED display returns to "slave display" mode. 4 Save the configuration by pressing the SET button. DP/AS-Interface Link 20E saves the recognized actual configuration as a target configuration in the internal EEPROM. 11.6.12 Copying starting data blocks Copy the starting data blocks from the configuration to DP/AS-Interface Link 20E. Step 1 Action Switch on the CPU or connect the device to PROFIBUS. DP/AS-Interface Link 20E receives its starting data blocks from the CPU and switches to "protected" mode. 502 AS-Interface system System Manual, 11/2008, 3RK2703-3BB02-1AA1 System integration 11.7 DP/AS-i LINK Advanced - integration with STEP 7 11.7 DP/AS-i LINK Advanced - integration with STEP 7 11.7.1 Prerequisites Before you use DP/AS-i LINK Advanced, the following additional devices and bus systems must be assembled, wired, and set up in accordance with their application documentation: SIMATIC S7-CPU with PROFIBUS DP master and PROFIBUS cable AS-i cable with AS-i power supply and AS-i slaves When you use DP/AS-i LINK Advanced as a double master, two independent AS-i networks can be connected. PC / PG with the following equipment: - STEP 7, as of version 5.4 - PC / PG connected to CPU Note Power supply for DP/AS-i LINK Advanced The AS-i shaped cable (line 1) supplies DP/AS-i LINK Advanced with voltage. Alternatively, a 24 V DC power supply can be provided via the power supply unit. 11.7.2 Integration procedure The table below describes a potential procedure for integrating AS-Interface in your system via the AS-i master. Step Procedure 1 Configuring the PROFIBUS DP master system (Page 504) 2 Parameterizing DP/AS-i LINK Advanced as a PROFIBUS DP slave (Page 505) 3 Parameterizing AS-Interface (Page 506) 4 Configuring AS-i slaves (Page 509) 5 Specifying AS-i slaves (Page 511) 6 Completing configuration (Page 514) 7 Switching on the AS-i power supply (Page 514) 8 Switching on the optional power supply for DP/AS-i LINK Advanced (Page 514) 9 Setting the PROFIBUS address on DP/AS-i LINK Advanced (Page 515) 10 Addressing AS-i slaves (Page 515) 11 Copying starting data blocks (Page 516) AS-Interface system System Manual, 11/2008, 3RK2703-3BB02-1AA1 503 System integration 11.7 DP/AS-i LINK Advanced - integration with STEP 7 11.7.3 Configuring the PROFIBUS DP master system Configure DP/AS-i LINK Advanced as a modular PROFIBUS DP slave in HW Config of the PROFIBUS DP master. Step Action 1 Open your STEP 7 project with a SIMATIC S7-CPU with the PROFIBUS DP master (e.g. CPU 315-2 DP). 2 Open HW Config for the PROFIBUS DP master. 3 If the DP master system is not yet available on the CPU, you have to create it. To do so, insert the DP master system in slot X2 (DP) of the CPU (e.g. via the "Insert master system" context menu). 4 Choose DP/AS-i LINK Advanced in the "Hardware Catalog" window. Path: PROFIBUS-DP > DP/AS-i > DP/AS-i LINK Advanced > 6GK1411-2BA10 > V1.0 (or as double master 6GK1411-2BA20 > V1.0) 5 Drag & drop the selected DP/AS-i LINK Advanced to the DP master system. The "Properties - PROFIBUS Interface..." dialog opens. 6 Choose the PROFIBUS address for DP/AS-i LINK Advanced and close the dialog. Results for single and double master Figure 11-16 Configuration of DP/AS-i LINK Advanced as single master on the DP master system 504 AS-Interface system System Manual, 11/2008, 3RK2703-3BB02-1AA1 System integration 11.7 DP/AS-i LINK Advanced - integration with STEP 7 Figure 11-17 Configuration of DP/AS-i LINK Advanced as double master on the DP master system DP/AS-i LINK Advanced is attached to the DP master system as an icon. A detailed view of DP/AS-i LINK Advanced along with its possible slots and DP IDs is displayed in the lower part of the station window. This is followed by the lines for the AS-i address table, which has yet to be maintained. 11.7.4 Parameterizing DP/AS-i LINK Advanced as a PROFIBUS DP slave Parameterize DP/AS-i LINK Advanced as a PROFIBUS DP slave in HW Config of the PROFIBUS DP master. Step Action 1 Double-click the DP/AS-i LINK Advanced icon on the DP master system. A window is displayed containing the "Properties - DP Slave" dialog, which contains the "General" tab. 2 On the "General" tab, set the properties of DP/AS-i LINK Advanced as a node on the PROFIBUS DP. AS-Interface system System Manual, 11/2008, 3RK2703-3BB02-1AA1 505 System integration 11.7 DP/AS-i LINK Advanced - integration with STEP 7 Step Action 2.1 Enter the diagnostics address or use the displayed value. If you enter an invalid address, the system proposes a new one. The PROFIBUS DP master uses the diagnostics address to find out about a failure or return of a PROFIBUS DP slave and starts the OB 86. You can also call up the full diagnosis of the slave under this address with SFC 13 DPNRM_DG and include it in your user program. 2.2 Activate response monitoring so that DP/AS-i LINK Advanced can respond to errors in the PROFIBUS DP master or if bus data traffic is interrupted. If the PROFIBUS DP master does not address DP/AS-i LINK Advanced within the configured monitoring time, the PROFIBUS DP slave switches to safe mode and sets all the outputs to "0". 11.7.5 Parameterizing AS-Interface Parameterize the properties and behavior of DP/AS-i LINK Advanced as an AS-i master in the "Properties - DP/AS-i ..." dialog. Step Action 1 In the AS-i address table, double-click the first line with the "DP/AS-i 1M" module. The following settings apply to DP/AS-i LINK Advanced as a single master or to AS-i line 1 of a double master. A window is displayed containing the "Properties - DP/AS-i 1M - ..." dialog, which contains "General", "Digital Addresses", "Operating Parameters", and "AS-i Slave Options" tabs. 506 2 If required, enter the name and a comment for the AS-i line on the "General" tab. 3 To configure the binary I/O address spaces for the AS-i slaves, choose the "Digital Addresses" tab. AS-Interface system System Manual, 11/2008, 3RK2703-3BB02-1AA1 System integration 11.7 DP/AS-i LINK Advanced - integration with STEP 7 Step Action 3.1 Set the I/O address for the binary input data or accept the displayed value. If you enter an invalid address, the system proposes a new one. Digital input addresses relate to a max. 32 byte memory area in which the binary input values of the AS-i slaves are stored. For the digital output addresses, the same starting value as for the input addresses applies depending on the system. 3.2 If you use the CLASSIC sort type for the I/O addresses (default setting), you can set the "Reserved lengths" value. You can use this parameter to suppress unassigned I/O addresses at the lower end of the table or fix an associated address space for future extensions on AS-Interface. The "Assigned length" shows the amount of memory currently occupied by the AS-i slaves in bytes. 3.3 If the "Process image" drop-down list contains selection data, this means that the PROFIBUS DP master is a CPU that manages partial process images (e.g. CPU 416). Choose a partial process image number (PPI no.) or the OB1 process image for cyclic updates. 3.4 Choose a sort type for the I/O addresses of the AS-i slaves (default: "CLASSIC"). The "Pack" button moves the I/O addresses of the AS-i modules in the AS-i address table in such a way that they require less room in the address space. In addition, the "Reserved length" is optimized. The "CLASSIC sorting" pushbutton sorts the I/O addresses according to AS-i address. The standard / A slaves are at the beginning, followed by the B slaves. The "LINEAR sorting" pushbutton sorts the I/O addresses in ascending order. Standard / A slaves and B slaves with the same AS-i address are combined in one byte (standard / A slave in the low nibble, B slave in the high nibble). AS-Interface system System Manual, 11/2008, 3RK2703-3BB02-1AA1 507 System integration 11.7 DP/AS-i LINK Advanced - integration with STEP 7 Step 4 Action On the "Operating Parameters" tab, set the behavior of DP/AS-i LINK Advanced as an AS-i master. 4.1 Activate the alarm enable for diagnostic interrupts (OB82). Diagnostic interrupts are triggered if the following faults occur: * Group fault (SF) * Internal fault (= device fault) * External fault (e.g. AS-i slave failed) * At least one AS-i slave does not match the target specification. * Voltage on AS-i bus too low (AS-i Power Fail, APF) * Hardware fault (internal watchdog) * EEPROM defective 4.2 Choose the option for automatic address programming. When you choose the option "Automatic AS-i address programming" (default), an AS-i slave that has failed can be replaced by a new, identical slave with the address "0" (on delivery). DP/AS-i LINK Advanced automatically assigns the new slave the address of the old one. If this option is deactivated, you have to program the address in to the new slave when manually. 5 To close the "Properties - DP/AS-i 1M - ..." dialog, confirm your settings with "OK". 6 When you parameterize AS-i line 2 of a double master, double-click in the address table the second line with the module "DP/AS-i 2M". A window is displayed containing the "Properties - DP/AS-i 2M - ..." dialog, which contains "General", "Digital Addresses", "Operating Parameters", and "AS-i Slave Options" tabs. 7 508 Repeat steps 2 to 4 for AS-i line 2. AS-Interface system System Manual, 11/2008, 3RK2703-3BB02-1AA1 System integration 11.7 DP/AS-i LINK Advanced - integration with STEP 7 11.7.6 Configuring AS-i slaves Configure the AS-i slaves in accordance with the address table. Note Reading the pending actual configuration to the AS-i address table If an online connection has been established, you can read an existing AS-i configuration to the AS-i address table. 1. Skip the integration procedure until you reach Completing configuration (Page 514). 2. Follow the integration procedure until Copying starting data blocks (Page 516). 3. Then copy the current configuration for each connected AS-i line with the command "Upload to PG". "AS-i Slave Options" tab in the "Properties - DP/AS-i ..." dialog. 4. Parameterize the AS-i slaves subsequently in STEP 7. Step 1 Action Click the DP/AS-i LINK Advanced icon on the DP master system. A detailed view of DP/AS-i LINK Advanced is displayed in the lower part of the station window. The first line in the table contains address information for the binary signals. The "DP/AS-i Link Adv." module is followed by the lines for the AS-i address table, which has yet to be maintained. One line for standard / A slaves and one line for B slaves are provided for each AS-i address. When you use DP/AS-i LINK Advanced as a double master, the following detailed view is displayed: The second line in the table contains address information for the binary signals of AS-i line 2. The AS-i address lines (rows) are ordered by line 1 and line 2. AS-Interface system System Manual, 11/2008, 3RK2703-3BB02-1AA1 509 System integration 11.7 DP/AS-i LINK Advanced - integration with STEP 7 Step 2 Action First enter dummy modules in the lines, which you can specify later on. You have the following options for assigning the AS-i address lines: * Drag and drop an AS-i slave from the hardware catalog Path: PROFIBUS-DP > DP/AS-i > DP/AS-i LINK Advanced > 6GK1411-2BA10 > V1.0 * Select an AS-i slave via the context menu "Insert Object..." Path: PROFIBUS-DP > 6GK1411-2BA10 > V1.0 > AS-i slave * Copy and insert via the clipboard * Move the line content by pressing down the left mouse button. A configured slave changes its AS-i address as a result. 3 510 Note the following rules for assigning addresses: * The lines containing potential target addresses are highlighted in green. * Standard slaves and certain analog slaves use a full AS-i address (A and B address line). * Some AS-i slaves (e.g. CTT5) require the following full addresses, depending on whether the slaves are of type 2, 3, or 4. Make sure that the following addresses remain free. AS-Interface system System Manual, 11/2008, 3RK2703-3BB02-1AA1 System integration 11.7 DP/AS-i LINK Advanced - integration with STEP 7 11.7.7 Specifying AS-i slaves Specify the AS-i slaves in the "Properties - AS-i Slave - ..." dialog. Step 1 Action Double-click an occupied address line in the AS-i address table. For an AS-i slave module, the window containing the "Properties - AS-i Slave - ..." dialog is displayed. 2 You can specify the AS-i slaves on the "Configuration" tab in one of the following ways: A In the "Module" drop-down list, select a Siemens module via its order number. The IO, ID, and ID2 codes are permanently defined by the properties of the Siemens modules. On the other hand, the ID1 code can be variable on certain modules. AS-Interface system System Manual, 11/2008, 3RK2703-3BB02-1AA1 511 System integration 11.7 DP/AS-i LINK Advanced - integration with STEP 7 Step Action B Choose a Siemens module from the AS-Interface catalog. To do so, click "Selection...". The following selection options are available for AS-i slaves: * Navigation through the hierarchic folder structure according to module type * Search function using a keyword from the infotext Transfer the module you have selected to the configuration by double-clicking it or selecting it and clicking "Apply". The IO code, ID code and ID2 code are fixed by the properties of the Siemens modules. On the other hand, the ID1 code can be variable on certain modules. C 512 For AS-i slaves that are not available for selection, set the IO and ID codes in accordance with the manufacturer guidelines. If the ID1 code and ID2 code are not specified, choose FH. AS-Interface system System Manual, 11/2008, 3RK2703-3BB02-1AA1 System integration 11.7 DP/AS-i LINK Advanced - integration with STEP 7 Step 3 Action Parameterize the AS-i slaves. 3.1 If the selected Siemens modules support special parameter settings, you can select them from a range of drop-down lists. The bit checkboxes cannot be changed separately. Their assignment is predefined by the modules or results from the entries in the adjacent fields. 3.2 If the AS-i slaves are not available for selection, set the parameter bits in accordance with the manufacturer guidelines. With an A/B module, the checkbox for parameter bit 3 is not displayed. 4 If you activate the "Reserve max. address space" checkbox, the system makes the 4-bit input addresses and 4-bit output addresses available for the AS-i slave in the I/O memory. The system displays an input and output address range for digital data exchange. If a digital AS-i slave has not been assigned any inputs or outputs, the corresponding field is empty. 5 If you intend to transfer analog data for an analog AS-i slave via cyclic PROFIBUS DP services, activate the appropriate option. Otherwise, analog data can only be transferred via data blocks. The system proposes an input and output address space. The values can be changed. The system reports incorrect values. 6 If required, enter the name and a comment for an AS-i slave on the "General" tab. When you close the dialog, your entries appear in the AS-i address table. AS-Interface system System Manual, 11/2008, 3RK2703-3BB02-1AA1 513 System integration 11.7 DP/AS-i LINK Advanced - integration with STEP 7 11.7.8 Completing configuration To complete the project and download it to the CPU, carry out the following steps. Step Action 1 Save and compile the configuration in the current project. 2 Download the hardware configuration to the module. 11.7.9 Switching on the AS-i power supply Note Only set addresses on the device when PROFIBUS communication has been interrupted When you make the required settings on DP/AS-i LINK Advanced, you must ensure that no communication is currently taking place with the PROFIBUS DP master. If necessary, switch off the CPU or disconnect the PROFIBUS plug. Switch on the AS-i power supply unit for supplying AS-Interface. Step 1 Action Switch on the voltage for the 30 V AS-i power supply unit. When started for the first time, DP/AS-i LINK Advanced performs a self-test. All LEDs light up for 15 s. 11.7.10 Switching on the optional power supply for DP/AS-i LINK Advanced Switch on the 24 V DC power supply unit to provide an optional power supply for DP/AS-i LINK Advanced. Step 1 514 Action If you use an optional power supply for DP/AS-i LINK Advanced, switch on the voltage for the additional 24 V DC power supply unit. AS-Interface system System Manual, 11/2008, 3RK2703-3BB02-1AA1 System integration 11.7 DP/AS-i LINK Advanced - integration with STEP 7 11.7.11 Setting the PROFIBUS address on DP/AS-i LINK Advanced Set the PROFIBUS address of DP/AS-i LINK Advanced as specified in the configuration directly on the device. Step 1 Action Press the "OK" button. The display for DP/AS-i LINK Advanced switches to the menu view. 2 3 Use the arrow keys to select the menu option "PROFIBUS" and confirm with "OK". Use the arrow keys to select the menu option "DP address" and confirm with "OK". The existing PROFIBUS address is displayed. 4 Use the arrow keys to set the new PROFIBUS address. Use the same PROFIBUS address as in the configuration. 5 11.7.12 Confirm the new PROFIBUS address with "OK". Addressing AS-i slaves Address the AS-i slaves in accordance with the configuration. Step 1 Action If you use DP/AS-i LINK Advanced for assigning addresses, no AS-i slaves with the same address must be connected to an AS-i line. Remove any AS-i slaves with the same address. New AS-i slaves have the address "0". 2 Press the "OK" button. The display for DP/AS-i LINK Advanced switches to the menu view. 3 Use the arrow keys to select the menu option "AS-i" for a single master and confirm with "OK". The menu options "AS-i line 1" and "AS-i line 2" are available for a double master. 4 Use the arrow keys to select the menu option "Change address" and confirm with "OK". The lowest AS-i address found is displayed. 5 Use the arrow pointing right to go to the field "New". 6 Use the arrow keys to choose the new AS-i address in accordance with the configuration. 7 When all the existing AS-i slaves have been addressed, connect the nearest configured AS-i slave to AS-Interface. 8 If you address another AS-i slave on this AS-i line, repeat steps 4 to 7. 9 If you change the AS-i line when using a double master, press "ESC". Repeat steps 3 to 8. AS-Interface system System Manual, 11/2008, 3RK2703-3BB02-1AA1 515 System integration 11.7 DP/AS-i LINK Advanced - integration with STEP 7 11.7.13 Copying starting data blocks Copy the starting data blocks from the STEP 7 configuration to DP/AS-i LINK Advanced. Step 1 Action Switch on the CPU or connect the device to PROFIBUS. DP/AS-i LINK Advanced receives its starting data blocks from the CPU and switches to "protected" mode. 516 AS-Interface system System Manual, 11/2008, 3RK2703-3BB02-1AA1 System integration 11.8 DP/AS-i LINK Advanced - integration with GSD 11.8 DP/AS-i LINK Advanced - integration with GSD 11.8.1 Prerequisites Before you use DP/AS-i LINK Advanced, the following additional devices and bus systems must be assembled, wired, and set up in accordance with their application documentation: CPU with PROFIBUS DP master and PROFIBUS cable AS-i cable with AS-i power supply and AS-i slaves When you use DP/AS-i LINK Advanced as a double master, two independent AS-i networks can be connected. PC / PG equipped with the following: - SPS-specific configuration tool (e.g. STEP 7) - GSD file for DP/AS-i LINK Advanced The GSD file for DP/AS-i LINK Advanced ( can be downloaded free of charge from the Internet. - PC / PG connected to CPU Note Power supply for DP/AS-i LINK Advanced The AS-i shaped cable (line 1) supplies DP/AS-i LINK Advanced with voltage. Alternatively, a 24 V DC power supply can be provided via the power supply unit. 11.8.2 Integration procedure The table below describes a potential procedure for integrating AS-Interface in your system via the AS-i master. Step Procedure 1 Configuring the PROFIBUS DP master system (Page 518) 2 Parameterizing DP/AS-i LINK Advanced as a PROFIBUS DP slave (Page 519) 3 Parameterizing AS-Interface (Page 520) 4 Parameterizing the binary address space (Page 521) 5 Parameterizing the analog address space (Page 523) 6 Completing configuration (Page 525) 7 Switching on the AS-i power supply (Page 525) 8 Switching on the optional power supply for DP/AS-i LINK Advanced (Page 526) 9 Setting the PROFIBUS address on DP/AS-i LINK Advanced (Page 526) 10 Addressing AS-i slaves (Page 526) 11 Saving the configuration (Page 527) 12 Copying starting data blocks (Page 528) AS-Interface system System Manual, 11/2008, 3RK2703-3BB02-1AA1 517 System integration 11.8 DP/AS-i LINK Advanced - integration with GSD 11.8.3 Configuring the PROFIBUS DP master system Configure DP/AS-i LINK Advanced as a modular PROFIBUS DP slave in HW Config of the PROFIBUS DP master. Step Action 1 Open your STEP 7 project with a CPU with the PROFIBUS DP master (e.g. CPU 315-2 DP). 2 Open HW Config for the PROFIBUS DP master. 3 If the DP master system is not yet available on the CPU, you have to create it. To do so, insert the DP master system in slot X2 (DP) of the CPU (e.g. via the "Insert master system" context menu). 4 Choose DP/AS-i LINK Advanced in the "Hardware Catalog" window. Path: PROFIBUS-DP > Additional FIELD DEVICES > Gateway > AS-I > DP/AS-i LINK Advanced The same icon is used to indicate single and double masters. A distinction is made between them via the configuration for the AS-i slaves. 5 Drag & drop the selected DP/AS-i LINK Advanced to the DP master system. The "Properties - PROFIBUS interface..." dialog is displayed. 6 Choose the PROFIBUS address for DP/AS-i LINK Advanced and close the dialog. Result Figure 11-18 Configuration of DP/AS-i LINK Advanced on the DP master system 518 AS-Interface system System Manual, 11/2008, 3RK2703-3BB02-1AA1 System integration 11.8 DP/AS-i LINK Advanced - integration with GSD DP/AS-i LINK Advanced is attached to the DP master system as an icon. A detailed view of DP/AS-i LINK Advanced along with its possible slots is displayed in the lower part of the station window. 11.8.4 Parameterizing DP/AS-i LINK Advanced as a PROFIBUS DP slave Parameterize DP/AS-i LINK Advanced as a PROFIBUS DP slave in HW Config of the PROFIBUS DP master. Step 1 Action Double-click the DP/AS-i LINK Advanced icon on the DP master system. A window is displayed containing the "Properties - DP Slave" dialog, which contains the "General" and "Parameterization" tabs. 2 On the "General" tab, set the properties of DP/AS-i LINK Advanced as a node on the PROFIBUS DP. 2.1 Enter the diagnostics address or use the displayed value. If you enter an invalid address, the system proposes a new one. The PROFIBUS DP master uses the diagnostics address to find out about a failure or return of a PROFIBUS DP slave and starts the OB 86. You can also call up the full diagnosis of the slave under this address with SFC 13 DPNRM_DG and include it in your user program. 2.2 Activate response monitoring so that DP/AS-i LINK Advanced can respond to errors in the PROFIBUS DP master or if bus data traffic is interrupted. If the PROFIBUS DP master does not address DP/AS-i LINK Advanced within the configured monitoring time, the PROFIBUS DP slave switches to safe mode and sets all the outputs to "0". AS-Interface system System Manual, 11/2008, 3RK2703-3BB02-1AA1 519 System integration 11.8 DP/AS-i LINK Advanced - integration with GSD 11.8.5 Parameterizing AS-Interface Parameterize the properties and behavior of DP/AS-i LINK Advanced as a PROFIBUS DP slave and AS-i Master on the "Parameterization" tab. Step 1 2 Action Call up the "Parameterize" tab in the "Properties - DP-Slave" dialog. In the relevant option box, activate the alarm enable for diagnostic interrupts (OB82). Diagnostic interrupts are triggered if the following faults occur: * Group fault (SF) * Internal fault (= device fault) * External fault (e.g. AS-i slave failed) * At least one AS-i slave does not match the target specification. * Voltage on AS-i bus too low (AS-i Power Fail, APF) * Hardware fault (internal watchdog) * EEPROM defective 520 3 When you change the operating mode of the PROFIBUS DP master from DPV1 to DPV0, you first have to deactivate the "Diagnostic interrupt (OB 82)" option. Then choose the operating mode from the "Interrupt Mode" drop-down list. 4 Use only the parameters described above to make changes to the parameterization telegram. To prevent any unforeseen events, do not change any values in the "Hex parameterization" folder. AS-Interface system System Manual, 11/2008, 3RK2703-3BB02-1AA1 System integration 11.8 DP/AS-i LINK Advanced - integration with GSD 11.8.6 Parameterizing the binary address space Assign the binary AS-i slaves an address space via the slot assignment in the station window. Step Action 1 Note the following assignment with the drag & drop slot assignment from the hardware catalog: * Choose just one ASi-1 module for a single master or line 1 of a double master. * Choose ASi-2 modules for line 2 of a double master. 2 Position just one binary module for each AS-i line. The following binary modules are available: * "Binary Array 32 Byte" allows A/B slaves to be used that are set to B addresses. In this case, the entire binary data interface of DP/AS-i LINK Advanced can be used. * "Binary Array 16 Byte" allows a maximum configuration with 31 standard AS-i slaves. B slaves cannot be used. * With "Binary Array 8 Byte", you reserve a reduced memory space. Only standard AS-i slaves with the addresses 1 ... 15 can be used, however. * The universal module cannot be used. You are advised to assign an "ASi-1" binary module to slot 1. For a double master, assign an "ASi-2" binary module to slot 2. AS-Interface system System Manual, 11/2008, 3RK2703-3BB02-1AA1 521 System integration 11.8 DP/AS-i LINK Advanced - integration with GSD Step 3 Action Double-click the line in the configuration table with the selected binary module (binary array) for AS-i line 1. A window is displayed with the "Properties - DP Slave" dialog, which contains the "Address / ID" and "Parameter Assignment" tabs. 4 On this tab, set the I/O address of the binary output data or accept the system proposal. Depending on the selected module, the system calculates the end address and reports any errors that occur. When configuration is carried out using the GSD file, the I/O data of the AS-i slaves is sorted according to the CLASSIC sort type. 5 Set the I/O address for the binary input data or accept the system proposal. Depending on the selected module, the system calculates the end address and signals any errors that occur. 6 If the "Process Image" drop-down list contains selection data, this means that the PROFIBUS DP master is a CPU that manages partial process images (e.g. CPU 416). Choose a partial process image number (PPI no.) or the OB1 process image for cyclic updates. 7 If you make changes in the "Hex parameter assignment" folder, you need to know how the parameterization telegram is structured. Note EN 50170 or IEC 61158 here. The data for the parameter assignment message is specified in hexadecimal format. 522 8 To close the "Properties - DP Slave" dialog, confirm your settings with "OK". 9 If you use AS-i line 2 on a double master, repeat steps 3 to 8. AS-Interface system System Manual, 11/2008, 3RK2703-3BB02-1AA1 System integration 11.8 DP/AS-i LINK Advanced - integration with GSD 11.8.7 Parameterizing the analog address space Assign additional address space to each AS-i slave that occupies more than 4 bits of I/O address space (e.g. analog slaves). Step 1 Action Choose a "Word" module for each corresponding AS-i slave. You have the following options for selecting the modules: * Drag and drop a module from the hardware catalog. Path: PROFIBUS-DP > Additional FIELD DEVICES > Gateway > AS-I > DP/AS-i LINK Advanced * Select a module via the context menu "Insert Object..." Path: DP/AS-i LINK Advanced * Copy and insert via the clipboard. * Move the line content by pressing down the left mouse button. The modules that can be selected differ with respect to their memory capacity requirements. * "1 word" for AS-i slaves that require up to 4 bits of address space. * "2 word" / "4 word" for AS-i slaves that require up to 4 bits of address space (e.g. analog slaves). * "In" for AS-i slaves that only require input address space. * "Out" for AS-i slaves that only require output address space. * "In/Out" for AS-i slaves that require I/O address space. Example: the analog module AS-i-1: 2 Word In, for example, is suitable for a two-channel analog input slave. 2 Position the selected modules in empty rows in the station window. The slots can be assigned as required. Configuration is only complete, however, when there are no more gaps. The DP ID and I/O addresses are displayed for each module in the station window. AS-Interface system System Manual, 11/2008, 3RK2703-3BB02-1AA1 523 System integration 11.8 DP/AS-i LINK Advanced - integration with GSD Step 3 Action Parameterizing the selected "Word" modules. 3.1 Double-click the line with the selected module in the configuration table. A window is displayed containing the "Properties - DP Slave" dialog, which contains the "Address / ID" and "Parameterization" tabs. 3.2 On this tab, set the start address of the output data or accept the system proposal. Depending on the selected module, the system calculates the end address and reports any errors that occur. 3.3 Set the start address for the input data or accept the system proposal. Depending on the selected module, the system calculates the end address and signals any errors that occur. 3.4 Choose the "Parameterization" tab. 3.5 In the "Device-specific parameters" folder, choose the AS-i address of the selected module via the drop-down list. These AS-i addresses must match the configured AS-i configuration on DP/AS-i LINK Advanced. 524 AS-Interface system System Manual, 11/2008, 3RK2703-3BB02-1AA1 System integration 11.8 DP/AS-i LINK Advanced - integration with GSD Step Action 3.6 If you change any data in the "Hex Parameterization" folder, you need to know how the parameterization telegram is structured. Note EN 50170 or IEC 61158 here. The data for the parameterization telegram is specified in hexadecimal format. 11.8.8 Completing configuration To complete the project and download it to the CPU, carry out the following steps. Step Action 1 Save and compile the configuration in the current project. 2 Download the hardware configuration to the module. 11.8.9 Switching on the AS-i power supply Note Only set addresses on the device when PROFIBUS communication has been interrupted When you make the required settings on DP/AS-i LINK Advanced, you must ensure that no communication is currently taking place with the PROFIBUS DP master. If necessary, switch off the CPU or disconnect the PROFIBUS plug. Switch on the AS-i power supply unit for supplying AS-Interface. Step 1 Action Switch on the voltage for the 30 V AS-i power supply unit. When started for the first time, DP/AS-i LINK Advanced performs a self-test. All LEDs light up for 15 s. AS-Interface system System Manual, 11/2008, 3RK2703-3BB02-1AA1 525 System integration 11.8 DP/AS-i LINK Advanced - integration with GSD 11.8.10 Switching on the optional power supply for DP/AS-i LINK Advanced Switch on the 24 V DC power supply unit to provide an optional power supply for DP/AS-i LINK Advanced. Step 1 11.8.11 Action If you use an optional power supply for DP/AS-i LINK Advanced, switch on the voltage for the additional 24 V DC power supply unit. Setting the PROFIBUS address on DP/AS-i LINK Advanced Set the PROFIBUS address of DP/AS-i LINK Advanced as specified in the configuration directly on the device. Step 1 Action Press the "OK" button. The display for DP/AS-i LINK Advanced switches to the menu view. 2 3 Use the arrow keys to select the menu option "PROFIBUS" and confirm with "OK". Use the arrow keys to select the menu option "DP address" and confirm with "OK". The existing PROFIBUS address is displayed. 4 Use the arrow keys to set the new PROFIBUS address. Use the same PROFIBUS address as in the configuration. 5 11.8.12 Confirm the new PROFIBUS address with "OK". Addressing AS-i slaves Address the AS-i slaves in accordance with the configuration. Step 1 Action If you use DP/AS-i LINK Advanced for assigning addresses, no AS-i slaves with the same address must be connected to an AS-i line. Remove any AS-i slaves with the same address. New AS-i slaves have the address "0". 2 Press the "OK" button. The display for DP/AS-i LINK Advanced switches to the menu view. 3 Use the arrow keys to select the menu option "AS-i" for a single master and confirm with "OK". The menu options "AS-i line 1" and "AS-i line 2" are available for a double master. 4 Use the arrow keys to select the menu option "Change address" and confirm with "OK". The lowest AS-i address found is displayed. 526 5 Use the arrow pointing right to go to the "New" field. 6 Use the arrow keys to choose the new AS-i address in accordance with the configuration. 7 When all the existing AS-i slaves have been addressed, connect the next configured AS-i slave to AS-Interface. AS-Interface system System Manual, 11/2008, 3RK2703-3BB02-1AA1 System integration 11.8 DP/AS-i LINK Advanced - integration with GSD Step Action 8 If you address another AS-i slave on this AS-i line, repeat steps 4 to 7. 9 If you change the AS-i line when using a double master, press "ESC". Repeat steps 3 to 8. 11.8.13 Saving the configuration In "configuration" mode, DP/AS-i LINK Advanced exchanges data with all the connected AS-i slaves. DP/AS-i LINK Advanced instantly recognizes new AS-i slaves, activates them, and includes them in cyclic data exchange (except AS-i slaves with the address "0" or if an AS-i address has been assigned more than once). DP/AS-i LINK Advanced saves the the following AS-i slave data to a non-volatile memory: Addresses ID codes I/O configuration Step 1 Action Press the "OK" button. The display for DP/AS-i LINK Advanced switches to the menu view. 2 Use the arrow keys to select the menu option "AS-i" for a single master and confirm with "OK". 3 Check whether all the connected AS-i slaves have been detected. The menu options "AS-i line 1" and "AS-i line 2" are available for a double master. 3.1 Use the arrow keys to select the menu option "Lifelist" and confirm with "OK". 3.2 Switch the address spaces using the arrow keys. 3.3 End the check with "ESC". 4 Use the arrow keys to select the menu option "Detect -> New" and confirm with "OK". 5 Confirm the prompt with "OK". DP/AS-i LINK Advanced saves the recognized configuration in the internal EEPROM. 6 If you change the AS-i line when using a double master, press "ESC". Repeat steps 2 to 5. AS-Interface system System Manual, 11/2008, 3RK2703-3BB02-1AA1 527 System integration 11.8 DP/AS-i LINK Advanced - integration with GSD 11.8.14 Copying starting data blocks Copy the starting data blocks from the configuration to DP/AS-i LINK Advanced. Step 1 Action Switch on the CPU or connect the device to PROFIBUS. DP/AS-i LINK Advanced receives its starting data blocks from the CPU and switches to "protected" mode. 528 AS-Interface system System Manual, 11/2008, 3RK2703-3BB02-1AA1 System integration 11.9 DP/AS-i F-Link - integration with STEP 7 11.9 DP/AS-i F-Link - integration with STEP 7 11.9.1 Prerequisites Before you use DP/AS-i F-Link, the following additional devices and bus systems must be assembled, wired, and set up in accordance with their application documentation: Failsafe SIMATIC S7-CPU with PROFIBUS DP master and PROFIBUS cable A standard PROFIBUS DP master, however, can be used for non-safe communication with non-safe AS-i slaves. AS-i cable with AS-i power supply and AS-i slaves or ASIsafe slaves PELV power supply unit (24 V DC) for DP/AS-i F-Link PC / PG equipped with the following: - STEP 7, as of version 5.4 with Service Pack 1 - Option package S7 Distributed Safety, as of version 5.4 with Service Pack 1 (for S7-300 / 416 F-CPU). - S7 F configuration pack, as of version 5.5 (e.g. for SINUMERIK 840D) - Object Manager for DP/AS-i F-Link The Object Manager for DP/AS-i F-Link ( can be downloaded free of charge from the Internet. Choose the "Downloads" tab. - PC / PG connected to failsafe CPU 11.9.2 Integration procedure The table below describes a potential procedure for integrating AS-Interface in your system via the AS-i master. Step Procedure 1 Configuring the PROFIBUS DP master system (Page 530) 2 Parameterizing DP/AS-i F-Link as a PROFIBUS DP slave (Page 532) 3 Parameterizing PROFIsafe communication (Page 533) 4 Parameterizing AS-Interface (Page 535) 5 Configuring AS-i slaves (Page 538) 6 Specifying AS-i slaves (Page 540) 7 Paremeterizing ASIsafe slaves (Page 543) 8 Completing configuration (Page 544) 9 Switching on the AS-i power supply (Page 544) 10 Switching on the DP/AS-i F-Link power supply (Page 545) 11 Setting the PROFIsafe address on the DP/AS-i F-Link (Page 545) 12 Setting the PROFIBUS address on DP/AS-i F-Link (Page 546) 13 Addressing AS-i slaves (Page 546) 14 Copying starting data blocks (Page 547) AS-Interface system System Manual, 11/2008, 3RK2703-3BB02-1AA1 529 System integration 11.9 DP/AS-i F-Link - integration with STEP 7 Step 11.9.3 Procedure 15 Teaching in code tables for ASIsafe slaves (Page 547) 16 Information about the user program (Page 548) Configuring the PROFIBUS DP master system Configure DP/AS-i F-Link as a modular PROFIBUS DP slave in HW Config of the PROFIBUS DP master. Step 530 Action 1 Open your STEP 7 project with a failsafe SIMATIC S7-CPU with the PROFIBUS DP master (e.g. CPU 315F-2 DP). 2 Open HW Config for the PROFIBUS DP master. 3 If the DP master system is not yet available on the CPU, you have to create it. To do so, insert the DP master system in slot X2 (DP) of the CPU (e.g. via the "Insert master system" context menu). 4 Select the DP / AS-i F-Link in the "Hardware Catalog" window. Path: PROFIBUS-DP > DP/AS-i > DP/AS-i F-Link > 3RK3141-xCD10 > V1.0 5 Drag & drop the selected DP/AS-i F-Link to the DP master system. The "Properties - PROFIBUS interface..." dialog is displayed. 6 Choose the PROFIBUS address for DP/AS-i F-Link and close the dialog. AS-Interface system System Manual, 11/2008, 3RK2703-3BB02-1AA1 System integration 11.9 DP/AS-i F-Link - integration with STEP 7 Result Figure 11-19 Configuration of DP/AS-i F-Link on the DP master system DP/AS-i F-Link is attached to the DP master system as an icon. A detailed view of DP/AS-i F-Link along with its possible slots and DP IDs is displayed in the lower part of the station window. This is followed by the lines for the AS-i address table, which has yet to be maintained. AS-Interface system System Manual, 11/2008, 3RK2703-3BB02-1AA1 531 System integration 11.9 DP/AS-i F-Link - integration with STEP 7 11.9.4 Parameterizing DP/AS-i F-Link as a PROFIBUS DP slave Parameterize DP/AS-i F-Link as a PROFIBUS DP slave in HW Config of the PROFIBUS DP master. Step Action 1 Double-click the icon for the DP/AS-i F-Link on the DP master system. A window is displayed with the "Properties - DP Slave" dialog, which contains the "General", "Identification", "PROFIsafe", and "F Address" tabs. 2 On the "General" tab, set the properties of DP/AS-i F-Link as a node on the PROFIBUS DP. 2.1 Enter the diagnostics address or use the displayed value. If you enter an invalid address, the system proposes a new one. The PROFIBUS DP master uses the diagnostics address to find out about a failure or return of a PROFIBUS DP slave and starts the OB 86. You can also call up the full diagnosis of the slave under this address with SFC 13 DPNRM_DG and include it in your user program. 2.2 Activate response monitoring so that DP/AS-i F-Link can respond to errors in the PROFIBUS DP master or if bus data traffic is interrupted. If the PROFIBUS DP master does not address DP/AS-i F-Link within the configured monitoring time, the PROFIBUS DP slave switches to safe mode and sets all the outputs to "0". 3 You can also maintain the following optional input fields on the "Identification" tab: * Plant identifier * Location ID * Installation date * Additional information This describes the assignment of DP/AS-i F-Link within the plant as a whole. 532 AS-Interface system System Manual, 11/2008, 3RK2703-3BB02-1AA1 System integration 11.9 DP/AS-i F-Link - integration with STEP 7 11.9.5 Parameterizing PROFIsafe communication Parameterize PROFIsafe communication for DP/AS-i F-Link on the "PROFIsafe" and "F Addresses" tabs. NOTICE Setting for the parameter "F_Par_Version" If the network comprises PROFIBUS DP and PROFINET IO subnets, set "PROFIsafe V2". Step Action 1 Enter the password for the safety program. When you access the PROFIsafe parameters in DP/AS-i F-Link for the first time, STEP 7 prompts you to create a new password. You must enter a password if you want to make any changes to the PROFIsafe settings. The last password entered is valid for one hour. Subsequent password changes can be made in the SIMATIC Manager > menu: "Tools" > "Edit safety program" dialog > "Authorization" pushbutton. 2 On the "PROFIsafe" tab, set the safety-oriented parameters for DP/AS-i F-Link for the PROFIsafe protocol. Change the parameter values by double-clicking the parameter name or by choosing "Change value...". 2.1 Parameter "F_Check_SeqNr": This parameter defines whether the consistency check (CRC calculation) of the failsafe user data telegram takes into account the sequence number. * In PROFIsafe V1 mode, this parameter is set permanently to "No Check". * In PROFIsafe V2 mode, "F_Check_SeqNr" is irrelevant. Note here the setting of the PROFIsafe mode in the parameter "F_Par_Version". 2.2 Parameter "F_SIL": this parameter indicates the safety class of DP/AS-i F-Link and cannot be changed. AS-Interface system System Manual, 11/2008, 3RK2703-3BB02-1AA1 533 System integration 11.9 DP/AS-i F-Link - integration with STEP 7 2.3 Parameter "F_CRC_Length" Set the following for the "F_CRC_Length" parameter: * In PROFIsafe V1 mode: "2 Byte CRC" * In PROFIsafe V2 mode: "3 Byte CRC" (default) 2.4 Parameter "F_Par_Version" The following selection can be made: * "PROFIsafe V1": If the F CPU only supports PROFIsafe V1, choose this setting. * "PROFIsafe V2" (default) Note here the setting of the PROFIsafe mode in the parameter "F_Par_Version". If the network comprises PROFIBUS DP and PROFINET IO subnets, set "PROFIsafe V2". 3 2.5 Parameter "F_Source_Add" The "F_Source_Add" parameter uniquely identifies the PROFIsafe source (PROFIBUS DP Master). The system assigns this parameter automatically. The value range is from 1 to 65534. 2.6 Parameter "F_Dest_Add" The "F_Dest_Add" parameter uniquely identifies the PROFIsafe target (DP/AS-i F-Link). The parameter is unique across the network and stations. The value range for "F_Dest_Add" is from 1 to 9999. This address must match the F-DP (PROFIsafe address) that you set on the device. 2.7 Parameter "F_WD_Time" In the "F_WD_Time" field, you can set the monitoring time for safety-oriented communication between the failsafe CPU and failsafe I/O. DP/AS-i F-Link expects a valid safety message frame from the failsafe CPU within the monitoring time. As a result, DP/AS-i F-Link can safely respond to failures and errors by either keeping the system in safe mode or by switching it to a safe mode. When you choose the monitoring time, make sure that, on the one hand, it is long enough to ensure that telegram delays caused by communication are tolerated while, on the other hand, the system can still respond in good time if an error occurs (e.g. interruption of communication connection). The "F_WD_Time" parameter can be set to anywhere between 10 ms and 10000 ms in 1 ms increments (default: 150 ms). On the "F Addresses" tab, set the I/O address of the safe input data or accept the value displayed. If you enter an invalid address, the system proposes a new one. The safe input data requires 12 bytes of memory space. The end address appears automatically. Depending on the system, the I/O addresses of the safe outputs match the I/O addresses of the safe inputs. The process image of safe outputs has a fixed length of 4 bytes and only contains administrative data, but no user data. 534 AS-Interface system System Manual, 11/2008, 3RK2703-3BB02-1AA1 System integration 11.9 DP/AS-i F-Link - integration with STEP 7 11.9.6 Parameterizing AS-Interface Parameterize the properties and behavior of DP/AS-i F-Link as an AS-i master in the "Properties - DP/AS-i -..." dialog. Step 1 Action In the AS-i address table, double-click the second line with the "DP/AS-i" module. A window is displayed containing the "Properties - DP/AS-i - ..." dialog, which contains "General", "Digital Addresses", "Operating Parameters", and "AS-i Slave Options" tabs. 2 If required, enter the name and a comment for the AS-i line on the "General" tab. 3 To configure the binary I/O address spaces for the AS-i slaves, choose the "Digital Addresses" tab. 3.1 Set the I/O address for the binary input data or accept the displayed value. If you enter an invalid address, the system proposes a new one. Digital input addresses relate to a max. 32 byte memory area in which the binary input values of the AS-i slaves are stored. For the digital output addresses, the same starting value as for the input addresses applies depending on the system. 3.2 If you use the CLASSIC sort type for the I/O addresses (default setting), you can set the "Reserved lengths" value. You can use this parameter to suppress unassigned I/O addresses at the lower end of the table or fix an associated address space for future extensions on AS-Interface. The "Assigned length" shows the amount of memory currently occupied by the AS-i slaves in bytes. 3.3 If the "Process Image" drop-down list contains selection data, this means that the PROFIBUS DP master is a CPU that manages partial process images (e.g. CPU 416F). Choose a partial process image number (PPI no.) or the OB1 process image for cyclic updates. AS-Interface system System Manual, 11/2008, 3RK2703-3BB02-1AA1 535 System integration 11.9 DP/AS-i F-Link - integration with STEP 7 Step Action 3.4 Choose a sort type for the I/O addresses of the AS-i slaves (default: "CLASSIC"). The "Pack" button moves the I/O addresses of the AS-i modules in the AS-i address table in such a way that they require less room in the address space. In addition, the "Reserved length" is optimized. The "CLASSIC sorting" pushbutton sorts the I/O addresses according to AS-i address. The standard / A slaves are at the beginning, followed by the B slaves. The "LINEAR sorting" pushbutton sorts the I/O addresses in ascending order. Standard / A slaves and B slaves with the same AS-i address are combined in one byte (standard / A slave in the low nibble, B slave in the high nibble). 4 On the "Operating Parameters" tab, set the behavior of DP/AS-i F-Link as an AS-i master. 4.1 Activate the alarm enable for diagnostic interrupts (OB82). Diagnostic interrupts are triggered if the following faults occur: * Code sequence error * Group fault (SF) * Internal fault (= device fault) * External fault (e.g. AS-i slave failed) * At least one AS-i slave does not match the target specification. * Voltage on AS-i bus too low (AS-i Power Fail, APF) * Hardware fault (internal watchdog) * EEPROM defective 536 AS-Interface system System Manual, 11/2008, 3RK2703-3BB02-1AA1 System integration 11.9 DP/AS-i F-Link - integration with STEP 7 Step Action 4.2 Choose the options for the behavior of DP/AS-i F-Link when PROFIBUS fails and is then restored. If PROFIBUS fails (BUS fault), DP/AS-i F-Link continues running as the AS-i master. The inputs are interrogated cyclically, but the outputs shut down. When the PROFIBUS is restored, DP/AS-i F-Link is supplied with the start-up parameters again and switches to protected mode. When you activate the "AS-i reset on PROFIBUS return" option, a PROFIBUS restart always resets AS-Interface. The receipt of message frames for parameterization and configuration data from the PROFIBUS DP master causes AS-i message frame traffic to stop completely and then restart. Upon deactivation (default), DP/AS-i F-Link checks the discrepancies between the data in the parameterization and configuration message frame and the actual data when the PROFIBUS restarts. The comparison is used as a basis for the following responses: * If all the data is identical, no reset is performed on AS-Interface. * If certain parameter bits of the AS-i slaves are not identical, just these ones are updated. * If any other discrepancies are identified, a reset is performed on AS-Interface. When you choose the option "Automatic AS-i address assignment" (default), an AS-i slave that has failed can be replaced by a new, identical slave with the address "0" (as-delivered state). DP/AS-i F-Link automatically assigns the new slave the address of the old one. If this option is deactivated, you have to program the address into the new slave when the slave is replaced. AS-Interface system System Manual, 11/2008, 3RK2703-3BB02-1AA1 537 System integration 11.9 DP/AS-i F-Link - integration with STEP 7 11.9.7 Configuring AS-i slaves Configure the AS-i slaves in accordance with the address table. Note Reading the pending actual configuration to the AS-i address table If an online connection has been established, you can read an existing AS-i configuration to the AS-i address table. 1. Skip the integration procedure until you reach Completing configuration (Page 544). 2. Follow the integration procedure until Copying starting data blocks (Page 547). 3. Then copy the current configuration with the command "Download to PG". "AS-i Slave Options" tab in the "Properties - DP/AS-i - ..." dialog. 4. Parameterize the AS-i slaves subsequently in STEP 7. Step 1 Action Click the DP/AS-i F-Link icon on the DP master system. A detailed view of DP/AS-i F-Link is displayed in the lower part of the station window. The first line of the table contains address space information for the safety-related binary signals. The second line contains address information for the binary signals. The "DP/AS-i F-Link" module is followed by the lines for the AS-i address table, which has yet to be maintained. One line for standard / A slaves and one line for B slaves are provided for each AS-i address. 538 AS-Interface system System Manual, 11/2008, 3RK2703-3BB02-1AA1 System integration 11.9 DP/AS-i F-Link - integration with STEP 7 Step 2 Action First enter dummy modules in the lines. You can then specify these later on. The following dummy modules are available: * AS-i F slave modules for ASIsafe slaves * AS-i slave modules for all the other AS-i slaves You have the following options for assigning the AS-i address lines: * Drag and drop an AS-i slave from the hardware catalog Path: PROFIBUS-DP > DP/AS-i > DP/AS-i F-Link > 3RK3141-xCD10 > V1.0 * Select an AS-i slave via the context menu "Insert Object..." Path: V1.0 > AS-i F slave or AS-i slave * Copy and insert via the clipboard. * Move the line content by pressing down the left mouse button. A configured slave changes its AS-i address as a result. 3 Note the following rules for assigning addresses: * The lines containing potential target addresses are highlighted in green. * Standard slaves, ASIsafe slaves, and certain analog slaves use a full AS-i address (A and B address line). * Some AS-i slaves (e.g. CTT5) require the following full addresses, depending on whether the slaves are of type 2, 3, or 4. Make sure that the following addresses remain free. AS-Interface system System Manual, 11/2008, 3RK2703-3BB02-1AA1 539 System integration 11.9 DP/AS-i F-Link - integration with STEP 7 11.9.8 Specifying AS-i slaves Specify the AS-i slaves in the "Properties - AS-i Slave - ..." or "Properties - AS-i F-Slave - ..." dialog. Step Action 1 Double-click an occupied address line in the AS-i address table. * For an AS-i slave module, the window containing the "Properties - AS-i Slave - ..." dialog is displayed. * For an AS-i F slave module, the window containing the "Properties - AS-i F Slave - ..." dialog is displayed. 2 You can specify the AS-i slaves on the "Configuration" tab in one of the following ways: A In the "Module" drop-down list, select a Siemens module via its order number. The IO, ID, and ID2 codes are permanently defined by the properties of the Siemens modules. On the other hand, the ID1 code can be variable on certain modules. 540 AS-Interface system System Manual, 11/2008, 3RK2703-3BB02-1AA1 System integration 11.9 DP/AS-i F-Link - integration with STEP 7 Step Action B Choose a Siemens module from the AS-Interface catalog. To do so, click "Selection...". The following selection options are available for AS-i slaves: * Navigation through the hierarchic folder structure according to module type * Search function using a keyword from the infotext Transfer the module you have selected to the configuration by double-clicking it or selecting it and clicking "Accept". The IO code, ID code and ID2 code are fixed by the properties of the Siemens modules. On the other hand, the ID1 code can be variable on certain modules. C For AS-i slaves that are not available for selection, set the IO and ID codes in accordance with the manufacturer guidelines. If the ID1 code and ID2 code are not specified, choose FH. AS-Interface system System Manual, 11/2008, 3RK2703-3BB02-1AA1 541 System integration 11.9 DP/AS-i F-Link - integration with STEP 7 Step 3 Action Parameterize the AS-i slaves. 3.1 If the selected Siemens modules support special parameter settings, you can select them from a range of drop-down lists. The bit checkboxes cannot be changed separately. Their assignment is predefined by the modules or results from the entries in the adjacent fields. 3.2 If the AS-i slaves are not available for selection, set the parameter bits in accordance with the manufacturer guidelines. With an A/B module, the checkbox for parameter bit 3 is not displayed. 4 If you activate the "Reserve max. address space" checkbox, the system makes the 4-bit input addresses and 4-bit output addresses available for the AS-i slave in the I/O memory. The system displays an input and output address range for digital data exchange. If a digital AS-i slave has not been assigned any inputs or outputs, the corresponding field is empty. 5 If you intend to transfer analog data for an analog AS-i slave via cyclic PROFIBUS DP services, activate the appropriate option. Otherwise, analog data can only be transferred via data blocks. The system proposes an input and output address space. The values can be changed. The system reports incorrect values. 542 6 If required, enter the name and a comment for an AS-i slave on the "General" tab. When you close the dialog, your entries appear in the AS-i address table. 7 If you enter safety-oriented parameters for ASIsafe slaves on the "ASIsafe" tab, continue with the configuration procedure described in the next section "Parameterizing ASIsafe slaves". AS-Interface system System Manual, 11/2008, 3RK2703-3BB02-1AA1 System integration 11.9 DP/AS-i F-Link - integration with STEP 7 11.9.9 Parameterizing ASIsafe slaves Parameterize the safety settings of ASIsafe slaves on the "ASIsafe" tab. Step 1 Action Call up the "ASIsafe" tab in the "Properties - AS-i F-Slave" dialog. The folder structure for the safety parameters is opened. In the "Value" column, variable parameters are highlighted in white. 2 Activate the "Activated" checkbox so that the ASIsafe slave is enabled for signal processing in the safety program. If you do not do this, the ASIsafe slave is deactivated from a safety point of view in DP/AS-i F-Link and none of the other parameters can be edited. It may need to be deactivated, for example, for an ASIsafe slave that is assigned to an additional safety monitor in AS-Interface. 3 To suppress coupled-in interference, you can set a module-wide input delay for an ASIsafe slave. This suppresses burst interference from 0 ms to 150 ms The input delay can be subject to a tolerance value. Refer to the operating instructions of the failsafe modules. A long input delay will suppress longer interference pulses; a short input delay will suppress shorter interference pulses. The default value is 0 ms. The input delay has a cumulative effect on the system response time. 4 Choose one of the following options for evaluating the sensors: * For the "1v1 evaluation", the sensor exists once and is connected on one channel to the first input of the ASIsafe slave. To do so, jumper the second input of the ASIsafe slave. Instead of the jumper, you can also connect a second single-channel sensor to the second input. DP/AS-i F-Link does not forward a resulting ON signal to the PLC until both inputs return ON signals. * For the "2v2 evaluation", both inputs on the ASIsafe slave are occupied by a two-channel sensor or by two one-channel sensors. Functionally, the two single-channel sensors belong together as a pair. AS-Interface system System Manual, 11/2008, 3RK2703-3BB02-1AA1 543 System integration 11.9 DP/AS-i F-Link - integration with STEP 7 Step 5 Action If you have set a 2v2 sensor evaluation, choose a parameter for discrepancy fault suppression. If you use one two-channel or two one-channel sensors that acquire the same physical process variables, the sensors address each other with a delay. This delay results from the sensor arrangement or the limited accuracy. The discrepancy analysis examines the variation over time of two failsafe input signals with the same functionality. The discrepancy analysis starts as soon as the system identifies a discrepancy. The following conditions are available: * No discrepancy error suppression (default) The discrepancy analysis starts as soon as different signals are present on channels 1 and 2. * Discrepancy fault suppression "For 0 signal at channel 1" The discrepancy analysis starts as soon as a 1 signal is present on channel 1 and a 0 signal is present on channel 2. * Discrepancy fault suppression "For 0 signal at channel 2" The discrepancy analysis starts as soon as a 1 signal is present on channel 2 and a 0 signal is present on channel 1. During the module-internal expiration of the parameterized discrepancy time, the value "0" for the affected ASIsafe slaves is made available to the safety program in the F-CPU. If the discrepancy remains even after the parameterizable discrepancy time has elapsed, a discrepancy error is present and a diagnostic interrupt is triggered. 6 If you have set a 2v2 sensor evaluation, enter a parameter for the discrepancy time. When you choose a discrepancy time for a channel pair, make sure that it is long enough for the difference between the two signals to disappear before the discrepancy time has elapsed. The values are within the range 100 ms (default) to 2500 ms with an increment of 10 ms. 11.9.10 Completing configuration To complete the project and download it to the CPU, carry out the following steps. Step Action 1 Save and compile the configuration in the current project. 2 Download the hardware configuration to the module. 3 Note that you must regenerate and download the safety program once you have changed the F parameters. 11.9.11 Switching on the AS-i power supply Switch on the AS-i power supply unit for supplying AS-Interface. Step 1 544 Action Switch on the voltage for the 30 V AS-i power supply unit. AS-Interface system System Manual, 11/2008, 3RK2703-3BB02-1AA1 System integration 11.9 DP/AS-i F-Link - integration with STEP 7 11.9.12 Switching on the DP/AS-i F-Link power supply Note Only set addresses on the device when PROFIBUS communication has been interrupted When you make the required settings on DP/AS-i F-Link, you must ensure that no communication is currently taking place with the PROFIBUS DP master. If necessary, switch off the CPU or disconnect the PROFIBUS plug. Switch on the PELV power supply unit to provide a power supply for DP/AS-i F-Link. Step 1 Action Switch on the voltage for the 24 V power supply unit. When started for the first time, DP/AS-i F-Link performs a self-test. All LEDs light up for 3 s. The two-color LEDs light up yellow. When the system is commissioned for the first time or after the factory settings have been restored, the first line of the display shows "F-DP" and the second line shows "ADR". 11.9.13 Setting the PROFIsafe address on the DP/AS-i F-Link Set the PROFIsafe address of DP/AS-i F-Link as specified in the configuration directly on the device. Step 1 Action Confirm the display "F-DP" / "ADR" with "SET". The display shows the existing PROFIsafe address in the second line. 2 Set the new PROFIsafe address using the combination lock (select with "MODE", continue with "SET"). Use the same PROFIsafe address as in the configuration F_Dest_Add). 3 Confirm with "SET". The first line shows your input. The message "F-OK" appears in the second line. 4 Confirm with "SET". When the system is commissioned for the first time, the first line of the display shows "DP" and the second line shows "ADR". AS-Interface system System Manual, 11/2008, 3RK2703-3BB02-1AA1 545 System integration 11.9 DP/AS-i F-Link - integration with STEP 7 11.9.14 Setting the PROFIBUS address on DP/AS-i F-Link Set the PROFIBUS address of DP/AS-i F-Link as specified in the configuration directly on the device. Step 1 Action Confirm the display "DP" / "ADR" with "SET". The display shows the existing PROFIBUS address in the second line. 2 Set the new PROFIBUS address using the combination lock (select with "MODE", continue with "SET"). Use the same PROFIBUS address as in the configuration. 3 Confirm with "SET". The first line shows "DP" and your input. The message "OK" appears in the second line. 4 Confirm with "SET". The display changes to status mode. A new DP/AS-i F-Link (with factory settings) adopts the PROFIBUS address, again without being switched off and then on again. 11.9.15 Addressing AS-i slaves Address the AS-i slaves in accordance with the configuration. Step Action 1 If you use DP/AS-i F-Link for assigning addresses, no AS-i slaves with the same address must be connected to AS-Interface. Remove any AS-i slaves with the same address. New AS-i slaves have the address "0". 2 Switch to menu mode of the display with the "SET" key. 3 Choose "MODE" to select the menu option "ASI". 4 Confirm twice with "SET". 5 Connect an AS-i slave to AS-Interface. Note the relevant operating instructions. 6 In the following menu, choose the existing AS-i address with the "MODE" button. A new AS-i slave has the address "0". 7 Confirm with "SET". Your selection appears in the first line and in "NEW" appears in the second line. 8 Confirm with "SET". 9 In the following menu, choose the new AS-i address with the "MODE" button. 10 Confirm with "SET". The message "OK" appears in the second line once the address has been successfully changed. 11 Confirm with "SET". The display changes to status mode. 12 546 To address another AS-i slave, repeat steps 2 to 11. AS-Interface system System Manual, 11/2008, 3RK2703-3BB02-1AA1 System integration 11.9 DP/AS-i F-Link - integration with STEP 7 11.9.16 Copying starting data blocks Copy the starting data blocks from the STEP 7 configuration to DP/AS-i F-Link. Step 1 Action Switch on the CPU or connect the device to PROFIBUS. DP/AS-i F-Link receives its starting data blocks from the CPU and switches to "protected" mode. The display shows "RUN". When the system is commissioned for the first time, the display switches to "ASI" / "CT". 11.9.17 Teaching in code tables for ASIsafe slaves Teach in the code sequences of the ASIsafe slaves on DP/AS-i F-Link. Step Action 1 Close all input contacts of the ASIsafe slaves for teaching in the code sequences. 2 Establish an online connection from the PC / PG to DP/AS-i F-Link. 3 Click the "Teach" button on the "AS-i Slave Options" tab in the "Properties - DP/AS-i - ..." dialog. The "Teach in code tables" dialog is displayed. 4 Start teaching in the code sequences of the ASIsafe slaves. To do so, click "Start teaching". A progress bar shows how much time remains. The ratio of the taught-in slaves to the total number of ASIsafe slaves is displayed. During this operation, PROFIsafe communication is quasi passivated. AS-Interface system System Manual, 11/2008, 3RK2703-3BB02-1AA1 547 System integration 11.9 DP/AS-i F-Link - integration with STEP 7 Step 5 Action In the information table, note the status information and switch positions of the ASIsafe slaves. Rectify any errors displayed. 6 Once the teach-in process has been successfully completed, acknowledge the dialog by choosing "End teach-in". The code sequences are stored in DP/AS-i F-Link. PROFIsafe communication is resumed. 7 11.9.18 Once the code sequences have been successfully taught in, reopen all the input contacts of the ASIsafe slaves. Information about the user program When creating the user program, note the following information: DP/AS-i F-Link only starts when the following modules have been created: - OB 82, diagnostic interrupt - OB 85, program execution error - OB 86, rack failure of failure of a station in distributed I/O Call up the safety program with F-CALL from an OB. The benefit of F-CALLs from a time interrupt OB (e.g. OB 35) is that they interrupt cyclic program processing in the OB 1 at fixed intervals. Once the safety program has been processed, the system returns to the standard user program. When programming and commissioning safety technology, note the special regulations regarding the plant acceptance inspection. 548 AS-Interface system System Manual, 11/2008, 3RK2703-3BB02-1AA1 System integration 11.10 DP/AS-i F-Link - integration with GSD 11.10 DP/AS-i F-Link - integration with GSD 11.10.1 Prerequisites Before you use DP/AS-i F-Link, the following additional devices and bus systems must be assembled, wired, and set up in accordance with their application documentation: Failsafe CPU with PROFIBUS DP master and PROFIBUS cable A standard PROFIBUS DP master, however, can be used for non-safe communication with non-safe AS-i slaves. AS-i cable with AS-i power supply and AS-i slaves or ASIsafe slaves PELV power supply unit (24 V DC) for DP/AS-i F-Link PC / PG with the following equipment: - PLC-specific configuration tool (e.g. STEP 7) For configuration with STEP 7, you also require the S7 F Configuration-Pack, as of version 5.5 (e.g. for SINUMERIK 840D) or the Options Pack S7 Distributed Safety, as of version 5.4 with Service Pack 1 (for S7-300 / 416 F-CPU). - GSD file for DP/AS-i F-Link The GSD file for DP/AS-i F-Link ( can be downloaded free of charge from the Internet. Choose the "Downloads" tab. - PC / PG connected to failsafe CPU 11.10.2 Integration procedure The table below describes a potential procedure for integrating AS-Interface in your system via the AS-i master. Step Procedure 1 Configuring the PROFIBUS DP master system (Page 550) 2 Parameterizing DP/AS-i F-Link as a PROFIBUS DP slave (Page 552) 3 Parameterizing AS-Interface (Page 553) 4 Paremeterizing ASIsafe slaves (Page 554) 5 Parameterizing PROFIsafe communication (Page 556) 6 Parameterizing binary AS-i slaves (Page 558) 7 Completing configuration (Page 559) 8 Switching on the AS-i power supply (Page 559) 9 Switching on the DP/AS-i F-Link power supply (Page 560) 10 Setting the PROFIsafe address on the DP/AS-i F-Link (Page 560) 11 Setting the PROFIBUS address on DP/AS-i F-Link (Page 561) 12 Addressing AS-i slaves (Page 561) 13 Saving the configuration (Page 562) 14 Copying starting data blocks (Page 562) AS-Interface system System Manual, 11/2008, 3RK2703-3BB02-1AA1 549 System integration 11.10 DP/AS-i F-Link - integration with GSD Step 15 16 11.10.3 Procedure Teaching in code tables for ASIsafe slaves (Page 563) Information about the user program (Page 563) Configuring the PROFIBUS DP master system Configure DP/AS-i F-Link as a modular PROFIBUS DP slave in HW Config of the PROFIBUS DP master. Step Action 1 Open your STEP 7 project with a failsafe CPU with the PROFIBUS DP master (e.g. CPU 315F-2 DP). 2 Open HW Config for the PROFIBUS DP master. 3 If the DP master system is not yet available on the CPU, you have to create it. To do so, insert the DP master system in slot X2 (DP) of the CPU (e.g. via the "Insert master system" context menu). 4 Select the DP / AS-i F-Link in the "Hardware Catalog" window. Path: PROFIBUS-DP > Other FIELD DEVICES > Gateway > AS-I > DP/AS-i F-Link 5 Drag & drop the selected DP/AS-i F-Link to the DP master system. The "Properties - PROFIBUS Interface..." dialog opens. 550 6 Choose the PROFIBUS address for DP/AS-i F-Link and close the dialog. 7 Drag & drop the module "16/16 byte" or "32/32 byte" to the free slot 5 in the lower part of the station window. * "16/16 Byte" also allows a safety-oriented maximum configuration with 31 ASIsafe slaves. B slaves cannot be used. * "32/32 Byte" allows A/B slaves to be used whose B addresses are set. In this case, the entire binary data interface of DP / AS-i F-Link can be used. * The universal module cannot be used. AS-Interface system System Manual, 11/2008, 3RK2703-3BB02-1AA1 System integration 11.10 DP/AS-i F-Link - integration with GSD Result Figure 11-20 Configuration of DP/AS-i F-Link on the DP master system DP/AS-i F-Link is attached to the DP master system as an icon. A detailed view of DP/AS-i F-Link along with the DP IDs and the occupied slot 5 is displayed in the lower part of the station window. AS-Interface system System Manual, 11/2008, 3RK2703-3BB02-1AA1 551 System integration 11.10 DP/AS-i F-Link - integration with GSD 11.10.4 Parameterizing DP/AS-i F-Link as a PROFIBUS DP slave Parameterize DP/AS-i F-Link as a PROFIBUS DP slave in HW Config of the PROFIBUS DP master. Step 1 Action Double-click the DP/AS-i F-Link icon on the DP master system. A window is displayed containing the "Properties - DP Slave" dialog, which contains the "General" and "Parameterization" tabs. 2 On the "General" tab, set the properties of DP/AS-i F-Link as a node on the PROFIBUS DP. 2.1 Enter the diagnostics address or use the system proposal. If you enter an invalid address, the system proposes a new one. The PROFIBUS DP master uses the diagnostics address to find out about a failure or return of a PROFIBUS DP slave and starts the OB 86. You can also call up the full diagnosis of the slave under this address with SFC 13 DPNRM_DG and include it in your user program. 2.2 Activate response monitoring so that DP/AS-i F-Link can respond to errors in the PROFIBUS DP master or if bus data traffic is interrupted. If the PROFIBUS DP master does not address DP/AS-i F-Link within the configured monitoring time, the PROFIBUS DP slave switches to safe mode and sets all the outputs to "0". 552 AS-Interface system System Manual, 11/2008, 3RK2703-3BB02-1AA1 System integration 11.10 DP/AS-i F-Link - integration with GSD 11.10.5 Parameterizing AS-Interface Parameterize the properties and behavior of DP/AS-i F-Link as a PROFIBUS DP slave and AS-i Master on the "Parameterization" tab. Step Action 1 Call up the "Parameterize" tab in the "Properties - DP-Slave" dialog. 2 In the relevant option box, activate the alarm enable for diagnostic interrupts (OB82). Diagnostic interrupts are triggered if the following faults occur: * Code sequence error * Group fault (SF) * Internal fault (= device fault) * External fault (e.g. AS-i slave failed) * At least one AS-i slave does not match the target specification. * Voltage on AS-i bus too low (AS-i Power Fail, APF) * Hardware fault (internal watchdog) * EEPROM defective The DP/AS-i F-Link firmware does not support or generate any process alarms, even though the parameter can be selected. 3 When you change the operating mode of the PROFIBUS DP master from DPV1 to DPV0, you first have to deactivate the options for the diagnostic and process interrupts. Then choose the operating mode from the "DP alarm mode" drop-down list. AS-Interface system System Manual, 11/2008, 3RK2703-3BB02-1AA1 553 System integration 11.10 DP/AS-i F-Link - integration with GSD Step 4 Action When you activate the "AS-i Reset at PROFIBUS Restore", a PROFIBUS restart always resets AS-Interface. The receipt of telegrams for parameterization and configuration data from the PROFIBUS DP master causes the AS-i telegram traffic to stop completely and then restart. If this option is deactivated (default), DP/AS-i F-Link checks the discrepancies between the data in the parameterization and configuration telegram and the actual data when the PROFIBUS restarts. The comparison is used as a basis for the following responses: * If identical, DP/AS-i F-Link does not reset AS-Interface. * If certain parameter bits of the AS-i slaves are not identical, just these ones are updated. * If any other discrepancies are identified, a reset is performed on the AS-Interface. 5 When the "Automatic AS-i addressing" is active (default), an AS-i slave that has failed can be replaced by a new, identical slave (same IO, ID, ID1, and ID2 code) with the address "0" (on delivery). DP/AS-i F-Link automatically assigns the new slave the address of the old one. 6 Use only the parameters described above to make changes to the parameterization telegram. To prevent any unforeseen events, do not change any values in the "Hex parameterization" folder. 11.10.6 Parameterizing ASIsafe slaves Configure the ASIsafe slaves via: The "Properties - DP Slave" dialog for slot 4 with the designation "F-Link(PROFIsafe)". The AS-i addresses to which certain parameters are assigned. Step 1 Action Double-click line 4 in the configuration table with the description "F-Link(PROFIsafe)". A window is displayed containing the "Properties - DP Slave" dialog, which contains the "Address / ID", "Parameterization" tabs, and "PROFIsafe" tabs. 2 On this tab, set the I/O address of the safe output data or accept the system proposal. The safe output data requires 4 bytes of memory space and only contains administration information, no user data. The system calculates the end address and signals any errors that occur. 554 AS-Interface system System Manual, 11/2008, 3RK2703-3BB02-1AA1 System integration 11.10 DP/AS-i F-Link - integration with GSD Step 3 Action Set the I/O address for the safe input data or accept the system proposal. If the start addresses change, note that the start addresses for safe inputs and outputs must be identical. The safe input data require 12 bytes of memory space. The system calculates the end addresses and signals any errors that occur. 3 Note that the safety-oriented parameters of ASIsafe slaves are defined via their AS-i addresses. This assignment is important for setting the device-specific parameters and for assigning addresses during commissioning. A maximum of 31 ASIsafe slaves can be connected on DP/AS-i F-Link. When configuration is carried out with the GSD file, the functional scope for the safety-oriented evaluation is predefined. * The following applies to all ASIsafe slaves: - Input delay: 0 ms By placing the ASIsafe slave in a specific address range, you decide about the evaluation of the following input signals: * AS-i addresses 1 ... 16 - Encoder evaluation: 1v1 evaluation * AS-i addresses 17 ... 31 - Encoder evaluation: 1v1 evaluation - Type of encoder interconnection: 2-channel (equivalent) - Discrepancy time: 2500 ms - No discrepancy error suppression - Reintegration after discrepancy error: test 0 signal required on both channels Note the explanations about the safety-oriented parameters in the relevant section Paremeterizing ASIsafe slaves (Page 543) of the STEP 7 configuration. 4 Note that you cannot make any changes on the "Parameter Assignment" tab. AS-Interface system System Manual, 11/2008, 3RK2703-3BB02-1AA1 555 System integration 11.10 DP/AS-i F-Link - integration with GSD 11.10.7 Parameterizing PROFIsafe communication Parameterize PROFIsafe communication of DP/AS-i F-Link on the "PROFIsafe" tab. NOTICE Setting for the parameter "F_Par_Version" If the network comprises PROFIBUS DP and PROFINET IO subnets, set "PROFIsafe V2". Step Action 1 Enter the password for the safety program. When you access the PROFIsafe parameters in DP/AS-i F-Link for the first time, STEP 7 prompts you to create a new password. You must enter a password if you want to make any changes to the PROFIsafe settings. The last password entered is valid for one hour. Subsequent password changes can be made in the SIMATIC Manager > menu: "Tools" > "Edit Safety Program" dialog > "Authorization" pushbutton. 2 On the "PROFIsafe" tab, set the safety-oriented parameters for DP/AS-i F-Link for the PROFIsafe protocol. Change the parameter values by double-clicking the parameter name or by choosing "Change value...". 2.1 Parameter "F_Check_SeqNr": This parameter defines whether the consistency check (CRC calculation) of the failsafe user data telegram takes into account the sequence number. * In PROFIsafe V1 mode, this parameter is set permanently to "No Check". * In PROFIsafe V2 mode, "F_Check_SeqNr" is irrelevant. 2.2 Parameter "F_SIL": this "F_SIL" indicates the safety class of DP/AS-i F-Link and cannot be changed. Note here the setting of the PROFIsafe mode in the parameter "F_Par_Version". 556 AS-Interface system System Manual, 11/2008, 3RK2703-3BB02-1AA1 System integration 11.10 DP/AS-i F-Link - integration with GSD 2.3 Parameter "F_CRC_Length" set the following for the "F_CRC_Length" parameter: * In PROFIsafe V1 mode: "2 Byte CRC" * In PROFIsafe V2 mode: "3 Byte CRC" (default) 2.4 Parameter "F_Par_Version" the following selection can be made: * "PROFIsafe V1": If the F CPU only supports PROFIsafe V1, choose this setting. * "PROFIsafe V2" (default) Note here the setting of the PROFIsafe mode in the parameter "F_Par_Version". If the network comprises PROFIBUS DP and PROFINET IO subnets, set "PROFIsafe V2". 2.5 Parameter "F_Source_Add" the "F_Source_Add" parameter uniquely identifies the PROFIsafe source (PROFIBUS DP-Master). The system assigns this parameter automatically. The value range is from 1 to 65534. 2.6 Parameter "F_Dest_Add" the "F_Dest_Add" parameter uniquely identifies the PROFIsafe target (DP/AS-i F-Link). The parameter is unique across the network and stations. The value range for "F_Dest_Add" is from 1 to 9999. This address must match the F DP (PROFIsafe address) that you set on the device. 2.7 Parameter "F_WD_Time": in the "F_WD_Time" field, you can set the monitoring time for safety-oriented communication between the failsafe CPU and failsafe I/O. DP/AS-i F-Link expects a valid safety telegram from the CPU within the monitoring time. As a result, DP/AS-i F-Link can safely respond to failures and errors by either keeping the system in safe mode or by switching it to a safe mode. When you choose the monitoring time, make sure that, on the one hand, it is long enough to ensure that telegram delays caused by communication are tolerated while, on the other hand, the system can still respond in good time if an error occurs (e.g. interruption of communication connection). The "F_WD_Time" parameter can be set to anywhere between 10 ms and 10000 ms in 1 ms increments (default: 150 ms). AS-Interface system System Manual, 11/2008, 3RK2703-3BB02-1AA1 557 System integration 11.10 DP/AS-i F-Link - integration with GSD 11.10.8 Parameterizing binary AS-i slaves Parameterize the AS-i slaves in the "Properties - DP Slave" dialog for slot 5. The parameters must match the configuration of the AS-i slaves, which you can set on DP/AS-i F-Link later on during commissioning. Step 1 Action Double-click line 5 in the configuration table with the selected module (16/16 bytes or 32/32 bytes). A window is displayed containing the "Properties - DP Slave" dialog, which contains the "Address / ID" and "Parameterization" tabs. 2 On this tab, set the I/O address of the binary output data or accept the system proposal. Depending on the selected module, the system calculates the end address and signals any errors that occur. When configuration is carried out using the GSD file, the I/O data of the AS-i slaves are arranged in the CLASSIC sorting. 3 Set the I/O address for the binary input data or accept the system proposal. Depending on the selected module, the system calculates the end address and signals any errors that occur. 558 4 If the "Process Image" drop-down list contains selection data, this means that the PROFIBUS DP master is a CPU that manages partial process images (e.g. CPU 416F). Choose a partial process image number (PPI no.) or the OB1 process image for cyclic updates. 5 Choose the "Parameterization" tab. AS-Interface system System Manual, 11/2008, 3RK2703-3BB02-1AA1 System integration 11.10 DP/AS-i F-Link - integration with GSD Step 6 Action In the "Device-specific parameters" folder, choose the parameter bits of the AS-i slaves from the drop-down lists. For explanations of the individual parameters, consult the AS-i slave manuals. 7 If you make changes in the "Hex Parameterization" folder, you need to know how the parameterization telegram is structured. Note EN 50170 or IEC 61158 here. The data for the parameterization telegram is specified in hexadecimal format. 11.10.9 Completing configuration To complete the project and download it to the CPU, carry out the following steps. Step Action 1 Save and compile the configuration in the current project. 2 Download the hardware configuration to the module. 3 Note that you must regenerate and download the safety program once you have changed the F parameters. 11.10.10 Switching on the AS-i power supply Switch on the AS-i power supply unit for supplying AS-Interface. Step 1 Action Switch on the voltage for the 30 V AS-i power supply unit. AS-Interface system System Manual, 11/2008, 3RK2703-3BB02-1AA1 559 System integration 11.10 DP/AS-i F-Link - integration with GSD 11.10.11 Switching on the DP/AS-i F-Link power supply Note Only set addresses on the device when PROFIBUS communication has been interrupted When you make the required settings on DP/AS-i F-Link, you must ensure that no communication is currently taking place with the PROFIBUS DP master. If necessary, switch off the CPU or disconnect the PROFIBUS plug. Switch on the PELV power supply unit to provide a power supply for DP/AS-i F-Link. Step 1 Action Switch on the voltage for the 24 V power supply unit. When started for the first time, DP/AS-i F-Link performs a self-test. All LEDs light up for 3 s. The two-color LEDs light up yellow. When the system is commissioned for the first time or after the factory settings have been restored, the first line of the display shows "F-DP" and the second line shows "ADR". 11.10.12 Setting the PROFIsafe address on the DP/AS-i F-Link Set the PROFIsafe address of DP/AS-i F-Link as specified in the configuration directly on the device. Step 1 Action Confirm the display "F-DP" / "ADR" with "SET". The display shows the existing PROFIsafe address in the second line. 2 Set the new PROFIsafe address using the combination lock (select with "MODE", continue with "SET"). Use the same PROFIsafe address as in the configuration F_Dest_Add). 3 Confirm with "SET". The first line shows your input. The message "F-OK" appears in the second line. 4 Confirm with "SET". When the system is commissioned for the first time, the first line of the display shows "DP" and the second line shows "ADR". 560 AS-Interface system System Manual, 11/2008, 3RK2703-3BB02-1AA1 System integration 11.10 DP/AS-i F-Link - integration with GSD 11.10.13 Setting the PROFIBUS address on DP/AS-i F-Link Set the PROFIBUS address of DP/AS-i F-Link as specified in the configuration directly on the device. Step 1 Action Confirm the display "DP" / "ADR" with "SET". The display shows the existing PROFIBUS address in the second line. 2 Set the new PROFIBUS address using the combination lock (select with "MODE", continue with "SET"). Use the same PROFIBUS address as in the configuration. 3 Confirm with "SET". The first line shows "DP" and your input. The message "OK" appears in the second line. 4 Confirm with "SET". The display changes to status mode. A new DP/AS-i F-Link (with factory settings) adopts the PROFIBUS address, again without being switched off and then on again. 11.10.14 Addressing AS-i slaves Address the AS-i slaves in accordance with the configuration. Step Action 1 If you use DP/AS-i F-Link for assigning addresses, no AS-i slaves with the same address must be connected to AS-Interface. Remove any AS-i slaves with the same address. New AS-i slaves have the address "0". 2 Switch to menu mode of the display with the "SET" key. 3 Choose "MODE" to select the menu option "ASI". 4 Confirm twice with "SET". 5 Connect an AS-i slave to AS-Interface. Note the relevant operating instructions. 6 In the following menu, choose the existing AS-i address with the "MODE" button. A new AS-i slave has the address "0". 7 Confirm with "SET". Your selection appears in the first line and in "NEW" appears in the second line. 8 Confirm with "SET". 9 In the following menu, choose the new AS-i address with the "MODE" button. 10 Confirm with "SET". The message "OK" appears in the second line once the address has been successfully changed. 11 Confirm with "SET". The display changes to status mode. 12 To address another AS-i slave, repeat steps 2 to 11. AS-Interface system System Manual, 11/2008, 3RK2703-3BB02-1AA1 561 System integration 11.10 DP/AS-i F-Link - integration with GSD 11.10.15 Saving the configuration Save the pending configuration recognized by DP/AS-i F-Link. In "configuration" mode, DP/AS-i F-Link exchanges data with every connected AS-i slave. DP/AS-i F-Link instantly recognizes new AS-i slaves, activates them, and includes them in cyclic data exchange (except AS-i slaves with the address "0" or if an AS-i address has been assigned more than once). DP/AS-i F-Link saves the the following AS-i slave data to a non-volatile memory: Addresses ID codes I/O configuration Step Action 1 Switch to menu mode of the display with the "SET" key. 2 Check whether all the connected AS-i slaves have been detected. 2.1 Use the MODE key to select the menu option "LIST" and confirm with "SET". The message "OKAY" and the AS-i address is displayed for each detected AS-i slave. 2.2 Use the MODE key to scroll through the other AS-i addresses. 2.3 Confirm the "EXIT" menu option by pressing "SET". The display returns to status mode. 3 Switch to menu mode of the display with the "SET" key. 4 If the "MODE" menu option does not appear (e.g. during STEP 7 configuration), you must interrupt PROFIBUS communication. Remove the PROFIBUS connector from DP/AS-i F-Link or set the PROFIBUS DP master to "STOP". 5 Confirm the "MODE" menu option twice with "SET". 6 In the second line, use the "MODE" button to choose the "PSET" menu option. 7 Save the configuration. Confirm "PSET" with "SET". DP/AS-i F-Link switches to "protected mode". The display shows "RUN". When the system is commissioned for the first time, the display switches to "ASI" / "CT". 11.10.16 Copying starting data blocks Copy the starting data blocks from the configuration to DP/AS-i F-Link. Step 1 Action Switch on the CPU or connect the device to PROFIBUS. DP/AS-i F-Link receives its starting data blocks from the CPU and switches to "protected" mode. The display shows "RUN". 562 AS-Interface system System Manual, 11/2008, 3RK2703-3BB02-1AA1 System integration 11.10 DP/AS-i F-Link - integration with GSD 11.10.17 Teaching in code tables for ASIsafe slaves Teach in the code sequences of the ASIsafe slaves via the menu on DP/AS-i F-Link. Step 1 2 Action Close all input contacts of the ASIsafe slaves for teaching in the code sequences. Confirm the display "ASI" / "CT" with "SET". The teach-in process begins. During this operation, PROFIsafe communication is quasi passivated. In the second line, "c" appears on the left with the next highest AS-i address (right justified) of the slave whose code sequence is taught in. 3 4 If slaves with open input contacts still exist, the display shows the associated addresses. Close the contacts. The teach-in process continues. Once the teach-in process is complete, acknowledge the display "OK" with "SET". The display changes to status mode. The code sequences are stored in DP/AS-i F-Link. PROFIsafe communication is resumed. 5 Once the code sequences have been successfully taught in, reopen all the input contacts of the ASIsafe slaves. 11.10.18 Information about the user program When creating the user program, note the following information: DP/AS-i F-Link only starts when the following modules have been created: - OB 82, diagnostic interrupt - OB 85, program execution error - OB 86, rack failure of failure of a station in distributed I/O Call up the safety program with F-CALL from an OB. The benefit of F-CALLs from a time interrupt OB (e.g. OB 35) is that they interrupt cyclic program processing in the OB 1 at fixed intervals. Once the safety program has been processed, the system returns to the standard user program. When programming and commissioning safety technology, note the special regulations regarding the plant acceptance inspection. AS-Interface system System Manual, 11/2008, 3RK2703-3BB02-1AA1 563 System integration 11.11 IE/AS-i LINK PN IO - integration with STEP 7 11.11 IE/AS-i LINK PN IO - integration with STEP 7 11.11.1 Prerequisites Before you use IE/AS-i LINK PN IO, the following additional devices and bus systems must be assembled, wired, and set up in accordance with their application documentation: SIMATIC S7-CPU with PROFINET IO controller and Industrial Ethernet cable AS-i cable with AS-i power supply and AS-i slaves When you use IE/AS-i LINK PN IO as a double master, two independent AS-i networks can be connected. PC / PG with the following equipment: - STEP 7, as of version 5.4 Service Pack 3 - PC / PG connected to CPU IE/AS-i LINK PN IO Version V1.0 is supported as of STEP 7 Version 5.4 Service Pack 2. IE/AS-i LINK PN IO Version V2.0 is supported as of STEP 7 Version 5.4 Service Pack 3. The following descriptions explain how to use IE/AS-i LINK PN IO Version V2.0. An older device can be upgraded to the new firmware free of charge; see Note Power supply for IE/AS-i LINK PN IO The AS-i shaped cable (line 1) supplies IE/AS-i LINK PN IO with voltage. Alternatively, a 24 V DC power supply can be provided via the power supply unit. 11.11.2 Integration procedure The table below describes a potential procedure for integrating AS-Interface in your system via the AS-i master. Step 564 Procedure 1 Configuring the PROFINET IO system (Page 565) 2 Parameterizing the IE/AS-i LINK PN IO as an IO device (Page 567) 3 Parameterizing AS-Interface (Page 569) 4 Configuring AS-i slaves (Page 570) 5 Specifying AS-i slaves (Page 573) 6 Completing configuration (Page 576) 7 Switching on the AS-i power supply (Page 576) 8 Switching on the optional power supply for IE/AS-i LINK PN IO (Page 576) 9 Transferring the device name to IE/AS-i LINK PN IO (Page 576) 10 Addressing AS-i slaves (Page 577) AS-Interface system System Manual, 11/2008, 3RK2703-3BB02-1AA1 System integration 11.11 IE/AS-i LINK PN IO - integration with STEP 7 11.11.3 Configuring the PROFINET IO system Configure IE/AS-i LINK PN IO as a modular IO device in HW Config of the PROFINET IO controller. Step Action 1 Open your STEP 7 project with a SIMATIC S7-CPU with the PROFINET IO controller (e.g. CPU 315-2 PN/DP). Whenever possible, always use the latest firmware version on the CPU and IE/AS-i LINK PN IO to leverage the complete functionality. 2 Open HW Config for the PROFINET IO controller. 3 If the PROFINET IO system is not yet available on the CPU, you have to create it. To do so, insert the PRIFINET IO system in slot X2 (PN-IO) of the CPU (e.g. via the "Insert PROFINET IO system" context menu (right click)). 4 Select the IE/AS-i LINK PN IO in the "Hardware Catalog" window. Path: PROFINET IO > Router > IE/AS-i Link PN IO > 6GK1411-2AB10 > V2.0 (or as double master 6GK1411-2AB20 > V2.0) 5 Drag & drop the selected IE/AS-i LINK PN IO to the PROFINET IO system. Results for single and double master Figure 11-21 Configuration of IE/AS-i LINK PN IO as single master on the PROFINET IO system AS-Interface system System Manual, 11/2008, 3RK2703-3BB02-1AA1 565 System integration 11.11 IE/AS-i LINK PN IO - integration with STEP 7 Figure 11-22 Configuration of IE/AS-i LINK PN IO as double master on the PROFINET IO system IE/AS-i LINK PN IO is attached to the PROFINET IO system as an icon. A detailed view of IE/AS-i LINK PN IO along with its possible slots is displayed in the lower part of the station window. This is followed by the lines for the AS-i address table, which contains dummy modules (AS-i proxy slave). 566 AS-Interface system System Manual, 11/2008, 3RK2703-3BB02-1AA1 System integration 11.11 IE/AS-i LINK PN IO - integration with STEP 7 11.11.4 Parameterizing the IE/AS-i LINK PN IO as an IO device Parameterize IE/AS-i LINK PN IO as an IO device in HW Config of the IO controller. Step 1 Action Parameterize the diagnosis address in the "Properties - IE-ASi-Link" dialog for slot "0". 1.1 Double-click the icon for IE/AS-i LINK PN IO on the IO system. A window is displayed containing the "Properties - IE/AS i Link ..." dialog, which contains the "General", "IO Cycle", and "Diagnostics" tab pages. 1.2 On the "General" tab, set the properties of IE/AS-i LINK PN IO as a node on the IO system. 1.3 Enter a device name of use the system proposal. When it is shipped, an IO device does not have a device name. An IO controller cannot address an IO device until it has been assigned a device name. The IP address is assigned permanently to the device name. Unlike the complex IP addresses, device names are much more user friendly. The process of assigning a name for an individual IO device is similar to that for setting the PROFIBUS address for a PROFIBUS DP slave. 1.4 Choose a device number from the drop-down list or use the system proposal. In addition to the device name, STEP 7 assigns a device number when an IO device is connected. This device number is used to identify an IO device in the user program. Unlike the device number, the device name is not visible in the user program. 1.5 For an isolated Ethernet subnet, use the IP address and subnet mask proposed by STEP 7. If the subnet is part an existing Ethernet company network, ask your network administrator for this data. Open the "Properties - Ethernet Interface IE ASi Link" dialog by choosing "Ethernet..." and enter the network data. 2 Define the properties of the PN IO interface. 2.1 Double-click the line "X1" in the AS-i address table. A window is displayed containing the "Properties - PN-IO" dialog, which contains the "General", "Addresses", and "IO Cycle" tab pages. The name "PN-IO" can be changed on the "General" tab page. AS-Interface system System Manual, 11/2008, 3RK2703-3BB02-1AA1 567 System integration 11.11 IE/AS-i LINK PN IO - integration with STEP 7 Step Action 2.2 Select the "IO Cycle" tab page. 2.3 In the "IO Cycle" tab, choose the updating time for an individual IO device. During the updating time, a PROFINET IO device exchanges its user data with the associated IO controller. STEP 7 automatically calculates updating times from the existing hardware configuration and the resulting cyclic data. The updating time applies to either an entire bus segment of an IO controller or just to one IO device. The shortest possible updating time in a PROFINET system depends on the following factors: * No. of PROFINET IO devices * Volume of configured user data * PROFINET IO communication share (compared with the PROFINET CBA communication share) * Additional cyclic PROFINET services * Properties (performance) of the IO controller If you increase the updating times of individual IO device that supply user data (non-time-critical), shorter updating times can be set for other IO devices. If you change the hardware configuration (e.g. add new IO devices), the updating time may change. A change message appears the next time you open the dialog. 2.4 Configure the response monitoring time. The response monitoring time cannot be set directly but instead as a "No. of accepted updating times with missing IO data". Multiplying the updating time results in the response monitoring time. If the IO controller does not supply the IO device with I/O data within the response monitoring time, the IO device switches to safe mode. Only change the default setting in an emergency (e.g. during the commissioning phase). 568 AS-Interface system System Manual, 11/2008, 3RK2703-3BB02-1AA1 System integration 11.11 IE/AS-i LINK PN IO - integration with STEP 7 11.11.5 Parameterizing AS-Interface Parameterize the properties and behavior of IE/AS-i LINK PN IO as an AS-i master in the "Properties - IE/AS-i ..." dialog. Step 1 Action Double-click the line "[1]" in the AS-i address table. A window is displayed containing the "Properties - IE-ASi-Link-1M" (for single master) or "Properties IE-ASi-Link-2M" (for double master), which contains the "General", "Addresses", and "Pack" tab pages. The following settings relate to IE-AS-i LINK PN IO as a single master or to AS i line 1 of a double master. 2 If required, enter the name and a comment for the AS-i line on the "General" tab. The name for line 1 is identical to the device name of the IE-AS-i LINK (can be set by double-clicking the IE-AS-i LINK PN IO icon on the IO system; see description above). 3 Set the diagnostics address of the line proxy on the "Addresses" tab page. This diagnostics address is used to indicate an incoming/outgoing line-specific diagnostic alarm (e.g. AS-i power failure, ground fault, redundant slave) via the OB82 diagnostics block. The system function block SFB54 "RALRM" can be used to call up additional diagnostic information. This procedure is described in the IE/AS-i LINK PN IO Manual under section 9.2.2 "Diagnostic alarms". 4 On the "Parameters" tab page, set the IE-AS-i LINK PN IO as an AS-i master. In particular, the diagnostic alarms must be enabled so that the OB82 can be called up if an error occurs. When you choose the "Automatic address programming" option (default), an AS-i slave that has failed can be replaced by a new, identical slave with the address "0" (as-delivered condition) and the IE-AS-i LINK PN IO automatically assigns the address of the slave that has failed to the new slave. If this option is deactivated, you have to assign the address manually to the new slave when the slave is replaced. 5 When a double master is used, double-click the line "[2]" in the AS-i address table and repeat steps 1 to 4 for AS-i line 2. AS-Interface system System Manual, 11/2008, 3RK2703-3BB02-1AA1 569 System integration 11.11 IE/AS-i LINK PN IO - integration with STEP 7 11.11.6 Configuring AS-i slaves Configure the AS-i slaves within the address table. Note Reading the actual configuration to the AS-i address table If an online connection has been established, you can read an existing AS-i configuration to the AS-i address table. 1. Skip the integration procedure until you reach Completing configuration (Page 576). 2. Follow the integration procedure until Addressing AS-i slaves (Page 577). 3. Then copy the current configuration for each connected AS-i line with the command "Download to PG". "AS-i Slave Optionss" tab in the "Properties - IE/AS-i ..." dialog. 4. Parameterize the AS-i slaves subsequently in STEP 7. Step 1 Action Click the icon for IE/AS-i LINK PN IO on the IO system. A detailed view of IE-AS i LINK PN IO is displayed in the lower part of the station window. An AS-i slave can be configured for each AS-i address (1A, B, 2A, B, and so on). When you use IE/AS-i LINK PN IO as a double master, the following detailed view is displayed: The number of the AS-i line ("[1]:..." or "[2]:...") is also displayed in square parentheses next to each AS-i address: All the AS-i address lines contain dummy modules (AS-i proxy slave) as standard. 570 AS-Interface system System Manual, 11/2008, 3RK2703-3BB02-1AA1 System integration 11.11 IE/AS-i LINK PN IO - integration with STEP 7 Step 2 Action You have the following options for changing the AS-i address line assignments: * * * * Drag and drop an AS-i slave from the hardware catalog Path: PROFINET IO Gateway IE/AS i Link PN IO 6GK1411 2AB10 V2.0 Select an AS-i slave via the context menu "Insert Object..." Path: PROFINET IO 6GK1411 2AB10 V2.0 AS i Slave Copy and insert via the clipboard. Move the line content by pressing down the left mouse button. This changes the AS-i address of a configured slave. 3 Note the following rules for assigning addresses: * The lines containing potential target addresses are highlighted in green. * Standard slaves and certain analog slaves use a full AS-i address (A and B address line). * Some AS-i slaves (e.g. CTT5) require the following full addresses, depending on whether the slaves are of type 2, 3, or 4. Make sure that the following addresses remain free. AS-Interface system System Manual, 11/2008, 3RK2703-3BB02-1AA1 571 System integration 11.11 IE/AS-i LINK PN IO - integration with STEP 7 Step 4 Action Selecting Dummy Modules A dummy module has the profile ID IO.ID.ID2 = F.F.F / ID1 = F and only exists as a virtual module in HW Config. A physical AS-i module, however, always has a profile ID with IO <> F. The dummy module acts as a proxy for any physical AS-i module and, within the CPU, provides a digital input/output range (1 input byte / 1 output byte) for this module. In this case, the configuration (profile ID) of the physical AS-i module is set via the IE/AS-i LINK display or via Web Based Management (WBM). An actual configuration can also be used as a target configuration. Alternatively, the configuration can be downloaded to the IE/AS-i Link via the data block interface using the PLC program (e.g. by calling "Configure complete configuration" (RecordDataWrite index 86). This means that an AS-i configuration can be changed while the PLC is in operation ("variable AS-i" for systems with more than one configuration option). When a dummy module is used, the configuration that was last saved to the EEPROM of the IE/AS-i Link (regardless of which method was used) is always retained for the physical AS-i module. This is also the case for the parameter settings of the physical module. If no physical AS-i module is configured, the digital input byte only returns zero values; the values in the digital output byte are ignored. If an analog module is configured as a physical AS-i module, the analog data can be exchanged between the PLC program and the analog module via the data block interface (see call "Write AS-i slave analog output data"" (RecordDataWrite index 82) or "Read AS-i slave analog input data"" (RecordDataRead index 83)). The same applies to CTTx module data (combined transaction types CTT 1-5 to AS-i Specification V3.0). If a dummy module in HW-Config is replaced by a different AS-i slave, the configuration (profile ID) of the physical AS-i module must be identical to the configuration of the set AS-i slave module so that data can be exchanged. A blank line in the AS-i address table indicates that a slave is not used in the AS-i address in question. If a physical slave is entered in the EEPROM of the IE/AS-i LINK by calling "Configure complete configuration" (in the AS-i address in the blank line), for example, data still cannot be exchanged because no input/output address space has been defined for this slave. 5 Diagnostics in the event of an AS-i module failure: When a physical AS-i module fails/is recovered, a disconnect/connect alarm (OB83) is triggered. The module that triggered the alarm can be identified by evaluating the local data of the OB83: Variable OB83_MDL_ADDR indicates the I/O address of the module. The AS-i address can be determined from this using the system function SFC 49 "LGC_GADR". Variable OB83_EV_CLASS indicates whether the module has failed/been disconnected (B#16#39) or has been recovered/connected (B#16#38). Variable OB83_FLT_ID also indicates whether the module is correct (actual configuration/profile ID matches the target configuration). 572 AS-Interface system System Manual, 11/2008, 3RK2703-3BB02-1AA1 System integration 11.11 IE/AS-i LINK PN IO - integration with STEP 7 11.11.7 Specifying AS-i slaves Specify the AS-i slaves in the "Properties - AS-i Slave - ..." dialog. Step 1 Action Double-click an occupied address line in the AS-i address table. For an AS-i slave module, the window containing the "Properties - AS-i Slave - ..." dialog is displayed. 2 You can specify the AS-i slaves on the "Configuration" tab in one of the following ways: A In the "Module" drop-down list, select a Siemens module via its order number. The IO, ID, and ID2 codes are permanently defined by the properties of the Siemens modules. On the other hand, the ID1 code can be variable on certain modules. AS-Interface system System Manual, 11/2008, 3RK2703-3BB02-1AA1 573 System integration 11.11 IE/AS-i LINK PN IO - integration with STEP 7 Step Action B Choose a Siemens module from the AS-Interface catalog. To do so, click "Selection...". The following selection options are available for AS-i slaves: * Navigation through the hierarchical folder structure according to module type * Search function using a keyword from the infotext Transfer the module you have selected to the configuration by double-clicking it or selecting it and clicking "Apply". The IO code, ID code and ID2 code are fixed by the properties of the Siemens modules. On the other hand, the ID1 code can be variable on certain modules. C 574 For AS-i slaves that are not available for selection, set the IO and ID codes in accordance with the manufacturer guidelines. If the ID1 code and ID2 code are not specified, choose FH. AS-Interface system System Manual, 11/2008, 3RK2703-3BB02-1AA1 System integration 11.11 IE/AS-i LINK PN IO - integration with STEP 7 Step 3 Action Parameterize the AS-i slaves. 3.1 If the selected Siemens modules support special parameter settings, you can select them from a range of drop-down lists. The bit checkboxes cannot be changed separately. Their assignment is predefined by the modules or results from the entries in the adjacent fields. 3.2 If the AS-i slaves are not available for selection, set the parameter bits in accordance with the manufacturer guidelines. With an A/B module, the checkbox for parameter bit 3 is not displayed. 4 If you activate the "Reserve max. address space" checkbox, the system makes the 4-bit input addresses and 4-bit output addresses available for the AS-i slave in the I/O memory. The system displays an input and output address range for digital data exchange. If a digital AS-i slave has not been assigned any inputs or outputs, the corresponding field is empty. 5 If you intend to transfer analog data for an analog AS-i slave, activate the appropriate option. Otherwise, analog data can only be transferred via data blocks. The system proposes an input and output address space. The values can be changed. The system reports incorrect values. 6 If required, enter the name and a comment for an AS-i slave on the "General" tab. When you close the dialog, your entries appear in the AS-i address table. AS-Interface system System Manual, 11/2008, 3RK2703-3BB02-1AA1 575 System integration 11.11 IE/AS-i LINK PN IO - integration with STEP 7 11.11.8 Completing configuration To complete the project and download it to the CPU, carry out the following steps. Step Action 1 Save and compile the configuration in the current project. 2 Download the hardware configuration to the module. 11.11.9 Switching on the AS-i power supply Switch on the AS-i power supply unit for supplying AS-Interface. Step 1 Action Switch on the voltage for the 30 V AS-i power supply unit. When started for the first time, IE/AS-i Link PN IO performs a self-test. All LEDs light up for 15 s. 11.11.10 Switching on the optional power supply for IE/AS-i LINK PN IO Switch on the 24 V DC power supply unit to provide an optional power supply for IE/AS-i LINK PN IO. Step 1 Action If you use an optional power supply for IE/AS-i LINK PN IO, switch on the voltage for the additional 24 V DC power supply unit. 11.11.11 Transferring the device name to IE/AS-i LINK PN IO Transfer the device name of IE/AS-i LINK PN IO from the configuration to the device. Step Action 1 If the device name set in the device does not match the configuration, the display signals the missing connection to the IO controller and the BF LED starts flashing. 2 In HW Config, open the dialog for transferring the device name. Path: Target System > Ethernet > Assign Device Name... This dialog is only displayed when an online connection to IE/AS-i LINK PN IO has been established via the TCP / IP interface card. 3 Choose IE/AS-i LINK PN IO from the list of connected devices. 4 Choose a device name for IE/AS-i LINK PN IO. 5 Assign the device name to IE/AS-i LINK PN IO. PROFINET communication begins and the BF LED is extinguished. 576 AS-Interface system System Manual, 11/2008, 3RK2703-3BB02-1AA1 System integration 11.11 IE/AS-i LINK PN IO - integration with STEP 7 11.11.12 Addressing AS-i slaves Address the AS-i slaves in accordance with the configuration. Step Action 1 If the addresses of the AS-i slaves do not match the configuration, error message "AS-i Config. Error" is displayed. The CER LED and SF LEDs light up. Confirm the message with "OK". 2 If you use IE/AS-i Link PN IO for assigning addresses, no AS-i slaves with the same address must be connected to an AS-i line. Remove any AS-i slaves with the same address. New AS-i slaves have the address "0". 3 Remove the LAN connector from IE/AS-i Link PN IO. AS-i addresses can only be changed via the device once PROFINET communication has been interrupted. 4 Press the "OK" button. The IE/AS-i Link PN IO display switches to the menu view. 5 Use the arrow keys to select the menu option "AS-i" for a single master and confirm with "OK". The menu options "AS-i line 1" and "AS-i line 2" are available for a double master. 6 Use the arrow keys to select the menu option "Change address" and confirm with "OK". The lowest AS-i address found is displayed. 7 Use the arrow pointing right to go to the field "New". 8 Use the arrow keys to choose the new AS-i address in accordance with the configuration. 9 When all the existing AS-i slaves have been addressed, connect the next configured AS-i slave to AS-Interface. 10 If you address another AS-i slave on this AS-i line, repeat steps 6 to 9. 11 If you change the AS-i line when using a double master, press "ESC". Repeat steps 5 to 10. 12 Reconnect IE/AS-i Link PN IO to the IO controller using the LAN cable. AS-Interface system System Manual, 11/2008, 3RK2703-3BB02-1AA1 577 System integration 11.12 IE/AS-i LINK PN IO - integration with GSD 11.12 IE/AS-i LINK PN IO - integration with GSD 11.12.1 Prerequisites Before you use IE/AS-i LINK PN IO, the following additional devices and bus systems must be assembled, wired, and set up in accordance with their application documentation: CPU with PROFINET IO controller and Industrial Ethernet cable AS-i cable with AS-i power supply and AS-i slaves When you use IE/AS-i LINK PN IO as a double master, two independent AS-i networks can be connected. PC / PG with the following equipment: - SPS-specific configuration tool (e.g. STEP 7) - GSD file for IE/AS-i LINK PN IO The GSD file for IE/AS-i LINK PN IO ( can be downloaded free of charge from the Internet. - PC / PG connected to CPU Note Power supply for IE/AS-i LINK PN IO The AS-i shaped cable (line 1) supplies IE/AS-i LINK PN IO with voltage. Alternatively, a 24 V DC power supply can be provided via the power supply unit. 11.12.2 Integration procedure The table below describes a potential procedure for integrating AS-Interface in your system via the AS-i master. Step 578 Procedure 1 Configuring the PROFINET IO system (Page 579) 2 Parameterizing the IE/AS-i LINK PN IO as an IO device (Page 581) 3 Parameterizing AS-Interface (Page 583) 4 Configuring AS-i slaves (Page 584) 5 Completing configuration (Page 588) 6 Switching on the AS-i power supply (Page 588) 7 Switching on the optional power supply for IE/AS-i LINK PN IO (Page 588) 8 Transferring the device name to IE/AS-i LINK PN IO (Page 588) 9 Addressing AS-i slaves (Page 589) 10 Saving the configuration (Page 589) AS-Interface system System Manual, 11/2008, 3RK2703-3BB02-1AA1 System integration 11.12 IE/AS-i LINK PN IO - integration with GSD 11.12.3 Configuring the PROFINET IO system Configure IE/AS-i LINK PN IO as a modular IO device in HW Config of the PROFINET IO controller. Step Action 1 Open your STEP 7 project with a CPU with the PROFINET IO controller (e.g. CPU 315-2 PN/DP). 2 Open HW Config for the PROFINET IO controller. 3 If the PROFINET IO system is not yet available on the CPU, you have to create it. To do so, insert the PRIFINET IO system in slot X2 (PN-IO) of the CPU (e.g. via the "Insert PROFINET IO system" context menu). 4 Select the IE/AS-i LINK PN IO in the "Hardware Catalog" window. Path: PROFINET IO > Gateway > IE/AS-i LINK PN IO > Single Master > V1.0 (or Double Master > V1.0) 5 Drag & drop the selected IE/AS-i LINK PN IO to the PROFINET IO system. Results for single and double master Figure 11-23 Configuration of IE/AS-i LINK PN IO as single master on the PROFINET IO system AS-Interface system System Manual, 11/2008, 3RK2703-3BB02-1AA1 579 System integration 11.12 IE/AS-i LINK PN IO - integration with GSD Figure 11-24 Configuration of IE/AS-i LINK PN IO as double master on the PROFINET IO system IE/AS-i LINK PN IO is attached to the PROFINET IO system as an icon. A detailed view of IE/AS-i LINK PN IO along with its possible slots is displayed in the lower part of the station window. The slots assigned to the AS-i slaves are already occupied by digital modules. The assignment of the slots is listed in the following table. Slot 0 Meaning PROFINET interface for AS-i line 1 1 ... 31 AS-i addresses 1 ... 31 or 1A ... 31A (AS-i line 1) 33 ... 63 AS-i addresses 1B ... 31B (AS-i line 1) 100 PROFINET interface for AS-i line 2 101 ... 131 AS-i addresses 1 ... 31 or 1A ... 31A (AS-i line 2) 133 ... 163 AS-i addresses 1B ... 31B (AS-i line 2) 580 AS-Interface system System Manual, 11/2008, 3RK2703-3BB02-1AA1 System integration 11.12 IE/AS-i LINK PN IO - integration with GSD 11.12.4 Parameterizing the IE/AS-i LINK PN IO as an IO device Parameterize IE/AS-i LINK PN IO as an IO device in HW Config of the IO controller. Step Action 1 Double-click the icon for IE/AS-i LINK PN IO on the IO system. A window is displayed containing the "Properties - V1.0" dialog, which contains the "General" and "IO Cycle" tabs. 2 On the "General" tab, set the properties of IE/AS-i LINK PN IO as a node on the IO system. 2.1 Enter a device name of use the system proposal. When delivered, an IO device does not have a device name. An IO controller cannot address an IO device until it has been assigned a device name. The IP address is assigned permanently to the device name. Unlike the complex IP addresses, device names are much more user friendly. The process of assigning a name for an individual IO device is similar to that for setting the PROFIBUS address for a PROFIBUS DP slave. 2.2 If you are not using the latest GSD file for the configuration (e.g. you are using one for a predecessor version), change the version. You can select the appropriate version in STEP 7 data management by means of a dialog. 2.3 Choose a device number from the drop-down list or accept the system proposal. In addition to the device name, STEP 7 assigns a device number when an IO device is connected. This device number is used to identify an IO device in the user program. Unlike the device number, the device name is nor visible in the user program. 2.4 For an isolated Ethernet subnet, use the IP address and subnet mask proposed by STEP 7. If the subnet is part an existing Ethernet company network, ask your network administrator for this data. Open the "Properties - Ethernet Interface IE ASi Link" dialog by choosing "Ethernet...". 2.5 If you want to prevent the IO controller from overwriting the IP address in IE/AS-i LINK PN IO, deactivate the corresponding option. You must set the IP address on the device or assign it via a DHCP server, for example. Otherwise, the IO controller downloads the IP address from the configuration to the IO device when it is started. AS-Interface system System Manual, 11/2008, 3RK2703-3BB02-1AA1 581 System integration 11.12 IE/AS-i LINK PN IO - integration with GSD Step 3 Action In the "IO Cycle" tab, choose the updating time for an individual IO device. During the updating time, a PROFINET IO device exchanges its user data with the associated IO controller. STEP 7 automatically calculates updating times from the existing hardware configuration and the resulting cyclic data. The updating time applies to either an entire bus segment of an IO controller or just to one IO device. The shortest possible updating time in a PROFINET system depends on the following factors: * No. of PROFINET IO devices * Volume of configured user data * PROFINET IO communication share (compared with the PROFINET CBA communication share) * Additional cyclic PROFINET services * Properties (performance) of the IO controller If you increase the updating times of individual IO device that supply user data (non-time-critical), shorter updating times can be set for other IO devices. If you change the hardware configuration (e.g. add new IO devices), the updating time may change. A change message appears the next time you open the dialog. 4 Configure the response monitoring time. The response monitoring time cannot be set directly but instead as a "No. of accepted updating times with missing IO data". Multiplying the updating time results in the response monitoring time. If the IO controller does not supply the IO device with I/O data within the response monitoring time, the IO device switches to safe mode. Only change the default setting in an emergency (e.g. during the commissioning phase). 5 Parameterize the diagnosis address in the "Properties - IE-ASi-Link" dialog for slot "0". 5.1 In the AS-i address table, double-click the first line with the "IE-ASi-Link" module. A window is displayed containing the "Properties - IE-ASi-LINK" dialog, which contains the "General", "Addresses", and "Parameters" tab. 582 AS-Interface system System Manual, 11/2008, 3RK2703-3BB02-1AA1 System integration 11.12 IE/AS-i LINK PN IO - integration with GSD Step Action 5.2 On the "Addresses" tab page, enter the diagnostics address or use the system proposal. If you enter an invalid address, the system proposes a new one. The IO controller uses the diagnostics address to find out about the failure or return of an IO device and starts the OB 86. You can also read the diagnosis of the IO device under this address with SFB 52 and include it in your user program. 11.12.5 Parameterizing AS-Interface Parameterize the properties and behavior of IE/AS-i LINK PN IO as an AS-i master in the "Parameters" tab. Step Action 1 Call up the "Parameter" tab in the "Properties - IE-AS-i-LINK" dialog. 2 In the relevant option box, activate the alarm enable for diagnostic interrupts. These alarms trigger channel diagnoses (PROFINET IO format ID 8000H). * Line-specific diagnostic interrupts (e.g. AS-i Power Fail) are signaled via the logical I/O address or diagnosis address of the line proxy module (slot "0" or "100"). * Slave-specific diagnostic interrupts (e.g. slave I/O fault) are signaled via the logical I/O address or diagnosis address of the relevant slot (slot 1 ... 63, 101 ... 163). AS-Interface system System Manual, 11/2008, 3RK2703-3BB02-1AA1 583 System integration 11.12 IE/AS-i LINK PN IO - integration with GSD Step 3 11.12.6 Action When the "Address programming" option is active, an AS-i slave that has failed can be replaced by a new, identical slave (same IO, ID, ID1, and ID2 code) with the address "0" (on delivery). IE/AS-i LINK PN IO automatically assigns the new slave the address of the old one. Configuring AS-i slaves Configure the AS-i slaves via the slot assignment in the station window. The individual configuration of the AS-i slaves has the following benefit: the IO controller transfers the default settings from the configuration to IE/AS-i LINK PN IO every time the device is started. Step 1 584 Action If you require a different memory capacity for an AS-i address, delete the default I/O module. If there are certain AS-i addresses that you do not use, delete the I/O modules (optional). AS-Interface system System Manual, 11/2008, 3RK2703-3BB02-1AA1 System integration 11.12 IE/AS-i LINK PN IO - integration with GSD Step 2 Action For each AS-i slave in the hardware catalog, choose a memory module for the relevant slot. To choose the module, you have the following options: * Drag and drop a module from the hardware catalog. Path: PROFINET IO > Gateway > IE/AS-i LINK PN IO > Einfachmaster > V1.0 * Select a module via the context menu "Insert Object..." Path: Single Master > V1.0 * Copy and insert via the clipboard. * Move the line content by pressing down the left mouse button. The modules that can be selected differ with respect to their memory capacity requirements. * "0 Byte": an additional dummy module for AS-i slaves that require more than one AS-i address. * "1 byte" for AS-i slaves that require up to 1 byte of address space. * "1 word" for AS-i slaves that require up to 2 bytes of address space. * "2 words"/"4 words" for AS-i slaves that require more than 2 bytes of address space. * "DI" / "AI" for AS-i slaves that require an input address space. * "DO" / "AO" for AS-i slaves that require an output address space. Example: the analog module "2 words AI", for example, is suitable for a two-channel analog input slave. AS-Interface system System Manual, 11/2008, 3RK2703-3BB02-1AA1 585 System integration 11.12 IE/AS-i LINK PN IO - integration with GSD Step 3 Action Position the selected modules in the free lines in the configuration table. The default I/O addresses are displayed for each module in the detailed view in the station window. 4 Parameterizing the selected memory modules. 4.1 Double-click the line with the selected module in the configuration table. A window is displayed containing the "Properties - ..." dialog, which contains the "General", "Addresses", and "Parameters" tabs. 4.2 If required, enter a name and a comment for the AS-i slave on the "General" tab. 4.3 On the "Addresses" tab, set the start address of the input data or accept the system proposal. Depending on the selected module, the system calculates the end address and signals any errors that occur. 4.4 Set the start address for the output data or copy the system proposal. Depending on the selected module, the system calculates the end address and signals any errors that occur. 4.5 If the "Process Image" drop-down list contains the entry "- - -", this means that no process image is available for the specified address space. If the CPU allows the address space to be shifted, choose a lower address in the area of the process images. 586 AS-Interface system System Manual, 11/2008, 3RK2703-3BB02-1AA1 System integration 11.12 IE/AS-i LINK PN IO - integration with GSD Step Action 4.6 If the "Process Image" drop-down list contains selection data, this means that the PROFIBUS DP master is a CPU that manages partial process images (e.g. CPU 416). Choose a partial process image number (PPI no.) or the OB1 process image for cyclic updates. 4.7 Choose the IO and ID codes for the AS-i slaves from the drop-down lists. The codes can be found in the manufacturer documentation. If ID1 and ID2 code are not specified, choose FH. If you change the default setting "FH" of a code, the IO controller overwrites the configuration data stored in IE/AS-i LINK PN IO when it starts. Otherwise, the values stored in IE/AS-i LINK PN IO are valid for the configuration. Subsequent setting of the parameter bits is, therefore, irrelevant. 4.8 Choose the parameter bits of the AS-i slaves from the drop-down lists. For explanations of the parameter bits, consult the manufacturer documentation for the AS-i slaves. AS-Interface system System Manual, 11/2008, 3RK2703-3BB02-1AA1 587 System integration 11.12 IE/AS-i LINK PN IO - integration with GSD 11.12.7 Completing configuration To complete the project and download it to the CPU, carry out the following steps. Step Action 1 Save and compile the configuration in the current project. 2 Download the hardware configuration to the module. 11.12.8 Switching on the AS-i power supply Switch on the AS-i power supply unit for supplying AS-Interface. Step 1 Action Switch on the voltage for the 30 V AS-i power supply unit. When started for the first time, IE/AS-i LINK PN IO performs a self-test. All LEDs light up for 15 s. 11.12.9 Switching on the optional power supply for IE/AS-i LINK PN IO Switch on the 24 V DC power supply unit to provide an optional power supply for IE/AS-i LINK PN IO. Step 1 Action If you use an optional power supply for IE/AS-i LINK PN IO, switch on the voltage for the additional 24 V DC power supply unit. 11.12.10 Transferring the device name to IE/AS-i LINK PN IO Transfer the device name of IE/AS-i LINK PN IO from the configuration to the device. Step Action 1 If the device name set in the device does not match the configuration, the display signals the missing connection to the IO controller and the BF LED starts flashing. 2 In HW Config, open the dialog for transferring the device name. Path: Target System > Ethernet > Assign Device Name... This dialog is only displayed when an online connection to IE/AS-i LINK PN IO has been established via the TCP / IP interface card. 3 Choose IE/AS-i LINK PN IO from the list of connected devices. 4 Choose a device name for IE/AS-i LINK PN IO. 5 Assign the device name to IE/AS-i LINK PN IO. PROFINET communication begins and the BF LED is extinguished. 588 AS-Interface system System Manual, 11/2008, 3RK2703-3BB02-1AA1 System integration 11.12 IE/AS-i LINK PN IO - integration with GSD 11.12.11 Addressing AS-i slaves Address the AS-i slaves in accordance with the configuration. Step Action 1 If the addresses of the AS-i slaves do not match the configuration, error message "AS-i Config. Error" is displayed. The CER LED and SF LEDs light up. Confirm the message with "OK". 2 If you use IE/AS-i Link PN IO for assigning addresses, no AS-i slaves with the same address must be connected to an AS-i line. Remove any AS-i slaves with the same address. New AS-i slaves have the address "0". 3 Remove the LAN connector from IE/AS-i Link PN IO. AS-i addresses can only be changed via the device once PROFINET communication has been interrupted. 4 Press the "OK" button. The IE/AS-i Link PN IO display switches to the menu view. 5 Use the arrow keys to select the menu option "AS-i" for a single master and confirm with "OK". The menu options "AS-i line 1" and "AS-i line 2" are available for a double master. 6 Use the arrow keys to select the menu option "Change address" and confirm with "OK". The lowest AS-i address found is displayed. 7 Use the arrow pointing right to go to the "New" field. 8 Use the arrow keys to choose the new AS-i address in accordance with the configuration. 9 When all the existing AS-i slaves have been addressed, connect the next configured AS-i slave to AS-Interface. 10 If you address another AS-i slave on this AS-i line, repeat steps 6 to 9. 11 If you change the AS-i line when using a double master, press "ESC". Repeat steps 5 to 10. 12 Reconnect IE/AS-i Link PN IO to the IO controller using the LAN cable. 11.12.12 Saving the configuration If you do not configure all the AS-i slaves using your development tool, save the configuration of the AS-i slaves in IE/AS-i LINK PN IO. In "configuration" mode, IE/AS-i LINK PN IO exchanges data with all the connected AS-i slaves. IE/AS-i LINK PN IO instantly recognizes new AS-i slaves, activates them, and includes them in cyclic data exchange (except AS-i slaves with the address "0" or if an AS-i address has been assigned more than once). IE/AS-i LINK PN IO saves the the following AS-i slave data to a non-volatile memory: Addresses ID codes I/O configuration AS-Interface system System Manual, 11/2008, 3RK2703-3BB02-1AA1 589 System integration 11.12 IE/AS-i LINK PN IO - integration with GSD Step 1 Action Remove the LAN connector from IE/AS-i LINK PN IO. AS-i configuration on the device (pushbutton configuration) can only be carried out once PROFINET communication has been interrupted. 2 Press the "OK" button. The IE/AS-i LINK PN IO display switches to the menu view. 3 Use the arrow keys to select the menu option "AS-i" for a single master and confirm with "OK". The menu options "AS-i line 1" and "AS-i line 2" are available for a double master. 4 Check whether all the connected AS-i slaves have been detected. 4.1 Use the arrow keys to select the menu option "Lifelist" and confirm with "OK". 4.2 Switch the address spaces using the arrow keys. 4.3 End the check with "ESC". 5 Use the arrow keys to select the menu option "Detect -> New" and confirm with "OK". 6 Confirm the prompt with "OK". IE/AS-i LINK PN IO saves the recognized configuration in the internal EEPROM. 7 590 If you change the AS-i line when using a double master, press "ESC". Repeat steps 3 to 6. AS-Interface system System Manual, 11/2008, 3RK2703-3BB02-1AA1 System diagnosis 12.1 12 Overview of diagnostic options System diagnosis System diagnosis can only be carried out when AS-Interface is integrated in an automation system with a joint database. The main benefit of system diagnoses is that you gain a comprehensive and standardized diagnostic view of the system components: Automatic signaling of system errors Automatic hardware diagnosis Diagnosis of all the system components from any point in the plant Localization of the error source Preparation of the process diagnosis even while the user program is still being created Use of the integrated diagnostic functions for the user program (e.g. for programming plain-text messages or for transfer to HMI (Human Machine Interface)) Diagnostics data can be exchanged in the following ways: Displaying messages in the engineering tool interface Reading diagnostic telegrams from cyclic data exchange (e.g. DP slave diagnosis, system status lists) Reading diagnostic data blocks via acyclic commands Integrating diagnostic blocks in the user program Device-related diagnosis Device-related diagnosis involves local diagnosis or independent remote diagnosis (Web-based management). AS-Interface does not need to be integrated in an automation system for this purpose. Device-related diagnosis offers the following options: Display LEDs on CP and gateways - Status display - AS-i voltage - Bus fault - System error - Configuration error AS-Interface system System Manual, 11/2008, 3RK2703-3BB02-1AA1 591 System diagnosis 12.1 Overview of diagnostic options DP/AS-i F-Link: two-line display for display and operation - Status display - AS-i voltage - Bus fault - System error - Configuration error - Code sequence error - Fault list for AS-i slaves DP/AS-i LINK Advanced and IE/AS-i LINK PN IO: graphic display for user-friendly display and operation - System error - Bus fault - Fault list for AS-i line - Line statistics with error counter - Line status - AS-i slave data with IO test of digital and analog slaves Web-based management; operation of DP/AS-i LINK Advanced and IE/AS-i LINK PN IO via Java Script with an Internet browser - Device diagnosis - Complete diagnosis of the lower-level AS-i network - Detailed status display for each individual AS-i slave - Comprehensive statistics counter - Diagnostic buffer updates the plant history and assigns events chronologically - Complete pre-IO test of digital and analog AS-i slaves - E-mail message sent if a fault occurs AS-Interface analyzer; external diagnostic and test unit - Complements local diagnosis - Quality and functional test on AS-Interface installations - Systematic commissioning and documentation of the plant status via automaticallygenerated test reports - Simple remote diagnosis by sending all settings via e-mail - Detailed plant diagnosis by means of comprehensive view filters and trigger functions with physical inputs and outputs Basic information about device-related diagnostic options is provided in the sections "Master (Page 83)", "Routers (Page 100)", and "Slaves (Page 163)". Detailed information is provided in the relevant device manuals. 592 AS-Interface system System Manual, 11/2008, 3RK2703-3BB02-1AA1 System diagnosis 12.2 Diagnostics with SIMATIC 12.2 Diagnostics with SIMATIC If the diagnostics-capable AS-i master identifies external or internal errors during operation, it triggers a diagnostic interrupt (DAL) on the S7 I/O bus. Note Diagnostic interrupt enable Diagnostic interrupts must be enabled (e.g. on the "Operating Parameters" tab in the STEP 7 dialog of the AS-i master). If the PROFIBUS DP master or IO controller does not support diagnostic interrupts, it sends a status message as a device-related diagnosis instead. In the user program, you can tell that the diagnostic interrupt has been deactivated in OB 82 by the module address in question: * OB82_MDL_ADDR = I/O address of AS-i binary module -> Diagnostic interrupt present. * OB82_MDL_ADDR = diagnostic address of the AS-i master -> Diagnostic interrupt is not available; a status message signals the alarm event. Note No AS-i diagnostic message with insufficient power supply If the power supply for the AS-i master falls below 14 V, no diagnostic messages can be output. The PROFIBUS DP master or IO controller, however, informs the user program that the AS-i master has failed. External alarm events - Configuration errors in protected mode (e.g. missing, incorrect, or unconfigured AS-i slaves) - AS-i power fail in protected mode In configuration mode, diagnostic alarms are not output for external alarm events. Internal alarm events - EEPROM errors The S7-CPU determines the alarm source and reads data block 0 from the AS-i master. It then interrupts the cyclic user program, enters the diagnostic event in the system status list and diagnostic buffer, and then behaves as follows: If organizational block OB 82 is not programmed, the CPU switches to the STOP status. Otherwise, the CPU operating system starts OB 82. The local data area of OB 82 (bytes 8 to 11) contains the logical basic address and 4-byte diagnostics data from data block 0 of the defective module. Additional diagnostics data from other data blocks can be called up via the user program. Once OB 82 has ended, the CPU acknowledges the diagnostic interrupt in the AS-i master and resumes the cyclic program (OB 1) at the point where it was interrupted. AS-Interface system System Manual, 11/2008, 3RK2703-3BB02-1AA1 593 System diagnosis 12.2 Diagnostics with SIMATIC Incoming and outgoing alarm events If an external alarm event results in a fault-free status being set, this is followed by an outgoing diagnostic interrupt. In OB 82, bit "OB82_MDL_DEFECT" = 0. All other alarm events result in an incoming diagnostic interrupt. In OB 82, bit "OB82_MDL_DEFECT" = 1. Internal alarm events are always incoming. Alarm behavior depending on the system status Alarm events do not trigger diagnostic interrupts in the following system statuses: STOP status of the CPU: When the CPU switches to the STOP status, this causes the external and internal alarm events to be deleted. Bit "OB82_MDL_DEFECT" and the error bits in DB 0 are reset. AS-i master in configuration mode: When the AS-i master switches from protected mode to configuration mode, this causes the external alarm events to be deleted. Previous, unacknowledged diagnostic interrupts The error messages remain in the diagnostic buffer, however. When the diagnostic interrupts can be triggered again, a comparison of the current overall configuration in the AS-i master (AS-i slave configuration and internal, alarm-relevant status) and the configuration signaled beforehand by means of a diagnostic interrupt causes the AS-i master to behave as follows: Not equal to: the AS-i master triggers a diagnostic interrupt with the current configuration data. Equal to: the AS-i master does not trigger a new diagnostic interrupt. 594 AS-Interface system System Manual, 11/2008, 3RK2703-3BB02-1AA1 System diagnosis 12.3 Reading the diagnosis with SIMATIC 12.3 Reading the diagnosis with SIMATIC 12.3.1 Diagnostic messages in the STEP 7 interface You can retrieve AS-i diagnostics data by accessing the associated CPU of the AS-i master. Step 1 2 Action Open the online window of the project by choosing "View > Online". Open all the stations. All the configured, programmable modules are displayed. 3 Determine which CPU is displayed with a diagnostics icon that indicates an error or fault. To call up a help page explaining the diagnostics icons, press F1. 4 Select the station that you want to analyze. 5 When you choose "Target System > Diagnostics/Setting> Module Status", a dialog is displayed indicating the CPU module status. 6 Choose "Target System > Diagnostics/Setting > Diagnose Hardware". The "Quick View" window showing the CPU and the defective modules in this station is displayed. The quick view display is defaulted ("Tools > Settings", "View" tab). AS-Interface system System Manual, 11/2008, 3RK2703-3BB02-1AA1 595 System diagnosis 12.3 Reading the diagnosis with SIMATIC Step Action 7 In the quick view, select one of the defective modules. 8 Click "Module Information" to call up the data for this module. The "Module Information..." dialog, which contains the "General" and "DP Slave Diagnostics" and "PN-IO Device Diagnostics", is displayed. When you click "ONLINE" in the quick view, a diagnostic view of the station with all the modules in the slot arrangement is displayed. When you double-click a module, the "Module Information ..." dialog is displayed. 596 AS-Interface system System Manual, 11/2008, 3RK2703-3BB02-1AA1 System diagnosis 12.3 Reading the diagnosis with SIMATIC Step 9 Action Choose the "DP Slave Diagnostics" or " PN-IO Device Diagnostics" tab. The diagnostic message appears in plain text in the corresponding window. 12.3.2 DP slave diagnosis SFC13 "DPNRM_DG" is used to read the current cyclic diagnostics data of a PROFIBUS DP slave in a format defined in accordance with EN 50170 Volume 2, PROFIBUS. The asynchronous read operation can take place across a number of SFC calls. Once it has been successfully transferred, the data that is read is entered in a parameterized target area. The structures of the diagnostic telegrams are described in the following device-specific sections. Step 1 Action Read the diagnostic telegram via SFC13 "DPNRM_DG" within OB82. For parameterization, refer to the STEP 7 documentation. 2 Store the diagnostics data in a data block in the user program. AS-Interface system System Manual, 11/2008, 3RK2703-3BB02-1AA1 597 System diagnosis 12.3 Reading the diagnosis with SIMATIC 12.3.3 System status lists The CPU for the SIMATIC modules saves the current status of the automation system cyclically in the "system status list". The data in the system status list can only be read and not changed. It is a virtual list that is only compiled on request. In addition to the menu options in STEP 7, you can read sub-lists of the system status list by means of SFC51 "RDSYSST". Sub-lists for diagnosing PROFINET IO or PROFIBUS DP systems can be called up when you specify the sub-list number. The following sub-lists can be used for processing AS-i error messages further: System data: system data is fixed or parameterized characteristic data for a CPU. - Alarm error assignment: assignment of alarms/errors to OBs - Alarm status: current status of alarm processing/generation - Status of priority classes: Which OB is being processed? Which priority class has been blocked by means of parameterization? - Operating status and operating status switchover: possible operating statuses, last switchover, current operating status Diagnostic status data in the CPU: this describes the current status of the components monitored by system diagnosis. - Diagnosis nodes: diagnostics-capable modules registered on the CPU - Start event list: start events and priority classes of the OBs - Module status data: status data for all the plugged-in, defective, process-alarm-generating, assigned modules Diagnostics data on modules: apart from the CPU, other diagnostics-capable modules (SMs, CPs, FMs) exist whose diagnostics data is entered in the system status list. - Module diagnosis info: module start address, internal/external errors, channel errors, parameter errors (4 bytes) - Module diagnostics data: all the diagnostics data of a particular module Entries in the diagnostic buffer: the maximum number of entries depends on the S7-CPU. - S7-300-CPUs return max. 10 data blocks - S7-400-CPUs return max. 21 data blocks Step 1 Action You can read sub-lists of the system status list with SFC51 "RDSYSST". For parameterization, refer to the STEP 7 documentation. 598 2 Store the diagnostics data in a data block in the user program. 3 Use SFC52 "WR_USMSG" to forward diagnostics data to other registered system nodes. AS-Interface system System Manual, 11/2008, 3RK2703-3BB02-1AA1 System diagnosis 12.3 Reading the diagnosis with SIMATIC 12.3.4 Diagnostic data blocks The AS-i masters provide diagnostic data blocks on request. The structures of the diagnostic data blocks are described in the following device-specific sections. Step Action 1 Read the data blocks of the AS-i master. The following STEP 7 program blocks are available: * SFC59 "RD_REC" (not for IO devices) This system function has been replaced by SFB52. * SFB52 "RDREC" * SFB54 "RALRM" SFB54 "RALRM" receives an alarm with the associated data from the AS-i master and makes this available with its output parameters. The data in the output parameters contains both the start data for the OB called up and data from the alarm source. Call up SFB 54 within OB82. To parameterize the program blocks, refer to the STEP 7 documentation. 2 12.3.5 Store the diagnostics data in a data block in the user program. Diagnostics blocks for the user program Software blocks, which you can use to access AS-Interface diagnostics data, are available for STEP 7. In a user program, the data can be evaluated, archived, and/or output for displaying errors on an operator panel (e.g. WinCC flexible / ProTool). FC107 "FC_HMICE_ASI" for standard AS-i diagnosis The function FC107 "FC_HMICE_ASI" reads diagnostics data from the AS-i master and returns status data that is forwarded to other program sections. The diagnosis can take place across several AS-i bus systems. The function can also be used for standard AS/i networks independently of a safety monitor. Step Action 1 Enter each configured AS-i Master in the "SO_51_ASIIndex" text list. 2 Call up the function FC107 in the cyclic OB1 for each AS-i master once. 3 For the diagnosis, call up the function FC107 directly in OB82. 4 For parameterization and forwarding data, refer to the documentation for FC107 "FC_HMICE_ASI". AS-Interface system System Manual, 11/2008, 3RK2703-3BB02-1AA1 599 System diagnosis 12.3 Reading the diagnosis with SIMATIC Step 5 Action Note the structure of the interface for the standard AS-i diagnosis. * * * You can choose the appropriate AS-i masters from the drop-down list. Each AS-i master represents a separate bus. The status data of the CP for the selected AS-i master corresponds to the AS-i specification. The address overview of the AS-i slaves displays max. 62 A/B slaves. Various background colors are used to indicate the status of the AS-i slaves: - Green: Available - Yellow: Available but not configured - Red: Faulty - Gray: Not configured FB102 "ASIMON2D" for ASIsafe diagnosis Function block FB102 reads diagnostics data and switching statuses of the logic blocks from one or more AS-i safety monitors via the AS-i bus. As a result, the status data of the ASIsafe diagnosis is available for other program sections. Step 600 Action 1 Enter each configured AS-i safety monitor in the "SO_53_ASIMonitor" text list. 2 Call up function block FB102 in the cyclic OB1 for each AS-i safety monitor once. 3 Copy the diagnostics data to data block DB69 "DB_ASI_DIAGNOSIS" in the DB area DBW154 "DIAGNOSTICS_DATA". 4 For parameterization and forwarding data, refer to the documentation for FB102 "ASIMON2D". AS-Interface system System Manual, 11/2008, 3RK2703-3BB02-1AA1 System diagnosis 12.4 Special features of diagnosis via CP 343-2 and CP 343-2P Step 5 Action Note the structure of the interface for the ASIsafe diagnosis. * * * * 12.4 You can choose the appropriate AS-i safety monitors in the drop-down list. The operating mode and switching status of the max. two safety circuits indicate the status of the safety monitor. An overview field visualizes the status data for the data blocks (32 ... 79) for each circuit in a safety monitor. The different background colors are explained in the key. Special features of diagnosis via CP 343-2 and CP 343-2P The CP 343-2 or CP 343-2P continuously updates a "delta list", which contains all the AS-i slaves that differ from the configuration. Discrepancies occur in the following cases: Missing AS-i slaves Incorrect AS-i slaves AS-i slaves that exist but have yet to be configured The delta list is part of diagnostic data block DR 1. In the event of diagnostic interrupts, it provides detailed troubleshooting information. The content of DR 1 can be read via SFB52 "RDREC" or SFC59 "RD_REC". The content of DR 1 can also be accessed via the SFC51 "RDSYSST" from the system status list. SFC51 is recommended for reading DR 1 (time optimized). AS-Interface system System Manual, 11/2008, 3RK2703-3BB02-1AA1 601 System diagnosis 12.4 Special features of diagnosis via CP 343-2 and CP 343-2P The length of DR 1 is always 16 bytes. Bytes 0 to 3 represent the content of DR 0 as well as the local data bytes 8 to 11 in OB82. The following applies to the individual error bits: 0 : No error 1 : Error Byte Coding 0 Bit 0 Value / meaning Group fault 0 = outgoing alarm 1 = incoming alarm Bit 1 = 1 Internal fault (device fault, e.g. EEPROM defective) Bit 2 = 1 External fault (e.g. AS-i slave failed or APF) Bit 3 = 1 At least one AS-i slave does not match the target specification. Bit 4 = 1 AS-Interface voltage too low (APF) Bit 5...7 = 0 Reserved 1 1CH 2 Bit 0 = 1 At least one AS-i slave does not match the target specification. Fixed value Bit 1 = 0 Reserved Bit 2 = 0 Bit 2 = 1 Normal status CP 343-2P is offline Bit 3 = 1 Hardware fault (internal watchdog) Bit 4...7 = 0 Reserved 3 Bit 0...1 = 0 Reserved Bit 2 = 1 EEPROM defective Bit 3...7 = 0 Reserved 4 60H Fixed value 5 00H Fixed value 6 40H Fixed value 7 Fault on AS-i slave 0 / 0A ... 7 / 7A The error bit in byte 7... 15 is set if: * Configured AS-i slave is either not available or not active on AS-Interface * AS-i slave available on AS-Interface, but not configured Bit 0 = 1 Fault on AS-i slave 0 Bit 1 = 1 Fault on AS-i slave 1 / 1A ... ... Bit 7 = 1 Fault on AS-i slave 7 / 7A 8 Bit 0 ... 7 Fault on AS-i slave 8 / 8A ... 15 / 15A 9 Bit 0 ... 7 Fault on AS-i slave 16 / 16A ... 23 / 23A 10 Bit 0 ... 7 Fault on AS-i slave 24 / 24A ... 31 / 31A 11 Bit 0 ... 7 Fault on AS-i slave 0B ... 7B 12 Bit 0 ... 7 Fault on AS-i slave 8B ... 15B 13 Bit 0 ... 7 Fault on AS-i slave 16B ... 23B 14 Bit 0 ... 7 Fault on AS-i slave 24B ... 31B 15 Bit 0 ... 7 Reserved 602 AS-Interface system System Manual, 11/2008, 3RK2703-3BB02-1AA1 System diagnosis 12.5 Special features of diagnosis via DP/AS-Interface Link 20E 12.5 Special features of diagnosis via DP/AS-Interface Link 20E DP slave diagnosis Read the content of the diagnosis telegram via the SFC13 "DPNRM_DG" within the OB82. The content of the diagnosis telegram can also be accessed via the SFC51 "RDSYSST" from the system status list. The diagnostic telegram is divided into three parts: Telegram constituent Byte Note Header 0 ... 5 Station status 1 ... 3, master address, PNO ID no. Data about the status of the PROFIBUS DP slave ID-related diagnosis 6 ... 8 The ID-related diagnosis indicates for which of the configured address spaces in the transfer memory an entry has been made. Device-related diagnostics 9 ... 28 Error on AS-Interface The following applies to the individual error bits: 0 : No error 1 : Error Byte Coding 0 Bit 0 = 1 Meaning / remedial measures DP/AS-Interface Link 20E cannot be addressed by the PROFIBUS DP master * * * * Is the correct PROFIBUS address set on DP/AS-Interface Link 20E? Is the bus connector connected? RS485 repeater properly set? External auxiliary voltage on DP/AS-Interface Link 20E? Bit 1 = 1 DP/AS-Interface Link 20E is not yet ready to exchange data. Has DP/AS-Interface Link 20E already started? Bit 2 = 1 Incorrect configuration data from PROFIBUS DP master. Configuration not supported by DP/AS-Interface Link 20E. Check the configuration. Bit 3 = 1 Fault on AS-Interface, slave has external diagnostics data. Evaluate the device-related diagnosis. Bit 4 = 1 The required function is not supported by Check the configuration. DP/AS-Interface Link 20E (e.g. DP address changed by the PROFIBUS DP master) Bit 5 = 1 The PROFIBUS DP master cannot interpret the response from DP/AS-Interface Link 20E. Check PROFIBUS DP. Bit 6 = 1 DP/AS-Interface Link 20E has detected an incorrect parameter assignment message (e.g. incorrect length / ID number / parameters) Check the configuration. Bit 7 = 1 DP/AS-Interface Link 20E was parameterized by a different PROFIBUS DP master to the one currently accessing it. The bit is always 1 when the PG or another PROFIBUS DP master accesses DP/AS-Interface Link 20E. The PROFIBUS address of the parameterization master is located in the diagnostics byte "Master address" AS-Interface system System Manual, 11/2008, 3RK2703-3BB02-1AA1 603 System diagnosis 12.5 Special features of diagnosis via DP/AS-Interface Link 20E Byte Coding Meaning / remedial measures 1 Bit 0 = 1 DP/AS-Interface Link 20E must be parameterized again. Bit 1 = 1 Static diagnosis exists. Bit 2 = 1 Reserved Bit 3 = 1 DP/AS-Interface Link 20E watchdog is active. Bit 4 = 0 DP/AS-Interface Link 20E has received the control command "FREEZE". Bit 5 = 0 DP/AS-Interface Link 20E has received the control command "SYNC". Bit 6 = 0 Reserved Bit 7 = 1 DP/AS-Interface Link 20E is deactivated Byte Coding 2 Bit 0...7 Byte Coding 3 00H...7EH FFH Meaning Reserved Meaning PROFIBUS address (0 ... 126) of the PROFIBUS DP master that parameterized DP/AS-Interface Link 20E. Slave is not parameterized by this PROFIBUS DP master Byte Coding Meaning 4 80H 5 98H Byte Coding 6 43H Fixed value 7 00H Fixed value 8 00H Fixed value Byte Coding 9 13H Length of the device-related diagnosis including length specification 10 01H Fixed value 11 04H Fixed value 12 00H Fixed value Manufacturer ID (PNO ID no.) Meaning Value / meaning 13 Module status 1 Bit 0 = 1 Group fault Bit 1 = 1 Internal fault (device fault, e.g. EEPROM defective) Bit 2 = 1 External fault (e.g. AS-i slave failed or APF) Bit 3 = 1 At least one AS-i slave does not match the target specification. Bit 4 = 1 AS-Interface voltage too low (APF) Bit 5...7 = 0 Reserved 14 604 1CH: Fixed value AS-Interface system System Manual, 11/2008, 3RK2703-3BB02-1AA1 System diagnosis 12.5 Special features of diagnosis via DP/AS-Interface Link 20E Byte 15 Coding Value / meaning Module status 2 Bit 0 = 1 At least one AS-i slave does not match the target specification. Bit 1 = 0 Reserved Bit 2 = 0 Bit 2 = 1 Normal status DP/AS-Interface Link 20E is offline Bit 3 = 1 Hardware fault (internal watchdog) Bit 4...7 = 0 Reserved 16 Module status 3 Bit 0...1 = 0 Reserved Bit 2 = 1 EEPROM defective Bit 3...7 = 0 Reserved 17 60H Fixed value 18 00H Fixed value 40H Fixed value 19 20 Fault on AS-i Slave 0 / 0A ... 7 / 7A The fault bit in byte 20... 27 is set if: * Configured AS-i slave is either not available or not active on AS-Interface * AS-i slave available on AS-Interface, but not configured Bit 0 = 1 Fault on AS-i slave 0 Bit 1 = 1 Fault on AS-i slave 1 / 1A ... ... Bit 7 = 1 Fault on AS-i slave 7 / 7A 21 Bit 0 ... 7 Fault on AS-i Slave 8 / 8A ... 15 / 15A 22 Bit 0 ... 7 Fault on AS-i Slave 16 / 16A ... 23 / 23A 23 Bit 0 ... 7 Fault on AS-i Slave 24 / 24A ... 31 / 31A 24 Bit 0 ... 7 Fault on AS-i slave 0B ... 7B 25 Bit 0 ... 7 Fault on AS-i slave 8B ... 15B 26 Bit 0 ... 7 Fault on AS-i slave 16B ... 23B 27 Bit 0 ... 7 Fault on AS-i slave 24B ... 31B Command interface Further diagnostics data can be accessed via the command interface. To do so, use the call Read_data_block (SFC59 or dpc*_read) to authorize AS-i commands. Suitable AS-i commands include "Read_extended_lists_and_flags" (0030H) or "Read_I/O_error_list" (003EH). When a SIMATIC S7 is used as a PROFIBUS DP master, a special function (FC ASI_3422) is available for using the AS-i commands. This function processes the report for AS-i commands independently. AS-Interface system System Manual, 11/2008, 3RK2703-3BB02-1AA1 605 System diagnosis 12.6 Features of diagnosis via DP/AS-i LINK Advanced 12.6 Features of diagnosis via DP/AS-i LINK Advanced DP slave diagnosis Read the content of the diagnosis telegram via the SFC13 "DPNRM_DG" within the OB82. The content of the diagnosis telegram can also be accessed via the SFC51 "RDSYSST" from the system status list. The diagnostic telegram is divided into three parts: Telegram constituent Byte Note Header 0 ... 5 Station status 1 ... 3, master address, PNO ID no. Data about the status of the PROFIBUS DP slave ID-related diagnosis 6 ... 8 The length of the ID-related diagnosis depends on the application of DP/AS-i LINK Advanced. Short ID-related diagnosis (3 bytes), e.g. for: * Configuration with STEP 7 as single master and without analog slaves * Configuration as single master for binary line "ASi-1" with GSD file The ID-related diagnosis indicates for which of the configured address spaces in the transfer memory an entry has been made. (6 ... 22) Device-related diagnostics Long ID-related diagnosis (17 bytes) 9 ... 27 Fault on AS-Interface Assignment with short ID-related diagnosis (23 ... 41) Fault on AS-Interface Assignment with long ID-related diagnosis The following applies to the individual error bits: 0 : No error 1 : Error Byte Coding 0 Bit 0 = 1 Meaning / remedial measures DP/AS-i LINK Advanced cannot be addressed by the PROFIBUS DP master * * * 606 Is the correct PROFIBUS address set on DP/AS-i LINK Advanced? Is the bus connector connected? RS485 repeater properly set? Bit 1 = 1 DP/AS-i LINK Advanced is not yet ready to exchange data. Has DP/AS-i LINK Advanced already started? Bit 2 = 1 Incorrect configuration data from PROFIBUS DP master. Configuration not supported by DP/AS-i LINK Advanced. Check the configuration. Bit 3 = 1 Fault on AS-Interface, slave has external diagnostics data. Evaluate the device-related diagnosis. Bit 4 = 1 The required function is not supported by Check the configuration. DP/AS-i LINK Advanced (e.g. DP address changed by the PROFIBUS DP master) Bit 5 = 1 The PROFIBUS DP master cannot interpret the response from DP/AS-i LINK Advanced. Check PROFIBUS DP. AS-Interface system System Manual, 11/2008, 3RK2703-3BB02-1AA1 System diagnosis 12.6 Features of diagnosis via DP/AS-i LINK Advanced Byte Coding Meaning / remedial measures Bit 6 = 1 DP/AS-i LINK Advanced has detected an incorrect parameterization telegram (e.g. incorrect length / ID number / parameters) Check the configuration. Bit 7 = 1 DP/AS-i LINK Advanced was parameterized by a The bit is always 1 when the PG or another different PROFIBUS DP master to the one PROFIBUS DP master accesses currently accessing it. DP/AS-i LINK Advanced. The PROFIBUS address of the parameterization master is located in the diagnostics byte "Master address" Byte Coding 1 Bit 0 = 1 DP/AS-i LINK Advanced must be parameterized again. Meaning / remedial measures Bit 1 = 1 Static diagnosis exists. Bit 2 = 1 Reserved Bit 3 = 1 DP/AS-i LINK Advanced response monitoring is active. Bit 4 = 0 DP/AS-i LINK Advanced has received the control command "FREEZE". Bit 5 = 0 DP/AS-i LINK Advanced has received the control command "SYNC". Bit 6 = 0 Reserved Bit 7 = 1 DP/AS-i LINK Advanced is deactivated. Byte Coding 2 Bits 0...7 Byte Coding 3 00H...7EH FFH Meaning Reserved Meaning PROFIBUS address (0 ... 126) of the PROFIBUS DP master that parameterized DP/AS-i LINK Advanced. Slave is not parameterized by this PROFIBUS DP master Byte Coding 4 80H 5 98H Byte Coding 6 43H Fixed value for short ID-related diagnosis 51H Fixed value for long ID-related diagnosis XXH Each bit addresses a slot (0: slot OK, 1: slot not OK) * Byte 7, bit 0: Irrelevant * Byte 7, bit 1: AS-i line 1 (always with STEP 7 configuration, slot 1 recommended for GSD configuration) * Byte 7, bit 2: AS-i line 2 (always with STEP 7 configuration, slot 2 recommended for GSD configuration when used as double master) 7 8 (9...22) Meaning Manufacturer ID (PNO ID no.) Meaning Byte 9 ... 22 only for long ID-related diagnosis AS-Interface system System Manual, 11/2008, 3RK2703-3BB02-1AA1 607 System diagnosis 12.6 Features of diagnosis via DP/AS-i LINK Advanced Byte Coding 9 (23) 13H Length of the device-related diagnosis including length specification 10 (24) 01H Diagnostic interrupt 81H Status message 11 (25) XXH Alarm from slot XXH. AS-i line faults are signaled via the associated binary module. 12 (26) 00H Fixed value Bit 0 = 1 Group fault Bit 1 = 1 Internal fault (device fault, e.g. EEPROM defective) Bit 2 = 1 External fault (e.g. AS-i slave failed or APF) Bit 3 = 1 At least one AS-i slave does not match the target specification. Bit 4 = 1 AS-Interface voltage too low (APF) or ground fault 13 (27) Value / meaning Module status 1 Bit 5...7 = 0 Reserved 14 (28) 15 (29) 1CH: Fixed value Module status 2 Bit 0 = 1 At least one AS-i slave does not match the target specification. Bit 1 = 0 Reserved Bit 2 = 0 Bit 2 = 1 Normal status DP/AS-i LINK Advanced is offline Bit 3 = 1 Hardware fault (internal watchdog) Bit 4...7 = 0 Reserved 16 (30) Module status 3 Bit 0...1 = 0 Reserved Bit 2 = 1 EEPROM defective Bit 3...7 = 0 Reserved 17 (31) 60H Fixed value 18 (32) 00H Fixed value 19 (33) 40H Fixed value 20 (34) Fault on AS-i Slave 0 / 0A ... 7 / 7A The fault bit in byte 20... 27 (34 ... 41) is set if: * Configured AS-i slave is either not available or not active on AS-Interface * AS-i slave available on AS-Interface, but not configured Bit 0 = 1 Fault on AS-i slave 0 Bit 1 = 1 Fault on AS-i slave 1 / 1A ... 21 (35) 608 ... Bit 7 = 1 Fault on AS-i slave 7 / 7A Bit 0 ... 7 Fault on AS-i Slave 8 / 8A ... 15 / 15A AS-Interface system System Manual, 11/2008, 3RK2703-3BB02-1AA1 System diagnosis 12.7 Special features of diagnosis via DP/AS-i F-Link Byte Coding Value / meaning 22 (36) Bit 0 ... 7 Fault on AS-i Slave 16 / 16A ... 23 / 23A 23 (37) Bit 0 ... 7 Fault on AS-i Slave 24 / 24A ... 31 / 31A 24 (38) Bit 0 ... 7 Fault on AS-i slave 0B ... 7B 25 (39) Bit 0 ... 7 Fault on AS-i slave 8B ... 15B 26 (40) Bit 0 ... 7 Fault on AS-i slave 16B ... 23B 27 (41) Bit 0 ... 7 Fault on AS-i slave 24B ... 31B Command interface Further diagnostics data can be accessed via the command interface. To do so, use the call Read_data_block (SFC59 or dpc*_read) to authorize the AS-i commands. Suitable AS-i commands include "Read_extended_lists_and_flags" (0030H) or "Read_AS-i_line_error_counter" (004AH). When SIMATIC S7 is used as a PROFIBUS DP master, a special function (FC ASI_3422) is available for using the AS-i commands. This function processes the report for AS-i commands independently. 12.7 Special features of diagnosis via DP/AS-i F-Link DP slave diagnosis Read the content of the diagnosis telegram via the SFC13 "DPNRM_DG" within the OB 82. The content of the diagnosis telegram can also be accessed via the SFC51 "RDSYSST" from the system status list. The diagnostic telegram is divided into three parts: Telegram constituent Byte Note Header 0 ... 5 Station status 1 ... 3, master address, PNO ID no. Data about the status of the PROFIBUS DP slave ID-related diagnosis 6 ... 8 The ID-related diagnosis indicates for which of the configured address spaces in the transfer memory an entry has been made. Device-related diagnostics 9 ... 28 Error on AS-Interface The following applies to the individual error bits: 0 : No error 1 : Error AS-Interface system System Manual, 11/2008, 3RK2703-3BB02-1AA1 609 System diagnosis 12.7 Special features of diagnosis via DP/AS-i F-Link Byte Coding 0 Bit 0 = 1 Meaning / remedial measures DP/AS-i F-Link cannot be addressed by the PROFIBUS DP master * * * Bit 1 = 1 DP/AS-i F-Link is not yet ready to exchange data. Has DP/AS-i F-Link already started? Bit 2 = 1 Incorrect configuration data from PROFIBUS DP master. Configuration not supported by DP/AS-i LINK Advanced. Check the configuration. Bit 3 = 1 Fault on AS-Interface, slave has external diagnostics data. Evaluate the device-related diagnosis. Bit 4 = 1 Required function not supported by DP/AS-i F-Link. Check the configuration. Bit 5 = 1 The PROFIBUS DP master cannot interpret the response from DP/AS-i F-Link. Check PROFIBUS DP. Bit 6 = 1 DP/AS-i F-Link has detected an incorrect Check the configuration. parameterization telegram (e.g. incorrect length / ID number / parameters) Bit 7 = 1 DP/AS-i F-Link was parameterized by a different PROFIBUS DP master to the one currently accessing it. Byte Coding 1 Bit 0 = 1 DP/AS-i F-Link must be parameterized again. Bit 1 = 1 Static diagnosis exists. Bit 2 = 1 Reserved Bit 3 = 1 DP/AS-i F-Link response monitoring is active. Bit 4 = 0 Reserved Bit 5 = 0 Reserved Bit 6 = 0 Reserved Bit 7 = 1 DP/AS-i F-Link is deactivated. Byte Coding 2 Bits 0...7 Byte Coding 3 00H...7EH FFH Byte Coding 4 81H 5 4EH 610 Is the correct PROFIBUS address set on DP/AS-i F-Link? Is the bus connector connected? RS485 repeater properly set? The bit is always 1 when the PG or another PROFIBUS DP master accesses DP/AS-i F-Link. The PROFIBUS address of the parameterization master is located in the diagnostics byte "Master address" Meaning / remedial measures Meaning Reserved Meaning PROFIBUS address (0 ... 126) of the PROFIBUS DP master that parameterized DP/AS-i F-Link. Slave is not parameterized by this PROFIBUS DP master Meaning Manufacturer ID (PNO ID no.) AS-Interface system System Manual, 11/2008, 3RK2703-3BB02-1AA1 System diagnosis 12.7 Special features of diagnosis via DP/AS-i F-Link Byte Coding 6 43H Meaning Fixed value 7 Bit structure of the slot number Bit 0 = 1 Group error bit Bit 1 = 0 Fixed value Bit 2 = 0 Fixed value Bit 3 = 0 Fixed value Bit 4 = 1 Diagnosis slot F-link (PROFIsafe) Bit 5 = 1 Diagnosis slot DP/AS-i (16/16 Byte or 32/32 Byte) Bit 6 = 0 Fixed value Bit 7 = 0 Fixed value 8 00H Fixed value Byte Coding Value / meaning 9 14H Length of the device-related diagnosis including length specification 10 01H Diagnostic interrupt 11 03H Interrupt from slot F link (PROFIsafe) 04H Interrupt from slot DP/AS-i 12 Specifier Bit 0 ... 1 Interrupt specifier 00 = No further information 01 = Incoming fault on slot 10 = Outgoing fault slot, no fault 11 = Outgoing fault slot, not yet fault-free 13 Module status 1 Bit 0 = 1 Group fault Bit 1 = 1 Internal fault (device fault, e.g. EEPROM defective) Bit 2 = 1 External fault (e.g. AS-i slave failed or APF) Bit 3 = 1 At least one AS-i slave does not match the target specification. Bit 4 = 1 AS-Interface voltage too low (APF) Bit 5...7 = 0 Reserved 14 1CH: Fixed value 15 Module status 2 Bit 0 = 1 At least one AS-i slave does not match the target specification. Bit 1 = 0 Reserved Bit 2 = 0 Bit 2 = 1 Normal status DP/AS-i F-Link is offline Bit 3 = 1 Hardware fault (internal watchdog) Bit 4...7 = 0 Reserved 16 Module status 3 Bit 0...1 = 0 Reserved Bit 2 = 1 EEPROM defective Bit 3...7 = 0 Reserved 17 7FH Fixed value AS-Interface system System Manual, 11/2008, 3RK2703-3BB02-1AA1 611 System diagnosis 12.7 Special features of diagnosis via DP/AS-i F-Link Byte Coding 18 40H Fixed value 19 01H Fixed value 01H Fixed value 20 21 Value / meaning Fault on AS-i Slave 0 / 0A ... 7 / 7A The fault bit in byte 21... 28 is set if: * Configured AS-i slave is either not available or not active on AS-Interface * AS-i slave available on AS-Interface, but not configured Bit 0 = 1 Fault on AS-i slave 0 Bit 1 = 1 Fault on AS-i slave 1 / 1A ... ... Bit 7 = 1 Fault on AS-i slave 7 / 7A 22 Bit 0 ... 7 Fault on AS-i Slave 8 / 8A ... 15 / 15A 23 Bit 0 ... 7 Fault on AS-i Slave 16 / 16A ... 23 / 23A 24 Bit 0 ... 7 Fault on AS-i Slave 24 / 24A ... 31 / 31A 25 Bit 0 ... 7 Fault on AS-i slave 0B ... 7B 26 Bit 0 ... 7 Fault on AS-i slave 8B ... 15B 27 Bit 0 ... 7 Fault on AS-i slave 16B ... 23B 28 Bit 0 ... 7 Fault on AS-i slave 24B ... 31B Diagnostic data block (DB 92) In the event of diagnostic interrupts, data block 92 provides more detailed information for troubleshooting. The content of DB 92 can be read via SFB52 "RDREC" or SFC59 "RD_REC". Other data blocks (e.g. data record 150 - binary image of I/O data) are described in the documentation for DP/AS-i F-Link. When SIMATIC NET programming interface is used, the block "dpc*_read" corresponds to SFC59. Byte Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0 Meaning 0 Reserved 1 Reserved 2 Reserved 3 Reserved 4 Reserved Reserved 0 = Teach-in of code sequences not required 1 = Teach-in required 00 = No code sequences taught in 01 = Code sequences taught in 10 = Code sequences taught in and others available for teaching in 11 = All code sequences taught in 5 Reserved 6 Reserved 7 Reserved 612 0 = Master not in protected mode 1 = Master in protected mode 0 = Master offline 1 = Master online 0= Teaching in not active 1= Teaching in active AS-Interface system System Manual, 11/2008, 3RK2703-3BB02-1AA1 System diagnosis 12.7 Special features of diagnosis via DP/AS-i F-Link Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 8 Slave 1 / 1A diagnostics byte 1 9 Slave 1 / 1A diagnostics byte 2 10 Slave 2 / 2A diagnostics byte 1 11 Slave 2 / 2A diagnostics byte 2 ... ... 68 Slave 31 / 31A diagnostics byte 1 69 Slave 31 / 31A diagnostics byte 2 70 Reserved 71 Reserved 72 Slave 1B diagnostics byte 1 73 Slave 1B diagnostics byte 2 ... ... 132 Slave 31B diagnostics byte 1 133 Slave 31B diagnostics byte 2 134 Flag 1 135 Flag 2 Bit Diagnostics byte 1 1 = I/O fault 1 = F-DI 1 closed 1 1 = Slave active 1 = F-DI 2 closed 2 1 = Slave is F slave 1 = Discrepancy violation 3 1 = Code sequence error during operation 1 = Power-up condition not met 4 1 = Error in code sequence during teach-in 1 = target <> actual 5 1 = Code sequence not unique Reserved 6 1 = No code sequence taught in Reserved Bit Reserved Meaning OFFLINE_READY Bit 1 Bit 0 Diagnostics byte 2 0 7 0 Bit 2 Reserved Description The flag is set if the offline phase is active. 1 APF The flag is set if the voltage on the AS-i cable is too low. 2 NORMAL_MODE The flag is set when DP/AS-i F-Link is in normal mode. 3 OPERATING MODE The flag is set in configuration mode and reset in protected mode. 4 AUTO_ADDR_AVAIL The flag is set when automatic address programming can be carried out (i.e. exactly one AS-i slave has currently failed). 5 AUTO_ADDR_ASSIGN The flag is set when automatic address programming is possible (i.e. AUTO_ADDR_ENABLE = 1 and no "incorrect" AS-i slave is connected to AS-Interface). 6 LDS_0 The flag is set if an AS-i slave with operating address "0" is available. 7 CONFIG_OK The flag is set when the planned configuration and the actual configuration match. AS-Interface system System Manual, 11/2008, 3RK2703-3BB02-1AA1 613 System diagnosis 12.8 Special features of diagnosis via IE/AS-i LINK PN IO Bit Meaning Description 0 OFFLINE The flag is set if the operating status "OFFLINE" is to be adopted or has already been adopted. 1 INTERNAL The flag is always set. 2 EEPROM_OK The flag is set if the test of the internal EEPROM was successful. 3 AUTO_ADDR_ENABLE The flag indicates whether automatic address programming by the user is disabled (BIT = 0) or enabled (BIT = 1). 4 PERIPHERY_FAULT The flag is set if at least one AS-i slave signals an I/O fault. 5 Reserved 6 Reserved 7 MPO startup The flag "Master_Power_on-startup" is set after the supply voltage of the AS-i slave master has been switched on. The bit is reset when the master changes later to OFFLINE. Command interface Further diagnostics data can be accessed via the command interface. To do so, use the call Read_data_block (SFC59 or dpc*_read) to authorize the AS-i commands. Suitable AS-i commands include "Read_extended_lists_and_flags" (0030H) or "AS-i_status/diag_of_F_slaves" (0051H). When SIMATIC S7 is used as a PROFIBUS DP master, a special function (FC ASI_3422) is available for using the AS-i commands. This function processes the report for AS-i commands independently. 12.8 Special features of diagnosis via IE/AS-i LINK PN IO PROFINET IO uses a manufacturer-independent data block structure with diagnostics data. Diagnostic interrupts trigger channel diagnoses (PROFINET IO format ID 8000H) for defective channels only. STEP 7 allows channel diagnoses for all sub-modules of PROFINET IO devices to be read. AS-i slave-specific diagnostic interrupts (e.g. I/O errors) are assigned to the logical I/O address or diagnosis address of the relevant slot (1 ... 63, 101 ... 163). Line-specific diagnostic interrupts (e.g. AS-i Power Fail) are assigned to the logical I/O address or diagnosis address of the line proxy module (slot 0 or 100). Evaluating the diagnostics data with SFB54 With SIMATIC S7, detailed diagnostics data can be accessed with SFB54 "RALRM" via the block parameter "AINFO". The alarm structure is provided in the documentation or help for SFB54. The specific meanings of the fault types (AINFO, bytes 32 ... 33) for IE/AS-i LINK PN IO are described in the following table. 614 AS-Interface system System Manual, 11/2008, 3RK2703-3BB02-1AA1 System diagnosis 12.8 Special features of diagnosis via IE/AS-i LINK PN IO Fault type Fault description Slot Channel number Cause 0010H Redundant slave Line proxy (slot 0 / 100) AS-i address of redundant slave: 0...31, 33...63 An AS-i slave that has not been configured has been detected. 8000H (complete line) AS-i master detects Power Fail (e.g. wire breakage) Line proxy (slot 0 / 100) Fault with a configured (entered in LPS) AS-i slave for which no I/O module was positioned in HW Config. 0011H Fault with the power supply 001AH External fault (I/O error) 0...63 or 100...163 8000H (complete line) The AS-i slave signals a fault on the slave I/O. 0180H Ground fault 8000H (complete line) AS-i master detects ground fault on AS-i line. Line proxy (slot 0 / 100) Data block interface Further diagnostics data can be accessed via the data block interface. To do so, use the call Read_data_block (SFB52) to authorize AS-i commands. Suitable AS-i commands include "Read_lists_and_flags" (0054H) or "Read_AS-i_line_error_counter" (0060H). When an IO-Base programming interface is used, the block "pnio_rec_read_rec()" corresponds to SFB52 . Special diagnostics Even if the "Diagnostics" tab with the "Special Diagnostics" button for IE/AS-i LINK PN IO is displayed in your STEP 7 version, this selection has no function. AS-Interface system System Manual, 11/2008, 3RK2703-3BB02-1AA1 615 System diagnosis 12.8 Special features of diagnosis via IE/AS-i LINK PN IO 616 AS-Interface system System Manual, 11/2008, 3RK2703-3BB02-1AA1 Planning and configuration 13.1 13 Checklist for beginners This checklist aims to make it easier for you to use AS-Interface. 1. How many inputs and outputs are required? The number of inputs and outputs determines how many AS-Interface networks are required. 2. How much power do the I/Os require? The total power requirements of the required modules determine which AS-Interface power supply unit is selected. Since power supply units cannot be connected in parallel, a power supply unit dimensioned in line with the power requirements must be used. 3. Are any special cables required? Both flat and round cables can be used. External influences determine whether rubber, TPE, or PUR cables are required. Repeaters or extenders must always be used when cable lengths exceed 100 m. 4. Have the addresses been correctly assigned? For reasons of clarity, an overview must be created that clearly shows which addresses are assigned to which slaves. Duplicate addresses, for example, may not be recognized as errors by the master. 5. Which modules belong to which addresses? The modules and slaves that have been addressed must be carefully labeled. 6. When are the modules installed? The modules must not be installed until the activities described in rules 4 and 5 have been completed. The cable itself can be routed at any time, however. AS-Interface system System Manual, 11/2008, 3RK2703-3BB02-1AA1 617 Planning and configuration 13.2 Configuration 7. How is the entire system configured? The configuration is simply read by entering the AS-Interface profile for each slave in the master. This normally occurs automatically, but can also take place via the controller software. 8. Are the slaves detected? You first have to check whether the master has detected all of its slaves. Only then can the system be set to protected mode and the controller switched to RUN. 9. How is the system tested? As with the PLC, input/output tests are carried out, that is, the sensors are actuated locally and checked in the PLC. 10. How is the entire system launched? You can either create the controller software as usual, or use existing software. If you use existing software, the symbolic assignment of the addresses may have to be adjusted. 13.2 Configuration With AS-Interface, configuration simply means that a list of configured slaves is created and then stored in the master. Configuration is normally carried via the master, that is, the master reads the network configuration automatically. (Requirements for special applications can also be created in the PLC.) During configuration, the slave address and slave type (ID code), the I/O configuration (I/O code), and the parameters (for intelligent sensors), are defined (if available). The master uses the list to check whether the actual configuration matches the target configuration. The master can only carry this out, however, provided that the slaves have already been addressed. 618 AS-Interface system System Manual, 11/2008, 3RK2703-3BB02-1AA1 Planning and configuration 13.3 Addressing the I/O modules 13.3 Addressing the I/O modules Unique addressing In the factory setting, each I/O module (slave) has the address 0. It is detected by the master as a new slave that has not yet been addressed and, in this condition, has not yet been integrated in standard communication/data exchange. To enable data to be exchanged between the master and slaves, you have to assign a unique address for all the slaves before creating the interface network. You can choose the address of the slave as required: In address space 1 to 31 In extended addressing mode (as of AS-i version 2.0/2.1) in the address space 1A to 31A and 1B to 31B. Addressing the slave You can address a slave in different ways: Offline using an addressing unit (Page 40) Online via the AS-Interface system master 13.4 Parameterization You do not normally have to parameterize slaves. Only intelligent slaves for which the relevant option is also available are parameterized. The datasheet for the corresponding slave specifies whether or not it needs to be parameterized and the functions of the parameters. While the address of a slave never changes during normal operation, parameters are subject to change. For this reason, a distinction is made between variable and fixed parameters. Fixed parameters are defined once (during configuration). An example of this is an analog input module that is set via a parameter to a current range of 0 to 20 mA or 4 to 20 mA. The parameters themselves are bits of which four are available for each module and which are each set to either 0 or 1. They are transferred from the master to the slaves when the system is started. AS-Interface system System Manual, 11/2008, 3RK2703-3BB02-1AA1 619 Planning and configuration 13.5 Operation 13.5 Operation The AS-Interface system has been set up The AS-Interface system can be commissioned as soon as it has been fully set up: All the components have been installed The slaves have been addressed and (if necessary) parameterized Configuration is complete Commissioning can now begin AS-Interface system in normal operation The system switches to normal operation and the master runs in protected mode. Only the slaves that have been configured are activated. Slaves that have not been configured (e.g. new ones) simply cause an error message to be output. You must include these in the list of configured slaves. The system is continuously monitored both when it is restarted and during normal operation. The higher-level controller receives the data required for this (e.g. voltage, mode, incorrect configuration, etc.) from the AS-Interface master (e.g. in the form of a diagnosis). Configuring new slaves To include slaves that have not been configured in the communication network, they need to be configured: 1. Switch to configuration mode. 2. Use the "Configure slaves" to include new slaves in the communication network. 620 AS-Interface system System Manual, 11/2008, 3RK2703-3BB02-1AA1 Planning and configuration 13.6 AS-Interface acceptance certificate 13.6 AS-Interface acceptance certificate Acceptance Report AS-Interface Acceptance Report AS-Interface An acceptance report is to be prepared for each ASi network or ASi master. All measurements must be taken under normal operating conditions (e.g. production). Time of measurement 1. Date: ________ Time: from______ to ______ Set-up For setting up the ASi network, fulfillment of the following requirements must be confirmed: As a general principle, the SIEMENS set-up guidelines for the AS-Interface (Documentation Order No. 3RK1703 2AB02-0AA1) must be complied with. 1.1. Overall bus The connection from the master to the most remote slave without an extension plug must be made using no more than two repeaters (corresponding to 3 segments), or with an extension plug using no more than one repeater (corresponding to two segments). The requirement is met: Yes (_) / No (_) Comments: _________________________________________________________________ 1.2. Bus segment The segment length without extension plug must be no more than 100 m, and with extension plug no more than 200 m. (The segment length is the total of all sub-lengths (spur lines) in one segment.) The requirement is met: Yes (_) / No (_) What is the length of the segment? S 1: ________ m S 2: ________ m S 3: ________ m etc. Comments: _________________________________________________________________ 1.3. Power supply The ground connection of the ASi power supply must be connected with the system mass for the purpose of symmetrization. The requirement is met: Yes (_) / No (_) Comments: _________________________________________________________________ 1.4. Cable The ASi cables and load voltage cables (e.g. 230V/400V) must always be laid separately. Between AS-i cables or sensor cables and medium-range sources of interference, e.g. controllers with an inductive load or low-radiation power supply units, a distance of 10 to 20 cm must be observed. Between AS-i cables or sensor cables and strong sources of interference, e.g. welding robots, switchedmode power supplies, and frequency converters, a spacing of more than 50 m must be observed. Wherever possible, the yellow shaped AS-Interface cable should be laid, otherwise twisted 2-core 2 x 1.5 mm cables. The requirement is met: Yes (_) / No (_) Comments: _________________________________________________________________ Date: 08.03.2005 Page 1 of 5 AS-Interface system System Manual, 11/2008, 3RK2703-3BB02-1AA1 621 Planning and configuration 13.6 AS-Interface acceptance certificate Acceptance Report AS-Interface 1.5. Grounding The ground terminal of the AS-i modules must be connected to the plant mass if devices with PE in the M12 connector are connected to AS-i modules. The requirement is met: Yes (_) / No (_) Comments: _________________________________________________________________ 1.6. Branches / insulation displacement method The current load via T-distributor or terminal distributor must not exceed 2 A. The requirement is met: Yes (_) / No (_) Comments: _________________________________________________________________ 1.7. Degree of protection IP67 Unused connections are to be sealed with protective caps; in the case of cable ducts, seals are to be placed at the appropriate locations. The requirement is met: Yes (_) / No (_) Comments: _________________________________________________________________ 1.8. ASIsafe, sensor cables The sensor cable to a safe input is to be kept as short as possible and must not exceed 20 m. The requirement is met: Yes (_) / No (_) Comments: _________________________________________________________________ 1.9. ASIsafe, safety monitor The service key and the configuration interface are to be protected against unauthorized access by attaching and sealing the transparent cover. The requirement is met: Yes (_) / No (_) Comments: _________________________________________________________________ 2. Configuration The following information must be provided for configuring the AS-i network: 2.1. Bus configuration How is the bus configured for the AS-i master? ( _ ) in the master by pressing a button. ( _ ) in the control system (SIMATIC S7) by means of hardware configuration . ( _ ) in the control system (SIMATIC S7) by means of user program (STEP7). Comments: _________________________________________________________________ 2.2. Slaves How are the slaves connected to the network documented (type, node number and ID)? ( _ ) by the circuit diagram of the electrical design. ( _ ) manually generated according to table. ( _ ) according to table as printout of the hardware configuration from SIMATIC STEP7 Object Manager (with CP343-2 P or DP/ASi-Link 20E). ( _ ) by means of table as printout of data that has been read via the command interface of the ASi master of the "extended overall configuration". Date: 08.03.2005 622 Page 2 of 5 AS-Interface system System Manual, 11/2008, 3RK2703-3BB02-1AA1 Planning and configuration 13.6 AS-Interface acceptance certificate Acceptance Report AS-Interface ( _ ) not at all Comments: _________________________________________________________________ 2.3. Topology How is the network topology documented? The documentation should have a structure such as: Linear, tree, star, spur, etc. and show the segmentation with the actual lengths of cables laid in the AS-i network. AS-i power supplies, slaves with node numbers and, if present, repeaters, extenders or extension plugs should be entered. ( _ ) by circuit diagram of the electrical design. ( _ ) by means of diagram ( _ ) not at all Comments: _________________________________________________________________ 2.4. Power budget of the AS-i network and the 24V auxiliary voltage How great is the power demand to be expected in the AS-i network per segment in comparison with maximum permissible current load of the AS-i power supply? Where applicable, corresponding observations should be made for the 24V auxiliary voltage. Theoretical maximum power demand: (270 mA may be regarded for the demand of one slave without auxiliary voltage supply.) If the slave currents differ by a large amount, the actual consumption should be taken into consideration. I theo1: ________ A I theo2: ________ A I theo3: ________ A etc. Maximum permissible AS-i current load on power supply unit: I max1: ________ A I max2: ________ A I max3: ________ A etc. Comments: _________________________________________________________________ 2.5. Safety technology, ASIsafe How is the programming of the safety monitor documented? ( _ ) Safety report ( _ ) Password in sealed envelope Comments: _________________________________________________________________ 3. Electrical values The following electrical values are to be measured. 3.1. AS-I voltage What is the value of the AS-i voltage at the end of the segment that is furthest from the AS-i power supply? The measuring point (M) is to be entered in the network topology. The value is to be determined for all segments. AS-i voltage between ASi+ und ASi- (permissible value, U+/- = 26.5 to 31.6 V) U+/- 1: ________ V U+/- 2: ________ V U+/- 3: ________ V etc. AS-i voltage between ASi and ASi plant mass (U -/m) (all values not equal to 0 V are permissible)? U-/m 1: ________ V U-/m 2: ________ V U-/m 3: ________ V etc. Comments: _________________________________________________________________ Date: 08.03.2005 Page 3 of 5 AS-Interface system System Manual, 11/2008, 3RK2703-3BB02-1AA1 623 Planning and configuration 13.6 AS-Interface acceptance certificate Acceptance Report AS-Interface 3.2. AS-i current What is the value of the AS-i current that is taken from the power supply unit and how high is the maximum current load at the power supply unit? The value is to be determined for all segments. AS-i current taken from power supply unit: (recommended value is 90% of the max. power supply unit load) I 1: ________ A I 2: ________ A I 3: ________ A etc. Maximum permissible AS-i current load on power supply unit: I max1: ________ A I max2: ________ A I max3: ________ A etc. Comments: _________________________________________________________________ 4. Qualitative values The following qualitative values are to be determined. 4.1. Message frame error for slaves Where do most message frame errors occur and how many are there? This can be measured and documented with an AS-i analyzer in the "Online statistics"/ "Extended statistics" menu. At least 100,000 message frames must be measured (in the case of 31 slaves this corresponds to about 9 minutes of measuring time). With which three slaves do the most message frame errors occur? Slave 1: ________ Number of errors: ________ Slave 2: ________ Number of errors: ________ Slave 3: ________ Number of errors: ________ How many message frames were the measurements taken on? Number of message frames: ____________________ Comments: _________________________________________________________________ 4.2. Message frame error with slaves What is the percentage of message frames with errors? (permissible error rate < 0.1 % ) The measurement must take place over a period of at least 30 minutes. Measurement time: ________ min. message frame errors: ________ Number of message frames: ________ Error rate = (message frames with errors * 100 ) / number of message frames = ________ % Comments: _________________________________________________________________ Date: 08.03.2005 624 Page 4 of 5 AS-Interface system System Manual, 11/2008, 3RK2703-3BB02-1AA1 Planning and configuration 13.6 AS-Interface acceptance certificate Acceptance Report AS-Interface 5. Functions 5.1. Slave diagnostics How are failed slaves indicated? ( _ ) by reading out and interpreting the flag lists via the command interface of the AS-i master. ( _ ) by means of AS-i diagnostics package ( _ ) not at all Comments: _________________________________________________________________ 5.2. ASIsafe diagnostics How is the operating data of the AS-i safety monitors displayed? ( _ ) by means of AS-i monitor diagnostics package ( _ ) not at all Comments: _________________________________________________________________ Date: 08.03.2005 Page 5 of 5 AS-Interface system System Manual, 11/2008, 3RK2703-3BB02-1AA1 625 Planning and configuration 13.6 AS-Interface acceptance certificate 626 AS-Interface system System Manual, 11/2008, 3RK2703-3BB02-1AA1 A Appendix A.1 References Documentation for AS-Interface at a glance All the documents in this overview are available for download at: In All about AS-Interface, choose: Technical info Manuals / Operating instructions AS-Interface system System Manual, 11/2008, 3RK2703-3BB02-1AA1 627 Appendix A.1 References Each document has a doc. ID, which you can use to search for a specific document. The following tables list a selection of available AS-i documents. Topic ASIsafe Document title System Manual Safety Integrated (The Safety System for Industry) as well as Supplement to the System Manual Publication date 07.04.2006 Edition 5. Doc. ID: 17711888 Doc. class System Manual in De as well as Supplement Drawing number -- Order no. 6ZB5000-0AA01-0BA1 For products ET 200; 3RA7; 3RG78; 3RK1105-1.E04-0CA0; 3RK1405-.BQ00-0AA3 628 AS-Interface system System Manual, 11/2008, 3RK2703-3BB02-1AA1 Appendix A.1 References Topic Masters for SIMATIC S7 Document title CP 142-2 Publication date 08.02.2000 Edition 02 Doc. ID: 1889227 Doc. class Manual Drawing number C79000-B8900-C111-02 Order no. 6GK7142-2AH00-8AA0 For products 6GK7142-2AH00-0XA0 Document title CP 243-2 AS-Interface Master Publication date 30.01.2001 Edition 07/2000 Doc. ID: 2659515 Doc. class Manual Drawing number C79000-G8900-C142-02 Order no. 6GK7243-2AX00-8AA0 For products 6GK7243-2AX00-0XA0; 6GK7243-2AX01-0XA0 Document title CP 343-2 / CP 343-2 P AS-Interface Master Publication date 28.01.2003 Edition 11/2002 Doc. ID: 5581657 Doc. class Manual Drawing number C79000-G8900-C149-02 Order no. 6GK7343-2AH00-8AA0 For products 6GK7343-2AH00-0XA0; 6GK7343-2AH10-0XA0 Topic Network transitions Document title Distributed I/O System DP/AS-i Link Publication date 16.09.1999 Edition 3 Doc. ID: 1144898 Doc. class Manual Drawing number EWA 4NEB 7106055-01b Order no. 6ES7 156-0AA00-8AA0 For products 6GK1415-2AA00; 6GK1415-2AA01 Document title ASiSafe DP/AS-i F-Link Publication date 14.11.2006 Edition 10/2006 Doc. ID: 24196041 Doc. class Manual Drawing number 926253101000 Order no. GWA 4NEB926253101-01 For products 3RK3141-1CD10; 3RK3141-2CD10 AS-Interface system System Manual, 11/2008, 3RK2703-3BB02-1AA1 629 Appendix A.1 References Topic Network transitions Document title Manual DP/AS-Interface Link Advanced Publication date 25.04.2006 Edition 04/2006 Doc. ID: 22710305 Doc. class Manual Drawing number C79000-G8900-C209-01 Order no. -- For products 6GK1415-BA10; 6GK1415-2BA20 Document title Manual DP/AS-Interface Link 20E Publication date 17.12.2002 Edition 11/2002 Doc. ID: 5281638 Doc. class Manual Drawing number C79000-G8900-C138-04 Order no. 6GK1971-2DS01-0AA0 For products 6GK1415-2AA01 Topic Motor starter Document title ECOFAST Motor Starters Publication date 22.04.2005 Edition 05/2004 Doc. ID: 21465498 Doc. class Manual Drawing number 950522112000 Order no. 3RK1702-2GB18-0AA1 For products 3RK1323-2AS54-1AA0; 3RK1323-2AS54-1AA3 Document title ECOFAST Motor Starters High Feature Publication date 09.05.2007 Edition 03/2007 Doc. ID: 19065401 Doc. class Manual Drawing number 950522201000 Order no. 3RK1702-3AB18-1AA1 For products 3RK1303-2AS54-1AA0; 3RK1303-2AS54-1AA3; 3RK1303-5BS44-3AA0; 3RK1303-5BS443AA3; 3RK1303-5CS44-3AA0; 3RK1303-5CS44-3AA3; 3RK1303-6BS74-3AA0; 3RK13036BS74-3AA3; 3RK1303-6DS74-3AA0; 3RK1303-6DS74-3AA3; 3RK1303-6ES84-3AA3; 3RK1323-5BS44-3AA0; 3RK1323-5BS44-3AA3; 3RK1323-5CS44-3AA0; 3RK1323-5CS443AA3; 3RK1323-6BS74-3AA0; 3RK1323-6BS74-3AA3; 3RK1323-6DS74-3AA0; 3RK13236DS74-3AA3; 3RK1323-6ES84-3AA3 630 AS-Interface system System Manual, 11/2008, 3RK2703-3BB02-1AA1 Appendix A.1 References Topic Document title Publication date Motor starter Manual AS-Interface Compact Starter DS2E/RS2E (electromechanical) and EDS2E/ERS2E (electronic) 28.01.2004 Edition 2004 Doc. ID: 6008647 Doc. class Manual Drawing number 640090932000 Order no. 3RK1702-2GB10-2AA0 For products 3RK1322; 3RK1902 Topic LOGO! Document title LOGO! Publication date 09.10.2006 Edition 05/2006 Doc. ID: 21221909 Doc. class Manual Drawing number A5E00380834-02 Order no. 6ED1050-1AA00-0AE6 For products 6ED105.-. LOGO! - allgemein Topic Addressing and analyzing Document title Addressing and Diagnosis Instrument for AS-i Modules Publication date 24.01.2007 Edition 2007 Doc. ID: 18314730 Doc. class Operating instructions Drawing number 333076110000 Order no. 3RK1703-2WB02-1CA1 For products 3RK1904-2AB01 Document title AS-Interface Analyzer Publication date 08.08.2005 Edition 2005 Doc. ID: 14899091 Doc. class Operating instructions Drawing number 333079410000 Order no. 3RK1701-2MB01-1CA1 For products 3RK1904-3AB01 AS-Interface system System Manual, 11/2008, 3RK2703-3BB02-1AA1 631 Appendix A.1 References Topic Further information Document title SIMATIC ET 200 X Distributed I/O Device Publication date 13.03.2003 Edition 02/2003 Doc. ID: 1142469 Doc. class Manual Drawing number EWA-4NEB780601601-06 Order no. 6ES7198-8FA01-8AA0 For products 6ES7141-1BF12-0XB0; 6ES7141-1BF01-0AB0; 6ES7141-1BF40-0AB0; 6ES7142-1BD220XB0; 6ES7143-1BF00-0XB0; 6ES7143-1BF00-0AB0; 6ES7141-1BD31-0XA0; 6ES71411BF31-0XA0; 6ES7141-1BF30-0XB0; 6ES7141-1BF41-0XA0; 6ES7142-1BD30-0XA0; 6ES7142-1BD40-0XA0 Document title S7-200 Automation System Publication date 13.12.2005 Edition 08/2005 Doc. ID: 1109582 Doc. class System Manual Drawing number A5E00307986-02 Order no. 6ES7298-8FA24-8AH0 For products 6ES7214; 6ES7221-1BF00-0XA0; 6ES7221-1EF00-0XA0; 6ES7221-1BF10-0XA0; 6ES7221-1JF00-0XA0; 6ES7222-1BF00-0XA0; 6ES7222-1HF00-0XA0; 6ES7222-1EF000XA0; 6ES7223-1BF00-0XA0; 6ES7215; 6ES7216; 6ES7223-1HF00-0XA0; 6ES72231EF00-0XA0; 6ES7223-1PH00-0XA0 Document title SIMATIC NET PROFIBUS Networks Publication date 13.07.2000 Edition 05/2000 Doc. ID: 1971286 Doc. class Manual Drawing number -- Order no. 6GK1970-5CA20-0AA0 For products -- 632 AS-Interface system System Manual, 11/2008, 3RK2703-3BB02-1AA1 Siemens AG Automation and Drives Low-Voltage Controls and Distribution Postfach 48 48 90327 NUERNBERG GERMANY 3RK2703-3BB02-1AA1 Supplements to system manual System Manual 09/2010 A5E03003228020-01 System Expansions 1 ASIsafe: Safe AS-i outputs 2 Legal information Warning notice system This manual contains notices you have to observe in order to ensure your personal safety, as well as to prevent damage to property. The notices referring to your personal safety are highlighted in the manual by a safety alert symbol, notices referring only to property damage have no safety alert symbol. These notices shown below are graded according to the degree of danger. DANGER indicates that death or severe personal injury will result if proper precautions are not taken. WARNING indicates that death or severe personal injury may result if proper precautions are not taken. CAUTION with a safety alert symbol, indicates that minor personal injury can result if proper precautions are not taken. CAUTION without a safety alert symbol, indicates that property damage can result if proper precautions are not taken. NOTICE indicates that an unintended result or situation can occur if the corresponding information is not taken into account. If more than one degree of danger is present, the warning notice representing the highest degree of danger will be used. A notice warning of injury to persons with a safety alert symbol may also include a warning relating to property damage. Qualified Personnel The product/system described in this documentation may be operated only by personnel qualified for the specific task in accordance with the relevant documentation for the specific task, in particular its warning notices and safety instructions. Qualified personnel are those who, based on their training and experience, are capable of identifying risks and avoiding potential hazards when working with these products/systems. Proper use of Siemens products Note the following: WARNING Siemens products may only be used for the applications described in the catalog and in the relevant technical documentation. If products and components from other manufacturers are used, these must be recommended or approved by Siemens. Proper transport, storage, installation, assembly, commissioning, operation and maintenance are required to ensure that the products operate safely and without any problems. The permissible ambient conditions must be adhered to. The information in the relevant documentation must be observed. Trademarks All names identified by (R) are registered trademarks of the Siemens AG. The remaining trademarks in this publication may be trademarks whose use by third parties for their own purposes could violate the rights of the owner. Disclaimer of Liability We have reviewed the contents of this publication to ensure consistency with the hardware and software described. Since variance cannot be precluded entirely, we cannot guarantee full consistency. However, the information in this publication is reviewed regularly and any necessary corrections are included in subsequent editions. Siemens AG Industry Sector Postfach 48 48 90026 NURNBERG GERMANY A5E03003228020-01 09/2010 Copyright (c) Siemens AG 2010. Technical data subject to change Table of contents 1 2 System Expansions ................................................................................................................................... 5 1.1 1.1.1 1.1.2 1.1.3 1.1.4 1.1.5 AS-i Power24V and data decoupling units ....................................................................................5 Overview ........................................................................................................................................5 The AS-Interface cable for AS-i Power24V ...................................................................................7 Voltage level on AS-i module and sensor......................................................................................8 Voltage drop due to the data decoupling .......................................................................................8 Voltage drop on the AS-i shaped cable .........................................................................................8 Voltage reduction in the slave module...........................................................................................9 Voltage drop on the sensor cable ................................................................................................10 Voltage across the sensor ...........................................................................................................10 Calculation examples...................................................................................................................10 Practical tips.................................................................................................................................11 Masters and links for AS-i Power24V ..........................................................................................12 AS-i Power24V operation of the AS-i master CP 343-2 / CP 343-2P..........................................12 Slaves for AS-i Power24V............................................................................................................14 1.2 1.2.1 1.2.2 1.2.3 1.2.4 1.2.5 1.2.6 1.2.7 AS-i data decoupling units ...........................................................................................................15 Function overview ........................................................................................................................15 Order numbers .............................................................................................................................20 Connecting ...................................................................................................................................21 Configuration and operation.........................................................................................................23 Diagnostics...................................................................................................................................25 Technical data..............................................................................................................................27 Dimension drawings.....................................................................................................................29 ASIsafe: Safe AS-i outputs ...................................................................................................................... 31 2.1 2.1.1 2.1.2 2.1.3 2.1.4 2.1.5 2.1.6 2.1.7 2.1.8 Safe SlimLine module S45F ........................................................................................................31 Functional principle ......................................................................................................................34 Overview ......................................................................................................................................38 Function .......................................................................................................................................39 Order numbers .............................................................................................................................42 Connecting ...................................................................................................................................43 Diagnostics...................................................................................................................................45 Local diagnostics via LED on the device .....................................................................................45 AS-i diagnostics of the integrated A/B slave................................................................................47 Diagnostic bit IN4 (DI3)................................................................................................................48 Diagnostics via ASIMON configuration software .........................................................................48 Technical data..............................................................................................................................49 Dimension drawings.....................................................................................................................51 Supplements to system manual System Manual, 09/2010, A5E03003228020-01 3 Table of contents 4 Supplements to system manual System Manual, 09/2010, A5E03003228020-01 1 System Expansions 1.1 AS-i Power24V and data decoupling units 1.1.1 Overview AS-i Power24V is an enhancement of the AS-Interface specification. This enhancement specifies that an AS-Interface network can alternatively also be supplied with the nominal voltage of 24 V DC instead of the nominal voltage of 30 V DC that is typical for AS-i power supply units. This makes it possible to use a standard 24 V power supply unit for supplying an AS-Interface network. AS-i Power24V is not a new bus system. The data communication remains the same so that all AS-i components work the same at operating voltages of 30 V and 24 V if they are approved for the respective voltage. The basic change in AS-i Power24V relates to the power supply unit: PELV / SELV ASI + Primary voltage e.g. 120 / 230 V AC FE / GND AS-i cable ASI - PE In addition to DC power generation, an AS-i power supply unit contains a data decoupling circuit, which is absolutely necessary for data communication. As is evident from the picture, all of the operating current of the AS-Interface power supply flows through the data decoupling unit, which needs to be sized for the required current. In an AS-i power supply unit with integrated data decoupling, the nominal currents of the DC power generation and data decoupling need to be harmonized. Supplements to system manual System Manual, 09/2010, A5E03003228020-01 5 System Expansions 1.1 AS-i Power24V and data decoupling units The following picture shows a typical network structure with an AS-i power supply unit: $6L SRZHU VXSSO\ XQLW 6ZLWK&3&33 6XSSO\RIWKH$6LFDEOH YLD$6LSRZHUVXSSO\XQLW $6,QWHUIDFH If an AS-i power supply unit is replaced with a standard power supply, the data decoupling needs to be looped into the AS-i cable as a separate device: 6ZLWK&3&33 6XSSO\RIWKH$6LFDEOH YLDVWDQGDUG9'&SRZHUVXSSO\XQLW $6LGDWD GHFRXSOLQJ $6,QWHUIDFH The possibility of using an existing 24 V power supply unit reduces costs and enables ASInterface to be employed also for small applications. As a result, the advantages of ASInterface are also of benefit for these applications. The AS-i data quality is equally high in both operating modes. Up to 31 standard slaves or 62 A/B slaves can be connected to each, including safe slaves. As is the case with all voltage supplies, it must be ensured that the voltage at the location of the load is high enough, i.e. the voltage drop on the AS-I cable needs to be considered. Therefore, in AS-i Power24V, the AS-i cable length is limited to 50 m. The AS-i master, the AS-i slaves and the sensors or actuators must be suitable for low voltage. 6 Supplements to system manual System Manual, 09/2010, A5E03003228020-01 System Expansions 1.1 AS-i Power24V and data decoupling units 1.1.2 The AS-Interface cable for AS-i Power24V Shaped cable For AS-i Power24V, the same yellow AS-i shaped cable is used as in standard AS-i. The shaped cable transmits data and power. As with standard AS-i, the data are transported over the cable as an alternating-current component (alternating pulse modulation with 167 kHz sin pulses), the power as a directcurrent component. The user does not need to perform any settings for this functionality. Number of nodes Up to 62 slaves, one master, and up to four additional passive nodes (without their own AS-i address) can be connected to a network. Cable length The total length of the AS-i cable is limited to 50 m for AS-i Power24V. This limitation was set in order to limit the voltage drop on the cable so that even at the lower feed voltage a sufficiently high DC voltage level is applied to slaves and sensors. Transmission quality The quality of the data signal is equally high in AS-i Power24V and standard AS-i. The amplitude of the alternating-current component on the cable and the transmission procedure are identical in the two versions. Other cables If a round cable is used instead of the AS-i shaped cable, then in AS-i Power24V a correction factor is normally not needed for the cable length. The data signal (i.e. the alternating-current component) is normally high enough with a maximum cable length of 50 m. However, when the core cross-section is small, a greater voltage drop involving the direct current component must be taken into account. Expansion options Repeater and extension plug cannot be used with AS-i Power24V. For the enlargement of the network span, an AS-i Power24V network structure can in principle be updated to a standard AS-i network (with nominal voltage 30 V DC) by replacing the power supply unit. Supplements to system manual System Manual, 09/2010, A5E03003228020-01 7 System Expansions 1.1 AS-i Power24V and data decoupling units 1.1.3 Voltage level on AS-i module and sensor The voltage supplied by the power supply unit runs through several sections until it arrives at the sensor. The supply voltage level to be expected at the sensor is shown below. 3RZHUVXSSO\XQLW $6LPDVWHU 8287 'DWDGHFRXSOLQJ XQLW 8 ' 8$6, $6,QWHUIDFH 8 0 ,2PRGXOHV 86/ 86HQVRU 6HQVRU Figure 1-1 Voltage level on AS-i module and sensor Voltage drop due to the data decoupling The data decoupling circuit downstream from the DC power supply unit reduces the voltage fed into the AS-i cable by a maximum of 0.5 V (at maximum current): UD9 UD Voltage drop of the data decoupling Voltage drop on the AS-i shaped cable The resistance of the AS-i shaped cable (2 x 1.5 mm) is 0.025 /m (incl. return wire). The formula for the voltage drop U on the AS-i cable generally reads: U I[P[l U I Voltage drop Current Cable length The voltage drop at a current of 1 A and a cable length of 10 m is therefore calculated to be 0.25 V. 8 Supplements to system manual System Manual, 09/2010, A5E03003228020-01 System Expansions 1.1 AS-i Power24V and data decoupling units Because the slaves are normally arranged in a spatially distributed manner along the AS-i cable, the current at the beginning of the cable (infeed) is higher than at the end of the cable (at the most distant slave). The actual voltage drop is therefore less than the value that is determined in a single calculation with total current and total cable length using the aforementioned formula. If the slaves are evenly distributed over the linear cable and the current drain of any slave is equally high, the following formula can be used for the voltage dropUASI : UASI Q [9[ IM P$ [ lASI P UASI Voltage drop at the end of the AS-i cable n no. of slaves IM ASI current per slave module (including station service of a slave 50 mA) total cable length of the AS-i cable A network having 20 slaves equally distributed over the 50 m cable length with 150 mA current per slave therefore has a voltage drop of 21 x 0.0125 V x 1.5 x 5 2 V on the AS-i cable. Voltage reduction in the slave module The AS-i module provides the supply voltage for the connected sensors. This supply voltage is drawn from the AS-i cable. For circuitry design reasons, the voltage is reduced here by approximately 4 V. The voltage difference UM between AS-i cable and sensor supply depends on the module type and on the sensor current. The voltage difference UM in the slave can be calculated as follows: Module Slave type K45 module Standard slave Voltage difference UM (type) I SM 9 9[ P$ Other module Standard slave I SM 9 9[ P$ K45 module A/B slave I SM 9 9[ P$ Other module A/B slave I SM 9 9[ P$ ISM: Sensor current (total) of all sensors that are supplied by the module Thus, a voltage difference of 2.7 V + 1.4 V 4 V can be estimated for a K45 module type standard slave at 100 mA aggregate sensor current. Supplements to system manual System Manual, 09/2010, A5E03003228020-01 9 System Expansions 1.1 AS-i Power24V and data decoupling units Voltage drop on the sensor cable The resistance of a conventional sensor cable (2 x 0.34 mm) is 0.11 /m (incl. return wire). The following formula yields the voltage drop USL on the sensor cable: USL 9[ USL IS SL IS P$ [ lSL P Voltage drop of the sensor cable Supply current of the individual sensor Length of sensor supply cable The voltage drop on the sensor cable at 25 mA current and at a sensor cable length of 10 m is therefore calculated to be USL 0.03 V and is therefore for the most part negligible. Voltage across the sensor The value of the DC voltage USensor , with which the "last sensor" is supplied results from the supplied output voltage UOut of the power supply unit minus all voltage differences between power supply unit and sensor: USensor UOutUDUASIUMUSL UOut Voltage supplied by the power supply unit UD Voltage drop of the data decoupling UASI Voltage drop at the end of the AS-i cable UM Voltage difference in the slave USL Voltage drop of the sensor cable The voltage drop due to contact resistance is disregarded here. Calculation examples Example 1: 10 AS-i slaves (K45 modules type A/B slave) are installed equally distributed over the 50 m cable. 150 mA are needed for each slave (including approx. 100 mA sensor supply). The 24 V power supply unit is located at the beginning of the cable. Approximate calculation: Total current from the power supply unit at the beginning of the cable: 1.5 A (plus power consumption of the AS-i master, with CP343-2 max. 100 mA) 10 Total voltage drop at the end of the AS-i cable: approximately 0.5 V + 1.0 V = 1.5 V Voltage across the last slave: 24.0 V - 1.5 V = 22.5 V Voltage across the last sensor: 22.5 V - 5.4 V = 17.1 V Supplements to system manual System Manual, 09/2010, A5E03003228020-01 System Expansions 1.1 AS-i Power24V and data decoupling units Example 2: 20 slaves (K45 modules type A/B slave) are installed equally distributed over the 50 m cable. 150 mA are needed for each slave (including approx. 100 mA sensor supply). The 24 V power supply unit is located at the beginning of the cable. Approximate calculation: Total current from the power supply unit at the beginning of the cable: 3.0 A (plus power consumption of the AS-i master, with CP343-2 max. 100 mA) Voltage drop at the end of the cable: approximately 0.5 V + 2.0 V = 2.5 V Voltage across the last slave: 24.0 V - 2.5 V = 21.5 V Voltage across the last sensor: 21.5 V - 5.4 V = 16.1 V Example 3: 30 slaves (K45 modules type A/B slave) are installed equally distributed over the 50 m cable. 120 mA are needed for each slave (including approx. 70 mA sensor supply). The 24 V power supply unit is located at the beginning of the cable. Approximate calculation: Total current from the power supply unit at the beginning of the cable: 3.6 A (plus power consumption of the AS-i master, with CP343-2 max. 100 mA) Voltage drop at the end of the cable: approximately 0.5 V + 2.3 V = 2.8 V Voltage across the last slave: 24.0 V - 2.8 V = 21.2 V Voltage across the last sensor: 21.2 V - 4.6 V = 16.6 V Practical tips The sensors must be selected in such a way that the real sensor voltage is within the acceptable range of the sensor operating voltage. In practice, sensors with the standard voltage range of 10 to 30 V can be used. With many power supplies, the output voltage can be set slightly higher than the nominal voltage of 24 V DC, so that the voltage drop on the cable can be compensated. This setting option can also be used for AS-i Power24V. All AS-i Power24V components function within the overall voltage range between the nominal voltages of 24 V and 30 V. (Any exceptions are explained in the operating instructions.) The AS-i voltage on the Power24V-capable slave must be at least 18 V. Supplements to system manual System Manual, 09/2010, A5E03003228020-01 11 System Expansions 1.1 AS-i Power24V and data decoupling units 1.1.4 Masters and links for AS-i Power24V The current list of masters and links that are suitable for AS-i Power24V are available in the Internet ( The following properties are important for the AS-i masters and links: If the voltage on the AS-Interface is less than 22.5 V (+/-1 V) and voltage monitoring is active (delivery condition), the master generates the message "AS-i POWER FAIL" (APF) and stops the operation of the AS-Interface network The slaves on the AS-Interface network switch off automatically if there is an undervoltage. In order to ensure flawless operation of the AS-i master in an AS-i Power24V network, the voltage monitoring of the master must be deactivated. In the delivery condition, the voltage monitoring is activated and the master is thereby preset for operation at a 30 V supply voltage. AS-i Power24V operation of the AS-i master CP 343-2 / CP 343-2P The modules CP 343-2 (6GK7 343-2AH01-0XA0) and CP 343-2 P (6GK7 343-2AH11-0XA0) are released for operation with 24 V DC and 30 V DC starting with product version 02. Voltage monitoring of the AS-i master must be deactivated for operation in an AS-i Power24V network. The procedure is as follows: 12 Supplements to system manual System Manual, 09/2010, A5E03003228020-01 System Expansions 1.1 AS-i Power24V and data decoupling units Deactivation of the voltage monitoring on the CP 343-2 / CP 343-2 P: (only with 6GK7 343-2AH01-0XA0 and 6GK7 343-2AH11-0XA0 with product version 02) Step Action Meaning 1 Install the CP as described in the CP 343-2 / CP 343-2 P manual. 2 Switch the power supply to the SIMATIC station off and then on again. The CP performs a self-test when it powers up. All the LEDs on the CP light up while it is powering up. Then the LEDs go out. 3 Check the status of the voltage monitoring by the LED indicators. There are two different cases: * Voltage monitoring is activated (delivery condition): The LEDs immediately show the operating state according to the CP 343-2 / CP 343-2 P manual * Voltage monitoring is deactivated (for AS-i Power24V operation): The two LEDs APF and 0 flash for approximately 2 s; then the LEDs indicate the normal operating state. 4 Keep the SET button depressed (approx. 5 s), until the APF LED flashes. Pushbutton operation detected. The device is in setting mode. Note: This action is only possible within 30 seconds of switching on the SIMATIC station. 5 Release the SET button. The APF LED flashes. Voltage monitoring status indication: * LED 1 lights up: Voltage monitoring is activated (delivery condition): * LED 0 lights up: Voltage monitoring is deactivated (AS-i Power24V mode): 6 7 Press the SET button briefly to change the monitoring setting (several possibilities). Keep the SET button depressed (approx. 5 s), until the APF LED goes out. The APF LED flashes. Voltage monitoring switchover: * LED 1 lights up: Voltage monitoring activated * LED 0 lights up: Voltage monitoring deactivated The setting of the voltage monitoring was stored in nonvolatile memory in the CP. Heed the safety information at the end of the table. 8 Transition to normal operation -- NOTICE Note regarding step 2: Canceling the power-up by pressing the SET button: While the CP is powering up, do not press the SET button; if you press the SET button, the CP switches into an internal special state: A running light is started (LED SF - PWR - APF CER - AUP - CM). Normal operation is not possible in this special state. To cancel this special state, you must switch off the power supply of the SIMATIC station. Supplements to system manual System Manual, 09/2010, A5E03003228020-01 13 System Expansions 1.1 AS-i Power24V and data decoupling units NOTICE Note regarding step 7 (storing the setting in memory): If you would like to cancel the setting of the voltage monitoring without saving it, you must shut off the SIMATIC station power supply instead of performing step 7. NOTICE Note regarding steps 4 to 8: Perform steps 4 to 8 only if you would like to change the setting of the voltage monitoring. The CP is ready for immediate operation after powering up (normal operation). After power-up, the CP briefly indicates the setting for voltage monitoring: Checking the setting for voltage monitoring on the CP 343-2 / CP 343-2 P: (only with 6GK7 343-2AH01-0XA0 and 6GK7 343-2AH11-0XA0 with product version 02) Step Action Meaning 1 Install the CP as described in the CP 343-2 / CP 343-2 P manual. 2 Switch the power supply to the SIMATIC station off and then on again. The CP performs a self-test when it powers up. All the LEDs on the CP light up while it is powering up. Then the LEDs go out. 3 Check the status of the voltage monitoring by the LED indicators. There are two different cases: * Voltage monitoring is activated (delivery condition): The LEDs immediately indicate the operating state * Voltage monitoring is deactivated (for AS-i Power24V operation): The two LEDs APF and 0 flash for approximately 2 s; then the LEDs indicate the normal operating state according to CP 343-2 / CP 343-2 P manual. Manual CP 343-2 / CP 343-2 P AS-Interface Master The manual for the AS-Interface Master CP 343-2 / CP 343-2 P is available in the Internet: ( 1.1.5 Slaves for AS-i Power24V The current list of slaves that are suitable for AS-i Power24V are available in the Internet ( Here you can obtain additional information (FAQ) about the compatibility of AS-i Power24V. No settings need to be made on the slaves with regard to AS-i Power24V. All the Power24V slaves need to be supplied with at least 18 V AS-i voltage. 14 Supplements to system manual System Manual, 09/2010, A5E03003228020-01 System Expansions 1.2 AS-i data decoupling units 1.2 AS-i data decoupling units 1.2.1 Function overview Using the data decoupling units In order to supply AS-Interface from a standard power supply unit, a data decoupling unit must be connected between the voltage supply and AS-i network. The data decoupling generates the specific signal shape of the AS-i data signals and prevents the AC voltage pulses of the data signals from being short-circuited by the DC voltage supply. A DC voltage supply can feed several data decoupling units so that multiple AS-i networks can be operated on a single DC voltage supply. A single data decoupling unit contains a data decoupling circuit for operating one AS-i network. ELVP 6ZLWK&3&33 DQG9VWDQGDUGSRZHUVXSSO\XQLW 6LQJOHGDWD GHFRXSOLQJ XQLW Figure 1-2 $6,QWHUIDFH AS-i Power24V single network Supplements to system manual System Manual, 09/2010, A5E03003228020-01 15 System Expansions 1.2 AS-i data decoupling units A double decoupling unit contains two data decoupling circuits for the operation of two AS-i networks: 8SWRP 6ZLWK[&3&33 DQG9VWDQGDUGSRZHUVXSSO\XQLW 'RXEOHGDWD GHFRXSOLQJ XQLW $6,QWHUIDFH $6,QWHUIDFH Figure 1-3 AS-i Power24V double network As many data decoupling units as desired can be connected in parallel to a DC voltage supply in order to operate a corresponding number of AS-i networks. The input side of the data decoupling unit is typically connected to a standard power supply with a nominal voltage of 24 V or 30 V. Operation of the AS-Interface network on a 24 V DC voltage supply falls within the AS-i Power24V category. Because a standard 24 V power supply unit does not include a data decoupling circuit, with Power24V an additional data decoupling unit is absolutely necessary. The DC voltage supply can simultaneously supply the 24 V control voltage for the system controller (PLC) or the entire system. Obviously, the DC voltage supply must be large enough to supply all connected AS-i networks and other loads with power. For an AS-i network with unlimited AS-i properties, a 30 V DC voltage supply must be used. This is especially necessary if the voltage level of the sensor supply is insufficient due to a voltage drop on a (longer) AS-i cable, or slaves and other AS-i components are used that are not suitable for AS-i Power24V. An AS-i power supply unit supplies a voltage of 30 V and simultaneously includes integrated data decoupling. A standard 30 V power supply requires an additional data decoupling. If the data decoupling unit is connected to an AS-i power supply (i.e. 30 V DC voltage supply with integrated data decoupling), the data decoupling circuit integrated in the AS-i power supply becomes inactive. It is not technically possible to produce a second AS-i network by connecting a single data decoupling unit to an existing AS-i network. If a double data decoupling unit is connected to an AS-i power supply unit, two AS-i networks can be operated separately from each other on the two outputs of the double data decoupling unit. 16 Supplements to system manual System Manual, 09/2010, A5E03003228020-01 System Expansions 1.2 AS-i data decoupling units Requirements of the DC voltage supply The DC voltage supply needs to produce an extra low voltage according to PELV Standard (Protective Extra Low Voltage) or SELV Standard (Safety Extra Low Voltage). The nominal voltage must be within the 24 ... 30 V DC range. For trouble-free communication in the AS-i network, it is necessary for the DC voltage supply to have a low residual ripple: Residual ripple Vppnoise < 250 mV Modern switched mode power supplies can easily satisfy this requirement; check the residual ripple in the power supply data sheet. Industrial power supplies from the Siemens SITOP product range are recommended. Note If high spurious peaks due to switching operations on the control voltage are expected, a separate power supply unit should be provided to supply the AS-i networks. Grounded and ungrounded DC voltage The relevant standard (EN 60204 part 1, DIN VDE 0113) prescribes a grounding or corresponding measures for control voltages (e.g. ground fault detection) to prevent dangerous movements etc. when a ground fault occurs. Therefore, the 24 V control voltage is normally grounded, i.e., the negative pole of the DC voltage supply is connected to the system ground. Although an AS-i network cannot have any connection to the system ground, a grounded DC voltage can be used for AS-i Power24V. This can be explained as follows: The data decoupling separates the DC voltage from the communication signal. For faulttolerant communication, the communication signal is transmitted symmetrically, i.e. the AC voltage signal is transmitted both to the positive pole and as a reversed-polarity signal to the negative lead. Any noise is injected equally on both conductor wires. By calculating the difference in the two transmitted signals, the desired communication signal is recaptured while the interference signals cancel each other out. The "FE" terminal represents the reference potential for both transmitted AC voltage signals and must be connected to the system's ground in order to obtain an optimal symmetry of the AC voltage signals. An additional grounding of the supplying DC voltage, does not effect the symmetry - provided that this grounding occurs on the supply side of the data decoupling unit (terminals L+ / M). A grounding on the side of the AS-i network (terminals ASI1+ / ASI1and ASI2+ / ASI2-) subtly disturbs the symmetry and must not be carried out. Supplements to system manual System Manual, 09/2010, A5E03003228020-01 17 System Expansions 1.2 AS-i data decoupling units Reverse polarity and undervoltage protection If supply voltage (L+ / M) is connected with reversed polarity or if the supply voltage is too low (below 21 V), both outputs ASI1 and ASI2 are switched off (only with the double data decoupling unit). A supply voltage connected with reversed polarity is not transmitted to the outputs. If the input voltage is correct, the outputs are automatically switched on. The two outputs of the double data decoupling unit switch on with a 200 ms time differential in order to reduce the starting current for the supplying power supply. Overload and short-circuit protection The data decoupling unit limits the current in the AS-i network and is short-circuit proof. When there is a short circuit or overload on an AS-i cable, the involved output ASI1 or ASI2 is switched off (electronic transistor output) and is thereby decoupled from the power source (selectivity). In the double data decoupling unit, a short circuit on one AS-i network has no effect on the other AS-i network, if the supplying power supply unit has sufficient capacity reserves. The restart occurs automatically after about 5 seconds. The absence of the AS-i voltage can be detected and signaled by the connected AS-i master. The signaling contacts are not affected by a short circuit/overload. The overload current value can be set in four stages: 2.5 A - 3.0 A - 3.5 A - 4.0 A. (with a tolerance of approx. +0.1 A). The maximum value on delivery is preset at 4.0 A. The reduction of the overload current value is only required if the supplying power supply does not yield the required output for the maximum total current of the module. Example: Use of a double data decoupling unit on a 24 V power supply with a nominal current of 10 A. The AS-i networks on ASI1 and ASI2 each require a maximum of 3 A, the remaining controller a max. of 4 A. The overload current value is set by the user at 2 x 3 A for ASI1 and ASI2. When there is an overload on an AS-i cable, the supplying power supply is not overloaded, so the rest of the system continues to operate. The shutdown in the event of an overload occurs after a delay of up to 3 s, in order to take into account starting currents. Starting at 130 % overload, the shutdown comes after just 500 ms; in the event of a short circuit, it comes after approx. 100 ms. The supplying power supply must have corresponding reserve capacity. 18 Supplements to system manual System Manual, 09/2010, A5E03003228020-01 System Expansions 1.2 AS-i data decoupling units Integrated ground fault detection with error log The AC voltage signal of the data communication is symmetrically aligned with the system ground, so that interference pulses (e.g. due to switching operations) have an equal effect on the positive cable and the negative cable and as a result are automatically compensated. This noise suppression functions in principle only under the following assumptions: The ground terminal on the data decoupling unit must be connected to the system ground. This connection produces the required balancing. The AS-i cable must not be connected at any point to the system ground. Because the sensor supply is transferred from the AS-i cable, the sensor cable also must not be connected to the system ground. A capacitive connection (capacitor for the ground) is not allowed. If any of these assumptions is not satisfied, the AS-Interface system becomes susceptible to disturbances. Depending on the impedance of a ground fault, sporadic communication faults or complete failure can occur on an AS-i cable or a sensor cable. Note The functionality described above regarding the system ground also applies analogously for AS-i networks that are operated with a conventional AS-i power supply (with integrated data decoupling): The ground terminal (GND) on the AS-i power supply unit must be connected to the system ground in order to suppress faults. In order to reliably detect a ground fault, the data decoupling unit has an integrated ground fault detection. If a ground fault is detected, an internal error log is set and a relay signaling contact is closed, which is routed to the outside via terminals. The status LED on the module indicates via a yellow flashing light that the error log is set. A yellow continuous light indicates that the ground fault is currently still present. Short-term ground faults which occur, for example, when the cable insulation gets crushed, are also recorded via the error log. The error log must be reset by the user after the ground fault has been eliminated. After the reset, the relay contact is opened again. Resetting is not possible when the ground fault is still present. Resetting can be done by pressing the button (RESET/TEST) on the module or via potential-free terminal input (Y1, Y2). The ground fault detection of the data decoupling unit functions both with an ungrounded voltage and if the DC voltage supply of the data decoupling unit (terminals L+ and M) is grounded. The detection circuit detects only ground faults on the wiring system that is connected to the ASI terminals. Because the ground fault detection evaluates the communication signals, it is absolutely necessary for the function of the ground fault detection that an AS-i master be connected and turned on. In order to ensure the availability of the system, a ground fault should be eliminated immediately. Supplements to system manual System Manual, 09/2010, A5E03003228020-01 19 System Expansions 1.2 AS-i data decoupling units By appropriate external wiring of the signaling contacts, the supply of the AS-i network can be interrupted in the event of a ground fault. The provisions of the relevant standard are to be heeded here; see for instance EN 60204 part 1, DIN VDE 0113: "Ground faults in any control circuit must not lead to inadvertent start-up or potentially hazardous movements or prevent the stoppage of the machine." Note The ground fault detection module 3RK1408-8KE00-0AA2 or 3RK1408-8KG00-0AA2 that is still provided can only be used in AS-i networks with ungrounded DC voltage supply. For AS-i Power24V, this separate ground fault detection module is not necessary because the data decoupling unit has integrated ground fault detection. Setting the AS-i address The AS-i data decoupling unit does not have an AS-i address. 1.2.2 Order numbers Data decoupling unit Version Order number Single data decoupling unit, screw-type connection, 1 x 4 A 3RK1901-1DE12-1AA0 Single data decoupling unit, spring-loaded connection, 1 x 4 A 3RK1901-1DG12-1AA0 Double data decoupling unit, screw-type connection, 2 x 4 A 3RK1901-1DE22-1AA0 Double data decoupling unit, spring-loaded connection, 2 x 4 A 3RK1901-1DG22-1AA0 Accessories 20 Designation Order number Plug-in lugs for screw mounting 3RP1903 Supplements to system manual System Manual, 09/2010, A5E03003228020-01 System Expansions 1.2 AS-i data decoupling units 1.2.3 Connecting Terminal assignment of the data decoupling unit Order number Connections 3RK1901-1DE12-1AA0 3RK1901-1DG12-1AA0 1 < 2 < 3 & 4 / 5 0 6 )( 3RK1901-1DE22-1AA0 3RK1901-1DG22-1AA0 1 < 2 < 3 & 4 / 5 0 6 )( Designation 4 Supply voltage 24 V DC (24 ... 32 V, PELV, SELV, Vppnoise < 250 mV) L+ 5 M 1 Y1 2 Y2 Remote Reset Y1 = +, Y2 = - 7 ASI1+ AS-Interface network1 terminal 8 ASI1- 10 ASI2+ 3:5 3:5 67$786$6, 67$786$6, 67$786$6, 5(6(7 7(67 Screw Springloaded 5(6(7 7(67 '$7$'(&283/,1*81,7 '$7$'(&283/,1*81,7 7 $6, 8 $6, 9 & 7 $6, 8 $6, 9 & 11 ASI2- 3 C13 9 C14 AS-Interface network 2 terminal (only with double data decoupling unit 3RK19011D.22) 12 C24 Ground fault detection signaling contact: C13-C14 for AS-Interface network 1 C13-C24 for AS-Interface network 2 (closed contact = ground fault detected) 6 Terminal for system ground FE 10 $6, 11 $6, 12 & Note The connection of the "FE" terminal to the system ground is absolutely necessary for troublefree operation. Supplements to system manual System Manual, 09/2010, A5E03003228020-01 21 System Expansions 1.2 AS-i data decoupling units Wiring of the single data decoupling unit 9'& 93(/96(/9 9SSQRLVHP9 / 5(027(5(6(7 9'& 93(/96(/9 0 < $J/J* & < ,! 5(6(7 ($57+ )$8/7 $6, )( $6, $6, & $6, ,PD[ $ GHIDXOW Wiring of the double data decoupling unit 9'& 93(/96(/9 9SSQRLVHP9 / 0 5(027(5(6(7 9'& 93(/96(/9 & 5(6(7 ,! ,! < < $J/J* ($57+ )$8/7 $6, ($57+ )$8/7 $6, )( $6, $6, $6, $6, & & $6, $6, ,PD[ $ GHIDXOW ,PD[ $ GHIDXOW 22 Supplements to system manual System Manual, 09/2010, A5E03003228020-01 System Expansions 1.2 AS-i data decoupling units 1.2.4 Configuration and operation Overload current value setting The set overload current value can only be changed when the supply voltage is turned on. Carry out the following steps: Step Action / Reaction 1 Activate setting mode by holding down the button ( approximately 3 ... 5 seconds) while the voltage L+ is switching on; the PWR LED rapidly flashes green (4 Hz) 2 LED ASI1 flashes green one to four times, then once red. This sequence is continuously repeated. The number of green flashing signals represents the current value according to the table below. 3 Change the current value by pressing the button ( approximately 0.5 s) briefly: 4.0 A 3.5 A 3.0 A 2.5 A 4.0 A etc. 4 Save the new current value for ASI1 by pressing and holding down the button ( approximately 3 ... 5 s). In the double data decoupling unit, the LED ASI2 then begins to flash, and you can set the new current value for ASI2 as described in steps 2 to 4. Completion Then the program exits setting mode and normal operation is started. Flashing sequence STATUS ASI1 / ASI2 Imax for ASI1 or ASI2 green/red 4.0 A (delivery condition) green/red 3.5 A green/red 3.0 A green/red 2.5 A Checking the set overload current value Checking the set overload current value is possible during operation. Proceed as follows: Step Action / Reaction 1 Make sure that there are no ground fault signals (no yellow LED indications; see Diagnostics below. Press the button briefly ( approximately 0.5 s) during operation to activate display mode: 2 Observe the flashing behavior of the LEDs: LED ASI1 flashes green 1 to 4 times. The number of green flashing signals represents the current value according to the table below In the double data decoupling unit, the LED ASI2 then begins to flash, and you can read the current value for ASI2 as described under step 2. Completion Then the program exits display mode. If necessary, the setting can be checked again; see step 1. Supplements to system manual System Manual, 09/2010, A5E03003228020-01 23 System Expansions 1.2 AS-i data decoupling units Flashing sequence STATUS ASI1 / ASI2 Imax for ASI1 or ASI2 Green 4.0 A (delivery condition) Green 3.5 A Green 3.0 A Green 2.5 A Testing the signaling contacts The relay contacts C13 / C14 and C13 / C24 (only with double data decoupling unit) can be switched on manually for testing the external wiring. To do this press the button in normal operation (after powering up) and keep it pressed for 3 . Inside the device, a ground fault is simulated on an AS-i network and the error to 5 s log is set. The AS-i network itself is not grounded here. Just like after a real ground fault, the status LED flashes yellow and the signaling contact is closed. To reset the error log, the button must be pressed briefly or a remote reset is activated. If a real ground fault is present, the error log cannot be reset. In the double data decoupling unit, the button must be pressed a second time and held down in order to also simulate a ground fault on the second AS-i network. The associated status LED flashes yellow, and the associated signaling contact is closed. The status of the other error log or signaling contact is irrelevant here. The signaling contacts in this context can be switched on individually (by interim reset) or else together. Remote reset In addition to the button on the device, the error log can be reset via a pulse on the remote reset input (terminals Y1 / Y2). The remote reset pulse must be present as a HIGH signal for at least 100 ms in order to execute a reset. In order to be able to trigger a new remote reset, a LOW signal must be present on the remote reset input for at least 100 ms. 24 Supplements to system manual System Manual, 09/2010, A5E03003228020-01 System Expansions 1.2 AS-i data decoupling units 1.2.5 Diagnostics LED indication: PWR PWR Possible cause Possible remedial measures Green Normal operation, input voltage OK -- Flashing green (1 Hz) Input voltage at L+ / M too low, AS-i outputs switched off Check input voltage Rapidly flashing green (4 Hz) Mode for current setting active, (activation only possible while powering up) Terminate setting mode and switch to normal operation Off No voltage at L+ / M, voltage at L+ / M with reversed polarity Switch on, correctly connect input voltage Display LEDs: STATUS ASI 1, STATUS ASI 2 (only 3RK1901-1DE22-1AA0, 3RK1901-1DG22-1AA0) STATUS ASI 1 STATUS ASI 2 Signaling contact switch position C13 / C14 or C13 / C24 Possible cause Possible remedial measures Off Signaling contact open Normal operation, everything OK -- Yellow Signaling contact closed Ground fault is present Check wiring, check insulation of the AS-i- and sensor cables for damage Flashing yellow (1 Hz) Signaling contact closed Ground fault eliminated, memory has not yet been reset Briefly press TEST / RESET button (approx. 0.5 s) or activate remote reset Red Signaling contact open Overload / short circuit on AS-i cable AS-i output switched off, (automatic restarting) Check power requirement of the modules and sensors; Check AS-i cable for short circuit Flashing red/yellow (1 Hz) Signaling contact closed Overload/short circuit and ground Check power requirement of the fault stored modules and sensors. Check AS-i cable for short circuit. Briefly press TEST / RESET button (approx. 0.5 s) or activate remote reset. Table applies only for normal operation (LED PWR continuous lit green) Supplements to system manual System Manual, 09/2010, A5E03003228020-01 25 System Expansions 1.2 AS-i data decoupling units Signaling contacts The single data decoupling unit has a relay contact (terminals C13 / C14) in order to signal a ground fault on the AS-i network. The double data decoupling unit has two relay contacts (terminals C13 / C14 for ASI1 and C13 / C24 for ASI2) for separate signaling of a ground fault on the respective AS-i network. The contacts (C13) have a common root. The signaling contact is closed if a ground fault has been identified. The signaling contact is only reopened once the ground fault is no longer present and the button has been briefly pressed (resetting the error log) or the supply voltage has been switched off. The button acts on both signaling contacts or error logs. TEST/RESET button Pressing briefly (approx. 0.5 s) in normal operation * stored ground fault is reset (only possible if ground fault is With ground fault signal no longer present) (status LED yellow): Without ground fault signal: * check of the set overload current values (see above) Pressing and holding (approx. 3 ... 5 s) * simulation of a ground fault signal, separately for ASI1 and ASI2 (sequentially by pressing repeatedly), no physical ground fault is produced on AS-i here (see above) During power-up: 26 * setting the overload current values (see above) Supplements to system manual System Manual, 09/2010, A5E03003228020-01 System Expansions 1.2 AS-i data decoupling units 1.2.6 Technical data Order number 3RK1901-1DE121AA0 Version Type of connection 3RK1901-1DG121AA0 3RK1901-1DE221AA0 Single data decoupling unit Screw-type connection Double data decoupling unit Spring-loaded connection Enclosure design 3RK1901-1DG221AA0 Screw-type connection Spring-loaded connection SlimLine 22.5 Electrical data Input voltage (L+, M) Voltage range Residual ripple Vppnoise 24 V DC PELV, SELV 24 ... 32 V < 250 mV Load current Imax (per AS-i network), adjustable 2.5 / 3.0 /3.5 / 4.0 A (default) Signaling contacts: External fuse max. 4 A gL/gG Signaling contacts: Switching capacity Ie at Ue DC-13 AC-15 24 V 1.0 A 3.0 A Overload protection (ASI1, ASI2) Short-circuit protection (ASI1, ASI2) Polarity reversal protection (L+, M) Undervoltage protection (L+, M) Derating curve ,$6,,$6, $ 5.'($$ 5.'*$$ Supplements to system manual System Manual, 09/2010, A5E03003228020-01 7r& 27 System Expansions 1.2 AS-i data decoupling units Order number 3RK1901-1DE121AA0 3RK1901-1DG121AA0 3RK1901-1DE221AA0 3RK1901-1DG221AA0 Mechanical data Degree of protection IP20 Dimensions (WxHxD) in mm 22.5 x 101.3 x 116.1 22.5 x 104.9 x 116.1 22.5 x 101.3 x 116.1 Shock stressing (IEC 60068-2-6) 15 g / 11 ms Shock stressing (IEC 60068-2-27) 5 ... 500 Hz 5 ... 26 Hz: 0.75 mm amplitude 26 ... 500 Hz: 2 g Rated temperature Ta 25 C Ambient temperature Ta -25 ... +70 C Storage temperature Ts -40 ... +85 C Ground connection Approvals 22.5 x 104.9 x 116.1 CE: available soon UL, CSA For information on additional properties, please refer to the current data sheet which is available in the Internet: Order No.: 3RK1901-1DE12-1AA0 ( 3RK1901-1DG12-1AA0 ( 3RK1901-1DE22-1AA0 ( 3RK1901-1DG22-1AA0 ( 28 Supplements to system manual System Manual, 09/2010, A5E03003228020-01 System Expansions 1.2 AS-i data decoupling units 1.2.7 Dimension drawings Dimensions of the data decoupling unit with screw-type connection 5,1 116,1 101,3 22,5 Dimensions of the data decoupling unit with screw-loaded connection 5,1 116,1 104,9 22,5 Supplements to system manual System Manual, 09/2010, A5E03003228020-01 29 System Expansions 1.2 AS-i data decoupling units 30 Supplements to system manual System Manual, 09/2010, A5E03003228020-01 ASIsafe: Safe AS-i outputs 2.1 2 Safe SlimLine module S45F The ASIsafe concept enables the integration of safety-oriented components like EMERGENCY STOP operator panels, protective door switches or safety light arrays in an AS-Interface network. These are fully compatible with the standard AS-Interface components (master, slaves, power supply unit, repeater, etc.) in accordance with IEC 62062/EN 50295 and are operated together on the yellow AS-Interface cable. The technology of the safe AS-i outputs enhances ASIsafe. In addition to the acquisition and evaluation of safe signals, now a safety-oriented decentralized shutdown is possible directly via AS-Interface. A fail-safe controller or special master is not required. The evaluation of the safe signals is performed in the AS-i safety monitor. The master treats safety slaves like all the other slaves and receives safety data for information purposes only. This means that all existing ASInterface networks can also be enhanced. ASIsafe ensures that a maximum response time of 40 ms can be achieved. This is the time between the signal being applied to the input of the safe slave and the output on the safety monitor being switched off. In decentralized shutdown via a safe AS-i output, the response time is extended by the time that the safe AS-i output needs in addition to the shutdown. The maximum response time is then at 70 ms. Tested safety The system has been tested and approved for use by TUV (Germany), NRTL (USA), and INRS (France). The transmission procedure for safety-oriented signals is designed in such a way that the applications up to Category 4 in accordance with EN 954-1, up to PL e in accordance with EN ISO 13849-1 and up to SIL 3 in accordance with IEC 61508 can be implemented. Supplements to system manual System Manual, 09/2010, A5E03003228020-01 31 ASIsafe: Safe AS-i outputs 2.1 Safe SlimLine module S45F Configuration The configuration of safety technology is identical to the installation of AS-Interface that is known today. The family of the safe AS-Interface products consists of the safety monitor, which monitors or shuts down the safe nodes. The spectrum of safe nodes consists of the safe modules and the safety-oriented sensors with integrated interface. Sensors, monitors and safe AS-i outputs can be connected at any points of the AS-Interface network. More than one monitor can also be used in a network. The components ASIsafe Safe AS-i outputs Safe input slave Safety monitor Standard PLC and Standard AS-i master: The centralized configuration on the PLC as well as distributed configuration via DP-AS-i links is possible. Safety monitor: The safety monitor evaluates all safe inputs on the AS-i bus and provides for safe shutdown. Standard PLC and standard master Safe input slave: Safe signals are made available for evaluation via the safe slaves and, for example, the safety monitor. Standard AS-i power supply unit Standard slave Standard slave Standard slave Safe AS-i outputs: The shutdown signal, e.g. of the safety monitor can be used via ASIsafe for safety-oriented shutdown of distributed safe AS-i outputs. Signal evaluation of safe input slave/safety monitor/ or safe shutdown signal for safe AS-i output AS-Interface cable Extended ASIsafe diagnostics (through regular I/O transfer) Figure 2-1 The ASIsafe components and their signal flows Function The safe nodes transmit their information according to the master call, like the standard nodes, to the master. The safety monitor monitors this transmission from the safe nodes to the master and switches into the safe state or transmits a shutdown signal to one or more decentralized safe AS-i outputs, which on their part switch into the safe state. The safety monitor enables various functions, such as OR logic, AND logic, timer functions, buffers, etc. Software With the ASIMON configuration software, the safety-oriented applications can be configured and transferred to the monitor. The configuration consists of the input signals of the safe nodes, the internal functions of the safety monitor as well as the assignment of the address for the control of a safe decentralized output. The software also supports online diagnostics. 32 Supplements to system manual System Manual, 09/2010, A5E03003228020-01 ASIsafe: Safe AS-i outputs 2.1 Safe SlimLine module S45F Integration For the integration of the safety technology into AS-Interface, the existing infrastructure, like the master and the power supply unit, can still be used. For the safety technology, the safety monitor is integrated as a monitoring element and the safe nodes as an interface between the safe sensors and the system. The safe sensors can be used as before. With ready-touse function blocks that are supplied with the ASIMON configuration software, a detailed diagnosis of all parameterized blocks is possible. To do this, an AS-i address needs to be assigned to the safety monitor via the configuration software. The evaluation is done via function blocks in the PLC. Using preconfigured WinCC flexible blocks, this evaluation can then be visualized on a system-wide basis on existing HMI devices (starting with OP/TP 270). Figure 2-2 Diagnostics interface for ASIsafe components via S7-200 or S7-300 Supplements to system manual System Manual, 09/2010, A5E03003228020-01 33 ASIsafe: Safe AS-i outputs 2.1 Safe SlimLine module S45F 2.1.1 Functional principle The basis for the safe switching of an actuator is the safety monitor. The functional principle of the safety monitor is described in the AS-Interface System Manual, Edition 11/2008 Chapter 9.1. You can view or download the system manual here ( The functional principle for safe switching of an actuator via a decentralized AS-i output comprises four steps: 1. Acquisition of the safe signals via a safe input slave (e.g. Emergency Stop): The safe slave transmits a safe code sequence (8x4 bit). For a safety-oriented transmission of information, each safe input slave has a unique code sequence, which is saved (by teaching) in the safety monitor during commissioning. 2. Evaluation of the safe signals by the safety monitor: The function of the safety monitor is parameterized using the ASIMON configuration software. During operation, the safety monitor compares the actual state of the received code tables of all assigned safe input slaves with the stored desired state. According to the evaluation of this safety information, the safety monitor switches its enabling circuit on or off in a safety-oriented manner. 3. Forwarding the enabling or shutdown information to a decentralized safe output: The enhanced safety monitor with integrated safe slave 3RK1105-1BE04-4CA0 or 3RK1105-1BG04-4CA0 is required for the forwarding of the enabling or shutdown information. This optionally controls a safe AS-i output according to the switching state of its second enabling circuit. For this purpose, the safety monitor emulates a safe slave, which transmits a specific code sequence (7x4 bit) as a function of the state of the second enabling circuit. In contrast to the code sequences of the safe input slaves, which differ for each slave, the 7x4 bit code sequence for controlling a decentralized safe output depends exclusively on the address assigned to the emulated slave. Teaching of the code sequences as in the case of the safe input slaves is thus not necessary for safe outputs. 4. Decentralized switching of the actuators via safe output slave: The safe output slave evaluates as a passive listener the 7x4 bit code sequence which the slave emulated in the safety monitor transmits. The address of the slave emulated in the safety monitor is set in the safe output slave. This ensures a unique assignment between safe output slave and safety monitor. If the safety monitor has enabled the second enabling circuit, the safe output slave receives this information via the 7x4 bit code sequence. If it is correctly received, the safe output slave activates the connected actuator via its safe output. Thus, the safe output slave always assumes the same state as the second enabling circuit of the assigned safety monitor. 34 Supplements to system manual System Manual, 09/2010, A5E03003228020-01 ASIsafe: Safe AS-i outputs 2.1 Safe SlimLine module S45F 1 Acquisition of the safe signals via a safe input slave (e.g. Emergency Stop) 2 Evaluation of the safe signals by the safety monitor 3 Forwarding the enabling or shutdown information to a decentralized safe output 4 Decentralized switching of the actuators via safe output slave Figure 2-3 Functional principle ASIsafe with safe output slave Behavior during communication faults If, as a result of a communication fault, the enabling signal does not arrive or does not arrive correctly at the safe output slave, it shuts down its output as a safety measure. A fault tolerance provided in the system thereby prevents the shutdown of the output during very brief faults. After a fault, the user needs to acknowledge the fault for safety reasons. In order to signal a shutdown after a fault to the user, the safe output slave also has an integrated A/B slave. Via this slave, the waiting for an acknowledgment after a shutdown because of a fault is communicated over the bus. If the user does the acknowledgment, the safety monitor produces acknowledgment signals (help signals 1 and 2), which are transmitted by specific modification of the 7x4 bit code sequence to the safe output slave. It switches the actuator back on after receipt of the acknowledgment. Supplements to system manual System Manual, 09/2010, A5E03003228020-01 35 ASIsafe: Safe AS-i outputs 2.1 Safe SlimLine module S45F Generating the acknowledgment signals For the acknowledgment after a communication fault, two different help signals are available. In this context, a distinction is made according to the duration of the communication fault: Communication faults >140 ms require help signal 1 (reset of error condition) as an acknowledgment Brief communication faults <140 ms require help signal 2 (restart) as an acknowledgment This distinction enables the auto-acknowledgment of brief faults, because help signal 2 (restart) can also be transmitted continuously during operation. The conditions for transmitting the help signals are parameterized in the ASIMON configuration software. Configuration examples With an enhanced safety monitor with integrated safe slave, a safe output slave can be activated. In addition, the two relay outputs of the safety monitor can be used for local shutdown. OSSD 1: local shutdown OSSD 2: decentralized shutdown via safe output and/or local shutdown Figure 2-4 36 Activation of a safe output slave with a safety monitor Supplements to system manual System Manual, 09/2010, A5E03003228020-01 ASIsafe: Safe AS-i outputs 2.1 Safe SlimLine module S45F To be sure any safety monitor can transmit only one shutdown or enabling signal for decentralized safe shutdown. However, multiple safe output modules can also evaluate this information together. Therefore, a safety monitor can jointly switch a group of safe output slaves. *URXS *URXS HJVDIHDGGUHVV OSSD 1: local shutdown OSSD 2: decentralized shutdown of all safe outputs together and/or local shutdown Figure 2-5 Activation of a group of safe output slaves with a safety monitor Supplements to system manual System Manual, 09/2010, A5E03003228020-01 37 ASIsafe: Safe AS-i outputs 2.1 Safe SlimLine module S45F If two or more safe output slaves are to be controlled independently of each other, two or more safety monitors are needed. This applies accordingly for groups of safe output slaves. *URXS *URXS *URXS HJVDIHDGGUHVV *URXS HJVDIHDGGUHVV OSSD 1: local shutdown for each (groups 1 and 2) Monitor 1 OSSD 2: decentralized shutdown of safe outputs group 3 Monitor 2 OSSD 2: decentralized shutdown of safe outputs group 4 Figure 2-6 2.1.2 Activation of two groups of safe output slaves with two safety monitors Overview The safe ASIsafe SlimLine module S45F is used for safe switching of an actuator. For this purpose, the device has a 2-channel safe output with which a safety-oriented shutdown up to Category 4, SIL3 or PLe can be achieved. The device receives the enabling or shutdown signal from the enhanced safety monitor with integrated slave. It simulates a safe slave, which transmits a corresponding code sequence independently of the state of its enabling circuit 2. The safe ASIsafe module S45F evaluates this code information and switches the safe output accordingly. In addition, the module has an integrated A/B slave. In addition to the diagnostics feedback, this slave enables the functional switching of the enabling circuit and beyond that provides 3 digital inputs and 2 digital outputs. 38 Supplements to system manual System Manual, 09/2010, A5E03003228020-01 ASIsafe: Safe AS-i outputs 2.1 Safe SlimLine module S45F 2.1.3 Function 2 addresses are assigned to the S45F ASIsafe module for its operation. The safety-related address is used for the assignment of the simulated slave of the safety monitor to which the enabling circuit of the module is to react. The second address is needed for the standard inputs and outputs, for the functional switching and for the device diagnostics. The address is set according to the following sequence: 1. Setting the safety-related address. For this purpose set the switch on the front of the device to F-ADDR. 2. Set the desired safety-related address via AS-i addressing device or AS-i master. 3. Check the set safety-related address: - Read the profile via AS-i addressing device or AS-i master. - The ID code must be "F". - The ID1 code must correspond to the tens digit of the address. - The ID2 code must correspond to the units digit of the address. - The IO code must be "7". Example: Address 24 is set as a safety-related address. The profile that is read must then be as follows: ID-Code = F, ID1-Code = 2, ID2-Code = 4, IO-Code = 7 4. If the codes do not match, repeat steps 2 and 3. If the codes again do not match, replace the device. 5. Set the device switch on RUN 6. Set the standard address (switch in position RUN): - Set the desired address via AS-i addressing device or AS-i master. No checking of the set address is required. The safety function is parameterized via the safety monitor using the ASIMON configuration software. The ASIsafe module S45F always switches the enabling circuit identically to the state of the enabling circuit OSSD 2 of the safety monitor. The S45F ASIsafe module is assigned to the safety monitor via setting of the safety-related address. The response time of the entire system (from the moment of the shutdown request on the safe input to the moment at which the output has switched off) is at a max. of 70 ms (worst case). For the assignment of the S45F ASIsafe module to the respective safety monitor, the same safety-related address is set via the ASIMON configuration software in the safety monitor. Supplements to system manual System Manual, 09/2010, A5E03003228020-01 39 ASIsafe: Safe AS-i outputs 2.1 Safe SlimLine module S45F Figure 2-7 Setting the safety-related address (F-Addr.) in the ASIMON configuration software In addition, the enabling circuit of the S45F module can also be switched during operation. The functional switching is activated via the parameter bit P1. Where: P1 = 0 functional switching activated P1 = 1 functional switching deactivated (Default = deactivated) If functional switching is activated, the enabling circuit via the output OUT3 of the integrated A/B slave can be controlled via the AS-i master (the requirement is that the safe enabling information from the safety monitor is correctly received). 40 Supplements to system manual System Manual, 09/2010, A5E03003228020-01 ASIsafe: Safe AS-i outputs 2.1 Safe SlimLine module S45F If the transmission of the enabling information is disrupted by the safety monitor, the module safely shuts down the output. For a restart, a corresponding help signal is needed independent of the duration of the communication fault. The following is applicable: Duration of a communication fault >140 ms requires help signal 1 ("reset of error condition") Duration of a communication fault <140 ms requires help signal 2 ("restart") The help signals are transmitted via the safety monitor using the code sequence of the simulated safe slave. The conditions for transmitting the help signals are set during the parameterization of the safety monitor in the ASIMON configuration software. In so doing, it is possible to transmit the help signal 1 ("restart") continuously. Therefore, communication faults up to 140 ms in duration can be automatically acknowledged. Figure 2-8 Setting the conditions for the acknowledgment signals using the ASIMON configuration software Supplements to system manual System Manual, 09/2010, A5E03003228020-01 41 ASIsafe: Safe AS-i outputs 2.1 Safe SlimLine module S45F The safe S45F SlimLine module has in addition to the safe output another 3 digital standard inputs and 2 digital standard outputs. Mechanical contact elements and both 2- and 3conductor sensors can be connected to the digital inputs. One of the standard inputs can be used for monitoring the protective feedback circuit. Actuators can be controlled independently of the safety function via the digital standard outputs. The standard inputs and standard outputs are controlled via the integrated A/B slave. Note In an AS-Interface network, which is controlled by the DP/AS-i F-Link 3RK3141.CD10, the use of the S45F ASIsafe module is not permissible. 2.1.4 Order numbers S45F ASI safe module Connection I/O type UAUX Order number Screw-type connection 1F-RO / 3DI / 2DO 3RK1405-1SE15-0AA2 Spring-loaded connection 1F-RO / 3DI / 2DO 3RK1405-1SG15-0AA2 Accessories 42 Designation Order number Plug-in lug for screw mounting 3RP1903 Supplements to system manual System Manual, 09/2010, A5E03003228020-01 ASIsafe: Safe AS-i outputs 2.1 Safe SlimLine module S45F 2.1.5 Connecting Connection and terminal assignment 6LJQDO 6HQVRU 6 6HQVRU $6,QWHUIDFH $6,QWHUIDFH 9 4 4 ,1 0 ('0 4 4 93(/9 9'(6FKXW]NODVVH,,, AS-I + , AS-I - AS-Interface - connection IN1, IN2, IN3 Standard inputs L+ +24 V DC / supply voltage M GND / ground reference F-13, F-14 Switching output relay contact 1 F-23, F-24 Switching output relay contact 2 OUT1, OUT2 Standard outputs Figure 2-9 Connections of the safe S45F SlimLine module Supplements to system manual System Manual, 09/2010, A5E03003228020-01 43 ASIsafe: Safe AS-i outputs 2.1 Safe SlimLine module S45F Connection example of safe reversing starter 9 4 4 $6,QWHUIDFH $6,QWHUIDFH 4 4 4 4 / 9'& 0DQXDOPRGH OHIWULJKW $XWRPDWLF PDQXDOPRGH 4 4 0 44 4 4 4 Supplements to system manual System Manual, 09/2010, A5E03003228020-01 ASIsafe: Safe AS-i outputs 2.1 Safe SlimLine module S45F 2.1.6 Diagnostics The safe S45F SlimLine module provides the following diagnostic information: Local diagnostic information via LED on the device AS-i diagnostics of the integrated A/B slave Diagnostic bit IN4 (DI3) Online diagnostics in ASIMON configuration software Local diagnostics via LED on the device Figure 2-10 Arrangement of the LEDs Supplements to system manual System Manual, 09/2010, A5E03003228020-01 45 ASIsafe: Safe AS-i outputs 2.1 Safe SlimLine module S45F LED indicator for AS-i communication: AS-i FAULT AS-i FAULT Possible cause Possible remedial measures Green Off Normal operation, AS-i communication OK -- Green Red No AS-i communication: * The master is switched off or offline. * The slave is not configured in the master. * The incorrect slave type is connected. * The slave has the wrong address. Ensure AS-i communication: * Switch on the master or switch it to online mode. * Reconfigure the master. * Connect the correct module. * Check/correct the slave address. Green Flashing red Sensor supply overload and/or overload of the Unplug the sensor/actuator cables, use outputs sensors with a lower overall current consumption, check the sensors/actuators and cables. Flashing green Red Standard address is set for address 0 (delivery condition) Assign an address that is not 0. Output overload (the slave switches off all the outputs) Unplug the actuator cables from the output sockets, check the actuators and cables. Off Off * * * No AS-Interface supply, AS-i voltage connected with incorrect polarity, AS-i voltage too low * * * Check the cable connections. Check the AS-Interface power supply unit. Measure AS-i voltage Display LED for the 24 V DC auxiliary voltage: AUX POWER AUX POWER Possible cause Possible remedial measures Green Normal operation, 24 V DC auxiliary voltage OK -- Off * * * No auxiliary voltage Auxiliary voltage connected with incorrect polarity Auxiliary voltage too low * * * Activate 24 V DC auxiliary voltage, Connect it properly Measure the auxiliary voltage (approx. 24 V DC) LED indicator for the switching state of the standard inputs: INx INx Meaning Yellow Standard input on Off Standard input off 46 Supplements to system manual System Manual, 09/2010, A5E03003228020-01 ASIsafe: Safe AS-i outputs 2.1 Safe SlimLine module S45F LED indicator for the switching state of the standard outputs: OUTx INx Meaning Yellow Standard output on Off Standard output off LED indicator for ASIsafe communication: F-FAULT, F-EN, F-OUT F-FAULT F-EN F-OUT Possible cause Possible remedial measures Off Green Yellow Normal ASIsafe operation, safety-oriented enable by the safety monitor is correctly received, F-OUT output is enabled -- Off Green Off Normal ASIsafe operation, safety-oriented enable by the safety monitor is correctly received, but F-OUT output is not connected during operation * Normal ASIsafe operation, no enable or incorrect safety-oriented enable of safety monitor received * Off Off Off * * Set output OUT3 to switch on F-OUT during normal operation If necessary, deactivate functional switching (set parameter bit P1 to 1) Bring safe slaves into the state so that safety monitor enable is sent check correct assignment to the safetyrelated address (F-ADDR.) Red Off Off F-Out switched off, communication fault must be acknowledged Send acknowledgment by help signals (reset of error condition, restart) via safety monitor Flashing red Flashing green Flashing yellow Address switch not in the RUN position Move address switch to the RUN position Device error Restart or replace defective device (running light) Flashing red Flashing green Flashing yellow (rapid flashing in unison) AS-i diagnostics of the integrated A/B slave When there is an overload on the standard outputs and/or when there is an overload of the sensor current supply of the standard inputs, the module sets the I/O error bit. The safe S45 SlimLine module also maintains communication in the event of a sensor power supply overload. In the event of a sensor overload, the substitute value zero is transmitted for the inputs. Note This behavior ensures that an overload of the sensor power supply for the standard inputs has no effect on the safety function of the device. Therefore, this is a departure from the normal behavior of AS-i slaves, which revert to the reset state and then no longer communicate via AS-Interface when there is an overload of the sensor power supply. Supplements to system manual System Manual, 09/2010, A5E03003228020-01 47 ASIsafe: Safe AS-i outputs 2.1 Safe SlimLine module S45F Diagnostic bit IN4 (DI3) If the safe S45F SlimLine module has shut down the enabling circuit because of a communication fault and is waiting for an acknowledgment in order to restart (help signal 1 or 2), the fourth input (input bit D3) of the integrated A/B slave assumes state 1. The request for the acknowledgment signal is thereby transmitted to the controller and the safety monitor. Diagnostics via ASIMON configuration software In the ASIMON configuration software, the state of the safe output module can be displayed in the online diagnostics via the "actuator diagnostics" diagnostics device. For this purpose, a corresponding diagnostics device needs to be added in the ASIMON configuration for each safe output module. The address of the integrated A/B slave of the safe S45F SlimLine module as well as the diagnostics type need to be entered in it. Diagnostics type 4 is to be selected for the safe S45F SlimLine module. Figure 2-11 48 Selecting ASIMON diagnostics device Supplements to system manual System Manual, 09/2010, A5E03003228020-01 ASIsafe: Safe AS-i outputs 2.1 Safe SlimLine module S45F 2.1.7 Technical data Order number Type of connection 3RK1405-1SE15-0AA2 3RK1405-1SG15-0AA2 Screw-type connection Spring-loaded connection Slave type Standard slave Suitable for AS-i Master acc. to spec. ... (or higher) AS-i Spec. 2.1 AS-i slave profile IO.ID.ID2 S-7.A.E (ID1 is variable, default setting: 7hex) PFH value No. of inputs/outputs 2.14 x 10-8 [1/h] 1 safe output / 3 inputs digital / 2 outputs digital Electrical data Total power consumption 200 mA Reverse polarity protection Integrated Total system response time (from the moment of the shutdown request to the moment at which the output has switched off) < 70 ms On-delay time (Power On) <3s Digital inputs For signal "0" Iin 1.5 mA For signal "1" Uin, Iin 10 V, 5 mA Digital outputs (short-circuit-proof, with induction protection) Operating voltage UAUX (PELV) Current-carrying capacity per output Iout Voltage drop Utype 24 V 15 % 0.7 A, short-circuit-proof and overload-proof 0.8 V Safe output Max. contact load Protection 24 V DC, 3 A external with 4 A MT, max. Mechanical data Degree of protection IP20 Rated temperature Ta 25 C Ambient temperature Ta -25 ... +70 C Storage temperature Ts -40 ... +85 C Approvals UL, CSA applied for For information on additional properties, please refer to the current data sheet which is available in the Internet: Order No.: 3RK1405-1SE15-0AA2 ( 3RK1405-1SG15-0AA2 ( Supplements to system manual System Manual, 09/2010, A5E03003228020-01 49 ASIsafe: Safe AS-i outputs 2.1 Safe SlimLine module S45F Assignment of inputs and outputs 50 Bit AS-i Input DI 0 IN 1 DI 1 IN 2 DI 2 IN 3 (EDM) DI 3 Diagnostics 0: ok 1: Error HS1 or HS2 required (HS = help signal) or fatal error Bit AS-i output DO 0 OUT 1 DO 1 OUT 2 DO 2 P1 = 1: Functional switching deactivated; F-OUT OFF, if no safety-oriented enable F-OUT ON, if safety-oriented enable P1 = 0: Functional switching activated; 0: F-OUT OFF 1: F-OUT ON, if safety-oriented enable received DO 3 -- -- Supplements to system manual System Manual, 09/2010, A5E03003228020-01 ASIsafe: Safe AS-i outputs 2.1 Safe SlimLine module S45F 2.1.8 Dimension drawings Safe S45F SlimLine module, screw-type connection 120 106 45 Safe S45F SlimLine module, spring-type connection 120 110 45 Supplements to system manual System Manual, 09/2010, A5E03003228020-01 51 ASIsafe: Safe AS-i outputs 2.1 Safe SlimLine module S45F 52 Supplements to system manual System Manual, 09/2010, A5E03003228020-01