Lattice Semiconductor 11
Preliminary Data Sheet ORCA ORT4622 FPSC
April 2002 Four-Channel x 622 Mbits/s Backplane Transceiver
ORT4622 Overview (continued)
FPSC Configuration
Configuration of the ORT4622 occurs in two stages,
FPGA bit stream configuration and embedded core
FPGA Configuration
Prior to becoming operational, the FPGA goes through
a sequence of states, including powerup initialization,
configuration, start-up, and operation. The FPGA logic
is configured by standard FPGA bit stream configura-
tion means as discussed in the Series 3 FPGA data
sheet. Additionally, f or the OR T4622, the location of the
CPU interface to the embedded core, either on the
device pins or at the FPGA/embedded core boundary,
is configured via FPGA configuration and is defined via
the ORT4622 design kit. The default configuration sets
the CPU interface pins to be active. A simple micropro-
cessor emulation soft Intellectual Property (IP) core
that uses very small FPGA logic is available from Lat-
tice. This microprocessor core sets up the embedded
core via a state machine and allows the ORT4622 to
work in an independent system without an external
microprocessor interface.
Embedded Core Setup
The embedded core operation is set up via the embed-
ded core CPU interf ace. All options for the operation of
the core are configured according to the de vice register
map presented in the detailed description section of
this data sheet.
During the powerup sequence, the ORT4622 device
(FPGA programmable circuit and the core) is held in
reset. All the LVDS output buffers and other output buff-
ers are held in 3-state. All flip-flops in core area are in
reset state, with the e xception of the boundry scan shift
registers, which can only be reset by Boundary Scan
Reset. After powerup reset, the FPGA can start config-
uration. During FPGA configuration, the OR T4622 core
will be held in reset and all the local bus interface sig-
nals are forced high, but the following active-high sig-
TX_TOH_CK_EN, SYS_FP, LINE_FP) are forced low.
The CORE_READY signal sent from the embedded
core to FPGA is held low, indicating core is not ready to
interact with FPGA logic. At the end of the FPGA con-
figuration sequence, the CORE_READY signal will be
held low for six SYS_CLK cycles after DONE, TRI_IO
and RST_N (core global reset) are high. Then it will go
active-high, indicating the embedded core is ready to
function and interact with FPGA programmable circuit.
During FPGA reconfiguration when DONE and TRI_IO
are low, the CORE_READY signal sent from the core to
FPGA will be held low again to indicate the embedded
core is not ready to interact with FPGA logic. During
FPGA partial configuration, CORE_READY stays
active. The same FPGA configuration sequence
described previously will repeat again.
The initialization of the embedded core consists of two
steps: register configuration and synchronization of the
alignment FIFO. In order to configure the embedded
core, the registers need to be unloc k ed by writing 0xA0
to address 0x04 and writing 0x01 to address 0x05.
Control registers 0x04 and 0x05 are lock registers. If
the output bus of the data, serial TOH port, and TOH
clock and TOH frame pulse are controlled by 3-state
registers (the use of the registers for 3-state output
control is optional; these output 3-state enable signals
are brought across the local bus interf ace and a vailab le
to the FPGA side), the next step is to activate the 3-
state output bus and signals by taking them to func-
tional state from high-impedance state. This can be
done by writing 0x01 to correspond bits of the channel
registers 0x20, 0x38, 0x50, and 0x68. If the 3-state
control is done in FPGA logic or external logic instead
of in the embedded core registers, this step should be
done in that particular control logic also.
In addition, the synchronization of selected streams is
recommended for some networking systems applica-
tions. This is a resync of the alignment FIFO after the
enabled channels have a valid frame pulse. Here are
the procedures: Put all of the streams to be aligned,
including disabled streams, into their required align-
ment mode. Force AIS-L in all streams to be synchro-
nized (refer to register map, write 0x01 to DB1 of
register 0x20, 0x38, 0x50, 0x68). Wait four frames.
Write a 0x01 to the FIFO alignment resync register, bit
DB1 of register 0x06. Wait four frames. Release the
AIS-L in all streams (write 1 to DB1 of register 0x20,
0x38, 0x50, 0x68). This procedures allows normal data
flow through the embedded core.
Generic Backplane Transceiver