3. At end of scan (A3)
2. On single
channel limit
2. At end of scan
Oven warm-up
1. At start of scan (A1)
Figure 3. Graphing your data
The state diagram feature graphically
shows the limits and the order of
execution for scan lists, scripts and
other notifications. See Figure 2.
Computed channels
Statistical calculations can be added
to analyze unique data points. Create
computed channels for mathematical
relationships with +, –. *, /, dB, dBm,
dBV, x2, SRT, full, ½ or ¼ bridge strain.
BenchLink Data Logger Pro adds a
calculator function for additional math
functions such as Sin, Cos, Tan and
Log. Formulas can also be used for
more complex equations including
polynomial equations.
Graphing and exporting data
Graph your data, save it to disk, or
export it to other applications for
further analysis.
Use the quick graph tab to monitor
data real time. You can specify multiple
channels per graph, or send collected
data to multiple graphs.
Use strip charts with markers and
alarm indication, or histograms with
statistics. The data can be displayed
with the auto scale or centered on a
common reference point.
Data management is vital for data
logging applications. The BenchLink
data logger software features a data
manager that allows you to easily
manage all configurations and dataset
files. Use this feature to copy instru-
ment settings, find related data logs,
rename files, edit comments, export
data logs to .CSV format or just delete
unwanted data.
The Windows user interface is also
localized into multiple languages an
includes context sensitive help.
Figure 2. Oven control state diagram
The data reduction features allow
you to filter the data begin graphed
or exported so that you only view or
collect the data of interest.
The raw data is saved in Comma
separated variable format (.CSV) and
can be easily imported into standard
Microsoft applications such as
Microsoft Word and Excel for further
analysis and documentation. Whether
monitoring incoming data or reviewing
historical data, you can use one of
the many analog or digital options to
display your data.