S2S65P10 First Step Guide EPSON 3
3 Set the switches on the S2S65P10 evaluation board.
SW5[4:1] “ON”, “OFF”, “ON”, “OFF”
SW6 “65K”
4 Set the switches on the S1S65010 evaluation board
SW1[6:1] “OFF”, “OFF”, “OFF”, “OFF” , “ON”, “ON”
SW5 “1”
SW6[8:1] “OFF”, “OFF”, “OFF”, “OFF”, “OFF”, “OFF”, “OFF”, “OFF”
SW8 “1”
SW9 “ON”
SW10[8:1] “OFF”, “OFF”, “OFF”, “OFF”, “OFF”, “OFF”, “OFF”, “OFF”
Set by operation mode.
5 Supply the power to cameras.
6 Supply the power to the S1S65010 evaluation board.
7 [For uITRON]
CN3 and PC’s COM port jointed.
9600bps, 8 bit data, No Parity bit, Stop bit 1, No flow control
The joint camera is modified to S2S65P10.See “S2S65P10 DRIVER EMBEDED MANUAL” Chapter 4.2.
Activate the browser on your PC.
Type “” in the address field of the browser, and press the [Enter] key.
The S1S65010 evaluation board will display the menu. Click [High-Speed Movie Display]
Another window is opened, and a camera image will appear.
[For Linux]
Start our Viewer software. For operations, see the Viewer manual attached to the evaluation board.
* Changing the operation mode
1 Determine the operation mode depending on the SW10[8:6] setting of the S1S65010 evaluation board.
SW10[8,7,6] Operation mode
I/P conversion
mode Input channel
ON,ON,OFF Fixed screen output Weave 1
ON,OFF,ON Fixed screen output Bob 1
OF,OFF,ON Fixed screen output Interpolation 1
OFF,ON,ON Automatic switching screen output Weave 1, 2 *30-frame switching
OFF,ON,OFF Automatic switching screen output Weave 1, 2, 3, 4 *30-frame switching
OFF,OFF,ON 4-input composite screen output None 1, 2 *A channel with no input is blank.
OFF,OFF,OFF 4-input composite screen output None 1,2,3,4
2 Press SW3 on the S1S65010 evaluation board, and reset the evaluation board.
3 [For uITRON]
PC browser
[For Linux]
Restart the Viewer software.