ML 2/3WM SERIES Ferropill Isolators ML 2WM Series Ferropill Circulators ML 3WM Series A series of sub-miniature fully magnetically shielded miniature drop-in isolators and circulators. Circular, rectangular and flange outlines have tab connectors, alumina outlines are suitable for direct tape bonding into microstrip circuits. SPECIFICATIONS (guaranteed -54C to +95C) Max. Circulator Frequency Band- Min Insertion Rated Package Part Range Width _ Isolation Loss Max. Power Style Number (GHz) (%) (dB) (dB) VSWR Peak Ave (Ww) Circular FM] ML2 WMC 100 40 - 80 10 18 06 13 50 0.7 Rectangular 49=FM2 ML2 WMR 100 20 @25C (04 @25C 12 @25C Flange (note 1) FM3 ML2 WMF 100 Alumina FM4 ML2 WMS _ 100 Circular FMS ML2 WMC 800 8.0 - 12.0 10 18 06 135 50 0.5 Rectangular FM6 ML2WMR 800 20@25C 04@ISC 12@25C Flange (note 1) FM7 ML2 WMF 800 Alumina FM4 ML2 WMS 800 Circular FM1 ML2 WMC 800F 8.0 - 120 Full 16 07 15 50 0.7 Rectangular FM2 ML2 WMR 800F Flange (note 1) FM3 ML2 WMF 800F Alumina FM4 ML2 WMS 800F Circular FMS ML2 WMC 950 12.0 - 18.0 10 18 0.7 14 50 0.5 Rectangular FM6 ML2 WMR 950 20@ 25C 05@2SC 1.25@ 25C Flange (note 1) FM7 ML2 WMF 950 Alumina FM8 ML2 WMS 950 Circular FM5 ML2 WMC 950F 12.0 - 18.0 Full 16 1.0 15 50 0.7 Rectangular FM6 ML2 WMR 950F 18@25C 0.7@25C 14@25C Flange (note 1) FM7 MIL2 WMF 950F Alumina FM8 ML2 WMS 950F 18.0 - 26.0 5 16 08 14 500.7 Alumina FM8 ML2 WMS 200 NOTES: 1) This flange package style is only available as an isolator. 2) Isolators are specified by ML 2 prefix, circulators have ML 3 prefix. 3) To specify units with a narrow bandwidth add the centre frequency in MHz as a five digit suffix to the Part number. e.g. ML 3WMR 800 - 10200 is a circulator in a Rectangular package style with a centre frequency of 10200 MHz and bandwidth of 10%. Full bandwidth units have 'F' as a suffix to the part number e.g. ML2WMR 800F. 4) Standard rotation is clockwise when viewed from top face 1-2-3-1, reverse rotation available on request. 5) Isolator maximum absorbed power rating is 0.5 Watt average. M/A-COM Ltd, Humphrys Road, Dunstable, Bedfordshire, LU5 4SX United Kingdom. Europe: (44) 1344 869595 a North America: 800 366 2266 a Asia Pacific: (81) 3 3226 1671 341