©2008 Littelfuse, Inc.
Revised: August 29, 2008
Teccor® brand Thyristors
Specifications are subject to change without notice.
Please refer to http://www.littelfuse.com for current information.
©2008 Littelfuse, Inc.
Teccor® brand Thyristors
Specifications are subject to change without notice.
Please refer to http://www.littelfuse.com for current information.
Kxxx0yH Series
High Energy Bidirectional SIDACs
High Energy SIDACs
Kxxx0yH Series
The new Kxxx0yH is a higher energy SIDAC switch for gas
ignition applications requiring higher current pulse current
especially at low repetition rate. It is offered in a DO-15 and
TO-92 leaded packages as well as DO-214 surface mount
package. Voltage activation of this solid state switch is
accomplished with peak voltage level of 190 to 280Volts. The
SIDAC is a silicon bilateral voltage triggered Thyristor switch
that switches on through a negative resistance region to a
low on-state voltage. Conduction will continue until current
is interrupted or lowered below minimum holding current of
the device.
Electrical Specifications (T
J = 25°C, unless otherwise specified)
Symbol Parameters Test Conditions Min Max Unit
VBO Breakover/Trigger Voltage
K2000yH 190 215
K2200yH 205 230
K2400yH 220 250
K2500yH 240 280
VDRM Repetitive Peak Off-state Voltage
K2000yH 180
K2200yH 180
K2400yH 190
K2500yH 200
IT(RMS) On-state RMS Current 50/60Hz, T
J < 125°C 1 A
VTM Peak On-state Voltage IT = 1A 1. 5 V
IHDynamic Holding Current RL = 100Ω
50/60Hz Sine Wave 150 mA
(VBO – VS)
Switching Resistance, RS=________
(IS – IBO)
50/60Hz Sine Wave 100 8
IBO Breakover Current 50/60Hz Sine Wave 50 μA
Peak Repetitive Pulse Current
(refer to figure 4) tp = 10μs 60Hz 120 A
5Hz 280
di/dt Critical Rate of Rise of On-State Current 150 A/μs
dv/dt Critical Rate of Rise of Off-State Voltage 1500 V/μs
TSStorage Temperature Range -40 150 °C
JJunction Temperature Range -40 125 °C
RRJL Thermal Resistance, Junction to Lead DO-15 18 °C/W
DO-214 30
RRJC Thermal Resistance, Junction to Case DO-92 35 °C/W
RRJA Thermal Resistance, Junction to Ambient DO-15 75 °C/W
DO-92 95
Schematic Symbol
Suitable for high voltage power supplies, natural gas
igniters, and Xenon flash ignition.
to 280V
Note: xxx - voltage, y = package