StackableUSB™I/O Device Carrier
for the Tower System
9 Accommodates up to four (4)
StackableUSB board s
9 Maximize syst em ac cess to USB,
SPI, and I2C ports
9 USB root or hub versions
9 No special software needed
provide design engineers additional
expansion for the Freescale Tower System.
With easy access to the rugged
StackableUSB connector, users can
effortlessly evaluate plug-and-play ¼-size
(1.85” x 1.74”) StackableUSB I/O devices.
From wireless to GPS to serial conversion,
OEMs are able to cost-effectively explore a
wealth of peripheral functions for their
embedded system.
By offering OEMs the flexibility to build on the
number of USB, SPI, and I2C ports, the CRR-
TOWER and the HUB-TOWER open the
door for R&D engineers to evaluate a
potential design in its entiret y rather than one
board/chip at a time.
For garnering more I/O flexibility and capacity
on a variety of form factors, Nano-ITX, Pico-
ITX, 104 Form Factor™, SUMIT-ISM, and
COM Express versions are available as well
(see ordering information).
Software/Driver Support Compatible Hardware Mounting/Packaging
Utilizes standard USB drivers Tower System CPU motherboard
PC Host desktops and laptops
StackableUSB Client boards
Tower System and ¼-size 104
Form Factor
Standoffs, STDOFFUSB