Product Features
3-year warranty on all parts and workmanship.
Ideal for analog, digital and microprocessor circuits
New high & low buffered logic indicators
8 channel logic monitor
New 8 selectable logic switches
Function Generator with continuously variable sine, square and triangle
waveforms and TTL pulses
Triple output power supply offers fixed 5 VDC supply plus two variable outputs:
±1.3 to ±15VDC
Two Digital Pulsers
Audio experimentation speaker
Removable breadboard plate with additional plates available
Multiple features in one complete test instrument saves hundreds of dollars
necessary for individual units
Included Courseware
Electronic Fundamentals Student Text
Electronic Fundamentals Instructor Guide
Electronic Fundamentals Lab Manual
Electronic Fundamentals Lab Solution Set
Digital Electronics Instructor Guide
o 3-wire AC line input (117V, 60 Hz typical) with power-on indicator. Both
Models are available in 220-240VAC@50Hz
o +5V@1.0A, ripple put
Frequency Range
o 0.1 Hz to 100 kHz in six ranges.
Output Voltage
o 0 to ±10V (20Vp-p).
Output Impedance
o 600 ohms (except TTL).
Output current
o 10mA maximum, short circuit protected.
Output waveforms
o sine, square, triangle, TTL.
Debounced Push-Button (Pulsers)
o distortion d, open-collector output pulsers, each with one normally-open,
one normally closed output. Each output can sink up to 250 mA.