5.5 Functional Modes
5.5.1 Active Mode
Active Mode is the normal running mode with the core clock running from the fast RC oscillator, the main crystal
oscillator or the PLL. The power management controll er can be used to adapt the frequency and to disable the
peripheral clocks.
5.5.2 Backup Mode
The purpose of Backup mode is to achieve the lowest power consumption possible in a system which is
performing periodic wakeups to perform tasks but not requiring fast startup time.
The zero-power power-on reset, SUPC, RTT, RTC, general-purpose backup registers (GPBR) and 32 kHz
oscillator (RC or crystal oscillator selected by software in the Supply Controller) are running. The regulator and the
core supply are off.
The SAMG55 can be awakened from this mode using the pins WKUP0–15, the supply monitor (SM), the RTT, or
the RTC.
Backup mode is entered by writing a 1 to the VROFF bit of the Supply Controller Control Register (SUPC_CR) (a
key is needed to write the VROFF bit, refer to section Supply Controller SUPC) and with the SLEEPDEEP bit in the
Cortex-M4 System Control Register set to 1 (see power m anagement description in section ARM Cortex-M4
Processor). To reduce consumption, the supply monitor on VDDIO can be disabled.
To enter Backup mode using the VROFF bit:
Write a 1 to the VROFF bit of SUPC_CR.
To enter Backup mode using the WFE instruction:
Write a 1 to the SLEEPDEEP bit of the Cortex-M4 processor.
Execute the WFE instruction of the processor.
In both cases, exit from Backup mode happens if one of the following enable wake up even ts occurs:
Pins WKUPEN0–15 (level tr ansition, configurable debouncing)
Supply Monitor alarm
RTC alarm
RTT alarm
5.5.3 Wait Mode
Wait mode allows the device to achieve very low power consumption levels while remaining in a powered state
with a wakeup time of less than a few µs. In Wait mode, the clocks of the core, the peripherals and memories are
stopped. However, power supplies are maintained to ensure memory and CPU context retention.
The wakeup time is achieved when entry into and exit from Wait mode are performed in internal SRAM. The
wakeup time increases to 6.9 µs if entry into Wakeup mode is performed in internal Flash.
Wait mode is entered using either the WAITMODE bit in the PMC Clock Generator Main Oscillator register
(CKGR_MOR) or the Wait for Event (WFE) instruction. Before entering Wait mode, the POR core must be
disabled. Detailed sequences are provided below.
Note that the WFE instruction can add complexity in application state machines due to the fact that the WFE
instruction go es alo n g w i th an e v ent fla g of th e Cortex core (cannot be managed by the software application). The
event flag can be set by interrupts, a debug event or an event signal from another processor. Since an interrupt
can take place just before the execution of WFE, WFE takes into account events that happened in the past. As a
result, WFE prevents the device from entering Wait mode if an interrupt event has occurred. To work around this
complexity, follow the sequence using the WAITMODE bit described below.