To our customers, Old Company Name in Catalogs and Other Documents On April 1st, 2010, NEC Electronics Corporation merged with Renesas Technology Corporation, and Renesas Electronics Corporation took over all the business of both companies. Therefore, although the old company name remains in this document, it is a valid Renesas Electronics document. We appreciate your understanding. Renesas Electronics website: April 1st, 2010 Renesas Electronics Corporation Issued by: Renesas Electronics Corporation ( Send any inquiries to Notice 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. All information included in this document is current as of the date this document is issued. Such information, however, is subject to change without any prior notice. Before purchasing or using any Renesas Electronics products listed herein, please confirm the latest product information with a Renesas Electronics sales office. Also, please pay regular and careful attention to additional and different information to be disclosed by Renesas Electronics such as that disclosed through our website. Renesas Electronics does not assume any liability for infringement of patents, copyrights, or other intellectual property rights of third parties by or arising from the use of Renesas Electronics products or technical information described in this document. No license, express, implied or otherwise, is granted hereby under any patents, copyrights or other intellectual property rights of Renesas Electronics or others. You should not alter, modify, copy, or otherwise misappropriate any Renesas Electronics product, whether in whole or in part. Descriptions of circuits, software and other related information in this document are provided only to illustrate the operation of semiconductor products and application examples. You are fully responsible for the incorporation of these circuits, software, and information in the design of your equipment. Renesas Electronics assumes no responsibility for any losses incurred by you or third parties arising from the use of these circuits, software, or information. When exporting the products or technology described in this document, you should comply with the applicable export control laws and regulations and follow the procedures required by such laws and regulations. You should not use Renesas Electronics products or the technology described in this document for any purpose relating to military applications or use by the military, including but not limited to the development of weapons of mass destruction. Renesas Electronics products and technology may not be used for or incorporated into any products or systems whose manufacture, use, or sale is prohibited under any applicable domestic or foreign laws or regulations. Renesas Electronics has used reasonable care in preparing the information included in this document, but Renesas Electronics does not warrant that such information is error free. Renesas Electronics assumes no liability whatsoever for any damages incurred by you resulting from errors in or omissions from the information included herein. Renesas Electronics products are classified according to the following three quality grades: "Standard", "High Quality", and "Specific". The recommended applications for each Renesas Electronics product depends on the product's quality grade, as indicated below. You must check the quality grade of each Renesas Electronics product before using it in a particular application. You may not use any Renesas Electronics product for any application categorized as "Specific" without the prior written consent of Renesas Electronics. Further, you may not use any Renesas Electronics product for any application for which it is not intended without the prior written consent of Renesas Electronics. Renesas Electronics shall not be in any way liable for any damages or losses incurred by you or third parties arising from the use of any Renesas Electronics product for an application categorized as "Specific" or for which the product is not intended where you have failed to obtain the prior written consent of Renesas Electronics. The quality grade of each Renesas Electronics product is "Standard" unless otherwise expressly specified in a Renesas Electronics data sheets or data books, etc. "Standard": 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. Computers; office equipment; communications equipment; test and measurement equipment; audio and visual equipment; home electronic appliances; machine tools; personal electronic equipment; and industrial robots. "High Quality": Transportation equipment (automobiles, trains, ships, etc.); traffic control systems; anti-disaster systems; anticrime systems; safety equipment; and medical equipment not specifically designed for life support. "Specific": Aircraft; aerospace equipment; submersible repeaters; nuclear reactor control systems; medical equipment or systems for life support (e.g. artificial life support devices or systems), surgical implantations, or healthcare intervention (e.g. excision, etc.), and any other applications or purposes that pose a direct threat to human life. You should use the Renesas Electronics products described in this document within the range specified by Renesas Electronics, especially with respect to the maximum rating, operating supply voltage range, movement power voltage range, heat radiation characteristics, installation and other product characteristics. Renesas Electronics shall have no liability for malfunctions or damages arising out of the use of Renesas Electronics products beyond such specified ranges. Although Renesas Electronics endeavors to improve the quality and reliability of its products, semiconductor products have specific characteristics such as the occurrence of failure at a certain rate and malfunctions under certain use conditions. Further, Renesas Electronics products are not subject to radiation resistance design. Please be sure to implement safety measures to guard them against the possibility of physical injury, and injury or damage caused by fire in the event of the failure of a Renesas Electronics product, such as safety design for hardware and software including but not limited to redundancy, fire control and malfunction prevention, appropriate treatment for aging degradation or any other appropriate measures. Because the evaluation of microcomputer software alone is very difficult, please evaluate the safety of the final products or system manufactured by you. Please contact a Renesas Electronics sales office for details as to environmental matters such as the environmental compatibility of each Renesas Electronics product. Please use Renesas Electronics products in compliance with all applicable laws and regulations that regulate the inclusion or use of controlled substances, including without limitation, the EU RoHS Directive. Renesas Electronics assumes no liability for damages or losses occurring as a result of your noncompliance with applicable laws and regulations. This document may not be reproduced or duplicated, in any form, in whole or in part, without prior written consent of Renesas Electronics. Please contact a Renesas Electronics sales office if you have any questions regarding the information contained in this document or Renesas Electronics products, or if you have any other inquiries. (Note 1) "Renesas Electronics" as used in this document means Renesas Electronics Corporation and also includes its majorityowned subsidiaries. (Note 2) "Renesas Electronics product(s)" means any product developed or manufactured by or for Renesas Electronics. PRELIMINARY RX610 Group REJ03B0258-0050 Rev. 0.50 Mar. 24, 2009 Renesas 32-Bit MCU 1. Overview 1.1 Features The RX610 Group is an MCU with the high-speed, high-performance RX CPU as its core. One basic instruction is executable in one cycle of the system clock. Calculation functionality is further enhanced, with the inclusion of a single-precision floating-point calculation unit as well as a 32-bit multiplier and divider. Additionally, code efficiency is improved by instructions with lengths that are variable in byte units and by an enhanced range of addressing modes. Timers, serial communication interfaces, I2C bus interfaces, an A/D converter, and a D/A converter are incorporated as peripheral functions which are essential to embedded devices. Facilities for connecting external memory are also included, enabling direct connection to memory and peripheral LSI circuits. The on-chip memory is flash memory capable of large-capacity, high-speed operation, and this significantly reduces the cost of configuring systems. 1.1.1 Applications Office automation equipment and digital industrial equipment Notes to users: * While the information contained herein is believed to be accurate, it may contain technical inaccuracies or typographical errors. * The specification may be subject to change due to produce improvements or other reasons. Please verify the document is the latest version available. REJ03B0258-0050 Rev.0.50 Page 1 of 47 Mar. 24, 2009 Under development Preliminary Specification Specifications in this preliminary version are subject to change. RX610 Group 1.1.2 1. Overview Outline of Specifications Table 1.1 lists the specifications of the RX610 Group in outline. Table 1.1 Outline of Specifications Classification Module/Function Description CPU CPU * Maximum operating frequency: 100 MHz * 32-bit RX CPU * Minimum instruction execution time: One instruction in one state (in one system clock cycle) * Address space: 4-Gbyte linear address * Register set of the CPU General purpose: Sixteen 32-bit registers Control: Nine 32-bit registers Accumulator: One 64-bit register (lower-order 16 bits are fixed to 0) * Basic instructions: 73 * Floating-point operation instructions: 8 * DSP instructions: 9 * Addressing modes: 10 * Data arrangement Instructions: Little endian Data: Selectable as little endian or big endian * On-chip 32-bit multiplier: 32 x 32 64 bits * On-chip divider: 32 / 32 32 bits * Barrel shifter: 32 bits * Supports single precision (32-bit) floating point FPU * Supports data types and floating-point exceptions conforming to the IEEE754 standard Memory * ROM capacity: 2 Mbytes (max.) ROM * Three types of on-board programming modes SCI boot mode, user program mode, and user boot mode RAM RAM capacity: 128 Kbytes Data flash Data ROM capacity: 32 Kbytes MCU operating modes Single-chip mode, on-chip ROM enabled extended mode, and on-chip ROM disabled extended mode Clock Clock generation circuit * One main clock oscillation circuit * Includes a PLL circuit and frequency divider, so the operating frequency is selectable * System clock, periperal module clock, and external bus clock are independetly specifiable. The CPU, DMAC, DTC, ROM, and RAM run in synchronization with the system clock (ICLK): 8 to 100 MHz Peripheral modules run in synchronization with the peripheral module clock (PCLK): 8 to 50 MHz Devices connected to the external bus run in synchronization with the external bus clock (BCLK): 8 to 25 MHz Power down Power-down function * Module stop function * Four power-down modes Sleep mode, all-module clock stop mode, software standby mode, and deep software standby mode REJ03B0258-0050 Rev.0.50 Page 2 of 47 Mar. 24, 2009 Under development Preliminary Specification Specifications in this preliminary version are subject to change. RX610 Group 1. Overview Classification Module/Function Description Interrupt Interrupt control unit * Peripheral function interrupts: 116 * External interrupts: 16 (pins INT0 to INT15) * Non-maskable interrupt: 1 (the NMI pin) * Eight priority orders specifiable * The external address space can be divided into eight areas (CS0 to CS7), each of External bus extension which is independently controllable. Capacity of each area: 16 Mbytes Chip-select signals (CS0# to CS7#) can be output for each area. 8-bit or 16-bit bus space can be specified for each area. The data arrangement is selectable as little endian or big endian for each area. (only for data) * Separate bus system * Wait control * Write buffer proramming DMA * 4-channel DMA transfer available DMA controller * Activation sources: Software trigger, external interrupts, and interrupt requests from peripheral functions Data transfer controller * Three transfer modes: Normal transfer, repeat transfer, and block transfer Programmable I/O ports * CMOS I/O pins: 117 (15 ports) * Activated by interrupt sources (chain transfer enabled) I/O ports * Pull-up resistors: 40 * Open-drain outputs: 16 * 5-V tolerance: 10 Timer 16-bit timer pulse unit * (16 bits x 6 channels) x 2 units * Up to 32 pulse inputs and outputs * Select from among 7 or 8 counter-input clocks for each channel * Input capture/output compare function supported * Maximum of 15-phase PWM output possible in PWM mode * Buffered operation, phase counting mode (two-phase encoder input), and cascaded operation (32 bits x 2 channels) settable for each channel * PPG output trigger can be generated * Conversion start trigger for the A/D converter can be generated Programmable pulse * (4 bits x 4 groups) x 2 units generator * Provides pulse outputs by using the TPU output as a trigger * Maximum of 32-bit pulse output possible 8-bit timer * (8 bits x 2 channels) x 2 units * Select from among 8 clock sources (7 internal clocks and 1 external clock) * Allows the output of pulse trains with a desired duty cycle or PWM signals * Cascading of 2 channels enables it to be used as a 16-bit timer * Generation of trigger to start A/D converter conversion * Capable of generating baud rate clock for SCI5 and SCI6 Compare match timer * (16 bits x 2 channels) x 2 units * Select from among 4 counter-input clocks REJ03B0258-0050 Rev.0.50 Page 3 of 47 Mar. 24, 2009 Under development Preliminary Specification Specifications in this preliminary version are subject to change. RX610 Group Classification 1. Overview Module/Function Description * 8 bits x 1 channel Watchdog timer * Select from among 8 counter-input clocks * Switchable between watchdog timer mode and interval timer mode Communication Serial communication * 7 channels function interface * Serial communication mode: Asynchronous, clock synchronous, and smart card interface * On-chip baud rate generator allows any bit rate to be selected * Choice of LSB-first or MSB-first transfer * Enables average transfer rate clock input from TMR (SCI5, SCI6) 2 I C bus interface * 2 channels * Communication format 2 I C bus format/SMBus format Master/slave selectable * Maximum transfer rate: 1 Mbps A/D converter * 4 units (1 unit x 4 channels) * 10-bit resolution * Conversion time: 1.0 s per channel (at 50-MHz (PCLK) operation) * Two kinds of operating modes Single mode and scan mode (one-cycle scan mode or continuous scan mode) * Sample-and-hold function * Three types of A/D conversion start Conversion can be started by software, a conversion start trigger by the timer (TPU or TMR), or an external trigger signal. D/A converter * 2 channels * 10-bit resolution * Output voltage: 0 V to Vref CRC calculator * CRC code generation for arbitrary data lengths in 8-bit units * One of three generating polynomials selectable 8 2 16 15 2 16 12 5 X + X + X + 1, X + X + X + 1, X + X + X + 1 * CRC code generation for LSB-first or MSB-first communication selectable Operating frequency 8 to 100 MHz Power supply voltage VCC = PLLVCC = AVCC = 3.0 to 3.6V, Vref = 3.0 to AVCC Supply current 50 mA (typ.) (regular specifications) Operating temperature -20 to +85C (regular specifications), -40 to +85C (wide-range specifications) Package 144-pin LQFP (PLQP0144KA-A) REJ03B0258-0050 Rev.0.50 Page 4 of 47 Mar. 24, 2009 Under development Preliminary Specification Specifications in this preliminary version are subject to change. RX610 Group 1.2 1. Overview List of Products Table 1.2 is the list of products, and figure 1.1 shows how to read the product part no. Table 1.2 List of Products Operating Part No. Package ROM Capacity RAM Capacity Data Flash Frequency (Max.) R5F56108VNFP PLQP0144KA-A 2 Mbytes 128 Kbytes 32 Kbytes 100 MHz R5F56108WNBG (under development) PLBG0176GA-A 2 Mbytes 128 Kbytes 32 Kbytes 100 MHz R5F56107VNFP PLQP0144KA-A 1.5 Mbytes 128 Kbytes 32 Kbytes 100 MHz R5F56107WNBG (under development) PLBG0176GA-A 1.5 Mbytes 128 Kbytes 32 Kbytes 100 MHz R5F56106VNFP PLQP0144KA-A 1 Mbyte 128 Kbytes 32 Kbytes 100 MHz R5F56106WNBG (under development) PLBG0176GA-A 1 Mbyte 128 Kbytes 32 Kbytes 100 MHz R5F56104VNFP PLQP0144KA-A 768 Kbytes 128 Kbytes 32 Kbytes 100 MHz R5F56104WNBG (under development) PLBG0176GA-A 768 Kbytes 128 Kbytes 32 Kbytes 100 MHz R5S56101VNFP PLQP0144KA-A 128 Kbytes 100 MHz R 5 F 56 10 8 V N FP Indicates the package. FP: LQFP BG: LFBGA Indicates the characteristic code. N: Regular specifications D: Wide-range specifications Indicates the number of pins. V: 144 pins W: 176 pins Indicates the ROM capacity, RAM capacity, and data flash capacity. 8: 2 Mbytes/128 Kbytes/32 Kbytes 7: 1.5 Mbytes/128 Kbytes/32 Kbytes 6: 1 Mbyte/128 Kbytes/32 Kbytes 4: 768 Kbytes/128 Kbytes/32 Kbytes 1: /128 Kbytes/ Indicates the RX610 Group. Indicates the RX600 Series. Indicates the type of memory. F: Flash memory version S: ROMless version Indicates a Renesas MCU. Indicates a Renesas semiconductor product. Figure 1.1 REJ03B0258-0050 Rev.0.50 Page 5 of 47 Mar. 24, 2009 How to Read the Product Part No. Under development Preliminary Specification Specifications in this preliminary version are subject to change. RX610 Group 1.3 1. Overview Block Diagram Figure 1.2 shows a block diagram of the RX610 Group. ROM: 2 Mbytes (max.) RX CPU Port 0 (100 MHz/3.0 to 3.6V) Data flash: 32 Kbytes FPU 32-bit multiplier RAM: 128 Kbytes Port 1 Port 2 Divider Clock generation circuit Bus controller Port 3 Port 4 ICU Port 5 DMAC x 4 channels WDT Port 6 DTC TMR x 2 channels (Unit 0) Port 7 TMR x 2 channels (Unit 1) TPU x 6 channels (Unit 0) Port 8 TPU x 6 channels (Unit 1) CMT x 2 channels (Unit 0) Port 9 CMT x 2 channels (Unit 1) PPG (Unit 0) Port A PPG (Unit 1) 10-bit ADCx 4 channels (Unit 0) Port B 10-bit ADCx 4 channels (Unit 1) SCI x 7 channels Port C 10-bit ADCx 4 channels (Unit 2) CRC 10-bit ADCx 4 channels (Unit 3) RIIC x 2 channels 10-bit DAC x 2 channels Port D Port E [Legend ] FPU : Floating point unit DMAC : DMA controller ICU : Interrupt control unit DTC: Data transfer controller WDT : Watchdog timer TPU : 16-bit timer pulse unit TMR : 8-bit timer PPG: CMT : SCI: CRC : RIIC: ADC: DAC: Programmable pulse generator Compare match timer Serial communication interface CRC (cyclic redundancy check) calculator I2C bus interface A/D converter D/A converter Figure 1.2 REJ03B0258-0050 Rev.0.50 Page 6 of 47 Mar. 24, 2009 Block Diagram Under development Preliminary Specification Specifications in this preliminary version are subject to change. RX610 Group 1.4 1. Overview Pin Assignments PE1/D9 PE2/D10 PE3/D11 PE4/D12 PE5/D13/IRQ5-A PE6/D14/IRQ6-A PE7/D15/IRQ7-A PA0/A0/BC0#/PO16/TIOCA6 PA1/A1/PO17/TIOCA6/TIOCB6 PA2/A2/PO18/TIOCC6/TCLKE PA3/A3/PO19/TIOCC6/TIOCD6/TCLKF PA4/A4/PO20/TIOCA7 PA5/A5/PO21/TIOCA7/TIOCB7/TCLKG PA6/A6/PO22/TIOCA8 PA7/A7/PO23/TIOCA8/TIOCB8/TCLKH VSS PB0/A8/PO24/TIOCA9 VCC P70/CS3#-B/ADTRG2# P71/CS4#-C/CS5#-C/CS6#-C/CS7#-C P72 P73 P74/ADTRG3# PB1/A9/PO25/TIOCA9/TIOCB9 PB2/A10/PO26/TIOCC9 PB3/A11/PO27/TIOCC9/TIOCD9 PB4/A12/PO28/TIOCA10 PB5/A13/PO29/TIOCA10/TIOCB10 PB6/A14/PO30/TIOCA11 PB7/A15/PO31/TIOCA11/TIOCB11 PC0/A16 PC1/A17 VSS PC2/A18 VCC PC3/A19 108 107 106 105 104 103 102 101 100 99 98 97 96 95 94 93 92 91 90 89 88 87 86 85 84 83 82 81 80 79 78 77 76 75 74 73 Figure 1.3 and figure 1.4 (assistance diagram) show the pin assignments of the 144-pin LQFP. Table 1.3 shows the list of pins and pin functions. PE0/D8 109 72 PC4/A20 PD7/D7 110 71 PC5/A21/SCK5/CS5#-D PD6/D6 111 70 PC6/A22/RxD5/CS6#-D PD5/D5 112 69 PC7/A23/TxD5/CS4#-D/CS7#-D PD4/D4 113 68 P75 P64/CS4#-B 114 67 P76/IRQ14-A P63/CS3#-A/CS7#-A 115 66 P77 P62/CS2#-A/CS6#-A 116 65 P50/WR0#/WR# P61/CS1#/CS2#-B/CS5#-A/CS6#-B/CS7#-B 117 64 P51/WR1#/BC1# P60/CS0#/CS4#-A/CS5#-B 118 63 P52/RD# PD3/D3 119 62 P53/BCLK PD2/D2 120 61 P80 PD1/D1 121 60 P81/TRSYNC# PD0/D0 122 59 VCC P97/AN15 123 58 P82/TRCLK P96/AN14 124 57 VSS P95/AN13 125 56 P83 P94/AN12 126 55 P54/TRDATA0 P93/AN11 127 54 P55/TRDATA1 P92/AN10 128 53 P56/TRDATA2 P91/AN9 129 52 P57/WAIT#/TRDATA3 VSS 130 51 P84 P90/AN8 131 50 P35/PO13/TIOCA1/TIOCB1/TCLKC-A RX610 Group PLQP0144KA-A (144-pin LQFP) (Top view) REJ03B0258-0050 Rev.0.50 Page 7 of 47 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 VSS EXTAL VCC NMI P34/PO12/TIOCA1/IRQ4-A P33/PO11/TIOCC0/TIOCD0/TCLKB-A/IRQ3-A P32/PO10/TIOCC0/TCLKA-A/IRQ2-A P31/PO9/TIOCA0/TIOCB0/IRQ1-A P30/PO8/TIOCA0/IRQ0-A P27/PO7/TIOCA5/TIOCB5/SCK1 P26/PO6/TIOCA5/TMO1/TxD1 P25/PO5/TIOCA4/TMCI1/RxD1 P24/PO4/TIOCA4/TIOCB4/TMRI1 P23/PO3/TIOCC3/TIOCD3 36 20 XTAL 35 19 RES# Mar. 24, 2009 Pin Assignment of the 144-Pin LQFP P22/PO2/TIOCC3/TMO0/SCK0 18 Figure 1.3 P21/PO1/TIOCA3/TMCI0/RxD0 17 P85 P20/PO0/TIOCA3/TIOCB3/TMRI0/TxD0 P86 37 16 144 MD0 P17/TCLKD-B/TxD3/SCL0/ADTRG1#/IRQ7-B P05/TMO3/RxD4/IRQ13-A/TCK 15 38 MD1 143 14 PLLVCC AVCC VCL P16/TCLKC-B/RxD3/SDA0/IRQ6-B 39 13 40 142 12 141 Vref VSS PLLVSS P40/AN0/IRQ8-B MDE 41 11 140 WDTOVF#/TDO P15/TCLKB-B/SCK3/SCL1/IRQ5-B AVSS 10 42 EMLE 139 9 P14/TCLKA-B/SDA1/IRQ4-B P41/AN1/IRQ9-B 8 43 P65/IRQ15-A 138 P00/TMRI2/TxD6/IRQ8-A P13/TxD2/ADTRG0#/IRQ3-B P42/AN2/IRQ10-B 7 P12/RxD2/IRQ2-B 44 P01/TMCI2/RxD6/IRQ9-A 45 137 6 136 P43/AN3/IRQ11-B P02/TMO2/SCK6/IRQ10-A/TRST# P11/SCK2/IRQ1-B P44/AN4/IRQ12-B 5 46 AVSS 135 4 P10/IRQ0-B P45/AN5/IRQ13-B 3 47 P66/DA0 134 P67/DA1 P37/PO15/TIOCA2/TIOCB2/TCLKD-A P46/AN6/IRQ14-B 2 P36/PO14/TIOCA2 48 1 49 133 P04/TMCI3/TxD4/IRQ12-A/TDI 132 P03/TMRI3/SCK4/IRQ11-A/TMS VCC P47/AN7/IRQ15-B Under development Preliminary Specification Specifications in this preliminary version are subject to change. RX610 Group 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 PC4/A20 PC5/A21/SCK5/CS5#-D PC6/A22/RxD5/CS6#-D PC7/A23/TxD5/CS4#-D/CS7#-D P75 P76/IRQ14-A P77 P50/WR0#/WR# P51/WR1#/BC1# P52/RD# P53/BCLK P80 P81/TRSYNC# VCC P82/TRCLK VSS P83 P54/TRDATA0 P55/TRDATA1 P56/TRDATA2 P57/WAIT#/TRDATA3 P84 P35/PO13/TIOCA1/TIOCB1/TCLKC-A P36/PO14/TIOCA2 P37/PO15/TIOCA2/TIOCB2/TCLKD-A P10/IRQ0-B P11/SCK2/IRQ1-B P12/RxD2/IRQ2-B P13/TxD2/ADTRG0#/IRQ3-B P14/TCLKA-B/SDA1/IRQ4-B P15/TCLKB-B/SCK3/SCL1/IRQ5-B PLLVSS P16/TCLKC-B/RxD3/SDA0/IRQ6-B PLLVCC P17/TCLKD-B/TxD3/SCL0/ADTRG1#/IRQ7-B P20/PO0/TIOCA3/TIOCB3/TMRI0/TxD0 72 71 70 69 68 67 66 65 64 109 63 110 62 111 61 112 60 113 59 114 58 115 57 116 56 117 55 118 54 53 119 120 52 RX610 Group PLQP0144KA-A (144-pin LQFP) (Top view) 121 122 123 124 51 50 49 48 125 47 126 46 127 45 128 44 129 43 130 42 131 41 132 40 133 39 134 38 135 37 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 36 35 34 33 32 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 P04/TMCI3/TxD4/IRQ12-A/TDI P03/TMRI3/SCK4/IRQ11-A/TMS P67/DA1 P66/DA0 AVSS P02/TMO2/SCK6/IRQ10-A/TRST# P01/TMCI2/RxD6/IRQ9-A P00/TMRI2/TxD6/IRQ8-A P65/IRQ15-A EMLE WDTOVF#/TDO VSS MDE VCL MD1 MD0 P86 P85 RES# XTAL VSS EXTAL VCC NMI P34/PO12/TIOCA1/IRQ4-A P33/PO11/TIOCC0/TIOCD0/TCLKB-A/IRQ3-A P32/PO10/TIOCC0/TCLKA-A/IRQ2-A P31/PO9/TIOCA0/TIOCB0/IRQ1-A P30/PO8/TIOCA0/IRQ0-A P27/PO7/TIOCA5/TIOCB5/SCK1 P26/PO6/TIOCA5/TMO1/TxD1 P25/PO5/TIOCA4/TMCI1/RxD1 P24/PO4/TIOCA4/TIOCB4/TMRI1 P23/PO3/TIOCC3/TIOCD3 P22/PO2/TIOCC3/TMO0/SCK0 P21/PO1/TIOCA3/TMCI0/RxD0 2 144 1 PE0/D8 PD7/D7 PD6/D6 PD5/D5 PD4/D4 P64/CS4#-B P63/CS3#-A/CS7#-A P62/CS2#-A/CS6#-A P61/CS1#/CS2#-B/CS5#-A/CS6#-B/CS7#-B P60/CS0#/CS4#-A/CS5#-B PD3/D3 PD2/D2 PD1/D1 PD0/D0 P97/AN15 P96/AN14 P95/AN13 P94/AN12 P93/AN11 P92/AN10 P91/AN9 VSS P90/AN8 VCC P47/AN7/IRQ15-B P46/AN6/IRQ14-B P45/AN5/IRQ13-B P44/AN4/IRQ12-B P43/AN3/IRQ11-B P42/AN2/IRQ10-B P41/AN1/IRQ9-B AVSS P40/AN0/IRQ8-B Vref AVCC P05/TMO3/RxD4/IRQ13-A/TCK 22 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 PE1/D9 PE2/D10 PE3/D11 PE4/D12 PE5/D13/IRQ5-A PE6/D14/IRQ6-A PE7/D15/IRQ7-A PA0/A0/BC0#/PO16/TIOCA6 PA1/A1/PO17/TIOCA6/TIOCB6 PA2/A2/PO18/TIOCC6/TCLKE PA3/A3/PO19/TIOCC6/TIOCD6/TCLKF PA4/A4/PO20/TIOCA7 PA5/A5/PO21/TIOCA7/TIOCB7/TCLKG PA6/A6/PO22/TIOCA8 PA7/A7/PO23/TIOCA8/TIOCB8/TCLKH VSS PB0/A8/PO24/TIOCA9 VCC P70/CS3#-B/ADTRG2# P71/CS4#-C/CS5#-C/CS6#-C/CS7#-C P72 P73 P74/ ADTRG3# PB1/A9/PO25/TIOCA9/TIOCB9 PB2/A10/PO26/TIOCC9 PB3/A11/PO27/TIOCC9/TIOCD9 PB4/A12/PO28/TIOCA10 PB5/A13/PO29/TIOCA10/TIOCB10 PB6/A14/PO30/TIOCA11 PB7/A15/PO31/TIOCA11/TIOCB11 PC0/A16 PC1/A17 VSS PC2/A18 VCC PC3/A19 1. Overview Figure 1.4 REJ03B0258-0050 Rev.0.50 Page 8 of 47 Pin Assignment (Assistance Diagram) of the 144-Pin LQFP Mar. 24, 2009 Under development Preliminary Specification Specifications in this preliminary version are subject to change. RX610 Group Table 1.3 1. Overview List of Pins and Pin Functions Pin No. Power Supply 144-Pin Clock LQFP System Control External P04 2 P03 3 P67 DA1 4 P66 DA0 5 Timer cation IRQ12-A TMCI3 TxD4 IRQ11-A TMRI3 SCK4 On-Chip Interrupt 1 Bus Communi- I/O Port P02 IRQ10-A TMO2 SCK6 7 P01 IRQ9-A TMCI2 RxD6 8 P00 IRQ8-A TMRI2 TxD6 9 P65 IRQ15-A 10 EMLE 11 WDTOVF# 12 VSS 13 MDE 14 VCL 15 MD1 16 MD0 17 P85 19 RES# 20 XTAL 21 VSS 22 EXTAL 23 VCC 24 NMI 25 P34 IRQ4-A PO12/ 26 P33 IRQ3-A PO11/ TIOCA1 TIOCC0/ TIOCD0/ TCLKB-A P32 IRQ2-A PO10/ TIOCC0/ TCLKA-A P31 IRQ1-A PO9/ TIOCA0/ TIOCB0 29 P30 IRQ0-A PO8/ TIOCA0 30 P27 PO7/ SCK1 TIOCA5/ TIOCB5 31 TDI TMS TRST# TDO P86 18 28 Emulator AVSS 6 27 Analog P26 PO6/ TIOCA5/ TMO1 REJ03B0258-0050 Rev.0.50 Page 9 of 47 Mar. 24, 2009 TxD1 Under development Preliminary Specification Specifications in this preliminary version are subject to change. RX610 Group Pin No. Power Supply 144-Pin Clock LQFP System Control 32 1. Overview External I/O Port Interrupt Bus P25 CommuniTimer cation PO5/ RxD1 On-Chip Analog Emulator TIOCA4/ TMCI1 33 P24 PO4/ TIOCA4/ TIOCB4/ TMRI1 34 P23 PO3/ TIOCC3/ TIOCD3 35 P22 PO2/ SCK0 TIOCC3/ TMO0 36 P21 PO1/ RxD0 TIOCA3/ TMCI0 37 P20 PO0/ TxD0 TIOCA3/ TIOCB3/ TMRI0 38 P17 IRQ7-B TCLKD-B TxD3/SCL0 P16 IRQ6-B TCLKC-B RxD3/SDA0 42 P15 IRQ5-B TCLKB-B SCK3/SCL1 43 P14 IRQ4-B TCLKA-B SDA1 44 P13 IRQ3-B TxD2 45 P12 IRQ2-B RxD2 46 P11 IRQ1-B SCK2 47 P10 IRQ0-B 48 P37 39 PLLVCC 40 41 ADTRG1# PLLVSS ADTRG0# PO15/ TIOCA2/ TIOCB2/ TCLKD-A 49 P36 PO14/ 50 P35 PO13/ TIOCA2 TIOCA1/ TIOCB1/ TCLKC-A 51 P84 52 P57 53 P56 TRDATA2 54 P55 TRDATA1 REJ03B0258-0050 Rev.0.50 Page 10 of 47 WAIT# Mar. 24, 2009 TRDATA3 Under development Preliminary Specification Specifications in this preliminary version are subject to change. RX610 Group Pin No. Power Supply 144-Pin Clock LQFP System Control 1. Overview External I/O Port 55 P54 56 P83 57 Interrupt Bus CommuniTimer cation On-Chip Analog Emulator TRDATA0 VSS 58 P82 TRCLK 60 P81 TRSYNC# 61 P80 59 62 VCC BCLK P53 63 P52 RD# 64 P51 WR1#/BC1# 65 P50 WR0#/WR# 66 P77 67 P76 68 P75 69 PC7 IRQ14-A A23/ TxD5 CS4#-D/ CS7#-D 70 PC6 A22/ 71 PC5 A21/ 72 PC4 A20 73 PC3 A19 PC2 A18 77 PC1 A17 78 PC0 A16 79 PB7 A15 RxD5 CS6#-D SCK5 CS5#-D 74 VCC 75 76 VSS PO31/ TIOCA11/ TIOCB11 80 PB6 A14 PO30/ 81 PB5 A13 PO29/ TIOCA11 TIOCA10/ TIOCB10 82 PB4 A12 PO28/ 83 PB3 A11 PO27/ TIOCA10 TIOCC9/ TIOCD9 84 PB2 A10 PO26/ TIOCC9 REJ03B0258-0050 Rev.0.50 Page 11 of 47 Mar. 24, 2009 Under development Preliminary Specification Specifications in this preliminary version are subject to change. RX610 Group Pin No. Power Supply 144-Pin Clock LQFP System Control 85 1. Overview External I/O Port Interrupt PB1 Communi- Bus Timer A9 PO25/ cation On-Chip Analog TIOCA9/ TIOCB9 86 P74 87 P73 88 P72 89 P71 ADTRG3# CS4#-C/ CS5#-C/ CS6#-C/ CS7#-C 90 91 P70 CS3#-B PB0 A8 ADTRG2# VCC 92 PO24/ TIOCA9 93 94 VSS PA7 A7 PO23/ TIOCA8/ TIOCB8/ TCLKH 95 PA6 A6 PO22/ TIOCA8 96 PA5 A5 PO21/ TIOCA7/ TIOCB7/ TCLKG 97 PA4 A4 PO20/ TIOCA7 98 PA3 A3 PO19/ TIOCC6/ TIOCD6/ TCLKF 99 PA2 A2 PO18/ TIOCC6/ TCLKE 100 PA1 A1 PO17/ TIOCA6/ TIOCB6 101 PA0 A0/BC0# 102 PE7 IRQ7-A D15 103 PE6 IRQ6-A D14 104 PE5 IRQ5-A D13 105 PE4 D12 106 PE3 D11 107 PE2 D10 PO16/ TIOCA6 REJ03B0258-0050 Rev.0.50 Page 12 of 47 Mar. 24, 2009 Emulator Under development Preliminary Specification Specifications in this preliminary version are subject to change. RX610 Group Pin No. Power Supply 144-Pin Clock LQFP System Control 1. Overview External I/O Port Interrupt Bus 108 PE1 D9 109 PE0 D8 110 PD7 D7 111 PD6 D6 112 PD5 D5 113 PD4 D4 114 P64 CS4#-B 115 P63 CS3#-A/ 116 P62 CS2#-A/ 117 P61 CS1#/ CommuniTimer cation On-Chip Analog Emulator CS7#-A CS6#-A CS2#-B/ CS5#-A/ CS6#-B/ CS7#-B 118 P60 CS0#/ CS4#-A/ CS5#-B 119 PD3 D3 120 PD2 D2 121 PD1 D1 122 PD0 D0 123 P97 AN15 124 P96 AN14 125 P95 AN13 126 P94 AN12 127 P93 AN11 128 P92 AN10 P91 AN9 P90 AN8 129 130 VSS 131 132 VCC 133 P47 IRQ15-B AN7 134 P46 IRQ14-B AN6 135 P45 IRQ13-B AN5 136 P44 IRQ12-B AN4 137 P43 IRQ11-B AN3 138 P42 IRQ10-B AN2 139 P41 IRQ9-B AN1 P40 IRQ8-B AN0 P05 IRQ13-A 140 AVSS 141 142 Vref 143 AVCC 144 REJ03B0258-0050 Rev.0.50 Page 13 of 47 Mar. 24, 2009 TMO3 RxD4 TCK Under development Preliminary Specification Specifications in this preliminary version are subject to change. RX610 Group 1.5 1. Overview Pin Functions Table 1.4 lists the pin functions. Table 1.4 Pin Functions Classifications Pin Name I/O Description Power supply VCC Input Power supply pin. Connect it to the system power supply. VCL Input Connect this pin to VSS via a 0.1-F capacitor. The capacitor should be placed close to the pin. VSS Input Ground pin. Connect it to the system power supply (0 V). PLLVCC Input Power supply pin for the PLL circuit. Connect it to the system power supply. Clock Operating mode control PLLVSS Input Ground pin for the PLL circuit. XTAL Input Pins for a crystal resonator. An external clock signal can be EXTAL Input BCLK Output MD0, MD1, MDE Input input through the EXTAL pin. Outputs the system clock for external devices. Pins for setting the operating mode. The signal levels on these pins must not be changed during operation. System control RES# Input Reset signal input pin. This LSI enters the reset state when this signal goes low. EMLE Input Input pin for the on-chip emulator enable signal. When the on-chip emulator is used, this pin should be driven high. When not used, it should be driven low. On-chip emulator TRST# Input TMS Input TDI Input TCK Input TDO Output TRCLK Output On-chip emulator pins. When the EMLE pin is driven high, these pins are dedicated for the on-chip emulator. This pin outputs the clock for synchronization with the trace data. TRSYNC# Output This pin indicates that output from the TRDATA0 to TRDATA3 pins is valid. TRDATA0 to TRDATA3 Output These pins output the trace information. Address bus A0 to A23 Output Output pins for the address. Data bus D0 to D15 I/O Input and output pins for the bidirectional data bus. REJ03B0258-0050 Rev.0.50 Page 14 of 47 Mar. 24, 2009 Under development Preliminary Specification Specifications in this preliminary version are subject to change. RX610 Group 1. Overview Classifications Pin Name I/O Description Bus control RD# Output Strobe signal which indicates that reading from the external bus interface space is in progress. WR0# Output Strobe signal which indicates that the lower-order byte (D0 to D7) is valid in writing to the external bus interface space, in byte strobe mode. WR1# Output Strobe signal which indicates that the higher-order byte (D8 to D15) is valid in writing to the external bus interface space, in byte strobe mode. WR# Output Strobe signal which indicates that writing to the external bus interface space is in progress, in 1-write strobe mode. BC0# Output Strobe signal which indicates that the lower-order byte (D0 to D7) is valid in access to the external bus interface space, in 1-write strobe mode. BC1# Output Strobe signal which indicates that the higher-order byte (D8 to D15) is valid in access to the external bus interface space, in 1- write strobe mode. CS0#, CS1# Output Select signals for areas 0 to 7. Input Requests wait cycles in access to the external space. CS2#-A/CS2#-B CS3#-A/CS3#-B CS4#-A/CS4#-B/ CS4#-C/CS4#-D/ CS5#-A/CS5#-B/ CS5#-C/CS5#-D CS6#-A/CS6#-B/ CS6#-C/CS6#-D CS7#-A/CS7#-B/ CS7#-C/CS7#-D WAIT# REJ03B0258-0050 Rev.0.50 Page 15 of 47 Mar. 24, 2009 Under development Preliminary Specification Specifications in this preliminary version are subject to change. RX610 Group 1. Overview Classifications Pin Name I/O Description Interrupt NMI Input Non-maskable interrupt request signal. IRQ0-A/IRQ0-B Input Maskable interrupt request signals. IRQ1-A/IRQ1-B IRQ2-A/IRQ2-B IRQ3-A/IRQ3-B IRQ4-A/IRQ4-B IRQ5-A/IRQ5-B IRQ6-A/IRQ6-B IRQ7-A/IRQ7-B IRQ8-A/IRQ8-B IRQ9-A/IRQ9-B IRQ10-A/IRQ10-B IRQ11-A/IRQ11-B IRQ12-A/IRQ12-B IRQ13-A/IRQ13-B IRQ14-A/IRQ14-B IRQ15-A/IRQ15-B 16-bit timer pulse unit TIOCA0, TIOCB0 I/O TIOCC0, TIOCD0 TIOCA1, TIOCB1 Signals for TGRA0 to TGRD0. These pins are used as input capture inputs, output compare outputs, or PWM outputs. I/O Signals for TGRA1 and TGRB1. These pins are used as input capture inputs, output compare outputs, or PWM outputs. TIOCA2, TIOCB2 I/O Signals for TGRA2 and TGRB2. These pins are used as input capture inputs, output compare outputs, or PWM outputs. TIOCA3, TIOCB3 I/O TIOCC3, TIOCD3 TIOCA4, TIOCB4 Signals for TGRA3 to TGRD3. These pins are used as input capture inputs, output compare outputs, or PWM outputs. I/O Signals for TGRA4 and TGRB4. These pins are used as input capture inputs, output compare outputs, or PWM outputs. TIOCA5, TIOCB5 I/O Signals for TGRA5 and TGRB5. These pins are used as input capture inputs, output compare outputs, or PWM outputs. TIOCA6, TIOCB6 I/O TIOCC6, TIOCD6 TIOCA7, TIOCB7 Signals for TGRA6 to TGRD6. These pins are used as input capture inputs, output compare outputs, or PWM outputs. I/O Signals for TGRA7 and TGRB7. These pins are used as input capture inputs, output compare outputs, or PWM outputs. TIOCA8, TIOCB8 I/O Signals for TGRA8 and TGRB8. These pins are used as input capture inputs, output compare outputs, or PWM outputs. TIOCA9, TIOCB9 I/O TIOCC9, TIOCD9 TIOCA10, TIOCB10 Signals for TGRA9 to TGRD9. These pins are used as input capture inputs, output compare outputs, or PWM outputs. I/O Signals for TGRA10 and TGRB10. These pins are used as input capture inputs, output compare outputs, or PWM outputs. TIOCA11, TIOCB11 I/O Signals for TGRA11 and TGRB11. These pins are used as input capture inputs, output compare outputs, or PWM outputs. REJ03B0258-0050 Rev.0.50 Page 16 of 47 Mar. 24, 2009 Under development Preliminary Specification Specifications in this preliminary version are subject to change. RX610 Group 1. Overview Classifications Pin Name I/O Description 16-bit timer pulse unit TCLKA-A/TCLKA-B Input Input pins for external clock signals. PO0 to PO31 Output Output pins for the pulse signals. TMO0 to TMO3 Output Output pins for the compare match signals. TMCI0 to TMCI3 Input TCLKB-A/TCLKB-B TCLKC-A/TCLKC-B TCLKD-A/TCLKD-B TCLKE, TCLKF TCLKG, TCLKH Programmable pulse generator 8-bit timer Input pins for the external clock signals that drive for the counters. Watchdog timer TMRI0 to TMRI3 Input Input pins for the counter-reset signals. WDTOVF# Output Output pin for the counter-overflow signal in watchdog-timer mode. Serial communication TxD0, TxD1, TxD2, TxD3, interface TxD4, TxD5, TxD6 RxD0, RxD1, RxD2, RxD3, Output Output pins for data transmission. Input Input pins for data reception. I/O Input/output pins for clock signals. I/O Input/output pins for RIIC clocks. Bus can be directly driven by RxD4, RxD5, RxD6 SCK0, SCK1, SCK2, SCK3, SCK4, SCK5, SCK6 2 I C bus interface SCL0, SCL1 the NMOS open drain output. SDA0, SDA1 I/O Input/output pins for RIIC data. Bus can be directly driven by the NMOS open drain output. A/D converter AN0 to AN15 Input Input pins for the analog signals to be processed by the A/D converter. ADTRG0# to ADTRG3# Input Input pins for the external trigger signals that start the A/D conversion. D/A converter DA0DA1 Output Output pins for the analog signals from the D/A converter. Analog power supply AVCC Input Analog power supply pin for the A/D and D/A converters. When the A/D and D/A converters are not in use, connect this pin to the system power supply. AVSS Input Ground pin for the A/D and D/A converters. Connect this pin to the system power supply (0 V). Vref Input Reference power supply pin for the A/D and D/A converters. When the A/D and D/A converters are not in use, connect this pin to the system power supply. REJ03B0258-0050 Rev.0.50 Page 17 of 47 Mar. 24, 2009 Under development Preliminary Specification Specifications in this preliminary version are subject to change. RX610 Group 1. Overview Classifications Pin Name I/O Description I/O ports P00 to P05 I/O 6-bit input/output pins. P10 to P17 I/O 8-bit input/output pins. P20 to P27 I/O 8-bit input/output pins. P30 to P37 I/O 8-bit input/output pins. P40 to P47 I/O 8-bit input/output pins. P50 to P57 I/O 8-bit input/output pins. P60 to P67 I/O 8-bit input/output pins. P70 to P77 I/O 8-bit input/output pins. P80 to P86 I/O 7-bit input/output pins. P90 to P97 I/O 8-bit input/output pins. PA0 to PA7 I/O 8-bit input/output pins. PB0 to PB7 I/O 8-bit input/output pins. PC0 to PC7 I/O 8-bit input/output pins. PD0 to PD7 I/O 8-bit input/output pins. PE0 to PE7 I/O 8-bit input/output pins. REJ03B0258-0050 Rev.0.50 Page 18 of 47 Mar. 24, 2009 Under development Preliminary Specification Specifications in this preliminary version are subject to change. RX610 Group 2. 2. CPU CPU Figure 2.1 shows the register set of the CPU. General-purpose register b31 b0 R0 (SP) * R1 R2 R3 R4 R5 R6 R7 R8 R9 R10 R11 R12 R13 R14 R15 Control register b31 b0 ISP (Interrupt stack pointer) USP (User stack pointer) INTB (Interrupt table register) PC (Program counter) PSW (Processor status word) BPC (Backup PC) BPSW (Backup PSW) FINTV (Fast interrupt vector register) FPSW (Floating-point status word) DSP instruction register b63 b16 b15 ACC (Accumulator) Note: * The stack pointer (SP) can be the interrupt stack pointer (ISP) or user stack pointer (USP), according to the value of the U bit in the PSW register. Figure 2.1 REJ03B0258-0050 Rev.0.50 Page 19 of 47 Mar. 24, 2009 b0 0 Register Set of the CPU Under development Preliminary Specification Specifications in this preliminary version are subject to change. RX610 Group 2.1 2. CPU General-Purpose Registers (R0 to R15) This CPU has sixteen general-purpose registers (R0 to R15). R1 to R15 can be used as data registers or address registers. R0, a general-purpose register, also functions as the stack pointer (SP). The stack pointer is switched to operate as the interrupt stack pointer (ISP) or user stack pointer (USP) by the value of the stack pointer select bit (U) in the processor status word (PSW). 2.2 (1) Control Registers Interrupt Stack Pointer (ISP)/User Stack Pointer (USP) The stack pointer (SP) can be either of two types, the interrupt stack pointer (ISP) or the user stack pointer (USP). Whether the stack pointer operates as the ISP or USP depends on the value of the stack pointer select bit (U) in the processor status word (PSW). Set the ISP or USP to a multiple of four, as this reduces the numbers of cycles required to execute interrupt sequences and instructions entailing stack manipulation. (2) Interrupt Table Register (INTB) The interrupt table register (INTB) indicates the address where the relocatable vector table starts. (3) Ptogram Counter (PC) The program counter (PC) indicates the address of the instruction being executed. (4) Processor Status Word (PSW) The processor status word (PSW) indicates results of instruction execution or the state of the CPU. (5) Backup PC (BPC) The backup PC (BPC) is provided to speed up response to interrupts. After a fast interrupt has been generated, the contents of the program counter (PC) are saved in the BPC register. (6) Backup PSW (BPSW) The backup PSW (BPSW) is provided to speed up response to interrupts. After a fast interrupt has been generated, the contents of the processor status word (PSW) are saved in the BPSW register. The allocation of bits in the BPSW register corresponds to that in the PSW register. (7) Fast Interrupt Vector Register (FINTV) The fast interrupt vector register (FINTV) is provided to speed up response to interrupts. The FINTV register indicates a branch destination address when a fast interrupt has been generated. (8) Floating-Point Status Word (FPSW) The floating-point status word (FPSW) indicates the results of floating-point operations. REJ03B0258-0050 Rev.0.50 Page 20 of 47 Mar. 24, 2009 Under development Preliminary Specification Specifications in this preliminary version are subject to change. RX610 Group (9) 2. CPU Accumulator (ACC) The accumulator (ACC) is a 48-bit register used for DSP instructions. The accumulator is handled as a 64-bit register in access for reading and writing. When data are read from the accumulator, the value of bits 15 to 0 is fixed to 0. The accumulator is also used for the multiply and multiply-and-accumulate instructions; EMUL, EMULU, FMUL, MUL, and RMPA, in which case the prior value in the accumulator is modified by execution of the instruction. Use the MVTACHI and MVTACLO instructions for writing to the accumulator. The MVTACHI and MVTACLO instructions write data to the higher-order 32 bits (bits 63 to 32) and the lower-order 32 bits (bits 31 to 0), respectively. Use the MVFACHI and MVFACMI instructions for reading data from the accumulator. The MVFACHI and MVFACMI instructions read data from the higher-order 32 bits (bits 63 to 32) and the middle 32 bits (bits 47 to 16), respectively. REJ03B0258-0050 Rev.0.50 Page 21 of 47 Mar. 24, 2009 Under development Preliminary Specification Specifications in this preliminary version are subject to change. RX610 Group 3. Address Space 3.1 Address Space 3. Address Space This LSI has a 4-Gbyte address space, consisting of the range of addresses from 0000 0000h to FFFF FFFFh. That is, linear access to an address space of up to 4 Gbytes is possible, and this contains both program and data areas. Figure 3.1 shows the memory maps in the respective operating modes. Accessible areas will differ according to the operating mode and states of control bits. On-chip ROM enabled extended mode Single-chip mode *2 0000 0000h 0002 0000h On-chip RAM 0000 0000h On-chip RAM Reserved area *1 0002 0000h Reserved area * 1 0008 0000h 0008 0000h Peripheral I/O registers 0010 0000h 0010 8000h 007F 8000h Rese rved area *1 0010 0000h On-chip ROM (data flash) 0010 8000h Reserved area *1 007F 8000h FCU-RAM *3 Reserved area *1 FCU-RAM *3 007F A000h Reserved area *1 007F C000h Peripheral I/O registers Peripheral I/O registers Rese rved area *1 007F C500h Reserved area *1 Reserved area *1 007F FC00h Peripheral I/O registers Peripheral I/O registers 0080 0000h 0080 0000h Reserved area *1 00E0 0000h On-chip RAM Peripheral I/O registers Peripheral I/O registers Reserved area *1 007F FC00h 0000 0000h 0002 0000h 0008 0000h 0010 0000h On-chip ROM (data flash) 007F A000h 007F C000h 007F C500h On-chip ROM disabled extended mode Reserved area *1 00E0 0000h On-chip ROM (program ROM) (write only) On-chip ROM (program ROM) (write only) 0100 0000h 0100 0000h 0100 0000h External address space External address space 0800 0000h 0800 0000h Reserved area *1 Reserved area *1 Reserved area *1 FEFF E000h FF00 0000h FF7F C000h On-chip ROM (FCU firmware) * 3 (read only) FEFF E000h On-chip ROM (FCU firmware) *3 (read only) Reserved area *1 FF00 0000h Reserved area *1 On-chip ROM (user boot) (read only) FF7F C000h On-chip ROM (user boot) (read only) FF80 0000h FF80 0000h Reserved area *1 FFE0 0000h FFFF FFFFh Notes: FF00 0000h External address space Reserved area *1 FFE0 0000h On-chip ROM (program ROM) (read only) FFFF FFFFh On-chip ROM (program ROM) (read only) FFFF FFFFh 1. A reserved area should not be accessed. 2. The address space in boot mode and user boot mode is the same as the address space in single-chip mode. 3. For details on the FCU, see section 26, ROM (Flash Memory for Code Storage) and section 27, Data Flash (Flash Memory for Data Storage) in the RX610 Group Hardware Manual. Figure 3.1 REJ03B0258-0050 Rev.0.50 Page 22 of 47 Mar. 24, 2009 Memory Map in Each Operating Mode Under development Preliminary Specification Specifications in this preliminary version are subject to change. RX610 Group 3.2 3. Address Space External Address Space The external address space is divided into up to 8 areas, each corresponding to the CSi# signal output from a CSi# (i = 0 to 7) pin. Figure 3.2 shows the address ranges corresponding to the individual CSi# signals (CSi areas) in on-chip ROM disabled extended mode. 0000 0000h On-chip RAM 0002 0000h Reserved area 0008 0000h Peripheral I/O registers 0010 0000h 0100 0000h CS7 (16 Mbytes) Reserved area 01FF FFFFh 0200 0000h CS6 (16 Mbytes) 02FF FFFFh 0300 0000h CS5 (16 Mbytes) 0100 0000h 03FF FFFFh 0400 0000h External address space CS4 ( 16 Mbytes) 04FF FFFFh 0500 0000h 0800 0000h CS3 (16 Mbytes) 05FF FFFFh 0600 0000h CS2 (16 Mbytes) Reserved area * 06FF FFFFh 0700 0000h CS1 (16 Mbytes) 07FF FFFFh FF00 0000h FF00 0000h External address space * CS0 (16 Mbytes) FFFF FFFFh FFFF FFFFh Note: * CS0 area is disabled in on-chip ROM enabled extended mode . In this mode, the address space for addresses above 0800 0000h is as shown in figure 3.1. Figure 3.2 REJ03B0258-0050 Rev.0.50 Page 23 of 47 Correspondence between External Address Spaces and CSi Areas (In On-Chip ROM Disabled Extended Mode) Mar. 24, 2009 Under development Preliminary Specification Specifications in this preliminary version are subject to change. RX610 Group 4. 4. I/O Registers I/O Registers Table 4.1 shows the list of I/O registers (address order). Table 4.1 List of I/O Registers (Address Order) Module Register Number Value after Address Abbreviation Register Name Abbreviation of Bits Reset 0008 0000h SYSTEM Mode monitor register MDMONR 16 10000000 x00000xxb 0008 0002h SYSTEM Mode status register MDSR 16 00000000 00001001b 0008 0006h SYSTEM System control register 0 SYSCR0 16 00000000 00000001b 0008 0008h SYSTEM System control register 1 SYSCR1 16 00000000 00000001b 0008 000Ch SYSTEM Standby control register SBYCR 16 4F00h 0008 0010h SYSTEM Module stop control register A MSTPCRA 32 67FF FFFFh 0008 0014h SYSTEM Module stop control register B MSTPCRB 32 FFFF FFFFh 0008 0018h SYSTEM Module stop control register C MSTPCRC 32 FFFF 0000h 0008 0020h SYSTEM System clock control register SCKCR 32 0202 0200h 0008 1300h BSC Bus error source clear register BERCLR 8 00h 0008 1304h BSC Bus error monitor enable register BEREN 8 00h 0008 1306h BSC Bus error interrupt enable register BERIE 8 00h 0008 2000h DMAC0 DMA current transfer source address register DMCSA 32 xxxx xxxxh 0008 2004h DMAC0 DMA current transfer destination address register DMCDA 32 xxxx xxxxh 0008 2008h DMAC0 DMA current transfer byte count register DMCBC 32 xxxx xxxxh 0008 200Ch DMAC0 DMA mode register DMMOD 32 xxxx xxxxh 0008 2010h DMAC1 DMA current transfer source address register DMCSA 32 xxxx xxxxh 0008 2014h DMAC1 DMA current transfer destination address register DMCDA 32 xxxx xxxxh 0008 2018h DMAC1 DMA current transfer byte count register DMCBC 32 xxxx xxxxh 0008 201Ch DMAC1 DMA mode register DMMOD 32 xxxx xxxxh 0008 2020h DMAC2 DMA current transfer source address register DMCSA 32 xxxx xxxxh 0008 2024h DMAC2 DMA current transfer destination address register DMCDA 32 xxxx xxxxh 0008 2028h DMAC2 DMA current transfer byte count register DMCBC 32 xxxx xxxxh 0008 202Ch DMAC2 DMA mode register DMMOD 32 xxxx xxxxh 0008 2030h DMAC3 DMA current transfer source address register DMCSA 32 xxxx xxxxh 0008 2034h DMAC3 DMA current transfer destination address register DMCDA 32 xxxx xxxxh 0008 2038h DMAC3 DMA current transfer byte count register DMCBC 32 xxxx xxxxh 0008 203Ch DMAC3 DMA mode register DMMOD 32 xxxx xxxxh 0008 2200h DMAC0 DMA reload transfer source address register DMRSA 32 xxxx xxxxh 0008 2204h DMAC0 DMA reload transfer destination address register DMRDA 32 xxxx xxxxh 0008 2208h DMAC0 DMA reload transfer byte count register DMRBC 32 xxxx xxxxh 0008 2210h DMAC1 DMA reload transfer source address register DMRSA 32 xxxx xxxxh REJ03B0258-0050 Rev.0.50 Page 24 of 47 Mar. 24, 2009 Under development Preliminary Specification Specifications in this preliminary version are subject to change. RX610 Group 4. I/O Registers Register Number Value after Address Module Abbreviation Register Name Abbreviation of Bits Reset 0008 2214h DMAC1 DMA reload transfer destination address register DMRDA 32 xxxx xxxxh 0008 2218h DMAC1 DMA reload transfer byte count register DMRBC 32 xxxx xxxxh 0008 2220h DMAC2 DMA reload transfer source address register DMRSA 32 xxxx xxxxh 0008 2224h DMAC2 DMA reload transfer destination address register DMRDA 32 xxxx xxxxh 0008 2228h DMAC2 DMA reload transfer byte count register DMRBC 32 xxxx xxxxh 0008 2230h DMAC3 DMA reload transfer source address register DMRSA 32 xxxx xxxxh 0008 2234h DMAC3 DMA reload transfer destination address register DMRDA 32 xxxx xxxxh 0008 2238h DMAC3 DMA reload transfer byte count register DMRBC 32 xxxx xxxxh 0008 2400h DMAC0 DMA control register A DMCRA 32 0000 0000h 0008 2404h DMAC0 DMA control register B DMCRB 8 00h 0008 2405h DMAC0 DMA control register C DMCRC 8 00h 0008 2406h DMAC0 DMA control register D DMCRD 8 00h 0008 2407h DMAC0 DMA control register E DMCRE 8 00h 0008 2408h DMAC1 DMA control register A DMCRA 32 0000 0000h 0008 240Ch DMAC1 DMA control register B DMCRB 8 00h 0008 240Dh DMAC1 DMA control register C DMCRC 8 00h 0008 240Eh DMAC1 DMA control register D DMCRD 8 00h 0008 240Fh DMAC1 DMA control register E DMCRE 8 00h 0008 2410h DMAC2 DMA control register A DMCRA 32 0000 0000h 0008 2414h DMAC2 DMA control register B DMCRB 8 00h 0008 2415h DMAC2 DMA control register C DMCRC 8 00h 0008 2416h DMAC2 DMA control register D DMCRD 8 00h 00h 0000 0000h 0008 2417h DMAC2 DMA control register E DMCRE 8 0008 2418h DMAC3 DMA control register A DMCRA 32 0008 241Ch DMAC3 DMA control register B DMCRB 8 00h 0008 241Dh DMAC3 DMA control register C DMCRC 8 00h 0008 241Eh DMAC3 DMA control register D DMCRD 8 00h 00h 0008 241Fh DMAC3 DMA control register E DMCRE 8 0008 2502h DMAC common DMA start control register DMSCNT 8 00h 0008 250Bh DMAC common DMA interrupt control register DMICNT 8 00h 0008 2517h DMAC common DMA transfer end detect register DMEDET 8 00h 0008 251Bh DMAC common DMA arbitration status register DMASTS 8 00h 0008 3002h BSC CS0 mode register CS0MOD 16 0000h 0008 3004h BSC CS0 wait control register 1 CS0WCNT1 32 0707 0707h 0008 3008h BSC CS0 wait control register 2 CS0WCNT2 32 0000 0007h 0008 3012h BSC CS1 mode register CS1MOD 16 0000h 0008 3014h BSC CS1 wait control register 1 CS1WCNT1 32 0707 0707h 0008 3018h BSC CS1 wait control register 2 CS1WCNT2 32 0000 0007h 0008 3022h BSC CS2 mode register CS2MOD 16 0000h 0008 3024h BSC CS2 wait control register 1 CS2WCNT1 32 0707 0707h 0008 3028h BSC CS2 wait control register 2 CS2WCNT2 32 0000 0007h 0008 3032h BSC CS3 mode register CS3MOD 16 0000h 0008 3034h BSC CS3 wait control register 1 CS3WCNT1 32 0707 0707h 0008 3038h BSC CS3 wait control register 2 CS3WCNT2 32 0000 0007h REJ03B0258-0050 Rev.0.50 Page 25 of 47 Mar. 24, 2009 Under development Preliminary Specification Specifications in this preliminary version are subject to change. RX610 Group 4. I/O Registers Register Number Value after Address Module Abbreviation Register Name Abbreviation of Bits Reset 0008 3042h BSC CS4 mode register CS4MOD 16 0000h 0008 3044h BSC CS4 wait control register 1 CS4WCNT1 32 0707 0707h 0008 3048h BSC CS4 wait control register 2 CS4WCNT2 32 0000 0007h 0008 3052h BSC CS5 mode register CS5MOD 16 0000h 0008 3054h BSC CS5 wait control register 1 CS5WCNT1 32 0707 0707h 0008 3058h BSC CS5 wait control register 2 CS5WCNT2 32 0000 0007h 0008 3062h BSC CS6 mode register CS6MOD 16 0000h 0008 3064h BSC CS6 wait control register 1 CS6WCNT1 32 0707 0707h 0008 3068h BSC CS6 wait control register 2 CS6WCNT2 32 0000 0007h 0008 3072h BSC CS7 mode register CS7MOD 16 0000h 0008 3074h BSC CS7 wait control register 1 CS7WCNT1 32 0707 0707h 0008 3078h BSC CS7 wait control register 2 CS7WCNT2 32 0000 0007h 0008 3802h BSC CS0 control register CS0CNT 16 00x1h 0008 380Ah BSC CS0 recovery cycle register CS0REC 16 0000h 0008 3812h BSC CS1 control register CS1CNT 16 0000h 0008 381Ah BSC CS1 recovery cycle register CS1REC 16 0000h 0008 3822h BSC CS2 control register CS2CNT 16 0000h 0008 382Ah BSC CS2 recovery cycle register CS2REC 16 0000h 0008 3832h BSC CS3 control register CS3CNT 16 0000h 0008 383Ah BSC CS3 recovery cycle register CS3REC 16 0000h 0008 3842h BSC CS4 control register CS4CNT 16 0000h 0008 384Ah BSC CS4 recovery cycle register CS4REC 16 0000h 0008 3852h BSC CS5 control register CS5CNT 16 0000h 0008 385Ah BSC CS5 recovery cycle register CS5REC 16 0000h 0008 3862h BSC CS6 control register CS6CNT 16 0000h 0008 386Ah BSC CS6 recovery cycle register CS6REC 16 0000h 0008 3872h BSC CS7 control register CS7CNT 16 0000h 0008 387Ah BSC CS7 recovery cycle register CS7REC 16 0000h 0008 7010h ICU Interrupt request register 016 IR016 8 00h 0008 7015h ICU Interrupt request register 021 IR021 8 00h 0008 7017h ICU Interrupt request register 023 IR023 8 00h 0008 701Ch ICU Interrupt request register 028 IR028 8 00h 0008 701Dh ICU Interrupt request register 029 IR029 8 00h 0008 701Eh ICU Interrupt request register 030 IR030 8 00h 0008 701Fh ICU Interrupt request register 031 IR031 8 00h 0008 7040h ICU Interrupt request register 064 IR064 8 00h 0008 7041h ICU Interrupt request register 065 IR065 8 00h 0008 7042h ICU Interrupt request register 066 IR066 8 00h 0008 7043h ICU Interrupt request register 067 IR067 8 00h 0008 7044h ICU Interrupt request register 068 IR068 8 00h 0008 7045h ICU Interrupt request register 069 IR069 8 00h 0008 7046h ICU Interrupt request register 070 IR070 8 00h 0008 7047h ICU Interrupt request register 071 IR071 8 00h 0008 7048h ICU Interrupt request register 072 IR072 8 00h 0008 7049h ICU Interrupt request register 073 IR073 8 00h 0008 704Ah ICU Interrupt request register 074 IR074 8 00h REJ03B0258-0050 Rev.0.50 Page 26 of 47 Mar. 24, 2009 Under development Preliminary Specification Specifications in this preliminary version are subject to change. RX610 Group 4. I/O Registers Register Number Value after Address Module Abbreviation Register Name Abbreviation of Bits Reset 0008 704Bh ICU Interrupt request register 075 IR075 8 00h 0008 704Ch ICU Interrupt request register 076 IR076 8 00h 0008 704Dh ICU Interrupt request register 077 IR077 8 00h 0008 704Eh ICU Interrupt request register 078 IR078 8 00h 0008 704Fh ICU Interrupt request register 079 IR079 8 00h 0008 7060h ICU Interrupt request register 096 IR096 8 00h 0008 7062h ICU Interrupt request register 098 IR098 8 00h 0008 7063h ICU Interrupt request register 099 IR099 8 00h 0008 7064h ICU Interrupt request register 100 IR100 8 00h 0008 7065h ICU Interrupt request register 101 IR101 8 00h 0008 7068h ICU Interrupt request register 104 IR104 8 00h 0008 7069h ICU Interrupt request register 105 IR105 8 00h 0008 706Ah ICU Interrupt request register 106 IR106 8 00h 0008 706Bh ICU Interrupt request register 107 IR107 8 00h 0008 706Ch ICU Interrupt request register 108 IR108 8 00h 0008 706Fh ICU Interrupt request register 111 IR111 8 00h 0008 7070h ICU Interrupt request register 112 IR112 8 00h 0008 7073h ICU Interrupt request register 115 IR115 8 00h 0008 7074h ICU Interrupt request register 116 IR116 8 00h 0008 7075h ICU Interrupt request register 117 IR117 8 00h 0008 7076h ICU Interrupt request register 118 IR118 8 00h 0008 7078h ICU Interrupt request register 120 IR120 8 00h 0008 7079h ICU Interrupt request register 121 IR121 8 00h 0008 707Ah ICU Interrupt request register 122 IR122 8 00h 0008 707Bh ICU Interrupt request register 123 IR123 8 00h 0008 707Ch ICU Interrupt request register 124 IR124 8 00h 0008 707Dh ICU Interrupt request register 125 IR125 8 00h 0008 707Eh ICU Interrupt request register 126 IR126 8 00h 0008 707Fh ICU Interrupt request register 127 IR127 8 00h 0008 7080h ICU Interrupt request register 128 IR128 8 00h 0008 7083h ICU Interrupt request register 131 IR131 8 00h 0008 7084h ICU Interrupt request register 132 IR132 8 00h 0008 7085h ICU Interrupt request register 133 IR133 8 00h 0008 7086h ICU Interrupt request register 134 IR134 8 00h 0008 7088h ICU Interrupt request register 136 IR136 8 00h 0008 7089h ICU Interrupt request register 137 IR137 8 00h 0008 708Ah ICU Interrupt request register 138 IR138 8 00h 0008 708Bh ICU Interrupt request register 139 IR139 8 00h 0008 708Ch ICU Interrupt request register 140 IR140 8 00h 0008 708Dh ICU Interrupt request register 141 IR141 8 00h 0008 708Eh ICU Interrupt request register 142 IR142 8 00h 0008 7091h ICU Interrupt request register 145 IR145 8 00h 0008 7092h ICU Interrupt request register 146 IR146 8 00h 0008 7095h ICU Interrupt request register 149 IR149 8 00h 0008 7096h ICU Interrupt request register 150 IR150 8 00h 0008 7097h ICU Interrupt request register 151 IR151 8 00h REJ03B0258-0050 Rev.0.50 Page 27 of 47 Mar. 24, 2009 Under development Preliminary Specification Specifications in this preliminary version are subject to change. RX610 Group 4. I/O Registers Module Address Abbreviation Register Name Register Number Value after Abbreviation of Bits Reset 0008 7098h ICU Interrupt request register 152 IR152 8 00h 0008 709Ah ICU Interrupt request register 154 IR154 8 00h 0008 709Bh ICU Interrupt request register 155 IR155 8 00h 0008 709Ch ICU Interrupt request register 156 IR156 8 00h 0008 709Dh ICU Interrupt request register 157 IR157 8 00h 0008 709Eh ICU Interrupt request register 158 IR158 8 00h 0008 709Fh ICU Interrupt request register 159 IR159 8 00h 0008 70A0h ICU Interrupt request register 160 IR160 8 00h 0008 70A1h ICU Interrupt request register 161 IR161 8 00h 0008 70A2h ICU Interrupt request register 162 IR162 8 00h 0008 70A5h ICU Interrupt request register 165 IR165 8 00h 0008 70A6h ICU Interrupt request register 166 IR166 8 00h 0008 70A7h ICU Interrupt request register 167 IR167 8 00h 0008 70A8h ICU Interrupt request register 168 IR168 8 00h 0008 70AAh ICU Interrupt request register 170 IR170 8 00h 0008 70ABh ICU Interrupt request register 171 IR171 8 00h 0008 70AEh ICU Interrupt request register 174 IR174 8 00h 0008 70AFh ICU Interrupt request register 175 IR175 8 00h 0008 70B0h ICU Interrupt request register 176 IR176 8 00h 0008 70B1h ICU Interrupt request register 177 IR177 8 00h 0008 70B2h ICU Interrupt request register 178 IR178 8 00h 0008 70B3h ICU Interrupt request register 179 IR179 8 00h 0008 70B4h ICU Interrupt request register 180 IR180 8 00h 0008 70B5h ICU Interrupt request register 181 IR181 8 00h 0008 70B6h ICU Interrupt request register 182 IR182 8 00h 0008 70B7h ICU Interrupt request register 183 IR183 8 00h 0008 70B8h ICU Interrupt request register 184 IR184 8 00h 0008 70B9h ICU Interrupt request register 185 IR185 8 00h 0008 70C6h ICU Interrupt request register 198 IR198 8 00h 0008 70C7h ICU Interrupt request register 199 IR199 8 00h 0008 70C8h ICU Interrupt request register 200 IR200 8 00h 0008 70C9h ICU Interrupt request register 201 IR201 8 00h 0008 70D6h ICU Interrupt request register 214 IR214 8 00h 0008 70D7h ICU Interrupt request register 215 IR215 8 00h 0008 70D8h ICU Interrupt request register 216 IR216 8 00h 0008 70D9h ICU Interrupt request register 217 IR217 8 00h 0008 70DAh ICU Interrupt request register 218 IR218 8 00h 0008 70DBh ICU Interrupt request register 219 IR219 8 00h 0008 70DCh ICU Interrupt request register 220 IR220 8 00h 0008 70DDh ICU Interrupt request register 221 IR221 8 00h 0008 70DEh ICU Interrupt request register 222 IR222 8 00h 0008 70DFh ICU Interrupt request register 223 IR223 8 00h 0008 70E0h ICU Interrupt request register 224 IR224 8 00h 0008 70E1h ICU Interrupt request register 225 IR225 8 00h 0008 70E2h ICU Interrupt request register 226 IR226 8 00h 0008 70E3h ICU Interrupt request register 227 IR227 8 00h REJ03B0258-0050 Rev.0.50 Page 28 of 47 Mar. 24, 2009 Under development Preliminary Specification Specifications in this preliminary version are subject to change. RX610 Group 4. I/O Registers Module Address Abbreviation Register Name Register Number Value after Abbreviation of Bits Reset 0008 70E4h ICU Interrupt request register 228 IR228 8 00h 0008 70E5h ICU Interrupt request register 229 IR229 8 00h 0008 70E6h ICU Interrupt request register 230 IR230 8 00h 0008 70E7h ICU Interrupt request register 231 IR231 8 00h 0008 70E8h ICU Interrupt request register 232 IR232 8 00h 0008 70E9h ICU Interrupt request register 233 IR233 8 00h 0008 70EAh ICU Interrupt request register 234 IR234 8 00h 0008 70EBh ICU Interrupt request register 235 IR235 8 00h 0008 70ECh ICU Interrupt request register 236 IR236 8 00h 0008 70EDh ICU Interrupt request register 237 IR237 8 00h 0008 70EEh ICU Interrupt request register 238 IR238 8 00h 0008 70EFh ICU Interrupt request register 239 IR239 8 00h 0008 70F0h ICU Interrupt request register 240 IR240 8 00h 0008 70F1h ICU Interrupt request register 241 IR241 8 00h 0008 70F6h ICU Interrupt request register 246 IR246 8 00h 0008 70F7h ICU Interrupt request register 247 IR247 8 00h 0008 70F8h ICU Interrupt request register 248 IR248 8 00h 0008 70F9h ICU Interrupt request register 249 IR249 8 00h 0008 70FAh ICU Interrupt request register 250 IR250 8 00h 0008 70FBh ICU Interrupt request register 251 IR251 8 00h 0008 70FCh ICU Interrupt request register 252 IR252 8 00h 0008 70FDh ICU Interrupt request register 253 IR253 8 00h 0008 711Ch ICU Interrupt destination setting register 028 ISELR028 8 00h 0008 711Dh ICU Interrupt destination setting register 029 ISELR029 8 00h 0008 711Eh ICU Interrupt destination setting register 030 ISELR030 8 00h 0008 711Fh ICU Interrupt destination setting register 031 ISELR031 8 00h 0008 7140h ICU Interrupt destination setting register 064 ISELR064 8 00h 0008 7141h ICU Interrupt destination setting register 065 ISELR065 8 00h 0008 7142h ICU Interrupt destination setting register 066 ISELR066 8 00h 0008 7143h ICU Interrupt destination setting register 067 ISELR067 8 00h 0008 7144h ICU Interrupt destination setting register 068 ISELR068 8 00h 0008 7145h ICU Interrupt destination setting register 069 ISELR069 8 00h 0008 7146h ICU Interrupt destination setting register 070 ISELR070 8 00h 0008 7147h ICU Interrupt destination setting register 071 ISELR071 8 00h 0008 7148h ICU Interrupt destination setting register 072 ISELR072 8 00h 0008 7149h ICU Interrupt destination setting register 073 ISELR073 8 00h 0008 714Ah ICU Interrupt destination setting register 074 ISELR074 8 00h 0008 714Bh ICU Interrupt destination setting register 075 ISELR075 8 00h 0008 714Ch ICU Interrupt destination setting register 076 ISELR076 8 00h 0008 714Dh ICU Interrupt destination setting register 077 ISELR077 8 00h 0008 714Eh ICU Interrupt destination setting register 078 ISELR078 8 00h 0008 714Fh ICU Interrupt destination setting register 079 ISELR079 8 00h 0008 7162h ICU Interrupt destination setting register 098 ISELR098 8 00h 0008 7163h ICU Interrupt destination setting register 099 ISELR099 8 00h 0008 7164h ICU Interrupt destination setting register 100 ISELR100 8 00h 0008 7165h ICU Interrupt destination setting register 101 ISELR101 8 00h REJ03B0258-0050 Rev.0.50 Page 29 of 47 Mar. 24, 2009 Under development Preliminary Specification Specifications in this preliminary version are subject to change. RX610 Group 4. I/O Registers Module Address Abbreviation Register Name Register Number Value after Abbreviation of Bits Reset 0008 7168h ICU Interrupt destination setting register 104 ISELR104 8 00h 0008 7169h ICU Interrupt destination setting register 105 ISELR105 8 00h 0008 716Ah ICU Interrupt destination setting register 106 ISELR106 8 00h 0008 716Bh ICU Interrupt destination setting register 107 ISELR107 8 00h 0008 716Fh ICU Interrupt destination setting register 111 ISELR111 8 00h 0008 7170h ICU Interrupt destination setting register 112 ISELR112 8 00h 0008 7175h ICU Interrupt destination setting register 117 ISELR117 8 00h 0008 7176h ICU Interrupt destination setting register 118 ISELR118 8 00h 0008 717Ah ICU Interrupt destination setting register 122 ISELR122 8 00h 0008 717Bh ICU Interrupt destination setting register 123 ISELR123 8 00h 0008 717Ch ICU Interrupt destination setting register 124 ISELR124 8 00h 0008 717Dh ICU Interrupt destination setting register 125 ISELR125 8 00h 0008 717Fh ICU Interrupt destination setting register 127 ISELR127 8 00h 0008 7180h ICU Interrupt destination setting register 128 ISELR128 8 00h 0008 7185h ICU Interrupt destination setting register 133 ISELR133 8 00h 0008 7186h ICU Interrupt destination setting register 134 ISELR134 8 00h 0008 718Ah ICU Interrupt destination setting register 138 ISELR138 8 00h 0008 718Bh ICU Interrupt destination setting register 139 ISELR139 8 00h 0008 718Ch ICU Interrupt destination setting register 140 ISELR140 8 00h 0008 718Dh ICU Interrupt destination setting register 141 ISELR141 8 00h 0008 7191h ICU Interrupt destination setting register 145 ISELR145 8 00h 0008 7192h ICU Interrupt destination setting register 146 ISELR146 8 00h 0008 7197h ICU Interrupt destination setting register 151 ISELR151 8 00h 0008 7198h ICU Interrupt destination setting register 152 ISELR152 8 00h 0008 719Ch ICU Interrupt destination setting register 156 ISELR156 8 00h 0008 719Dh ICU Interrupt destination setting register 157 ISELR157 8 00h 0008 719Eh ICU Interrupt destination setting register 158 ISELR158 8 00h 0008 719Fh ICU Interrupt destination setting register 159 ISELR159 8 00h 0008 71A1h ICU Interrupt destination setting register 161 ISELR161 8 00h 0008 71A2h ICU Interrupt destination setting register 162 ISELR162 8 00h 0008 71A7h ICU Interrupt destination setting register 167 ISELR167 8 00h 0008 71A8h ICU Interrupt destination setting register 168 ISELR168 8 00h 0008 71AEh ICU Interrupt destination setting register 174 ISELR174 8 00h 0008 71AFh ICU Interrupt destination setting register 175 ISELR175 8 00h 0008 71B1h ICU Interrupt destination setting register 177 ISELR177 8 00h 0008 71B2h ICU Interrupt destination setting register 178 ISELR178 8 00h 0008 71B4h ICU Interrupt destination setting register 180 ISELR180 8 00h 0008 71B5h ICU Interrupt destination setting register 181 ISELR181 8 00h 0008 71B7h ICU Interrupt destination setting register 183 ISELR183 8 00h 0008 71B8h ICU Interrupt destination setting register 184 ISELR184 8 00h 0008 71C6h ICU Interrupt destination setting register 198 ISELR198 8 00h 0008 71C7h ICU Interrupt destination setting register 199 ISELR199 8 00h 0008 71C8h ICU Interrupt destination setting register 200 ISELR200 8 00h 0008 71C9h ICU Interrupt destination setting register 201 ISELR201 8 00h 0008 71D7h ICU Interrupt destination setting register 215 ISELR215 8 00h 0008 71D8h ICU Interrupt destination setting register 216 ISELR216 8 00h REJ03B0258-0050 Rev.0.50 Page 30 of 47 Mar. 24, 2009 Under development Preliminary Specification Specifications in this preliminary version are subject to change. RX610 Group 4. I/O Registers Module Address Abbreviation Register Name Register Number Value after Abbreviation of Bits Reset 0008 71DBh ICU Interrupt destination setting register 219 ISELR219 8 00h 0008 71DCh ICU Interrupt destination setting register 220 ISELR220 8 00h 0008 71DFh ICU Interrupt destination setting register 223 ISELR223 8 00h 0008 71E0h ICU Interrupt destination setting register 224 ISELR224 8 00h 0008 71E3h ICU Interrupt destination setting register 227 ISELR227 8 00h 0008 71E4h ICU Interrupt destination setting register 228 ISELR228 8 00h 0008 71E7h ICU Interrupt destination setting register 231 ISELR231 8 00h 0008 71E8h ICU Interrupt destination setting register 232 ISELR232 8 00h 0008 71EBh ICU Interrupt destination setting register 235 ISELR235 8 00h 0008 71ECh ICU Interrupt destination setting register 236 ISELR236 8 00h 0008 71EFh ICU Interrupt destination setting register 239 ISELR239 8 00h 0008 71F0h ICU Interrupt destination setting register 240 ISELR240 8 00h 0008 71F7h ICU Interrupt destination setting register 247 ISELR247 8 00h 0008 71F8h ICU Interrupt destination setting register 248 ISELR248 8 00h 0008 71FBh ICU Interrupt destination setting register 251 ISELR251 8 00h 0008 71FCh ICU Interrupt destination setting register 252 ISELR252 8 00h 0008 7202h ICU Interrupt request enable register 02 IER02 8 00h 0008 7203h ICU Interrupt request enable register 03 IER03 8 00h 0008 7208h ICU Interrupt request enable register 08 IER08 8 00h 0008 7209h ICU Interrupt request enable register 09 IER09 8 00h 0008 720Ch ICU Interrupt request enable register 0C IER0C 8 00h 0008 720Dh ICU Interrupt request enable register 0D IER0D 8 00h 0008 720Eh ICU Interrupt request enable register 0E IER0E 8 00h 0008 720Fh ICU Interrupt request enable register 0F IER0F 8 00h 0008 7210h ICU Interrupt request enable register 10 IER10 8 00h 0008 7211h ICU Interrupt request enable register 11 IER11 8 00h 0008 7212h ICU Interrupt request enable register 12 IER12 8 00h 0008 7213h ICU Interrupt request enable register 13 IER13 8 00h 0008 7214h ICU Interrupt request enable register 14 IER14 8 00h 0008 7215h ICU Interrupt request enable register 15 IER15 8 00h 0008 7216h ICU Interrupt request enable register 16 IER16 8 00h 0008 7217h ICU Interrupt request enable register 17 IER17 8 00h 0008 7218h ICU Interrupt request enable register 18 IER18 8 00h 0008 7219h ICU Interrupt request enable register 19 IER19 8 00h 0008 721Ah ICU Interrupt request enable register 1A IER1A 8 00h 0008 721Bh ICU Interrupt request enable register 1B IER1B 8 00h 0008 721Ch ICU Interrupt request enable register 1C IER1C 8 00h 0008 721Dh ICU Interrupt request enable register 1D IER1D 8 00h 0008 721Eh ICU Interrupt request enable register 1E IER1E 8 00h 0008 721Fh ICU Interrupt request enable register 1F IER1F 8 00h 0008 7300h ICU Interrupt priority register 00 IPR00 8 00h 0008 7301h ICU Interrupt priority register 01 IPR01 8 00h 0008 7302h ICU Interrupt priority register 02 IPR02 8 00h 0008 7304h ICU Interrupt priority register 04 IPR04 8 00h 0008 7305h ICU Interrupt priority register 05 IPR05 8 00h 0008 7306h ICU Interrupt priority register 06 IPR06 8 00h REJ03B0258-0050 Rev.0.50 Page 31 of 47 Mar. 24, 2009 Under development Preliminary Specification Specifications in this preliminary version are subject to change. RX610 Group 4. I/O Registers Module Address Abbreviation Register Name Register Number Value after Abbreviation of Bits Reset 0008 7307h ICU Interrupt priority register 07 IPR07 8 00h 0008 7320h ICU Interrupt priority register 20 IPR20 8 00h 0008 7321h ICU Interrupt priority register 21 IPR21 8 00h 0008 7322h ICU Interrupt priority register 22 IPR22 8 00h 0008 7323h ICU Interrupt priority register 23 IPR23 8 00h 0008 7324h ICU Interrupt priority register 24 IPR24 8 00h 0008 7325h ICU Interrupt priority register 25 IPR25 8 00h 0008 7326h ICU Interrupt priority register 26 IPR26 8 00h 0008 7327h ICU Interrupt priority register 27 IPR27 8 00h 0008 7328h ICU Interrupt priority register 28 IPR28 8 00h 0008 7329h ICU Interrupt priority register 29 IPR29 8 00h 0008 732Ah ICU Interrupt priority register 2A IPR2A 8 00h 0008 732Bh ICU Interrupt priority register 2B IPR2B 8 00h 0008 732Ch ICU Interrupt priority register 2C IPR2C 8 00h 0008 732Dh ICU Interrupt priority register 2D IPR2D 8 00h 0008 732Eh ICU Interrupt priority register 2E IPR2E 8 00h 0008 732Fh ICU Interrupt priority register 2F IPR2F 8 00h 0008 7340h ICU Interrupt priority register 40 IPR40 8 00h 0008 7344h ICU Interrupt priority register 44 IPR44 8 00h 0008 7345h ICU Interrupt priority register 45 IPR45 8 00h 0008 7346h ICU Interrupt priority register 46 IPR46 8 00h 0008 7347h ICU Interrupt priority register 47 IPR47 8 00h 0008 734Ch ICU Interrupt priority register 4C IPR4C 8 00h 0008 734Dh ICU Interrupt priority register 4D IPR4D 8 00h 0008 734Eh ICU Interrupt priority register 4E IPR4E 8 00h 0008 734Fh ICU Interrupt priority register 4F IPR4F 8 00h 0008 7350h ICU Interrupt priority register 50 IPR50 8 00h 0008 7351h ICU Interrupt priority register 51 IPR51 8 00h 0008 7352h ICU Interrupt priority register 52 IPR52 8 00h 0008 7353h ICU Interrupt priority register 53 IPR53 8 00h 0008 7354h ICU Interrupt priority register 54 IPR54 8 00h 0008 7355h ICU Interrupt priority register 55 IPR55 8 00h 0008 7356h ICU Interrupt priority register 56 IPR56 8 00h 0008 7357h ICU Interrupt priority register 57 IPR57 8 00h 0008 7358h ICU Interrupt priority register 58 IPR58 8 00h 0008 7359h ICU Interrupt priority register 59 IPR59 8 00h 0008 735Ah ICU Interrupt priority register 5A IPR5A 8 00h 0008 735Bh ICU Interrupt priority register 5B IPR5B 8 00h 0008 735Ch ICU Interrupt priority register 5C IPR5C 8 00h 0008 735Dh ICU Interrupt priority register 5D IPR5D 8 00h 0008 735Eh ICU Interrupt priority register 5E IPR5E 8 00h 0008 735Fh ICU Interrupt priority register 5F IPR5F 8 00h 0008 7360h ICU Interrupt priority register 60 IPR60 8 00h 0008 7361h ICU Interrupt priority register 61 IPR61 8 00h 0008 7362h ICU Interrupt priority register 62 IPR62 8 00h 0008 7363h ICU Interrupt priority register 63 IPR63 8 00h REJ03B0258-0050 Rev.0.50 Page 32 of 47 Mar. 24, 2009 Under development Preliminary Specification Specifications in this preliminary version are subject to change. RX610 Group 4. I/O Registers Module Address Abbreviation Register Name Register Number Value after Abbreviation of Bits Reset 0008 7368h ICU Interrupt priority register 68 IPR68 8 00h 0008 7369h ICU Interrupt priority register 69 IPR69 8 00h 0008 736Ah ICU Interrupt priority register 6A IPR6A 8 00h 0008 736Bh ICU Interrupt priority register 6B IPR6B 8 00h 0008 7370h ICU Interrupt priority register 70 IPR70 8 00h 0008 7371h ICU Interrupt priority register 71 IPR71 8 00h 0008 7372h ICU Interrupt priority register 72 IPR72 8 00h 0008 7373h ICU Interrupt priority register 73 IPR73 8 00h 0008 7380h ICU Interrupt priority register 80 IPR80 8 00h 0008 7381h ICU Interrupt priority register 81 IPR81 8 00h 0008 7382h ICU Interrupt priority register 82 IPR82 8 00h 0008 7383h ICU Interrupt priority register 83 IPR83 8 00h 0008 7384h ICU Interrupt priority register 84 IPR84 8 00h 0008 7385h ICU Interrupt priority register 85 IPR85 8 00h 0008 7386h ICU Interrupt priority register 86 IPR86 8 00h 0008 7388h ICU Interrupt priority register 88 IPR88 8 00h 0008 7389h ICU Interrupt priority register 89 IPR89 8 00h 0008 738Ah ICU Interrupt priority register 8A IPR8A 8 00h 0008 738Bh ICU Interrupt priority register 8B IPR8B 8 00h 0008 738Ch ICU Interrupt priority register 8C IPR8C 8 00h 0008 738Dh ICU Interrupt priority register 8D IPR8D 8 00h 0008 738Eh ICU Interrupt priority register 8E IPR8E 8 00h 0008 738Fh ICU Interrupt priority register 8F IPR8F 8 00h 0008 73F0h ICU Fast interrupt register FIR 16 0000h 0008 7400h DTC DTC control register DTCCR 8 00h 0008 7404h DTC DTC vector base register DTCVBR 32 00000000h 0008 7408h DTC DTC address mode register DTCADMOD 8 00h 0008 740Ch DTC DTC module start register DTCST 8 00h 0008 8000h CMT (unit 0) Compare match timer start register 0 CMSTR0 16 0000h 0008 8002h CMT0 Compare match timer control register CMCR 16 0000h 0008 8004h CMT0 Compare match timer counter CMCNT 16 0000h 0008 8006h CMT0 Compare match timer constant register CMCOR 16 FFFFh 0008 8008h CMT1 Compare match timer control register CMCR 16 0000h 0008 800Ah CMT1 Compare match timer counter CMCNT 16 0000h 0008 800Ch CMT1 Compare match timer constant register CMCOR 16 FFFFh 0008 8010h CMT (unit 1) Compare match timer start register 1 CMSTR1 16 0000h 0008 8012h CMT2 Compare match timer control register CMCR 16 0000h 0008 8014h CMT2 Compare match timer counter CMCNT 16 0000h 0008 8016h CMT2 Compare match timer constant register CMCOR 16 FFFFh 0008 8018h CMT3 Compare match timer control register CMCR 16 0000h 0008 801Ah CMT3 Compare match timer counter CMCNT 16 0000h 0008 801Ch CMT3 Compare match timer constant register CMCOR 16 FFFFh 0008 8028h WDT Timer control/status register TCSR 8 18h 0008 8028h WDT Write window A register WINA 16 xxxxh 0008 8029h WDT Timer counter TCNT 8 00h 0008 802Ah WDT Write window B register WINB 16 xxxxh REJ03B0258-0050 Rev.0.50 Page 33 of 47 Mar. 24, 2009 Under development Preliminary Specification Specifications in this preliminary version are subject to change. RX610 Group 4. I/O Registers Module Address Abbreviation Register Number Value after Register Name Abbreviation of Bits Reset 0008 802Bh WDT Reset control/status register RSTCSR 8 1Fh 0008 8040h AD0 A/D data register A ADDRA 16 0000h 0008 8042h AD0 A/D data register B ADDRB 16 0000h 0008 8044h AD0 A/D data register C ADDRC 16 0000h 0008 8046h AD0 A/D data register D ADDRD 16 0000h 0008 8050h AD0 A/D control/status register ADCSR 8 00h 0008 8051h AD0 A/D control register ADCR 8 00h 0008 8052h AD0 A/D data placement register ADDPR 8 00h 0008 8053h AD0 A/D sampling state register ADSSTR 8 19h 0008 8060h AD1 A/D data register A ADDRA 16 0000h 0008 8062h AD1 A/D data register B ADDRB 16 0000h 0008 8064h AD1 A/D data register C ADDRC 16 0000h 0008 8066h AD1 A/D data register D ADDRD 16 0000h 0008 8070h AD1 A/D control/status register ADCSR 8 00h 0008 8071h AD1 A/D control register ADCR 8 00h 0008 8072h AD1 A/D data placement register ADDPR 8 00h 0008 8073h AD1 A/D sampling state register ADSSTR 8 19h 0008 8080h AD2 A/D data register A ADDRA 16 0000h 0008 8082h AD2 A/D data register B ADDRB 16 0000h 0008 8084h AD2 A/D data register C ADDRC 16 0000h 0008 8086h AD2 A/D data register D ADDRD 16 0000h 0008 8090h AD2 A/D control/status register ADCSR 8 00h 0008 8091h AD2 A/D control register ADCR 8 00h 0008 8092h AD2 A/D data placement register ADDPR 8 00h 0008 8093h AD2 A/D sampling state register ADSSTR 8 19h 0008 80A0h AD3 A/D data register A ADDRA 16 0000h 0008 80A2h AD3 A/D data register B ADDRB 16 0000h 0008 80A4h AD3 A/D data register C ADDRC 16 0000h 0008 80A6h AD3 A/D data register D ADDRD 16 0000h 0008 80B0h AD3 A/D control/status register ADCSR 8 00h 0008 80B1h AD3 A/D control register ADCR 8 00h 0008 80B2h AD3 A/D data placement register ADDPR 8 00h 0008 80B3h AD3 A/D sampling state register ADSSTR 8 19h 0008 80C0h D/A D/A data register 0 DADR0 16 0000h 0008 80C2h D/A D/A data register 1 DADR1 16 0000h 0008 80C4h D/A D/A control register DACR 8 1Fh 0008 80C5h D/A D/A data placement register DADPR 8 00h 0008 8100h TPU (unit 0) Timer start register TSTRA 8 00h 0008 8101h TPU (unit 0) Timer synchronous register TSYRA 8 00h 0008 8110h TPU0 Timer control register TCR 8 00h 0008 8111h TPU0 Timer mode register TMDR 8 00h 0008 8112h TPU0 Timer I/O control register H TIORH 8 00h 0008 8113h TPU0 Timer I/O control register L TIORL 8 00h 0008 8114h TPU0 Timer interrupt enable register TIER 8 40h 0008 8115h TPU0 Timer status register TSR 8 C0h 0008 8116h TPU0 Timer counter TCNT 16 0000h REJ03B0258-0050 Rev.0.50 Page 34 of 47 Mar. 24, 2009 Under development Preliminary Specification Specifications in this preliminary version are subject to change. RX610 Group 4. I/O Registers Module Address Abbreviation Register Name Register Number Value after Abbreviation of Bits Reset 0008 8118h TPU0 Timer general register A TGRA 16 FFFFh 0008 811Ah TPU0 Timer general register B TGRB 16 FFFFh 0008 811Ch TPU0 Timer general register C TGRC 16 FFFFh 0008 811Eh TPU0 Timer general register D TGRD 16 FFFFh 0008 8120h TPU1 Timer control register TCR 8 00h 0008 8121h TPU1 Timer mode register TMDR 8 00h 0008 8122h TPU1 Timer I/O control register TIOR 8 00h 0008 8124h TPU1 Timer interrupt enable register TIER 8 40h 0008 8125h TPU1 Timer status register TSR 8 C0h 0008 8126h TPU1 Timer counter TCNT 16 0000h 0008 8128h TPU1 Timer general register A TGRA 16 FFFFh 0008 812Ah TPU1 Timer general register B TGRB 16 FFFFh 0008 8130h TPU2 Timer control register TCR 8 00h 0008 8131h TPU2 Timer mode register TMDR 8 00h 0008 8132h TPU2 Timer I/O control register TIOR 8 00h 0008 8134h TPU2 Timer interrupt enable register TIER 8 40h 0008 8135h TPU2 Timer status register TSR 8 C0h 0008 8136h TPU2 Timer counter TCNT 16 0000h 0008 8138h TPU2 Timer general register A TGRA 16 FFFFh 0008 813Ah TPU2 Timer general register B TGRB 16 FFFFh 0008 8140h TPU3 Timer control register TCR 8 00h 0008 8141h TPU3 Timer mode register TMDR 8 00h 0008 8142h TPU3 Timer I/O control register H TIORH 8 00h 0008 8143h TPU3 Timer I/O control register L TIORL 8 00h 0008 8144h TPU3 Timer interrupt enable register TIER 8 40h 0008 8145h TPU3 Timer status register TSR 8 C0h 0008 8146h TPU3 Timer counter TCNT 16 0000h 0008 8148h TPU3 Timer general register A TGRA 16 FFFFh 0008 814Ah TPU3 Timer general register B TGRB 16 FFFFh 0008 814Ch TPU3 Timer general register C TGRC 16 FFFFh 0008 814Eh TPU3 Timer general register D TGRD 16 FFFFh 0008 8150h TPU4 Timer control register TCR 8 00h 0008 8151h TPU4 Timer mode register TMDR 8 00h 0008 8152h TPU4 Timer I/O control register TIOR 8 00h 0008 8154h TPU4 Timer interrupt enable register TIER 8 40h 0008 8155h TPU4 Timer status register TSR 8 C0h 0008 8156h TPU4 Timer counter TCNT 16 0000h 0008 8158h TPU4 Timer general register A TGRA 16 FFFFh 0008 815Ah TPU4 Timer general register B TGRB 16 FFFFh 0008 8160h TPU5 Timer control register TCR 8 00h 0008 8161h TPU5 Timer mode register TMDR 8 00h 0008 8162h TPU5 Timer I/O control register TIOR 8 00h 0008 8164h TPU5 Timer interrupt enable register TIER 8 40h 0008 8165h TPU5 Timer status register TSR 8 C0h 0008 8166h TPU5 Timer counter TCNT 16 0000h 0008 8168h TPU5 Timer general register A TGRA 16 FFFFh REJ03B0258-0050 Rev.0.50 Page 35 of 47 Mar. 24, 2009 Under development Preliminary Specification Specifications in this preliminary version are subject to change. RX610 Group 4. I/O Registers Register Number Value after Address Module Abbreviation Register Name Abbreviation of Bits Reset 0008 816Ah TPU5 Timer general register B TGRB 16 FFFFh 0008 8170h TPU (unit 1) Timer start register TSTRB 8 00h 0008 8171h TPU (unit 1) Timer synchronous register TSYRB 8 00h 0008 8180h TPU6 Timer control register TCR 8 00h 0008 8181h TPU6 Timer mode register TMDR 8 00h 0008 8182h TPU6 Timer I/O control register H TIORH 8 00h 0008 8183h TPU6 Timer I/O control register L TIORL 8 00h 0008 8184h TPU6 Timer interrupt enable register TIER 8 40h 0008 8185h TPU6 Timer status register TSR 8 C0h 0008 8186h TPU6 Timer counter TCNT 16 0000h 0008 8188h TPU6 Timer general register A TGRA 16 FFFFh 0008 818Ah TPU6 Timer general register B TGRB 16 FFFFh 0008 818Ch TPU6 Timer general register C TGRC 16 FFFFh 0008 818Eh TPU6 Timer general register D TGRD 16 FFFFh 0008 8190h TPU7 Timer control register TCR 8 00h 0008 8191h TPU7 Timer mode register TMDR 8 00h 0008 8192h TPU7 Timer I/O control register TIOR 8 00h 0008 8194h TPU7 Timer interrupt enable register TIER 8 40h 0008 8195h TPU7 Timer status register TSR 8 C0h 0008 8196h TPU7 Timer counter TCNT 16 0000h 0008 8198h TPU7 Timer general register A TGRA 16 FFFFh 0008 819Ah TPU7 Timer general register B TGRB 16 FFFFh 0008 81A0h TPU8 Timer control register TCR 8 00h 0008 81A1h TPU8 Timer mode register TMDR 8 00h 0008 81A2h TPU8 Timer I/O control register TIOR 8 00h 0008 81A4h TPU8 Timer interrupt enable register TIER 8 40h 0008 81A5h TPU8 Timer status register TSR 8 C0h 0008 81A6h TPU8 Timer counter TCNT 16 0000h 0008 81A8h TPU8 Timer general register A TGRA 16 FFFFh 0008 81AAh TPU8 Timer general register B TGRB 16 FFFFh 0008 81B0h TPU9 Timer control register TCR 8 00h 0008 81B1h TPU9 Timer mode register TMDR 8 00h 0008 81B2h TPU9 Timer I/O control register H TIORH 8 00h 0008 81B3h TPU9 Timer I/O control register L TIORL 8 00h 0008 81B4h TPU9 Timer interrupt enable register TIER 8 40h 0008 81B5h TPU9 Timer status register TSR 8 C0h 0008 81B6h TPU9 Timer counter TCNT 16 0000h 0008 81B8h TPU9 Timer general register A TGRA 16 FFFFh 0008 81BAh TPU9 Timer general register B TGRB 16 FFFFh 0008 81BCh TPU9 Timer general register C TGRC 16 FFFFh 0008 81BEh TPU9 Timer general register D TGRD 16 FFFFh 0008 81C0h TPU10 Timer control register TCR 8 00h 0008 81C1h TPU10 Timer mode register TMDR 8 00h 0008 81C2h TPU10 Timer I/O control register TIOR 8 00h 0008 81C4h TPU10 Timer interrupt enable register TIER 8 40h 0008 81C5h TPU10 Timer status register TSR 8 C0h REJ03B0258-0050 Rev.0.50 Page 36 of 47 Mar. 24, 2009 Under development Preliminary Specification Specifications in this preliminary version are subject to change. RX610 Group 4. I/O Registers Module Address Abbreviation Register Name Register Number Value after Abbreviation of Bits Reset 0008 81C6h TPU10 Timer counter TCNT 16 0000h 0008 81C8h TPU10 Timer general register A TGRA 16 FFFFh 0008 81CAh TPU10 Timer general register B TGRB 16 FFFFh 0008 81D0h TPU11 Timer control register TCR 8 00h 0008 81D1h TPU11 Timer mode register TMDR 8 00h 0008 81D2h TPU11 Timer I/O control register TIOR 8 00h 0008 81D4h TPU11 Timer interrupt enable register TIER 8 40h 0008 81D5h TPU11 Timer status register TSR 8 C0h 0008 81D6h TPU11 Timer counter TCNT 16 0000h 0008 81D8h TPU11 Timer general register A TGRA 16 FFFFh 0008 81DAh TPU11 Timer general register B TGRB 16 FFFFh 0008 81E6h PPG0 PPG output control register PCR 8 FFh 0008 81E7h PPG0 PPG output mode register PMR 8 F0h 0008 81E8h PPG0 Next data enable register H NDERH 8 00h 0008 81E9h PPG0 Next data enable register L NDERL 8 00h 0008 81EAh PPG0 Output data register H PODRH 8 00h PPG0 Output data register L PODRL 8 00h PPG0 Next data register H NDRH 8 00h 0008 81EBh 0008 81Ech* 1 0008 81EDh* 2 PPG0 Next data register L NDRL 8 00h 1 PPG0 Next data register H NDRH 8 00h 2 PPG0 Next data register L NDRL 8 00h 0008 81F0h PPG1 PPG trigger select register PTRSLR 8 01h 0008 81F6h PPG1 PPG output control register PCR 8 FFh 0008 81F7h PPG1 PPG output mode register PMR 8 F0h 0008 81F8h PPG1 Next data enable register H NDERH 8 00h 0008 81F9h PPG1 Next data enable register L NDERL 8 00h 0008 81FAh PPG1 Output data register H PODRH 8 00h 0008 81EEh* 0008 81EFh* 0008 81FBh PPG1 Output data register L PODRL 8 00h 0008 81FCh* 3 PPG1 Next data register H NDRH 8 00h 0008 81FDh* 4 PPG1 Next data register L NDRL 8 00h 3 PPG1 Next data register H NDRH 8 00h 4 PPG1 Next data register L NDRL 8 00h 0008 8200h TMR0 Timer control register TCR 8 00h 0008 8201h TMR1 Timer control register TCR 8 00h 0008 8202h TMR0 Timer control/status register TCSR 8 00h 0008 8203h TMR1 Timer control/status register TCSR 8 10h 0008 8204h TMR0 Time constant register A TCORA 8 FFh 0008 8205h TMR1 Time constant register A TCORA 8 FFh 0008 8206h TMR0 Time constant register B TCORB 8 FFh 0008 8207h TMR1 Time constant register B TCORB 8 FFh 0008 8208h TMR0 Timer counter TCNT 8 00h 0008 8209h TMR1 Timer counter TCNT 8 00h 0008 820Ah TMR0 Timer counter control register TCCR 8 00h 0008 820Bh TMR1 Timer counter control register TCCR 8 00h 0008 8210h TMR2 Timer control register TCR 8 00h 0008 8211h TMR3 Timer control register TCR 8 00h 0008 81FEh* 0008 81FFh* REJ03B0258-0050 Rev.0.50 Page 37 of 47 Mar. 24, 2009 Under development Preliminary Specification Specifications in this preliminary version are subject to change. RX610 Group 4. I/O Registers Module Address Abbreviation Register Name Register Number Value after Abbreviation of Bits Reset 0008 8212h TMR2 Timer control/status register TCSR 8 00h 0008 8213h TMR3 Timer control/status register TCSR 8 10h 0008 8214h TMR2 Time constant register A TCORA 8 FFh 0008 8215h TMR3 Time constant register A TCORA 8 FFh 0008 8216h TMR2 Time constant register B TCORB 8 FFh 0008 8217h TMR3 Time constant register B TCORB 8 FFh 0008 8218h TMR2 Timer counter TCNT 8 00h 0008 8219h TMR3 Timer counter TCNT 8 00h 0008 821Ah TMR2 Timer counter control register TCCR 8 00h 0008 821Bh TMR3 Timer counter control register TCCR 8 00h 0008 8240h SCI0 Serial mode register SMR 8 00h 0008 8241h SCI0 Bit rate register BRR 8 FFh 0008 8242h SCI0 Serial control register SCR 8 00h 0008 8243h SCI0 Transmit data register TDR 8 FFh 0008 8244h SCI0 Serial status register SSR 8 84h 0008 8245h SCI0 Receive data register RDR 8 00h 0008 8246h SCI0 Smart card mode register SCMR 8 F2h 0008 8247h SCI0 Serial extended mode register SEMR 8 00h 0008 8248h SCI1 Serial mode register SMR 8 00h 0008 8249h SCI1 Bit rate register BRR 8 FFh 0008 824Ah SCI1 Serial control register SCR 8 00h 0008 824Bh SCI1 Transmit data register TDR 8 FFh 0008 824Ch SCI1 Serial status register SSR 8 84h 0008 824Dh SCI1 Receive data register RDR 8 00h 0008 824Eh SCI1 Smart card mode register SCMR 8 F2h 0008 824Fh SCI1 Serial extended mode register SEMR 8 00h 0008 8250h SCI2 Serial mode register SMR 8 00h 0008 8251h SCI2 Bit rate register BRR 8 FFh 0008 8252h SCI2 Serial control register SCR 8 00h 0008 8253h SCI2 Transmit data register TDR 8 FFh 0008 8254h SCI2 Serial status register SSR 8 84h 0008 8255h SCI2 Receive data register RDR 8 00h 0008 8256h SCI2 Smart card mode register SCMR 8 F2h 0008 8257h SCI2 Serial extended mode register SEMR 8 00h 0008 8258h SCI3 Serial mode register SMR 8 00h 0008 8259h SCI3 Bit rate register BRR 8 FFh 0008 825Ah SCI3 Serial control register SCR 8 00h 0008 825Bh SCI3 Transmit data register TDR 8 FFh 0008 825Ch SCI3 Serial status register SSR 8 84h 0008 825Dh SCI3 Receive data register RDR 8 00h 0008 825Eh SCI3 Smart card mode register SCMR 8 F2h 0008 825Fh SCI3 Serial extended mode register SEMR 8 00h 0008 8260h SCI4 Serial mode register SMR 8 00h 0008 8261h SCI4 Bit rate register BRR 8 FFh 0008 8262h SCI4 Serial control register SCR 8 00h 0008 8263h SCI4 Transmit data register TDR 8 FFh REJ03B0258-0050 Rev.0.50 Page 38 of 47 Mar. 24, 2009 Under development Preliminary Specification Specifications in this preliminary version are subject to change. RX610 Group 4. I/O Registers Module Address Abbreviation Register Name Register Number Value after Abbreviation of Bits Reset 0008 8264h SCI4 Serial status register SSR 8 84h 0008 8265h SCI4 Receive data register RDR 8 00h 0008 8266h SCI4 Smart card mode register SCMR 8 F2h 0008 8267h SCI4 Serial extended mode register SEMR 8 00h 0008 8268h SCI5 Serial mode register SMR 8 00h 0008 8269h SCI5 Bit rate register BRR 8 FFh 0008 826Ah SCI5 Serial control register SCR 8 00h 0008 826Bh SCI5 Transmit data register TDR 8 FFh 0008 826Ch SCI5 Serial status register SSR 8 84h 0008 826Dh SCI5 Receive data register RDR 8 00h 0008 826Eh SCI5 Smart card mode register SCMR 8 F2h 0008 826Fh SCI5 Serial extended mode register SEMR 8 00h 0008 8270h SCI6 Serial mode register SMR 8 00h 0008 8271h SCI6 Bit rate register BRR 8 FFh 0008 8272h SCI6 Serial control register SCR 8 00h 0008 8273h SCI6 Transmit data register TDR 8 FFh 0008 8274h SCI6 Serial status register SSR 8 84h 0008 8275h SCI6 Receive data register RDR 8 00h 0008 8276h SCI6 Smart card mode register SCMR 8 F2h 0008 8277h SCI6 Serial extended mode register SEMR 8 00h 0008 8280h CRC CRC control register CRCCR 8 00h 0008 8281h CRC CRC data input register CRCDIR 8 00h 0008 8282h CRC CRC data output register 0008 8300h RIIC0 I C bus control register 1 0008 8301h RIIC0 I C bus control register 2 0008 8302h RIIC0 I C bus mode register 1 0008 8303h RIIC0 I C bus mode register 2 CRCDOR 16 0000h 2 ICCR1 8 1Fh 2 ICCR2 8 10h 2 ICMR1 8 08h 2 ICMR2 8 06h 2 ICMR3 8 00h 2 ICFER 8 52h 2 ICSER 8 09h 2 ICIER 8 00h 2 ICSR1 8 00h 2 0008 8304h RIIC0 I C bus mode register 3 0008 8305h RIIC0 I C bus function enable register 0008 8306h RIIC0 I C bus status enable register 0008 8307h RIIC0 I C bus interrupt enable register 0008 8308h RIIC0 I C bus status register 1 0008 8309h RIIC0 I C bus status register 2 ICSR2 8 00h 0008 830Ah RIIC0 Slave address register L0 SARL0 8 00h 0008 830Bh RIIC0 Slave address register U0 SARU0 8 00h 0008 830Ch RIIC0 Slave address register L1 SARL1 8 00h 0008 830Dh RIIC0 Slave address register U1 SARU1 8 00h 0008 830Eh RIIC0 Slave address register L2 SARL2 8 00h 0008 830Fh RIIC0 Slave address register U2 0008 8310h RIIC0 I C bus bit rate high-level register 0008 8311h RIIC0 I C bus bit rate low-level register 0008 8312h RIIC0 I C bus transmit data register 0008 8313h RIIC0 I C bus receive data register 2 ICBRL 8 FFh ICDRT 8 FFh 2 ICDRR 8 00h 2 ICCR1 8 1Fh 2 ICCR2 8 10h 2 ICMR1 8 08h RIIC1 I C bus control register 1 RIIC1 I C bus control register 2 REJ03B0258-0050 Rev.0.50 Page 39 of 47 00h FFh 2 0008 8321h RIIC1 8 8 2 0008 8320h 0008 8322h SARU2 ICBRH I C bus mode register 1 Mar. 24, 2009 Under development Preliminary Specification Specifications in this preliminary version are subject to change. RX610 Group 4. I/O Registers Module Address Abbreviation Register Number Value after Abbreviation of Bits Reset 2 ICMR2 8 06h 2 ICMR3 8 00h 2 ICFER 8 52h Register Name 0008 8323h RIIC1 I C bus mode register 2 0008 8324h RIIC1 I C bus mode register 3 0008 8325h RIIC1 I C bus function enable register 2 ICSER 8 09h 2 ICIER 8 00h 2 ICSR1 8 00h 2 0008 8326h RIIC1 I C bus status enable register 0008 8327h RIIC1 I C bus interrupt enable register 0008 8328h RIIC1 I C bus status register 1 0008 8329h RIIC1 I C bus status register 2 ICSR2 8 00h 0008 832Ah RIIC1 Slave address register L0 SARL0 8 00h 0008 832Bh RIIC1 Slave address register U0 SARU0 8 00h 0008 832Ch RIIC1 Slave address register L1 SARL1 8 00h 0008 832Dh RIIC1 Slave address register U1 SARU1 8 00h 0008 832Eh RIIC1 Slave address register L2 SARL2 8 00h 0008 832Fh RIIC1 Slave address register U2 SARU2 8 00h ICBRH 8 FFh 0008 8330h RIIC1 2 I C bus bit rate high-level register 2 ICBRL 8 FFh 2 ICDRT 8 FFh 0008 8331h RIIC1 I C bus bit rate low-level register 0008 8332h RIIC1 I C bus transmit data register 0008 8333h RIIC1 I C bus receive data register ICDRR 8 00h 0008 C000h P0 Data direction register DDR 8 00h 0008 C001h P1 Data direction register DDR 8 00h 0008 C002h P2 Data direction register DDR 8 00h 0008 C003h P3 Data direction register DDR 8 00h 0008 C004h P4 Data direction register DDR 8 00h 0008 C005h P5 Data direction register DDR 8 00h 0008 C006h P6 Data direction register DDR 8 00h 0008 C007h P7 Data direction register DDR 8 00h 0008 C008h P8 Data direction register DDR 8 00h 0008 C009h P9 Data direction register DDR 8 00h 0008 C00Ah PA Data direction register DDR 8 00h 0008 C00Bh PB Data direction register DDR 8 00h 0008 C00Ch PC Data direction register DDR 8 00h 2 0008 C00Dh PD Data direction register DDR 8 00h 0008 C00Eh PE Data direction register DDR 8 00h 0008 C020h P0 Data register DR 8 00h 0008 C021h P1 Data register DR 8 00h 0008 C022h P2 Data register DR 8 00h 0008 C023h P3 Data register DR 8 00h 0008 C024h P4 Data register DR 8 00h 0008 C025h P5 Data register DR 8 00h 0008 C026h P6 Data register DR 8 00h 0008 C027h P7 Data register DR 8 00h 0008 C028h P8 Data register DR 8 00h 0008 C029h P9 Data register DR 8 00h 0008 C02Ah PA Data register DR 8 00h 0008 C02Bh PB Data register DR 8 00h 0008 C02Ch PC Data register DR 8 00h 0008 C02Dh PD Data register DR 8 00h REJ03B0258-0050 Rev.0.50 Page 40 of 47 Mar. 24, 2009 Under development Preliminary Specification Specifications in this preliminary version are subject to change. RX610 Group 4. I/O Registers Module Address Abbreviation Register Name Register Number Value after Abbreviation of Bits Reset 0008 C02Eh PE Data register DR 8 00h 0008 C040h P0 Port register PORT 8 xxh 0008 C041h P1 Port register PORT 8 xxh 0008 C042h P2 Port register PORT 8 xxh 0008 C043h P3 Port register PORT 8 xxh 0008 C044h P4 Port register PORT 8 xxh 0008 C045h P5 Port register PORT 8 xxh 0008 C046h P6 Port register PORT 8 xxh 0008 C047h P7 Port register PORT 8 xxh 0008 C048h P8 Port register PORT 8 xxh 0008 C049h P9 Port register PORT 8 xxh 0008 C04Ah PA Port register PORT 8 xxh 0008 C04Bh PB Port register PORT 8 xxh 0008 C04Ch PC Port register PORT 8 xxh 0008 C04Dh PD Port register PORT 8 xxh 0008 C04Eh PE Port register PORT 8 xxh 0008 C060h P0 Input buffer control register ICR 8 00h 0008 C061h P1 Input buffer control register ICR 8 00h 0008 C062h P2 Input buffer control register ICR 8 00h 0008 C063h P3 Input buffer control register ICR 8 00h 0008 C064h P4 Input buffer control register ICR 8 00h 0008 C065h P5 Input buffer control register ICR 8 00h 0008 C066h P6 Input buffer control register ICR 8 00h 0008 C067h P7 Input buffer control register ICR 8 00h 0008 C068h P8 Input buffer control register ICR 8 00h 0008 C069h P9 Input buffer control register ICR 8 00h 0008 C06Ah PA Input buffer control register ICR 8 00h 0008 C06Bh PB Input buffer control register ICR 8 00h 0008 C06Ch PC Input buffer control register ICR 8 00h 0008 C06Dh PD Input buffer control register ICR 8 00h 0008 C06Eh PE Input buffer control register ICR 8 00h 0008 C082h P2 Open drain control register ODR 8 00h 0008 C08Ch PC Open drain control register ODR 8 00h 0008 C0CAh PA Pull-Up MOS control register PCR 8 00h 0008 C0CBh PB Pull-Up MOS control register PCR 8 00h 0008 C0CCh PC Pull-Up MOS control register PCR 8 00h 0008 C0CDh PD Pull-Up MOS control register PCR 8 00h 0008 C0CEh PE Pull-Up MOS control register PCR 8 00h 0008 C100h I/O PORT Port function control register 0 PFCR0 8 00h 0008 C101h I/O PORT Port function control register 1 PFCR1 8 00h 0008 C102h I/O PORT Port function control register 2 PFCR2 8 00h 0008 C103h I/O PORT Port function control register 3 PFCR3 8 00h 0008 C104h I/O PORT Port function control register 4 PFCR4 8 00h 0008 C105h I/O PORT Port function control register 5 PFCR5 8 00h 0008 C106h I/O PORT Port function control register 6 PFCR6 8 00h 0008 C107h I/O PORT Port function control register 7 PFCR7 8 00h REJ03B0258-0050 Rev.0.50 Page 41 of 47 Mar. 24, 2009 Under development Preliminary Specification Specifications in this preliminary version are subject to change. RX610 Group 4. I/O Registers Module Address Abbreviation Register Name Register Number Value after Abbreviation of Bits Reset 0008 C108h I/O PORT Port function control register 8 PFCR8 8 00h 0008 C109h I/O PORT Port function control register 9 PFCR9 8 00h 0008 C280h SYSTEM Deep standby control register DPSBYCR 8 31h 0008 C281h SYSTEM Deep standby wait control register DPSWCR 8 0Fh 0008 C282h SYSTEM Deep standby interrupt enable register DPSIER 8 00h 0008 C283h SYSTEM Deep standby interrupt flag register DPSIFR 8 00h 0008 C284h SYSTEM Deep standby interrupt edge register DPSIEGR 8 00h 0008 C285h SYSTEM Reset status register RSTSR 8 00h 0008 C289h FLASH Flash write erase protection register FWEPROR 8 02h 0008 C290h SYSTEM Deep standby backup register 0 DPSBKR0 8 xxh 0008 C291h SYSTEM Deep standby backup register 1 DPSBKR1 8 xxh 0008 C292h SYSTEM Deep standby backup register 2 DPSBKR2 8 xxh 0008 C293h SYSTEM Deep standby backup register 3 DPSBKR3 8 xxh 0008 C294h SYSTEM Deep standby backup register 4 DPSBKR4 8 xxh 0008 C295h SYSTEM Deep standby backup register 5 DPSBKR5 8 xxh 0008 C296h SYSTEM Deep standby backup register 6 DPSBKR6 8 xxh 0008 C297h SYSTEM Deep standby backup register 7 DPSBKR7 8 xxh 0008 C298h SYSTEM Deep standby backup register 8 DPSBKR8 8 xxh 0008 C299h SYSTEM Deep standby backup register 9 DPSBKR9 8 xxh 0008 C29Ah SYSTEM Deep standby backup register 10 DPSBKR10 8 xxh 0008 C29Bh SYSTEM Deep standby backup register 11 DPSBKR11 8 xxh 0008 C29Ch SYSTEM Deep standby backup register 12 DPSBKR12 8 xxh 0008 C29Dh SYSTEM Deep standby backup register 13 DPSBKR13 8 xxh 0008 C29Eh SYSTEM Deep standby backup register 14 DPSBKR14 8 xxh 0008 C29Fh SYSTEM Deep standby backup register 15 DPSBKR15 8 xxh 0008 C2A0h SYSTEM Deep standby backup register 16 DPSBKR16 8 xxh 0008 C2A1h SYSTEM Deep standby backup register 17 DPSBKR17 8 xxh 0008 C2A2h SYSTEM Deep standby backup register 18 DPSBKR18 8 xxh 0008 C2A3h SYSTEM Deep standby backup register 19 DPSBKR19 8 xxh 0008 C2A4h SYSTEM Deep standby backup register 20 DPSBKR20 8 xxh 0008 C2A5h SYSTEM Deep standby backup register 21 DPSBKR21 8 xxh 0008 C2A6h SYSTEM Deep standby backup register 22 DPSBKR22 8 xxh 0008 C2A7h SYSTEM Deep standby backup register 23 DPSBKR23 8 xxh 0008 C2A8h SYSTEM Deep standby backup register 24 DPSBKR24 8 xxh 0008 C2A9h SYSTEM Deep standby backup register 25 DPSBKR25 8 xxh 0008 C2AAh SYSTEM Deep standby backup register 26 DPSBKR26 8 xxh 0008 C2ABh SYSTEM Deep standby backup register 27 DPSBKR27 8 xxh 0008 C2ACh SYSTEM Deep standby backup register 28 DPSBKR28 8 xxh 0008 C2ADh SYSTEM Deep standby backup register 29 DPSBKR29 8 xxh 0008 C2AEh SYSTEM Deep standby backup register 30 DPSBKR30 8 xxh 0008 C2AFh SYSTEM Deep standby backup register 31 DPSBKR31 8 xxh 0008 C300h ICU IRQ detection enable registrar 0 IRQER0 8 00h 0008 C301h ICU IRQ detection enable registrar 1 IRQER1 8 00h 0008 C302h ICU IRQ detection enable registrar 2 IRQER2 8 00h 0008 C303h ICU IRQ detection enable registrar 3 IRQER3 8 00h 0008 C304h ICU IRQ detection enable registrar 4 IRQER4 8 00h REJ03B0258-0050 Rev.0.50 Page 42 of 47 Mar. 24, 2009 Under development Preliminary Specification Specifications in this preliminary version are subject to change. RX610 Group 4. I/O Registers Module Address Abbreviation Register Name Register Number Value after Abbreviation of Bits Reset 0008 C305h ICU IRQ detection enable registrar 5 IRQER5 8 00h 0008 C306h ICU IRQ detection enable registrar 6 IRQER6 8 00h 0008 C307h ICU IRQ detection enable registrar 7 IRQER7 8 00h 0008 C308h ICU IRQ detection enable registrar 8 IRQER8 8 00h 0008 C309h ICU IRQ detection enable registrar 9 IRQER9 8 00h 0008 C30Ah ICU IRQ detection enable registrar 10 IRQER10 8 00h 0008 C30Bh ICU IRQ detection enable registrar 11 IRQER11 8 00h 0008 C30Ch ICU IRQ detection enable registrar 12 IRQER12 8 00h 0008 C30Dh ICU IRQ detection enable registrar 13 IRQER13 8 00h 0008 C30Eh ICU IRQ detection enable registrar 14 IRQER14 8 00h 0008 C30Fh ICU IRQ detection enable registrar 15 IRQER15 8 00h 0008 C320h ICU IRQ control register 0 IRQCR0 8 00h 0008 C321h ICU IRQ control register 1 IRQCR1 8 00h 0008 C322h ICU IRQ control register 2 IRQCR2 8 00h 0008 C323h ICU IRQ control register 3 IRQCR3 8 00h 0008 C324h ICU IRQ control register 4 IRQCR4 8 00h 0008 C325h ICU IRQ control register 5 IRQCR5 8 00h 0008 C326h ICU IRQ control register 6 IRQCR6 8 00h 0008 C327h ICU IRQ control register 7 IRQCR7 8 00h 0008 C328h ICU IRQ control register 8 IRQCR8 8 00h 0008 C329h ICU IRQ control register 9 IRQCR9 8 00h 0008 C32Ah ICU IRQ control register 10 IRQCR10 8 00h 0008 C32Bh ICU IRQ control register 11 IRQCR11 8 00h 0008 C32Ch ICU IRQ control register 12 IRQCR12 8 00h 0008 C32Dh ICU IRQ control register 13 IRQCR13 8 00h 0008 C32Eh ICU IRQ control register 14 IRQCR14 8 00h 0008 C32Fh ICU IRQ control register 15 IRQCR15 8 00h 0008 C340h ICU Software standby release IRQ enable register SSIER 16 0000h 0008 C350h ICU Non-maskable interrupt enable register NMIER 8 00h 0008 C351h ICU NMI pin interrupt control register NMICR 8 00h 0008 C352h ICU Non-maskable interrupt status register NMISR 8 00h 0008 C353h ICU Non-maskable interrupt clear register NMICLR 8 00h 007F C402h FLASH Flash mode register FMODR 8 00h 007F C410h FLASH Flash access status register FASTAT 8 00h 007F C411h FLASH Flash access error interrupt enable register FAEINT 8 9Bh 007F C412h FLASH Flash ready interrupt enable register FRDYIE 8 00h 007F C440h FLASH Data flash read enable register DFLRE 16 0000h 007F C450h FLASH Data flash programming/erasure enable register DFLWE 16 0000h 007F C454h FLASH FCU RAM enable register FCURAME 16 0000h 007F FFB0h FLASH Flash status register 0 FSTATR0 8 80h 007F FFB1h FLASH Flash status register 1 FSTATR1 8 00h 007F FFB2h FLASH Flash P/E mode entry register FENTRYR 16 0000h 007F FFB4h FLASH Flash protection register FPROTR 16 0000h 007F FFB6h FLASH Flash reset register FRESETR 16 0000h 007F FFBAh FLASH FCU command register FCMDR 16 FFFFh 007F FFC8h FLASH FCU processing switching register FCPSR 16 0000h REJ03B0258-0050 Rev.0.50 Page 43 of 47 Mar. 24, 2009 Under development Preliminary Specification Specifications in this preliminary version are subject to change. RX610 Group 4. I/O Registers Register Number Value after Address Module Abbreviation Register Name Abbreviation of Bits Reset 007F FFCAh FLASH Data flash blank check register DFLBCCNT 16 0000h 007F FFCCh FLASH Flash P/E status register FPESTAT 16 0000h 007F FFCEh FLASH Data flash blank check status register DFLBCSTAT 16 0000h 007F FFE8h FLASH Peripheral clock notification register PCKAR 16 0000h x : Undefined Notes: 1. When the same output trigger is specified for pulse output groups 2 and 3 by the PPG0.PCR setting, the PPG0.NDRH address is 000881ECh. When different output triggers are specified, the PPG0.NDRH addresses for pulse output groups 2 and 3 are 000881EEh and 000881ECh, respectively. 2. When the same output trigger is specified for pulse output groups 0 and 1 by the PPG0.PCR setting, the PPG0.NDRL address is 000881EDh. When different output triggers are specified, the PPG0.NDRL addresses for pulse output groups 0 and 1 are 000881EFh and 000881EDh, respectively. 3. When the same output trigger is specified for pulse output groups 6 and 7 by the PPG1.PCR setting, the PPG1.NDRH address is 000881FCh. When different output triggers are specified, the PPG1.NDRH addresses for pulse output groups 6 and 7 are 000881FEh and 000881FCh, respectively. 4. When the same output trigger is specified for pulse output groups 4 and 5 by the PPG1.PCR setting, the PPG1.NDRL address is 000881FDh. When different output triggers are specified, the PPG1.NDRL addresses for pulse output groups 4 and 5 are 000881FFh and 000881FDh, respectively. REJ03B0258-0050 Rev.0.50 Page 44 of 47 Mar. 24, 2009 Under development Preliminary Specification Specifications in this preliminary version are subject to change. RX610 Group Appendix 1. Package Dimensions Appendix 1. Package Dimensions JEITA Package Code P-LQFP144-20x20-0.50 RENESAS Code PLQP0144KA-A Previous Code 144P6Q-A / FP-144L / FP-144LV MASS[Typ.] 1.2g HD *1 D 108 73 109 NOTE) 1. DIMENSIONS "*1" AND "*2" DO NOT INCLUDE MOLD FLASH. 2. DIMENSION "*3" DOES NOT INCLUDE TRIM OFFSET. 72 bp c Reference Symbol *2 E HE c1 b1 36 A 1 ZD Index mark c 37 A2 144 ZE Terminal cross section A1 F L D E A2 HD HE A A1 bp b1 c c1 L1 *3 e bp y Figure A REJ03B0258-0050 Rev.0.50 Page 45 of 47 x Detail F 144-LQFP (PLQP0144KA-A) Package Dimensions Mar. 24, 2009 e x y ZD ZE L L1 Dimension in Millimeters Min Nom Max 19.9 20.0 20.1 19.9 20.0 20.1 1.4 21.8 22.0 22.2 21.8 22.0 22.2 1.7 0.05 0.1 0.15 0.17 0.22 0.27 0.20 0.09 0.145 0.20 0.125 0 8 0.5 0.08 0.10 1.25 1.25 0.35 0.5 0.65 1.0 Revision History RX610 Group Shortsheet Description Rev. Date 0.50 Mar. 24, 2009 Page Summary First edition issued Sales Strategic Planning Div. Nippon Bldg., 2-6-2, Ohte-machi, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 100-0004, Japan Notes: 1. This document is provided for reference purposes only so that Renesas customers may select the appropriate Renesas products for their use. Renesas neither makes warranties or representations with respect to the accuracy or completeness of the information contained in this document nor grants any license to any intellectual property rights or any other rights of Renesas or any third party with respect to the information in this document. 2. Renesas shall have no liability for damages or infringement of any intellectual property or other rights arising out of the use of any information in this document, including, but not limited to, product data, diagrams, charts, programs, algorithms, and application circuit examples. 3. You should not use the products or the technology described in this document for the purpose of military applications such as the development of weapons of mass destruction or for the purpose of any other military use. When exporting the products or technology described herein, you should follow the applicable export control laws and regulations, and procedures required by such laws and regulations. 4. All information included in this document such as product data, diagrams, charts, programs, algorithms, and application circuit examples, is current as of the date this document is issued. Such information, however, is subject to change without any prior notice. Before purchasing or using any Renesas products listed in this document, please confirm the latest product information with a Renesas sales office. Also, please pay regular and careful attention to additional and different information to be disclosed by Renesas such as that disclosed through our website. ( ) 5. Renesas has used reasonable care in compiling the information included in this document, but Renesas assumes no liability whatsoever for any damages incurred as a result of errors or omissions in the information included in this document. 6. When using or otherwise relying on the information in this document, you should evaluate the information in light of the total system before deciding about the applicability of such information to the intended application. Renesas makes no representations, warranties or guaranties regarding the suitability of its products for any particular application and specifically disclaims any liability arising out of the application and use of the information in this document or Renesas products. 7. With the exception of products specified by Renesas as suitable for automobile applications, Renesas products are not designed, manufactured or tested for applications or otherwise in systems the failure or malfunction of which may cause a direct threat to human life or create a risk of human injury or which require especially high quality and reliability such as safety systems, or equipment or systems for transportation and traffic, healthcare, combustion control, aerospace and aeronautics, nuclear power, or undersea communication transmission. If you are considering the use of our products for such purposes, please contact a Renesas sales office beforehand. Renesas shall have no liability for damages arising out of the uses set forth above. 8. Notwithstanding the preceding paragraph, you should not use Renesas products for the purposes listed below: (1) artificial life support devices or systems (2) surgical implantations (3) healthcare intervention (e.g., excision, administration of medication, etc.) (4) any other purposes that pose a direct threat to human life Renesas shall have no liability for damages arising out of the uses set forth in the above and purchasers who elect to use Renesas products in any of the foregoing applications shall indemnify and hold harmless Renesas Technology Corp., its affiliated companies and their officers, directors, and employees against any and all damages arising out of such applications. 9. You should use the products described herein within the range specified by Renesas, especially with respect to the maximum rating, operating supply voltage range, movement power voltage range, heat radiation characteristics, installation and other product characteristics. Renesas shall have no liability for malfunctions or damages arising out of the use of Renesas products beyond such specified ranges. 10. Although Renesas endeavors to improve the quality and reliability of its products, IC products have specific characteristics such as the occurrence of failure at a certain rate and malfunctions under certain use conditions. Please be sure to implement safety measures to guard against the possibility of physical injury, and injury or damage caused by fire in the event of the failure of a Renesas product, such as safety design for hardware and software including but not limited to redundancy, fire control and malfunction prevention, appropriate treatment for aging degradation or any other applicable measures. Among others, since the evaluation of microcomputer software alone is very difficult, please evaluate the safety of the final products or system manufactured by you. 11. In case Renesas products listed in this document are detached from the products to which the Renesas products are attached or affixed, the risk of accident such as swallowing by infants and small children is very high. You should implement safety measures so that Renesas products may not be easily detached from your products. Renesas shall have no liability for damages arising out of such detachment. 12. This document may not be reproduced or duplicated, in any form, in whole or in part, without prior written approval from Renesas. 13. Please contact a Renesas sales office if you have any questions regarding the information contained in this document, Renesas semiconductor products, or if you have any other inquiries. RENESAS SALES OFFICES Refer to "" for the latest and detailed information. Renesas Technology America, Inc. 450 Holger Way, San Jose, CA 95134-1368, U.S.A Tel: <1> (408) 382-7500, Fax: <1> (408) 382-7501 Renesas Technology Europe Limited Dukes Meadow, Millboard Road, Bourne End, Buckinghamshire, SL8 5FH, U.K. Tel: <44> (1628) 585-100, Fax: <44> (1628) 585-900 Renesas Technology (Shanghai) Co., Ltd. Unit 204, 205, AZIACenter, No.1233 Lujiazui Ring Rd, Pudong District, Shanghai, China 200120 Tel: <86> (21) 5877-1818, Fax: <86> (21) 6887-7858/7898 Renesas Technology Hong Kong Ltd. 7th Floor, North Tower, World Finance Centre, Harbour City, Canton Road, Tsimshatsui, Kowloon, Hong Kong Tel: <852> 2265-6688, Fax: <852> 2377-3473 Renesas Technology Taiwan Co., Ltd. 10th Floor, No.99, Fushing North Road, Taipei, Taiwan Tel: <886> (2) 2715-2888, Fax: <886> (2) 3518-3399 Renesas Technology Singapore Pte. Ltd. 1 Harbour Front Avenue, #06-10, Keppel Bay Tower, Singapore 098632 Tel: <65> 6213-0200, Fax: <65> 6278-8001 Renesas Technology Korea Co., Ltd. Kukje Center Bldg. 18th Fl., 191, 2-ka, Hangang-ro, Yongsan-ku, Seoul 140-702, Korea Tel: <82> (2) 796-3115, Fax: <82> (2) 796-2145 Renesas Technology Malaysia Sdn. Bhd Unit 906, Block B, Menara Amcorp, Amcorp Trade Centre, No.18, Jln Persiaran Barat, 46050 Petaling Jaya, Selangor Darul Ehsan, Malaysia Tel: <603> 7955-9390, Fax: <603> 7955-9510 (c) 2008. Renesas Technology Corp., All rights reserved. Printed in Japan. Colophon .7.2