Qualification Test
Report 501-662
12Aug08 Re v B
HDMI/E-SATA and HDMI/HDMI Stacked Connector|Assemblies
©2008 Tyco Electronics Corporation
Harrisburg , PA
All International Rights Reserved
* Trademark
| Indicates change 1 of 10
1.1. Purpose
| Testing was perform ed on Tyco Electronics HD M I/E-SAT A and HD MI/HD M I Stacked Connector
| Assem blies to determ ine their conform ance to the requirem ents of Version 1.3a of the High-Definition
| Multim edia Interface Specification, Version 1.3c of the HD M I Compliance Test Specification, and
| Revision 2.6 of the Serial ATA as applicable.
1.2. Scope
| This report covers the electrical, mechanical, and environm ental perform ance of the HDM I/E-SATA and
| HD M I/HDM I Stacked Connector Assem blies. T esting was performed at the EME Laboratory and the
E n g in e er in g A s su r a n c e Pr o d u c t Te s ting L a b or a to r y b e twe e n 2 1 Feb 0 7 a n d 1 9 Ju l0 7 . Th e test f ile
num bers for this testing are EMEB079940-001, CTLB079940-004, CTLB079940-006, CT LB079940-
| 007, CT LB079940-008, CTLB079940-009, CTLB079940-010 and CT LB079940-011. Additional testing
| was perform ed on 11Jun08. T he test file number for this testing is EA20080513T . T his docum entation
is on file at and available from the EME Laboratory and the Engineering Assurance Product Testing
1.3. Conclusion
| The H DMI/E-SA T A a n d HDMI/HDMI S ta c k ed C o n n ec to r A ss e mb lies liste d in pa ra g rap h 1 .5.,
conform ed to the electrical, m echanical, and environm ental performance requirements of Version 1.3a
| of the High-D efinition Multimedia Interface Specification, Version 1.3c of the HDM I Compliance Test
| Specification, and Revision 2.6 of the Serial ATA as applicable.
1.4. Product Description
| The HD M I/E-SATA and HD M I/HDM I Stacked Connector Assem blies com bines video and audio into a
single digital interface for use with DVD players, set-top boxes, televisions and other audiovisual
1.5. Test Specim ens
| T es t spec imens were represen tative of no rm al produc tion lots. Spe cim en s identified with part nu mbe rs
| 1888540-1 and 1888811-1 were used for testing. Specim ens were tested with 0.3 :m min imu m g o ld
plating on the m ating surface of the contacts and gold flash over 0.3 :m minim um palladium -nickel
plating on the m ating surface of the contacts.
1.6. Environmental Conditions
Unless otherwise stated, the following environm ental conditions prevailed during testing:
!Temperature: 15 to 35/C
!Relative Humidity: 25 to 75%