Amphenol®/Pyle®/Matrix® Quick Product Guide
EMI Filter/Transient
Protection Devices
Intermateable with /Features of
FTV - MIL-DTL-38999 Series III
FJT - MIL_DTL-38999/27599 Series II
FLJT - MIL-DTL 38999/27599 Series I
FSJT - Proprietary SJT
FBL - MIL-DTL-38999 Series IV
FPT - MIL-DTL-26482 Series 1 & 2
- MIL-DTL-83723 Series I
Other EMI/Transient Protection
MOV’s Hermetic Filters
Diodes Filter Adapters
EMP Filtered Plugs
“AN” Filters
Amphenol Canada Filter Pro duc ts:
485 Ser i es Filtered ARINC 404 & 600
MIL-DTL- 24308 Filter D-Subs
MIL-DTL- 83513 Micro D-Subs
Fiber Optic Products
Fiber Optic Termini:
MIL-PRF-29504/4 & /5 Multi-mode siz e 16
Multi-mode, HD20
MIL-PRF-20504/4 & /5 Single mode size 16
90° Multi-mode size 16
MT ferrule
Fiber Optic Cylindrical Connectors -
Tri- Start, MIL-DTL-38999 Series III
Incorpora ting MIL-PRF-2950 4 or ARINC 801 o r
MT termini
Fiber Optic Bulkhead Feed-through
Fiber Optic Rectangular Connectors :
PCB - Brush & Fi ber Optic Combinations
LRM - Brush & Fiber Optic Combinations
VMEP0 /J0, Rugge dized VITA-46
Fiber Optic Rack & Panel Connectors:
ARINC 600, R27 and R58 Series
Other Fiber Optic Products
Fiber Opt i c Cable Systems
MFM Family: Hermaphroditic, Duplex, Simplex
CTOS, CTOL, AXOS Field Deployable Lens
ST Fiber Optics
MTRJ Field
Tactical Optical Splice
Fiber Optic Termination Tools
Printed Circuit Boards
and Flex Circuitry
Design formats of Mentor, PADS, Cadence,
Zuken. Panel thicknes s: .500”
Panel Si zes: 24” x 54”, 30” x 44”, 36” x 42”
Layer count up to 64
Interconnect formation types: back drilled,
dual dia., thru hole, blind, electrically iso l ated,
buried, SMT
Many othe r options and material choice s
Flexible and Rigid-Flex
For attachment to Printed circuit boards:
Press f i t connectors
Cylindricals with PC Tail contacts
Universal Header Assemblies
Flex Circuit Assemblies
Printed Circuit Bd. Terminal Blocks
Wiring In terface Modules
Board Level
Rectangular Connectors
with Bristle Brush Contacts
M55302/166 MB ( )-( )P
M55302/167 MB ( )-( )W
M55302/168 PC ( )-( )P
M55302/169 IO ( )-( )C
M55302/169 IO ( )-( )P
M55302/170 DB ( )-( )P
with Crimp, Solder or PCB Contacts
M55302/67-69 PCB90A
M55302/70-71 PCB100A
M55302/76-77 PCB100B
M55302/74-75 PCB100C
M55302/72-73 PCB150A
High Density Rectangular Connectors
HDB3 Mother Board/Daughter Board
LRM Surface Mount
with Bristle Brush Contacts
Module and Bac kplane connectors with
standa rd Brush contacts
Staggered Grid - 180 contact pattern grid
GEN-X Grid - 236 contact patte rn grid
SEM-E or custom form factors
Air-flow inserts for wider boards
LRM can incorporate Fiber Opti cs,
RF contacts, shielded high speed contacts ,
in combinations with Brush contacts
LRM with flex circuitry
LRM power supply modules
VME Rectangular Products
Ruggedize d VME64-X
Ruggedized VME P0 /J0
Backplane Connectors
with Tuning Fork & Blade Contacts
UHD (Ultra High Density) Connectors
NAFI (Daug htercard/Backplane Conn.
Other Rectangular Connectors
I/O NAFI Series
LMD and LMS Modules
Amphenol AirLB SIM Modulars
SIHD , SIAL Int e rconn ec t s
VITA -46
Heat Sink Manufacturing
Amphenol Canada products: R39, R58
and SD308, CD3 08
Backplane Systems
Electrical and Optical Backplane Systems that
can incorporate:
MIL-DTL- 55302 brush contacts
NAFI fo rk and blade cont acts
UHD fork and blade
MIL-DTL-38999 Cylindricals
MT Optical Ferrules
Rack & Panel Connectors
Rectangular Rack and Panel:
Ruggedized, Non-Floating Brush
217 Ser i es
LE, LPX Series
ARINC 404, ARIN C 60 0
R27 Se r i es
RFM Modular Series
Micro D-Subs
Cylindrical Rack and Pan el:
RNJ Series
Special Purpose
Interconnection Products
Available in the following series:
MS Standard MIL-DTL-5015
Miniature MIL-DTL-26482
Submini ature MIL-DTL-3 8999, I, II, III
Breakaway/Lanyard Release
Available in the following series:
Fail-Saf e Subminiatu re MIL-DTL-38999
Twist-Pull Miniature MIL-DTL-26482
Quick Disconn ect Matrix MIL- DT L-83723
Quick Disconn ect Matrix MIL- DT L-5015
Stores Management Type II, Rail Launch
1760 Weapons Release
Gatelink Breakaway
Battlefield Interconnects & Cables
Stinger Missile types
EMC Protected & Over-molded Cable
Sincgars , Bowman Program Connectors
Wind Corrected Munitions Dispenser
Rail Mass Transit/Industrial
Interconnects & Cables
Freight -Mate Cable Assemblies
Tra ns- Power & 27 Po l e T r ai n - Li n e
Over-molded Cable available with any
Amphenol cylindrical industrial connector
Data Bus Products
Can Couplers, Box Couplers
ARINC 629 Current Mode Couplers
Wire Integrated Connectors (W.I.C.s)
711 Data Bus
Other Special Purpose Products
RJ Field, USB F i eld, MTRJ Field, EZ Fi eld
Amphenol Nex us Technologies Products
for Audio Frequency Protection
SV Microwave Connectors
Aquacon Immersible
Pyle Pon Series Indicator Lights
WFRS Interlocked Safety Switches
Astron aut Zero-G Connectors
Geophysical Miniatures
SCE and Mini SCE Push Pull
PPM Push-Pull
Shorting Plugs
Micro-Miniature Connectors
ECTA 133, ECTA 544
Quick Connection Modules
1900 Rect angulars
AT Series Circ ular J1939 Diagnos tic.
Contacts and
Crimp M39029, Thermocouple, Wire wrap,
Coaxial, Twinax , Triax, Quadrax and
Differential Twinax Shi elded Contacts
Bristle Brush Contacts f or Rec tangulars
Fork & Blade Contacts for Rectangulars
Fiber Optic Termini
RADSOK® Contacts for High Amperage
High Frequency Contacts with “Float
Mount Technology
AT Series Contacts
M85049 Accesso r ies
Industrial Cord Grips and Cable Glands
Pipe & Cable Supports
Relay Sockets and Junction Modules
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